University of South Carolina Libraries
. Hy ? y m fRfe. mm, * m -* *? rix^ ftlrrttfr Jtartrq. Jt chaneed ? t*Ml(iM WMMMr J^tfit, t Whan the ?WB WW what the <Urr weight/ * And the MoaeoM* *?**<* ?? MOller Tight, Of hope^d fh^r^fed bewildering though', By luhjr twee# tb?t en eagle brought, Ja~ Frew the getee of PertdUo. ' Tbo ?'.uth.Wto?d tbrttwed its rvfaaifd winge, And esjojred the rooff that tbe balbnl liagtj i Ami ine nreny epuratou in mystic rmji, Like lumps at a fairy ball; Tha young la**. *e, whispering tweet and lot/' To a tongue thai only Drayds know, Hade love to tho wares that danced below To the cbant of the waterfall. The elood-sbips lay ih tho far-off west, ' With their toasts and spars and sails at rest, Or floated along io an idle quest - Of some bright Elysinn l?lo; a And fairy gondolas hero and thero Flowed down the styeams of the upper air. And Saoored th?ir*prAws to the shadow steir Of sdnte Oothic palace ptie. J t(, So tho Honrs of that summer night Were told. The star light faded from riehr and wold, And morning, in garments of purple and gnld, Awakened the slbojrfng earth : But" the cherub form, with lt*'fae? so fair, ' Crowned with a gl<>ry of golden hair, Like the morning sunshine gleaming there, Still nestled beside our hearth. 'The War between the States, its Causes, Character. Conduct and Festtlt*" The above i? the title of a valuable work just issued by The National Publishing Co., | AI lanta, flit. Five j??r? have elapse! since the close of the M'<odirrt nn<) mo-t gigantic war known tv> modern lii-tory. anil hi that interval m?>n liave lind an opportunily of thinking over the'even's which pa-acd i? tin m in such quick rw-miir>n that reflection w?? imi ??*|M* ; and as a natural ran sequent? eae^i section has manifested a ureal desiicto bear what the other lina to any of it* mot ive* and conduct in the great struggle. Tliia hat led to the piodnoiion of nuoleri-it* hi* toriet and narratives on I lie Northern side. Hot until recently no authentic or really t mcriloiions his'ory had appeared on the fide of the South. The d?nnnd for Mich: a woik was keenly felt, and there tvu? a Toy on n era I (cling of satisfaction expcrimo ed throughout the country, when three year* ago, it was announced that tic lion, A. II. Stephens, the Viee-Pi csident of the lat<* Southern C"nfedo'BCV, was ahont to issue n his'ory of 7'he IVnr Between the Stat? The promise then made is now fulfilled in tlie second and concluding volume of hi* g> oat history, which lie* before us. Mr. Stephens was for many years a prom" incnt actor in the scenes of legislation, which immediately jincedc' the war, and knows much ?>f the scccl history of those stirring events which precipitated the great struggle upon ua. The character of Ilia mind, hia haldt of thought, and ep'ondid powers of analysis, tore her with his great honesty and truthfulness as a sbilcman. rendered htm in the eyes of tic whole country the proper histor an of the events in whieh lie acted s? conspicuous a part.? The in?l"iniMhle ?ne gy which, in the. midst <>f fnili'g heaith, he brought to the prei a'alien of tlii* work, w as remai kable and lias re nT'ed in tlie"prodnelion of the best h's'ory of the war, we liave yet seen* and to* only Southern history of real nier. it that has yd npp>ared. TJie history of ilie eaiiier days of the Con. * . federate Goie>nment, and part:cularly that ' porl'i?Mv,V? ?'h,t"I,Ce 8t Montg. mery. ^ a " Provisional '^^s g-ven to khe world lor the fiist t mc in the^e | agea Blr. Stvpherg lo' k part in tlie Piovisionnl Congress, as a delegate from Gem-gin, and was entrusted with ninny impnriant dulhs. Hie statements concerning thee nflair* ore of ({rent value. Ilia narrative of the Conference lot ween President Lincoln and the Confederate Cammifdnnrr) at Hampton Roade, ia the fullest ond moat valiiuhle y-t given 1o the pnl lie. Mr. Slepltena wna the principle negotiator on the Southern eide m theee preceding*, in the history of which the people of the w hole eountrr are so deeply interested. The vexed question of the non exchange of Prisoners of War is laid bare before the tender, and the peace movements in the South ore thoroughly explained. The present volume ia a narration of the events of the War, and is as graphic and entertaining as a romance, w hile po?sersing all the higher qualitier ol a veracious histo. ry It will he certain to find it* way into the library of every man who desires to hear both sides of the question, and Tulare generations will te/ard it n? the principa' authority on the Sunt hero side. It is for sale by subscription only, and agents arc wanted in every county. The Plot Thickens. The reeds sown by Graham, Stoeber, Ilayne A Co., are rapidly coining to maturity. On Saturday u'ght last, James Smoot^ a colored man, who had voted the Reform tickets was aaesullrd by Otlio IlarPee and a gang of negroes and beaten. Overcome by Tilt Couit of Geuejal Sessions for thia District ?t this plate* on Monday la?t, hi* Honor Judge Greed. piesiding.? iz&x&sz-z&sto thtre i? ^ snfticiiyit. yytubu- of thenq on )?* criminal <}oc|u?' to f *< 9-|p^r, thy llinis of lh?Court during tbe eotire, w,*. ^. Tlu liudties* before th ft Oortrft M ciuiAw^irfw cases <sf aseawitsfwi Un?i f,. Jerceur. MV> civil business uriti bv |irvd filling- the term. 1 Since th?*"'abnvc \vas prtt irt'trfe the Court ban n*>d4?nly adjourned,' in chnse ' qnrner of t!* - i'iegalitf U the Grand Jur^r. ft liM been (lie hahft, fo It mhi i, umlor tba new r-gjme. yhrntver a eiifli.ieutnum of the" Jwrfoh* Wrtftnonetr As ft fn-and jwr^ dfrj rtdf'^ptift'i^ td sf^trtr lh" SiiftrWlw I fill up the vj'tunryJij- p ckingvf ftom file by-at-ind?i? th^rrmnilxr Tii was doncy>t leal Con (ft and I lie pre* en farm. Y.-ste) Jnvruoioing .Mr. JJualer took tbia position: That aeation 26 of the Jury A?-l of 18ftB, authotfising the taking of bV landers only applied to the Petit Jury, nud tlial under tection-. 40 of raid Act, the Grand Jnry c??nld ynly he filled up Jby isat in/ a lie A "Vrhfri* ^/wrVfrts, addrerS.'d. '* |p the constable* el cMirs at d town*" ^lie argument was participated in hy Mr. Mao* rice on the snme side, and Solicitor Atkin* eon contra. His Honor, Judge Green, held 111?t the position was well taken, and that, the Cinnd' Juries of the last and prcseut iterin were Illegal. The result was. the whole of the reniaiofni^ W?4c tlo& ! pro*'d. ftlicHhe Cubit aHjortrlfed' * * >/ [h'int/ttrtt Star, IGth ult. How Advertising Fayfh ? I The New York Journal of Commerce ears of one of tlio oldest hanking houses in the 1 country ! * Wo nrc pleased to 1?j?i from its managers Hint they trace in their business the I benefits of judicious advertising. Any one 1 would suppose that such nt<ank, so lung es? ; taMi&hed aud to widely known, wight Bull its I bills and drafts, and obtain rolled ions enough to sAipiiyjttfny reasonable nud itno. ftKhb.ut a j dodnr of ontlny for advertising; and so it I might bp *niil of Messrs. Drown Drop, <t Co.* Dunc/tn; SfifritJrtrt' A to., nnd rtfliur hoofing bankers, whose ndrorlisbincnls apjicar all the ; year in our columns. Mces.s. A. T. Stewart Jt I Co., who nro more extensively known than any h^ufe dhjthig duntfncnl,' pay us annually j uiorfl ^nhni^ 'for advfrlisirig then-' htiAiifess | than any of their wo_vMdbori v als. Jf a linu-o. I is not wclikiMMsn, it obwuht Iiwhimo sw by liberal advertising; and the better It becomes known, and the larger its business, and the tnoro independent it would seem to he the better stll) does it pay to ad vertiseit. Advertising Is not bn_ ly n menus of success, but it is at once the evidence of it and a guarantee of its continuance. Many noble houses date tho decadence of their trade frrm the suspension tit'advertising." The Baltimore Sun adds i "It this is truo of such extensive and well'established houses as those named?ami that it is, no one can doubt?how much nioro foreiMy docs it npply to smaller financial, lncrcnuiile and other business enterprises, and pa> lirulurly to those seeking to establish n trade." . !. f. 4 ?y 1 ' Et otnik in Envi-anc.?Eiupi ess Eugenie j has runt a letter tp the Knijlerot, concerning her rec< plion in England. She states that all oflipinl recognition of Iter presence has been postponed at bor ??-? r?fjtteet.? Nothing could have been tenderer than her nprrtarfor?*rli? fled to Mr. MiithUm'f, <? cmzen 01 into- v'.usge : in a lew raimrw, the bouse war surrounded hy other infuiia led demons. JVi Mr. Manhiem's house war hiws^Ht in delicate health, And his laonly of" l.Ctle ehildren. While Mr Manhiem wm dressing Hmool's wounds, l/he house was surrounded by ibis furious mob of negroes, with the must ante>' \ ells snd vows to have ^ his head snd biood Mr. Msnliiem had ' just time to secure his escape by lh? beck windows, when his Irout door on the main treat of the village not nrore than two hun dtwd ysids from the Court lloure, wai battered down, and the*s outlaws look possession of the house. Hi* childien screamed in terror. " Don't bill my ps:H his wife utterly overcome by terror and despair, gave way : snd exactinp her pledge of honor that Smonl was noi in the house, those infamous Assassins, lefi snd parsued hbn to Hlmw's residence the Solicitor for this Cirsuit, where they learned he had fled. There at the Instance f paace officer* h'moot ?n taken into eon tody and carried to jail for l.ia protection a the only way to aave hi* life. Prominent in thlc crowd, if not it* Captain, wn W, A- Wayne, a ilafeated caodi-'atc for the Jfcriow Blmr, UtK vlL treatment. Queen Victoria scut a plivnte 'fetter ofT.-ring to pay Iter a state visit. Tlie Prince of Wales, immediately trpori hot- are rivnl, wiote to her, expressing tlie kind remembrance enterlaincd 1 ?y the 1' arid himself of their visit to P.ifis, and of w the kindness displayed toliieji^hv-'ier in the Tuillei ies and Itfg^Viig t? know In what way c?'*j?,j? ^ie prince'* or liitnself lp lier. Tlie Emp?et* says *he is in excellent health and good apirite, as ie also the Pi lore Imperial. ?Lvld Ashhurnhain line offered her hi* manaion in Suse. x. The Duke of Norfolk, Lord IVtiy, the Marquia of Landedown and many other person* have begged perm a?ion to pay their respects to her. Episcopal Assistant Bishop Plnukuey. of Maryland? Hla wife. This Assistant has recently been consecrated with great pomp and ceremony, the service* heing in Wadiington City, nine l.ishop* ware present and ona hundred eler gymen, all in their robes. This Dr. Pixik say. is of distinguished lineage, heing a nephew of Hop. Wjc. PiNCKNir, the great lawyer in his day. I>r. Pinokmkv was orig inally a Methodist, hut eaily in life became an Episcopal preacher. i There i* a singular fuel ahout Dr. riNcKNEV ; he is only sixty .years old, whilst hi* wife is full eighty ; his wife made the clothes in which lie was christened when a hahy. It is r.ot stated whether she wailed for him, or fit at married soma one else, and caught him after she become a widow. ' ? Tn? Spaxisii Cnowx ?-The Duke of Ao?ta has accepted the Spanish crown, so say a the cable. That Spanish crown is a fatal gift, ?s the receiver will probably r evlire before he is many years older. It was from that Pandora's box the Franco German war Issued ; and, a* the icntiment of the Spanish people would Mem to he refful^e^n, pot monarchist, the demagogue* who are ran ning counter to that sentiment are hut building " a house upon the sand," which the waves of the next revolution will sweep from existence. Tnx Coi.oaKo Vor*.?Tlie statement lliat 1 there are 18,000 negro voters in Idinois, 1 ha? eet the statistician* of that S'nte at | work to reviae the table* showing the poll ngftirtig'h of the black* not only there I but elsewhere. The latest revision shoes, in round number*, Illinoii to hare only 4,' 000 negro voters; Pennsylvania about 10," 000; New York 8,000; Oliio 7,000; New > Jersey 6 600; Indiana 8,600; Connecticut > 2 400 ; I>elaware 4,000. Of t he 800.000 ne gro voters in the United Slates all but 60,, 1 0O0 reside South of the Mason Jt Dixon's ' line. I " ? a ? 1 A r*iVAV? letter from Lexington relate* 1 two r< niarkable incidents thstosmvred lh? , day General Lee died. A laige portrait of ' the General, whioh was hanging in the par* lor of his house f? ll to lite floor. Sre?k'n.<* ' iIn* heavy frame surrounding It. A large 1 pliot<>grnph of him hanging In the photic graph gallery in the loarn, fell about the , tame lime, and broke into piece. There 1 wae, apparently, no disturbing cause 01 (oree to prodaoe three an ideate. -cjOALiisfits s I ( gi/T:rjl ) no rrnTf A51! DllESSED Flooring, Ceiling, Weather Donr Over n I) u ml red <1 ifl? ron t Pattern* of M lor ?nl? ?t Nvw York price*. Mantel-Pieces, short notice. Etair Hail, Newels anil Iiiillu?leri ?o order. er r, '1 ?. tio?d nnd Substontial Work tnnde cheap Tnitcd Sthtes. Wb lmve on bond tlio Jtirgcrt ! Itiilfiir.orc, nil of nhicb rto grin run ice will giv'e Fal'Ptnntiul Work. Tlic rut fcrilcrr con refer t< Carcllua and Florida, as to tbc character of (bt Opposite Wnndo Fertilizer Works, ami in Pavilion.U?Ul?. . ? Sept 28 UJ ici ;\W)r:r; ? am OPPOSITE CHARLESTOX HOTEL, CllAHLKSTOX, SL- C. . Sept 28 ' 19 lj I EDWIN BATES & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN I)ICY GOODS . ' ' ASD 122 & 124 Meeting St. JOHASILESYON, 8. <0, Edwih Batm. Geo. O. Selnan. Tuot. R. UcGaoaN Ciia?. K. Rath*. Sept 28 10 fl'n A. B. SIULfclttAN, ?&%<&&*, I CHARLESTON, S- C. MESSRS. tJULLIVAN & SON, arb my AGENTS GREEN VILLE.S. C.t And will make liberal cash adrancbn on nh O T T O IS Shipped to me through tbcm. a. b. mulligan. Sept 28 19 ly ZOGBAUM, YOUNG & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Jilnsiml Snstrumrnts, ST1HSTGS, AC. Agents of stein way a son's and j. b. dunham's pianos; carhart A nekdham'8 melodeons; tilton*s pati nt guitar. TUNING mid REPAIRING promptly attended to. 191 KING ST., CHARLESTON, S. C. Plbdixamd ZooB.tiiM. IlExmr You no, New Yoik. C. L. McCirsAUAX, Chart* Alon, S. C. Sept 28 19 8m Furniture! Furniture! R. WHITE'S; Furniture and Upholstery 233 KINO STREET, SION JOF THE OOliDB.H KOCKGK, CHARLESTON, S. C., PARLOR AND CHAMRKR RUITR, 80faa, Tables, Bedsteads, Chairs, Olaaaea, I Mittresses; also, Children's Carilages, A'-, I Ac., Ht tiia uaaal Low I'rices. Everything | warranted as represented, i Ilia ia ho new concern, being 23 yearseatab Uahed. Try bim. Sept Jrt 19 3m KHTA?1,t*H*T> 1811. CUSHINOS & BAILEY, D00K8ELLERS AND 8TATIONKKR, 232 BALTIMORE RT., BALTIMORE, Have tba Largest and Best Assorted Stock in the city of SCHOOL, MEDICAL and LAW, and DENTAL, CLA8SICAL and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. | ' An ImnwMfl supply of OBNBRAL DANK AND COUNT INQIIOUSF STATIONERY. Blank Book* made to order in any stylo of Binding and Ruling. J'he same .artful Attention giro to 0RDKR8 to Personal I'm chases. Inside Figures alwavs. Rend for Catalogues, Ac. 8?pt 2# 19 4m O ~>: ^4 t <$jRyi?EWENTS. krj |i;ii f pPyH 4 * Ij fiiifi j?-| ' ?u1 i > &bsW$sv!iJ; J?, Shelving, Box Bonrdg, Ac., Ac. nuldinps, looking over 100,000 feet on hnml Boor, nnil Window P ram ca\mode to order at i of Walnut and iluhogany, on hand aud made nt tj>is establishment as can he inado lit the Stock of the ahove Goods goutl) of the Ctyy oj entire satisfaction t'? all who want Good and > gentlemen nil over this ?tn<c, Georgia, North >ir work for the past twenty yefcrd. \ P. 1U SSELL & CO., KA8T KNU IIASEL STREET, tbo immediate vicinity of Charleston and 10 ly TIIOS.P. SMITH ** HATE K A y I/ETI. "SM IT!II da) FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO. 4' BOYCE d-Efp'S WIIARF, OHARLSBTOlt, 0. O. GF.O W. MoIVF.R U connected with the business, and will give hia beat atten? lion to the interest, of bis friends. VB' Careful attention given to purchasing Motohnndize of oil kinds, when placed iu funds. , or Ad vnnces mnJt on evnUlgntnenli. Oct S * . 20 V" 0-n Geo. W Williams & Co. bya CHARLESTON, S. C., ?- IMtOUKIKTORS (AKOIHV IJUKJILIZKK. Williams, Birnie & Co. COMMlSStoy ytEKCllANTH, N. Y. 1 >A VID & STUADLEY '. "\\7 ILL mnko Lit>eral Advance* on Cott >n T ? nml Produce shipped to us in Chart**ton or New York. AGENTS Foil . EUHKKA SELF-FA8TEXIN0, BUCKLF. LOCK, BUTLER k SWETTS TIES. Sept 28 12 3m I). F. FLEMING&C0. WHOLES A LK DEA I.EES IN slfoES '! TRUNKS No. 2 Hayno St, cor. Church, OHARLIESTfWI, ?. ?. D. F. Sam'L A. Nelson. Jamks M. Wilson. Sep! 28 19 3m* HENRYBISCHOFF & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, / -' , T AND !>K A I.KltS IN Wines, Liquors, lliARS, TOBACCO, &0 NO. tin EAST BAY, OTAMISTOHf, 8. C. H. BlfCIIOKK. C. Wt'LUKRN. J n. PierRB. Sspt 28 10 6m nnvi am cnucin. -?-? ...... - , DIRECT IMPORTER OF Hardware, Cutlery. Guns, & AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. wr Han recHvcJ a full slock for tli** wholesale trarte. No. 62 East Bay, (South <>j the Old Poet Office.) Cliarlcttfon, M, C. 8ept 28 10 8m PELZER, ROJDGERS & CO, COTTON FACTORS AD GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jilt OWN CO.'8 WUAIiF, asw amman, s. ?. Liberal advances madeon con SION'MKNTS. WIC ARE A LAO AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF THE Atlantic Phosphates, op OWARLEfcTTOM, Q. o. Sept 28 19 Hm" n iiM&MJiiv ac uu WJZ JLJU, Factors and Commission Mcr chants. i s*" ~*:o: Liberal Advances mads on Cotton and Natal Stores. /~1IT A TJ T Ij OTVk XT Of s-1 IVUKSl IlJjJ'JJ A. l/if, o. S?P 7 10 am 3p . If (I S A 1) A L I. Si 4^<rnnic ) 1 HEALTH KKSTORtf H.I puriflet LB Mho blood and cure* Scrofnla.'fiy pbilU, ^?^ bfU tp4*fj??! TDi?ensoV OhOVonieii, andalt Ch route A factions 1* /of the Bloodi'.LiviT aud Kidneya. ?llecotne?eHded ? the Medical PaoaL IffflW I <?nil i>ntt?oU ?yb? havatiit'Oi tvtaAalifr (sond lor our Kosadnlis (luidotu ^loalili Ulook. or.Alyinnee fot t^ija jrnar, wlii<VB we pn1 Vii-Ii t'oicrntn ib>*? (Retribution |B\lt will give you uiuoU valuable infor |B)iiintiun. , ... , aPS I>r. R.V. Chrf/ of Halt ito Arc, 4*y? i' S I take |>)ea?ure fd renefamendina )ronr JKosadAlm aa a very powerfu jB^B/alftfativbl I hare seen if died in t#r B oaaea with happy rcsulis-^fene in a llVife of nocWidmry typhi I iy, in I whirl (liB^pilio patient pronounced himself cure* rafter having taken five hottloa of you i jifeamsw (ami tied tha' tWuiuU vjj V^A yoji (|toJa1'\ali? in tuodv, it an ?{. Ly-oHept poiDpuujid ol uHoraUvo ipgrc SdiMt*. -- 'I '5' > I}r. .Spark*. p( NicholasMW, .K/-> ha* U0?<1 Ilo.iHiUlia in cases ?i Wtoldl * and Secondary RypMlift wlrh )?ntisf?ct<>ry r?sults-a* acleabcr of thr p)UkK>fl I know ny tarter rcinydy. Q ) Uonjii'riiiii Bc<jhtOl, of Libia, Ohio, jl VwiDci: I have suffered for twenty \rMr? ,w tb an irtvetvrtite eruj?ti<>n ovei yny whole body ; a short time since ^ C|iurehnsed a hotlla of lto&udulis aha it (effected a ucrfcct cure. . itdtJwtp ifctftM , I'fopi irtttrt, * May IS .. 55 " 9U lv PLANTATION BITTERS 'i "? *' ? * ' This lyonderfhl" vege-'i table restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomach- :! ics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject. i( is superseding every other stimulant,*? In all climates*, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts fid n* onA/llfln in aitahit tu) rjjivviiiv/ Jit. UTC1 Jf species 9f disorder which r undermines the . bodily * strength and breaks down the animal spirits. I Wltttrevef* it-is introduced it becomes n standard article?a me| dicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular 'medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and f!nmitrv fitorosu ^ if Juuo Tl% lh/0. ; 5 ty A. P. tUEViiEUX, AND ARCHITECT, EflAlBBllE W?mS Corner 3Ieating-6t. and Horlbeck'a Allay, ?5i^SWba?a?S3, s, ?, PLANS MADE TO ORDER, A NO FREE QF CHARGE, WHEN WORK DONE BY ME. Dec 8 29 \y COLUMBIA HOTEL, COI.UUUIA, SOUTH CAltOL/A'A. '^^BoWMSpiiT i 11 fPHF, Proprietor* tnke plearnre in announeI in# thiaeleirnntlylurninhed Kstahliahment now open for the ocuoiomodittion of guest*. The table will always l>e rirpplled with ererf delicacy of the season?both from the New York and Charleston market*, and no efforts will he fpared to give per foot j, tiefeeiiow, in every rerpcat, toour patron*. PHKK LUNCH in the refectory everyday fioas It until tCL WM. GORMAN, >* ? I * 1?. If. llADHNHOP, J Sept 2tf - lit tf N ickerson HouseHotel, COLUNBrA, 8.C. THE underaigned having RENEWED bis lease upon tba above Popular House, will endyavor to make it one of the most affreStbW Hotels in the South. A call is solicited. pJb Free Omnibus to and from the Ifotel. WM. A. WRIGHT, Proprietor,Sept 8 75 tf T0WNE8 A EAST, 4htSS?3i33?TrS ?.15 &&T57 and SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. PRACTICE IS OREESVILLK ASD suBHoutfDiSQ oov/tnay. Offic? (Tver Julius C. Smith's. o. r. Topais. on* d. a a sr. I Ap Vt it tf I | Wmt Virginia lia* gpno Democratic ? larpo majority?with a pain of three Democrats to Congress. CUarteii ' Advertisements i ' ' Old ( iiroiitin UiKfi'it. aDiatEiUiOiaiifij'iG/ii. i j ?'?.1.1 , We Ia1m pleasure in uffcrinf I tie OLD CAROLINA BITTERS TO TlfE public. They are compound ed with great care, and c<>n<a > avcie I itie l>e?t Torm-a in the l'hai mabupia. ' A* ' vldeive of-the aupaiiority ?>( otif1 ?>vrr all u'laerr, We have eertiftnWtae Irwin nany of tile leading pliyatrlaha in our State, #hu have prescribed litein i? tWf jtractie*, [ TJJF. OLD CAROLINA HITTKIW l\Vill be found invaluable for I Want of Appetite, Qeneial Del i|ily, ?j j \. ? ChiHa and Fever nti'l'Dyipepaln. We do not offer onr Hitler* aa a eura for all liaenaea, but as an Arcinelie Ionic, they ' tjave no equal. I ' u / 1 For1- aale '^y all Druggltts'ah? Ofocerr . ?-verjrwn?-re. . . I ' Pi incipal "Depot, GOODRICH. WISEMAN A CO, (mpoiti-rauf Choice I)i ittc* ?iid'Oii*t?ic*l?. I CharDtUo, 8f O. U Mh 0 '42 1 ly I -JfM 1 i" ' GEO. W. CARPENTER'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF 8AR SAPARILIA. \ GEO. W. CARPENTEB'8 COVTOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BU CHU. I . I^HE^R CELEliRATED PREPARA 1 VON 3. u*'i^cinnllv introduced by Ceo. W. Carpenter, anrier tlie patronage of the /medical faculty, hnve been en long exlen lively ?<ed bv pltysiaians and thai -they -ft- generally known for their inirini ?lo value, end con be relied on being timet trainable reniediea Jo ell cares wlier. 5'|ireepnrllU' or HOehu ere applicable, end /cannot be Iihi highly recommended. Tlin *f? prepared in * highly concent ruled form '?o ee to tender ihf done email end conveni -nt? Orders by mail or otherwise #111 re eeive prompt attention. GEO. W. CARPENTER, I1FN*ZF.Y A CO., Wbolr?a|e Cbeniieal WerehMie^, No. 7H7 Mai km street, Philadelphia. IH)W1I{ A MUISE, Wholesale Agents. Charleston, 8. Q . Nov 17 21 ly P. P. TOALE, CIIARI.ESTO.V. S. C. t I (" largest nrnl most complete "i Manufactory of Doom Pushes, ( lSliud*,,Mouldings, Ac., in the J Southern States, mxr- Printed price list d< ties competition. Jptk* Send for one.'^ p*r sent free on application. April 27 1 j DANIEL H.SILCOX'S FURNITURE WAREROOMS, 175,177 & 179, King Street CHARLESTON, S. C. ifiMU Keeps constantly on hand ^ ill ill * we" oleeted Stock of. rWfet PTJP.27XTTJP-E, f Which he offers at REASONABLE | ^ J j t 1 n r/n r?n W 1 ' Jll l/'JliSm N. B.?GOODS CAREFULLY PACKED FOR SHIPPING. No* 24 27 lj* " F. VoM SAM TEN, IMPORTER OF PARIS FANCY GOODS, Toys, Doll*, Game*. Children'* Carriage*, Frenob Confectontry, Fire Work*, INDIA RUBBER GOODS, 8ueh a* Clothing. Nurnery Sheeting, Ac., 22V King-St. 2 door* abore Market, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Mar 30 46 1y* NATIONAL HOTEL, Mill, PROPRIETOR. P. HAMILTON JOYKBIt) CLERK. RATES Of Board per Day 00 Supper, Hreakfaet and Lodging I Oft ^Single Meal* 1 OO wp 1 1ft tf 7PAVILI0N HOTEL, ?ia s. a3?1 BOARD, Fer Day .. $3 09. R. HAMILTON, Superintendent Kri. II. L BUTTKKFIKLD. PruprlelreM Bept 29 19 (f WM. SHEPHERD 3c CO., No. 24, JIayn? Street, VKmtleeton, 8. O. OKAICRS IN lC^()OKlNO 8TOVK8, KAICOFA AND ) Heating Riovfi. PicMiir* of Stove* with pries aud description ?i!| he s?-iit up on application. June 29 6-ly 1 THE MD LS HOUSE, ?S4ia?,aBS333. 3. ?. PARKPR&CO- Proprietors. FIK8T-CLA8H HOTEL. BOARD, I'KU DAY $4 00. D?c 8 20 , tf CH AMESTOH HOTEL CHARLESTON, 8. C. E. H. JA?K80N, Propr etor. * A HRWTAlfr*. A. BITTTKRF1EI.D, (foriA m?rly ofl'i* Pavilion lloUl,) lid W. 1 S MIM.VD 1 1 u Ayer's Cathartic Pills, l^?T|OT| >n tho porpOMs of TonMrt 41 3\, Jt Parhapanoonemodtjr. awsa nor wm erer any bo" fore to unlvariallr 1 Adopted Into un, la W?i as purgative Kill. The obvious reason I*. that ills a mora reliabio and far mora effectual remedy than any other. Those who have tried it, know that it cured them: those who hare not, know that It cares thelrnelghbors and Mends; and all know that what It does once It does always?that it never fells through any feultor neggleet of Its composition. We have thousands upon thousands of certificates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures are known in every neighborhood, and wo need not 'Ish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions climates; containing neither calomel nor any deleterious drug, they may be taken with eafcty by an/body. Their sugar-coating preserves them ever fresh, and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable, no barm ean arise from" their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on tlx* internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate* It Into hoalthy action?remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their Irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such dorange men ts as are the first origin of disease. Mluute directions are given in the wrapper o?t the box, for the following oomplaints, whlen thee* rUla rapl.lly curei? j For Dyspasia or IMUgssWea, ltstlvss< V*.%%*? Awswuee, they should bo token moderately to stimulate tho stomach, and restore its healthy tone ana action. For Liver Complaint and Its various symptoms, miloas llsaflache, Mek Hsimaehs, laeafllse or Orssa fllekaess, DllIsm Calls and Mil I om Vsvsn, tlioy should toe Judiciously token for each ease, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which it. For Dyssstsry or Pienhwe, but on* mild dose Is generally required. For Mhsnswittsan Cleat, Cravel, Fab alisitsa of the Heart, Fata In the Afea, lack and Lslm, they should be contlnnot* sly token, as required, to change tho diseased action of the system, with such change those complaints disappear. For Bteflsy and Pvspdcsl wolltngo they should be token In largo and frequent dosea to produco the effect of a drastic purge. *Ui vapiirrwivB (ft lumj nn'O DUUIU w taken as it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As * Dinner Fill, take one or two PtUs to' promoto digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels Into healthy action, restores the appetite, and Invigorates the system. Henco it Is often advantageous where no serions derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these FUla makes him feci decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. Dr. JT. O. AVER A CO., Practical Chemists, LOWELL. MASS., IT. B. A. S3T Eor sale in Greenville by M. A. HUNTER A CO., Agents. Aug 31 16 ly ^ y The Great Medical Discovery! v Dr. WALKEB'3 CALIFORNIA s VINEGAR BITTERS, Hundreds of Thousands fjg -fjj ?ear testimony to their wondcrful>| ? V 5 Curative Effects. " g..- p g,Sfa WHAT ARE THEY? jjLgv P jj^ji 0 jj ! TIIEf ARE NOT A VII.E c ; 2 *1*fancy drink,!!}, Made of Poor Rum. Wlilakoy. Proof DplrIta. and Refund Liquors. uoc. octal, sp<ued, and awccteiiu.l toplcaaowio laalo, ca hd'-Tonics'' Anpetiaora," lluaiorurs," A ?, th it lea t tha, Lutnroatruo M.-.liclne, maila tioin t'.io Nativo KooU snJ llcrbs of California, froo from all Alooholio Stimulants. Tliey a- r?o0Mt'EATBIiOOl> PURIFUERnnlLIFE OIVINO PRINCIPLE, n perfect Keaovator ami Invigorator ot llie Byitem, carrvinaotl a J poi?onoua matter, nml restoring tho bloo I to a 1, nllhy condition. No person can taVo tho-o Bittern, according to ?\i recti on*, and remain loiifT unwell. ft 1OO will bo given for an iiienrablo cane, pn>v.Jing tho bonis uro not den'.rotod by mineral )>oiaoua or other menna, anil t!.o vital organs wasted be von d t ho spiint of r-pnir. Por Inflamm 'Tory and Chronlo Rhen-' matism, and Oout. Dyspepsia. cr Indigo ition. Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Ris-wncs of tbo Blood, Liver. Kidnoys, and Bladder, th-^ Bittora have been most gnereeatnl. Buch Diseases are canned by Vitiated Blood, which is lo ner illy prodacod by derangument of tha, Digestive Organs. '1 iK-jr invigorate the ntomarh, and stimulate , the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled cfflcapy in cleansing the b'.oo I of all impiiritlca, and Imparting now life and vigor J *o the whole system. ~ Dyspepsia op Indigestion, Headach*, I Tain in tho Shoulders, lough*, Tightac* of tho t>iie*l, Ditrinca*, Sour Stomach, Bud Taate in i the Mouth, 111.hone Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Copious Discharges of Urtrs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hni. iiH other Skinful symptoms which are thj oBsprings of iyapepala, are cured bytheso Hitters. Cleanso the Vitiated Hloo t wh-mover yon find 1 its impurities bursting through tho akin in Pirn- I Jilea, Eruptions, o* Sores: cleanso it when it is oiil, and your feelings will fell you when. Keep , the blood pure and the health or the system will, follow. I PIN, TArK, and other WORMS, lurking Inl the system of so many thousands, see effectually j destroyed and removed. , For full directions, read carefully the circular round each bottle, printed in lour language*? Knglish, Gorman, French, atvl (Spanish. J. WAt.KKit, S3 * S? Commerce Street, N. T. | Proprietor. E. n. MoDONALD * CO., Druggists and General Agents. Son Francisco, California, and 31 end31 Com*, mc-ce street, N. Y. tew WILD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEA1.KU8. k. J tj? For sale in OiecnviUt* by ' M A. HUNTER A CO., AKb HARRISON A MARSHALL. 31 16 Cm NOTICE. Tub undersigned will db prepared with TWO NEW OIN*, (GULLETT8 & GIllSWOLD'S.) Customers can here their ehoiee. Both fed by Patent Feeders, which, It is said, by adding to tho regularity of (ceding, turns out more Lint ihim when fed by band. Kales of 4.'ifl to Ann it? _m i? ? __ ... w? agae* win in CODm preaaeri into t ip?(>? of & fret long. 2 fret wido end 2 fret thirk, which will be neatly covered wit j new Bagging and Iron Tlei; for which (llegring end Tiea) we will charge One Dollar and Fifty Cent* ($l.&0) per Bale. Cnatomera who draire to do ao, ran afore their Cotton in oor Warrhnuae, which will he nndrr thn core of our Watchman and in reach of our Faroe Pump, until ready to eell; at whioh time we expert to make arrangement! to abip direct to rome Factory North, or buy on the moat reneonaMe terma. ?lantrra Will plcaae give na a trial. COTTON PICKED AT 1 20. LK8TZB a BROS. An, 17 IS If SAMUEL BLACK. BARBEB. vv (lUI-D r? apcetftilly itifnrm thr pihlD' . . ....r ni*in'tv *u 10 * room ne*i the MANSION IIOU8K. where he wtl he prepere?1 lo retj'ier cu?t?ni.r? ee hereto* foie. limine e Proff?iio*i*l Ilarhrr, he hop?e, by eitenth>n in tMineeee, l< gHher with poliien# ee to ell, in merit ? portion of pnhlie petrofieffe. in CUTTING, bllAYINO AND SHAMI'UOINO. Hept 7 16 If 3tfA?TF.SQ8EO ~~ MADE AND REPAIRED, BY JAMES M PRICE. Ohr* him e eell *t hie reeldenee, aeer the oauaabd school hotmu Jane 22 A t