University of South Carolina Libraries
y ItltttA - ^Qttnj. " 1 1 ........... ,L-~m Atity. -f -{ After the shower, the trenqell N?; After the snow, the ementld lee res fiilrer iters when the dey is dene | After the herrest, golden sheerer. After the clouds, the rlolet sky ; _ After the tempest, the lull ef the wares, Quiet woods, when the winds go by { After the bettle?peeoefnt greres. After the knell, the wedding belle j After the bud, the radiant roee j . Joyful greeting* from and farewell* ;. After oar weeping, sweet repeee;After the-burden, the bl**ful meed { After the flight, the downy nest f After the fbrrow> the wtkley.***#;' After the shadowy rlrer?rest! Ikiitnrnus. An Elementary Lesson in Courtship. Ono bright, moonlight winter's night, in the days of " lang syne," when log school houses, cheap schoolmasters, and bltie-beach rods were the only instrumentalities used for teaching the "young ideas how to shoot, we chanced to attend a 44 spoiling school'* in a certain rural distiict, the geographical location of which it is not now necessary to mention. 'Twas there,, however, where our oye3 first felt on a 14 fairy form " that imriiediately sot our susceptible hearts in a blaze. She was sixteen or thereabouts, with bright feyes, red oheeks and cherry lips, while trt*i auburn ringlets clustered in a wealth of profusion around her beautiful bead, and her person, to our ravished imagination, was more perfect in form and outline than the most faultless 6tatue ever chiseled bv the sculptor's art. As we gazed, our feelings, which never before had aspired girlward (we were scarcely eighteen) were fully aroused, and we determined to go ooine with her that night or perish in the attempt! As spon, therefore, as school was dismissed, and our ki lad v love" suitably bon noted and cloaked, wo approached to offer our Bervices as contemplated, and wo then learned an important lesson, viz: fhe difference between resolving and doing. As we neared her to put our de sign into execution, wo seemed to be stricken with a sudden blindness ; then red, green and yellow lights flashed upon i*tr vision, and disappeared like a phantasmagoria! Our knees smote together like lielshuzzar'g, and our heart thumped with apparently as much fbree as if it were driving tenpenny nails into onr ribs 1? We in the meantime, having reached Sally's side, managed to muin ble out something which is, perhaps, known to the Recording Angel, but surely is not to us, at the same time poking out our elbow as nearly at right angles with our body as our physical conformation would admit. The night wind blew keenly, which served, in some sort, to revive us, and, as our sense returned, what were our emotions on finding the cherished object of our primal love clinging to our arm with all the tenacity a drowning man is said to clutch at a straw ! Talk of elysian, or sliding down greased rainbows, or feeding on German flutes, what are sich " phe1 inks " in comparison with those mighty ones that swelled our bo som nigh unto the bursting off of our waistcoat buttons ! Our happiness was simply eoatatic, and ev ery young lady or gentleman who ever felt the mighty throbbing of a newly-pledged love, will com plotely understand the world of bliss hidden under that common word. Well, we walked on pleasantly toward onr Sally's home, converr ing very cosily and sweetly as we passed along, nntil so courageous did we bceome that we actually proposed 44 to go fu and sit awhile," to whieh our dulcena very graciously assented1. Alas, tor us ! how sot a were we to be re* minded that the 44 course- of true love never did run smooth.?* Sally liAd a brother of tea summers, who accompanied us along ^ I 1 t _ _ 1 uie way, unci who was in wonuer ful high spirits at the idea of his sister having a beau, and he would circle around ns, and every now 'and then, giggling in the height of his glee and examining us as close ly as if Sally and ourself were the world renowed Siamese twins, and he was taking hi-t first look.? Bill, by tho wav, was a stubbed, chuckle headed boy, whose habiliments would have made the tor tune of an ordinary dealer in moprags. At length we arrive at the bars, and while we were letting their down, Bill shot past us and tore for the bouse as if pursued by a thousand bulls of Bashan. H? flung the door open with a bang and shouted at the top of lilt voice: 11 Mother 1 mother! Jim Clark't eominir hum with Sal 1" 44 la be ?" screamed the old wo man in reply. 44 Wal, I declar I didn't think the saphead knew enough I" Reader, we didn't go in. Fj mk is like a shaved pig with I greased tail, and it it only after il has slipped through the hands o: housands that tome fellow, by good luck, holds on to it. pHrV - ?. K It can never be too strongly im pressed upon tbv atiodb that notb ing releases a parent frona hie dn? tie. towjaJ tcLili. .ItPJ^Mird ness, no disobedience, no rebellion, no profligacy can ever justify a father in casting a son ana dengbr ter adrift. We hear of sods being cot off>ki^^ aL^Mtyn>gk*i4r![o| daughters being forbidden their father's house-, duo,? withoutex cent rot*, snob mam that, 0/Whatev'ef JiW&Ifie chi!3rdri may have beon guilty, the father ia even more gnilty. No person can commit against society s? great a crime as a father commits. who is thus false to the trust whftth' * he himse|f has imposed?who thus thrusts off from him tne soul which he called iuto being. A father should be governed by no motive but hip child's best inter-} est, and a child's beet interest can never be se"rved by anything but bis fathers constant and loving care. If a child is so bad that his influence Is feared on the other children, a separation between them may, b^ effected. If it is feared tliai jnohey bestowed on him will be for his injuryr proviso ions may be made against that.? tn.,? r ? ??? "ucii ? miner in R DC 01 An* ftyr W aa * reword for i-ll doing, disinherits or refuses to see hu child, he commits a grime whieh the lows indeed do not recognize, but whose guilt 'it Would fake many a legal crime to outweigh.? Thore should be absolutely'no limit to paternal forgiveness and forbearance, Seven times seven should the father receive the prod igal son who -seeks his face; and it he goes, stubborn and rebellious, hot one atom of fAtherly care and interest should ho relax ; for the child is his child, his offspring born of his will, and no vice nor violence can release the man from his solemn obligation to |?nard and guide, so far as possible, the lite which he dared to give. ' ' [[Iarper"% Bazar. IIall, a queer genius, had made frequent promises to his friends that he would put au end to himself. One stinging cold night he | vowed he would go out and freeze | to death. About seven o'clock he I returned shivering and snapping his lingers. 44 Why don't you freeze t" asked a loving relative. 44 By Jovel" said the pseudo suicide, 44 wjien I freeze I mean to take a warmer night than this tor it." . A Japanese rabbit, otherwise known as a skunk, imprudently got in the way of a Peterson train, and was chawed up in a twinkling. But the spiteful littlo varmint had its poet mortem satisfaction, and made the passengers distinctly understand they were in error if they1 thought its life wasn't worth a scent. On the 17th, the Virginia Senate, by an almost strict party vote, appropriated $000 for the pnrchase of a picture of Gen. Lee, and by the snmo vote refusod an appropriation for the purchase ot a picture of Gen. George 11. Thomas. John Walter, the lately deceased son of the editor of the London Times, was to succeed his father in that position, and would Iiavo been the fortli of hi6 name, by direct descent, in the ownership and control of that Journal. The present census will show that the United States lias 15 cities of more than 100,000 inhabitants. There are but three countries that equal this?the East Indies, with 21 cities; Great Brit. ain with 16 ; and China with 15. It is disloyally intimated that the only trouble with Smith at West Point is the length of his ^eels, causing his next neighbor to step on them so often. The Gov, eminent can't afford to have its cadets riding around on Smith's heels. Politeness is in business what stratagem is in war. It gives power to weakness ; it supplies great deficiencies, and overcomes the enemy with but little sacrifice of time and blood. It is invinci. ble either in the attack or defencePersons who like stale bread should send to Pompeii for it.? They have loaves there which were baked eighteen hundred > years ago. ' * mmmmjL?mm , The Mayor of Corry, Pa., is a i sportsman. On a recent hutit he ) thought he had a sure thing on a t deer and fired. It was a deer j shot, for a $800 horse fell. i 1 The shells from ft Prussian battery struck a bridge near Versail> lee, upon which there were manv people, causing the bridge to fall, iaud great 1 The bill introduced in Congress for establishing an airline railroad from Washington to New York, was lost. * * 1 Senator Bevels, of Mississippi ' will cease to revel in the Senate * chamber of the United States on the 4th ot March next. ? %tkVfltt^f NQQIlltlt { 't^ySrTbTYOn^ - If' VRJLK BI?4u?E?i will MUr opda ' ufe m4 ,1k* hom(( wIMi *ln?li till proprietor hli met In Ui# ' Nlt^l? lli| flf'irii to pobliah n flnt cIim k Lhcrwry and Family paper, baa induerd > .{adss^vsoas MTTX, view, and dor I ha piirpoe# of aaaoring '5*? Original serial stories ' ^''*r " "iinaratlaa prlna ware oM+ea forth# lhr#?be?t corwpetetive e'orira. Fflfii a lafea nuo)b?r thai .were aubmittrd, < aimnlhll', eompocd of diainterraird and competent Jiterarv (( nllemrn, e*lp*led aa tllemM entertain in*. " A vipoma " 1 kmpta. tiom and^sTBB l^orr Diamond which, on 'aaodA* il< u?U .A.i.111.- ? -,w~?m ?- ??? pumon ??n founil to be from the pent of ; jenrrfeef th# most popularetory writers; anil' three production* are pronounced equal to the storief, issued from any weekly preea In ttia ^ountrv.. THE PillZJB 8TOR1E? will ma through at least twenty six nnmWere of the p?|??r( and will l>e followed by Hire# other Origins! Storle# of absorbing Interest, written expreaely for the EmqimrRs, entitled, respectively, " Dntur-A Talb or Barons tub War " " Bbokkn Cistrbns and " Unknown,* making sot lees than three hundred columns of Original Btorics to be published during the year; which in addition to the " Miscellaneous Reading," adapted lo all classes; the Agricultural Department, enntaininr practical and useful information for die Parmer ; " Reading for tbs Bgbbath," under the aupereiaion of a clerical gentleman of marked ability, whoae graceful pen embellishes hie department in aoery number f a en I a ma of l^it and IIti inor {together with Editorials on appropit ate topics ; a compcndof the News, at home and abroad ; Commeitial and Market Re1 porta, and being one of the latgest papers published in the South, printed in the best atyle on a steam pjeee. the Knquisrr will supply the want of asery fireside, and stiatain its reputation as a newspaper for the family eirclo. PRIZES TO SUBSCRIBERS. With a deteiminstinn to keep up with the spirit of the time*?'he distribution of Priw being a popular idea?tha Proprietor has determined lo adopt a ay stem of 01 FT DISTRIBUTION among the subscriber* nl the Erquibbr ; but U|>on a plan difT-reut from that eo prevalent. in which brass Jew* elry, M dumb watches,"'and shilling pictures are the chief attractions. It is deemed preferable lo award a substantial gift, in an equitable manner, upon the following plan : Commencing with the drat, week In Jan*nary, 1871, the name of each yearly subscriber on I he list, who ho* nai.l In ad ????? will be placed in a I ox provided for the purpose. On each Wednesday ^morning throughout the yenr, after thoroughly mix* ing the nam**, one name will b? drawn from the box?the perron whore name rhall br no drawn, to beeniiih d to a prize of PIVE I KILL A IIS in earh. QTAit nnmri are added to the Hrt they will be placed in the t*ox. The same of the person din Wn each weak will be announced in the irsue of the paper euceeeding the drawing, and the money promptly forwarded to the addrree. TERMS, IN ADVANCE. One copy, one year ... 3 00 Two copies, one year 6 CO Ten copies, one year, with an extra copy to the person making the , olnh, ,v 25 00 The_ Enthkpiusk and the Enquikpb will be arn't one year for (4.50. Money can be cafely remitted by * regietered * letter. Specimen copies will be sent on applicalion. Addiere, L. M. GRIST, Yorkville, 8. C. ' Jan 4 28 tf Equality Life In snranoe C ompauy of Vireinia. 4 Principil Oflee, No. 1015, Afair Street, Hi eh monti, Va. REASONS why every one sbnnlii inrnre in the Equality Life Insurance Company, of Virginia: 1st. It is more Liberal to the Insurers than any Other company, and will eventually become Purely Mutual and belong to the insurers. 2d. It circulates its money afnongat its patrons, who are the insurers. Consequently they are continually getting the benefit of the rapid accumulation of the Company, the money being invested by the Board of Directors amongst the insurers. 3d. The loans of this Company are as liberal as otber companies who declare dividends at Ihe end of tne second, third and fourth years, but this Company at the end of the first and every year. DAVID B. CLARK, President. TU08. H. WYNNE, Vice-President. JOHN Q. WINN, Secretary. Oen. JAMES H. LANE, Actuary, D;:C:H.Wa5*vi8:} Judge JOHN A. MEREDITH, Counsellor. OIBROTnlia. J. B. Winston. Trtuunr ami flMntiin D P. A P. K. 11; Win. J.Johnsen, of Johnson A Hunt, Wholesale Grocers ; Win. II. Power*,o( Win*ton A Power*, Wholesale Grocer* ; Albert Ordway, Treaiurer BuckIngham State Company; J. F. Gibson, Superintendent Adam*' Kxprass Company ; Cbarlea Y. Morris, Morris A Co.'s Sugar Refinery ; G. A. PeSic, Superintendent Manchester Cotton Mills; obi H. Tyler, John II. A Jobn Tyler, Jewelers; Moses Millhlscr, Wholesale Dry Goods; Thomas 8. Baldwin, Clothier ; Jobn M. Goddin, Cashier Planter's Bank ; J. K. Dowel), Superintendent Western Union Telegraph Company ; Alex. O. Robertson, Cattle Broker ; George I. Herring, Wholesale Groeer;K. L. Brown, of Brown, Jones A Co., Wholesale Grocgn; A Rodeker, Druggist; 8. M. Roeens banm, of S. A M. Rosenbaum, Dry Gooods. Eguallty Ufa Insurance Company. Kxamine ite Pumpklete before you fasure, it f* to your inter ft to do *e. Agent* wanted forywkere. BENJ. ?. HE RIOT, Geo, Travelling Agent, Charleston, 8. Q. Sept 72 ,18 tf GREENVILLE , k COLUMBIA AAILMADT ' Gxnxsal RorKatNTCavtMT's Oprtoa, Colombia, 8 0 , Deo. I, 1870. ON end after THURSDAY, December 1, the following Schedule"will be run daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains on Sooth Carolina Railroad up and down, alao with Trains going South on Charlotta, Columbia and Augusta Railroad : . UP. # Leave Columbia at 7.00 a ra. i " Alston...., 8.40 am. " Newberry..., 10.18 a.m. " Cokrabury 1.46 p.m. " Briton *80 p.m. i Arrive at Orecnville .. 6.00 p.m. DOWN. Leave Greenville at. 6 46 a m. i " Ilelton 7 28 a. m. " Cokeebnry 8.06 a.m. " Abbeville 8 00 e, m. " Newberry 12.86 p. m i " Alston ?... 2 10 p.m. . Arrive at Columbia 8,46 p.m. JOHN II. MOORE, 1 Oenerel Superintendent. ' dm 14 30 1/ 0 ' ?, t, jsK IttfSADALIS '' {rr*ui^a^KTmlTit reAfl B ? X HBALTII RESTORER, purifln Wl)th( blood and cures Scrofula, Syphilis, )Skln DImmw, Rheumatism, Dleeeeel AifWomen, and all Chronio Affectioni )?f -ibc Blood, Liver and Kidneys S)Re#oini?en?ied fry the Medical Kb cub rty and "inanjr tboaludi of our beat f Read the testimony of Pbysicjani (and patlenta who have need Rosadalt* ? (send for oar Roeadalli Oulde to Health (Book, or Alniimac idi tin* yenr, whTch fflB (we publish tpr gratuitous nitrlhatiun Hlilt will give yon innch valuable InlorjHKaatloa. 19 Dr. R. W. Oarr, of Baltlmort, aaya * ) I take pleasure "in recommending /poor RoSadalis as a very powerful ^alterative. I have seen It used in two | |HCue. wltb happy resulu?one in a HJH)case of secondary syphilis, in which MflP((he pntieot pronounced hitnsolf cured rafter bsvliw l?k?i> * ? -? A?medlcine. Tbe other la a ?aew Of aerof. (ult of lung standing, wbloh U rapidly (improving under ila use, and tbe in(dieationa are that the patient will (aoott recover. I huvo carefully >x (atnined the format* by which your (Rosadalla U made, and And it an exLNcollent compound of alterative ingre\dlcnts. S Dr. 8parfc?, of Nlcholaiville, Ky., >*aya be baa uaed Rosadnlis In caaea of Wroful* and Secondary Syphilia with Wtiifectory result#-a# a elbaner of the I)Blood I know no better remedy. ) Benjamin Bechtol, of Lima, Ohio, /write*: I have suffered for twenty ^yoars with an inveterate eruption over viny whole body ; a abort time aince 1 (purchased a bottle of Koeadalia and it S (effected a perfect cure. / ( Uoradnlia is sold by all druggists. ( Laboratory, 61 Exchange Place, {Baltimore. S Dri.Clen.ente ft Co. Proprietor*. May Iff 62 lyPLANTATION BITTERS This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant.' In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a spooiflc in every species of disorder whicn undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is introduced it becomes a standard article?a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. junu 22, t?<0. 6 1y B7 WEHRLE, QREENVaiLLE, ft. O. , DEALER IN i GOLD &1D SILVER WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES? 18 & 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Rings, SILVER & SILVER-PLATED -mmr mm. m^Zm tW~ WORK of all diacripliona in lii* line done promptly, ffl Oct 27 2S ly E. Pa JOI^ES, AWWcOlRJjJflNT? Aff AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WILL PBACTICK Iff AIL COURTS OF THIS STATE AIM, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Oftoe Greenville 0. H., 8. C. Jul; 1 ly* w. k Riiur.' ?. a. Willi EA8LET ft WELLS, Attorney! and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, (JKKKNVII.I.E, 8. 0., PR ACTICK in the CourU of the State and of the United State*, and (in especial attention to oaae* in Bankrnptej. JnneIS S "PAVILION HOTEL" Aiaa.asw<?ii5r, 0. ?. BOARD, Per Day $3 SO. R. HAMILTON, Superintendent. Mrs. H. L BUTTERFIELD, Bept 29 If "r "V SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER. Would reepeetfully inform the piblio that ha Hm Rfmnrrd to I room near the mansion hou8k, where he will be preparer! to reeeire ouatomera ea hereto* fore. Be in* Proftttioual Barbrr, he hopea, by attention to baeineaea, together with politeneae to all, to merit a nnrtioo of public patronage, in cutting, shaving and shampooing. Sept 7 16 tf bvfticiib mil) whssrirxsm MILLINERS. miss mckay haa jnet re ^^^^^^eaircd aew auppliea of Bon naia, Mats, Klboona, F^aitiera, Plowera, Ae. Alao Infanta' Hal* and eapa, Ptna. (A??l VlW and imitation,) Hair Ooila jet "JTJ1 and Laea Good*, which ana Plrl offara at aery low prfaaa. Nor i M tf f . CHARLESTON Wv Ww it - ~== S3 - - - - kfcSS," ?*>aS3? Ji3J T\RESSBD Flooring, Celling, Weather Boi XJ Over k hundred different Pattern* of lor sale at New York price*. Mortcl-Plccea, abort notice. 8talr Rail, Newels and BatluiU to order. Good and Substantial Work mm aa cbei United Statei. We bava on band'tbe large* Raltin.ore, all of which wo guarantee will git Substantial Work. Tbc subscriber* ran refer Carolina and Florida, aa to the character of tl 1 , Opposite Wan do Fertiliser Works, and I Pavilion Hotel*. Sept 28 ^ Old Carolina Differs. A nDisi$,3(tiid55xE7a. w? ? We take pleasure in offering live ] OLD CAROLINA BITTERS TOTHfi p?il)lic. They are compound ed with gr?-al care, end contain tome . of lite host Tonics in the I'ltnr macoptn At> evidence of the superiority of our Bit We I ov?-r all o'lters, we have certified tee (mnt runny of the leading physicians in onrSta<e. : wbo have prescribed them In their practice, I 1UK OLD CAROLINA B1TTKUS Will be fonod invaluable for Want of Appetite, General Del ility. Chills and Fever and Dyapepsta. We do not t?ffer our Bitters aa n cure for all I diseases, ??> ?> ? 4?nmiiia Tonic, they have no equal. Fur aal* by ail Druggists and Grocers everywhere. Prlucipnl Depot, | GOODRICH. W1 NEMAN .1 CO, Importer* of Choice Drugs Mini Chemicals, Charleston, S. C. Mb 9 42 ly A n 111 ITT 1 Tn A TVT M-P 111 V /til) CHARLESTON, S- C. MESSRS. SUUIVAN & SON, ARB MY AOE1NTTS AT GREEN VILLEs S. C., And will makk liberal cash advance* on nil COTTON Shipped to me through them. A. B. MULLIGAN. Sept 28 IV 1 j P. P. TO ALE, CHARLESTON, 8. C. (" Largest and moat complete! jp4f < Manufactory of Door* Snibei, > ( Blinds, Moulding*, Ac., in the j Southern State*. ^ "Printed price liat defies competition. Send for one.lfc^ ptr Sent free on application."!^ April 27 4tf ly F. VON SANTENf imports* oy PARIS FANCY GOODS, Toyi, Dolla, Garne(, Children'! Carriage!, French Confeetonery, Fire Worka, INDIA RUBBER GOODS, Bueh a* Clothing. Nursery Sheeting, Ac., 220 King-St. 2 door* shore Market, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Mar 30 4ft ly* WM. SHEPHERD & CO., No. 24, lloyn? Street, Ckarletton, 8. O. DIALUU IN COOKINO STOVES, RANGES AND Heating Htovee. Picture* of Stoves with priees aud description wl!| be eent upon epplieailoA. June 29 6-1 y GEORGE A. BOWMAN, Agent, 287 KINO STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C., KREP8 oooatantly on hend n Large end Wall-Bele?ted Stoek ol Carpeting, Oil Cloth, Matting, Ruga, Door Mate, Ae., Ac., ueh sa are usually found in a First-Olaae Carpet Htore. Nov 80 28 Sm NATIONAL HOTEL, cgQOiTsrBinsxA, 0. cs. PROPRIETOR. P. HAMILTON JOYNKR. CLERK. RATES , Or RoarJ per Day tt 00 I Supper, Breakfart, aad Lodging 2 OC Single Meal* 1 00 ?pl 16 tf < > ( ' " i t , ' : frERTISEMENTS, T> ?9 93k ?P.3y3!S95VZrf iiiu irda, Shelving, Bog Boarde, An., Ae. Moul^ngr, mnking over 1('0,000 feet on bend , Door and Window Frnmea made to order at ira ?f Walnut and Mahogany, on band and inmle ip at tkia eatabliabment aa ran be made in the t atoek of the above Good* aouth of the City ot re entire aatiafaction t? all who want Good nnp to gentlemen all over thia State, Georgia, North heir work lor the part twenty yenra. V. P. RUSSELL & CO., KAST F.ND IIASKT, STltEKT. n the itnmodiate vicinity of Charleston nnd 1# ly THOS.PT SMITH (LATE NAYIiER. SMITH dr CO.) FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO. 4 BOYCE d- CO'S WHARF OHAP.LEQTOIT, G. 0. GEO W. 'a connected with ihe buriiietr, and will give Inn l>eet atleti* lion to the interert* of It in M'tide. tr Careful attenlinn given to purolme ing Metobandize of all kitidr, when placed in fundr. rr Advancer made on ronaignmente. Oct 5 20 . fim TH^\TTI 17" It T n nTT/-\-ii" IliliNlU JSISCUUJW & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, a nil mtalrrh iv Wines, Liquors, AltS, TOBACCO, M. NO. t97 EAST BAY, OKLIUNTOV. 8. C. ii. c wvlbbrn J II. f*.. . ?? pl 28 19 6 n KDMONDS T. KliOWN, * /m, - mtg 9 4m 3?waisHm1, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept 28 19 )y EDWIN BATES~& CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN I)U? GOODS and 122 & 124 Meeting St. GMAEILESTO'M, ?. ?. Fdwin Batu. GKO ('. Ski.nan. Titos R. McGaiiaN. Ciias. K. Batk<. Sept 28 19 ftni DR. 8HALLENBERCER'3 Fever and Ague .A. 1ST T T 30 O T J3 Alwttya Stop* the Chlll?< This Modioine has Iwcn before tho I'u'e llo fifteen years, and ia still ahead of all othor known remedies. It does not purge, dooa not sicken c" '? stomach, la porfoctly safe in any dose and under all circumstances, und is the only Medicine that will DURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fever and Ague, because it is a perfect Antidote to lllalarla. Sold by all Druggists, t 87 ly WM. p7 price, ATTORNEY AT LAW niuinntoi ai unnLumun) on., WILL practise m th? Counties of Lumpkin. Dswnon, (iilmer, Fannin, Union, Towns, White and Hail. Jen 10 I) THE MILLS HOUSE, a?!T?53, ?. <3. ( PAHKER 4c CO. Proprietors. ? _ FIK8T-CLA88 HOTEL. i BOARD. PER DAY $4 00. I Ds? t 39 # ? 11 Ayer's Sarsaparilla, J[ I "35" t Hero fulou t affections an d ^.^^Bk^i^njrUcbwiriy gravntod by the scrofoloin contamination nntil they wore palnfblly afflicting, hare beeif radically cured In sue)) great number* in ilnwtnny aeo> . tlon of the country, that the public scarcely need to be Informed oflu rlrtnes or uses. Scrofulous poison la one of the moot destruo. tire enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and uniblt tenant or the organism undermines the constitution, and invites the attack of cnrcobllngor fktal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, it seems to breed infection throughout the body, and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop Into one or other of Ita hideous forms, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be suddeahr deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or ft shows ita presence by eruption* on the skh>, or fool ulcerations on some part of the body. Hence tbo occasional use of a bottle of this Sarsaparilla is advisable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons afflicted with the following complaints generally find Immediate relief, and, M length, cure, by the use of this SARSAUAMLLAt 8U Anthony'* Jtw. Rose or Xrysipelas, Tetter, Bolt Jmsnw, Scold Hood, Kin at rorm, Bore Ryes, Bore Rare, and other eruptions or visible form* of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more con' eealed forms, as JH/spcpsia, Dmpry, Heart Disease, Tito, Rpilepsu, Neuralgia, ana the various VXcorouo affections of tbe muscular and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial THssascs arc cured by IL though a long time Is required for snbdulng these obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long-continued use of thi* medicine will cure the complaint. Zeucorrhseos or Whites, Uterine Ulcerations, and Tom ale Disrates, are commonly soon relieved and ultimately cured by its purifying and invigorating effect. Minute directions for each case are found In our Almanac, supplied gratis. Rheumatism and Oout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters In the blood, yield quickly to It, ac also hirer Complaints, Torpidity, Congestion or Inflammation of the IAocr, and Jaundicet when arising, as they often do, from the ran K ling poisons In the blood. Thin BAX8AP A It I LP A In a great restorer for the strength and rigor of the system. Those who are loaguirl and TAatlcaa. Jtcapondcnt, Slccplcaa, and troubled with frcrvona Apprchmaiona or J-cara, or any of the affections symptomatic of Jf'eakncaa, will And immediate relief and convincing evidence of Its restorative power upon trial. PltEPARBD^D r nr. J. C. AVER * CO.,1owpII, Mbm., Practical and Analytical Chcmiata. BOLD BY ALL DBUQOI9TS EVERYWHEREKor tHi^ in Uiecm ill*- i?y M. A. HUNTKK ?V CO., Agents. Aug .11 15 ly The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, ? ? i Hundreds of Thousands Jk d ? J Bear testimony to their wonderful'S c 2?^ Curative Effects. g?g Sjsr| what are they? j*i q f 5 ? % | 5 TTIEY ARE NOT A VILE ?>1^ ^FAHCY DRINK -Is I M ? r MV1 Mule of Poor TUu-i. WhJakay, Proof Spirits. and Refuse Liquors, doctored, apiocd. and swcetenu.l to plenso too taste, ca led Tonics'* " Appetisers," " Restorer*,'* Ac., that load tho tipple r on to drunkenness nod ruin, bu t arc s trua Medicine, in ado from tlio Nativo Roots and Herbs of California, freo from all Alcoholio * Stimulants. The jr am tho O KB AT BLOOD PUBIFIERwdLIMOIVINO PRLNOlPLiE. a perfect Renovator and Invlgorator ot the Bystera, carrying off all poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take theso PIilero, according to direction*, and remain long unwell. flOO will bo given for an incurable cane, prv>. .ding the bones are not destroyed by mineral poisons or other means, end tho vital organs wasted bceond tho point of repair. For IafUmmitory and ChronioRheu-' matism. and Oout. Dyspepsia, or Indigo ition. Bilious, Remittent. and Intermittent Fevors, Disposes of the Blood, Diver. Kidneys, and Bladder, theso Bittors hava becu moat successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which i* generally produced by dcraugement of tho( Digestive Organs. in?y invigorate the stomach, and stlmulats the torpid liver and bowels, which reader them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all impnritlee, and Imparting new life and vigor, ,o tho whole system. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache,; Tain in the tihoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the ; Chest, Dizziness, Sour Btomoch, Hod Taste in the Mouth, Billions Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Copious Discharges of Urine, l'ain in the regions of the Kidneys, anil a hundred other painful symptoms which sro ths offsprings of Dyspepsia, aro cured by theso Bitters. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenovcr you find 1 its impurities bursting through tho skin in Pirn-1 pica, *>riipiion*, or noim; eicanso jt wnon n la foul, and your foeliwpi will toll you when. Keep tho blood pure end tho health of tho system will lot low. M PIN, TAPE, and other WOTIMS, lurking In] . the syatem of ao many thousand*, are etfactually destroyed and removed. For full direction*, read carefully the circular ] around each bottle, printed in four language*?1 Knsliiih, German, French, and Spanish. I J. WAI.KER, S3 A 84 Oommwce Street, N. T. | Proprietor. B. H. MoDONALD A CO., Druggist* and General Agents. San Francisco, California, and S3 and U Com*. me roe Street, N. Y. sold by aia druooists akd DEALERS. ? , OT For s?lo in 0> t-enville by M A. HUNTER A CO., wb HARRISON A MA11811 ALL. Aug 31 16 In #VA?k> ^KftMig^3Mi^JM yr?xjK\9^H73^ffivJfi9 yjkrrj^b* BgBM^rftttffrrS ^ * m B ^ m I 1- ??v W II COX, 01BR& A ( O.. Iro nnrlf?r? tnt) lUnUra In /Juan..* liO II-.. a* ..... ... '? MO l>?)f CH? Savannah ; <241 Broad St., Augkutft, On. 5 lftl Kant Bay. Ch-.rU.lon, S 0 ; and by DAVID A HTRADLKT. OreanTille For lorthor information, apply or iddrtu above f?r pamphlet. Not SO 28 4a