University of South Carolina Libraries
The State of Soath Carolina. GRKEKVILL* COUNTY. /if a. J. DOUTUIf, Eequire, Judy* of Protn>? uj laid CoU-tp. WHKKKAH, J. Wash ttoodjoln has filed a Petition in my Offloo, praying that Latter* of Administration on All and singular tha goods and chatties, rights and credits of ELIZABETH GRACE, late of tb* County atoresaid, deceased, should he granted to him. Tk?e arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the fcindred and creditors of the said deceased, to ba and appear In the Court of Probate for Mid Connty, to be bolden at Greenville Court House, * ?A? 17 tA day of February'inet., to show esuse, If any, why thosaid Administration should not ho grantod. S. J. DOlItHIT. J. P. O. 0. Oflloo of Judge of Probata. Fob. 3d, ISM . Feb 8 33 3 Notico IS hereby given ty all whom It mar concern, thai I will o|<p)v <o *. J. Donthii, Prohoto Judge of OreenbUle County, on the 1th day of March next, torn final discharge as Executor of iho K?ta^P[ A. Q. BRADLEY, drrennl. W. A. nRADLEt, E*scntnr. Feb. 6th. 1871. 88-4 Notice IS hereby given to all whom, it nay concern' that I will apply tq S. J. Doutbit, Probate Judge of Qroenrllle County, on tki 2d day of March next, for a final discharge as Exector of the Estate of JOUNATIIAN DAVIS, deceased. R. P. HAMMETT, Execntor. ?Feh. 3d, 1871. ' ' 38-4 feisl ?. ?. j/f^^ TIIE next session of this School s?IU tiegin MONDA Y, OfA dog of 0 Students nro under military dlsg?Sur oiplino and wear un appropriate unilorin. . Terme per Sceiion of Five Monthe : Donrd, including tuition, fuel, lights and washing $120 For circulars, address 0. A. WOODWARD, Principal, or M. M. FARROW, Asso. Priuo'l. Feb 1 37 3 Change in Business AKD emit mmm is pskes i /AS we will make a Chantro in Ij-\\ onr Business on the FIF TEEN Til OF" FEBRUARY\ WO will bC'll For Cash Only! We offer < RE AT BARG A1NS in onr Stock. Buyers will find it to their interest to call at once. Country Merchants can do well with its. peFTifosK tN&KHTKD will please calland settle their NOTES AND ACCOBNTS. We must settle up without further delav. H. BEATTIE & COFsb I 3^ 2 . a ? 2 ? ? ? ~ o ? w ok >. ? o*I= ="'2?sr-^ *-Oi.?r5 * * 5^1?.tp si Ia v, . ^ J -f J ? -g % * u ? ' iltcB IS'lll 1 _ ^ ? Q i-?It kj ' H H * - ? S J-2 js " $i?lt S 1 = ? 4= j ir|-=^.' 5*"g* ^1 C $ -?5 s . ~ "1 p y. gB .sjas = g k pfi =^f cw 1H H- g 0 ,. 2^ 8 MSI jig B '. S jg lis? H^'3 * ? .2 ? <25 S"o fS?n | s?I .j Hi ? Pr ?2-??*2>J".s W .s g ? s 3"= i'j Sl L C?t~0! C*<?. *0 C *"t3 3 ^*o "."i s, p M SfS-rfgS-^f ?e 4l 2 - ^ *= ? S 5 N ? a. ^ cs es 00 JS P E "" ??< JT *rlmCi ti- CJ GO O^"? ? - "tj-r v, "r M II h J S C S _ I ro * ? ? s ~ (col: o-t= ^5 ^ 1 -I'J 2 co os cfc ?. A Stock of Clothing, Hats AXD ' | CUNTO* fftTSHTIOHXUG i ? O O D N , &3SS 0S33. A llA,lK opportunity to. embftrk in the XV. business. A fresh and Well selected Flock of CLOTHING, IIAT8 ahd Gent*' Furniihnjr GOODS, together with the STORK FIXTURES and Lease of one of the most desirable business stands in the city of Columbia?property of the late W. J. lloke?is now offered for sale nt a sacrifice, in order to close the business. 1'urtics desiring to tfetit for the purehaso of same, will call oh t>t mldress the eon of the lute proprietor. MIKE HOKE, Columbia, B.C. Feb.I 37 tf Land for Sale. 1^*;^ TFIK LAND upon which the^Q^W^^S^ fiflBjfc ??( RICHARD STENHOUSE Lived, on waters of Reedy River, adjoining lands of Jacon Lenderman, William Johnston and others, containing One Hundred Acres, (100) mule otr less. Upnn the place is a large and commodious dwelling, 1 nurntrir m,v? o smn. . _ 1 v v . ? v>a#(^?4i wr ? vi i # nc*KiVf MCA | yHft For Information ( to Tlllm and Term*, I npply t<> tb? gitdtriixncd In the 01J Court Couae, Greenville, 8. C. 1 JAMES BIRNtE, I Attorney at Law. Feb 1 37 3_ Schedule Blue Bidge R R ON and after thia date the following ?ehed ule will he oheerved hy the Peeaenger < vlyaina oror title Roed : Up. < J-eave Aedereon 4 20 p m J' Pendleton 5 20 44 44 Perry villa A 10 44 Arr. Walhalla 7 00 44 I hum. . J^eve Walhella,., ......4 00 a m 44 Perayyllle 4 45 44 44 Pendleton ,6 30 44 Arr. Anderaon,..., 0 10 44 | In raeea of detention on the (I. and 0. R. < R., the train on thia Road will wait one hour , for the train from Ilelton. eec. pt on Satur- j ] daya, when it will wait until the arrival of the I JSelton train. w. n. D. GAU/LARD, Sapx Carolina National Bank a* < COLUMBIA. 8. C. Capital Stock Paid in, $800,000. BOARD or DIRECTORSt * Ii. D. CHILDS, President. Dr. j. W. P'arkkr, k. M.'Wali.acw, John 8. Wilkv, Dr. Joup. T. Darit, E. IJofk, Richard O'Niam, Jr. C. D. Mbltor, Attorney. W. B. Ontic*, C. J. InKDVLL, Cashier. Assistant Cashier. a :o: *.i . TIIE capital stock of this* flank is now $200,000, all of which bsf boon nsid in, and confirtncd by tiA Comptroller of the Currency. Authority hss also keen received for a further Increase to the attlottnt of $60,000, of which over $20,000 has already been taken. Prions Wishing toranko ah investment should apply without delay. The $urplus Fund is now $0,000, or three per cci^f. opon its s'ook. The Carolina National lidnk issues certificates of deposit, bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent, plr annum. This feature of its business makes it practically A SAVINGS BANK, And attention is called to the fact that the safety of these deposit^, ae well at all others, are guaranteed by the whole capital of the Bank. No safer mode of temporary investment is offered to the publie than this?the deposits being payable on demat]d,T>f on short notice. DepotUs of any amount received either in currency or ooin, and payahlo?in the same. Interest will be paid at the end of each six months, should deposits remain be* yond that, length of time. Columbia, S. C., January 28th, 1871. Feb 1 37 3m What is Headache ? In nine cases out of ten the fonree of headache is not in the lirnin. hill in the stomach. Indiue*tion is the moot frequent cntse. digestive organ* being disbr dered, tliev derange i lie not ion of the liver, flie l ow 1*. the kidney*, and the nerve*, and the whole eeeretive and excic'.ive machinery being n* it were thrown* out of rear, the brain suffer*. He?lore the natural lone of the stomach and bowels with a few dose* of T A UK A NTS SELTZER APKIUENT. and headache arising from this cause is at i)ii?*sm?eil. This delightful preparation is lite be*t t-.m-dy for chronic and peiiedi cal headache at present known, Bnd nl-soIn*fly invaluable nn n a'omachic and jr**"tie cathartic. Sold by all druggists 87-4 Garden, Clover AND ^ ^ ? ? '^3 ^ ^ ? I\t anniTinv tn nn&ti? PWOTVPrKn SEEDS, 1 W. 11. WATSON Una received a complete suppliment of such Kuropcan and Northern SEEDS tut will afford I'ctter varieties and prove more prolific, and thereby increase food, and contribute to the refinements of the table. Old Herd* are invariably thruica out, and JVete onet Treted.'H^. Bed, Whits and Lucerne Clover, Most carefully selected from tho crop of 1870. Blue, Orcjiard and Hcrda GRASSES. o Tools for all Trades) And materials to aid in manufacturing?not oniitinic Rowland's, Disslona nnd line's CrossCut. Mill SAW, and Bench Circular C. S. SAWS, and Msndrells, Wood, Wcb\ and Felloe Saw Frames, Ac. The proprietor of this old establishment, is desirous of furnishing only such Goods as will assist the useful artist, mechanic and lurtnur 10 mi go<>a worn in a snort space oi time, and thereby product-'hcrppiness and homo ind|>cndcncc. Feb I 37 3 W. H. HOVEY & CO., HAVE MARKED DOWN ALL Heavy Winter Stock, AND ARE OFFERING SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN DRESS GOODS, FLANNELS, SHAWLS, nt /\ iFn blAMIYO, FURS, ;i BLANKETS, &c:, &c., &c. Feb 1 87 tf Notioo* ALT. perann* indebted to the K*t*t* of NKWTON HAlili, d-eea?ed, nie hereby notified 111 a on immediate settlement i? required, * Mid Estate hn toltr settled tip in full l>y the fir*t oj April next ; and *11 parti** having claims attain*! *?id K**t?, <*HI phase present them properly attested 'o the Und?i*tgne'1 h* the time above specified. JOHN Wv OAULT, Kxecntor. Jan 2.1 Bd Id Notice. IN my ftWner, SAMUEL J. DOUTH1T. Kcq , will to th* dull# of the >?rfie<> hi School CoitiruiMioner. IW I will itilend irk my ofHre nt ih<* 1 Court lloune, every Saturday '! week. A. 0 MOOKR, School CommlMioocr Greenville County. Jon 4th. 1871. 83 tl . Notice ' IS hereby giron to nil whom it may concern, thct I will apply to S. J. Doiitbit, Pronote Judge of Greenville County, on the IMM iay of February next, for a final discharge u Administrator?with Will annexed?of the Estate of THOMAS M03MLY, deceased. Jan. 17th, IH7I. B. J. 8TKWART, Administrator with Will Annexed. Jan 18 33 5 % - ' mwm i ' SOLUBLE' Jl AN1 sulp'hur MANUFACTUKI Vivnvk H A K L.ES1 BY T! SDLPIIDRMM SUPER rpHB now well-known ETIWAX GUAXO In X pbates of South Carolina. These Phosphates b (o he ground to powder, nnd made Soluble by Su operation the largest Sulphuric Acid Chamber* a facturo at the lowest rates, the highest grade of I pioportion of Soluble Phosphate which any Forti per acre. In order to tnako the Fertiliser complc titles are added. With these views the Company BTIWATST 4 Warranted to oontain from 15 to 20 t'Eli CEXt OF LIME, and flrom 2 to 2} per cent, of AM Mi NIAX GUANO and I'OTASfl, to adapt It to a $70 per tou, and Interest 7 per cent, per annum. DISSOLVE Of high grade. Miitnhlc for Manufacturers or for tcr, nnd specially adapted for compost. As large solve the Phosphate, this will lie touud a cheap a rial. The grade furnished will be from 18 to 20 ] $40 per ton cash. On time, $45, with interest at will Do furnished to order at an additional price ] COMPOUND A Gil Specially prepared for composting with cotton $35 per ton: cash ; on tiino $10, with interest at * At much lower rates, consisting simply of tho Price $20 per ton, cash. On time, $22, and intcri wivr n i w f XIXI v? A Jlgents, JYo. 14 CHARLE! DAVID & STRADLEY, i GEO. W. ANDERSON, A N. IJ.?The per ccntage of Dissolved Bone Ph Etiwana, In ascertained at the Work*, hy their < rha*er ho d i**ati*(io<i, he may return average day* after delivery, and they will he analyted guaranteed will bo tnado good to bitn by the Co Jan 25 36 ^mm*k BA5VTB?NE 1 StfrCRTHQSPHATEl STANDARD GUARANTET.D ,'| SOS 1%$. MANUFACTURED BY | WALTON,WHANN&C| WILMINGTON,DELJiM L/. FOR 8ALE BY jfllcB F$Mm2N FACTORS JKoO^,OM >MERoRG > f-Jff I he Great Fertilizi all Ci TIIE unparalleled sncccsd of this < proves it to be tlie 11E6T and C11E the market. It lias been used by many of th Eolith, and In every single instance it has On COTTON it* effects hare been particularly PHOSPHATE to increase thfc yield Iroin ONE CENT., or even more 1 Mr. Geo. C. I)is?>n, an eminent planter of Can Planter, says that In an experiment with seven WIIANN'S proved itself tho best of all those tri rate of $20 00 per acre of eottoil. A copy of M FOR SAI CLAGHORN, I1EI Charleston, C., a Jnnuury 11,'18?0. For S^le. ^ A COTTAOR with five comfortable Ronnie, new'y P IS ] filled np. within a few min"1 * walk of the hiieineiH portion <>| the City. Three Acre* of Lnnd in the lot. AIJ neeewary oat huildWifr*. to ^ether with (food younK orehnril, {0(>d Well of water/ For term*, apply to me. I W. II. CALMER. 1 Jnn 26 36 8 WBL J RANDOLPH. I STONE CUTTER AND BUILDER. J ? LOCATED on Fall* Street, one oi equnre of Meaari. (lower, Cox A S ^IlIVlTE of all deaeriptiona I1 'llfnn fnrniehed enil on! In nnt?. TflMIt- n 'i BTONK8, with Oranite or Marble r> Pedestals may be bad on application. Special attention guaranteed to all a< work. Jan 18 .13 tf II 18 A CARD. F ?SL MY FRIRNDS AND PAT* , \ Irons have my thank* for paat JyfflL fNLt^O favors. Ac. I continue to make Ifi ^ ad.iitiona to my Stock of JKWKIi- KsdZp ItY, WATCH KM. CLOCKS, SPKC- _ TICLK9, 8 I I. V K R ? a t i i.wa? WAKE. TABLE CUTLKIlf, Ac. Special at. J tcntion given to repairing fine Watches, -and I' Time Pieces of every description. I JAMRS tf. BLACK. c Jan 18 .14 tf K Notico T ft hprnKv m!**n #A all "!./?#? U ?. aaae- ? X tiint I wiU ?|>pljr to 3. J. Ilouthit, Probata I Judge ?f (Ireonnlle County, on 1 ArA </,.y i 1 of f'tbrtiarj wart, for a final diaobarga aa Ad- I J ininiatrator of the Relate of MARIA M. j ? O'NKILL, doooaaod : all partioa baring claim* f J againat aaid Hat ale, will proaent on or bafore ; A aaid day. to nao or tba aaid Probata Jadga, or L bo debarrod. W. A. MnDANIBi., Adminialrator. January lAlh, 18T1. 35-5 mmm. XJUYURES: < 7 c IC ACID, : ZD AT THE " r.oN, s. c. ; HE I IMPHATE COMPANY: A nsnufncturod from the I^lirt Bone Pbosn tbeir natural (tale are Insoluble, and requir Iphurio Acid. Tbia Company bare now in t the Bouth, and are, therefore, able to mnn'ertiliser ; it being clear that the greater the 1 liter contains, the leie the quantity required i ite, Ammonia and Potaah in sufficient (|uanmanufacture and odef for rale auArsros, OF DISSOLVED DONE PHOSPHATE JNIA, With a sufficient addition of PERUII cropi. Price $63 por ton, cash ; on time, 3D BONE, Planters, being in itself an excellent Fortili- < quantities of Sulphuric Acid aroused to die* nd convenient way to transport that niatoper cent. Dissolved Bono Phosphate. Price 7 per cent, per annum. Stjll higher grades per centnge. 3 PHOSPHATE,' seed and other plantation manures. Price r per cent, per annum. ? uoiirii:9 Native Bono Phosphntos ground to powder, est at 7 per ccut. per annum. JEE&CO. t Jldgers JVlbarf, 3TOIST, S. C. Vgcnis, Grconville, S. C. Lgent, Williamston, S. C. i>.?phato <if Lima, and Ammonia in nil the ?bomigt, before delivery. Should any pur* gntnplea of any purchase, within thirty (30) new, and any deficiency in the percentage tnpany. 2m I . HAM'S RAW BONE siwrnionm I Br for Cotton and rops, Grrcat Fertilizer on ALL CHOPS, A PEST Manure now. ottered in c most eminent Planters in the given Entire Satisfaction. marked. It in no ram thine for WH ANN'S I1LNDRKD TO TWO lllJXDRKD PER ncron, (la., in a letter to the Runner and lending Superphorphatea and Guano*, the ed, paying a art pro/It at the low market r. Dison'4 letter furnished on afiplfa.itioti. jE BY mm & co, nil J.lugnsta, Ga. 34 3m OMEN VILLI?, ?? C. IRST-CIASS HOTEL PROPERTY. MANSION HOUSE 'OR SALE OR LEASE.j THE ADOVE LARGE and Splendid ,ni>g anil favorably known to viaitora tbronghII I ||>A -- - ?l?I '11 " ' I ' .... , j no n i Iflb'VliiPB IH'Il'l, Id flOW 1 (Toreil for Hale. The house in n 3 and 4 lory Building. It bus upwards of TO Bleep- j ig in, all neatly furnished. Elegant 'nrlnrs ; Bar and Iiillinrd Rooms; Tee House, ! ow Oiled with Ice. Also, a fine Storo collected with it. On the Lot is a large Vegetable Garden ; sveral Outbuildings, Stable*, Ac. It is the only flotel in Greenville, and is ghtod with Gas, Term* of Sale made easy. If not sold soon, the Hotel will be Leased vr a term of years. Lessee to purchase urniture. JEfl' Apply to 8. 8 WAN DALE, Proprietor, Greeuville, 8. C. Jan 11 34 tf Notice [8 hereby given to all whom It may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. iHiuthit, 'inhale Judge of GtOanville County, on llt? lib day of Ft binary urxt, for a final di?harge na Adininiairator of the Estate of I I I i II ?* kiU* ? * PUI?AII ii. r-jai i ii. iii-eenu'd. 0 P. MAY PI ELD, A<Wr. January 16th, 1871. 8A-5 Notice LS hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to S. J. Doutbit, l'roMtc Judge of Greenville County, ow the tith "9 1/ F'hruurjf next, fur a dual discharge as ininistr*tor of the Katate of WILLIAM iKAGUK, deceaeed. January Ttb, IM7I. KOBKK'f LKAOIIK J*n II 34 2 I 1 1 T ? EI7ABLIIIIED It35. J GREEN viLLB COACH FACTORY. ? SOWER, COX & MARKLEY. T ITT B would announce to our customer*, 1 W that we are prepared now to All all , rders for VKHICLE8. We hare added to ^ ur Stock of Wood-Working Machinery, and w o creased our *taff of workmen to about 70, Ji lid therefore trust that none of our patrons 11 rill he disappointed in having orders prompt- it f filled. The Stock of One, Two, Three, Four ?* nd Six-Horse Iron Axle PLANTATION J, VAOONS, will be kept full; and now as for i) ne-third of a century past, these Wagons hall be the o| STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. .1 We have n largo Stock of Light t BUGGIES AND ROCK A WA VS >f our own make, and a Stock of Northern Juilt BUUGllfl*?both low-priced and high- ?j> triced?fur tboee who wish to purchase North- A rn work, priced at low a* any Southern dealr. We call special attention to the improve- ^ ..out? making in our *1 SPRING WAGONS. u A'itboul raising the price, we are finishing ^ hem with " GREAT CARE. And Painting them Elegantly. To customers at a distance, Prieed Lists ^ till h? promptly mailed on application to ^ BOWER, COX & MARKLEY. ? Aug 10 12 Cm 1 PYRE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. ! n-:o: J Buy the Best?It is the Cheapest, r To Containers of White Lead Everywhere- 1 * :o: * ' TfiE increased demand from all sections of the country for orr well-known brand r ol PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, in- * duces us to ask your special attention to it nnd wo cordially invito you to givo it a trial. UNEQ.UALED. * I at. For Wearing nn<l Covering Properties. r 2(1. For Whiten?*? nnrl Rpnntv ??f PSwUK V ? ......... t 3d. For Uniform Fineness of Grinding. 4th. Same Weight will do more nnd l etter 1 work, at a given coat, than nny other. 6th. Moat Economical White Lend ever introduced. Ctb. If you wish to procure as much value ns ' possible fur your money and secure hand- ' some and durable work, uao PUEE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD 1 Try it and bo convinced. Satisfaction guar- j antced by the Manufacturers. ZIEGLE A 8MITII. ] Whoieanlo Drug, Paint nnd Glass Dealers, | No. 137 North Third Street, Philadelphia. WHOLESALE AGENTS, GOWER, COX & MARKLEY, , DEALERS IN Coach Materials, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Ac., GRKZNVILLE, S. C. Au^ 10 -12 Cm NEW STORE. JOHN 3. GOODL3TT T) ESPKCTFULl,Y inform* the Publie that |X *>"" commenced Business ngala at the Old Stand of LONG & GOODLETT, Where he hn* just opcued a portion of hie Stock, consisting of 10 a Y? ????Op Groceries, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, &c., All of which were bought at low figures, and will be sold for CASH OR RAKTRR At n slight advance on Cost. He solicits a ehuru of the public pntronagc. Ap 6 46 tf GREENVILLE PAPER MILLS. :o: J. Bannister & Son, OF ALL KINDS OF I Book, News, Wrapping and Colored is* n? an not TT10IIEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR | _I_JL Clean Cotton or Linen RAUS. Stay 25 1 ly TOW^ES & lb A ST, ATTOHNIES AT LAW. OFFICE in the OLD COURT HOUSE, Middle Room on the South Side, Lower Story, GREENVILLE, S. C* O. F. TOWN FX. 0 LI N D EAST Jul) 4 33 tf f&te. CR E.An?. Tq^|q PRtVWSCHI^S&cf^TR?SA?*^TIT? j Tlrf,. SOLO tyERYWHCRE"TJrJr1 |U)WlEJ^n?E & DAVIS PROPRIETORS **U a WH0lt$/GI DRUGGISTS ClULHUCTmC, M. It. The C"immiii?i(in?r of Revenue lias decided tlint any <I*>n I? r can <*? 11 I Ills article witiion^ apecial license. For ea!? l>y EAVIH & STRADLT.Y, Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Comnii-?Hioit Merchants, Greenville, S, C. AUW> BY ( Drs. Harrison 8c Marshall, Wholesale and Retail DrueqUts, GREENVILLE, 8. O. ! Mar 30 45 1y MILMNBllY. ; MRS. LOU JENNINGS, j JSygft:tst ctawd, I VM NEAR .# i ffllY w. n. iiovkv a co.. , HAVE OS IIASD A LARGE ASD | ?S0?&,! With which the if, 1 CERTAIN OF PLBASINO ALT, OF HER FHIKN08. par VALE ASH SEE. ' t>rr 11 ?? ^ w " ** 11 he State of Sooth Carolina. m OITY OF GRStSVfLLK. ? AN ORDINANCE . J 0 RAISE SUPPLIES FOR 1871. *; r>E IT ENACTED l?y the Merer and A I- c [3 (trrnien of tlie City of Greenville, In |, onncil aeaembted, end by authority of the ime, That a Ta* to eoTer the period from p ?ni'*ry let. 1971, tq January let, 1872. for 4 ie iuim and in ihr meaner lieroinaller mm * one?t, thill l>e railed, and paid into the t ublie Treaanry ol the aaid City, by the lit p jp of March nert, for the aee ana arrviee p teroof. i, Skctiok 1. On rauh on* Hundred Dollar* f r arretted value of Real Rrtate and Permit1 Property, the sum of Ttiirty eenta (30o.) M teal Estate, Stocks, Goods and * Chattels, Sold at Auction. Sxc 2. Th?r? shall b4 paid, quart^lf, v wo and a Half per Cent upon all Sales at v notion, ?>n all O??odr, and One per C.-nt on ii hattcls, and Ileal Estate and Stocks ol ev? ry deecrlpllon, except on Sale* made l?y or- 1 er of Court, or* process ol law, or by exec* tor# and administrator*. loodi, Ware# and Merchandise Sold on Consignment. Sec. 8. There aliall be peid by all Mer* hauls, or oth-rs, One half per Cent, opon ales o| all Goods, Wares and Merchandise ?ld on Consignment, made from the 1st d?y f January, I871,tolho 1st day of January, r 872 ; the above Tax to be paid quarterly. Eoad and Street Tax. Pro. 4. That each and every male person 1 elween the ages of twenty-one and filly ears, oilier than members of lbs Fiie lie a r tin est, Ordained Ministers, and Students, hall pny, on or before thp l?t day o| Mnrob iyxt. One Dollar for Koad and Street exinption; and if any person liable to this Tax shall fnil to make payment nt the time . f pecified, lis shall be held liable to-work on | J he streets ol the City for six days, under the liiection of the aetimr Overseer of the' Uteris; any person refusing or neglecting o olrey ill- summons, shall be fined at the liscreliun df the Council; sad fine to be j :ollected by execution. And it ahull be the , luty of the City'Clerk and City Marshal to ' eporl to the Council all deraulters under diner ol the c auses of this Section. * Lawyers, Physicians, Dentists, Photographists, &c. Peo. 6, There wI.mI1 be paid Thirty Centa >n t.hi, Hundred Dollars of the Gross Inft U?-oWoi-? ami R?hk?ra, and on all Income* derived from Ilia Cousn.isiion Business, or the Practice of the Profession* of Law, Medicine jind Dentistry, and from tlie Business of Dnguerreotyping Ambr.dyping snd Photographing, within the limits of the Pity?the Amount of income to he estimated Irom tlie 1st. day of January, 1871> to 1st January, 1872 ; the above tax to be paid quaterly. ? Carriages. Omnibusses, Wagons. &c. Peti. 6 There shall be paid Ten Dollnrs on each four-horse Omnibus or Hack ; Pix Dollars on each Carriage or Hack drawn l.y two or more, run for conveyance of passengers or hire ; Three Dollars on each onehorse Buggy. Gig or Pulky kept lor hire; Eight Dollars on eacli fonr-horse Wagon ; Six Dollars on eacli two-horse Wagon, or Dray ; Four Dollnrs on encli one hor-c Wagon. l)rav or Cart run for hire. The Taxes on Omnibosses, Can iages, llacka. Buggies, Wagons. A"., kept for hire, shall be paid before they shall he allowed to ititit Proaided, Thai nothing herein contained shall be const rued so as to extend to Wagons, Jatts or other vehicles going to or from market aud owned by non-residents of the City. Itinerant Traders end Auctioneers. Sec. 7. Five dollars it day ah All be paid by cvory Intinernnt Trader or Auctioneer offering for sulc within the corpornta limits of the City, at Auction or otherwise, nny Goods, Wares and Merchandise, to be paid each d?y in advance fnnd every Itinerant Trader or Auctioneer liable to the Tax aforesaid, and who shall f?il to make payment, shall he fined Ten Dollars for each day be tnny so offend: Provided, The provisions of this Section shall not be so construed as to apply to the ordinary dealers in grain, fruit, potatoes, tobacco, poultry, iron ware, earthen ware, or other produce or manufactures of like character. Billiard Tables and Ten Pin Alleys. Sec. 8. That an Annunl Tax of Fifty Dollars shall be paid upon coch snd every Billiard Table, and Twenty-Five Doltnis upon each Slid every Nine or Ten Pin Alley kept within the limits uf said City for profit ; said T/ix to bo pnid before License shall bo granted. Any person opening the establishments mentioned in this Section without having first obtained a License ami given bond in the sum uf Two Hundred Dollars, conditioned to observe tho laws of the State and City, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding Ten Dollars for each day such establishment shall be kept open or used. Sec. D. That no Equestrian or Theatric*! Performance, or other Exhibition for gain, shall be had in the City ot Greenville, without a License therefor being first obtained frotn the Mayor, and payment for said License mado in advanco to tho City Clerk, as follows: For each nnd cVery Equestrian Exhibition, Fifty Dollars: for each and every Side Show, a sum not less than Five Dollars, nor exceeding Twenty-Five Dollars, as tho Mayor shall determine. For Theatrical nnd other Exhibitions for gain, sach sum ns the Mayor shall determine. And each and every person exhibiting for gain, without having lirst obtained a I.crnse nnd the payment of said Tax in advance, shall b? flnn.1 in ?? 1? thnn double ftio amount of said Te\> in manncr hereinafter provided for the imposition of fine3 and forfeitures. Sr.?\ 10. That no person, flrrti, company f.,r corporation siinll be engaged in, prosecute or carry on an.y trade, business or profession, until he, she or they shull liave paid a Special License therefor, in tho manner hereinafter provided, to wit: Each and every Business, either Mercantile, Mechanical or Manufacturing, the gross sales or receipts of which shall not exceed $500 per unnum, shall pay a License of $2.00 ; in excess of $500 and not exceeding $'2,000, Five Dollars; in excess of $2,000 and not exceeding $5,000, Eight Dollars ; in excess of-$5,000 and not exceeding $10,000, Ten Dollars; in excess of $10,000. Twelve Dollars. Each first-class Hotel, Twenty-Five Dollars ; each second-class Hotel, Fifteen Dollars; each fiaw Mill, Ten Dollars; each Corn Mill grind in - under 11,000 bushels, Ten Dollars, and over 3,000 bushels, Twenty Dollars; each Flouring Mill, Twenty Dollars; each Cotton (Jin, Ten Dollars; each Cotton Press, Five Dollars ; each Livery Htatdo, Ten Dollars; each (las Manufactory or Works, Ten Dollars; each I'rinting Establishment, Six Dollars; cneh Barber Shop, Vive Dollars; each Auctioneer, Twelve Dollars. The License issued by virtue of this Section shall he collected on the 1st day of March next, and shall cover tho year 1871 ( and all Business License issued on and after the 1st d?y of March next, shall be issued r.n a ratable proportion ol the year, dating from the first day of the mouth in which it may be issued. See. 11. Each Physician, Lawyer, Dentist, Photographist and artist ; each Insurance Csti pnny, and each speculator in Uruin, Flour or Country produce, not otherwise Licensed, shall pay a Licco-e of Ton I toll,it a, and each Kxpr< ss Company a License r? I Twenty-five Dol-ars, for conducting said Business or Oecupa'ion ; said sums to he I Him on or oeiore lli? lut <1a.y i>f Mnreli | next, or on any subsequent <\i?y helms commencing such loudness or seen }>at ion, And a penalty ol Five 1 toll*'ft jy-r day shall l?? vied against any |vram prnsecudnit snclt liiieinc* or occni'alion, without flint having taken out a license the-efor. Sec l'l. l>ea)?r? in Liquor sliall pay the ' following License, to wit; ?"?*< 11 It eta U Li jnor Dealer, Two Hundred and Filly Dollars; each Dealer wlto aelis t>v the quart or larger quantity. Severn v-fiva Indian; each Druggist selling l?y lite l>oti)e, Fifty IV~II? ? - n?iinrf. ann iiw> Lticr-nnea foi nil j in Lnj'inr ?tinil oov?r the year ?x|>iving on ' tho lm 4ny i?f O<tob*r, 18*11, at Il?o nlxwo raUi |?r miii?hi, n iwl ihmM l>? hrfoio lh? pttrlil S eBler II4>00 MM'l Penalties. 8eo 13 An.1 b? it fnthfr ordnined, That I 1 L-J-" ' any perron or paraonr rli?*)l fall, arglect r rofuro to!m?kr a rrtnrf l? th? City lerk. on oaiM.of allti(4, h*r or tl??lr Taxahl* Snprrty. 1 hi..** t.xed by iH^Ondia?.?p4 ppy (lia ?x tlierron l<npi?r*<i wiintrt <h?\ih*a rpecJ?*l by thU OoHnanrr. fba Cli?rb:n# flmn ?t twiu?4 hy ih? Mm City. k? r-by authoriaml arnd r'Mirt4t(o uhm uah |>er?on or pereooa for oil hie. her or their roperly, or other thing* taxed hy thU OrIniner, according to the he?t information rhich ho c m obtain of (So radio of inch sable property, and add One Hundred or Cent. to the amount 61 the Tax of the eraon or paraona ihua netlrctliif orr?fu?ing \ make a return aa aloretaid or pay the ax lliircna ; and if the Double Tax tkua mpooed ia not paid witltin thirty daya, the Id Clerk ia hereby authorized and requir. d to iaatte an execution therefore Im-n-ditely : which ?*id execution ahail he Imlitd with the Sheriff ot the County of Greenilia to be eolleet?d according to the pftn iaiona o< tha Act of the General Aaaembly a auch casra made and provided. )tlhe and ratified in Council aeaembled, under tii? corporate Seal of the Ctty of GteenviHe, this ilia 8 1 day ol January, A. D. 1871. T. C. GOW EH. Mayor. A R McDavid, Clerk. Jan 11 84 td ~ B. WEHRLE in aq ? i _:?u - ?it j i rt.Kj Iiioi ICIIIIIICU mill n nou JU selected Stock of WATCHES, . CLOCKS, * JEWELRY, m SILVER m PLATED WARE. Table Cutlery, &c. 11IS Sto^k was personally selected from the best houses in his line, and can guarantee satisfaction. Oct 19 22 . tf if ^ | (R P S?hO C2 ssTHHtsffrEB vJ -! " Zi. rn -! VJ ,-s ?*? M = - S g TJ UEa-TSd^ 2 I-=.i.gPc,--g ?r u ? if. ?r s,c i" 5 l ? s ??.* 2 ?>3* " 1 H 12 ?. 2? 7j i * ?s " r2 C"' ~ ^ ? ^ I S?J,= *.?0|gHS ?-'o g j O ^"IQ rr ? Z* a rt> rr, vr" ri , h-st^!5S^|?-k^ &9?^_gs|e I = r ?2? -= wFJS-w a|i"? 3 ^ ? Fo ?,58;" >"5 cL ? P n ~ r = d w3 = | iq c-5- o ~ fC g ?- I - k. : < ?> ^ <0 ? 2 ftisr^toep??a ?:? " ^ k * -8 55 ^00 ?g- 3? H ^ xl^lfFr: ?*3? to ' " ~ a O* ? - 3 3"* ? GT> 2? r>; *i ??,?> * ' E!~ ? =w2q _ -= <? S .? P 5 ^ i GEORGE A. BOWMAN. ArcntT" 287 KINO STItKKT, CHAR Ij K S T O A\ S. C., KK?? MPJ>n.,'"n,,V "n * I'*?X? nnd Well -S??let-ted Stock ol Carpeting, Oil uioui, Matting, Kugs, I>,M.r Mate, Ac., Ac., such as arq usually found in a First-Class Carpet More. Nov 30 28 3ra PACIFIC Clil CQMPASY'S (CAPITAL, 81,000 000,) 80LUBLE PACIFIC GIIAXO. riMUS OliAXO i. ??? ,, , . .. o>, wtu Known in nil I the Southern States for its remarkable effects as nn agency for increasing the products of labor, as not to require special rc-omtticndatioo from us. Its use for llvo years past has established its character for reliable excellence. Tho large fixed capital invested by the Company in this trails, affords the surest guarantee at the continued excellence of its Guano. J. N. BOBSOX, Selling Agent, Charleston, S. C. JNO. S. KURSK ,| CO., General Agents, Baltimore. 33~3m Juu 4 COMPOUND AC ID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, FOR composting wrrn cotton SEKU. rpiIIS ARTICLR is maniifuetnred hv tho X PACIFIC (IUANU C 0 M PA FY, at Charleston? ?. C., under the superintendence of "Dr. St. Jitllcn Kavanck When composted with an equal weight of Cotton Seed, its results have been found fully equal to the hest standard fertilisers. Its economy must commend it to the n'*tiec of planters generally. For specific directions lor composting and for supplies, apply to J. N. ROBSOX, Selling Agent, Charleston, S. C. T01IX S. REESE A CO.. General Agent** Baltimore. 33 3m Jan 4 S C, R. R. CO. & 8. W. R. R BANK. Annua!, meeting oftiie stock.% HOLDERS OF THE SOUTH C'AHO LINA RAILROAD COMPANY, AND OP THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD BANK ?The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the above institutions will be held in the City of Charieston, on the second J\u*day in Ftbruarv tlrn 14iU <>l ii>? month. Place <>f me-iiux'?Hall of tho Southwestern Un'r "'I Bank, on B>o?d street. Jluur of convening?)1 o'clock, A.M. On the day following. Wednesday, the \btli, there wit) ha. an el? lion held at tho mimi place, between the hour* of DA M . and 8 I*. M., for Hfieeu JMreOlors of tho Railroad Company, and thirteen Director* of the Utiuk. A Committee to v?r (_v Proxies will n'.U nd. The following addit ion to the By Law*, proposal nt the Special meeting In May last, will ?ome up for action at this : Artic'c 1st., Second 7th, shell he," Any numherolStock* holders, t ot less than ten. representing five thousand shares, shall he necessary to re? quire a stock vote on any question." ui...l -> ' ' . will lift I'CtU' d H* ll?u?l ovf tlie K< n l, to and from tl.*- Mooting. fr< p of ohin(f, in oconlnii'-e with tli? roautulion of Ilia (Jonvviition of 1854, J. R. KMKRY. S*"er*lary. Jan 18 86 4 Notice 18 hwiiy Ifiven lo all whom it roaj enmrrn, tliat I will nniilv lo 8- I rv>. .. . -- ?-v rr?j. lotto JvHr* of Orfcenvllle County, <?>? tkr rfoy V Frbrunrtf twrl. for n flnitt .twM'knrr* tot AilutinUlrator of tUe Kttalu of KZIAH 1>1L1i, IweMoil. January ftth, 1R71. JAMK8 UOSNKLL, AUiuiu^trutcr. Jan It 34* *\ 4 A'. , '