University of South Carolina Libraries
i > I?l*? a*etn*. on 4 HfJlhfrnU rrtrnapeci Mitt* better than nn Mtumulnllon of error. If vnrnt wilhoyt action, it i? Dioetly vain; it aivrreifled with event*, it to commonly replete wiili fe'ty. Bat no on* who bat once tiled ll>? iAImoj of the ** OLD CAROLINA HITTKK8 " Kill evor repent ol having dona ao. M*aaie?. by R?v A C. Hupp, on Thmn dav evening. Febrnnry 8th, 1871, Mr. WILLIAM F. BIO WELL, of Anderaon Oounty. and Uiaa LOUISA J. DAO WELL, of Oreenvill- County. By tha tame, on Thwr*dav ev?n'ng, Xaiali ?ih, 1871. Mr. JOEL B. COX, ol ndirion County, and MIm FMM \ L V. ItACIiEN, of Oiccn% ille County. Hair Vioor ? In e?mmon with many tdheis we have felt lively Interest In lite investigations which I)r. Am has l>e?n making to d'toovar the. rttitvi of failure ol the hair, and in provide a r?m dy. HU research** ere svhl lo hnv* hem much more thorough a ltd e*hau?tlve I linn any ever in id* before. The result l? now I el ore u* under the name ol Arn'i Hvtn Via ? ? We have given ! e trial, and with lull aat IiIhwIud It q'tal* our umst favorable an* tioipntio* a. Our g' ay linlrs Iiuvm dl?np. p*nr-d,cr r-euine l ilielr utlglnsl color ; end to vi?U.fe cmp ??f eofi, silken Italr hae a'art4d on a pari of li t scalp which was enl re ljr bald.? Daily Vote*, IJotton 4*2-5 thfcOpairtJi. Sow nut R>?Te;trui'K ?O' many r?? Southern en'crpria.s which have Wen U- deHnken ktnee the war, t one have tnet with greater or ni >re dram ved sncoess than the door, sash and blind nta?nf*clnty *f Mr I' P. Toale, I.. Charleston. S. I'. By hard work, indomitable energy and III e-al advertising. Mr. Tonle has In three tenia uutslrippid *11 row pel It ion and rstuhl'slnd r. hwlnesa ? Inch woohl do credit to any ally In the Unlt-d States. 4'2-6 Cheering Faota for the Bilious. Kvery day demonstrates more clenrly that liver rotnt Intnl. in all lu dstressu.g ( rut4. ran he control's I and nir d wl ln?w' d tti-ul'y or inetmveuhmee It is ao obstinate dine -sc. I ut lla obstinacy U a..| proof against the pertinsc'ou* tetne.'ial and r* storatlxo i.peratioo ot |IOSTETTEIt".a STDM ACII HI1 rKK8. That genial corrective enwftrf* ihr oryno lo tin tit ilnty. It mmif svcreie r? gu'ni ly and hnaltl.f'tilv under the Influence of the LliMets. Their nc'ioo | Ining* It ha -k 'rotn n eta's ol rebellion j into pe f?.-t ha> nx)nv with the laws of health. If there is ro'tivenees, It. di?np peats; it there is shle-arhe or ha.-k aeh-. It ceases ; if the skin and the whl-es of the eyes arn tinged wi*h aopeifluou< idle, they recover tin |r hue; if the np|>e?lte ia gone, it return*; If the digestion is impair -A ; i. -- ? j > rn-mrMi ; in l>rl> I, Wllfl'dVtT th* symptoms "t the eelnplaiul m<y he, and whatever tlio phase it has M-um-H a cur< *? certain. Sucli ate the tinifom efT-eie of tliU preparation where tllio-s disease has been already ti^vi-liipe.!; but In cams wh' rt (litre is mrely a constitutional ten* -deney to liver complaint, it m >? bo prevented throughout lite by the tcitulnr ub:-, tn soinll qiiMn ities, of tliIn palatable antidote. There are proven facts, and should be se rhiusty pondered.?or, rather, thev sl.ouM e promptly act< d upon?by all persons of bilious haoit. 42-5 THE TAIN KILLRIt is by universal consent allowe! to list- won (or Pself h reputation unsurpassed In the his'or of Tnedlcal preparations. Its iosiantnnec eh feet in the dedication and extinction of Pain in al'ita v minus fotm* Incident to the human fainilv, and the u?aot|n{ied written and verbal testimony of the mas es in its favor, have been, and art in its own best advertitemiucnta. The ingredients of the Pain Killer, being purely Vscbtablx. render It a n*ifectlv ftl* and fficaeioti* rmioljr ulciiinirmtllj,' a* well a* tor estcrnnl applieiMom when uaed Mcurding to direct ion*. Tim main up on lineu from it? iim it readUly removed by waahing with alcohol. Tliia medicine, jurt'y eelebrntcd fir llie cure of ?> many of t!? ? iom ioeideot to the human family, haa now been In fore the public over tiiiriv ykaR*, mid line found ita'way into almost every corner of the world ; and whenever it hna been used, the rime opinion ia expreare 1 of lie niediual propi-rtiea. In any attack, where prompt action up on tbe ayatarn ia r?qu)red. Die I'atn Killer ia invaluable I?a ?I timet tnataotaneoo* ef? lectin Believing T"?tn ia truly wonderful ; and when nerd acecordinp to direction* ia true to it* name,a PAIN KlI.I.KIt 42-6 Reldfille Feinalr Colli ge. TUB SECOND QUARTER of I'd Tertfl of this It>atitution * WrffifflHi! will commence Monday. !7lli April, and alore 8?ith June. mnr W. A. HARRISON, Secretary Board Truat?e?. Mar 29 47 1 riiiHic ?nic 01 iiooKN. rilllK MAGAZINES and PRRIOftlJL C*l<* mii??erib?d for li* the Literary Clnb fur 1870, will be ?.|?) at A>i t;?n. ; ?h? ofTi.-e ( Jui.tu* C. Smith, on iha 7th April at 8 < '? oek. P M ?y otdi-r ol the Commutes. Mar t9 47 ^ Notice TUE firm <>f II. BE.ATTIK A Co., harinir bfii d smlred, all p-rwinr Ind>-hi'i1 ara rwjuwt'il to make n-HlMnffili at oi>te The bu'Ir.cM mu-t be closed, without further delay. . II. BKA'ITIK k CO., In L'qilititl ion Till? ttmleT*!Rued re'urn thanks to their liieniU and cuitomi re, and reg retfully re quest for their snceevrors n eotitlnuxne# of the pntro"*t(e to liner illy liritoerd on lite firm of H Bsattu A C>?. r'.'i. IlAMIJJf BKATT1E. WM. HOLLAND If at eh 90 47 1 r; - Land for Sale. rilba eaheeriber offer* for sale hi* Land, nitna1 lad aouie nine tulla* haiow the City of Greetivlle, an water* of llruahy Creek. Anderana County. In the Treat aro 321 Acre#, 44 nf which are Bottom and 38 are ,<fre<>nd Bottom. There ara j?od ho?<w?. stable*, tmoke h< a*e?, eom et|H?, 4c. Tal* Land is superior, ..... ?n?rr |IMH> rllllirHtOD, MO Will b# Ml< for ?Mh, Applj il onoo, If jw? ?l?b J. 8. THACKSTON. Mm* * *1 , *mL Book* CloMd on 1st lay. ON ?i>4 ebpr ilia flr?t ?f M?y n?*t, lk? TAX BOOKS will b- eberd, end 'lie live par Mm. ftdded |n ifie to* of d-'*ultins thUI* addition fthe twenty K centum ee?a?|ng fn,m ||,? gft.h Inei.? rtl?e |pt reeled w>U tek# p..tire. w. W, ROHKRTftON. Tr-etnrer QrrnrilU County. Kerch 37. 1871. <7 1 Cooking Stoves. jflg? I HAVK JCH NMlred s 'apply ot ffh flret eleee COOK I NO STOVEM, ?u |H^^Lprlc?? ranging r?m $70 sp, to which >VBmtbe ettention of Clly end country fewlllrt le celled. A. J. R088, Ncerly Oppotdle (be Poet Offico. Mn 33 4# tf , Office of Board of COunty Commie loner*. Qrbbntille, a. C., Mirth 16. 1871. BIOS will It# refelved until lit |(*r. fo> he eree'ion a rui?ab<e TIN ROOF. A ND FR AMR WORK of Mm# for (li* N?w C??nrt Hoaw. 8??!*d proroealt, with tow approved eeurltiea, required For Plana and Specification, apply any Saturday to the Chairman #f the Board, or U the Clerk of the Court. MaJ. W. A. MoDANIEL, in hit ahaenee, duitng the we?ek. W. A HUDSON. Chalrmin County Commiaaionere. Mareh 19 47 ? CERTIFICATE." The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Oln U.w fC VlAltVK, 1911* To F. L. Cjiid?zo, Secretary nf State : 8ln In eeenrdanee with the provisions i of nr. Ac* nf ili? General Awemltly nf i^ld 1 Stnte. entitled "An Ael m R- filiate the Formal i?n ?f Corporations," approved I>e 1 onilmr I'Mh, 186V. we lirg leave to make tli- following C-Hlflci'*, in wit; Tliat we. Stockholders of the Corpora, lion knowi) a* the " 8<iHiv?n Manit'ncMir !> * Company," Cotton Yarn and Cot'on Colli Mnniiiaainr>-ra nrginii d June ]gih, 187<>, aid reorganis-d on llie 28th Sep'em. b-i, 1870, with a e?pilal Hoik not let* than twenty tho<i?ar.d dollar*, and doing bust* t ea* at Fork Shoal*. on Reedy Fo-k Cieek. wa'er* of Ke-'dv R ver, in tlie County ol Greenville and Slate aforesaid, did, on the SS'li dav of September. 187^. at a meeting j railed for the purpoae, at whleh mee'ing toor-fifih* of the Rmek nt the C"i>' |*ny *M r-|.re?-nied, oryan-x d our Company, under the provisions of ?|>e Act ?if llie Gen* e*al Assembly ahove rcfened in, and elect* < ed the officers r. qtibod hy raid Act. That thirteen thousand four hundred and r:xly one dollaieol the eapiiat atoek of the Company h-ivo Actually haen paid In, and the | ar value of tlie eltare* haa hern fixed | a' one hundred dollnra per share. < STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. Greenville Cousrv. rerronnlly appeared James M Suhivan ami G. W. Sullivan and ni ideoaih that the above is a lull and true statement, to the lien ot their knowle 'tre and belief. Saoro and suti*ci|hed to, 23d day of March, 1871 JAMES M. SULLIVAN, President. HeA't.rT Sullivan. Trial Jnaiiee O. C. G. W SULLIVAN. I nirretora J A MlS M. SULLIVAN. S JaMR? M. St LLIVa.N, Treasurer. I Mar 29 4V 8 | 1 Notice. UKPOTT ColIECTor'A Hinii'i * | ( *?->Mvit.iBt?.C, M?ruh23<l, 1671. J IN conformity whh requirement* of the Internal Revenue Lew*, I hereby i/ive notice to alt imimit, wlio may claim 7tro , I Krrj* of Whisky. *el*ej on the p-finite* ot John Kix, In Andereon Counl*. alcUt llie I l*t ??f Mach, 1871. by J?me* h Sherman. | I" enure of li-iiix lielil in \lolntb>n of the Internal Revenue I,aw, (the *anv having been turned ov.r to me.) to make *ticli claim* I eforr me, w itliin thit ?y <la\ of the Dial publication of this rinlice. A. L. COBB, Dci'Olv Collector. (. Mar WO 47 8 The State of South Carolina i COUNTY OF ANDERSON. Court of Common Pica*. T M BrHnll, 0, T. Dunham and A 8. \ Brown, partner* under tin- Firm name of T. M. Brrbol' Jt Co., againtt Willi* E. Burkett. . | To Willis E. Bubkltt, D?f*ndant in tfii* I notion: 4 YOU are hereby *'imm?nrd and required ' to anawur the coiiinl.?it?i I.. ?Ll. ?..??.? * which is this day fi'eJ in 'he office of the ' Clerk of the C- urt of Common I'lmr for the said County, mul to r?rv? ? copy of ' your nniwrr on I lie stihacriher at Ander y eon 0, II , S, Ca within tw. nty days after 'he set vice of this summons on you, exelu? ,| ive of I he day of service I If yon fail to answer this complaint with- c in t|ie time Afiirmiif, the plnintiff will ti>kc h | jti'lginciil iigalnsi you for the sum of one 2 hundred and fifty-eight 6'i 100 dollars, 1 wi'li interest oil event)' nine 8ft 100 dot I tare thereof from the 10th day of July, 1870, I and on five dollars tl crcof from the 41ft d?y ' of Marnh, 1870. arid on forty five 62 loo 1 dollars thereof f om lite 13th dav of May, " 1870, atol on twenty eight 76 100 dollars o thereof fr- ni lite 23d day of July, 1870, and ^ costs. 1 t iled at Anderson C. H. 8. C. March 10th, 1871. B. F. WHITNER, r IMntnlifl'a Attorney. 1 To the Drjendnot, W|Ut| E. RltkKKTT : C TAKE notice that the Summons In thie I action, of wldeh ill- foregoing is a enpv, * was filed in the office of the Clerk of the ' Court of Common IMcas, at Anderson Court Jj llou-e, in Anderson County, in the Slate of |( <..t?i|i Carolina, on the loth day id Match, n 1871 II Y WHITNKR, * I'laimifl's Attorney. j Anderson C. If , 8. <1 ? Mar 29 47 8 i< The State of South Carolina) GREENVILLE COUNTY. ,1 Jty S. J. not)TINT, Entire, Judge of Pro " hole of till County. WIIKKKAS. George .9. Green, has filed a rl Petition in my Office, praying that Let I tere of Administration nn all and singular the | _ * >*?< mm cuniieii, ngnm unci credit* of >K CLOTILDA OKKBN, late of tho County J1 ifurriaM, dwrtind, should he granted to him. * TKft art, thtrtfort, Incite and admonish all and singuliir the kindred and creditors of 01 the said deceased, to he and appear in the A Court of 1'roHate for said County, to he bolden at (Jreeuvllle Court House, on lit lOd <foy of April next, to show cause, it any, why the n said Administration should not lie granted. a 8. J. DOUTIIIT, J. P G. C. p Office of Judge ot Probate, March 27tb, 1871. A Mar 2V 47 J ? DENTISTRY! DENTISTRY! " JQ. McDAVID gradnate of the Pennsvl- . vania College of Dental Surgery, session ^ 18AA-A7, respectfully offors his professional ^ services to the citisens of Greenville and sur-. rounding country. Having acquainted himself with the modern " improvements of his professiun, be hopes, hy strict attention to business, to l>e a?Je U> give satisfaction. Office on the comer of Coffee and Main Streets, in II. A. CauMe's former residence, 1 up stairs. J. Q. MoDAVID, D. D. 8. J Mar 23 4ft 2m Notice. TUB undersigned wish to employ, and will f paw a liberal price for a CIIRRIKR AND LEATHER FINI8IIKR, at tbelr tan <j Yard, eight miles west ot Pendleton, on the e Ulna Ridge R. R., at Harpers Mills. Address a us at Psndlston. r TII08. k J. B. HARPBR. fl Ma mil n 40 X ' DISSOLUTION. J TIIK PARTNERSHIP hemtofor* emiaU J ii>K unrirr the name and alyle of ) DAVID A 8TRADLEY, ' 18 TH18 DAY DISSOLVED, ( BY MUTUAL AGREEM1HT. i The Butineaa will be conducted lit the old stand by J. A. DA VID, ?ii i v ^?viii mi iiiucuivuu^H mum oe j jmid, and by whom all claims will J J. A. DAVID, SAMUEL STRADLEY. lUreh 7, 1971, 46-4 , -t T Hi" iii m* in n Paris Mountain 3y*03^^BUM^g|,;! TW6 TRACT fflalfpsflft VSrr?, tTrrneHjr the re?'ui-?c<? at Gmeral WsHHj Thompeon, ritual* tv? otttee f?om " ik? Ony of OrlfitHlte, h tffirrf fcr ml?. Thar# ?? ( MnifariM* >**?? ?e ibe premleee with all aSereaerjr out beltd ' In*'. There is a In* orchard ol choice frwli Ira*#. Two or thrre hundred aer?e have been clear#*), and wae foraa?-rly in eultlvatmn. The aitoatinn it a , n#e for a coniary retidence, eornaaandtus an retentive vi*w of tiiellnuatalne. Ui* City of Gfrenvillr, ami the tnrrvundirg r..unujt; Tfe#e la a link spring nf ?a??r on iK* m*nm? tarn near the rtlUlme*. The anil U pro(1 lll.lir* an/t #?? ??? ? ...m !'><? ?wr griicn on I lie p'fce during I ha lif- timopl (ieiirrNl 1 h?tnp wfc. Tti? property will be m>M low for ?Mh, end a * ? \l bargain mir !?? n??ial?-d. Apply to Mraara. PKIIRY ft TEURV. ? Rieri.rllle, 8. 0 , or to (be Proprietor "t Madi.on,-Florida. . CAROLINE C. JONES. Mar >2 . 46 ' . " fit l87|.aprln,Tra^87iV Croquet. Coaiplato acta from $3 to 930 par aat. Bate Bull*. All the iliDerent kind* at radaocd price*. Flailing Tackle. Ofevery description. Traveling Bog*. For ladtca and ganllcmen. Foreign Fancy tioada Gnna audi Plaiola of all HIndia and Prlcca Amwantllon, Sportanicii'a Good*. Oooda shipped to any part of tha country per e*pre**. The same careful attention glv>n to order* by mail ua to peraonal parehaaaa. Prlcca for our good* baaed on gold nt par. POUITNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., 300 IV. HALT I MO RE STREET, BALTIMORE. MD. March 23 49 ly 1871. 1871. Spring and Summer JL ^LadflLnTTT^Tr*TI? MARSHALL & BURGE, CHARLESTON, S. C. WE ARK OFFERING TO T11E MERcbonta of the interior, a LARGE ANL) ATTRACTIVE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS and imr mm * mm jmt mm 9 1 iVIiich We tell at the lowest market price* to irompt paying customer*. MARSHALL A BUROR. Mar 8 43 Sua The State of South Carolina* GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff's Sales. BY viitueofsundry Writaol W#ri Facia* t" me directed. I will *r||. hetore the Jourt door, on Snlrtdny in April \ i rxt, between tile hour* nl 10 o'clock In the nrenooM and 8 o'clock In the afit-rn- on. All that piece or par*ol of Land, containing 350) Three Hundred and Filly Acre*, more r le?*, adjoining laud* of Win. Cox, Win. Vert and other*. Alan, the following perron I property, to witt On Tuesday after Salt-ray in April next, at Defendant'* residence, orrct Mare, 1 sorrel Horse, 1 Mule Colt, I Jolt, 3 Milch Cow*, 4 Yearling*. 3 Calves, 20 iciid of Sheep, 1 Sow and 2 Pigs, 3 Shoot*, 00 bushel* of Corn, 4 stuck* of Fodder, One "wo florae Wagon. I Clock, 1 Wardrobe, 2 'eatjor Bed* and Redding, 2 Mattresses and lodding, 4 Bedstead*, 1 Bureau, I Folding .oaf Table, 1 doton common Chair*, 1 Side 'able, 1 Buddie, I lot Ctx-king Utensil*. Levied n a* the property of E. C. Cunningham, ut he suit of George W. William* A Co. und ther*. Homestead in toe above case, tu bo ct off before day of sale. a On Tuesday after Sale*-duy in April, the |'i"|>cn7 ui vnanoi terry, l?? wit: t Mare and Coll, I Mack Pony, I anrrcl Mare, j while Yearling', I Cow and Call, 1 Slab, 1 < lent re Table, I Candlculnnd, I Looking Qlai*, < ret of Drawer*, I lot of Boxea, I Ox Carl, , Haw-hide*, 2 parrel* Lumber, 14 fniall Hoga, f 0 Dee Quota, I Bale Cotton, I Ox Yoke, 1 7oru Shelter, 0 buabela Wheat, 1 Wheat Fan, * 1 Boxea, 2 Barrel*, 7 Sheep, 1 Bureau, 2 Set- ] sea, 1 Cheat, 1 Bowl and Pitohar, 2 Chair*. I , 'able and Stand, 1 Buggy and Ilarne**, 20 J uahela Corn, 1 lot Sundrlea, 12 Chair*, I c lining Table, alio Defendant'* interval in the c Sullivan Manufacturing Company." Lev- a d on aa tha property of Charle* Terry, at i tic auit of L. L '^ardt and other*. - , a lho, ' i All Defendant'* right, title and intereat in t to Katate of Peter Taylor, deceased. Levied t n a* the properly of Jainc* N. Taylor, at the c it of Wot. Truuirool and other*. Sold at tb% i*k of the former purchaser. j A I so, , One Hundred and Seventeen Aerea of Land, * tore or le*a, lying on South Tyger River, ad- { lining land* of Ignatius Few, Jatne* NeaMtt i nd other*, being a tract of land conveyed by | efendant to Mary Bailey. Sold a* the proprty of J. J. Bailey, at lho suit of K. D. Long, *] ?*igaee. ] aim I All lite Defendant"* right, title and into-, t in a Tract of I-a ml conveyed by Defend 1 nt to Caroline Hall, lying on the northeast rong of Reedy River, containing Highly?r-i, more it Um. Sold a* the properly f W. Berry Hawkins, at the suit of W. J. lack dt Co. also, . Four Hundred and Twenty Acre* of and, more or le**, lying on the North Wroliua line Sold a* the properly of W. . i B:*liop, at lite auitnf Miehael U hit trine. ' Termaiadi Puichaaciatu pay for aiemp* r.d papera. J. L SOUTHERN. S. O. C. SherilTa Ofliea, Maroh 7th, 1471. Mar 8 43 4 1 J Farm and Residence 1 FOR SALE3. rllK 8U38CUIKKK offers for sale hi. " (JllKKN " FARM, of about Two llunIred Acre., a little mora than a mile from the ' orporate limits of Greenville. The House is . large and comfortable one, containing eight ' onms with fire-places, and two others without 1 Ire-places. ' On the plane are orchards of Apple, Cherry < nrl l'eeoh Trees, a body of Woodland, a piece I >f very rich BOTTOM LAND, and a large I ad of clay suitable for brick making, out of t rbicb large profit way be made. The place s supplied with an abundanoe of most eacel- * ent water, ene of the springs being strongly ( halybeate. < FOB TKRM8, apply to the subscriber at Ireenville, JAMK8 C. Ft'KM AN. Mar lfi 41 tf WW J. RANDOLPH^ I STONE CUTTER AND MILDER. " 8 v LOCATED on Falls Rtreet, one square of Messrs. Gower, Cox Jt GRANITE of all descriptions < furnished and ent to order. TOMB- i STONES, with Granite or Marble 1 Pedestals may f?e had ou application. Special attention guaranteed to all ?frTk. IMf Jan 18 "rOONSTJ MPTION, Its Cure and Its PreventiT?, BY J. EI.8CI1ENCK, M. D. MANY a biaM Wtaf Am ptwtd iw?jr, for whoM death iKero ?u no olbor r?M?w thon Ibo nog loot of known and iodi?patalil; proven ntui of cure. Tho*o noar and door to family and friend* are stooping lb* dream loo* dumber into which, bad (bey almly adopted DR. JOSEPH II. SCIIKNCK'S SIMPLE TREATMENT, and a wiled tbemmlve* of bl* wimde.-fa! affeaeiwni medlelnea, Ibey would not bare fallen. Dr. Bobenk ha* In bl* own raa* proved tbat wherever auSciont vitality reipalna, tbat vital. Ity. by bl* medicines and lb* direction* lor Ibeir UN, I* quickened Into bealtbful vigor. In lb * statement tbcro I* nothing pfesnmpt* uou*. To tbo failb of the Invalid ii mail* no representation tbat is not a thonsaad time* .u>?miiiwuii- i>jr living and work*. The theory of tba euro hjr Dr. Bchenck's ??Hcine* I* u linpl* * it i* unfailing. it* philosophy requires no argument It i* ?cll-assuring, salf-convinelng. The Sea wood Tonic ind Mandrake Pill* are tbe first two weapon* with which the citadel of tho malady it a**ailo>l. Two.third* of th* cases of consumption originate in dy*pep?ta and a functionally disordered liver. Wilk this eondiliou the broochial tube* " rytupalbiae " witb the stomach. Tbcy respond to tbe tnorhlflc action of tbe lirer. H?r* then come* the culminating result, and tho setting in, with all It* distressing symptoms, of CONSUMPTION. Tba Mandrako PilD are composed of one of Nature's noblest gifts?tbs Podophyllum Pellatum. They possess all tha blood searching, alterative properties of calomel, but unlike calomel, they "LEAVE NO STINO BEHIND." Tbe work of cure is now leginning. The vitiated and mucous deposits in the bowel* end in the alimentary canal are ejected. The liver, like a clock, is wound up. It arouses from its torpidity. Tbe stomach act* respon ivcly, and tbe patient begins to lovl tbal ho is fottiug, at last, A SUPPLY OP GOOD BLOOD. The Scewood Tonic, in conjunctiva with the Pills. permeate* and assimilates with thofood. Chynitration is now progressing without its previous torture*. Digestion heroines painless, and the cure is seen to l>e at hand. There is nu more flatulence, no exacerbation of the stomach. An appetite seta in. Now comes tbe greatest Blood Purifier ever yet given by an indulgent father to suffering man. Scbenck's Pulmonic Syrup cuuiea in to perform it* functions and to batten and complete the cure. It enter* at unco vpon its Work. Nature ? -'?*?1 ??*? vucaiou? II COI1CC10 ml ripen* the impaired and dliwncd portion* of the lunc*. In the forui of gathering*, it prepare* them for expectoration, and lo ! in a veiy short lime the malady is vanquished, the rotten throno that it occupied is renovated and made new, and the patient, in all the dignity of regained vigor, steps forth to enjoy the manhood or the womanhood that wn*. OIVEN UP AS LOST. The second thing W, the patient* must stay in a warm room until they get well*; it is impossible to prevent taking cold when the lungs are diseased, hut it must he prevented or a euro cannot ho effected. Fresh air and riding out, especially in this sectiou of the country in the full and winter season, are all wrong. Physicians who recommend that course lose their patients, if their Idngs are badly diseased, and yet, hccausa they are In the house they must > ?? alt down quiet; thev nut.t walk about the room as much and as fust as the strongth will hear, to gel up a good cir- i cuiation ot blood. Tho patient* must keep in | good spirits?he determined to get well. This has a great deal to do with tho appetite, and | is the greut point to gain. I To despair of cure after such evidence of its possibility in the woist cases, and moral certainty in all others, is sinful. Dr. Sclienok's personal statement to the Faculty of his own cure was in these modest words : " Mirny years ago I was in the last stages of consumption ; confined to my bed, and at one tiroo my physicians thought that I could not live a week ; then, like a drowning man catching at straws, I heard of and nbtaiued the preparations which I now offer to the public, and they made a perfect cure of me. It seemed to me that I could feel I he in penetrate my whole / lystcm. They soon ripened the matter in my lungs, and I would spit up more than a pint | jf offensive yellow matter every morning fur t long time. As soon as that hegan to subside, my cough, [ever, pain and night sweats all began to leave me, and my appetite became so great that it was with difficulty that I could keep from eating too much. I soon gained m; strength, and have grown in flesh ever since. " I was weighed shortly after my recovery," tdded the Doctor," then looking like a mere , ikeleton ; my weight was only ninety seven ( pounds; my present weight is two hundred Mid twenty-five [225] pounds, and for years I iuto enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. Schcurk has discontinued his prnfci* 1 tionul visits to New York und Boston, He or * us son, Dr. J. II. Schenck, Jr., still oonilnue ' '.n see pstienU at their office, No. 15 North Sixth * trect, Philadelphia, erc.y Saturday from V I \. M. to 3 P. M. Those who wish a thorough ixamination with the Respirometer will be { ihnrged $5. The Respirometer declares tbo t sxact condition of tho lungs, and patients can n cadily learn whether they are curuhle or not. ({ The directions for taking the me licines nre idapted to the intelligence even of a child. follow these directions, and kind Nature will ! lo the rest, excepting that ill some cases the ' Ifandrake Pills are to Ik> taken in increased loses ; tho three medieinos need no other no ^ ompaniuicnts than the uniple instructions that iccompuny thein : First create appetite. Of eturning health hunger is .the most welcome ymplom. When it comes, as it will come, let be despairing at once te of good cheer. Good ? ilood at once follows, the cough loosons, the light sweat Is abated. In a short tiino birth ? if these morbid symptoms are gone forever. Dr. 8cbenck's medicines are constantly kept n ten* of thousnnila nf ? *? mi u rniitiv# or purgative, Ibo Mandrake Pills ire a tumlnnl preparation : while ihe Pulmonic Syrup a* a curer of coughs umi colds, ruay l>e j -t-gardtd as a prnpliy Incleric again?t ceueniup- ^ ion in any of its forms. . Price of the Puluionio Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, $1.50 a bottle, or $7.50 a half duson. , iiandrake Pills, 25 eents a bos. For sale by i ill druggists and dealers. r Wholesale Agent, JOHN P. HEKHY, No. I College Place, New York City. , March 22 4A 1/ ( Carolina National Bank I or COLUMBIA* S. C. 3 Capital Stock Paid la, $200,000. .o; BOARD OF DIRECTORS: L. D. CHILDS, President. )w. j. w. parkir, 1u m. wALLacb, low* 8. Wilsv, Da. Joh* T. Dakrt, S. ll?m, Hichahd O'Nsals, Jh. j C. D. Ma LToa, Attorney. :? 1 W. B. Ot'Licic, C. J. IaanaLL, CasMpr. Assistant Casbier. ii i ;nt . ' 1MIK capital stock ol this Bank is now f $200,000. all of wbich has been peid int ind conflrmed by the Comptroller of the Cur* encr. Anihority has ale? been received for \ further Increase to the amount of $50,000, if which over $20,000 has already lioen laken. Parsons wishing to make an investment should i 11 ipply without deley. The Surplus Fund la 4 tow $? .000, or these per cent, upon lis stuck. I The Carolina National Rank issues certitudes of deposit, bearing interest at the rale if seven per cent, per annum. This feature >f its business makes it practically A K.IT1NOS B/IKK, And attention is called to the fact that the lafety of these deposits, as well as all otherat 111 |aiiiiiiim mj mo vduii rapiiRi oi ID* I Bank. No aafer mode of itnpnrarj iaveat> iDont U offered to tbo public than tbii?tho depoaita being payable on demand, or on abort not too. Dapnillt of any amount received lither in enrraney or coin, and parable in tbo i mo. Internal will bo paid at the end of i each sis montba, abonld depoaita remain^ayond that length of lime. i Columbia, 8. C., January JRth, 1871. Fan 1 17 3a I ? I r ' ' sash., mxi km M?tfKi?HHG AW? I DHKSSED Flooring, Ctilinp, Weallier Bonn Over a hundred different Pattern* of M lor rule at New York prlre*. Mnniel-Piccca, J hurt notico. Stair Kail, Newel* and Ballusler* to order. Hood and Substantial Work mnde ai cheap United State*. We huve on hand the largest I HallltLoru, all of which wo guarantee will give Substantial Work. The rul scrilwr* ran refer to Carolina and Florida, ai to the thunder of the w Opposite Wando Fcrtiliiet Works, and in Pavilion Hotel*. Mart V. S. !?l AII $ II A l/S M A laE. South Carolina IHUrict?In Equity. GKorea F. Townks vs. Ilonou Mh?>*., et al. BY virtue of a decree of the Honorable the Circuit Court of the Unit. <1 State* for the I list rid of South Carolina, to mc di reeled nmf delivered in the above case, I will expose for sale to the high-*t bidder, at public auction at ft recti ville Court Mouse, on MONDAY, the 3d day of April. 1871, living tbe tii el Monday of raid month, AU that Valuable and DESIRABLE PROl'ERTY, in the town of Greenville, kn?wn a* the "Grady Lot," aatd lot lr<>iit tritt 80 feet on Main street and the Public Sq>i?rf, S(lO lr?t vn Spring ati eel and 111 fret on Fulls street. On the premises i* a , Twi.-Story Hrick llnu?? (tin roofed), 75 feet by '24 feet In the elear, fronting on Main lire-1. with aide door on Public Square, ai.d a good Two Story Fmme Dwelling I Inure will) seven ro-m?, (five flie plane*), all in good repair. The STORK ia one of I lie beat. hu-in-*s aloud* in the town, nnd the Dwelling ia approximate and yet private. On the lot ia o well t>f good water, and an excellent public apring near by. The Garden it a large and excellent one. The annual rental of thia property ia woith from f 1,1(00 to tl,'200, and it im rua? pt ible of great improvement*. Altogelh' er it it one of ti e moat desirable invr atment* in thia thriving )ou?g oty, which ia on the line of the Atlanta nnd Richmond Railroad (the shortest line between New Yoik nnd New Orleans), and 140 mile* from Columbia t?y tail. I As tliia property is *oM tinder a decree | uf foreclosure of a mortgage given for the ( purchase money, the titles are considered indisputable. Tei nis of sale? Cash, Purchaser lo pay ( U. S Mar-Inil for all necea?aiy papers and Internal Revenue stamps. L E. JOHNSON. U. S. Maishnl District of S. C. Mar 8 43 4 Tiik II- i>k wk f.ivr. Is. The mird is i nuii. f tin* ! iy. nml hd'om the lene J nenl is kept i? g??'d |?r?lr. the Immortal ifrii|<,inl i? dept s?e?f, distraught, nd-i-ri- , Ic. fllld orrft things .IS ihmtigh n gift**, I luiklv," mil us li.-v renlly M'C. When (lie j tinnm-h is rel iXeit. I In* liver tori i-', tlie , IQW-I* 111, Mtill I lie Del'VeS III)- I limit', in*i.?ri,,*? vilalii*, regulate ami | one I Iii-iii w illi i T A It RANTS SELTZER A i EXT. t ts op-ration is ceitain, painlri# anil nilunrv. It bring* tlie action of these import* lit organs into eonfoiinity with the laws if health ; the rpiills rise, I lis iiiniti clems nd the cnpncity to enjoy life is restored to expending invalids. Sold hy all iMtg is. 4-2-5 CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK OOUTH O'IP.QLXITA. ( posits of tl and Upwards Received , NTEREST ALLOWED AT THE FATE Or EVEN PER OENT. PER ANNUM, ON CERT F10ATES OF DBPOalT AND SIX PER CE*T OOMPOONDED EVERT SIX MONTHS ON AOOODNTS, Ot'ricuns?Win. Martin, President ; John ' I. Palmur and John P. Tboinaa, Vice Prcai lent ; A. 'i. Hrenircr, Cashier; John C. B. Smith, A militant Cashier. ' I)i iikctoiis.?Wade Hampton, William Marin, A. C. Haskell, P. W. MrMaater, John P. thoniai, K. II. llciaitsb, John B. Buhner, . ThoMMa IS. Oregg, CaiaMhii. ' J. E'i tirog|ir Marion 5 H. T. Scott, Newber y ; W. 0. Mayer, NcwWrrj > B. II. Kutlcdge, ?hurlrrton ; Daniel Itnvenul, Jr., Charlcaton. Branches at Abbeville ard Newberry and 1 >ther points. A general Banking huaineaa I lone. 40-3in Feb 22 Edwin J. Scott, Son ft Co., B A H S I F. O ; A*n e p. 0 x a p. a, 1 COLUMBIA. S. C. WITH AMPLE FACII.ITIKS, Til KY offer Liberal aeeonimodatinna in the 1 Jiscuunt of Notea and Drafta; the purchase ' and tale of iXCHANOE, SPECIE, BONDS, STOCK, IANK BILLS, AC., and tho COLLECTION 'j )F COMMERCIAL PAPF,R. Intercut Bowed on Deposits. lvl ?<* rcu ** 41 Sra XTAJIiIb AOTEG) W31B?W3SJa MILLINERY. MBS McKAY hw ju*t re " roiaed nf? auppliea of Bon j DMqH nrii, IliU, Rihtume, FtHlim. Jnl FIow?t?, Ao. Alao Infanta' JmVdJ| (lata ind capa, Fin a, (Ro?l , llflr and imitation.) 41 air Coiia jft *^11 and Lae? OimmI*. whtah aha WIPY olftra at very low pr'ca*. Nov 1 94 t| { No tic? 18 hvrehy given to all whoa It way eonnern, that I will apply to 8. J. Doutbit, Prolate Judge of tlroenvilla County, for a foal ditcher**, on th* ISt* day of April next, ae Kxeeutor of the Ketate of J08KPII A. MOORR, daoaaead. 8. W. BARTON, Emnter. March 11,1391. 4ft ft in\t\v\\? w DOOR fACTQRY. PbAVXVO HXLfc. U, Shelving, Box lloardf, Ac., Ac. ?al^ ngi, lunklnK over H'0,000 I'cot on hand Door nnii Window Frame* made to order at of Walnut and Mahogany, on baud and mode at lli i? ratabllrbment a* can he made In the ilock of the nhove Uoods south of the City ot entire satisfaction l-t all who want Uuyd anii > genthnun all over this State, Ocorgia, North ir work for the pnat twenty year*. r. P. RUSSELL* & CO., KAST END IIASEL STKEKT. the Immediate vicinity of Charleston and >h 16. 1871. 46-t S 21 coicmbu nom, ( ori nnM, s. r., OOF.1IA1T, Phopricpor rI^IIK Ptepr #t??r of the pleasantly located 1 and elegantly famished K*l al-llrdiment, at the State Capital, dealt ea to ln>oitn the travelling public- and othersseeking accommodation*. that the ' Colnml'if" la in retry respect a i aJ-clnar Lintel, upeaipae-ed >y any in I he State or the Unit-A state* "*i?t?-teil in the bufinete centre of the city, with fU.a lnr*t- ?? # a - -? ? nlh-d wilh every deliencv of tlieeaason, liotli from Now Turk and Charleston maikeU. I tie Proprietor pledge# 11 at t.o<fT<>|tn will lie spired to give pei feat satisfaction in every respect. A fimt c'*? Uvtrr ^tnlle U ttlncliei to llie Hotel, wlieie vehicles ol every ileat-rip lion can t>e had at the shortest notice. Omnibuses attend the arrlviil and departuio of every Train. WM GORMAN. Proprietor and Supet intendent. J. O BUDDS, Casliicr. Feb 16 39-tf REDUCTION OF PRICES. HHVINO been enabled to charter ship* the paal year at leu freight tli.-in heretofore, we are now giving planter# the benefit of this advantage, by offering to Litem PIKENIX GUANO, IVilcoa, A Co'# MA NIP ULA TED G U A NO. GUANO SALT AND PLASTER COMPO UND, it Reduced Prieea. The good merits of hero Fertilizers are too well known by darners throughout the South, to need ut titer men*i n. AILCOW -GIBBS A CO.. Impnit.-r* nod Denim in Guams, 148 Bay-Street, Savannah, Oa? 241 B'0*h?Street, Augusts, Git., 161 East Bay. Chmhslon. S. C. APPLY TO DAVID & STRADLEY Agents, Greenville, 8. C Read what one of many thousand plant, ra think ol Wilcox, Gtbbs A Co.'s Muuipuated Guano,* GItERNVILLR. S. C.. Eeb. 6, 1871. IWilcox. (Jibb* <fr Co: AT your request, I irive von my rxpe rimce with the Wilcox, Oit'hsA Ct? V dAMPULoTED GUANO. I cultivated a ivcseie fiwIU laet year, which was noto'l uely poor, and by using one l>ag (200 lbs.1 o 1 lie acre, I gathered Three-and-a Hall tales of Col ton. Without Guano, 1 could iot have expected to have realized two <nhs. 1 think it a No one F'ertilizer. Bcepec-l fully, SAMUEL STRADLEY. Feb 8 38 8 JSO. CAMP8EX. E. WAI.TJZM. FLOURING MILLS, |4 MARKET, OPPOSITE STATK-ST. Inn. rnmrwoTi A Ha r __V> wwsu^rwvu Ml Wl) GRAIN, HAY, FLOUR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT3 Uanufucturcr* of GRIST ond MEAL, HO east bay, CHARLESTON, S. O. Feb 22 40 3m CHAS. HICKEY, iSfm^ranBAMi MANUFACTURER, 345 KING STREET, DSASLSS10N. S. C. Looking Glasses OF ALL SIZES, FIT!ED TO FRAMES. 310 FRAMES RE-GUT, F.OITAI. TO ATFW Feb 22 40 Sm rho State of South Carolina. GKEKNVILI.K COUNTY. Co?rt of CommoH Pleat. TO UN M JOS' KR, Tru*tr*, A gnimtt CORSKUA A. THOMPSON, Adminicle* trim.? Dttrrefoi Publication. IT *| pearin* to my eatiefaelion by afflda I vit, that (lie Defendant la noni-reaid-nt >nd that ehc ia a prop, r party to this action, tnd tlint a canae of action exiat agaiuet her : t ia ordered, that aarviec of aummone he nade by publication, and that thla notice Nt ptihl'aited onca a week for aii wreka, in he Rnttrpri*c and Mountaineer. It ia further ordered. That a copy of I Ma uroinone and complaint, be forthwith da malted in the Foat Office, directed to the lefeadaat, atMadiaoo Court Houae, Florida. H J. IMHJTHIT, Probate Judge Greenville County. } Miroh 21>t, 1871. 4? '? Dm, HEHRT P. GOODWIN LIMA.S, O., [> E8PKCTFULLT tstxlsn his PROFBS* Li rtiONAL SRHVICKfi to ths public. March 15 45 4* lifcrn mi , ' kg ., -* 3B DYSPEPSIAAINOIGESTtON fe=?^S WHOLESALE DRUGGist> cmiBnoM.c. N. II. Tli* C"m<Mt?M<?ni*t- ?f H*verttt# ll?^ d'fl'lwl thai any dmU/ean aril iliia'article* wltliodt a ap<ei?T lieirlkl''*. tor aal* I>y DAVID A STRADLBY, Wh?)rlal| and Retail Orocera and Com' inlaaioii Mnclianta, Gr*?tivill4, H/C. atao ft' JUrs. Harr son & Marsh all < \VIio1?mI? mill Kelrtil OirEkNVILLK, 8. C. Mnr SO 45 \y ~2 I-? ^25|,r^ 2.E2L- ?> H ? I$ *el? r? fnl? ? }' agP^-F^ a 3^ i = f p Q; fe;M& s git&isifclis f . ^ ~c >re- sr r? W> (p Pal?-?! s-"* ?s =-?'S "cSL^.js - 5?!:.? L -J b> ^ - 5. ? =H2 8 2-^^ tps afl- ? 8 5 5 > r > 5 cL = a; n S H ^ = ? |?=>% 2-<9 ? Z C3 52ffi* W? *? *- e s 3 & Sc3^^c/2?^2<|2? ^ Cs =;&f ra ? : J? ? ? _ ? ! Prf J|g ?. js -1 - *? > ** re h? rr -? * ST., flf) SPs'Z Z-2-3 ? =3 I Z 5? W t ? 3 S. "2 s? = 05 2L ? f ai If; s*-i s-* j P_F_|_?i B. WEHRLE (U1AS just returned with a well LTLl selected Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER DID PLATED WARE m i i ? - - ' xaDie Cutlery, &c. 1IIS Sto"k \vji9 personally pc lected from the best bouses in bis line, and can guarantee satisfaction. Oct iv 22 tr 18 A CARD. 71 0L MY FRIKNDS AND PATE_7^jtroo? have my thank* fur pa*t ai<. 'Mfnffnra Ac. I continue to milk* IfiC'jfl addition* to my Stock of JEWELHY. WATCIIKS. CLOCKS, SPEC MEmL TICLES, S I I. V K K PLAT E 1>Bb WARE. TARLE CUTLERY, Ac. Special attention jjiven to repairing fine Wntche*, and1 Titno Piece* of every description. JAMK9 O. 1ILACK. Jan 18 36 tf MUUNBRT, MRS. LOC ./ESSiSOS, JSmW N3T97 DTA1TD, W 5v W. II. HOVKT A CO.. SAVE OX HAND A LA HOE AND With whirh the in CERTAIN OF PLKA8IKO ALL OF HER FRIENDS. ?4t~ CALL AAD SEE. Doc u * tr Notice IS in li. r?*by piven ?o all whom it may e?ncrrn. that i will apply to H. A Doothit, Probate J?dve of (Jroeovlllr C?>?nty. <? tUt I?( d>ty o/ April next, for a final di-eli?ip* a* Admit.i-t tutor ?f iliti Emote of I.EWtS %. OR1II1N0TON, d*friH.l. WM. II HOVF.Y, March 1, 1871. AdminUtrator. Mar 8 43 4 Notice. r*"Mti? vorro ? _ ,.U nuir.^ ?"? AtW)li?iT8 ol MAIU1 ON J LOCK, have lnwn |>l|cr?l in my Imnda for e?>llec"ion. Pintles owing Mr. (idek lllmK (wt* l>yc . I ling at mjt office, and nnymg their indebtedneaa. JAMES P UOOR1T, Atl'v ?' L?w Ni.d Trial Jnetic*. February 14ih, 1811. 89-ff. THE NICKERSON HOUSfc COLUMBIA. 8- C. WILL not be cloeed on account of ike riealh of the Proprietor, W* A. Wright but will hf carried on na h.i, by Id* widow. Mr*. 8A It A H L. MftlfttlT. and her aon.WM. C. WHIGHT. Tliefcumrfb of Ilia late projnletor m? invited <? o?H ? MRU* I ?*???' " - *> 1*1 Win, F?b 16 A*-U W M. C WRIGHT. Notioo 18 hareby given to *11 trhr wm ItjULfM. coin, thai 1 will apply ProbM# nf Owen v III* C?WqKBkff,0 4 lh i/?y ?/ April n*mL fur n Ad?nlnUlr*ti?f ??f t^*k?lHia of W| LW A M LINT#*KY d-eenwii. JOAHUA PHtHf r, A<( miaiMraior Match 4H?, ' 4^