University of South Carolina Libraries
ftrrlttii ^uttrtj.. * Hoper* loaf. 1 hear it eiagteg, alagiag awsatly, Softly la an andaytoaa, iagiag as if Qod had taught it, " It Is better farther on !** Sight gad day It tinge the earns eveg. Siaga it whila I sit alone. Siaga it ao theheart can bear it, w It is batter farther uo V Site opon lbs the rraee ami rinre it. 91ns* it whnn th? heart *o*lil (tmo, 8ir?j;? it ?k?n the h?tnw* dukto, *<>11 U kittw fMthir i?r P.irther nn ? iloir mueb (hrther T Count the milMtone* eon* on j bj one, Ifo ! no cooniioj only trwtlnj ' It ia better further oo !" ISmnaraui. A Didiler Cornered. Very adroit was the march that Lije Loomis stole on the "Statnte of Limitations." T^je was the fuctotum of Guv's Neck. lie did a miscellaneous business as a carpenter, cow doctor, coffin maker?adding to Iiig functions that of tinder* taking; to the county poor house, lie was, withal, an easy, g?od-natured fellow, free to trust, and a most indulgent creditor. Among the others whom Lije had trusted to his est was Greg Gritnes, without exception the greatest promise maker and breaker in Guv's Neck. Greg had wheedled Lije with promises till the latter s claim was " outlawed." Loosing patience at last. Lijo took his account over to the 'Squire's, when, to his no 6inall discomfiture, he learned that unless he could get a new promise from his debtor, with a witness to ft, he might whistle for hie bill.? Such ft*ffow6 as Greg always know a good deal of law, especially the sharp points of it. Greg would talk as freely and as full of promfees as ever when he and Lije were alone, but before others- would1 evade the subject, or etee remain provokingly mum. One day Lije drove up to Greg's door with his old graj' mare and spring wagon, a plain pine coffin ?one of tl ose flat-topped affairs deemed good enough for poor folkft?beini* behind the sent ^ ?- ?44 Mornin', neighbor," paid Lije. 4i Same to j'on," said Grog; 44 goin' to plant a pauper, T pec.'* 44 Y-ft-a 8 ; old Ih?ke took rather a sudden leave last night, ami went to trv tlio charity of another world." M Which i? no more'n fair." said Greg, 44 aeein' how long he's lived on the charity of this." 44 Wonld yon mind gettin' in and comin' along, neighbor ?" said Lije ; 44 it's mighty dull goin' to a funeral all alone by one's self." Greg didn't mind, but straightway mounted by Lije's side. The two chatted away, after a sort, to prove how cheerful good tuuipttiij t'uu iciiucr a yraw occasion. u I s'posc yon haven't forgot that little bill o' mine ?" Lije at last took the lilnirty to hint. "Not by no means," said Greg. " Let's sec now?how mnch did yon say it was ? I niisremeinber rightly." " Even sixty-nine dollars, besides seven years' interest." " Quite right," Greg assented ; " I recollect now. " Ef it's at all inconvenient to pay it," said Lije; " don't put yourself out on no account." " I've been threatenin' to pay it for a month back," said Greg; " bat times lu?v been tight, an'? an' hovr would Monday week do fH' " Trf a d--t," answered Liie. " I'll send it ronnd," said Gfreif.. A curious sound came frotji. t'?e coffin. The gost of a chuckle, DnrdlAA would have called it.? Grep pare one jontp and "litlift an adjacent cdw pasture. L/*>k inp hack, lie saw Lije's 'prentlde, the most mischievous imp in GogV Nqpk, hnt with plenty of^fifcrrtdfej and of lawful npe to be a witness, sittinft.up in the coffin and laugh inp like mad I Greg took in the situation at a glance. He had been duped into commiting himself before a witness. " TVs a dirty, nasty, mean trick r he exclaimed. " What is it ?*' said Lije. " Why, triflin' with a boddvV feelin's al>out old Boke, makin' blieve he's dead P* " An* so he is," said Lije, " only I was going arter the body, instead of fetch in' it away." Greg turned off in disgust, Lije bawling after him : 44 Don't forget Mondy week, and p'r'aps it'll save both of ns some trouble." Greg didn't forget, but has ncver more than halt enjoyed himself since. ?? A Diitch Woman kept a tollgate. One foggy day a traveler asked, 44 Madam, how far is it to ?? - PI _* . V.Q ,.a ?? 15??? f" " C<IIUUM n iicuv XKJD, was the reply. "Yea, but how fi^r r again asked the traveler.? 44 Shooet. a Utile ways," more em* piiMieally. 44 Madam, is it one, two, three, four or five mllea P? The go< d woman ingenuously re* pliec : 441 dinks it ia!" Apvicx is the' only sort of vieei that some people don't follow. of tranlient young men. Never nflfcr Uhj addrqMes of a Granger. Rwollwi tliat one good fariaer'# boy, or indpstrkm* untJ?w,'c, i* worth alftfte Abating dojie'in "the world. Tlie allurement* h dan-J dy Jack, with a g"hl chain round , hia nock, a walking ?tick in ink1 (paw, a thrco pepuy .cigar | month, some honcet tailor**pout on I'll hi back, and a 'brnintefe Ittuiiiih fancy skull, i w can tnako t*> the i loj* of a fcOod fathehV nomfe,*H good' iimther'* counsel, and the society of bK'thers and aiatcrs ; their nffVciSn*. Lot --1-:I - *" * (nni, nilllt) IIIHl ?I SUCH H young mail is lost in the wane of a Woney m* *m. 'lis true. To* rv.MNO or tlasr-r Clat'k Bia-m rocs,? Wt h*o juil received information if ih* burning ??/ the hooo> wIt--re Itrorj Olay vu born. April 12. 1717. It was situated on a smalt tract of ordinary lsndt the ol?l Slitli Cliureh. in the County o Hanover. about five milt a distant f-rrm Arh land. A picture of it b?fore us >e| rwt tile it aa an old fashioned, w-t-'ilrry, framed honre. with sloping toof. It baa a large ehimney at either end. which, according to : tha fashion of the timer in nrlilch they were I bnllt, bar* material enongh in thtm for tlnee nvdein eli Iron eye. At one end la a 1 abed room built, over the. chimneyThis rh? d had front aga aettled and ae pa rated from the main building, tbua leaving a gap Into a kink A" 1??- -*1 ' *" Iile matter, had fruqi time to tint* fallen A epark dr-pplng upon th?m occasioned the fire which resulted in the d? stfuctinnt o' the hiftih!? Mrth-place of .the fit* American ? nimnner. At fhe tfrrte of It* destruction it * occupied ly Mr. Card well, eon in-law of Mr. Howard, Clerk o the City Council? Richmond Whig, Dee. 31 "Stop my Advertisement." Onr ea?s have Icn gr? et? d by thia tin* 'avorahls round several tim?a of late. It eooici from merchanla discouraged hy the pressure, and *nti<>ni for tetrencl nicnt Say they, wc never had mnch faith ill advertiainr, and now we are fullj?imttsfird It d??n't pay. Mistaken mortal*, yon are like unto the man that killed the ??o*e thn? laid | the ^dden egg*. Are the tlmea evil ? If 1 to. blow your horn the louder, in order that those who have even hut little to spend may hear it and know where to rally. We will ventwat the-aa*> rth>a. that any two men In the rity may start I>uiw??ii with equal p-?pulnriiy tnd'et^itaf, and the one who k?ep? himself persistently ""d enritlantljr before llie public in advertisement* wifl do dounlo the business of tba one who tr*>sta the favors and partiality of o'd friends, and who fai'a to advertise. Keonomv and re ' frenchmen t la all r'ght and proper ?Aon^h in It a place, but it i? a mistaken potior that would begin and end on newspapers. [Col ma but Rnqnirtr. I SwsLt owrn a Mouth Orga*?A little son nf J. C. Kondrup. the Danish Consul, resid" lug with his father on Capitol Hill, in Washington, has met with an nulortuna'.e aeeiilent which will prove a field of study Tor the nmdieal world. It appears that on friday last an elderly brother, who had been playing with a common mouth organ, about two inches in let gth, threw it upon Lite floor, which, be:Dg within sec ss of the ehild, he picked it up, and by n-me means |t became lodged in Ida throat. Attempts ware made to extricate it. but had the effect of forcing it down his throat and canting him to swallow the instrument. The health of the ehild ?..?*? ? 1 ? 1 ?*i<)e from the anxiety of the paren's the huge pill does hot ?e?m to incommode "him in the least?Wanhinpttm Chronicle. Almost a destructive flre occurred at Donald's Depot, on the Greenville and Columbia Railioad, on the night of the 3d in?t. Some thirty bales of cotton having caught die durii g the night, it is stipf osed acciden tally, ae a boy was seen plating with matches In that vicinity during the afternoon previous. By the utmost exertions of the people in the vicinity, water being near, in the eioffly tank, the fire was sabdue<laf. ter flamtiging several of the I alee of cotton. Had it not lurkily been discover e-1 in - season, the whole or the buildings must have been inevitably t urned, as the eottou was piled in close proximity to them, on the i V ?t- . .. -- |?mninn.?(/'MMNhm I tiirtl, 6fA. Tiiit American Stock Journal, for January in in entire rtw suit of Type, ta before til filled with choice i.rigitiil mutter, and HnVrated with ftntraeiaipi of fine stock, drawn and engraved eipressly for till* Magazine. The five proceeding volume* - hnve been conducted with at?eb 'kill, the' it now bee in immerse e:renUtio?, whieh i* constantly increasing. The enterprising Publisher*. N. P. Botk* A Co., of Parke* burg. Pa , at pear de'ermined to place a copy in the lianda of every person connected with Panning or Stock Breeding, by offering to send a specimen copy free to all *h" apply, also ihow bills, and subscription, lists to ail wbo wish to get up eluhs for any of the many valnabie Premiums offer* f<1. ( I* Yell County, ArkanMn, Itit week, hoy named Boiler, aped fourteen, shot and killed, instantly. the wife of h? Mother, who had juet arrived at the hcneatead after the we<l<l|ng. preel?na to th< marriage the hoy threatened to kill the young wo man ihonld a he become the. wife of hit brother. The yonthfrtt mftrtfeker haa heen arrea'ed, and maker the affair atlll more hor rIMe hy averting that hla father encouraged htm to rhoot hie aiater In law,. ' ' Do not he trouhled heeatr^e you bare no great efrtnes. Cod made arn<tlffr?n aplfea o' grans where ha made one tree. The earfh la fringed and earreted. not with forests I** ' - ? (raif, Only htf? enough of lltlU vlrtuea end aofiwtn* ftlelitiM, wWd yen 9dk46 lot mourn heeauao yon ore neither * aaint nor h?ro. T? ???? ' V. ? . Jr formation hut blili received |>y the Kew York telegraph eu??'pent>e, from Pari*, lhat ane*rege* will be rent by f-igeofir, at owner'a rlrk, net more than Ureotjr word* lo be a- ot, al, ten rent* ywr word. t It ia thrr.gll that Til*IK will fo to tha Sonata from Mi**onri. ?? T ' ' V ..'* of Yirfioia. (Hk. ^ ? MJHh.. jBH k-^^|^iB^052^^3P? Prinetptt Offirr, So. 1015. sfwia Street, Hickt+Jjj*l*? .****' K'- ? ... t , Tl IMONs why e??rjr one should insure in J\ tbe Equality Life Insurance Company, of Virginia i . , t 1st. It Is Wot* Liberal to the Insurers than I any other company, aod will eventually be- | eoine Purely Mutual aod belong tq.tbc insurers. ! I 2d. It escalates it? money amongst ita pstI ron*. who are the Inaurers. Conaequeatly they. ( are continually getting the benefit of the rapid ] accumulation or the Company, the uutiey t?e- | j ing invested by the Bvard of Directors amongst I the insurers. * Jld. The loans of this Company are as liber* i nl as other companies who deelare dividends at the end ef tse second, third and fourth years, but this Company at the end of tbe first and every year. DAVID B. CLARK, President. THOS. H. WYNNK. Vies-President. JOHN Q. WINN, 8eeroUry. ' Geo.JAMHS H. LANK, Actnery, T%r V H WlTVTMO t Dr. C. H. W. DAVIS, f Medical Advisers. I Judge JOHN A,. MKKTCDmi, Councilor. | tuntrwM. J. B. WlnMon, Treasurer and Secretary R. . f\ A P. R, H ; Wm. .J. Johnson, <? Johnson A ' lunt, Wholesale Grocers ; Wm. It. Powers, ot . Winston A Powers, Wholesale Grocers ; Al ' bert Ord war, Trriuurtr Buckingham State Company; J. F. Gibson, Superintendent Adnms* Express Company : Charles Y, M r^ til, Morri* A Co.'a Sugar Reffqery ; G. A. Pople. Superintendent Manchester Cotton Mills; John II. Tyler. John II. A John Tyler, Jew., elcrs; Moses Millhieer, Wholesale Dry Goods ; Thr-mns 8. Baldwin. Clothier ; John M. Goddin, Cashier Planter's Bai.k ; J. R, Pom II, Superintendent Western Union Telegraph Company ; Alex. G. Robertson, Cattle Broker ; George I. Herring, Wbolesule OroeerjR. L. Brown, of Brown, Jonoa A Co., Wholesale Grvcert; A Bodeker, Druggist ; 8. M. Ro*en? batim, of 8. A M. Roaenbaum, Dry GooinU. . Equality Life Insurance Company. Examine tin f'nmpiUt* he/ore yea in Mre, it it to your interest to do to. Aycutt Koolrd trerytrkere. BENJ. C. KirRfOT, Gen. Travelling Agent, Charleston, S. C. Sept 22 18 t! BREENVIllE & COLUMBIA RAILROAD. GXMCKAL SfPW?IXTK>D?CJ?TV Orrict, Columria, 8 C. I'ee. 1, 187tX ON and after THURSDAY, Ihscemb-r 1 the following Schedu'e will l>e run daily, Smidat* etc'|ls<l, coin.eet'tig with' N'ght Trains on So in h Carolina Unihond up and down, also with Traina going S-.nh ot. i Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad ; UP. Leave C?liM?lda at 7.BO a. in " Alston,. 8.40 a. m " Newberry |tl.|n a.m. ' " Cokeabttry'. 1.45 p. m IVIinn X Xti p. ni. Arrive ?l Uie^utille. .. 6 ?H? p.m. IHJWN. Leave Oreenvill*- at 5 4* ?. m. ? Helton 7 2* a. ni. 41 Cnkrflinry O.oft ?. ni 44 Alilicviile 8 ml a. in 44 Newberiy... .12.85 p. in Alston. . 2 M |>. 01 Arrive at Columbia . *45 p. hi JOHN II. M"OKK. 0- Superintendent !>; ? 14 * :w> if South Carolina Railroad Company. " Columbia, S. C., May 13, 1S70. i OX and nfU'r Sunday'.' 15 M iv, the PiisBen- 4 gcr Train* upon the South Carolina Kail road will ruu ibu following srbuduiu: FOR CHAIM.F.MTOH. Leave olumliia 7 45 a m Arrive at karloaton 3 30 p m Leave Charleston 8 30 a in Arrive at olumbia 4 10 p in FOR AIJOtlSTIA. Leave Columbia 7 45 a m ' Arrive at Augusta ...4 25 p m Leave Augusta 8 00 a m Arrive at Columbia 4 10 p m RIGHT KXPUKS* THAIS (sURDAVH F.XCKPTKD.) Leave Columbia...... .,..7 60 p to Arrive at Charleston 0 45 a m , Arrive at Auguvfa... 7 05 a m Leave Charleston 7 30 p in i Leave Augusta 0 00 p in I Arrive at Columbia 0 00 a in I CAMI1KN THAIS. Camden and Columbia Passenger Trains will run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays; anJ between Camden and Kingvilledaily. Leave Camden 0 35 a m Arrive at Columbia 1* 00 a in Leave Columbia 1 00 p m ' Arrive at Camden 5 40 p m il. T. PBAKK. Uen'l Sop't. Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta R R. Columbia, P. C., September 1. 1870. ON arui after THIS flAY, the PaeeuHger train# over this ltoftd will run u follows i OOltO) SOUTH. Leave Charlotte,' N. C., at 8.20 a. ra. 44 Cnlumhja, 8. C., at,. ..3.45 p. m. Arrive Augusta, at....... 8.60 p. tn. OOIMG MOUTH. Lesvs Augusta, at ...8.00 a. tn. 44 Columbia, 8. C., at 11.45 a. m. Arrive Charlotte, N. C., at...., 0.30 p. m. ACCOM MOD AT|OM THAI MS, IUSDATS kxcbftcd. Leave Columbia .....10.10 p. m. Arrive'it Augusta.? f.00 a. m. j Uave Augusta..... ........0.30 p. tn.i Arrive at Columbia. 4.15 a. m. Close eonnaef lows " 't? n"-?-* 4 ?- ?in ? w (TviipiA/i?; miu Riobmond and Aetata Creekt afed via Raleigh, Wrl(K>n and Kay Lin?. Through Ticket* *?ld and haxgnjte cheeked to nil point* North, ' South, and We*t. < Pur futher information apply at Ibi* Office. ' C. DOUKNIOHT, Snp't. SAMDEL BLACK. B AEBER. that. MaNMoK M^USR, where to Will i lie prepared "to rec< ire auaLemeir* a* heretofore. Being a Profeuiat<*l Barber, he ' hope*,-hy attention to Inniieaa, together with tfrltteavai to alh ta ?Mt a ferhe* of pnt.TTO paTWfniy>. t?i OtrmUfl, AVISO ' A Kit *HAMPOOJKO. t&ept 7 16 t If CHARLESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, S. C. E H. JACKSON, Proprietor. I A 88J3TANT!*. A. BUTTKRFIKLT), (for * ifl. merly of the Pavilion Hotel,}an<! W. a. vii,i.Kit. irMitt. fiSMNVB) ^vuffirwaia MILLINERS. ^^4 ' MISS McKAV ha. jn.t re eeiyad new atipplie. of Ron GWgaj* njfU, Data, Ribbon., Pratli?r?.| in ? *"d, W (iUMl Wn ^ '"" "on.) Hair Coils jet |M '*IM Gosda, which ?h? WlffT offer? at eery tow hr'???. Xot 1 - 24 If J mWmumi, anil all Chronic Affection* - M the Blood. Liver and Kidncjra. )llcc?mmrnded I'Jf the Medical FuetiU ^Kr ?tjr and many thousands of our best ) Head the iHllimmj of Physicians (ind patients who havtupcd Kuiadtlii; * ' jC?1*"!tftifefb Hfelthf j /g^ Aofl, <> AlmgnAc I'm Ihiajiriir, rfliiclii Ah (*? pufdish for iriluilnui ili*lrii'Utl?n 'Ml Ml wilt give you much v?!u*l<l? inior /ftl Smalinn. Dr. K. W. Carr, ul Baltimore, says : ) I take pleasure In recommend in* /your aa a very powerful /alterative. 1 have seen il unci in two 1 lHv0",e* wIth *?*PW wssoho-^bpo In. 4 lllVaaf $f secondary typhUis, tr| whh-> [WtKj /the pAllent prnnonneetl bciatslf ?uM /after bavins taken Ave l-utllcs ol your A/medicine. The otber is a rase of scrof/ula of long standing, which is rapidly (improving under its use, and the in (dieations are that the patient will (<oon recover. I have carwlully ex \ ? yimined the formula. I y which yonr (Rogadalia If made, an<l find-it an ex* < A (rellttit cvWpiiudTi)/ aHeralirt IngreH Sdients. ' S Dr. Spnrks. of Nirholasville, Ky? * )*ays he haa used Kosadalis in cases of ' /scrotal i and Secondary Syphilis witn WtUfhctory results-*# a cleaner of tbo J J /Blood I know no hetter retqedy. ' ) Benjamin Bcehtdl, of Lima, Ohio, I /writes: I have suffered for twenty 1 lyetri with an invptcrnte eruption over , lay Whole body ; a abort time since I (purchased a bottle ot Hosadalis and it t y-ffected a .perfect cure. ' | ( Kosadniis is mid ty all drngfists. ( Laboratory, 01 Extlange Place (Baltimore. ( Drt. Clen cuts A Co. f J'rujirittor?. Mny 18 52 ly PLANTATION BITTERS This wonderful vege- ' table restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial fbr the i aged and languid it has no equal among stomach- j < ics. As a remedy for ' the nervous weakness to * which women are espec- * ially subject, it is ; superseding every other stimulant.* In all i climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every , *l>ecies of disorder which J undermines tnu bodily strength and breaks down [ the animal spirits. Wherever it is intro- ' dnccd it becomes a . standard article?a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. June XI, to/0. 6 ty W. if. CAMMER, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH AND MACHINIST fi CORN SHELLKRS, Cotton Gins, Lock*, ' Sewing Machines, Umbrellas and Para(ola REPAIRED with promptness. Charges reasonable. Corn Shellers, for sale from $10 to $12. I sni also prepared to furnish Stencil Plates, for marking clothing. B. WEHRLE, G6t?gNVaLLE, ?. ?. I> KALE It IN GOLD AID SILVER WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, fPECTACLES, 18 ft 22 Carat Solid Hnptial Rings, SILVER & SILVER- PLATED tW WORK of all diacri|>liona in hi* line done promptly. JF1 Oct 27 2* 1y E. Pa JO^ES, AW I&AW, , AND BOUCITOR IN EQUITY. Wilt PRACTICE IN AIL COURTS OF THIS STATE A I.AO, , IN TFT? UNITED STATES COURTS. Offlo* Ortenvill* 0. H., 8. C. July 1 ?y< W. K. Mint. O. O. WELLS EA8LEY ft WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ANT) IN EQUITY, OR RENVILLE, S. C., PR 4CTICE In the Coorta of the State end of the Unltod States, and give ciptciil attention to eases In Bankruptcy. June IS 8 WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Eeriscople Spectacles, Ac WILL order an extra article f/y J yMtfor any peraen. Special alienUna will he given to REPAIRPS' ITIfl I'M Walehes of every dee oription. Beat reference* given. JAMES 0. BLACK. Jane 80 S tf PAVILION HOTEL, (0 IU A la )ti HI ei W (to kv . ? na / BOARD, Per Dey $3 00. R. HAMILTON, BuperinUmrfeM. Mro. B. L BtTTFRPIEIJ), Prop r lei r<>? I Brpl 20 10 tf % ^ I BU V1 ...Ml. -^ CoUinir. JWBiher Bn*f 11 Pr Over a hatutred (MTctvut (Vl)ernii uf Win ur mI? tl New York price*. * Mnnicl-l'iecc*. D jydTjiotitfb^ fjluir Bail, Newel* and Uulluctcrx ? <x.'wder. Oixid and Sul.*t*ntinl Work mxde * cheap i m.iled ixfnte*. >Ve hare en band the largeatati Rallitt'.te, all of which we pnarontre will five < 'ui<*l*ntlal Work. The *wl ?cril-er* ran refer to | [*arolina and Florida, a* to the character (|f theii iW Opposite Wando Fertiliser Worke, and In favilion Hotel*. Sept 28 ' m- ' Old Cni'olinn Iliftrrs. __ 1\ TDISJWI OIIITOriBJlfc irCDSSTJiCS* ' We tirtte pT- afoio 1li""fT. flip tlie ' OLD CAROLINA HITTERS ' lOTIIK public. They are compound j at ed w.itli (treat care, and eoii>*li. e?.me if the l.ext Tonic* in the I'lmiInn. opt* A* blthiicf of the mpeilorlty of our liiiter* i*er all o'lier*, we have ? rilHente* from nai.y of the |r?dine |.hy*ieian? in our8ta'r. rlio have prescribed them In their practice, 1 UK OLD CAitOUNA UlTTKllti .V111 he found invnluahle for r Want of Appetite, Genetal Del IHty, Chil's and Fever and Dyapepeia. Ve d<? not offer our Hitler* ?*acure for n'l ^ I be ?*? ?, hut a* an Arotnaiie Tonic, they j ave no equal. pale hy all DrtipeixU and Groeera very where. 'rtncqrtil Depot, | G<tODUICII. WINEMAS A CO. 1 inpoiter* of Choice D. up* and Oh> mica I*, Charhrl. n, S. C. Mli 9 41 lv " u A. 13. MULLIGAN, j CHARLESTON. S- C. 2 ? MESSRS. SULLIVAN & SON, t ABE MY . % AGENTS\ AT * GREEN VILLE S. C\ A ND WILL MAKE LIUEKAL CASH g r\ idrince* on nli * COTTON ibippcd to me through them. A. IJ. MULLItiAN. Bept 28 19 \j V\. '%'\y* . ^ ,y /* /* A/ P. P. TO ALE, 6 t-L ! . 1 .. - : ii 1 I CHARLESTON. L . ( Urgeit and most complete \ tsO" < Manufactory of Doors Satbes, \ ( Blinds.Mouldings, Ac., in the j Southern States. ] /ptt"Printed price list defies competition."8$^ . ^fT~8end for one.-WW < I 1p9r Sent free on application.-fhst / . April 27 . , - 49 Ijr scyqm santew, . 1 1MPORTKR or PARIS FANCY GOODS, Toys, T)oHs, names, Children's Carriages, French Confeetonery, Fire Works, indiA Rubber Roods, Such as Clothing. Nursery Sheeting, Ac., 22V King-St. 7 doors shove Market, CHARI.E8T0N, 8. C. Mar 30 45 1y? WM. SHEPHERD & CO., No. 24, If aye Street, Charleston, 8. O. ftRALPlt? IN COOKING 8TOVf?, RAN0F3 AND Healing Htovea. Pictures of Stoves with pries description niU be sent up. on application. June 2*9 A-lj GEORGE A. BOWK AH. Agent, 237 KING STREET. CHARLESTON. 8. C.. ~\T EF.PR connlMitlf op hand a La<-g? ?nd IV W?ll-Rala?ted BUfek r>f Carpeting, Oil Cl..?h, Matting, Ruga, Dpor Mat*. Ac., dp., inch aa are tMualljr found in ? rirat-Cl#a] Carpet Storo. Ho* 30 , ti 3m national hotel, @<a>ibw%n$iLA, 0. ?. mm, ;' PROPRIETOR. P. HAMILTON JOVHER. CLTOIC. RATES Of Board par Opy.. |X Of) 8nppar, Break fart and Lodging...... 2 00 Single M?at? 1 On 1 Sep 1 16 If va ^ "C ^ t '!'j ?lj tj .!, . ? *' , J?/?! ..| . ") & , ' " '" : T3RTISEME.NTS S I ?-?r11w4? ,V'*' u 099? ffiiS333VS, , $1 i, Shelving, B??x iloarria. Ar., Ac. \ ? ' mnltWWr li o!? oA r-.* **? .h?t M this MlAlilirhmeni aa run k made in llie nek o$ ?b?a? ipe Gwoda *f #>" ,CllJ ?'l , ;\ ntire Miirftnlnn t** all who want OihhI an Itantlnvaa alt ore? thta State. Uiorgiic, NurtfN r work for the | art Iwi nly rear*. . P. RrSSELL & COWe ItABT EKD 11A9KI. BTHER^. ^ the Immediate vicinity of Charleston ana 1? 1y TIIOS. P. SMITH (LATE NAYI.EK. SMITH A CO.) FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, V0. 4- BQYCE ct CO S WHARF OHA.P.L3BTON, 0. O. GEO \V. SlclVEU tooiinected with Hie bioooM, and will tf ?r Ins l>est alien* ion toahe iniv-resia **t life f< or piK^uv In purdiaa >j? n? MeiicLanJip* ?.f all kin^*. SJieif |il.?et>i ii funds. Hf1 Ada J nee* mailr*o4 ^ortsl^hfrfehfa.' Oel 6 *0 6jft" IIKXItY HISC1I0EF & CO.. WHOLESALE CJUOCERS, AMD UKALKKH IV Wfnesj Liquors, MRS, TOBACCO, &C. NO. 197 EAST BAY, XBAUMVOff. go 0;o I. Ilw-ni. ri'. ,c Wvlbkhh J II. IV.rKR. ^I<)N1)S "T BRO^NJ ' tn ^ h? u Ii9L?&uB 1 ? H * -mm. ^m. r*> * ? * L 4113 m&rattfci ?waasraw,1- ypPOSlTK CHARLESTON ' iHtJtL*! c ii \ ic i,i:s r<>\, s. C. Sopt 28 . . IV ' 1 . ly KDW?l? ::-BAm & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS ' . "rv . . ... ' im\ A;?obs j A*l? 132 & 124 Meeting St EdwI* Baths. Geo U 8w.uan TIIOS R. McOahan. CII.\*/H. Bate*. 8?>pt 28 19 ?m 9 m? * m 1 PR. SHAELE^CRCER'8 Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Alwnra th(i Clillla. This Medidno ha* hern linforo the Pub- ! lie fifteen yearn, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. Itdoesnotpnrge, does dot sicken t" o stomach, Li perfectly safe in any d<>jc and under all circnmstanoes, and is tlio only Medicine that will OURS IMMEDIATELY . and permanently every forin of Fever and A>?ue, bocauso it Is sf?erfoct And* 4sle to nalsrlih Sold by all Srscgtota? ] Psh 1 *7 ly ! WM. P. PRICE, ATTOHNEY AT I^W OAHLONP^, QA., WILL pmilw is the Count Us of Lumpkin. nawsoD^tlilmev Fannin, Uniin, Towns, White end naff. . i -SS* -% * - y THE MITLS HOUSE, PARKER & CO* Proprietors. VTKRT-Cpiir8 noTKi.1: A,', h/vl nrv i?nr? s. . n. f liunivi', ITU DAY.... 94 ? . t; Dec 8 20 II1 . i ^ ,y ' rr uj#f^M>I?r^l^^' it cured U^n ^tho^w|>o^>>?r? totiblSi UKSTi^^to2Sll{^^??S&^i It bito healthy Jbt^^ewwIte^^Jlrt^eef] > ?nd^<^c^.wh?^?t^?i^V^^ raiur omenta u ar* M w?tin|M *f OtcMe. Ml auto direction! in siren in the wimmt M the box, for thefollowSgcomprint#, wfodttbestf JMI/? tapldly cure-.'? ,T ForttyipiUMla or Iadl|Mtl?? fiXlmr ^*?f Urer CmhMI kWKrSKX dlMMftlI action orrMkOwBtTl^trncOonTwhi^ cans* it. ' > n .. JMjTS2^*g?F*mm'but 000 ; Tot MtaaiuiikVeM, dnirel, BaK" pitaMoa mt the HMrt, Pata )?p M?U, Back and laiay, thoi should be costla* coinpialnBdlaqBiari ? > > *H?itin i> tor mmrommy im Pr?pi?i?l SmUlai* they should be taken In large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic barge. y or lapgrmlaa a large eoM should be takao as it prodooes the desired effect by sympathr. As a Dinner WW, take one or two JPiif* to promote digostfoa and relieve the stomach. An ooosAional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and Invigorates the system. Hence It Is often advantageous where ho serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often Ands that a . dose of these PUD mtttt htm JhOdSrldedly MS tor, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. 1' ' 1 ' Dr. J. C. AY EE 4k CO., JVsdtcaf CKemDU, LOWELL,. MASS., V. S. A. car hor sit" in Ureriiuiie by M. A. ?* .CO.? Agents. Au? 31 )?,.. ** i, }y The Great Medical-,Discovery I Dr. WA IiKHS R* S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, | ? a Hundreds of Thousands ?*5 I el Btar testimony So their;woiKlrrfulTI ? ' Cumtive Effects - * ? 8|3 WHAT Aft8 THEY 7 If J in x Rf 5 f ^ [|? jjl I jj* THET ABB HOT A VII.K ?I* "INFANCY DRINK,111, MmH of Poor Rom. Whiiknr, Proof BpdriU. and Refoao Liquors, <kwiored, apfaed. and awoctetual to pleaao Uui taste, ea'lod Tonics'1 " Appetisers," " Restorers,* *?., that land tho tippler on to drankenneaa And ruin, but aro A true M.diHne, mad# from tho Xativ* Knots ted Herbs of California, free from nil Aloohalio Stimulant*. They ar.uhogttEATBLQQI> PURIFIER and LIFE OrVIN(TPBXlC CIPLE, a perfect Renovator and lnngorttor ot the Byttem, carryinvott all poiaeftosa matter,, md restoring tho blood to a healthy condition^ No person can take thc*o Pit Urs, aiyryling to f'.ireAlons, and remain long anwrtt. s 11 DO will be given for an*: wurablo eaaa, pne. \,duig tho bones aro not deV.rrqoU by mineral pot'sino or other means, and t!A Yital organs wasted bevrmd tho t?oinl,of repair. 4 For Inflammatory and Cbronlo Hhonraatism, nnd Gout. Dyspepsia, or IadlKOtilon. Bilious. Ho mi t to at. and Inter* mitt out Fovers, Diseases of the Blood. Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, theso Bittors bare been most r'lmvsfilhFc fjuch IMs? eases sre caused by Vitiated Blood, which is K?nrrslly produced by dsrangomsut of tho, stotpaA, and Stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which reader them of unequalled otfloacy la eteanslne the blood of* all impuritlea, and imparting naw life and vigor, o tho whole ay stem. ... . Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headnch*,, Fain in tlio Bhouldera, Congas, TntiuM of the Chest, Dissmess, Sour Htomaeh, Bad TwU la thi- Mouth, Kidiooe Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Copious Discharges of Urine, Pais in ttio regions of tbo Kidneys, and n hundred other painful symptoms which nro thl offtpilnga of) Dyspepsia, are eared by theae lllliw. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever n?a Bad' its impurities bursting through tho skin in Piasthe blood pure and tbo health or the system will follow. ? ?* PIN, TAPS, and othsr WO KM A lurkU* In the system of so many thousand*, aru erfocttMUfl , . destroyed sad removed. Pbr full directions, reed earefuTly the fibular ] sronnd each bottle, printed in four taapf J Kixrlish, German, French, aadSpanish. I J. WALKKu. 32 dt St Cosamaieo Mtruet, N. T. 1 Proprietor. B.H. McDONAU) k CO.. Druggists and Qaneraf Areata. Ban Francisco, CkUMntk, aad M and Si Clta. Itwrw btr -et. If. Y. i ?r ) DEi^iw! ALL DBUO ousts AXD^ , tw For a.tle in Greenville hv M A. HUNTER a to.x hariusonV Marshall. Aug 31 1& gn RK31ZMI | ort?r. m l 11 .-.tier* in'(iu*?<>?,'lig lUy Stfe, tTXft} DAVID A STRAOIJfeV, ClrMnTilU. Bar fuclltAK I f I I I it 4^Im ^ - A ?. hove f.,r pamphlet. ?0 81 4m