University of South Carolina Libraries
r mmmmBSB-mBB-mBBsem --- v, w W . ,7 d W DO TU7 C "T^VRB88BD Flooring, Coiling, Weather Bo I J Over a hundred different Patterns of for sale at Now York prices. Maniel-Pleoes short notice. Stair Rail, Newels and Ballusb to order. * flood and Substantial Work made as obe? United 8tates. We hare on band the larges Baltimore, all of which we guarantee will gi' Substantial Work. The subscribers ean refer Carolina and Florida, as to the character of t Opposite Wande Fertiliser Works, and Pavilion Hotels. 8ept 2 Geo. W. Williams & Co, CHARLESTON, S. O., PROPRIETORS CAROLINA FERTILIZER Williams, Birnie & Co COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N. Y. DAVID & STRADLEY WILL b?1i? Liberal Advance* on Cottoi and Produce thippod to us in Cbarlea ton or New York. AO E NTS FOR EUREKA RULF-KASTKN'INO, BUCKL1 LOCK, BUTLER A SWETT8 TIES. * Sept 2d 19 Sin Ik 9. VTJBMf NG Jfc. AH ^ ww mam WJCHJIAilUr Ut \9\J WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOM SHOES TRUNK! No. 2 Hay no St-, cor. Church; OMARILESVOM, S. O. < D. F. Fleming. Bam'l A. Nelson James M. Wilson. S?*pt 28 19 8m* HENRY BISCHOFF & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DKALKB8 IN Wines, Liquors, SUGARS, TOBACCO, AC, NO. 19T EAST BAY, CHAlSiBS'ffOSr, <c. H. BIKUOIT. C WVUUN 4. H. ritru. ' a?pt 28 1, 6m rmil l ill m mm nir tlWL.mi UMVIM1. 4 WRfcCT IMPORTER OF Hardware, Cutlery. * Guns, & AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Has received a full etock for tin krholeaald trade. Ho. 68 East Bay, (Sou Ik of the Old rott Office.) Charleston, H. . Sept 28 19 . 8m PELZER, RO DGKRT fcl'O COTTOW pirrnoo _ m* jit m. \/a%0 and general COMMISSION MERCHANTS BROWN A CO'8 WHARF, G3aL4Ua?,JSS7P(iS>OTB s, o. Liberal advances made on con SIGNMENTS. Wl ARK AL'O A8ENTS FOR THE SALE OF Till Atlantic Phosphates, op ?5H)AIRL!E?YO!Nlf S. O. 8<*pt 28 18 8m* The State of South Carolina ORBKNVILLK COUNTY. BY 8. J. DOVTUIT, Eeqnire, Judge o, Probate of raid County. WIIKKRAS, Benjamin P. Holland ha filed a Petition in mr ORm w * ?" "/ ,MI dial Utterl of AdminUtrmUra on all and sin /gular the good* and chattier, right* and ered He of BKNJAMIN HOLLAND, lata of th County aforoaaid, declared, ibould U grante< to him. Tbete are, therefor*, to otto and admonUI 11 and lingular tbo kindred and creditor* o the laid deeeaied, to be and appear in th Court of Probata for laid County, to bo boldet t Greenville Conrt llouae, on it* 8it day a Oeh>b*r nest to ahow came, it any, why th catd Adaainietration ahonld be granted. 8 J. POUTHIT, J. P. 0- C. OB** of Judge of Probate, Sept. 24tb, 1870 Bept 28 ~ 1? F 2 ?' AU ? PARTIR8 deairnna of inveatlag in a ne apeetae ?f COTTON, Ma avail then aelvea of the opportunity by celling al m realdeaoe, near tbo Greenville and Columbl Railroad Depot, where the flood ean bo eel eel ed from the ate Ik. Prieoo moderate, as tar ma made oaay. The Cotton la about tw weak I earlier than com in on rariotlea \ 10 to 6 par eont. finer lint, and very prolific. Whll the other varletiaa aheda a rod bloom, thl abed, white. U. F. WATKKfl. Bept SI 18 8 9 I -"Be-ggggHay 2) ?S>5>3\ . 4i? sL&ttttra ?sfsrsasp, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept 28 19 1j ' EDWIN BATES & CO. ' WHOLESALE DEALERS > if DKY GOODS AND I 122 & 124. HfflAfinir flf w i v# OJtoRLESTOM, S. O. Edwin Ratm. Geo. C. Selnah Thos R. McGaiiaN. Cha?. K. Bate*. S?*pt 28 10 ?>n A B MULLIGAN, CHARLESTON. S- C. MESSRS. SULLIVAN & SON, ARB MY A. G EJ N T B j' , QUEEN VILLE\ S. C.% And will make liberal cash advance* on all COTTON Shipped to me through them. A. I). MULLIGAN. Sept 28 10 1/ ZOGBAUM YOUNG & CO., , IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN 3Mu5itnl Instruments, SIMM, &C. AOKNT8 of STKINWaY A SON'S and j. b. DUNHAM'S PIANOS; oarHART Jk NKKDH A M'8 MRLODEON8; ? TlETON'S PATENT GUITAR. TUNING and REPAIRING promptly at tended in. 191 KING ST., CHARLESTON, S. C. , PaaoiHAHD Zoc.baum, Hkmbt, New York. C. L. McClbhabak, Charleaton, S. C. Sept 28 19 8 m Furniture! Furniture! vt 8k i irrma n. w nil 11'? Furniture and Upholstery WAKEKOOMS, 2.1ft KINO STRKfcT, 8ION 'OF,THE GOLDEN ROCKER, I CHARLESTON, S. C., PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS, SOfat, Tables, Bedsteads, Chair., Glasses, f Mattresses; also, Children's Cariiages, Ae., Ae., at bis usual Low Prices Krerjlkiag ? warranted as represented. , Ills is no new eoneern, being 21 years established . Try him. Sept 38 It 8m e I isrABf.ira.n 1811. ? CUSHINGS & r BAILET, 8 BOOKSELLERS AND 8TATIONBR8, } 3?3 BALTIMORB ST., BALTIMORE, e Hare the Largest and Best Assorted Stoek In the eiiy of 8CIIOOL, MEDICAL I. and LAW, and DENTAL, CLASSICAL and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. An immense snpply of GENERAL BANK AND COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERY. " Blank Books made to order in any style of y Binding and Ruling. * The same careful Attention giro to ORDERS j as to Personal Pnrebases. Inside Figaros always. Bead foe Catalogaes, Ae. I Sept 38 19 4m le " Advertise in the Enterprise: Circnlation superior ? terms low. ?rd?, Bbslring, Box Board*, Ac., Ao. Mouldings, making orsr 100,000 feet on hand, , Door and Window Frames mads to ordsr at era of Walnut and Mahogany, on hand and mads tp at this sstablishmsnt as eaa bs mads in ths t stock of ths abors Qoods south of ths City of rs sntirs satisfaction to all who want Good and to gsntlemsn all orsr this Stats, Georgia, North heir work for ths past twenty years. IV. P. RUSSELL A CO., KA8T END HA8BL 8THKKT. in ths immediate rioinity of Charleston and 8 1* ly ' WN' MLOCLAMATIOV 9 kJELm 9kr ilHRiWJfli By Hit Ezclltney ROBERT JT. BGOTT% Otttrutr of South tmrmlimm. INFORMATION hating been received at thi? DrptrtatDt, of tk? illegal ataeiablage, li t or loot point* la tha Conntlee of Ntwbtrry and Laurent, of lory* bod it* of armed men, whom oonduot and prooecdioga bate beta eharaeteriied by lawleieaeae and II?AUS? A..I? * J -? ? , ? ? (< "J 'J weapons, Inflicted upon peaceful and unoffending elliicM; that highway* aad rati* road* hare been plaeed under guard, and Inlet and re* pee table resident* warned to eeett their homee under threats of rio- k lenee, thua exciting their appreheneions and ( dirturbing the publie peaee ; And whereas, ft i* apparent that large number of three pereoaa are regularly armed, equipoed and organised, moving under t the eommand of military leader*, contrary 1 to the law* of thia State, whloh expressly prohibit, under penalty of Imprisonment in the penitentiary, all aueh illegal military amemblagee, Now. therefore. I. ROBERT K. SCOTT, I Governor of the State a foresaid, do hereby I teeue this, my p roe lama ti on, commanding I and enjoining upoo the citiuena of thia aom I naon wealth a strict obaerranee of the pub- I lie peace, the supremacy ef the law and the u.alntainaoee of individual right*, dim countenancing and denouncing all violence and outrages, and assisting magistrates and | peace officers in arresting the perpetrators g thereof; and all perrons who hare banded together in illegal assemblage# la the Cone- ^ ties of Newberry and Laurens, aforesaid, are commanded peaceably to diaperee aad retire to their reepeettve homee. The atteatlon of all persons associated in tha military organisations, or eoalempla Mug ucn orgtamliAM in any pei linn the 8l*U, I* dlr??t(d to tha protiiioa of S??lion 14 Act to orgoiw and gov ern the military of the State of South Car olina, approved Mareh 1*. 1969, by which it ta directed that there ahull be bo military I organisations 01 foimationa lor the purpose of arming, drilling. eaereWing the manual of arm* or military manoeuvres, not atuborlaed under thta Act, and by the Commander iu Chief, and any argleet or violation of thla Section ahal], u|>oa none let ion, be puniahed with imprlaonment at bard labor in the Slate Penitentiary for a term not leee than one year, nor more than three years, at the discretion of a competeot eonri. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hsnd and caused the great seel of tha Slate to be died, at Columbia, this 94th 'rf'day of September, in the year of our Lord jone thousand sight hundred end seventy, '""'aod in the ninety-fifth year of the Independence of the United Biates of A user- g, lee. ROBERT K SCOTT. Oovereoe. J P. L. Casdoxo, Secretary of State. Sep 28 19 1 F10CLAXATI0V. I By Mil Ktclleney ROBERT K SCOTT Governor of (An State of South Carolina. TN punninet of an Aet of tlx General JL AfKirbly, approved March let, 1870.entitled " An Act providing for tho General Election, and the manner of conducting (he same," an election will he held in the rev* eral Counties ol this State, on the THIRD WEDNE8DAY, being the 19>h day of Oe- ei lober nest, for a Governor of the State ; for Repreaentativee in the respective Congress- 1 ional District* ; for memlic a of the State Legislature, and for the various County offi 0 eers; and to fill the vacancy in the First ?* Covgres?|onal District, and aft other varan- 'n eies In the County offices. Said election to M I... J! ?- ? * * " w?- wiiumcvvu wwnnnjj 10 yie roifif prind ?_ pie* end provisions prescribed bj the Act J. aforesaid ^ All bar-room* and drinking saloon* rkall OI be closed on the day of election, and any it person who shall sell any in to ilea ting drink* on the day of election, shall be gull ty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shell be fined in a suns not less , than on* hundred dollar*, or be imprisoned for a period not lest then ona month nor ty more than six nmn<h?. b The Commissioners and Managers of pi Election*, and each of them, are hereby re er quired, with strict rrgatd to the provis *r Ions of ths Constitution and laws of the *? State touching their duty in such ease, to ? cause *oeh elections to be held ia their respective Counties on the day aforeaaid, and * to take ell necessary step* for the holding " of such elections, and for th* aaaertainlnir and determining the persons who shell have been duly elected thereat, la testimony whereof I has# hereunto act my hand aed eaneed the great aval w of the State to be affixed at Colombia, ? [u a] this 19th day Angna*. A. D., 1870. and In the ninety fifth year of the Independence ef the United State* ? of America. ROBERT K. SCOTT. Governor. F. f Cabdoxo, Secretary of State. Sept 28 19 . S COTTON ] RECEIVED and forwarded to Charleston <o witbeet nay Charge to Piadnsar, Lib- 0 oral Adranees allowed on all Coe sign events ia passing through ssy heads. Th* predaoer at having all the advantage of the beat Cotton Market. Personal attention given to Wegkieg _ and Shipping. JULIUS C. SMITH. ? Sept 7 19 tf j* Gunny and Dundee * &&&$&&&? g XI AVISO accepted an Agencv tor the * XI Ml* *f tb* above BAGGING, I mb bow prepared to farnUh either, to plooter* at ree(unable rat*. Call aad *iaaiae at my OMe*. JULIUS C. SMITH. 1 Sept T M tf Notice. I A PPLICATION will be Bad* at llw seat o A aeeaioa of lb* Lagtatatar* to ra**w T the Charter of In corporation of lb* PAIR- 1 VIBW PKKSHYT BRIAN CHURCH *f Greenville Couatv. Sept 14 IT ?B * Just Received, Another lot op tbosr ilboant {j German Btady g The tafeat aad pleaaaateat ef tb* klad av*r ' aed. At lb* Up-Tow a Drag Store. DR. RARLR'S OLD STAND. Sept 14 IT tf Notice i IS barahp givea, that I will apple to 8. J. Doathit, Probata Judge of Greaaville 1 Coantv, on tie 16fA dap #/ October wet, for e \ Seal diaeharga aa Admlniatratrii of tb* Re- ' lata of JAMES U. HOPKINS, daaaaead. b MATILDA R. HOPKINS, I Sept. 15th, lMt, AdBlaiatfBtvta. I Sept 21 It 4 I ???? '3 *s "aniANa * | j ? i xaaraxs im XBOO ABU aaavAcw i y aaiaaao omv i ?WSM us mm IQtfMf ? mil i? - V 'Oil SHi ?01 ?M1, nvD ? SOS 1 i JJ ESTABLISHED ISM. GREEN VILLS COACH FACTORY. iOWER, COX * MARKLEY HKTB woald ukofiw to Mr euMtn ff that wo oro ynftwd oow to All el rdora for VRHICLKS. Wo have added t ir Block of Wood-Working UtehlMrj, ox iriini oor otaST of work woo to about 74 id tkoroforo treat that mm of Mr patron ill bo disappointed in baring order* prompt tIM. The Stock ef One, Two, Three, Fm id Six-Heroo Iron Alio PLANTATIOf ' AOONS, will bo kopt fall; and now aa fo to-third of o eentorj po*t, thooo Wagon mil bo tbo STAHDARD 07 EXCELLEHCK. Wo baro a largo Stock of Ligkt BUGGIES AND ROCK A WA Yi r oor own make, and a Stock of Nortkara nUt BDOOIBS?both low.priced and kigk iced?for tkoae who wok to porehooo North a work, priced a* low ae aaj Soother. M ill aiklac ii ow SPRING WAGONS. itboat mlaing tke prioa, we mm Salable) era with GREAT CARE And Painting them Elegantly. Te et'lonm at a dUtanoe, Priced LW Ul In promptly mailed on ifplVeaiiei to tOWER, COX ft MARX LEI Ang 1* IS ?m State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff's Sals. 3Y VIRTUE of enndry WriU of Ft*r 3 Fmeim*, to ma dlrieUd, I will eell. bo re the Conrt Honao door, an So/eoday <i cfoArr ntrt. batwera thr honra of 10 o'aloel i the tormn m4 S o'aloak la ike altar ma, 0m Tract of Land oontalning UA aarm ?ra or Laa, adjoining lea-la of 0. W. a? A Park in a, Wm Batea and otbera, Lay I m aa Ilka property of G. ST. Gollim 1 tka anlta of J-bneon, Crew* A Co, n oag A Oolliaa. A'ao, ooa Traat of Load. (Porta Mora la pleoe.) ooaUlnlaf 1.000 aeraa mora a M, adjaitlag land* of Roberta, Rat or; nd olbara. Levied on oa tka property r to eat a to of Gaa W. TVoaaim, deeea*e<j I the anitof Aldridge Qraoa, n Wndd Aleo, one Treat of Land, eoatainieg M area, mora ar lean. adi -iolac taoda nf J.. tonbar, J. K. 8lid oihtn, H?m esd to b? Mt off U DtftwUtt before da f mIo. Ltvird o? M lh? property of Di ffw. A. Harriet**, at the eait of O. 1 owees and lot hero. Ale*, one Traet o( Lead, eoatatnlag 68 area, mere ar leee, adjoining leads of Ai ie Moore, Levi PoMt, J. II. Cleveland an there. Homeelead to be set off to Def*n> nt before dey of ante. Levied on at th roperty of Unrrtt Ooborn, at the suit < he State vs. L On bora and W. L Mot Terms cash. Purchasers to pay for staos| iad papers. A. D. VICK2RS. 8. O. 0. Sep 11 18 8 Notice [8 hereby given that I will apply to I J Doothit. Probate dodge af Uraeavlll touoty, for a Pinal Dieeharge as Admiai rator of the Ketate at PKTKR C. ROl CRTS, 4feea#ed, oa the Uth day of Oot er next. THOMAS OOLD8MITB, Administrator. Saptemhar 14, ItffO. 1T-4 I HI HO rm iQfifiOSA C MJC3 A !!? < AIM i xv ; aaAiaoan xsnr MK&SmQM mmm ADV9U io ftOSGfflftf OJLi HXlcl L %IO SL SL ? lis lie IB mL MM MM OX 99S ifArnns PTTB.S LIBSF.TY WHIT? JLEAD. Bey Ike Beet?It is Ike Cheapest, j Te Otinam ?f White Lwl Everywhere , :? I rr>RK IbcwwI dmud from *11 ooetlon* of 1 Ik* country for orr well known krud ; of PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, induce* to uk your *pocial attention to it, and wo cordially invite you to give it a trial. 1 UNE(tUALE D* f , lot. Tor Waariof and Covering Proportion. 2d. Tor WhiUaooo and Boanty of Fiaiah. 3d. For Uniform Fiaoaooo of Grinding. 4th. Sonne Weight will do more and hotter work, ot a giro* coot, than any other, ftth. Mont Economical Whit* Load over iatrof ducod. ?th. If yon wink to procure an much train* an poanihi* for ynnr money and nocarn baud* aomo aad dnrahia work, a no : PURE LIBERTY WHITE LRU). - Try it aad ho convinced. Sat Infection guar* antood hy th* Manufacturer*. ZIECLB * SMITH. . WholooaU Drug, Paint aad Glaan Dnalorn, 1 Ho. 1ST North Third St rent, Philadelphia. WHOLESALE AGENTS, GOWER, COX A MARKLEY, DEALERS IN , Cweh Ittorialk P hints, Oils, Glass, Putty, dbc, ORESNVILLE, 8. 0. - Aug IS It Am The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. In ths Circuit Court?Is Chancery. ? Snrina 8. Want. us G. W. Faun, et al. Bill to For on lone Mortgage, Ac. T>Y virtue of the Decretal Order of It 13 Judge Orr, made ia th* above e*oe, I a will *!! tr? Inn kioKtsal KM.I.o a< 1?? vil)? Coot I Houw, on Sained ?y In OetoWr k nut. the Mortgaged Preniieee deeenbed IB g the Bill. via: All that Trent of Land eitoated partly In y the count ire of Pieke?a and Greeavillc, k lying on both eidee of Salad* River, eon* teiaing Two Hundred ane Silly-three eerer, more or leea, opoa which ie lone ted the Woolen and Cotton Factory. Griet and r Saw Mill, kaowa ae the - Fair Mill." Thd la valuable property, aad worth* t he attea| tioa of eapiialieia deolring aa investment; * it la I one ted aboot eevea mi Ire from the ' City of Greenville, aad the water-power [thereof ie eeldom earpaeeed. Trrme Carh. 0 Purehaaera to pay for etempe aad paper*. ? w. a. modahikl, o. a a p. ? Clerk'e OtHee, Jaoe 7. 1870. 7 Sept 14 17 8^ ' Through Tickets Worth GaaaaaL SerialsmaDawr'a Ornoa, 1 Grreavilla A Columbia R. R Co., '* Colombia, 8. 0 , September 4, 1870. d d~hN and after Ule date. THROUGH ? TICKETS to New Tark, Philid.lphia, ' Baltimore, Warhington aad Richmond Ml yf be purehaaed at the followiag Siationa ea r" tbia Road, via: Greenville, Anderson, Ah bevllle, Cokeabury, Newberry and Alatoa. ? JOHN H. MORE. Gen. *upt M. T. Bsarunr, Gea. Tiekaf Agent. Sept 7 18 tf - KINSMAN A NO WELL, Factor* and Commission Her chants. * ?:o:? h Liberal Advances made on Cottor and Naval Stores. CHARLESTON, S. C. Srp 7 18 8m was* quamty JVtBW FLOUR FOR BALE, AT Clyde ft Hotcj'i. TBI fkVMMV GEM FRUIT JAR, (ALL GLASS) FOB SALE AT C1.YDE & HOYEY'S. THIS J AH COMBINES ALL TH1 GOOD QUALITIES OF FRUIT JARS. / F* Ch?n?*fM H< 4?Sm ?U MMipvtUWfta AST OIIU) Oil ni IT. J THE JAR IS A OEM, Am pmrekttrs will find upon m trial af its merits. Call ud am U?a M CI j At A Imy'i A n*W AND PltKSH SUPPLY Of rnrrrra V>M: M'd B'OJ SUGARS, TEAS, AND SPZOX2S. TOR BALI AT CLYDB * H0TST8. u\ %mv Hats, Shoe?D Hardware, rrnrkprv & Glassware* FOR SALE AT CLYDE A HOVEYT3. A lup Ut GENTS READY-MADE LIKEN CLOTHING, f*r sal* at CLYDE A HOVEY'8. IN FACT, We have nearly everything that it kept in a Well Keplkted Establishment, A at, withaat at u LOW FIGURES u sm te tl*r4?4 in this awka CLYDE A HOVEY. AO* I 11 tf The State of 8outh Carolina, SPARTANBURG COUNTY. Ia the Court of Common Fleas. Jwbi W. Hardy 1 To Rea^r W. Clack ??. v Diftodiit ia this Robert W. Clark ) actioa. YOU ar? hereby lummena) and required to a newer lli? complaint in tkia aeiion which haa Woe a filed In thia Office of the. Court of Common Plena for the County and Stat, aforesaid, and to aeud a copy of your anawer on the euheeribera at Spartanburg Court Iloua-, within twenty daya after the eerviee of thia autrmona on you, exclusive of the day of eereiee. If you fail to anawer this e? mplaint within the lime aforoaaid, the Plaintiff will taka judgment agaiaal you for the sum of aix hundred and sixtyfive dollars aad thirty ?eix cents, with inter r?? on \nm nunv i? ??w iwwuyurn QiJ ?( Jul#, una thusand eight huudred and oeity, it tha rata of ami per eaiU per loutim. Dated Spirt|il>irf C. H., Booth Ceroli oi, AuctiH 1,1B70. EVINS A BOMAR, Plaintiff* Attorney. Aug ?1 Uj _ DYSPEPSIA A INDIGESTION PSOLO CVCRYWHERt. SsssSttS WHOLESALE DRUGCist. ' CMllllTM,?.a If. B. Th? CommiMionir ?( Rfvmne has decided that any dealer ean nil this article without a special license. For rale t>y DAVID A STRADLEY, Whnleaele and Retail O roe era and Comiwlaaioa Msi chants, Grrea villa, 8. C. * LOO BT Drs. Harrson A Marshall, Wholeaala and Retail Drnggiata, ORERMV1LLR, 8. 0. Mar tO 46 tm For Sale. , WI OFFER AT FRIYAT* i Sale, the eery Desirable BeeI ISlKS idenoe on Rat bsrfort-street, WBGHe i<> this City, known aajbe CtODI/KTT PI,AC?, The Honae has Fire R**ai and fWWplM on a floor down stairs, and Two ReoHHtove, and to la COMPLETE REPAIR, The Onthnildlafs are ample and food. The ' Lot contains a little more than Three acres j has an Bi~ellent Garden, and one ol the Very Beet Wells In the City. This to alt* father one of the moat desirable raatdensae to or around, Greenville. I Tf not Add before, this property will he offered atAtsctioa an Balee day In November For mtw> *? ? M>P'T te RARI.K k BLTTMB, I Land A cents. AnflT It It Hair Vigor. For restoring Cray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. JW A draofaig which iilV fa. at oooe imnUi, health J, and afliirihial mH*m for preserving tba MPw hair. Faded or grog nfl hair it mm rmiorod *? **' or*9*na^ colorf qjgJjmR with the flom mod frtohneoo cf youth. BOPS Thin hair fa thickened, falling hair checked, and bald* aeae often, though not always, oared by ita no. Nothing can reotore the hair where the follicles are deetroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. Bat suon ae remain can be erred for naafnlneee by this application. Instead of fooling the hair with n pasty sediment, it will keep it clean ana vigorous. Be occasional use will prevent the hair from taming gray or falling og and consequently prevent baldness. Free from thoee deleterious snbetanoes which make some preparations dangerous, and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit bat not hum it. If wutod 4 merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing elm can be found ao deniable. Containing neither oQ nor dye, it doea not soil white eembrio, end yet lasts long on the hair, airing it a rich, gkaej lostre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Pktonou AND AhALTTICAL CHOOKS, LOWELL, MASS. mcai ti.oa BdS Eor mI. in Greenville he HARRISON A MARSHALL, AID M. A. HUNTER A CO. Ao,SI IS 1j Tie Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WALKXB'B OALITOBNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, |J | aadreds of Thousaads fifJJ ^ jj Boo Uottmoo/ to tboir wonderful j| |S?S WHAT ARE THEY? fS2 $ /^\ $ UU Wrl ,5 23 THKT AM HOT A VHJE o||! IJfamcy drink,ftfj H?U of Poor Hum, WhUkor, Proof Boir-, its. and BetUM Liquors, dMtoidjpIo*! and HTMUnad to please the taste, called "Tonics" * Appetisers," " Ileslorerm," *0., that lead the ; tippler on to drunkenness and rain, but arc a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots aadI Herts of California, firs# from all Aloohollo Stimulants. TherenttheOKllATHLOOD 1'UHI FIKiland U3FM GIVING PHUT. CIPLBi a perfect Renovator and Invlgocatoc sf the Bjretsm, canrin*oS aU poisonooe matter, aad restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person oaa take there Bitters, according to dirweUoaa. and remain long anwelL , tOO will be givea for an incurable case, ptvv.ding the bones are not destroyed by mineral poisons or other means, sad the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. . Por Inflammatory and Cbronlo BheqJ matiexn, and Gout. Byspopsls. or Indigrestion. Bilious, Jtemittont. and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood. Lirsr. Kidneys. and Bladder, these Bit. term bar* been'most successful. Buch DU-' mas are caused by Vitiated Blood, which la generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. Aer Invigorate the stomach, sad stimulate tha torpid liver and bowels, which reader them of unequalled efficacy In cleansing the blood of all impurities, and Imparting aev life and vigor ?t the whole system. Dyspepsia or TadimiUnn Headache, Tain in the Bhouiitn, Oougha, Tightness of the Chest, Dissineaa, Boor Stomach, Bad Teste la the Month, Bhlioea Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Copious JHeehargss of Urins, Pain In the regions ef the Kidneys, sad a hundred other painful symptoms which are the eCeprlaga ?< Lripepda, are cured by these Bitters, Cleanse the VitiatedBlood whenever yon Sad lie impart ties bursting through the skin In Pisa, wise. Eruptions, or Sores 1 cleanse It when It la foul, sad your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood par* sad the health of the system, will follow. w i PIN, taps, sad other WORMS, larking la the system of so many thousands, era oBertneTly d?stroT?d and reaoTod, For fall directions, rend csrefally the eheulegl around each bottle, printed In four languages J FroprleU,. K, H. mDQNALD * CO, jhragiriets and General Agents. Ban Preactaoo, California, and >1 eadM Cam i meres Masai, W, T. KptOlOVT ALL DBTJGOttTB AND* DKAUUUi. ~ ~ fM For sale In flrrmrillr by M A. HUNTER A CO , Agents, A>D HARRISON A MARSHALL. Aug 31 13 6m NOTICE. The undersigned will be prbpared with J| J ^ ^ _ ^v? JL'Wtf HEW filUfti, (GULLETTS & GRISWOLD'S) Customers can bar* tbeir choice. Both M bj Patent Feeder*, which, it li aaid, ky adding o tbe regularity of feeding, turns out nor* Lint than when fed hy hand. Bales of 460 to 600 lbs. weight win be compressed into a space of 6 feet long, 3 feet wide and 3 feet thick, which will be neatly covered with new Bagging and Iron Tics; for which (Bagging and Tie*) we will charge One; Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.60) per Bale, Customers who desire to do so, eea Store their Cotton in our Warehouse, which will be under the ears of our Watchmen sad in reach of our Foroe Pump, aalll ready to sell j at which time we egpeet to make arrangements to ship direct to some factory North, or buy en the most reesoaahk* terms. MT Plant*re will please glveSm a trial, COTTON PICKBD AT l-?$. LESTER ft BROS. A mm It ? .. w SAMUEL BLACK. B ARBEIL WOULD r??|>Mtfu11y inform tbe p-iblie th?t h? ha* Removed to a room near the MANSION HOU8K. where ha will he prepared to reeelve customers ae hereto, fore. Being a /Vo/eeWoMol Barter, ho hopee, by attention to busineeea, together with polilaneaa to all, to merit a portion o| public patronage, in CUTTING, bUAVIKO AND SHAMPOOING. | Bept 7 16 if I STRAWBERRIES! I770ULD Inform my enatemcre thai the let September la the time te proearyA pleat oat this fine fro it. AU thoeo wieMHHr arebaae Plants, wilt please notify me aMBt JOHN ? BIMWWT Ang 10 11 4| f