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IrlrrliS ^urtri|. Demi Gently With the Brriac Think G rat It uf Iht Krrlnc. Thou knoweat ?ol of ill* power With whieh ill* strong temptation e*m? la mm* loftirdel boar: Thou mi)?t not know how earnoatlj I!* struggled, and how *?)!, Until th* hour of darkaaaa mm, * Ami1 aadlj ihtn h* fell. Pea! Gently with the Erring, And do not thoa forget. IIoweTer darkly etained wl h tin, He it thy brother jet; Heir of the relf enme heritage. Child of the eelf time God, He hath hut stumbled in (lie pith Tbofl hail In weiknese trot. r* % r* ?l - _ # *1. _ ??* ^I'cns urmijr 01 mo r.rring; Tor is It nut enough That innocence end pearc have (fed, Without thy eensnre rough I It sure must be a weary part. That sin.crnshed heart to bear. And they who share a happier lot Their chidings well may spare. Pprak 0? ntly to the Errirg ; Thou yet niayst lead him bark With holy words and tones of love From aiscry's thorny track; Forget not thou hast often sinned. And ainful yet may be; Deal Gently with the Frring, As God has dealt with thee. JJumorous. i ( 8cience vs. Lack in Kentncky. At that time, in Kent nek y,(?nid , the Hon. Mr. lvnott, M. C.,) the lew wa\8 very strict apninat what is termed M gatno^ of chance." About a dozen ot boys were do fectcd playing " seven up "or 44 old sledge," for money, and the grand jury found a true bill against them. Jim Sturgis was retained to defend them when the case came up, ot course. Tho more he studied over the matter and looked into the evidence the plainer it was he must lose a case at last? there was no getting around that painful fact. Those boys had certainly been betting money on a gamoof cliance. Ev<n public sympathy was arousal r o, T> VU HI UCIIilll Ul OUIVJ/IH. 1 fUJUU said it was a pit}* to see him mar his successful career with a big prominent case like this, which must go against him. Cut after several restless nights, an inspired idea flashed upon Sturgia, and he sprang out of ued delighted. . lie thought he saw his way through. The next day, he whispered around a little among his clien'6 and a lew friends, and when the case came up in court he acknowledged the seven up and the hefting, and, as his Bole defence, had the astounding affronter}* to put in the plea that old sledge wn6 not a game of chanco. There was the broadest sort of a smile all over the faces of that sophisticated andienco. The Judge smiled with the rest. Cut Sturgis maintained a countenance whose earnestness was even so* vere. The opposite counsel tried to ridicule him out of his position, and did not succeed. The Judge jested in a ponderous judicial waj* about the thine, hut did not move him. The matter was becoming grave. The Judge lost a little of liis patience, and eaid the joke had had gone far enough. Jim Sturgis said he knew of no joke in the matter; hie clients could not be punished for indulging in what some people chose to consider a game of change, until it was proven that it wae a game of chance. Judge and council said that would be an easy matter, and forthwith called Deacons Job, Peters, Burke and Johnson, and Dominies Writ and Migglcs to testify; and they unanimously and with strong feeling put down the legal quibble of Sturgis, by pronouncing that old sledge was a game of chance. 44 What do you call it now ?" said the Judge. 441 call it a'game of science!" retorted Sturgis, 44 and I'll prove it, too!" They saw this little game. lie brought in a crowd of witnesses, and produced an overwhelming mass of testimony to show that old sledge was not a game of chance, but a game of science. Instead of being the simplest case in the world, it had somehow turned out to be an excessively knotty one. The Judge scratched liia li/inrl Atrot* I f '1 u in iivau vivi ib nnuiiiy UIIU Ml 1U that there was no way of coming to a determination, because just as manj' men could bo brought in court who would testify on the other side. But he said he was willing to do the fair thing by all parties, and would act upon any suggestion Mr. Sturgis would make for the solution of the difficulty. Mr. Sturgis was on his feet in a second: 41 Impannel a jury of six of each, Luck vs. Science?give them candles and a couple of decks of cards, send them into tl?.? jury-room, and just abide by the result !n There urns no d'voting the fairness of the proposition. The four Deacons and the two dominies were sworn in as the M chance n jurymen, and six inveterate old seven up professors were chosen to represent the M science n %id? of the issue. They retired to tho j?ryroom. . In about two hours, peacon Peters sent into <vnrt to borrow three dollars from a friend. ,> (Sea* ration.) In about two more. D'.uiitiie Miggles sent into court to borrow a " stake" froui a friend. (Senrstion.) During the next three or four hours, the other dominies and the other doaemi<* sent in to conrt fur small loans.?. And still tlio packed audience wait* I ed, fur it was a prodigious occasion ! in Bull's Corners, and one in which every father of a family was necessarily interested. The rest of the story can be told briefly. About daylight the jury came in, and Deacon Job, the foreman, r3ad the following verdict : 41 We, the jury, in the case ol the T)ommouwealth of Kentucky t'l. John Wheeler, ct of., having carefully considered the points of the case, and tested tlio merits of the several theories advanced, do hereby unanimously decide that the game commonly known as old sledge, or seven up, iq omlnoiillv n ?nm/\ w % *? ?? ? i? ^nuiv vi cv?X3iivv nnd not of chanco- In dcmonstra tion thereof, it is hereby and herein stated, iterated, reiterated, set forth and made manifest, that during the entire night the " chance " men never won a game or turned it jack, although both feats were common and frequent to the opposition. And furthermore, in a support of this our verdict, wc c call attention to tho significant Z fact that the " chance " men are ? all busted,, and tbo 44 science" * men have got tho tnovey. It is : the deliberate opinion of t\ws jury 5 that the "chitnce" theory con- \ corning seven np is a pernicious \ doctrine, nnd calculated to inflict j untold suffering nnd | eenniary ; Ioes upon any community that takes stock in it." , 44 That is the way that seven np ! came to be set' apart and particn- ! larized in the statute books of ! Kentucky as being n game not ot ; chance, but of Ecietice, and therefore not punishable under the law," said Mr. Knott. 44 That verdict is of rccoid, and holds good to this day." A suoHT time ago, in Delaware Comity, a Quaker lady, a maiden who had reached the ago of 6ixty, accepted the oiler of a man who belonged to 44 world's people" and the Presbyterian Church, nnd be gan to prepare for her wedding.? As usual, a delegation of Friends from -her meeting waited on her, nnd remon6tratea with her for marIrving out of meeting. The bride elect heard the visitors nntipntlv I ^ I "" ~ "f" ' and 6aid : u Look here ! I've been waiting these 6i\tv years for the mecling to marry me ; and if the meeting don't like mo to marry Out of it, wby don't the meeting bring along its boys?" That was conclusive, and the delegation merely replied u Farewell " and vanished. A dyixo woman in Leavenworth overheard her husband make proposals of marriage to a servant girl. She did'nt die. ?? ? ??> ? ? Browning?44 Well, I nl\vnj-B make it a rule to tell my wife ever ll.l'nr. il. ? . 1. ? uiiiig iiiui Smitbkins?" Oh, my dear fel. low, tliat is nothing ! I tell my wife lots of things that never happen at all." The cotton rrovement for the wck is greatly in excess of nny previous we?k of the season. The fignr* s are remni kable.? Receipts nt sll poits for the week resetted the enormous totsl of 182,065 hobs, against 106,406 bsles list week. sn<l 85035 (tales the previous week, and 62 428 bates three weeks since. Total receipts this reason, 678,556 bales, against 626,618 bales lust year, showing an increase of 51,843 bales.? Exports from all ports for the week, 62,280 boles, against 62,776 last yetr. Total ex. porta since 8epl? utbrr 1st, 281,196 bales, against 258,992 bates Inst year. The pre ccmng figure* mow llmt the mon menl tlii* ] season is considerably in excess of last year. The stock nt all ports ia 315,723 talcs, ngainst 248,531 bales last year. The s'oeks at the interior towns foot up 62,070 bales ngainil 54,666 bnlc* Inst year. Stock in Liverf o??l, 488,000 I ales, against 435,000 bales last year. American cotton aflont for Great Ilritian is 133,000 bales, against 75, 000 bales last year. Amount of Indian cotteo 'afloat for Europe, 204,446 bales, ogninat 303,600 ba'es last jenr. Rain has fallen in reclions Pouth during the week. The weather ia not so favorable for nickinz as for some wmlti ? Southern rivers ere now generally navigable, which aecnunls in some mearure for heavy of the week. This mar aK so cause large receipts for seme lime to come. Kxecutivk Arro ntmv.xts.?The following have been appointed to the offiee of Trial Justice in their respective counties: D. 8 Russell, Yorkvllle ; Ileory A. Smith, Ia xing ton ; and J. II. Iceland, Charleston. s*? ?? Wi learn from a reliable source (says the Chester Reporter) that the constabulary torei', maintained at an expense of about 130 000 per annrm, throughout the Mtete, is about to be or has been *-cdneed. r?o<x4MATiox.?~Pr?stdent Grant has Issued his proclamation appointing Thursday, the 24th November, aa a day of thanksgivn log and prayer for the bounties of ProelMM, sgrr <I?i Th? firstfnosr of the season oectjrred NoTens bar lot, at Bangor, II aloe. CHAIU.RSTOrV Al>V ^fcSS, 31M3 livri DRESSFP Flooring, Ceiling, Wc?tlier Bonrtfi Over n kindred dillircnl PiUrmi of Mo l?r *1 New York prim. Mantel-Piceer, D Uort nolico. Stair Kai), NewcU >wl linlltiMerr < to order. Good and Pnlrfantial 'Work mnflr an rheap i United Stater. We !>are on 1 slid tie iargert M Italtin.orr, all of nhitb we guarantee nill give c Pnkrlantial Work. TLe rui rerlberr ran refer to | Carolina and Ftnidn, u? to tl.v eLarurtir ul flieit w. Opporite Wando Fertilizer Workr, and in t Pavilion Motrin. Sept 28 - rJOP f*3g 9 < -AS ?Classes'}?,, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL. CHARLESTON, 8. C. ocpi ly EDWIN BATESTCO. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IX 1 DKY GOODS AND Sj?1 TO 122 & 124 Meeting St. oharle8T6N, a o. Edwin Ratks. Geo C. Sklnan Tiio?. R. McGAii.Jf CiiAi. K. I?aie-?. Sept 28 19 6m A. B. MULLIGAN, 1 CHARLESTON, S- C. J MESSRS. SULLIVAN & SON, i ARE MY A. Gr E INT T S GREENVILLE, S. C.% And will makk liberal cash advances on all COTTON Shipped to me through them. a. u. mulligan. Sept 2S 1? ly ZGGBAUM, ! YOUNG & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ( 3!lnsirnl Sfiistrnmnite, 1 STOHGS, &0. Agents of stein way a son's and | J. B. DUNHAM'S PIANOS; CAR- | hart A NEEDHAM'S MSIODLO.VS; TI ETON'S PATENT oturA If. TU91KG and REPAIRING promptly at(ended to. 191 KING ST., CHARLESTON, S. C. kkkmxani) zogbavm, hknby Ynttva, New Yoik. C. L. McCi*naim*, ClinrLr.on, S. C. 8ept 28 10 3m Furniture! Furniture! R, WHtlt'S Furniture and Upholstery WARKOtOOMft, 238 KINO STREET, SIGN "OF^TIIE GOLDEN ROCKER, ' CHARLESTON, 5. C., J PARLOR AND CIIAMBER KUITfi, 80faa, Table*, Bedsteads, Chair*, Gla?*e?, M*ttrc*?ea ; also, Children'* Carnage*. Ac., Ac., at hi* iianal Low Price*. Everything I warranted a* reprenonted. Ilia la no new concern, being 23 yenracatab li*ho<l. Try bim. Sept 2d 19 3m F.aTABi.irnrn 1811. CCSIIINGS & BAIIsEY, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 262 BALTIMORE ST., HALT/MORE, Hare the Largest and Rest Assorted Stock in ' the city of SCHOOL, MEDICAL and LAW, and DENTAL, CLASSICAL and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. An Immense supply of GENERAL BANK AND COUXTINO-HOU8F STATIONERY. Blank Books made to ordor in any atylo of Binding and ltnling. The camo eareftil Attention glee to ORDERS as to Personal Porehaeee. Inside Pinnies at wmi. wni for C*lt'j|n*L ??. W 4a " > "1I ?! . IL 1- U i-liv * ?. ERTISBJWENTS. i, Phclvlnjr, Box Board*, dr.. It, ulriitifa, nuking over It 0,000 ftct on band oor and Wimlna Frame* made to order at ?l Walnut and Mahogany, on hand and made I t tfilr establishment as ran ha made in tb? i-tk of ilia above Wood* south of the City of ntlre satisfaction to all who want Wood and grntlim<n all over thie Stnte, Urorgia, North vroik lor the |m*t twenty years. P. RUSSELL 6c CO., EAST KND 1IASKL BTKKET, he immcdiata vicinity of Cbarleeton and 111 ly [ IT10S. P. SMITH (LATE N AYLER, SMITU d CO.) ACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, TO. 4 B0 YCE <? CO S WIIARF OHAF.LEBTOXT, 8. 0. "1 F.O TV. MrlVER ? connected with ilie buslines, and n il] giae big beat atten? on to tlie intervale of bie fiien.l*. ty Cnrefttl attention given to porch** n? Meichnndizu of nil kind*, when placed I II filmic. * wr Advance. mn.le vn eon.lgtimvnte. I Od 5 i 20 Cm Jeo ? Williams & Co. XFA'3tt?aUB? DH AHLESTON, S. C., PROPRIETORS ^ROLl^A FEIITILIZLR. Williams, Birnie & Co. CUM.VlS.SlOy MERCHANTS, N. Y. DAVID & STRADLEY WIMi tnnko Li?crnl A'K.ncea on Cotton anil Produce shipped to na ill Charles- | mi or New York. AGENTS FOR El'REKA 8ELF-FA8TKN1XO, BUCKLE I.OCK, BUTLER A SWETT8 TIES. Sept 28 10 .".in D. P. FMSMIXa & CO. WlIDLES A LE DEA LEES IX BOOTS SHOES fiiNMS No. 2 Hay no St-, cor. Church, ?MARLESTON, ?. O. 0. F. Fleming. Sam'l A X?x*oj? Javk* M. Wilso.v. Sep' 28 19 Sm* ijenrybischoff & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DK.ILH8 IN Wines, Liquors, mm, tobacco, m. NO. 197 EAST BAT, caibiikstoh, s. c. [I. BliCIIOFN. C. WcLBMX. J II. PlFTER. S?*pl 28 19 6no comwwa, DIRECT IMPORTER OF Hardware, Cutlery. Guns, t M & * lUKltUI/lUKAL IMPLEMENTS. ?2T H?r rfeiWeJ a full ?t< ck lor tlie vholernlft trada. No. 62 East Bay, (South of the Old Poet Office.) Cliarlcftlon, H, . ! S?-pt 28 10 Sm PELZER, RODGERS & CO, COTTON FACTORS >ni) general COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bit OWN A C0:s WHARF, ?RLSVlii? 0a ?a Liberal aovances madeon consignments. WE ARE A LEO AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF T1IE Atlantic Phoanhat-Aa. ^ -?7 OF OHARLESTTOIN), ?. ?. 8<*pt 28 19 8m* KINSMAN db BO WELL, Factors and Commission Merchants. ?:o:? Liberal Advances made on Cotton and Naval Stores. CHARLESTON, S. C. EWp 7 8m ?. ft ."l"H ..I.I." MM" Rosadai, is' Z OjrrinB on* at a w RRI CAN ) A HKALTM RESTORER. p.rifle* )ibe blond nod cur*a Scrofula, By philti, )Skln Dleeaaee, Ithf?m|tiiDi, DUciiac* )<>f Wmfeea, And All Chronic Affection* )ef |b? Blood, I*ierf>atid Kidney*. S /Recommended by the Medical FacuU /It and many tboueauda of oar beet a-'iliieae. f Read the leetimony of Pby.dciao* f?|id paticnta who hare eeed Roeadalii; (*cnd for <>nr KorariaM* Guide to Health (Bwd, or Almanac foi tM* year, which . /flB (wc publish for gratuitous distribution Itf^k Sit will give you much valuable in lor* Ml malion. Dr. R. W. Carr, of Daltimorc, says: ? I (eke pleasure In recommend inn )your Kor.voAi.ia aa n very powerful )alterntive. I have seen U used in two /cases with happy remits?oue in * IflVtM of secondary syphilis, In which . v?B^)'hc patient pronounced himself cured ' rafter having Inhen Avehotlleaof year f J fusedleino. The other Its ease of rcrof?ulu of loon standing, which la rnphlly V (improving under its use, nnd the in. v H(iik?ti<isi aro that the patient will !^(*onn recover. I have carefully ex " U mined the formula ly which yon ' > (itoisiislh is made, and And U an ex- t A y-oilcot compound of altcrativo ingrv Sdknls. I S Dr. Sparks, of KlrliolsrvMe, Ky., V iBm )says ho has used ltosudulis In easos of >^5^ Wrofuls and Secondary Syphilis with /satisfactory results-as a cleaner of the I)niuod I know no hotter remedy. / Denjarnin llechtol. of Lima, Ohio, fwritos: I baro sufTcaed for twenty ^years with an inveterate eruption over * .tny whole body ; a short timo sinco I ' (purchased a bottle of Roeadulis and it '' (ollbcted a perfect cure. ( Itosadnlis is sold hy all druggists. P S Laboratory, 01 Kxcbango I'laco, r /waT^B \Rultiniore. Dr?. Clexects ft Co. Pruprittort, ? Mmy 18 . 6 J 1y PLANTATION BITTERS c This wonderful vegetable restorative is the c sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a v tonic and cordial for the ; aged and languid it has > no equal among stomach- I ies. As a remedy for ; the nervous weakness to which women are espec- ; ially subject, it is [ superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is introduced it becomes a standard article?a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. J into T?, 1570. & 1y Ll. CHEVREUX, AND ARCHITECT, MAIMBILIE WD2U&5 Corner Moeting-St. and Horlbeck'a Alloy, S3, 0, PLAES MADE JO ORDER. AXMI? FKKCi Ur UUAItHK, WHEN WORK RONE BT ME. Doe 8 29 1/ COLUMBIA HOTEL, | COIA. JIII/A, SOUTH^ CAllOLfXA. * rpHE Proprietors tako plcaaore in announcI ing this elegantly-furnished Establiahment now open for the accommodation of goeata. The tablo will always be ronplled with every delicacy of the season?icth from tie N?w York and Charleston markets, and no efforts ( will be spared to give perfect 2 tisfaciinn, in every respect, toonr patrona. rHEE LUNCH t in the refectory every day from 11 entll 12|. WM. flORMAN, >n 11. H. BADBNHOP,?P*?**,lTO,uBcpt 2V 19 tf Nickereon HouseHotel, 1 COLUMBIA, S. C. ATHE undersigned having jKeSKSft. RENEWED hla lease upon j the above Popular Houae, will endeavor to make it one of the moat agreeable Hotela in the South. A eali ia solicited. 4 pB Froe Omnlbna loan*] from the Hotel. WM. A. WRIOnT, | Proprietor. y Bept ? IS tf * TOWNES & EAST, Asasaaiase AS SASP aim SOLICITORS IV EQUITY. PRACTICE IN ORE EN VILLE AND RVRROUNBINO COUNTIES. Office O^er Julias C. Smith's. j ( a. r. TorsFfl. A" ' -?? - viiin p. BAIT* Ap 27 49 tf Ret. Hugh Baclet; a Baptist mlnhter, ^ wall known throughout the South, died ra sanity at Richmond, Va. t CJiiirlestou .Old Carolina UiUm. i\ jT)ja>f.a BRJi??\omi ^?aSrit o W? 1?ke iiWo^ie ?? i ffcrit g lh-? ?LD CAROLINA BITTERS TMOTIIE jmb'lc Tl??>v ?r*> e< tnpuund ..1 ?I. L. "...?1 .-!. - if the l?l Tohtm in the l'hninia<optn A< vld~n"* of I lie awpailority ot <ur Dittos >ver all othtrs,. we Imve certificate* fp??i? unity nf lit* lending phyMoians in om Slsif, rlio have prescribe.1 litem Id their practice. VJB oj.D CAROLINA niTTKii? V111 be found invnlilobtc for Want of Appetite, ? Geneta) Del USty, ChilU and Fever and Dyspepsia. Vo do not offer uur Fitter* at n oiii? for n'l licenses, but ua nn Tonic, lln-j nve no ctjua'. For sale bjr nil Druggists and Grocen verjwhero. ' inetpnl Depot, GOODRICH. WI NEMAN A CO. mpoittra of f'lioiet Drug* and Cl?< iiilral*. Cn.?rlr?t n, S. 0. Mb 0 4i lj GEO. W. CA ItPENTEll'S" OMFOUND FLUID EXTRACT Ol* 3All SAFARI LJA. GEO. W. CARPENTER'3 OVTOUNI) FLUID EXTRACT OF I F CI1U. 1'IIE<E CF.LEttRATED FREPARA HONS, originally introduced by Geo. V, Carpenter, ondcr tlie patronage of tin nedieai faculty., finer In en so long ex tell tvelynsedbv physicians and others, llrni hoy are generally known fur tlicir iutriuIc value, and can be relied f.n as being nost valuable rrmrdies in nil ens. s when nrseparilln or Iiiithu are applicable, and an not be too highly roconmi-iul.J. They re prepared in h highly concentrated form, o-a? tq render the dose small and eonveni nt. Orders l>y mail <>r otherwise * will re cire prompt attention. lEO. W. CARPENTER. HENLEY ,t CO. Wholesale Cheini.-nl War*-house. No. 787 Market street, Philadelphia. DOM IE A MOlSE, Wholesale Agents. Charleston, S. C Nor 17 2f . ly P. P. TO ALE, , CIMKI.KSTO.V, s, c. f Largest and most complete") Manufactory of Door* Sashes, > ( Blinds, Mouldings, Ac., ia tbo j Southern Slates. Printed price liet defies competition.-?^. I Send for one."?-^ pa- Sent free on application.-?? I April 27 *9 ly DANIEL H. SILCOX'S FURNITURE WAREROOMS. . 175,177 & 179, King Street CHARLESTON, S. C. lij Eiita?i.ubeb in ls.-vt./^^.y MU Kecpa constantly on hand [1 f II a well selected Stock of CiS&J illl FUPNITUP.E, Which be offers at REASONABLE 1/ :v PRICES. N. B.?GOODS CAREFULLY PACKED FOR siiitrixo. No* 21 27 lj* f\ VO? SAKTM, iMPonrp.R or PARIS FANCY GOODS, Toys, Polls, Gsmes, Children's Carriages, Ftonch Confectoncry, Firo Works, INDIA RUBBER GOODS, 6ucfc Clothing. Nursery Sheeting, Ac., 229 King-St. 2 doors above Market, CHARLESTON, S. C. Msr 30 45 1y* NATIONAL HOTEL, llllfl MWll) PROPRIETOR. P. HAMILTON JOYNER, CLERK. RATES "if Rntr.l n?? Ti?? ?? UU J ?upp#r, Bre?*lodging z uu Mngle Meal* 1 00 Sep 1 1ft tf PAVILION HOTEL, 13 LSI 4\ IvL Hi S3 W ? ST 9 S0 dda BOARD, Per Dajr .$3 00. R. HAMILTON, Superintendent. nr>. II. L. BlITTIiRFIF.LD) l*roprletrcM Sept 29 19 tf WM. SHEPHERD So CO,! Wo. 24, Ilayue Strut, Charlriton, 8. C, \ I>KAI.KRS IN COOKING STOVES, RANGES AND Heoting Stoves. Pi el urea of Stoves ivith prieea a .id description will be sent up >n application. June 29 8-ly THE MILLS HOUSE, ?a5<&&&s?E3a3, e. ?. PARKER CO* Proprietors. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. WARD, PER DAY $4 OO. I Dee 8 . *o ** IK CHARLESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, S. O. E. H. JACKSON, Proprietor. A R81ST A NTS, A.NUTTKRPTKLD, lUr A. nr??rly of ll?? TotVIIoO llol?l,) MO W' M1LLKR. t c?naenMg Ayefs Cherry Peotor&l* Tor PtilMii of the *Aoo?t knd Lu?a?i sooh as Ooogha, Oolds, Whocwtaa Ooofth, Bronchi IU, A Him a, and Ooainwpiop. Probably never before in the whole hlatory ot excellent rotneur ror pulmonary complaints* Thfoturh a loni? scrlos of Tears, and am una most or the ratcos of men k lUUt rleen higher andlilghcr l? ^Hnlnnefimetinn. AA lttlAA hAAOmA flAliAT knnwnv Its uniform character and power to core the rioua affections of the lungs and throat, bay* made tt known aa a reliable protector against them. While adapted to milder forms of disease and to young children, tt la at the same time the moat effectual remedy that can be given for Incipient consumption, and the dangerous affections of the throat and lungs. As a provision against sudden attacks of it should be kept on* Band in every family, and indeed as all are sometimes subject to colds and coughs, all should be provided with this antidote for them. Although settled Consumption Is thought Incurable, still great numbers of eases where the disease seemed settled, have been completely cured, and the patient restored to sound health by the Cherry Psetoral. So complete U Its mastery over the disorders of the l?n*? and Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to ft, When nothing else could reach them, under the Cherry Pectoral they subside and disappear. Binders and Public Speakers find great protection from It . A.stksna is always relieved and often wholly oared by it. JOronohiHs is generally cured by taking the Cherry Pectoral la small and frequent doses* So generally are its virtues known, that we need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the publio that its qualities are fully maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure, Vet Vevsr and Ague, Intermittent feven Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, XhmfB" A ? DMi^la.1 rusa HIIIMSSA VU.aa Asm. A^uu, j^DriviuuM w Mjjumw '*rw( ww.? and indeed all the aflhoUoni which arise from marsh, or mlsemstiq poison*. As its name Implies, it does Cure, and does not All. Containing neither Arsenic. Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poleonou* substance whatever, it in nowise injures any pSK tiont. The number and importance of its cures in the ague districts, are literally beyond aocount, and weoelicve without a parallel In the history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by the acknowledgments wo receive of the radical curve effected in obstinate cases, and where ether remedies had wholly failed. Un acclimated persons, either reafdtAt' in. or travelling through miasmatic leeaBiies, will be' protected by taking the AOVK CVJtM oaHyV For IAver Complaints, arising from lerpMl Ity of tlio Liver, it is an excellent reipedy, lating the Liver into healthy activity. For liilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, prodnoing many truly remarkable euros, where other medicines had failed. Prepared by Db. J. C. Atth & Co., Fraettoal . and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mnss., and sold ail round the world. PBXCJT, $1.00 JPJSM BOXXJUB% *37* Eor ?a'e in Greenville "J , M. A. HUNTER ?% CO., Agents. Aug 31 ji 1 y The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WAIiKER'3 CALIFORNIA. VINEGAR BITTERS, Hundreds of Thousands ?*3 _ g j! I lea r testimony to tlicir Trondorful'5 283 Curnti to Effects. C.-0 y | WHAT ARK THEY? 0 I 5 TIIEY" ARE HOT A VIUC "ifFANCY DRINK,III Mado of Poor Hum, vv Risk07, ProofMK Its. and Befuso Liquors, doctored. spl?c<V and aweotsuod to please tlio tasto, ca'led "Tonics'*, "Appetisers." " Restorers," &.\, that lead tho tippler on to drnnkcnnesa and ruin, but aro a truo Mi-dicino, nvnlo from tlio Nativo Roots and ltcrbaof California,Croo IVora all Alcoholics Otimnlants. They arc the G LIE AT BLOOD l'UBIFlliRand LIFE! GIVING PUINCIPLB, a perfect Renovator and Inrtgnrator ot the By stem, carryinzoff all poisonous matter, rnd restoring the fclooa to a healthy condition. 1 Jo person can tako El tiers, according to. directions, and remain long unwell. 1 , 4k 1OO will bo given for an incurablo case, pro-' .. Jing the bones ure not destroyed by mineral! 1 oisons or other means, and the riull organs wis ted beyond tb?j>oiut of repair. , For IniBamm^.tory and Obronlo Rheumatism, and Oout. Dyspepsia. or Indiro ction. Bilious, Itemitiont, and Inter- ; raittent Fovers, Diseases or tho Blood, L>ivor, Kidnoya. and Bladder, these Bitters have been most rnceerstul. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiatod Blood, which is gi-nemlly produced by derangement of tho Digestivo Organs. 1 nuy invigorate tho stomach, and stimulate tho torpid liver and bOwola, which reader them of unequalled efficacy in rloansln* the blood of all impurities, and Imparting new life and vigor V? tl?o wholo systctn. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache,] I ;un in vuu ciiiuiuucra, vouKna, IBonwi ui vnu Client, Dizziness, Sour fctoinnch. llud To*to la the Mouth, Billions Attacks, Palpitation of tha II cart, Copious Dischargos of (Jriao, Pain la tho region* of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms which nro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia, aro cured by theso Bitters. Clranso tho Vitiated Blood whenever yon find ] its imparities hwrsting through tho skin ia Pimptcs, Eruptions, or Bores: ctoanso it when it is foul, and yourfteelinga will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure and the health of tho system will follow. d PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, lurking In the system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular] around each bottle, printed in four languages?I English, German, French, and Mpanish. 1 J. 1VA1.KKH, 33 At 34 Commerce Btroot, N. Y.J Proprietor. R. H. McDONALD A CO.. Druggists and General Agent*. Ban FrsnrWo, California, and S3 and 34 Com-' merce Rt/eot, N. Y. I IT HOLD BY ALL DBUOQISTS AMD' DKAI.tlta. , . . . n ~ . .1 tW For ?.tle in ftrrenville hv M. A. IIUNTER A CO., AND HARRISON. A MARSHALL. Aug 31 15 Cm * NOTICE. The undersigned will be pbeparcd with two sew gins, (guij.kit's & giuswold's.) rnatamas. --si U iL.l. m -a - - .......... vuu >iit? o iiioir cnoicc. uoia lea by Patent Feeder*, which, it ia said, By adding to tho regularity of feeding, turn* oat more Lint than trhen fed by bend. Males of 430 to 500 ibs. weight will be compressed into a apace of 3 feet long, 2 feet wide and 3 feet thick, whieh will be neatly covered with new Magging and Don Tiea; for which (Magging and Tiea) we will charge One Dollar and Fifty Cents (91.301 per Bale. Customers who desire to do so, can store their Cotton in our Warehouso, whioh will be under tho rare of onr Watchman and in raaeh of our Foroe Pump, until ready to eallf at which time we cxpoet to make -arrangement* to ship diroct to some Factory North, or bay on the most reasonable terms. MO- Planters will please give a* a trial. COTTON PICKBD at 1-20. lester & bros. Aug 17 IS . tf SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER WOULD respectfully inform the pablie that he haa Removed to a room near the MANSION HOU8K, where he will be prepared to reoeive euetomere as heretofore. Being a Pr?/*urioffi Barb*r, he hopes, by attention to bnsincens, together with politeneae to ell, to merit a portion of public patronage, in cutting, shaving and hh am root no. Sept 7 16 tf UA.T TRSOBES MADE AND REPAIRED, BY JAMES M. PRICE. Otwe htm a eaU at hie reeidence, near the a AIL. LARD SCHOOL HO0SB. Jun? n * I