University of South Carolina Libraries
^nrtnj. r I.I Let Tmuitov Tub Gar* ol T? ,m 1 ? * ? I > mt tWAXv. fi{ .* ? Lai to-morrow Uka oan>.?( Laaw lkia0 of Urn future, to Pal*. Whii'i the aaaWi aatielpat* aorr?wt Ll'a'? I roubl at aoaua, narar loo lata. If to hop* overmuch, bo aa arraw ; * Tie ooa that lb* wta* ha*a ftrfntai) * And how odan bar* heart* bran i* terror Of tflb, that?o?*?r ocourreiL , L*t to-morrow Uka aara oI to-morrow, IVruut oot euaptoipa* and aaro. With iaviaibl* bond* ?w eaehata tha*? But bear, what Ood qtre# the* W bear. Bjr Hit apirit Mipport* t. and f lad Uned, a B* aa'ar b/ foreboding* <1*'*rroJ ; ^ But think kiur <>A kvarU hewn linen<? d By fMrs of what?oev?r oceurred. . ' V . > * L?1 to-mor^ w take car# of \o-m*rvow, ' 1 Short, and dark, though our lifa may ap P?*f v f r ,?r We may makm it >lill shorter by Borrow, Still darker by foliv and fear, lfaif our troubles are half oar Invention, And how often, from bleating* aonferred, Have we shrunk in the wild *ppr*hou?ioa Of evlie, tbet?never ooeurre<F. jBnmgroua. * ? ^ > %* ; - if . 'JV ? ? irr-v A Short Sermon. Titer's nitie men stand in' at the doro, an* they all sed? they'd take shugar in ther'&n. Sicli, friends and blethering, was the talk iife a wurldli "cens, wonst common in this our ainshunt land, but the dais is gone by and the 6ans run dry, ana no man can say to bis nabur, thou art the mftn and will you take enny mure shugar in your kaughey ? But tbo wurds of our tex has a difrunt ond a mere pertickelur incenin than this.? Tlia^ they stood at the doro on a cold Winter's roornin, two Baptiss and two Mcthodiss and five Lntiinriwis. and the tot her one was a publikin. And they all with one vois sed tliey wouldn't dirty their feet in a dram shop, but if the publikin would go and get the drinks they'd pay for 'em. And ilicy all cried out and every man sed,41 I'll take mine with sliugar ?for it won't feel good to drink the stuff without sweetenin V' So the publikcn he marched in and the bar-keeper sa d, 44 What want ve?" and lie answered and sed, ,l A drink." 44 How will ye have it?" 44 Plain and strate," i _ ^ f ... I savs lie, " ior u am i no nee in wastin' shugar to circunshUvate akafortis. But there's nine more a standin' at the d<?re, and they all sed they'd take shugar in thern'n." Friends and brethering, it ain't only the likker or the spirits that is drunk in this round about and underhanded way, but it's the likker of all sorts of human wicked* ness in like manner. There's the likker <>t inullis that inenny ot yon drinks to the dregs; but ytire sure t<> sweeten it witl*the shugar of self-justification. Ther's the likker of avriss that stun keeps behind the curtain for constant use, but they always has it well inixt with the sweetin uv prudens and ekonimy. Ther's the likker ot self luv that suin men drinks by the gallon, hut they always put in lots of the shugar of takekeer of No, Oi.e. An lastly, ther's the likker uv extorebun, which the man sweetune accord in to circumstances. If he's in the flour line, he'll say the poor'll be better of eating corn bread ; if he's in the cloth line, writ's a good tl ing to larn 'em to make their cloth at home; if he's in tlie lether line,.it'll larn 'cm the necessity of taking better kecr uv shoes. And there's nine men at the doro, and they all sed they'd take shugar in ther'n. Bub friends and blethering, tbar's a time comin'-and a place fixin whar thar'll be no 14 standin' at the door" to call for shugar in ther'n." But they'll have to go rite in and take tbe drink square np to the front ; and the bar keepr'll be old Satun and nobody else ; and he'll give 'etn 44 shugar in ther'n," you'd better believe it, and it'll be ah agar of lead, and red hot lead at (bat, aa shure as your name's Conshnnce Dodger. And you'll be entitled to your rations three times a day, if not more fiequen ter, and if you don't like n't yoall bare to lump it and so may the old Nick close down npon all your slick palavering around the plane old people of brotherly luv and ginirosity and feller-feelin' and fare play ! Amen. Suarp Bot.?A clergyman was once catechising a class of children belonging to his congrega tion and coming to a little boy who was something of a rogue, asked him what he knew. 441 know something," replied tlin nrehin n. aicrnipnnt look " Weil, my son, what do you know ?" leplied the pastor. 441 know where there is a bird's nest," said the boy ; 44 but I shan't tell you, for fear you will ^feul the eggs." ? A man lost his wife, and had a stone erected />ver her grave.? lie married a second wife, and when she died he had the gravestone split, and it-then served for the two departed Ho proposed to the third, and the lady quaitly remarked : 44 I do not believe that stone will split again/' " WF?r ?"*t4 *>/. ^m8rff?W *"d >???*<> merit of being very <&*?{> and convenient : ve ? ? i > ** It is simply to aweep arid clean out the aranafV: And tbati wash it . ail over an the in*ide wild strong piekle of ootumon Mt. This drives out ait softs of insects and worms, penetrates the timbers of the barb, sod kills the worms, which are so apt to get into them and put them ?ahcl preserves the timbers jti a wonder^ manner. After this process ts repented for several times, the titpbcrs of the barn bc' come saturated with the salt, and will not deoay for on? hundred years. The pickle should l>? carried up and tin-own upon the joist and sides of the barm uutil the, - whole is thoroughly wet.*1 An old Maryland farmer 6etue years ago wrote as follows : "The weevil fly deposits its egg in the grujn in its green, and ten. der state.* If the wheat is threshed soon after harvest, and thrown into bulk, it undergoes a heat which destroys the egg, and it sustains no injury: but if.lf, remains long in the shock or stalk, the weevil hatches and makes its way out of the grain to its 'great Ihjury', both in weight and quality. One degree to the north of lis, this per- j nicrons insect is but little knovtfn. Here I have sometimes, marked its j absence for several years; hut, af. ter a mild winter, they generally appear. In tho more southern. States. I believw thnv mi>a no?o? J ? ~ sent. Tlie black weovili haunts our granaries, whore they are gehcrated. Some years ago I suffered much injury from them, but have now an effectual defence. When my granaries aro clear of grain, I place powdered brimstone in an earthen pan which for safety I put on tlie floor in a bed of sand, closing doors and windows, and fire it-?tIvo smoke cither destroys or di ives tbetn off." ? - - ?A Brute.?The Washingtou St ar says: One of the most shocking cases for the attention of the *' So ciety for tlie Prevention of cruelty .to Animals," occurred at the cornor ot High and*JVator streets, ! yesterday afterpoon about 2 o'clock. A white man whoso name wo could not ascertain, had a wagon filled with merchandise, which had been. nr.loaded from, the New i'ork steamship dock, consigned to tlie ' parties in Washington^ and upon rising the hill towards Watcr-st., the horse balked. All efforts to promote locomotion proving futile, the man inserted his hand in" the horse's mouth and grasped his | tongue to pull him forward in that I way. Ho pulled stondily tor awhile, ami then, becoming enraged, gave one sudden jerk, pulling I the horses tongue out, and then | threw it on tho sidewalk, when bv whipping and other means, he wad last seen driving the horse with a full wagon load to Washington. The Innocence of Childhood At one of our neighbor's homes \yas a very bright little girl. It chanced once that they had a guest, a minister and an esteemed friend. Little Annie watched him very closely, and tinally sat down beside bitn and began tdfcdraw on the slate. " What aro you doing, Annie?'' asked the clergyman. " I\?e making your picture." said the child. So The gntleman sat very still, and she worked, away earnestly for awhile. Ihen she stopped and compared her work with the orig dual, and shook her little head. " I can't like it much," she said. "Taint a great deal like yon. I' (less I'll put a tail to it and call it a dorar." Fancy his feelings! Wfrat a likenessa there must have been ! Cryinq Miqutly and Drinkino Tremendously.?Friday last was the (lav 6et apart by Gov. Hidden and Pilgrim Ashley for all of the negroes to "cry mightily unto the Lord " for. the deliveretice of the Governor from the hands of the hnpeachers. It was also ordered that there was to be no drinking among the negroes for three days. We are informed by a G rog-Alley dealer in^ spirituous matters that " lie did not hear any crying, hut he "ioUL i*Niro whisky than usual.'' To* know how it ia yourself, UdWrlior.?Sentinel. Tub testirrionj' of a daughter of the parties to a recent Indiana divorce suit seems conclusive? " Father cot maa because mother starched his stockings. Mother niplfa/1 nn fko j 1 *4 j ? mo oivvKiiiji; uiiu lilt father on the bead with them, and it sounded as though tboy were sticks of wood. Father then stuffed a hot wheat cake down motlier's throat, and then mother set the dog on father, and twisted the dog's tail to make him bite harder." " Hung be the heavens with black," exclaims the Macon Telegraph, "the day that sees Aker man cotue back to live in Georgia." Oh, never mind hanging the heavens. Ilang Akerinan, J ?nu wt; uwue Willi H. [Louisville Courier Journal. I , \ v 'tz* i the i .1 a *1 a Yommii?motKR iMmgm* (xc i |witik wh>?k tlM pr^rivUr ^MMtl in tlh< T?*. 'ft l>M (ff'ir* v? pablMi * tret c'n* Ll<*r^rf ?n*k KiteiWy p*|.rr,he?' Inrtoerfi t>ir*>*r?MfU eMrfccktnrte Wk f??t? f+, *nP'riii t? ?MV tWeAfdr "With th!| S2.'A>iB,', l3n?"???.'? ()StQl!^At .^^[it.cIOKDv^ 1 v' * l*vb iir4*r.' r> wvafr?4ivr prick wert tiff-Tilh>r the thrrr bwt?Mh|MUIir<Herlr?; From ?>hk*ce nuiuWftliet w ere enhmlMrrt, D ??ommi?le-*, conipoe-d of iliMnlert-etrrf'Knd .**tt*H<f If" the m???t uikiert .tniav, ? \ vui.v i" " 1 Hos ap?J-yfi4K U??t,l)l'x?"vnd ; ' which, on oprn1i(^ the ?<nl? containing tire' rfitthoie' trainee w>-r* finimi to Ha from ?ho prnu'ef fMM ?>f th.. nto?t popular *i?ry \vil??-r? ; itn?f three proportion* are pittirnrtnee-l equal to ti?e s?or?eh issued f?0'n any dfrck'y press. In the country. TH^PIUZESTORI^ * will run thmngh ai l<4i{t twtWi??eJx^*nilben o| ilie p*|<rf, nuil will hp followed by tliree other Original Storic* of absorbing*'!** trX'M, wpjftarf eypre^lv {l??tt!*ikR, entitled, respectively, " Talk r I'.KK.IK K TUB W*k,i * lifloKKM Cl*TKJUU j"> n<i " Unknown," tnakiutr not lees tlMn three hundred oojumns of jQi iginal Stariea to he published during the yenr ; whirh in addition to iIih " Mirerlliyieoiis Keartlri?," adapted to all clashes; the Agricultural l)er>nriment,*^tfMtjfynlAg pis^tiosl i?(V ujpeful nformnllon for tlie l?ifc*mer^ " Reading for the 8nl?bai|?," Under the supervision of a oleriaal gr-nCleinan ?f m..i k. <*'?l>ilit/. whose graceful pen emhellisht-B his depai tment in every tun n her ; a Qolpmu of Wit and Uu.Wiorv\ri$i*thor wflYi K<1ltol*t*1* oft "nppi-npila ate topic* ; a notnpend of ilia New*, hi home and abroad ; Oommeu inl and' Market R?o port*, and being UUU of the laigest papers published >n the South, printed in the beet' style on a strain press, the Kmquirkr will 8Mp|4y the want of ?v?ry fireside, and sits* tain it* reputation a? a newspaper for -the r family circle ngziM TO SUB9TIU1U51*. 4 With a determination to kae|i, up with '.he spirit of tits time*?the distribution of . Prll-*< being a popular idea?lira i'loprietor Imd (l>t?rnlinr>l to adopt a riMtm of <*IPT | nUTUIUITTIOM ? ft >i in wu iivn miiong me wiowin^r* ??i | the Knquikkr ; but upon a plan difT- rent fruin that- ?o prevalent. in which bias* j?W> ielry, ** dilMl) wntche*," andshilling pictured nre the chlel attraction*. It I* d-etiied preferable to a substantial uilt, hi itn equitable manner, upon tin- loUoWine plan: ' Commencing with the first. wo.-k in Jan?, nary, 187? the of each yearly >uhser iher.nn the )i*l, who ha- paid "hi ndvai c?*, will be ptnced in a I ox provided for the purpose. On each \Vrdnesday morning throughout the year, after thoroughly mix* lug the named, one name will be- drawn from the box?the person tvho-e name shall he bo drawn, to bo eiilbh-d to a prize ( FIVE DOLLARS iu.caeh. t^'An names ure added to the list they .will be 4>la?-e<l In the box. ..&2 The 4nnSe of the pel boii d> awn j each week wilt be.announced in the irmie of the paper succeeding the drawing, aud the money, promptly lurjvarded to the address. TERM?, IN ADVANCE. One copy, one year,. $ 3 00 Two conies, one year,: fr t?0 Ten copies, one year, with an extra copy to the person noticing thectiiti 25 00 The Ji-XTi'iiPnihK and lite JiMjUT-tu will he sent one Venr ft-r *4.0<t. Mom v c'hii he enfelv remitted iiv " r? glstcreil * i.'un, Specimen copies writ be sent oil application. Addles*, L. M. OillST, YorkviTc.S. 0. Jan'4 S3 tf Equality Life Insurance C ompany of VDj^inia. Princip tl Office, iVo. 1015, jt/uia Street, A'l'ulmmiit, l'o. REASONS why every one should Insure in tbo Equality Life Jusuranco Coinpnny, of Virginia : 1st. It Is more Liberal to the Insurers than any other company, ami will eventually be-J coine Purely Mutual und belong to the insurers. 2d. It circulates Its money amongst its patrons. who are the Insurers. Consequently they arc continually getting the benefit of the rapid accumulation of the Company, the money be- I ing invested by the Board of Directors amongst the insurer*. 3d. Tbo loans of this Compony are as liberal as other companies who declare dividends at the end of tne second, third and fourth yenrs, but.this Company at the end of tbo fyrt nnd ?very year. DAVID II. CLARK, President. . 1 TIIOS. II. WYNNE, Vice-President. JOHN Q. WINN,.Secretary. Gen. JAMES H. LANE, Aotuary, Dr. F..D. WATKINS, I .... . . , , Dr. C. II. W. DAVIS, j Advisers. Judge JOHN A. MKItKDITlI, Counsellor. ' nillKCToilS. J. B. Winston, Treasurer and Secretary R. F. A P. R. It; Win. J. Johnson, of Johnson A Hunt, Wholesale Grocers; Wm. II. Powers, of Winston A Powers, Wholesale Grocers; Albert Ordway, Treasurer Buckingham State Company ; J. F. Oihson, Superintendent Adams' Express Company ; Charles Y. Morris, Morris A Co.'s Sugar-R oil nery ; O/ A. Peple, Superintendent Manaheeter C'stUiU Mil)-; John H. Tyler, John II. A John Tyler, Jewoleraj Moses Millhlscr, Wholosale Dry Goons; j Thorrlas 8. Baldwin. Clothier ; John >1. Hoddin, Cashier Planter's Bank ; J. It. Dowell, Superintendent Western Union Telegraph Company; Alex. O. Robertson, Cattle Broker; George I. Herring, Wholesale Grocer; R. Jo-' Brown, of Drown* .Jnuoa , A Co., Wholesale Urooers; A Bodeker, Druggist ; M. Roseoi buuia, of S. A Itoecnbnuui. Utv Qoonds. ^ V ? ' i -> w 1 { rr Equality Life Insurance Company. Kx i mi in* itt Pamphfrti hr/orr yitir intiirr, it '{f to.y*>ur iuttreH to do to. Affntt* ercri/trhcrr. niiivjr. ?. iirriot, dun. Travelling Agent, Charleston, S, C. Sept 22 18 tf BREENVIILE. fc COLUMBIA RAILROAD. (lUNraat. fti;i'Kai.sTKM>Rt(T'a OrvioB, Columbia, 8 0 , l?ec. 1, 187U. ON and after TIIIJHHDAY, RwAnlirr 1, tli?? fallowing Schedule will be ron daily, Huiulays excepted, connecting with Night Trains en South Caffdita Itailroad np nd dnvau, al*> with Traifes going Soi iji on Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad : VP. Leave Columbia at.. 7.00 n. in - " A lalon H.40 a. i/i " a.m. " Tolc-abniy.'.1.45 p,n>. " i)-rton... mlM| Arrive at Groearville - R nft a ' . ""itoyiii l,ca?e OreeW vlll?? at.,. V 5'T5'"*. m. " I lieltnn 1 7 liJ'ii. UK " UokifUury,, ,f. ....... t. U.U6 a. at. " AI111 ? ftOO . at > ? Newherryi.rf. ...12,85 p. m i Aleton, 1 W Arriva ?t Columbia. 8 45 p.?a. John h. moors. uencritl niif><>rinteii Jtnt. P^e 14 30 tf ?????? ^1^.3 HvoB Yr> Wtcjlf oft , R o&ms&'i s . A i^v>A i / "fc <rp fl J{ (j ft F AT AMKRI C A * I X HEALTH liESTOHBlt. purt e? I lWlW)th* Wood ?ntfcnr?e Berbftrlh, BrolllM*, , xSj^V^kin pi?o?sc?i ItliciinmflJin, lifactffe* 1 V fnf Women, an^nfl ChfofcV Afhretirttrt f" r * ' -forth'? Hlomf, IMr t?t?A Kidncyi: I fH?e<nathvu<le(tf<T the Me<Ke*t Fucalv flK? rHy owl nrtny tbon??it?f?*of "Dttr best < KeailW tetlimrmy ot #hy*ch?i? ! (not! pi8?HhniA?h9?illyn?Oe?I K6M?t?M?j fxntnlfbr oW Rondmla Oohtotn Ilenlti <Do.'t, or Alm.nnir Rn tht? j?*r, which IMm <*'* |MiMNh fur -r.A(uU, u? HI W will teit> yod inucl, Tuloitttle infbr-j* ?? * ?*L ?. ,"Wi, . Wnrr, HfBatlHmnre; &?y#? t?T- V 'I- take pleasure In tvot-mhifcrt'liitJC Vyottr HoAATtAr.M as n xt-ty pft#?+fwi .y ? ,n..Minnii. I rartmn n nam in two I ; >. *?,? with huppy* remit*?oito In a of eeutodaty^ayphllik, in which . < tPM^rthe pnt l?*ti t pronounced him wit cored ? * ' ' rtrfJer ha^hta taken flvebottlei'ot your MmeMl; flic other Is * cum of ferofAila oNuilx rtnnd^uir, pwrliich ls rapidly 111jfl*"'ytiiprtAriig 'dMIrfn hee; and the ln? 1 yl icHtlotia. that tho put hint' will (^^^^Trobij rcodvep. I (far* carefully c* ^minified <ba formula hy which vou^ L (U^dulin is nhtde, and flu'd it Mi tWlTcnt compound of alterative ingro"TO'SUv ., K,.: I Wye li* h?i> hoed ftomnlaihi in ?Ai?c? ol ' Wrofiil i and SjconUury typhilis with %atisfiiot>iTyifCTu1tiC*ar h clhuncr of the j|, ,>)()1?imM know no letter remedy. t (H / Uenjauiia ikoiiitgl, of Lima, H <*ritty: I. lave suffered fur twenty H ^yours with at) inveterate eruption over V? vmy whole body ; a ^wrt luuo since I ft "^purchased a hottfe ol )to?ndu^U and it Ct ffcctcd a perfect euro. ' Roshdalti ie unit) by ail dmepUts. l.uhoraturji 01 Wicbairge d'Mtce, /aj^jB5 "nltimore. Era. Clen rnts AO*.'- ? ' Pt'tpritl?rhd. ' ' 1 Im.kI ? i t " i. i <l y- . OMji ' LuLj -u ioi? ^.H .ai'nan Ui A la i PLANTATION BlTTEEs This wondorfnl vegetable restorative i? the; sheet-anchor of the feeble ! and debilitated. As a' tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for |. the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulants In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in" every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal ^ "Wherever it is introduced it becomes a standard article---a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and tho most popular medicine in the civilized i world-?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all. Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. Juno 6 ' 1j U. WFTTRT F ??- - I 1 -M. */ XJ ^ aj'?... i nun.BU GOLD AID SILVER WATCHES. . CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ' SPECTACLES, 18 & 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Rings, SILVER & SILVER-PLATED "XKV y^. B& HO* WORK of nil diecriptiona in lii^ 1 fine done promptly._^| Oct 27 23 ly e. p7jo^iTs, rt.AW( AND SOLICITOR LV EQUITY. u na. practick in ail pPRTS OF THIS STAT E Atno, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office Greenville C. H., 8. 0, July 7 ly* w. K. r.AH.r.r. a. o. ? klu . EASLEY & WELLS, A tf nY-norra o?A Pa?r,.U.-. -A T ...vv.^vjo ?uu uvuuaciivia at ?jU.1V ANI) IN EQUITY, <J REKN VJI.LR, ij. 0., // rT)R\0TICF io theUourts of tUe Stifle and i XT of the United StntcH, tuid give es|wjcial 'attention to cases in liunkruptoy. Judo 12 . 3 ? , PAVILION HOTEL, (9 an A&ffifci 0?55 !$&, ft. 09. BOARD, Per Day .; ...'......#3 00. R. HAMILTON, Superintendent. Mrs. II. L BOTTKHFIELD, ropr 1?< I r Sepi 20 10 tf SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER. WOULD rrspeetfiinv inform tlie p'lhlic that h* hH*Remnve<J to a room near the MANSION HOU8R, *her* he wilt he prepared l?> rfoelv* enstomers aa heretofore. Iteing a Pro/entioii'il Harber, he hop**, l>y attention to htieinerea, together ' with politeness to all, to merit a portion o| pubuo patronage, in CUTTIi?P? SHAVING AKD SlJAMrGOIKG. Kept i 16 tf . ? ?? ' ? ? ? Ml . ' i AltSiJi) WJC^/msDH MIL L IN E IlcY, fMlSd M< KAY has just re reiser) new supplies of Boa* nets. Hats, K'rhoons, Pefltbere,' flowers, As. AW Infants' Hats and nsp*. Puts, (Roif and imitation,] I!air Cot!?, jet and I.rfee Ortpds, which ghs ; offers at very low press. 1 vr?? j< _ _ 1 , "i Ill 1.1 T*\ Celling, Woollier bo?r XJ. Over n hundred different. }>*t tariu of H 1?r tulo lit tow York price*. M antcl-Plcfi??, abort police. Sluir Rail, to*clt< uud Balluston to order. Goo<l and Suliotiintiwl Work mriile a* rbcnp United 8tutcdCil?yt>4 ?n i Bull in.ore, iA hf wunnT we gulfontceanU jfTVc SubtUanlkil Work." < Ibw^uhaoribara ran refer ti Carolina una florlda, na to tba character of tb? n< . ." I'-'r '? rZTi'njafrwey ?|4tl ?i 4 " * ? K \ S I ' - ;i ?i? ! AS. SDs&cmttuiiit'&k* ^U*? I'LilF&e 2 OLD CAROLINA BITTERS k FjBlOTIIE public. ?r? oo*)p?min] / JQL td with great care, anil contain him?> of the Uft Tooir* in rtie HkurmWdpin A* <?v i<i~n<*ff of the ?np-i|nriiy of hoi* lOtUrt over albo'lierr, wt? h*?e e'ettlHente* from many of fhr'b'wHiotr phyrielnne In ourSta?e. who have prescribe.) them In llirir prnktUie, XUK OLD CAROLINA DiTTHItS Wilt be found invaluable for J Want of App. liic, General Del llity, tQiilU vui<i Vv**r niuj Dv?|*?f?ia? not of.-i our Biti< ra n? n cure fir nil v a, I'^l ? iy? Armfiutiu Tonic, 'they JfJ 11 fiJ ms ealegbgh UrugfcUi* ??! AJrow* everywhere. ! Principal Depot, GflODUICII. WWfEWAN A CO, loipot ti ra 01 v.?A cwiui??l#. Chn*le?tcnr a. T!. Mil 9 42 \y SStVSSW, : CHARLESTON1, S- C. \ M?,s^& kiitivS)i&( 30N, ; ARE MY f AOEISTTS Ij AT GREEN VILLE\ S. C., ASMESt fl?39DB,l?l?Aaf? O T T O I\ Shipped to ine through thorn. A. I). M l 1,1.11; A V. Sopt 28 1# ljr rsA/-- iAw -wA /V^/ P. P. TO ALE, ) l! . ' ' CHARLESTON, S. C. r r ? i ? > , ''?V | \ ^ Mfttiiiliretory ?f Door* Snfhc*, V ( Blind*, Moulding*, Ac., in the J Southern State*. J jstt-Printed price list defies competition.-^^ ' ? )^f"",?ond for one.tS^ -t < , j JTJT- Kent free od application. %q I\ VON SAN TEN* importer op PARIS FANCY GOODS, i Toy#, Boll*, llanio*, Children'* Carriages, ' French Confer tone rjr, Firo Works, India rubber goods, . Such as Clothing. Nursery Sheeting, Ac., ' 22V King-St. X doors shore Market, ' CUAHLBSTON, S. C. Mar 30 ' "> > 46 1 y* WM, SHEPHERD CO., No. 24, Jfayne Street, tkarleeton, 8. O, dkalkrs i# with prices description will %a acnt upon application. June $0 6-1 y Otofbl, 2> 1 237 liIKO .1 CHARLESTON, S, C.,| KJCKl'8 cone tan tlr on hand * Large an4 \VBU.FoUr(ed Rtook oi Carpeting, Oil CioMi, Mating, Hum*, Male, *?., Ac., rntoh a* are ueunlljr round la a Firel-Claee . Carp?| Store, . . Nov 30 , 28 3m NATIONAL HOTEL, 'Mm,*, 1 . PEftyfirETOR. HAMILTON JOTNBR. CLRRK. RAtRH W ? Of Board per T)|y. *. Oft Clipper, RrenkfaM a tad Lodging a 00 Single Meal* ! qo ] Sep 1 . y ?II JMl ..'-.J IL i .. ifi. Shelving, Box Boards, 4c., A? ?ul? uga, making e*nr mi?,0QU i'ect on band Door unil Wiu<l?w E/huick. uiude to ordar at I of Walnut and Mahogany, on band and made Jl I at this establishment aacnn bo nmdo in the ?i , k of 11hj"*\mivo Ai^Rn K,ntl nf^C City ol entire satisfaction t" alfwho want Good ntt |> ? fci-totlcnicn All otcr'tbls fttate, Owrgla, Nottli rtr work lor the past twenty years. '** mWkmmh. tbo iujnuilialo Vicinity of ChartcaiTni i?n?l TflOS. P. SMITH 1 clate n AXtyk, smjtU a eg.) FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO. 4 liOYCE <?' CO S WIIATlF :\di?UL^EBTOr,ff..O. er.i 1 V- . ?? Aomieel.-d ^-ith the business, and will give Ins best alien* l li<*"|Mte^-frct** of Ins Mends. (ff Cfciri'fnl attention gi?on to pnrebna inn MeiQkaudlat; of all kind*, when placed infnnjtet ^ 0 . e > \\ "tV \, ? Advances made yo consigninenla. IfEXRY BISCtfOFF & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, . AXI> i*. Wines, Viiquors, 'C U?",n's fe* tij^J mm mm 9 ^i? m^Mfnf 6Tna?imt,B OPPOSITE CJ/AIILESTOX HOIKjf, CHARLESTON, S- XV Bept 28 10 ly EDWIN MTKS~&"C0. WII OLKjSALE DE A LI-1 iS IN DKY GOODS / ' ff \ { A?n EDWIX R ATKS. OKO O. PttUAN Tuos R. McGaiiam. Ciia?. K. Batk<. x%X4& a ;; V4 a I ?h.. ,. ? ...' . rU?> UJ ^ Fever and Ague i ANTIDOTE '.? Always M?p* U10 Chlilt. .. ? This Medleinehwboen before tbo 1'ub- '. lie flftoen years, ?nd Is Atl!l ahead ?>i all other known remedies, ft dims not pa rjje, does not sioken i*.o stomach, is j perfectly safe in any dom and, under all qlrrura tanoca, and Lt the only Medici^ tuat will CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently every fotm of i'ever and Ajfuo, because it is u perfect And* dote te nalsrlit. Bold by Alt r>rnr*i*tS. * ? ? ' * 17 1y ' *? j - .1 . . TTTW Tt nnvnTi I ? iu. xr. riuWt ATTORNEY AT LAW DAHl ONFGA, 8A.f * WILL pnwrtlw ib th? OnodttM W tramp kin, bawaon, (lilmer, Funnin, (tnHni'f Fowna,-Whita and Hail. . Jan 10 t? THE BULLS JJ0USE, ?!Bd>.a&3es?s5. e. ?. PARKER A CO* Proprietors. rmVr-dLA'tto Hotel. iOART>, HER DAY $4 <H>. Dec 9 ?? |l |l?l MM J?- JLL liMMWi1* it*nfttt>#al VKality ind Co&r.' h ?> i r .< /? rt/ n?i l?at. on<* healthy, And cflectuai .AW for preserving the ' hair. Fbded or$ray M ( Aair I* so<m restored to to original color, -+ntk the ybn and ' JMpfi ft Ttuu -hair is tbwk^ oned, falling faair cboolod, and bald' noes ^ftUn, ^though pot always, cured by its use. * Slothing can restore the hair where the, folKbled art destroyed, or glands atrophied, and decayed. Bua such as rotqain 'Cab bo Bayed for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling**the:Mr *eth.??t*sty 'sediment, it will keep, it clean ppd rigorous. Its oooasioual use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free front tboso deleterious substatocos trhich make Bomo preparations dangerous, and injurious to tha-, bair,'*tho< Vigor can only, benefit bat not harm it. If wanted ' merely for a r ' , HAIR PRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and vet lasts long on tbo hair, givhi?'i.t a rieb, glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. r.i tr;a tt Prepared by Dr. Jt C< Ayer 6l Co., PaAertcyu. jvnd ANAjptficAL Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. PRICE $LOO. tar k or fb I. in i. i o, i,, iii, i>v M- A. HUlS'i'l.Jt & t)0./A4?riU. . ! Aug 31 1^, ? ly .. '<?t "*f~ t? f'.t The Great Medical Discovery I Dr. walker's calxforwia VINEGAR BITTERS, HS 5 Hundreds of Thousands ^*3 S f ?ear tootlmvny to thtir wot*Urful? F Cur?U? KOccta. 1 19 v what are they? wj ^ o 5*3i| g u I KuX Sw h g ^ ? g sfl TIIEYJLBI^^^^ILE oli *J*FAf|CY DRt*K/jU|, Uadti of PckjtJBiUlfc 1Z7lUnkojr? X?roo? Spi^j its. and llofuHO Liquors, doctoral, spiced, and MMoteho-l topless* U?o U*bD| ca'loll?eiV>nies" " Appetisers,'*** RoHlortrs," As;, thatlHl tho tippler onto ilruaUi nnuss and ttiin, bu t nruatsuo Mi.Ucine, mads I j:a tho h'aUyo Hooth Afc&A n. rlt of California, ftOO fYom sll ; Alcohol io Btimulants. Theya><?thoQRRATB!.OOI> PURIFliSadndUFB&rvma PHXN* OLFXjB, a perfect Itouovatur and Inritpnatfnt ot Uw/ay?Wm,esiTTinjoUa:ipoi??iwsinJktUfp nnd restoring tho blood to a b.-aJthy Condition; No person can taVo thcso Hitters, according to directions, and remain long unwell. - r-- ? ?IOO will bo given for an incurable caao, prvIf tho bones are not destroyed by nil:k :al poisons or other means, and tho vital organs wasted bevond tbo point of repair. Po> InflacirftntDfy nnti cn*cmio RhoA111 at ft in. And Oout. Dyspepsia, or InalfSSSt iJssfttft stf ffi&s: Liver, Kidiwyn. au4 Biadd**, tbeso Bittors havo bvcsi most a'ireeaalul. Bnclt Diseasos am caused by Vitiated Blood, nvtdcM is generally produced by dssaugexneut of tho J DiotsiivsOrguu. , . , Ttwr invigorate tho stomach, and stimulate. tho torpid 11 vcr and bowels, which redder them' of unequalled cfH?acy"lfl efetnatmr tho bloo t of I nil impurities, anl Importing saw UXs and vigor J o tho wholo ay stem. V *t the Mouth, Hi.lion* Attack*, Palpitation of tho Hearfj, Coptona Dinchantoi of Urine, Pain In j thn j-egiona of thf Kidacya, ami a huri lrc<l othor I painful aymptoms which aro tho oihprlnga of i *re cured by ibeao IhUera. hjcanao tho Vitiated lllood whonover you And' it* inimHttlco buratinu through tho akin in Eimpfca, Ertptiona, or Bore*: claanao It when It la fooLan# yoarfo?Un?ra will tall von when. Keep t be wood pure and tho health or tho ayatom will TAPE, and otVr WORMS, lurltltvr In' the iyatom of ao many thousands, are elToctually destroyed and remowod. ' * For full direotiooe, read carefully the circular' around eaeh bottle, printed in four languages?I English, German, Trench, and Bpanish. J. WAI.KER, S3 St 34 Commerce Htroot, N. Y. ] Proprietor. R. IT. Mc DON ART) * CO., Druewtwa apd ?eneral Areata Ban Fr*nci?oo, CaUfonpe, nlW 33 and 34 Com*. meiroBtr?et, >f. Yi ? t?TBOLD ilY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. , , ltl?, , IW Fitr *,*!? in Oi eenvllle hy M, A. flONTEIt A CO., Aan HARRISON A MARSHALL. Aug 31 . * 15 gm ><? ?,? ? *-.airT !? >. . : T" ^ y, tT'd'i r vtfur nj/jiv ttitoa*. OIBIIS * co.. Z. j>ori??? ?n?i l>?? lot a. in <)?*??> . l4g Ray Rt , ** ?* ?, ? 24C Hmad- ?*., %nM.. Oa., 'I*'R 0'; and ht I?AVID A HTKADLKY. 1 For RirthrtV IfifxrrrMAo> ?.. ..1 i ?h?vWoV p.wrh]* ' " Not 80 2$ ?fl}