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saadmafrjMMM?i?MM Irlnfri ^nftnj. From the Atlantic Monthly. Ia School Day*. Still sit* tbe scbovl-bouae by tba road, A ragged beggar aunning j Around it atill tba sumachs grgw, * And t> lack berry rlnca are running Within, tba mat tar'a desk la aaan, Deep aearrad by rapa official; Tba warping floor, tba battered seats. The Jack-knife's ear red initial? The eharcoa! freaeoea on ila walla | Ita door'a worn atlll, betraying The feat that creeping alow to school, Went storming oat to playing ! Lo*g years ago a wlater's saa Sbotia oyer it at setting; Lit up its western window panes, And low earcs, ley fretting. It totoched the tangled golden curls, And brown full of grlevlog. Of one who stilt her ?tfcps delayed When all the school were leering. For near her stood the little boy Her childish faror singled, His eap polled low upon a face Where pride and shame were mingled. Poshing with restiass feet the snow To right and left he lingered, As restlessly her tiny bands The blue?checked apron finger. He saw ber lift her eyes, be felt The soft band's light caressing, And heard the trembling of ber roic*. As if s fault confessing. " I'am sorry that I spelt the word; I hate to go above you, Because tbe brown eyes lower fell? Because, you see, I love you !" Still metnrry to a gray-haired man That sweet child-face is showing : Dear girl tbe grasses on her grave HaVe forty years been growing 1 Tie lives to loom- In Ufa's K.rH i.hiuil How Tew who paMed above him Lament their triumph ami bit loaa Like her?becauae they love him. J. O. Whittikr. Characteristic Sayings. Some one, with a good memory such, might tnnke a very rcadible article from the best remembered and most characteristic having* of Americans. Here are a few which may serve any opportunity.. Samuel Adams, known for many things seldom had his nnme associated with the phrase first applied to him to England?w Nation of shop keepers." Franklin said many things that have passed into maxims, but nothing that is better known and Remembered than.? lie litis paid too dear for his whistle." Washington niado but few epigramie speeches. Here is one ?"To bo prepared tor war is the surest way of keeping peace." jlmu you ever near oi owl dolin D'ekwn? W?4I, lie wrote of ^n.?rica in 1776.?4* By uniting we ;.nd, by dividing we fall." Patrick Henry, as every school boy knows, pave, us: "Give me liberty or give me death," and 44 If that be treason, make the most of it." Thomas Paine had many quotable epigramatical sentences: 44 Pose like a rocket, came down like a stick." " Times that try men's souls." M One step from the sublime to the ridicnlons," etc. Jefferson's Writings is so spinkled that it difficult to select. J11 despair, we jump at, 44 Few die and nono resign," certainly as applicable to officeholders now as in Jefferson's time. Josiah Qtiincy said : 44 Wheresoever, whensoever, or howsoever we shall be called on to make our exit, ? o shall die free men." Iletsry Lee gave Washington immortal tide, " First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen." Charles Cotesworth Pickney de? clared in favor of" milliousTor defence, but not one cent for trib ute." " Peaceably if we can, fo-ci61y if we must/Ms froin Josiah Quiiicy 1811. John Adams did not say, M Live or die, survive or perish, 1 am for the Constitution," but Daniel Web stcr did say it f >r him. Rntuft Plinftio nxiwn ? " ni:.?? vmwm.v HO Ulllicr* ing generalities.*' The most peaceful and prosper* ous Southern States are Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Dele wareMary land, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia.? They all stand under Democratic rule. If disturbances horetoforo existed in any of thetn, it ceased almost the moment the State passed into the Democratic ranks.? Confidence came at once, and with it peace and prosperity. Thought tul men will do well to contrast this tact with the condition and disorder ot those Southern States which ar? still nndor Radial and negro rule.?Pittsburg Paper. Infantilis conundrum?Why is n baby like a slant of wheat f Because it is first cradled, and then thrashed, and Anally becomes the flower of the family. Aman who was recently crossed in love, attempted suicide since by taking t doss of yeast powder. JLie immediately arose above bis troubles. i," I*'- "-it""i*J*Z ji'Juiii" Shall wk IIkkt ~Aoai* ??the folowing is said, to be one of tin? roost brilliant articles ever written by the lamented George D. Prentice : " Bni the flat of nature la inex prable. There is no appeal for relief from the great law which dooms us to dust. We flourish and lade a9 the l<^ves of the forest, and flowers that bloom and wtiher in a day have no frailer hold on life than the michtlMf monarch that ever shook the earth with hla footsteps. Generations of men will appear and disnpficnr as the Kraw, and the connteas multitude that throng the world to day will to morrow disappear as the foot prints on the shore. " Men seldom think of the great event of death, until the shadow falls across their own path, hiding from their eyes the traces of loved ones, whose living smiles were the sunlight of their exist once. Death is the greatest antagonist of life, and the cold thought ot the tomb is the skeleton of all feast*. We do not want to go thiongh the dark valley, although its passago may lead to Paradise; and with Clinrle9 Lamb, we do not want to lie down in the grave, even with princes tor onr bedfellows. " In the bout if ul drama of Ion, the instinct of immortality, so eloquently uttered by the death of the devoted Greek, finds a deep response in every thongliful soul. When nlxnit to yiehl his vouncr existence a sacrifice to fate, his beloved Clemantha asks it they shall not meet again, to which he repliog : a I asked that dreadful question of hills that seemed eternal?of the clear streams that fl ?\v forever?of tho stars among whoso fields of azure my raised spirit hath walked.? As I look upon thy living face, I feel that there is something in thy love that cannot rcallv perish.? We shall meet again, Clemantha." Tiikkk is no telling how nscful children may be if one only has patience to teach them. Help is so unreliable that w.c do not know what minute wo may havo washing, ironing, sweeping, and everything else, to do. And in country r.nvvo MWIIVt C?I * OJ D IIITO l)\ the day at an hour's notice. But it gives me no serious inconvenience if uiy girl goes awav aud leaves me without help. Gussio and Willie can go right into the kitchen, kindle tires, set the table, wash the dishes, sweep the floor, trim the lamps, take care of the children, and do fitly other things to help roain:na.--jLTr*. JIunnibee. The Keridi&n Biot. I Meridian has lieen the arena of one of the moat horrible tragedies that ever oectned in a civilized community. While the examination of the witnesses in the care of the 8 "e ttrtiu \t ill am Clopton an I ol I r0 negroes, eharged with riot?u? conduct on Saturday night at tlta time of the fire, was progressing, Mr. Bradly depo?< d as to rom? remarks Warren Tyler had made about the white poopl*. He was interrupted in a very rude and angry manner t?y Tyler, who, it appears, was armed with two pisto'r, and who was one ot the defendants in the ease. Tyler stated that ha would impeach Brantley's testimoney, for which Brantley raised a cane, and ndvancad to within eight or ten fret of him. At this juncture Gene-al Patten, City Marshall, caught Bradley and held him. While thus held, Tyler drew a repeater and commene ed filing at Brsotley. At the fiiat fir# Judge Bramletle was abut through the head and Instantly killed. The room was crowded with white and black, who were attending the trial, and ae great excitement waa prevailing an indiscriminate firing commenced, in which William Cloplon and a negro named Gus Fold were killed, and reveral J erronr, white and black, woundcd. After firing reveral shots, Tyler jumped out of the window ot the court room, whieh waa in the second story ot tha Sheeoan building, and ran op 8ydney etieet. As soon as it waa known that he had killad Judge Braiulatte, he waa poraued, and on refusing to ruirenJer, waa instantly billed. Tyler fired a Dumber of ahota at the parties in pursuit of him, spd resisted his captur# until the very last Judge Bramteli# waa a man universally loved and respaeted. Tie had been Judge of ProbiU, w*#, it the lime of hit death, Jutliee of Peace, and a member of the Board of Aldermen. Clopton and Tyler were turbulent and dUorderlygnrgroet, who have been stirring op iteife in thin eoromanity for the Ia?t two year*. Their greatest detire teemed to be to ttir op enmity between the raeet, and to do all the mieehlof in their power. Jfrridian (Jfiaa) Go?lU, It*. Tee 8rtrxn Tiadb.?Wholeeata honaee on Flayne end Meeting etreet (aayt the CharJetton Newt, of Saturday.) ere making reedy for the tprfng trede. end already e*pore on their eonntere e large etoek of merehandleo. The general impreedon it, that trade will largely Inereaee thi* y<>er, and that eonntry merehanta who laat tee ion tried their laek in Baltimore and New Yorlr, hart baeome Mtitltd that they un do qnito aa well, if not bettor, in Charlee ton than at the North. Oenllemen Irom the interior of th# State report a dlepoeitioa on the part of retail Inetomere to eleim eredit, and any that it preetleally tire their ktulU M ? 1 "t" ,t'1* _ . ? miir UWI ptfinirtltl ? Ttw; aoiformly ***** ?'?o ' >?? *b*r* U I?m of *t*iUble ?uh in tho 8UU thon *h ?ip??U<l from tho lid erop. Tho widow of Mr. w. a. Wrlgbt. of CoimVU, mwUy doeooood, who laoarod bla Hfo in , th? IqaltoM* LKi JanrtsM Oo*p??y?pf Mow York, ku rooolrod $10,?79.l?, botag Um mdoooU principal t?4 latoroot, for whWk ho I lamad. ? /I'j. m| i' w* Stay-Five Pint Prize MedaU Award'd. TUE QRBAT ? Southern F.ano ,?W MA?WrACTO?** wm. KNAne & to., MuirtcMnri of Qrind, 8qu*r? *nd Upright PI A If P FORTES, iMiuaon, ,Md. I 'piIE8B Instruments bar* been balbr* the ' X pabllo for nearly thirty yean, and op.m their unlldMt alone attained an nnp^rtbatrd jet-MitrM*. which pronounce* them anequale<l. Their Tone combine* great power, aweetneaa and Cne singing quality, aa well m great parity of Intonation, and aweetne** throughout the entire eoale. Their Touch ia pliant and elastic, anil entirely free from the stiffness found In eo many Ptanoa. In Worktnnnship they urn unequaled, using none l>?t the rery beet oaawoaad mntoriaL, the large capital employed in our business enabling ua to keep eontloually an immense stock of lumber, Ac., on hand. All onr <?ywnr? t'iann* hare our New Improved Overstrung Scale aud the Agraffe TreVf? would call special attention to onr late improvement* in Grand Pianos and Square Orands, Patented August -Mth, I Sfift, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than baa yet been attained. Ettry i'iano folly Warranted for b Yrari. We have made arrangements for the Sole Wholesale Agency for the most Celebrated Parlor Organs and Melodeon*. which we offer Wholesale and Retail, at Lowest Factory D-l ' * ? * um. nn.ftilAUKtCU., Baltimore, Mil. Doo T 29 Am imPOHTA.1T NOTICE CONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS. All Retail Order amounting to $20 and OrrrDtlieered in any Part of the Country FREE OF EXPRESS CiJAROES. HAMILTON EASTER & SONS, Or BALTIMORE. MD., IN order tbe better to meet tho wants of tbe Retail Customers at a distance, have established a SAMPLE BUREAU, and will, upon application, promptly tend by mail full lines of samples of tho Newest and most Fashionable Goods, of French, English and Domestlo Manufacture, guaranteeing at all times to sell a* hue, il not at let* price*, than any house iu the country. Buying our goods from the largest and most celebrated manufacturers in the different parts of Europe, and importing tbe same by Steamers direct to Baltimore, our stoeh is at all times promptly supplied with tbe novelties of the London and Paris markets. As wo buy and sell only for cash, and make no bad debts, we are abln and willing to sell our goods at from Ten to Fifteen per cent Lees Profit than if wo gave credit. In sending for samples specify the kind of goods desir?ni. We keep the best grades of every class of goods, from tbe lowest to tbe most costly. Orders unaccompanied by tho cash will be sent C. O. D. I Prompt-Paying Wholesale Buyers are invited to inspect the Stock in our Jobbing and racange uepnrimant. Artrtrosa HAMILTON KASTKH A 80NS, 107, 199, 201 and 20.1 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, M<1. Deo 7 29 ly jafamS? ?\VAT ER WHE E L, Mill Gearin^,Slurftiiit& Pulleys poou & HO!^5^imor65^ 8END FOR A CIRCULAR t>cv I ill* ly GEORGE PAGE & GO. Ho. 6 H. Scbroeder St.. Baltimore. Manufacturers of Portable and Stationary STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, Patent Imprornl, Portable CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, Oang, Moli.v and Snsh Saw Mills, filial Mills, "limber Wheels. Shingle Machines, Ac. Dealers in Circular Saws, Belling and Mill supplies g-n-rally, and manufacturer's agents for LefTeC* Celebrated T.,.I.u.'...... w1?i J . ... I <. utti, ?ii?1 cvrrj uc?? iplion of Wood Working M"c'iine>y AOKICl'LTtfHAI. KNOINM A 8rtl.IAI.TV. or nd for dtacriptlve Cninlngnes And Pi ice Li?U. 2V-ly NATIONAL HOTEL, ??ItWBHliXa^ S3. (0. PROPRIETOR. P. HAMILTON JOVNKH. CLEUK. RATES Of Board per Djy 00 Snppt', Breakfurl and Lodging...... 2 00 Single Meal* 1 00 Sep 1 15 If B. WEHRLE, ?RXEWmiUE S. ?. DEALER IN SOLD AID SILTED WATCBES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, 18 A 89 Carat Solid .Hoptial Rings, SILVER & SILVER-PLAfED UP WORK of all diaeriptioM in h|a line done promptly. ATIOnt <7 2S ly CHARLESTON HOTTET. CHARLESTON, S. C. E. H. JACKS01T, Propr etor. Assistants, a butterfield, (for merly oflhv Pavilion Holel,) and W 8. miller. ' ETSTOSes, ,&WW<d>WMf?W /M? )U4\WP SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WILL MACTIC* IN ALL COURTS OF THIS STATU AUO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS Offlo* Ormvilli 0. H., I. 0. Joly 7 l|* w. K. Itll.lT. . ?. WILLS XA8LKY * WBLL8, Attorneys end Counsellors et Lew AND IN EOTTTTY GRRRN VFLI.R. 8. O., PR 4CTICK in (be Coons of the Huts sod f (be United State*. snd (Its eipecial attention to esses in Boakinptor. Jons IS s * ? _ THOS. P. SMITH , (Late nayler. rsiitii * Oo.p FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERC RANT. NO.4 DOYCB<t- CO'S OSASiSOTOlT, a. 9. GEO. W. MoIVRR li with ill* bu'iiifM. Rnrt will gifr li'B lint a I tenlinn lo I lie inlmiU of bit (limili, # tw Careful attention (ntft ( pnrrhai j ' in* Mrielimdlu of ?U kind*, when pUced t i. r 1 u 1'ifiur, i HT Advance* mail? on eopalgnintnli, I , Oei 6 20 fern HENRY BISCHOFF & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AMD DKAl.r.RS IV Wines, Liquors, SECSliS, TOBACCO, M. NO. IDT BAST BAY, caiMisTO. s. <o. II. Ri?cu?rr. C IVi'lbichn. J II. TiRrKR S? pt 28 19 6m K DM ON PS T. BROWN, ^ o ^ irj KJ A. " BL" Mi 9 48 sj^VHitsr^i ?"s'iassis'i?, OPPOSITE VHAIiLKSTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept 28 19 1J EDWIN BATES & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS 1 .N DltY GOODS AMD ifffi.ftWHOnSMR | 122 & 124 Meeting St. OJMRUES1TON,?.?. Edwin HATM GKO C. Hklmam Tiios It. MuGaiian Cm*. K. Hat**. Sept 28 10 8m THE MILLS HOUSE, ?a&akBssasj, s. s. PARKER & CO* Proprietors. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. BOARD. I'EK DAY $1 OO. Deo 8 29 F. VOr% SANTKN, or PARIS FANCY GOODS, Toy*. Dull*. Gamcq, Children'* Carriage*, French C?nfectoncry, Fire Work*, INDIA RUBBER GOODS, Surh a* Clothing. Nuracry Sheeting, Ac., 229 King-St. 2 doors above Market, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Mar 30 46 . ly* A. B."MULLIGAN, CHARLESTON. S- C. 1 MESSRS. SULLIVAN & SON, ARE MY I iLOESISTTS i I GREEN VILLEs S. C., And will make liberal cash advance* on all COTTON Shipped to me through them. A. B. MULLIGAN. Sept 28 j? \* Jy ' P. P. TOAL E, CHARLESTON, S. C. i ( Largest and most complete V I 09-< Manufactory of Doom Sashes, ( Blinds, Mouldings, Ac., In the J Southern States. 09Printed price list defies eompetit(pn.'%% 09- Send for one.^^ ] 09- Sent free on application .-a* April 27 4If |j " 11 A PAVILION HOTEL, , ngm AiRSiioov?iWp s. o. BOARD, p<>? rtfiv OA AA ?. IlAkfi'lVTONV'HoperVntend.ot. ] Kir*. H. |?. 1||)TTBRFIELD, ] Pro?r|?trew 1 Ufi H It If WM, SHEPHERD * CO., So. M, Hoynt Bhpoi, CkorUoton, 8. O. COOKING BANOW? AfD i IIvaline Sioyr,. pixurM of Bin** j wtvh pri?v? lad de**rfptlon ?|!| b? avnt up ( ?? Jnn* *8 #-ljr I | | py Subscribe for ih? Entkb- 1 prirk ; $2 per annum in advance.' i rf i .iitii i ? - ? . lOTIKtMSMrag j STANDARD BUARANTEED |JH I 8S0 1HS. I I MANUFACTURED BY |WAUON,WHANN&ei 1 WILMI WCT0N,PE1 IB lit.. FOB SALE BY illfM ESZXpn factors JBM Kf^cusr*1 mtLQfkmMi The Great Fertili: all ( THE unpartJlelcd success of tliii proves it to be the BEST and Oil the market. It has l>oen used by many of I South, and In every single instance it A On COTTON ils offsets bits Wn particulni PI108PHATK t? incram tin yield (ruin 01 CENT., or even more ! Mr. Geo. C. Dixon, an eminent planter of ( Planter, tiyi that in an experiment with ret \V IIANN'S prored itself the best of all those rate of $20 V0 per acre '- ? cotton. A copy of WIT? S claghorn, hi Charleston, &. (?., Januury II, 1870. Bosadalis ?<rpnk a riTat amkrican S X UBALTII RESTORER. purifies Sihe blood and cure* Scrofula, Syphilis, /Skin DiMtKi, Rheumatism, Diseases Vf Women, and all Chronio Affection* >of tho Blood, Liver and Kidney*. S /Recommended by (be Medical FacuL fly and many thousand* of onr best reitiaens. ( Head the lettimony of Physicians (end patient* who hare used Rosadali* ; (send for our Rosadali* Guide lu Health (Book, or Almanac fut this year, which AflB (we publish for gratuitous distribution will give you much taluable inlor/fl^H(mation. Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, any* : ) I tako pleasure in recommending ?)your Rosaoalis as a very powerful /alterative. 1 have seen it used in two Vases with happy results?one iti a Vase of secondary syphilis, in which )the patient pronounced himself cured /after bavin* taken five bottle* of your A/medicine. The other is a case of scrof(ula of long standing, which is rapidly ^improving under its nse, and the inclination* are that the patient will oon recover- 1 have carefully fi yunined the formula I y which your (Rosadalis U made, and find it tu exScellent compound of altcratire ingreLi Sdientr. i':?J \ l)r. Sparks, of Nieholarville, Ky., il^ %ays bo has used Rosadalis in cases of WrofuU and Secondary Syphilis with ^satisfactory rerults-ar a cleaner of the IJBIood I know no hotter remedy. ) Benjiiuiin Bcchtol, of Lima, Ohio, rwrites: I have suffered for twenty ^ycars with an inveterate eruption over ,my whole body; a short time since I (purchased a bottle of Rosadalis and it S (effected a perfect euro. ( Rosadalis is sold ky all druggists. ^ Laboratory, 61 Exchange Place, [ \ Baltimore. S Drs. Clexents 4 Co. Proprietor?. May 18, 1870. 92 ly PACIFIC EUAHO wmn ' (CAPITAL. $1,000 000,) SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. THIS GLAXO is now so well known in all the Southern States for its remarkable effects as ap agency for inereasing the pro. lucts of labor, as not to reqoire special recommendation from us. Its use f<>r five years part has established its character for reliable txcellence. The large fixed capital invested bjr%# Company in this trade, affords the surest guarantee af the eontinoed excellence of its Guano. J. N. HOBSON, Selling Agent, Charleston, 8. C. JN0. 8. REESE A CO., General Agents, Baltimore. 33-3 m Jan 4 COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, FOR LOMTOSTINO WITH COTTON SEED. THIS ARTICLE is mMifMlartd by the PACIFIC OUANO COM PA FY, a l ?harlestou, ?}. C.t uqder the superintendence i( Dr. 8t. Julieo Kavenel. When com pouted with an equal weight of Cotlon Seed, it* remits have t-een found fully equal to the beat itandnrd lertiliiera. Its economy must eotunc nd it to the notice of planters generally. For specific directions lor composting and por supplies, apply to J. N. ROBSON, Selling Agent. Charleston, 8. C. JOHN 8. R^CSK A CO., Qw?l AmU, Baltimore. S3 3m Jan 4 Schedule Blue Ridge R R ON and after this date the following sebed nle will ha observed by the Passenger Trains orer this Road : Up. Leave Anderson - 4 20 pm " Pendleton 5 JO " " Perryvllle .' 6 10 " Hrr. WalhalU 7 00 ? Down. Leave Walhalla 4 00 a m " Perryvill 44 " ? Ppmllcton ,...& 36 " irr. Anderaon 6 10 " In ?*ooo of Attention on tho O. tnd O. 1. it., tho train on tbla &o*4 will wait one hoar For tho train fro no Bolton, iioopt on 8atarfaya, whon it will wait until tho arrival of tho Roll on Ur?U?W. M. D. OAIALA^D. tiwp't. Won- 7 T 8 hovnhy gtyo* that I wttl apply, to I. J 1 Qoathlt, Probate Jodgo or OraoavlBo Jounty, on ll? I1A riny ?/ April mrxt, for a Inol Alonhorro at AAmlniatmlor of tho Batata >f PAVIP BABNBTT, dooaatod. All partioa laving el* I in? agalnat aakf Batata, will praoont ;hoa to bo or tho Probata Jadgo, on or boom aald day. I EWjg McCA m Y Mm^ March 11, 1871. 43 & B? A * V MANN'S RAW BONEi irwiiomm i ser for Cotton and 3rops, r Great Fertilizer on ALL CROPS, E A PEST Manure now offered in i tbo most eminent Planters in ilic | as given Entire Satisfaction. rly marked. It it no rare tlilnir for >V H ANN'S ?E HUNDRED TO TWO HUNDRED 1'Elt Cameron, (]>., in a letter to the Runner and 'en leading Saperpliorphate* and Gumma, the tried, paying a net profit at tho low market Mr. Dixon'* letter furnUhcd on application. f\LE BY ERRING & CO., and Jlugusta, Ga. 34 ,1m Chailotte* Columbia and Augusta R R. St'PltHI!?TK!?I?l!!IT'? OrrtcK. Columbia, 8. C., January 17, 1371. /~\K and after SUNDAY. Jnnunr* 9ft Passenger (rains over this Koad will run s follows : (Joinj North, No. 2. No. 1. Arrive. Lenre. Arrive. Leave. Augusta 6 00 pm 8 00 am Columbia 11 05 pm 11 20 pm 12 51 pin I 0:1 put Winnsboro 1 25 am 1 27 urn 3 17 pia 3 37 pin Chester 2 56 am 3 00 am 5 07 pm 5 10 pm Charlotte 5 30 am 7 30 pm Going South, No. 1 No. 2. Arrive. I.rare. Arrive. Leave Augusta 7 to pm 7 30 am Columbia 2 16 pm 2 28 pm 2 13 am 2 2S am Winnsb'o 11 55 am 11 55 am 12 50 pin 11 58 pm Chester 10 2010 23 am 10 27 pro 10 30 pro Charlotte 8 00 am 8 10 pm Going North.?Both No. 1 and 2 makes close daily connection* at Charlotte for Now York and all points North and East, Passengers | leaving on No. 2 on Saturdays, will lay over 12 hours at Richmond. Going South?Both Nos. 1 and 2 make close daily connection* at Augusta with trains of the Georgia and Central Georgia Roads, for all points South, South-west and West. Through Tickets sold und baggage checked to all principal points. J. M. SELKIRK, Supt. E. B. Dorsey, General Ticket Agent. GREENVILLE PAPER MILLS. | :o: J. Bannister & Son, or ALL KI"*DS or Book) News, Wrapping and Colored Highest cash prick paid for Clean Cotton or Linen HAGS. May 25 1 ly Greenville and Columbia R R | I COLUMBIA,*. 0, Mu-ch 1, 1871. | ON end t'lrr lhl? dale. the l"ll?winif frlielule will t?e ri>n d?i|y, Sunday* excepted, connect nut wilh N f?l?? Traina on Soutli Carolina Itni'ro d up tiiil do* n ; ?)? with Trlans ifninz South on l hailo'te, Columbia and Augueta Railroad : Up. Le ?ve Columbia at 7 00 n. m. " Alston 0 10 a. m. ** Newberry ..11 15 a. m * Cokett ury 8 (K) p. ni. " Belton 6 00 p in. Arrive at Greenville 6 30 p. ni V\ jjotcn. I.e*ve fJresnville at 6 16 a. m. " Be>t?n 8 16 a in. '* Cokesbury 10 07 a. in " Abbeville 8 16 a m " Newlwrry 1 60 p.m. '* Alston.. 4 OS p. m Arrive at Columbia 5 66 p.m. M T BARTLETr. Ofr.ri al Ticket Agent. Mar 8 48 ll South Carolina Railroad Qopipanya Vice Pmteu>it<iT'a Orride, CoLimsu, S. C., January 19, 1871. Change ?/ Sckednle. 9N and after Sunday, 2 2d inat., Pasaenget Train* upon tbla Road will arrive leave at follows: TRSIX ao.1. Leave Charleston at 8 26 a oi Arrive at Columbia at 3 40 p in Iaarn Pnlnml-l- -? ....... 12.15 p m I Arrirt at Charleston at 7 50 p m Lear# Camden (Sundays eic'd) at...9 50 a m Arrive at Kingeviile - 20 p m Leave Kingivillo (Sunday* exc'd) at.2 AO p u Arrive at Camden at A 00 p m Tka above train* ran in connection with Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, connecting with train* for Wilmington, .Vorth Carolina *nJ with train* forAugneta, Georgia ?making cloaa connections with nigkt train* of Oeorgia Railroad and Central Railroad, for all points 8iHitb and West. TRAIN HO. 3 ? Ntonf IISS1M. (Sunday night axeeptad.) Leave Charleston tl 7 10 p in Arrive at CoiufqMa ................0 00 a tn Leave Columhie at 50 p m Arrive at Charlastan at ?..t 45 a m fkie train rum In eonnection with up Auraa*a trains, making eloae conneetion with Georgia (inroad and Central H*ilr?ad morning trains, for all point* South'fcod Waet. ' A. L. TYLER, 0. 0. PiigiHa, Vice President. Cgpcfal Tieket A gen J. Notice 18 b?r?V>7 jrfven to nil whom It may conoarn, that I will apply to 8. J. Doathit. Pro hate Judc* of Oraaarltla County, on lit 28Ik ?!?? of Marrk nojrt, for a ftnal dlaaharga aa Quardlaa of ISAAC MAYFTKLD. ROWLAND COX, Guardian. Vabnurr 20, 1871. 41-4 i iii ? i mlWi Ayer*s Cherry Pectoral, For IHiaam* of tbo Throat and Taing,,, * mob aa Ooufha, Oolda, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, dnthma. and OonwimpMoa. Probably nerer before In tba whole history of medicine, baa any thing won ao widely and ao Through a ton* aeries of fearti and among moat of tbe faces or men it haa risen higher and higher In their estimation, aa it haa become bettbrnnowh. Its uniform character and power to cure the Vt> Hons affections or the lungs ana throat, im mods It known as a reliable protector against theui. W uile adapted to milder forms of disease and to young children, It is at the same time the tnbst effectual remedy that can be given for Incipient consumption, and the dangerous affection* of the throat and Inngs. As a provision against euddeu attacks of Crown. It should be kept on band in every family, and Indeed as all are sometimes subject to colds and coughs, all should be provided with this antidote forthem. Although settled Consumption Is thought Insurable, still great numbers of rases where the disease seemed settled, have been complete!* cured, and the patient restored to sound health by the Cherry Jf*cctoral. So complete is Its mastery over the disorders of the Lung* and Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. When nothing else oould reach them, under the Cherry Pectoral they subside and disappear. . Singers and Public Speakers find great protection Horn It. Asthma Is always relieved and often wholly cured by It. Bronchitis Is generally cured by taking tH Cherry Pectoral in small and ftequent doses. So generally are Its virtues known, that wd need not publish the certificates of them here, o* do more than assure the public that its qualities aro fUlly maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure# For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fewer, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Poriodioal or Bilious Fewer, As., and Indeed all the affections whioh arleer from malarious, marsh, or miasmstio poisons. As its name Implies, It doos Curs, and does not foil. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance whatever, It In nowise injures any patient. The number and Importance of its cures in the aguo districts, aro literally beyond account, and we believe without a parallel In the history of Ague medicine. Our pride Is gratified by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures effected In obstinate cases, and where other rem. edlcs had wholly failed. Unacclimated persons, either resident in. or traTcillng through miasmatic localities, will bs protected by taking the AOUJE CVRJC daily. For Ilurr Complaint*, arising from torpid* ity of the I.iver, It Is an excellent remedy, stima* lating the Lircr into healthy activity. For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, producing many truly remarkable cares, where other medicines had foiled. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Attk A Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and sold all round the world. RRICE, $1.00 I'ER BOTTLE. t3T l.ur ?'* in (Ireenville i?y M. A. 11UNTI.R A CO., Agents. Aug .11 16 !y For Ml- 11.COX, <?IBB8 A C O.. Importers and l>e?leis iii Guano*, 118 Buy St., Savanrnh ; 241 Broad St, Augusta. On.; 161 Kant B ?v. Clitrlfiiin, 8 C ; and by 1>AVII> A STUADl.F.Y. Greenville. For further intormation, apply or adJreaa _ I ? r - i./r |*?iii*I'll or. N..T 80 28 4>n flantahom brums This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women arc especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant,' In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder'which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. ^Wherever it is introduced it becomes a standard arttrlA?? ? ? 1? MMtTdicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the ciyllized world?be sore and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. Juuu 11, le/O. & |y WM, P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT RAW n a in Aur * a * uwnLUNtUA, HA., WILL practice in the Counties of Lamp kin Diwion, (lilmcr, Fuoin, Union Towni, White and Hall. J?n 10 33 TOWNEM A EAST, ATT0RHIB8 AT LAW. OFFICE in the OLD COL JIT HOUSE Middle Room ?.n Ine South Sid?, Lowo^ Stnry, GREENVILLE, 8. C. A r. TAWME8. OLttf Bltilt Jan 4 33 tf