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OFFICIAL* Aots tAd JAtnt liwlttloM hlMd by the L#ri?l?Ure~SeMloxi 1870 lad lfW*, f *l : / AH ACTJO *KOUt,AT* TBI MAH2TKR or DMwnio *mra* ^ Section l\ B? it MMttd by Ui? 8ea*ta an# H?m of ReprM*aUt?vee of tb? State of 8?uth Corolla*, bow a?t *nd tiling in General Awanhly, and by tha authority of Mi* ant, All panoni who *r? qnallSed to vote ia tha ehoiVe of Rrpr?M?tatiTM lo the General Aeaambty, ihall ba. liable to bo A?a> wxf eerre a* Jurors, except as bere , afjajr provided. Saa. ft. Tha following persona shall b* exempt from serving as Jurors, to wit: Tha Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller General, State Audi* , tor, Slate Trfumrfr, Secretary of State, Superintendent of Edneetion.Coannmiasion tr of Agricultural ncaibmind offlttn of the Senate sod Rouse of Representative* during the tension ol the Oeneral Assembly, member* of the Senate and House of Representative* of the United State*. Judges and Justice* of any Court, County Commissioner*. C?unty Auditor* and Trea* Urers, Clerk* of Court*. Register* of Mesne Conveyance*. Sheriff* and their Deputies, Coroner*, Constables, the Marshal* of the United State* and their Deputise, anfl all ether officer* of the United State*, counsel-' lor* and attorneys at law, ordained minister* of the gospel, officer* of oollege*, preeep tor* and teachers of academies, practicing physician*, and surgeon* rsgniarly licensed, ashieis and teHera of incorporated bank*, editor* of newspaper*, constant ferrymen miller* ea'rying on that business at the time, and all men actually employed a* such ; aneh officer* and employees of railroad* a* are now exempt by law, and persona who ar* more than sixty-fire year* old. Sea. 3. No person shall be liable to be drawn, and serve a* a juror in any eonrt. oft.cner than once in every year, but he shall a L- - a 1__ I. ? ..loslL ailanHs nni ut ?o tiiurov nm uni IJ h?..v> and serves aa a juror in pursuance of the drafl : Provided, No peieon rhall be exempt from serving on a jury in any other court in consequence of hit having served before a Justice of the peace or Trial Justice. S-c. 4. That there shall be appointed by the Governor, and confirmed by the Senates one officer for each county in the State, to be named and designated a Jury Coramisaioner, who, with the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, shall constitute a Board of Jury Commieaionera for the connty. Said Jury Comnifaaionve shall hold his office for two yea re, unless rooner removed by the Gotcrnor. See. fi. The Board of Jurv Commissioners ?f etch county shall, once in every year, during the month of January, and, fur present year, within one month after the passage o( thia act, prepare a liat of auch inhabi tante of their respective counties, not absolutely exempt, as they may think well quali* fied to serve a? jurors, being persors of good moral character, of sound judgment, ani tree from all legal exc-ptiona, which list shall include not less than one from every twenty votes, nor more than one from every ler. voters, of their respective counties. Sec. 8. Of the list so prepared, the Board of Jury Commissioners shall cause the names to be written, each one on a separate paper or ballot, and shall fold up said pieces of paper or ballots so as to resemble each other as much as possible, and to the name written thereon shall not be visible on tlie outside, and shall place them in a box, to be furnished then, by the County Commissioners of their county for that purpose, and by said Board of Jury Commissioners to be kept. Sec. 7. II any person whose name ia ao placed in aaid jury box ia convicted of any acandalous crime, or guilty of any gross im morality, bis mi me shall be withdrawn therefrom by the Board of Jury Commissioners, and tie shall not be returned as a juror. See. 8. The Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas in each county, at least fifteen days before the commencement of any regular term of the Court of Oeneral Sessions for the eounty, and ten days before any special session requiring a jury, and in the county of Charleston like periods before the first of each alternate week of the Court of Common Pleas, and at such otbdr limes as the respective courts may order, shall issue writs of venire faciae for jurors, and shall therein require the attendanee of jurors on the first day of the term, and for the Court of Common Pleas lor the County of Charleston on the first and each alternate week thereafter, and such other days as the Courts may order. The petit jurors returned for the Court of General Sessions for Charleston County shall serve for the term, and the jurors returned for the Court of Common Pleas for two weeks ; the jurors for the Court of General Sessions for all other Counties shall serve for the term, and for the term of the Court of Common Pleas immediately following. Sec. 9. The venirei shall be delivered to the Sheriff of the County, and shall be served by hijn without delay upon the Board of Jury Commissioner* of tho County. Sec. 10. Nothing contained in the preceding sections ball prevent the Clerk of any Court of Common Picas from issuing veni'r-s for additional jurors in term time, whenever it is necessary for the convenient despatch of business, in which case, the ventre shall be served and returned, and the jury required to attend on such days the Court shall direct. Sec. 11. All jurors, whether required to serve on grand or petit jury, shall he selected by drawing ballots from the jury hoz, and the persons whose names are borne on the ballots so drawn shall be returned to serve as jurors. Sec. I?. When jurors are to be drawn, the Board of Jury Commissioners shall attend at the office ef kbe Clerk ot the Court of Common ?;?bin nit for that Countv. and in the pretence of the Clerk of the Court, and the Sheriff of the County, shad shake up'the names in the jury ho* until they are well mixed, and, having unlocked said box, the said Jury Coinmiss ioner, in the presence of the Clerk of the Court and Sheriff of the County, shall proceed to draw therefrom, without seeing the names wsittsn thereon, a number of ballots equal to tWe number of jurors required. If a person so drawn is exempted by lats, or is unable, by reason of sickness or absence from home, to attend as a juror, or if be has served as a juror in any Court within the year then next preyed, pg, his name shall be returned into the box gpd another drawn in his stead: Providtd, f?hnt d the end Sheriff shall fail to attend, after due notice, the Jury Commissioner shell proceed without thaw, ?nd the jury so drawn shall be Igwfgl, /See. 13. Wh*o ?hT p?i?? U drawn and H? turned to serve as a Juror in ?ny Court, tha JJosrd of Jury Cotntpieiopere shall endorse on Ifcf MU* M* of drift, fntorn |t MUtbW alter tbo nnaWr of Jurora nqilnd hmkNi <rtmr*4 rhtatrtr thoro i| a ro-. rliioafDd mhnwal af tbo WUotAln ttyb bo*, ft? Iteard ?tjmrj domiaUaiocera ahalltraaafar to tb? ntwboilab tbo date or 4II tba draft a teiiflfltkte (bo tboa ?xt pncoding, ' flae. 14. tba tfaa* fer dfftrtag juron .abaft hat ba Itea tbaa Mtte a OrMan thai ftftoan day* bofora tka dajr whan tha Jnrora an raquirod to attend. On. I*. Tbb Sheriff atad), at Wait fear feji bafeia tftr flw when (hi jnrora an nqotrad to aUaad, jo mm on aaab paraoa who li drawn, by reading to him tba aaintra, with bU andoraaMaat Ibihn of bla bavin* boon drtvi, or by laariog at bU plan of abodo a writtoo notifloatlon of bla baring boon drawn, and of tba tlfeo a ad ylace of tba altting of tba Coort at wblob ba la to attend, and aball make return of tbo *a<u>a, witb bia doinga tbanoa, to tbo Clerk of tbo CoarV bofon tbo opoaiag or tino of holding tbo Court, from whioh it is? wt ffeo. 10. On tbo day when tbo juror* an ' V . summoned to attend at any Court, the Clerk ball prepare a Hit of tbeir name* arranged in alphabetical order. The ft ret twelve on the lUt wbo are not exempt, shall bo sworn and empannelled an a jury for the trial of eanses, and sball be ealled tbo first Jury. The next I twelve on the list sball be aworn and empannelled in like manner, and sball bo called the seeond jnry. Sec. 17. Supernumerary jnrors may be excused, from time to time, until wanted, and may bo put on either of tbo juries, as occasion requires, in the place of absentees. Nothing herein oontained sball prevent the transfer* ring of jurors from one jury to another when tba convenience of thekCourt or of tbe jurors require it. Sec. 18. Each jury, after being thus empannelled, sball retire and cbooso tbair foreman^ or rbail make such choice upon retiring with the first cause with wbioh tbey are charged ; | and whenever the foreman is absent or excused from further serrioe, alew foreman shall bo chosen in like manner. Sec. 10. Nothing contained in the preceding 1 auctions shall apply to tba empannelling of i juries in crimioa) cases; but the jurors shall he < called, sworn and empannelled anew for tho ! trial of each case, according to the established practice, and tbeir foreman shall be appointed by the eourt or by the jtory when they rctiro to consider their verdict. I See. 30. When, by reason of challenge, or otherwise, or a sufficient number of iurors dulv drawn and summoned, cannot ba obtained for 1 the trial of any cause, civil or criminal, the court shall cause jurors to be returned from the by -slanders, or from the county at large, to complete the pannel : Provided, That there are on the jury not less than seven of the jurors who were originally drawn and summoned, as before provided. Sec. *1. The jurors so returned from tho by slanders, or the county At large, shall be returned by the Sheriff, whose duty it shall be to be present during the entire term of sitting of anr court in their respective counties, and shall be such as are quailfied and liablo to be drawn as jurors, according to the provisions of this act. Sec. 22. The court shall, on motion of cither party in a suit, examine, on oath, any person who is called ns > jtiTOT to know whether he is related to either party, or has any interest in the cause, or has expressed or formed any opinion, or is scnsiblo of any bias or prejudioe therein ; and tho party objecting to the juror may introduce any other competent evidence in support of the objection. If it appears to the court that the juror is not indifferent in the cause he shall be placed aside as to the trial of that cause ; another shall be called. See. 23. In indictments and penal actions for tho recovery of a sum of money, or other thing forfeited, it abftll not be a cnui? of chal- I lenge to a juror, that bo is liable to pay taxes in any county, city or town, which may be benefitted by auch recovery. Sec. 24. If a party knows of any objection to a juror in season to proposo it before the trial, and omits to do so, ho shall not afterwards be allowed to mako the same objection, unless by leave of the court. Sec. 26. No irregularity in any writ o f rex ire faciat, or in the drawing, summoning, returning or empannelling of jurors shall bo sufficient to set aside a verdict, unless the party making the objection was injured by the irregularity, or unless the objection was made before the returning of ttic vertttct. See. 26. If either party in a case in which a verdict is returned daring the same term of the court before tho trial gives to any of?4lic jurors who try the canse anything by way of treat or gratuity, the court may, on the motion of the adverse party, set aside tho verdict, and award a new trial of the eause. Sec. 27.(a.) When a jury, after due and thorough deliberation upon any cause, return into court, without baring agreed upon a verdict, the court may state anew the evidence, or any part of it, and explain to them nrcw the law applicable to the case, and may send them out for further deliberation ; but if they return a second time without having agreed npon n verdict, they shall not be sent out again without their own consent, unless they shnll ask from the court some farther explanation of the law. See. 27(6.) That the said Jury Commissioners, appointed by the Governor, shall receive for their services, three dollars per day, for every day's actual service in performing the duties imposed by this act ; such number of days not to exceed the number of days the court for such county shall be in session, to. ge'her with five days to cotnpleto the list, and draw the liits, and draw the jurors, to be paid oat of the Treasury of their respective coun- , ties. See. 28. The jury in any case may, at the request of either party, be taken to view the place or premises in question, or any property, matter or thing relating to the controversy between the parties, when it appears to the court that suoh view is necersary to a just decision : Provided, The party making the motion advances a sum sufficient to pay the aetual expenses of the jury and the officers who attend them in taking the view, which expenses shall be afterwards taxed like other legal eosts, if the party who advanced them prevails in the suit. Sec. 29. If a person duly drawn and summoned to attend as a juror in any court neglects to attend without sufficient excuse, be shall pay a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, which shall be imposed by the oourt to whioh the juror was summoned, and shall be paid into the County Treasury. See. M. When, by neglect of any of the duties required by this act to be performed by any of the officers or persons^herein mentioned, the' jurors to be returned from any placed are not duly drarfn and summoned to attend the court, every person guilty of such neglect shall pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dutfars, to be imposed by the same court, to the use of the county in which the offenoe was committed. Pea, 81. If the Board of Jury Commissioners ball be guilty of fraud, either by practieing on tk? Jury box prariouily |to a draft, or in drrwlitf * )*rj, or to returning l?|o (ho bo* . . 4, . . ,'j.kv " 1 iii ii ? ' ' * i ' the bum of any juror wbiob bad been lawfully dagwO anddrawfftg or fiobatltbting another In -tya Mead, or ||B any other way in the _ drawing of JOrorSj ha'shall bo pmol^od by a fine not hfcoeedlog fee bond rod goltirs, or be ^ 'heprlsofil got sjje>dl?g tiOo yeale in tbo = 1 Stale pjfittatiar^ Bed. 31 Nothing oootaiwod in tble act shall ~ afoot tbo power and daty of Coroners, Justices % Of tbe Peace or Trial Justices, to eummmoa and i ompoaaoi jarora, when authorised by other * 'prorisious of I4W. i, 8eo. 33. Tbe Clerk of tbe Conrt of General t| Sessions in each county, not less than fifteen 1 days before tbe com men oement of the- first n i tarns of the oasrtka eaeh year shall issue write ' | of eenire /mtimt la each county for eighteen , ( grand Jurors to be returred to that court, wbo | . bull be held to serve at each term tboreof throughout the year, and until another grand * Jury ta em pall td In their stead. 1' See. 84. Grand Juror* ahall be drawn, earn- ' mooed and returned In the same manner aa 1 juror* for trial*, and when drawn at the seme 0 time a* juror* for trial*, the person* who** ? name* are first drawn, to the number required, v shall be returcd a* grand jurors, and those af- t forwards drawn, to the number required, (ball g be Jurors lor trial*. tl Bee. 88. In case of deficiency of grand jnrors t in any court; writs of e enir* fa riot may be is- j sued to tbe Sheriff of the County, in which said # court is held, to return forthwith such further > number of grand jurors from tbe by-*tanders> c a* may be required. See. 36. No more than thirty-two person* to err* as petit jurors (ball be drawn and sum- : moned to attend, at one and the same time, at any court, unless the Court shall otherwise " order. * Sec. 31. That any person who shall hereaf- ' ter be arraigned for the crime of murder, man- I slaughter, burglary, arson or rapo, shall be entitled to all the incidents of an arraignment, s and to peremptory challenge, not exceeding | twenty, and tho State, in such cases, shall be e entitled to peremptory challenge*, not exceed- ; f ing two, in the manner heretofore prescribed : ^ by law. Any person who shall bo indicted for p any crime or offence other than those above <enumerated, shall have the right to peremptory challenges of five, and tho State, in inch cases, shall be entitled to peremptory challenges not exceeding two. Sec. 38. That an Act entitled " An Act to , regulate the manner of drawing juries," approved the 26ih day of September, A. D. 1888. and the Act entitled " An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act to regulate the drawing of juries," approved the 2.3d day of March, 1889, and all other acts, or parts of acts, in any way confiding with the provisions of this cct, he, and the samo is hereby, repealed. Sec. 39. That ibis ant shall take effect, and hare the full power of law, from and ?fter its passage. Approved the 10th day of March, A. D. 1871. AN ACTTO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO DEFINE THE JURISDICTION AND DUTIES OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Skctiom 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and !Inu*e of R' prcsental ives of the S'atc of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General A?! ?? n.b'y, ?<l by tli? of the tame, That at. Act entitled " An Act to define the Jurisdiction nnd .duties of the Comty Commlssionei passed the-'26th day of S<?piet?ber. A. D. 1889, l?e smned-d a? follows: At the end of S-etion 10, P>r ngraph 1, add, "nnd tbe county commissioner* shall not, in antieipation of the lax levied upon the c<unty, draw upon the County Treasurer lor more lltan three- I fourths of the who'c amount of snid tox in | noY one year, nor shall any order he drawn u upan tho County Treasurer until n'ler th- i monthly r turn ol the Treasurer shall have j be n made to the County Commissioners v of the amount. of lunds co'l cled, t or tin t lc?s he has the fund* in the treasury to pay <: the same, and the County Commissioners L sha'l inform the County Trcasttier of tlo- | orders drawn, in whose fayor ttie amount, n and the order in which they are drawn.? And should the County Commissioners, or ( any of them, purchase, directly or indirect ly, any order dtawn upon the County Treasurer, for less than its face value, they shall he deemed goiltv of a misdemeanor in office, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine or imprisonment in the discretion of the court, by any court W Competent j'triiidio! ion " Sec 2 . At the end of Paragraph 4, section 10, add, "and all work given out by the County Commissions , when the amount shall e*ec>-d the sum of one hundred dollars, shall he done by conboct, and the Commissioner* ore hereby r> quired to advertise tlie same at least in one paper of the paprrs ol the county, and nbo post the same in three conspicuous places in tl?? county for thirty days, inviting proposals. Slid proposals shall in all cases, be accompanied by two or rnoie sufficient sureties, and the County Commissioner* shall have t ie right to r?j ?t any or all bids, if. In their judgment, the interest of the county bo require. See. 8. Amend section?of said net. so thnt it will read ns follow* ; ' That all llie Boa.ds of County Commissioners hall l>e present for the transnclion o| husinejjs, and shall audit and sign all lulls and cluck'.? The cheeks shall in all cases, he countersigned hy iho clerk of the hoard." See. 4. Strike out" November " wherevi er It occurs In the act, and insert " September." % Approved March 0. 1871. AN ACT TO PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF PARENTS, AND TO PREVENT TIIE| PROCURING AND CARRYING AWAYJ FROM THE STATE PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OP.TWENTY-ONE YEARS Section 1. Be it enacted l>y the Senate ami House of Represent alive* of the Stale of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Assemble, and by the authority of the same. That if any person shall hire or employ any minor or person under the age of twenty one years, without the knowl edge and consent of the parents or guardian of attch minor, stieh persons shall pay to | the said parents or guardian the full value < ?>f the labor of said minor, from and after , I notice from the pirmln or guardian that payment for such service shall be made to him or them, ?a the ece m?y, be, oi impris onrd in the county jail for a period of six , months. Bee. 2. That if any person shall proenre and carry without the limit* of the Stat* any minor or person unler the age of twenty one years, without live content of the |>*r. enU or guardian of suoh minor, sueh jverso n shaU. upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not less than one hundred aor more than five hundred dollars, or he im piisoped in the Penitentiary of the State for a period of not less than one year. Approved March let, A. D., 1871. *? ?? wa ,1;. i , ?!)e (Enterprise a^kjk m v 4- L,K ^ ! WEDNESDAY, lABll 8?. l?71. | fh? Btfrllnt Bood Aot of tba Leftists- 1 or*?WlMt Ou?b? ibf Oo?wdot to Oof i This outrageous act of tlio Legislature, ( ftiith must add a million of dollar* of oa*- ? i-M and fraudulent debt to the burdens of lia tax payers of South Carolina, it. fortus alely, ao sordid aa to !< ?*? the whole latter to fhe discretion of Governor SonTT. , le Ti> hot compelled ??r ahSnluttl) required 1 n put it in fore*. The Isnguso of the aet ] t, " That the Oursrnur of the Stat* be, , nd he It hereby utMorittd In borrow on ] lie credit ol the Slat* of South Carolina a ] um not exceeding one million two hunched , lioueaiid pound* sterling." dio , Ac. It is tear, then, that the Governor may, or may , ot, as he rhoosee, carry the act into fnree. i Vhen he pero~ivee the im-nense di*Mtisfae~ I ion ol tlte people and the terrible evils to i ow out of it, (determined repudiation not ' ho least, per Imps,) we trust and believe 1 bat he will not upou negotiations for lna loan. It is p'ainly and entirely a 1 heme to benefit and enrich a few oond tolders at tiie expense ot the people of the beta. Tlte people ought not to submit to ^ lieu h imw. hoi. on ilie eopnistry of ?up> mg men can show that it la right, exeusa- ' il?- or honest. Why change the bonds, what ;ood to tha State or lax payers; who but he interested men, who expect to pocket lie people's money, des'ned this thing. We i?ti* had enough of plunder. We hope the entire pi ess of the State will p-ak out on this matter plainly and emdiaticaliy. It seems to us that if the Gov- 1 i nor has any regaid for the g-nersl wel. ' m-?, .. ?-<J ?t'y # il?i good pen ile o( South Carolina, he tct7f not, because ' he law does uot r? quire bi n to carry out the telling Kond Act. Court at Walhalla. The Court for Oconee County was held 1 t Wnlhalla laa". week, by Judge Oaa 'here was a conviction for burglary of one I >ECil(BKn Gaosiikn. a negro, that was conieted some two or lliree years ago, with nother, for the murder ol young IlUMMceT. le wis pni doned by t he Governor, on the 1 ;-onnd, we suppose, that he did not fire the 1 listol which killed the young man, but wss ' ii me run exalting others 11 is pointivily eeerted by an eye witness, thit he did 1 hoot the pistol, b?t be picvailed upon the ( ilher negro to confess to the deed, erlfuby romising to procure a pardon for him. The n?iilt w*s lie whs turned loose, to run n [inner carer of erinie. lie is now sentenced o five years in iho penitentiary. On the civil side of the Coart, there was n int< resting ctee hiought against the lotinly Treasuier, Sandrk* and his sore* ice, on his official Kmd. The sureties con- , ended that ihey were not li?iit? o....... it<t t mud had not. been rpproved by the C"uny Commireioneis. and certified indue form iy the Attorney General nor recorded in he Clei k's office The Jiuh(u decided that ( hey w. re I iuble, and I hat the formalities of ( ppreval, Ac , wetc only int< nded to pro . eel the Slate and not the signers of the ( mnd. The question then came up whether here had (o ca any breach of the condition* if the bond. The cue* was decided on Sat irday, aller we Ml W'alhalla Upon the it-oof, we are inclined to iliink the breach ras made < ??! to the amount of torn* ninee? n hundred dollar*. The Treasurer is a >11 e aimed ex confederate roidier, had a ><>od character f?>r honeaty, hut has shown >iii)>elf a !>ad financier. He la not now letiug. Jourt fn Union County?Two of the Stevnna Murderers Convicted. Judge Thomas has been holding the crimnal comt at Union Court House, during he past, week The Time* says that court veek pn se>l > ft in a quiet and order ly man. ier ; during the whole we-k, nothing oe* lUTed to disturb, in the slightest manner, he pence and good o> der of the community. ;Taiik Sanders ami A*a Sanders were con? deled for hurning Mavdin's stable* ai d senc-iee'l to fi'leen years in the penitentiary. Three ne,rro> s were tried for the murder >f G. M. Stevens, that occasioned such dis* uibanco in Union One named FrxdGbxen a* acquitted, the other two, lIxMnr CanfoN and Taylor Palmer, weie convicted on lie denies! evidence and sentenced to he iurig on the third Fii lay in April next, fire Titnr* sa_\ s that Jodite Thomas deliver* d an appropriate and impiessive adJies* n passing sentence on the muiderers. A New Bridge, The new Bridge over Iteedy River, he ow the old stw mill, is now finished, and i fine street opened all the way from Main Jli ee*, lending to the Bridge and beyond, the beautiful residences known aa the 3rai>y place. Prof. Junson's, Mrs. Prof. Ed yards'. Co!. Coi.kman's, ?n>i others. We ia<i a delightlul excursion yesterday, hy nvitation of the Mayor, Mr. Ouwir, with leveral of ilie Council and other citixens, o view the improvements. There is, as ill Greenville knows, a glorious visw of he City and mountains from the rldga io? ill of the River. The Bridge end imiroved st ret make the ride s most plesrant ine, end a great convenience to many of >ur citizens The Mayor at:d Coimell de' icrve commei dation for their wnrk. The project cf building a bridge over the Kiver at the foot of Main Street, ia now delerinined on. A private subscription of a thousand dollars or more, we learn, is about nade up ; tbs City Council will furnish the balaoce required. 11 Tiles for Drainage. Mr. B. F. Craytor, at a ndi-rton, has mad* exieirrdve arrangements in m*?hin?rj, Ac., for lbs manufacture o' Drain Tiles, of varU hib patterns, and i* now prepared to supply orders He showed us speeimene as we past through Anderson the other day. He intends advertising, if we mistake not, when terms and other particulars will be mads known. Thorough agriculturists sre u?ing*s'ich tiles in various parts of ths world. Stores. Those wishing e good Cooking Stove, should eell and see our frieri4? Mr. A. Jt Rosa, whose etore ie nearly opposite the poet office. - i. * The letter ef " K./* received before lb* issue of our Met week's paper, will appear is oar next. It will lose nothing of Us sah Untial interest hy a short del*/. 0 ' < 'lf< * ?f Viiltlng Virginia. On lut, Mn S. J DoCTsrr. wife . >1 oer eeteemed Jm|? of Probate, took , ter defierture lor the State .oCjVirglnle, ] irhere she ioieode rpeodlng ? lew niotithe imong her reletlree aedl friende, never f|?TlD( visited Mr nillre h?m? since her ] marriage and.removal here, eeveral year* igo. We wiah (or her a greet deal of i?l?aeure in her re union with the faeea and 1 writes of her early life, and a cafe return. The Meetlnga In the Baptist Church. ^ The extraordinary meeting for religion* rrviees wbieh have been kept up In Ihe Raptlat Church for some weeks peat, as the Pa-tor announced, closed on last Sunday night, on which occasion Uev. Jamvs g. Kurman, D. D , preached one of thoae deep, ly Impreeeive and instructive end able sermons, for* which he is justly distinguished. The meetings bsve been favored with disjourses of uncommon power and persuasive-' ess, by all the learned and able ministers who have taken part in the exercises, Doctors Furkan, Williams,Boycb, Marly and Proffc#*or ( Toy as well as the Pastor, Mr. Thomas. A 1 Meeting of tbo church is appoint-d for next Monday evening at which it is understood a uuur-vn %ru pvrouiio WUU DWTU DOOD ft?IOUQin^ will make a profession of faith In chrisL Hon. John Wil?on, Senator of Andsrson bounty, was admlted to the Bar during the lifting of the Court at Wnlhalla, laal week. rh? examining committee appointed by Judge Oaa. wa* rompoaed of H?n. A Rubt and Gen. McGow^n. of the Abhevllle Bar, and A. T. Broylks, Esq., of Anderson. Wa would direct especial attention to the advertisement. of Hear.'. P-ui.tnet. Trim blr A Co., of Baltimore, who offer a large assortment of fancy goods, such as Ctoquet icte. Base I)n]t sets, Traveling Bags, Ac. Thin is also a large emporium for Sportsmen V wares. See card in tiiis issue, notable features of which are that their piiees are bas-d on sold at par, and that they give the same attention to otders per mail as to personal purchases. Another Acquisition. Dr. J. Q. McDsvin, of Onk Lawn Town ihij?, we are pleased to stute, has rumored to this City, and opened an office for the practice of ins pro!e?*ion, l/enustry, ai me corner of Main and Coffee Streets His sard gives full particulars, to be found elsewhere. - Hon. J a urs L. Onn baa been appointed by the President one of the board of visitors to attend the annual examination of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md. The examination will commence on the 20th May.? The Judge has accepted the appiontmcnt. Wb ci?1| attention to the advertia-ment of real estate of Miss Capolinr c. Jonks, of the )?rm?r ???Mw>i-M.U?Baa of tlis late Con. Wadot Thompson. Musical.?" Among the thousand and jne Pianoes offered to the public, we icarcely know any instrument so fully unit ing all the do'irnble qualities sought for as the Koabe Piano, The iepilation of the Knahe Pianos is sn In'oVlible guira'y of excellence. In the hou*ea of the most accomplished and wealthy of our cl'x ns and In our seminaries and college*. Ilieamagnitieenl instruments may be found.? Wor is this any wonder, for, in pnrity? depth and constancy of tone, they are unsur pa-sed. Tiieir grndniion of scale is so ?xqui-itely, and, at the sam> lime, comprehensively attuned, that they are capable of expres-ing every emotion of ti?e human heart and soul. Their tone is exquisitely pure aid unique, aud so even, sweet aDd symphathetic that it inspires all who listen to it, while at the same time the action is perfectly free, and '.he kejt resound to the touch with such s >nsiiivene?c and intelligence, so to speak, as to mike one almost think that the mind of the manufacturer linc/eiH in liii work t^B~8ce advertisement of the Me*sr*. Harpkk, wh< wish lo employ a good Currier and Finisher in the Ten Yard. ?r i .ardnkr Ohio >w, Esq , will please accept our tliMiiks for a lot of Garden Seeds, from the Agricultural Department. Infint Beptinn at (lie Preahyteiian Church Inst Sunday. No clue has ever l>een found to the person who put the ladder up lo the parlor window of our Senior's residence, a few week* since. The Peach, Plum, Cherry and other fruit trees are in tdoom ; and the weather is to warm as to make one sweat. Many are preparing their gardens. . Substantial repairs have been made upon the Upptr Ford Biidge. Another Xu Klu* Manifesto. The following "order " wn? discovered, ay* the Union of the 17th, on Mon day morning last, tightly glued upon the Sheriff's " 1 gal advertisement " hoard.? There can be no dmiht from the handwriting, that the same hand that wrote the order given to the jailer on the night of the eecond raid, wrote thin alio. Hbaixj'm thn f>iv I>ar*T. 8 C. 1 SrrciAL Oanaa No. I, K K K. ) " Ignorance la the eurae of do l." For Una reason, we are determined tliat the memliera of the legislature. the School Commissioner and the County Comniwsionera of Union, shall no longer officiate. Fifteen (16) daya notice from thia date W therefore given; and if they, one and all, /1a raI at. nn?A anil fnrAVaP puaitan ihole present Inhuman, diagraoelul and outrageous rule?than retributive jo alios wiil a* surely ba used as night follows day. ALSO, " An honaat man la the noblest work of God." Fur tbia raaaon if. the Clerk of tha aaid Board of County Commiaaionera and School Commissioner doaa not itmnedint4ly renounce and relinquish hia preaant position*?then harsher measures will moat absuredly and certainly ba n?ed. For confirmation. reference lo the orders heretofore published In the " Union Week ly Time* " and " York?|lle Enquirer," will more fully end completely ahow our ioten* tlob. By order of the GRAND CHIEF. A. O., Grand Secretary. March 9, 1871. STATE MATTERS. ih U. 8. troops h?T* Wd sent to Chester, pi Rock nill'mud Spartanburg. k| Mr. 8, L. Dhm bee been Appointed 8tatS ^ Auditor, In pleee of Rseben Tomllneon, Keq., reaigned. Mr. W. L. Qrahain baa preaentod the editor ?t the Kingetree Star with tone superior Bcuppernong wine. ?' a II. E. Hijm, Senator from Marion County, j ? baa been e lee ted Laud Commissioner by the j U Advisory Board. n; The iodiotmont in tbo case of the 8talo against Wlnslow Hamilton, for the killing of ^ Capt.' ^George Butler, in Edgeflald, waa not ^ given to the grand Jnry. ^ In Laurens we learn that matters are qui- ol ut, and that both while and eolored have gone 111 to work. In view of the industrial interests ft of the up-oonntry. it is timo (or all parties tl ' to beat the sword into the plowshare." p a James M. Richardson, Esq., one of tho 0 most prominent nnd honored citisens of Edge- a field County, departed this life on Saturday, R 11th inst., at his residenoe at Ninety-SIa, aged obout fllty-soven. ^ Accounts received in Columbia, on the Iflth '' from Chester, are to the effect, that ihe mill- * tla sre readily turning their arms in to Cap. ? tain Kennedy, of the Adjutant General's De- 11 partment. *' . tl SberiflT Dunn, of Union county, arrived in al Columbia, on Wednesday 15th, with five pris- g oners sentonced to the Penitentiary at tho t last session of tho Circuit Court hold in that i; county. _ n n All tbo arms lately in the bands of the mil- j, itia of Fairfield County, bare l-eon turnod r over to Col 8. B. Clowney nnd Sheriff Duvall. a This is a move in tbo right direction, and wo 1 hope this good work will go on all over the u State. ... [ Columbia, 9. C.. March 21. , Salranf cotton, y? 8'?*i day. 75 baler?mid- r tiling; 124@l2}c, Naw Yon*. March *20. ? Coilon tending down wi'ti sn'cs ?>f 6.050 bales, at 14j. (ioldllJ@lH. 1 CltsitLrsTON. March 20. Ctittnn dull and caev?midd'ing IRf ; re celpts 518 I ales: sales UK); stock 24,4<>1. 1 Auoi'sT*. M ircii 2<?. < Oottorr dull and xve.k, with rah'S 180 ^ hales?middling 13i@18f ; r. c-ipta 18B. * LivhiP.'OI March 20. * Cot'on rIend v ? uplands 74@~i : Oi bsiu 71@7|;sil-s 10.000 bales: sprcu.ation and ( expert 8,000. j ^ Letter From Hon. B. F. Perry. (Irkrivii.i.k, S. C., March 13tb, 1871. To Hit Excellency Gov. Scott. Sin: T understand that you arc consulting your political opponents, in every section of the State, as to the Lest means of preserving order, pence and tho enforcement of tho laws in Sotith Carolina. You have invited prominent gentlemen throughout the State Jo meet yon in elite inatia'ilo and patriotic purpose. I hclicve, sir. that you are now sincere in this purpose, notwithstanding your 'Winchester rifle speech" in Washington a 1 year or two since, in which you fiendishly proclaimed that this instrument of donth, in the hands of the no ros of South Carolina, was the most effective means of mnintaining order and quiet in tho Stnte. I rejoice to find that a change bos come over tho spirit of your thoughts and actions ; and I, for one, am ready and willing, with all the good people of the State, to sustain you in yourpreseut course.? The tone and temper of your recent message to tho Legislature is evidcnco of your sincerity. Permit me to say to you, sir, in all candor and aineerWv lli?? th? ?f !> t-.u ' onto, unmistakably to my wind, that we nro on the eve of a bloody tumultuous commotion, unless something is done to quiet public opiti* t ion. The ineendiary destruction of property I every night, and tbo roguery of the Legists- ' ture in their appropriations and taxation, amounting ultimately to confiscation of all f real and personal estate, cannot be borne much , longer. There ia a point beyond which hu- t man endurance cannot go, let the consequences * be what they may. . I know it is not in your power to reform the j Legislature, or stay effectually their corrup- , tion, bribery, prodigality and roguery. But . there are two things which yon can do and < should do, the sooner the better?disarm your 1 militia and appoint good and intelligent men 1 to office. All tbo lawlessness and wiolenoe 1 which have disgraced tbo State have been ( owing to these two sources of mischief. Never < was thure a more fatal mistake, or a more die bolical wrong committed, than when you or- 1 gunised oolored troops throughout thn State and put aims into tbpir hands, with powder and ball, and denied the same to tho white peo. ( pie. It was atrocious. The bloody tragedy i at Laurens was owing to this, and nothing else. The murder of Stevens and other while 1 men at Union by one of your negro companies, and thu subsequent execution of ten colored prisoners was owing to the same cause. Tbo foarful killing and murder of a number of men at Chester was likewise owing to your colored militia. The violence and lawlessness at Yorkville originated in one of your worthless appointments. Heretofore, your appointments have been mostly made of ignorant and oorrupt men, who cannot enforce the law* and preserve the peoco. The colored poopte of Sonth Carolina behaved well during our civil war, and would have continued to have done so, but for tbo unprincipled earpet-bagger who came amongst them and stirred up hat rod to the white raee by the most artful and devilish appeal* to their fears and had passions. Unprincipled white men living amongst us. aaeing an opportunity ot office and-plunder, joined the carpetbaggers. These two elaases united in persuading the negros that they would he put 1 baek in slavery, and that tbey mast apply the torob to redress their supposed wrongs I It is not surprising that a people so ignorant and eredulou* as the negros are, should thus have been led astray. They were told that lands would be given them and their children educated. Hundreds of thousands of dollars bare been appropriated for-this purpose, and all squandered and stolen by their pretended friends A mnltlnlUU- -as t_ . ..???. .. vi uuicvi ii?t? r*een ] created to reward political partisans j salaries hive been increased, millions appropriated for railroads,-end the most extravagant waste of pnhlio moneys in every way I The public officers and the members of the Leglsla'ure are charged with the most shamelass corruption, bribery and roguery. It la impossible for the Industry of the State to pay the taxesThere Is no security for property I It Is las nmiikU fnr U?U ^ order Id the SteU. The 8uu bonds will not be peid. I earnestly do?ire the peeee end prosperity of ay State. I did ell that I could to prevent the eeocssioa of South Caroline end the elvll war whiob enened. My predictions of ell the evils which have ensued were treated with ore and wwtoapt by those la power aad adwily. Tou, fir, and tboee ta power al the esent tints, wor aa? bead my prediction* pain ) bat tb? day te fait approaching whew * >u will realise'all thai -I base fald nnloM im? change takes plaeo. Toon, do. B. W. PKRRT. p- '?? mm i 'j The Excitement Laet Week. Oa Wtdowdiy of laal week, oorao *Klament prenlUd in town, arising from rumor to th? ettect ibit on lit* day proiuus a collision occurred nesi Coroaol si (ill* in Obosior County, between n eompay of Seott's negro militia of tKat County ud s parly of white*, la whtoh a number of* ti-h had b. en killed. Late in th# afternoon' $ iformation was reoeived by Sheriff Olrnn at a company of armed nsgro miKtia oro Chestar was adraneisg stealthily apf> it this plaoo, avoiding public roads, and taking their way through ths woods and elds. The object of this movement by no negroes being unknown,, the Sheriff roperly summoned a posse of nine eitlxcas, nd immediately went in the direction ths ernes ware said to bs approaching, and bout a hall mila frnni ths 0?art House iet a number, consisting of sixteen prlatss and one " eommiaaioned * officer.? In coming up with this band, the 8b riff fiquirod the object of their tuovcaeole and rhy they were marching ia the dlreotion f Yorkville; to which they replied that Iter wished to reach tho town in order to retire protection. Hie Sheriff then told Item to lay down their arms and they tiould be protected, whereupon ths asi roes at once placed themselves under proret ion ol the Sheriff, who returned with hem to town, and ass preeuatioaary meat* re placed them In the jail during ths Ijht. a -quad of United State* anldtera act' nit -a guard around the prison. At tunme next, morning, the negroes were liberi!ed by the Sheriff, when they avail-d lieinrelves of the protecting cars of ths ni'luin commanding at this place, by irliom they w-re rotained four days and to d>-p>ri. It proper to add hat. the negro officer 'aid to the Sheriff hat not a gun had been fired by hi* commtty after -nte'ing York County, nor had hey been attacked or molested in aay ray.? Yorkville Enquirer, 161 A. % Markiid, on the evening of tbe Tth inet.r n the Baptist Church, Liberty, Missouri, by tor. A. Machett, Mr. A. S. LANNBAU, of Jrocnvdle, South Carolina, and Miss MIN4IE SNKADKR, daughter of Col. B.Ross ibiader, of Liberty, Mo. On tbe 24th day of May, 1844, MARY JANB 10SSETT, eldest daughter ot Pinkoey and ,idia Ann Oossett, was born?on tbe 14th of rune 18M, she was married to Jeremiah C? "Moments, and the 1st day of March, 1871, or soul, too poro to exist longer in this rorld of sht and torrow, winged its flight cneo to climes of eternal rest. If the Bible be ttua, another sonl has been ddeil to the Angelic hosts of the eternal )od. " Remoinher tby Creator in the days of hy youth f?toil divine isjanetion was bayed by Mary, for. at tbe tender age of 12 cars, she joined the Methodist Church, and ver after, to tbe day ol her death, lived a sithful and devout ***7" mn an omrticnt and dutiful chtld, errer uoighting to do the will or tar parents. As a rife, she was a model, performing all the laneions of that responsible station, with lore and laerity. The mother of two little children, lcr care and devotion to her offspring wew alms I boundless, and, as a neighbor and friend, :ind and generous. As in life she bad eshewed evil and kept tbe command* of her lod. so, when death eame, it found her reigned nud willing to go hence to roeeiee the wswurda of a life well spent. A long adieu to the kind sod gentle Mary? ifay the cold sod wbieb covers thy lifeless >ody, rest lightly upon it. MayjAngel* watik ?ver and guard thy lonely (rare, and may thy mre and nohlo soul take ap its never ending il'.ade in the heavens of the Great God..? ' to thy memory. A. FRIBNDt. Cheering Fact* for the Billow. Every day demonstrates more clearly ha) liver complaint. In all Its distressing [ r?n?. can he controlled and enr**d without I'fli-ulty or inco'iventence. It is an ohstiiata disease, hut its ohstinaey is not nroof igninst the pcrtiiinc'nua remedial and ratoratlve operation of HOSTETTER'SSTOMtCII HITTERS. That genial eorreeliva otnytrl* the organ to do its duty. It snut eereio rrgulsily and healthfully under the nflueneo of the Rittera Their action nings it. ha-k 'mm a state of rebellion into pe'feot harmony with the laws of liealth. If ther- is ro'tiveness, it disap[>eais; if there is wide-ache or hack-ache, it ea'rs ; if the akin and the whiles of the eyes ire tintred wih superfluous bile, they rerover their natural Ime; if the appetite ie gone, it returns; if ihe digestion ie impair* ia re-1 ore d ; in brief, whatever the vmptoma of the eomptaint mey be, and whatever the phase it has a?*umed a ears is certain. Such ate the unifonn effects of his preparation where billons disease has been d. Veloned ; hut in ekana ? h-r?? there is merely constitutions) ten* d.-noy lo liver complaint, it may he prevente I throughout life by ih? regular use, in small quan ities, of this psUt title antidote. The-e ar-* proven facts, *nd should he sn rlnnsty pomiere I?or. rather, they should he prorrp'ly set d upon?by nil persons of b.lions ha -it. 42-6 0184.0^1870% ^ - " e?? |^B is? BR THE PAIN HI Id, Kit is hy onirersel L'O'iseot itllowcl to have won for lieelf ? reputation un urpnssed in the history of medical preparations. Its instantaneous effret in the eradication and extinction of P.iin in nl' its various fount incident to the human f .mlly, and the uoso'veiled written and verbal testimony of the mee-es In Its favor, have been, and ere in ite own bee* advei tiseinmciilt. The ingred<ents of the Pain Killxh, helog p irely VroCTtDLx, render It e perfectly safe and ( reme ly taken internally, a* well as lor external applications when tired according to directions The stein upon linen from its use is rsadlslj removed hy washing with alcohol. 11.1. J..i? ..u >.J r? it. * MIB rviouraivu iwr niv euro of in many of the iflliotioii ineideot lo the human family, hae now been bo fore ho piihlie o?or thirty traR*, ?nd Km found it? wi?t into almost. ???ry oorner of tho world ; nod whtnirir it h?i boon Mod, the ami opinion io eapreseei of ita m?dtoal |>iO|o*rtleR In.any ?Unok, where prompt notion upon the apum ie required, the Piirf Killer ie invaluable lie elinoet Inelantaneoue effect io Relieving Pain ie truly wonderfal; and when ne-d aeoeording to dlreetlona. to true to ita bime, a PAIN KILLER it-l " DooLar'a Yeast Powder."?The aeperiorlty of tbh Baking Powder hne low* been demonetreted by every boaeekeeper who ken need it, end from the steadily increasing demand fur a reliable enisle. The univereel expreeaioa ie that it ie the beat in the market, and ita per feet parity and freedom from date terioua anbataneea warren la the asaerUoe. Te thoae who here never uaed it, we aay give Ua trial, end your teatioaony to ifa worth will ha added to the many thoaeaada of a there. ItM hy Oreeera generally. Dmmt A Baeriia, it New Street, New York, Maaafeetnrwrs. Mar 3t in eetr. < - t 'k* ' '*! . J