University of South Carolina Libraries
9 \ Jti * v jl * 4 j L i'jj g-r ftlrtftb ffletrq. Time. , 9T A. CKA1I, . 0. 0 Time I thy wheel'* ere ever going ; Over ell mankind they've rolled, Never any preference ahowlng, Crushing all, both young and old. I Beauty, thou haw* shown mart die { Strength, too, most decay j But them la one thing we de/y Thy band to take away. Cold aa U thy breath, 0 Time I It cannot wltlior thla, For. liko the bright and rtibby wine, 'Tia strengthened by thy kisa. Twill live when thou art dead and gone? Ita end you'll never aee ; For thou'lt but live until the worn In which thla livoa?Eternity 1 Sprinkle, then, oar hair with gray, All oor muscles sovcr; Thou, old timo, mutt fade atvay, But love, 'tia aure, will never. [Charlotte Obterrer, Uuntorons. The Mean Man Who Got Converted BY THE 11 FAT CONTRIBUTOR. There was a great revival in fhe region whero Old Smithers, as everybody ca'led him, lived, and it took hold of 1dm ono day. Smithera was a dreadful mean man, oppressive to the poor and all that, and never paying a debt if he could help it. Ko had been known to turn a poor widow with a family of small children out in* to the street of a cold winter's dav, because she was unable to pay the rent of the miserable shanty she had of him. lie was only known as 44 Old Smitl^ers," although he wasn't so very old either, but wo have noticed that mean men have tho prefix u Old" attached to their names, generally, when their neighbors speak of them. Old Smithers 44 took a habit," as they say in Wisconsin, to attend ono of tho 44 protracted meetings. lie was strnck with con* viction the first night and hopefully converted, as lie claimed, tho next. After his conversion he was announced to address his fellow-sinners and Rinneresses on the following Sunday nftornoon. The news that Old Smithers had got religion 6pread all about the neighborhood. Some doubted it ; said he was putting it on so as to skin folks a littlo c'oeer ; others, moie charitable, 6aid it might be true, and they hoped he would not be so mean in the future, if it was. When Sunday afternoon arrived the church was crowded. The entire neighborhood turned out to hear what 60 mean a man as Old Smithers would say for himself after passing through conviction and conversion. All was still m the church when Old Smithers arose to speak- lie began by tel ling what a mean man he had been all his life, lie said he had probably dono more mean things than any man of his years and opportunities living, and if there was an}' mean tiling ho had failed to do, it was either because he hadn't thought of it, or there was no good chance. After going somewhat into detail regarding his meanness, astonishing even those who thought they knew him l?c6t with the recital, and declaring his utter unworthiness, he resumed his seat. There was a brief pause, after which a neighbor of Old Smithers, a member of the church, arose and said : w I have lived nigh neighbor to Brother Sinithers tor a long time. I have just listened to Brother Smithers' remarks, And from an intimate acquaintance with him and his actions for many years, I am prepared to indorse, in the fullest manner, all the charges ho has made against himOaI r A nil tviAMA Iaa IT a ?n A n duii, nuu ujui u iuu. iiu in uuiiuiii, lv the meanest man I ever knew in the whole course of my lite"? and sat down. Then arose Old Smithers, pale and trembling with rage and exclaimed : " Its a lie, and Til whip you as soon as you leave the church." " Sib," said the astonished landlady to a traveller who had just sent his cup for the eevo* tli time, "yon must be very fond of the coffee?" " Yes, ma'am, I am," he replied, "or I should never have drank so much water to get so little." A man having been brought before a Dutch justice, on a charge . / 1 ? a ? ?l_ a. oi ,uavmg iour wives me iisiouisned magistrate exclaimed : 44 You shoost let dat man go. If lie lift mit tour wife,ft lie haf-punished enough. I lits mitonl/ von, and dat's more as I can stand." " Bill," said Bob, " why is that tree called a weeping willow ?" u Cause one of tho sneuking, plagney things grow near the school house and supplied the master with switches." In some nartn of f\?nnor>tinnf ? I ? ? - I I rain is bo scarce, ana apples bo abundant, that cider is absolutely > cheaper than water. The teetotal ; societies are panicstricken, and are disbanding by the dozen. No aweet maid ever unlocked tlie heart of her lover,'^ut a kiss was the first prisoner to fly out. I f . ? ? - J 1 1 - - ... Babies. ( We love babies, end everybody whodoee love babies?No man litis music in his soul who don't love babies. Babies were made to be lovod. especially boy babies. A man isn t worin a siilck wiio hans't a baby, and the same rule applies to a woman. A baby is a spring day in winter, a hot-hose in mid-winter ; and if it is healthy, and good nuturod, and vou are sure it's yours, it is a bushel of sunBliine, no matter how cold tlio weather. A man cannot be a helpless caso so long as he loves babies?one at a time. We love babies all over, no matter how dirty they are Babies were born to be dirty. Wo love babies because they are babies, and because their mothers were lovable and lovely women. Our love tor babies is only bounded by the number ot babies in the world? We always look for babies, wo do, with anxiety and paternal aflcction ; wo do, indeed we do. We always have sorrowful feelings for mothers that have no babies, and don't expect any. Women always look very down hearted who have no babies; and men who have no babies always grumble and drink whisky and stay out nights trying to get music in their souls; but they can't como it.? Babies are babies and nothing can take their place Pianos play ont, unless there's a baby in the house. Wo luivo tried it: we: know nnd we say there's nothing like a baby. Rubies nro a pro <!active substance and wo intend to talk more about babies in the future. We intend to tell our friends if they want to be happy in this world they must have a baby in the house?one of their own is preferable. Rabies stimulate exertion ; they make a young man'scratch gravel; and in this view of the case, they are all the while laying golden eggs. A man is hardly cvor worth three red cents until he gets a wife and baby. They push him to it. While he is making enough tor their sunport, he is sure to have something over. Tiikrk is an old gentleman in New Orleans, named Jules Padre, eighty-six years . f age. who, for m??re than thirty years has not had a tooth in his head. Some six weeks ago his gums began to itch and swell, and very soon he began to cut somo teeth. He has now a full month of young teeth, grow i nrr fivi n) t* mI suppose," said ft quack, while feeling the pulse of u patient who reluctantly submitted to solicit his advice, u I suppose you think me ft bit of n humbug?"? ' Sir," gravely replied the sick mftn, 411 was not aware until now that you could 60 readily discover a man's thoughts by teeling his pulse." A very modest old maid, visit .ing a newly-married friend recently saw one her husband's shirts on the bed, and exclaimed: 44 Oh, mercy! ft man's shirt on your bed ! Such a thing on my bed would give mo the nightmare !" A railroad conductor at Troy, N. Y., recently deserted his own wile and ran away with his neigh bor's. The neighbor has fallen heir to a nice little fortune of $72,000, and now the fugitive wife tA nnmn Ko/>lr n??/l ?.!*!. I ??MM?9 ?V VVIIiV IU4VIV UI1U I!) U VWIIJ 1 him. Colic i < Houses.?Tukc one tea spoonful of the salt of tartar, to one pint of water?shake well, and drench the animal with it., and if not relieved in one half hour, repeat the dose; but I do not think you will have to repeat the dose. Tijk wealthiest people in the world are the Osage Indians, in Kansas. The tribe numbers three thousand, and have, after all expenses are paid, one hundred and sixty acres of choice laud per capita, and $0,000,000 in money. Tiir fifteenth amendment has pcneuaieu the entrenched camp of Masonry. The Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois has issued instructions to all subordinate lodges to admit negroes and tnulnttoes. Judge Bond decided in New York recently that a mortgage made in 1858, but renewed in 186t5, must be paid in gold, the renewal not being equivalent to a new contract. A man wa9 arrested in Kansas city for stealing ice, but as the nrmmrltf l?a j-. - wtaiu ?IVW 1/V J ?I I I C"' I fur identification, having molted, I lie cliargo wouldn't hold. u Youno man, do yon believe in a future state)" '4In course I duz; and what's more, I mean to enter it as soon as Jletsy gets her tilings ready." Don't give up trying to do right. "Whatsoever your trials may be, look above for strength to do your duty. DkATH or A JkRIRYMAN 104 Y?.AnII Urn Mr. John Van F.inburgh, of Kearney, N. J., died recently, eged 104 yeara. He ?u married fire titnea, end bed numeroea children, grand children, great grand children end great-great grand children. At the age of 114 be married e Oermen girl 10 jeer a old, end within e jeer fhe pracnted him with twina, which, howerer, lired hot e abort time. The old men wee ao delighted and ohildiah thet for e week he refneed to el low the twina to be buried. He wea n wealthy tamer. I ' ?"> 9 * t ' . < < / CttM CIIARIESTON ? AD S-tiSm, aiiisis aiij' DRESSED Flooring, Coilinjr, Weather Boar Over n hundred different Patterns of R! lor salo at Now York price*. Mantel-Pieces, short notice. Stair Rail, Newel* and Bullustcr to order. Good and Substantial Work made ne ilion[ tJnited States. Wo linvc on hand the largest Baltimore, all of which wo gunrnnlco will giv< Substantial Work. The suhscrihera can reler t Carolina and Florida, as to tho character ol'th Y Oppoailo Wando Fertilizer Works, nnd it Pavilion Hotels. Sept 2$ "rh h_: * I? 13 7%. r_M_^ 9 All IQJVffl&rra CTTmSIBIPi, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept 28 'It) ly EDWIN BATES & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IX DKY GOODS AXD CMOTSK6 122 & 124 Meeting St. CHARLIESTOW, <0. Ekwim Ratks. Gko C. Ski.nan Tiioa R. McGaiian. Ciiai. K. Bate*. Sept 28 19 fi<n A7B. MULLIGAN, CHARLESTON, S- C. MESSRS. SULLIVAN & SON, ARE MY AGENTS GREEN VILLR\ S. C., And will make liberal casii dranccs on all COTTON Shipped to ine through them. A. It. MULLIGAN. Sept 28 19 ly ZOGBAUM, YOUNG & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ftlnsirnl Snslrttiufnte, BTBltBGS, <&C. A heists ot MTKISWAY ?V sons and J. II. I >T N 11 V MS PIANOS; OAR* IIAHT A NEF.DH AM'S MELODEONS; TIPTON'S PATENT QUI TAR. 1 UN I NO and REPAIRING |>rom[>tly attended 10. 101 KING ST., CHARLESTON, s. C. Fkrpinakd ZooBacm, IIkxry Young. New Yoilt. C. L. McCifxaimx, Clinrliaton, S C. Sept 28 19 8m Furniture! Furniture! :o: B. WHITE'S Furniture and Upholstery WfoRl.nQ<DM\% 238 KINO STREET, PION :0F;TIIE nOIiDEH ROCKER, CHARLESTON, S. C., PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS, SOfun, Table*, Bedsteads, Chaira, Gla**c?, M'ittre?*ea; al*o, rhililrrn'a Curiinges, Ac., Ac.., at lila uaual Low Prices. Everything warranted as represented. Ilia is no new concern, being 23 years catab lished. Try him. Sept 28 19 3in khta ai.isiirn 1811. ( l si 11 \(.s 6c BAILEY, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 282 BALTIMORE ST., HALTIMORR, Have the Largtst nud Brat Assorted Stock in the city of SCHOOL, MEDICAL and LAW, and DENTAL, CLASSICAL and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. An immenae .apply of (JKNERAL DANK AND COUNTING-IIOU8F STATIONERY. Illank Dooka made to order in any atyie of Dinding and Iluling, The tame careful Attention (Ire to 0RDER8 aa to Peraonal Purcbaeee. Inaide Figure* alwaye. Send for Cataloguee, Ac. Sept 18 lit 4m X_ nBRTISEMEKTS.] il?, Shelving, Ilox Board*. An., Ac. looldinga, making over II'O.IIUO Cert on hand Door and Window Frnmes made to order nt 8 of Walnut and Mahogany, on hand and made > nt tit is ortahlirhmcnt n? can he inndo in the rtnek of the ahove Good* 8011th of the City of i entire ratiffnetion t" all who want Good and 0 gentli men all over thi? State, Georgia, North cir work for the pad twenty year*. V. P. RU88BLL & CO., EAST EN1) llASKTi PTKKKT, 1 tbo immediate vicinity of Charleston and IV ly Til OS. P. SMITH (LATE NAYF.EIt. SMITH ?fc CO.) FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO. 4 BOYCE A CO S WHARF OHAF.L3DTON, O. C. GEO W. Wet V Ell l| "0'.|t?clet| will* tlie bu.inew, and will give liig heal atten*. tiun to the internet* of hi* liirmli, Oa refill h'trillion guon to pnrchn* inu Meichnndinu of nil kind.', when placed in fond*. c?r Advance* made on eonioginncfit*. Oct 5 20 fim Geo. W. Williams & Co. CPA 0SMMBS* CHARLESTON, S. C., PROPRIETORS C.4 IlOK.l !\' A flktilizi:R. Williams, Birnie & Co. COMMISSION MSItCHANT8, N. Y. DAVID & STRADLEY WILL mnko Liberal Advances on Cotton nml Produce ship| od to us in Cburleston or Now York. A GEXTS r<ni EUREKA SELF-FASTEN I NO. RUCKLE LOCK, BUTLER A SWETT3 TIES. 8apt 28 1H .1m I). F. FLIiiULNGA CO. WHOLES A LE DEA /.EES is shoe's & No. 2 Hay no St, cor. Church, OMARUEdirON, ?? ?. D. F. Flkmino. SAM'L A. KEL*<*N, JANIKA M. Wilson. S?pl 28 10 Sni* ilenrybischoff & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AN!) l>R.\:.ri;8 |M Wines, Liquors, nl1 ^ i at n m /"v i n n " mm, lumiiiu, &\j, NO. 107 BAST BAY, CKAffl&SSflOT, B. Co II. DltCHOFK. C WlILBKBNo J II. PlItrER. Sept 28 19 6m COWLAM GRAViBY, DIRECT IMPORTER OP Hardware, Cnttery. <?UI1S, & AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ir Ilsa received a full stock for tli* wholesale trade. Vi, t.O !??.? D.. V. UM urtok AJrtJ I (South of (he Old Pout Office.) Cliarlt'Mfon, W. . S?*pt 28 19 8m PELZKR, RODdKRS & CO, COTTON FACTORS and general COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BROWN A CO'S WHARF, CD. Liberal advances madeon con sionments. ?'? ARB AlAO AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF tub Atlantic Phosphates, ok OMARUEWrON, 3. O. 8*pt 28 19 8m* KINSMAN ifa IJO WELL, Eactora and uthvn. chants. ?:o:? Liberal Advances made on Cotton and Naval Stores. CHARLESTON, S. C. 8*P7 16 3m \ ?p* ^ 1 1 1 1 - _ ? 1J 1 !J 1 1 ' Bosadalis1 ?<nnHE"o R E AVATM K R I C AN S X HEALTH RESTORER, pnrlflo* Silie tdnod nml core* Scrofula. 8>|>hilia, )Skin Ui'i'iK', Rheumatism. DiKcnacs >Vonu?n, ami all Chronic Affection* >.?f the Uloo<l, Liver ami Kidney*. S) Recommended by the .Mcilieiil FnctiL )iy mid ninny thuusuuds of our beat < Read (ho tettlmony of Phyeicbin* (nnd |niticnt* who hove lined Itnsadali*; yond for our Rosndnti* (Juide to Health yjook. or Alinannc foi tbi* year, which Wi' publish Tor gratuitous distribution will give you much valuable iulorKJu mnllon. I>r. H. W. Carr, of Baltimore, saya : ) I tnko pleasure in recommending ?)your Hii.vtnAi.iti as a very powerful /alterative. 1 have seen it used in two Vases with hnppy result*?ono in n Vti*o of secondary ayphilia, in which )thc patient pronounced htmrclf curcil rafter having taken Dve liultloa of your . /medicine. The other is a ruse of ecrof/JR culn of Ions standing, which is rapidly I Jh yiiiproviug under its use, and ihe in, (dil ations ore that the patient will i (er^yonu recover. I have carefully cx ( mined the formula I v which your \ltosudalis is made, anil find it nn ex Lv-cllcnt compound of alterative ingrevlienta. S Dr. Sparks, of Nicholnavllle, Ky., )say* ho lias used Kosud.ilia in caaca ol Wroful t nint Secondary Svphilia with /satisfactory rcsulta-as n cleaner of the I)nioo,l I know no better remedy. ) Benjamin Il chtol, of Lima, Ohio, /writes: I have ruffe red for twenty vyenrs wi:h .in inveterate eruption over vnr.y whole body ; a short lime rlnco I (.purchased a bottle ol Kosudulis and it ^^ {.effected n perfoct euro. . Hosadalis is sold hy all druggists. S Laboratory, 01 Exchange IMace, 'Baltimore. Dra. Clesients & Co. J'i oprit.'ttr*. May IS 62 ly PLANTATION BITTERS This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to wliich women are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which nnilAi*tiilnA(] 41?a Kniltlo unuv/i 1I1111V9 blic UllUllJ strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is introduced it becomes a standard article?a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine In the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. J iiiio '11, I di il. 5 1y A. F. CIlliVHKUX, ?A N I) ARCHITECT, W&TJWM WIIMS Corner Meoting-St end Rjrlbcck's Alley, 02i4b&k33TP-MJ, 3, ?, /'/>JAT^ MADE TO ORDER. AND FREE OF f'11 A RDM, WHEN WORK DONE BY ME. Deo 8 29 ly COLUMBIA HOTEL, CO LLilC/A, HO UTll CA no LISA. rpilE Proprietors take pleasure in nnnouno1 iii" thisclcifautly-luruishcd Establishment n<>?v open tor the accommodation of i;uriili. Tlio ti\?>lo will always Ik> supplied with every delicacy or tlio season?both from the New York nuci Charleston markets, nml no efforts will he spared to give perfect satisfaction, in every respect, to our patrons. PUKE LU.VCII in the refectory every day fioin 11 until I2J. WM. GORMAN. t ? II. II. BADENIIOP, J I nopni"OIlsPcpt 29 19 tf N ickerson HouseHotel, COLUMBIA, S.C. THE undersigned having JBRENEWED his lease upon tho above Popular House, will endeavor to uMitv it uiiv vi iiio uiosi agrccnlilo Hotel* in tho South. A call la solicited. Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel. WM. A. WKit;IIT, Proprietor. Sept 8 15 tf TOWNES & EASTr 4iS!SQ3i03J3B8 ART* SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. PRACTICE IN OHKF.NVIl.LE AND HUHllOUNDINO OOUNflBI. Offico Over Julius C. Smith's. O. V. TOWSRII. OLIft D. KAIT, | Ap 17 49 tf u Do yon cull tViis a trnnk ?" growled a dejected poster. " If only reeds a lightning rod to be mistaken for a boarding house." s .. *. -v1^ T :<, * fcj r c* 1 ) v .?> * V .* "u ' -' *a? 1 Charleston Advertisements. Old Carolina Viltcr*. \V? tnfc<< |>l>-ai>iiie in off, ling the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS TH10TIIK public Tli'y ?r? compound a id with crrii euro, miH contain funir of ihc i o*i Toniv* in i I'Iimi mm opt* Ar r\Id-nr* of the mpMiioriiy ?? ?'ur Bitt??ri? i?vi r nil u'lion*, \v?" Iihvc cfifictlw from 'iiMiiyof tin* loNiiiiitf I'liytil-inns in onrBta t, w liu have prescribed them In their practice. IBB OLD CAROLINA D1TTKRS Will l?e fouiiil invaluable for Want of Appetilo, Genetill D?l llity, Cliil's and Fever nn?l DvipfpiU. tt'e do nol ?>fT?-r our Ditter. "8 a euro for i'l di.t-iiRi-s, but ii8 an Ari-tuuiio Tonic, they l HVr no C'|li>ll. For rali* by all DruggWU anil Grocen -vi ry w Iiit*. I*iinc'pnl Depot, GOODRICH. WIN EM AN JL CO. Impoit* r? of Choice Ding* and Chemical. UhnrhtttD, 8. C. Mli 9 42 ly GEO. W. CAUUENTER'S COM FOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF SAll 8.1 PARI I.I A. GEO. W. CARPENTER'S CONFOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF I.U CI lU. IHIE-E CELEURATED I'REPARA 'I IONS, oiigitnillv introduced by Geo. IV. Carpenter. under lite palronage of the medical faculiy, have hecn en long exti-n rivrly ii*ed bv ph\eiciiine and other., thai hoy ?re generally known for their initio.le value, anil can he relied on ns being iitosl VHlunhle rniii'illti in all ca.-a where Sn imparl II a or Rochn are applicable, anil cannot be loo highly rei'Omtmtubd. The\ are prepared in a highly concentrated form, .?o a. to rentier I lie* done .mull niul convent ent. Onler* by mnU or otherwite will re reive prompt attention. GEO. vv. OAliPEKTl R. HEN?ZF.Y it CO., Whnle.ale Chemical IVarehnnae, No. 7:i7 Maiket. 8tnet, Philadelphia. DOll IE it MOtSE, Wliole.ale Aifeiita, Charlecton.S. C Nov 17 2t ly FT T\ T OAL 10, I;IIAKIJ^YO^, S. V. ( Largest nnd most complete't p33r | M anulnetory of Dc?'?r? S??hea, / ( II lends, Moulding*. Ac.,in the J Southern States. %B~ Printed price list de-Be* competition. Sir- Semi for one. S<1~ Sent free cm application. April '27 4U " |y DANIEL H. SILCOX'S FURXITURK WARKR0OMS. 175, 177 & 179, King Street CHARLESTON, S. C. tKHTABMsngn in 1838. i Kcrpi constantly on iinnil . 1 a well sclcrtcil Stuck of r^M^. FZTF.17XTTJP3, !*X Which he offers at Rsss? REASONABLE T7l 1>XICES. N. lJv-GOOrt.S CAREFULLY PACKED for siirrrixo. Nov 21 27 *!> h\ VON~SA NTM, IMPORTER or PARIS FANCY GOODS, Toy*. Polls, Ramos, Children's Carriage*, Fioncb Confcctonery, Firo Works, INDIA HITBRRR GOODS, Such ns Clothing. Nursery Sheeting, Ac., 22U King-St. 2 tloors nhove .Market, CHARLESTON, S. C. Mar 30 45 ly* NATIONAL HOTEL, ?(?UtWIMiatfiN, O! ?????* mfttA* PROPRIETOR. P. luvinnv i,?vk-t.-i. ?,/> i.r.u. ibl'.UK. RATES Of Tl?*r?1 per Ojy $3 Oft Supper, Brenklaft ami Lodging 2 ftft Single Me*I*... 1 Oft Sep 1 15 tf PAVILION HOTEL, (0 bi AraftgiBu ? S5r? s. BOARD, Per Day $1 00. R. HAMILTON, Superintendent. Wm. II. I* BlITTKRFin.D. l*ro|>ric*irt>?N Kept 20 10 tr WM. SHEPHERD & CO., No. 24, llayne Slrert, CharUaton, 8. C. ItKM.KR* IN C100KING STOVES, RANGES AND ) Healing Stove*. of Stove* with price* aad description will l?? sent ?p on appltea'ion. Jitii* 90 S-ly THE MULS HOUSE, ?3S&>&S>3B!Ja33- ?t * - ~y f WII PARKER & CO. Proprietor*. FIH8T-CLA8S IIOTKL. BOARD, I'ER DAY || 00. Deo 8 20 tf CHARLESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, S. C. E. H. JAtJKSON, Proprietor. A SftmTANT*. A. niTTTFRFfEBD, (f?r /m, ???r|y of 111* rovllioo Hotul,)?a<] W. < i. U1LLER, ? f - ?' *1 IT L i~r ~rr T t ? * t jl v * :> U. . y*r . JL ? . Ill ??Bfcta*?ta^ Ayer's Sarsaparilla, VOB PVBXJYIXO ?m BLOOD. The reputation this ?*. sssv^arssx-asa ^ M many of which are truly marvellous. Inveterate Jr ? caaee of Scrofblous dla/f joi. case, whore tho svstetfl JfL- {<*% seemed saturated with A?\ corruption, have been |HI purified and cured by It. SoroAiiou* olfactions and uisoraers.wmcn were pravated by the scnTO* ^ ">ua contamination until ntoj wetepainftdly afflicting, hare been radically cured in such great numbers In almost every eoo tlon of the country, that the public scarcely need to be Informed of Its virtues or uses. Scrofhlous poison Is one of the most destructive enemies of our race. Often, this unseon and onfelt tenant of the organism undermines the con* stitution, and Invites the attack of enfeebling or Of tal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, It seems to breed Infection throughout the body, and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop Into one or other of Ita hideous forms, either on tho surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be suddenly deposited In the Inngs or heart, or tumors formed fat the liver, or It shows Ita presence by eruptions on the skin, or fbnl ulcerations on some part of the body. Hence the occasional use of a bottle of this Barsaparilla Is advisable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons afflicted with the following complaints generally And immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by the Use Of this HA RSAI'AIULIjA: St. Anthony'* Hw, .Ross or Krysipetas, Wfw, Holt Jtheum, Benin Head, giiisoorwi, gore fCyes, gore JKars, and other eruptions or visible forma of SoroDtlous disease. Also in the more con' cealed forms, as Dj/epepeia, Dropsy, Heart Disease, fits, JSpilepsy, Hear alula, and tho various Uteeronm affections of tho muscular and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and Hfereuriat 7 oases are cured by It, though a long time ts required for subduing tnese obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long-oontlnuod use of this medicine will cure the complaint. Zeueorrheeot or While*, Uterine Ulcerations, and female Diseases, are commonly soon relieved and ultimately cured by Ita purifying and Invigorating effect. Minute directions for each case are found in our Almanac, supplied gratis. and Oout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters In tho blood, yield quickly to U, iv, <uav Mtar I.vm)ii?iiiu, jorw?ry, iwap?f Mow or Inflammation of the lArcr, and <??** tflro. when uhtni, u they often do, from the rankling poisons in the blood. This SAMBAPA RJmAjA ta a great restorer for the strength and rigor of the system. Those who are iosgulri and IAutlrtm, Jtcapondcnt, Slccplctr, and troubled with Nerroua Apprthcnaiona or or any of the affections symptomatic off Wemkncaa, will find immediate relief and coot rlnolng evidence of its restorative power upon trial. PREP A RED B Y Br. jr. C. Al'ER * CO., I*well, Btaum., Practical and Analytical Ckemiata. SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Eor sa'e in Greenvillr ny iiauiuson a Marshall, M. A. HUNTER A CO., Agents. Aug 31 15 1y The Great Medical Discovery I Dr. WALKBB'S CAJLIFORNTA. VINEGAR BITTERS, gjs Hundreds of Thousands .J J Bear testimony to llieix wonderful;? E-5 Curative Eflccta g.? ^ 8^| WHAT ARE THEY? j|| Igl ?| 2 TT1ET ARB NOT A VTLE Of? F AN C Y DRINK,Iff, Made of Poor Rum. "Whlslcey, Proof Bplrlta. and llofuao Liquors. <iuciun?l, sptocd.' and RVL-ftoiio-I to ploaao liio taste, c.i led 'Tonic* " Appetizers," ' llMioren," &<?., that Iced tho tippler on to drnnlcennasa ftud Tain, but are a true Medicine, made trom tho Native Root-* and llcrbs of CalitoruU, freo from all Alooholio Stimulant*. TheyarotheGRBAT BLOOD PURIPIERan.lXrrXOrVTNa PRINCIPLE, a perfect Keaov.ator and Invigoratoc ot the Hritriu, caj-^rinxotf all poisonous matter, nnd restoring the bloo I to a halthy condition. No person can take those lUucrs, according to direction*, and rcmuin long unwell. IIOU will bo given for an inciirnblo case, pro-' 1.ding tho bones uro not destroyed by mineral1 jxiiama or othor moan*, and tlie vital organs wasted bcvnnd tho point of repair. For Inflamrn rtory and Chronio Rheu-' raatism, and Oout. Dyspepsia, or Indigo ition. Bilious, Remittent, and Intermittent Fevers, Dis'iAsca of tlia Blood, Liver. Kidnoys. and Bladder, thevu Bitters have been most a-irccratul. Such. Diseases oro caused by Vitiated Blood, which . i* st-n'-rdly produced by derangement of tho ! Digestive Organs. Tney Invigorate the stomach, and stimulate tho torpid liver and bowala, which reader than ot unequalled cllirocy In rloatislnir the bloo I of nil impurities, and imparting now Ufa and vigor o 1 he whole system. * Dyspepsia or Indigestion, ITcadnthe.| Pain in the Hhoulder*, loughs, TiKhtnscs of the Client, Dizzinc**, Sour Htomach,jlad Taate in the Houth, Hi.lions Attack*, Palpitation of the Heart, Copiona Discharges of Urino, Tain In tho rcjjions of tho Kidneys, nnd n hundred other 5UMI ui ) IH|>VUII1* which nru m* su^nagl OLJ yspepala, aro cured hytheso Hitters. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities burst in* through tho Skin in PimBea, Eruptions, or Horrs; clean so it wlisn it is ul, sod your feelincs will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and tho health of the system will follow. 4 PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, lurking In the system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed and removed. For full direct loos, road carefully tho circular' around each bottle, printed m four languages? I English, ilerman, French, andHpunish. J. WAI.KKll, 32 Sc St Commereo Street. N. Y. ] Proprietor. R. H. Me RONALD * CO., Dnatwlstsand Osneral Agents. Baa Franriwot California, and II and 34 Com*: mc'ce btrust, N. Y. KTW)IAJ ilY ALL RRTTGOI8T8 AND1 DEALERS. . ?r For s.*l? in Oieenville bv M. A. HUNTER & CO., ASD HARRISON A MARSHALL. Aug 31 15 fim NOTICE. 13liK UNDERSIGNED WILL BE PRE. pared with TWO NEW (GULLETTS ik GUIS WOLD'S.) Customers can bnre their choice. Both f*<4 by Patent Feeders, which, it is said, by ad-, ding to tho rcgulurily of feeding, turns out more Lint than when fod l>y hand. Bales of 450 to 500 lbs. weight will he corn* pressed into a space of 5 feet long, 2 feet wide and 2 feet thick, which will he neatly covered wit J new Bugging and Iron Tics; for which (Bugging and Ties) wo will chargo One Dollnr and Fifty Cents ($1,501 nor Bale. Customers who desire to do so, ran storo their Cotton in our Warehouse, whiob will be under iho ore of our Watchman and in reach of our Force Pump, until ready to sell; at which time we expect to uiaVe arrangements to ship direct to some Factory North, or buy on the moat reasonable terms. Planters will please give us n trial, COTTON PICKED AT 1-20. LESTER A BROS. Aug 17 19 tf SAMUEL BLAOK. BARBER. WOULD respectfully inform the pihlio that h" has Removed to a room near the MANSION HOUSE, where he will he prepared to receive customers as hereto, fore. Being a Pro/fminttal Barber, he hopes, by attention to business*, together with politeness to all, to merit a portion of public patronage, in CUTTING, 811AVINQ and shampooing. Sept 7 1? If ' 1XA.TTF.3DCOD \/ A r?L' A W r* Di'DAtnpn T?xr inai/ii <wiu ur>i Aiiwrw^, Di JAME8 M PRICE. fcsa.riSa'ai4*-' " *' Jun? n ) I