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mrnmmrnmmmiBBlmBe&Eam lM* 4H A.CTT TO ritfrviD* FOR TP* *?> I K<: HON OK PERSONS. PROPERTY imTHi MiM inHira WliffMt, threatening*, InilalditiM and tIoIdiim are u**d In portion a of the Stat* agaieat lb* ) ? * of the same ; and whereaa, the law* are Nt at defim** and the officer* of the law, hind-eel," prevented aaU ah< iitKjief in the dirth*r|? of their dwtlea; a "id wl??V-aa, armel, diagnlaed and law'eM p-rtwaare threatening, maltreetV.g tnj aaaaaalnatteg (HawabW and >?? rrT1 |tl| cjt. li qM'h??f?r?, __ , . Seeth-* I. by u,, ad I II..VM of Re preaeotatlee* nf the State nl South now met and eittlng in tli-eere* Aveembljr, and hy the authority of -|l>i'iime, That if any peraon ahall aaaault or inti>n?4*te any oitiaen henauae of politi eal opinions or tha exercise of political rights and pilrlhgn guaranteed to every oiiirn'i .|f the United Stelea hy the eonatltutioii ?' <! laws thereof, or by the eenrtitu ion an t law* .?I tliie State, or for eueh reaeon dxehaeg. audi eititen from employ* noHt or occupation, or tej-ct ?ueh ciiixm fro " r*nl?il houae, or land, or other property. -u*h p?-reon ahnll l?e deemed guilty of e mM'-ni'innr, an<l, on conviction theieof, An^/i not Laa ilian fiff t* nr mnrr than - ? ..... ..... J . inn thousand dollars. or be imptisoneJ not It'" than thr-*a month*, or more than one year. ??r IxiiH, at the discretion of the court. 5W. 2 Ttiet if any two or more.prison* shell hand or conspire tii(Cther, or go in disguise upon the public highway, or upon the premises of another, with intent to injure, nppr-t*. or violate the person or property of any eitis-n heeauae of hie political opin ions br his expression or exereise of the same, or ahali attempt hy any means, meaa urea or acta, to hinder, prevent or ohatruct any citizen in the free ex-relse and enjoyment ot any light or pitvllcge secured to him liy the conatitution and laws of tlie Uiiled Stat'a or by the constitution and law* of this State, auch peraona shall be deemed guilty ol a felony, and, on conviction thereof, he fined not less than one hundred nor more titan two thousand dollars, or be iniprtfTrd not lees that six months, nor mote than three years, or both, at the dlaere'ion of the court, and shall thereafter lie ineligible to, and disabled from, holding any fflce of honor, trust or profit in this State. Pec. S. Thai if. in vio'atin^ any of the provisions of tliia ant, any other crime, misdemeanor or felony shall he committed, the offender or offenders shall, on eonviction * thereof be subjected to auch punishment for the same as is attached to eweh crime, misdemeanor and fe'ony hy the existing laws of tin* State. 8ee. 4. That the sheriffs, constables end other cffl.-ers in the several circuits or counties reste-1 with powers of at resting, imprisoning and hailing offenders against the U?s of ttiis State, be, and are hereby, spe cially authorized and required to institute pruce- nguiiirt a)| nn-l ?very and persons who shall violate any of the pio> initios of thi* act, and cause him and them to be arrested, imprisoned or baited, as the case may reqirre, for a tiial before siieh court as sliall have jurisdiction of the offence. See. 5. That the Circuit Court* of this State, within their respective circuits, in the counties of which the nireuits are respectively composed, shajl have cognizance of ad oif- noes committed against the provisions of this a?-t. and of all other causes arising nnd'r this act. See. ft. That it shall ho the duly of all rlie- iffs. co'isiahhs and other officers who may he specially empowered, to obey and execute all warrants and other process is. sued under i he provisions of this act to thim diieeted ; and should any sheriff, constable or other ofticef specially etnpu*'?fed. refuse toree>iv? such warrant or other pro cm. when tendered to him. or neglect or refuse to execute the some, he shnll. on conviction thereof, he fined in the sum of five hundred dollais. to the use of the ciUx-n deprived of the tights secured t>y the provisions of thin set, or be imprisoned in the county jail, st the discretion of the court. And the b-tter to ena'de the sheriff#. constat.les snd other offic r* specially empowered. to execute all such warrant* and other p'<>c?**es *? may be diroe'ed to them, they shall hare author ity to summon and call to their a d the bys'ande's or pMM comilntu* of the proper county, and all persons refusing to obey the commons or call of the officer* thus em* powered, shall de deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. and, on conviction thereof, he nnnished and such warrants snd other f ? processes shall run and he executed by snid officer*. anywhere within the circuit or county in which they are iasned. Sec. 7. That any perron who shall hinder, prevent or oi)8trtict any officer or other perron charged with the execution of any overrent or other process issued under the jprociaion* of thiaael, in arresting any per aon far whore apprehension rneh warrant j,r other process may hare been issned, or -sh* II ieresi#. or attempt to rescue, such per. co? from lire custody of the rfficer or person ,?r pecaona law'olly assisting l>im as aforean Id, <v shall ajfd. ahet or assist any person ao a treated as aioreeai d. direetly or iodi reetly, to escape frost the custody of the /ffieer or person or pera>ns assisting him as aforesaid, sr rhaM harbor ?t eoneeal any person for yWs wrnest a warrant or other pre-rr shall have <tenn ia*iied, ao as to pre rent h'S discovery and arrest, after due noliee or knowledge of the fact of the issuing ef sneli warrant or other proeess, shall, on eonri?-ti"n I or eun?ir 01 uin <iju nMi, t>e ?al> jcct lu i fin* not than fifty, nor more thinonc thoua?ti<1 dollars, or innpriaonment not Iran than thr?* month*, nor mnrtc than on* ) ear, or both, at tlia diiaretion of th? court having juriadlction. See. 8. That any citizen who ahall be {hindered, prevented or obstructed in the agnrais* of the right* and privilege* aeeured Aim * / the constitution and lawa of the {Jnited S?a'es, or by th* conatitoiios and jaws of <hra S ate, or ihilt b? Injured in hia peraon or property, beeiuae of hia exercise of the aapie. m?y claim and proaeeuta th* aeuu'y in wiMoh the offone? ahall ba com mined, |or .any damag-a he ahall auataln thereby. Pq4 Mid *'?unty ahall ba respou-iMe for the paymant of aiioh damages ? tlia aourteftay Award, whiah ahall ba pei4 by Ih? <?uoiy uoMurir of tieh county, o? j i i m vtrhM JwwibrJjw w?ttj ??b?Im1oo ti) j|a >M XSo lfc for CU^H th'ir Jf ?? . ?. In all credit er? M>y dw,))^ h<^>, UMMUig or mif-prtvriy;'ml1, ptiMaki, ?h?ll b? <Jr?troy?d, l*a coiimimki of MV ??U. ? -*-? '? - M n MVT) IX Mvrul for lilt p?r?o? or pvvwTif, Owning or iolocealod ii ftek p^>*?cy,bring eblu against tfe bounty la which such property ?uiltn?U < ad btlrg, for tho recovery of raeh damage* or they may hare sustained, Jby rft , wn of the drtirnelioa thereof) and th< amount whleh ehall b4 recovered in sale eetloti, ahall l-e'paid in the manner provid ed l>y Seel Ion 8 of this set. Sec. 10. The! no poreon or pereona shall h entitled to the recovery of soeh damages, tl i hall appear that destruction of his or theii property was caused by hie or their illega conduct, nor nnleaa it shall appear that he oi they, spon knowledge bad of thy intention 01 attempt to-destroy his or their property, gr t< collect a mob for tbet purpose, and sufficient time iatervening, gave notioe thereof to i Constable, Sheriff, Trial Justice, or Justice ol the Peace of the County, In which such prop, erty was situated and being ; and it shell be the duty of sueh Constable, Sheriff, Trial Tusttee, er Jastice of the Pence, upoa receipt of suoh notice, to take all legal means neces* sary for tho protection of suek property so attacked or "threatened to be attacked ; and il such Constable, Sheriff, Trial Justice or Jus* tioe of Peace, upon receipt of such notice, 01 upon knowledge oi such intention or attempt to destroy such property in anywise received ballneglect or refuse to perform his duty in the premises, he or they so neglecting or refusing, hall be liable for the dnmages done to suoh property, to be recovered by action, and ?bail also be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor in office, and on conviction thereof, shall forfeit bis commission. Sec. II. That nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent the porson or persons whose property Is Injured or destroyed from having and maintaining his or their ac;ion against all and every person and persons engaged or participating in said mob or riot, to recover full damages for any Injury sustained : Provided, however, that no damages shall he recovered by the party injured against any of tho said rioters for the tamo injury for which compensation shall be raado by the eounty. 800. IS. That it shall be lawful for the County Commissioners of tho county against which damages shall ho recovered under the provisions of tho net to bring suit or suits, in tbo name of the county against any and, all persons engaged, or in any manner participating in said moh or riot*?and against any Constable, Sheriff, Trial Justice or Justice of the Peace, or other officer charged with the maintenance of the publio peace, who may be liable by neglect of duty to the provisions of this act, for tbo recovery of all dnmages, costs and expenses Incurred by said eouuty ; and such suita shall not abate or fail by roason of too many or too Tun portica defendant being named therein. Approved the 28th day of February A. D., 1871. AN ACT TO FURTHER AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED 44 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION OF PROPERTY." Section 1. Be it enaeted by the Senate and House of Representatives, of the State ol South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That the Act entitled " An Act providing for the assessment and taxation of property," bo, mi is heiehy further amended as follows : Strike out from Section 3, paragraph 10. the word " September," and insert " July ; " also, in paragraph 17, the word " November," and insert " August." Strike out, from Section 7, the words "September " and " October," in lines two and three, nnd insert " July " and August j" also, in lines six and nine, striko out " September " and Insert " July ;" also, in line flvo of Section 7, between the words " oath " and "of," insert " of all the rent has been sold or transferred since the last listment of property, for which ho was responsible, and to whom, slid." Strike out, from Section 8, the word " September," and insert " July." Strike out, from Section 9, tho word " September," and insert " July." Strike out, from Sections 10, 11 and 12, the words " September " and " October," and insert " July " and " August." Strike out, from Section 17, the word " No* vember," and insert " September." Strike out, from Section 19, the word " Oe...V ?? ...I t_. " A H w?vif iiitcib " nu^mii Strike out, from Section 20, the words " September " nn<! ' October," end insert " July " end " August." Strike out, from Section 21. wherever it appears, the word " October." end insert "August;" also, the word "S-ptember" and inseit " July also, the word " Nor ember " and insert "September." Strike rut, from Seel ion 23 and 31 the words "September" and "October," and inaert "July " and " August." Strike out, from Scot ion 33, tho word "September," and insert " July." Strike out, from Section 37, the woids " September" and Oetobrr," and inaert "July" and " August" Strike out, from Section 38, the word " August," and insert " June." Strikeout, from Section 41, the words " September " and " October," and insert " July " and " August," Strike out, from Section AO, the words " laondny of September, and second Mon* day in October," in the ?oo-ih line, and in sert " the second Mon< lay of July," and "second Mon lav in August al?t, in line A. strikeout " September," and insert " July also. In lines 14 and 21, strike out " October," and insert " August." St Iks out, from Section Al, the word ' September," and insert " July." Strike out, from Section 62 the word " Octoberand insert " Augustalso, it, line five, between the words "listed and," and insert "giving the first Christain name of the several persons." > Strike eet, from Sections 66, 67 and 68, the wprd " September," and iossrt ^July.'* oinse out, ironi ofsnon O.i, ail Alter the word " the," io line one, to " eighteen," in line two, itil insert " September Bret." Strike out, from Soelinn ?5. the words " second Monday of pocerober," and insert " lost Monday in Augu>t." Strike out, from 8?etioa 69, all after the word'* the " is lias one. to one," in line two, sod insert " thirtieth of 8-p'em her 0)*o, between " Htoto "v and " 9nf on I ho fourth line, insert and the County Commissioners j" also at?Ike out of Section AA, line two, the words ? sixty eight/' and lm ^#rt ** sarentyioos." , . 8Ulk? out Iropi Section 67 (l| after th< ^fi.d -??.* itfihe fideeatl. War, to ih. Al "}?o?,? ia th? ilillkilh 1??. end to "or Nfpre'lht lftth of Oo??t??f,* ilx alrike out Ike word# ** littj eight" ?her ! T*ZT'. In tke deetloo^enJ Inner I Strike out from Section 68, ell after th i wotil "thie/Ma the fifth line, to ** ennnilly, 1. 1e the e'|>t|i 1ine? nnd i|i?rt e*cond Mun ) <4*y ofQef^mber." <: . I Duiit ont worn 9?eiioo BV all arur m , word County," on fi th line, to the won . " end " oh alxth line, and inset I "on the firt ^ , Monday in Sept em b r." | 8trlke out from Section 72, all after th , word "Ilia" In the elxteenth line, to " an neatly," In the tame line', and' ifisrrt " No i Timber 18 th." I Strikeout fr< u? Section 78, line twenty r the word " January," and insert " No vein ' ber." r Strike out, from Section 70, the words " th< r first day of March," and insert " the fifteen!! > day of January;" also, strike oat the word I " April," and insert " February aim, th worde " the twentieth day of May," and tnser I 44 the second Tuesday in Mareh." Strike out, from Section 80, the won 1 " March," and Insert 44 Jannnry." I Strike out, from Section 89, the words 44 th ' 10th of November," and insert 44 tho 10th o September." Amend Section 00 by adding : Ami provide* f /urtker. That each County Auditor shall kee| a record of a'l sales of conveyances of res r property made in kis county, in which ho shal I enter, in oolumns, tho names of the purchase , and seller, the quality of lu'id conveyed, tin i (ocation and price of the same, and tborefron i eorrcct the county duplicates annually ; am > for the purpose of carrying out this provision the Clerks of the Courts, and Registers o Mesne Conveyance of each county arc hereby required to have the endorsement of the Coun ty Auditor on each and every deed of conveyance for real property, that tho same is on re eerd in his office, before the same ean be placet on record in the offices of said Clerks of Courti or Registers 6f Mesne Conveyance, end the said County Auditor snail ho entitled tooollcel a foe of twenty-live cents for his own use foi making such entry and endorsement." Striko out from Section 91 tho words "tho fifteenth day of January," and insert " November twentieth." Strike out from Section 92 tho words " firs! Tuesday in May," and insert, " 15th of Jan\iary." Strike out from Section 91 the words " first week in September," and insert " the second week in June;" also tho words "the first," ic sixth lino, and insert " the last." Strike out from Section 95 the word*, " th< first day of March," and insert "the 15th ol January." Strike out from Section 9tt all from the word " taxes," in second line, and insert " from November 20th to March 20th." Striko out, from Section 97, the words " first day of March," and insert " fifteenth of January also, strike out " the 20th day of May,'1 and insert " the fifteenth nl" February." Strike out, from Sec"ion 101. the word " Ju'v." t?n?l insert " A| til " Strike out, from Scoti-m It 5, the word " June." an 1 insert * M unit " Strike out. Irota Section lOfl, th? word* "the twentieth d-y of May," and insert " the fifteenth of February." Strike out. from 9'c'ion 1*7, the wordt "Ihe twentie'h day of MtlV." and insert " the se onJ T'tcdiV in June." pnd insert "the tenth of February " and" the first Monday in M irch ;"aU'?, on the t.wt-lAfh line strike out " June." ami insert " March." Strikeout, from Section 108, lite wordt "second Tue?day in June,"and insert ' first Monday in Strike out. from Section 112, the word ' Juty,"onl inaert " Ap?ll." Strike out from Section 132, the wordi "twentieth day of October," and inee:l " the laat day of August." Add to Sec'ion 145 the following word* : ' TheSlHte Auditor i? hereby authorized t<? hare tire city of Cliarleaton aurveyed am numbered, and to pl??? t!* > number* in i e mapicuoua place in front ol the building* oi lot*. And it ahull be a penal ofTcnc* for th< Ian ilord, ng? nl or tenant, to r>tnove th? same 11 Strike out, from Section 147. all i.flet " 147," and Inseit " the pay of Aa?eaaori altnII in no iottanoc l>e more than three dob lara per day for each day actually *U'1 neceaaarily employed in the per formarce o the duties joined upon them in tlii< Act." Sec. 2. AM-Ai-U or ports of Act* incon?i* tent with tlii* Act ore hereby r*-pealed, 8ec. 3. This Act *l.all take effect on and after lite tax levy shall he made for the fi?' oil year of 187 I. Approved the 9th day of March, A. D. 1871. AN ACT TO REOULATE THE DISPOSI TION OF FINES ANI> PENALTIES IM POSED AND COLLECTED IN CRIMI NAL CAUSES DY THE CIRCUIT COURT OF OENERAL SESSIONS AND TRIAl JUSTICES. Section I. Be it enacted by the Senate am] House of Representative* of the State ot South Carolina, now met and fitting in General AtiemMy, and hy the authority of the fame, Thai all fines and penalties imposed and collected by the Circuit Court of Ucnernl Sessions in criminal eausos shall he forthwith turned over hy the Clerk of said Court to the County Treasurer of the County wherein the same are imposed ; and all fines and penalties imposed and collected by Tri.l Justices in criminal eauses shall be forthwith turned over hy theu to the County Treasurer of their rrrpeetivi Counties for County purposes Proeitird, Tha where, by law, any person or persons entitled as informer or informers, to any portion of tb? fine or penalty imposed and collected, thesanx shall be immediately paid over to bitn oi them. Bee. 2. No account of the Circuit Solicitor the Clerk of the Circuit Court of General See , alone, the County Sheriff, or Trial Juilicee for fees in any eriminat cause heard or prose euted in the Circuit Court, or before a Tria Justice, shall be paid, unless thsy, severally sball declare on oath, that the costs in the eak cauee have not been recovered of the dofen dant, and that he, tbe defendant, was unabl< to pay the same; and. further, that all finei and penalties heretofore cdlneted hy then have been faithfully and fully paid over to th< County Treasurer of tbe Connfy, See. 3. Tf soy Clerk ot thefilrenft Court o General Sessions, County Sheriff, or Trial Jus ties, sball neglecter refuse to immediately pa< , over, as required by the first Section of tbi A at, any and all fines and penalties ool)ect#< by tham la any criminal hum or prooaodlag ho thai I od ecjpvletioe thereof, bo subject to i ft no / not less than on? hundred nor.more tbni i ono tktutiad dollars, sad imprisonment on j?dl tllnn thro*, nor norftbaa slYndatb*, am ( from holding Any office of trust and^t uo? i . der the StntO-ef South Cifolloa. fl y Appro r? arch MM. | t AN Act So RBQOWK ^IIB 4TAT* TR tp PA5* COWJUTYjRKAB^ ^ URER8 THE APPORTIONMENT OP 1 / THE STATE SCHOOL FUND FOB THEIR RESPECTIVE COUNTIES, AND House of Representative* of the State of South ? Carolin,?, now mot and sittip? in General A*1 eeatbly, and! by the authority af the' same, -That mlthtft Aiteea (16) dajra after the eppor> tionmont, by the State Superintendent of Ed ueatlon, of the Stake School Fund, and the annual tares collected by the State, for the support of School*, reaulfed hr Section 17 of ( an Act entitled " An Aot to establish and mafn? tain a iyptcm of Free Common Pcbeois for tbe State of South Carolina," approved February B I Sib, 1ST?, tbe State Treasurer fbatl pay to a the several County Treasurers tbo apportionI uicnt of the Fund and Tnxes aforesaid belonge ing to their respective Conntiea, according to t the certificate of the 8tate Superintendent of Education. j .See. J. That tbe several Connty Treasnrers sball retain all the poll tax collected In their respootive Counties ; and'it la hereby made the f duty of the eald County Treasurer*, In eollect* ing the poll tax, to keop an aeoonnt of the ex^ act amount of aaid tax collected in each Pariah or township in bia County; and tbe poll tax collected therein shall be expended for school I purposes in the Parish or Township from r which It was collected. B See. 3. Any violation of this Act by the j Slato or County Treasurers shall constitute, I and it is hereby declared, a misdemeanor ; and, on enn* let ton thurwif, ?k* an id .State and j. County Treasurers shall pay a line of not lets than five Kindred (600) dollars, nor more than Ave thousand (6,0t)0) dollars, to be used for school purposes in tba Connty suffering from dlch violation of this Aet, or Imprisonment, I in the discretion of the Court. ( In tho Sbnata-House, the twenty-third day | of February, A. D., one thousand eight bunt drod and deventy-one. . (.Signed) ALONZO J. RAV.STER, President of tbe Sfenate. (Signed) FRANKLIN J. MOSES, Jr., Speaker House of Repreeentativea. Approved March 1, 1871. t (Signed) ROBERT K. SCOTT, Governor, Holden's RemovalWe append it summary of She charges ' nnd ol the vote* on whivh Governor Hold ' en Iim been convicted end removed from office. The Raleigh papers stele lhat so f palpable was his guilt, from the evidence submitted, lh?t in three of the articles he i who convicted with the aid of Radical Sen1 o ators: 1, That W. W. Holden did incite John Hunnieutt, and oitiwr, ?* bunds of deeper* ate, inwl< se and aim-d men, to seize,detain ' and di'p- iv* Jonah Turner, Jr., of hia liber, ty, contrary to law. Vote?ayes 89 ; noes I 12. 2 That W. W. Hidden did procure ColoI n<-J Krik. ,L'euleuaiit Re g< n, and o'her desperate persona, of his so-called militia to a??*.nlt, ?eize and imprison J din Kerr, 1 Samuel F. 11$, and other citizens of North Caroiuia. contrary to law. Vole?ayes 33 ; ' npes16 . , '> 8 That W W. Hidden recruited armed I men Without authority of liar, under Kirk. I fnd illegally arrested A. O Moo c, ol the .County t?f Alamance artd refused to recog n:*e, on his hehslf, hy srnos and force, the 1 writ of half an corput, issued by the Chief I Just i<*e of the State. Vote?ay or 40 ; noes 9 4 That \V. W. Holden did, by an armed I and illegal force, srrest nineteen citizens of Caswell County, and direct Kirlr to hold them as prisoneis, in defiance of tlie will, I habrat .corpu* i?u? l by the Chief Justiee of the State. Vote?ny?s 41 ; noes 8. 6. That W. IV. Hidden did inearcerate JoWatt Turner. Jr., a eltiaen of North Caro ' lina, without warrant of law. and did also, ? under Ids authority, direct Kiik, and oth r era, to hang by the neck Paitnti, Murray, - mm miifr cinien? or norm Carolina, then ! being in tti? peace of the State, and did, from the public treasury of the peo|de, apr propriate Urge mima of money to maintain 1 l?l? arn)'?l and illegal force. Vote?ayes 30 ; n< or 13. I ft. That W. IV. Hidden did unlawfully, ' ap|>r"pi iat? Inrgc aurna of money from the public trmeury, and did cause the Ticaan. rer of the State, a sworn public officer, to iliercgurd and destroy the injunction granted hy l lie coui te of the State, real raining ' him from using the State fund* to maintain hie arm< d and Jllegil force. Vo'e?ayea 36 ; no?a 13. , ? ? ? The Report of the San Domingo Commissioners A dei patch from Key West to the New York Herald, re'eriiog to the arrival of * the Tenne?aee, with the 3>n Hoiningo Com , miisionere <>n board, save: Commissioner Wade ftnishel his report I on Saturday last, and submitted it to his i brother commissioner* on lbs following morning. It begins by (Mailing the work t of the commission, mi l goes on to describe I the political condition of the country.? i Mr. \Va<1? takes the gi^uud that lines is the /ar/o President of the republic, and that he ia in full and peaceful .possession of 1 the Government; that Cabral is a mere ' bandit, living ia a mountain district, where he ie sustained by ilayti. The people of St. Dmmngo, Mr. Wada cays, are over( whelmingly in favor of annexation. Titey ara deaeiilied as a quiet, orderly, indue ilt out race The charges of corruption , against United States offices in the nsgor tiaiion of the treaty of IDAf ara branded as villainous slandcra, without g shadow , of foundation. The repoit, which l< favor . able to annexation in every particulars , closes with the remark, toat " to embrace this oppoi tnnlly to plant our republican ' institutions and establish civil liberty and > Anictlenn civilisation upon that beautiful 1 and productive island, thus laying the ground >wotk of a gr?at. free and prosper* <>u* Siate. would a<!?1 another to the 1 itehievenienta of our|repn'?liqa worthy to 1 tank-with the grant aVmtaAf our lii*tory, and would bo equally beneficial to lho r p(o|>l? of both counting." . " Imou*tbv rmvekto vitja," SUlfTER mrrKHS prevent* Cbill and Favor, and 1 aura* Dyapapaia, Haartbura, Jadigeailan, ' and tiaaaral Debility. Wo know it I J ' ?I Try Wjoefl?*n'? OrjMliud Worm Candy I ? noon b?u#*f * * * * ** *. * * r %*,-W g"f; <aa|ktmvit.List>ai o. V, 1^1. \ * lioral Men," National Absurdities end Falsehoods. If 0*r? is one thing jnor? false ??f3Mn. eoftibjf end wWktd then another. R<WjMir reiterated assertion that lh? property sud lire* of " loysl citfacns " are threatened in Sooth, ot?-r<)y I'Wumm thry are loyal ; y. t we KySJT bo?p IUdionl journals. U?<li? i\l Cnnqrermien and a Radio* PiSaldetit. th? constant repetition of tIlls eharga. We lines the chnrl'y to believe tlist the Pr.-eident si d some oilier men of his pirty nre Imposed on hy inlse and interested Wliiiw e*. when they make each nss?-r<lons ? Ne iriy sll the property that has been do. gi r?jf'l In thi> South, Iim tb-en that be'otigIng lo peaoeah'e ci-Irene, of ili?m wono-n,.*Jl of whom h?pi?-n n<>t to b? of the pmillir loyalty of the Southern lladioal *011001; they were neither aegroee, cat pet-bagger* or scalawags of the Job Cacws order, who** " Tin Poi" property we* damaged by * little war, which his blackguard* inaugurated by firing on the white*. The loyal elt iaens (ereatrd ? > by Act of Congre**,) have been the only general de?troy*t*of property; tarn* and cin honte* and dwell irg* hare been burned by tome of the member* of the Union League, to an immens" amount; stealing ha* been carried on continually, and *till doe* not e*a*e, and th<sa *>m? loyal Union Leagner* have ins'allrd the carpet-bagger# and their low .whit* allta* in office, and given th- m the key* of the State Treasury, and enabled them to Steal million* ot property to take the very breed from tbe mouth* of white men's ohildie't by their taxe* and legislative rohheilcs, and where ten cent* worfli of property of the so-celled " truly toil" ha* been destroyed by vhdene* and wrong, tbooeand* of the en.oailed dieloyal bave been consumed and pilleged by the wretehe* who elaim all the loyallv Away with eueh mockery of truth, justice ami ete'eamanentp; rroteettng property and iinra of loyal ntea, inrfttd ! Your " lojrtl " men have loit no property. but have stolen much and destroyed much belonging to the honest people of Suu'h Carolina. And it is their wish and desire to be protected in their ttealing and crimes by the military power of a greet government, thel ninkee them ro peculiarly loyal and anxious for aweeping despotic, nneonstilti.ional laws to be enacted by Congress f<>r their protection. We have no toleration lor intolerance in politics or religion. We hold it as ahornin able and wholly unjustifiable to molest or <ii?torl> ?>?y man or se'. of men lor a mere difference of opinion In cfther. We have shown tliis spirit ths war, during the war, and since the war. Wa liava always taken shies against all v'.o enee, and sinee ti e war especially have retrained fiom all personalities. We venture to aey that no journal in the United States lias hern more modeiate and Iras personal in eenaorrs of polities! opponents, not baeause they may not bare deserved other treat merit, but our object has been peace. We liava denounced bad measures, and a<lvo rated such as we thought right; but we do not feel that it Is wrong to donnunee public robberies by officials, whether they b loyal ** Kadirals or anything; else. We have always protested against unlaw' ful violence, and we have the eatiafaction of eeeing the County in whirh we live, and seetiona adjacent, and in which our journal is moat circulated, the trust quiet of any part of the United States. We would not permit any citizen, if in our power to prevent it, to lie in any manner aesaulted or disturbed because he ehooscs t > be a He publican. We are happy to believe that stieh is the predominant leeling among us. In Greenville, the appointees of Governoi ScotT, and tome si them very avowed Republicans, wa think, lisve in en treated well always by the community ; even the colored magistrate is very kindly regarded, and there is no hostility to him he deserving the character of an honest man. We wish Green villa to continue Jibe same quiet and orderly County she has ever been since the war. and that Iter spit it may pervade the whole Rats. Wa shall mmag* to stop the plundering high tsses. and we are satisfied that th* tax officers from the Governor and State Auditor down will come to aid us; in so doing, there it yet hope. Paris in s stats of Revolution. No sooner had lbs Germans left Paris, than the leaders of the Red Republican part/ began to stir sp horrible mischief. The mob has taken pessessipn of the city to a great extent, and some of the forts, and hare bad a mock trial of some of the French generals, and pat them to death ; three or foar bare been so murdered. They bare fired on masses of the e it liens, and many of all ages and sexes bare been slain. Tsibrs and the French Assembly are at Versailles.he has frequently issued pros* tarnations to quiet the disturbers, and has called for troops from 'be country to quell them. The National Guards hare, in some quar ters of Paris, fraternised with the nob. I.ouia Nai?olkon is in Kngland. It is not improbable be will be finally recalled. In the meantime, Bismarck gives notice that unless the treaty is fairly carried out, be will hare the German troops marched bask to Paris. The world is getting oonvioeed that the French are j not capable ot self government. Horrible Ooourreoce in Spartanburg. I>r. WiNHMiTif, t very prominent gmtla man and one who has frequently rsprsaenU ad hia Diatriet In the Legislature, was ahot at liia residence last Wain-stay night. The report of thla lamentable etreunvtanee haa distressed o* exceedIngly, both on aeonunt of the victim himself, whom we have well known, and on aeeounl of the poblle ex* elt?ment which it ia calculated to produce We have heard various accounts ofthe affair that Ktnarillj stated, la this: On the night of the ooeorreace, a company of men, number uot stated, rode up to the house and called Dr. W. to the door ; he went, pistol in band, wnd opened It, and immediately eom. mraeed firing, wounding some of the men. It la supposed ; they returned the ahote with fatal effeat, but another runner la that th? Do* or aaay recover. \W TV# Pmiiyttrr o( S?Hh Carolina will MDVita at Fairalaw OVorah, la Gtaaa III# Ooorly oaf TVnratay, April 6th. - . V<??m m i ? I Mr aarr ra nrra Vara Wan uiada la tha 0U* Camalcr?, aad wa wiH fira astaadad notlaa In mr first < IK 'HI. Will J?L 11. ill! ' tlL?H"> 'I' Iooendiary Attempt. 8*a>* fRHu attempted to barn Mr. McDa-' e ridhi atab|M u?arlb on )li lotrlo tbia piaoe, i mo night bit work. A hole Was burned in c Mrib floor * t*** Wide, *ad directly under- J ne^jjfti It a atone.** fouod, shoving that the < wrOfloh ;b*d tbroVn it s?atonn?d with com?' 1 buatlble matariala Into the crib. Strong* to" i any, it lodged right botween two pilea of 1 bunks. and no tbe fiend did not euco*?d.? i VigiUnee a??l plenty of powder and abot i should be kept on story lot, day and night. l Fatal Accident. ^ Wii.i.iam Dodson, colored, whilst digging ( dirt at the hu? of a bank ftcrfr the GreentlHe f Railroad Repot, on Saturday hut, *?i sudden- ( ly ovrwhelmed by the falling of the superin> ( ouajbent earth, and died in a very abort time y from the injuries. The unfortunate man waa j an induslrious laborer, and was.workiog, aa be , had been for several years, In the employment | ol the City Coancll. I Telegraph to Greenville. The Daily U-ion mj ? thnt Hie telegraph line will soon he fii.l lied from Columbia to Newberry, end that In two or three month* the whole line will he finished to Green, vllle, and add*, that tin re ought to he let eral branches to Abbeville, Anderson and kleo to Spartanburg and Union. To the West. Rev. J. W. Wnrru, of the Rellvllle Female College, left for tlie West on laat Saturday for his family. He expresses himself highly delighted with our people , and the prospectant the Institution. Presbyterian Church in Rome. A building, costing flSOOO, ha* been opened at Rome, for Presbyterian worship. The pastor la Rev. Jamk- I.kwi*. of the Fiee Church of Scotland. New York Presbyterian have aided materially in the erection of this Church. CogvgssioNa. On Moi.duy evening lart' twenty persons, nine young m-n nod eleven girls and ladies, were received forb iptism at a meeting of the Greenville Baptist Church. Others are expeeted to maks pro. ftseiou of tiieir fuith in Jesus Christ. BT We have received n card of admis- j sion to the Cotton States Mechanics and Agricultural Pair Association, which ho|>ls a Horticultural Kxhibition on May 10th and lltli, at A'Jgusta, Oeo. ir Oodey's Lady's Book for April, has I been reerived, and la n splendid No None of the ladiei should he without it. Tits Steamship Tennessee, has arrived safely from St. Oumlngo in Charleston, with the United States Commissioner!-, who have procerJn] (o Wutiii g'on, M> Biu?kx, of WalhallA, has donated one ncre of ground, in town, fur lite purpose of erecting a Baptist Churclt there* on. P?S! A Voice from Fairview, S. C.?Keep the Ball in Motion. Editor*?If you plense, allow nre to ark. in behalf of all ? ho may feel inter'* es>ed, that in your iec? mniei.d .lions of our County ?* a desirable place to locate, ?t?\? thai all parties or pot lions of the County have a (air showing ia the picture. We admit lite superior advantages of the upper portion of the County, when compare.! with any other portions of the State. There the i ?nna m good mKi may lie made to yield Urge crop* of groin and grasses. water good and abundant for any desired end, atmosphere pure and healthful, mountain acenerv well-nigh equal to any in the world f Yet we hope you will apeak out plainly, and not insinuate, even through ignoring ilenee, thai the loaer portion is destitute of advantages, yea of many superior advantage*. Here we have fine water, and a aa lohrou* atmosphere, such a* keep moat of our people dittreiaingly healthy, and whilet we are compelled t<? admit that a large por I iota of the land wag nlways poor, and that it haahecn ahnmetully nhused.y et we cluim to be allowed to apeak, and are willing } thai facts shall l>e testimony?either for or against the lower portion of the County. | During the seasons of 1870, on thin npland, with little purchased help, the aver age per aere. on my small farm, tea? over 1,000 pound* teed cotton, (9 hales)?with lit [ lie help, aave the management, 600 hushela o' corn?over 5,000 bundles of g?od fodder ?over 200 buehela of wheat (15 per acre) (good qu lily) 80 or 40 hushela peas.? The o?l? would have been fair, but were blown down and lost nearly all in a storm. And now, Messrs. Edirors, we go on to say further, that all (he natural advantages claimed for On envUlo, or even the eels* hrated Cherokee, Oeorgia, must fail to influenra that alasa of emigrants that we so much need?unless we can off-r some other inducements, all our (forte must he of little Avail. In the lower portion of the County, we offer few facie, vis.; Our native pop ulalion ie rapidly calling in exercise lie dormant energies, they arc reclaiming their much-abused laud. Notes which snuff.d the breeges in eon tempi of b>ok farming and improved Implements, may be seen following joyfully a H> inly or Walt; Hp* formerly silent, may be heard chanting the harvest hymn ; manure-tasking, which was ones the except ion, has heonme the general rule I!! Compost heaps may be seen on almost every lat in M 1 The old fogy notion that mm were doing pretty well, who ould ktfp up a garden, Irish potato patch, turnip patch, 4i, is fast pasting away, or it has art enlarge its dimensions as to appear like another tlilns Now, ?ir*. if you ee'n believe it, in this ante section, (grievously burdened with taxes.) ?f#ry m*n, Slid not a few of the women, claiming to be farmers, haul out and judiciously apply scores of loads of reapcetahls barnyard compost ; noma of our two horse farmers go it by the oh# aundrni f and oeeaeionally throw ia a few seeks of Waado. Dissolved Bone, Plaster, and even Q^no!! I We are antieipatlng emn, lmproeewent la the way of manufacturing, As.?soon. Finally, I wish yon eegld son some of the wheat on eoeS leod,*wilh suoli help as we have given ; for example, my Experiment Lot, er "The Old New Oreendib*y look well. Tken, perliepe, you would be willing to give ue a pleea ia your future reoomroeedailoes. .. LATB BPXHNNER. 1 oo* ^katorii ox rii Ko Kloi.?In tbd ??Mi of t leaf d?l?tola IbtibaMton Tuea' 1*5 the condition nf the So+tb, Mr. 8mwyer/ 4 tbti Slat*, or^ed the of t Qenernl Imnhatjr Bid. lie nnid that if the enfranhlAhnnl of the hagroa in the kUoonatruction awl had been accohrpanled bf a general arnica fy to the white people, thia polio/ would lave been powerfalljr felt in removing bitterteaa and conciliating and barmonlaing all the' >eople. There Waa no danger of a new rebeltoo. He thoaeht the diaterbanoea in the 9uuth originated not froflh boetflity to th* General Government, bat that they war* id' iplrcd by disaffection with t|t local Govern-* nento. The men moat fitted by edooation and >oaitlon to talre part lh the affair* of the &ate ire excluded from all participation thefeUu ahile sound policy dioUtoa that all peblio |)lae?a abould be thrown open to all eitlien* alike, and all political diaaUllitle* and discriminating legislation wiped from the statute1 book. .Senator Robertson, froan tbia itlate, took the sante position, and urged an Amnesty bill under which the white men of the &>uth would bare all tbe privilege# of eitisenship. Tbe Kn Klux mast be pantebed for their crimes. Dot these would soon oeese if the &>utb we* legislated for wisely and effP cicntly. Tux Fxilkd Fnrsroft Nxroax- t? ? A c?rj respondent of A Niw York journal aayd that Napoleon intrude moving hia house-" hold to America shortly, and that- Fu? geoie ia already prepat lug to tfepart fn-mr Koglund lor New York aa the advance guard nl the imperial emigration.' HI* recent Highness and the ex-Prine? Imperial will bring up the rear in time. Juet ptevioua to the breaking out of the rar it is stated that Napo'eon had canted large investments to be made in New Yotk on hie account, but whether tbia statement, added to the other, amounts to anything, thongh both art on (lie ureal " l>eat authorltr " of J correspondent*. '? * mitUr whioh one can accept or not an lie may. Onk Hundrkd SraoNO.?The following Information comes to u? from Washington : *Th? It- im-erotlc at rang tli in ilia Hour*, will he inemod to 100 members by tha gain in New Hampshire, and the deciaion of the committee on slrcllon to day ia in favor of Elward*, Democrat, who*a eant was eon tested. Three more are expected from the Connecticut election, two from Ccli'ornia, and two from TvXaa, which will make the House aland at the next session, ISA H?pnhlieana to 10? Democrats As there are 210 member*, and a majority is 122 the Democrat* will then only laek fifte-n voles to oontrol the House. However, with their present number, which destroy* the tlt'n ill i t'fi A elite Bnit lli? ewlnfnpji?irtn(ila !li?y lire cnrstautly receiving fnMti the llev?nu? Reform Republican*, tliey Imve thus fur in the version carried every nvarur# iliey have brought forward, and drfrateif he mtempts of llie Radicals at cxtrcniw legislation.*' Wasiiisotow. March 24. The following proclamation has been isrnad : IT TIIB FRKSIDBHT OS TDK VSITED STATES or AMERICA?A FROCLAMATIOJt. Whereas, It ia provided in the Constitution of the United .States that the United States shall protect every .State in this Union on application of the Legislature, or of the Kxecuv live, when the Legislature cannot be convened, against domestic violence ; and, Whereas, it is provided in the laws of the United .States that in all cases of insurrection in any .State, or of obstruction to the laws thereof, it shall he lawful for tho President of the United .States, on application of the Legislature of such Rtale, or of the Kxecutivw when the Legislature cannot l>e convened, to eall for .ha aiililia of any other State, or Slates or to employ snch part of the land and naval force as shall he judged necessary for the purpose of suppressing such iniurroetion,. or of causing the laws to be duly executed; and, Wbcrens, I have received information that combinations of armed men, unauthorised hy law, are now disturbing the peace and safety of the citisens of the .State of .South Carolina, and committing acts of violence in said .State of m character and to an extent which renders the powers of the State and its officers unequal to the task of protecting life and property, and securing public order therein ; and, Whereas, the Legislature of said .State is net now in sersion and cunnot be convened in time to inert the present rmer^cucy, and the Executive of raid .Vtale has therefore m?de application to mo for suoh part of tho military foroe of iL. 1? ?Ia^J Oa_a__ . a - iuv v uimii ? up DiNjr no neeumr; and adequate to protect snitl .V'oto ond'tbe ritisene thereof against the domett to violence hercinbefure mentioned, and to enforce the duo execution of the laws ; and, Whereas, tbo laws of the United .States require that whenever it may he necessary, it* the judgment of iho President, to nso the military f .100 fur the purpose aforesaid, he ahal| forthwith, l?y proclamation, command such Insurgents to disperse and retire peaeeahly to their reshcetive ahodes within a limited time Now, therefor-, 1, Uljrocs 8. Grant, Poi lent of the Un itrd Slat. *, do hereby command the p-rsoits cxiitioring the uir> liwliil t omb thill ions t.fttresti-1 to ilitperie and r.tire p-tiscab'y to thsir r? |woti?? abode* within twtt ty dsn front this date. In wilner* where.11, I have hereuntoset my hand and iiemed the a-al of the Uidtad Stat, a to he affixed. I), t e nl the O.ty of \VaaUt<4fto'i tli'a 24 th ?i ?v ?'f Mar-It, in the >ear of our I.nvd, 1*7 I. and of the Ind-p^ndenco nf the United St ties the ninety-fifth. <di*nrd> U. 8. GRANT. Hy the IV aitlvnl: 11 s miltoK Ftsu. S. ersfury of State. A llttAi/rtiv *.?Ll'o la rendered nti?crithe alien lite digetlvq organs are iiii|mii ). F?>. d lieeiHtna r-piil lsc ; the Isslr pinaciated ; the mind dcpecea-d, and titeiwonlto!y bsaotis ?r-r jrov. TUTITS VE'lKTAliLK I?lVKU PH Ld U the remedy lor the e evils; t.ey p o iuo- eutiml dl g'oti -n ; eTonfe a b?v-?T appefl'e. Impart reft-roliing ela-p and aha rfuthe-e of mind. 1 1 Oeuumi. S. f\. March ??. Hole* of widnil, yeet?r?lay, It tal?*?u>id* dllng tiJQIfte. Obablwto*, March tl. Cotton qu*?t?middling 14 ; racaipta 4ft balea ; re lea 500 ; atock 21.444 New Tow, Mo rah ft. Cotton doll and heavy, with Hha of 4.697 balea, at 1^. Flour?Southern m, eh*okaH; common to good antra 4.900 I. ou; g. od u> choice 7. 66?#. 00. Wlii?ky firm, at 91$ Whr?t dull aad heavy? winter red ai d amber Wrat-rn 1 60($2 71, Corn a ahade flrm-r, at 00*100; yellow Southern 04. Mom perk 01.64Q21 76.? B~*? airady. Lard atroog, at \7i. Gold. Lmeaaoot, Maroh 07. Oottao Heady and raater?opianda 7* : Orleoaa 7|; sale* 14,000 bale#; export and speculation 8,000.