University of South Carolina Libraries
W Tk? T?M:?pk |H?I?I hiT? bwo rtatad m brlp M NawUrr*. and IM w?r? will doubtless feooo be niM^wl. ' Bin Ywoi ?I* e?nrrooo with many bther* ?? have felt a lively interest It) the ii*?U|(tiMii which Dr. Ayer has heen making to discover the HlaM of failure ot the baTr, and to provide a rtra-dy. Hie renesrohee are Mid to have beeb bin eh more thorough and enhauetlve than any aver Made before. The reauk la now before ue under the name ot Area's Ham Vio<?a ? We have given it a trial, and with lull Ml iefavtlon. It ?quali our mnet favorable antleipatlbna Our gray heira have dieeppeered, or resumed their original eolor j and a vieilile crop ?f no ft, ailken hair haa started on a part of the scalp which waa entre ly bald.?Daily Voici, botfon tt-ft Stttomm Bomsmt Earners!* a ?Of many new Bout hern anierpriara which have been undertaken ainee the war, none have mot with greater or more deserved tone ere than tha door, rash and Mind manufactory of Mr. I* P. Toale, In Charlceton, 8. C. By hard work, indomitable energy and liberal advertising. Mr. Toale haa in three years outstripped all eompeiition and ealablished n hnrlneea which would do credit to any ?Hy In the United 8tatee. 42-6 Cooking Stoves. I II.tVK JUST reneired a supply ot Sret-elaM COOKING STOVES, at BSKprlwi ranging n>m $20 up, towhloh the attention of City and country families is sailed. A. J. ROSS, Nearly Opposite the Post Offlco. Mar 22 46 tf DENTISTRY! DENTISTRY! JQ. McDAVlD graduate or the Pennsylvania College of Denial Surgery, session 1800-07, respectfully offer* hi* professional services to the cltitens of Greenville and surrounding country. Having acquainted himself with the modern improvements of bis profession, he hopes, by triet attention to business, tv bo aole to give ati*faotion. Office on tbe corner of Coffee and Mala Streets, in H. A. Cauble's former residence, up stairs. J. Q. MoDAVID, D. D. 8. Mar 72 40 3m Notice. TIiK undersigned wish to employ, and will pay a lli'trsl price Tor ? good CURRIER AND LEATHER FINISHER, at tbeir Tan Yard, eight miles west of Pendleton, on the Blue Ridge R. R., at Harpers Mills. Address us at Pendleton. Tnos. A J. E. HARPER. March 22 40 2 DISSOLUTION. THK PARTNERSHIP heretofore exist, ing under the name and rtyle of DAVID 8c STRADLEY, IS THIS DAY DISSOLVED, BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT. The Business will be conducted at tlie old stand by J. A. DAVID, to whom all indebtedness must be Eaid, and by whom all claims will e. paid. ~J. A T> \ UTE>. SAMUEL STRADLEY. March 7, 1871. 40-4 Paris Mountain LgXS,KSHh Acres, I..i merly the residence ot General Waddy Ttiompaoo, situate five miles from the City of Greenville, Is offered for sale. There are two comfort able dwelling houses on the premises with all necessary out- build logs. There is a fine orchard of choice fruit trees. Two or three hundred acres Itsva been cleared, and wa# formerly in cup HTHion. lit* eitiiMtii n it a magnifie-nt one for country rwidtnrc, commanding an extensive lira of ihe lluunlalne, ilia City of Greenville, and the surrounding country. There ia a fine spring of water on the mountain near live residence. The a nil ia productive and fine crops were grown on the place during the lif-tune ol General Thump aon. Tlte prnpartt will be fold low for caah, and a bargain may he obtained Apply to Meaara PERRY A l'EKRY, at GteetiviHe, 8. C, or to the Proprietor at Madieoo, Florida. CAROLINEC. JONES. Mar at 48 tf The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Court off Common Plena. JOHN M jONKS. 7Ywa/ee. Again?t CORNKLIA A. THOMPSON, Adminilra trier.?-Deere*_fo> Publication. IT a| pvarlni to my n< iafaetion hy affidavit, that the Defendant ia non*re?id-nt and that ahe ia a prop?r party to thia aelh>n, and that a eanae of action exist aguinat her : It |a ordered, that aerviee of summons he merle by publication, and that llila notice he published once a week for aix weeks, in the k'nterprim and Mountaineer. It ia fat titer ordered. That a copy of llila summons and eowpMnt. be (otihwiili deposited in the Post Office, directed to lha defendant, at Madison Conrt ilou*e. Florida. S J. DOUTHIT. Prohate Judge Greenville County. M?rcl, *l-t, 1871- 48 1871. ?rr,?? Trace. JgJJ Croquet. Complete sete from 83 to $20 per set. Bone Bulla. All the different kinds tt red need prices. Flthinf Tackle. i Of every description. Traveling Rags. Tor ladies end gentlemen. Foreign Faucy Uoods. Onm and Pistols off all Kinds and Prices Amnanltlou, Sportsaaeu's Goods. Goods shipped to snjr part of the conn try per espress. The same careful attention gir> en to orders hy assi! as to personal pare bar A. Prises for ear feeds based en gold at par. POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., J00 W. BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. MD. March it 4ft * ly DK, HERRT P. GOODWIN, LIMA* H. O., RESPECTFULLY tenders bis PROFESSIONAL trsviPBS .a r .? ?? ?V ?H? pUWBlC. Mareb 16 4? ** The State of Soath Carolina) ORRP.NV1LLR COUNTY. fig S. J. DOVTHIT, Kequire, Judge of Prohat* of 'aid Count*. W1I KflKAH, A 8. Daaoan, ha* ftl?d a Pe tllloa la my Of**, p?my ing thai LatUri of AdmiatauaaW an aH aad alngalar tha good* aad ebatula, Hah la and nradlta of HORACSO. BALFOUR, daaaaaad, abould ba granted to him. Tkett art, there fort, to atta and adfaonlah all and lingular tha kindrad aad araditora af tha aaid dooaaaad, to ba aad agiaar la it* i roniu rot hM County, to be bold, en at Greenville Court Htwie, on iko tld Hoy oj March inet., to ikow eeue, If mjt, wbj'tbe aid Adailnlet ration ibneM eot bo era a ted. 8. J. DOUTHIT, J. P O. C. OfHee of Judge of Probata, Mareh 8, 1871. Mar f& 48 t jfcfaafeaga*!s111 L f. ?i? CONSUMPTION. Its Cars and Its PrsTsntiT#* . BY J. H.SCHENCK, M. D. MANY a human being has |nun4 away, for whose d?ktk tber* *m no other reason than tba neglect of known and tadieprtobl; prom moans of ear*. Thoio noar and doar to family and friends are sleeping tbo dreamless slumber into which, had tbey caimiy adopted DR. J08BPU H. SCHENOK'8 SIMPLE TREATMENT, and availed tbemaelvea of hit wonde.-fai eflcaelom modicinea, they would not have fallen. Dr. Bchenk baa In blaown oaaa proved that wherever auScient vitality remaina, that vitality, by bia mediclnea and the direction* tor their uae, la quickened Into healthful vigor. In thla atatement there la nothing preantnpU uoua. To the faith of the invalid la made, no repreeentatlon that la not a thouaaod timea aubaUntlated by living and vialble worka. The theory of the care hy Dr. Schenck'a medieinea la aa aim pie aa it la unfailing. Ita philoaophy requirea no argument. It ia roll-a* aurlng, aelf-convlnelng. The Seawood Tonie end Mandrake Pilia are the drat two weapona with which the citadel of tbo malady la aaaailed. Two-tbirfla of the caaea of oonaumption originate in dyapepala , and a functionally diaordered liver. With thia oondition the bronohtal tubea " aympatbiae " with the etomacb. They reapond to the morbific action of the liver. Here then cornea the culminating reault, and theaettlng in, with all ita diatreaaing ayroptoma, of CONSUMPTION. The Mandrake Pilla are compoaed of one of Nature>'a nobleat gifta?the Podophillium Peltatum. They poaaeaa all the hluod-aeerobing, alterative pmpertiea of calomel, hut unlike eulomel, they LEAVE NO STINQ BEHIND." id< worn 01 cure Is now beginning. Thai vitiated and mucous deposits in tba bowels I and in the alimentary canal are ejected. The liver, like a clock, ia wound up. It arouaea from its torpidity. The atomach acts reaponaively, and the patigpt begins to feel that he ia getting, at last, A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. The 8eawood Tonic, in conjunetien with the Pills, permeates and assimilates with the food. Cbylifieation ta now progressing without ita previous tortures. Digestion becomes painless, and the cure is seen to be at band. There is no more flatulence, no exacerbation of the atom acb. An appetite seta in. Now comes the greatest Blood Purifier ever yet given by an indulgent father to suffering man. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup comes in to perform its functions and to hasten and complete the cure. It enters at once rpon its work. Nature cannot be cheated. It collects and ripens the Impaired and diseased portions of the lungs. In the form o( gatherings, it prepares them for expectoration, and lo ! in a very short time the malady is vanquished, the rotten tbrone that it occupied is renovated and made new, and the patient, in all the dignity of rcgainod vigor, steps forth to enjoy the manhood or the womanhood that was. GIVEN UP AS LOST. The second thing is, the patients must stay in a warm room until they get well*; it is til* m ist impossible to prevent taking cold when the lungs are aiseased, but it must be preven* , ted or a cure cannot be effected. Fresh air and ridiug out, especially in this section of the country in the fall and winter season, are all wrong. Physioians who recommend that course lose their patients, if their lungs are badly diseased, and yet, because they are in the house tbey must not sit down quiet; they 1 must walk about the room as much and mm r??t as the strength will hear, to get up a good circulation ol blood. The patient* must keep in good spirit*?he determined to get well. This gram strat to tfv wtiti ibo appetite.' and la the great point to gain. To despair of care after auch evidence of ita possibility in the wotat cases, and moral certainty in all othera, ia ainful, Dr. Sckenck'a peraonal statement to the Faculty of hia own cure waa in theao modest worda : " Many years ago I was in the last stages of consumption ; couAned to my lied, and at one tisae my physicians thought that I could not live a week ; then, like a drowning uian catching at straws, I heard of and obtained the preparations which I Mow offer to the public, and they made a perfect care s< me. It eocmed to uie that I could feel them penetrate my whole system. They soon ripened the matter in my lungs, and I would spit up more than a pint of offensive yellow matter every morning for a long time. As soon aa that began to subside, an/ cough, fever, pain and night sweats all began to l%nve me, and my appetite became ?e great that it waa with difficulty that I could keep from eating too much. I anon gained my strength, and have grown in flesh ever since." *' I was weighed shortly after my recovery," added the Doctor," then looking like a mere skeleton ; my weight wee only ninety seven, pounds; my present weight ie two hundred and twenty-flve [225] pounds, and for years I ' have enjoyed uninterrupted health." Dr. Hcbenck baa discontinued hia prcfea ional visits to New York and Boston. He or his eon; Dr. J. 11. Hcbenck, Jr., etill continue In see patients st their sffss. No QI..L, . . , ?'iaiu i ttreet, Philadelphia. every Saturday from 8 A. M. to 3 P. M*. Those wbo wish a thorough examination with the Respirometer will be t charged $5. The Respirometer declares the < exact condition of the lungs, and patients can i readily learn whether they are curable or not. i The directions for taking the medicines are adapted to the intelligence even of a chi.d. Follow those directions, and kind Nature will i do the rest, excepting that In toaae cases the j Mandrake Pills are to be taken in increased i doses ; the three medicines need no ether ac c companitnents than the ample instructions that ? accompany them : First create appetite. Of j returning health hunger la the roost welcome symptom. When it comes, as it will come, let the despairing at once be of good choer. Good , blood at once follows, the eough loosens, the f night swest Is abated. In a abort time both of these morbid symptoms are gone forever. ' Dr. 8cbenck's medioines are constantly kept ' in tens of thousands of families. As a laxa- ' tive or purgative, the Mandrake Pills ars a ' standard preparation ; whiia tba Pulmonic Syrup as a curer of eoughs and colds, may he regarded as a propby lacterio againat eonsump- 1 tion in any of its forms. ? Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonis, fl.&Oa bottle, or $7.80 a half dosen. Mandrake Pills, D cents a box. For salo by | all druggists and dealers. Wholesale Agent, JOHN F. HENRY, No. 8 College Place, New York City. March 23 48 ly Farm and Residence FOR gSl J%. T .Til I ?? i m M m Mm THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sals his " ORKKN " FARM, of about Two Hun. dred Acres, a little more than a mil# from the corporate limits of Greenville. The Mouse is ] a large and comfortable one, containing eight rooms with fireplaces, and two others without j fire places. On the pises ars orchards of Apple, Cherry and Peach Trees, a body of Woodland, a piece of very rich BOTTOM LAND, and a large bed of clay suitable for brick making, out of which large profit maybe made. The plaee la supplied with an abundanee of most excellent water, one of the springs being strongly chalybeate. FOR TERM8, apply to the snbseriber at Greenville. JAMES C. FUKMAN. Mar 18 48 If' WM J. RANDOLPH STONE CUTTER AND BUILDER. aMRv LOCATED on Falle Street, one square of Messrs. Gpwer, Cox A UKANITB of *11 doacrfptiona , furniahed and out to ordar. TOM 118T0NR8, with flranita or Marble f ?" jl Ptfdcitala Raj ba bad on application, j 1EE255? Special atlantlon guaranteed to all work. IJ-tf Jan 18 ^ ? ???????? , Notice ; TS hereby girea to all wboaa It may concern, 1 tbat I will apply to 8. J. Dontbit, Pro- 1 Cate Judge of OrtMfill) County, for a Anal dteebarge, on t\* 18tk Hay of April_njxi, aa mmwwmmw OI lot) AIMI* ?r JUHKPH A. MOCRB, J*o?aa?d. 8. f. BARTOIf, Kx???tor. M aroh 11, 1*71. 46 6 1 HOVbDXKG AM : DRBS8BD Flooring, Coiling, Weather Boat Over a hundred different Pattern* of > lor sale at New York price*. Mantel-Piece*, abort notice. Stair Rail, Newel* and Dalluatei to order. Good and Substantial Work made a* cben United State*. We bare on band the largest Baltimore, all of wbieb wo guarantee will gin Substantial Work. Tbe subscriber* can refer I Carolina and Florida, as to the character of th V Opposite Wando Fertiliser Works, and in Pavilion Hotels. Mai 1871. 1871. Spring and Summer MARSHALL & BURGE. 7 CHARLESTON, S. C. WE ARE OFFERING TO THE MERcbants of the interior, a LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE or FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS AND wr mj? rmr *: mzm mt sb 9 Which we sell at the lowest market prices to prompt paying customers. MARSHALL A BUROE. Mar 8 48 3m The State of South Carolina* GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of sundry Writaof Ft*ri Facta* t-? me directed. I will sell, before the Court House door, on Saleedny in April next, between the hours of 10 o'clock In the forenoon and 8 o'clock in the aftern- on. All that piece or parsel of Land. r?inu?i?i*?<r (3&0) Thre? ana Fifty Acres, more ir less, adjoining lands of Wm. Cox, Wtn. West and others. Also, the following personsi property, to wit: On Tuesday after Saleslay in April noxt, at Defendant's residence, I sorrel Mare, I sorrel Horse, 1 Mule Colt, I Colt, 3 Milch Cows, 4 Yearlings, S Calves, 20 bead of Sheep, I Sow aad 2 IMgs, 3 Shunts, 200 bushels at Cvro, 4 stacks of Fodder, One l'wo Horse Wagon. 1 Clock, 1 Wardrobe, 2 Feather Beds and Bedding, 2 Mattresses and Bedding, 4 Bedsteads, 1 Bureau, 1 Folding Leaf Table, 1 dozen common Chairs, 1 Side lai.l., 1 C.J.I I. I !- > * * urn vuuHiug ijicnsns. Levied I >n ss Ihe properly of E. C. Cunningham, at .he suit of George W. Williams A Co. and >tbers. Homestead in toe above case, to be let off before day of sale. also, On Tuesday after Sales-dny in April, the personal property of Charles Terry, to wit: I Mare and Colt, I black Pony, 1 sorrel Mare, I white Yearlings, 1 Cow and Call, 1 Slab, 1 Centre Table, I Candleatand, I Looking Glase, I set of Drawers, I lot of Boxes, 1 Ox Cart, I Raw-hides, 2 parsels Lumber, 14 small lloga, >0 Bee Gums, I Bale Cotton, 1 Ox Yoke, i Cora filidkf,< bushels Wheat, 1 Wheat Fan, 1 Boxes, 2 Barrels, 7 Sheep, 1 Bureau, 2 Setecs, 1 Chest, 1 Bowl and^P.iteher, 2 Chairs. I Table and Stand, 1 Buggy and Harness, 25 (ushels Corn, ( lot Sundries, 12 Chairs, I dining Table, also Defendant's interest in the 1 Sullivan Manufacturing Company." Lev* ed on as the property of Charlea Terry, at ha suit of I,. Lendbardt and others., All Defendant's right, title and interest in he Estate of Peter Taylor, deceased. Levied in as the property of James N. Taylor, at the init of Win. Trammel and others. Sold at the 'iek of the former purchaser. also, One Hundred and Seventeen Acres of Land, nore or less, lyiag on South Tygcr River, ad-oining lands of tgastius Few, James Nesbitt ind others, being a tract of land conveyed by lefendant to Mary Bailey. Sold as the propirty of J. J. Bailey, at the suit of K. D. Long, Assignee. ALSO. All the Defendant's right, title and lute at in a Tract of land conveyed by Defend tnt to Caroline Hall, lying on the northeast irong of Reedy River, containing EightyAer?-s, more or Las. Sold as the property if W. Berry Hawkins, st the suit of W. J. Black <fe Co. ALSO, Four Hundred and Twenlv Acres of Unii, more or IrM, lying on the North Jnrolina line Sold ?e I lie property of W. A. Bishop, at the suit of Michael U hlimire. Terma <a?li Puichaaereto pay for ainmps nr.d paper*. J. L SOUTHERN. S. 0. C. SberifT* Office, March 7th, 1871. Mar 8 43 4 Carolina National Bank of COLUMBIA* S. C. Capital 8tock Paid In, S200.000. . o; ?? BOARD OF DIRECTORS: . L. D. CniLDS, President. t)a. J. W. Pinna, R. M. Wallace, f oh a 8., Dr. John T. Darbt, K. Mors, Richard O'Neal*, Jr. C. D. Melton, Attorney. rot" W. B. GuLitK, C. J. IRKDRLt., Caahier. Aaaiatant Caahiar. :o; THE capital atock of tbia Bank la now $200,000, all of which haa been paid in, and confirmed by the Comptroller of the Car* rency. Authority baa alao been received for t farther Increase to the amount of $60,000, >f whioh over $20,000 haa already been taken. Peraona wishing to make an investment abould tpply without delay. The Burplus Fund is ia? oon n.?. -?> ?? ? - - -L ,w.. vwm. wjnm ill RIUCK. The Carolina National Rank iaauea certifiwtM of depoait, baaring intaraat at tba rata >f Mran par cent. par annum. Thia faatare tf ita buaincaa makaa it practically A RATINGS BANK, Ind attention it called to the fact that tba afety of tbcaa depoaita, aa wall aa all othere, ire gnarantaad by tba wbola capital of tba lank. No aafar mode of tamporary inveeiaant ia offered to tba public than tbia?tba lapoaita being payable on demand, or on abort lot ice. Depoaita of any amount received lither in currency or ooin, and payable io the lame. Intaraat will be paid at tba end of >ach aix men the, ahould depoaita remain beroed that length of time. Columbia, S. 0., January 28th. 1871. F?b 1 ST' 8m 1ST Subscribe for tbe Ektkr- i pkm?, $2 per year in advance. F&AVIHG' MX&&. rda, SholVihg, Box Boards, Ac., Ao. lou)^ ngs, making over 108,000 fact on bsnd Door and Window Frames made to ordsr at i of Walnut Ittd Mahogany, on band and made p at this establishtneht as can bs tends in the stock of iho above Goods snhth of the City of ? entiro rntisfaction to all who want Good anp to gentlemen all over this Stats, Georgia, North sir work for the past twenty years. V. P. RUSSELL & CO., BAST END 11 A SKI, 8TKEET, i the immediate vicinity of Chnrlesmn and rch 15, 1871. 45-t S 21 V. 9. MARSHAL'S SALE. South Carolina District?In Equity. George F. Towkbv vs. Hodges Bros., et al. BY virtus of a decree of the Honorable tli? Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Souil. to mo dl r?ct<-u ana deliverer! in the above c#??, I will f*p<we fur aale'lo the high-at bidder, nl put-lie auction i?i Greenville Court House, on MONDAY. the 3d Hay ol April. 1871, being the fiist Monday of raid month, AH that Valuable and DESIRABLE PROPERTY, in the town of Greenville, known a* the "Grady Lot," said lot front ing 80 feet on Main street and the Public Square, 800 teet on Spring stt eel and 111 fret on Palls street. On the premises is a Tw?.?Storv Brick House (tin roofed), 75 feet by 24 fret in the clear, fronting on Main sire*t. with side door on Public Square, and a good Two-Story Frame Dwelling House with seven rontn*, (five fire-places), nil in good repair. The STORK is one of the best Lu?|n-es stands in the town, and the Dwelling is approximate and yet private. On the lot is a well of good water, and an excellent public spring near by. The Garden is a large and excellent one. The annual rental of this properly is worth from H.tiOO to 1,200, and it is m?c-ptihle of gteat improvements. Altogether it is one of the most desirable investment* in this th-ivii g young c tv, which is on the line of the Atlanta and Richmond Railroad (the shortest line between New York and New Orleans), and 140 mile* front Columbia by mil. As ibis property is sold nnder a decree of foreclosure of a mortgage given W ihe purchase monsr* ?' ? stile# are considered hnttspu table. Tei ins of sale?Cash. Purchaser to pay U. 8 Marshal for all necessary papers and Internal Revenue stamps. L E JOHNSON, U. 8. Marshal District of S. C. xt?? o 4 Ti.* II' i E \v8 I,i \ e I v. The niii d I* t lie t-iiiiiI n( the 1 iV- ind i n'r<4 ih- |.-ne nieul.i* l.ei'i iii jjii <] tepnir. i lie iinuim ; 1 < ?-<-1?| :i cil l? deft fd, di?l i nil -Ill, ii-I '-MI'le. mill in-' iliiii'i* a* llnoii'jli n ulan, dm IiiInn tin itiey r'fltlv n e. When the *liinmi'li in letixed. the liver torpid, the liuwih dirotd* ed, and the nnvn i-n,?iinii'.?, invigorate, vha'iz-, I'-^uliiu ami lone I hem wiiii TA It RANTS 9F.LTZER APERIENT. Its op-ration is ceilain. pninh-s and salutary. It bring* the action of there impmiant organ* into conformity with the law* of health ; the *pii It-1 ri?e, t he '.it nin cl.-a?* and the capacity to enj.iy lirc i? trt oi-ril io de-| onding invalid*, fcoj.l hy all H-ng-' i?l*. 4 2- -5 COTTON SEED MEAL. N'OTIIINO el*e in the world will make a milch cow I>0 HER REST, in either quantity or quality. Feed not over four pint* at each meal, and your own c>w will convince jou ? Pi ice f3rt.00 p<*r ton, ea*h with order, with discount for larger quantities. COLUMBIA OIL COMPANY, or Oil Meal und Iinnc Fvt-iilizer. lur-1 ni-h>-d hi 135 per t?n cmh C.itionSe.d t onuht or contracted for to he delivered in July ami August. 42-1 March 1 CITIZENS' SAVINGS RANK OOUTS CAROLINA. Deposit! of $1 and Upwards Received INTEREST ALLOWED AT 7BE PATE OP 8EVEN PER CENT. PER ANNUM. ON OERT FIOATES OT DEPOSIT AND SIX PER OE>VT OOMPOUN >>ED EVERT SIX MONTHS ON ACCOUNTS. OrriCKRS?Wm. Martin, Presidont ; John B. Paluier and John P. Thomas, Vice Presl dent; A.I. Breniscr, Cashier; John C. B. Smith, Assistant Caahier. Dirrctorm.? Wado ilnmpton, William Martin, A. C. Ila?kell, F. W. McMaster, John P. Thomas, K. II. ilcinitah, John B. Palmer, Thomas K. Gregg, Columbia. J. K'i Gregg, Marion ; G.T. Scott, Newberry ; W. 0. Mayes, Newberry ; B. II. Rutledge, r'knrlt.1,.1. - IJ 1 ?- el >? Branches at AbbeTille and Newberry and other point*. A general Banking business done. 40-3m Feb 22 Edwin J. Scott, Son A Co., S A IT E S H O AMD BP. OSEP.O, COLUMBIA, S. r. WITH AMPLE FACILITIES, THEY offer Liberal accommodation* la tbe Discount of Note* and Drafts; the purebaie and sale of KXCHANQE, SPECIE, ' BONDS, STOCK, , BANK BILL8, AC., and the COLLECTION OF COM M Kit CI A I, PAPER, p% Interest allowed on Deposit*. Feb 22 41 3m Notice 1 8 hereby given that I will apply, to S. J X Doulhil, Probate Judge of Ureenville County, oh the !8tA day of April *?/, for a Inal discharge as Administrator of the Estate of DAVID BA RNETT, deceased. All parties having claims against said Estate, will present theu to me or the Probate Judge, on or be- I fore said day. LEWIS McOAULY, Adm'r. Marohll, 1871. 45 5 COLUMBIA HOm; COLUMBIA, ?. C., vrit. Pboprhtor. Tug Piopr.otor of iko pl'tuniw loooted ond rUftontlv fornMtcd KMablUhra?Di,it iho Stato Oupltal, 'Ultra io lofoim th? li-mtUing poblto and ?th?ro a^oVinf ?eontroodailon* tliot tht "Columbia" la in or* ry rripai n fl*ot*e)aoo Hoi of. uivrarpund by nny io tit* Btalo or Uto Unil?-d UlalN. -Situ?ted In iK* buiinxM emir* of tfco aity, with (bio lory* nlry room*, and lahlr ?np|ill-d with i?nr^ delioaey of the mmod, both k??w iwr* nuu v??nviion marifiA, the Proprietor |ileV(*t that no ?ffuri| will he spared to give pei feet satisfaction ia every reepcut. A first efe?s Livery Stable Is ettsuited to the lloul, where vehicle* of every <t*ecrip tiou sen he Ua<l at the shortest notice. Oinnihueer attend the arrival and departuie of everv Train. VM dURHAH. Proprietor and Superintendent. J. D BUDDS. Cashier. Feb 16 39-tf REDUCTION OF PRICES. HHVING been enabled to charter ehlpe I lie past year at leia freight than heretofore, we are now giving planter* the benelit of llita advantage, by offering to thrm . PIKE NIX GUANO, Wilcox, Glbbt A Co'* MAN IP ULA TED G UA NO\ GUANO SALT AND PIASTER COMPOUND, At Reduce.! P. ices. The gt)?d merit* of these FoitlMzcia arc too well knotrn by pln'i'r.g throughout the South, to need|Iut inenij -n VILCO.W GIBBS A CO.. lmpoiter* and D?ab ra in Guanos, 148 llay St'Cet, Sivannah, On,, 241 B'Oib.Sired , A"cu?ta, On., 151 Eisl llay. Chnileston. S. C. APTLY TO DAVID & 8TRADLEY Agentt, Greenville, 8. C Read what one of many thousand plantera o< Wilcox, G'bb* A Co.'s ManionInli d (?nano, GREF.NV1LLE. S. C.. Eeb. 6, 1871. Mrs rn. Wilms. Gibb? <t Co : AT your lequcsi, I etve you my expe I'ieuce with the Wi'cox, Gibbe A C<\'a MANII'UL<)TKI> GUANO. I cultivated a live arte tiotd last. year, which was rotori <u?ly P'uir, nnd by using one bag (200 Ibs.l o i li e ncie, I gathered Three-and. a-11 a It Pules of Cotton. Without Guano. I could not have expected to have realized two bales. 1 think it a No. one Fertilizer. Respectfully, SAMUEL STRADLEY. Feb 8 88 8 JXQ. CANP8K* WjllTJgH. FLOURING HILLS, |4 MARKET, OPPOSITE 8TATE-ST. o Jno. Campsen & Co., GRAIN, IIAY, FLOUR AMU COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Manufacturer! of GRIST and MEAL, 8() east bay, CHARLESTON, S. C. Feb 22 40 3m CIIAS. IIICKEY, raSfS^SnBiME MANUFACTURER, 345 KING STREET, cbaaxiSBITOH. C. Looking: Glasses OF ALL 8IZES. FITTED TO FRAMES. GIB) FRAMES RE-GILT, EQUAL, TO NEW. Fob 22 40 3m THE NICKERSON HOUSE, COLUMBIA, S- Ciwtou+JOU* WILL not bn closed on account of the (iciilh of the Proprietor, Wii A. Wbioiit hut will he carried on a* heretofore, by hi. widow, Mr*. SARAH L. WRIGHT, and her eon, WM. C. WRIGHT The fi iend* of the late proprietor are invited to call a. u-iiiI SARAH L. W RIGHT. Feb 16 ao-tf WM. C. WRIGHT. iTAadb AJiXW wassieaia MILLINERY. fMISS McKAY has just te reived new eupplies of Bon net*. Hate, Rihoona, Feather*. Flower*, Ac. Also Infant*' ilait and cap*. Fura, (Real and imitation,) Hair Coil* jet and Lacd Goods, which ahv offer* at very loir proa*. Nov 2 24 tf Eighteen Tears of Practical Success ? Quick Action and jrermanent improvement of the Soil. MAPES' NITHOG ENIZEI) SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. THE oldest and best manufactured in this country, bold //>? P.nah *<> FOSTER1^ HUNTER, Agents. Feb si so tr Schedule Blue Ridge R R ON end after this date the following sehedule will be obeerved by the Passenger Trains over thia Road : Up. Leave Anderson >4 30 p m " Pendleton ...6 30 " " Perryville 6 10 " Arr. Walhalla 7 00 Down. Leave Walhalla ~4 00 a as " Perryville 4 4* 44 Pendleton & 30 44 Arr. Anderson 6 10 44 In eaoes of detention on the G. and C. R. R., the train on this Road will wail one hour For the train from Delton, eaeent on Sswr. rUye, when it will wait until the arrival of the I Relton train. W M. D. <lAILLA.RfVguj>'t. ' WlWfiTi * Of JPractii >0 Introduced in 1862. OLDXST SVfKR-PHOSPnATlB RAN MAI UiivAflrAnvvAil UU|ICi' ?COMPOS BONES, PIIOSPHATIO GUAN niacal Animal Matter, i No Salt, Salt Cake, Plaster, N OF ANY 1 TIIE Amifcontacal Animal Matter in MAPS lata of the Arab (containing 10 per cen per cent of ammonia) of Bocvea, Horaea, Fish fat and oil by Steam. Price $3(1 Cash. Time, $ BEND FOR PAMPHLET. Ueneral FOSTER St HVJNTER, A| March 1 = 2 ^ = ^ = s 3 Lrd <w P?? " g B 2-tr.Q a !? .g-3hsi.S:fi . I <?- s-sc rr ?? <? M ^ J31)*0<3?'?p=t?'y^ -n O ? (D '< - O ? >-^ H S>( 2 ??* ??% g"$ ?? <lt2L-.-_s= <d a s= u?,(t ^> - ~ a> . *"C fi. _. J? *~ y rt ~ L T3 ? |?-^g sI-b ?0? cog- w |T 8-o gO-g CP 3^ ?l-Co Slliaa-sltlis? s ES "S--0 5'= ? | V* g. & *0 .<? =r C3? trr 2 *< ?"r U k > ? s.s ?r s|j ^ -p I * > =" < ? 3 ST S5 Iriiriirw-o? ri itsijf y?z~ Sniff's ss5? ^ - o Q." ? 2 9 = C3)? . ?' gi Is I *;i. ? ? 3 C 2 3 >c o 2 o> 2 ~~>~ ? - ? ? *r ?fBWEHRLE (TT1AS iust returned with a well Lnj selected Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, T II 117 Ml Mir JliVY LLK1, SOLID SILVER ABD PLATED ME. Table Cutlery, &c. 11IS Stock was personally se lected from the best houses in his line, and can guarantee entisfaction. Oct it 22 tf Greenville and Columbian R COLUMBIA, 9. 0 , March 1,1871. ON and after tttia dale, >lie following eclie-lule will be run riiily, Kond.iya ejt? epie.l, connecting wiili N'jjli' Trains on South Carolina Rai'ro:d up and dow n ; also with Titans going Souih on t.'li.n lo< le, Columbia and Augmia Railroad : Up. Letvo Columbia at 7 00 a. m. " Alston 9 10 a. in. " Newberry...; ...11 15 a.m. " Cokesbury 8 00 p. m. " Belion 5 00 p m. Arrive at Greenville 6 80 p. m Down. Leave Greenville at 6 16 n. m. " Bet ton 8 15 a. in. " Cokesbury l<? 07 a. m. " Abbeville. 8 16 a m. " Newberry 1 60 p.m. * Alston 4 08 p. in Arrivo at Columbia 6 66 p. m. M. T BARTLETT. General Ticket Agent. Mar 8 4.1 U South Carolina Railroad Company^ V|CN PllKSI DK.Nt'* OPKICE, CoM'mbia, S. C., January IV, 1871. Chang* of Srhednle. ON and after Sunday, 22d inst., Passenger Trains upon this Head will arrive and leave as follows I train no. 1. Leave Charleston al ,8 20 a m Arrive at Columbia at 3 40 p in Leave Columbia at 12.15 p m Arrive at Charleston at ..7 80 p m Leave Camden (Sundays exc'd) at,..# 60 a m Arrive at Kingsville at 20 p in Leave Kingsville (8undays exo'd) at.2 HO p m Arrive at Camden at .....6 00 p m The above trains run in connection with Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, connecting with trains for Wilmington, North Carolina anJ with trains for Augusta, Georgia ?making elose connections with night trains ni ueorgta Katlroad nnd Central Railroad, for all pointa South and Weat. TRAIN NO. 2?NIGHT RXPRKfiS. (Sunday night excepted.) Leave Charleston at 7 10pm Arrive at Columbia at A 00 a m Leave Columbia at 7 50 p in Arrive at Charleston at A 45 am Thia train rune in connection with un A?. gua'a train*, making eloaa connection with Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad morning train*, for all point* Routh and West. A. L. TYLER, S. B. Pibkikk, Vice President. General Ticket Agent. Notice * 18 hereby given to all whom It may concern, that 1 will apply to 8. J. Donthit. Probate Judge of Greenville County, on the 4IK day of April utrt, for a final discharge a* Admlnl-trator of the Eetat* of WILL* AM LING8BV d.oea*-d JOrtHUA PRtTITT, Administrator. March 4th, 1871. 49-4 3~?iinpr zaX Success, ' ' :{ ' ; ?v- - <> ,?j Patented Dee. 20,1859. UFACTU11ED IN THIS COUNTRY. Phosphate of Lime, 5ED OF?' O, CONCENTRATED AMMOand Sulphuric Acid. litre Cake, not ahy Adulterant KIND USED18' Nitrogcnircd Snperphoapbate of Line, eon* t of imuiooii) and the blood (containing 10 and other auiuala, after tho expreaaion of Lbe fiO with City Acceptance trixm a r a - ? ? xvii.>k>i.u AJM CC I1UWAJLL, Agents, 128 East-Bay, Charleston, 8. C; eulf, (sREENVlLLE, 8. C. 42 4 PfcVfNTS ".HILLS5 MTA^tC h /^T SOLO EVERYWHERE. D0W?S?nH/lS (WHOLESALE DRUGGists CMAWLK8TOWsS.C. MMaaaMBBHaaBaoBsM N. 13. The Commissioner of Revenue has decided thai any denier can sell this article without a special license. For sale hy DAVID ASTRADLEY^ Wholesale nnd Retail Oioeerr and Commission Merchants, Greenville, S, 0. ALSO BY Drs. Harrison & Marshall, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, GREENVILLE, S. C. * Mar 8? 46 ly pacific mil emirs (CAPITAL, SI,000 000,) SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. 1MII8 GLANO is now so well known in all the Southern States for its remarkable effects as an agency for increasing the products of labor, as not to require special recommendation from us. Its uso for Are years past has established its character for reliablo excellence. The large fixed capital invested by the Company in this trade, affords the surest guaranteo al the continued excellence ot its Guano. J. N. ROBSON, Selling Agent, Charleston, 8. C. J NO. S. RF.KSK A CO.. Oeneral Agents, Baltimore. 33-3m Jan 4 COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, FOR COM POSTING WITH COTTON SEED. ri^IlIS ARTIPI.R i. ?j ? - JL PACIFIC" q"U A no'co MPAFY'I' Charleston, g. C., under the superintendence of Dr. St. Julien Ravcnel. When composted with nu equal weight of Cotton Seed, it* results have tern found fully equal to the test standard fertilizer*. Its economy must commend it to the notice of planters generally. For specific directions tor composting and for supplies, apply to J. N. ROBSON, Selling Agent, Charleston, S. C. JOHN S. REESE A CO., General Agents, Baltimore. S3 3m Jan 4 18 A CARD. * 1 MY FRIENDS AND PATEy^lron. hare my thanks for past favors. Ac. I continue to make Iq^qI ndditions to my Stock of JEWEL BY. WATCHES, CLOCKS, SPEC TICLKS, R I I, V E R l>LATEI)|^ WAKE, TABLE CUTLERY, Ac. Special attention given to repniring fine Watches, and Tiuie Pieces of every description. JAMES Q. BLACK. jAn IS 35 tf V MV V H V -wiv v-? va Mm ;u 1 Mi 1?1511I. fMUS. LOU JENNINGS, STEW OTA1T X>4 W. II. IIOVEV A CO., IIA VIS ON HAND A LA HOE AND With which fbe la CERTAIN OF PLEASING ALL OF HER FRIENDS. p4T CALL AND SkK. D?a U 20 tf Notioo IS ia hereby fcitreft lo all whom it may concern. that 1 wtll apply lo 8. J Douthit , Probate JM,U'? of GrCenville County, on tliK 1?< tLit/ of April next, for a final diechnrg* a* Admtnl-irntor of the Katnla ot LEWIS \* OUTlllNGTON, deceaae l. WSI, H. IIOVEY, March 1, 1871. Administrator. Mar 8 43 4 Notice* rpHE NOTF.S nnd ACCOtJNTS of M Alt ! 1 ON J I.OCK, have l-een placed in i?y hands for collection. Parties o#in K Mr. I.oek will aave roata hy a>>llinfr at my office, and pvymg their ihdehtrdneaa. JAMKS P^MOORK, ni>yn L.nw ?i d Trial Ju-tica. February 14ih, lflll, 310?? f. Notice 18 hereby plren fo nil wfcnm il may concern, that t will apply <? 8. J. Doutbit, Pinhat* Ju<l?r? of Orron?ill? County, nn (ht 2f*(* rfoy of Mnrrk itrrl, tor a final diicbnrse aa Onardian of I8AAC MAYFIELD. 1 ROWLAND COX. Ooardian. Fafcrnary 2&, 1871. A3 *1