University of South Carolina Libraries
g,in- L I IJ .IU I'J L.J!--LJ, ^ortrtj. c October. > k October strews tbe woodland o'er, ? With many s brilliant color; *' The world is brighter then before? " Why should oar hearts be duller T <? Sorrow end the scarlet leaf, T Sad thoughts and sunny weather I 1 Ah ate I this glory and this grief t| Agree not well together. n This is the parting season?this 1' Tho timo whoa friends are fly in; ; ' And lovers now, with many a kiss, T Their toog farewells are singing. It Why is earth so gaily dressed ? This pomp that autumn bearvth A funeral scenes, whore orery guest g A bridal garment woaretb. r Each one of us, perchance, ,nay here, * Od juiuo blue mora heroaflvr, " Return to view tho gaudy year, But not with boyish laughter. Wo ehall then bo wrinkled men, Our brows with silver laden, n And thou this glen may seek again, t) But nevermore a maiden ! p Jfufure perhaps foresees that Spring ? Will touch bor teeming bosom, k And that a few brief months will bring, Tho bud, the bee, tbo blossom ; Ah ! theso forests do not know? p Or would less brightly wither1? || The virgin that adorns them so Will never more come hither. fi Jfamanms. c I c( A Lover on a Rampage. p, It is singular what strange w episodes the tender passion pome- ri times occasions. It is not nnfrc* qnently tho cause of billionsness, \\ producing dyspepsia and other <1 complaints of ttie digestive organs ; n it has been asserted that cholie is v soniotimes the result of it, and a wonderful tendency is created' by it. Meditative walks, silent rover-1? ics and self communion spring i* inevitably from tho first advances 1,1 ot the observing emotion, i nose " are common and anticipated re- 11 suits ; but it lias been left to Julius r Cober to disclose a new feature in 1 the universal malady. It seems that Julius has been smitten with the bright eyes and rosy cheeks of { a cabbage vender in the I'oydras market. lie visits her daily, , dining in her presence on rashers , of bacon and cold vegetables, and , on one of these occasions summoned sufflccnt courage to proffer his suit. lint his embarrassment caused him so much excitement thnt lie actually overturned a jug of carbonic acid, which had been put under the table by the maid en's respected progenitor. The noxious fluid rapidly spread upon the pavement and a mo6t offensive odor arose from it. 44 What's that ?*' inquired the little maiden, elevating her olfactory member, and making evident signs of distress. 44 It's my love," continued Julius, oblivious in his excitement, of the smell, and supposing her inquiry to refer to his attachment. 44 Oh, my I Volt don't tell me that's love?" 44 Of course it is, my dear.? You have no idea how strong it is." 4t Yes, I have?my goodness!" exclaimed the beauty, as Julius' feet stirred the sediment, and a more sickening odor arose. 44 Why it's terrible." " Indeed it is ; and I'll certainly* die if yon don't marry inc." 41 And will it always l?e this wayI" anil again the little pugnose shot up in the air. 14 Always." tl I can't stand it." " It won't he quite so violent, but just as strong." 441?I?I?don't think I like to ( lie loved, sir ; it smells too had." w What ?*'said Julius, with another scrape of his foot?and this i time obtaining a good draught of i the carbonic acid. 41 It smells so!" the maiden again 1 repeated. * '4 But that ain't love?it's some- 1 thing under the table !"' 44 Oh I well, now, I thought as I how when people loved, they i smelt!" j 44Oh, no," said Julius; and an , immediate search revealed the 1 cause ot the offensive odor. It is useless to say thereon 1 Julius became hannv and his ' sweetheart radiant. What Tiiky Say.?One day last J week a man stepped tip to us and . said lie would pay us every cent he owed if he lived till Saturday , night. We presume that man died. Another said he would pay , tis in a day or two, as sure as we were horn. Did the man make a mistake, or were we ever horn ? Another said he would settle his hill as sure as shooting. We are led to the conclusion that shooting is decidedly uncertain. Another said lie hoped to go on a visit to his Satanic Majesty, if ho didn't a -i tt pay us in inree uayB. iiaven i ( Been liim since, but wo trust lie , has hoped in vain. Quite a number said they would see tomorrow. t These men have been blind every r day since, or else to morrow has ^ never come. One man told us six ? months ago that lie would pay us t as soon as he got gome money. Thnt man would not tell an untruth, and of cou?e, lias not had a cent since. ? On a gate port in front of a farm Innmnggl* west, is a wign, reading: iFKo life insurance or / sewing inactltao wanted hero." Ireat Freahet?Jfany Lives Lost. W aauixuToa, October 1. j The water la higher here than ever town. No Ira in a fiom Lynchburg rlnce ?*i-ruay. me 1'uIoium River, ennui and djieent streams, are flooded. The Long hldge ia ander water, Provision has been mile to avoid delaying mail* or passengers, he weather lo-duy i? clear d<ut very hot'lie Chain Bridge washed away. Loss to be Orange and Alexandria Railroad la Dtitchly estimated At |tS<>0,000. A sjian of lie Chain Bridge is now lodged against the ?oiig Bridge. Experts say JJiot li will go.? lie ouly pneent communication bclwcsn era aud Alexandria is by boat. Wukklixo, Va., Octol??r 1. Advices from llarpet's Ferry represent a rent IIooJ in the Shennndonb River. Mnny ubstanllil buildings have been destroyed, ifty pereo s linve lost their liven, and lany nre in peril, beyond the aid of their Richmond, Ya , October 1. The liver here rose twenty-five feet Uat ight, and this morning is within a fool of re Danville Railroad bridge, and M lyo'a atsenger biilge. The streets for four or vo blocks tu the vicinity of the old mar- j t, the lowest point in the city, are sub- ! ierge-1 in four leet water. Thousands of ersons are on the river banks, wulting for le bridges to go. The lower purii in cf I.iliby Trison tni k re at 11 o'clock, from n qunutily of lime oing cvci flowed by the flood. The fire ins Slopped before much durnnge was done, iiizene are volunteering to n niove tohno> from the wart houses on the river bank, urniture, ti links and barrel# of flour And hii-kv, nre floating down the river. The ver lit Lynchburg lint fallen eight tec'.? jvorul bridges on Virginia and Tenners c itl'rond were wnslied away. The persons roxvned at Lynchbu-g were Mrs. Ransom nd her daughter, three children of Mr. i'hitlow, and a colored woman. Richmond, October 1. The wnter here is elill rising. At 1 30 'clock between 300 and 400 stores were in iven feet water, between IGlh and 18th reels. The street c irs pll d till noon< rlien the water coming in at the windows lie line wns slopped, and a ferry is now an on all the lin- streets from 16th to ISih nst at noon the Manchester cud of Mnyo'* Ir'ulge gave way, and half a mile of the iridge floated down the stream. AH the vliatves are under water, and the York liver Railroad Depot is completely subnerged. Several small mnnniac' inIng esahliehments along the river have been IWetlt off. A'.l lloV the river li?? I....... ?*?.? ted over with email houses and wrecks of houses, fencing deal cattle, <tc , di if ing down. The gos work-* arc submerged. The first wave front the Lynchburg freshet struck here at Ave o'clock this morning, nnd lite river commenced rising willi much greater rapidity than before, when it was only swollen by the ovetfl>w. Ii three hours the lower end of lite city known at Ilocl eta was under water, and the scene ihcie beggars description. Two or threo small stores were swept off, with nil their contents The families who hud remained in their houses, hoping tho flood would subside, commenced crying from the upper windows for help. lb ait 8 wore btoughl and they were snv<d, hut the larger portion of their furniture was lost. Two hundred families in that portion of the city are houseless In-night camping out on the neighboring bills. To night the bridge of ilie Richmond ami Danville Railroad still stands, hut the river is ?tl}l tiring, and it is hardly b-lieved it can stand much longer. All the large colton, iron and flour m ils, employing 2,t)00 hands, have been forced by the fb>od tos'op operations. The cily water works have nl so bt en stopped, being so damaged lb at. | lite}- cannot be repaired in two weeks.? The rcserv? it* only contains five days supply for the city. AH llio ice houses in the | cily ate on the riv-r bank, and are twenty feet undt r water. The water is seven feet higher than ever known before. A despatch from Lyrichbutg says lite river there is rising again. Dr. J. A Rroadtts' book on pre telling lias been adopted by the Kentucky University [Disciples) as text hook for its theological department. ? ????? We see the fact advertised, that there is to jo a newspaper established at Lexington, n this State, to be culled the Lrjcinr/ton Df patch, (Jodkbky M. Harmon, publisher.? ts politic* will be anti-radical. South Carolina Railroad Company* Coi.itmbia, 8. C., May 13, IH70. OX and after Sunday, 15 May, the Passenger Trains upon the South Carolina ituil uimI will run the following schedule: f'Olt CIIARLR8TON. Leave oluinbin 7 45 a m Arrive nt harlcston 3 30 p tn Leavo Charleston 8 30 a m Arrive at uluuibin 4 tO p in roil A UOI'STIA. Lc|ve Columbia 7 45 am Arrivo at Augusta 4 25 p m Leave Augusta 8 00 a in Arrive at Columbia 4 10 p in linifT KXI'IIKHH THAIS (HUSIIAVH BXCRI'TKO.) Leave Columbia 7 50 p in Arrive at Charleston 0 45 a in Arrive nt Augusta 7 05 a in Leave Charleston 7 30 p in Ijcnv* Augusta 0 00 p in j Arrive ut Columbia 6 00 a in CASDKS THAI*. Camden and Columbia Passenger Trains will run on Mondays, Wednesdays and 8ntur> lays; an J between Camden and Kingville daily Leave Camden 0 35 a m Arrive ut Columbia I! 00 a in Ijenve olumbis I 00 p m Arrive at atn'len ........ 5 40 p m II. T. 1'KAKE. Uen'l Sup't. Greenville and Columbia Railroad. iwrt >srrkit intendknt's office, Columbia. H. C.. July 25, IA70. ON and after MONDAY, Augnat 1, the folowing Schedule will be run daily, Sundaya gcepted, connecting with Night Train* on louth Carolina H?nd, up and down, al*? with ["rain* going South on Charlotte, Columbia nd Augusta Railroad ; Jp?I,ea\o Coluinhia A.15 a m " A I* ton lb.IS a m " Newberry 11.0.1 am Arrive Abbeville A.00 p m " And<-r?on. 4.AO p in " Oreenville 5.00 p m low*?Leave Oreenvillo 7.00 a rn " Anderaon 7..10 a m " Abbeville 9.00 a in " Newberry 12.47 p in " .Alaton 2..10 p m Irrivo Columbia ,1.46 p m JOHN II. MORE, tlcn'l Sup't. 'Aug 3 II tr 1" 1 L". -L . 1 . Rosabalis OtirpjfE 0 HKATAMKRI C AN Vl H&ALT1I KK8T0KKK, purifte* xle blood ami cure* Scrofula, Sjphili*, Mkln UiMtMii Hhciunntiatn, BimMi MWoitM, >otl ?ll Chronic Affection* )uf tho Blood, Lsi?*r annd Kidoex* ?)ll?cou>ni#udcd by Um Medical Faowu Jij and many thousands of our boat fcithwn*. v nw> too lorumony or I'hjriiciMi (and patieuta who haveusod Rossdalis; (send for our Roaaidalis Unido to Health (Rook, or AImbom for this year, which IjflB (we publish for gratuitous distribution Ml Sit will give you aiuch Valuable infer* HH Smation. Bvj Dr. R. W, Carr, of Baltimore, snys t ) I take pleasure in recommending ?>your iHvmdalii aa a very powerful ^alterative. I have seen it used in two scares with happjr results?one in a >easo of secondary syphilis, in which Alio patient pronounced himself cured rafter having taken five bottles of your finedieino. The other is a esse of scrof/BB yila of long standing, whioh is rspidly /fl(B ymprov^ng under its uso, and ibo in* 'M?(dicatIous sro that the patient will (^^^p(sonii recover. I have carefully ex (.unlited the formula I y which your SRosadalis is made, and And it an ex/B jccllent compound of nlteratiro ingrc Sdicnts. B S Dr. Sparks, of Nieholasville, Ky., )says he has used Kosadulis in rates ol WrofuU and Secondary Syphilis with /satisfactory rcsults-ar a cleaner of the 9 /Blood I know no better remedy. ( Benjamin Boclitol, of Lima, Ohio, /writes: I havo suffered for twenty yyenrs with an inveterato eruption over viny whole body ; a short time sinca 1 (purchased a bottle ol Kosadulis and it S (effected a perfect cure. ( Rosadalis is sold by all druggists. ) Laboratory, 01 Exchange I'latc, (Baltimore. > Drs Clexcnts ft Co. J'roprittor0. May 18 52 ly PLANTATION BITTERS This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it lias no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are cspecially subject, it is ' superseding every other stimulant.' In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is introduccd it becomes a standard article?a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. June 21, Ihfl). 5 1y For Sale. 1 ^ ^ \vH OFFER AT PRIVATE Palo, tlio very Desirable RonHt rrtBuJ lilcnco on Rutherford atreet, ^gTaXcr;iijJC-' in tliin City, known na the <;ooDiii:TT I'BiAci:. The House hna Five Room* ami Two Piazxn* on a floor down rthirs, and Two Room* above, mill ia in CO M PLETE It EPA 111 The Outbuildings are ample and good. The Lot contain* a little more than Three acre*; hna an E.x-ollent Harden, and one of the Very Heat Well* In the City. This ia altogot her one of the moat desirable residences in or around Oreenvilla. Jf o >1 sold before, thia property will ho offered at Auelion uu Hale*-day in November. For Tcriua, Ac., apply to KARLE A. ULYTIIE, Laud Agent*. Aug 17 13 13 GREENVILLE D A D C D Mill* r m r t n itiillo. :o: ?? J. Bannister & Son, or a1.1. kiuds or Book, News, Wrapping and Colored *? mjz ?. m HIGHEST CASH PRICK PAID FOR Clean Cotton or Linen RAGS. May 26 I ly Notice IS hereby ffiven tliat I will apply to 9. J Dotiihit. Probate .Inrlga ol Greenville County. f"r a Final Discharge at Adminif trntor of the Ivtate ol I'ETER C. SOB GUTS, <V"cen?ed, on the 14th day of October next. THOMAS GOLDSMITH, Admini*t i ntor. September 14, 1870. 17-4 Spring Millinerv. aa&B. 198 <3S3MB33?B WOULD INFORM THK I,tidies ol Greenville and ?l*?lo ty. lliRt she has opened her SPRING MILLINERY, if.'tfl ',e leu* SB 1W ''"n ?' 'hose ?'?kinj{ purchases wl*i in this line. Iler prices are REASONABLE, Ami sho will lake pleasure in eiblbing her GOOD 8. A call is desired before buying, as sho feels confident of pleasing. April 13 47 Am FOR SALE OR TO RENT, I _ A Comfortable DWELLING V A/tnfftSntnr* aeuan II ?- ?- ?J l"'?Rul. "" l,OWMIIry Out-Building*, Wlii PjWP within a few minute* walk of Kurman tJniveriity. For particular* apply to T. Q. DONALDHOH. November 21 27 tf W V/* kJ 1 I |.n. - ' ll" NEW STORE.|; JOHXT H. OOODX.RTT t) K8PKCXF(JLiiY Inform# the Publiotbat . XV he has evaiDCDoeil lJuainess again at the Old Stand of LONG & GOODLETT, "Where he hu just opcucd a portion of hi* | Stock, consisting of ID ?<D?DS)0p Groceries, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, , Hardware, dfcc., All of which were bought at low figures, an?l ! will ho eold for CASH O IS BABTCIi At a alight advance on Cost, lie Svlieilt a eharo of the public patronage. Ap 0 46 tf Chai lotto. Columbia and Augusta R- R. * Columbia, 8. C., September 1, 1870, ON and after TUtS 1>AY, the Passenger trains over this Head will run as follows : OOINO SOUTH. Lcavo Charlotte, N. C., at. ....8.20 a. m. " Columbia, S. C., at. :t.S5 p. ni. Arrive Augusta, at 8.50 p. in. aomo NORTH. Lonvo Augusta, at ...6.00 a. m. M Columuia, S. C., at 11.45 a. in. Arrive Charlotte, N. C., at 6.30 p. ut. ACCOM NIDATION TRAINS, SUNDAYS KXCRI'TKl). Leave Columbia 10.10 p. iu. Arrive at Augusta 7.00 a. in. l<eave Augusta 6.30 p. in. Arrive at Columbia '. 4.15 a ui. Close connections tnado via U recti shorn and Richmond and Aci|iiia Creek, and ??? Raleigh, Woldon and Bny Lino. Througli Tickets sold and baggage checked to all points North, South, and"West. ^SCt For futher information apply at this Office. C. BOUKNIUH'r, Snp'i. Supt 7 16 tf We IX, PRACTICAL CUNSMITH AND MACHINIS1 mf?t ^ /^4AD v oniu * ?t?o * - Livu.i onriKunnr, viiunn uim, i.ocks, > Sewing Machines, Umbrellas unci Purasola REPAIRS'!) with promptness. Clmrtras 2 reasonable. Corn Shelters, Tor snte from $10 to $12. I nut nlso prepared to furnish Stencil Plates, for marking clothing. IHackKiiiilltiiiKr. IHAVK in udilition to my usuai business, opened n DLACK8M ITII SHOP, busing ii competent woikinun hired, Lnrkin West field. Work in this line will be done satisfactorily.* ? Ready mndo PLOUGHS always on hand for sale. * Stand?In renr of Old Court Honrs, nt the Handolpb plnce, having removed from my stand on Main Street. 28-tf -I o WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT I.AW c ' DAHLONEGA, GA., \ WILL practice in tho Counties of I.ump- , kin. Dawson, Gilmer, l'annin, Union, ; Towns. White and llall. Jan It 33 if . COLUMBIA HOTEL, ' COLUMMA, SOL Til CAHOUXA. i ffMIE Proprietors tnko pleasure in nnnoune1 ing this elctfiinlly-luruislicd Establishment now open for the accointnodMiion of guests. Tlio taldo will alwnys he supplied with every delicacy of tho season?both from tho New York and Charleston markets, and no efforts will be spared to give perfect satisfaction. In every respect, to our patrons. F1IKK LU.VCII in the refectory every day fmtn II until 124. WM. GORMAN. \ ? H. Q. llADKNIIOl*, j iioniu.Toys. Sept 211 lit tf Nickerson HouseHotel, COLUMBIA, S. C. THE undersigned hnving M'tWiJl RENEWED his lease upon the ubove Popular House, will endeavor to muko it ono of the most ngrccabte flotels in (lift fitiulli A in <*! t/*ti/?/l Froc Omnibua IouimI froin llic Hotel. WM. A. WRKUIT, Proprietor. * Sept 8 15 If A. F. GHEVREDX,; ARCHITECT, XBA1E1B&1S W0MS < Corner Meeting-St and H^rlbeck's Alley, 03SA&&ia3?02B, S, ?, PLANS MADE TQ ORDER AK.I) pu?e of'ohaufsk. 1 > WHEN WORK DONE BY ME. j Dec 8 29 ly ' Marble Yard, LAURENS C. H., S. C. " Ma milk cutting in all its Iii*nchen, done in tlie ner.leat of Style, and of tlie bej>t Italian and Arneri* muiri r A,i.i..... * JOSHUA EIXBDOHL Laurent Court House, 8. C. June 1 2 1 jr Through Tickets NorthCk.xkkai. Sli'kuintk.hdknt'h Ovfkk, Greenville A Columbia R. It. Co, Columbia, S C , September 4, 1870. ON and after this date, THROUGH TICKETS to New York, Philidelphla, Baltimore, Washington and Richmond can > ? purchased at tlie following Biationn <>,uthia Road, vie: Greenville, Anderson, Abbeville, Cokeatmrv, Newberry and Alston. JOHN H. WORK, Oen. -opt. M. T. Babtlxtt, Oen. Ticket Agent. Sept 7 16 tf Notice IS hereby given, that I will apply to S, J, Itouthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on tit? 15(A rloy of Ootobrr nnrt, for e I Anal discharge as Administratrix of the Estate of JAM US H. HOPKINS, deceased. M ATI I,I>A E. HOPKINS, Sept. 15th, I860. Ailministratrix. Sept 21 18 4 For Sale or Lease. rfMIE subscriber will Sell or Lease a FARM, 1 OR 1ST MILL and TAN YARD, situated 18 miles helow Greenville Court House, i near the Fork Shoal Road. The Farm i? email, hut tbo Mill and Tan Yard ara both in good running condition. IVraor.a wieliing to ' either bay or Inaae, will nddren* or call on tue, I at Oak Lawn, Orennvillo County, 8. C. | J. L. W0008IDB, M. D. | July 13 3 doow I |v a Ljf i | i i \J lT | T *x> J - B. WliERBE, G) JtEEWVhxK, ?. <Oa liBALKIt IN B6LD m SILVER WHS, r?i Afi/c ii?w lA-i .i> v ULUl'AOj tUjfT Vj 1j IV I, SPECTACLES, 18 & 33 Carat Solid Nuptial Rings, SILVEU & SILVEIt-PLATED mmr ,/m ? ss? KW WORK of nil iliaci'lpl'ioua In hi* line tlotie promptly. Oct 27 23 ljr A. J. ROSS & C0.7 MAK UFA CTURMRS V ' 0? V grxw mw^jaaKCo "DEALERS T?T JAPANNED AND PRESSED WARE, AXD COOJ^INCJ AND X1KATIN0 STOVES. All ktmla of Tin and Sheet Iron Work Done On the nioat ItEASONAHLK TERMS, And with promptness. Storo Nearly Opposite the Post Office. Feb i? u9 tr Equality Life Insurance Company of Virginia. jr - | MffBmfWffMi <r\'%'' N9B&*' f-^^^^^BR^M^^HK-* - - ? Mb ^riucijt cl (J(/ice, A?. IU|9, .Hutu Sit nil, Richwninl, Va. F) F. ASONS why every one should insure in V ili? Equality Lite insurance Compuuy, I' Virginia : 1st. It is mora Liberal In (lie Insurers thnn ny other company, and will cveniunlly l>ooino Purely Mutual ami In-long to the iii8urer8. 2<1. It circulates it* money amongst its puton?, who are the insurors. Consequently they ire continually getting the benefit of the rapid iceumuliition of the Company, the money heng invested l-y the Dnatd of Directors amongst he insurers. 3tl. The lonns of this Cotnpnny nro ns liber* il as other companies who declare dividends U- the end of toe second, third nnd fourth pears, hut this Company tit the end of the first mil ttwr year. DAVID 11. CLARK, President. TIIOS. II. IVYNNK, Vice*President. | JOJIX Q. WIXN, Secretary, tlen. JAM US Jl. LANE, Actiinry, Dr. F. H. IV AT KINS, I .... .... Dr. C. II. \V. DAVIS. } Med,cal?. Advi,,r"Judge JOHN A. MEREDITH, Counsellor. IUHK0TOH8. J. II. Winston, Treasurer and Scerel.ary R. F. & P. R. II ; Win. J. Johnson, of Johnson A Hunt, Wholesale tlrocers; Wui. II. Powers,ol Wlnsiijn A Powers, Wholesale tlrocers ; AI hcrt 0 I'd way, Treasurer Duck ingl-.nm State Company; J. P. tlil-eun, Superintendent Adums' Express Company ; Charles Y. Morris, Morris A Co.'* Sugar Refinery ; (>. A. Peple, Superintendent Manchester Cotton Mills; John II. Tyler, John II. A John Tyler. Jewelers ; Moses Milihiser. Wholesale liry Hoods : Thomas S. Ruldwin, Clothier ; John M. finddin, Cashier Planter's llat.k ; J. U. ]) well. Superiutendunt W estcrn Uninn Telegraph Company; Alex. (5. Robertson, Civttlc Rroker ; (Jcoigo I. Herring, Wholesale (Irocer; It. I.. Drown, of Drown, Jones A Co., Wholesale tlrocers ; A ltodeker, Druggist ; S. M. Rosen* hautn, of S. A M. Rosctihuutn, Dry Uooods. Equality Life Insuranco Company. ptf*Kjriimia* ita /'nm/ihicla he)ore yon in* iirs, it i? In your intercut to tlv no. Ayinta iconletl ererytrhere. HEN J. ?. II lilt GOT, Hen. Travelling Agent, Charleston, S. C. Kept 22 18 tf TOWNES & EAST, ili'S ILh'Zl AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. PllA C TICE IS Gil EES VII. L E AS1) SIJIIIIO USD ISO ( () US 77 E S. DfRco O^or Julius C. Smith's. I. F. TOWNKA. OI.IH D. KAMT. Ap *27 40 If II. P. JOI^IKS, AWWUSHaJiVaTT AiW JT?/tVW* I AM) HO LI (iron IN EQUITY. WILL r*ACTirit IN ALT. COURTS OF Til IS STAT E AI .HO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office Grctnville C. H., 8. C.( J ??l> 7 ly" V. K. KAAI.KT. O. a. WKLL8 EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE, K. C? PR\CTIC'E in III* CoUrta Of the State and of tbo United Stiit? ?, mid give crpcciul ittcnliori to cum-* ill liuukroptcy. Juno 13 3 WATCIIUS, CLOCKSi Jewelry, Feriscopic Spectacles,&c M'ILL order an extra article lf-1 M for liny |M*rnoii. S|>o<dHl nttenJrtl iiuu will bo given to REI'AiK] Nti fne WafcliOl of every dee ripiion. Heat reference* (riven. JAMES U. DLACK. June 30 ,v 0 tf OR SHA^L^^KITOCR'S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Aluiif* llui C'liillw. Thin Tifodieino linn boon boforo tho Ful>llo fifteen year*, and in utill ahead of all other known r?inodior Itd'csnot purge, A/uwj n. ainlrnn 1 ? *? 'v v t r???nmv,iij n |-vi iu?;hj info in iiny do o and under nil oirmim- | Htnnces, an I i ? thoonly Medieine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY Olid I'orin moiitly tv. ry form of I Vv r and Airun, lieraiiioi it i* ft jierfoct Anil- < doln la m?lnrlM. Cold by all DruaglKta. Feb 3 87 ly J T * W* % i in ii. i Charleston A /&UVC1 KSUIIIVUIH. i OI?l Caroliicii Uillors, /A ID 3H1E ,21 Olf llt'i/lE/lt. 1f?JISfllC0 Wo tako |>1*-n?<iio in off. ring tlie OLD CAROLINA BITTERS rHlOTHK public. Tlwjr arc compound U. til wikb great cnr>-, mhI contain roqte of ilie be-l Tunica in ibc I'bni nntiopin As evidence of ibo rupiMlority of our Bitter* ovi-r all o'lirr*, w? have ci-rliHontea (rom ninny of tlie Ihh!in.' pliieiciuna in ottrStntr who liuve preaoribc.l In ibeir practice, 1 UK OLD CAROLINA BITTKIW Will bo found invnluublo for Wnnt of Appi-lito, Ooncinl Del ility, Chllla nml 1-Vvcr and Dyapopaln. Wo do not offer our Hitler* n* a cine for n'l difCHHi-a, but a* mi Aroniatia Tonic, tlicy l.uve no cqliul. For rain by all DrugghH and Grocer* evi r> wliere. 1'iincipnl Depot, vjv\/IMUVyll, Wiar,J!A> A CO, Impoi tci a of Choice Drug* mid Chemical*, ChurLctin, S. 0. Mli 9 42 ly GKO. AV. CAKPENTEirs COMPOUND FLU 11) EXTRACT OF SAR 8A 1'AUl LI A. GEO, W. CARTEKTER'S CO\ FOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF I5U I Oil 0. IM1E-E CELL IIR AT ED PREPARA 'I IONS, in iginnliv introduced by Geo. W. Carpenter, under the |>uironng* of the tucdicnl faculty. Imve been no long exten ei?c|_\ uhmI Iiv phyaicinnn nnd other*, thnt iliey ?rc genei ully known for llieir inliinrie vnlut, nnd enli he relied on hi being iiiokI valuable reiiirdicn in nil cm>?s where Fnrenpniilln or Uuelm ire npplionhlc, nnd annuo! he too highly recommended. They are prepnied in <t highly concentrated form, no ne to render the done eninll nnd convent ?-nl. Order* by mini or otherwise will receive prompt ntiefitlon. <S ! :<>. W. C AIIPKNTl R.IlFNiZKY A CO., \Vbole?nle Uheilli. nl Wnr? liouee, No. 7:t7 Mm kct. ?t11 pt, I'hdnddphin, DOW IK A MOlsF, W'holeenle Agent*, Clint leeton.S. 0. Nov 17 2f If : P. 1*. T OAliE, llIAttl.BVrOX, S. ('. ( Lurerrt nml inojt e?mpV(e | j^Vj- J Miinutuctury of l)onr? Siotx-*, -tV^ ( liliml*, Moulilintrn, Ac., in tliu J Southern State*, tit* l'rintctl price 1 i?I dific* competition. Suiul lor nati.'tt^ rfr- iScnt tree on u|ifilirnli?ii.-&T April 27 4'J ly DANIEL H. SILCGX'S FURXITURX WAIIKR0QMS. 175, 177 & 179, King- Street CHARLESTON, S. C. A t KsT.%HI.I?nrn 111 1RV.S i fKct'pM foiiMliinlly on lnimi u well *elrclu?l Stock of FUWTITT7R3, >v Which he offer* at HEASONAI3 1.K t PRICKS. N. B.?GOODS CARKFHLLY PACKED FOR SHIPPING. Nor 21 27 !> I f. von santkn, IMPORT ICR or ! PARIS FANCY GOODS, Toy*, Doll*, (lame*, Children'* Carriages, Fiench Coiif'ectoncry, Kiro Work*, INDIA KUBIIER GOODS, Such a* Clothinj*. Nursery Sheeting, Ac., 22V Kln|-8l< 2 door* aboro Market, CHARLESTON, ,S. C. Msr HO 46 ]y* NATIONAL HOTEL, <0<Dlfcrarj3H4\y 0* 03* ijropiui:tou. ! f. HAMILTON JOYNKR. CLERK. RATES Of IJosr.l per I>*y 00 Supper, Breakfast antl Lodging } (HI Slnffte Mrlh .. 1 00 Sep 1 16 tf PAVILION HOTEL, (& lAJt A 5U IT* 53 S3 "if ? 5?fy 0a (9* BOARD, I'er Day $.1 00. R. HAMILTON, Superintendent. T* ? " mj. i?U ' IS l' I l'< Mj O, l*ropri?!lr<!N? Kept 20 10 tr WM. SHEPHERD 8c CO., No. 24, /fuyne Stret, Charletton, H. V. OKAI.KRA IN (K)OKINO STOVKS, UANOKH AND J tl.miiiL' Siov?-i. of 8t"*e? with prlcn drAiMlplion will l?# onl up ?n upplicRilon. June 20 fi-ly THE MIT LS HOUSE. ?3i4>&&S?S?3J? 0. ?/ PARKER & CO. Proprietors. FIK8T-CI.A88 HOTEL. BOARD, I'Elt DAY $? OO. Deo ? 20 tf CHARLESTON HOTiX CHARLESTON, A tf. E. H. JACKSON, Proprietor. Assistant*, a. buttkrfiei.d,(f?r nun ly of lli? Pavilion lleUl,)""! W? A. MlI.I.KR. -m~ hi i i in i i-niii.i Ayer's Cathartic Pills, fg41x8 p"**0*** of i?uiT4 ^ Perhaps no oee rnediA cine 1* so universally required by everyJW body u a oaUiurtic, ? nor was over any be^^9|KB| fore so universally adopted Into use, la 1 A every country and \Ay*W ssMiirtftasfca purnUvePMI. The obvious reason It, Ul?t ll la a mora rail a. ble and ffcr more effectual re mod y thou any other. Those who hav? tried it, know Unit it cured them; those who haver not. know that it cures their neigh bore and Monde; and all know that what it dooe once it does always?that it never falls through any Quilt or neggleet of its composition. We hare thousands upon thousand* of certificates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, hut such euros aro known in every neighborhood, and we ncod not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditiona In all climates; containing neither calomel nor any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserves them ever fresli, and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable, no harm can arise front their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on tkfl Internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate It into healthy action ? remove the obstruction# of tho stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of tho body, restoring their irregular action tonealth, and by correcting, wherever they exist, snch da* , rangeinents as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are givenln the wrapper oi> the box, for the following complaints, whlcn these* Villa rapidly cure: ? For nyspspsta or Infilgestten, Ustlss* ' ! sow, Lanrsor and Isms of Appetite, the/ ' should 1k> taken moderately to stimulate the stony ach, and restore Its healthy tono and action. For JAvar Com plot sat and its various aymptorns, unions lloiulache, Sick Head* ache, Jaunihcr or Orsen Sickness, Bilious Colic and Blllona "overs, they should bo Judleioiisly token for each ouse, to correct thai diseased action or rcmovo liio obstructions which cause it. For Dysentery or Dlstrrkoeei, but oot mild dose is generally required. For Bhramstlasi, tioat, Gravel, PelSI tut I on of Ike Hears, Fain In the lair. Buck and Lslasa, they should be continuously taken, ns required, to ennngo tho diseased action or tho system. With such ch&ngo those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings they should be taken in largo and frequent doses to produce tho effbet of a drastic purge. For Muppreaslon a largo (lose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a Dinner Pitt, tnko ono or two Villa to promote digestion and relievo the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates tho stomach and bowels Into healthy action, restores tho appetite, and invigorates tho system. Hence it Is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these Villa makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing aud renovating effoct on tho dlgestlvo apparatus. Dr. J. C. AY Kit A CO., Vrac Ileal C herniate, LOW DLL. MASS., V. B. A. C2T -.of sal- lo ttreelivlll- liy IIAltlUSON ?i MARSHALL, AMI M. A. IIUNTI.R A CO., Aleuts. Aug Si 15 ly The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WALKER'S OALIFOUNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, yi nuodreds of Thou.and, .V J Boar testimony to their wonderful 7 ? * Curative l^ffocts. c.? j WHAT ARE THEY? |s5 &ll / X III # jfl TOBY ARE NOT A VIDE ^^ INFANCY DRINK,l^f Viulo of Poor Hum. waisle07, Proof Opirits. and ltofuso Liquors, uoc. onel, spiued, ami swuvt CiiuU to picas.) Vuo tuito, cu led "Tonics'* M Appttlwri." " Restorers," fc- .tli it ) 111 :t tippterontodrunk-.nnussniHl rum, butaroatruo Mt.dicine, m ><lo lioia t .o N itivo Root* an<l llxrlaot California, froo from allAlooholio Btimulanta. Tlu-ya 'i 0O11EATBLOOD PlTKlFIEUnnlX.IPHOIVIWO PRINCIPLE, a porfoct K?*.iuvati>r and Invlgorator ? ot Ihc Hfllvm, carrrinTodaJ pni'onous matter, mil restoring tho tloo 11.? a ) uldiy condition. No jierson can talio t.he?o Jlitti r.?, uccoiiimg to directions, mi l remain long unwell. % 1 Ot? will bo given for un incurable case, pn>\.limit tlio bones are not dcitrnial by mineral or oilier means, Ami Co vital organs v isti d lieroml tho pom of repair. For Iaflamm -tary and Chronio Ilhou-' matism, and Oout, Dyspopsln. cr Indigo ition. Bilious, Demittont. and Intermittent Fovers, J);s nsosof tlio lilood, l?ivor, Kidneys, and Bladder, theso Bittors hove been must s'lrrrsaitil. Such Diseases nro canned by Viti&tod Blood, ~.':aich is ir.rvriliy tiro lured by (lciuugcincut of tho, Digestive Organs. Tlisy 111 vigors to tbo stomsoh, and stimulato tho torpid liver and bowuis, which roaj.-r tiium of unequalled clttcary in cfoanalntr tho Moo I of nil impurities, and Imparting now life and vigor', p tho wholo cyst cm. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Ilcarlarht, | Tain in the Hhouldcrs, Coughs, Tightness of tiio Cheat, Dir/incs*. Sour Btomueh, Had Taste in the hleuth, III.lions Attacks, Tolnitation of the II. art. Copious Discharges of Urion, Tain in M10 riTrione of tho Kidneys, anil a hundred other painful symptoms winch sro tho offsprings of l>vspcpat?, are cured by theso Hitters. Cleanse ttia Vltlsted Blood whenever yon And 1 Its Immirttloa bursting through tho a'ain ia Tim-1 pies, Eruptions, or Bores: clransoit when it is] foul, and your feeling* will te'.l you when. Keep ] the blood puro and tbo health or tho system will 1 follow. f TIN, TATE, Snd other WOlUff, lurking In" the system of so many thousands, sro effectually ] flast rnvml ami rnmuwa.1 For full directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottle, printed in four languages? i English, Gorman, French, and Kpanlsh. J. WALK Kit, 32 A 34 Commerce Htroet, N. Y. | Proprietor. It. II. Me DON ALL A CO., IiniKKlats ?"d General Areata. Ban Francisco, California, and 31 and 31 Com-. me'ca htr-ut, N. Y. %,r WILD by ALL DBT7GOIBTS AND DEALKIUJ. > ? J py* For stle in f'.-?env|l|e hv M. A. HUNT Kit A. CO., HARRISON A MARSHALL. Ang .11 15 6rn NOTICE. Thk unbrrmonkd will be prepared with TWO Ni:iv ftllVS (GULLETTS & GUIS WOLD'S.) Customers esn hnve their choice, ltolh fed by Patent Feeder*, which, it ie said, by adding to tbc regularity of feeding, turns out moro Lint than when led by band. Unlea of 450 tt> 51)0 lbs. weight will be compressed into n spare of 5 feet long, 2 feet wide and 2 feet thick, which will be neatly covered with new Bagging and Iron Ties; fur wjiieh (Bagging mid Tics) we will charge Ons Dollar and Filly Cents ($1.50) per Bale. * u*foniera who deeirc to do no, itart their CoUw in our Warehouae, which will be under thn rare of our Watchman end in reach of ?ur Force l'uin|>, until ready to aell; at which time wo expert to rnako arrangements to rliip direct to mmo Factory North, or buy on the mo?t roanonaMe term*. ^tT~ Planter* will plea** glee'n* a trial, COTTON I'K'KKlt AT 1 20, LESTER A BROS. Aug 17 IS tf SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER. WOULD r??pecifu|ly inform the pthlio that lie ha* Krnioveil to a room near the MANSION IIOUSK, where he will l?e prepared to r?o>i*e eueinnriera a* hereto* fore, Ihunr a Froffhimial Barber, he hope*, hy attenlion to hueine***, tigather with politerieea to all, to mn|t a portion of pohlin |>atron*ire. in CUTTING, SHAVING AND shampooing. Sept 1 1? tf ~ UA77P.S08SB MADE AND REPAIRED, BY" JAMES M PRICE. Ole* htm a call at hla realdenee, near the OAItilaARO IOBOOL HOOsR Jane 21 t | '