University of South Carolina Libraries
> til ^ottri}. Alva y? Remembered I'll narar f org?tt (ht% mothar, dear, W M>- roan tag o'rr liVa IrtjuUM main , T' -tHii wprda I ?Nd W hear .1 coma to at* la dmni ifiln j And aooiha (ha spirit'* deep uurcat, That, wearied with a wold of care? Of faithleea friends, or aold ai boat? Wilt leak a refuge from dee pair. I'll never forget tboe, inotber, dear, Though wind and wave their strength uuito; Thy love my guilding star, I'll (ear No itorui nor howling tempest'* might, But item the flood with earneat heart ; tVhlla. tow'ring skiea in an gar frown. And Fate's death-dealing ligbtninga dart, And lloavcn with thunder*p?"la reaound.. I'll narer forget thee, mother, dear, But momory, like a bird aat free, Wilt ever, be I, far or near. Return again with lore to theo; . Content, if it may nestle there, No more ou fleeting wing to aoar, Caged in from grief and wo* and rare, A willing frtioncf ererinore. i 1 35umarans. -I A* Coon JSnntArrived on the limiting ground, we turned sharply up u jugged, ( rough hollow, through whose base ' rippled the clear waters of Rich- , unison's branch. The dogs Were 4 held to the front and quickly disappeared in the darkne-is. ^tumh ling over rock* and Jogs, through hushes and brakes, we made slow headway for a mile or s ?, ere the first sound of the chase broke upon the night air. Then, round and 11 c. ?l ? ? /* . - 1 mi, mi up uii i ue ciiix to mo lett, | son tided Filer h deep voice. u Hi, boy, hunt 'nn tcllow !" yellow our adipose comrade. Then we wuitcd to hear the sharp response ot Loub. Several minutes passed it* profoun silence Th?*n again broke out the bass yell of Filer. Dat dog tbolin' us. Tie's after nuftin but a buck rabbit," ejacula-' ted a contraband whom we shall . call Josh. ,k Dat's so j old Loub ain't'spoke: yir. She knows ain't nuftin dar wntli eatchin'." said a darkey noted as Yellow Sam. As Loub still kept silence, we concluded that the chase was not yet ripe. Most likelv Filer was ( nosing a rabbit or developing a cold tox trail, llesnming progress we j travelled another half mile without I having a warning cry from the J Jogs, te'lmg that the game had; J hroko cover and was making for a; safe retreat. The ground was j growing rougher, more wild, ami i the sombre hills lifted their tops j high <?n cither side. We sat down . <>ii the hanks <>t the little stream, I and c included t<? give the dogs; time to scour the vicinity. The hooting < f an owl on a dead branch <>t a neighboring tree companioned \ well the lonelinoss of the spot and i the darkness that citing over it, pierced only by the stars above I and the flickering rays of the lantern at hand. 14 Da now ! Hear dnt!" suddenly exclaimed one of the darkies. The sharp bark of a dog could bo faintly detected, though, as it seemed, at a great distance, almost ,1 out of hearing. 4' Don't ye hear o'o Lmib ? She's treed a coon, shore. Yon can trust i chit dog nil do time an' he'll nch her tole yor n lie," exclaimed the enthusiastic contraband. The distance was so great, and ! the yelp of the dog so obstructed ' bv the hills, that some trouble was at first experienced in locating the' direction from which the sound came. Leaping to our feet and straining every faculty of hearing,.j we were finally convinced that it was up the ravine tQ the front. Then began a scramble over rocks, j busbes, briers, into gullies, over, narrow ledges* np steep banks and I through pools of water in the ex- 1 citing chase. Onward wo went at1 rapid puce, every moment hearing the quick yelp ot Loub growing louder and clearer and more musical at every step. The blood coursed through the veins with ! swif'or speed, the pulse heat quicker, and we clWored with the loud-1 est, a< it became more and more cvidonpfrom the round notes of, Loub that she had treed some "varmint" of the four-tooted spe-j cies. Then came the vigorous! yelps of Fifer as he joined his mate and sent up his echoing cry.1 Turning a sharp point, bursting through a clump of grape vines i and saplings, and climbing the sharp side of a hill we came ?j>on , the half frantic dogs at (lie foot of a tall but rather slender ash tree. The bark had been half stripped troni the roots by the teeth of the hounds that seemed to thus vent their rage toward their n|mb)e enemy, whose sharp claws had con-1 veyed hini out of their reach. The vicinity was strong with undergrowth of hickory saplings grape vine* and oak bushes. Whatever animal might he in the trie above was concealed by the bushy lop, whose shadows were only here and there pierced by the starlight. Withont hesitation, the climbing George attacked the tree and went up like a tquiriel. The dogg hush-, id their yelps and stood eagerly gazing upward. We all stationed ourselves around the tree at dift'erent points, ready to pursue the chai-e when the animal should leap out. Up and up went thecliin wsr, until lie seemed really small and almost hid. The top of tho tree now bepap to sway with lite new and.nnnsdal Weight. "Da he is It I see hfhj 1 O yer gray headed old cgon 1 I know a yer 1 Yi( ya, ya 1 -Way np in tie top, like yer Vpccted we couldn't find yer. Bress yer Ipmrt, .honey, we done come arter yer. Doy waitin for yon below dar. Come Out o' dat now, you ring tailed varipint!'' With such ejaculations tho contraband, who had discovered the ctK>n in tho top branches, began to shako liiin loose. tk Look out down dar I lie inos* looso. Sumthin' drap d'rectl.v, and den skcodaddlo. O yer ole pisen critter, dcra dogs tnkin' ver pictar for to carry home f Ha ho cum P A black fcpoi suddenly darkened the air, a whizzing rush, then a blow on the ground, and with yelU mangled with the yefps of the dogs, we made for the place wliere the c?.K>n had fallen. lie had gut lied himself up nnd made off through the bushes, with the dogs in hot pursuit. Back and forth tor a few moments the ch&6c led, when, finding that he was in close quarters, the coon again treed in a tall oak. Up again went his pursuer to the topj where he found him nestled in the branches. Again he shook him ont. Hardly had his coonsliip touched the earth IVlinn T_r.nK " ?. ? - *" 1-!? cause we have not read them, but we are persuaded that only the strong arm and the long puree of the government at Washington ie able to grapple with the subject. The government is consolidated nnd national?why not have nn educational bill appli. cable to the entire Union? The expendi ture of fifty millions of dollars iu building suitable school houses, and introducing thorough instruction into the Southern States, would entirely change the feeling of the people towards the national govern' inenl. It would tie money well spent, and the wonderful growth of the section would soon reimburse the national treasury the amount ten times over We srs olml <? tlint llii* subject ii attracting att- ntinn. [ Wiuuiboro New*. The Abbeville Pre** and Partner of. the 27ill report* that on Wednesday last, two of iU merchant*?M'nri. J. T. Robertson and T. P. Qoarlea?hearing that one of Iheir debtors, fur good?*ol<J during the pnst yeui> (a nun named Taylor, of the upper part of the County,) wn making < ff with hi* cotton without settling hi* indebtedness, called at hi* house to remonsti ate. Instead of gelting their money they received only threats, and on leaving were fired upon from the h"U*e It la loo bad to buy a man'* goods on credit, and llttu to about at h'H) when blanks for hi* pay. The Abbeville Pre** and Partner of the 27th ?aya tbatduiirig the past we?-k that community has I/cot-i v?<l an aroes*ion in tit* family of the lirv. Mr. Martin, the Presby lerian minister, who occupies the i evidence of Miss Sallie Martin, which litis been tent ed a* a parsonage rirring tit* pres-nt year. Mr. M*itin is a gentleman of superior abill* ties, and a aealous and n*o?ptab!e pastor, and with hi? lamily will prove a valuable acquisition to the community. ........ u"<iu ???o iijkmi mill, grasping him by the back. The oilier dogs rushed in. Then tlie fight 1 Through the Jjushea, down the hill, over the logs and weeds, in die. ienco corners ami out again, fought and growled, and scratched and yelled the coon and dogs,J while we made the air vocal with sounds'of encouragement and wild excitement. The coon was true grit, a fifteen pound fellow, and tough as leather. " Hole Ifini, Lonb! Shake him, ole gal!" shouted thu delighted darky, Josh. "Ketch him by the ears, Fifer 1 Make him into sassidge meal!" yelled yellow Sum. " Hooray ! Oat's it: dat tarrier know what he's nbont. Jes hear liira tar de rib," baid the third i :ontraband. " Walk into him, boys ! Talk o him 1 Look at 'em tarriers? j lin't they some on a coon hunt V airly screamed my adipoge com-1 mnion, whose globular body was jouncing like a gum ball around j he ring. We, of conrso. merely looked in. We didn't say anything; oh 10. For full ten minutes the tearing ight went on. The coon had the aids against him', but he was game :o the end. Toe yells, the howls, he confusion, the frantic struggles, the smashing of hushes and [ji iars, were awful, but finally te- t nacity and courage gave way, and that old coon was laid out. The i limit was over, and victory perched upon our banners. Education by the United States Gov ernment. Upon the subject of .-ducation we ore in sympathy with nil who nd vocal c public schools supporte l,by taxes sufficient to su?tnin litem. Ami it the mass of the people nt the South, especially the non-property holding whites and the blacks, are to he educated during this generation, we see no other quarter to which to look for means adequate to this end than to the treasury of the government at Washington. The South ern Slates are loo much crippled in resources by tlie war to inaugurate a system of public education on a scale large enough to answer the necessities of their situation. The present growing generation will not he educated, 11 it be left to the State governments In educate it. They cannot do it, and they will not, If lliey csn. Whether the bills presented to Congress by Hoar and Wilson of Massachusetts be wise applications of the id. a of the necessity of national aid to education in the Southern Stales and and in the territories, wo can not say, be , ' | " . ..J' 1' ' i Sixty-Fire First Prist Med. als Awarded. XIIK U&EAT MaWiWW Southern Piano (PS M AH l't ACTOR V. WW. Ki\/iRK 3c CO., Manufacturer* of Grand, Square and Upright PIANO FORTES, ItrtUhnore, Md. rf",IIE8E Inatrinocnta have bean before the 1 public for nearly thirty year*, and upon their excellence alone attained on n*/>arrAn?et/ pre-crh/n?ncr, which pronounce* them unrqualcd. Thoir Tone combine* great power, awoet nc?* and fine aingir.g quality, n* well great purity of Intonation, and aweetoe** throughcat ibe entire ecalo. Their Touch i* pliant and elartic, and entirely free from the aTWneiia found in *o many l'iauo*. Iu Workmanship they ore uncqualed, using none l ift tbo very beat rci*nntd Material, the large capital employed in our buaineaa enabling u$ to keep COntinimll? an imtuenin atn/<L lm?l>a. X*.. on hand. All our Square I'iann* have our Jfow Improved Overstrung Senle and the A^raffo Treble. 1 We would call special attention to our late | improvement* in Grand Pianos nnd Square j Grands, Patented August 14th, which | bring the Piano nearer perfection Iliad has : yet been attained. I Kerry Piano fully Warranted for 5 Yean.' j We have^made arrangements for the Solo j Wholca'ilo Agency for the most Celebrated Purlor Organs and Molodeons, which we offer Wholesale nnd Kctail. at Lowest Factory Prices. WM. KNAI1K A CO., Dnltiinorc, Md. Doc 7 * 29 Cm GEORGE PAGE & CO. i Ho..G N. Schroeder St,. Baltimore. Manufacturers of Portable and Stationary. STEAM ENGINES AND ROILERS, Patent improved. Portable flitCUI.AK SAW MILLS, (Jang, Mnlnv and Sash Saw Mill*, Grist Mills, 'limber Wheels^ Shingle Machines, Ac. Denlers in Clicular Saw*. Kellince a..H Mill ? ...... ...... ^ MHO j mnnufnctwrer'a n^cn'i f.^r Liff.dV CVl>I>rnu | ed Tiirl.ln* Water Wlieel, and every (le| ?cription of Wood Working Machinery. AGRICULTURAL KNOlNKA A 8CIUAI.TY. Send for descriptive Catalogues nnd Pi Ice L'sla. 29-ly fMBP /aterwheel, Mill Bearing,Shafting Pulleys POQLE ??0N^%riM0BE?' ^_6END rORACIRCULAR-jfer l>ec 7 kV ly CHAELESTON HOTEL CllAULEisTOX, S. C. E. H. JACKSON, Propr etcr A SSI ST A NTS. A IJUTTKRFIELI), (for j'lU iikt'v oflliu l'uvilion Hotel,) and W S. MILL Kill GREENVILLE & COLUMBIA RAILROAD. M&rnmmm Ckniuai. Si'pkrintbxdkxtV Office, Ooujmiiia, S C. I've. 1,1870. ON and i?f>er THURSDAY, Dcrctnb. r 1, litllowinj; Sclit-du'o will lie run daily, Snnildii w) le i, ooniieet'nij with Tmiim on South Carolina U.iiliond up nn<i down, nleo with Traiua "tl S"i'lh on Charlotte, Columbia ni'd Auitusla Knilroad : UP. Leave Columbia at 7.00 a. m " AUton ... 8.40 a. in " Newherry 1 i. 1H a.m. *' Cok-sbury 1.4.7 p.m. " It.SO p.m. Arrive at Greenville 6 00 p.m. DOWN. Leave Greenvill*? at 5 4.7 a. m. " Helton 7 28 a. lit. " Cokeeburv 0.O.7 a. m. " Abbeville 8 OO a, m " Newberry.. 12.06 p. m " Aleion 2 10 p. m. Arrive at Ci-lninbia 3 46 p.m. JOHN II. MOOUK. General Superintendent. Dec 14 *80 tf South Carolina Railroad Company. Vice Priiidkit'ii Omen. in a, 8. C\, January 18, 1871. I ? ON anil after Sunday. 22d in*t? Passenger Train* upon this ltoud will arrive i and leave on follow*: . thai* *o. 1. | Lenvo Charleston at.*. 8 20 a m Arrive nt Coluniliia at 11 40 p in Leave,in at 12.15 p in | Arrive nt Charleston at 7 50 p in i Leave Camden (Sundays exe'd) ut...O 50 a in j Arrive at Kingsvillc at..,, 1 20 p w i Leave Kingsvillo (Sunday* exe'd} at.2 110 p in Arrive at Cutndcn at 6 00 p m The above trains run in connection with Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, connecting with trains for Wilmington, North Carolina and with trains for Augusta, Georgia ?making cloife connections with night trains of Georgia Railroad nnd Central Railroad, for all points South and West. TftAlX no. 2 ? nig nT KXPRKSS. (Sunday night excepted.) Leave Charleston at 7 10 p in Arrive at Columbia at A 00 n m Leave Columbia at 7 60 in Arrive at Charleston at C 45 a ma Tliis train runs in eonueolion with up A uI gus'a" trains, making close connection with 1 I Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad morni ing trains, for all points South and West. : ' A L. TVI.Hit, S. B. Pikkins, Vice President. General Ticket Agent. Charlottes Columbia and 4agusta It R. I KtJPK.?INTE!?I>r.MT'H" OPPICE, Col.-, ubia, 8. C., January 17, 1871. ON nn.l after SUNDAY, January 22, the Paaaunger irains over ihi* Komi will run a a follow* : Going North, No. 2. No. 1. . Arrive. I.enve. Arrive. I.eore. Aiifturta 6 00 pm 8 00 ntn Columbia 11 05 pm 11 20 pro 12 51 pin 1 03 pin : Winnaboro 1 25 nin 1 27 uin 3 17 pm 3 37 pm< i Cheater 2 5fl ain 3 00 aru 5 07 pm 5 10 pm* | Charlotte 5 30 am 7 30 pm | Going South, No. 1 No. 2. Arrive. l,mre. Arrirr.. lattice j Annual* 7 45 pm 7 30 aiu Columbia 2 10 pm 2 28 pm 2 13 um 2 28 am 1 Winnab'o 11 55 am 11 55 ntn 12 50 pm 11 68 pin I Cheater 10 20 am 10 23 inn 10 27 pat }0 30 pm I Charlotte ' 8 00 am 3 10 pm i Going'North.?Both No. 1 and 2 make* oloee ! </ai'/vat Charlotte f?>* v~-l. I and jjointa f?ortli and I!n?t. l'/iaaengcr* : leaving on Nn. 2 on Raturdaya, will lajr over 12 hour* at Richmond, j fJoiny AowfJU? Both NTo?. 1 and 2 make eloae </nf/y etmntirlion* at Auguata with trnina of the Oeorg'a and Oentrnl Georgia Honda, for all 1 point* Houth, 8outh-we*t nod Went. Through Ticket* aold and baggage cheeked to nil principal point*. I J. 8^ SELKIRK, Rapt. * E. II, Doraey, General Ticket Agent. m "iX ML1' - i iiMj HOS AD A LIS ?<rrMiH' e R EAT" American ) X 1IUALTH HRSTOHEU, puriflea /the 1>Io<h1 nndrnrea Scrofula, S,\philie, )^kin Dlacaaoa, llhcutaat iaui. Dlaonmo* ) !'Women, nnil nil Chronic Adoptions >of the Illood, Liver nml Kidney*. S/Uoenininwuled b,T tho Medical Jb'ueuU )ty nud ninny ttjoiisunda of obr teat r Head the testimony of Physicians (and patients who haveun-d Uusodulia; (solid for our 11 nxadnli* (luide to Health (Hook, or Ahnaiiao for this year, which fjBA (we pi|h|ish"^or gratuitous diatrihutton Mtt (it will give you tnuoU- vuluahlo iuforMiration. c=t? I)r. R. \V. Ciirr, of Baltimore, say*: ) I take pleasure in rvconiOiendi^t ?,jmiii nnk.timi.u ok n Tcrjr 'pimufftl (alterative. I have seen it unci ill two (cases with happy results?ouo in n )caso of secondary syphilis, in whith )the patient pronounced himself cured (alter having taken flvul otilos ot your (medicine. The other is a faso of scrof/fln rula ofloug MudlnK, which in rapidly i improving tinder ita use, and iho inJbmR d lent ions nro that tlio patient will 'lij Q /non recover* I have cnrvfully ex yiminod the formula ty which your (Kosadali* i? made, nnd find it an exLvecJIent compound of alterative iogrevlients. S# Dr. Sparks, of Xicholasville, Ky., y?ny* ho has used Uosadnlis in oases til (serot'ul i and Secondary Syphilis with (satisfactory resuits-as a c leaner of the I (Blood I know ntf better remedy. ) Doujainin Dcchtol, of Lima, Ohio, (writes: I have suffered for twenty (years with hh inveterate eruption over ;?ie -i?' --- ? . yj -w/.w , i> PIIOH (imo nine? 1 (purctingcd n Ixittlo ?>1 Kosi;ilul\s und it n perluct euro. \ Hof.idniir I* pold by' nil \ Laboratory, 01 Exchange 1'lace, \ Lijltiuiuro. > Drs. Cloacnts & Co. Jlmjuiituri, PLMTAIION BlTThttS Tills wonderful vegetable restorative is the shcct-anclior of the feeble and debilitated. As n tonie and cordial for the aged and languid it-has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women arc cspccially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant.* In all climates, tropical, tern pcrate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every of disorder which under mines tile bodily strength and breaks down the animal Npirits. HVhcrever it is introduced it becomes a standard article?a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. Juuo 2J, IhJU. b . ,ly B. WEI I RLE,! QREEINimiLE S. ?. DEALER IN m m wn watches, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, 18 & 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Rings, SILVER & SILVER-PLATED /m hcmi:* t?r WORK of nil <1 iscrii'lions in hi* liiiA promptly. Oct -27 23 ly K.r. j()i\i)s, A'n' )Ai\W, AXI) SOLICITOR IS EQUITY. WILL rHACTICK IN ALL COURTS OF Til IS STATE ALSO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office OreenviUe C. II., 6. C. July 7 lV* W. K. KASI.KV. <3. O. WILLS EA3LET & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, OREENVILI.E, S. C., PR \CTICK in the Court* of the State *n<l of the United Statca, and givo e.pcelal attention to cu?o? in Bankruptcy. June 13 3 PAVILION HOTEL, v iy A m jf-i ra PI w (o m 9 s. no A R I), Per Bay $3 00. II. HAMILTON, Superintendent. tire. II. L BFTTFRFIEFO. l*ro|?rl?lrcM Sept 20 TO If SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER. WOULD r<?ptejfn|ly inform the p-iLlie that he Ihi* Removed to a room near the MANSION HOUSE, where he will !>e prepared to receive ouatomer* a* hereto* tote. Heing a Profeulonal Larber, n? hopea, Ly attention to bgailiMM, together with polii*?e*e to all, to merit a portion ot public patronatre, in CUTTING, SJIAVING AND SHAMPOOING. Hept7 lfl If ATWJD wassriraiia. MILL IN E It Y. MISfl McKAY hat jn?t re iSjSnn'><<iV"1 ??? ettppliea of Bonnet*, Hat.?, Ribtiori*. Father*. aBM&BHB *' " * Ac. A l?n 11,f..,,r mtfjBpffwf I In'* RD<1 cape, For*. (Il??l JrM nr"' imilRtlAn.) Hnir (Joi n jet Mill nn'l 1 ncd Oo?*l?, which *h? ifl#l offer# flt very low pr'ce#. >'ov I 24 tf # 1 J i?. CHARLESTON , ; 4P* 'oJVSS, SiMKB A3J2 DKKSKKD Flooritifr, Ceiling, Weatlier Bonn Over m bnndred different Puttcm* ol M | lor rnle nt New York price*. MnnM-l-Piece*, J i ?hort notice. Blair Unit, Newel* and llullustcri lit nnlnn (ioofl unci Sal11.ntin 1 Work mndo n* rhmp United State*. We have on Lend the Inrgrrt i Itnlliu.ore. ell of whirb we guarantee will give I Hut<*tii?tial Work. The ml reribera ran rclcr t? Carolina ond Florida, a* to tbc character of tlx w Opposite Wando Fertiliicr Work*, and in pavilion Hotels. Kept 28 i Ohl Canilinn Rilicrs. 4\ IDJBlTtfJtL>lriw\Dffj tt'GDpTU;? We lake pb-asure in ?>flTi ring the OLA CAROLINA BITTERS riTlHTllK public. They are ??nipiun<] .li. ? ?) wi'h great cniv, itii<l eon'aio aonie of the l e t 'forties in the I'hai mat opto A* xvid'urr of (lie stipciiuritv ?l our IJIltefs ov?r all here, we liuvc c* rtificale* lr..m many of the leading physicians in oiirSta'e, who have prescribed them In ibeir practice TiJK OLD CAROLINA HITTERS Will-lie found invaluable for . Want of Appetite, J C enn u) Did UitJ, OblKs and Fever and Dyrpepaln. We Jo not nflT.r our Hitlers-as a pure for all j diseases. lull n? an Aromatia Tonic, they ( aire no equal. F<?r anle by all I)ruci;I?ta and CJrocers i-Vi'T) wnnr. * Principal Depot, ooonmcn wivnttv a r?n i Impoit-iK of Choice l)iwg?i?n<l Chiinicul*, ' UliarlNU n, S. (5. Mli 0 4.2 ly A. B. MULLIGAN, ; OHAXiLESTON, S- C. \ MESSRS. SULLIVAN & SON, '? AHIJ MY t AOE3VTB : AT | GREEN TITTLE, S. C., And will make lideral casii j advances on nil V O T T O N \ Sbippcil to mo through thom. ? a. ?. mulligan. Sept 28 ' 1? 1y I'. HI A liU, CHARLESTON, S. C Largest and most complete 1 \ M i nulactory of Door* Rnahe*, > ( Ulindx, Mouldings, Ac., in tbc J . Southern State*, i p-O- Printed price lint defies competition.-?^ fMf Send for onc.-ft.^ Sent free ou application.-?^ April 27 411 'y WM. SHEPHERD 8c CO., No. 24, llayne Street, Charleston, 8. C. DK.U.ItRR IN . CBOOKING STOVES. RANG Fit AND ) llexting Stoves. Pictures of Stove* with prices description will be sent tip. on Application. June 20 0-1 y inpoKTA.1t Notice TO CONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS. All Retail Orders amounting to $20 and Otnr, Dctirertfl in any I'arl of the Country Fit EE OF EXPRESS CD A ROES. HAMILTON EASTER & SONS, OF BALTIMORE. MP., IN r.r.fcr the hotter to meet tho wants of the Retail Customer* at a distance, hnve | established * SAM RLE BUREAU, and dill, 1 u|H.n application, promptly semi by mail full i lines of sample* of the Newest and most ' Fashionable Goods, of French, English and Domestic* Manufacture, guaranteeing at all ; time* to sell a* to is, it not at less prists, than tnv house in the country. I.Ujring our goods from the largest and most eelehrated inunafaeturer* in the different ' part* of Europe, and importing the same hy | If Cramers direct to Holt our stoek ia at all 1 times promptly aupplied with the novelties of the London and Paris markets. Aa we buy and aell only for cash, and make no had dobta, we are able and willing to aell our goods at from Ten to Fifteen per cent Lcra Profit than if we gave credit. In sending for samples specify fho kind of goods desired. We keep the best grades of every class of goods, front the lowest to the most oostly. Orders uneocompaoled by the cesh will be 1 eent C. 0. It. Prompt Paying Wholesale Buyers are InrL ted to inspect the Htoek In our Jobbing and Package Department. Addreea HAMILTON EAST UK A SONS, 197, 199, 201 and 20.'t West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Pcc 7 29 Ijr . I ULLL-J - . JgaWWLULIL Mi J sffiaS !/..? (J '. I rERTISE.MEi>jiTS.11 i ? 9 3 Si s\&33 3 S3,, Rliclvinp, Ho* H<inr<l?. A<*.. Ac. J nui?ngi, minting over y li.OOti feet on bnnd Dift>r nnil Window Entities inmlo to order nf ' i of Walnut ami Mahogany,'on hand and made J at I hi* r*tabli*bm*nt n* can he innno In the t lurk of the nhova Mood* *nnth of the City of t entire Aili*fnctU.n to all who want (Joixl anp J > gentlemen all over thl* State, (loorgia, North , iir work for the pu*t twenty yenr*. < r. P. Rl'SSELL & CO,, , KAST END 1IASRI, RTHEBT, tbo immediate vicinity of Charleston nnd 1 IV ly j Til OS. P. SMITH i I (LATE NAY I.Kit. SMITH A CO.) FACTOR AND COMMISSION ! MERCHANT, 1 NO '. 4 BOYCI-: <{ COS WJIAJiJ1 CHAP.LEQTOIT, 0. 0. i (1 EO W. ilulVMR I* ooniie?'l?"l with tlie ] T bnxitieM, and will give liin Imat attention to the intercM* of In* Cureftil aMenlIon given t" pnrelm* ina .Meic'iniidize of all kind*, when place.I in fund*. * ? 19' Adv once* ninu* on ponaigntnonta. Oct 5 20 Cm HENRY BI SCI I OFF & CO.. WHOLESALE (2KOCERS, AXn iivAi.t i.s iv Winc?, Biiquors, ifiABS, TOBACCO, &C. SO. 107 EAST BAY, BMHXiSM'OH. fi. CI. I. Hl.-Cll" FF. C Wt'UIKHN J II. 1' Sept 28 10 firn JD C3 get* 9 ^$3 msva^na ?snasaBBw, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. Fept 28 * 1'J ly EDWIN DATES & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BHSY GOODS AND sloshshs 1;2 & 124 Meeting St. . omarlestom; ?. o. Edwin Bates C.eo < . Ski.san , Tikh It. McOaiiaN. Ciias. K. Baif.-. Sept 28 13 ' flhi . WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW 3AHL0NEGA, GA., WILL practice in the Counties of Lumpkin. Dawson, Oilincr, Fannin, Onion, Towns. White and Hall. Jan 10 33 TEE MILLS HOUSE, ojBdu&kaetisas, a. a. PARKER'& CO. Proprietors. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. BOARD. 1'ER DAY..A $1 00. Dee 8 2'J F. VON SANTEN, mpoRTen or PARIS FANCY GOODS, Toy*. Dulls, (lames, Children's Carriages, , French Conlectoucry, Firo Works, INDIA RI7RRER GOODS, Such ns Ciolh'ug. Nursery Sheeting, 4e., 22t? King-St. 2 door* above Market, tHARLBSTON, 8. C. 1 Mar 30 45 !* NATIONAL HOTEL, <0?ILWI&rm&t 0. ?PROPRIETOR. P. HAMILTON JOYNBR. CLERK. HATES Of Boor J p*r T)?y 00 Supper, Hi.-nUtnn nn<l Lodging..,.. '2 OO HtngU Menl? .. 1 00 8ej> \ 15 , tf Ayert Cathartic Pilla, ??r ^ yp"" ?* IwHdiw. Perhaps no one modi^ 1 cine Is so universally k rvijulrod kjr evert" j/r buily m aiathmtlo, nor ?u ever any beJbro so universally 1' adopted Into use, it> 1 A 6 very country and AiVAlfllF - nroon* all elaesee, en ^ ^WtJ tills nilld but efficient W^ purgative i'tM. The obvious reason la, that H la a more relb?> ble and Atr more effectual remedy than any other. Those who hare Urled It, kuo\r that U cured them: those who hare not. know that It cures their neighbors and friends; ind nil know that what It does once It does always ? that It never falls through any fkult or nog-' rlect of Its composition. We have thousands upon thousands of certificates of their remarkablo cures ?f the following complaints, but such cures are known In every neighborhood, and we need not publish thoiu. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates; containing neither calomel nor any leletorlons drug, they may be taken with safety jy anybody. Their sugaroontlng preserves them ?ver nwii,inilMkM them pleasant to take, while Pclng purely vegetable, no tutrix can arise from Lhclr use In any quajajtr. They operate by tl^B>o^erfn1 Inflneneeon tho internal viscera to rflHy the blood and stimulate It into healthy action?remove the obstruction* >f the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of he body, restoring their irregular notion to health, mil by correcting, wherever they exist, such derangements as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in tho wrapjier on he box, for the following complaints, which these ViUs rapidly oure : ? For Oyspspsla or IadigMtiea, Ustlws cm, Lssraor and JLoaa of Appetite, they ihould bo taxen moderately to stimulate the atomtch, and restore Ms healthy tone and action. For Llrcr Comnlulnl and its various symponis, Utlions Headache, Melt Hrsdsche, Fsunillcs or (ircea Mlckness, Uilloua Colic and UUIona fsrsn, they shout# >o Judiciously taken for each ease, to correct thw llscased action or remove tbo obstructions \rhioti snuhe It. r For Dyssatsry or Dlarrhcsa, but one nlld dose Is gonornlly required. For BhcunatisM, bom, drarel, PnlUlatloD of tbe Ussrt, Pain- In the tide. Ruck and Lots*, thev should he oontbilously taken, as required, to change tho diseased lotion of tho system, with such change thoso romplnlnts disappear. For Ilromr and Dropsical Mwelllngo ;hcy should no taken In large and frequent doses lo produce tho cffccUof a drastic purge. For Nupjirrulon a largo aoso should be taken as It produces tho desired effect by sympathy. A. ? TThitf ??!.? ??? ~ Tliff. jxb n j/?n?rr jhc?i uiiid uuv ur mu m ??%m w promote digestion ami relievo the stomach. An occasional (lose stimulates the iftomnrh ana bowels Into healthy action, restores the appetite, ind invigorates tho system. Hence it Is often adrnntngcotts where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often llnds that a lose of these fUla makes hhu feel decidedly betor, fYom their cleansing and renovating effect on ho digestive apparatus. Dr.%T. C. AYJCJt Jt CO., l*ractlctil Chcmiiti% LOWEUj. MASS., U. S. A. C3T J' or -n ii < or*.?il - by M. A. llL'KTl K A ft*, Agents. Aug .11 15 ly Tho Great Medical Discover/! Dr. WALKBa'3 CALIFORNIA. VINEGAR BITTERS, | ? 3j Hundreds of Thousands .?! Bear testimony to their wonderful^? ? Curative Kflbcts, WHAT ARE THEY? ^|J P S wtuutr tow V/vn A tTTf n O 3 ZZ KiAX JMMM J11V/1 A Viliii X n1?FANCY DRINK,ft?; Mmloof Poor Hum. Whlnlcey, Proof Spirits. and Befuao Xjiquora. uoo. umi, n[m-c<l, and awei-taiic.l to pliMiKJtiio tuslc, cu led' Tonics'* *' Avpotlaoi'i," It^ioron.," ic Ic^ l the tipp^rou to dmnicunoas nud rtiin, l?ut aro atruaMeaictnc, mn.lo tio.11 the Native Knots and Jl-rt* Of CalUornia, t)roo from all Alcofcolio Btimulants. 'ri>oynn?i,ioQ?tRA'PBIjOOl>* PlTiUFIEHan ILirH GIVING PHINCIl'LE, a jKTlcct Ktaovaiuf ami lnvignrator ot t in? U> ?t"rn, caixyinafoU tU poisonous matter, and restoring tho Lloo-l to a b liltUjr condition. No person ran tal:o tlu-sn Uittcra, aoconliag to di-ectlnns, q*.l rom.iin lonfT lintrcll. t OO wiTbo [tiwn for un jneumlilo case, pro-' tlio bones aro not desiro-.ed by 1111 Din! ].oi*)u* or o'.brr means, and tl.o vital organs, v ist.d bcrnnd tho )>o.nt of repair. ' Porlnflamwi'tory and Chrotjio mien--4 matism, and Gout. Dyepopsia. or indi-' po ition. Bilioua, Pemittont. and Intermittent Fovora, Uis inses of th? Blood, lj\vor, Kidnoyo. Bladder, iheso Bittora liavo Ikhui most soeeosHitil. Such l)isaiiuai nro caused liv V1 t.iatsrl Plivid. tdiicK is U ner.illjr produced by ilciausfciueut of thoj D?(tostiT0 Organs. Tiu-y Invitomui tho stomach, nnl stimulate tho torpid 11 ver and bowels, which reader them of unequalled ci&eary in rioanainv tho b'.oolof tiM impurities, mil imparting uuvv life and vijjor . , > 1 ho whole system. ~ Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headnehr," Fain in tho Hlionlders, Coughs, Ti*htn<*-s of tho ( iici*t, Dizziness, Sour Btomoch, jt id Tarte in the Mouth, Hi.lions Attacks, Palpitation of tiio Heart, Copious Discharges of Urine, Tain in tho regions of tho Kidneys, nnd ft hundred other {.sinful symptoms which tiro the ctlnprlugs of iyspepsla, arc cured by these Hitters. (Hcanso tho Vltiato.l Blood whenever yon fin J"1 its impurities bursting t lirou -h tho shin in Pun-] plea, Eruptions, or Bore*: cleanso It when it is' foul, and your feelings will toll you when. Keep 1 tho blood pure and tho health of tho system willJ follow. s PIS, TArE. and other "WORMS, lurking In : the system of so many thousands, aro otfoctually, destroyed and removed. For fall directions, road carefully tho eimilarl around oach bottle, prtntod in tour lac.jpiagos?i Knyliah, Oerman, French, and Hparish. 4 J. WAbKKH, 82 A St Commerce Btroot, N. Y.| Proprietor. It. II. Me DONALD A CO., Drusrvrlat* and Oeneral Adonis. Ban Francisco, California, and Si undSt Cum*, mereo htr -ct, N. Y. wmr SOLD BY ALL DRUOOI8T8 AND DEALERS. . . tJT F<?l S 11 e in Oi cell V ill f )>y M. A. HUNTER <fc CO , # AMI HARRISON A MARSHALL Aug 31. '14 g,n For mJ? l.y U HAJOX, (4IBB8 A ^ O . Iin portrr* ami Dw ilrra in Muanna, 146 Hay St., S?v?ni:?li ; '241 ItrAod St., AiivhiII, G?, ; 1A1 K.nut M iv, Ch*rlr#4on, H 0 ; and hy I >A V11> A >TK ADI.KY, Ott*n*Hla. For further information, apply or a<V1rr*a Imve fof |mn>pl?1ot. floT HO SQ 4m