University of South Carolina Libraries
TOWJY LOTS i . ?9V*? ?? ,, BREVARD, Tranf ylvai.ia County, IT. C. ON TUB 1ST MONDAYIN JANUARY. and duy?*, tbo County Coinulsoinnt rs Will pr?>cocd to Mil, at / !, PUBLIC AIJCTIOIC, On ft credit of one and two yaara, (ttitj/ the exception of Bra par cent, down,) all tha U N S O Hj r> fz O T s In aaid Town, (S3.) . i I..;-' Said Lota arc, many of them, favorably and conveniently located for : business purpose* i<tn iMMEnrt.'sr isissnrajaESOTwv Tbo Town ?f Brerard it RAPIDLY BUILDING XtA With lb? advantage *>f Cburobed.1 and oh^of the flnwt School# in tb? South. PoftOni wishing to locate In this "new and ontorprlalng Town, ntT be shown ibe thaw L??? by ?p*"**? : 5: t. So'H. ' B. 0. LANKFOKD. | Not 9 . > ? i The Stat* of South Carolina. QKBENVI^S COVN'JTY. Dy s. f- VOT'tUTT, E-q., ihtifi of Pmbatof mid County. | , ,t , WHEREAS. Jo?hnn T>roR\ W d w ?y om$,W*ppi to* Lotion of Administration on att end ataaniar lb? ?*n?b? nnd chatties, rights and credits of WILLIAM' T.TNBSFY, lot? of tne Ooonty aforesaid, deceased, tUould ho grunted 14 him. Thfe ore, thrrrfurr. In ?tto and admonish alt and singular the kindred and creditors of tbo sold dsccosed. to be nnd ni>nenrlr?'?hw r< -? n l... j '-'j... ?ji .?i.. vouri ui I'lnmiu mr ma votlT^T, iirne miWB' at Qrpcnville,Court im tht IZfA bf Ami ember ?n?f., lo show CIUN( If ?nj, why the anil) A (Hn hiMtetlee tftoulinot 4>? gran tod. S. J. DOUTHIT. J. fJ.'O. 0. nairo of Judge Pr<>M4, NbV. ' 1 Nov V y>) * Th? State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Ttu /?. J. DOifTHITj E?q., Judy# of Probate of nairi County. "l' 1 /' "TtrHERKAS, vr. a. Smith and Henry M. vy' Bwttli 1u>vo filed a Petition in my Office, j.rnying that Letter* of Administration on all nnd singular the good* aioh <-b>i?f?o*i' right* and credit* of WILLIAM AMITU. late of the County nlorcsnid, deceased, *b<iuld ? ? granted to them. Three are. therefore, to eite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor* of the said deceased, to he and a|>|rear in the Court of Pro' ale for said Coun'y, to he holdcn at Greenville Court Hou?e, on the 21*t day of A'orember inninnt, to th?w c*um*. if nay, why the said Administration shoulij not he granted. ft. J. DOUTHIT. J. P.; O. C. Office of JTudge of Pro'<ato, tfor. ?th? IA70. Nov V 45 Til E Ladies' Store. :<; i W. II. IIOVCY 4k CO, ARE PREPARED TO .EXHIBIT TO 111* ladies a Largo end Beautiful line of D P.'E O S o o o d o, Consisting in port of: Prvlf n A 7 I V r rii PVntl ?<nny??A - ? l*fL color*,) ALPACCAS of Cho l?c?t brawl*, English SATINET, POPLINS. MELANGE LUSTRE. ALL-WOOL DELAINE, ( lack, white and colored,) DEREGK, CI1ENE MOHAIR, AMERICAN DELAINE, Ac., Ac. OUR STOCK OF SffiSS?, !?,&,* B CLOTHING la LARGE A ED WELL-SELECTED. AL*rt, FURS, 8UAWIJ4. CLOAKS. CLOAKING, VELVETEENS. CLOTHS, C A SSI M ERICS, AC., AC. A Complete Stock In our lino, and all rnar antcrd of iho Beat Quality and Lowest Prices Nov 2 24 tf ^AVT.TTa AOTI? WKJeWim MILLINERY. MI^S MiKaY baa ju?t i? <*c vol new Mipplie* of Ron ^VgCMQ ?iei*. Hat*. RRm.oo*, F-aOicr*. Flower*. An. Also Infant-' Amra ju Ha'a and can*. Pips, (Real wJ/lwl Hnir Coi a jet Jj|| anil I ni-0 Good*, a Inch all* J Jrl offer* at very low pi ice*. Nov 2 24 tf ATTENTION! /ALL T'ERSONS INDEBTED lr\ BY NOTE, LIEN OR ACCOUNT, WILL I'LL ASK CALL AND SETTLE, BY FIRST DECEMBER, Or they will find their paper in hands of an Attorney for Collection. DAVID & STRADLEY. Nov 2 24 if B. WEHRLE flfl AS just returned with ft well Lfy selected Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER AID PLATED WEE. Table Cutlery, Ac. Ills Sio"k WH8 personally PC looted troin the best hnusea in his line, and chii guarantee satisfaction. Oet 19 22 tf Tub Democrat aaya tbal 1 ,< ()<> lalrt of tian vera aold ia thai toil* last week. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. OFFICE OUUt.1T AUftTRMt, 1 ) r|"'HE 'lanV har1 tfiir b?i relurn.d to mv ottoa by tba COUNTY TREASURER. it haeoa.e* my du? tj to d??nlo the Mino (or m!?. Not ire it h?r?b||in*, I hut (ho whole of the ? eeral | oic?b, |?u ood part# of lota ol i?nl vat ale deeerlhed 1*1 lh? taMoylog liot, or a> nmeh thoraol aa w)K y to p*y ?Aa t**ea, p#a*ltjb? h*d aa*a*. niftito rharaed iliofoot. *HM ?a aold by the Tieaoorof ft <Jraft??IH*t Cooaty, South Cyrult..a, at b*? oflfca in aa?d Ooualy on the thir Monday in Nereinber. A. D.. 1??0, ' milea* e?td loaaa, aooaaomenta and penaltiee he paid Tafofro *bot tln>e ; and oaehaata will fl>e continued from ?lay today until all ol a*hi pareel*. *hd part* of lot* ol roal vatau ahaR 6a *oid or athrad for tale. i I Acaaa I Dato. Itonnoll, Ibomoo I 1 Lot 1SA8 Bread lor*. Cato 1 " " P?n ? W SM | - i' Q " ^ anA-l>,,* ? Til ? Cmmon. or Carmen, Angelina 27# ? Cot, Ford, Agent 100 ? John 100 1808-0 Coleman, T F 80 1888 Cotbran,A 00 1808.0 Dill, ElimMk 00 u ,Davis, Mary 00 ? Fi.rmer, J li 0? 1808 Uritkin, Alcindw 10 H (loudwin, Klisabvth . t< 1808-9 Hunt, Burdiua 812 1808 Jlceth, Miry ' 270 " Hogshead, William 00 ? Jones, Williiim, Ida 200 " Johnson, Sarah M 90 ' * .League, Thomas 400 u iI/Mtcr, L C 75 u 'Lockheart, William 94 1888-9 Muehcin, Mrs M B 90o 1808 Marstibanks, Barbery 1 ?o 1808-0 Morgan, Jaoa 115 M Murry, Nancy, Bstatn M6 m [Mo.Makin, James 000 ? Myers, Thomas 80 .J|?8 , Myers, Kebccca 820 " Marshall. Julia 120 1888-9 Met'lain, Joseph 1 L, u ;Micbsll, Mrs A 1 <s m Moire,.L A i I " 1808 Ncely, M.irgarct j. SO u . I ; Pearson, J 11 )40 ? PoltO, Mary ? # 40 1808-0 IPhllllpd, K A, Administrator * 390 1883 ,1'inson, J p (Agent) 280 1888-9 , Payne, C II 125 ? Payne, Mrs K 1 L,)t ? Ross, Pitman C 1. 90 '< Smith, J T, Executor 117 t !Smith, Joshua, Kstate 12 u Smith, L C and D F llill 200 " ' Stansell F 120 1888 ; Sloan, Adura I Lot 18AK-fl Smith, p lor M CUrk 1 ? ? 9 Talley, E . 204 1888 Turner, Randolph 75 iMg_o Tinsley, Perry , 00 1888 Trowbridge A Co , 404 1808-9 Williams, Mitchol, Eslato 240 1888 White, 8 K per Mrs King 94 j? Waldrup, John 200 ?? Ward, T J 219 ? Watson, T R 1 (10 t4 Woodson, Mary 100 Walton, William gfl 1888-9 Wuilc* worth's Es per W Cory 24 " veiirgan, K, Agent 85 1888 Ycarjrnn. L U ]00 " C"*. M ? 168 1888-9 Austin, J II 17 ig#9 Austin, Dennis 45 44 Jones, Louisa 210 Lock A Son, Estate 230 ?< Terry, 4?, Agent 146 ? riioBpusoi^ Frances, Estate 330 ? . Thompson, 11 M 180 ? Alexander, B R 400 1808-8 Rrinnbkt, Mar'in 21 turn Orady A C? J W u (irmly A Hawthorn 1370 ?? Payne, W y 0 " Perry, Williom S84 18?g_9 Kiltrore. Josiah, Estate 174 1?89 Mali alley, T J liJ Willis, Suralda ]?4 ,? Hudson, J L 20 Jones, Emily 55 u MahsfT.y, John, Estate 417 ** Pike, Precilla 2 < Smith, 8 O, Executor 828 " Ilyetl, Mary 1 Lot " Hitrrison, Arehey 1 44 41 Johnson, Thomas 1 M 14 Martin, JO 1 n k Maxwell, Kiel)ar.l 1 ? u Vnidrll Mrs. William I Lot ' 'Jiren Mary j Lot Hat l.y James (agent) ILot Motileoin^iy W J 1 k0| Tu|>i>?r Henry ! Lot Fowler r N 195 ? 'j"1"'1 A'dii<I(e (AJm'r) ]R4 '< Or> rr N nuey ? J"ti-a M a tin 100 " ii> e-r Manning 19g ? I l<onip??n ll M (feat) gt. ?? Foster T A'N !?0 Cooper Casander co " H <11 J-tfv 70 ? H..II.,.. Wesley 480 1 ImIVYIN^ W M M |t?li|? Nancy U9 u Coek rain Sarah ' 99 < 'HI Francis and Hay *? v a dm so .. Oreen W P 200 "< sniith Sirnhen F n%ft " WiNi.n H H 2AO " * i'a?>ti Jamas 120 ? !?!:;* Cmz,llM ia ,868-9 Hal lifter Mary A 10 1869 rorm Nancy 80 " Fa mum O H 10 i868-9 How aid Pmieman (Eat) 580 1869 II-Her Jorl 120 >. Calaway .lo-iah aod Sarah **) M C..x It M 1<H, Hart Thoinat E 200 " ( oanell 8l>lrad 75 1868-9 T.'n'i"" M.l 97 1M* 1 matey Camtlne 50 Wi||jam? Kphraim : 'j| e? Tally A It and H T 250 " Itor. a Timora* (agent) 180 1808-9 Iti 1.1 well KHta' cih 100 1889 Cox's Krtate (Mom 800 11 Fdwarda Laiett 50 I'M w 11 Harrison * 81 Oniiniard 8 S 4000; 1888-9 ZW7?* John ? 1869 Waid Vina 100 o Watson James F ]oA " W il|iai?>a J L 826 Willi, OW .. 180 ,m A'tiold William 1 Lot 1868-9 I lli.ean Joseph B 78 IftMQ Hill J A ' 97 * I 'avian. 1 Elisabeth 78 < Dill Julian 7,, n Oreen Mary 100 Omn AW )49 Jamison A 50 M<x>n W II ]g3 m Morgan Meredith 8}\ u Maxwell James L 198 F Maiebhni.ks J T 18 ? Moor M M 75 it Piinyl- Jane 15o .1 ii 8 hm Turner AT 10 1868-0 L n 100 I860 Moon W M 810 llnsr 8 J 87ft M lliabman William 680 Smith K i*H T 84 "ihith Juliitl 40 8-i(t<lu?li l.ins*y 7ft " rh?rle?, Capt John 1100 1868-0 ilHininniid, R () 36 1860 Johnson, Jaims B 74 M Br.>wn, James 18 1868 Murne, Sarah llol M BtrOary, Carolina 8o Bo-well, I) A 881 j * If any errors exist (n the above list, they eari I>S rprreeud upon application at my office previous to the sale. J M R UNION, Auditor Qr?anvUI? Co u ate, Nov 9 14 I Notice If* h?r*l?v ?lt<*n to all whom It may eon torn, tint I will apply to H. J Domhit, IW? Jmlte of Or?iiivWlo County, on the 80/A Any of No4*tub*r n?gt, lor a Pinal Pi*?* I) H Kaeeiitor o? the Ketata ol KKe VINE WARP, deeeae-d. ALFRED WAfrD. 0?t. 41, iMd. i?-? laeaotor. II G!S 1-UII alum. 1 Alcohol 1 Bbl. Castor Oil, pare 2 Bbls. Turpentine. For sale oy M. A. HUNTER & CO. Oct IS SI tf iIuiiisst nuiOK. (fTYTARD, Dnprav, Ac. Brandy, loj 1982 Pellet oiein Brandy, 1859 ?ld Apple Brandy tire Old Corn Whisky Old Bonrbon Whisky. i All pure ? for medicinal pnr* poses. At M. A HUNTER A CO. ;oot i? 22 tr i i SflBQ 19! fiIBAL6fl CIG&BS. mmdmtaniaci SUOOLrt Crema, pure Spanish Kino Durham Smoking Tohacco Fine Genuine Mcerelianm Pipes India Rubber and Wood Pipee. For sale at M. A. HUNTER & CO/S ~ | Drug Store, Mansion House Building. Oct 19 XI t1 Administrator's Sale. i ^.-vv WILL B1 A told, on SaleshISMBj day In Decern- SMHK bar next, beforenSBdjECna the Court House door, in Greenville, a Tract .fTpTTtr of. ' Containing one hundred acres, mora or less, situated at PRO S;8 ROADS, Three - and-a- half miles from (the City. On the plana are aeoiafortable DWELLING HOUSE .and Outbuildings, good Orchard, Una Water, Ass. >f ' i ALpn, I A valuable LOT, il?ait?d in the fosti of hndleton and Apgnsta Streets, and opposite Messra. W ilitsdi ft Wblnaira'i Store, I AJJO, . On Tuesdev oftcr Sales-day, at Williamaton, a LOT. h> toe lown pf WiUhuastoa, Anderson Ceunty. 1 I MIS, A half-Interest in n LOT adjoining tbo above. also, v On Wednesday, Tth November a Tract of LAND, in Pfckena County, near the Trap, containing ? acres, more or lets. Tertna to be mad* kisvs en day of aaia. J. II. DE49. Ad'tor. Oct 19 > tt ) 4 iiw NEW GOODS. , : ) H. C. MARK Is now receiving the littr^est Stock off Goods of any Firm in Greenville Tlio Coxes are still arriving*;< and having purchased Cheap, will sell LOW DOWN. Everything wanted in tlio DRY GOODS LINE, for the house or farm, can be had of him, and he invitee an examination. CARR'3 OLD 8TAND H. C. MARK. Oct 13 31 tr ESTABLISHED 1835. GREEN VILLE COACH FACTORY. GOWEIt, COX & MARKLEY. WE would anifounre to our customer*, that we are prepared now to fill all I Orders for VEHICLES. We have added to our Stock of Wood-Working Machinery, and increased our staff of workmen to about 70, >n<i mereiore trust that none of our patrons will be disappointed in having orders promptly filled. The Stock of One, Two, Three, Four and Six-Horse Iron Axle PLANTATION WAGONS, will be kept full; and now as for one-third of a century psst, these Wagons shall be the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. We have a large Stock of Light RUG OIES AND HOCK A W A YS Of our own make, and a Stock of NorthernBuilt BUGGIES?both low-priced and highpriced?for those who wish to purchase Northern work, priced as low as any Southern dealer. We call special attention to the improvements making In our j SPRING WAGONS. Without raising the price, we are finishing them with GREAT CARE. And Painting them Elegantly. To customers r.t a distance. Priced Ltste will be promptly meiled on epplicetion to GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. Aug 10 12 Out ftjbjT LXBBF.TT WHITE LEAD. :ni Buy the Best?It is the Cheapest. ;o; To Conanmero of Whit* Load Kv*rywh*r*> THE increased demand from all sections of the country for orr well-known hrand of PURK LIBERTY WIIITR LEAD, Indnees us to ask your special attention to it, and we cordially invite you to gtre It a trial. VNE^UALED. 1st. For Wearing and Covering Propertiea. 2d. For Whiteness end Beauty of Finish. Sd. For Uniform Fineness of Grinding. 4th. Same Weight will do more and better work, at a given cost, than sny other. Ath. Moat Economical White Lead ever introduced. fith. If you wish to procure as much value ea possible for your money and secure handsome end darabl* work, use PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD. Try it end he convinced. Satisfaction guar utwd hj the Manufacturer*. ZIEOLB A SMITH. Wholesale Drag, Paint and fllui Dealer*, Ho. 1S7 North Third Street, Philadelphia. WHOLKSALK AGENTS, GO WEB, COX A MABKLET, DEALERS IN Coach Materials. Paints, Oils, Glass, v . Putty, *o , ORKdNVILLE, 8. C. I Anf IS It ?cn DRY Cfr CA RPE WHOLESALE , The Popular One-Pi w. D. LOI VOL U H B 18 PACKED FULL OF DUY GOODS, 1riTi Priodn/' Every body U ??Htd, olid none tki ud the cfcitomcrs And they K*i botter; velne for A THEY TEL We believe In telling Goods for Pnsell Profits, I Cell end fee oe when in the City | or, will be be) I Dress Good* Noedle*Worfcs, Laces, Trimming n,,> Nnlii... ?* n. axtenri** variety. Ageata for tbe BsplA Bawli W. D. LOVE W. D. LOVB. October 28 M & trmT COLUMB DEALE! HARD WAR RE, CUTLERY, Cyf BAR IRON. Plow and Ca#t Steal, Tlow Mou Biad?. Ticki, Bttelurd*. Pulwar*, 811 ur iol>-. Spade*. Sboveta, Mature Pork*. Axe*. Ac., Al??. Cbotce Fain ily. Grovri '?#. Wine*. L'qu?r it*. l'a>nt(, Oil*. Window GUm, Varniabe*, anil We aolxli a call to examine Hood* and Price* e*? of purrbcrera to bay trow u*. feft. We are alio Agenta (ur Dupont'a Celebn Sept 23 COOKING AN I enro^ _ _ rrrtTN t a r*r 1 I1U* LAlil uk'te Stock of ( STOVES over the State, onti Having marie prominent no Than can be bought also where for itco or more Stoves are e'?h! to on from the regular pi ices. Extra pie band. Call and examine mj Stock J Sept 28 DYSPEPSIA A INDIGESTION fyCVMTSCHUV Sc tRe ^ teSiPMS pr pnumitiUHS ""*? ? ' > WHOLESALE DRUGGISTa CKAltlE8TQM,S.C. N. B. The Commissioner of Revenue ha* decided that any dealer can aell this article without a special license. For rale l.y DAVID & STRADLEY, Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Com mission Merchants, Greenville, S. C. also uy Drs. Harr'son & Marshall, Wholesale and Retail Droughts, GREENVILLE, S. C. Mar 80 45 ly c. Kerrisor, jr. w. j. axsos. c. wwxr.n. LOUISVILLE EXCELSIOR l"l^uawwa THESE PLOWS are made of either Cast Iron or Steel, and are the best and cheapest in the market. Send for printed ] list. Also, Ames' and other Plows, of all prices and descriptions. Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters, Ac. Also, always on band. Moore's New York Plows, at $2 each. A full stock of Planters and Builders Hardware, consiating in part of Ellwell's and Tirade's Hoes, Spades, Trace Chains, Axes, Nails, of warranted quality; duns. Cutlery and Housekeeping articles? wholesale and retail, by C. KKBRISON, Ja. k CO., 249 Ring Street, Sign of the Big Axe, CaAHLKSION, S. C. Oct & 20 3m Columbia Advertisements . _ I ISAAC SULZBACHER, sy&sssas, ; *33 *32 ~ * AMD FILTER WARE, CUREM AM? FAHCV ARTICLES. SPECTACLES A SPECIALITY UNDER COLUMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, 8. O. Oct 5 20 3m B. &W. C. Swaffield, ?DUiUKIiBIIA OLOTHINO AND HAT HOUSE. THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED lOT1IE PUBLIC. OA RMENTS MA DE TO OR DER IN A SI YLE UNSURPASSED. THE BEST FITTING SHIRTS. CLOTHING AND 1IATS BY THE DOZEN OR CASE. I S?pt 28 19 Ira OODSi T 8, ?fcC? AND RETATL. rice Cash House of 7~Et c*3 oo? /d, ? <7, n TtfB BE8TGOCDS, AT THE L0WE8T I to boy. Wo nil 8tondor?TMokoa of Good a. their money Irvm us (ben any where else-? a TL* US SO. ad by this ai>??, tan yoe timo end money, ppy te received yonr ORDERS, a, Ceeeimeree, Cloths, Jeans, Tweeds, Prints, ?, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths, ?e., in lerge end if Mechine. 1 Sl CO.* Columbia Hotel Building. B. B. McCHEBRY. ;ia, s. o., R* IN HP ENTERS' <t BLACKSMITH Ida. Trace Chaina. Bnilders Hardware, Nail*, e Pans, Ketilce, Percussion Caps, Quns, PisAc. a, Ac.. In groat variety, and of Superior Qua!I Canhge Makers' Matcriala in Ureal Variety. , being assured that we cao make it the interited Gun and Blasting Powder. J. Sl T. K. A?KEW, 19 3m n HI? ATI I liTrt JUT JLJL XtL JL til VJT IfEB. 5EST AND MOST COM-jgw JOOKING and I]EATINGg|& kept in any one house in^j35j| si do of Charleston and Columbia. arrangements to sell for several uses on Commission, I can sell at the same style of Stoves. When e parly, a discount will be made ices and parts of Stoves always on before purchasing. ULIUS C. SMITH, Court House Square, is if JOHN C. DIAL, IMPORTER A ND DEALER IS ESGLISH ASD AMERICAS HARDWARE & CUTLERY, IRON. STF.RL, NAILS, CASTINGS, MILL Stones, Bolting Cloths, Smut Machines, Circular Saws, Mill Irons, Sugar Pans, CARRIAGE BUILDING AMD TRIMMING MATERIAL-S, INDIA RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, Carpenters, Blacksmith and Tanner^ TOOLS, HOUSEKEEPING AND FURNISHING HARDWARE, A ORICULTURA L IMPLEMENTS, Lime, Cement, Ploster, Paints, Oils, Krench and American Wiuduw Glass, Gutfi, Rifles, Pistols, Shot Belts, Powder Flasks, Powder, Shot, ?o. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At tbo Sign of the ??LDEm PAD LOCK, COLUMBIA, S. C. Bept 28 10 3n> BUY FRO! C. F. JACKSON, COLUMBIA, S. C., DEALER IN CHEAP AND CHOICE ALWAYS ON HAND. A LARGE STOCK or HOMESPUNS. PRINTS, TICKING, BLANKETS, QUILTS. CLOAKS, SHOES, HOSIERY AND FANCY ARTICLES. Sept 28 10 3m ETABl.'MlKD 1S-I3. M. H. BER RY'S 17UUNUUTB WARE ROOM* TLAIN ; bTU1.LT, COLUMBIA. S. C. VTOW on hand, (lie largest and h?-?t ?cLN leoied ?!? k of ['UKMTUKB ever kept in Una mailtfl; ennal-l'iig m p?ri of I'arlor, D'oinit l!o<?m ami Uliamltr Snili ? <otne entiiely n-w pvinna, and pilcea 'o cmiipnie wiili Clin lf?h?n, Spring Beda ami M illrcMei of all kimla. iW P? nicular attention paid to peeking goods lot rliipping. St pi '<28 19 8m WRlCUlWRM IMPORTERS A ED DEALERS Agricultural Implements, GROCERIES &C. OUIt frienda wlio favor ua with their ordire can alwaya rely on finding ua at the bottom of the matket. Solicit eonaignmenta of Ccnntry Produce. Their facilities are aueh aa to iruarar.tee prompt a?lea, at the beat figure# in the | nirltl. LORICK <1 LOWRANCR. Columbia, S. C. 9*pt 28 10 8m E. E. JACKSON. .* Druggist and Pharmaceutist, COLUMBIA S, C. Sap 28 19 8m B. WEHRLE, QRESNVOLLE, S. O. DEALER IN SUB III SILVER VIRUS. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES? 18 4k 88 Carmt Solid Ivptitl Rlngv, SILVER & SILVER-PLATED iWiiLStnc* tW WORK ?f nil diecriftiuue in hie line done ;>romptlr. ATI Oct *7 tt ly nr. w rammcd PRACTICAL GUNSMITH AND MACHINIST piORX 8HELLERS, Cotton Gins, Wki, \J Sewing Murliinn, Vnbnlliu and Parasols REPAIRED with promptness. Charges reasonable. Corn Shellers, Tor sale from $10 to $12. I also prepared to furniah Btonoil Plates, for marking elotbing. Blnckeniithing. I HAVE in addition to my usual business, opened a BLACKSMITH SHOP, having a competent woikman hired. Lark in Westtleld. Work in this line will be done satisfactorily. Ready made PLOUGHS always on hand for sale. Stand?In rear of Old Conrt House, at the Randolph place, having removed from my stand on Main Street. 28-lf k. I ROSS ft ML, MAN UFA CTURERS or DEALERS IN JAP AN NED AND PRESSED WARE, asm COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. Al\ kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Woik Done On tbe most REASONABLE TERMS, And with promptness. Store Nearly Opposite the Post Office. Feb 16 SO tf N E W STOllE. JOHN H. GCODIiETT RKSPECTFULl.Y informs the Publie that be has eommonced Business again at the Old Stand of LONG & GOODLETT, Where he has just opened a portion of bia Stock, consisting of j 1? a "sr (&???s? I Groceries, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, I Hardware, &c., All of which Wm bought at low figures, and will be sold for CASH OR DARTER At a slight advance on Cost. He solicits a share of the public patronage. Ap 6 46 tf GREENVILLE PAPER MILLS. J. Bannister & Son, or all kinds or Book, News* Wrapping and Colored Hiohest cash prick paid for Ctofcft Cotton or Linen RAOS. May 26 * 1 Marble Yard, LAURENS C. H., S. CMarble cutting in all its Blanches, done in the neciest of Style, and of the hest Italian and American MAKIILB. Address JOSHUA ELLF.DGK. Laurena Court Iluuae, S. C. June 1 2 ly E. P. JONES, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. will practice in all COURTS OF THIS STATE also, IN TIIE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office OreeiiTille c. H., 8. c., July 7 ly* w. K. raslrt. o. o. wklls EASLEY & WELLS, Attorney! and Counsellors at Law I AND IN EQUITY, 1 nRRBKVTf.lB a .-s PRACTICE in the Courts of the State ant) of tbo United States, and (ire especial attention to cases in Bankruptcy. June 13 3 ~~ WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Feriscopic Spectacles,Ac WILL order an extra article //r /^Ottfor any person. Special altcn^^"^ Rtion will be (iren to REPAIRfi ie Watches of every des eription. Best references given. JAMES U. BLACK. Jane 30 0 tf EXCII ItSIONTICK ETS. unTl iwiie fwnn dflttna GRBINVILLK A COLUMBIA R. R. CO.,! Columbia, S. C., October 25, 1870. 1710R the accommodation ot Visitors and . Delegates to the Fairs to he held at Charleston, Colarnhia and Anderson, and to the Qrand Lodge, A. F. M? at Charleston, during the month of November, this Company will furnish FREE RETURN TRANSPORTATION to Passengers from ALL STATIONS on this Road, for COLUMDIA, from Oetober 28th to November 21st, inclusive, and for ANDERSON, from November 1st, lo 5th, inclusive. The privilege to return free will not be allowed to passengers who take the trains at Stations where Tickets are sold, unless they purchase Tickets from the Agents. JOHN II. MOORE, den. Supt. M. T. Bautlrtt, General Ticket Agent. Oct 23 23 3 FOR SALE OR TO RENT, j . . A Comfortable DWELLING containing seven Rooms, and noccssary Out-Buildings, within a few minutes walk ot Purman University. For psrticnlara apply to T. Q. DONALDSON. November 2| 27 tf Notice. Application win be made at tb? n?it eetelon of the Legislature to renew the Charter of Inonrpnraiion of the PAIRVIEW PRK8BYT BRIAN CHURCH of Oratnvilte County. Sept 14 17 3in " } V .... , ? Equality Life Tnivranco Company ar^gii IB Priueipif Office, Ao. lVi?. Wuim At net, Richmond, Va. RBASONS why e??ry on* should Invar* la lb* Kquililj Lilo IflmrMN Coapujr( ut Virginia : 1st. It U nor* Liberal to tbo loraran (ban any other company, and will entoally be- , com* Purely Mutual and belong to tb* insurers. 3d. It circulate* it* money amongst Ita patron*, who are the Insurers. Consequently they ar* continually getting tb* Imneflt of tb* rapid " accumulation of the Company, tb* money being invested hy tb* Board of Directors amongst the insurers. Ad. The loan* of tbis Company are as liberal a* other companies who declare dividends at the end of toe seooud, third and fourth years, hot tbis Company at tb* *nd of tb* first and every year. ? . DAVID II. CLARK, President THOS. H. WYNNE, Vice-President JOHN Q. WINN. Secretary. Qen. JAMES H. LANK, Actuary, Dr. F. B. WATKIN8, I Msdieal Adviser. Dr. C. H. W. DAVIS, J M#dlc*1 Advisers. . .Judge JOHN A. MEREDITH, Counsellor. I,, DIRBCToKS. J. B. Winston, Treasurer and Secretary R. F. IP. K. H| Win. J. Johnson, of Johnson A Hunt, Wholesale Grocers ; Win. H. Powers,of Winston A Powers, Wholesale Grocers; Albert Ordway, Treasurer Buckingham State Company; J. F. Gibson, Superintendent Adams' Express Company ; Charles Y. llorris, Morris A Co.'* Sugar Refinery ; G. A. Peplo, Superintendent Manchester Cotton Mills; John H. Tyler, John II. A John Tyler, Jewelers; Moses Milihiser, Wholesale Dry Goods ; J Thomas 8. Baldwin. Clothier ; John M. Goddin, Cashier Planter's Bank ; J. R. Dowell, Superintendent Western Union Telegraph Company ; Alex. G. Robertson, Cattle Broker ; George I. Herring, Wholesale Grocer ; R. L. Brown, of Brown, Jones A Co., Wholesale urocers; A ll'uleker, Druggist; S. M. Ronbi bauin, ofS.A M. Roarnbaum, Dry Uoooda. Equality Life Insurance Company. Examine it* J'omphlet* he/ore yon in| ?mre, it it to your ititer*tt to do to. Agent! teamed ereryKkere. BEN J. O. IICRIOT, Gen. Travelling Agent, Charleston, S. C. Sept 22 18 tf Da. SHALLENBERCER'S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE AP.ruyi Ntnps the Cttllls. I 'rhiairctlifinc has lx;on before the Public fifteen years, and is rtill ahead of all other known remedies. It docs not purge, does not sicken i"_ 3 stomach, is pcrfootly safe in any do?o and under all circumstances, an lit the only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY anl i>cnnanent!y every form of l ever and A no, boenuso it is a perfect Anti* dote to .Tlalurin. Gold by all Drucgiata. Feh 2 S7 yl Charlotte. Columbia nnH An gusta R R. Columbia, S. C., September 1, 1870, ON and after THIS DAY, the Passenger trains over this Head will run as follows : going south. " .Lenve Charlotte, N. C., nt 8.20 a. m. s Columhia, 8. C., at *.<jtJ.-at.^ Arrlvo Au?ii?ft,? vr.7..3r.50 p. k goTsJI north. Leave Augusta, at 0.00 a. m. " Columbia, 8. C., at 11.45 a. m. Arrive Charlotte, N. C., at. 0.30 p. m. accommodation trains, iundays excei-ted. Leave Columbia 10.10 p. m. Arrive at Augusta 7.00 a. m. Leave Augusta 6.30 p. in. Arrive at Columbia 4.15 a in. Close connections tnade n'a Oreennboro and Richmond and Aci|ula Creek, and nin Italeigh, Weldon and Bay Line. Through Tickets sold and baggage checked to all points North, South, and West. or futher information npply at this Office. C. BOUKNIQHT, Sup't. Supt 7 16 tf South Carolina Railroad Company. Columbia, S. C., May 13, 1870. ON and after Sunday, 15 May, the Passenger Trains upon the South Carolina Railroad will run the following schedule: run charleston. Leave olumhia 7 45 a m Arrive nt hnrleston 8 30 p m Leave Charleston 8 30 a m Arrive at olumbia 4 10 p m Leave Columbia 7 45 a m Arrive at Augusta ~-4 25 p in Leave Augusta ....8 00 a m Arrivo at Columbia 4 10 p m NIGHT KXmiCft* TRAIN (SUNOAVS KXCKPTRD.) Leave Columbia 7 50 p m Arrive at Charleston 8 45 a m Arrive at Augusta 7 05 a m Leave Charleston 7 30 p m Leave Augusta 0 00 p m Arrivo at Columbia 6 00 a m CAM DUN TRAIN. Camden and Columbia Passenger Trains will run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays; anJ between Camden and Kingvilledaiiy. Leave Camden 8 35 a m Arrive at Columbia 1! 00 a in Leave olumbia 1 00 p in Arrivo at aroden 40 p m II. T. PEAKK. tlen'l Sup't. Greenville and Columbia Railroad. GEN'L SUPERINTENDENT S OFFTCE, Columbia, S. C? July 25, 1870. ON and after MONDAY, August 1, the following Schedule will he run daily, Sundays exeepted, connecting with Night Trains on a V. r>?l:? n--j ? * " I. ....... vmimma noun, up huo flown, also with Trains going South on Charlotte, Columbia and August* Railroad s Up?Leave Columbia ft 15 a m " Alaton ~ 0.38 a m " Newberry 11.03 am Arrive Abbeville 3.00 p m " Anderson 4.30 p m 44 tlrernville 5.00 p m Dow*?Leave Greenville 7.00 a m * Anderson 7.80 a m " Abbeville....... 0.00 a m " Newberry 17.47 p m " Alston 2 30 p na Arrivo Columbia .?*. 3.45 p m JOHN II. MO UK, Uen'l 8up*t. Ang 3 T1 tf WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW 3AHL0NE6A, GA? WILL praetice in the Counties of Lump* kin. Dawson, Gilmer, Fannin, Unit*, Towns, Whlto and Hall. Jan II 1 r-sv