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* ? ?? i ? J5y tbolake where dropped the willow, Ro#| rAdwIH, * "I *1' 1 T want* to bo an anirel. And jurip Jtid'diw.' An old oroir sat on m hickory limb, Nono knew bim but to- praise f ' % Let me kiss him for his mother, "... JTor he smells of Ssbweitier kt?t?u^^> The minstrel to the war has gone, With his banjo on ht/knee f ' i/~n# woke to hear thk shriek, There's a light in the winddw for tUDdi * A frog he would a woOiug go. His hair was Ouried 10 kill; no used to wear an old' grtay Coat, And the sword of Auufcer Hill. i . . ?_ .>. ; Oft in tfce stilly night, Make way for liberty 1 ha oried 1 1 won't go homo till morning. v With Poggy by my side. I am dying, Egypt, dying, Fusaniish, dbu't yon ory.Know how sublime a thing it is To brush away tha blue tail fly. The boy stood on the bUrntii^ debit, With bis baggago checked for I't&f i f One of the few immortal nattack, flis name was Pat MJlloy. Marj had a little lnuib, 4 Ho could a tale unfold ; no h?d no tooth to ?af k t6ee<dB,' \ T As his spectacles were gold. Lny on, lay on Maedufl*, Man wants but lit'.lb here below j MA Tm- to be <)neen of MAy, V Bo ktwtrie tpllbtc #>. 1 ' I Til 'llil'll iiiitjirig i laH rtiti : liumoranSi- . i A Shrewd Trick. Davy* tjrbckfe'W wcro chiefly made up from: incident** that occurred in his early life jm Dotetourt county. He was born* and reared inn German settjeemnt upon Purgatory creek, at the baso ot Purgatory mountains. Some of our elder readers may remember his famous anecdote abpfit Abram Fulwiler and ?etcr Snyder, winch being rather blasphemous, we shall not repeat. "YVp will, however, tell a good 4to? ry about the famous pair ^vlifelr has not yet 6eeu ihe light. tetcr had drank himself out ot mill, house and home?there were no homostcad laws In Virginia at .i ^ . / JiL ot-. mat, nine, xt was cu|iseqireuiiy often html for Snider to makfe "a raise " to got a arnik, and many, and ingenious were the expedients to which ho rosortod for tho purpose of filling the inner man with whisky. On One occasion he perpetrated the following ruse : On a hot day in August, Peter and his 44 drouthy crony," A brain. Puhvilor, were lying down in tiro shadoof a locust on the banks of Purgatory creek. Said Peter: 44 Abram, is you dry ?" 44 Yes, Peter, d?d dry." "Well, A brain, I'll get some whisky from Cartmill's grocery." Do d?1 }*ou will??where's j'oui* mono}'?"? 44 You let me alone?I'll manage dat." So he went off, got two bottles, and filled one of them with water. Then ho returned, found Abram waiting, and allowing the latter tho empty bottle, said he " knew how to fill it." lie put the bottle of water in one pocket, and' the empty one in the other. The twain then stni'tcd for the grocery. Arrived there, Peter placed the empty bottle on tho counter, where it was soon filled with the ardent, which the old toper 6towed ir one of his pockets and was retiring, when the store-keeper bawled out,; 44Stop there, Peter ;;pay me fbr your whisky." " Isn't iny credit good for a quart ?" indignantly replied tho latter. 44 Nu," answered the former ; " leave the money or the liquor." " Well," rejoined Peter, 44 take your d?d whisky "?and placing the bottle of water on the counter, he strut. ted out in a hurry, with the but* tlo of whisky in his pocket. Abont half an hour afterwards the store keeper smelt the bottle,1 found it filled with water, and rushed out niter Snyder ; but he fonnd him nnd Fulwiler both glo. riously drunk on tho banks ot Purgatory creek.?Norfolk, Journal. Jkkrold says that young boys who marry old maids, "gather in the spring of life the golden fruits of autumn." "There is one kind o1 ship I always steer clear of," 6aid an old lmchclor sea captain, " and that's courtship, 'cause on that ship there's always two mates and no captain." ? Why are country girls' cheeks like French calico? fjecnuse they are warranted to u'luli ami mtain their color. "Do .you call this n trunk growled a dejected porter. "It only needs a lightning rod to he mistaken for a boarding house." A ciiap who was told by a clergyman "to remember Lot's wife," lephcd, "that he had trouble enough with his own, without remembering other men's wives." Why are young ladies kissing each other like Christianity 9 Because they do as they would bavc others do unto them. . _ An eminent painter was once asked what he mixed his paints |n 01 cier ;? produce so extra' jPrmy brains, sir,was his antler. * ' . /T*" if y Luj'j?u""ji^apL-. Salt?Its' Krrwrr on tb* Btoori: r ikpwl^lp pcian And surgeon, raw a batcher jtilling a pig. fie observed tfiat be stirred the blood of the anltnal, arid added a .fifimnilr of dotrimon Halt to it while stirring, which immediately made it crips sod, and on stirring being discontinued the 'blood remained . fluid. The change'of the color'df tie blood aw&konod his curiosity. TVe batcher conld gire no explanation of the phenomenon except tlfat it ; kept it from jellying aria spoiling. jl/t. di evens seiaca a vessel, cm tight more blood, and made several ex-, periments by putting salt In ft, and' found that, the blackeat blood was , instantly changed, to a bright vermilion by salt/* " Oh,w said be, here ie-a feci wbidr may lead to [k practical r,ulp,".. .. , i. lie had observed in all cases of yellow fever tn the army, that the 'blood drawn, was very bleak and .fluid, and oh adding salt it became vermilion and retAitfe<F its fresh iiess; whereas putridity of the ! .blood, is one of the characteristics of the yellow fever. He there fore abandoned the usual mode r?f treating itt and ?*vo his patients a mixture oi various siut, and in vjfcrj short) titod>l^Juced the mortality of fever in the- West Indies from one in five Wrouo in. ?'v- 11 Jflf ill ? 1 * ;.IMii'lMMr sa The smaller size of woman's brains raapr bo made tip 'fbb the greater activity of nervous fibre, and by Hts proportional size to the body bping equal relatively to that of heads for the same reason Cbaf tljoy liavestndwgdf rofbs?HfaVtMt Nature has fitted thepi todostronj gfcr work. * Wt| obhofdlrfg the London lancet? when we pass to the domestic and social relations of I WAinnrv to. ? ?.?a -A ..viuuiij ?v sim ciuvi iumti Hiiri ui her irottiNV lb her fwisrtnCTh and affections, which are ttfep instinctive, and to the powerful influence which these exert on her, ibid through her on her husband and her children, no physiologist can donbt, Vre think, that there 'Is*a' correspondent relntioirlxflween the delicacy of the organization and character of tho physical structure of woman ahd that of her niuat duties in hffe. If," -Continues tile writer, women nro to marry and bo given In marriage, we fear tlint those duties of life must fonir nu juouperuuiu uusiacio to tneir becoming broad winners and brain-workert hi the snfhb''dtlhllti tliat ihca are: and w}4ffc fityre, .we ecfnccfvo thai ft would De a very grievous tiling for our ftffil-* dren and ourselves if it wcro otherwise. . ,, , ,rv A itkoion of salt ten utiles souare, where it covers th) ground liice grave), has been found ih New Mexico. t \ t V TnK only industrious " loafers " are tho bakers. , . A Boston lady uses three hundred hair pins in dressing.. t _ . General and Stats Items. Geo erst Robert Anderson, of Port Sutn-* ter notoriety, if deed. . m' [' # Tns Kcowee*C?iiler report* th? Meoth of Cant "Jons MaXwkll, if? th'a iotb yAr of . i " v. 1 V . / < 'i'r 11 hla age. He Had been a member ol three constitutional eon rent ion*., enlfed for vort on* purpose* in the State, dufrlng tbeu Ust forty year.; ' It <0 hoped a time f? at band when erary Woman wilt be trained to iodm employment la cafe aha ddei not insxrj^ or u left a Widow) With bcrttlf and (bully to wc iVoa S'uwioii'i Hume. ? / ti *1 ij > . "nil ? ' ?UA;? During too viait of ty xauriiAn tMrin fpoqtfLong Branch, to Tom'* Branch, It A# Sr|rf?mb?r 8lh, tit* rllla^o bridga"^*^^ and 100 perron# were precipitated tWtfly morton, P- t#r llo whmd, Mary R Jo#df* Mart hi, ft Trw H.M'nbd' riyfet '.dlftr persona *cr4 drbWnrt, Attorncj General dh?mt>?t)*!n to a letter to V. IL DMnjcjf, HoMHtor of llie Sixth Ci'rfnit, give* opinion aa to Ilia pay of Juror* and witnesiea in tli* Trial Juat^e'a Court. H* *?j? Uia), l|i* CoOMy Com^idwoner* ar? not fW'ufj Jf ftf juror# In Hd* Oburl, fa* <Ut Mfafr |fe[i{ ll'imoJI to pay whneaae* ifi tUil ?eurt a??V tity-fire oaafa per day. . fAi)*)* MWttml atl?ndaivao, bm\*m ?KHH|f Mff toMhi# the bAt atittiorttjr Id and will goycrn the County Commissioner^ [Ora?g*bmrt Jhm* Tux DmXa or Tqcth.?Tb# lint* je*r? of Man laiAi toik* ^ra*iaioa* V/lIn last. II# that Hc*?r Mil*V* can n?0?r be ?M. *et'A conaider that yoWtb h rff no' WtfUMlira, and that inri?atar* an, w*an tW enchantment* of fancy Aall <?u( aadl phaat<>*>* of <lrltyW? dance ncf mora ahont %*, WW atittl la A no mora comfort* hut tlio a*{Mm of triato, |^d il^ ouiani 6f doing good. ^<?t ua therefore, ?topr wfeHe to #top i* In oar mpwer : lag ma lir* aa moo who are a?4M4MC*? i&*4 W. and to whom it wiii ba th* moot d#agd: a I ofjU' flilk to quint (hair past yaora hy AWaar^iCMeha re ! in (tail of Ibalr tnrntur s,??.fc.dB^E5II oelj bvjke nelnful niaUdle* dio^Bwy.^cA. j j<f v5i til^" f"?i?l >' ^arli, oft Tmrfif, rem^arfi lit dirVfed bit dIm eeotjqpfc Mcb "?<W eap*rel* The fun? there and in >tte forte ere manned by lailuri from Cherbourg en J T?ulan. The National ft iter <W v? Damped on tbn ttteete.-*. tin forte are garrtaeeed by ?b* He lionet en# KobltoOMtW, brtin ath under atrlagent 4ftK Ury djaclytlne. ? A llpe of tru?pa ie ^fctieeed batpMM ibnneteeUe (MU MM! (be rnftbarte. supported byrelunteen MM ProrlAeM r bilee. 'IWf le b^t little eenfldenee' among the oMeere thai tho elty tea realit. The aorernment le deify more annlens for peaee - ^ AOiici'iitoul wlmbfli i Jobmal In speaking or the oooond annttal A^r of tho Capo Fear Agricultural Association, I this alludes to the general good to bo 4orlnT ed by holding fa Ira throughout) tho eountryrP f Wo aro aatiiflod that thoao abuttal gatheratt&fWBSfcssB&t prise. Thoao moot lags of tho bono and sinew of the land?tho producers of wealth?will ' glte an IntetffcettTaottVltJ to fafmlhg' e^oW prosperous. " There la no better way to introduoo lot* pibrod and labor-taring machines, and mflfcw udlreraal the use of natural and maoufaotu* ^ od fertilisers, than by gaining at thoao falra ibe experience of those who bare made ur%ctttal and tuccaJJUw,."JL Ttttt aeorgMtriffiiNw aaya tm^a woman gore birth to a baby on tho side walk? la' that town, near the Court Houae, 10th nit. tea aro rerialng their Prayer Book. At the late Jewish Svnod. held T-Uv-i- <a. pOeed ; tbe mdImU shall mbrtw all baman brings of tba universe, sad nothing aball bo the provident la I guidenoe in it* progressive development, a future universal knowledge of tie g^fcb'^IH^mfUaaloT^^oce ax* fM*WTlcctl?fl i beS^lookeJ upon iMt sort of political barometer. Occurring early 'a tbe fall, its result baa generally Indicated tba extent ol the vuarges in public MntiaenU Wbicb bare been going on daring tbe ptevl^ oaa eight months of the year. The sudden ^Oen good for from 20,000 to 25,000 radical! f ^ajorlty. ftranl bed 28.000. The reduction I of the majority no# to Waa than 5,000 ihou I tiat the party of fanatlolam and Int luajijl U on It* laat log*. It foreabadowe tba conqtieat of tbe whole country by the Democracy Equality Life Insurance Company of Virginia. . OIv HH j t , yVi'wf i*pi< Other, A'o. 1015, JiuiH Street, Hick MSB! tome Purely ^InlmiU mwI baksn?4q*tiwdoaarcra. 2d. It ll??l>gM if* pat. run>, wAm ? t famines rem. ^WP>J|W|| are colAfciuMljrjfcltftg the l>tfefif offtbfl'a JB kecumuYatlon ofth^Coinpatfy, the motley being invested by the Beard of lHieetors amongst ^Sd^Tue U^ani of*ih d *Cni nany>are a/flb^S (1 aa other companies who declare dividends at Iki awd of Ibt'lila?il,lLkd??a< --ftjwHfa | years, bat this Company at the cad of the firrt "JiyiW&Aut. r'MJsr v'* T1I03. 1|, WYNNK, Vtco-Pfesident, i JO LIN Q. WINN, Secretary,, # ... ^"lasfffss J Vr.C.UihibAilk.ilWWt**"" , JudgpjIfiJlN Cvsnacttur. * T, Ui* ! ' eae ; ? 1 J. D. Winston. Trynuirar and Secretary Jl. *> A.ZrfiAi.Wm-JkJphao''a.j>/ J?bVM* A Hunt, yholeaalo Srprers ; rHfn^ II. J'ujaere, of Wlaaton A. Xoews, ^Wholesale Uroorrs ; .AIh. %Crt Ordway, Treasurer Duckingham State i- *>. jSwirinUndent AilMM^Kftrfja qoatfMMiy i Charles, Y.-XL.r ? rhi, Morris A Co^g #MV Jtefiues.r ; tf ?A. J'edin, Cash ieriM an ^.1^. "doweH, Saperinteudent Wrtleri Vm?W Telegraph - LCom|af f'i At*. O. Maihwrtadb, CatOr wditi t <ieor)fi I. Marring, Wholesale UtuaH E. Is. A llrown, of Bro^a. Jones A Cor Wholesale I (Iroeeri : A fcodek?t? Treoi?J??? ? As' ? I iSS&iwsggrasf" . p?~ Examitt* ore vom inererj/ickirt. . , , _ BENI. 'O. HEItlOT, (Icq, Travelling AgMl, Cborlonioo, L (L . a Hept 22 IS (r ; I CliM i Co 1 am bft jiItil *kiSpte?W,J, lkrt.; F QN and, after f?J? "AY, (be fa.#***** trarnk orsr rtihi Rood *111 rub ak (pU, low#: '* -<T 4 r. * Tr -? iot?? Mfn. natal f. Uim Cbarlhfte, N. C.t a.*m. * Colombia. B. C., .1.4* a. a?. AriW* Aupatk, pi ?*.* ooiao iorti. - - . *< U?f? M. k t C?l?n?Ut 8.GHilk..H...u.U.|l&a a. Arhro Charlotte, K. Cat........,?..fMO p. ?. Ap<^M?pi>AT?oa TSAiaa, ?;??*? e.yrarT*n. Colombia-.. ] 0.10 p. , yifVjl1 W J??Sb?K^KLr^ra. 13:. s CT6M><Mrrte?Ji?nc hi add afh nreen?Kora aSd jBklllitirt A6<fola CrMr, #nM eftt IMIetfch, vfaOon ami Day Lir,?. Ttmnjttr Ttelata a dd a## bapfaaa fbaefced ta all potato JVart%,' Bp*lhsTSm<wjft. .him* aa at * JMh-lw Aokat tof-aartl? apply ah IfcU dbrfl C. JBOMItM loalfe Mib'L Hapt. 7 * >" l i 4?i n ft ri** 5P. MARKWALTEB'S r!7*7 nTlTl I'VIU i tlilKSbl WOT.KO, 1 "-'r i M HIlT i - ? V,. Vf BroMl^l., Aa|mi?( Mi' ' MARHLK MO A UMKNTS, MARBLB MANTLLS, AND FURNI,'f URE, MARBIJ OF JILL KINDS OK HAND, O TURNIMifiD TO ORDER. OF AN Mr the Oofcfrtr* UAfally boicN f?r (KIpmrnL ' 1 * Oct ft *o ]j PAPER Ml US. " lvijo. ajigj&je.i J. Bannister & Son, : y< TTIOHKST CA8H PRICK PAID FOR * Jl _ Clean Cotton or Linen RAQ8. t*?rfs 1 ly pORE^JFMRr ' m frarfciTi. 1 11 vheRAJ IMJ,KMIU*S OFFER* June 29 6 3m kfhttilmd on application. June 29 6-ly ' now open for the accommodation of guests. The table will always bo supplied with every delicacy of the season?both from the New ^ferk ajVd Charleston markets, and no efforts will txnpared to give perfect satisfaction, in every respect, to our patrons. FRE? LUNCH in the refectory every day ftom 11 until 121. jmt j tw .il N ickerson HouseHo tel, I .COLUMBIA, S-C. T11K undersigned baring RKXLWED his lease npon ufftrt'ngn^ibl^^Totcl^nr (be Soaih. A call la solicited. ^ ^0 ^PM^^Kjpioind from tbo Hotel. MTM. A. WRIGHT, j*. mntsn NATIONAL A?llp P. <9a PROPRIETOR. HAMILTON JOYKKR. CLERK. ? * l?:t Of B<>?r-1 per T)jy. Alt 00 ^tipper, Brta&faH ?n4 Lodging^,.... 2 00 *AWrQMimM mMLW#* , * ? ti?? * JBQA8m> m Stir .amujw?..'.,..A*.? . . VnTt/A VA* >VJ^.Ua4-l**aX"> AW MU|>V||UIVMUVH>* ^ Art. If. t^DTTWirirL*, a nVT.;T ?ii Prb?r44!tr?M fitjAW "* ' Y? " - tf ' . ? f .r wt .- m ? ;i<? i'.' t-i v ?i mKi4i?|wiiiEi ened; bt tf eWnfldMe * vlfflB/ **gWh* 1 vlDflv '* U i?tf ,bin. 2>i? ir?i . ?>?, ,t??..<^,. ...., .,?jr.. ]-*iHttWef Yard, LAURENS- b. H., 8. CrM4m7if3>rif***!toAi* m 1 "A Ili*injifi, done in ilm nctlHt of A) If, ?nd if ti>t bf*t hnlikn and Aiueii* * "A,lDLE ?VW. , * rr.p, *, ? UJ|Urtll?k f o < I [ Ty. ^U?*.? 6C%^w4mS^ll lill tVALKZR, XVA1V8 A COfcttfrfcLt, X). WYATT AUBXH?- , ) JJy 3? ^M^massao * MAt)K AND REPAIRED, BY JAMES M. PRICE. Oirk Mm k mO M kb t?A?ne?, ^aor th? dAltLARD SCHOOL IHOOSB. i ! ? tt - ;. I tltH ''? A ? ' 0 For Sale or Lomo. 'pill ?WHi? win ffkll or Um FARM, til (ill 1ST MU.T. awd TAN TAll I>, altuotod Tt mil** bol?? <ftre?r*lile Coon Ilnuae, r tbo hrk ?fa*t lb>ad. . Yfct Form to *malt, but the Mill end Ton Yard or* both in {nod i?fag aondltV'O. fMMi wikhing to either Wwy or loaao, will nddroea or eall on me, at Oak town, Oroenrlll* 0?f nfcr. H. 0. ' ? J. L. WOODRIDE, M. I>. July 13 I toow S^WUL?HI|t mi n nm vimi BLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, 8 ft 22 Carat 8*lt? HapUal lings, iTcircn a. oit Trrnm fcTfn , uii t c<n ac oili t civi uaj 0f WORK of all discretion, in hh ins done promptly.JU , O* 81 . ? 38 . Ij XT fm a co.,: or ' r*7JK3IM- iMTAnLKt ? DEALERS IN ? JAPAENKD AND PRESSED WARE, ' 1MB \ COOKING AND 1IKATINU 8T0VBS. All ktndt of Tin and Sheet Iron Work Bone On tha most t REASONABLE TERMS, And' with promptncs. Store Nearly Opposite the * * Onsf Offi r> n 1 * V?w V4JUVWI j | FaHA,--, ?* " ir. H. CAMMEK, ; PRACTICAL 6UNSMITH AND MACHINIST ?* . ; <^TO?'V 1 w y^lOHN. SHKLLKR8, Cotton Qinc, Uki, Sowiag Mnohinea, Umbrella* and Para. ( pal* HKVA1UKI) with promptness. Charge* reasonable. Com Shcllcr*, for aalo from $10 to $I2? . I aw prepared to furoUU Stencil Plate*, fyf marking clothing, nl Allicik?itiithfiiir* T HAY fc in addition to my usual business, | X *P?PC?1 a ULACKSMITJI S^OP. having \ n competent workman hired, Larkin West field. Work in'lliia line will be done satisfactorily. Ready mad* PLOUGHS alwuvi on band for ifaTb. fttanfl1?fn tear of Old Court Houre, at the Kandrdph place, having removed from my rtand-bn Main Street. IS-tf TOWJHES & EAST, " idhrsaaiase AB * ,asd .j .SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. PMAOTtCK IN GREENVILLE AND I'll ROUNDING COUNTIES. Office Owei4 Julias C. Smith's. a, r.'rowNKS. olia ?. *Arr. .Ap l!3355buSa4^a. 3C WWM. P^PRICJC, ATTC?NEY AT tAW JSbWQAf 8A^ *> ILLw(i M&e in the Ovtaliei ?f Lumpki Ad'AWAotj, Uilnier, V'tunin, Union, .Town*. Wfllc Ud If all. ' Jan 1? HMj ^ 3* 11 4?ivwANES, Aww^akYa'sr AW ndTOar, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. * *" #Ilt PBACtlCK IS AIL COURTS OF TH18 STAT K | > A LAM, I If THE UI*!TEI> STATES COURTS. Ofcce Greeavillo C. H., 8. C.J Jnly 7 ly* W. K. K.ASLKY. , O. G. WELL! - - . EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, OEKKNVILI.E, S. C., PRACTICE in the Court* nf tho State an?l of the United Stntea, md give especial attention to Baufcrsptcy. ? Juno IS ' X WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Periseopie Spectacle*,ftc WILL order nn tilrt article jyfor any periion. Ppecial attonJt , JK Don will !> ((ivcn to REPAIIlXbai3pV''I^(' ti >o Watcher of every dc? criptiun/ Best reference* jivco. ' u ,u #***8 G. BLACK. ? June 3# , .? tf 1% . SY ' ' ' Spring Millinery.3S5VG. 33MaaS3S33 |W|_ WOULB IWFORM THE | Ladle* of AivciittHe an>l ?l?ln. MM^k ly, ftwU aba b*i opened her i, j^KMPfiPRINO MILLINERY, D/R T-> which she call* tbo nttrn* fir ti?n of thoa* making purchare* W'lwl in tbi* line, llcr price* are, R K A H O N A HLE, And (lie will take pU-acujre iu o*biblng ber ! fiOOD?. A *all i* derirrd l^fore buying, at the feel* confident of pimring, a,,? Fever and Ague ANT fDOTH Alvayi atop* ttio riittta. Thia Metlicino HllVifi i n tho Fubfiftoon yonr?, au>l 1* rtill nltoud of all, ihir k?MWi PBWtdii. It doc* uot purge/ drm not ?Nt*n f utomwih, to perfectly *4fo in dhy dofe and tinder all chvumI < at^ppes, mi 1 i i tao oi?V\r Me.Ii'lHo tliat will CURE IMMEDIATELY 1 land permanently cvuru^f<>r:n of J'trer and A VduA/Kltti iMi Validate. to M aliartoa. ? Bold by all Xfeufgieta. i ?? i' lyriu mmc-ojiw <snu n~* mi 1 * Farming *( ?rt. JCn library 1 krtibont it, ftonnd in dot|i. extra. #4 I'hhwP, ft AO; flalf Morocco, |A. Or. dera rmivrd at tlifa office. Onod eanvai* it?c aronta wanted, hit \arme, apply at til if office. FOR SALE Oft TO RENT? 1^-v. A OonfomliU DWRM.INH A^SkrVi omUialtf Mf?* Rum*, and all nee##aa?y Out Building*, VBHHk wWiio a few ?I**M Walk of ftrgu Ualeorelty. For particulars apply to T. ?J. HONALDHON I Norrmbtr 34 37 I f ?' "'ft ** < Charleston ( Advertisements. T ??f y " ' "Tt = Old Carolina Bitters. * & nDiaimcsjia'fi'ir^sk IWWSIHCB i 8 We tiika pleasure in offtring the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS ( rOTHE public. They ere compound ed wilh greet oare, end contein km? if the beet Tonics in the Pharmecopie. it ividenee of the superiority of our BHt*rs irer ell o'berr, we here cerllBcalea from neny of the leading physicians in our8tMs( who here prescribed I hem In their practice,' 1 BE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS . r AMU be found inrnlueble for Want of Appetite, Geneinl Dei llity. Chills end Fewer end Dyspepsle. A'o do not offer our Bitters es e sure for all liseaee^ but as en Aromatic Tonic, they Nave no equal. For sole by all Druggists end Grocers ?Very where. IVlncipat Depot, GOODRICH. WINEMAN A CO, Importers of Choice Drugs sad Chemicals, Charleston, 8. C. 1 Mb 9 48 ly GEO. We CARPENTER'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF SAR | SAFARI LLA. GEO. W. CAEPEHTER 8 COVroONI) FLUID EXTRACT OF RU CIIU. TIIF^E CELEBRATED FREPARA TlONS, orlgimllv Introduced by Geo. \V. Carpenter. under tfia patronage of the medical fecntty, have been eo long eaten sNely naod bv phyaiciana and others, that tliey ?re generally known for their inliinetc value, and ean be relied on aa bethg moat valuable remedies in all casta where Earsnpnrtlln or liuchu are applicant*, and cannot be tou highly recommended. They | are prepared in a highly concentrnied form, ao aa to render the doge srnaN and conrenl ent, Orders by mail or otherwise will receive prompt attention. GEO. w. CARPENTER, HEN3ZEY A CO., Wholesale Chemical Ware house. No. 787 Mai ket street, Philadelphia. DOWJK ?St RiOISE, Wholesale Agents, Charleston, S. C Nov >7 2f ly P7 P. TO ALE, t'BARtmot. s.r. Af^n, f Lnrjr>l nnd mont complete") p*r\ M nnufnetory of I)?or? Sasho*. > "Kft^ ( Blind*, Moulding*, Ac., in the J Southern Sinter. ^fSST"Printed price lint di-flen competition. jr-if Send for ono.-tS-^ Sent free on application.-^^ April 27 4'J ly A: R CIIEYREUX, ARCHITECT, KTAmmiE mmm Corner Kceting-St and Horlbeck's Alley, OSS^^5?SS^a3, s, I'Litjr,S HADE TO ORDER, AKl) PflKR OF rff Atlf:!.' WHEN WORK DONE BY ME. Dec 8 T9 1 y TUTT'S VEGETABLE itTvio m,3. Corel diaeeaer of the Liver and Stomach. TU IT'S KXPKOTOKAKT A plcaannt cw* f?r Conglir, CoM?, A?. TUTT'B 8AIIS APA Kl LI.A AND QUKK2C8 DVLU<IIT ihe L?r?*at Alterative end Blood Purifier. TUTT'S IMPROVED 11 A I K DYK, Wnrranted tl?? heM dye in nae. These rlnndnrd p'opnrntioiia arc for rale hy Drug gi*ta everywhere. (Art 6-1 y. JOHNSTON, CREWS A CO. . Importers and Wholesale Dealer, la e*A?i.S AND FAIT 3? DRY GOODS, HOTIOHS AND SHALL WABES, Oil RlATHWEg C^ABLESTON, S. C. Mifr .16 * '' ,V 45 fim EDWARDPEKKV, PRINTER, STATIONER. A*t> DIALKIt I* LAW, SCHOOL AND BLANK ]BB^ ? BI.ANK BOOKS All hanj and tnaile to order o( any pattern at abort notice. Binding and llulire executed in fine style. Wade A Co. Printing Ink. for sale at the mattafacluAra pri?Se.' .iVo. 130 tm-mmy-m., n/tpiMHe f:hnrh *tr,H f/otel, OHAIU.R8TON,8. O. Mb 88 41 0u.? NEW STORE. JOHN 21. OSOCLBTT RKAl'KCTFI'U.Y informs the 1'nblie d>at lie hen nounncDced Bu*lut?t tgilg at (be Old I.ONU Si GOOIM/ETT, Whrire 'Be lia* Ju?t opew-d a portion of hi* Block, consisting of Groceries, Crockery, Bgots, Shoes, Hardware, Ac., All of which wore bought at low figure*, and will he told for c a v fi on nAnten At a alight advance on Coat. Jfe rolicKa a aliare of tba public patronage. Ap 8 48 ?f " }hdrlcgton Advertisements. nobicais house, ??Ama?ae&?a3. s. ?. fAKXXK *CO. Proprl*t*r>. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. OAKf>. PER DAY ft OO. Dee 8 If if IHABXJBTOK HOTEL CHARLEZT&N, S. C. & BL JACKSON Proprietor. A 38I8TANTS, A. BtTTERFlELD, (forlM mer Ij a? it)* PetHion Uot?l,)*od W. . MILLER. CHAS. KERRISON, LATE till Hit SH 252 Kin; Street, OHARLB8TOH, 8. Q. Mar 30 45 6m DANIEL H. SILCOX'S FURNITURE WAREROOMS, 175,177 & 179, King Street CHARLESTON, 9. C. Established in &P* | Keeps constantly on hind pt f I ? well selected Stock of Bffrrl rUKITITUnB, Which he offers at REASONABLE L X PRICES. N. B.?GOODS CAREFULLY TACKED FOR SHIPPING. Nov 14 ST ly* Fe VOM SANTENT tMPORVBtl of* PARIS FANCY GOODS, Toys, Dolls, Games, Children's Carriages, French Ct>afoeto??ry, Fire Wevksy INDIA RUBBER GOODS, Such as Clothing. NarBcry Sheeting, Ac., 228 King-St. 2 doors above Market, CHARLESTON, S. 0. Mar 30 4? ly? H-OSADALIS0 ?<rpi!K OREAT AMERICAN ) JL HEALTH RESTORER, purine# Sibe blood and cures Scrofula, 8} philis, ;Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, kircxiei WWoitn, and all Cbronie Affeetloaa )of tbe Blood, Liver aad Kidney*. S /Recommended by the Medical FaeuU )ty and many thousand* of oar beat /citizens. ( Head tbe testimony Of Physician* (and patient* who hare used Rosadalis ; ( end for oar Rosadalis Quide to Ilcaltb vCook, or Almanac foi this rear, which fIB <we publish for gratuitous distribution /MB \it will give yoa much valuable mfow? I .nation. Dr. R. \F. Carr, of Baltimore, ssyi t ) I tako pleasure in recommending 0Wonr Rosadalis as a very powerful ^alterative. I have seen it used in two /eases with happy results?one in a )ea?e of aeeondary syphilis, ill WbUtl )tbe patient prononnced himself cured /after bavins taken five bottles of your /medicine. The other is a case of serofjA (nla of long standing, wbitb is vapidly MB (improving under its use, and the rA~ /W\B(dication* am that tha patient irtt! (^^^Pyoon recover. I have carefully ek LI Vnmlned the formula by which your \Roaadalis is made, and fiud it nn otWltent compound of alterative ingreutient*. S Dr. Sparks, of Nk-hoiasvlile, Ky., jsays he has used Roeadalis in cases of Wrofola and Secondary Syphilis with Wt is factory results-as a cleaner of the /Blood I know no better remedy. ) Benjamin Becbtol, of Lima, Obio, /writes: I bare suffered for twenty yyears with an inveterate eraptioo ova* .my wholo body ; a short time tinea 1 (purchased a bottle ot Rosadalis and it (effected b perfect euro. Rosadalir is sold by all dragglsta. ( Laboratory, 01 Exchange Plata, \ u a 1 u tu ort. $ Drl. Clexeats 4 Co. Jtopri'dvrr. M?jr IS fa if PLAHTAT10H BITTERS This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial tor the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As .a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tronical. tern perate or frigid, it act* as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is introduced it becomes a standard article?a medicinal staple. It Is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular ftiedicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. J tm? TJ, tn/ft. 5 >7 Whrw Admit and Eve nnrtook of tlio tree of knowledge, did tlioy btudv flic higher branches?