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At<H<^ . < ' > * n"fi' s- ... I ' jgj TO*jr?Jun>. 1 *T I>?a* Nc,?, do de^fetyafell M ?rprUed ' *>?^? When yotr receive andread thi* letter ! ? '. I t. ndM egaimUbe uyri>4?t?% < i??t thee, jioeW. rU>- 4QMr. i I not a tevelp I Her mm ' ?-4aL^g?J ! tf .? We're we ? h?. i wll, 4n(i /1 1 ; ^ IU ton you all from the Utfxxyyg,' T**"j .-if, I wont to a*k her out to ride Lvt Wednesday??t WM perfect weather ; t She nu (he eoaldn'l poeeihly ; 1 The ?ervant? had gene off together? g (HlUmltM alwayr rv?h aaray, 1 f At eoaslns* funerals to be looking)? r Mes uaiMt bo Made, and she must atay, j 6h? Mid, to do tUt broach of cooking. t " Oh, lot mo help JOO," than I fricil; t " til bo a cookor, too, how Jolty !** y 0b? laughed and answered with a smile ; j " AH right j bat you*il repeat your Iblly, y ,,k"' *?e I shall be a tyrant, air, i j And good bard work you'll hayo to grap- . pie: | 80 jit down there and don't you stir, Bui take Ibis knife and pare that apple." 8 She rolled her sleeve abore her, arm?That lovely arm ao plump and.rounded ; ( ( Outride, the morning sun ahope bright, In*Me> the dowgtrsbe deTUy pound id; i Her little fingers sprinkled floor 1 And rolled the pdeeruat dp Id masses; I pasted a moat deUgbtfal hour, I Mid butter, soger and molasses. Ikith deep refleetlbn her sweet ?jo? i, 4 f " I ' Oased on eeeb pot and pan end hetde j 'J s She si ioed the apples, filled her pie*; ^ * And then the upper crust did setjlp-r Her rippiing waves of golden bair v* In one great coil were slightly twisted ; But* locks would break out, hero nod.there, And curl about where'er they listed. And then bar slcevo camo down, and I. >v fustoncd it up?her bands woro 4?ughy ; Ob, it did take the longest,ijmyj ^ w, . J I Iler arm, lied, was so fair and snowy ; * Sho blushed and trembled, and looked sby; 4 Somehow that roado mo all tbo bolder; nor nrcu npv iuu*?u reu umi a? Well?found her head upon my shoulder, t We're to be married, Nod, nqai mouth ; Come and attend the wedding rfvcla, I really think that\jncbelora. Are the moat miserable derils ; You'd better go for some girl'a band, And if yon arc uncertain whether You dare to make a da* demand, * Why, just try cooking pics together, ( ?Harvard Advocate ( L . . ... ' 1L Unmnrnttff. ? , fIA|j- >1 \ * 'i A Man who Would have Bis Gal. 1 From an old Carolina periodi- ' cal we clip an anecdote that hap- ' n pily illustrates the customs of the ' period when physical force was rhor tribunal before which all qnes- 1 tiona were brought for arbitrament., In one of the upper counties of North Carolina, a young fbllow by the name of Ben Syhes had courted a fair one for some years, U.,? ...? n. UUt Cllllt'l >> 413 nut I LUU V UK 1JUI willing?for lie never came *o the point. At last she got mad, and declared 6he would marry Bill Patterson if he ever courted her again. Bill, hearing of this, went and once more put in his claim; but he was a scurvy fellow in some things, and neither dad nor mam was willing. So he secretly goes to R , gets a license, and that night they made off for a Gretna squire. On their road to happiness, however, who should they meet but Ben Sykes. lie had an inkling of what was going on, and when he met them he understood how the case lay. "Sally," says he, I have fooled with yon, that's a fact, and I am sorry for it; but if yon still prefer me to bill Patterson, in6t sa3* 80, and I will give him a thrashing, take his license, and make Moody marry us to night." The old love was too stroncr lor the new. Ben irave Bill a thrashing, took his gal, and, (what he hateu most,) his license, which co6t him seventy-five cents. The old son ire did not so well understand how one man could be married in virtue of a license granted to another. Ben said he did not himself understand law eqnibbles, but this lie knew, that unless he did it, he (the sqnirc) would catch it too. The hint \va^ enough for MooJy, who, without * more ado, pronounced th^uft-Vd'ali wife."""" ' u Massa's berry sick?de doctor gays he can't lib mo dan two, three, lour days longer 1" exclaimed Pete Snow, will a sad countenance. " Berry sorry for yon, Pete, bnt do best of massas will die, dat am a fac'?dar ain't no help for detn. "What am de particular diagosense oh his case, Pete?" " De doctor say he hab got two buckles on his lungs, an tumore on his stnmic; den he hab* a digestion ob de brain, a palpitation ob de aleinantary canawl, an' do hjdrofogy in ae kid knees, an, sumfin or udder am de matter in de region ob de gizzard ! Oh I it am a dredful case!" A NEAR BI6I1TKD 111.111 walked Otl the bridge into the Kennebec river, nnd npon being miraculously saved, was "dernation glad he didn't lose his cane and specs." A drunken man, w\o had slipped down, thought it singular that water always freezes with the slippery side up. Torre can be little barm in ''drinking like a fish," so long a* it is borne in mind that fishes hate 1 but two gills. Ictdg-A ^ from its depth and strength; must h*ve Ijedu inkptcfcdf p&ArM the exfetnetv' trt'VW^LA discovery wna the greatest em ?ejf, wheylt&|6mt knelion the ihorea <jf j^JSalvadov Wight he laa reached the Tabled land, and fttlft antttoMoil llinf ?1-1- ? in.ent America jay between lien' and If. Subsequent voy-. igeaand [reflections rectified I hie eror, iuid then it was that a new oVite was sought by Cabot and lis sotnt by tike North Pole, from hat day tp this, and all the mariime nations hare sent forth tb^q noet daring and experienced navgators, .to. .find this .direct water ray. All, as yet, Upvp f?oled.: nystie gate 'has never ojSened pg ts frozen binges, tu>d.-none briTO* >ecn permitted to sail on tbe open en tlia\ lies beydndl The almost certainty of tMl >pen sop, abound the pole, tbe wiJcis tlibt 'tatist surround its silq^L diore, on whose sands no Europe an has ever left his fogt print, will ever be an object of the roost > n^r is it at M improbable that success will crowfa the eflWis, jrf sonifi Irava fttjlcST; * }$?&& ward^TVInrn wilr be given, first afnvng 4e c?eis^firtiviiia|d mon, th ( Jim oVm vw >?v sifuii nucio me viirrems turn on their circuits and ,tho carth ou its axis; there the tremlfc ling needle and the wanton ana unstable wind) sink into slumber >f those wonderful magnetic forces Evhoee fUU|??jtf h, the lir and the waters beneath ; there is he nmpuHB qftthpytftttjl whale and he home ortlio glacier and ice itrfine, is the pole of he. earth and the jx>{e of the sea, he. pole the magnet, and the |X)lo of the utmost limits given iiere below for man to thread.? Toe world lifts not a j?hysicnl secret so tempting and so far so impenetrable as this NortW Polo. Now let ns examine ?son^g of the data on which, the argu* incnts for an open ]>olar sea is based. \\ve have seen before that the sea, like the ojr, like the body of all organized beings, has iU or dained laws of mo'vemont and cir eolation. This circulation is like that of the human body, Irom the centre. U> the extrftriltige tffrom tho equator to the J>oljq, jmd from tfm i^l? "?V.~ ? L * - v??v? pvio iv uiu ^ where tliertf is a Current going out there mint be a *a^*?t{;#eturnii>g a?nfu. T%ev~ pore is" flip .pivot around which this current turns. It will bo seen at ..a glance that, admitting theso facts, nrfd they cannot be denied, this endless flowing in and flowing out froin the pole requires an open sea. This con? stunt agitation, mixing and ining ling of the waters of the ocean, must also equalize their tempera tare to a great extent ; it should also be kept in mind that sea water does not freeze under 27 deg., whilo fresh water freezes at 82 deg. All artic navigators pay much nttcntiou to,the movement* of the whale, as a few years age our Rocky Mountain explorer ob served Very closely tbc habits and movements of .the bufliilocs.? They all agree that the "birth pi Act and the nursery of the. whale must be beyond the frozen belt, in at; open sea around the pole. * ? A Rhautifui. Tiikory.?Music is the most, beautiful language in the world, and the mind that think* in melody musk be .the pleasant est nlnrrt /?n aarlli There is a beautiful theory that musical Bounds never die; thai when once lite banno:ik>na waves and echoes ot music are gathered iij> they swell immortal in the great orchestra of Heaven. This wi?rld of ours is full of melody if wo had only souls to hear and appreciate; the calmest noon, r.r.d the iiijjlvL thitt ^ie* .breathless miffed the tl ?robbing stars, the loneliest cape of the green, and the boldest promontory jutting out from the heaven, have tlieir iro^adoun anil Aolrxmtistrelay ; bugles arc blown from ain ng the summer leavesf* tfmnpets arc sounded from,falleu trees; love making goes on in the grass al our feet; bridal bells ring in the air over our beads: and accents o! war come to tie from some tin} " Redan " of moss, or some little 'ilalakotf" of a hillock. i TV"t ,-r? , , \i A woman in Jamaica was vorj fond of going to missionary meet ings and singing, with great ap parent zeal and fervor, " Fly abroad, thoa mighty go-p*l!" Out (Jig , platfs wen roufid1 tor contribution, she nlwavi sang with her eyes fixed upon flu ceiling. On one occasion, liowev er, a negro touched her with tin nlafp. and said. " S i&av il'a ?/ iiso for >011 to King uKfy M bmai mighty gospel," with your eyei fixed on tl*e comer ob the filing itS nc use to sing 44 Ply " gbfoaiT1 at f\)l, unless you give something lo make it 1' ^ , mi Tiwr i i*rt' 1 ' '' \ I Tiik time to bn,y ftn overcoatrWhen the fit is on you. era District of 8o*UiCarolina?August Vara. 1870?Son. G+offe ft. Bryan District Jutge. Vxujldlng MosDAT.Aih 8>y|uatj. X I The Court *u opened nt 11 o'etaek, A M.; Hon Goorfo 8. Brj*n providing. The Jurere answered to their names ns en pre* loo a days. The Jnry ehirgrd with the information against 8 banels dlallfled spirit*, 8 mule*. aA.ono wnBP*. elaiatefl j* MtisvDes. n port, rendered the following verdict: "Not Guilty." On motion of TT. K. Easley, proe for claimants, ordered, that Martial deliver; immediately to claimant, C O.' Ghtn dr Co , the 8 barrels of distilled spirits meni lloned in tha libel, and to John Il>?nnni4 the cUmwH, l|n 8 rnulc^ and wagon and feeraOa*, heretofore aelstd and <le?crlbed in aald IIIhiI, and now in poeeeeaion of aaid MarshaL i^L 'J The Court opened at 11 oVrfock, A. U.; lion. O. 8. Bryan presiding. ^-d^Maa ?0?weredtwVbeirao-nee ne otryoa"Jhe'fcj&ted fctateti *4, one wagon anil two lioreee, propei ty of John Ooenell?informal lion for forfeiture for violation internal revIsM ;'UMf.fBjCIVveliNnl, foreman. I V UHH# Qtatga Va. Jahn l)ifjon~?defend 1 ' vtt SfTWWftrfWd. fl Fa invM. Oh motion of Smythe A Bryan, on behalf of defend ijtta, it ia ordered, Uaat the eafcution !fr aaiivnaee W eUyed until Deoember 1, ' ?Hfiy t" llnie PlMlfficewpkrtn>M-for credit* fn reduetion of the amount of the judgment, ix neKKaiPTcr. Matilda J. Griee, creditor, va. . Q. F. Townee, debtor?petition for involuntary bankruptcy. W. E Earle for petitioning WUm, yOM. m K. BmH Uy Cor dabtor. 3mry Ko. 1 wo* called, and Wilton Cot* and T. 11. Cola w?r* ehal-1 hrttgad by def* ndant. and Gaaion Terry thtllenged by plaintiff'; and in llirir stead Adam Alrnndtr, T. Lrwlt and Rliaa Alexander ware aworn. Jury ihna Agantird waa charged witli the and waa occupied up to the hour of adjournment in hearing testimony in tide rate, alien it adjmt Wed unt i) tn-anerrow a'. 11 o'clock. JET WBwr*at?A*, 7th September. Court waa opened at 10 o'cloak, A. M.. Hon. G. S. Bryan presiding. Jurors answered to their names a* on jee terday. United Stale* tic one wagon and two horaerJobn Gosnell, claimant?iafoiroation for tor f itura. A rerdiei of - Guilty " bar 1 rebia#i 1. ordecoA. the* the fteJa and merehandixc be condemned aa forfeit ed to the Uoited Slater, and that the Clerk ieeue writ of rtsJilks^ifpNise to lite May* slial, returnable on ftfei Slotiday of Ubtoblr next. United States ra. three barrels distilled ' apiiltr, unt lioia*, one mole, one two horaa | wagon, A-.. found at Pickena In poaaeaaion of J. M. Oiborni?information for forfeit* tire. The uaual monition nnd proclamation Inn ing been made and lite default, of all petaona being duly tittered, it ia ordered, r tlial tba gwodt ml merchandize l?e eon AetitfceJ at 'forfeited lu the United Btalea, and tliat lite Clerk irmi* writ of venditioni exponna to Maishal, returnable on first Monday of October next. Tlie Court wae again occupied up to tlie hour of ndjou^iMntmt with the eonaidcration of the cat# of Orice t?. Townea. HTtHianMl, 8l|t Sep!ember. Court opratl at 10 o'clock, A. M. Juror a antwored to Unit oamoa ao on teater* George A. Camp, oxronlor. ?ke., ti Janiet A. r>?yle. Fi Fa it? tare, Rule to ahow cauae; Prtry A IVrijr liar claimant, ft. Me* Gourap. for defendant. Order granted for ? ittua to 1 made up for a lorir. r.i'C . i* ?a*aai:picr. If furte H R Riclia rd.On In r? Julin I)?TtOport, Intnkropt. Ordered, llmt A* ' ?ign?e tell, an<l after paying cost#, devote the bajance of proeeedato Robert Richard* * ton, Cleik of Coi'rt, for heir* of W. T An* I demon. t The Court resumed (lie consideration of the ea?e of Grise ?i Townee, and wo ncripied up to the hour of adjournment, hear* ? ing testimony. Fkioat, 9!h Sep'eniiitr. I Court opened at II o'clock, A. M. Juror* answered to I hrir name* aa on yeaterdaj. Tho Court returned the consideration of the ea?? Orice r?. Townee, and was occ'f pied In hearing the testimony tip to the J hour of adjournment, and the Court then adj..urn?l until Monday teat. C?Mru<iB*t.tir to GK*rtal R. K Lea.? The New York Ex|>r?-**, in commenting on ilw rurrtmlrr of Hrdin, allude* lo 0 nwal R. K. L-e in llie following eonipliromlary pitnnti : W# * only infer what wight fx done from what really teat done during our own rebellion. The Confederal* General Lee, with a half-naked, h*1f-?lar*ed army, or re\ main* of an army, of aome forty or fi'ty I ihouaand men, wa all know, held General I Grant at bay before Rivhmond for lomi aix i month*, Willi i"0,0fl0, mm more or let*, and [ only ?urrender<d when the commirrarlat b?d 5 distributed the laet ernat anJ the laat ounce f of powder. If that Preneh army at Sedan had had leader* with aom* of L*e'< brain 3 and pluok, Frenchman would not have bad to bin*h today for eo ingloriott* a aurren der. i/ifi f' IFor aem>i,n Weight ann MaAArant.? Wheel floor, on* pound i* on* quart. to d I An meal on* poaad two ounce* I* nm quart. Butter, when toft, on* pound on* ounce i< j on* quart. Lo*f tuftr, broken, on* ponnd ii one quart s Wli ite tugir, powdered, on* pound ont 8 nunc* one i* quart. Beat brown ragar, one pound two onneto i< 2 one quart. rierage iIm, ten are on* ponnd. ] Liquid McAaunn^?8ixt*en tabt**poonluli j are half a plat. * Comouo.?Tlie New York 8tar aajra: ' "At Ik* Cincinnati Republican Conreniloi r yeaterday. a colored man received a largi : nnmUr of vote* for Dir*?ior of Ik* count] ! Infirmary." But he waa not elected, o I *onr*? They promised him, however, that a* aoon a* a vacancy occur*, he ahall hi made head nnrae at tli* am ill-pox h?apilal Is A teMgi aph!o^i>?rntor a magnetic nature! Thk differ en co .between -a lost art afod a lcdt heart?only un aspiWhat paper ought people with severe colds to writo upon f Why, tUkoC, of coarse. oYmcAL bachelor-suggests to ut that many of the girls of the period are less facts tTutn figures. Ir von would find a great manj*, faults, he on the look out. It you would find them in still greater abundance, be on tho look in. 0#x of Ihe finest qualities iu a human being is tlkat nice sense of delicacy which renders it inipoesi* bio for him to be an intruder or a .boit.' ** <* * ; > } ! ' f ' J nt\r ttiidta mvprt r QOL UMJIIA , SOUTH CA ROLINA.^ ? fpilR Proprietor* tnke plearnre in inntuixt ! Jt i?g^l|i* eletrmilljMornUhed ErtwbHehincot I now open Tor the accommodation of guertr. { tbo ta^' wlll ?lmji bo supplied With every delicacy orthe eeoeon?heth from tbe Newt r?r* iM I'bsrwrlon niatwefa, and no effort* will be apared to give perfect aatiafaetinn, in every roapect, to our patron*. FREE LUXCII in tbe refectory every day fioni II until 124. WM. GORMAN, ) ? II. II. 11AHENII0P, | p,,0,'R,KT0n, Sept 2u 10 tr NickersonHOtteeHOtel, COLUMBIA, 8.C. THE undersigned faav ing fin?3E5SL RENEWED hia lcaec upon Abe above Popular Ifouac, will endenvor to make it one of tbe moat agreeable Hotel* In the South. A call la aolicitcd. ? -jw .A - , , . Frco Omnibus to and from the lfol<I. WM. A. WRIGHT,: I Proprietor, j Sept 8; 15 tf * NATIONAL HOTEL, ?(?iwificiari/A, s. ?. PROPRIETOR. r. HAMILTON JOYNEll. CLERK. - RATES Of B?ard per T>?y 00 Supper, Breakfast and Lodging 2 Ofl Single Meals 1 O0 Sep I 15 tf PAVILIOW HOTEL, oia^rajum3w?i?,s. ?. BOARD, Ter Day $3 00. R. HAMILTON. Superintendent. nr?. ii. l. rutt.j:rfii:i.i>, l*ropriolrc*s Sep! 20 19 tf JOHN B. BEIEItH, FI.DHI5T I MKUPI CMMIM IBUIUUI m uukvuuui u vurniinuu. SAND gives bis clout ' Vegetable GarWilli n lir|? ejrjioritncc, bo is confidvnl nf giving sali*f.iolioii to those tmpbiyinj: Orders left at tbil oiico will be attendee Mar 3ft 41 tf TUTT'S VEGETABLE OVINE JPMLHi Cures di*eaaes of the Liver and Stomach. TU ITS KX PKCTORANT A pleasant rtr e for Coughs, Cold*. A". Tirrra sarsapabili.a akdqukkkv D"LK4HTlhe treat Alterative and Bloor Purifier. TUTT8 IMmOVED It A I F DYE, Warranted I lie best dye in use. 'Cheat standard preparations are for solo by Drug gists avery where. tbst ft-tjr. Marble Yard, LAURENS C. HS. C f"ARBLR CUTTING IN ALL ITf 1*1. Branches, done in Ilia ner.tcst o 8tj le, and of the best Italian and Anierl ean MARBLE. Address JOSHUA EIXFTKJK. Iaterst* Court IlouSe, 6. C. June 1 1 * ) 1 jr 1W Mtorl |**r A nnutt* 64 PAGES READING MATTER. 30 PAGES ADVERTISEMENT! WAULWM. SYAJVS A COCSWWL1 D. WYATT Aim. CTiABLBHTOR, ?. ? i July 20 9 tt LTATTF.SD030 ' MADE AND REPAIRED, B JAMES M. PRICE. Oive kim call at hia, aaar tl OAILLARD SCHOOL HOOSE. > June 23 5 t Por Sale or Lease. TUB eubaeriber will Sell or I,eaae a FAR* OK 1ST MILL and TAN YARD, aicua , ad 1? milaa below Greenville Court Fiona near the Fork Shoal Road. The Farm mall, but the Mill ar.d Tan Yard are both I I good running condition. Feraor.a wiabing I either bay or leaae, will addrena or call en m ' | at Oak Lawn, Greenville Conntr, 8. C. J. L. WOODS! DK, M. I>. t I July 13 8 Aeow HLI-1 *!!!" b; wherlk, < Q?EE WM.I.E, p. gold in iris"mem CLOCKS, JEWELRY, fPECTACltS. r . 18 ft 88 Caret Solid Nuptial Bingo, 'SILVER & SILVER-PLATED Kg* VORK.vf all discriplione in hi* Una done promptly. Oet 27 28 ly A. J. R0SS & CO., MANtfFACTVliJSnS v, V wars:* DEALERS IN , PAPA KHED AMD PRESSED WARE, " * ' . -_' ' " AW* ' '* ' ' OOOKING A3T1!) IlEATINU 8T0YES. f "I Ei Ail kind* of ^ Th*?ui SheetIron Work Done jV^v.X;, tJf# moit * UtiASO^ABlE TERMS, Am! with ptomptacM. sr. tfcr"* r IT W. If, CAMMEH. WlACTtCAl GUNSMITH Aft? . MACHINIST CORN SnKLI.BRS, Cotton Gina, Locks, Sewing Machines, Umbrella* and Parasola REPAIRED with promptness. Charges reasonable Corn Shelter*, for sole from fill to $12. I am also prepared to furnish Stencil Plate*, for marking clothing. mnckftiiiilliiiiff. X HAVE in addition to mr usual business. X opened a ULACK8MITH SIIOP, having a competent Workman hired, Larkln Wc?t?cld. Work in tills lino will bedonc satisfactorily. Reedy made PLOUGHS always on hand far sale. , , ' ' f?lnnJ-?-rn i^ai* of Old Court I)nui*t at the Randulj.h place, baring removed from toy Hand on Mnin Street. SS-tf TOWNES 4 EASTi &a:s??35?ns AND . SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. m ACTIVE IX GREENVILLE AXD SPliliO 17XI)IXG COVXriEs. Office Over Julius C. Smith'*. r?. rt VkuA' * ows v. bast. Ap V7 - 4? tr WX. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW 3AHL ONEGA, GA? WlM practice in the Counties of Lumpf t kin, Dnteeon, Uilmor, Fannin, Union, Towns. White and Dnll. Jan 10 M tf En P. JOHES, AXD SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. V Will riut-rtv* m tit COURES OF THIS STA1E AUtO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. . CHBee Greenville 0. H., S. C ' My 7 _ iv* , At. at KACLfclT. o. e. WELL* EASLEY ft WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN KC^IJJTY. URKBNVILLE, S. 0., PK ACTlCK in (ho Courts of Ilia State and of the United States, and give especial I attention to cases in liuokruptey. i June 13 3 WATCHES, CLOCKS, > Jewelry, Periscopic Spectacle*,&c ' tTII.L order on extra article [XJ?Kjy for nny |ier*on. Specisl otten!t jM? linn will hu given to ItEPAIKArte lVutehes <>{ every ilea crlpti'iii. llost twfcivnce* ilh'en. J A MPS U. IJI.ACK. June :;o s tf ' Spring Killinery. ! aaao. &Q3 ejsiasiajss L WOULD INFOHM THE ^ /^Bn ?l Ureonvillo nod vlelnnr. that alio b.( opened Iicr ' jCjjSW SPRINO MILLINERY, Vy y/M "'"0 '"' idi 'he '1'? nlionJ uR lion of thoae looking purrlinaea firLFY in tbia line. Jlcr price* tiro | REASONABLE, I And alio will Inke plcnauro*In calilMng Iter \G O O I> SV A>nll ia tl?*ired before buying, oa abe fcela ' Ifonfl.lnaa. a ... . * April IS 47 ?m j I DR. SHALLENBERCER 3 I Fever and Ague T ANTIDOTE Alwuy* Mop* (fee 4'fclHs, This Medicine has boon fioforo the Tub? lie fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. Itdoeenotpnrge, ^ does not sicken i'.9 stomach, is porfoctly safe in any do?o and under all circumstances, nn l is tho oniry Medicine that will CURB IMMEDIATELY _ and jjermaneutly every form of Fever and A .rue, liecntiao it is a perfect Auttdels to malaria. ^ _ Bold by all Druggists. j 2T*h f ?7 ly I11VID DICKSON'd Orrmt Hook oh Is farm,*? now out. Wo f?r?'n library complete wnhont ii, Bonnd in cloth, M } Sheep. $4 AO; Ualf Morocco, $S. Or. - .Tefs received st this oflfWe. Good esnvsssin? see ids wanted, for ierms, spply st ^ this ? (Mce. 5;: FOR SAliE OR TO RENT, Is 1^.?A Comfortable UWKLMNO, in containing aevsn Rooms, sad to fltMBiM " necessary Ont-Iltiililings. s, ^>1 cHfttfg within a few minutes walh of | Furman University. For particulars apply to T. Q. IlONAl.DMOM, | Novcm' er 14 . 37 tf if' ' .J. L'J JJ_ 1 J L??1? ? Uharieston ( Advertisements* Old Cnrolln* Bitter*. r Si HD2B2I?3(&iai!fT!*t?7I& SKBSSU? We Ukt pleaeuro In offering the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS TO THE public. They are compound ed with great care, and contain eome of the bert Ton ice in Ike Phnrmaeopln. A? evidence of the vaperiorHy of ear Bitter* over all other*, we have certificate* from many of the leading phyeieiaoe In oov8tatei who have pceeeribed them in their practice'. 1 UK OLD CAROLINA B1TTKRS Will be found invaluable for Want of Appetite, General Del Hit v. Chill# end Fever and Dyapepala. W? do not offer oar Bhler*H* Mr? (or all dtseaaea, but as ON Awrmtii Toole, they have no oqaal. Far talc by all DruggUk* and Grocers ewery where. Prlocipal Depot, r. GOODRICH. WINKWAN k CO, Importer* of Choice Drugs nnd Ch? mlcnis, Charleston, S. C. Mh 9 42 - 1y GEO. W. CARPENTER'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF SAR 8APARILJA. OEO. W. CARPENTER'S COVTOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BU CHU. rI>HE>E CELEBRATED PREPARA Jl TIONS, originally introduced by Geo. W. Carpenter, under the patronage of the medicAl fsculiy, hnve been so long extrn eively used by physicians and others, that they are generally known for their intrinsic value, nnd ean he relied on as being most valuable remedies in all enesa slicrs Sarsapnrilla or Burhu are applicable, and cannot be too highly recommended. They are prepared ir, a highly concentrated form. So as to render the dose small and conveni *nt. Orders by mail or otherwise will receive prompt atleittion. OLO. W. CAIirKNTLU, HFX3ZF.Y A CO., Wholesale Chemical Warehouse. No. 7S7 Market street, Philadelphia. DOW1E A MOISE, Wholesale Agents, Clmrle?toft,y. C Norfr ?f lr PrP tOAlE, CHAKMvSTOIV, 9. V. 1 |j| W illll^rP - itiWll K f Ur^Nt mnl mMte?n|iltt?1 ftV< Manufactory of D?oreSa?he?, :- -ffc% 1 Blinds, MouMlnw, ?i;,lk1W/ Southern RfttM. /^ Printed price list d?Mi cinyilWIlWH jgr~ Send for p9" Sent free ou ap?tIeatioft'.',"7^ April 27 49 1y A. B. MULLIGAN, AND G I) IV E It 4 I COMMISSION MERCHANT Dceotnlflo&ifiort dUhQlrf, CHARLESTON, S. C. HAVING ample meant for ennduelintt my buninige, I ntn at all timea pre pared to make liberal advaauet on t'oUon July 2t 10 ly A7 F7 CHEVREUX, AND ARCHITECT, KiAiasiLie WDBU&S Corner Meeting-St and Horlbaak'a Allay, ?aa^aaesaaj, s, o, I PL A ATS M A T\K nrn ru>r> *r> *?? ? 4 v/ Ui^X/JLVA, AND FREE OF CHARflF., WHEN WOBK DOVE BT ME. Dm 1 n 1; SAMUEL C. BLACK, STOCK AND BOND BROKER, NO W liliOAD ST., CHARLESTON. "PARTICULAR attention alven to pitr1. chtM Knd i,l? of SECURITIES on Commiaeioa. Information given rheerfullj. ncrraa ro Ttav. K T. RU 1ST. J. c. bailey. TIIOS STEEJf. September 21, 1869. JOHNSTON, CREWS A CO. Importer* and Wholesale Dealer* In QTAPLS A2TD FillTOT DRY GOODS, NOTIONS ANDfiMIl WARES, CHARKB8TO>T, Si C. I M ii r 8?t 4V-?" "? 6m PRINTER, STATION EH, AND DEALER *? LAW, SCHOOL AND BLANK Blank books on band t* t ihr of any pattern at abort nmit*. Binding and llnlirx executed in Inn atjrle Wade A Co. Printing Ink* for a ale at Ibt aaea I afaeturera price. So. 155 tfrrliog Si., nppntlle C%nrU*lnn ftolri OBARI.E8TON.8. Ci. . Mb M Sin* Charleston Advertisements. i_ i >Mt ' ? : IH I I |?|| J i the hills House, 0e<?k3k&??tt?35, ?. 0. PABKEB & CO* Proprietor*. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. 30ard. PER day $4 oo. Dec S 29 If dh aelestonhotel CHARLESTON, S. C. E. H. JACKSON, Proprietor. Assistants, a. butterfield, (formerly of th? Pavilion Hold,) and \V. 8. MILLER. CHAS. KERRISON, LATE E. ft L L WMl idmir. mom* 262 King Street, CHARLECTOIT, O. Mar HO 45 0m DANIEL H. SILCOX'S FURNITURE WARKROOMS, 17ft, 177 * 17ft, King Street CHARLESTON, S. CEsTABi.imr.n in T838. Mnn Kcopa con,tantIjr on hand _fl_ welt selected Stock of E3HSC3 ;;H' rUI^lTITT7RS, Ip^Vy, Which he offera mi REASONABLE U 1 PRICES. ix. o.?UUUltS t'A HKFli IjIi \ fAUKHU FOR SHIPPING. Hot U 17 ' 1y* I\ VON S A NT EIV , importer or PARIS FANCY GOODS, Toys, Doll*, Games, Children's Cacsiaftsy French Confeetonery, Fire Worka, INDIA RUBBER GOODS, Such a* Clothing. Nursery Sheeting, Ac., 229 Kiny-81. 2 door* above Market, CHARLESTON, B. C. Mar 30 40 1,? IRosadalis ?<rpHE R S AT AMERICAN ) JL HEALTH RESTORER, purifies Sihe blood and cure* Scrofula, Syphilis, )8kin Dieeate*, Rheumatism, Diseases )of Wotaea, and all Chronic Affections >?f the Meed, Lircr and Kidneys. ^Recommended hy the IflforKeat FaeaL /ij ana mauy mouaaous op oar best /citizen*. (SU^P / Rend the tcatimony of Physician* (and patient* who have need Rosadall* ; (send for our Ro?adali* Guide to flealth (Hook, or Almanac foi thin year, which IIHA (w? publish for gratuitous diatrib utiun H (it will aire you much valuable iufot-* U (mation. Dr. R;. W. Carr, of Baltimore, *ay* : S I take' plcaaure in recommending 0Wonr a* a very powerful ^alterative. I haveeeen it need hi two /eases with happy results?one in n )r>M of secondary syphilis, in whieh /the patient pronounced himself cured /after having taken Are bottle* of your /medicine. The other is a case of scrof/ula of long standing, which ia rapidly JR (improving under it* use, and the ui~ /JP<^L iriieation* are that the patient wilt l (jy^^yyoow reeovuv. I have carefully ex (nmineHf the formula by which your (Hoaadafts ia made, and find it an e?m (ccllcnt compound ef alterative ingre' S Dr. Sparks, of Kicholatvillc, Ky., [Mm* )saya ha has used Rosadalia in catca of /scrofula and Secondary Syphilis with /satisfactory results-as a cleaner of iho ^ /Blood I know no better remedy^ [ ) Benjamin Bcchtol, of Lima, Ohio; I /writes: I have suffered for twenty (years with an inreterate eruption over 19 \>ny whole body ; a short time since I (purchased a bottle ot Rosadalia i?ud It ^ (effoctcd a perfect cure. ( Roiadalis ia aold hy all druggists. n?oor?Hirj| ui &&CD?n^i] liace, sUaltimora. Sri. Clixnti 4 Co. Proprietor*, May 19 63 \y PLAHTATIOH BITTERS , This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder wliich undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is introduced it becomes a standard article?a medicinal staple. It is to-day * the best and purest tonic, ^ , and the most popular medicine in the civilized , world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all . Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. ^ *t Which Adam and Kve nartook A of tlio tree of knowledge, did I hey study the higher brunches? a ' 1