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JUST RECEIVES AT THE FAIRVIEW STORE, fj\ND NOW OPENING FOR jjn\ Sale, a Stock of New GOODS, Consisting of One Lot False Reports from the eeat of war by balloon via Paris and Spartanburg; One Lot Defeated Candidates? these will be sold at Very Low Prices; All the One-Horse Candidates for Sheriff of Greenville County, outside of the Nomination?purchasers to stato Terms of Sale ; One only Up-Conntry Cotton Buyer?warranted to report correctly 011 the quotations by last mail. This is a direct importation, and sadly needed in this Countv?no discount for Casb ; And various other things too numerous to relate. T, H- STALL. Avsnt Bring in vour EGGS, CHICKENS, BUTTER, &c., for which we will pfty tho Lowest jPricee we can get them at. Fairview Store. Dee 14 80 8 VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. a ?X OFFER for sale on-half (J) interest in P A R K I N 8' MISUSE MILLS, situated & mile* beBarfOjifP ' ? tho City of Greenville. There ia a good COTTON QIN attached to tho mill, and a good PRESS all in good order. Alao a good FARM of 180 Acrea of LAND, a gOod portion of it woodland, 8 or 10 acrea of good bottom land, all or either part of tho above property, I will roll on reasonable terms. For further particulara apply to G. W. PARKINS. ?T If not sold by tlie first day of Jan M(\ry next, will be RRNTED for the year 1871, to the highest bidder, for the cash. O. W. P. December 14 80 tf MILMNKRT. MR8. LOU JENNINGS, nSW OTAXTD, flU? W. H. HOVEY A CO.. TIAVE ON HAND A LARGE AND With which she ia CERTAIN OF PLEASING ALL OF HER FRIENDS. CALL AND SEE. Dee 14 30 tf MUNDIM, WINM AND LIQUORS. WE call attention to our Stock of Superior L.1Q,1J0RS;, which we have just received at the Mansion House : Extra Fine FRENCH BRANDY 44 44 Cabinet and Bourbon WHISKY " 44 Madeira and Sherry WINKS Otd Peach and Apple BRANDIES Superior Black Berry " " A'ehiedana .Schnapps and Gin " Apple Ginger and COCKTAILS " Pan SCOTCH WHISKY ePflTPl! IIP nin * n n ww avu nun, tlUAn>l, AT. j. l. SOUTH brn A CO. $ &- Order* eau bo left at the OflWso of the Mansion House. Dee 14 SO 3 SPECIAL NOTICE, NO. 2. n^lIR Entire Stork of CLOTHING, I GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, llata. Cap*, Vnlisee, Carpet R*g*. Shawle, Untie*, etc. With a fnll Mne of Water-Proof CIRCULARS. CAPES, OVERCOATS, I.EGGINS and CAPS, will he hi front THIS DAY. AT COST FOR CASH The Slock must be *<?l.l to close up the burin***. All wishing great bargain*, will find it to their advantage to call at the Store of the late W. J. Hoke. M. HOKE. Colombia, 8. C* Dicentl?er 10, 1870. Dec 14 SO 3 Brunson & Tinsley, Respectfully inform the publie, that, having purchased the entire MR. TIIOMAS STEEN, ' I In the Store Opposite Messrs. T. W. Davis and W. D. tloodwin, and wishing to make room, THEY WILL. SELL OFF EVERYTHNO AT FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS. The Stock consists of Family Supplies Generally Hardware, Crockery, Glassware Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Mackerel Toilet Soap, Comhea, Brushes Table and Pocket Cutlery Spades, Shovels, Forks, Traces flames, Scythes, Satss Bucket*, Churns, Brooms, 4s. ALIO, A largo lot of Clover, Grass and Garden SEEDS, Besides a great many other Articles too numerous to mention. /B?- Oive them a eall, aud see for your. selves, fttt Remember the place?It will be to year interest. A CARD. ttaving disposed of my intrrJL L eat in the above Establishment to Messrs. BRUNSON A TINSLEY, I cheerfully recommend them for a share of that patrmage ao liberally bestowed on me. THOU 1 C CVVVH 9m 14 *80" ""if rfy mm jwa. ss am OF Personal Property. ON Wedaeaday, lk? 28th of December, I will Mil to Ike blgheat bidder, el my lloaae. neer M. O. McClanahan'e, Two MuIm, Four Milch Cowa end Calrea A lot of nop. 200 huahela of Corn Fodder, Bboeka, IIay Farming Tool#, Wagon, Buggy HouMbold end Kitchen Furniture, Ac., Ac. TERMS CASH. I will alao Bent my Boom, Orchard, S acre* of Clorer, end ft or 10 acre a of Land. T. 1>. OWIN. Dm 14 80 2 i w?y Land for Sale. *3TELL "^Sfe SOL. dJQbC BEFORE THE COURT HOUSE DOOR, OH Snlcdny In Jaanary next, THE TRACT OF Situated in tha lower part ol tbia County, ad ( joining landa of Wtlliam Ooldrmitb, Moaea Jonea and otbera, containing 100 aarea, more or leaa, being the Tract or Land on which the late WILLIAM DA V IK Lived during hit lifetime, and being i portion of the Real Eitate of the lata JOHNATHAN DAYI8, And now told under the Will of the latter for distribution amongst hit heirt. TERMS?One-half CASH, the balanee on a Credit of Six Months?the purchaser to giro bond and security, and r, mortgage of the premises to secure the purchase money. H. P. HAMMETT, Executor Of JK8SB HAMMETT, De'od, Who was Ex'tor of Jobnathan Davis, De'ed. Deo 14 30 3 The Stale of Soatb Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff1* Election. IW. A McDANIEL, Clerk of the Court ol General Sessions and Common Fleas, da iieiehy give puMlc notice, in pursuance oi the directions of an Act ot the Legisla ture in auch ease made and provided, that an Election for SHERIFF of Greenvills ?" *? - . . ? V.U.J, ?" mi me unexpired Term of the late incumbent, A. B Vimw, deceased, will l>? held on Wedneeday, the eleventh dat, of January next. (1871.) at the usual placet of Election throughout the aaid County. Witness my hand, at Greenville, thia 7th day of D< et niher, 1870. W. A. McDANIEL, C C. O. 8. and C. P. Clerk'* Office, Dec. 7, 1870. Ore 14 80 6 Tho Stato of South Carolina* GREENVILLE COUNTY. Ill Ifeio Court Common Pico*. IIEjtnr R. Smith, et al? r?. J. L. Pmith, et al,, Executor?Hitl for Account, <f*e.. BY virtue of tho Decree in this care, I will ell at Public Auction, on Sateday in January next, at Greenville Court House, all that Plantation or Tract of Land, lying on tho Augusta Road 7 miles from tho Court House, adjoining lands of Henry Ashmore, Nancy Cox and others, containing 217 Acres, more or less. Terms?Cash. Purchaser to pay for stamps and papers. II. M. 8.MITII, Coroner, Acting 8. G. O. Deo 7 29 4 Kotico IS hereby given to all whom it may concern, that we will apply to S. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, o* the 9th day of January net I, for a final discharge as Administrator* of the Estate of WILLIAM SMITH, deceased ; therefore, all parties having claims against said Estate, Will present them on or beforo said day to n* or the Probate Judge, or be debarred. December 8th, 1870. HENRY M. bMitii, W. 11. SMITH, Adinlstratora. Dee 14 SO 4 Notice 18 hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of titcenville County, for a final discharge as Ex'ecutor of the Estate of JESSE HAMMETT, deceased, on the lOtA day of Jonmiry next. December 8th, 1870. HENRY P. HAMMETT, Executor. Dee 14 80 4 Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may eopccrn, that I will apply to S. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, ow the IIth day of January next, for a final discharge as Administrator of the Estate of MARTHA T. LEAGUE, deceased; therefore, all parties having claims against said Estate, will present to me or the Probate Judge on of before said day, or be debarred. December 10th, 137th WILLIAM B. LAGUE, Administrator. Dec 14 30 4 Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County. ?m the 12th day of January next, for a final dis. charge ns Executor of the Estate of NATHAN A FEASTER, deceased. 8. O. MoCLANAUAN, Executor. December 12lh, 1870. 80 6 Notice 13 hereby given to all whom R may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on the 14tA day of January nrjct, lor a utiiu uiscnarge a* Administrator of the Estate of MASTIN STONE, deceased. December 6th, 1870. L. II. SHUMATE, Adm'tor. Dee 7 20 4 Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may concern, thnt I will apply to S. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, oa the 7(4 dot/ of January next, for a final discharge as Administrutor of the Estate of JOSEPH JAMES, deceased ; therefore, all parties having elaimr. against said Estate, will preseut them to the Proi>ate Judge, or myself, on or before said day. December 1st, 1870. JOHN JAMES, Administrator. Dec 7 20 6 Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Doutbit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, om (As 4(4 day of January next, for a final discharge as Executor of the Estate of DAVID VAUQHAN, deceased, and as Administrator of the Estate of MARY VAUGHAN, deceased. December 1st, 1870. W. P. VAUGHAN, Exeeutor and Administrator. Dec 7 20 & Notice IS hereby given to all whom It may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Doutbit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on tbe 3d day of January next, for a final discbarge as Guardian of ELIZABETH COOK. November 2.1d, 1870. D. C. BENNETT. Nov 23 27 fi GREENVILLE i n a n r n miiia r a r c n m illo. J. Bannister & Son, or ALL El won or Book, News* Wrapping and Colored TTIOHKST CA8II PRICK PAID FOR JLJL Clean Cotton or Linen RAOS. May 1 17 "ViaToa ia her nan reward," and the virtue a nl HUMTBK It ITT K US, the great Honthern Tonic, rewerde all who um it for Dyirepaia, D. bill'y, Heartburn and IndU geetlon. The State of Sooth Carolina. andkkson count r. Coart ( CMHra Plea*. Itui Jon* Situ, M A4alaiilnloi of tke Bctnto of Euuiii 11. Xaili, deoooood, ond Ad*.ibUtr?tur <U bo non ol tho litol* . of 0. 1. Iaili, doooMod, P loin tiff, ' . Animt Jams* W. Barlb, JuLioa R. Earlb, Frarcis W. Earlr, Albx. 0. Eablb, Jambs U. Barlb, J, RainsroRD Baui, Ellbh O. Karlb, Samublla G. Bablb, DtftdndtaU.?Summon* for Roliof?Complain I not So rood. To the Dtftnduli, Francis W. Earle, Alexander 0. Earle, James H. Earle, J. Kaiaaford Earle, Ellen G. Earle and Samuella G. Earle. T7"00 are hereby summoned and required X to anewer the complaint in thia action, which U lied in the ottoe of the Clerk of Common Plena, fbr the amid County, and to oonro a copy of your anawer to the aaid complaint on too anbeerlbor at hla ofBoe, at Anderoon Court House, State of Booth Carolina, within twenty days after the aerrioe hereof, exclusive of the day of each service; and if yon fail to answer the eemplaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded la the complaint. Dated at Anderson Court House, 8. C., Dace in bcr 8th, 1870. B. F. W1IITNER. Plaintiff's Attorney. TO the Defendants, Francis W. Earle, Alexander C. Barle, James H. Barle, J. Ralnsford Barle, Ellen O. Earle and Samaella O. Barle: Take notice that the Summons in this Action, of which the foregoing is a copy, was filed in > the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common , Pleas, at Anderson Court House, in the County of Anderson, In the State of South Carolina, on the Atk dag of December, 1870. B. F. WHITNER, ' Plaintiff's Attorney, Anderson C. 11., S. C. Dee 14 30 A i > Sixty-Five First Prize Medals Awarded. Southern Piano WW. Ki\ABE Sc CO., Manufacturers of Grand, 8quare and Upright PIANO FORTES, Baltimore, Md. 1M1ESK Instruments hare been before tb? publio for nearly thirty years, and upon their excellence alone attained an nnpurchaeed pre-eminence, which pronounces tbem unequaled. Their Tone combines great power, sweet nnaa an?l ~ -v.. .... ijusmi/, wen ma grtii purity of Intonation, and aweetneaa through* out the entire aeaie. Their Touch ia pliant and elastic, end entirely free from the stiffness found in ao many Pianos. In Wnrkmanebip they aro unequalcd, using none but the very beat eeaeoned material, tnc large capital employed in our business enabling ua to keep continually an itntnenae atock of lumber, Ao., on hand. All our Square Pianoe have our New Improved Overrtrung Scale and tbo Agraffe Treble. We would call apecial attention to our late improvementa in Grand Pianoa and Square Grands, Patented August 14th, 18(10, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than baa yot been attained. Every Piano /ally Warranted for & Yean. We have made arrangementa for the Sole Wholeaale Agency for the moat Celebrated Parlor Organs and Melodeons, which we offer Wholesale and Retail, at Lowest Factory Prices. WM. KNA11K A CO., Baltimore, Md. Dec 7 29 0m IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS. All Retail Order? amounting to $20 and Over, Delivered in any Part of tie Oumntry FREE OF EXPRESS CHARGES. HAMILTON EASTER & SONS, OP BALTIMong. MD., IN order the better to moot the *?nt< of the Retail Customer* at a distance, have established a SAMPLE BUREAU, and will, upon application, promptly tend by mail full lines of rumples of tne Newest and most Fashionable Woods, of French, English and Domeatio Manufacture, guaranteeing at all timea to sell at loir, II not at Utt prices, than any house iu the country. Buying our goods from the largest and most celebratod manufacturers in the different parts of Europe, and importing the same by Strainers direct to Baltimore, onr stock is at all times promptly supplied with the novelties of the London and Paris markets. As we buy and sell only for cash, and make no bad debts, we are able and willing to sell our goods at from Ten to Fifteen per cent Lees Profit than if we gave credit. In eending for samples specify the kind of goods desired. We keep the best grades of every class of goods, from the lowest to the most eostly. Orders unaccompanied by the cash will be sent C. 0. D. Prompt-Paying Wholesale Buyer* are lnvi? ted to inspect the Stock in our Jobbing and Package Department. Address HAMILTON EASTER A SONS, 187, 199, 201 and 203 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Dec 7 28 ly tlimnnTiri* ^WATER WHEEL, Mill Oearin&Shaftin&iPulleys *J^8EMD FORACIRCUIAILJ^ Doc 7 29 Ijr GEORGE PAGE & GO. Ho. 5 H. Schroeder St.* Baltimore. Manufacturer* of Portable and Stationary STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. Patent improved. Portable CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, Oang, Mulay and Saab Saw Milla, Oriat Milla, Timber Wheela, Shingle Machinea, Ao. Dealera in Circular Bawa, Belting and Mill auppliea generally, and manufeoturer'a agenta tor LefTd'a CelebraU ed Turbine Water Wheel, and every deu.UtU. -t W?LI W--LI ? m ?/?u . vi ? ? miuiiiiiury. AGRICULTURAL RKOINM A SFBLTALTV. tg* Send for draeriptive Catalogues and Price LiaU. 2?-l y. RRTARLIf HRt) 1811. CUSHINGS Sc BAIL.EY, BOOKSRLLEEB AND STATIONERS, 283 BALTIMORE ST., BALTIMORE, Have tbe Largest and Beat Assorted Stock in the dlty of SCHOOL, MEDICAL and LAW, and DENTAL, CLASSICAL and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. An immense supply of GBNBRAJ' BANK AND COUNTING.HOUSF STATIONERY. Blank Booka made to order in aoj style of Binding and Rating. The Mm. careful Attention giro to ORDRRS as to Personal Purchases. Inside Figures always. Bond for Catalogues, As, Sept 2S 19 dsn ! 1 . ??!?? ? "X"CL]> i*\ T bT a CONCERNED. fflLL PERSONS INDEBTED Ito ob by NOTE! OK A. O O OTJNT, Are hereby notified that we EXPECT PAYMENT IN FULL TO BE MADE BY FIRST JANUARY NEXT. Come, friends, and give us a helping hand; we need MONEY, and hope you will respond promptly to this call. CLYDE & IIOVEY. Dm T IS 4 NOTICE. ffl8 I HAVE DISPOSED OF my Stock of * V Messrs. Brunson Ac Tinsley, 1 WirV?>^i!,??ttention of th(** : a indebted to me, t And reouejt that^they call and AoT fc, tUP AT ?NCE, As I wish to make an EARLY SETTLEMENT OF MY BUSINESS. g?r '"dulgence cannot be given. It not paid by T i F,I,IJST^ OF JANUARY, I shall be forced to the unpleasant necessity of placing them in the hands of an Attorney. THOMAS STEEN. \ Dec 7 29 4 to h'jv lots 1 i ' FOR PALS IN -y-y ^ ^ 1. M J : Traneylvania County, N. C. 0N.T??8H 18T;^10N,DAT '* JANUARY, .1 ft" fo"owinS? ?bo County Com. uiiKdioners will prooeed to sell, at PUBLIC AUCTION, On a credit of on? and two years fwith tk. exception of five p,r cent> down,) all tho UNSOLD LOTS In (aid Town, (83.) o?L-:d?^,v,-r;Lorth-''"or'b" ? IIUSIISCSS PURPOSES Ann laasaiQjsjcsngiBBo Tho Town of Brevard la rapidly building ur, : !.!tYhViVSn,?*e,of Chnrch??. And one of the 8nest Schools in the South. Pomona wishing to locate in this new and enterprising Town, may be shown the above Lota Ly ap. plying to T. L> OASH, 0. L. KitWIN, N.r , 5 "KKTORD. iFAiiiiti ASJTID wasripraiji millinery. -^'5? McKAY lias Just re* rStmTn ncw enppliee of Bon2.?'** H*u? Rthoona, F. mil era. jfflKgVM Flowers, Ao. AI.o infanta' OVli and ??ps. Fure, (R0?I B'/fTA *n<J imitation.) Hair Coils, jet m,(9 ""J ** <?? Goods, which she offers at very low prices. J*0T A 24 w JiFTsI il ? 0.2? c ? ?- ? ^ 0 o ? u ^ 3 o = c S m'=al ?~ ? ? ? O * 8 ~ S > ? 55 5 ? o .2 3 ^ Oi-H ? t 2 ^0 ?_ ^ - .t ^ rfildil-i-aslog I W!J Ii| $liz 1% kj ^ >^es A b'"s -y -?5t> jlwla 2. 3 5^ O M c ? 0, | * ZD C <j .= 1 a ?? e ^1 1 ??? ? ? -U&4 2 ?-=5 ^ 4i s ? 2 5 = *~ 2? "^K ? ? ?"T ' ? = c?* ^ CO o [j JZ 'Si 9 O 3 0M ?- ^ ? atl^fc-63 jf-S"*5 2* S U ^ O 9 r . ? ? = O vr ?^ SSi^nass-ail g? J ??> I u'J S-s^ ^1 OS -C Sg ? ^ 5 of S ^ 73 ** J<m 3 co ?Z *- ? *5 ?fl -A iSfiAe? ill ^pEi^SBjIa^ r U ? ? "CH ma s ?i= 36SJ0 3 g?~ 08 ?JStf? s rn u * < j ? = o ESM |? la THE Ladies' Store. :c?t W. H. llOVE Y Al CO. Ark prepared to exhibit to the ladies a Large and Beautiful line of DR20S a O O D D, Consisting io part of: BOMBAZINE, FRENCH MERINO, (all eolora,) ALPACCAS of tba best brands, English SATINET, POPLINS, MELANGE LUSTRE, ALL-WOOL DELAINE, (black, white and colored,) DEBEOE, CHENE MOHAIR, AMERICAN DELAINE, *e., Ac. OUR STOCK OF eaasas, CLOTHING ia LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED. a Lao, FURS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, CLOAKING, VELVETEENS, CLOTHS, CA8SIMERE8, AC., AC. A Complete Stock in our line, end ell guar antoud of the IJcat Quality and Lowest Prices Nov * 24 tf The State of 8outh Carolina. ' orkenville; county. Court of Coanou Pleat. komiM A Dorcas, igtlnil W. J. Kluod? Notice of Motion for leave to Imuo Exocution. To W. J. Si rod, Defendant. FT1AKE notion that, on tbo affidavit, of which 1 t copy is herewith tied, and on tba Judgment and proeoodlnga in this onaa, tba undersigned will mora tba Court to ba bald on tko id Monday in January next, at Greenville Court House, or a* aoon thereafter at counsel can ba heard, for leave to ittuo execution upon aid Judgmen*. Greenville 0. If., 17th November, 1870. E. P. JONES, Plaintiffs Attorney. IT appearing to my satisfaction, by affidavit, that tba defendant is noo-resldent, and tnat be is a proper party in this case, and that a cause or Aetion exists against him: It is ordered that service of this motion be made by publication, and that this Notice be publi.K.,.1 1- ' ? * ? vUv. ? i'h mtM. vucKif in 100 B?? terprite and Mountaineer. Noyomber 17th, 1870. S. J. DOUTIIIT, J. P., O. 0. Not 23 27 v noticeT" Tub undersigned will be prepared with TWO NEW (SINS, (GULLETT6 & GRISWOLD'S.) Customers can hare their choice. Both fed by Patent Feeder*, which, it ia said, by adding to tho regularity of feeding, turns out mnro Lint than when fed by hand. Bales of 450 to 500 lbs. weight will be compressed into a spaco of 5 feet long, 2 feet wide nnd 2 feet thick, which will be neatly eorered with new Bagging and Iron Ties; for which (Bagging and Ties) wo will charge One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) i?er Bale. Customers who desire to do so, can store their Cotton in our Warohouse, which will be under tho care of our Watchman and in reach of our Forco Pump, until ready to sell; at which time we expect to uiako arrangements to ship direct to some Factory North, or buy on the most rcasonnble terms. JFO- Planters will picaso givo ns a trial. COTTON PICKED AT 1-20. LESTER & BROS. Aug 17 13 tf AlTE^rflONl PERSONS INDEBTED NOTE, LIEN OR ACCOUNT, WILL TLEASE CALL AND SETTLE, BY FIRST DECEMBER, Or they will find their paper in hands of an Attorney for Collection. DAVID & STRADLEY. x*ov z 24 tf B WEHRLE nil AS just returned with a well Ijy selected Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, S&LID SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Table Cutlery, &c. 1IIS Sto^.k was personally selected from the best houses in his line, and can cuarantco satisfaction. Oct 19 n tf ESTABLISIILD 1835. O R EE N VIL L E COACH FACTORY. GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. WE would announce to our customers, tlint wo are prepared now to fill all Orders for VEHICLES. We have added to our Stock of Wood-Working Machinery, and increased our itaff of workmen to about 70, and therefore trust that none of our patrona will be disappointed in having orders promptly filled. The Stock of One. Two. Tlir?#< an 1 Six-Horse Iron Axle PLANTATION WAGONS, will be kept full ; and now as for one-third of a saatury past, theso Wagons shall be the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. Wo linve a large Stock of Light BUGGIES AND ROCKA WA YS Of our own make, and n Stock of NorthernBuilt BUGGIES?both low-priced and high priced?for those who wish to purchase Northern work, priced as low as any Southern dealer. We call special attention to the improvements making in oar SPRING WAGONS. Without raising the prioo, wo are finishing them with GREAT CARE. And Painting them Elegantly. To customers at a distance, Priced Lists will be nromntlv mailed on ?nnlii>?iinn GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. Aug 10 12 0m PT7F.B 1IB3F.TY WHITE LEAD. :o: Bay the Best?It is the Cheapest. ??:o: To Consumers of White Lead Everywhere* :o: TllK increased demand from all sections of the country for our well-known brand of PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, induces us to ask your special attention to it, and wo cordially invite you to give it a trial. UNEQ,U ALEDi 1st. For Wearing and Covering Properties. 2d. For Whiteness and Beauty of Finish. 3d. For Uniform Fineness of Grinding. 4th. Same Weight will do more and better work, at a given cost, than any other. 5th. Most Eeonomical White Lead ever introduced. 0th. If you wish to procure as much value as pnssihle for your money and secure handsome and durable work, uso PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD Try it and be convinced. Satisfaction guaranteed by the Manufacturers. ZIEGLE A BMITII. Wholesale Drug. Paint and Glass Dealers, No. 137 North Third 8treet, Philadelphia. WHOLESALE AOENTS, GOWER, COX & MARKLEY, DEALERS IN Coach Materials, Paints, Oils, Glass, Patty, &o , URBANVILLE, 8. C. Aug 10 1? W?. C. MJ>. i ' . . , roEGS LEAVE TO INFORM THE PUB1 [E> in bit Store a Large and Well-Selected . . Consisting of A Full Line of Domestics ? ? ? ? Ladies Dre " " " " Hosiery am " " " Ladies and ?. ? "? ? Shoes ? ? ? " Boots " " " " Clothing. Ovorcoats, Dross Coats, Business Suits, (ir Black and Fancy Cassimere Pants, a ii ii ? " " v esis, A Full Assortment White and Colored Sh Drawers; Ladies and Gents llats; Ladies a Traveling Bags. A good lot of Domestic Groceries, and a gre which are too numerous to mention. After reading all of the advertisements of Eaper, you will do well to call and examine i nowledge that the Jews are hard to beat in th Special attention is called to my Stock ETS, Mexican SBREADS aud QUILTS, whic duced prices. Call at H- C. MARK'S, CARB'S 01 November 30 . 28 Sit.'ir OrOC CARPETS, WHOLESALE AND toe The Popular One-Price Ca W. x>. LOVE3 d COLUMBIA, 8. IS PACKED FULL OF DRY OOOD8, WITH THE BEST Price*. Every body i? suited, and none fail to bnv. We and the customers find they get better value for their money f THEY TELL TJ g We believe in selling Goods for Small Profits, and by this me Call and see us when in the City; or, will be happy to receivod Dress Goods. Needle-Works, Laces, Trimmings, Cassitneree, Domestics, Notions and House Furnishing Goods, Carpets, Rug extensive variety. Agents for the Empire Sewing Machine. W. D. LOVE & CO., W. D. LOVE. October 26 23 is m? m COLUMBIA, 1 DEALERS IN HARD WAR HE, CUTLERY, CARPENTE1 BAR IRON, Plow and Cast Steel, Plow Moulds, Trace Cha Drnds, Tacks, Steelyards, Potware, Sauce Pans, Kettlei tols, Spades, Shovels, Manure Forks, Axes, Ac., Ac. Also, Choice Family Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Ac., in great ity. Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Varnishes, and Carriage-Mak We solicit a call to examine Goods and Prices, being assured est of purchasers to buy from us. We are also Agents for Dupont's Celebrated Gun and 1 J. 8c Sept 28 ' 19 C OOKING AIV D II ?%rm a - 7- THE LARGEST AN1 h GOOlvING i no piaie, 01 ot U11 Tluin can bo bought tdsewhere tor the same t two or more Stoves are sold to one party, a from the regular prices. Extra pieces and pa hand. Call and oxamine my Stock before pur< JULIUS C Sept 28 19 STATE OF ^ BT?rj JWgngjjrOglO "V1"'" containing 4V . * ine lands of John J, S'okei S^^^cSk Slokea, at th? nA^'oneT CURES^^ acre., more o, DYSPEPSIA A INDIGESTION Bomnr, Walk bn^.^ZTZmlSA FEVER <Z-^7pPFTl-r~ the property "?vanJL^creatcs*!^;''* v icrM, more c ?- McKinney, M "h^T: SOLO EVERYWHERE. Zv*(\ a.11 of D OWimoket?dAVIS $83$ " .WHOLESALE DRUGGIST. .J?.r;rb CMJIHITOMC. Sheriff's Of ' ' 1111 ~~ ' " Dec 14 N. B. Tlie Commissioner of Revenne hue ? decided that any dealer can sell thia article GREENVILLE without a special license. For aale l>y DAVID & STRADLEY, i1V%T Wholesale and Retail Orocera and Com mission Merclianta, Greenville, S. C. 4a^CB3SSt_ also bv Gkniib Drs. Harrison & Marshall, Co' Wholesale and Retail Druggists, an<^ GKEKNV1LLR, 8. C. v.7 the fol Mar 80 46 ly daily, Sunda _ Night Trains NEW STORE. Charlotte, Co JOHN H. OOODLBTT I " Alston Respectfully informs the Pubiie that " peJrh? he has commenced Business again at Cokes! the Old Stand of Belton LONG & GOODLETT, Arrive at Q.f Where he haa just opened a portion of bia i n,..., Stock, consisting of ? " *ni lb) 1*1 ic (O (0 (fi) ED S g < Cokes! Grooerle?,JCrockery, Boots, 8hoes, k-Ik* Hardware, fto., .. "Ai^p All of which wore bought at low figures, and Arrive at C<>1 will be aold for C A ft II OR BARTER At a alight advance on Coat, lie aoliolta a 0 ahare of the publio patronage. ?? Ap A 4A if Tug atable ??? neigh borhoo <1 I Subscribe for tb? V '.MTtO- I -ill- r*?.. a? I I'KIBB. $2 00 per annum, j on th? ut in. LRKf JO THAT HE HAS ss Goods 1 Gloves Gents Shawls i^all colore and stylos,) irts; UnderabiU and ind Gents Valises and at many other articles oar neighbors in this ivy stock, and will aceir stock and prices, of fine BED BLANKih will be sold at reJ) STABS. ti i5s? KETAIL. sh House of 83 CO,, a, ' GOODS, AT THE LOWEST sell RtAndsnl AfaU*? /.f rom us than any where else?? s o. ans, save you time and money, i your ORDERS. Cloths, Jeans, Tweeds, Prints, ;s, Oil Cloths, Ac., In large and Colombia Hotel Building. B. B. McCREERY. 3 ns s. o., A BLACKSMITH * * ? ins. Builders Hardware, Nails, i, Percussion Caps, Guns, Pisvariety, and of Superior Qualers' Materials in Great Variety, that we can make It the intet* Basting Powder, T. K. AC-NEW. Sm EATING mgBB t TUACT PAt, ? mv/oi VjV XT! - jJJ" and IlEATINGBjft^ ny one house irleston and Columbia, ontg to sell for several romission, I can sell at ttyle ol Stoves. When discount will be made rts of Stoves always on chasing. C. SMITH, kmrt House Square. tf ' SOUTH CAROLINA.. ENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriffs Sales, if sundry Writs of Fieri facia* irected, I will sell, before the loor, on 8ale?day in January the hours of 10 o'clock in the 8 o'clock in the afternoon, ice,Parcel and Traot of Land, I acres, uioro or lea*, adjoin* Thomas Forrwter. Estate of % deceased, C. Wyllls and otK >n the prop. <f T. H. ait* of Jesse Frettoh mid W, rnct of Lai d, containing SCO r less, adjoining lands of Few, :*r and others Levied on M of E. O. Dickey, at the suit of Shock ley. Vaot of Land, containing 22 >r leaa, adjoining lands of I>. merva Taylor and others; and int's right, title and interest in Piter Taylor, deceased. Le? property of James N. Taylor, W m Trammel and others. ? purchasers to pay for papers H. M. SMITH, Coroner Acting Sheriff G. 0. fice, Dee. 7, 1870. SO 8 ; & COLUMBIA RAILROAD. HUnHBBBb al Supksintknoknt's Orrica, i wni A, 8. C , Dec. 1,1870. ler THURSDAY, December 1, lowing Schedule will be ran ys excepted, connecting with on South Carolina Railroad up mi wiin irnira going South oil lumliia and Augusta Railroad i up. Ida at I.OO . so. $.40 a. m. irry... ,,,...10.18 a.m. 1.41 p.m. iivm* m'*"" A.SO p.m. ifaviHe ft.00 p.m. down. rillo at ft 45 a. m. 7 28 a. m, >?ry, 9.0ft a. m, tie g 00 a. m. "Jm ,,....11,85 p. m. . , 2 10 p. m. uroliia.,8 4ft p. m, John h. motirk, Orotral Superintendent. ao tr ? i of Mr. J. 0. l.twmrr, in tha I of HiiAtLBT's Mi',I#, Abbe* w*r# burn* d by ioeendiarte,. it. '