University of South Carolina Libraries
?????i? Tho State of Soi^th Carolina. . y;A .< A-iV OKDINANCS* TQ RAISE SUPPLIES FOp 1871/ TJfl.IT W?><?TED W the Mayor and AlJJ. ,^rm?D a* tU?,CUy of Greenville, in Oouneil lawiiWedi end^by authority uf the 'Mm*. That a Ta* to hover the period from Jaooaty 1st. 1871, <o Janoary Iff, 1878. fbr. .the tome and in the manner hrroinaMer men . Uoned, ah all 'be raised, and paid Into Ifrfi pnblle Treasury ol the aaid City, by the la< ?fay o/ March neat, for the use -had service thereof.* "i i .m-t ' ?t j faction I. On each, One Hundred Dollar* oT arteaeed value of R?aJ Ratate,aod 1V*"n al Property, the ennv ol Thirty rents (80e ) ? _ _ > . 1 x i Heal Estate, Stocks. Goods and Chattels, Sold at Auction. 8*c 2. There thill he paid, quarterly. Two and a per Cent lipun all Sale* it Auction, on al) OnnJi, and One per C<iat M> Chsttela, and Ileal Estate 'chfl Stocks of eyV e.ty deacriptluh, except on Sale* wide py order ?f Court, or prbsem ol law, or hj ?* ?> otori and adtninietretort.-.; " Goods, W&res and Merchandise Sold i t . .:, on Consignment. V?^he^ Khali Ui paid by aJl.MerVnanta, .or ollwre, One nail per Cent, upon Saiot ol all Ooocha, Warea and MerehaVrtlee eold.fin CoptianrtiVnt, mnd^,IVom lh^lif day of January,0!871' the 1st day of 'Januarys 4873; the above Tax to be paid 'quarterly. rut ' Road and 8treet Tax. ; Smx 4. That each and every male perron between the ages of lw.eal)-oi;e and fifty year*. othA* than me?,ibef? of the Fit's l>e partment. Ordained Miniate) r, and St indent** aliall pay. on or before the 1 -t dar of March n?*t, On? Dollar tor Road and Street exbfnptWn ; *'ahd if'any person liable to this Tax shall /nil >o innktt payment at Ik? time be al?i?H 4?e l?eld liable lo work on tfefcstWrts of the City (of >lx day?,'under the xtyieotinn of the actinic Overseer ol the ?trerts; atty person refusing or licgleelihg Id(^f?cy(l,k- summon?; shall be fined at ike di'ilMwii "f '',e- Ootii.Cil; sad fine lo he collected by execution. And tl ahull be tke duly of ike City Olet k nod City Marshal lo to flie C;'tmcil all defaulter? Under cither of Ibe c acne? of this Section. " * ' \ ,T, lawyers, Physicians, Dentist*, Fhotegmphists, &c. Pko. fi. Titer* shall be pnid Tliirty Cents oti'tke Handled Pollers of ike Croc? I?tcome? of Broker? and Dickers, and on all Incomes deiived from lk? Commission Busines?, or ike 1'iaotioeof I lie I'rofea-lnn* of I.nw, Medicine and Dentistry, and from the Bstuiu-ss of Dnguerrsotyping Amhrtdyptng arid "ChotograplOng, liu.iM? *>' fh'e t'ity^tlfe itmouiitbf idcdni? ??? be Estimated frotb <ks l?t day of January, 1&7I, to let January, 1872 i Oie above tax lo i e paid qitateily. Carriages, Omnibusses, Wagons &c. Sec. 6 There shall I e pnid "ten Dollar? on e?Ck four-hoi ?e Otnnihna or flack :&ix Pol. Inrs on each Cat pegeTTr Hack drawn hy two or more lior. ^ rim for convey a nee ol par ?i kger? or Ijire ; Three Dnthue nh.each one. lmrse Bnggv. Gig or~-**uikjk kept lor hire} Bight Dnjfnie on each f"ttt>boi*e Wagon ; Hx Dolblia on each two horse Wakoii, or Dray ; ifeot Pollute on eaolt one hor-o Wa? gtut, DrAv or tjnrt ran for hire. The Taxes on OmOibusae*, Car< iage*. Hack?, Boggier, Wagon*. & ., kept f?ie hire, shall he paid before tfiey shall be ill??M to run: Pro riMiiWrt/cfriA'4** Gaits ormtlier vehtbles going to or from mar ket and own, d by lum-teridcitt? of the City.> V x j Itinerant Traders and Auctioneers. Site. 7. Five dgllar* a day. ?tuill t>c paid I y every Intihorunt Trader or Auctioneer offering for sale WH'G ihjp v<or|>orit|a 7|tgitn~Mif Ike City, at Auction .or .otherwise, any Goods, Wares and Merchandise, to he pnid each day in advance; aud every Itinerant Trader or Auctioneer liable to the Tux aforesaid, and who shnll fnit to make payment, shall he fined Ten Dollar? for each day ho may so offend: Provided, Tho provisions of tbin Section shml not ho ao construed aa to apply tb tho ordinary dealers in grain, frnit, potatoes, tobacco, poultry, Iron ware, cartlun ware, or other produce ur uAtnufulurM of liW? ,lnnAi? Billiard Tables and Ten Pin Alleys. Sr.c. 8. That an Annual Tax of Fifty Dollars shall be |-ai?l upon each an<i every Billiard Table, and Twenty.Five Dollais upon each and every Nine or Ten Pin Alley kept within the limit* of said City for profit; said Tax tu be paid before License shall he granted. Any pcVsott opening the establishments mentioYied in this Section without having first obtained a License and given bond in the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, conditioned to observe the laws of the State and City, shall he subject to a fine nut exceeding Ten Dollars for.each day such establishment shall be kept open or used. Srr. V. That no Equestrian or Thcntrieal Performance, or other Exhibition for gain, shall he bad in the City ot Greenville, without a License therefor being first obtained from the Mayor, and payment for said License mirdu in advance to the City Clerk, ns follows: For each and every Equestrian Exhibition, Fifty Dollars; for each and every Side Show, n sum not less than Five Dollars, nor exceeding Twenty-Five Dollars,-as the Mayor shall "ifrtctmine. for Thcatrienl and other Exhibitions for gain, surh sum as the Mayor shaft determine. And each and every persqn exhibiting for gain, without having first obtained a I/ccpse and the payment of said Tax in advnnee, shall be fined in a sum not less that! double the amount tf said Tax, in manner hereinafter provided lor the imposition of fines and forfeitures. Sec. TO. That no person, flro'i, company or corporation shall he engaged in, |>rosecule or carry on any trade, business or profession, until be, she or tbey shall have paid a Special license therefor. in the manner hereinafter provided, to wit: Knch and every Business, either Mercantile, Mcchnnieal or Manufacturing, the groan Snloa or receipt* of which shall not exceed $500 per annum, shull paj a License of $2.00; in excess of $500 and not exceeding $2,000, Five Dollars; in cxces* of $2,000 and not exceeding $5,000, Eight Dollars ; in execs* of $5,00$ and not exceeding $10,000, Ten Dollars; in excess of $10,000. Twelve Dollar*. Each first-class Hotel, Twenty-Five Dollars; each second-class Hotel, Fifteen Dollars; eacn Saw Mil), Ten Dollars; each Corn Mill grindin - under 3,000 bushels, Ten Dollars, and over 3,000 bushels, Twenty Dollars( each Flouring Mill, Twenty Dollars; oAoh Cotton (?in, Ten Dollars; each Cotton Press, Five Dollars ; each Livery Stable, Ten Dollars; each Was Manufactory or Works, Ten Dollars; each Printing Establishment, Six Dollars; each Barber Shop, Five Dollars; each Auctioneer. Twelve Dollars. The License issued by virtue of this Section shall be * collected on tbe 1st day of-March next and nun ooT?r tne year 1871 ; inJ all Businesa Limdh Issued on and altar the let d?y of M<treh next, ahall ho issued i n a ratahle proportion ot the year, dating from tbe first day of the month in which it may ha lined. f8ac. II. Eneli Physician, Lawyer, DenCaC photographist and nrtiat ; each Insurance Carrpany, and each speculator in Grain, Floor or Country produce, not otherwise Licensed, ahall pay a Licen-e of Ten Dolinia. and eaeli Kxir-s* Company a License ?l TWrntpflre Dolars, for pifhltrlluf said Business or Occupation; said sums to he paid on or before the 1st day of March qext, or on any subsequent day l?efore com* lOenctng atifth Easiness or occupation. And a panalty of Pivh Dcllaia p<-r day shall be le* tried against any person prosecuting auoh t>u*ine?a or oeenpatina. without Rial having taken out a license I Iterator Nee, 12. Dealers in Liquor shall pay the following l.)eenae, to wit: Each Retail LI anor DwaUr, Two Hundred and Fifty Daf> lara; each Dealer who nolle by tha quart or larger quantity, Haventv-fie* Dollars; ?...v r.??- ? iTuiint mrmnm Djf the bottle, Fifty ftollifra. Anil the Lfc?nrea for *11 Dealer* In ehnM cove/ the ymr expiring on thb ltt d*y of Oetoher. 1R71. at the ehove rate* per annuo*, end moat he piid before thto partiee ?nirr upon rai l Buaiueaa. , .. P?D?ltifl?. Bea IS. And be It father ordained, That if any person or persona shall fall, neglect or refuse to make a return to the City Clerk, on oath, of all his,"her or their Taxable Property, lncotne. Sales, ReealptiL ot other thrtngh tsxal by this Ordinance, add the tax thereon Imposed within the time specified by this Ordinance, the Clerk of Coup eil, assisted by the Assessors of the C^ty^M ' hereby authorised ahd required to 4ssm* such person or persons for all higher or <h*hproperly, or other things taxed by thUQf dlnance, according to the best intofnallon which he can obtain o^-tWU value suoh . tixable property, and add One'y^uodred per Cent, to the aruounPw ttte 'Pax of the person or persons thus net; letting dr refusing to makoareluro as aforesaid or puy tba Tax thereon ; and if tho Double Tax thu* imposed fa'not paid within thirty d&ys, the said Clerk is hereby authorised and required to issue an exeeuliob rheref?r* irttmedfo,l. - _?.i?t. ..I.I it... K. ed with 1he Sheriff of itw* CottdtV of Green , vllle. to be oolleotrd according to the. pro* visions o> the Act of the Oeneml.Altfela.bly io auch cases made and provided. Done and ratified in Conceit assembled, tinder~the corporate Seal of tiio City of U teen vllle. this the 8 Mddy. of Jabuafy, A. D. 1871. -/ J 1 I i 1 T. C. COWER, Mayor. A R McDayid, Clerk. Jan 11 84 td The State of South Carolina. UREBNVILLE COUNTY. By S. J. DOtJTHIT, Etq., Judge 0/ Probate of eaid County. WHEREAS. Mary H. Cleveland, baa filed a Petition in my Office praying that Letters of Administration, de bonie son, on all and singular the goods and ebatllea, rights and credits of B. F. CLEVELAND, late of the County aforesaid, deceased, thonld be granted to her. Theee are, therefore, to cite and admonish all nnd singular the kindred and creditors of tno said deceased, to b? and appear in the Court of Probate for raid County, to be hidden at Qrocnyillc Court House, on the 26th day of January tno/., to show enure, if any, why the said Administration should not h? granted. 8. J. D0UTI1IT, J. P., Q. C. Office of Judge of Probate, Jan. l2tb, 1871 Jan 18 86 2 S C. R. R. CO. & s. W. R R BANK. Annualmertino ofthestockHOLDERS OK TUK SOUTH CAKO LINA RAILROAD COMPANY, AND OF THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD BANK.?The Annual Meeting of the Stockhold* e of the above institutions will be held in the City of Chnrlcs'on, on the w-cond 7W?rfi?y in Frbrnary next, the 14th of tlie month. Place of meeting?Hall of the Southwntei n Railroad Rank, on B'oad street. Hour of convening?11 o'clock, A. M. On the day Pillowing, Wrdnettday, the '.bth, there will he an el? lion held at the same pl?"e, between the, hours of 9 A M . and 8 P. Mr, for fifteen Directors of the Railroad Company, and thirteen Direotor* of the Rank. A ConuriitjUc to ver fy Pyoxics will attr nit. The following addition to the Bv Laws, propos-d at the Special meeting in May last, will coiTie up for actluu at this: Article 1st., Second ?th, ?liall lie, " Any numher of Stockholders, i.?i less than fen. representing five thousand shares, shall he necessary to require a clock vote on suy question." Stockholders will he pass-d as usual over tire R* a-l, l\> and front the Meeting, free of charge, in accordance with the tesolulion of the Convention of 1834, J. H. EMERY, Secretary. Jan 18 SJ _ .4 Common, Sence Compressed. IT is difficult to give in a dozen lincs~tho reasons why TARRANT'S 8EI.TZBR APERIKNT should be preferred ns a corrective and alterative to every other medicine in use. Firstly, it alloys fever; secondly, it cleanses the bowels without violence or pain ; thirdly, it tones llie stomach ; fourthly, it regulates the flow of liilc ; fifthly, it promotes healthy perspiration ; sixthly, it reliever 'lie system from unwholesome humors.; seventhly, it trnnquilizes the nerves; eighthly, it nets upon the blond as a depurent; and lastly, it forms one of the most delicious cooling draughts that over passed down the throat ol on invalid. Sold by all Druggists. 33-4 The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff's SalesBY vli tue of sundry Writ* of K?ri Facia* t? me directed. I will sell. before the Court Itou-e door, on 8alr?<lay in February nrrl, between 11??- hour* of 10 o'clock In tlie forenoon and 3 o'clock In-1 he afterm-on. One Tr?ct of Lend, containing 2<>0 acres, more or lees, boundetltliy-lands of Dr. W. II. Austin. Dr. T. C. Austin nnd other*. Levied on as the pinpe.rty of J. W. Austin, at the fit it of V. II. Fleming. Also, one T'not of Land containing 2^0 acres, more or less, hounded by land* of Dr? FVw.Frank Edwards, Henry -Bui! and o'h?r*. (Homestead to be set off to Defendant f>efore d?y of sale.) Levied on as the property of Eliaha O Gill ruth, at the suit of John II. Gdreath. A'so. one Tract of Land, containing 6^0 aeief, m-'ie or le-s adjoining lands of W. H. Anderson. 8 K. White and other*. Lev i.d on a* the property ?f 8. H. Wesifnore land, at the snita of Nelson Austin, Administrator, and David Anderson. Also, one Tract of I.and, containing 22 acres, more or fe*s, adjoining lands of I>. MrKinney, Minei va Taylor and oihsrr. And all of Defendant's right, title and interest, in the Estate of Peter Taylor, deceased. Lev ied on as the property of ilam*i N Taylor, at the suit of Win Trammel and others. Ttrnis <-a*h ; purchasers to poy for papers and mump*. U. M. SMITH, Coroner. Acting Sheriff 0. C. Sheriff s Offioe, January II, 1871. Jsn 18 85 , 8 The State of South Carolina* GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff's 8c *es. BY virtue of sundry w/ita of Fieri Faeiat, I will sell, before the Court House door, an Saleeday in February nejrt, between the hoars of 10 o'clock in the forenoon end if o'clock in the afternoon, All that piece or parcel of land, containing Sixty five and half acres, more of less, on east side of south lork of Return's Creek, adjoining lands of Ramsey, Dr. W. A. Harrison and others. Also One hundred and foor and three-fourths acres, more or less, on the west side of southfork ot Kahqrn'a Creek, adjoining lands of James 8avage, James Dunbar and W. A. Harrison. Levied on as the property of Dr. Wm. A. Harrison, at the suit of O. F. Townes. Also, in the case of ??, Henry 3. Smith et al., vs. J. L. Smith, et si., by virtee of the decree in this case, I will aell, on salesday in February next, at Greenville Court House, between the hours above named, at the risk of the former purchaser, 'All that Plantation or Tract of Land, lying on the Augusta Road, 7 miles from the Court House, adjoining lands of Henry Asbmoro, xi - n? -...i . -X? ? ? - ** "^7 "Miiiining Aeren. more or leal. s A Terms?Cash. Purchaser to pay for stamps and papers. H. M. 8MITU, Corp??r, Acting 8. O. 0. iNf r N ? 9 mm SOLUBLE. SCtlMIDK sj?. -Jf ,r ^ ^ f ' ' . MJANUFACTUB ...V * } i * n, ; * .*.' ? w ^ TV ^ ** ^ JU Wa ? ' sf'jik riv5 'L4, ' * )^ TOfej' r\ ' BY ' SULPtllRlOAfiK&Sll'i: THE now wall-known KTIWAX OUANO I phates of South Carolina. These Phosphate* to be ground to powder, and made Soluble by ? operation the largest Sulphuric Aoid Chambers facture at the lowest rates, the highest grade ol pioportion of Soluble Phosphate which any Eel per acre. In order tomako the fertiliser coui| titles are a<y^. With these views the Cutnpaj BTIWAIST Warranted to contain from 15 to 2d PElt CES OF LIME, and from 2 to 2] per cent. o( A Mi NtAN QUANO and POTASH, to adapt it to $70 per ton, and interest 7 per cent, per annum DI8SOLVI Of high grade, suitable for Manufacturers or fu ter, and specially adapted forcoropost. As lar; solve the Phosphate,, this* will be found a cheap rial. The grade furnished will be from 18 to 2i $40 per ton cash. On time, $15, with interest i will bo furnished to ordar at an additional pric COMPOUND AC] Specially prepnrcd for composting with cotto $35 per tun : cash ; on time $10, with interest a G-nnvjM] At much lower rates, consisting simply of tVi< Price $20 per ton, cash. On time, $22, and int< WM. C. Jlgcnts, JYo. 1 CHARLE N. B.?The per ccntage of Dissolved Done F Etiwana, is ascertained at the Works, t.y tbeii chaser lie dissatisfied, he may return uvcrnge days after delivery, and they will lie analyze guaranteed will be made good to Dim by the I Jan 25 30 j^tSHANS^i HAW BONE J aaftarassraMB STANDARD GUARANTEED |||| 20? HlJS. MANUFACTURED BY 1 WALTON,WHANN&M I WILMINGTON,DEL.i ??/A F0R SALE BV fvql FACTOBS ^ja f^'SS/ON MERCWP^vM a^^usr.,7 The Great Fertiliz all ( THE unparalleled rucccss of this proves it to be the BEST and CI I the market. It lias been used by many of t South, and In every single instance it lu On COTTON ite effects have been particular PH08PHATE to increase the yield from OK CENT., or even more ! Mr. Oco. C. Dixon, an eminent planter of C Planter, says that in an experiment with rcv< W II ANN's proved itself the best of ult those i rale of $20 DO per ucre of cotton. A copy of FOR SA CLAGIIORN, III Charleston, S. C., Jnnuury It, 1870. B. WEHRLE rUlAS just returned with r well LfJ selected Stock of WATCH ES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER ARD PLATED VASE. Table Cutlery, &c. iilW Stock was personally se lected from the best houses in his line, and can guarantee satisfaction. Oct i? 22 if CHARLESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, 3. O. E. H. JACKSON, Propr etor. Assistants, a. butterfield, (for . merly of I he Pavilion Hotel.) am! \V S. MILLER. KINO'S MOUNTAIN ' MILITARY SCHOOL YORKVILLE, S. C. TI1K Pirat S??l?n ol lh? /f/"^^^^3chool year of 1871. will hegin ?'e ,ST (>F FKBRUAllY. Tbkm.?For School Kxpen?o?, ?, ? , Tuition, Hooka, Stationery, Ae.. Hoarding, Foal, Light* and Waahing, 135 In' currency, per resslon of five no?nih^.i ' V ! r /' T "f "} ' For circular* containing (nil particulars, apply lo Oou A COWARD. Principal and Proprietor. Dee 21 81 ? ' , i " r -i I3T Subscribe for the Enteb<iKi8K. $2 00 por annnin. MJUYITRES, v IC ACID, ; :RD AT THE TON, S. C. TIiE RPIKISHIATI! COMPANY b manufactured from tbe Native Bone PboD* tin their naturalstate are Insoluble,and require lutphurio Acid. This Company have no# in at the South, and are, therefore, able to manr Fertiliser ; it being elear that the greater the rtiliser contain*, the lets the quantity required jletc, Ainiuonia and Potash la sufficient quan* ay manufacture And offer for salo carXJ-A^ixros, T. OA' DISSOLVED DOS'ti PHOSPHATE UOSIA, With a sufficient addition of PE/iUall crops. Prico $63 per tou, cash ; oh time, U \ ' 3D BONE, >r Planters, being in itself nn excellent Fcrtillgo quantities of Sulphuric Acid ore used to dU> and convenient way to transport thnt in ale 0 per cent. Dissolved Bone rhosphnte. Price tt 7 per cent. pCf annum. Still higher grades o pCr centage. :i>-PHOSCPIIATJB., n seed a ad oilier plantation th#ttt)#es. Price t 7 per cent, per. annum. 1? xpovs^d .. 1; f u t. 8 Natjyo, Bon* l'hpgphntpn around (p powder, srcst at 7 per cent, per ao??in/" t i BEE & CO. , J t c? a Aiitt >4/ J / . 1 ) 4 */l<lgcr?g Whatfy' stoIst, /?, *"o, 'hosphnte of Lime, nnd Ammonia .in all the Chemist, before 'Should nny puf? i samples of dny .purchase, within thirty (30) id anew, and aoy deficiency in the percentage 'ompntiy. * > v *> ui iiMitr.r inkrN ilMANS'S I r:;n.h ' . -j 1 RAW BO^E ~ . M .a ) , : . . . . - t. : siiPMPiiosPiiim l JidAilff] I *?i!f ft L Ths. JIJjOIl I ) f ' liif?; i i'j >xr ) )'I ir'J :er for Cotton . and Jrops. i Great Fertilizer on ALL CHOPS, EAPEST Manure now ottered in lie most eminent Planters in the is (jiven Entire Satisfaction. Iv marked. It is no rare thinjj for WHANN'S IE HUNDRED TO TWO HUNDRED PER ameron, fla., in a letter to the Banner and en leading Superphosphates and (itinnos, tho tried, paying a set profit nt the low market Mr. Dixon's letter furnished on application. lTF nv WRING & CO, and Jlugusta, Ga. 34 3 m COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, FOR COMPOSTING WUTI COTTON SEED. rpiIIS ARTICLR is manufactftred hy the JL PACIFIC (IUANU COM PA FY, at Charleston, C., under the superintendence of I)r. St. .Tulien Ravenct. When composted with nn equal weight of Cotton Seed, it* results huve been found fully equal to tho best standard fertilisers. Its economy must commend it to the nntiro of pi.inters generally. For specific directions tor composting and for supplies, apply to J. N. RORSON, Selling Agent, Charleston, S. C. JOHN S. REESE A CO . Uoneral Agents, Rultitnoro. 33 3m * Jan 4 pacific fill cmn (CAPITAL, $1,000 000.) SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. rtlHIS OltANO I# now go well known in nil I the Southern State* for itw remarkable effect* ? tin agency for increasing the prrf. duct* of labor, a* not to require special rroratncndalion from ui. It* tl*e for Ave year* pa?t ba* entabliihed it* character for reliable excellence. The largo Axed capital invented by the Company in this trade, affords the *ur* eat guarantee af thq continued excellence of it* Ouano. J. N. H0IW0N, ? Pollinop A rr<*n? fhti#lna?ow a r% JN&. 8. REESE A CCL, General AgrnU, Baltimore. 33-Min Jan 4 Notice 18 hareby given to all whom If mly concern, thai I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probata Judge of Greenville County, on ike 8(A dny of f'thruary next, for a final discharge a* Administrator of tha Katate of WILLIAM LEAGUE, daeeaaed. January 7th, 1871. ROBERT LEAGUE, Adrain'tor. Jan IT 84 t I **. c. X* [p>EGS LEAVE [?J| in his Store a Large and WeiM Consisting A Full Line of Dome* " u " u Ladie " Jttosie ' " " " Ladie " " " " Shoes " " " " Boots " " * ? Clothi Overcoats, Dress Cottts, Business Black and Fancy Cassimere Pa^ts, u M " " Vests A Full Assortment White and' C Drawers ; Ladies and Gents Ilats j Traveling Bags. A good lot of Domestic Groceries, which are too numerous to mention. After reading all of the adverts paper, yoti will do well to call and knowledge that the Jews are hard to t3*T* Special attention is called to ETS, Mexican SPREADS and QUI duced prices. Call at H* C. MAKE'S, CAI ftovemi er Bo [ , iBBBg -C* CP r <p i a. .s ? = % I| i? .? .-2?" . j? . Si ?;r ., o 58 ~ <v _ cq ^ o S EC ffi c 3 ? a ?Z. ? - fc cs-S C > *? 55 *- 5 aJ V ? * 1 ^ c2 wi: ?'" ? ?. a* 00 'S s, ^ ? .t C 5 til = ? ^ ? Co --3 = ? ~ ^ O ? "2 a.<5 v 2 5R ? "2 F r7, ^ ^ > ot?J t ? 41 1 ? . . * <r> ZD ^ h t c uC0 J t- r^'*3 88 ^ = X O ? 63 ^ H5?S='Sj<iJ<!| S c j = tsjSg- ,"2 StSS PI ? a?!? ...? 35 ? ^ 1 ^ ^ ? ? ?1~ 1-J-f ^b Jj! S jf s^t-S.?o ' &3u|?<!*?>. 5ill ' p5 H ? =6 g ? = >o-| *s i ^ n s sj:o yi S ? ?. ~ S jZ w 5 ?r J 61 Jk'-- "1 ^ w == 1 ^ H j?-??jl S~ J ' i^bsi' * sJII" ^W^aj'-CiJeo-^5 A 02 2 "? rrr1" >? . 2 ??-sj?=st:h-soe3 o^- * * w. u) S^cTl^cr? 1 u3sm ?y g? ? ? j THE Ladies' Store. 1 .,. ~ * ' ^ t W. II. HOVEY & CO. ' Are prepared to exhibit to the ladies a Large and Beautiful line o! 1 D F. 3 o a a O O D G, I 4 Consisting in part oft BOMBAZINE, FRENCH MERINO, (all 5 colors,) ALPACCAS of the best brands, (. English SATINET, POPLINS, MELANGE LUSTRE, ALL-WOOL DELAINE, (black, white and colored,) 1 DERKGE, C11ENE MOIIAIR, AMERICAN 1 DELAINE, Ac., Ac. OUR STOCK OF \ ?3*333, ffi&SQ &M3 CLOTHING ( is LARGE AA'D WELL-SELECTED. C ALSO, FURS, S LI AWLS, cloaks, CLOAKING, , VELVET KENS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AO , AC. A Complete Stock In our line, and all goor aiiiecu ? i IIIis uvib ^ukiii^ itnu nowi'Bi x rifes Nov 2 24 tf 1 ^8?IS3?s fiR/l/flrrcnHllLS* ^VER'aNAPP^TITF SOLD EVERYWHERE. ^ JOWJWISEJDAVIS * WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS ] CM&mitoa,s.c. I. A. Tlie Commissioner of Revenue line decVkd thai any dealer can sell this article wiIfrrtJt a special license. For sale l?y a DAVID A STEADLEY, Wholesale and Retail Orocpra and Commission Merchants, Greenville, S. C. o nv Drs. Harrfton & Marshall, Wholesale and Retail DruggUta, 1 OKEKNVILLK, 8. C. 1 MAr 80 46 1y r Notice ^ "J""S hereby given to all whom it nay foncoro, p mm 1 will apply m a. u. vontntt, Probutt Judge ot OrrrDvlllo County, for a final ' Disohargo tut Administrator with th? Will , annexed, of (ho Ratal* of ELIZABETH " IIUOJIES, deceased, on tho 3d day of Eebru* 81 ary next. A. ft. .TftNklNS, Adiniaiatraior with Will annexed. January 3d, (*71. 33 h ? E PUBLIC THAT HE HA8 a Elected eS * ; of a, sties ' s Dress Goods . ty ry and Gloves s and Gents Shawls ^ i ' J W| C< I 5 ?"g. ? : Suits, (in all colors and stales,) ^ \ olorod Shirts; Underslilts and c, Ladies and Gents Valises and and a great many other articles | ements of onr neighbors in this . ^ examine my stock, and will ac- o beat in their stock and prices. 1 my Stock of fine BED BLANK- e LTS, which will be sold at re LB'8 OLD STAND. 28 tf H ESTABLI8HBD 1835. Q RE UN VILLE COACH FACTORY. , JO WEB, COX & MARKLEY. 1X7" ^ would announce to our customer*. V that wo are prepared oow to fill all irders for VKHICLKS. Wo have added to Ur Stock of Wood-Working Machinery, and icrcnsed onr alaff of workmen to about 70, ud therefore trUsf that none of our patrons fill ho disappointed in having orders prottiptf filled. The Stock of One, T*o, Thfoe, Four nd Six-Horse Iron Axle PLANTATION 1 i fAOOJfS, will bO kept foil J and how as for no-third of a century past, these Wagons hull be the standard of excellence. We have a large Stock of Light 3UG0/ES AND ROCK A WA TS If cur own make, and a Stock of Jiorthernluill BtJOGIBS?'both low?pticed and high- ! iriced?for those who wish to purchase North- I rn work, priced as low as any Southern deal- I ir. We call special attention to the improve- I ucntr making in our SPRING WAGONS. Without raising the price, as are finishing I hcui with GREAT CARE. And Painting them Elegantly. To customers at a diatano., Priced Lists I will Wo promptly mailed on application to BOWER, COX & MARKLEY. Aug 10 12 0m FUF.E LIBEF.TT WHITE LEAD. ;o; ?? Bay the Best?It is the Cheapest' :o: ro Consumers of White Letd Everywhere :o; TUK increased demand from all sections of the country for orr well-known hrand if PURK LII1KRTY WHITB LEAD, inluces us to ask your special attention to it, md wc cordially invito you to give it a trial. U NEQUALGD. st. For Wearing and Covering Properties. Id. For Whiteness and Beauty of Finish. Id. For Uniform Fineness o( Grinding, th. Same Weight will do more and better work, at a given cost, than any other, th. Most Economical White Lead ever introduced. th. If you wish to procure ss much value as possible for your money and secure handsome and durable work, use >TJRE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD "ry it and be convinced. Satisfaction guaranteed t-v the Manufacturers. /IHULK k SMITH, i'holcsslc Drug, Paint and tilnss Dealers, No. 137 North Third Street, Philadelphia. j WHOLESALE AGESTS, JOWER, GOX & MARKLEY, DEALERS IN loach Materials, Paints, Oils, Glass, 1 Patty, &c. GREENVILLE, 8. C. Aug 10 12 6m SEW STORE. JOHN H. OOOSL3TT REjM'ECTFULLiY inform* the Public that he has commenced HusintHs again at lie Old Stand of LONG & GOODLETT, Vhcre ho ha* just opened a portion ot his itoek, consisting of IDS?? ???ID?}9 Jroceries, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, &c., VII of which were bought at low figures, and rill he sold for CASH OR R A It T C It Vt a slight advance on Cost. He solicits a haro of the public patronage. Ap 6 46 tf GREENY1LEE PAPER MILLS. J. Bannister & Son, or all tcisns or Book, News* Wrapping and Colored V* ^ - B <: MM MS rrnitlEST CART! PRICK PAID FOR ?1 Clean Cotton or Linen RAGS. May 25 1 ly town*;* sl |;A*T, ATTORNIES AT LAW. r\FFICK in the OLD COURT HOUSE, ^ ) Middle Room on tbe South Side, Lower fltory, GREENVILLE, 8. C. . r. rowjtaa. on* i> Rant Jan 4 3.1 tf Notice ["A hereby fiven to all wl.litn <t may conL eern, thai I will apply HI R. J. T>oothi?, rot-ate -ridge of Greenville County, ou lit th fitly >/ FVArwofy mtxl. for a final die barge as Administrator.rfr hfnii* Hon. of ike States o STEPHEN SMITH, deeoa.ed ; RANCI- SMITH, deeeaaed. And A- T. MlTH, <1 -e?aa*d t therel-re all partia- hay>ir ela-n < affalnat said K?i?i?? will r.-? ?. i?m oh or t?-f<>re uid <Uy <o m? or I he ml Probale Judge, of be debarred L. 0. SMlTn, Admlnietia'or. He faxii *?oo. Jat'Uaiy Mh, 1?71, M-4 T . # fhe Statd of gotith Carolina ah Attrition wiEWml. Court of Codooa ft<M?. -taj Joan Earl*, m AdaAtHtfatof of <hd Estate of Elisabkh II. KitU, deo?util/ and Administrator d* bo not of flfcj BitaM of C. X. Kaui, deeeased, Plaintiff, gainst Jaaaa W. Rarlr, j l>ms r. KarLI/ Francis W. Karl*. . C. Karl*/ Jambs H. Karl*, J. ?*sroRD Karl*, Kllbn G. Earl*, 8alo?lla G. Karl*, Defedndaats.?Summon* for Rtlitf?Complaint not Sorved. > the Defendants. Francis \V. Earln, Alexander C. Earle, James H. Earle, J. Rainsford Earle, EUon G. Earle aud Sumuella G. Earle. [rOU are hereby summoned and required I to answer the comDlalnt in this action. liieh ia filed in tile office of the Clerk of >tninon Pleas, for the said Couuty, aod to rve a copy of your answer to the said cumaint on the subscriber at bit office. at Antrion Court ilouee, State of South Caroline, Ithin twenty days after the service hereof, (elusive of the day of such Service } and if i>u fall to answer the Complaint within the me aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action wilt pply to the Court for-the relief demanded in ie complaint. Dated at Anderson Court Douse, S. C., De? ember 6th, 1870. B. P. WHITNER, Plaintiff's Attorney. TO the Defendants, Francis W. Karle, Alex* nder-C. Eurle, James D. Karle, J. Rainsford Cnrle, Ellen G. Earle and Sumuella G. Kirlei 'ake notico that the Summons in this Action, f which the foregoing is a copy, was filed in be office of the Clerk of the Court of Common 'leas, at Anderson Court House, in the County if Anderson, In the State of South Caroliua, in (it 6tk rfnj ?/ Dtcrmkrr, 1870. B. F. WHITNER, Plaintiff's Attorney, Anderson C. H., 8. C. Dee II 30 6 s:_i n: ri!?i t? _ ?? ? jiiuy-x ivo xirst rriZB UiOQals Awarded. Southern Piano Will. KftAKE X. CO.,' Manufncturers of Grand, Square and Upright PIANO FORTES, Ilultimore, Md. rr^HESE Instruments have been be'orC tho X public for nearly thirty years, rod upuR their excellence alone attained tin unpurchaird p?"e-emt?et?ce, which pronounces them unequuled. Tbeit Tohc cotnblncS gredt power, .:?*ectness itrtd fine sinking quality, as well as great purity of Intonation, and sweetness throughout the entire scnlc. Their Touch is pliant antl clastic, and entirely free from the stilTnesS found iti so tnnny Pianos. In Workmanship they are unequaled, using none but the very best trutmted material, the large capital employed in our business enabling us to heep continually an immense stock ol lumber, &,c.t on band. All our Square Pinnae hare our New Improved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe Treble. Wo would call special attention to otir Into improvements in Grnhd Pianos iind Square Grands, Patented August 14th, 1 which bring the Piano nearer perfection thatl ho* yet been attained. Every Piano fully Warranted far 6 Year*' We have tnnde arrangement* for the Sole Wholes ilc Agency for the most Celebrated Parlor Organs and Melodeons, which we offer Wholesale and Retail, at Lowest factor/ Prices. WM. KNABE A CO., Baltimore, Md. Dec 7 20 6in I.TI POIITA.1T NOTICE TO CONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS. All flrtail Order? amoiiuliug to $20 and Overt Delivered in any /'art of the Country FREE OF EXPRESS CI/A HOES. HAMILTON EASTEIi & SONS, OF nAt.TIMORK. HI)., IN order the better to meet the wants of the Retail Customer* at a distance, have established a SAMPLli BUREAU, and will, upon application, ;>roni/tl/y vend by mail full line* of samples of the Newest and most Fashionable Goods, of French, English and Domestic Manufacture, guaranteeing at all time* to sell an line, it not at /<?? ju ice*, than any house ill the country. Buying our goods from the largest and most celebrated manufacturers in the different parts of Europe, anil importing the same by Bleu mors direct to Baltimore, our stock is at all times promptly supplied with the novelties of the London and Paris markets. As we buy and sell only for cash, nnd make no bad debts, we arc aide and willing to sell our goods at from Ten to Filtecti percent Lets Profit than if we gave credit. Il, nctottlia, li.r ;r.. O.- / t tfv- HJ IIIU I\lll?l ?1 goods desired. Wc keep the best grades of every class of goods, lrolu Ike lowest lo tko most onstly. Orders unaccompanied ky Ike cask w ill ko sent C. 0. 1). Prompt-Paying Wholesale Puyors arc invl* ted to inspect Ike Stock in our Jobbing and Package Department. Address HAMILTON RASTKll A SONS, 197, 199> 201 and 20:t West Italtimore Street, Dulliuiorc, Md. Dec 7 29 ly ISI ?Water wheel, Mill Gearin?,Shafiin?& Pulleys pnOlE & iiiiHt; JALTiMrtpE^ _^.SEND FORACIRCULAR^J^T. Dec 7 211 iy GEORGE PAGE & CO. No. 5 N. SchToede* 8t,. Baltimore. Manufacturers of Portable and Stationary STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, Patent improved, Portable OlItCBLAU SAW M1I.I.S, Ganp, Mii'.hv add Mtah Saw Mill*, <?rist Mills, 'limber Vh.di, M?ciiin?a, Ac. Dealer* in ('ar Saw*. Rolling aid Mill impplie* generally, and nianufacMi'Cr'. agent* f.?P Ltffe!V OelebraU ad TnrMne Water Wheel, and every d?< tc iplinn of Wood Working Machinery, aoaici LTVnat. RNOikk* A >Pit? iai.ty. UT for d.Bcnptive Catalogue* and Pi ice List a. 2t?-1y E*T A Bl.lKIt RF> 181 I. CUSIIIXGS fc BAILED BOOKSELLEBS AND f TATtONKHS, 282 BALTIMORE St.. PA t. T/MOIll?, Hare the Largest and Be?l Aasofted Stotk in the ett? of SCHOOL. MEDICAL and LAW. nnd DENTAL, CLASSICAL and MISCELLANEOUS books. An immenae supply nf (1RNPRAL HANK. AND COVNTINO-IIOUSf STATIQJiPRT, Blank Book* made to vrdct in any atyla ?/ DI.4U. " ?-? ?'ii>'tntK nun ?\n11u^, Tho aaane careful Attention giro to ORDFR* m to Perron*) Purekaaea. Inri.le Figon-a al way*, Hand for Catalogue., Ac * ? IV <w