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oastwmi, 37o. WKDITBaj)Ani 3S23L The Greenville XnternriM Is t&? UrfNt Eewspaper, and Enjoy* the lfoet Extensive Circulation of any Paper Enlli?fced in the City i . ? i ???. ' ? . n mrSa . Bcm?Tafvr We hav* relied the Ehlerprlae Office le the room* over IM store Of Messrs: Mnlllvum 4c Moii. and oppowltc tinNtiMlMl HoOC, etitruuce on Mala Street, Meat below Ore. Harriooh * Mharolmll'* DnstfMore,: -i w -i i i Thi Anderson Voir? Wvlhalla. Bolton-. We bed occasion lut wnfc So pui over the Qteen?tl|? A CuliUBbia Railroad to Anderson, tbence by <Ue Blue Ridge to Walhalla. Arriving at Anderson on Thursday morning, we found the streets lively with crowds of people collected to Witness the display of the Agricultural "Fair. We had the pleasure of inspectiog the-exhibition which wes In the large, brick depot of the Blue Ridge Railroad-?a' building not used aa yet for-the road, but admirably adapted fur a public hall from its Immense fise and numerous windows, which give plenty of light. There wss a fine assembly of ladies and gsntletncn in the ball. Admission, 25 cents. A sight of eaob other, and tbs pleasure of greeting friends and conversing with them, was worth more than the money; V :J-- -I 1 .i- :-V. . r ? i I womv* ?iio ?uvcring vij^ui vi n^rimiiuiui jipj- | ducts of ftno quality, and tbo speoiuiciis or domestic manufacture and art by tb* bands of the fair saa; besides soma agricultural implement, Ac., Ac. Tbe display is said not to buro been as large, however, as it was last year, but enough to give interest to the occasion, and to encourage tbe competition of all desirous of excelling. We were much pleased to see tho Tile making machine exhibited by B. F. Craytos, Ksq.^ | who intend^ shortly to set up the business of making tihss for under-draining land. We wish him rrent micron* in lh? ntnlfrlaliinfr O " . ? and hope Ibat be may find a Urge demand for tho tile*. They will be adapted for covered drains (alike for swamp and up-lunds.) The practice of draining clay np-landa and all wet places l>y covered drains, has much increased of late years, in the best farming countries.? Tt promotes the fertility and deepening of tm soil, and renders the- land more capable of resisting the effects of dry weather as well as wot weather. This is one of tho signs of progress, and Mr. Ckattom himself a very successful and practical agriculturalist, as well as merchant, has, in this enterprise, shown public spirit and bis usual sagacity in promoting improvements that not only add to his success, but serve to influence others to keep up with tho advancing knowledge. There was on exhibition a churn, fixed to opcrato by turning a crank, the invention of Mr. 1 Biiows, of Anderson County. Wo think it will rival, if not surpass, any of Its predecessors. It deserves, and probably will, obtain a patent, and beat all Iho Yuukcc rival churns. Wo were pleased to see that not a few of the good men and true, of Anderson County, as well as of its most intelligent and lovuly ladies, were in attendance at the Fuir rooms. It shows that the earnest attention of tho best people, and host thinkers of the land, is becoming more engaged in the greatest of all employments. Col. It. F. Siurso.v, Major OaoaGK Skaboiin, of Pendleton, were among the uetive incu of the Fair. All the citixens perhaps rf the town of Auderaou, were out of course?not least among them, B. F, Chawo.w and Mr. How, editor of the Aniierton /uitlligmcer, a brother of tho quill, whom we are always glad to meet, and from whose p-per we expect to receive all the particulars. There are many mutters connected with the Fair worthy of special mention, but we pass on. Before quittiug the suhject, however, we will soy to our Urccnville citixens and farmers, th?t.^tjiey should not let another **cnr pass without getting up an Agricultural Fair on a handsome scale, and inuke it a permanent institution. Abbeville aud Anderson, and other places smaller that Greenville, have these fairs. Let us not keep behind. Greenville is the most central and (as we all think) one of the most attractive places in the northwestern region of the State; and right here is tho spot for the biggest Fair in the up country. Many people from a distance might be expected to attend.such a place as Greenville. WALKS LLA rtlBOIIKK. We arrived at Walhalla after dark, 7J o'clock, and left on horseback next morning for the celebrated Cheobee plantation on the creek of that name, some twelve in ilea from Walballu. The dajr waa fine, and wo bail a delightful ride there and hack on a fine trotter from the livery stables of Mr. Tuoui-so.v. No other travelling equal* the old-fashioned horseback, when you have a good borao and good weather. No other is so exbilerating. How delightful to amble over breezy bill or through quiet valley and leizurely survey the country. How it braces nerves and muscles and invigorates thought, and how pleasant to iiop fur dinner, and get a good one at aouio thriving farmer's house, as it was our good lortune, at. Mr. Jrhmk Lay's, who owns a flue furm adjoing C'beobee, and who this year rents the place, which will most amply repay the cultivation, and pay the nett interest of twelve thousand dollars to tl.e owners, although they bought U tor less than that sum, and we uiay mention, are now ottering the place for sale on favorable terms, having other valuable lands besides. Independent ol the agricultural value, there are valuable gold deposits on the laud, which have been profitably worked, and veins f gold have been discovered in the same region. Experience in this country shows that there are no such sale, and in the end, profitable investments, as real estate, especially the boiiorn lairds of the up country, which never wear out, and which are intrinsically worth far more than they have ever been rated at. Their value, as grain ami stock fa rim is. however, becoming more and more appreciated. Wulhalla was arrived at in the night, and left by ua in the night en our return, and we bad little cbauoe tor observation there this time. Hikmar'b Hotel is still an attractive place, but tbe worthy proprietor won Dot al home, having gone to Charleston, we suppose, for supplies. Arriving at Anderson at 7 o'clock Saturday morning, and it being rainy, we resolved to pas* down Lbe road and spend toe day ijinetly al Helton till the Columbia train Ouiuo up.? We met there some pleasant fricuds, Dr. la a AO linASi'H, ol Abbeville, A. 0. Noams, Jtsip, ol Andersoa, luriuer Commissioner in Hquily, and now the newly elected Judge ol Probate. The latter was at Uellon attending a Convention ol "the cirele of prayer." We spent a lew hours ol the lorenoon with ttie Convention, and were gintffied to hear such favorable r*porta ol the good accomplished by the circles. In ssverel churches pt uiilereiii denominations, wh?re their meetings have beam bald, lafga revivals bava neon ex- 1 perienced ib the laat two years, and many , A - 1 nlAdf r? the toburch. Iii|?tr? Rumii hw y; an|^ the encouragement of katkwurd Drmhrrt to toko on active pert to roHgtoua etereleee, and in religious coDynttioni at tbcir meeting* tsaftf ikfcito; 'bio* alar motions of the coun'ry. The llolton Hotel, kept by Mr. McQaan, I* undergoing enlargement, end when the fln* I briek buildin? I* anl.l.^d_-ki?K _sn v ? --V- - ^ ? '/ won?the owner will bo able to accommodate, wWrbwiww li igto^ lunaMeinMe mil' bar <>? guests, who may l?e always sure-ol mw,| excellent and well pretiarvd meals at thb taMel aa the railroad travellers^ jsJm> t?V? brepfcfaet there, can testify. Ou? rrHn'l rjilt, ao-lotb. e'rs heretofore, gives us th, npportUnjfy or testifying a* la l ha- baetsilanoe of Iks dhidsr^ also, i.,1 Satyr-lay evening found u? b^cl At OreenvlXe. Although other plates mil M(*irt? see " and pjypsaat to b, at, oqr Mountain City excels the in all. *\ Reputiful, l?t situation." Ui'eetiVlfle is more hij^ily favhfed 1st all Its acaoaspsnliicnts,' than any oilier Inland oity that we are familiar with. JJeta js tljo, narurat'landscapes; institutions of Icarping with their learnod and excellent professoU#/ and its qhurcban and ministers' of rwlljfioa.' a?d tbe learned professions and intelligent population of other pursuits, mercuotHc, acrhuhioal, etc.. all contribute to its gbodsoefcty and business prosperity. iVu .arv r,*ady t<? take a Ir'Mer flight when the Air-Line strtVes u*. which must codte about' soon. - Otir ettiieM should labor to make it soon. . I ?j, . The War la Kuropo. Tlie fall of Met*, which was surrendered by Marshal lUzusfc, ofl the ult.^ srith one hundred and fiflj tta'U'Und piiibhopi' and vast military stores into lite bands of the Prussian*, lias greatly1 difteourwgdd the - I. I-..- .?r. ,>? U.I IB ?o n I I niiUI f but til* fcirtr of starvation alone ra alleged I>y him and his officers as the canes of sun render. The cap'urc of MclS enables the Piuealaua to nse the vast besieging artnjr In uoro active business, and, of course, dimin* ithes lite chances of the French, already had, to make any ruaeessful resistance to the invaders. France has lost, in killed and wounded, and iu prisoners, including the twenty Ulossand troops that escaped in. I to Belgium, at out six hundred thousand soldiers since the war oomioeueud, and these include nearly the whole of her regular array. News was received last week that Bismarck and Thiers had agreed upon an armistice of twe|>ty-five days from the fourth of November, which, it was thought would lead to a peace, Prussia will.undoubtedly insist on retaining Iho r>e/.el..???> of Alsace and Lorraine. Theft* are disturb ancee constantly in Paris The Hed Repnblieana give mneh trouble. and threaten Gen. Tkochu, the eomtnnnder in the city, but they are kept down by mil it try force One object of the at mist ice was raid to be U> enable the French to hold llttir election for representatives, g? that a regular govPfnnicni can be organised to treat with lite Pi ua.-inn" ; this the latter.desire. , TI|K ar.Mt'T'CK a failurk. 'TLat.r telegrams of tlie 7<h November an nounrr the failure of the Armistice, and the war continues.. Cotton immediately tum> hied a cent or more in the pound. There is now no telling what will oome of ifi** Wttr > a prolonged struggle, or its end by the bum I Ixirdinent ol Paris, which is probably now '^pratnenced. Hudson A Mcnet, Advertising Agents, How York, i It Is not often wo uiecl with mot h in advertising agents, that can be commended, but we can endorse '.bis firtu, with wbont we have had eonaidcrublc dealings. They nllow flair prices j for advertising, aud pay promptly?great requisites in newspaper management. Our business intercourse witb them has been altogether satisfactory, and we wish the same could be said of one-half of the class. Their address ia No. 21, Park Row, New York In wlnit wo linve raid of ttieie gentlemen, U is fsr frotn being our object to throw publishers off their guard in their general management with agents, which should be very strict ! but merely to mention those properly who do something like what is right, whoro so many swindle and defraud. Messrs. Sullivan A Son. These gentlemen have an advertisement in another column. They ure constantly receiving Ireah stocks, in the line of Dry Goods. Groceries, etc , etc.. which they dispose of on very accommodating terms, for lite cash. Besides, lh-y are extremely clev er to deal with ; having dealt with them, we can oomtnend them and their goods. Messrs. Suluvam A So* also make ad vances on and purchase Cotton, f??r which they pay 'he highest pi ice admissible, this their customers will vouch for. Being agents of A. B. Mim.uovm, Ksq., Cotton Fac ior, of Charleston, their returns lor shipment are most satisfactory. Mr. Mui.lioan is known for rare probity and honest deal ing, by which he is extending his badness largely into Greenville. Spartanburg, LauI reus and other 0 > no ties. Persons having the fl-eey staple to bring to market, would do well to either sell to ilie Messrs. Svlli Tax, or consign to Mr. through them. ?- -WS-??A Beautiful Millinery Store, Mis. Loo Jkmnimos, one of our well known and accomplished Milliners, having removed her sioek of goods to the stand re* oently- occupied by Mr. J. O. Hicks, ons door below Mmn W II A On fixed up h-T new establishment in a style to view. The arrang-inant ol ahow oases and lit a flower* th-y contain, apeak uninialakatdy of her superior taate in everything pertaining to the ornamenting of lite drear ol ihe ladies iter stand is now more convenient than formerly, and her fri.-nd* and the puhlio in general will meet with a cordial reception from her, when they call. Her stock is large and Varied, Fairs, Fairs, Agriculture', Mechanical and Art exhibitions. This is a season of fairs. Richmond has just ban a grand one, also Atlanta, Augusta, and Charleston. This week Columbia opens the State Fair, conmmrncing Thursday, 10th instant, which will doubtless he a magnificent exhibition, and a great and gay time. They must all prove to lie beneficial, and add to the awakened zeal of our citizens to make progress and improvement in their industrial pursuits. The good, tho wise, the fairest and loveliest of the land seem amused to the importance ' 1 these things. Let ifreenville fall into ranks' Freabytertan Church. i Rev Dr. Wm. William* will preach in the morning, and Itev.A.'. A. Kit Moment in the I tfuruoun, ol Agndaj next, November 181th. Tkiiii tf it, C?ttoa laiMtl. XW<fift| * n$tJ|w?r fofonr Attoif rfleets t') afoitaqhoir fltton ail once, atfd blace pt&pon e niarflt! Jmt affewidnyflago, ?eWro4ll^armistioeAra8%poW#w-of, the ruling prico hero was 11$ .cents, and when there wero some tflppe* fHre4?|i*4fa WWMW ed, it^went up three centa per pound: but now i} is or) the,doclino, Atxf Iliofc is no telling where-' frrwm wap-wny w m 8 y iu cetals. Tiling, Well, flirtncfs;'and see if you Will riot make H*(o veiil* I. ... , *i\ * f'T %'>*.. u)t,efea,t|by jH'MMjg J QM?- Cotton,,^ fore \t irOics: lower. We thank bol.' and giv* you the benefit-ot our judgment. ' !f 'J '" HI' '>ltl M aii//- !i ll ' (to t ' I.!Oreeovlllw. aai a! OMtm Markwt.' - u:\ II I* gratifying/to aee ihd'stcaty laoroas? of Mm ootton trade in Uracitille. Cotton bartn Nf* ftyifB prio?s., jshifh be* o+w bcvvgb^ap tj>e market to an, equality with lbs b^t iq the -coon try. M .if? than oo w b undrcd Upgj aro sold hero almost everyday, lately. East Friday tftw israrfsed MM fcjiy were sold. Tb? pi-loo oh Mobdev tquehed 15 cents. 8e? our market tables. All this mekn? h good business fbr -'ear plinaterk, kbit firmer?, and otty trad?, i - :.By reference to oar advertising toUasma lb will appaaatbat our motebaata bar* ftoa **ppHes of goods of all varitties. (Jroenvill? is, therefore, the,place to ecll and bay at, and is, constantly improving. r Bead the Notice of Plokle A Fodre/ :-;t Attention is called t<? the not lea of Messr#PiOHt-a <k Po ut, to be found elsewhere.? Tney cull upon those they have trusted to oome an t pay. Head their just dentaads. ' Dr. Bulat-"Betarn. Dc. k iB/put wjll Mum to Greenville on th? ltJth inst,, and will preach in fhe Presbyterian Church, on the following Sabbath, (20th.) Large Turnip. We return thank? to Mr. L B. Clink for a Turnip, raised in his own garden, by his eatiikable lady, which weighs 7) pound?. It was produced with Wondo as a f?rtill?er? and is the vaiietv known as " Green Topi" J^T* Over five hundred bales of cotton wore sold in Greenville the past week. - ? Tho Election. Scorr'a majinity is said to ba about tlilr* ty.four thousand, according to the.count,? The rote is 11 rgvr in the State than it War in 1868, both patties receiving more rotes.? Tiivie is no doubt that greii fraud? wer? practiced by some Republican voters in several counties. At soma precincts they violently took possession of the ballot box* es, and af others repotted their votes, and muny voted not entitled to vote. The Reformers have elcoted, (?ayg the Charlvton A*.ic*) three R-prt-scnatirss in Anderson . four in f>r??tivill? it.,.. II....... < f ? ington ; four in Marion ; two in Oconee ;t wo in Phkcti*} lour in Spartanburg, and two in Chest ei field, twenty-six in nil ; and have Reform Senators in Anderson, Chester field, Cltsi les'on, (if Mr. liilei lie admitted,) llor rv, Oconee, Pickens and t-'psrlanburg, The Tote is the largest ever cist in the State, a id the IU'omd Tote runs several thousand ahead ol the Democatlo vole in 18G8. The election in Beaufort is protested by the Bow< nitre; in Spartanburg by the Scott radicals, and in Union, N?wberry , Laurens, Fairfield and oilier Counties, we believe, by the B-formere These protest, j if sustained, will change very materially the practical result of the e'cetiona." The following hat of members is believed to be nearly coireot. Abbeville?Senator?II J Lorn ax. Representatives?L 1' Onflln. Evcridge Cain, T N Tall'tit, H II Ellison, Mitehel Goggins. Anderson.?Senator?John Wilson, Jr. Representatives?Or John Wilson, William Perry, Warren D Wllkee. JJarnterJl.? Senator? C P I^elie Representatives!?James W Ilayne, B U Nerland C I) Hayne, E Ferguson, E M Simler, B F Berry. Beauford ? Senator?Robert Small. Representatives?II Grant. W J Whipper, 8 Green, C S Kuh, N B My?rs, J B Bascouib E Neheio iae. Clutter ?Senator?Lucius Wimhuah.? Representatives?B O Yocum, Sanclio Sanders, Birney iluiophries. Colli ton?Senator?Geo F Mclntyre.? Representatives?Win Thomas, II S Holmes, T G Model.ich, S Small, K Tarlton. Chesterfield ?Senator?R J Donaldson ? llepreeenUttivee? Win I. ttlrfieJd, J P Sin gleton. Charleston.-- Senators? D T Corbin, Representatives?T Hurley, J W Floyd W E Elbott, B A Boseman, O R Levy, J B Den* nis, T A Davis, II n Hunter, J J Hardy P P Hedges, C J Andell, W C Olover, A 8niilh A ivgan, E Mickey, W 11 Jervey, R Bryan, A P Ford. ' *' CYarew/on.?Senator?E E Dick?on>? Repreeentallvee?Syfex Mellon, Jarred W erlay. Darlington.?Senator?B P WMtimore. Representatives?9 J Keith. Jordan I.ang> Richard II Humbert, Alfred Hart. Fdgefitld.?Senator?Frank Arnim.? Repreeenlatieva?Prince K Rivera, Samuel J Lee, Lawrence Gain, Wm Kennedy, John A Barker, John A Green, David Ilarria. Fair/ield. ?Senator?Gsurge.W Barber.? Repreroiiialivoe?S M Smart, W J McDowell, Alfred Moore. Georgetown ?Senator?J II Rainey.? Representatives?V\. illiam II Jonea, Jr.i, Jamea A Rowley, Thos D McDowell. Greenville?Senitor?Jame? M Allen.? R^nrp??ntati??a? T. ft .C o.:,/? den, O W Taylor, H Sullivan. Tlorry ?Senator ?. Representative*?J 8 Btrroughe, Jama S Duttnbnry, George T Litchfield. Kcm ham.?Senator?Ifenry Carlo**.? Representative*?Frank Adamaoo, Reuben Gaither, Stephen Gary. iAmoanter.-? Senator Representative*?R W Ooawart, A Hudson. Laurent.?Bonatnr?Y J P Owen*. Representative*? Jsaeph Crewe, Harry MoDaniel, Wade A P.errio, Griffin C Johnson. Islington.? Senator? K S J Hays. llepresentalire*? F W Derrick, Daniel Kineler. Marion.?Senator?Hsnry B liaj oe reprefenlaii vm?Jo*l AlUn, FA Stilt F | Jfa^ik*ro^~Hen*tor-H J Maxwft 1 rtMntttikeflLw Tliomft, Samuel jktckoonl , AVteVJEyB-S^nator-M! W M?ntt>mer yfl , DHolk ci t/I Heng' OeooM ?Sen*tor?D Hitman. Repreeen UUvm?0 JU Doylfy* J J, SJiattliliH. Orau0tbnrq.?Senators-Jos A Green.? ke?. tf t7Vfim*r~$<nrtm,?, ,-.-3 -? 1 Rrnrar 1, Afeiwuy JkMM /f-w 'f .uumtnr?w bwi. iin^i * sentatirea?Wti|<j?in?Hi*lIAI??e? D??U, 8 &?WmfM>4; AfsopGopd^^. /Lji oil'l 1 FoV'r ? R'Pr f %*?i rpsrn'tiitiVea-^-F ) ti!<Ws, Jr. W ft Gatdner, vRv'IUttiWy A'L?n^.lL' *"?! ? .^<:< | ?( J^wiennJrUUp*: , resentaiive*?Junius Mobl^y, Jnmvsjpi^k,-) ' ^A t4.nU ; H.prefeotalitrtt--#'> IStFnfcty *'?nv<!??* *, Ffr*?IP* '1/f ? :i.' i '"Ytrk.?Sen.'ar?W E R"re. Ropresentliir^JIl'VyrlVnhel, Stiff Vtetyift, Jr'W Mead, J 11 WMi?. :i?? >i' ! ' x. 0 If v*Jil ! < nr Tt?. nwve. Kd Italic.-.4r TUfbrnitrt. h. ft! r?u- r|n ''l. . < r/.??|{..I Tin viii'Ml;!.' ??.! ArkaniM C.rreapond^net Entyjijrl**. I 'l:l,:DX Am, AaK'AMKAi^ Ooi.'W-tb, 1810. J AftAtrt. Kditort?Sv this is 'ft he* ktai'l try, comparatively speaking, jrust cifaja* into ivQitcs in the Heuiii-eadifcrn Sntm./ns far 'the tide of immigration ieaoncwnctk I. (lake U for granted that Jffr renders would not !>?.? versfeto; lper>ribg pnm filling of it, from one of t helped *es,. X fl*al), however, confine myself In the prcent lattef lo g'Tin^y0!) some brief nuconnt pf the course of travel l>y tinhorn!. I w ill , oommenca at Columbia. .as ?H qf your reader* are eo wejl fcq'inhilwj with everything along the Greenville, aiyl (io>, lumibi* Railroad, as tp heed ao further d*r-' < scrip lion or account from me ,Xtl Columbia, then on your route weflwprd', Jjou ni>ay^ purchase a Ihroilgll ti'oVct to 'Memphis, Tennefl'ee, for the sum 6f thirty-five atTdone half dollars. It is D^edtVts1 for me to expatiate or enlarge upon this im'pruretf system of railroading, where o man oho pur4chase a through ticket to any given point, check hi* baggage through to the earn*- point, and thue snve himeelf a vast amount of trouble and inconvenience upon each change of oara. Kvery mau who has trav*. aled at all, can well appreulate the convcn. ience and advantage of the.system. Tho distance from Cdumbi* to Augusta, Georgia, the'point where the first .change of care is made, is just eighty-eight mil-a, of new track, passing Uirough a C'-untryt not uoted for its fertility, but which, through a portion of Edgefield County, abounds int pleaeing and welhcultivaUHl farm*. The air* on tliis road aie cotn'orlable and plyas-. ant, so llint, after, an easy ride of a few; hours, you aj-rivo in Augusta fotween'eighta id nine o'clock, having left Columbia at f >ur o'clock the nine evening. Amth some little tuilae and c?nfu?if>n, yon take your seat in the tt'dn bound fvi* Atlahta, tl)e " Gate city of the Smith." -Altvtshed tothis' train, is a Pulman sleeping-bar, where, up on payment of one dollar in aldition to your (are, you may have a eomfnrlaht* bunk unsigned yon ; ar.d it U my advice to all traveler* fo pay the dollar, if they desire bi spend anything like a comfortable night, for tho acoommoduiion* outside of th? sleeping cars are of the commonest sort, not near so comfortable ss are tho day psssenger coaches upon our South Carolina roads.? This is the Georgia State Road, which, I siu informed, bofere the war paid the en tire taxation of Georgia; but now, under its nreaunL manaurmrnt _ Is rather an *>v? pense to th > State. There ia a breakfast? hong* upon this tyad. just before arriving at Atlanta, which is the onlj place I found where a g?od substantial men) can to procure! nt ante helium prices. At Atlanta, you change cars for Chatta oogn, whioh Is distant, I believe, from Atlanta about one hundred and seventy miles. The coaches upon this road are rather more comfortable than upon the other, and the country more interesting, not '/root a geographical point of view, but Irom an his torical point. The eye is continually greet, ed with scene* of interest during our late war. The natnea and sites of Decatur, Re* saca, Missionary Ridge, Lookout Mountain, and numerone others, carry the mind rapid ly hack, end ons ea? almost imagine that he heholda the ragged but iovinctble col* nmns of Juhnaton's army, eirpestly, and with dogged determination, disputing the ground, inch by inch, with the long blue lines Of the enemy glittering with bayonets and bristling with artillery., CJ,VJJ3. fj Plow; us at tor Institutk Fair ?The Courier aayst The first in iteh was for the premium of* ?cre<l for " The li?at Two.IIoree Plough," and the following entries were m?do: The Kxcelaior Plough, by Messrs. C, Kerriaon A Co. The Dodge Plough, by 3. It. Marthalb Eeq. ** ; ' The Watt Plough, by Meeers, J. E. Adger* A Co. The Collina Plough, by Messrs. J. E. Adger A Co. The Brinly Plough, by C. Oraveley, Esq. After a very close and exciting ennteal the premium waa awarded to the Watt Plough* entered by lieeara. J. E. Adger A Co., as the beat two horao plough on the field. " The different gentlemen above ertered the same plough, of one hnrre eize, for the second eonteat for the premium for the " bc?t one hnree plough," exo*pt Messrs K-rriaon A Co., who enteied alao the Mooi. Itor C Plough. After a thorough trial the premium waa again awarded to the Wall Plough, entered by Mces'e. J. E. Adger A Co., a a the !>e?t one horse plough on the field. The premium for the beat plough for general use waa awarded to the Brinly Plough, entered by Mr. C. Graveley, as having the greatest Dumber of attachments to the same aloek. f ' . it Tho premiums for the beat one and tw? hnraa ttlnnivK waa aIaa ? -? * -' , Bw -an mow nwaruio 10 inn Brinly Plough. Junoic RaIlt, of T)emopoH?, Alabama, wm ?u tiy (he n?wa of th? death of .General Lae lhat Ite died iudantly whilat 4utn? ? fvit chair. ; .V } i Killing of Col. Ames. aXxTKI,tf-A lui JT rray ?>huIh at a prpBexlil||ilon? Dayman w.ywkilled mM a M>ijr jLailyfcrooiti* ad. A Vim. namevH. R RLm>I, I an fe> lexical*" conditio* .mIN IM liaJRhcp^- i?f a *lde aliow the price of admiaa'en, and pacaed M* fnmlly in. TTi then caked tlie Keeper laid ha would call the family back, to prove Rtirfl?11 mietekert. Ru?a*ll got atruck the d?n>r keeper, nearly knocking l,l.n ||..rn I,a then drear a nUti.1 and Lheatened In blow tlic door-keener.'* I **? *:> rtttfWi AM tWfyWflVW ewkM hi* platoK when lh? d<>o/r wj'iiiVri!! iMV M< ''Ofc" *?IV UkK"?p- ? f>rriithJd RhOHlfrUtM rettiM-k<B"i4 htm'. ' Tl?ta rfr*M tH4 pHW1 *> ig<ft nfv i diffiedY ' ly." Ruwell th?n reepond'd, " ITMrfWypt* | lad^fctaditlibiint {foL'lftU'frW IRH6tiUr'?ir- I !Mi ON! m ?<>*?? ti*tfkt*rf Hftb'tltoiMoll. ilTtW I Keliy>r0tH*r*;'%n*4rti tM drtfMr?ld?haUi?k j eft, pr**rHi,t rti?d{ cniititMnftMdoflrfrffi ? Am?*iw?i(eh?vi.<|wWei ithiltiMnidm^twJ i i?g |o ?Mp%,-i;4 ^eltlofl(n*irtml^!|fc|??lt ^Wpf MNM.Jf1 Ufc kr;rtvl #t*'itrftntfy ; MH> -.ThH chiW.W"4 A?'UM : rtf*4 $wdy?..A,. Udr ifm the afternoon of the thlr<l. HU ^n.cid^ ,*n* iWfid:!<L/T"" ^S,:^ SW.^KPt Dawion. The men.have been rnrnovej 4o J'cO'' > *'.??'.-y?i / ' til *nl Huthbert, Ga., and confined To a aecure [ TftT/r ' ifNui . WIN rnttrU$ .! ? iiiiit 'uad r' ' * <1 ? *? M WoHCtdWik^tWifrr^ffrti ' ' 1 .'JKrfl'Ni/arl o/tlr Gttiftbn IhxttJi The ?kft NatMel Bi?k bf, (iraftoa^Mart-i *M f ?hWd. Uat 7>ifchtt;br * ia?ffc.P$ burn lave of(a .Jar^o awi^nii qf. treaaqr^fpid rbltiabUsa, imMudieg |?var, $lf0,000| iafGoverowc^t bondy. The whole aujiniotpUheD ie oatimatud at from JStltTj'ttO? t<T J^fj^tJOo, and (nfcludea the money ' n^trmmpdjMfa The'inherit pttneied, ' gngged end bonnd The watehniah, arid fatten"-"" eM hitn in the Cotd-rWotn, threatening him with ( dHrth It be'inedi any'noiae. The watchman etatea that only five of tbo gong were iiV'the banWy bift tbojpUdd him there were twelve in 4L, burglar* tore p*ny tbp ?*wk* in.tbss w*\l around the fata, and w<jra;auroral hour#, at work. After lotjuriug the trcaauro tbn thierea mado.o. hnaty retrcnt about 4 o'clock this morning. In their tiurry they dropped a conalderahlo number of gold dollara in the atreet. They nlao itehs a hoV*c*hbti wKgon in the vicinity, which Waa fiintut In itti ?at? morning, leading tu the iuppmilMD tlial they camo bcre and (aft *>n oft eirtyi tmiti. The batik off* is a'toward -ef $U>,0iK) for :tbe ?aptura of the tbievys and tbu recovery of. the properly. Q"eo1 T,. Sloeuin, one of i^be directors, offers an pddjlipiiut rewujrd of $6,000. Sao Accidkst ? le'Vrh p*ith regret that John An'df'ew ^eello, a eoi) of Mr. W. Wt MoEHvee, of 'hii C'llnlv, aged about six y?ars, was stn\A.WsYfc*d' t'o death on Thura ' I day Inst in n pile of cott<>n seed. pn tlie day previooa.lo tlie accident,'this lilt'fy hoy, in roinpatoy 7_ wiilr keVvral pbivnii'Ss of abowt Ms onrnAgh, were playing In en out*house ^litre, the aot ton a<-?<! wVro rinrrd ? The children excavated n hole in tlic pile of t'fil to ,'the depth of * bo till "eighteen inches. which they sty li d - ft - The next dny-the , iliildn ii aunlo-:vl-ite>i the place Where lie rotton *?'d were stored, when by >nms metns the <b cmred got Itito t!)? hols, head-downward*,,aiid ww* tin*)hi to extricute himself. II is 4oinpn?/i<i/ii>, not rial xijig his. dangejiitis oiiupt'Onl failed- to render him any assistance, or gi ve any in>, fyimiiion of his LOodtlion to the fondly., -i *. [ Yorkvillt fiitynireq, cohrauattvx Incus ai-kHr Atlantic cm**. -By tl. e returns of flic census for 1870 the increase ftf population in the eity of New York fir fh'e )ki-t1tf<| tdars' ha'a been ?t the rate of 13 9 10 per cent. In Thilnd fphio m? increase lira ijorn 18J per cent. In Baltimore the Increase lis* Ireen s little over 25i| per cent. Thus it will be seen llist the increase of population in Baltimore ha* teen st s rate nearly double that of New York oily, and one.third greater than the city of Philadelphia. Baltimore has, therefoce, every lemon to l?e saiiafied with the growth. hiring in a rale so nutrh greater than thai of .the two chief Atlantic cities. This remit proves that her growth has bean an extiaordinary one, aq was '.he general belief from the evidences in her midst, the great extension of buildings, etc* The population of the chief AtlanUq allies hy the census of 1870 is as fullowq: f^ew York, ?-24.G;8; Pf|l|a.)?pj,ifl,, , 657.17?; Brooklyn, 8V6.001); and Baltimore, 287,5110. An Kxiinent Sthanokii?Rev. Dr. Bufst, of Charleston, .Smith Carolina, a v^ry ami nent divide of the Presbyterian faith, and opce^ President ?>f (Tie Sndth 'Carolina Female doll-ge, has been In our city, several dsy^snd preaches tp-day at Brown#vftle where ho went yVsferday, in eoYnp*ny witj^ Prof. Anderson, of Milan College, with the intention of retnrning early In th e,we.k'-'-, He is tha guest oftho MWsis. Dickinson, of Ilicklasnn Williams and ia oh Jnvttood to be prospecting kith a view to removing to our section. It is needles" to ramarlt ...... (i.. T<l|lrl WF"? 1(1111' I'HUIl?llll BgO ' " let,we?*n sialpand seventy years? # delighted will) Memphis ami iU -in pound-, 'nga, as thiit is tha experience of-all Strang era. I>r. Buist, pf Nashvilic. who was a (el low-surgeon of Dr.. Dickinson in tho C.m If derate army, is a son of the'reverrpd g?n> tleinan. It is pfiniahTf Iter i>r. I>nif| will discourse one of our cl< j cliiirches before returning home ? Mhitphit Avalanche. 9 ? Sunna* Dkatu. ? Mr- George II. Hop poek. a respected and prosp?rous mere bant on East Buy, was found dead on the floor of his room, at the Mills House, about half' . past 10 o'clock lliis rooming, yn? of scrvauts who was going hi? morning rounds. Mr. Tloppock retired to (lis room alnnil 0 o'clock lest evening, evidently in perfect health and Id the husk of sniriia [bharhnlob Republican. a knigiit katbe a* twd statk fair ToURMAhkAT. ?Oli ttatV'd*/'aflOrnoon, <luling the prog fen# <?f tl?e lournam?*?t at Oglethorpe F*<k( near Atlanta, Oa.. M. KKenny, the Knight of the lUd iUo^l. JiAVf , ir>f ftniahed hie third eourM, oeuvhtup arilh the Knight of the VV hit# (rnti^ll&t., end ent-red upon a r^ce fyon* theeoe ftifoUtyft lh# traek, l>nt unpp nra*idc l^ejdyee ^fher* the Knight* writ* Mending, hie h'orre'^ook fright, end dethlnir 1tfP*fl?h the off railing ternbfy eruehed Mo Ken hey,, from whidh he died in a fewuiMitet ?;?#v i ?? % Bar. J. K. Mkjpcnuall.?TbU reverend] (WlTemeagfbe l*? jut^eeiK informed, ia JT Aer InAtarglof Baal RivA and Mt Zi<4 I VtrbNmtbB wblcli be bAo acoeptabrj L fat it It eiginMnr*,Saving accent- V eBtbe a?j A the BBewnmt of the Ftm* UVPh"A^ GrTVU^T Tbia cban|^ waa made aoma moatbt ago, bat it wao not brought t<^our attention, and wo sow make montlon (bat it may he known to tbe peMic gieatlj Is bis removal from tbe blgb poaitioo long sfettained by bits, bit tbe istereata of Kurman Univer?ift adiUitnk.i?Li u. i-t r u , ^ Jf 'r'TT. r~.T"r rrcv? for ba earriaa Into thfa work an anorcr ana nmvy wUci, win enrure ancceaa. Tie' tella aa Ibnt^faqtfan oflSnbiiftakf 1n .fevarahfy ra+lrMto. ^M4??>taMbaariM<} ^J l *?H ouf?PPd whfc?*f?r *iiwr c#<w? ( lila MHO/ itt'M ^rrcSinl?BA'axf.-^-vfe learn .tbat the kitchen dr%?f clin'tog, I2f<STrl^i k tiigbt W tity" alien, latjjoaed 'fha 'work 61 ?*>TbcMn?tjvW tiMi'lad fto^Wlb tMi<bwkaaU4N tW Mfcr*;1 inbt# M?Hd 6<k hwa4'fceea1lliif4wll? d(iwMAeal.'?l'? ' f I ?| II 1 > A i/'l?awaowaatla; ifrraid\ I J"'- , I JfAnwiRii^fl'ilcHtlajr m'>n?hi^ 25tri alt. r by MatSv lb Kg? ifcfk, Bfikflft I?. C???B;kll af AHberilhiDftrt/rtt. ? ' JtiH JUIt ji a i I i 1 j ii ." "tOuakiaViii^ WHbVmWr 0 ' Hit ta{?nii?uahy |?c(ivW/ Sblea ?5f MWUAfcr.t i -: (tl , Coujviy Tv Tmi.ber 8. . Salea cdrtoil ^tCT.iay^Sbkle.?tilM: J WtEfctftfffi llawf^ilMltiMto Or^ak hrldiii' 4f'8 \ C;>??twiaa X 067 ; ?to?-k VS.161. : * - if ' > I J..n[ |i.>y Npv.^l.yr 1. Flour quiet H'>?| hcmIv. w bea^tirm.-anq .Ir.iljf, C"|n lieiic* ??hiie?Sniflh.rn Yd ($74 { y/?awL-o:d 8t (?8&; uew go?S2.? W,.1.1. k>fl oaz^ut at/* *? ?? 1 ' 1 I ,vi i? ipai'dll lll IfOOU ?rVbj Mdr? : Miou'drr* (MliVulfnill Coftlti'll iiil?ni linu^ 16$; MIM 900 Wlfe?r w-?>eir?lfr 12A ;< ati<?k 6 OMtH NKWVO?K. 7 .. 1 G<>VI lOf ;Oyll<>n iniKfUleil Mild lower? PklrS 2.K0O liiilcii ; g|>iiin<ts 16. L'vkrpooL. Nt??M>nKer7l . Collon tdoard Ant? upland* 9$; (A Iran* 9$: aaJett I0,0p0 .halt:*. . I LATEST QUOTATIONS OP SOUTHERN .6 E O U It I TIES, IN CklAUI,K6TON, S. U. ' Crtrwcliff *W>lkty by ri..-..A I 4 V- or. A - " Ji?rnt-a*f..... ,60 Q?65r. MOLASSES, X /(Hi., Monovaifo......??<$ 70 I- *f\ ? ?' N?ir (Jrl. Hrrnp, fl TS NAILR, & k?^ *7 00(^8 00 RY.Ip, ^,hu*hel -...1 00fe>l 25 SALT, X ??ck, LW?rp?.rtl,..'... f8 00 8U<ifR, V *>? Br?w?, 16 @ 20 ?. " '< ? CUriOcd,v, 20 t. ? ?' ** ftti^bed I 20 e. SHIRTING, even-elghtm bale 10c. " " rr i .wl 124e TALLOW, X lb. I0(ai5 c. WHKAlVfL kdMMV,'. fl 6?<ft1 75c. YARN, Factory, by hula,.,,,... $1 40 " " bunch.., fl 60 ?? Wiiii.* ??m? kind ofaulintion i* WuMapcnMhla in ihe hulili and ilffnr of miort. ihe iprci'io', copiniot'on *ce*-i<ned by firnti, or rfcirrnal can*?*, appeal r Van faVitfab!* than llial f lnifli m pi oifnu. d by |U apntiia* foot rffyot* <>r irfLclioi.a Tin* I* fully l.oi iir nul by i h- x' i ?iLi.nry corea ?(f-et ed by lh?'o?* of i In* great Hioiih-ro louit, ihe ? OLD CAIOOUN A HITTERS." fW? f Mid I'rvtUhU 1 it WlnrMtan'a Worm Cfudy fimii?Tinrr"io Hcrrrn*? .? I)fort, M?fee?, blinds, tn.viiirtiob?, n?<I <) ib*n?<terW? miw >"I Vf bo?f? vn prop?r tyl? o?n h? oMKin?"? M fb? Inweiit WwkatrarM <4tra?{ fr?tn (h? mannfmrturar, P. Bt 'Tokl*, QbarWatoa, arto* BUM*.' kl#UveHte*Wf?b lwe*?W?r w fWO yv Y'v<r 1r> (' ?#? >? miu UI unci, iiIf. i,u I'l'inu oirtTV. 1 f -i * NOVEMBER 4. 1870. Slate -S < w r.i I i ??Soul li Carolina, olil ??SO ;'do new,?@(58 ; do, regist'd' stock, ? ?OS. f'til/ Srmrifi**?AufilfUl, 'On. Bond^, @ 78;; Charleston. 8,, C4 Stock, ? @60; CharfeVton,'ft.-'C., Pir< Brian Bond#,? @80; Columbia, 8. C. Bond*. ? ? AO. Hailma<( JJuwU.? liluo lUdge, (drat inortP"Ku)r? @00 ; Clikricrtyn nml J^arannab, AO) Chartotle Columbia nod Auiruetn,-^-i@86 : t'bvraw anil Qarling(?n,?@33; (icfcenvilW nod Columbia, (1st im-rl) ? @85 ; do,.(State guarantee) ? 86; Norrhenalern, past due, with idt.,-t-@8T i Northeasit-rn, new. ?@72 ; Savannah ujid Charleston. (1*1 luort) ?@78 ; do, (State guarantee) ??AO ; South Carolina, X-ooupoa, ?@73; do, ??AO 5 Spartanburg and JJnion, ?.@ >6, .. . , , ' /iailraad Stock*?Charlotte, Coltunhia and Angns'tn,? @40 ; (JrcenviHe and Col urnMM1 ^M?rtiiM?t?nu?6IU ; Havaonah and Charleston, ??31; South Carolina Railroad' Company 'Sharca, ? ? 41 ;'South Carotin* Railroad' and Hank-Shaeos, ? @ 41. i{b-,K?w York tjisht, one-half nfl. l'ur. Uold. >1 10 ? 11.1.1; Silver. $1.03? ? South Carolina Hank Hill?. ' Hank of Chnrl?*tnn,...v ....<.??? *Hnnk of N'cwhorrjr ? ?? Bank, of Camden .*. "46? ? Bank of <j?orgrtpwn...k.... .?.A@ ? Hank ol South Carolina 10?? I Hank of Chester lira? J Hank of llmnhurg .. ?? Hunk of Stato of 8. C, prior to 1861 48?? H ink of State of S C. issue 1KAI-62 36? ? Planters' and Mechanics' Bunk ot Charleston. ?A? People's Bank of Charleston ?? ? ^Unfon Bank of Charleston ?? ? Southwestern H. R. Bank of Char* It .-toll, (old) ? ? ? Southwestern R. R. Bank ol Char* h-ston. (nrW) ?>@? State Bank of Charleston.. 7?? Farmers' and Exchange Bank of m,. .1....... Exchange ^ank of Columbia 6(4) ? Commercial Hank of Columbia -7(<i) ? Merchant's flank of.Cberaw ? Planters' Hank ol Fuirflcld ?... 6(? ? State of South Carolina 15ilia. lt?c?l^hle.v r 00@? City ?r Charleston Change Hills Vt>(nt)? 'Dills marked thus [*] are being redeemed at the Bank Counters oi each, ENTEfcpmSE P RICE SI CURRENT cfinitiortn wr.KKi.r. ar MESSRS. OAVIO 8t SfRAOlEr, MERCHANTS. \ ' . i . OltEENVIl.LK. 8. C.. NOV. 8. 1870. BACON?Rides, ft Ih .. 25 c. ilams, " *' 25 e. ,S|t?uld?rs, ft lb, 20 0 BALE ROPE, f>lb,.,. 8r BI?R LAI'S 20 BUTTER, ft Ih 20e. UEE8WA*. W lb >26(g) 30c. CnrrKfmS/W head 20 to 26e. COVVKK. V*'. Hio, I (..23 $ 28 c. CORN.,ft bushel...., _7O@.80e. COTtON. Middling......... 131 Boos, io*An .1:::... 25? 9LOUR, ft ..ok,. ?i 50(d)f5 00 dOl.l), ?. 10es rNBlOt), HpanlsL Ploat ,.... ?2 00@2 25 - f ;? .South Carolina, $1 75(<j>2 00 IRON. ?.?>. American 7*. TRON TIER ?..Wc. LA It ft, tp W?,.....)....i 25c. LKAI>, V lb)..,- 25 c. LEATHER, ft lb, Sole, Hemlock,..36Q871 e. ' ' " M " Oak,. ...4 5(<i,50 e. i " ? ; ' flppar .70^75 c. f A Body and Mind DImam. 1 I* ff'P'iy- ?< jrtotAaota ?n<t tb* ,r# Mi iBlfl|AUlM%!lttl ft?r the one to witlMU thfj otbWr, M tint dyspepsia in??f*ad*hle. Ii ma. We , tcojfibat Mitatlon M the to roach ie i InvWlablMaceoapallcd by Irriutioa inwfln?riitHhfi??d trtWJtrilltlng opera-** tion of llOSTF.TTER'S BITTERS fa moet powerfully developed In cases of ipdigeatioa. The first effect of this agreeable tonic te comforting end encouraging. A mild glow perverier the eyelem, the chronic uneasiness in the region of the stotnaeh Is lessened, end the nervobs restlessness which characterise# the diseese is abated. This improvement I# n?^ transient.* It is pot ra receded l>.v. the re" tUSn of ibo did ayrfrptowii With luporaddod f""ti i" '* n'-itr*"'" aaaa wbaa aamediwUsd stimulants ar? ilrm for the complaint, Each dW ? to tin pat t Ik ffrrAaaoeail aeceitahut wf a? preparation are soarpely Secondary in impor* tance to Its tonic tlrian. if there la an overflow of bite, the accretion Uaoon brought withIn propoi' limits, and if ^he MleirV orjraq , ia Iht-rt and torpid' it U tOhed arfd regulated. The effcet upon the dlscbrtrgink' torgwna it d)jWfflr'An?(U'r?'aiid Ih iaaea ?f cmstipatlort th?- Cathartic action la Just rudlcioift to pro?dtice thu desired result'gradually and without palrf."' The OittergAlsO |iromotfe health/ evaporation fYom'tlie nuvraeb hAileb la particularly ile.'-rnMc at thi? reason When sudden spells of raw, unpleasant Weather are apt to check the n'nhiritl |itn^fAMHia and pntduee congestion of the Ifr*!*. ci.i.ffhe. ahd 6<ihl?. The 6eW r./<rguard apnin*t nil di rente* ie bodily vigor, and able the tiiat Vi|alaiii Rwtwratiw essential, ly promotes. . . , . 2*-* Auosa p<t? lJu>ijLva.?ItjeJt! tlerndon tells ui that ud trl* ?a oft shnriginees are found ir? the dee per l forvets ol South America, from the Ami ? to the Aj^aat|p c^aat, that do not haver and ure Doct. Avers medicines and Lowell coltona. " TrhnbNl,!' Buffolk," " Boott," are seen atamped in ltr(an<i and hlueletterr upon their raftavnle, while AYBK'S PILLS and CI1KKKY PECTORAL are among Iho treaaurea of thdlr habitations. "Their native anil furnisher them all their food and moat of their remedies, itui they suffer from aomo afflictions which most have the interposition of higher skill.?Senh'nrf, Liberty, fil. 24-4 '>UM IEK. BITTERS li.trlwo.ntva the Di* ge?nve urg'tn* *nrt puts th?m ??> work, the m-a vinvI, fihid ?iige-t? makes K?u'l lilwi'1. tli? fHtticnl nii?? in health and strength, sle*|ta, *n<l b'e'Mn llial which make* h m w-ll again " - ? AUG TlON, BOOKS AND SURGICAL ISTRUMENTS. I WILL FELL, ON FRIDAY AFTERnoon, at .ny Office, commencing at .1} o'clock, a lot of Theological, School and Miscellaneous ROOKS 2 8ctta of Math- mnticnl INSTRUMENTS 2 Sett* of Surgical INSTRUMENTS 1 GALVANIC BATTERY. Terms?CASH. * JULIUS C. SMITII, Auctioneer. Nor 0 25 1 -r = b J7 s m i* -t 5#?is av:j5' S)";'?fj* <* i =i |w *3 i_2 = ? f . ^ o ? ^ z_<3 '^fhiu-lsa Ex ? 2 ? 5-S 5 , . . f e 2.0-3? s-sji? ^ |M i, <j.s| 1 f4.s % /* -'?!- ? | ?1~ ?.= ? J * i J"1 i?!r^o . r ? -gtt-Z* *-*<2-3 LJ 5 ? ' >.#scT," Q'jSl^Sio^lJ gJ-gf * ?2 ? ^ 'C J ? 2??? * ?^_. $ a r?1 ,*? 2 -* P-l 1= 3 ~ ? ~ ^ r#i ?'? '5"5.wW?-*^ N U v-i ..CO ? ^ SJS-SCh ?3 Q2 ~ a&d J bp Fn*\< =-s I ?I-J ? 3SS ?-5 Miss Rachel Dickinson W ILL uprii it SCHOOL for hoy r am) girl*, in tlie Dn?ement ?h? Pi?a?'>lrrian Church, on <3hJ^ ihn 7tti N?t?nb*r. _Nj.v 1 24 4 _ Ji ts 1 ' Z AOtf iiouoq aoj pivd ooiJii jcof.rRtn i90J|ttii| oij l 00 V NOSVWOHX H [h|.ij ? en 0a!0 'ii99 .CjlljHJ.lOO ({I V OM pilW l8poo0 jno a\oi|9 oj oauuip v hi juba\ d.w uv .Cpi?q Xjoao aytropl oj tjJJnoua ,*n[ |[98 OJ pouiui.ojop 0.1V OJOq^Y oqmoo una w> 3V 0XS a?# 9U |p?o jfliiin t<ii;n^.im| oi|A\ J[W OB t IIIO |(n9 OJ pOUIUMOjO|> OJtl put? 'BpiKtr) yr >(J)?>ilS oif.ntq ? owij ?M oi|? oaoip IHMJI JOM<>( ||0B 1190 OM l(jr>pt|(I?fO |0OJ O.W OJOjBJOtp 'lionoa Ul 0111(0 op 1IIOOO.I 01(1 ?DUIB H|iftn>q UOOq oa?i| apooQ JtiQ" 'ojojh poj.ropRt? (|0m t? ii; j<lo>( b; ltirjj ^ti; (IiC.ioao pill? 'MUtlAJ, 4*>?'1|3 '? ?ti,\V AJOJJOOJf) ptltl 0.?W.%\pjBJ? 4BO(.IODOJf) *ipo??0 a'.IQ JO B)?(BUOO >(ooj9 .niQ Bti<>;idi.ioBop |(tt jq saooo 'avsm i|I;m po||y a\oii b; putt '[ .110 uoof( Btrq OO NOS V n worn w o??ioi|^oi8 andLb 'sspoii 'i???r?wr RpilOSE INDEBTED TO U8, U BY NOTE OR BOOK ACCOUNT. -7 Are earnestly rennested to CALL AND SETTLE AT ONCE, as we intend making a chaise in oiir Kindness, and long credits have plaved otil. ff you have to pay ooels, it will he your own fault. A Word to the wise is sufficient. FICKLE ft POOBE. ' ,, Q.,1fo9, U\ 1S70, >4-3