University of South Carolina Libraries
Counting Biby'f^ooT DwllUktanlM Dlwffet M4 wbrt., la jrow h?* ??gbt ion, WrapfaJ forth* night} ^ Com* M M tout! tU to*r q?wr liUtto tow. Pink m ih? Heart or a aboil or a raw. Thai tit* In m { T?o And Am Is alia) Fonrbninjr WUh innocent bicwt ; Fivo if a bir'lia Asleep on ber dnI. JJnmorous. ' Paddle Your Own CanoE? Judge S. gavo his son a thousand dollars, telling him to go to col lego and graduate. The son re* turned at "the end of tho Freshman year without a dollar, and with several ngly habits. About tho close of tho vacation the Judge said : to Weil, William, arc yon g"Ing to college this year ?" M Have no money, father." M Bat I gavo yon a thousand dollars to graduate on.'* M It's all gone, father." M Very well, my son, it was all 1 con id givo yon ; yon can t stay liere ; 3*00 must now pay yonr own way in the world." A new light broke in npon the vision of tho astonished >'onng man. Ho accomodated himself to the sitnation ; left home, mado his way to oollego, gradnated at the head of his class, studied law. became Governor of tho State of Kew York, entered tho Cabinet of tho President of tho United States, and has made a record for himself that will not soon die. beintr none other than William H. So waul. [HalV8 Journal. A Scene in Beeciikii'b Ciittrcii. A few Sundavs ago, as Mr. Beecher was about commencing his sermon, a 8tout, fartherly-lnoking man was endeavoring to make his way through the crowd to be within better hearing distance of tbo distinguished orator. At that moment Mr. Beecher's voice rang out the words of the text: " Who art thou?" "Who art thou?" again *:ricd out the dramatic preacher. The stout party, thinking himselTin the wrong, perhaps by pressing forward, and believing himself to be personally addressed, startled the brethren and nonplussed their reverend clteiftaiu by sedately replying: " I am a pig merchant from Chicago, sir. I hope yon ain't mad. There ain't nary chair, or else I'd set down." Plymouth Church didn't recover its serenity for ten minutes. Dukino a recitation on natural history in one of our wellknown colleges, a student in the pursuit of knowledge concerning the habits of animals, said : " Professor, why docs a cat, while eating, first turn her head ono way and then the other ?" " For the reason," replied the professor, 4i that she can not turn both way8 at once." ? Two friends taking a walk on a| turn pike leading out from Baltimore, were passing a mile stone inscribed 44 2 in to B." " Poor B?," said one of them, a bad place for a grave, and a mean sort of a stone to mark it." 44 Why, it's a milestone, man," said the other, innocently. 44 Is it, indeed ? If 44 2 M. B " don't spell tomb, I should like to know what it docs spell ?" A little boy was advised by his father to use illustrations in his converse whenever they should occur to him. 41 For," continued the parent, 44 there is no more forcible way of conveying or itnpiessing'yonr meaning, especially to the young. Shortly after, the boy was being lectured on generosity. 44 It's better to give than receive, Johnny, far better ; the Bible says so." 44 Illustrate it pappy ; I think I will understand you better." Father could not sec the application. An American traveler desiring while in Paris to take a bath, hie physician recommended a wine bath. In the employ of the establishment was a colored man whom lie had known in America, and of him inquired how they could afford to give a wine bath for seventy live cents. " Why, massa," said the negro, " that wine lias been in the bath room for one week, and you are the thirty-eighth person that has bathed in it." t; Well, I suppose they throw it away when they are done with it." "O no, massa; they send it down stairs for the poor people, who bathe in it for twenty-five cents." "And then what do they do with it." " Bottle it up and send it to America, where they sell it for French wine." Observer) lite linden public jgUKe!4 been informed (bat McchajS^n L and indention bave at hifcttfiKnfti f( j?lUb^d ft task which boa beeflPnni-' * succeeefuHy attempted by men of ( saenco in different countries for < n*any years. We rofer to the talk- < inp machine of, Prof, fikbtr, which has been exhibited ort tho C<mH- ' nent witii great success, auu is now * to be seen u? London. It cor tain- II dy e nr. tains in every way the qtisilkS ties its inrontor claims for it, as i|ffi not only distinctly Articulates .iftfp Kngiish, French and German, bw; laughs nnd hisses in the most np. , proved fashion. Ti?e st ucturo ?>t n tho speaking apparatus, and the ' bona tide character of the resnlte, are such as to removo the donbts of tho most skeptical on* these points. Hie machine consists of ii bellows, supplied with wind by a pedal, worked by a lady, who also manipulates certain notes, throngh whose ngency the sounds are produced, which form tho attractions of tho work. These sounds are omitted by means of a mask, resembling the humnn month, with lip?4 tongno find t!u oat complete, and in articulating letters ami syllables the movements of these organs of spbeeh correspond with those of the human subject. Without going further into detail, the principle" upon which tho instrument is constructed will bo manifested, and great credit is certainly "due to the invention of so delicate and astonishing an instrument. Upon the principle of tho apparatus now exhibiting, others, of course, could be constructed, and although tho results obtained by the 0110 at ' present in nee nro sausmctoiy. j et tone and forco in an increased de 1 gree could be obtained Irom one , on a larger scale. < Meddling with the Cook. Husbands ought 44 to keep out of the kitchen." A husband who did not, writes thus of the eoi)60qnences : 441 found fault somo time ago l with Maria Ann's custard pie, and tried to tell her how mv mother made custard pie. Maria made the pie after my receipl. It lasted longer than any other, pie we over tuid. Marin not it on the table every day for dinner, and you see I could not cat it because I forgot to tell her to put in an3* dgg*, or shortening. It was economical, but in a tit of generosity I stole it j from the pantry and gave it to a ' poor little boy in the neighborhood. The boy's funeral was largely attended by his former pi a}*- ' mates. I did not <ro myself. ' Then there were tho buckwheat cakes. I told Maria Ann any fool could beat her making ? those cakes, and she said I had i better try it. So I did. I emptied | the batter all out of the pitcher > one evening and 6et the cakes my self. I got the 6alt and water, and warned by the past, put in a liberal quantity of eggs and shortening. I shortened with tallow ] Irom roast beet because I could not tind any lard. The batter did . not look right and I lit my pipe, \ and pondered j^east?yeast to be sure. I had forgotten the yeast. I went and woke up the baker and j got six cents worth of yeast. I , set tho pitcher behind the sitting room stove and went to bed. In , the morning I got up early and < prepared to enjoy my triumph ; 1 but I didn't. That yeast was strong enough to raise the dead, and the ! Dattcr was running all over the carpet. I scraped it up and put in another dish. Then I got a lire in the kitchen and put on the griddle. .The first lot of cakes stuck to thcgriddlo. The second ditto- I cd only more. Maria came down 1 and asked what was burning. ] She advised mo to grease the griddle. I did it. One end of the i griddle got too hot, and I dropped ] the thing on my tenderest corn, while trying to turn it aronnd. \ Finally the cakes were ready lor ] breaklast, and Maria got the other \ things ready. Wo sat down. My , cakes did not have the right flavor. I took one mouthful and it \ satisfied me. I lost my appetite j at once. Maria would not. let me put one on her plate. I think ( those cakes may be reckoned a dead loss. The cat would not cnt | them. The dog ran off and staid away three davs after one was offered him. The hens would not go within ten feetol them. I threw ' them into the back yard, and there inbo iiufc WCUII ? P'?5 u,i ,,lc premise* since. I cat what is put before me now, and do not allude to my mother's sj'stem of cooking." Centenary Convention.?The Universali9t8 held their Centenaary Convention a week or two since in Gloucester, Mass. Addresses were delivered by Dr. Cbapin, Horace Greeley and others. It was stated that their churches numbered 1,000 and their ministers 680. The church property of the denomination in the t United States is estimated at c $5,000,000. It has $1,683,000 invested in sell >ols and colleges. The centenary offerings amonnted to $1,005,537. Indiana lias ft spring sixty feet " in diameter, with no soundings at ^ 400 feet. It runs a flonr mill. vrf>sit~-j? ii*i <#i"> ' a. ,.~ia SD<JK On a II a*-Tba OkwlMloo Courier Of thie g?MI<-nMft,*ho hu rurally beet 4eeteU Judge of th# Firet Circuit i We knew Judge drnbatn well la the Coo.'ed* irtt^ ormjr, tho eomuKiudlug offlocr of (be U?t Rudiment of South Carolina Volunteer#, RgoWl Buigade. lie we. wrcrcijr wounded It U>? bailie of Walthall'. Junction. lie w*? i urnn lui^itr anu ? ganaoi AUhoaflb differing from hltn in politics, w? trvi be trill hrieff'tho ?aroO qnalitie# and deration t? (jte diufchargo of his judicial duties, UMfchigh aboro the domain of party t$tvffte will hold tbascalee nfjuetlco with ercn mlt'tflil rttiK'tn'iir nnd illustrate thOso tn?re nniuont duties id hi'-, peace, security and jn.<ilea, without IVar, favor or off eiiou. ?tth * "UOveUv of a woman of fo;t)-fi*S running away with h youth of i.ine'een ?? recently wit new ?1 l>y the (Mtti-lin about the rail rand depot, nl Detroit, Slich. ' ' 1 Equality Life Insurance Company of Virginia. ^ A Prt'nciptl Office, AV 1015, it a in Street, fiicimond, Va. REASONS why every one should insure in the Equality Life Insurance Company, of Virginia: 1st. It is more Liberal to tho Insurers than any other company, nnd will eventually become l'urely Mutual nn<l belong to the insurers. 2il. It circulates its money amongst its patrons, who are the insurers. Consequently they are continually getting tho benefit of the rapid accumulation of the Company, tho money hoing invested by tho lloatduf Directors amongst tho insurers. 3d. Tho loans of this Company are ns liberal as other companies who declare dividends ?t tho end of tnc second, third nnd fourth rears, hut this Company at tho end of the first ?nd every year. DAVID B. CLARK, President. THOS. II. WYNNE, Vice-President. JOHN Q. WINN, Secretary. Gon. JAMES H. LA^E, Actuary, Dr. F. B. WATKINS, | ,, ,. . , , . Dr. C. H. W. DAVIS, j AJwsers. Judge JOHN A. ME REDITU, Counsellor. DfftKCTORft, J. H. Winfrtofii Trcflhiiror mil Pporot:irr T! F. ?fc P. R. It; Win. J. Johnson, of Johnson A Hunt, Whnltttle Grocers; Win. II. Powers,o( Winston A Powers, Wholesale Grocers; Albert Ordivay, Treasurer Buckingham State Company; J. F. Gibson, Superintendent Adams' lixprbss Company ; Charles Y. Morris, Morris k Co.'s Sugar Refinery : G. A. l'cplo^Supcrintcndent Manchester Cotton Mills; John If. Tyler. John II. A John Trier, Jewelers ; MOWS .MUTniser, n . 1'iu.uuo 8. Baldwin. Clothier ; John M. Godlin, Cashier Planter's l)ai,k; J. It. Howell, Superintendent Western Union Telegraph Company.; Alex. G. Robertson, Cattle Broker ; llcorgo I. Herring, Wholesale Grocer; R. R. Brown, of Brown, Jones .fc Co., Wholesale Jrocers; A Bodcker, Druggist; S. M. Rosen* baum, of S. <!fc M. Roscnhnuin, Dry Uooods. Equality Life Insurance Company. Examine it* /'oinphlet* he/ore you in>ure, it i* to your iutereat to do so. Jjoill routed ereryir/iere. G. IiriUOT, Gen. Travelling Agent, Charleston, S. C. Sept 22 18 tt south Carolina Railroad Company. Columbia, 3. C.. May IS, 1870. OX an.d afliy Sunday. 10 May, tho Passenger Trains upon the South Carolina Ra'.l oad will run the following schedule: FOIt CHARLESTON. Leave olutnhia 7 45 n m Arrive at h.irleslou 3 30 p in Leave Charleston 1.8 30 n in Arrive at olutnhia -1 10 p m FOR AUGC8TIA. Leave Columbia 7 45 a m Arrive at Augusta 4 25 p in Leave Augusta 8 00 a in Arrivo at Columbia 4 10 p in SIGHT KXI'flr.88 TRAIN (SUM'AVS KXl'EITKn.) Leave Coluinhia 7 50 p m Arrivo nt Charleston 0 45 a in Arrive at Augusta 7.05 a rn Leave Charleston 7 30 p in Leave Ausrusta 0 00 p m Arrive at Columbia 6 00 n m CAMIIKN TUAIN. Camden and Columbia Passenger Trains will run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Satnrlays; anj between Cnmden and Kingvillodai!7? Loave Camden..,.. ? n m Arrive at Columbia 100 a in Leave Colombia 1 00 p in Arrive at Camden S 10 p m H. T. PEAKB. Oenl Sup't. Chai lotto. Columbia and Augusta R R. Coi.tiMniA, S. C., September 1, 1870. ON and after THIS JDAY, tlio Passenger trains over this Road will run us folow8 : GOING 80UTH. Leave Charlotte, N. C-, nt S.20 a. m. " Columbia, S. C., at 3.46 p. m. Arrive Augusta, at 8.60 p. m. GOING yoltTII. Leave Augusta, at (1.00 a. m. " Columbia, S. C., at 11.46 a. in. Arrive Charlotte, N. C., at 11.30 p. in. ACCOMMODATION TnAINS, SCNDAYN EXCEPTED. Leave C<>lumbin 10.10 p. in. Arrive at Augusta 7.00 n. in. Leave Augusta (1.30 p. m. Arrive at Columbia 4.15 a. m. Close connections made via Greensboro and diebmond and Ae(|uiu Creek, and via Raleigh, iVeldon and Day Lino. Through Tickets sold md baggAge ebeckcd to all points North, louth, and West. fl&y For futher information apply at this )/Bcc; C. BOC KNIGHT, Sup't. ISAAO SULZBACHER, ^ASSESS, . jec -mmr K: -W AND SILVER WARE, CUTLERY ANJ FANCY ARTICLES. SPECTACLES A SPECIALITY. UNDER COLUMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, 8. C. Oct 5 20 3m WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Periscopic Spectacles,&c WILL order an extra article uJ.l?^or *?y peraon. Special attenivL ^Hltion will bo given to REPAIRfl-io Watcher of every do* iription. Rest reference* given. JAMES 0. BLACK. Jnne .10 0 tf WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW DAHLONEGA, GA., WILL practice in tho Conntiea of Lampkin. Dawann, tlilmor, Fannin, Union, Town*. White and Hail. Jan 10 SI jl|^uB)tbo blitotl rantflUHNffl Diuuci, Kbv^^^^HHSKfv ' <f MWora-r,. itnil alt CflW(^n?^^ | It* Mill mud* tlioHnSI^K^^Ej Mtisens. HLr BgB ( Rend the let' ( md putlents who ha vo^HBBMSj$ft ; I yond fur toiMf RnsndallsfMMjft^Hwh j ,-m^ (Book, or Almanao fot UjBferijBplBb /JOB (we publish For gratnUo^UpyCTTion /JVM sit will givo you much ?gpt>h' InlorjBUBSination. IB^BS l>r. It. m\ (" u p. of BWllmor-, says : S I tako pleasure in rercinmoadm* ' Syour uosaiiai.h n's drvsy powerful IHMk^iilteratlvo. 1 bare aeon it used in two jHlHyoaaos with happy rcsu'w?one In 4 1. |^^H)< nao of aceoniiury syphilis, in which i]HB^)tbe pattest pronounced himself cored rafter bavins taken five bottles of your (incdioiuo. The b' is a ease of scrof/SA otla of long standing, wbich is rapidly jIU (Improving nudi-r it* we, and (bo in/JatMyllentions are that the patient will (^p^Pyoon recover, I have carefully r* y mined the formula I y which your (llosndalis Is made, and find it au exA Seollent compound of alterativo IngroB vlicata. J/<j ) !>' Sparks, of NIcholasville, Ky., )'*y* ho hns used Hosadulis in ensee oI Wrofult and Secondary Syphilis with ^satisfactory rcsults-as a cleaner of the PBIood I know no better romody. |B ( Benjamin Bcchtol, of Lima, Ohio. |B (writes: I have suffered for twenty pi y ears with an inveterate eruption over IB s'ny wbolo body; a short time siueo I (purchased a bottle ot llosndalis and it S (effected a perfect cure. ( Kosaduiis is sold by all druggists. \ Laboratory, 61 Exchange Place, 5 Baltimore. > Drs. Cleients & Go. Proprietor*, i May IS 63 ly PLANTATION BITTERS This wonderful vegetable restorative is the ; sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the | aged and langnid it has no equal among stoinachi ics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women arc espccially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant.* In all i climates, tropical, tein, neratc or frigid, it acts as a specula in ovory t species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is introduced it becomes a standard article?-a mci dicinal staple. It is to-day I the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get flirt ffrttinlnn n 11 I Ul&V QVUUlUVi kWIU MJ (111 Druggists, Grocers and Conntry Stores. J ii11o 'It, l.i. 0. "6 1J W. II. CAMMHK, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH AND MACHINIST CtORN SIIKLT.KnP, Cotton flins, Locks, / Sowing .Machines, Umbrellas nnil l'nrasols ItF.l'AUlKD with prom fitness. Charges reasonnlde. Corn Shelters, for solo froin $10 to $12. I mil nlao prepared to furnish Stencil ! I'latca, for mnrking clothing. P>. WEIIRLE, GREEINimiLE, 3o o. IfEALER IN GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, 18 & 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Kings, SILVER & SILVER-PLATED W.' . TtV H fZ V -ZIs. WORK of nil inscriptions in hi* line done promptly. J?% Oct 27 25 ly A. J. ROSS & CO., MANX!FA CTURERS or DEALERS IN JAPANNED AND PRESSED WARE, ASD COOKINO AND HEATING STOVES. All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Work Done On the most REASONABLE TERMS. And with promptness. Storo Nearly Opposite the Post Office. Feb Iff 30 tf E. P. JONES, Awwcorassra'ar ASP AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. " VIII. rKACTlCIl IN ALL COURTS OF TIIISSTA1E A LAO, TNT TflE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office Greenville C. H., 8, C. Julj 7 ly* W. K. EASI.ET. O. 0. WEI.I. A EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law I A "M I"> TM IlOITTTV QUpNVILLB^8. 8. * * ' 4 PH ^CTICpiw *he ConrJi of the State gnd of the ImHed Stntee, ?nd give crpcciel attention to oaeee in Rankriiptcy. June 13 3 - 4\ -II "llfcljin I ?hari,estoiy - AP1 * Sm ? MR 1 SAB?, a&aaaa 4>?a DRKSSED Flouring, Ceiling, Weather Dm Over a buntlrcd (HITcrent Patterns of I lor rale at New York price*. Mentel-Plcces, hurt notice. Stair Kail, Newels and Ballustci to order. Good and Substantial Work made a* cbca United State*. We have on band the largest Bnllia-ore, all of frbich we guarantee will gir Substantial Work. Tbe su> scribrrs can reler Carolina and Florida, as to the character of tl V Opposite \Tfcndo Fertiliser Works, and If Pavilion" Hotels. ^ Sept 28 -w -r^' i V- - " 'nrjt^j, *j j/t Old Carolina Bitter!*, iDisiLavBiri5STs;ffii ^'(?asa? We tnke pleasure in offering the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS ffMOTME public. They are compound JL ed with great care, and contain route of lite hert Tonics in the i'hnrmncopin. As evidence "f the superiority of our Bitter, over nil irhere, we have certificate* from ninny of the lending physician, in our State, who have prescribed them In their practice 1 ME OLD CAROLINA BITTERS Will he found invaluable for Want of Appetite, General Del ilitv, Chills and Fever and Dyspepsia. We do not offer our Bitters as a cure for all diseases, ..... .. ?Tnn-M have no equal. For sale hy all Druggists and Grocers everywhere. Principal Depot, GOODRICH. WINEMAN A CO, Importers of Choice Drugs and Chemicals, Charleston, S. C. Mlt 9 42 ly A. B. MULLIGAN. w CHARLESTON, S- C. MESSRS. SULLIVAN & SON, ARE MY AGENTS AT GREEN VILLE\ S. C., And will make liberal cash advances on ah COTTON Shipped to mo through them. A. B. MULLIGAN. Scp? sa 19 ly P. P. T6 A L, E, CIIAKI.EISTOT, S. C. f Largest and moat complete peSS" < Manufactory of Door* Sashes, > ( Rlinda, Mouldings, Ac., in the J Southern States. Printed price liat defies competition.""05^ _^5ST* Send for onc.-Ti^ IPO" Sent freo on application. April 27 49 ly I\ VOi\ SAN TEW, importkr or iMHIS FANUY UUODS, Toy?, Doll?, Game?, Children'? Carriage?, French Confcctoncry, Fire Work?, I MM A RUBBER GOODS, Such a? Clothing, Nursery Sheeting, Ac., 22# King-8t. 2 door* above Market, CHARLESTON, S. C. Mar 30 45 ly* WM. SHEPHERD 8c CO., No. 24, Jloyne Street, Charleeton, 8. *C. I>KALE!!ft IN C^OOKINO STOVES, RANGES AND J Heating Slovee. Picture? of 8tore? with prices description will be sent upon application. June 20 6-ly GEORGE A. BOWMAN. Agent, 237 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C., KEEPS constantly on hand a Large and Well-Selocted Rtock ol Carpeting, Oil Cloth, Matting, Rug?, Door Mats, Ao., Ac., ?uch a* are usually found in a First-Cln?? Carpet Store. , Nor 80 28 3m UAYIALIll IIAVPi NAIIUnAL Ml I EL, a. <s. PROPRIETOR. P. HAMILTON JOVNKft. CLKRK. . RATES Of Iionr.1 p*r Day *3 00 Supper, Hie?kf?pt and lodging...... 2 00 Single Me?D 1 00 Sep 1 1ft. tf V * *? c)P. . ul v ' /"ERWSEM E:\TS. 5 ?33-& rda, Shelving, Box Boards, Ac., Ac. riout-^npa, making over 11:0,000 IVet on hand Door anil Window Frame* tnnd , to order at ra of Walnut and Mahogany, on hand and made p lit thla establishment as rnn ho made in the sleek of tbe above Goods south of the City ol e entire satisfaction t? all who want Good and to gentlemen all over tbia State, Georgia, North leir work for tbe pnat twenty year*. V. P. RUSSELL & CO., EAST END. IIASKL RTKBKT, i tb'o immediate vicinity of Charleston nnd 19 ly THOS p! SMITH (LATE NAYLER, SMITH A CO.) FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO. 4, BOYCE <t CO'S WHARF OHAnLBSTOIT, C. O. GEO W. MclVER is connected with iln business, and will give his beat attention to the interest* of hie ft {curia. . or Careful attention given to purrhae I ing Merchandise of all kind*, when placed In fund*. ffT Advnnce* made on oonetgmnente. Oct 5 20 6m HENIIYBISCHOFF & co.; WHOLESALE ^ROCERS, ann in Wines,^ Liquors, SHIN'S, TOBACCO, SC. NO. 197 EAST BAY, CBUA&SSTOV. So c. n. miuivrr. tJ. w t'LBKr.v. J H. Ttrrrn. Sept 28 19 Cm EDMONDS T. BROWN, m m jwl. rjr M 9 *1? IBAWiSrag 0'?'5&isa?, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. Fept 28 ]9 ly EDWIN BATES & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DKY GOODS AND ?LiWMIM?, 122 & 124 Meeting St. ?WAJJLESTOtt, S. 0. Enwiit Batm. Gko C. Kklnan. Tiioo. R. McGaiiak. Cn.\e. K. Hatbh. Sept 28 19 6m i - i i DR. SHALLENBERCE:?" Fever and Ag, ANTI OOTK Alwayti Map* SieCliiiZo. This Medicinohpi been Vefor > th" i'a lio fifteen ye;iV*, mid i* ftill t?bc I? other known romc lift. It?l ?-ah ' >: doos not oiuken ?. i'i, i?J" eafo in nny ?') o nn I un lei' nil < tanrea, an listhoon'-'M< 11 i ; c u n ii i u r/i i: d * r v and j?cr.n inont y tv and A {U , bu'O 1. dote to KIaIiiIiii Pold by pi' Foh 2 37 ly "pavilion hotel, (73IR^miT.^BeJ(5??Ii?r, S3. O. I miAKI), Per I>ny ...$3 00. II. HAMILTON, Superintendent. 1*1 r?. H. L. HIJTTFItCIF.Iil). I'roprlclrc*# Bept 29 19 tf Tiikkr ar6 at present in Germany upwards of 25,000 war widows and 125,000 fatlicrloss children. I deeply upon tho oonfldmie* wr njgarta, aa this excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a long scrios of yoars.NMl smofijmprt of tho races of men It has risen higher anflgigher ?* ^u"n*ffi-cUon*ror\he^iaga wid? Uu&*Sa?5 V K? "WS SbTadapted to milder forms of sflmMe & and to young children, It Is at the same time the most effectual remedy that can be given ft* mete* lent consumption, and the dangerous affections oftte^hroarand^uagtt As nj^Tjslon against timastubJooTtooolls aodBwt^rtsTailstotddTS '"Xf. provided trltn this antidote tor them. Although settled Cow option is thought Incurable, still great numbers of cases Where tho 2? *r;j dinoase seemed settled, have been completely '*eu Throat, that me most obstioate of them yield to It, When nojthln^g ejsej^ld^reach them^ under the Pr2^?u/ts,always relieved and often wholly eared by It. r . HroncMtU is generally cured by taking the Cherry l'moml in small and ft-eqoeht doses. R'" So generally are Its virtues known, that we need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than aaaure the publlo that its quaww aro fully maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure, For Fever and Axue, Intermittent Ijjref, v' Ohlll Fever, Remittent Fever, DtunV ^dp.i3?.o:aSaiss; te from malarious, marsh, or mivnuMo poisons. As Its name implies, it does Cure, and does ndt fall. Containing neither Arsenic. Quinino, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance whatever, it In nowise injures any patient. The number and Importance of its cures in the ague districts, are literally beyond account, and wo nellcve without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratihed by the acknowledgments wo recolvo of the radical cures effected In obstinate cases, and where other remedies had wholly failed. Unacclimnted persons, either resident in. or travelling through rft las hi alio localities, will be protected by taking the AO UB CUIUS daily. Yor JAvor Complaint0, arising from torpidity of the Liver, it Is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity. For Bilious Disorders and T.iver Complaints, It Is an excellent remedy, producing many truly remarkable cures, where other medicines haa failed. Prepared by I>u. J. C. Atkh A Oo., Practical and Analytical Cbemista, Lowell, Mass., and sold all round the world. TRICE, $l.OO PJSJt HOT TLB. j or I?or sale in Greenville uy M. A. HUNTI.n dt CO., Aleuts. Aug 31 15 ly The Great Medical Dlscorcry I Dr. WALKKB'S CALIFOHNfA VINEGAR BITTERS, | ? | Hundreds of Thousands S1! 3 ? ? J Bear testimony to their wonderful^ t-i Curativo Effects. jr.? g WHAT ARE THEY? ||| Og I THEY ARE NOT A VILE O ^FAHCY DRINK,ft?, Mnio or Boor Bum. Whls^oy, .Proof Bplrits. and Refuse Liquors, doci or?*l, splocd. and swi'c tenul to ptcaao lue taito, c.i led "Tollies'* " Appetisers," " ltestorurs," & \, that lead tho tippler on to drunkenness and ru:n, butnro atruo Medicine, mndo tram tho Native Hoots and H?rt? of California, free from all Alooholio Stimulants. They am inofl RE AT BLOOD PURIFIER and LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invlgorator of the Byltem, earryingoll ail poisonous matter, r nnd restoring tho blood to a healthy condition. No person can take those Bltu is, according to d irect ions, and remain lonrfunwclL 4)100 will bo given for un incurable case, pro-' . .ding tho bones aro not destroyed by mineral poisons or other means, nnd t!.o vital organs wasted licrond tho point of rensir. For Inflammatory and OhronioBheu-' matism. nnd Gout. Dyspepsia, or Indigo stion. Bilious, Kemittont. and Inter- ' mittent Fevers, Disinncs of the Blood, Liver, Kidnoys, nnd Bladder, these Bitters havo been most successful. Such. Diseases oro caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of tho, Digestive Organs, They invigorate tifc stomach, and stimulate . tho torpid lifer and bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in ctoansing tho bloo I of nit impurities, nnd Imparting new life and vigor j fo 1 ho wholo system. " Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache,' Tain in tho Hhoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, liad Tasto in the Mouth, lli.lions Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Copious Discharges of Urino, Pain in tho regions of tiro Kidneys, and a hundred other Eiinfui symptoms which nto tho offsprings of yspepsla, aro ourod by theso Bitters. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find' its impurities bursting through tho skin in Pima" , Eruptions, or Bores; clean so it when it is , and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will /oilow. 4 PIN, TATE, and other WORM*, lurking In tho system of ho many thousands, are ctfoctuidly j destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular! around each bottle, printed in four languages? ! English, German, French, and Hpanish. I J. WALKEll, S3 A 34 Commerce Street, N. Y. J Proprietor. R. H. Mr DONALD * CO., Droggiata and Osneral Agents. Ban Francisco. California, and 33 and S I Com- . ssrmls^t all DKuaaxsTS and' DEALERS. xm' For Mle in ( > fen ville I v M A. HUNTER <fc CO., HARRISON A MARSHALL. Aug 31 Id dm . P...- Ml* l.y *ILCOXt GIBB8 <t CO .Im purit-r* nod in rtuoiint, H8 Bay 8t., Mnvnnmii; '24 i Broad S^*-, Aufthii, Oa.; lfil l-'nnt B?v. Gh ?rl*rtnn, 8 0. ; and by ImVII) A sTliADI.RT. GtMnTillc For (urllior information, apply or addraaa it# uliovc f.-.r |*)n| Lie'. Not 80 U 4m