University of South Carolina Libraries
i_ ?aaa?aamaaaaa?aaa? Special Kolice. A LL porsona IndibUd to ua are nntiBed jfX. ^at piymeot MUST BB MADE by the Brat of February aost. U. BBATTIB k CO. i Jaa 4 33 4 rains E. Powell J WILL RB-OPEN bar School, r Ay^it bar roaidonco, oo Buncombo I ^^ 9 St root, oo Nimk January, 1871. h Having tauabt for many yoara. p iflK^ aba bopcs still to rooolro a aharo v of tbo patronago of tbo community. No Boya - f I VO T A ?t?r wp RCVITVO* W-4 * To ~ReWt,~ ; Xs<M^'\ AN KXCKLIJKNT house I AND LOT, conveniently la. 'iVcSii^j' caleil to buelneee. Apply at * one*. 0. A. PICKLE. 1 Jaa 4 83 tf * General Superintendent* Office ? O. A C. Railroad Compart, ) Columbia, S. C., January 3d, 1871. j \ AN EXTRA TRAIN win run from Green- I tIIU to Anderson, oa Monday, the 9tb t in?L, leaving at 1.80 P. M. I 4k JOHN B. MOORE, , General Superintendent. t Jaa 4 33 1 , TOWNES & EAST, ATTORNIES AT LAW. J / wriPB In the OLD COURT IIOIISK. I u Middle Room on the South Side, Lower I i Story, i GREENVILLE, 8. 0. < ?. r. TOWKKt. OLIN D EAST I J nugjt ss tr on I German .Study Lamp. ; THE only reliable Safety Lamp In nae I Call and get one?a beautiful Chrbt moi or New-Yenr'a Pretent. For tale at WALTER'S Drugstore. Read wliet la raid of them : Your Student Lamp ha* become a great faroiite in my home. I employ it in pie-. t> renee te all othefa. I can anggeat no ira provement and deeire none Re*. HENRY WARD BEECHKR. T1?e German Student fjtmp, aold by Dr. F. A. Walter, ie the heat, article of the kind I have ever need. I bought one of him nunc than a year ago, and have been more and more delighted with it. The use ol keroaene" urth it aeema to tie perfectly rate, and the l'ght ia very bright, and exceeding )y plenranl to tlie ?>ea. JAMES P. ROYCE. Greenville, S. C , Dec 20. 1870. COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME FOR Will *>1111 tU I lUi* SEED. THIS ARTICLE is mtnuhelurrd bv the 1 nv??. nftM Pi KY . L Charleston, C., under the superintendence of Dr. St. Julicn Rnvenel. When comported with an equal weight of Cotton Seed, ita re* eulta hove been found fully equal to the beat atandnrd lerliliaera. Ita economy must commend it to the notice of plnntcra generally. For specific directions tor cuinposting and for supplies, apply to J. N. ROBSON, Selling Agent, Charleston, S. C. JOHN S. REESE A CO., General Agents, Baltimore. 33 3m Jan 4 PACIFIC S1U0 CflUFiSn" (CAPITAL, <1,000 000,) SOLUBLE PACIFIC (III A NO. ff^IIIS GLAXO is now so well known in all JL the Southern States for its remarkable affect* a* an agency for increasing the products of labor, as not to require special recommendation from us. Its use for Ave years past has established its character for reliable excellence. The largo Axed capital invested by tho Company in this trido. affords the surest guarantee af the continued excellence of ita Guano. J. N. ltOliSO.V, Selling Agent, Charleston, 8. C. JXO. S. ItEESE A CO., General Agents. Baltimore. 33-:Sw Jan 4 Tho State of Sou h Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Jly a. J. UUUIll/r, E*q., Jnitye of Probate of utid County. WUKKEAS, 'Willis Roger* has died a Petition in uiy Office, praying that Letters of Administration un all and singular the poods nUd chatties, rights and credits of WM. BKAMLKTT, late ol ttie County aforesaid, deceased, thould t>e grunted to hiiu. The** ore, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to he and appenr in the Court of Probate for said County, to tie holdcn at Greenville Court House, on the 1 fir A Hoy of January iu*t., to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not he granted. 8. J. DOOTHIT, J. P., G. C. Offico of Judge of Pro'iate, Jan. 2d, 1S71 Jan 4 33 2 Tho Stato of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. By S. J D OUT HIT, K*q., Judge of Pro bate of *aiti County "Il/III UF.AS. William A. McDANIEL v v has fi'ed n Petition in tnv Oftice. , praying that loiters of Adminis'ration on all ami singular the goods and chattels, right# ?nd credits of MARIA M. O'NEILL ftf t ha Pjtiiiif u f*>? ? -?-I ?- J HI?M cuniu, U?*C? m?'U, h mild be u*nnif<| In him. Thtee are, therefor*, to eile And admonish oil ar.d singular ti e kindred ond creditors of I lie snid fbcaa?ed, to l>* oid apt-ear In the Court of Probate f..r arid County, to l>e lioldcn at Greenville Court House, on the 1 \th day of yaitNiiry next, to flmw cauee, it any, why the said A "'mini*! ration shonM not be granted. 8 J. nOUTIIIT, J. P , O. C Office of Judge of Probate, I>??. 28, 1870. Jen 4 II t County Commissioner'* Office. To the Sub Commimloneri of Road* and Bridget: YOU ere hereby ordered to have all the Public Koada put in Good Repair at as early a day at pi ac''cable. By order of the Bon d. A. I8A AC8, Clerk December Clh, 1870 |>re 14. 80 8 Steel Engraving of Oen. Robert it. SUIISCHIBER8 remitting $t 'or on* yrar'a nhaeriptlnn to Tiib South*a* I'rm?, an fllua'rated Weekly Journal of 40 column#, w?l| rreeiva an -lag*. t Mr.l P.n I graving of Orn. Robert E U*. <4 x I# li.rh.-a, forwarded in a a-enr* ei'?, | wOitr paid by na. Thia numUr ronlaina a largo fli rlv *>rented likmru nf Orn I,*e. en. ginve.l t-y o ?kllif?l ariiftt, from a pltoto. graph, e*pr*?dy for Thr Prra<. wl<h an oatl>n? of h a hlr and aoo'tnt of bin o'a* Siimlr e?|dea. (if o.d?red lo. warifad ?o any a-Mrraa on receipt of in rent*. (Jan. a?ana wanted in ev r y county in the South, to whom a liber, al iirt of p.a.n ?m. ia nlfrmi in thia ia?nr. Addre.a: The Southern I'reta, B.IMn.ore, Vd. Jan 4 38-l | THE 10MWIU EKOMWIR WITH the tint of the year, the YORKVILLE ENQUIRER will enter upon la acventeenlh volume ; aiid the auoecee I vitb wbie|, the proprietor has met in the i aat, in |,ia ?ffurla to publiah a Bret olaae ^' rerj mJ Family paper, haa laduerd 1 . 10 preaent attraction* in the future, su*'n ?r to any heretofore offered W iih this 1 * w, and for the pur| oee of aeeuriog ORIGINAL SERIAL STORIES 1 f a high order, remunerative prima were 1 ff?red for the three beet eompatetive atoriea. a ?r?m a large number that were aubmilted, i commute*, oompoeed of dWIntereeted and competent literary gentlemen, selected aa t ne moi?i enieriftining, \j ion and "Tub Lost Diamoup;*' whioh. on ipcuigg the seals containing the authors' iame#. were foun-l to b? from the pens of j ome of the most popular story writer#; end hese prod action# ere pronounced equal to c he siories iarurd from an/ weekly preen in c lie country. THE riUZE STORIES j rill run through at leant twenty six num. >fM of the paper, and will be followed by hree other Original-8tories of abaorbing In- I ,?r*at, written espressly for the Em)ui?u, t milled, respectively. " Dutkt?A Tali i >v BrfomK tiia Was ;* - liana kn Ci-tbbn* ;" md " Unknown." mi<kimr not leva than three hundred eokmna of Original Storiee | to be published during the year; which, in iddition to the "Miscellaneous Reading,** idapted lo all classes; the Agricultural Department, containing practical and useful information for the Farmer ; " Reading for ] the Sabbath," under the supervision of a y slrrieal gentleman of marked ability, whose Ltrnceiul pen embellishes his department in 1 every number; s column of Wit and Hunor; together with Editorials on nppropri ite topics; a compend of the News, at home ud abroad ; Commetcial and Market ReI'orts, and being on* of the largest papers published in the Bouth, printed in the best rtyle on a steam press, the EKqvtaak will supply the went of every fireside, and aus> j luin its reputation as a newspaper for the ! lurnilv cirelo ' rRIZES TO SUBSCRIBERS. With a deteimination to keep up with '.he spirit of the time*?the distribution of ' Prize* being a popular idea?(lie Propitetor Ima determined lo adopt a ?)ai(m of GIFT DISTRIBUTION among the subscribers of the EKQUiaaa ; but upon a plan different from that so prevalent, in which bra** jew* e<ry, " dumb watches," and shilling picture* j aie t|i* chiel attraction*. It l? deemed pr?- ( ferable to award a substantial gilt, in an , equitable manner, upon the following plan : , Commencing with the first week in Jan* ( nary, 1871, the name of each yiarlysub- | ecril er on the lie-t, who ha* paid in advance, will be pi need in a I ox provided for the , purpose. On each Wednesday morning , throughout the year, after thoroughly mixing the names, one name will be drawn ( from the box?the person whose name shall he ao diawn, to be entitled to s prize of FIVE DOLLARS in cash. fg*A? names are added to the list they will b* placed in lite hex. The same of the prison drawn each week will be announced in the issue of the paper *ueci eding the draa ing, and the money promptly forwarded to the address. 1EUMS, IN ADVANCE. Onecpy. one year $ 800 wow - > -? - ? on Ten copies, one yc:?r, with an extra ropy to the person making the c'ub 25 00 The Enthki'iiikk and the Enqliksr will be aent one year fur 4 .60. Money ean be safely remitted by "registered" letter. Specimen copies w ill be seot on application. Addle**, L. M. GRIST. Yorkvillc, S. C. J m 4 ?3 tf i KINO'S MOUNTAIN MILITARY SCHOOL, YORKVILLE, S. C. vrj^ i ii K firrt fesMon of the /| School year #f 1871. will begin * ^djR?""t,e 1ST 0F February. Tkrmr.?For School Kxpense?. < *S8hr t. ?, Tuition. Rooks, Stationery, < At.. Boarding, Fuel, I.'ghts and Washing, 135 in currency, per teitlon of five mouths. Pi-r circulars containing full particulars, apply to 0..L. A. COWARD. and Proprietor. Dec 21 lit G Mill UN I? HI. I fM US. LOU JENNINGS, I NB^T STAND, W. II. IIOVEY A CO.,. HAVE OS HAND A LA HOE ASD W ith which she is CERTAIN OK PLEASING ALL OF IIER ] FRIENDS. CALL ASD SEE. I)ce U 30 tf SPKC1AL NOTICE, NO. 2 I "UK Kniirc siork of CLOTHING, GEM'S FUH WISHING GOODS, 1 IUta. Cap#, Vali#**. Carpet Bugs. Shawl*. Itohea. elc . with a full line of W?)er-Proof * CIRCITLMIS, CAPES, OVER-CO MS, 1 I.EGG INS and Cfi PS. will bo *?l<i from THIS DAY, AT COST FOR CASH The Stnck hiii?i be #ohl to close up the huMncta. All wishing grent hnrguius, will find it to their a-lvantnve lo cull at the Store of the lute W. J. link-. M. IIOKE. J C-dumhia, S. C.. Dtcembor 10, 1870. < Deo 14 80 Si Branson & Tinsley, RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE PUBlie, (hut, having purchased the entire r 7 0K. O# 7 MR. THOMAS STEEN, In the Store Opposite Me??r?. T. W. Davis ' and W. D. Goodwin, ami wishing to make 1 room, THKY WILL 8KLL OFF KVF.HY- *. Til NO AT FOR THE NEXT SIXTY IMY8. The 8tock consists of Family Supplies Generally Hardware, Crockery, Glassware Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Mackerel Toilet Soap, Comhcs, Brushes . Table end Pocket Cutlery Spades. Shovels, Forks, Traces !latnes, Scythes, Saws Buckets, Churns, Brooms, ?e. 1 A I.SO, ' A large lot of Clover, Grass and Garden SEEDS, ncaiao great many inner ArilCiei loo till- in or" in In mention. Jp4t~~ Give them a rail, anil tee for yonrrelve*. Ketnember Ihe place?it will be lo your intt-real. ??:o; ? I A CAR D. Havinq disposed op my interetl in the ahnv* EataMirhment to Meaar*. BRITNSO* A TIN8LEY, I cheerfully recommend them for a altar# of that pat- ' ronage ao liberally baatowed on me. THOMAS 8TEEN. Dae U 30 |f c f JUST RECEIVED 1 AT TUB ^ FAIR VIEW STORK . fi\ND NOW OPENING WI p\ Sale, a Stock of NeP ^1 < GOO D*S, f Consisting of A )ne Lot False Reports fromjjihe eat of war by balloon via Flris ( ;nd Spartanburg; ? * One ^t Defeated Candidates? liese wP be sold at Very Low 'rices; j All the One-Horse Candidates or Sheriff of Greenville County, mtside of the Nomination?puribasers to state Terms of Sale ; One only Up-Country Cotton Juycr?warranted to report cor ectly on the quota* ions by last nail. This is a direct importaion, and 6adly needed in this Jonnty?no discount for Cash ; And various other things too tumorous to relate. T, H* STALL) Agent Bring in vour EGGS, CHICKENS, BUTTER, &c., for which vo will pay the Lowest Prices ve can get them at. Fairview'Store. dm 14 80 8 Store Hoase to Rent. i that store house VnApM first north of the Mention Bj?rffipfW* House, will be rented for IS months from the l?t of January, 1871. Apply to W. U. WAtSON. Dee 21 31 2 riic State of South Carolluit GREENVILLE COUNTY. 8h?riff*? Election. IW. A McDANIEL, Clerk of the Court of General Sessions and Common Pirns, do iiereby give public notiee, in pnrtunnce of the directions of an Act ot the Legiala lure ill such ease made and provided, that ?n El?etion for SHERIFF of Greenville County, to fill the unexpired Term of the late incumbent, A. B Vicxtas, deceased, will be hold on Wednesday, the eleventh day of January next, (187 I.) nt the usual places of Election throughout the said County. Witness my hand, at Greenville, this 7lh day of D. cember, 1870 W. A. McDANIEL. C C. 0. 3. and C. 1*. Clerk's Office, Dec. 7, 1870. Do 14 80 5 Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may emcern, that. I *111 apply to S. J Douthit, Probata Judge of Greenville County, on iji* ,17i?. J-e fif * ,f"n,L discharge as Executor of the Eetele of WILLIAM WYNN. deceased. SAMUEL MORGAN, Fx-cutor. December 14th, 1870. 81 6 Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may con eern, that I will apply to S. J. Doutliit, Prolm'e Judg* of Gr-enville County, for a final dischnige as Guardian of CICERO RANDALL and ORNJAMAN P. RAN DALL, on the 161 It riav cf Jnnuaiy next. WILLIAM F. LESTER. Guardian December 16th, 1870. 81 4 No. ice "J"S hereby given to all whom it mnv fnnwm X that I will apply to S. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville Count V, on fAe 18fA rfny a\f Ju'tunrm nrxt. for a final discharge a* Guardian of HENKY P. HUDSON. December 17th, 1870. LUTHER I. HUDSON, Dec 21-2 31 Guardian. Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may concern, that wo will apply to S. J. Douthit, PrnJudgo of Greenville County, oh the. 9th iny of January ?rt, for a final discharge no Administrators of the Estate of WILLIAM SMITH, deceased ; therefore, all partioa having claims against said Estute, will present them on or before said day to us or the ProIrate Judge, or be debarred. December 8tb, 1870. HENKY M. SMITH, W. R. SMITH, Admistrators. Dee 14 30 4 Notice IS hereby given to all whom it mny concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate fudge of Greenville County, for a final discharge as Executor of the Estate of JESSE IIAMMKTT, deceased, oa the lOtA day of lanuary next. December 8lh. 1870. if EN It Y P. HAMMETT, Executor. Dee 14 30 4 Notice [S Iterrhy given t?? all whom it may concern. that I will apply to S. J. Douthit, [Vnhate Judge of Greenville County. w?i the ','ith day of January next, for a final 'lis. hnrg? as Executor of the Estate of N.AI'll AN' A PKAHTFIJ 8 G. McCl.ANAllAN, Executor. December 12lh, 1870. 30 6 Notice 18 hereby Riven td all whom it may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. l)outhit. Probate IuiIro of Greenville County, on ike 14rA (fay >f January next, for a final discharge n? Adnicistrator of the Estate of MASTIN STONE, leeeased. December 5th, 1870. L. H. SHUMATE, Adm'tor. Dee 7 29 4 Notice T8 hereby Riven to all whom it may concern, JL that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate ludge of Greenville County, uu ike 7tk Jay of fanmary next, for a final diachnrRe an Adminatrator of the Estate of J'lSEPH JAMES, lecoased ; therefore, all parties having elaimr. igainrt said Estate, will present them to tho Probate Judge, or myself, on or before said December 1st. 1870. JOHN JAMES, Administrator. Dec 7 20 6 Notice [8 hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Dontbit, Probate ludge of Greenville County, on ike ilk Jay of lauuary next, for a final discharge as Kxecuor or the Estate of DAVID VAUGHAN, leeeased, and as Administrator of the Estate if MARY VAUGHAN, deceased. December 1st, 1870. W. P. VAUGIIAN, Executor and Administrator. Dec 7 29 5 Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may eoncern, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Pro a'e Judge of Greenville County, on the 3d lay of January next, for a Anal diachargo a* luar.lian of ELIZABETH COOK. November 2.1 <1, 1870. D. C. BENNETT. Not 23 27 ? j E*>T Subscribe for tlio EnterutibK. $200 per annum. AT THE ' IpfiRN HOTEL, j SttUdttto, Brandies ' vlioltttlt ?nd JJBhHu 1'Mt tilnck in the n> 11 ii ii Hi Carolina* ^pMtoVILLF. COUNTY. In the Court Common Pleas. Heart B. Smite, ct tl., *?. J. L. Smite, et L, Executor?Bill fur Account, d-c.. T)Y ylrtu* of the Decree in this care, I will i> eell at Public Auction, on Snleday in January ami, at Greenville Court Ilouee, ell that Plantation or Tract of Land, lying on the Augusta Road 7 miles from the Court Ilouee, adjoining lands of Henry Ash more, Nancy Cex and others, containing 317 Acres, more or less. Terms?Cash. Purchaser to pay for stamps and papers. H. M. BMITIf,'Coroner, Acting 8. G. C. Dec 7 ,3# 4 Court of Conntou Plena. Kobrrts A Duncan, W. J. Ri.non? Notice of Motion for leave to Issue Execu' tion. To T. / El rod, Defendant. TAKE notiee that, on tbe affidavit, of which a copy is herewith filed, and on the Judgment and proceedings In this cose, tbe undersigned will move the Court to be held o? the 3d Jfonday in January next, at Greenville Court House, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be beard, for leave to issuo execution upon said Judgmen4. Greenville C. II., 17th November, 1870. E. P. JONES, PlaintiiTs Attorney. IT appearing to my satisfaction, bv affidavit, that tbe defendant is non'residcnt; and tnat he is a proper portv in this case, and that a cnune of Action exiata against bini: It ia ordered that service of tbia motion be made by publication, and that tbia Notioe bo published onco a week, for six weeks, in the ?'?terpriie and Sfountainter. November 17 th, 1870. 8. J. DOUTIIIT, J. P., Q. C. Not 23 27 # CONOEISID. mu PERSONS INDEBTED Lp\ to us by NOTE OK ACCOUNT, Are hereby notified that we EXPECT PAYMENT T\T l^TTT T ? in r u j?l? 1U JJE MADE BY FIRST JANUARY NEXT. Come, friends, and give us a helping hand ; we need MONEY, nnd hope you will roor?..J promptly iMo CUI1. CLYDE & IIOYEY. Dec 7 2# 4 ^ r -f Q> A, C = = 8 ? I *'= jm .i ? ^ 5 45 | ? >.0 2 Ts t "-== 1 ?i- = ^ ? ...-3 <y *? ?2 iT $> -s h5Pr=S.o H ^ , A ?-H i. . C C <5 -? 4> rh P* 0 c- S 5- 03 r^w* TO > oc >.? ^< .. _r c5z ^ JJ c t-oj; fcjj I. 5 _ E & p| j = -1--3 w ? . .g? ?d C/j I? ? * ejrj ^ !5^ .T 5 ^ Z ?<5^2 *= K v?? ? ? ?r _ ^ n "t-jy'a ^ <J = i I =? = r idsa^^t^- ^ ? "3 sha?6j.' l^si^s k] . co -= *9 - _2 ~ ? .= jr 5 J ^<2 1 t.'i SCC ? ?.??j ^ n c ? = O l! - v ^ ^ 2 ^ sC-Ci'-^ JaoS^'w-^ J o' ?cc S *- - 1?"' ? 3 ^ M - > X Q V- 5 -a ~ S 2 - . 51= H -= ? ^3 CC *** s! ^ O > ^ - ct .< " u ^ ? . co ? c s ? c5 ^ u 2 ? " = h5 s-?v 5 w -* s * * ?co I? s?s^ jif * = 2 lsri-_i ^ jfc T II E Ladies' Stoke, ;? ; ? W. II. HOVE Y & CO. Are prepared to exhibit to tho Indies a Large nnd Beautiful line of DP. BOO O O O D O, Consisting in part of: BOMBAZINE, FRENCH MERINO, (all colors,) ALPACCAS of the Lest brands, English SATINET, POPLINS, MELANGE LUSTRE, ALL-WOOL DELAINE, (black, white and colored,) DEBEGE, CI1ENE MOHAIR, AMERICAN DELAINE, Ac., Ac. OUR STOCK OF n stt a m n nu . mm ? ?~ ? CLOTHING IS LARGE A ED WELL-SELECTED. ALSO, FURS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS. CLOAKING, VELVETEENS. CLOTHS, CASSIMF.RE8, AC., AC. A Complete Stock in our line, and all ffuar an teed of the Rest Quality and Lowest Prices Nov S 24 if GREENVILLE PAPER MILLS. :o: J. Bannister & Son, or ALL KINDS or PaaIt _ HTm.o TTT i jf WVA) Aiunot W 1 ripping una | P Colored TriOII?8T CA8II O^AID FOR XX Pt>tU?n or Linen RAQS. M.j ? 1 1 y H. C. II Begs leave ro inform t in bis Store a Large and WeU Consistii A. Full Line of Dom< ? ? ? ? " " " " Hosii " " w " Ladi U U ? ? Shoe a ? u ? Boot u u * u Clotl Overcoats, Dress Coats, Bushes Black and Fancy Cassimere Pants, it u it tt Vests, A Full Assortment White and < Drawers; Ladies and Gents Hats Traveling Bags. A good lot of Domestic Grocerio which are too numerous to mention A <V Ai -11 ' ' anvr icnuuig uu oi me advert paper, vou will do well to call an< Knowledge that the Jews are hard t I3F* Special attention is called t< ETS, Mexican SBREADS and QU dnced prices. Call at H- C. MASK'S, CA Nn?eml or 30 ATTENTION! /J\LL PERSONS INDEB1EP i-TAJ NOTE, LIEN OR ACCOUNT, WILL PLEASE CALL AND SETTLE, BY FIRST DECEMBER, Or they will find their paper in hands of an Attorney for Collection. DAVID & 8TR ABLEY. Nov 2 24 if B. WEHRLE [LIAS just returned with ft well jjy selected Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SUM AH FLUTED WARE. Table Cutlery, &c. HIS Slcwk \vi\8 personally so lected trom the best houses in his line, and can guarantee satisfaction. Oct 19 22 tf DYSPEPSIA & INDIGESTION SOtO EVERYWHERE. Z^tC\ PBSSSSSB? ' a WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS CMABLE8T?H,S.C. ??? ?i?ag-m i ? N. II. Tli? Commt??ioner of Revenue lis* decided tliui any dealer can tell iliia article without a rpeeial lie> ns<>. For rale hy DAVID & STRADLEY, Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Com iiiUsiou Merchanle, Greenville. 8. C. also by Drs. Harr son 8c Marshall, Whole Rate and Retail Droughts, GKERNVILLF., 8. C. Mar SO 45 ly GREENVILLE & COLUMBIA RAILROAD. Gicnkrai. SrrKRiSTK.NDKNT'a Orrtca, Columbia, S C, Dec. 1, 1870. ON and nfler THURSDAY, December 1, the following Schedu'e will be run daily, Sunday* excepted, contacting with Night Ti aina on South Carolina Railroad up and d?wn, alro with Trains going South on Charlotte, Columbia and Augutta Railroad : UP. Leave Columbia at 7.00 a. m " Alston..... 8.40 a.m. " Newberry 10.1* i. m, " Cok-ahuiy. 1.45 p.m. " B-dton 8.80 p.m. Arrive at Greenville ft 00 p. m. DOWN. Leave Greenville at ft 4ft a. m. *' Re'ton 7 '28 a. nt. CoKmiiurv 9.05 *. m. " Abbeville 8 00 *. in. " * Newturiy 12.35 p. in " Alston 2 10 p. m. Arrive ?t Columbia 3 46 p.m. JOHN' M. MOORE, General Superintendent. Ore 14 30 If lfAjtji, wasroaia MILLINERY. Miss McKAY lifts j<i-1 re reived now rupplic* of Ron neti, ll?U, Ribbon*, F> tilitn. Flower*, ?e. AI*o Infant*' KwWV II?'ft end cap*. For*. (Reel wr H UjP ?nd iniiietion.) Heir Coil* jet WJ^A end Leer Good*, which all* 111 offer* at very low price*. Nov 2 14 If iXARK, ' LIEMMJBLIO THAT HE HAS s 9 ng of A ;stics es Dress Goods X ery and Gloves es and Gents Shawls ^ s W ;s * ling. ; s Suits, (in all colors and styles,) J * tl Colored Shirts; Undersliits and e ; Ladies and Gents Valises and ?, and a great many other articles sements of onr neighbors in this jj 1 examine my stock, and will ac- 0 o bea^ in their stock and prices. t ? my Stock of fine BED BLANK- ] 1LTS, which will be sold at re- ? RB'S OLD 8TAHD. SS U j KB ESTABLISHED 1939. ORE EN VILLE COACH FACTORY. GOWER, COX <fc MARKLEY. WE would announce to our customers, Ibat we are prepared now to fill all Ordera for VEHICLES. We !>? added to our 8toek of Wood-Workinf Machinery, and increased our ataff of workmen to about 70, and therefore trust that none of our patrons will be disappointed in having ordera promptly filled. The 8tock of One, Two, Three, Four t, and Siz-llorse Iron Axle PLANTATION nnuvno, win oe Kepi fun ; nan now as Tor one-third of a century past, these Wagon* shall be tho STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. We have a large Stock of Light D U G GIBS AND ROCK A WA YS Of our own make, and a 8tock of NorthernBuilt BUGGIES?both low-priced and highpriced?for those who wish to purchase Northern work, priced as low as any Southern dealer. We call special attention to the Improvements making in our SPRING WAGONS. Without raising the price, we arc finishing them with GREAT CARE. And P inii?is kiivm r.iegafitly. To customers at a distance. Prided Lists will be promptly mailed on application to GOWER, COX & MARXLEY. Aug 10 12 6m _ FCF.E LIBERT? WHITJE JJAD. Bay the Best?It it the Cheapen* ;<>; To Coammara of Whit* Lead Ererywher*. :o: THE increased demand from all sections of tho country for orr well-known brand of PUKE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, induces us to ask your special attention to it, and we cordially invite you to give it a trial. U NEaVALED. 1st. For Wearing and Covering Properties. 2d. For Whiteness and Beauty of Finish. .Id. For Uniform Fineness of Grinding. 4th. Same Weight will do more and better work, at a given cost, than any other. 6th. Most Economical Whito Lfad ever introduced. 6th. If you wish to procure as much value as possible for your money and secure handsome and durable work, use PURE LIBERTT WHITE LEAD Try it and be convinced. Satisfaction guar L. Sk. U * Mutcvu uj m? jnitnui?nurcrfl. ZIEGLE A SMITH. Wholesale Drug, Paint and GU?s Dealers, Mo. 137 North Third Street, Philadelphia. WHOLESALE AOEXTS, GOWER, COX & MARKLEY, DEALERS IN Coach Materials, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, UREANVILLE, 6. C. Aug 10 12 flm NOTICE. [J\S - .1AVU DISl'OSEl) dr Lr\ my Stock of GOODS TO Messrs. Brunson Sl Tinsleys I wish to call the attention of those INDEBTED TO ME% And request that they call and PAY UP AT ONCE, As I wish to mako an EAULY SETTLEMENT OF MV BUSINESS. Longor indulgence cannot be given. If not paid by FIRST OF JANUARY, I shall bo forced to the unpleasant ..WV?9I>; vl |/inuill^ 1I1UII1 in 1(16 tunuls of an Attorney, THOMAS STEEN. Dec 7 2# 4_ NEW STORE. J022T H. OOODLETT RESPECTFULLY inform* the Public that he he* commenoed BuiiDtw again at (he Old Stand of LONG & GOODLETT, Where he haa Juat opened a portion of bia Stock, couajating of ???ids, Qrocertes, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Ac,, All of which were bought at low flgurea, and will be aold for CASH OR BARTER At a alight advance on Coat. He aolicita a ahare of the public patronage. Ap ? 4? If Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Donthit, Prohate Judge of Greenville County, an th* lit* day o/ Jnnuarf ntjrl, for a Snal diacharM mm Adminlatrator of the Katate of MARTHA T. LRAOUfi, deceased j therefor*, all parties having elalma against said Kstate, will pr*. aent to me or tb* Probate Judge on or before aai'l day, or be debarred. December 10th, WILLIAM R. LAOITR, _ ,, Administrator. Deo 14 SO 4 Th? State of 4&nth Carolina? ANDMR80N COUNTYCourt mi Cotmmom PI?i. uu Joan KirU, m Adahhtnlor of tbo Batata of Blimih H. Kittle istsaaib/ ud Adalaiitnur do bo mow ol the Estate of C. B. Bum, deceased, Kldhtlf; nixt Jambs W. Bam lb, Jvuoi K. Bab lb, Fbabcis W. Bablb. Albx. 0. Ka?m, Jambs 11. Bablb, J. RAixsroBP BablB, Kllbb O. Bablb, Bamvblla U. Bablb, DtMadaOtl.?Summon* for R*li*f?Comylaiml mot Sorttd. o tbs Defendants, French W. Earls, Alexander C. Earls, Jamas II. Ballet J. Hainsfwrd Earlo, Elba G. Earlo ud BibmUs G. Bar la. VT OU art hereby nmnoiMd and nqdrad I to answer the complaint in tbia action, bicb U lied in tbe ?Cm of the Clerk of omsson Pleas, for tbe aald County, aad to irts a copy of your anawer to tbe said cointaint on tbe subscriber at bis office, at Aaerson Court House, 8late of South Carolina, Ithin twenty days after tbe serrioe hereof, xeiasiwo of tbe day of such service; and if ou fail to answer the complaint within the luae aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will pply to the Court for the relief demanded in be complaint. Dated at Anderson Court Ilouae, S. C., Deembor fith, 1870. B. P. WIIITNER, Plaintiff's Attorney. TO the Defendants, Francis W. Earle, Alexnder C. Earle, James 11. Earle, J. Ratnsford Carle, Ellen 0. Earle and Samuella G. Earle i rake notice that the Summons in this Action, >f which the foregoing is a copy, was filed in be office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Mens, at Anderson Conrt House, in tbe County if Anderson, in tbe State of South Carolina, i* the 8tA J<ig of December, 1870. B. F. WHITNER, Plaintiff's Attorney, Anderson C. H., B. 0. Dec U SO fi Sixty-Five First Prize Med als Awarded. Southern Piano Will. KKABE Sc CO., Manufacturers of Grand, 8quare and Upright PIANO FORTES, Baltimore, Md. THESE Instruments have been before tbe public for nearly thirty years, and upon their excellence alone attained on unpurchased pre-eminence, which pronounces them unequaled. Their Tone combines groat power, sweet, ness and fine singir.g quality, as well as great purity of Intonation, and sweetness through* out the entire scale. Their Touch is pliant and elastic, and entirely free from the stiffness found in so many Pianos. In Workmanship they are uncqualed, using none but the very best teaeontd material, the large capital cm* ployed in our business enabling us to keep continually an immense stock of lumber, 1c., on hand. All our Square Pin not bare onr New Int-* proved Overstrung Scale and the Agraffe Treble. We would call special attention to onr late improvements in Grand Pianos and Square Grands, Patented August 14th, 1866, which bring the Piano Dearer perfection than baa jr?t K??o attained. Every piano fully Warranted for 5 Yeart> We have made arrangements for the Sole Wholesale Agency for tho most Celebrated Parlor Organs and Melodoons, which we offer Wholesale and Retail, at Lowest Factory Prices. WM. KNABE A CO., Baltimore, Md. Dec 7 29 6m I!HPORTA,1T NOTICE TO CONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS. All Retail Order* amounting to $20 and Over, Delivered in any Pari of the Country FllEE OF EXPRESS CD A ROES. HAMILTON EASTEIt & SONS, or BAITIMOIIK. VI)., IN order the better to meet the want* of the ltotail Customer* nt a distance, havo established a SAMPLE BUREAU, and will, upon application, promptly tend by mail full lines of samples of the Newest and most Fashionable Goods, of French, English and Domestic Manufacture, guaranteeing at all times to sell a* lotc, it not at /<?? price*, than any house in the country. Buying our goods from tho largest and most celebrated manufacturers in the different parts of Europe, and importing the snme by Steamers direct to Baltimore, our stock in at all times promptly supplied with tho novelties of the London and Puris markets. As we buy and sell only for cash, and make no bad debts, wo are able and willing to sell our goods at from Ten to Fifteen per cent Lets Profit than if we gave credit. In sending for samples specify the kind of goods desired. We keep tho best grades of every class of goods, from tho lowest to the most costly. Orders unaccompanied by the c^sh will bo sent C. 0. L?. Prompt-Paying Wholesale Buyers arc invL ted to Inspect the Stock in our Jobbing and Paokugc Department. Address HAMILTON EASTER A SONS, 107, 109, 201 and 20.1 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Dec 7 29 ly iiimnTiTirn MiMJearin^,^haftin^4Pulleys POO!!* -L^TSEHD F0RAC1RCUI.ML-&1 Deo 7 2tt 1; GEORGE PAGE & GO. No. 5 N. 8chroeder St.. Ralti?in?-? Manufacttirtra of Portable and Stationary STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. Patent Improved. Portable CIRCULAR SAW MILI-8, Oanjr, Muliw and Saab Saw Mill*, (trial Mills. Timber Wheel*. Shingle Machines, Ac. Dealer* in t'iicu'ar Saw*, Belting and Mill supplie* gen-raIIv, nn<l mannfae'urer'* agent* for L ff'l'* Celebrate ed Turldnr Water Wheel, and every de-? ee?iption of Wood Working Machinery. ACRICt 1.1THAL f.SOINK* A BPIXIAI.TV. iend f?r d. acriptive Catalogue* and PiTce Liata. 29-ly ESTABLISH RH 1811, CUS1IINGS & BAII>EY, D00KSBLLBR8 AND STATIONERS, 282 HAI.TTMAUB bt .......VMM OI.? MP SI I / {/It /V, Have the Lergcet and Iteet Aenortud Stock in the city of SCHOOL, MEDICAL end LAW, end DENTAL, CLA88ICAL end MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. An Immense supply of GENERAL RANK ANI> C0UNTING-II0U8F STATIONERY. Rlank Rooks made to order in any style of Rinding and Ruling. T1 e same careful Attention give to f>R DKI'.H as t<> Personal Purchases. Inside Kiguret always. Fend for Catalogues, <t;f, Sept 28 1ft 4 m