University of South Carolina Libraries
' OREEKVILLC. I. C. w \ mST-tUB UTti BWCT MANSION HOUSE FOR SALE OR LEASE. the above larok fend Splendid BBBk 11 () T E ^ Long and favorably known to rtaltora throughout the country as a Flrat-Claaa Hotel, la now offered for TKa knuan la & and A Story Butiding. It baa upwards of 7d Sleeping Roomt, oil neatly furolohbd. Elegant Porlors j Bar and Billiard Rooms | Ico lloase, now filled with Ico. Also, a flue Btoro connected witb it. On tbo Lot is s large Vegetable Garden ; several OatballdlngS, -Stables, Ac. It is the only Botel in Greenville, and is lighted with Gas. Terms ol Sale made easy. If not sold soon, tbo llbtel will be Leased for a terns of years. Lessee to purchase Furniture, Apply to 8. SWANDALE, Proprietor, Greenville, 8. C. Jan II ]U tf County Notice. THE folio* in* regulation* have linen adopted hy tin* Board of County Commissioners for convenience of the people and economy to the County. There will be a regular monthly mealing of the Roard on the 1*1 Monday, ^sstesday,) of each month, at 2 p. m. Commissioned W. A. HUDSON, will at tend the office of tha Board on Saturday of each week, from 9 a. in until 4 r. m. The following geographical division for County purposes, will b? observed, at to Roads, Bridge*. Paupers, Ac : The To*nehip? of Doukbn, Oak J.a\vn, Falrvlew, Onoe and Gantt, under ropervl aion ot Commiesioner J DUNKLIN SUL1,1 VAN. Tlie Townahipa of Aurtin, Butler, Greenville, Chick Spring*. Pari* Mountain and DaUa, under supervision of l'onun:ssioner \V. A. HUDSON. Tlie Town,liips of O'Nrall. Highland. Gla-sy Mountain, Saluda and Cleveland, under supervision of Board. Will report to same through Dr. W. A. MOONEY. The pillowing list of Sub Commissioners will please notiee the ahovs atrangeiiicht and report necoidingly the condition of Roads, Bridges, &o , of their respective Town ships. I.. Dunklin, A. Ramsey, Sub Commissioner 2. Oak Lawn, Israel Charles, " 3. Fairview.T. L. Woodside, " 4. Grove, W. A Pepper, " A. Austin, W. ||. Austin, " 6. Caiilt, W. C. Yen ruin, , " 7. Boiler, Henry T. Stroud, * 8. Gi?envill<v Perry D GiligMth, ' V. Chick Springs, Alfred Taylor, " 19 Paris Mountain, O. J. Hill, " II. O'Keall. II T Good let t, 12. Bates, M L. West, ll. Highland, Jas. H'irriion, Jr., <' 14- Glassy Mountain, Thos ttced, " 15 Saluda, D. W. Hodges, " 10. Clevelatid, W. li Join.son, " J D. SULLIVAN, ) County W. A. HUDSON, J Commissioners. Jan 25 ^ 86 2 For Sale. ' A CO*1TaOE with five TV conitortahle Rooena, new'y fitted up, within n few miie IttiaUMP 1 utcs walk of the business |>?eti?u ot the City. Three Acre* of Land in the lot. All 'neoemary out buildings, to gether with good young orchard, gold Well w. ii. uammku. Jan 25 3d S WM. J. RANDOLPH. STONE CUTTER AND BUILDER. fj. LOCATED on Fall* Street, one [T\ square of Meiltt. Oower, Cox k ' tSRANlTK of all descriptions furnished and cut to order. TOMBX STONES, with (Jranite or Marble CI PcdustWI* tr.ny he had on application. 3 Special attention guaranteed to all work. JT an 18 35 tf 1amw academy, PaifyieW, Greenville County, S CJ. B. SMITH, A. B., Principal. TIIIS School, located midway between the City of Ortenville and Laurens C. II., afford* a quiet and retired situation; and the means of a thorough instruction for Young Men preparing for Business or College. The firist Saseitm. fcur (?71, begins Monday, January 3<>tb. Board and Tuition on the most reasonable tortus. ,Pot particular*, address tha Principal. Jaw 18- 35-2* Tft -Tt A CARD. ? A 5L MV FRIENDS AND PAT2Ev^tt#ine (live my thank* for past Jff&L U&ivlfBCavor* Ac. I continue l?? taske Ij7? additions to mv Stock, of JfiWKL- Inul3 HY, WATCUKS, CLOCKS. HP TICLKS, s IL V B U l' 1. A T E ltJBBl WARE. TABLE CUTLERY, Ac. Special attention given to repairing fine Watcher, and Time Piece* of ever/ description. JAMK8 O. BLACK. Jan 18 .1ft tf Ifotico IS hereby given to a'l wl*jm it may c>n t*em,Vhai I will apply in S. ,1. Dotilhii, I'foKate ludi/* of Greenville County, on ibt Vt/i day of b'tbinary nrXl. for a final dia charges* Adsmnistrntnr. de bonit won. of the Estate* of STEPHEN SMITH, deceased ; FRANCIS SMITH, deoesaed, and A. T 8Miril. deceased; therefor* all panic having cla mis atrninet raid Estate#, will present them on or fore raid day to m< or the naid Probate Judge, or be debarred I.. O. SMiTH, Ad wd n i rt m t or, 4t haw hi now.. January Bth, 1871. 84-4 Notice. ALL pereona inldittl to tit* Estate of NEWTON HA HB, d-ceased, ate heieby notified that ait immediai* settlement i* required, as said Estate Its* to be settled up Ait full by ,Ae frit of April nepf ; and all parties having alatma against Mid Ea'at*, srlll pl*a?a present ihem property Attested to the undersigned by the time above epeeirted. . JOHN W. OAULT. Executor. Jan 23 94 ' id Notii# IN my aliaene >, S A MO EL i BOOTH|T. Egq , will sttead to the dulbg of the office ol School Com rp> "toner, ?t&rj will at lead in my office ai the I pourt House, a vary Balm-day in each %?ek. A. C. HoO?E. ffcbaol Cotnntiseioner Greenville County. Jen 4ik. 1*11. ?t 1/ 4 I r I i n i es 1?M II s ? ea >* i g a?wm^facam"Mam 1 Notice J8 hereby given to nil whom it may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Doathil, Prote Jadge of Greenville Coanty, ?? lb* 18tb dou of f'obmmry *?/, for a 0n?l discharge a* Administrator^- with Will a named?of the P.*iata of THOMAS M08RLY, lessee**. Jan. 17th, 1871. B. J. STEWART, Administrator with Will A goes erf. jfao 18 M ft ^ a Notice _ ? ,W . II p??n m an aoorn U may aanaava, X U)?i f ViU apply lo 8. J. l>outb(t, Probata Judga of Orawill* County, on ik* ISik dag of Ftbruarg nort, for a Anal diaohargo aa Adminiatrator of tbo Batata of MAEIA M.I O'NKILL, doooaaed t all partioa bavin# alaima kHainit aaid Batata, will pratant on or bofora a aid day to /no or tbo aaid Probata Judge, or bo demurred. W. A. M..DANIKI,, Adnilnjatrator, January IStb, 1S71. 36-i mwm SOLUBLE J AS. SULPHUR manufaotur: VLMNh$ C H Alt LES1 by t SLLPHIRIC AC1D&8UPEE THE now well-known ET1WAN GUANO la I pbates of South Carolina. There Phosphates I to t>e ground to powder, and made Soluble by Su operation the largest Sulphuric Acid Chambers a facture at the lowest rates, the highest grade of 1 pioportlon of Soluble Phosphate which any Ferti per acre. In order to mako the Fertiliser compli titles are added. With these views the Company btiwant ? Warranted to contain from 15 to 20 PER CBN1 OF LIME, and from 2 to 24 per cent, of iii/Fi NIAN GUANO and POTASH, to adapt it to a $70 per ton, and interest 7 per cont. per annum. JJXHBC?XjV? Of high grade, suitable Tor Manufacturer! or far scr, and specially adapted for compost. As iargo golVu the Phosphate, this will ho found a cheap n rial. The grade furnished will l>e from 18 to 20 $40 per ton cash. On timo,$46, with interest at will be furnished to order at an additional price COMPOUND ACI] Specially prepared for composting with cotton $35 per ton: cash ; on time $40, with interest at ' At much lower rates, consisting simply of the l'rice $20 per ton, cash. On time, $22, and inter WM. C. ] flgents, JYo. 14 d3C-A.M_.ESf tST DAVID & STUADLEY, 1 Id^GEO. W. ANDERSON, A N. 11.?The per centage of Dissolved Bone Ph Etiwnna, is ascertained at the Works, oy their < chaser be d issnti*ficd, he tuny return average days ufter delivery, and "they will bo analysed guaranteed will be made gfcod to dim by the Co Jan 25 36 BWBONE 1 SUPER PHOSPHATE! STANDARD GUARANTEED ||j|H WWW !?? H MANUFACTURED BY WALTON,WHANN&tfjj ; WILMINGTON,DEL^J The Great Fertiliz all C THE unparalleled success of tins 1 proves it to be the. BEST and CI1E the market. It has been used by many of tli South, and In every single instance it hcu On CXJTTON it# effect# liavc hewn partieolnrlv PHOSPHATE to increase tbo yield from ONE CENT., ?r cvei wore ! Mr. Geo. C. Dixon, an ejninent planter of Car Planter, rays that in an eK|>eriinent with seven WllANN'S proved itself the best of all those tr rate of $-0 V0 per acre of cotton. A copy of M rwit ga.j CLAGHORN, HE: Charleston, S. C~> a Januury II, 1670. 8 c. e. r co. & 8. w. r r bake | Annual meeting okthr stocr* * holders op thk south caro * LIN A RAILROAD (XMdPANV, AND OF THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD , B ANK ?TIk; Annual M?-?-tInn t4 live Slock* holder* of llic above institutions will be held in the Ciiy of Charleston, on the second r TWadny ? Fekrtary next, tlte 14th of lh? month. place of me-tini{?Hall of the 1 Southwestern Railroad [tank, on lLoad ^ atreet. llnur of convening?II o'clock, A. M.# m On the day fallowing, Wcdnetday, the 1Atk,' g ihete will be an ele- linn held at the tame place, between the hours of 9 A. M . and t n P. M., for fifteen Directors of the Railroad Company, and thirteen Directors of the f< Bank. A Committee to ver fy Proxies will at4.< nd. Th* following addition to the By Laws, proposed at Use Special ua-eting iu Hay laet, 1 will uom? up fur action at this; Artwc1# 1st., Second 7 th, shall be, " Any aunsber of Stock* holders, iiot less than ten. representing five thousand shares, shall be necessary to rue quire a stock vote on any question." Stockholders will bs t>Ms-d as usual over the Road, to and from the Meeting, free of 1 chares, in ar.oordancA with tha rsialulmn nl J tfia Convention of 1854. . J. K. EMERY. Seervlary. Jen 1& 86 4 ? J! olice J IS hereby given to all whom it may connam, that I will apply to 8, J. Douthit, Pro- ? bate Judge of GrMtrlll* County, o? ilka VtK () d/tu of Ftbrunrg wart, for *4n*l discharge aa Administrator of the Estate of JCSU8 DILL, 7. deceased. # January 8th, 18T1. JAMES 008.NKI.L, AdaaUiatraier. . Jeo It U , / Notice Ig hereby given to all whom it may eoncam, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, jj Probate Judge < * Greenville County, oh the J 17(S dog / February neat, for a final tlta- f charge aa Administrator of tha Estate of j ELIJAH 11. l*MirH. d-eeaned. C P. MAYPIKLD, Adm r. January lflth, 1871. . 86-6 I mmn. majyures, o IC ACID, EJD AT THE row, s. c. HE tPBOSPHATE COMPANY manufactured from the Native Bona Pboln thair natural state are Inaoluble, and requ ir lphurio Acid. Tbia Company bar# now in t the South, and are, therefore, able ft man'ertiliner ; it being clear that the greater the liner contains, Ihq lois the quantity required :te, Ammonia and Pntuh in sufficient quanmanufaoture and offer for sale \ OP D IS SOL VED BONE PH08PHA TE ONI A, with a sufficient addition of PERU' 11 crops. Price $63 per ton, cash ; on time, ID BONE, Planters, being in itself an excellent Fertiliquantities of Sulphuric Acid arc used to die* ind convenient nay to transport that uiateper cent. Dissolved Bone Phosphate. Price 7 per cent, per annum. Still higher grades per ceu tage. D PHOSPHATE, seed and other plantation manures. Price 7 per oent. per annum. Native Bone Phosphates ground to powderest at 7 per cent, per annum. BEE & CO. I Jldgcr's Wharf \ 3TON, S. O. Ygenis, Greenville, S. C. igent, Williamston, S. 0. osphate of Lime, and Ammonia in all the Chemist, before delivery. Should any pursample* of any purchase, within thirty (30) anew, and any deficiency in the percentage mpany. 2m I MANNS RAW BONE SUPKRPneSPHATR. I er for Cotton and rops. Great Fertilizer on ALL CROPS, A PEST Manure now ottered iu e most eminent Planters in the r given. Entire Satisfaction, m marked. It ia no rare thing Tor WII ANN'S I HUNDRED TO TWO HUNDRED PER wron, G a., wt a letter to the Banner and lending Sopcrphosptiatca and Gunnoa, the ied, paying a art profit at the low market Ir. Dixon'* letter furnished oa application. LE BY RUING & CO, md Jlugustru, Ga. 34 3m nnMPnTTvn Artit HOSPHATE OF LIME, FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. rHIS ARTICLB la mmfiMtuml by the PACIFIC QIIANO COM PAW, ?t harlestou, 3. C., under the superintendence f Dr. 8t. Julicn KaveneL When composted ith an equal weight of Cotton Reed, *tta reults have been found fully equal to the beat tandard fertilisers. Ita economy mutt contend it to the notice of planters generally. For specific directions tor composting and >r supplies, apply to J. If. KOBSON, Relling Agent, Charleston, 8. C. JOHN 8. KEESK A CO., General Agents, laltinsore. 33 3m Jan 4 ~mwwwr (CAPITAL, $1,000 000,) SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. EII18 OLA NO is now to well known In all the Southern States for its remarkable ta aa an ageney for inereaaing the proucta of labor, aa aot to require apecial rc-otnlendatWn fr+m aa. (U uae fbr See years art baa eatahHshed Ita character for reliable xeellenoe. The large (led eecdtal in reeled y the Company in Ibis trude, affords the aerat guarantee af the continued excellence of ta Ouane. J. N. RORSON, Selling Agent, Charleston, 8. C. JNO. S. BBBSB A CO., General Agenta, t.lil..*? ee - ?? * ?r?n * Notice 18 harehy glvm to all whom It ?ay eon earn, that I will apply to 8. J. Oouthit, I'ro?ie Judga of Omaflll* Oontj, m tk* til lay of /Vtruary uari, far a laal dioeharge 'a* Ldminiatrator of the Batata of WILLIAM <KA(JUK, deoeaeed. January 7th, 1N7I. ROBERT LEAQUE, Adaeia'tor. Jan 11 34 3 # The State of South Carolina* GREENVILLE COUNTY. 1 Sheriff1* Sales. BY elrtne of tvidrjr writ* of Fieri Faeime, I will toll, before the Coort Houee door, om Smleeday iu February next, between the bonre of IS o'clock in the forenoon and S o'clock In the afternoon, All that piece or parcel ef land, containing Slaty-five and half acre*. mora of mi ? ? side of ?oath fork of Kaburn's Creak, adjoining land* of Hinutjr, Dr. W. A. Harrison and other*. Also On* hundred and four and thrae-fourth* acre*, mora fir lea*, oa the west side of southfork ot Raburn's Creek, t^uinior land* of James Savage, James Dunbar and W. A. Harrison. Levied on as the properly of Dr. Wo. A. Harrison, nt the suit of 0. F. Towns*. Also, in the ease of , Henry 3. Smith et al., vs. J. L. Smith, et al., by virtu* of the decree in this ease, I witl sell, on salesday In February next, at Greenville Court House, between the hours above named, nt the risk of the forinor purchaser,* "All that Plantation or Tract of Land, lying on the Augusta Road, 7 miles from the Court House, adjoining land* of Henry Asbinere, Nancy Cox and utbhrs, containing 717 Acres, more or less. Term*?Cash. Purchaser to pay for sU.ep* and papers. II. M. SMITH, Coroner, Ac'ing 8. ti. C. 'Dec 7 29 ^ i Tha fitata of Bonti, Pn?Ali?n ***v VA MVUVll v/ai Miliia* GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff*s Sales BY virtue of sundry Writ* of M?n Facias to me directed. I will sell, before the Court House door, on Salexday in February next, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the lorenoon end 3 o'clock in the afternoon. One Tract of Lend, containing 260 acres, more or less/bounded by lands of Dr. W. ft. Austin, Dr. T. C. Austin and others. Levied on as the property of J. W. Austin, at the ruit of V. 11. Fleming. Also, one Tract of Land, containing 280 acres, more or lets, bounded by land* of Dr. Few.Frank Edwards, llenry Bull and others. (Homestead to be set off to Defendant before dny of sale.) Levied on as the property of Elisha G. Gilreuth, at the suit of John II. Gtlrealh. Also, one Tract of Land, containing 2$ acres, mora or lees, adjoining lands.of D. McKinney, Minerva Taylor and other# Ami ll of rtgnt, title ana interest to the Estate of Peter Taylor, deceased. Lev ied on as the property of Janies N. Taylor, at the suit of Win Trammvland others. Terms rash ; purchasers to pay for papers and stamps. H. M. SMITH, Coroner, Acting Sheriff G. C. Sheriff's Office, January II, 1871. Jan 18 85 3 ? ? feiS &> oPfl I*5 ~m" S-W fl k B 8 * ^ 5? 2. 5 ?* r/) H N A 8 -t rrr#>?^~ 2 m 2 W ^ ? i* ? " 5 ? 5. fi?- - OD h to i* rPs.?-" "PiEsHfe M-stS.!J S^a.s-L g >osrS.$??sls=>fe - I*f >vt?s ?=a* g-H v. 8 ? - ij! =xa ?. O ^ V 0> 22 i" - *5 a ^ I ? <L ^ J? C -=. a3?? rr\" S & S* > "3 A p p S A 3- S 2. Cs t>3 =119 c -r 5 ^ C w#"* ' "* ? < 0? ^ ao ^ p|>??S!?S CO ^ ? cm Ct "?- /\ k^-4 ?5$.= ?=" = i" 5 Z-L 0 b n **! W li,? w "L- =-o fg ^ y ^ cra.=-/s g ^ ^Tl A] SfE^o'Sgtr =?E. I- ?! m ~ 2 o p o = = -" ts 'r o ? i ts r* (?Chailotte* Columbia and Aufusta R R. UPBMIKTKNItf.MT'* Offiok. Columbia, 6. C., January 17, 1871. ON anil after SUNDAY, January 22, the Passenger (ruins over this lioad will run ua follow* : Going A'urfl, No. 2. No. 1. * Arrive. I.rare. Arrive. Leave. Angusta 8 00 pm 8 00 am Columbia 11 OA pin 11 20 pin 12 51 pm 1 00 pm Wionstxico 1 25 inn 1 27 ?tn 3 17 pm 3 37 pm Chester 2 .'>8 urn 3 00 iim 5 07 pm 5 10 pin Charlotte 5 30 ain 7 30 pm Going South, A'?. I A'o. 2. Arrive. Leave. Arrive. Leave. Augusta 7 45 pm 7 30 am Columbia 2 1A pin 2 28 pm 2 13 am 2 28 am Winnsb'o II 55 ain 11 55 um 12 5A pm 11 58 pin Chester 10 20 am 10 23 am 10 27 pm 10 30 piu Charlotte 8 00 am 8 10 pm 1 Going North.?Both No. 1 nnd 2 makes close daily connection* at Charlotte for Now York and all points North and Rnst. Passengers leaving on No. 2 on Saturdays, will luy over 12 hours at Richmond. Going South?Both A'ns. 1 and 2 make close daily connection* at Augusta with trains of llio Georgia and Central Georgia Roads, for all points 8outb, South-west nnd West. Through Tickets sold and baggage checked to all principal points. J. M. SELKIRK, Supt. E. B. Dorsey, General Ticket Agent. Sonth Carolina Railroad CompanyVic* Ekkbidkmt** OrriCF,* Columbia, S. C., January 10, 1871. Chmuge of Schedule. ON and after Sunday, 22d Inst., Passenger drains upon tbi* l/toad will arrive and leave as follows: TnAIM no. 1. I<caVe Chnrleaton Hi A 21 * m Arrive ut Columbia at 3 IA p Leave Columbia at 12.16 p aa Arrive at Cbarleetoo at.. 7 M p m Leave Catudon (Sundaya exc'd) ?( # 60 n m Arrive al Kiagaville at ' 20 p in Leave Kingaville (Seadaya exe'd) at.2 .10 p in Arrive at Camden at 0 00 p m The above traina run in eonneelinn with Wilmington, Columbia and Auguata Railroad, connecting with traina for Wilmington, North Careliua aaJ with traina for Angnata, Georgia ?making cloae connect iont with night traina of Georgia Railroad and Coatrwl Railroad, for ali point* South and Weat. rati* wo. 2?Wight ttrnaii. (Sunday night excepted.) Leave Cbarleaton at 7 10 pm | Arrive at Columbia at a 0 00 a m Leave Columbia at 7 60 p m Arrive at Cbarleaton at ,.f> 46 a m Thia train run a in connection with up Augua'a traina, making eloae connection with Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad morn lag trains, for all points Rotfth and West. -*A. L. TYLER, 8. B. PiRKina, Vice President, tieneral Ticket Agent. Hotic* 18 hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate Judge ol Oreenville County, for a Final Discharge as Adasinistrator with the Will annexed, of the Estate of ELIXABRTII HUliHES, deceased, on the 3d day of February next. A. R. JENKINS, Administrator with"Will annexed. January 3d, 1871. S3 h ESTABLISHED 183S ORESN VILLE COACH FACTORY. GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. WE would announce to our customers, tbat we are prepared now to fill all Order* for VBHICLK8. We hare added to oar Stook of Wood-Working Maohinery, and iocreaaed our ataff of workmen to about 70, and therefore trust that none of our patrons will be disappointed in having orders promptly filled. . The Stock of One, Two, Three, Pour and Six-Horse Iron Axle PLANTATION ! WAG0N8, will be kept full; and now as for one-third of a eeutary past, these Wagons shall be the STAKDARD OF EXCELLENCE. We have a large Stock of Light B UGGIES AND HOCK A ft A YS Of our own make, and a Stock of NorthernBuilt BUGGIES?both low-priced and highpriced?for those who wish to purchase Northern work, prioed as low a* any Southern dealer. We call special attention to tho improvements making in our SPRING WAG O.N S. Without raising the price, we are floichiug them with OREAT CARE. And Fainting them Elegantly. To customer* at a distance. Priced List* will be promptly mailed on application to GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. Aug 10 i 12 6m FT7F.3 LipSF.TT WHITE LEAD. :o: Buy the Best?It is the Cheapest, :o: To Consumers of White Lead Everywhere* :o: rrillK increased demand from all sections of 1 the country for orr well-known brand of PUKE LIBERTY WIUTE LEAD, induces us to ask your special attention to it, and wo cordially invite you to give it a trial. * UNEftUALED. 1st. For Wearing and Covering Properties. 2d. For Whiteness and Beauty of Finish. 3d. For Uniform Fineness of Grinding. 4th. Stmt Weight will do more and better work, at a given cost, than any other. 6th, Most Economical White Lead ever introduced. 6tb. If you wish to procure as much value as possible for your money and secure handsome and durable work, use PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEADTry it and be convinced. Satisfaction guaranteed by the Manufacturers^ ZIEULE A. SMITH. Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers, No. 137 North Third Street, Philadelphia. WBOLBSALE AOBSTS, GOWER, COX & MARKLEY, DEALERS IN Coach Materials. Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, &c, GUEZNVILLE, 8, C. Aug 10 12 Cm NEW STORE. JOHN U. GOOBLETT RBSPECTFULltT informs the Public that he has commenced Business again at the Old Stand of LONG & GOODLETT, Where h? *?* J"rt "pened a portion.of his I atock, consisting of lfi> l&W ? GD (D 1Q S ? Groceries, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, &c., All of which were bought at low figures, and will be sold for CASH OK It A II T I! El At a slight advanco on Cost, lie solicits a share of. the public patronugc. Ap fi 46 tf GREENVILLE PAPER MILLS. ??:o: J. Bannister & Son, or ALL KINDS Off Book, News, Wrapping and Colored !E? JWk. XS? BFlZ BC W ? XX IGIIEST CASH PKICE PAID FOR" I rsi ri .. * ' ' 4 ' JLJL ^uuon or J^mcu KAUK. May 25 1 ly ToiVi\i:?i & I:A*T, ATTORXIES AT LAW. OFFICE in the OLD COURT HOUSE, Middle Room on (lie South Side, Lower Story, GREENVILLE, 8. C. o. r. townks. olia d bast Jun 4 # 3:j tt' gfJJffTE? *> tWE GR.EAx ^ Tq,j>J no IN^ I PRtVEHTS CHltt? &C^U 5 /^^f777* ^T~ SOLO EVERYWHERE. S7\(\ Dowiw&DAViS a WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS CMMLISTOH.S.C. M K. The Commissioner of Revenue Im Aeeided that any dealer can er U llili article without a speeial license. For rale l>y DAVID & STRADLEY, Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Commission Merchants, Greenville, 8. C. ALSO BV Drs. Harrison & Marshall, Wholesale and Retail Drug^Lte, GKEEN VILLK, 8. C. Mar 30 46 ljr MUUOIIT. MRS, LOU JENNINGS, JspwS xrsvr OTAXTD, ffllv w. n. HOVKY A CO., HAVE ON HAND A LARGE AND With which she is CERTAIN OF PLEASING ALL OF HER FRIENDS. ptr CALL AND SEE. Dec 14 30 tf w The State of South Carolina. CITY Of ORLKMVllL/S. AN ORDINANCE TO RAISE SUPPLIES FOR 1671. Be IT ENACTED ly th? Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Greenville, in Counoil lUpnibM, end by authority of thi him, lh?t a Tax to cover th? period from January let. 1871, to January !? , 1872. for tlie sutns and in the manner hereinafter men tioned, ehall be raised, and paid into the public Treasury ol the said City, bv the lit Jap o/ March next, for the ute mid service thereof.' Hxctiok 1. On each one Hundred Dollars of assessed value of Real Ratals and Person* al PioDertv. the sum ot Thirtv h.hIa fan- 1 . r . v ?vy / ? Real Estate, Stock*, Goofe and Chattels, 8old at Auction. Site 2. There hall be paid, quarterly, Two and a Hnlf per Cent upon all Hale* at Auction, on all Ooo.l?, and One p?r Csnt on Chattels, and Ileal Estate and Slocks ot every description, except on Hale* made by older of Court, or process ol law, or by executor* and administrators. Goods, Wares and Merchandise Sold on Consignment. See. S. There shall be paid by all Mcr? chants, or others, Out half per Cent, tipoo Sales i>l sll Goods, Wares and Merchandise sold on Consignment, made from the 1st day of January, 1811,to the 1st day of January, 1872 ; the above Tax to be paid Quarterly. Road and Street Tax. Sec. 4. That each and every male person between the ages ol twenty-one and filty joars, other than members of the Fire De partinent, Ordained Ministers, and Students, shall pay, on or before the 1st day n| March next. One Dollar lor ltoad and Street exemption; and if any person liable to .this Titx shall foil to make payment at the time specified, he shall l>e held liable to work on the streets of the City for six days, under the direction of the acting Overseer ol the Streets; any person refusing or neglecting to ohey the summons, shall be fined at the discretion of the Council; *n-d fine to be collected by execution. And it shall be the duty of the City Cletk and City Marshal to report to.the Council all defaulters under either ol the o auses of this Section. Lawyers, Physicians, Dentists, Photographists, &c. Peo. 6. There shall he paid Thirty Cents on the IJundied Dollars of the Gross Income* of Brokers and Pinker?, and on all Incomes derived from th? Commission Business, or the IVnctice of the l'rofes-iona of Law, Usilidnu and Dentistry, and from the Business o( I >t>?<?ierrtr??i j-1 jojc Amhrotyping and Photographing, within tile limits of the City?the amount of income to he estimated Irom the 1st day of Junuury, 1871, to 1st January, 1872 ; the above lux to be paid qnaterly. Carriages, Omnibusses, Wagons. &c. Sec. 6 There shall l e paid Tan Dollar* on each four-horseOmnibus or IInek ; Six Dollar* on each Carriage or Hack drawn by two or more bor es, run lor conveyance of parst ngei* or hire ; Three Dollnison each onehorse Buggy, Gig or Sulky kept lor hire; Fight D<dlurs on each futir-horse Wagon ; Six Dollars on each two horse Wagon, or Drav ; Four Dollnra rflt each one hor-e Wagon, Drav or Cart run for hire. The Tuxes on Omnibusses, Can iagef. lineks. Buggies, Wagons, Ac., kept for hire, rliull be paid before they thiol he allowed to run: Provided, That nothing herein contained ?hnll he construed so as to extend to Wagons, CViie or other vehicles going to or from market aud owned by non-iosidcnts of the City. Itinerant Traders nnd Auctioneers. | Skc. 7. Five dollars a day shall ho paid hy ' every Intinernnt Trader or Auctioneer offering for sale within the corporate limits of the | City, at Auction or otherwise, uny Bonds, | ?> arc* nnu merchandise, to l>e paid each day in advance; and every Itinerant Trader or Auctioneer liable to the Tax aforesaid, and who shall fail to make payment, shall be fined i Ten Dollar* for each day he may *o offend : ] Provided, The provision* of this Section shod not he *o construed ns to apply to the ordinary dealers in grain, fruit, potntoes, tobacco, j poultry, iron ware, earthen waro, or other produco or manufactures of like character. | Billiard Tablos and Ten Bin Alloys. Sue. S. That an Annunl Tax of Fifty Dollars shall lie paid upon each nnd evory 'llillinrd Tabic, and Twenty-Five Dollnis upon each and every Nine or Ten Bin Alley kept within | the limit* ?>l said City for profit: said Tux | to be paid before License shall bu granted. Any person opening the establishments mentioned in this Section without having first obtained n License and given bond in the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, conditioned t<> observe the laws of the State and City, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding Ten Dollars for each day such establishment shall ho kept open or used. Sue. 9. That no Kqneslrinn or Theatrical Performance, oSUoilor Exhibition for gain, shall be bud in tiie City ot (Irecnville, without a License therefor being first obtained from the Mayor, and payment for said License inado in advance to the City Clerk, as follows: For each and every Fqucstrinit Inhibition, Fifty Dollars; for each and every Side Show, a sunt not less than Five Dollars, nor exceeding Twenty-Five Dollars, as the Mayor shall determine. For Theatrical nnd other Exhibitions for gsin, such sum as the Mayor shall determine. Ar.d each and every person exhibiting for gain, without having first obtained u L cense und t ho payment of said Tax in advance, shall he fined in a sum not less than double the amount of said Tax, in manner hereinafter provided for the imposition of fines and forfeitures. Sac. 10. That no person, firm, company or corporation shall be engaged in, prosecute of carry on any trade, business or profes.-ion, un 111 nc, mi? or tney shall liuvc paid u Special License therefor, in the manner hereinafter provhifit, to wit: Fa.-h ami every lluxinosR, either Mercantile, Mechanical nr Manufacturing, the gross sales or receipt* of which shall not exceed $jftll per annum, shall pay * of$2 Oil; in execs* of $500 and not cxc?-eding $2,000, Five Dollars; in excess of $2,000 and not exceeding $5,009, Eight Dollars; in excess of $5,000 and i.ot exceeding $10,0(i0. Ten Dollars; in excess ol $10,000. Twelve Dollars. tlach first class Hotel, Twenty-Five hollars; each second-class Hotel. Fifteen Dollars; each Saw Mill, Teh Dollars; each Corn 51 ill grind in under 3,400 bnshcls; Ten Dollars, and over 3,000 bushel*, Twooly Dollars; each Flouring Mill, Twenty Dollars; each Cotton (fin, Ten Dollars; each Cotton Press, Five Dollars ; each Livery Stable, Ten | Dollars; each Has Manufactory or Works. Ten Dollon; each Printing Eftnbliiilimtnt, Six Dollars; eneh H.trbvr Shop, ft o Dollars; each Auctioneer. Tnehv Dollar*' The Li? | censc issued by virtue of tliii 84c tin** shall l>e | collected, on the let day of Match *t\l nnd j shall rover the year 1871$ and n!1 business License 'issued on and after the let d..y of March next, shall be issued r.n ft ratnblo proportion ot the year, dating from the first day of the month in which it may htHssucd. See. 11. Etch Physician, Lawrer, Den? list. Photographist and artist ; caeh In sur* lance Can |any, and each speculator in Drain, Flour or Country fffcidnce. not other wistvLicensed, shall pay a License of Ten Dotfaia. and each Express Company n License of Twrnty?fiv* I)o), a is, for conducting said business or Occupation : said sums to he paid ou or before the 1st day of next, or on any subsequent day before eninmencirg sorb business or occ<i|>ation. And a. penalty ol Five Dollars p<.r day shall be I?* vied against any person prosecuting such business or occupation, without Kist lisving taken out. a license I lie e tor. Sec 12. l>calets in Liquor shall pay the following License, to wit : Each detail I i quor Dealer, Two Hundred nnd Fifty Did l*rs; ca- h Dealer who sella by the quart or lftrg< r quantity, Seventv?fi ve Dollar*; each Druggist selling by the bottle, Fifty Itollars. Ami the Licenses fot nil Dealers in Liquor shall cover the year ex piling on the 1st day of October, 1871, at the above rates per annum, and must be paid hefoie the parties rni?r upon said Ittisioesa. Penalties. Sfc 13. Anl h* il f<.th?r nrlained, Tlx* if any parson or paraoas shall fall, aeg'ect or refuse to make a trlnr* to the Olr Clark, on oath, of all hla, hrr or their Taxable Property. Income. Sales, IteeHpU, or other thiuga taxed by this Ordinance. end pay the tax thereon Imposed - within the time specified by this Ordinance, the Clerk of Conned. assisted hy the AW worn of the City, is hereby authorized and required to na*e?a euch perron or persona for ail hi*, her or their . property, or other thing* taxed by this Ordinanee, according to the b?*t information which he ean obtain of the value of such taxable property, and add One Hundred per Cent, to the amount of the Tax of the pereotf or pvrsona thus neglecting or refusing * , to make a return as aforesaid or pay the Tax thereon; and if the Iloulde Tex thus iinooecd i* * ?< ?t.? u - ?, - ? ? I J ?J-? mid Clerk is hereby authorised and requir. ed to iaaun an execution therefore im-n-diatoly : which m!i| execution ehall be lodged with lh? Sheriff of the County of Gt*eu villas, to be eolleotrd according to the provirion* ol the Act of the General Assembly In fuel) vnge* made and provided. Done and ratified in Council ns?<-rphfe 1, under the corporate Seal of the City of Gtoenville. this the Hi day vl January, A. L> 1811. T. O. GOWER. M.iyor. A R McDavid, Clerk. Jan II 84 id B. WEHBLE rUTAS just returned with a well LnJ selected Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, 110 SILVER AID PLATED WARE. Table Cutlery, &c. 11IS Sto'jk was personally se lectetb trom ttic beet houses in his line, and can guarantee satisfaction. Oct 19 22 tf Sixty-Fivo First Prize Medals Award d. Southern Piano Will. K N A Et E Ac CO., Manufacturers of Grand, Squnro nntt Upright PIANO FORTES, Daltiinore, Md. rI'MIESE Instruments bnvo been before the i public for nearly thirty years, nnd upon their excellence nlono attained an unpnrrhand pre-cminencr, which pronounces them unequulcd. Their Tone combines great power, sweetness nnd lino singir.g quality, na well as great purity of Intonation, und sweetness throughout the entire scalo. Their Touch is pliant nnd clastic, und entirely free from the stilTuess . found in so many Pianos. In Workmanship they nre unequated, using none but the very best ?tanan*d material, the lnrge capital employed in our business enabling us to keep continually an immense tdock of lumber, Ac., on band. All our flipiarr finnan have our New Improved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe Treble. Wc would call special attention to our Into improvements in tlrnnd Pianos and Square Grands, Patented August lilli, lhtlfi, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than bus yut been attained. Kerry fiano fully Warranted far b IVors tvo iiave rosdo arrangements fur the Sole Wholesale A policy for the timet Celebrated l'itrlnr <)rjrar?--- ami Mclodeotif. wliinh we offer Wholesale and K< tail, ut l.owest Factory Prices. 1VJ1. IvXABB A CO., Baltimore, Md. Dec 7 211 tim INPOKTA.tT NOTICE TO CONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS. All Retail l)> tlrrn^inouiitiiii/ to $20 ami Over, JteHrvrvd in any /'art of the Country FREE OF EXPRESS CHARGES. HAMILTON EASTER & SONS, OK 1SAI.TIMOKK. nn., TX order the better to meet the wants of 1 the 1'ctail Customers at u distance, linvo established a SAMl'LK ItUKKAlT, and will, upon n|i)ilication, promptly *cnil by mail full lines of samples of the Newest and most Fashionable <}oodt>, of French, Knglith and Domestic Mrnulacinte, guaranteeing at all time* to sell an loir, it not at /? ?? price*, than any house in the country. .Buying our poods from the largest and most celebrated manufacturers in the different parts of Europe, nn<l importing the same by rfletmcm direct t? BallimoK, our stock is at nil times promptly supplied with the novelties of the Loudon ami Pari* market?. A.? v\<* buy ami cell only for cash. ami make no had debt?, we are aide and willing to well our good* at from Ten to Fifteen per cent Lota Profit than if we gave credit. In Bending for samples specify the kind of good* desired. We keep the best grades of every class of goods, irow the lowest to the most costly. Order* unaccompanied by the each will he sent C. 0. l?. ? Prompt Paying Wholesale Buyers are invitoil to inspect the Stack in our Jobbing and Package Di'parlio ot. Address HAMILTON' RASTER A SON'S. 197, 199, 201 aud 2t!.l West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, .Md. Dee 7 29 , ly ?WATER WHEEL, M ill^Qe a ri i n&& Pul 1 eys >L^lSEND FORA CIRCULAR? Duo 7 5f? ly GEOR6I3 PAGE & CO. No. 5 N. Schroedrr St.. Baltimore. Manufacturers ? f 1' riiihlc nr.d Srnlhiuity STEAM ENGINES aS'D r.O!T.KIS8. Patent improved. Part?tJo CIUtl'I.A 15. SAW MTI.I.S, (ifti ii, Molny ?n<l f*asli Sw Mill., (.rid Mi1'#, 'lowlier Wheel*, Murium*. <te. Dealers in Clienlnc Sa?'?, Px'liinu nnd Mill supplies if? n?-rii Uy, e,**ll manufacturer'* Hifciii* lor L- flV! \ I'sVl'tt'N ed Turldne Wnl?r Wine). Hint rvetv bc ipiion i>r Wood Workine XI?#Hine>:y />OIII('Ul.Tl'UAl. ?NOIN?M A WKClAlfW tf?"" 8<-nd for v l otnl' jfi'f* mid I'tice Lisu. 29-ly CHARLESTON HOT E CHARLESTON, S. E. H. JACKSON, Propr ctor. , A SSI8TANT8, A. 1HJTTI RFIKLP, (f. r ,/m roerly of i We Pavilion llolcl,) nix'. W 8. MILLER. Subscribe for t!ie Fntmi ji'RTKK. $2 00 por annui.i, I