University of South Carolina Libraries
m; r?r-"vr: '? Th? Stat* of,South Carolina. ctrr^Mmmtr I ANORpWAIMCB TO RAISE SUrM.lfft.JOR 1871. Cwiboil hm?M, aad by 'ewtherhy wf life ? Til to tow *rp?rM Iran Jaavary 1st. 1ST I. f?J*?aary ltf, lflKftr IhoftnMMd io tlw nfiatr ( Muhtr mm tlooftd, Urn 11 boralMd. udptM htto tba Ihiriw "?tJ ' ''I* > < tftutu 1, On m?Ii * ? H?ft4wd Dollar* of aw wild raloa of **ar K?UU?od Fiwn a) Proootr. tha mm w Thirl* omU (10*1 I 'Atocks Gooda and fflmttThif1Bold AoGthot. J' 8m 1 Thrro (trail Ira paid, amrtftlp, T^o and Half par Cant npnn an 8a1aa at A nation, 00 all Good#, and Oaf par Cant mi CtraMtft* and Rant Batata and Btotkl nt ?*% nrjr daaeriptloa. cxaapt an Wm m<? ?>jr ??r da* af 0?urt> or prrarn Ol lav, or k; cm> atara and adaaiaiairatara. Oooda, With and XerehaodiM Bold oaContifBBiit. Sm I Thara ahatl b? kj *11 U?r fhMU, or othera, Ona kllf. f^rCent, up^in got? ?4 all 0?mH W??wnt M ?>!?*<>*a old on OMrtgn^lit.WNMIoVlr?nttro lot d*y of January, 1871. t6 the tat d?V of January. ItVt; th* abovaTon U.lit yaU. quarterly. Rood *ad Street Tax. 8?c. 4 That rath ind daory mala paruun W?Ma lbar new nf.ftwaatynn* and fifty yoara, othrr than member* of ih? Fir* Da parlment, OrdWfnrd Minister*, amVBtUdantr, ahmil pay, on or bfloro ?b? 1*4 day ?l Marah mrmt. On* Patter fnr Rood and (treat ** aifitra; a?f if any pnroon Hohl* to thte Tax rhali f?D to alalia payment at ih* tima ap*eifl?d, he ahall l?* held liahla 10 work on Ihaafrreta of lh*Otyf??r tlx day*, nndar lh? dirretion of th* aetlnn Orriwtr of it. 8tr0et*; any person rrlniini ? neglecting In nttey the wnwoni. ihnll b? Unsl at the d Iteration of lh,? Council; m><I fine to MllMtnd by tmrulinn. And it ikill bo Uio duty of the City Clerk and City Marrhat to report to the C uncil all de'auttars tnmr either of tho a mm* of tbU Station. Lawyer*, Phytic ion*. Dentist*. Photographist*, &e. Sea 6. Them alinl! ho pnM Thirty Onte on ?h* llundio-l, Dollars of the Qiom In. ?ent*< <>f fti-okar* and Bank-re, and on all Income* derirad from tha Commiadnn Ilnoin?o, or the Practice nf tha Profce?i..n? of Uv, Medicine and Denitatry, and from tho Buainco* of Dnx?#rrenlyning Am^r-typing and PlinW|riphi|i|i Oltkln tha limit* of the City?tho amount of income to he rail mated from ?)io I at day nf January, 19V I, m I at January, l*7t; tha abova tax to l<o paid qualetly. Carriage*. OnalbnMM, Wagon*. Ae. 80c. * There rhallt ? paid Ton IMl?rr on each foor-horeoOmnibua or Hack ; Six Dollars wi each Cairiage or Hiek drawn hytwe or more Imr oa. rmtt far enn*?yane? a'pat 1.: T*I 11 . r nm, miiininn ??cn ?n?horn Ruin. Gl* ?r Sulky krpt lor Mr* ; Hi**! Do 1 lira on M|>1 f.>tir-ho' W?*on ; Mx Dnllara oo tatl> two hnrpa Wagon, or Dray ; F#?r Dollar* on reh hor-'b Wa* yon, Dray or Cart run for bl'O. Tba t??'i on Oninibimro, Car. iagoa. Hanka. Bnfgioi, M'lfonr. A"? krpi for hire, ahm 11 ha |>nid br far* tb?-y ahali ho all<>?ro*l In inn: Prpitidtd, Tkat nothing hrraln contained *hall l a rona< mod ao Ua to cstond lo Wajrnna, m.,vvi^dv^Tr^y,i>vr?fnoiff,iro? trm ciijf. . v Itinerant Traders end Auctioneers. See. 7. Fir* doltara a day thall bo paid Ky araty Sotinaraat Tradar or AmUoint o0*ring far ami* wiibip tba cor pa rata limits .of tba Ciyr. at AudUoh or Othttwiaa, oay (Jooda, Wacta and IfarabaaAl? " ?---" 1 J? ?w ?? VHVII ? / la *Mm?; m4 war* Itinerant Trader or Aactinaeer liable ta. Ibe Tex aforesaid, and wbo shall (ail tw aak* payment, shall be fined Tea Dollar* far each day be aay so offend : /V of dad, The prorlcicnc of this Section abail net be so e<?nstn?ed M .to apple to the ordinary "dealers la (train, fruit, potatoes, tobacco, poultry, iron vara, earthen ware, or other predaee or manufactures of tike character. BilHard Tables and Tarn Fin Alloys. Sac. I. That an Aananl Tax of Fifty Dollars shall be paid upon each and every Billiard TaMe. and Twenty.Fire Dollars upon each and eeary Nine or Ten Fin Alley kept within the limits uf said City for profit; said Tax ta be Wfort License shall ha granted. Any person opening the establishments mentioned la tbis Seelion without baring first obtaiaod a License end ?!? ? t? * ,L of Two- Hundred Mlirt, conditioned to oh erra the law* of lb* Stat* and City, shall W subject to a Ana not exceeding Tan Dollars for Met day aueh eetabliabment shall be kept open or naad. Bsc. 9. Thai no Kqneetrlxn or Theatric^ Ferfor nance, or other kihit.ition for gain, shall ha had in the City o! Oroenville, without a Liecnee thatnfur being Brat obtained from the Mayor, and payment for said License made in adeaQOa to the City Clark, as follows: For task and eeery Bqneatrlan Kibihitlan, fifty Dollars; for taeh aad arory Side 8kow, a turn Mot lesa than firs Dollars, nor exceeding Twent/tFIre Dollar*, at the Mayor shall determine. for Theatrical and other Kxhibitlona for gain, aaeb sum as tha M??m ball determine. And each and every person aiMhlllif for gwta, wllh<iat baring frit oktained a L.oenee and Iba payment of laid Tax la advance, aball ba fined in a aom aot laaa than dun Ida Iba laaaat of aid Tax, ia manner hatwlnaftar provided for tba imposition of Anai and forfeiture*. Sao- 19. Tba* na person, firm, company or corporation aball ba engaged ia, proaaoata or aafry on any trade, huiineaa or profbailoa, until ba, aba ar lhay aball bara paid a Special Licanaa therefor, in the manner hereinafter provided, to wit: Earb and eeary nu*inc*a, either Mercantile. Mechanical or Manufaetur f, Ibe groea aalea or receipt* of wbieb aball aot axeaed $500 par annum, aball pa> a Licanaa of $2.00 i in axoaaa of $500 and not axaaading $2,000, Fire Dollar*; in cxcaaa of $3,909 ead aai asceading-$5,000, Eight Dob larat la cxaeaa of $5,000 and not axoaading Dollar* | In rxoaaa ?f $10,000. | mitv arouar*. Hel tnt olaM Hotel, T?mty-Fl*e Dollars; tMb aacond-elaaa Hotel. Fitter* Di-llara; aaek Saw Mill, Ton Dollar* ; onk Mill (riMio - andar 3,000 boabala, T?i-f>o1lar?, wd over 3,000 Mubtli, Twanty Dolloraj 4?ch Floating Mill, Twan'y Dollars; awft' 0*<tM Din, Tn Dollar*) tub Cotton Put, Fitra Dollar*; r*tb Livorjr Stasia. Too Dollar*j tack da* Ma a* factory or Works, Tan Dollar*; ?e*> Printing KrtablUkrocnt, Sir Doliara; aaah Bar bar Shop. Pira Dollar*| MTAitlkMtr. Twalaa Dollar*. Tba LI* tfakqa IteViod K* atrlua of tki* Saation shall ka ooltaatod a a taa l#t day of Btarah nasi, aad akat) aaaar tka yaar 18711 and all Baaiaaas fdaaaaa laaaad on aad attar tka tat d?y of Marrk-naat, ihall ka Iraatd ?.a a rataMa proportion af tka yaar, daiiag from tka flrat day af tba aaantk liablrk it may k* iaaoad. a^. ? *? i ? * - .n, i.iHrn rnjril???, Lawar, PanCiMk. PU<it??rapHi?t )?nd artia? ; aaah Inaurao#* Cafrpany, and eaah *p?culaior la (Mil, Ptffwr ae Oonniry pradns*. not otharwlan LW|Md, tKall pay a LUreo'* ?' Tan {Mlu?,W#l?|cli K?f rata Company a Uaanao Dolar*. for a?n<lurtlM( told Be4oW?-er Oaanptffon; atM ?u?n? ta ba fitt aa ar h*for? tha lat day of Marafe a#?. area any out* qnant day Ittfoa ao*n> a4l b?i*ia*ra ?>r ooaapaitan. And a Hbalty yrtva dollar* par day aball l?a la fW WWaty paraan proamnion ?* ? iwnpellae. without fiat baring 4^nUjdl|aan^ tbarafarTT J** ^qfrnUra in !,lq?or_rhaU pay U?a M* Hondrad nU rtfty p*\ few J tMfcjWftter mho aell* hf *o quart ?r goaanty.ftao Ml?f; 3*6 htwfgUt orllUft by Ul M?W, BWy I)?lM Aad l1?? Lfe?n*oa tot ?l t)Ml?n tn UqiW thill f???* iht *r#r ai hiring on (N? In day of Oalobor. 1171. |t too imti raw a for annum, and muat bo p*ld bofora Iho portion mirr upon ?ai I, " . Foooltino- ' I*7/<i I Boo It. And bo It falbar onUirod, tbot I ? # If any person or persons boll foil. arglaet or rtraN to make retara U? tho C'ty , Clerk, oa all bio, her or their Taxable I > tax thereon imposed within tho time specified by thU OnIuon, tho Clork of Ge?tp> ?. oil, aviated by the Ameteora of the City. jU har?by aoihoHxod and required to aoooikp ash pereoa or pereone for all hither or thel> C 'property, or other thing* taxed by this Or* k dtnanee, aosordisg to the bast intormsMea ' whieh ho caa obtain of UuT vklue of pwh taxable property, and add Qna H?adrc4 per Cent to Ike amount of Dks Tax of the parsoo or peraone thus nselecting or rsfaaing to make a return as aforesaid or pay tits Tax thereon; and If the Double Tax thae ' imposed la not paid within thirty days, U* fold Clark lit hereby authorised and required to laaos an rxectulod therefore Immedlately : whieh told exrebitnn rhall he Indg. ed with the Sheriff of tips County of GreentUle. to be eolleeted areor>Hag to the proriaions of the Ael of the Q*n?ral Asaembly lo such cure mode and pfaeidod. IXme and ratified in Coaneil eeeembled, llflHoP fl ftkO AArrwtralu ttaal <vf el._ n.. _ .X Mini VI I'lV VIIJ 9? Uioenvtllc. this lh? 81 day ol January, it A. D. 1871. ' T. O. OOWER, Mayor. A R McDatid, Clrrk. J.d II 84 Id R EI D VILLE ' C011B6B. ltidvilli, lptrt?Bbnr| Co, C. Ror. TH08. WARD WHITE, ] - j| m Principal, ]wJF Assisted kj ennp?t?nt and iipt* rkneed Teachers. Th? out 8o- j Ion bagina ON THE 1ST MONDAY (M) F ECRU A RY. Term* par Srnion of Fin Months I Board, Including Washing, Fual, and ] Lights 8?J 80 < Tuition?Primary... .. 10 00 Intaruedlat* ..... 16 00 ] Bmbraoing Ancient and Modern Lan- t gnages, and Higher Mathematics- 20 00 | Musie.. 20 00 Um of Piano ... 2 60 Matrtea>atioa..~ - 2 00 By ordar of tho Board of Tmatoaa. W. A. HARRISON, Secretary and Treasurer. | Jan 11 84 8 XIHG'S MOUHTAIN MILITARY SCHOOL, YORK VILLE, 8, C. THE First P?a?lon <>( the School year nf 1871. will begin th* ,tJT OF FEBRUARY: J Trtana^-For Schoo1 K.kpen?ea. l a. Tuition. Bobka. Sintionerv, , An.. Boarding, Fual, Lights and Waahing, ' 185 In currency, | er leatlon of five , mxnthe. F.?r circular* containing foil partionlara, Vp'y u C?u A. COWARD. < Principal and Proprietor. Dae tl 81 6 The State of South Carolina* ' GREENVILLE COUNTY. < Sheriff's 8alea. BY rirtaa of aundry w.its of Fieri Faeimt, 1 I will aall, before the Court Houae door, 1 a Sal?day in February next, between the 1 bimra of 10 o'elock in the forenoon and 3 o'chtck ' in tbo afternoon, 1 _, ? ? ' -- 1 -e i J ---.-i-.-., I Sixty It* and half aeraa, more of lea,4n eaat tide of aonth lork of Raburn'e Creek, adjoining ' land* of ' Ramaey, Dr. W. A. Harrison ' and others, f ( Also One hundred and four and three-fourths ere*, more or leas, on the west aide of eouth. fork ol Kiburn'i Creek, adjoining lands of James Strnf*, J a met Dunbar and W. A. Harrison. levied on a* the property of Dr. Wo. A. Harrison, at tba cult of 0. F. Townea. Also, in the oaee of ??, Henry 3. Smith et al., re. J. L. Smith, at al., by virtue of J the decree in tbla eaae, I will sell, on salcsday in February neat, at Greenville Coort House, l>etween the hoars above named, at the risk of ( the former purchaser, 'Airtbat Plantation or Tract of Land, lying on the Augusta Road, 7 miles from the Court llosse, adjoining lands of Henry Ashraore, I Nancy Cos and others, containing 217 Acrea, more or less. ( Terms?Cash. Pnrthasar to pay for stamps t and papera. , B. M. SMITH, Coroner, . Aeting 8. G. . Dee 7 tf 4 , B WEHELE ' ("If]AS just returned with a well ] LnJ selected Stock of WATCHES, CLUCKS, JEWELRY, ; SOLID SILVER AID PLATES fill.; Table Cutlery, &c. 1IIS Sto?k was personally se \ lected from the best houses in his * line, and can guarantee satisfaction. ? Ocl 19 22 tf i MIinXBRT. ' MR8. LOU JENNINGS, JBfV US IT OTAXTD, " Pifl W. H. HOVKY 4 CO., HAVE ON HAND A LANOE AND I With which the u 1 CERTAIN OV PLKA8INQ ALL OF HER FRIENDS. p+- CALL A AD SMB. Dm 14 * if Notice IS h?r?hy Riven to ell whom U may cmMr*, IImt I will apply lo St. J. DoaiMt, Prohntw Judv* ' GrrenvUle County, m ikt HA daft / Ftbruarjf ntai. for n Anal din charge a* Adminietretor. At btmit nom. of ill* Estate* of STEPHEN SMITH. deeeaaed ; FRANCIS SMITH. deccacd. and A. T. SMITH, deeeaerd ; thrrafore nil pariie* having ali.RM agaiaet aaid Eatalaa. will praaeat tliom on or Wf?ra aaid day to me or tha g an id Probata Judge, or be debarred. _ L. 0 SMITH, Adminiatrator, da bonit non. ? Jananry 6th, 1671. 84-4 u a a ... , I , No. ice 18 hereby given to all vknn It may concern' that I will apply to 8. J. Doothit, Prokatf j j an re or ureennne county, on Ik* 1 tlk day J o/Ja-marg nmrt, for a 6na( dUofcarM aa Guar- " dlaa of HKNRY P. H UDSOtf. I) 0MM?b?r 17tb, 1S74? ? LUTUKR I. HUD80IT, Dm tl-? SI Oaardlaa. Net Ice T8 b?r*t>T fieM to all wbo? it n?y o*e??Tn, 1 X u>*l I wUl apply ?o 8. J. DoathU. Pro- J bat* Jad?a ( Coanty, on tk* StA bi day of Ftlrumry n**l. for a Itaf .llwktrn d A^UM?r of tfco * ?*? of St IAS DILL, A jumm. un. . 1 ?JS.TTfST? ?????I???? IvraNKHMIfl I *TAIUM?. lUMANTEEO I H010$. | t NNWFACTUREO BY !|l V^WUMm CTON^D E iJB La ammjbO ! The Great Fertilize all Ci TIIE unparalleled success of tliia < proves it to be the BEST and CtlF he mftrket. It lias l>een used by many of tin 3uutb, and In every single instance it has On COTTON iU effects have been particularly PHOSPHATE to increase (be yield from ONE 2BNT.I or even more I Mr. Geo. C. Dixon, an emineat planter of Can Planter, iaya that in an experiment with (even NH ANN'S proved itoelf the heat of all tboae tri raw of $20 V0 per acre of ootton. A copy of M FOR SAI CLAGHORN, HE] Charleston, S. Ca '?" i,i * ? Januury 11, 1870. IK BANKRUPTCY. IN THE DISTICT, COURT OF TIIE UNITED STATES, >'vr tk< Diitriet of South Carolina. In the matter of JAMES U. ARNOLD, Bankrupt, / BYi whom a Petition for Adjudication of | Bankruptcy waa filed on the 28tA day ' ?/ Utttmbtr, A. D. 1868 in aaid Court. Tan is to givk kotici, That on the 4th I Uy of January, A. D. 1871, a Warrant in Bankruptcy waa iaaued against the Katate of IAMBS H. ARNOLD, of Oreenville, in the Diatrict of Oreenville, and Slate of South Carolina, who baa been adjudged a Bankrupt, >n hia own Petition ; that the payment of any Debta and Delivery <>f any Properly belong, ng to aaid Bankrupt, to him or for hia uae, tnd the trunafer of ui? ?.- n~ -- ?j ---r-v "J "."I "r* r forbidden by law; that a meeting of the ] Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to Prove ? hair Debt*, and to ebooaa one or more Aij . i 'tU> Tiolien at Newberry, j South Carolina, before C. O. Jaeger. Kaq , t Regi?t?r, on the twenty eightj (28) day of p January, A. D. 1871, at 12 o'clock, M. f L. E. JOHNSON, t U. 8. Marabal aa Meaaenger. j Per A. P. Piraa, Deputy U. S. Murabal. ? Jan 11 31 . 2 | , ? ? I COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, FORI JO M POSTING WITII COT TON SEED. 1 rHIS AHTJCI.K ia manufactured by the j PACIFIC OUANW COMPAFY, at , yharlcatou, g. C., under the superintendence t >f Dr. St. Julien Ravenel. When composted | with an equal weight of Ootton Seed, ita re- h mill have been found fully equal to the beat r itandard fertilisers. Ita eoonomy must coin- v nana it to the notice of planters generally! For specific directions lor composting and 'or (applies, apply to J. N. ROBSON, Selling Agent, Charleston, 8. C. . JOHN S. REESE k CO., General Agents, r Sallltnore. 33 3m I-- s ' " m mto mnm \ (CAPITAL, tl,000 000,) ' ' SOLUBLE ' PACIFIC GUANO. < THIS QLANO I* now i? well known in all the Southern 8ta(ee for iu remarkable , fleets as an agency for increasing the p<-olucta of labor, aa not to require special re-om ( Herniation from ua. Ita aae for fire rears >ast haa established ita character for reliable izcellenoe. The large fixed capital forested * >y the Coal pan j in thia trade, afforda the aur- ? at guarantee af the continued etoellence of " tiOuaoo. J. N. ROBSON, ' Selling Agent, Cbarleaton, 8. C. l< JNO. 8. REESE A CO., General Agenta, a laltimore. 3.1-3m Jan 4 a Branson & Tinsley, II RE8PECTFGLLY INFORM THE POB- * lie, that, baring purchased the entire J, i rs ?v f it *' MR. THOMAS STEEN, o the 8tore Oppoaite Meaarr. T. W. Paria ' ad W. P. Wood win, and wishing fo make ootn, TIIKY WILL SELL OFF EVERY. *' ;HNO AT fa m^s mom mm rjmr 9 FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS. The Stock conaitfa of Family Suppliea Generally Hardware, Crockery, Olaaaware * Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Mackerel Toilet Soap, Combes, Brpahee Table and Pooket Cutlery . ' (I Spadaa, Shorela, Forka, Traces fr Hamea, Scythe*, Sawa el Bucket*, Churns, Broome, Ae. at . , also, m . fa A large lot of Ciorcr, Graaaand Garden ei SEEDS, letidea a great many other Artielea too no. M .vi IV UIVU^IDQi W fftf GWa tbaaa a eall, and ?aa far yoor- |?t live*. pBF Kouienbar the plaoo?it will ba li > yoor intareat. in .. ) .* JL.5 i ? >fr CARD. ' p aAVma DI8P09ED OF MY I!fTIPR?*t In the abnr? EataMiahmcnt tn laaara. BRUN80M A TIN8LRY, I ehaerfdl- " ' rWAmnand tham for a ahara of that patinafa ao llbarally baatowad on aie. m VP***'???'. -~r" w o Notice f< [ R berohy *!* to nil ?*>'? [ th?- I wiU apply to 0. J. Douthit, Pro?to Jndgo of Oroonvlllo County, on tkt 8Ik . ny a/ >'.>r?Miry next, for a Rnal diaoharga ai ' dminUtralor of tho Eitate of WILLIAM li AO UK, deeeaMd. j 1 January 7th, 1871. " ROBERT LEAGUE, Admin'lor. Jan 11 84 3 \ - i i ; VIANN'S 4 t * ' J ' J ; I , RAW BONE > it.i.'I . . # ? SUPERPHOSPHATE, '< I ir for Cotton and rops. Great Fertilizer on ALL CROPS, A PEST Manure now offered in e most eminent Planters in the given Entire Satisfaction. marked. It li no rare thing for *'B ANN'8 HUNDRED TO TWO HUNDRED PER teron, 0a.( In a letter to the Bannet and leading Snperphorphatea and Onanoa, the ed, paying a ??< profit at the low market r. i>ixod> letter furnished oe up plication. je uy REING & CO, ; G ii - ' i wci Jlugusta, Gfa. U < .r? ?! . 3m II 111 I If III Common Sence Compressed. ill* a i mem i 10 give in a d#t?i lind'lh* easont wh/ TARRANT'S SELTZER APEHKliT should b? preferred (i eorreetl?? ind alterative to ever* ??uiC|i?? iu u?o. fi. -y, ?,.*ye lever; secondly, it ?mmh he bvwsl* without violence ur paiu ; thirdly, t tnndi the stomach ; fourthly, it regulates he flow of bile | fifthly, it promotes healthy >eripirnti?n ; sixthly, it relieves the system roni, unwholesome hataors ; seventhly, it ranqutfixes the nerve* ; eighthly. It sets upon be bleod as a depureot; said lastly, it forms no Of the most delicious cooling draughts hat user passed down the threat of an invaid. Sgid by all.Druggists. 31-4 ' ( THE]. YBRIVdlE EKQUmER a* mm. WITH His fir-t of the t ear. ?|iy YORKVI1X8 ENQUIRER will euior upon is ssven'erolli x?iiu?h# ; and the success rith,which the proprietor lms ijipt in the 'net,|ii'His ?-ff..rts to puhli'h m Hist class ,lu-r?ry an<t Fnmily pnpsf, has induced lim present attractions ^n thsj fut're, an* lerior to any heretofore offered With this isw, and for the pnr| o*a of securing ORIGINAL SFJUAL STORIES >f n high ordsr. remunerative prir.< s were ff-red for llis three best competet ive 8'ories. from a large number that were submitted, i committee, compos d of disinterested and ompetent lit+iary gentlemen, Be lee led as lie most entertaining, " Avi.oj?a "Ikmpta. 'ton and " Tna L<v*t Diamond which, on ipenioff the seals containing the authors' tames w?re found to lie from the pens of ome of the most popular story writers; and liesc productions are pronounced equal to he s'ories >ssited from any weekly press in lie rvuifiry. THE PRIZE STORIES rill tun through At leant twenty nix nnmerr o( the paper, Hid will lie followed by liree oilier Original Stories of Absorbing in. rre?t, written evpreaaly for the Knqiiimkb, n?itle>, reipeetleeljr. " I>katiay? A Tali v Br.roi/Km* Wah " Maokk* Cfrmif* nd " Ubkmowb," making not l**a limn liret hundred cob mna of Original Storle* i be published during the yeir; which, in ddilioti to the S MieenlUneoiia Reading,' dnpted to all cIaa'i a ; the Agricultural I)eunmet.t, containing practical and ua.-fnl form 11 ion for the Parmer: " Rending for i? 8abbath," under the rupdfviiion of n Iri ic?l g-nt'eomn ??f marked ability, whone rncetul pen emlo-lliahea hi* depaiiment in ?ery nttmlw; a column of Wit and Httior ; together with Ktiitorinle on appropri le topic*; n eompendof the New*, el home nd abroad ; Gunimei i in! nod Market Henri*. and bring one of the latgeat paper* uhliahrd i* the Sooth, priniid in the beet yl* on a steam preaa. the Knquibka will ipply the want of every fireside, and an*, tin it* reputation a* a naaapaper for the imily eirclo TRIZES TO SUBSCRIBERS. With a determination In keep np with ie spirit of the time*? the distribution of rise* being a popular idea?Lite I'umil.i/it ik determined to ml6pt A ayatein IT GIFT IsTKIBUTION among the eub?cithera ol te Enquiaan ; but upon A plan difT root om that to prevalent. in which hi aw jew* .y, " dumb watehea," and shilling picture* re the chiel attraction*. It i* di-eincd preirabl* lu award A substantial gift, in an lettable manaer, wpnn the following plan : Commencing with .the first etre*l| ip Jan?ry. f87l, the name of ?a?h yearly ?ubrihcr <>n iheliat, who hat paid In advene*, ill be placed in a boa provided for the nrpoee. On eaeh Wednraday morning irnughout the year, after thoroughly mis* it the name*, one name will he drawn .L- L vm ina uox?1119 pereon whore name shall I 1 an drawn, te l?e entitled to a price of IVR DOLL AILS mi rath. KM" Aa nanwa re added to the Hat they will ha placed in 1a hux, -AM Tiie name of the prienn drawn ich weak will be eni>ouneed in th? iaaue the paperaneereding the drawing, and the oney promptly forwarded to the addraee. TERMS, IN ADVANCE. ne enpy, qpe year | *00 wo oopiee, one year, 600 rn ropjwe, one jeer, with an ejnm t I copy to lh? peraon making tlie eluj,.. . 18 00 The KNTaarataa ead the Eaouiaaa will ? arnt ?n? year for $A&o. Money ean ba fely reunited by " registered " letter. Bpeelmen eopiee will be Bent ea spplleaon. Addiaee, , L. M. 0BLST. Yorkv^le, S. CV Jan 4 ,, S3 tf H. C. 1 4 I* * [cJEGS LEAVE TO INFORM m Store Large au<hW< V l "j Jte.'- CkHWi. A Full Line of, Don " " " *? Lad ? ? . ? ? Hos u ? ? tt " ? ? . " 8ho ? ? ? '?*' Bo u u a a Clol I Overcoats, Dress Coats, Busii < I Black and Fancy Cassimere Pants - u 44 44 44 Vests, A Full Assortment White and Drawers; Ladies and Geuts Hal Traveling Bags. A good lot of Domestic Groceri .which are too numerous to mentio After reading all of the adver paper, you will do well to call ai Knowledge that the Jews are hard l^gr* Special attention is called ?TS, Mexican SPREADS and Q1 |duced prices. Call at H- C. MASK'S, CI Novemt ?r SO sjds -s? i r_ S & - s ?-" i * '5 SlZjSlg C> LJ ? - 2 l-5?S sJSOO S^kSs- SfiicuS- CO S Ml . ?rS I o O U.M ^ ffl -? r g^ ^ S | 2L|a I. gil s5 2S"o?cog^^ = -a ? W a -T _r ^ -S c '- U-S ? CH fc, .SH|I?^a'5^ 5 b ii * S -a ^ ?-$.? w -- o co 'vJ A ~ O ? J^' ~* K 9 .J O ? '?)<! - 1 I ?4 = S"3-?< rw ? _* ~ _ ?D -y JL, ? c-ja <i < 5 8 2 s Shs 25 ?r.- = |3i ?s M - co-g " 2 ^ ?.?^ ?J= ?5 . J J> -c: -* 1o?^C0Ct,?:*-'5 ?B s H = ? S O * ^ -r ? t?_ o 2? c iZ TflS * 8 is ? ?HH 5Q 3 (IJ S .C f eg -Sn U) <-> .-*"si?eQ5? 1^.1 ^5^ ?li * c" ? CE^i = >3 -a 5^ ? = THE Ladies' Store. i ;<< 11 IV. H. HOVE Y Ac CO. ARK PRKPAItED TO EXHIBIT TO the ladies a Largo and Beautiful line ol :DRSQQ GOODS, Consisting in part of: BOMBAZINE, FRENCH MERINO, (all colors,) ALPACCAS of the best brands, English SATINET, POPLINS, MELANOE LUSTRE, ALL-WOOL DELAINE, (black, white and colored,) DEBEOE, CHENE MOHAIR, AMERICAN DELAINE, Ac., Ao. OUlt STOCK OF ?aasas, a&ss JUH? CLOTHING IS LAltOE ASD WELL-SELECTED. also, FURS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, CLOAKING, VELVETEENS, CLOTIIS. CA8SIMERES, AC, AC. A Complete Stock In our line, and all guar anteed of tbe Beat Quality and Lowest Prices Nov I 2-i tf DYSPEPSIA^TlNDIGESTION ' r > h a,. SOLD CVtRYWHCRC. rCw|-f I fllVlTT unicp Pr n A\11L ilU 'VSoprTETO^UO a WHOLESALE DRUGGIst* N. B. The Commissioner of Revenue tins decided that any dealer ein sell ihla srtiols without a speeial license. For mIi l?y DAVID ft STKADLEY, WIioImmU and Rele'l Orsesn smt Com mission Merchants, Greenville, B. C. ' A tOO ?t Drs. Harrison 1 Marshall, Wholesale and Retail I/rtigfrUU, URRENVILLR, a C. Mar ?0 4f Jy 7 ;! ' >a*u? 1 ' ! T8 haraby *iran to all wbofu it may eaBoarn, X H>*t I will apply to 8. J. Dontbit, Pro bate Judga ot Greanrllla County, for a Pinal Diaeharffa aa Admlnldrator with thn Will annarad. of the Kttata of BLItAVBTH HIJUHEH, dacaaaad, on tha M day af Pobmary nasi A. II. JBNftIVS, Administrator with Will aaaaard. January M, 1871. AS A MARK, THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS jll-Selected M?g of ,, , lestics lies Dress Goods iery and Gloves lies and Gents Shawls es ts thing. ?a Suits, (in all colors and styles^ I Colored Shirts; Undershits and '8; Ladies and Gents Valises and es, and a great many other articles n. tisements of onr neighbors in this id examine my stock, and will acto beat in their stock and prices, to my 8tock of fine BED BLANKUILT8, which will be sold at reLRB'8 OLD STAND. 38 tf ESTABLISHED 183ft. Q REEN VILLE COACH FACTORY. GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. "VA7 would announce to oar cuttomere. | Tf that we ere prepared now to III all Ordera for VEHICLES. We hare added to our Stock of Wood-Working Machinery, and iooreaaed oar ataff of workmen to about 70, and therefore trust that none of onr patrons Will be disappointed in baring ordera promptly lilted. The Stock of One, Two, Three, Four and Six-llorae Iron Axle PLANTATION WAGONS, will be kept fnll; and now as for one-third of a sentnry past, these Wagons shall be the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. We hnve a large Stock of Light B UGGIKS AND ROCK A WA YS Of our own make, and a Stock of NorthernBuilt BUGGIES?both low-priced and highpriced?fur those who wish to purchase Northern work, priced as low as any Southern dealer. Wa call special attention to the improvea.ents making in our SPRING WAGONS. Without raising the price, we are finishing them with QREAT CARE. And Painting them Klegantly. To cu-tomers at a distance, Prieed Lists will he promptly mailed on application to GOWER, COX A MARXLEY. Aug 10 1* 6m PURS LXBEF.TY WHITE LEAD. ii i;n* ?? Bay the Best?It is the Cheapest* To Consumer of Whits Load Everywhere : o: THE increaaed demand from ell aectton* of the country for orr well-known brand of PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, induce* u* to oak your apecial attention to It, and we cordially invite you to give it a trial. UNEftUALED. i lat. For Wearing and Covering Propertie*. 2d. For Whitaoeaa and Rcauty of Flniah. 3d. For Uniform Fineneaa ot Grinding. 4tb. Same Weight will do more and better work, at a given coat, than any other. I 6th. Meat Economical White Lead aver introduced. Cth. If you wiab to procure aa much value aa ; poaaible for your money and aecure handaotne and durable work, uae PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD r Try it and be convinced. Satiafaotioo guaranteed t>y the Manufacturer*. 7,1 KGI.K A SMITH. Wholeaale Drug, Paint and Glaa* Dealer*, No. 137 North Third Street, Philadelphia. WHOLESALE A GENTS, GOWEB, COX & MARKLEY, DEALERS IN Coach Materials, Paints. Dili, nieaa Putty, &c , URKAN VILLE, 8. C. Aug 10 11 6m NEW STORE. JOHN H. OOODX.ETT Respectfully inform, th. public that he b*. commenced Bu.ineis again at tUo Old Stand of LONG & GOODLETT, Where he ha. just opened a portion of hi. Stock, oon.i.ting of ^ IBIR'H' (B? (2)I?0, Groceries, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, &c., All of which were bought at low fignrea, and will he .old for C AMII OR BARTER At a .light advance on Coat. He aollcit. a hare ef the publio patronage. Ap 6 4? ?f_ No I ice IS hereby glren to all whom It tn.y concern, that I will apply to B. J. Douthit, Prohate Judge of (Ireenvilte OountT. n? Iht 111* d"jf of January next, for a fin*I diichnr|[? 11 Administrator of tbo Estate of MARTHA T. LEAGUE, deceased j therefore, all parties haying eiaiins against said Estate, will present to me or the Probate Judge on or before said day, or be debarred. December 10th, 1370. WILLIAM R. LEAGUE, Administrator. Dee 14 30 4 GREENVILLE PAP EJ1 MULLS. , J. Bannister ft Son, sst/WswifAva-ieanajsiRfl r all nteoi or Book) News* Wrapping and Colored TTIGIIR8T CASH PRICK PAID FOR JL 1 Clean Cotton or Linen RAGS. May 75 1 lj TOWN Bit Sc KAUT, ATT0RNIE8 AT LAW. OFFICE in the OLD COURT HOUSE' Middle Room rm the Sonth Side, Lower Story, GREENVILLE, S. C. I w W. TWWfii. OlII D HIT Jan I II U |"j9T Snbanrfbe for tlio E*nc*jbnb. $2 00 j*r annum. The State of Sonth Osr eline. ANDKtUtON COVNTT. 1 CoMrt ( l*!?a?i. luii Jmi Ii*ii,u Alalilitntor ?f tb? EiUli of Klisabbh H. liila? tomwd, Administrator do to eon ol tbe Batata * ?f C. 1. KiilI, deCoaaed, Plaintiff, y. Anion Jamb* W. Bants, J trues R. Karls, piaioii w. eitii, albs. C. biuii .1 Jambs 11. Rablb, J. Raiasrono EaalS, Illci 0. Baals, Samublla O EaulS, NfsdailMli?Imnmw /op Roliof?Cons* pimiml not So rood. To ttao Defendanu, Francis W. Earie, Ale*aodtr C. EarlB, James 11. Earie, J. Rainsford Earls, Ellen Q. Karle and Bamoella Q. BarU. ,. YOU ara hereby summoned and required to anawor the complaint in this action, okieb is filed in tbs office of the Clark af Conmon Pleas, for the said County, and to area a oopy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at bis office, at Anderaoa Court House, Hlate of Boutb Carolina, witbiu ivrenty days after the sarrioa hereof, eiclusira of the day of surb service; and if you full to answer the complaint within the time sfoieaaid, the plaintiff in this action will ^ apply) to the Court for the relief demanded in tbs cosjiplaiot. Dated at Anderson Court House, 8. C., Da* earn bar fiih, 1870. n P wmewon ? naiiilbi^ Plaintiff** Attorney. TO tba Defendants, Francis W. Earla, AlcxMder C. Karlo, Jama* II. Barle, J. Kainsford Earle, Elian O. Earla and Snmuclla (1. Earla: Take notion that the Summon* in tbi* Action, of wbieb the foregoing i* a copy, was (lied in tba office of tba Clark of the Court of Common Plana, at Anderson Court llouse, in the County ot Anderson, in the State of South Carolina, on <A? OlA dag of Deeembtr, 1870. B. F. WHITNER, Plaintiff** Attorney, Anderson 0. 11., 8. C. Deo 14 30 0 Sixty-Five First Prizo Medals Awarded. Southern Piano Win. KNARE & CO., Manufacturer* of Ofhnd, Squore and Upright PIANO FORTES, Baltimore, Md. T1IB8E Instrument* bare boon before tho publio for nearly thirty yours, and upon their excellence alone attained an nnpmrthntrd prciminnicc, wdicq pronounces inem Unequaled. Their Tone combines great power,.sweet eaa and fine aingir.g quality, aa well as groat purity of Intonation, and awectneaa throughout the entire aeale. Their Touch ia pliant and claatie, and entirely Tree from tbo stiffness found in ao many Pianoa. In Workmanahip they are nnequaled, using none but the very beat irainnrd material, the large capital employed in our business enabling ua to keep continually an immense atock ol lumber, Ao., on hand. * All our Square Pianne have our New Improved Overatrung Scale and the Agraffe Treble. We would eall apecial attention to our late improvements in Urand Pianoa nnil Square Oranda, Patented August 1 Ith, 1866, which hring the Piano nearer perfection than haa yet been attained. Every Piano fully Warranted for 5 YeanWe have made arrangements for the Sole Wholesale Agency for the moat Celebrated Parlor Organa and Mclodeons, which wo offer rWholesale and Retail, at Lowest Factory Prlcea. WM. KNABF. A CO.. Baltimore, Md. Dee 7 29 6m I.HPOKTA.IT NOTICE to CONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS.. All Retail Ordert amounting to $20 and Over, Delivered ?n any Part of the Country FREE OF EXPRESS CHARGES. HAMILTON EASTER & SONS, or nAi.TiM?nr. md.. IN order the better to meet the wants of the ltetail Customers nt a distance, have established a SAMPLE BUREAU, and will, upon applieation, promptly oend hy mail full line* of Humpies of the' Newest and most Fashionable (loods, of French, English anil Domestic Manufacture, guaranteeing at all times to aril a* low, it tint at leu price*, than any house in the country. Buying our goods from the lnrgest and most celebrated manufacturers in ttic different parts of Europe, and importing the an mo by Steamers direct to lialtitnnrc, our stock is at all times promptly supplied with the novelties of the London and Paris markets. As wo bay aud sell only for ensb, and make o bad debts, wc are able and willing to sill our goods at from Ten to Fifteen per cent Lets Profit than if we gave credit. In sending for samples specify the kind of goods desired. We keep the best grades of every class of goods, troin the lowest to tbo most costly. Ordrrs unaccompanied ly the cash will le sent C. 0. D. > Prompt Paying Wholesale lluyers are invited to inspect the Stock in our Jobbing and Package Department. Address HAMILTON EASTER A SONS. 197, 199, 901 and 203 West Baltimore Street, Daltimore, Md. | Dec 7 ____ 29 ly ^WATER WHEEL, Mill Gearing,Shafting Pulleys L^_8END FOR A CIRCULAR?E=^i l?e? 7 29 ly GEORGE PAGE & CO. Ho. A N. Schroeder St.* Baltimore. MHnufact.iir.Tii of Portal.le noil Stationary STEAM ENGINES AND HOIEEKS, P.itent In.proved, P rtaldn CIRCULAR SAW MILI.S, ffnojf, MuUv end Sarh Saw Mill*, (Jriat Mllla, 'limh.r Wliftlf, ShingU Mxchin.s. Ac. liealeie in (lir'tCar Ij.tvt, Bellini; ai d Mill enpplie* p-n.-rally, and inaniifaettner'a agent* tor L fL l'? (>)rbrfcu rd Turtdo* Water Wheel, and every del iplion of Wood Working M?chlr>eiy. aorici lti'k ai. t^oiNR* a fttret ialtt. ?r S. nd for d . acripllva Calalognea and [ Pi ice Lift a. 29-1 y KHT A Bl'IPft t D 1811. CUSHINGS & BAII>EY, BOOKSELLERS ANT) STATIONKRR, 2?2 R ALTIMORK ST., BALTIMORE, llare tha Largest and Heat Aaaortod Stock in the eiijr of 8CHOOL, MEDICAL and LAW, and DF.NTAL. CLASSICAL and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. An in'mcnao^ r?r?lj of GENERAL BANK aku ruViNTrHO-llOURF STATIONERY. Blank Bonk* m?d? to order in any ifyto of Binding nod Ruling. Tbo aaoie earefuV Attention give ?r> ORDERS na to foraonal Pavrbaua. Inaida Fignrea oilman. Rr|?>l for t'otalopnaa, Ar. , \ Pep* 2S , 19 -