University of South Carolina Libraries
T. W. DAVIS has Notice kff?kf flfM to all whom It may ton torn, that I will apply to 8c J Doothl*, Jiidpa of Ora-nvllla County. on Urn HttA day of Nooombor nott, 'or a Final Di??h*rca ?a Kiwmot o< Uia Eat a to of EH* VINE WaRI>. daeaaa-d. ALFRED WART). Oat. 11. lWa *!- Ka^ator. Notice. TRR I??i'd annual FAIR of th* Snath Carolina 8?a?e Apicnltaral and Ma* thinlMl 8"Cl?'y. will he li?W In Cnlnm'iia, on th? Itli, 10>h no 1 11th of Noveml.?r, Ml All n*Mel?? Intended for nlilhlilnn, plainly id'IrrNwl to the 8e?retary. at C? lumhla, will H# shipped bv the various rail roads of tha State free of oner, a* the ship* pert risk. Exhibitors should noil'* the railroad agents at their reapeedive depots of the arftelee "her desire to ship. Visitors, during fair week, enn purchase excursion tickets to and from Columbia for one fare. Person* Intending to become exhibitors are d?si?ed to for sard their entries to the Secretary, at Columbia, on and aftsr the 4ih November next. All articles or animals for exhibition mu*t be ente-e l st the Srrre tary'a ?.fSee before being rreeived into the eneloenra. Entrl-C of animals will he "? !' o'atork. Wedoaadav nv-mtng, 0ih Nnv.ra b*r All olh?- m-'Bt ! ? on >>? frovnil, not? ont.rnd ( ihe m-nnry'i l.^fore ft o'eliKsk, Tuesday afternoon, 8'b Nov?mW. The x?r?tiny'i office will t?e otvned in Columbia on and after (ha 4th November ext. D. WYATT AIKEN. Sacietary* Pot 88 28 1 EXCURSION TICKETS. GREENVILLE A COLUMBIA R. R. CO., Columbia. 8. C., Ootober 26, 1870. FOR tba accommodation ot Vigiinr* and Delegate* U> the Fair* to bo bold at Cbarloaton, Colombia and Andoraon, and to the Grand Lodge. A. P. M., at Charleston, unt WAUON, Rome CATTLF ?nd HIIRRP. ffonae ?od Kitchen FUKNI* TURB. Plantation TOOLS. HWHk Teraaa mad* known en day of Sale. D. M. PKDEN, Executor. Oct It M 3 Executor'* Sale. By virtue of the ust will and I ante men t of PAVID TAUQHAW, Deceased, I wHI Mil, on #*e 77d of NOVEMBER nwrf, t Ike lata realdenee of XA&T VAUOHAW, Decenced, Tfea following Personal Property and Real Batata, eie.t I Traet of LAND, containing 400 acrea mora or la?. OSB 1 0>< fonr-karae WAGON and 1 17 CARRTAQB. Household and K itchKHDBan FUHNITURR. Alao, veriona other ?r?tp1ea too tad Ion? to mention. I will alao eetl, aa Adnitnlatrator, the follow, tag Pereooel Property belonging to the Batata of Mary Van ban. daeaaaad, on aald day, and at aald planet Two good |ML,Horwa and one Mala, 0Bn| ^^J^thraa MUeh Cowa and Oalla, three Dry Cattle, eleven bead ot lloga. One Gold Watch. Thirteen hnabela Rye. Corn. Fodder, Sbneka and Cotton. Plantation Tnola and other artielea. Teraaa?CA811. WM. P- VAOOHAN, Bientor and Admit, let rater. Vat It 13 3 muii.ik inv fn*mm m n<?tfraN,r, this C??mpnny will furnish FRKK RETURN TRANSPORTATION to Passengers from ALT, 8TATION8 en Aii Road. for COLUMBIA, from October 28th to November 21st. Inclusive. and for ANDERSON, from N?r?aik?r lat, i? 6th, laalaaiaa. Tba privilege to return free win not ba allowed to passengers who take tbo traina at Stations where Ticket* are aold, unle.s they parchaae Ticket* from the A rent*. JOH N H. MOORE. Oen. 8upt. M. T. Babtlktt, General Ticket Agent. Pet 2d 23 3_ The State of South Carolina GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE of sundry Write nf Fieri Fntin*, to me directed, I wdl a?ll, he fore lite Court H??ie door. on S<l!e day in November newt, between the bou-a of 10 o'clo k in the forenaen and A o'clock in tha afternoon. One Tract of Lend, containing 230 acre?, more or less. adj ining lands of in. I Kin bar. J K. Ravage and other* (II?tne*t?-ad to t?e aai off l" Defendant, before day of sale.) levied ou aa the pinprrtv of Dr. Wm. A Harrison, at the suit of G. P. Townee and ?ih?r*. Ala* on* Tract of I.ard. containing 226 aerat. more or lee*. (Ilom-eirad to h? ?*t off l* Defendant before day of *ale,) adjoinii g Jao'U of B J. Stewart, I. L Green and oth eta. levied on aa tha property of L I> MeMakin. at t|ia nut ot W A. Mooney rt al. Alan, one Treat ot Lend. containing 18 acr.a, more or lea*, adjoining lands of Wil. Li am McKinnry. Jr.. and othi-r>. LevUd on a? the property of James N. Taylor, at the wit of William Itowen and olheia KeaoM at the rl-k of far* r porahaaer.. A!? ?, one Tract- of Land, eontaini ng 800 aarea, more or lets, (llomeatead to he *e' off to Defendant It-hoe day of aale) adj dnin* lands of tt m. K lltgh'ower, N. Morgan and o'h-r* on aa the property of Benj. P. P-*ey. at lb* anlt of O. B. Irvine. Alt", 8 pair H ae, * Tin Plate*. 1 can Ve? netian Red, II ean? Candy. 1 Od Lamp. 1 hunch Yarn. 8 'b? Starch, I ?mall lot Ep aom Salt*, I lot Venetian Ited. 1 lot Gun Cape, 26 I ha Starch, 1 small lot Nut*. I d"X. hosee Matcbe*. 1 i--t Cracker*. 1 bundle Sulphur. 20 amall hottlea P'ck'e*. I l ?t Nut* mega. 19 hose* Oy*tcr?, 7 l<ottl?* B'an dH Peaches, I jar Si (? *. I itr S'arch, I j Camphor. 1 anted lot Raialna, 2 Km***. 60 paeka Strvking Tohaeeo, 8 Jaia and Contenta, 2 P'* Candle*. 1 hit Prpp-r. 1 ho* Soap. 22 packagee Tobacco 20 ho*.a Blank ing, Matehee and Thread, 1 Tin Can, 1 amall box Soda. 6 111*. Tohaeeo, It lh*. Poadcr. 18 paeka Card*, remnant Knive* and Forka. fi dog ho*** Blacking. 7 Bo*t|ea and Con irnt?, Measures and Funnels. 1 lot G >rn, 4 kf Mask rel, 6 >mptv Btrrels, 1 pair | let Green Tea, 7 small empty B?xea. 25 IIm. Candy. 1 box Ca>-dle'. 18 lb*. Candy, 47 lb*. Soda. 1 pair small Scales, A duxen Rn*. I lot. Snap and Jar. 2 l> - mijolin* 2 gallons Winn, 27 gallons Jugeaie, 1 lot Cotton Seed and Kaga, 86 lbs, Laid 8 Chairs, 1 lot Brooms, 1 lot 11 ware. 1 Jug, 8 Sacke t Cutflscirts, 1 box Seger*. 40 llo. 8?trer 2 Jnas and C"tlt I 'triply Kejf. 1 bbl. Whisks 1 M.|. with sma'l quantity of MeVifss, 1 bhl. remnant o* Hy? Whisky, 1 empty Btrr-I. A (lims't, I Pitcher, 20 Iba. O'd'S, 1 Batter Can. 1 pair 8c ties, ittO M?s Riee, 1 lot Crackers, U I' a Sugar. 1 lot Wrapping Paper. I gallons Jogware. 17 empty Barrels, Andirons and Shovels 2 B?X*S. AO lbs Coffee 2 btsahels Meal, 1 bush, el Salt, f bhl. Floor. Levied on as the prop ert v of Robert Ward, at the soil of W m. W. Wight. Terms eesh. Purchasers to pay for stamps and papers A. B V1CKERS.S Q C. Executor's SaleWILL BR SOLD. ON TUESDAY. NOVEMBER ibik, 1870, at the lata residence of Mrs. Elir&beth R. Peden De'ed. Eighteen satlea fkoaa Greenville Court House, the folloarfng Property, belonging to the Estate of said deceased, consisting of ONE TRACT OF LAND, Containing Three Hundred acres, more or less, _ONE H0R8R. Cflffrt CARRIAGE, received Large Stoo B. WEHELE rUIAS just retuined with a well LrJ selected Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, solib sum ui nun via Table Cutlery, &c. 1!IS Sto^k was personally selected from tlie beat lnnt?M in l>ia line, and can guarantee satisfaction. Oct 10 22 tf Removal. friHE subscriber would Inform hi* naJL tronn and tlie pulilie in ginirtl that lie line removed hin Tinshop to the rooms over tli- siore now occupied by Mr. Wm Jennings. opposite (he store of Mr. T. W. Devie, where he is prrpnred to eontinue to do work in hin lin*. REPAIRING done promptly, end NRW WORK furnished to order on short notice. n. I>. GIBBONS. Oct 10 22 8 Administrator's Sale. a WILL i^L* VV sold, on 8nles-^H|^^QPi t*7 CtiQSe ber next, before^BdJESwa* the Court House door, in Greenville, a Tract or Containing one hundred acres, more or less, situated at nuoss ROADS, Three and-a-half miles from the City. On the place are a com fort side DWELLING II0C8K and Outbuildings, good Orchard, fine Water, Ao. also, A valuable LOT, si'nated in the fork of Pendleton and Augusta Streets, and oppofite Messrs. Williams A Wbltmirs's Store. also, On Tuesday after 8ales-day, at Williamston, a LOT in the town of Williamston, Anderson County. also, A half-interest in a LOT adjoining the above. also. On Wednesday, 7th November a Tract of LAND, in Pickene County, near the Trap, containing seres, more or less. Terms to be made known on day of sale. J. II. DEAN, Ad'tor. Oct 10 22 b The Colombia Pbaniz will copy once a week, in the Daily, until day of sale, and send eccount. ifW Bl p inn pmli pmpiipii id Mua orbano. duua. mIiLM, BBLS. KEROSENE OIL Lilli/ Be?t Tanners' Oil 1 Bid. Alcohol 1 Bhl. Castor Oil, pure 2 Rlils. Turpentine. For sale by M. A. IIUNTER & CO. Oct 19 22 tf 1BBL mm 111! Mi, fK\TARD, Duprav, &c. Brandy, UJ 1802 Pellevoisin Brandy, 1859 Old Apple Brandy Pure Old Corn Whisky Old Bourbon Whisky. All pure ? for medicinal purposes. At M. A HUNTER & CO. Oct 19 22 tf it!l III! HIIUEi !!??. @M? KgtAKUC1 3000 Lu Crema, pure Spanish L': n.-i o "? niic illinium oiuoKing lohacco Fine Genuine Meershaum Pipes India Rubber and Wood Pipes. For sale at M. A. HUNTER & CO.'S Drug Store, Mansion House Building. Oct 1* 22 tr ilw ems, NEW GOODS. H. C. MARK Is now receiving me largest stock! of Goods of any Firm in Greenville Tlio Boxes are still airiving; and having purchased Cheap, will sell LOW DOWN. Everything wanted in tho DRY GOODS LINE, for the house or farm, can be had of hint, and he invites an examination. CARR'S OLD STAND H. C. MARK. Oot 12 21 tf SULLIVAN A SON, IIAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR ?II? 1 V?\ IfTTATHRmn KAMI* AIM I WiiliCfll AND ARE OFFERING THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES. THEY >RK PREPARED TO PAY TDK MARKET'VALUE FOR OOTTO 3KTPARTIES DESIRING TO 8HIP COTtoo ?an do ?o through them, ud r.r?tre liberal CASH ADVANCES ON THE SAME. NO CHARGES MADE FOR A uoim m A ?'MB AO UCI MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE TIIB KAHexoxT souoa. jsr- 8KB THE SIGN. SULLIVAN A SON. i Oct IS ? If ks of DRY GOODS THE BIG SHOW DAS ARRIVED AT A MA Come atid See FELLOW ritiscna tnd all other respectable folks. What we are about to u; is really no hoax. We've got the sliow right here at FAIR* VIEW STORE; Tickets free to all, both rich end poor. We don't promise to show wild varmints and brutes. Striped clowns without tails and women in boots; We'll give y?u a list, that you may know' What you will see at our big show ; Out where to begin I hardly ean tell. We have everything here from a papv of Pins to a big Cow bell. 1 lot silver Soap gourds, 1 lot gold Candle slicks, 1 lot candle stick Gold, 1 lot water-proof Sausage -grindery t lot silver-plated Manure Forks, 1 lot irnn-lniund Castors, 1 lot wood bound Shot Guns, I lot extra Keys for gun locks, 1 lot smooth-bore Rifl s, 1 dor. S-blsded Scythe Blsdea, with buck horn handles, 2 dot. wooden Tea Kettles, 1 gross Wood Serewa, with extrs bends, 1 g<>1d headed Sugar Cane, 1 red-headed Doll Baby, I do* Bull Bells?rubber clappers, 1 dot palpitating Shift Fronts, 50 starched Shirt Tails, for political eandl dates, 6,000 lb*. Halt*, to work the Air Lin* Railroad. A dor.. Crow Bare, to raise fund* for same, 20 dn>. Dog Collars, with lawn buekle holes, | doz leather Girths. brass mounted, 2 pints Purgative l'ills, } yards Bed Co>d, 7 holts Prints, warranted to hide dirt, (or anything else that is wrapped no in it,) 6 bolts more same stripe, warranted not to fade if washed in a lea-spoon, 1 lot Hun, Moon and Star Braids, Linen, Laoe and Louse Traps, 6 Calves, warranted to eland on two legs, 6 Grecian liends, warranted to stick without paste. Broaches. Bogles and Butcher Knives. All ol which we offer you for Cash, Rase. Corn, Wheat, or any oilier trash. We'll hitch your horse, take the bah? ; And make you think we're clever, may-be. T. II. STAL.I,, Agent. P. S. Please do not ask for credit ss we are compelled to do a cash business this fall, and will make prices accordingly. Oct 5 20 A ESTABLISH CD 1835. 1t K Hi ?i E V I L L E COACH FACTOHY. |GOWER, COX <fc MARKLEY. WE would announce to our customers, that we are prepared now to fill all Ordera for VKIUCLKS. We here added to our Stock ef Wood-Working Machinery, and incrcaaed our ataff of workmen to about 70, and therefore trust that none of our patrona will he diaappointed in having ordera promptly filled. The Stock of One, Two, Three. Four and Six-Horse Iron Axle PLANTATION WAGONS, will he kept full; and now aa for one-third of a century past, these Wagons shall be the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. We have a large Stock of Light B UGOIES AND ROCK A WA YS Of our own make, and a Stock of NorthernBuilt BUGGIES?both low-priced and highpriced?for those who wish to purchase Northern work, priced aa low aa any Southern dealer. We call special attention to the improvements making in our SPRING WAGONS. Without raising tho price, we aro finishing 1 them with GREAT CARE. And Painting them Elegantly. To cn-tomers at a distance. Priced Lilts will be promptly mailed on application to GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. Aug 10 12 6m PUF.B LI3BF.TT WHITE LEAD. :o; Bay the Beit?It is the Cheapest. To Consumers of White Lead Everywhere. :<>: fllllE increased demand from all aections of L the country for orr well-known brand of PURE LIBERTY WHITE LKAD, indurea ua to ask your special attention to it, and we cordially invito you to give it a trial. UNfiaUALED. lat. For Wearing nnd Covering Propertiea. 2d. For Whiteness and Beauty of Finiah. 3d. For Uniform Finrneaa of Qrinding. 4th. Same Weight will do more and better work, at a given coat, than any other. 5lh. Moat Keonomteal White Lead ever introduced. 6tb. If you wiah to procure at much value aa poaailde for your money and aecure bandaome and durable work, uae PUBS LIBERTY WHITE LEAD Try it and he convinced. Satiafaction guaranteed by the Manufacturer. ZIEGLE k SMITH. Wholesale Drug. Paint and Glass Dealcrt, No. 137 North Third Street, Philadelphia. WHOLESALE AOESTS, GOWER, COX & MARKLEY, DEALERS IN Coach Materials. Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, &c , ORR.tNVTLLE, 8. C. Aug 10 12 6m FOR SALE OR TO RENT, . A Comfortable DWELLING containing seven Rooms, and MjSMEjAnll noceasary Out-Ruildinga, Blflflajfli. within a few minutes walk of Furinau University. For particulars apply to T. Q. DONALDSON. November 24 27 tf Notice Jr 8 hereby given to all whom it may concern, L that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate udge of Greenville County, on the 8<A day nf Nuxember next, for a Final Diaehnrge na Adminialrator of the Estate of JAM ES DOUTHIT, deceased. JOHN 11. DEAN, October 4th, 1870. Administrator. Oet& 20 6 Notico IS hereby elrcn *? whom it may eone-rn, that I will apply to S. J. iHiulhit, I'rulnid Jiidgn of Orcmville County, on ilia *th day of November n*rt, for a final discharge aa Adminuiratrix of lha Kstate of JaMKNU. JKNKINSON. deceased. MARY J. JKNKINSON, Admintslraii ix. October 4, 1870, 20-5 Strayed FROM the Subscriber, sometime in last July, a large Whwe BOAR HOG, weighing about 175 pounds, lie had no ear marks ; the moat uotieahle feature in him was a black spot on his loll side. When last heard from, he was going in the direction of Batesville.? A liberal reward will be paid for him. JOHN L. SMITH. Oet 10 n 2 and GROCERIES?5 ~~ COOKING irl'i I' THE LATH plvte Stock ot 1 STOVES eve the State, out Having made prominent He Tltrtn nnn. ! ? ' 1 - 1 * * ?.... vuu iiu uiMijjiii hieewncro ior two or more Stoves aro sold to on from tlio regular prices. Extra pi< hand. Call and examine my Stock J Sept 28 iJfo $5 COLTJME PEALF HARD WAR RE, CUTLERY, Cl TT mom ?L1 BAR IRON, Plow and Cast Steel, Plow Mot Rrads, Tncks, Steelyards, Potware, Saut tola, Spnrlca, Sbovcla, Manure Forks, Axes, Ac. Alao, Choice Family Groceries, Wines, I.iqun ity. Paints, Oils, Wiodow Glass, Varnishes, an We solicit a call to examine Goods and Price est of purchasers to huy front us. Wo are also Agents for Dopont's Colebi Sept 28 DYSPEPSIA<fc INDIGESTION %flW^S^5^^r/rf S0L0 EVERYWHERE. rfff-\ DOWKf/soWllS ' * WHOLESALE DRUGClSTs CMARLE8Y?K,S.C. I N. B. Tlir Ciim<niMion?i' nf Revenue li?e iltoiilriL that my dealer can eell llila article without a rpo?i*l license. For rule hy DAVID & STRADLEY, Wli?leMl? and It?-t?i| Grocer# an.I Com mi?#ion M?r?liiul?, Greenville, S. C. also by Drs. Harr'son A Marshall. I VN IioI^mV sod Retail I>rtii?i;ifI*, GREENVILLE, S. C. M*r 30 4 6 6m For Sale. A>9*j?-n WE OFFER AT PRIVATE Ac^JS^A Rale, tho very lK'tiruRlo lien. MiitMhJ idcnce on Rutherford street, Pj in this City, known an tho CSOOULETT PLACE. Tho Ilouno has Five Roomn nnd Two Piazza* on a floor down stairs, and Two Ilooms above, and is in COMPLETE 11EPAIR The Outbuildings nro atopic nnd good. The Lot contains a little tnoro than Three acres; has nn Excellent Garden, and ono of the Very Rest Wells in the City. This is alto, gether one of tho most desirable resiliences in or around Greenville. If not sold before, this property will lie offered at Auction on Rales-day in November. For Terms, Ac., apply to EARI.E Sl BLYTHE, Land Agents. Aug 17 13 13 C. KEnnmoit, JR. W. J. AX S05. C. WAOKKR* LOUISVILLE EXCELSIOR b mw ?? ? . THESE PLOWS nro made of either Cast Iron or Steel, and are tlio beat and cheapest in tho market. Send for printed list. Also, Aincs' and other Plows, of all prices and descriptions. Corn Sbcllors, Straw Cutters, Ac. Also, always on hnnd, Moore's New York Plows, at $2 each. A full stock of Planters and Iluildcrs Hardware, consisting in part ot Kllwcll's and Drade's Hoes, Spades, Trace Chains, Axes, Nails, of warranted quality; Guns, Cutlery and Housekeeping articles? wholesale and retail, hy C. KERKISON, Jr. A CO., 219 King Street, "Sign of the Big Axe, CDARLESIOX, S. C. Oct 5 20 3m scrraatisiiiD 1343. M. II. BEK RY'S Furniture ware rooms, plain STREET, COLUMBI^. S. C. NOW on hand, the lnrtreat nod h. ?t selected ptnpk of FUllNITUIlE ever kept in this market; consisting in part of Parlor, Dining Itooni and Cliamt or Suits ? Some entirely n-w patterns, and prices to compare with Charleston. Spring Beds and Mattresses of all kinds. VK~ l'a rlictiiar attention paid to packing goods lor shipping. Sept 28 19 3m Office Board County Commissioner* ORKF.N VILI.K, S. 0. Sept. 28, 1870. rpHE ANNUAL MEETINO of the B.>nrd JL of County Commissioner* will l?e held on lli? Firit Tuenlay in November next. All perron* having demand* ai;?i**t the will deposit them, duly ntt-sted, nt ihi* office, on or l?ef?>re the 1*/ of November, 1870, or their claims will not be audits I at said Annual Meeting. A. ISAACS, Clerk of Board County Cotniuisaionera. Oct 12 21 8 Notico IS hereby given, that I will apply to 8. J. I tout hit, Probata Judgo ot tlrecnville County, on the 3ti rf?y of November next, for a Anal discharge aa Administratrix of the Kstate of 1SKNJ AM IN TOWNSKND, deceased. MARY B. TOWNSKND, Administratrix. October 3, 1870. 20-4 Notice. APPLICATION will be made at the next session of the Legislature to renew liiu Charter of Incorporation of the FAIRVIKW FKBSBYTKRIAN CHURCH of Greenville County. Sept 14 17 3m Shelves very full.?Ci ID HEATING ITES. 3 EST AND MOST COM-*^ COOKING und 11 E ATI NG ft&t r kept in any one house ii>^pS9J| side of Charleston and Columbia, i arrangements to sell for several >uses on Commission, I cairsell at. the same style ot Stoves. When ie party, a discount will be made sees and parts of Stoves always on : before purchasing. rULIUS C. SMITH. Court House Square. KIA, S. O., in \RPENTERS' it BLACKSMITH did*. Trace Chain*. Builders Hardware, Nails, e Pant, Kettles, Percussion Cap*, Guoi, Pis, Ao. r?, Sc., in great variety, and of Superior Quald Carriage-Makers' Materials in Qreat Variety, a, teing assured that era can make it the interrated Oun and Btasting Powder. J. & T. It. AGNEW, 19 3m Columbia Advertisements ISAAC SULZBACHiR, ?? W?* w '?I ZJ g . r e: -wv e: * ^ n. -w AKt> SILVER WARE, CUTLERY ANOI FANCY ijl "i1 nz i / iii b SPECTACLES A SPECIALITY. UNDER COLUMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct & 20 3m JOHN C. DIAIi, IMPORTER A SD I)EA LER IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE kr niTicnv vv UVJ IIJIjU 1 I IKON. STEEL. NAILS, CASTINGS, MILL Stones, Ri-ltinir Cloths, Smut Machine*, Circular Saw*, Mill Iron*, Sugar Pans, CARRIAGE BUILDING AMD TRIMMING MATERIAL**. INDIA RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, Carpenter*, Blacksmith and Tanner*' X O O L s, HOUSEKEEPING AND FURNISHING! HARDWARE, A GR1CVL TUKA L 1SIPL EMENTS, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Paints, Oil*, Ercncb and American Window Glass, Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Shot Delta, Powder Flasks, Powder, Shot, Ac. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the Sign of tho GOLDEN PAP LOCK, COLUMBIA, S. C. Sept 23 19 3m IIIJV FKU.U C. F. JACKSON, COLUMBIA, S. C., DEALER IN CIIEAP AND CHOICE ?B(D(?)S= ALWAYS OW HAND, A LARGE STOCK or HOMESPUNS. PRINTS, TICKING, BLANKETS, QUILTS. CLOAKS, SHOES, HOSIERY AND FANCY ARTICLES. Sept 28 19 3tn LORICK & IMffll IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IM Bli IKR8, iho Great Southern Tonic. Agricultural Implement a. GROCERIES &C. OUR friends who favor us wiih tlieir ordera can always r<-ly on finding us at the hoi torn of the rnaiket. Solicit coi.BignmentB of Connfry Produce. Their facilities arc auch as lo guarantee prompt mica, at the best figures in the market. LORICK A LOWRANOE. Columbia, S. C. Sept 28 19 8m ~E7~E. JACKSON. ft Druggist and Pharmaceutist, COLUMBIA S, C. Sep 28 19 8m It. & W C. Swaffield, (wvvw&m OLOTHINO AND HAT HOUSE. THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFEKFD lO TIIE PUBLIC. GA RMENTS MA DE TO OR. J)JM IN A STYLE UNSURPASSED. THE BEST FITTING SHIRTS. CLOTHING AND IIATS BY THE DOZEN OR CASE. Sept 28 19 3m " Scorn to do a moan action," hut do a tinmano one l?y rcooniir.ending all who culler with Chill* and Fever. l>yepcp* a, I>e? hililv. WHiit of Anr??lit.? In l..u silTuTto all and examine then B. WEHRLE, ORSENVaLLE, ?. O. DEALER IN rnin un vnvcn miTnnrn * ouuB aio oiiiiio tunonu, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, 18 ft 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Bings, SILVER & SILVER-PLATED Hf WORK of all di*crii>liona iu l?l? line done promptly. HI Oct 27 28 ly W. H. CAMMEK, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH AND MACHINIST CORN SIIELLER8, Cotton Gina, L?ck?, Sewing Machined, Umbrellaa and Paraaola REPAIRED with promptneaa. Charge* reaaonable. Corn Sbeilera, for aale from $10 to $12. I am alao prepared to furniah Stencil Plates, for marking clothing. Rlack*iiii thing. I HAVE in addition to my uaual buainoaa, opened a BLACKSMITH SHOP, baring a competent woiKuian birod, Lurk in Weatfleld. Work in Ibia line will o?done ftuticfactoriiy. Rondy made PLOUOIIS alwaya on hand (or aalc. Stand?In rear of Old Court Houae, at tbe Randolph place, having removed from my Hand on Main Street. 28-tf Xj.ross&co., MA N UFA CT Ult ERS (>9 TfKMT DEALERS IN JAP AH NED AND PRESSED AMD COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. AM kind* or Tin and Sheet Iron Work Done On the most REASONABLE TERMS, And with promptness. Storo Nearly Opposito the Post Office. Feb 10 39 tf NEW STORE. JOE1T H. G-OODZiSTT RESPECTFULi/Y inform* the Public that he hn* commenced llusinces again at the Old Stand of LONG & GOODLETT, 1 Where he has just opened a portion of hi* | I Stock, conaialing of itDa'S" <&?(?>?&, GrocerleB, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, &c., All of which were bought at low figure*, and will bo sold for CASH OR R A R T E R At a slight advance on Cost, lie solicits a share of the public patronage. Ap 6 46 tf Por Sale or Lease. rPIlK subscriber will Sell or Lease a FA11M, L GRIST MILL and TAN YAKD, situated 13 miles below Grcenvillo Court House, near the Fork Shoal Road. The Farm is small, but tho Mill nnd Tan Yard aro both in good running condition. Persons wishing to either buy or lease, will address or call on me, at Oak Lawn, Greenville County, S. C. J. L. WOODSIDE, M.D. July 13 8 6cow GREENVILLE PAPER MILLS. :o: I J. Bannister & Son, ' OP ALL KINDS OP Book, News, Wrapping and Colored JM-Z ? tGBm HronKST CASH Pities PAID FOR Clean Cotton or Linen RAUS. Way 25 1 1y Marble Yard, LAURENS C. H., S. C. Marble cutting in ai.l its Blanches, dona in the neatest ot Style, and of the hest Italian and Ameiican MARBLE. Address JOSHUA KLLF.DGK. Laurms Court House, S^C. June I 2 ly E. P. JONES, AND SOLICITOR IX EQUITY. WILL rRAC-riCK IN ALL COURTS OF THIS STATE | At AO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office Greenville C. H., S. 0,.' July 7 lyW. K. P.ABLKT. 0. O. VILLI EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ANI) IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE, 8. 0., i iv, r. in me courts 01 the fttate and Jr ?f th? Vnit?d States, and give espootal attention to oases In Bankruptcy, Juno 13 3 WATCIIES, CIsOCKS, Jewelry, Periscopic Spectacles,&c WILL order an extra article for any person. Special aliened! JmR tion will ho given to REl'AIR1N'd fi-ie Watches of every des eriplion. Vest references given. JAMES 0. BLACK. June 30 A tf Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply t<> S J. Ouuthit, Probate Judge ol (Jreenville County, on the 6III day of November next, for a final discharge as Excctttor of the Estate of SA RAH B. FORI', d-eeased. therefore all parties having claims against said Eaiatr will pre*enl them to me on or he'ote said day or he debared. OFORGE F. TOW NFS, October 4. 1870. ta-b Executor. f Alt OPENINGs nT?T!TnrrvrTT.".*! ? ^ Ma Wa MISS McKAY, having Just JTSflUk returned from New York, will My^|opi>n nn THURSDAY, the ftth kdK^Qf inat., beautiful pattern Bonneti, Hats, Flower*, Feather*, Rih* jftfPny hona, Infanta Ilata and Capa, W/l? Fura, Heal anil Imitation Hair tS *V ?w"*? I'*ca Collar*, Jet Chains, Oct 5 *20 tf /^'Spartanburg Spartan will copy threw times, and send bill care of tha Enterprise. i before Purchasing. Equality Life Insurance Company of Virginia. A Princip tl Office, Ao. 1016, JUain Street, Richmond, Va. REASONS why every one ahould insure in the Equality Lifo Insurance Company, ol Virginia : 1st. It is more Liberal to the Insurers than any other company, and will eventually become Purely Mutual and belong to the insurers. 2d. It circulates its money amongst its patrons, who c-c tho insurers. Consequently they are continually getting the benefit of the rapid accumulation of the Company, the money being invested by the Hoard of Directors amongst the Inturert. 3d. Tho loans of this Company are as liberal as other companies who declare dividends at the end of ttie second, third and fourth years, but this Company at the ocU of the first and every year. DAVID B. CLARK, President. TH08. H. WYNNE, Vice-President. JOHN Q. WINN. Secretary. Gen. JAMES II. LANE, Actuary, Dr. F. 1). WATKINS. I .... . ... Dr. C. II. W. DAVIS, ( Medical Advisers. Judge JOHN A. MEREDITH, Counsellor. DJRKCTORB. o. u. Winston, Treasurer and Secretary R. F. A P. It. K ; Win. J. Johnson, of Johnson A Hunt, Wholesale (Jroeers ; Win. n. Powers, ot Winston A Powers, Wholesale Grocers; Albert Ordway, Treasurer Buckingham State Company; J. F. Gibson, Superintendent Adams' Express Company ; Charles Y. Morris, Morris A Co.'s oiig:,r Refinery ; G. A. ^Pepie, Superintendent Manchester Cotton Mills; John II. Tyler, John 11. A John Tyler, Jewelers; Moses Millhiscr, Wholesale Dry Goods; Thotnos 8. Baldwin, Clothier ; John M. Goddin, Cusliier Planter's Eai.k ; J. It. Powell, Superintendent Western Union Telegraph Company; Alex. G. Robertson, Cattle Broker ; George I. Herring, Wholesale Grocer; It. L. Brown, of Brown, Jones A Co., Wholesale I Grocers; A Bodeker, Druggist; 8. M. Rosen* buura, of S. A M. ltosenbaum, Dry Gooods. Equality Life Insurance Company. JPtf Kjramine it* Pamphlete hejore you insure, it is to your interest to do so. Agent* wanted everywhere. BL!VJ. ?. HFItlOT, Gen. Travelling Agent, Charleston, S. C. Sept 22 18 tf Cn. SitevLLENoERCEFl'S Fever and Ague A. is'T IDOT E Allt'U) * StopM tlic Cliillu. Tliio Ucdii ino luisliecii Before tlio rul>lic. fifteen yc.irs, and is still ahead of all oilier !tn >w:i remedies. It docs not purge, docs not .Hicl:? n t" 3 atomnch, is jierfiMitly s ifo i:t any do o and. uudor all cireum Buiai-':s, r.j? i mmotility lUeuiciiio tliat will CURE i K1 CD! A f E LY an I jki...y cvay form of Favor ttiul A ."ito, I) "";ni4<? ji is a perfect Anil* dele to Itlaliirla. Bold by o" Cvuggists. Pel) 2 37 ly Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta R R. Coi.umdia, S. C., September 1, 1870, ON and after THIS 1)AY, the Passenger (ruing over this Road will run as follows : GOING SOUTH. Leave Charlotte, N. C-, at. 8.20 a. m. " Columbia, S. C., at 3.40 p. m. Arrive Augusta, at .8.50 p. ro. GOING NORTtt. Leave Augusta, at (1.00 a. m. " Columbia, 8. C., at 11.45 a. m. Arrive Charlotte, N. C., at. 6.30 p. in. accommodation trains, sundays rxcbptkd. Leave Columbia 10.10 p. in. Arrive at Augusta.... 7.00 a. in. Leave Augusta 6.30 p. in. Arrive at Columbia 4.15 a m. Close connections made eta Hrcensboro nnd Richmond and Ac<|uia Creek, and via Raleigh, W'oiu.... ? ? )-- "" ? - .. . ??u uiiu uuj nine, xnrougu TicKcts sold and baggage checked to all points North, South, and West. 1P&- For futher information npply at this Office. C. BOUKNIUHT, Sup't. Supt 7 16 tf South Carolina Rallrcad Company. Col.tiMBiA, 8. C., May 13, 1870. ON nnd after Sunday, 15 May, the Passenger Trains upon the South Carolina Railroad will run the following schedule: rOR CttARLKIITOW. Leave olumbia 7 45 a m Arrive at harleston 3 30 p m Leave Charleston 8 30 a m Arrive at olumbia 4 10 p m FOR AUOI'HTIA. Leave Columbia 7 45 am Arrive at Augusta 4 25 pm Leave Augusta 8 00 a m Arrive at Columbia... 4 10 p m NIGfIT KXPRKSS TRAIN (SfNOAVS KXCKPTKIt.) I Leave Columbia 7 50 p in Arrive at Charleston 6 45 a o\ Arrive at Augusta 7 05 a m Leave Charleston 7 SO p tn Leave Augusta ft 00 p m Arrive at Columbia 6 00 a m CAMKKIt TRAIN. Camden and Columbia Pussepgpr Trains will run on 5f"Pdfiys, Wednesdays and Hatuiu day*) fiuJ between Camden fttul ipgvillodaj, lyLeave Camden 6 35 a m Arrive nt Columbia 11 00 a m Leave olumbia 1 00 p m Arrive at arnden 5 40 p m II. T. PEAKE. Qen'l Sup't. Greenville and Columbia Railroad. GEN'L SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, Cot.i'tiniA, 8. C., July 26, 1870. ON and after MONDAY, August 1, the following Schedule will be run daily, Sundays excepted, connecting with Night Trains on South Carolina Road, up and down, also with Trains going 8ouih?oti Charlotte, Columbia and Augu?ta Railroad : Up?Leave Columbia 8 15 a m " Alston 0.38 a m " Newberry 11.03 am I Arrive Abbeville...,. 3.00 p m " Anderson 4.30 p m " (Ireenville 6.00 p m Down?T,eave (Ireenville 7.00 a m " Anderson 7.30 a m " Abbeville 0.00 a m " Newberry 12.47 p m " Alston 2.30 p m Arrive Columbia S.46 p m JOHN " -- ? ? u, munfi, Uen'l Sup't. Aog 3 11 if wm, p. price, | attorney at law oahionega, ga., I I LI. prv ti<*? in the Counties of I.emy I W kin, D wson, iiitin t, k'annin, Union, Towns. White nd H ?11. 1 Jen 10 :S tf