University of South Carolina Libraries
?? Ttt Mfl*#IUli. "Fruit Culture. i i ST LABORS* CIIMOR. a t will offer to yon one mora letter?* lUk you, gentUmeo, l?r jour eonfldeooe ; h ehoere m as your older eod abettor In opeoklog of tho, Iowa of ProTidonoo? Arritu'turiiU will loom and do boiler, Having dow Department for defeooe, frvlt culture Is more ita^ld Do J ?Ammlog. 'j Wbllo governments here b??o Addling and d analog. n. Furnishiog malarial ta pleasure Amidat the frnite, where good cultivation Will, in the future, overflow the measure, And lead to increased navigation. country eo hleeaed with fruit and treasure, ftewardi labor and oallo for emigration. Time will work wonder* from over the ??? Fruits end flowers, in a garden, bring the bee* iff. Fruit enltnre Is now a Southern topic; The pesoh should not be turned to brandies. But shipped as from a distant tropie? liquor is no euro for idle dandies. From the imprudent it is best to look it? Tie smuggled in pies and soger candies, When drinking costs gold and sliver monfj? Its remarkable how 'twas used with honey. IV. Ffcaehes are much enlarged by trimming? To January is the proper time? The lueious juice through the rip*, akin streaming, Will delight you, if at the root you find The bprer?a worm whieh hurts ths limbing, And is annoying to tbe finest kind. Greenville peaches are fine for their Am or? The fro-t it cruel?sometime* a favor, r. Winter applet bare beta much negleeted*,Iforth Carolina *till nilea the market. But thert art tome torlt might be telccted Which would io the future help to bark It. Home trade and commerce should be protected By a fret ayatem?don't ray ahark it. Every oounty and State abould hate ita own. And let the world mora and more fruitful roam. I. Apple diet adda to the health of manIt aavee ua from a heavy doc tor'a bill; Europeana hart found thia fact a balm? We profit by example, if we will. riant more applo treat, and let Untie Sam Say, " Thank you, master, I eliall no more kill r Your hard-working men with aword or eannon A* In the 'duel'?Cbeaapeake and Shan non." to. Orapea are nativee here aa well aa on the Rhine ; A lady gave a vineyard her attention. From which ahe reaped a deal more choice wine Than would eolivrn a whole convention Of epicureana, who think It fine. To ait an?l quaff and talk of intention, And apecuiate on cultivating grapea? On leeturing klnga to beweare of acrapea. ni. I might go on with phi in a, figa and | cherries, Oct whortleberry above persimmon? Thou a wild doecrlptlon of blackberries, 8trawberry dieh for the righto of women? Pears, eantilope?I(weheTe no cranberries,) Then on a watcrmellon go swimming. These fruits are richly grown in this County? More profitable than soldiers beauty. IX. X am asked about the roads of rail? We have but one of notoriety? Though worse for wear?carries the cot ton bale. The ears ran off the track?the eociety Contracted in the market for its sale? The engioeers are men of sobriety? But I cannot praise its depot shanties? Travelers have many pleasant fancies. X. It should go to happy Marietta, Bringing down the eloeer, hay and cattle. But in a struggle we'll not forget her Amidst the excitement of the battle. In course of time we shall do mueh better; These mountains oonntain iron and metal? They say I have a genuine plantation? Good aaedittioe for a shaking nation. XT ThisCoupty'e shaped like an Irish potato, A vegetable we all so mueh prise; , The climate is the reverse of Jamaica? At this people will not feel a surprise; But beyond its border say " to us, show" ' A bit more of your Greenville enterprise. Topography, geography, elevationAfter that, comes loreign emigration. XII. Northern border mountains, good for clover; Then there la a gentle elope end some hille; The soil's day, eand and gravel?where < the rover Key enjoy e ploeeent home without ehllla. The lend ie well watered, end moreover, There ie abundant power here for mills, Psetorise near cotton, need no tariff? " eelth relieves the dalles of a sheriff. xnt. 1 Rivera?Saluda, Keedy, Enoree, Tiger, Beaver Dam and the Paoolet? On the eouthern border will do for tea; From the mountains flow many a rivulet Southward through the leagth of Cowntv in glee; Three rivers flow refreshing, don't forget, Inealcuable power for the dam? Menufeeturing wealth for Uncle Sam. xiv. Rom# rapids interfere with navigation? Although the Saluda will float a beat? They are as they were made at creation. Powerful for maehtaery, and to float Lumbvr. alone, or iron (with low taxation) When drawn into a channel like a moat? These granite bode of rook aro future gates For the artitttis of these United Stales. XT. Bailors do their duty In typhoon, C Amidst uoforeaeen troubles are honest; They may be on beam ends in a monsoon, And with victuals and slothes be aolaosd. Bat will not touch s silver plate or spoon While sharping oitiea or in n forest? T Violate all virtne aod ehaatity To gam the political mastery. w, S" 1 Half % loaf woflt do for kin who IoUii Bj night with pa a, or la lhaday with plow: Glra It la him who laetmrra oa wan oaO nhraa A ad la raady to prafit by a row ; Or praaahaa how to traat bh To aaaka hU GubroootorWl bow. Gaat^jour ooU in paaaa?rarollaat tb< Waaal war lo horrid aaoaa for mJ IUi Upper Lynche'a Creek?To be supplied. Camden?A J Stokes marion district?j. w. kklly, T. R. Marlon?11 R Pegues. Marion el?W W Jones. Little Rock?W C Power. Bennett as ilia?J A Porter. Buek Swamp?T Mitchell, K T Hodgee. North Marlboro?W L Pegues. Libei ty Chape!?A J Stafford. Lynche'a Ct#ek?S P H El well. Darlington?W T Copers. Timmonssille?G H Wells. Georgetown?A W Walker. Kingstree? A Nettles. Black Mingo et and miss?D W Seal*. Conwayboro and BaeksTilla?W Thomas. Couwayboro et and roiaa?T W Munner lyn. Waeeamaw et and miss?C Betts, supernumerary ; one to be supplied. SrARTSNBCRO district?T. o. iimrkbv, r. k. Spartanburg?C H Prkeherd. Spartanburg ot and miss?To be supplied; J D Carpenter, supernumerary. Cherokee miss? R C Oliver. Rieh Bill?N K Mellon. Paeolet?J S Conner. Pair Forest?To be supplied. Unionrille >?.l _ ? m+w-mmmrn U Aliommon, Can* Creek and Goshen Hill?T J CI yd*. Belli.ont?J B Mnasebeen. Torkville?G M Boyd ; L A Johneon, aop. Roek Hill?M A Connolly ; R. B. AUton. supernumerary. Gowansvillo?Jl C Crisp. Spartanburg Female College?8 B Jones, ? Lander. Wofford College?A If 8hipp, President; W Smith, A II Letter, proffeesors. OHRRaviLi.a msraiCT?a r mark*, r a. Green rill*?0 A Darby. Greenville et?J Attaway. Reldvlllo?J Watts ; J A Wood, sup. Ptekensvllle?G T Harmon. Walballa?D J McMillan; F M Morgan, m pern n marar/. WiHiamston?R L Harper. Beneea?D D Byars. Anderson?W A Hod ess. Pendleton?J B Trey wick j one to be snpAndereon et?0 V Boraee. >Hed. COEBSSURT DISTRICT? M MOOD, P B. Cokeebnry?L Wood. Cokesbery at?J W Murrey, Abbeville? O F Round. Abbeville et?J J Workmen. Lowndesvllle?A J Ceathen. Ninety-six?P F K is tier. Relude Hirer mission?W H Lew ton. Dora's Mine?R L Duffle. Edgefield miss?T 8 Denial, sup. Le wrens et?J T Kilgo; one to be snpplied. Clinton?W Bowmen. Tambling Hhoels?J Flower. Newberry?J. A Mood. Newberry et?A P A real. Agent for Wofford College?W P Ifeneon. Agent for Weehiagton Street Chereh In olambin?W Mertle. J 8 Nelaon, M B Hoyle end B V Dixon ere trersfarred ? N. 0. Coo fern?e. H J Morgan treneferred to North-went exee Conferenee. The next eeealon of the Conferene# lo be iH et SperUaborg. ; Jtvrr. J<# I ? No Mor?, no no or*, m D?mo?r?? or Whig Do f d?ir? to or ipnk now ; No more, no an or*, am I to lay wbiota pig Shall auek the hinder Uat of mother aow No more, no more, to ellmb in joNport rig Om the Wild wave* of ocean plow. In a corner I cat my Ohriatmaa oak*, id bow to Him who make* the earth' I . , quake. Appointment* of the South Caroling Conference for 1871* OHABUfTOM OISTB1UT? A. M, CHBIOTZBaBO, T. Trinity apd Cumberland?J II Oarlulr Bethel?T E Wannamaker. Spring Street?J T Wightman. Cooper River?L C Loyal. Cooper River Miaalon?To be ?applied. Cyprern ct?'To be eupplied by A R Dan ner. / Walterboro?B Q Jones. St George'#? W Hutto. St George'* Xiaelon?To be eupplied. Eastern Orange?W Carson. Providence?J CStoll; E J Pennington supernumerary. | St Mathew'*?J W Crider. Upper 8t Mathew'e?J E Wat eon. bambkbo DieraioT?v. 11. kznkedy, r. a. Bamberg?T Rayeor; R B Tarrant, am pernumerory. Blaekvllle?J W Me Roy. Ediato?J E Peony. Barnwell?R R Dagnall. Aiken?G J Griffiths. Granitevill* mis*?J 0 Miller. Upper Orange?J 8 Beaeley. Orangehnrg?F Auld. Branch villa?D A Simmon#. > Colleton?C Wileon, W D Klrkland. Allendale? W A Clark. Black Swamp?J B Campbell. Hardeevllle? J R Cobura. oolumbia nierraicr?a. n. bbowke, r. a, Washington Street?M Brown. City miee?To be supplied. Marion Street?W W Colombia et?J A Clifton. Richland fork?0. W Oatlin. Lexington ?O W M Creighton. Lexington mi as?To ba supplied. Eaat Chester?> M Boyd, Cheater?E J MeynaNle, K D Smart. Winniboro?A 0 Oantt. Fairfield?J L Sbuford, R N Walla. Edgefield?J W Humbert. Little Saluda ot?J H Zimmermen. aumtxn nirraior?w. u. flkmixo, r. x. Sumter?II A C Walker, Sumter et?S J Hill. Santee?J L Sifter. Manchester niiaa?To be supplied. Lynchburg?L M Little. Manning?A Errln. Birhoprillc?S A Weber; A MeCorqoo dale, aupernumerary. Darlington et?P O Bowman. Chcaterfieid?J B Piatt. Zoar?To be anpplied by C A Plyer. Cheraw?J F England. Weatficld miaa?To be supplied by A J Wilson. Lancaster?J R Little. Hansrinir Hook?ft Li^JEL I I .Columbia i Advertisements ISAAC SULZBACHER, msssae, ' ADD | SILYER WARE, 1 CIITltNY AND FANCY . SPECTACLES A SPECIALITY. UNDER COLUMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, 8. C. Oct ft 30 8m JOHN C. DIAL, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN ENGLISH ' AND AMERICAN HARDWARE * CUTLER"?, IRON, BTKBL, NAILS, CASTINGS, MILL 8tones, Bolting Cloth*, Smut Machine*, Circular Saw*, Mill Iron*, Sugar Pan*, CARRIAGE BUILDING AMD TRIMMING MATERIALS, INDIA RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, Carpenter*, Blacksmith and Tannere' TOOLS, HOUSEKEEPING AND FURNISHING HARDWARE, A ORICULTURA L IMPL EMENT8, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Paints, Oil*, Erench and American Window Glass, Guns, Rifles, Pistol*, Shot Belts, Powder Flasks, Powder, 8hot, Ac. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the Sign of the GOLDEN PAD LOCK, COLUMBIA, S. C. Sept 28 1? 3m B. & W. C. Swaffield, omramuk OLOTHXXTO- AXTD HAT HOUSE. THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED AO THE PUBLIC. OA R ME NTS MA DE TO OR. DER IN A STYLE UNSURPASSED. TIIE BEST FITTING SHIRTS. CLOTHING AND IIATS BY THE DOZEN OR CASE. Sept 28 19 S? LORiCK & LOWRMCR IMPORTERS AND DEALERS BbtftDVA&l, Agricultural Implements, GROCERIES &C. OUR friend# who favor us wlih their orders can always rely on finding us at the bo<t?m of the meiket. Solicit eons'gnn enls of Conntry Produce. Their laoilities are such as to guaractee prompt sales, at the best figures in the market. LORICK A LOWRANCE. Columbia, 8. C. Sept 28 19 Am X ESTABLISHED 1843. M. H. BER RY'S Furniture ware ROOMt\ plain STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. NOW on hand, the Urgent and best selected stock of FURNITURE ever kept in this market; consisting in part of Parlor, Dining Room and Chamber Suits.? Soma entirely n?w patterns, and prieee to eompare with Charleston. 8pring Beds and Mattresses of all kinds. %W Partieular attention paid topaekiog goods lor shipping. Sept 28 19 8m buy FRon | U JF. JAfJJVSUJ\, COLUMBIA, S. C., DBALER IN CI1BAP AND CHOICE [MY (M)?!Sn ALWAYS ON HAND, A LARGE STOCK or HOMESPUNS, PRINTS, TICKINO, BLANKETS, QUILTS, CLOAKS, SHOES, HOSIERY AND FANCY ARTICLES. Sept 38 19 8m E. E. JACKSON. Druggist and Pharmaeantiat. I COLUMBIA S, C. Bop 98 It 8m 0. annuo*, JR. W. J. A*no*. c. WAtllt, LOUISVILLE EXCELStbR rpiIKRK PLOWS are made of either Cast 1 Iron or RImI, aad ara tb? boat and oheapeat la tha market. Bend for printed Hit. Ala*, Amei' and other Plowa, of all prieea and deaoriptlona. Corn Shelter*, Straw Cotter*, A*. ^ __ _ ww1ji on nana. mmn'i Now York PUiw? A fB" '*<"* ?e p?"Ur. and Hulldera Hardware, oonaiating in part of BllwalTa and Brada'a Iloaa, 8 pad. a, TNaa Chaina, Axoa, Nalla, of war ran tod quality i Guaa, Callay aad Houaakaaping artleloa? wkoloaala aad retail, by 0. KRRRfflOR, Ja. A CO., ?4# King Streat, Sign of tbo Rig Asa, CHARLESTON, H. O. Oft ? 29 ?? l,, ,_ rosadalis ?(rpiIK O R K AT A H iTftToA N ? S JL IIBALT1I RB8TORBK, parities )the blood end cure* Scrofula, 8j phtlls, /Skin DImsmi, Rheamatistn, Dlw??> X?f Women, and all Chrooie Afeotloes S)of (ha Blood, Llw and Kldbeye. /Kaoouiinondcd by tba Mad tea 1 FhenU (ty and many thousands of oar b?st /oUImm, c Rood the teattaooy of Pkyiklui (and }>atieiita who have need RoeadaHe) A?I i> ivi uur nuanunill UQIQOIO U?IU(B k, or Almanac foi thli jrnr, which tablisb for gratuitous distribution 111 girt you much rateable Inforloa. r. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, aays : tako plaaaura in recommending r Rosadalis aa a very powerful retire. 1 hare seen It used in two ?a with happy resulu?one in a t of secondary syphilis, in which patient pronounced himself cured >r baring taken fire bottles of your lioine. The other is a case of acrofof long standing, which is rapidly >rorlag under its use, and the inatlons are that the patient will n recorer. I hare carefully ex Ined the formula t>y which your adalis Is made, and And It aa exlent oompound of alteratlre ingrents. Jr. Sparks, of Nicbolaerllle, Ky., s he has used Rosadalis in cases ot ofuls and Secondary Syphilis with isfactory results-ar a cleaner of the >od I know no better remedy. Jenjamin Bechtol, of Lima, Ohio, itcs: I hare suffered for twenty irs with an inreterute eruption ortr viny whole body ; a short time sin'ce I (purchased a bottle of Rosadalis and it S (effected a perfect cure. ( Rosadalis is sold by all druggists. ( Laboratory, 61 Exchange IMaco, (Baltimore. ( Dre. Clements ft Co. Proprietor*. Mmy 18 ' ftJ ly PLAHTATIOW BITTEB8 This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant.* In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is introduced it becomes a standard article?a me dicinal staple. It is to-day the best and pnrest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the ciyilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. June 22, 1870. 6 1J W. H. CANIHER, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH AND MACHINIST CORN 8HELLER8, Cotton Cine, Locka, Bowing Machine*, Umbrella* and Paraaula REPAIRED with promptneaa. Cbarg.8 reaaonable. Corn 8 heller*, for aale front $10 to $12. I am alao prepared to furnish Btoneil Plate*,_for marking clothing. B. WEHRLE, QREENVOIL.ILE, $. ?. DEALER IN GOLD AID SILVER WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEW E L R Y, SPECTACLES, 18 ft 22 Carat Solid Nnntial Rinma SILVER & SILVER-PLATED iy WORK of all diacriptiona in hi* line done pron>ptly..JEl Oct 27 28 ly A. J. ROSS & CO., MANUFACTURERS or DBALERS IN JAPANNED AND PRESSED WARE, Ann COOKING AND HKATING 8T0VB8. * All klnda of Tin and Sheet Iron Work Done On the moat REASONABLE TERMS, , And with promptneae. ^ Store Nearly Opposite the < Post Office. Fab 16 ' 89 tf JEa M*e aJOrVESf AWTPdDl&fiNI*?? AVEP MW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY WILL mAOTICK IN AIL COURTS OF THIS STAT E A LAO, C IN TTIR UNITED STATE8 COURTS. ? Office OreearllU 0. II., S. C.J July 7 ly* w. k. lAAtar. a. ? wnlia EA8LBY * WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ( AND IN EQUITY. i, S. ?., ] PRACTICE in tho Court* of tho Bl*U nod C of tbo UniUd Stntoo, nod giro tapoolnl it attention to eoaoa In Bnnkrut>t?y. C dues 19 ^rzsT0^ ?3_?.0ffi, SSSSJ? ,?312 MTU TVHRRRRn Vln?rtn~ 0.111 *^~- * JLF Over a hundred different Pattern* of M ior aaie at New York price*. Mnn?el-Plecea, abort notice. Stair Rail, Ncweta and Balluatcr to order. Good and Suhatantlal Work made a* cbeaj United State*. We bare on band tbc largrat Baltlh-ore, all of which we guarantee will give Snbatantial Work. The aubaeriher* can refer t Carolina and Florida, aa to the character of Ih ' Oppoaite Wando Fertiliter Work*, and in Pavilion llotel*. Sept 28 Old Carolina lliflfers. aDanoaroai'tfgTgai H'Oisffii? Wa taka pleaauio in offering the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS mn tup ti? -? ? ? _ vv a.iu i'wuiiv. A lirj HI r CI'MljlOUnU JL ed with great care, and contain some of the beat Tonics in the i'hat macopia As evidence of the superiority of our BTlters over all o'liere, we have certificates from many of the leading physioiana in our Stale, who hare prescribed them In their practice, 1UE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS Will be found invaluable for Want of Appetite, General Del llity, Chills and Fever and Dyspepsia. We do not offer our Bitters as a cure for all diseases, but as an Aromatic Tonic, they hare no equal. For sale by all Druggists and Grocers everywhere. 1'rioctpal Depot, GOODRICH. W1NEMAN A CO. Importers of Choice Drugs and Chemicals, Charleston, S. C. Mh 9, 42 ly A. B. MULLIGAN, CHARLESTON. S- C. MESSRS. SULLIVAN A SON, are my A.Q-E2ISTTS AT GREEN VILLE S. C., And will make lideral cash adranees on ail COTTON Shipped to me throngh them. a. b. mulligan. Sept 28 12^ ly P P. TOA LE, CHARLESTON, S. C. r largest and most complete "| Tgr \ Manufactory of I>oor? Sashes, V -fts ( Blinds, Mouldings, Ao., in (bs j Southern States. AV~ PrilUd (tries list dslss competition.'^! jsier Ssnd for ont.TMi AW* Hoot frss on applioation.-t^ April Tt ' 40 Iy F. VOM SANTEN, ivronrtn or PARIS FANCY GOODS, Toys, Dolls, (James, Children's Carriages, French Confeetonery, Ffre Works, INDIA RUBBER GOODS, Such as Clothing, Nursery Sheeting, Ac., 320 King-fU. 2 doors above Market, CIIAKLE8TON, S. C. Mar SO 45 ly? WW. SHEPHERD Sc CO.', ir. a< " " - ? - 1 ivvi n, naynt nireel, C- narletlon, U. O. putna iw COOKING STOVES, RANGES AND Heating Stove*. Picture* of 8tove* vlth price* cud description will b* sent upin application. June 2tf 8-ly naticnalhotelT ocertiWiftumcA, 0. op. PROPRIETOR. P. HAMILTON JOYNKR. CLERK. ^ RATES >f Bo*r?i per Day |) 00 upper, Bre*kf**t and Lodging?.,, $ 00 ingle Meal* 1 00 Sep 1 IS tf GEORGE A. BOWMAN. Agent, 287 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S, C., r |^1KP8 constantly on hand a Lara* and S fti. w ... ? 8t2?k ol c*rP?llnf, oil II lopi. Mulling, Raff, Door M*U, Ao., Ac. fl ar* flwmd la a Firat-Olan nul Store. Not SO ?a ' ? -r <B I I I I I I r ri t rERTISEMEINTS. ) 23 <3 3 J\ 2' 3 rS u 2V di, Shelving, Box Boarde, Ac., Ac. louli? nga, fimking over 100,000 feet on hand Boor and Window Krnuien mado to order ?t I of Walnut and Mahogany, on hand and made i at this eatabliahment aa can ha mado in the Mock of the above Oooda anutb of the City ot i entire aat infliction t? all who want Good and o gentlemen all over tbia State, Georgia, North eir work for tbe past twenty ycara. K P. RIJ8SFXL & CO., BAST END HA8EL STREET, tbo immediate vicinity of Cbnrleaton and 19 ly THOS. P. SMITH (LATE NAYLER, SMITH & CO.) FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO. 4 BOYCE <k CO'S WHARF OHAS.LEDT01T, D. O. EO. W. MclVER 'a connected with the w uupinPBd, ana will give liifr best alientlon to the interests of bis friends. Careful attention given to purrhae I ing Merchandize of oil kinds, when pluced in funds. or Advances made on consignments. Oct 5 20 (m HENRY BIS C I! OFF & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, ASn DKALKBS IN' Wines Liqnors SUGARS, TOBACCO, 4C. NO. 107 EAST BAY, QHAB&IBVOH, 8. C. II. Biscuorr. C. Wvlbbrn. J. U. PlU'KH. Sept 28 19 Cm EirMOWT. BROWN, ttm V K JWl. M 9 -ft? iHAvarisns swaaa'ff, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept 28 19 ly EDWIN BATES & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN , DRY GOODS AND ?LWgWM?, 122 & 124 Meeting St. ?MARLESTOM, 8. ?. Edwin Baticb. Gko. C. Sklnan Tmos. H. McGaiian. Ciiab. K. BATKA. Sept 28 19 6m i Fop Nil# by wilcox, gibbs a CO . Im Hortera and Dee la r a In Ouan<>a, u8 Bay Si.. | avaarah ; 841 Broad St., Augutia. o*.; ftl Beat Bay, Gharlaaton, 8 0 ; and l.y AVID A 8TRADI EY,* For farther information, apply or ad Ireaa w Ayer*s Oathartio Pill*, ^Jor^ ttu purposes of h Lkutirt ^ Perhaps noose medl* JB chuliw universally required b? evfcrrbody as a cathartic, nor wii over any bo fore ao olv?HUy Wml adoptod Into uh, ft 1 A ovary oonntry and lAVVamong all elaaees, as lri*y,'TM7 this mild buteflhknt purgative i*Ul. Tho ' obvious reason Is, that It Is a more rellabio and fin- mors effectual remedy than any othor. Those who have tried It, know that It cured them I those who bar* not, know that It cures their neighbors and friend* i and all know that what It does once It does al irejri-uMii never outs tnrougn any taut tor neg> elect of it* composition. We have thousands upon flionmMU ofoertlrtoates ofthelr remarkable cures j of the following complaint*, but each care* are wl known In erenr neighborhood, and we need not w > publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions In all ollmatea?containing neither calomel nor any deleterious drug, they may be taken with aafoty by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserves thoin ever fresh, and makes them pleasant to take, while Ming purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use In any quantity. They operate by their poworfol influence on the internal viscera to purity the blood and stimulate it into healthy action?remove the obstruction* of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their Irregular action to health* and by oorrecti.ig, wherever they oxlat, such dip rangements as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in tho wrapper on the box, fbr the following complaints, which tbeso jPUU rapidly euro:? For Dyspepsia or Iadlgsstlsa, Ustlesw moo, I sasssr and 1st* ef Appetite, the/ should bo taken moderately to stimulate the stouP ach, and restore Its healthy tone and action. For JLlver Csssplalat and Its various symp< toms, Billows HMMiache, Mck H?al< acks,Fsaadlce or Broom Mckaess, Mw lows Colls and Billows Covers, they should be Judiciously taken for each ease, to correct the diseased action or remove tho obstructions Which oauso It. , For Dyseatery or DiarrktM, but one mild dose Is generally required. For BhssMatlsw. Vowt, G? ravel, Pal< Sltatlow of Iks Heart, Pala Iw the Ms, Bock and Lolas, they should be continuously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of tho system, with such cbongo those complaints disappear. For llrAnflv and TlrAnalnwl ttwwmlfieaoam they should So token in large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For Rapprasaloa a large nose should be taken as It produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a Dinner Pill, take one or two PiUs to promote digestion and relievo the stomach. An occasional doso stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often Anns that a dose of these PUls makes him feci decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effoot on tho digestive apparatus. ? Dr. JT. C. A YER A CO., Practical Chemists, LOWELL. MASS., V. H. A. tw Eor sale in Greenville by M. A. IIUNTF.K A CO., Agent*. Aug .11 15 ly The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA. VINEGAR BITTERS, , jjo| Hundreds of Thousands .?! Bear testimony to their wonderful41 ? Curative Effects. g.?g. Sjfg WHAT ARE THEY? |f# P'l 6fi Of g 3 TIIEY ARE HOT A VILE C 5 S h|o F AN C Y DRINK,111 M*<io of Poor Rum. Whiskey, Proof Bpirite. and Reftiso Liquors, doctorwd, spiced, and swcutenod to |>Imm Uio Uutte, ca' led "Tonics'' " Appetisers," " Restorers," Ac., that lead tho tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but aro a true Medicine, mmle from tho Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholia Stimulants. TheyarethoQHEATBLOOD PURIFIERend DIFJB1 GIVING- PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator ot the System, carry in* off all poisonous matter, and rontonug the blood to a healthy condition. No parson can take these Bitters, according to directions, and remain long unwell. AlOO will he given for an incurable ease, pru>1 v.dtng the bones are not destroyed by mineral' poisons or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. For Inflamnv tory and Ohronlo Rheu-1 raatism, and Gout. Dyspepsia, or Indi-' gostion. Bilious, Remittent, and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tho Blood, Diver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Bach Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the J Digestive Organs. They invigorate the stomesh. and stimulate the* rpid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing tbs blood of all impurities, and imparting nsw life and vigor o tho whole system. ~ Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain in the Bhouldera, Coughs, Tightness of ths Cheat, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Had Taste in the Mouth, Billions Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Copious Discharges of Urine, Pain In the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms which aro ths offsprings of Dyspepsia, are cured by these Bitters. ? Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yoaflnd] lis impunnea DununK mrouan mo tun in l'im-I plan. Erupt long, or Bofee: cleanso it when it fail foul, and your feelings will t?U yoa when. Keep] , the blood pure and the health of the system wlflj follow. V PIN. TATE, and other WORMS, lurking lol the system of ao many thousands, are effectually 1 destroyed aad removed. For full directions, road carefully the circular] around each bottle, printed In four langusgee?1 Knarlish, German, French, and Hpantsh. J. WAI.KBR, St A 84 Commerce Street, N. Y. ] Proprietor. R. H. McDONALD * CO., Druggists and General Agent*. Ban Francisco, Canrorala, and 82 and ft Com-, merce Street, N. Y. WSOLU BY AIX DRUOOIST8 AND DEAIJSltB. J ?r For a.tle In Oreenville hf M. A. HUNTER d? CO., AMD HARRISON A MARSHALL* Aug 31 15 gm DR. 8HALLENBEROER'3 Fever and Ague A AT rn t T-v /^\ rn m x. v. i.-N j_ L _1 J v.? _L Always Slops the Chills. This Medicine has been bofore tho I*ub? lio fifteen years, and is still altoud of all other known remedies. It does not purge, does not sioken t'.o stomach, Is perfectly safe in any doso and under all circutn?UuwB, and is the cniy M'.didau that will " CURE IMMIDfXTELY a and permanently ovrry for in of lover , and Ague, because it is a per foot Anil* dole to Sfalafln. BE Bold by all Druggists. 12 Feb I 37 1y WATCHES, CLOCKS, rewelry, Periicopic 8peotaoles,&o WILL ordsr an extra article tfj'*|f"r any person. Spseial stun. ^[tion will be given to RBPAIR* U)2iy^P'IN(l Sna Watehea of ovary daa ription. Beat roferanoaa given. JAMKH O. BLACK. June 10 0 If Subscribe for the Eittkk*rise. $2.00 per an num.