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v H\\t Cirftrpyisf. Q-R(EEWViyi.t>?.0 " WXPKKtAAT, uinH?T U nil. Onut At OlMBTlll*. n? fliwloai triata ban 0 mpted lha Ctai 4*ri*| th? wfcola tia* ay to (tola <toir w mm lnportaot mm Imt* ton triad. A tn? Will waa fond *|tlul Ariibw P Dial, fw Mrtor, lk? lUfntoai lot bavloj ton nmtod; tto ?tn bu not bno triad, t Jtdmi?iamm to (Jb? Bmr?T^9. Aaraaa, Jr, and C. O. Sfirim havtag ton axaalaad V ooaaiiln of lawyart appal a tad by tto Ovart ud raportad qaallftad, wara aa laat Wadaaa day adm ittod to pracliea aa Attoraaya and 80 licitors in tb* Covrii of Ull BlaU. The grand jury nmIwM their htuii oa Wednesday and made a pmwtant la tha Court, which wa bar* nat apaaa tor thla wuah Tha 8tala t? Hirit SoLoami; Indlotmeu far aurdar. TBe jwry rataraad a rarlkt a aaeaslaaghtor. Tha priaoaar wu defended by T. 8. Artrbr, Senior, T. 8- Artivr, Jr., and W*. B. Karu, la^iina Praaacwtiaa hy Solicitor Wu. B. Panax. Ia tha caaa of Banna* Jiciror and Wtbuai Bwtleb, Burglary, Jacrioi plaadad gw?l*y af Larcaay. Dafhadaat Btnit not yat arraatad. Amos Hdmiri, colorad, vn foaad gailty of tha aurdor of ona Ellbck Cox, colorad ; tha olbar defendants in tba lint caaa wera acquit* tad. Messrs- Annua and Binmn defended t ha aacaaad. When tha Court adjourned laat evening, tha caaa of tha Stat* agaimt 3. McMahaw, negro, for aheap atealtng, waa before the Court. There ha* bean aeveral conviction* for mis* demeanor* aa well aa acquittal*, which wa have not apecifled. It ia auppoaad tb* 8aa* a iona buainoaa will be rloaad to-day. Tha 1/eglalntnr*. Our CMumhi* correspondent give* the general nm from CMum'.ti*. Tha Legislature is busy doin? and threatcnirg Some few things wa approve, hut many destructive rwcaaurea are agitat-d, among these bills amounting, to a JteUrtiloo of war on aeveral counties of the State, where there Haa been late disorders, but pesee now rwlgna every where in the Slate, and the Legislature had better let well enough alone. Too ranch government and the employment of the ignorant and malicious malitia has been the provocation and aclu? al cause of most all the violenee and bjood rhed ; they began the war in Laurens and Union. Con cress. The prineipal thing dona lately ta Con. grsaw. ts the appointment of three Commie loners to viait St. Domingo, and report faela o as to enable the Government to aet in. telligently on the question of annexation The probllity of eairylngthe measure inersas* ee, although it is opposed by a considerable number of Republicans and the entire Democratic members. The question of general amnesty it again coming up for discussion Sens'or Wilson of llasrscbueetts has come out for general amnesty with very few ax* eeptiona There ought ? be nous. The Election of SheriffTH? alftri inn naaaarl nff vaow wmUiIw r ? I-"*"/, "" Wednesday last. As there was no serious oontest, a very small rote was polled. As will be seen by the statement below, Capt. J. L. Soutrkrr was overwhelmingly chosen. Mr. Sbomats declined before the election : i CD ? 00 g =- ff B0XK8. | ' F ' | I 3 | Dunklin I 40 I Oaklawn I 82 IS Fairview ... 44 141 1 Grove 30 I 10 Adstin 4f1 4 1 Aantt ...... 30 10 Bntler 48 U| 1 Greenville ft08 68 3 Chick Springs 11 3| 22 Paris Mountain 24 O'Neal .. 38 8 1 Bates 42; Highland 4j 2 28 Glassy Mountain I 431 I II Baluda !| 371 I "foul 1,071 10? 73 ? ? ? .. . 7red?riok D. Bulk, Xtq , President of the Oreenrllle nod Columbia Railroad. The Abbeville Pre** and Banner of the L3 >h rays: ** Perianal ? We had the | lrssure during the past week, of receiving a call from Pi evident F D. Rnek, of Ike Greenville A Co. luinbia Railroad, and ha impressed us aa a roan of vigorous, practical mind, at an active, efficient woiker, and aa one who it sparing no effort to promote the beat inter aaU of the road. He ihinke that the Com pany has received a great deal of uDmrril* ad abuae from thoee who know nothing of tha difficulties which it has had to encounter, and of the large anaauat of substantial improvement whieh has been effected. An old, worn-out road hail la be renovated, and la doing this, the Coaapany has largely .cascaded the income af the road. A large force is now employed in the work *4 renovation, new and improved raits have been purchased, and three new and superior an gtnea have been pWced upon the road. The Company lies done and are doing all Ibat reasonable men could espeet of it." Pruaaian and French War. Ar.other great battle has been fought, in which the Prnaaiaaa defeated the French, ear Lemana. There were about 60,000 on each side ; the French I eel, 16 thousand killed and wounded and were ioreed to retreat. The battle wae on the )0th. The New York TtUgram hsa the announcement of the particulars, which amount to this; that tha army of lha Loire, the laet hope of France, baa been defeated in a bloody battle, eeren miles from Lemsne. The ?i?ge of Paris eontinoaa set ire. Tha Pruaaiana are shelling parts of tha eity, and buildings are set on Are. The refusal of tha French to make peaec la only eatail:ng greater ultimate needleee loee end mi eery on Ik* n*..nU Tt.M* ?* k. .**. Iy a million of Prunaiana abont Pari*, and two hundred thouaand recruila ara cooing from Germany. llr. Wm. H. Haaaiaoa haa preacntad aa with a mean of a new kind of Hwcat Potato* a. They have fleab a I moat the color of rrota, but in other ra*[ acta they arc, wa boliaae, like the yam, accept much awaatar. They vara raiaod in hia garden hara, bar* ? ? obtained lb? aaed from a g< nib man who bad originatad them oaa or two yaara dM* mmammmmmmmmmmmmammm Tbo fciiim IImm fin FroofMi. Off woM k^?. (tan,. Col. 6. W, M?MSi tbo irfhe* 4mj eftMbilod U M o tell j >f lfc?thofi dmrlfilooi wbbb/oo te?t fci .* tbo 4k*H ill| iJbl wlffitf Aubnn MeBdO. &*.. of tbb pfeoo ini ? to be . mhI? ;liily>iliiinrt?Bii. ItbftbM Ufolly fobbed ortbb. ood wo oro ootiroly t oooeioood, oo uiolil*|it, ood tho oooolo I eleo tvo'toiooiab of (Ho repeated ood ooeere IMi o of ho capacity to roobt the offoeto of fee, * thot the world boo ot loot o roelly ao/e mIi I f Hat will ???!?? ?? ' - ' - - r-""" HID* bin not only (|tlnl bviflin, but complete. * ly agoinot ihadeotrualire eUmrat. _ ' The American 8U?m Fir* Proof fUfe Com paxy, or* fortunate in ifearing the agency of e??eh a man. Col Moor*. Hit wall know* tad Miporior eeientifle knowledge , tad geniao for otabaaiit (and that knowladgt kprtalltal at vail Mlhtort)ittl.)?ll1 tuablt kla to tonuntad (ho Safe to tk* ont tit# toaldaata of geoileat*n In lha Stole f and flatokira cepacia I ly whon b* it no , Uinad by (ko aamerou* toot proof* contain* od ia tho pomphlot which b* boa, deecriptlve i of i<o a oolitic*. , Mnamoa. Tho remarkable flro proof quality of IhU I oofo U accural by placing water In onpper > oceeel* between tho Inner wall of tkoaofo and (bo book no**, to that whao expoecd to fire, ' otrom io generated, carrying off (no heat and protecting tho content* of the oofe for any dovimhlo length of lime. The reorli or* bermelleal ly waled with a fueiblo Bolder. which malt a and #i??i ? >? ? joat before the wiUr hoila, bat completely prttenU evaporation, and to keep* the aafe , entirely dry tilKthe fire oeeure; and * return tube*," Ingri.iooaly arranged, preflerve the water from fanning out in eaee the-rafe (all* on it* top or either aide in burning. Don Thl I1IAH INJE?B MOKIT AMD rtKial It doee not. Hie effect of eteam on paper te not what many anppoee it to be. It pen* trate* to the Interior of the aafe. but it doea not obliterate, nor dim, nor change In any way a word or letter of any I ook or paperIt* only effect on the paper i? to give It, i' in a mahogany eaee, a alight creamy tint from the eolor of the wood, but every writ ten er printed word la aa clear and legible a* when firet made. The Steam Fire-Proof Safe ia believed to be aa nearly perfect In all I'eepeota aa a rafe can be. The aaf* ie not only valuable to private individual* and companies, but it afforda Towm, countie* and varioua eoeielie* and corporation*, a cheap meanaol preaervlng - ? inair rwtru, removing completely ell ri?k from fire, end without the expenec of t fire proof building, We would ad viae peraona wonting o reel ly fire preof aafe, to aatiefy themaelvea by eooeulting Col. O. W. Houi, the agent; he eon turnieh fifty or o hundred tea'imoniala, collected in a pamphlet. It hoa never foil* ed in the oevereet teata of fire, when ol' other* have dene eu, t.*?n known to endure o red hot heot for o day an t night. The lock ia peculiar ; it hoa no Wy. but ia art by a eomhinaSrion'of numhera by turning a knoh, ao that none but the owner or per* aona a*tting the lock can open the aafe. The firea in eitiea have ahown that all other aafea are liable to overbealiisy and deatraction of the eonients. We give the follow Ing account from a Philadelphia paper, ahicb ia only ona of many aueh tilala. " A SBAL BALAMANDES AT LAST. Not tha leaat intereattng fea'urs of tha great Inter*8late Fa>r, at Norriatown, waa tha trial of patent anfea, which cimr off under the aoperinteadenee of the commit* tee. An immense wood fire was lighted' and a large somber of aafea of different makes were paleed la it. The fire was kept burning nine honra and a half, and at the enJ of that time every aafe in the ffanaee had ita eontenta totally de'troyed*. eieepl one, with 8anborn'a Patent Strain Imnrnv# 9 ment. This was taken out, and, to the extreme surprise of the uninitiated, its eon* tents were uninjured. The eommltlee were i so much pleased with the drfrtfenstration of the fast that there is at last a really fireproof aafe, that a gold medal was awarded the owners."?Philadelphia Sunday 7Ven*eript, Sept. 11, 1867. Beataurant la Oreanvllla. Mr. II. C. Hack is filling up, in a neat and beautiful style, the inletior of the old store room on Main Street, one door shoes the Mansion House building, and opposite the Post Office, for a Restaurant, where the hungry and thirsty may hereafter expect to find something good at all times, and just what they may call for. We have^ no doubt the establishment, under Mr. Hack's management, will be well eondueted. We always heard that the greater the traveller a man has been, the belter qualified he is to keep a hotel or restaurant?he knows what wayfarers or the hungry about home want ?and the boat styles of living. He has lesrned, too, the quality of materials to keep on hand, because " he has been about.1 Mr. Hack has had mueh experience in eily life, and has been in years past a considerable traveller. Having settled in Orrenville. he .proposes to go into a business, for whieh we take it. ha is well qualified. It will be, too, a conveniens# to many residents and visitors of Orrenvllle, and we wish assesses to the enterprin. Transfers of Beat Estate. Dr. J. M. flnrusi* K?. 1. ? ? (dene* of Dr. F. A. Waltir, in lb* northwaftern part of tba Citj, on* or two Street* from Bnneoiube, for two tbonaand dollar* ?uh. Tbo bnilding ia a largtand roomy on*, kaiag anbatantial and deairablo. The pa re baa t, spending a eonaidambla part of bia tiaaa heae, baa iaraatad in Qraanrllla, with a riaw, na donbl, of nltiaaately removing to tba plaaa?at an? rata, wa hopa to. Mr. Janna H. Havana baa pnrebaaad from Mr. Nona Fnaavaoa tba (mail bonaa and lot of tba latter, 1 oca tad near tba Halliard School, for ffea hand red dollar* eaab. Mr. Havana axpaata, aftar a wbila to oeeapy it, ia order to be near onr aehoola. Fountain Fan. We hava boon praa?nted by Maaara D. L> M'.llbr k Bton., with a box of Fonatain Pena. Theaa Paoa are ro aoneV-notad aa to roici an or im ink picked np, tod will pot blot, writing from ooo to three peg**- before returning for i new enppl/. Soeh feeloreo will moke the Fountain Pen desirable. 40P* ??f~y Enpeeiel attention ie called to the advertisement of Mr. Wm. J. Renepuw, Stone Cotter and Rodder, in another column. AH werk emropteJ to hla will be faithfully at'ended to. Ttea Oiw?i>ow Ttaaa*. r IW. 0. P?iiB, fcnMrl; *f (hi* pi***. t mI itmuftui, MBur ?f Mr iwIa tetv, . vl? tba TmI* C*tte?* late, tte vteku , M r-Mtly la tba BdUertel 4* i yitent *rA< <?or?te?w^ rria. id r*, tl>od, baring Wm aiaetad te tbd. Cbalr *1 Bailee Latter* la a BapUat Callage te California, aa wa leara tea Ik* Elagatrea Sim. Tbla lattep joaraal ayi of Prat Desise, ' Ifkaw to* aowpltoaaattog C*L Wiaaoa i -Mr. P. 0. Doator, wbo aaoaatly t<&k obarga *1 tba editorial aia*|*aaa( of tbia P*par, ba* rrllaqalabed bi* poaltloe. Hp baa b**a la*tad te tba Chat el Bella* Latter* aad Eagliab Lltorater* ia a Bapt tot Collage la CaHforala. Hi* arrnf liahad lad/ baa ate* b**o alaeted to praatde orer lb* dapartaeaot of aate, ratal aad laatractaatal, la tba aaaa* iastitaiioa. Wa regret to part witb oar fttoad ao aeon, aad rball alaa bla earaatll* pea tea tba *ol*toa* of tba Tba**; bat aaotbor a*-, qnaiatoaee aad aataaaa*4 gentleman, who te! honorably identified witb tba K?inr. -r Plate, hM tiktn kti pliw, aid the Tissee be- i for* as tbU morning gives or done* of bin ability for tbo pooition whlob bo ban lunntd. B. H. Wilson, Esq., Is sanouaond as tbo *dl> tor of tbo Tleses." Vivo on Sudsy Might. On Sunday night last, botwoon sight aad alao o'clock tbo largo Stable on the prOmiroo ot TxncH C. Cult, Rsq , located soar th? hood of Mala Street, was found to bo on firs. Being filled with fodder and shucks, the whole building, was aot long in being coe| ored with the flames, and every attempt to extinguish them was unavailing. Dr. A. D. Hoax's boggy was there at the time of the breaking out of the Are, and was injured to an extent; Henry Gantt, colored, had a carriage worth $100. entirely consumed.? The Stable was worth al>oul $700. Some think the origin of the fire accidental, while others suppose it to be the work of an incendiary. Messrs. Tonne, Paicx, Damons and Lone, tbo last colored, bare taken their seats la Congress, as members from Georgia. STATE MATTERS. G. L. Glasner, of Greenville County, has been eppoioled a Notary Public. The Ttmra rrnnrli It?;??. ? t.- ?? .-r , ?' j quiet. The Comptroller's report is printed end shows the Siate debt to be $11,000,000. The Charleston Republican says that the interests of 8outh Caroline demand that amnesty be immediately d'elared. The Union Times has treated itself to a handsome new head, and looks improved otherwise. The blacksmith shop of It. F. Grttys, foor miles from TorhvilU, was iteatrnjatl hr fire On Monday last. Henry Sloan has been eppeint*d Aeeis tant Physieian and Chief Attendant at the State Arsylum in Columbia. " The State of South Caroline gnilty of aeeanlt and battery," was a verdict brought in by a Darlington jury. The Judge dkn charged the jury. Last week at tha Ontirl k.l.t l? rT.1? < waa decided to postpone the trie! of ihoee argaged in the late disturbance, until the public mind was io a more tattled condition. [ Aadrew Brown, convicted of murder, at the late session ol Court in Barnwell county, was sentenced to be hung on the laet Friday in February next. A hour occupied by a colored woman in Anderson County, wai burned on the 8th last. A child seven monlhe old, waa consumed ia the building. Rev Jonaa Byrd, colored, who eanvsreed the State laet summer In company sM the candidate* of the Rd?r?n party, hae " retired from public life " and resumed hia old business?a fish merchant, at atall No t. ia the market in Cherlceton. A bill hae been Introduced into the legislature to confer upon the Speaker of the Hoot* of Representatives. and the president of the Senate, the power to call extra scsalona of me uanerei Aeeemniy, whenever, in th-ir judgment, it shall be deemed neeeeeery. On the night of the 4th inel., the store houH of Mtufn Roherteon A Seigler, near Ml. Vernon Camp Or?und, Kdget-ld County. waa aoiirrty destroyed by fire. All ite eontmta ware likewiae consumed. Nothing ia known aa rrgarda the origin of the fire. Loaa, $2(XV). The monater hog belonging to Mr* M. Hull, of Barnwell Tillage, and for which premiuma ware awarded her in 1840 and 1870, at the Agrieultural Fairs held in that town, waa alatitfhiered a few days ago, and weighaed 482J I be. net. The bead, alone, weighed 44 Iba. lira. Elisabeth Emerajo, widow of an aid Revolutionary soldier, died at the residence of her aom in-law, Mr. John Carpenter, in Anderson County, on the 29th of November laei. 8h? waa born in Ireland on the 16th of Angnat, 1770, and waa eonaeqoently gj? warda of one hundred years eld at the time of her death. Mr. Joseph Newaome, living abont seven miles from Kingsville, while endeavoring to Dr?n a young muia ?o aaddla, waa thrown from th? bftek of tha mult, hU hud atrlkiftg upon rook, inflioilng Injurlaa whloh provad fatal. Mr. Nftwaonaa waa about for ly yaara of ag?, and formerly waa raai daot of Colambia. Ha lea van a wifa and thildraft. Oft Saturday moraiag. 7th laat., tha r?idanea of Mr. W. F. Redding, atiout thraa and half milaa from Saaatar, waa dlaeoaarad on flra. Tha flamaa apread with grant rapidity, aaaraaly allowing lima for tba In mfttaa to oaaapa, thay baiag arouaad by tha amoka and flamaa. Tha aatlra building waa aonanmad. togatbar with all tba faralI... I...... I 1.1 *? V, WVWWIIVIV ?? ? ! V!VMIII|t Nothing vlMloir waa wvmL It la hbM of tba Mlnlltl dirinlttoa, who on mM la bar* maldad on tho oorlh daring Mm gatdaa im, Iboi ibay foraaab Mia world, ad Sad to Wm la ooaaoqaaooo of aan'a Ilia. Safarlag baaiaaity who labor aador tho afoota of Mm Ilia aay?ria<Saeod by Malootoaa diaoaaaa, aaa abako of tboir aartbly yalaa, and oajoy hoaroa of nd by aaing Mm aalo bratod " OLD CAROLINA RITTKR8 - FROM COLUMBIA. Cotoatu, 8. C.,Jnn. 14tb, 1171. dfmii. fM^-Staw U? n of tb* L?gt?l*t*r*, a gmk 4#*1 of Ufa* ha* ktw wn*t*4 litW 4w#* * ?nla*p?rt*at nliJ??U, ud Vat littl* yropm lull ta ikt Mmm of k|kltltM. TV* o*lj bill *f uj g?tni hhfwt Iktl Vu >iwil ikt Hhm dvtog IV* vMk, it Ikt Bill prttUiti tV* i*d* # drawing jwort.? It gravida* for * Jtrjr CowMiaoiooor for **oh Co*oty, to b?l?p*oi*t*4 by U>? Ooromor, u4 ?**lm*4 by tb* S?n?u. TV* C**wtaolaa*r io roqoirod to wok* * Not of oontpoint nw, f good oiorol eborootor, front tb* wboi* body of voting oitioont n*t atom tboa on* fto* erery bum*, nor less UU one from *?J thirty?ftib asnss to kt writ tan ipo* M> lota as Marly dlt as passible, MM M placed la a box, ut being ilialwa, ha aaaat | draw tbaiw twa tha Jasy la tbs prosonoe of tha Clark of tha Cowrt and Sharif. Tha BUI | pro rid as tha anal exemptions and penalties. Tha Commissioner la a Ho wad a com pan a at ion of throa dollars par day?tha namber of days of sereioe baiog limltad to tha Dunbar of days tha Coart sits. A groat assay hills lnoorporating colored military companies have pasaad tha Hoasa.? Tha rsosat difflcultiea la Union farnlsbnd tha opportanity la tha oarly part of tha sraak for a furioos axpanditora of eloqaenee. 1% roaHy soamsd at ooa time, that nothing short of aa ahaolato iayasion of tha obnoxious Coantiaa? Laureps?Union and Spartanburg, woald apyiass tha war-liha santlssanta of sonso of tho spaohors. Bills wars introdaoed in rapid saoeeaeion, to reqaire tho Governor to proclaim martial law In tho Coantiaa abotro nam ad; also, to plaos tha mUilia la thasa Coantiaa on a footing of aotirs servloe; also, to send 2600 militia into tbsoo Counties, and mora if nacaaaary ; another to authorise tha Governor to request the President to sand offers of tha U. 8. Army ta drilt tha militia^loother to nmiM> ....... til? i. ' ?? -- " ,?. ... wH.n.m iv iviuiuec, Deads or wbleb bad been killed, and to turntsb rslUfln those compelled to fly tbeir counties for pos litleal opinions, Ac. In tba discussions on tbaoa various projects, tba Governor was ?e> verely animadverted apon for want of courage and decision and bis apathy ; and avan threats of impeachment ware freely indulged in. A heavy pressure has borne upon the Governor all tba weak, urging ultra and extreme remedies. Ha bos withstood it so far, and will, it is said, veto ail ultra measures. None of lb Mr speakers ever alloded to the true cause of these distnrbanoes. They seem never to think that possibly, tba arils complained of, are due to the arming ol the railitiw; the appointment of ineompetent and bad men to ofltee -r to the election laws and other oppressive laws, and that tba remedy consists in removing the exciting souses. The eleetiou laws wiif be materially modifled. A hill ia now bafora tba Senate, which re establishes tba old usages in most respects. The mangers ara to be chosen from both partial, and the votes to ba coon ted pwblioly immediately after closing tha potla. There are various bills now pending for consolidating lD* " *'?' -?te?a. and for reducing salaries, Ae. This is in tha rigfft airvvit?, but comparatively of small imports sea.? The ana of retrenchment should ba applied to larger things?such as tba Blue '.Rktga Rail-. road, the Land Commission, the Penitentiary, Public Printing, Ac., in wbioh hundreds of thousands, and oven millions of dollars ar? involved. Mr. Leslie, in tba >mtrrbaftsr General Sflbrand, gsyerisnsdbst of the Penitentiary, and will gat a eosensitive of investigation.? Heavy frauds are alleged. As to the Land Commission arrrd Bine Ridge Railroad Company, I fear we shall never get the facts of their operations. A resolution to raise a Special Committee to investigate the affairs of the Land Commission, was passed in the House after a protract' ed and fierce debate; but when it reached the Senate, it was tabled. 80 this Is an end of it The artieles of Impeachment against Judge Vernon, were passed by the House on Friday, and the 8enate has made the noeesrary arrangements to proceed with his trial. There is yet no talk of an adjournment, and unless there is greater despatch, it will take six weeks to get through. The Hon. W. P. Prion passed through here on Thursday on bis way to Waebingtem. He was elected by an overwhelming majority, both to the 41st and 47<f Congress; and if any thing is brought before Congress in which our section may be interested, we feel sure be will represent our interests. Yoori, respectfully, W. New Ditorob Bill.?Another divorce bill baa b??n introduced by Keedisb. The grounds for divorce are Ua. The hill la very similar to the divorce law of Ohio. The following are the principal featnrea of thia new bill: The Court of Common Plena in thia 8tate will be empowered to grant divorce* for the following eanaea: 1. Where either of the partiea hud a former wife or bnabaad living at 'the time of eolemniaing the aecond marriage. 2. When either of the partiea ahall have been wilfully absent from the other two yeara. 2. Adultery. 4. Impoteney. 6. Extreme cruelty. 6. Fraudulent contract. 7. Oroaa neglect of duty. 8. Habitual drunkennee* for three yeara. The ninth and laat auction refer* at length to the aentencing and imprisonment of either party la certain eaeee or under clrtain circumstances, specified in that section, and which Is also made a cause for a divorce. The bill differa front the one introduced by Mr. Hagood, of Picken*, on one very important point, as it does not provide for a ae pa ration from board and bed, which provision la a strong feature In the other bill. It is doubtfal whether the House will adopt either of them, but will perhaps require Its judiciary commit i?e to draft a divorce bill, which wHI combine the good features of both hills. - Govnaoa Soorr nan the Ur Coo war.?It has been suggested by many o| ihe prominent cilixeDS of the " Up.Counlry " that Governor Seott visit Union and Spartan burg for the pnrfow of eoneulting with the baiter elaaa of eitifna of thoae eountiea la regard to the boat method of putting a top to the raeate of dlaorder eod violence whieh hove eo frequently occurred in that eielniiy. We ere Incline 1 to the belief that Ihla would be e wire and proper eourae to porrue. It would give the alti* a-na en opportunity of eeelng and eon vara leg with the Kxeeutire, and we beliera t would be the maana el bringing aboat a bet. ter atate of feeling among ail elaaaea. Bneh a journey la in contemplation, bat ilialKwe if liae t'of Know A^mXAmA ? - tri n?*l>U*;to aay.?Calmmbl* UnUm. Jul* Cotom hat di?<l of hoart dtaoara. Tmii ara M vara I aaadidataa for tho Staat# in Kanaaa. * Ea-Cotxaoroa ( Coatoaaa at I?? Orltaaa, Parry Pallrr, la Ami. A DiriNtMj Stm or Anrtiu?Wal Wl; drpiof* tk? iUU p4 AViiii Bo*nil(i<| "fbg U thia Htit*. K*?rj nobengqj UmI 4ob?> to ??|| filkd V?f the hratij.n^nelu f ?b? norftrer and and sight ?or?h tka Wndiary, W iihio fifty our IHU4 to wo. mM*r, lne?tdlwlto aid robbery, boa bfti the order of tha day, for the part law weeks. Oar qniei and peaeeablo atOaaoa hare baen brutally murdered on tha b if he way .'or aotlod io their ffrdw at tha boor of mldaight and abot do** by tbo ae?a?ein, whila, oa tha othar hand, thonaanda of dot I or a* worth of property hare haen destroyed by tha tor ah of tha inaandlerj. Stores, dwelling*, gin hoarse. As , bars been laid ?- -- t - - - - in unri of m? SC?onOrelS. It them no inn tdr for (hb ami tint* a f ilhin) Will not lk< Legislators Ink* lh* matter in hand f >r will tK?j Mill tit in tilttc* and allow tha State to bo plendrred by thaoa banda of maraodorat Or will tha cltiaana bo forced to farm rigllaaec ootamiltoaa for tha proioe tloo of lift aed. property f Wa anroaatly call upon tha Oaaaral Assembly, who aro now io aaaaioa, to take noma atrpa io thi* matter. If not. tha good people of tha an* tlra State will haea to take it in banda themselves. Let our eilisrne, it respective of party or la polities, determine that thaaa oulragea ahall coaae, coat what It will. | Winntboro JVrwa. Balloo'a Magaatoo for February. Tha February number of B+llom'r Mag* afne la laroad, and haa a meat timely and iaatiuoliva illostrated artiele on Ruaaia, treating tbat great nation in a moat comprrhea ale# manner, ehowlng lie mannora and aw> toma, atrength and weakness, all of which ie very impoitant just at thia time, when Ru?aia is ahowing ita teeth and otter ing om'noui growls Then we hare a moat brilliant tabls of eoateota, saah as no other magazine la thia oogptry eaa prodaeo. First la a poem by B P. ShlUeber ; than follows " A Lvap in ike Dark/ ** Air Oaatlc*,'* " Linghl*| Kye?," " Th* Reporter'* La*t Item."" Tlte Haunted Wherry," Th* Story o? Valentin*," " Little 9trix th* Sereeeh er,"" Frit*," ' Fir* day* on the Farrsllone*." "In the wrong Bo*." " My Phin. torn," " One Month from Minnie'* Ware,'' " The Ruby Mine," " Queen Edith nod her Punishment," "Ere end Morn," "Our Young People'* Stoiy-Teller?Our#*: or, Th# son efn Politician," " I)iek Hnaeerd th* Tonng De*per*do," " J*ek Fro*t," " Curieu* Matter*," " The Housekeeper," " Feel* end Faneiee," " Mr. Brown and hi* Rock* er*"?!lunio< ou* Illustration*. The number for February is th* be*t one that ha* yet appeared. ? * ' y ? Tea French do not like the propoaed (tip ulation (or (retiring peae*. If accepted, France relinquishes a strip of land four miles broad on the Rhine, one tort, twenty war ahip^ and pay* 1.000,000,000 thai. r?. Govasno* Clattow has been elected to the United Stale Benste from Arkansas. r..m iu J? * - ? *?* t miii ouirniuer, me peace oDUrtim* - - - u.1.1 Ho Mr Lon. don piptn. * * " ] Thb Cuban insurgent* have au<:?e?drd in landing 2,000 ?aa?a of arm* and ammunition in Cuba, lately. i m Stkt floaiP enj??y* the air it breathe*/* and every perann ran do the wh?? digestive organ* ore k *ft in order bv the oaa of SUMTER BITTERS, the Great Southern Tonle. Ro?a, who *oUd againat the impeachment of Pra-ldent Johnson, haa no enanea lor another aeat in Congr?aa. UattntED. on Wednesday evening, Deeembar 21a*. 1870. at Chriat Chnreh, Greenville, br Rev. EIH??n Caper*. Mr. A. WILLIAMS WARE and Miaa A. L WATSON, ail of Greenville. M AnaiKD. by Rev. A. C Stepp, on Tueeday evening, D.cember 18th, 1870, Mr. HEN> RY G. JOHNSON, ol Greenville Connty, and Hiaa D. L. CLJNKSO A LES, of Abbe, ville, near Lowndtvlt'e, S. C. Abbeville Free* and Banner ple?*e copy. By tha *ame, on Thuradny evening, I>eeeraber lftth, 1870. Mr. WM. COKER and Mia* FRANCES DAVIS, both of Gre.nville County. By Ibe same, on Thnradny morning. Deeember 22d. 1870. Mr W. D. U BALDWIN and Miaa ELIZA I'AVRNPORT, both or Lanrena County. By the same, on Sunday morning. De eember 25th, 1870, Mr SAMUEL Q. VANCE and Mi*a ALICE DAVENPORT, both of Greenville County. ny uieum', on luMtlnf morning. Jon nary IOth. 1871. Mr. W B. WcCOWIN and Mia* M. 0. THOMPSON, both of Oramr'H* County. Colombia, 8 C , Jan. 17. Saint of en't?n, yealerday, 100 bale*? middling 13?@Ufe. Jhablb*tOx, Jan. 18. Coflon firmer?middling 14f@16; reeeipta 1,888 balea; tale* 600;a<ock 88 89V BALTiMoai, Jan. 18. Hour aelWe and advanced 26? ; the demand for ahlpping g> ad< a e??reda the aop ply which la atrady and unchanged Corn, ?while 82: yellow 78. I'ork firmer, at 21.80 Huron firm?rliouldrra 10. Laid 18. Whiaky 0l<ai9'2. Acowbta, Jan. 18. Cotloa opened in fair demand, at H| for middling, but eloaed at aal?a 880 halea; reeelpta 1,000. New Yoaa. Jan. 18. Cotton quiet and eteedv wi'h aalee of 6900 halea. at l*i, Bold lOiQlOf ENTERPRISE PR ICES CURRENT oobbbotbd wbrklt, ar ME88R3. DAVID k SIRA01EY, MERCHANTS. ORKBNVILLB, 8. C? JAN. 18, 1871. BACON?8id?a, *i lb, ......16 ?. Ham*, " " 18 a. Fhoulderi, V* lb, 16 I BALK HOP*, - ?r I I BUR LAPS 10 BUTTER, tt lb 30e. BEESWAX,*',* CHICKENS, ft head .. ?<* 30?. COPPER, JR lb, Rio,.... 33 & 38 e. CORN, IS buabal, ...1 0?$1 16 COTTON. Middlings .. IS-ll EOOS, II doMB, 30e PLOl'R, * aaak, 46 00<&$6 SO GOLD?.. .. .41 10?. INDKJO, Span if h Float, $3 00@3 36 South Carolina, .41 75(33 00 IRON, R b, Anwltta, Ik*IRON T1E8 , ?a. LARD, IB lb - 3So. LI AD, $ ........30 a. I LEATHER, ft flk, Sola, Hamloeh,..66(3*7* a. I ? .< * ? Oak,- ..46(360 o. M ? - Dppar .......TOflna. u m 44 Harnaaa... .....60(3 55<-. MOLaSSES, * gal., Maa?orado,.....A0(3 7 M " " Naa OrL Syrup, SI 3 NAILS, tt hag. .4? 60^7 CO RYb, ^ buabal,. ? 1 00 (? 1 1k . SALT, OR aaok, Llaarpool,.. S3 70 SUGAR, tt ?, Brown 16 Q 30 a. m 7i 4i n.^ta^f A . a n ? Cru?h?d, Jt9 . SHIRTIFO. MV*o-*igh4?, * * " " rabvU TALLOW, fl ft WIIKAT, * Wu.b.1,,... ...Jl AA?I 7fto. TARN, fby btl?,? ~J! M *> - b?nok.. - 91 A Carruct m Ptowacu.?It ii i wall iMr =?#8s3 rt1?rt|k?t the origin of WIt'tIMWS baeoeee ron^pnud nod pel Ail nadJBiatraMng oAndiewF Aanpro] Mr\*[l>lVl< ypriyw Mfnj IJVIE PILLS. ;ggg? rr^r.T^ Bow TO NASI Hour Attract!*?,?Don't ha*? jour rfcalra without hnni't-ry at the rlek of brooking y'owr thlldrrn'i ?n*obR>-? jXm'l HtiT# ?ijnltii ftlliii^fy.tJuU rmquirt it cord ??f llghtwood to illuminate the room. Don't hare window* Without giaaa, to that whruroor H ruins you miMt ehut oat tho light of h***e?. Don't hn*o rathe* wlfh* out blind*, *o flint the eommer tuc will dac *l? your *yoa, warp Jour furniture and fad* your enrpo*. But order nil the anOra anry aautnriula tur Hniahing your Imio,in com Cm* La hi a >t?U ffrnm P tr w*?ra . _T__ ?y ? * ? 1 ?vawi>, Charleston, 8. 0.t lh? Itifrtt manufacturer of such things In the Soother* OtiMt. 88-4 ' LATEST QUOTATIONS OP SOUTHERN SECURITIES, IN CHARLESTON, 8. O. Corrected Weekly by r??? Banker nnd Broker, No. 86 Broad Street. January istb. ISTI. I Stmt* Aeewnfti**?8onth Carolina, old -A8I i'do now, ? @66; do, regist'd atoek, City Sceuritiei?Augusta, Ga. Bonds,^ ? ? 78; Charleston, 8. C. Stock, ? (3. 52 ; Charleston, 8. C., Fire Loan Bonds, ? @68;. Colombia, 8. C. Bonds, ? @ 80. Railroad JJomit?Bine Ridge, (frst mortgage)?@60 | Charleston and Savannah, ?@ 68 ; Charlotte CoTomhla and Aogusta,?@66 s Cberaw and Darlington.?@81; Oreenrille and Colambia, (1st m?rt) ?@86 ; do, (8tate guarantee) ?@ 65 ; northeastern, 1st mortgage,?@90 : Northeastern, Id mort., ?@78 | Savannah and Charleston, (1st mort) ?@78; do, (8tate guarantee) ?@69 ; Sooth Carolina, ?@78; do, ?@69; Spartanburg and Union, -@66. Railroad Stock ?Charlotte, Colambia and Aogosta,?@40 ; Greenville and Columbia,?@t: Northeastern,?@18; Savannah and Charleston, ?@30} Sooth Carolina Railroad Company Shares, ? @ 41 ; Sooth Carolina Railroad and Bank Shares, ? @ 41. JSarchanyc. dec?New York Sight, onsibaTf off. Gold, 81.V* @ 61.11; Silver, 81.0.1 @ South Carolina Bank Bilh. Bank of Charleston ?@ ? Bank of Camden.... ? 8 0 (J Bank of Georgetown.. 4@? Rank of 8noth 'Carolina. 8@? Bank of Cheater '?@? Bank of,Hamburg 8@? Bank ofNewberry ~3@? Bank of 8tate of 8. C, prior to 1861 t0@ Bank of State of S C. issue 1861-62 25@ Planters' and Mecbanies' Baok of Charleston :? @ ? People's Bank of Charleston ..?-@ ? Union Bank of Charleston - . .?@? Southwestern R. R. Bank of Charleston. (old) ?@ ? Soothwestern R. R. Dank of Charleston, (new) ? @? State Baok of Charleston ?Farmers' and Exchange Bank of Charleston _...2@? Exchange Bank of Columbia 8@? is? Planters' Bank of Falr6eld 6@? State of SoWtb Carolina Bills Receivable 96@? City of Charleston Change 3111s V6@? Bill* marked the* [ ] ire being redeemed at the Bank Counters of eaeh. Spread the Trmth. Some medical men insist that it ie ondigniflt'ljto advertise a remedy, however valanl'le tt may be. Queer reae?ntn? liie.?It ie like aaying that an article which Ike world needs alioiiid be hid in a corner? that benefit* and Merging! may he too widely diffused ? that the mean* of protect* log and restoring health thonld he a close monopoly, and not aecoaitde to all The argument is bad It it woree than that; it ia trtJhnwe* Surpnte H?vtetler'* Stomach Bitters?an ahtolme specific for dyspepei-t. billnufscw snd nervosa debility?had never k?on known beyond the rrptrloir* of the faculty. what would have been thn consequence T Inrtend of ruring and Iwvigorating millions, the gsod rffeets of the prep araiion would have b en confined to a comparative few. There ia the highevt authority for my tng that lit/ht should not he hid under s hnahel; that whatever In excel lent should he placed aa a city on n hill, where nil men can lake of it.? It li upon this principle that th? Bitters Ut? I'M) advertised a?d continue to be advertised in every newspaper of any prominence in tbe western hemisphere, end 'hel the ipflntan?oni teslim ntals in ite fevor have been translated into sit written languages. Thousands enjoy pet fret health to-day who would be languishing on hrda o' sh-kneas if iIa newspapers had not epre*d the truth with regard to thie unequal issiyor ant amd correct! w far an d whip. Suppora i rufit An been reaped from this publicity. Is that any argument against itt If the publio health has l>een pr?vt?eted ; If Uvea liava been pivsI ; H the leeb'a have been strengthened and the si'k rwWed, great good hat been aeeompliehed : and who so mean as to gtu rig* to exertions list direct rd their fair reward t U-4 WM. JT RANDOLPH. STONE CUTTER AND BUILOER. t LOCATED on Falla fit rest, on# square of Messrs. Oower, Cox A GRANITE of all dascripttoM fornlahad and eut to otdar. TOMBSTONES, with Oranite or Marble Pedestals may be bad on application. Bpaplai attention tssrsatswi to oil work. Jan 18 8ft If ? " - .... ; Notice IS hmhr |I*h to *11 wkom it may ?o?~ earn, Uiat I wilt apply to 8. J. iMuthit, Probate Judg* ?f OiNnrill* Ountr, on tko 17/A day of Ftbruary ?(, for a final dlaeharye aa Admlniaiiaior of tfea Estate of ELIJAH U. SMITH. draenaed. C P M AY FIELD, Adm'r. January 16th, 1671. 8A-A Mel Ice 18 haraby (Iran to all who* ft as ay aoooern, I that I will apply to 8. J. Dontbit, Prohate Judge of Qreenfllle County, oa lAa 18/A day of Ftbrnary aacrt, for a final dieebarge U Administrator?- with WMI anDoaod?of tha Estate of THOMAS MOSKLY. deceased. Jan. 17tb, 1871. B. J. STEWART, Adaaialatnlor with Will Jan Iti M , * Notice Y9 borofey ?<wt1f ?H whmm H my www, 1 U?ol I will apply to 8. J. Lowtbit, P^baU Jadm of QrooariU* County, m lit 1M imp of Ftbrumrjf *Mt, for ft ftftaJ dtoobargo m Al* iaiitrator of lb* ttauu of MARIA M. O'NEILL, dwMNd s ftll parti** boring elalvo ogftlaot mM Ratal*, will vrowat on or Mm hM fftjf to mft or tbo Oftld Probftto Jadgo, or W. A. MoDANIMt, Ad > in it t rotor.' Joooory lib, liTl. IM Hpfclal Notice.1 ' i LL pcrtona ladoHUd to at oro notiflod A thai p-.y*oot MUST BB MADK by lb* Irat of Vobrwftrr aoaU t ' U. BBATTIN * CO. Joa 4 U .. J Uodoa gtvoa t<> ropolriog 1m W?tob??, w4 TIsm PSmm of rrwy dooerlptkoo. J AUKS Q. BLACK. Jm I? u tr FAIRYIEW ACADEMY. PtifTiew, Oreenrill* County, S. C? TJl i. 'b. WlTH, A. R.,! Principal. Tym dsbaal;lasa lid, Mum Blwm .Jjto Oily af OifWflllt and LhiniO.T? fords ? qafat Mid retired lituilm | m4 tbe mitoi of I thorough InMrMtiM tor Th?| M?n pr?p*H?? tor BuitnoeoceOoWago. TW 6rlat SoiiIod, for 1071, begloi Niadijr, Jaw ary 80lb. Board and Taltlon nm tbe ?Ni rwmabli torn. f?r partlnian, ad dun tba Principal. da* It IM? The State of 'South Carolina. G RISEN VILLI COUNTY. By S. J. DOVTHtT, If., PmkmH */ Mbt County. WIIKRKA3.Mary H. Clertlaod. baa tied, a Petition In my OflUo praying ttial LeUori of Adwlnletrafton, ?Ce Imi'I no, an all and alngalaf' Ik a goods and ekauls* rigbls and eradili of B. P. CLEVELAND, lata of taa County aforesaid, daoaasad, tboald bo graatod to brr. . j: . . . T&eae are, ilrrr/ort, to elts and ad won lab ii ainpuf |o? inuroa ana ereanora or the said deceased, to be and appear la the Court or Probata for aald County, to be holdea , at Greenville Court House, on the Kit day / Junnnrg fa*/., to akow aaaae, If nay,' why the aald Administration should not be granted. 8. J. DOUTHIT, J. P., 0. C. Office of Judge of Probate, Jaa. 12th, 1271. Jan 19 99 2 . 8 0. B. R. CO. * 8. W. R R BARK. Annual mertino ofthe stock. HOLDERS OF THE SOUTH CAHO LINA RAILROAD COMPANY, AND OP THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD BANK ?The Annuel Moling of the Steek*> hnld.ra of the above institutions will be held in ili? C"y of fharlea'on, ?n the weoml Tuesday in February next, the I4tfi of the month. I'Uee of oiertin<?'Hall of the South w.*l?t a R?ilr>ad Bank, on Broad street. Hour of convening ? 1 I o'clock, A. M. On th. day l.-llowintf. Wednttday, /A# '.tth. there will be an ela- tiun held at the earn* place, between the houre of 9 A M. and t P. M., (or . Director# of the Railroad Company, and thirteen Director* of the Bank. A Committee to ver fy Prosiee will atU nd. The following addition to the By Law*, proposal at the Special marling In May last, will come op for aetion at this: Artiele let.. Second 7th, shall be, " Any number of Stoek* noioert, i oi le?e th %n fen. representing five thousand ehsree. ehell be neeeeeery le r*? quir. a etoek vole ?n any question." Stockholders will be niff-d ?s usual ever the Kiel, to end fw\h If feeling, tree ef chnrge, in eeeordence with the resolution art the Convention of 1854. J. R EMKRY. 8eer.tnry. J?n 18 84. v 4 ...... . . . ...... rf . The State of Sooth Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff's SalesBY virtue of sundry Write of *t?ri F+tim ,. *2 JS^SSS#* LsiiisjVMsttUbf next, between the hone, el 10 o'nleek In the f?>r?-n?on end 8 o'clock in the One of Lend, containing tfiO eer.e, more or leee, bounded by Undeof Dr. W. 11. Anelin, Dr. T. 0. Au?tln end others Levin) on es the properly of J, W. Audio, el the tuil of V. H. Fleming. Alee, one Trnot of Lend enwuining 980 eeree. more or lere. bownd.d by lend* of Dr. Few.Freek Edwards, llanrv Bull endeht-rs (H#in.ete<td le'-eeei off toDs'endaot before day of aa|..) Levied on ee the property of Eliehe O Oilrenth, et the eull of John H. Qtlreeih. Aleo. one Treet of Lend, eonteioing W8 erve, m<>re or le<t edjoining lende of W. II. Andvreon. 9 K. White end other#. Lev* ?ed on ee the prnprrly ?f 8. R. WeWmorolend. et the suits of N.Lon Anelin, Administrator, nnd David Andvreon. Abo. one Trnet of Lend, containing 99 eree. more or lere, adjoining lende ef D. MnKinney, Mie.rve Teyler end oihere. And nil of Dvf.ndnnl'e right, lille nnd internet ta the Eetele of Pvtrr Taylor, deceased. Lev* ird on ee the property of jemea IV Taylor, nl the euit of Win Tremm.lend others Terms rs*h ; puraheeere te pey for paper* ana Himpi. H M. SMITH. 0>r?*n?r. ?tmg Wtorlff O. a * SHcriff'a Offiea, January 11. 1171. Jan IK M6 t LAST NOTICE. /j\LL PERSONS INDEBTED [jr\ to us, are urgently requested to make ;;; payient Before the Jb*t of February sues#. We nro compelled to raise a large amount of Forthwith, and if the amount# duo us nro not paid by the lima requested above, we shall be forcod io put the ACCOUNTS in the hands of an Attorney for prompt Collection. DAVID A STRADLEY. Jan 11 If Si l ' S r OBEENLILLB, 1. C. r inn-tug wh man. MANSION HOUSE FOR SALE OR LEASE. . TH* A BO VI LA??a Agiland Splendid MTMflpt HOTEL, Long aad favorably known to visitor* Ur?i|k. oat lb* eonntry u a First-3 Ism Kotol, U now offered for Bale. Tbe bouse la a I nad 4 Story Building. It baa aawards of 74 Bleegi lag Rooai, all neatly furnished. Klegaal Parlors; Bar and Billiard Rooms; lee Hoeae, now IIled with Ioe. Aleo, a flae Store Mn? aaetod with it.. , u. On tbe Lot in a large Vegetable (tardea ; aereral Outbuildings, Stabtoa. A*. It is the only Betel hs-,ffre*e*Ule, aad la lighted. witb.Oaa, Trrasa ol Sale mede easy. If not sold seed, tbe Hotel ?UI be Hand for a botaa of yean. Leasee la ytarebswa ffantitare.. Apply to 8. 8WANBALM, Prtprteter, Qtewwllb,' S. 0. Jaa 11; 44 Id. VoUea IN my.ikHMi, MANUEL j DOUTHIT. Km , will itUnd to the dolin of l|? 4U? Of fofcool OMRffliolOMf. gW I wlU otuod io my tMm oft (k Court Hoom, triri tJ*tor4?y in ooth wook. A. Cl IfbOKX. MhwI O*mmteioo?r OrtMfillf Ontft, Joo 4ik. .Ittl. U tf " r T? Kelt, AN XXCKLLBNT B0U1B JjnMk. AND hot, twrooWoOy to* - rr-wifti" " ... V *