University of South Carolina Libraries
JMt**We are authoriind to announce KD- WARD F. STOKES, of Orceivrille, a CundU date to teptesont the people ?f the Fourth Congressional District, ta the Congress of tho United States, at the eataiug election iu Oeteber asst. PRINCIPLES DEMOCRATIC. May Mth, 1*70. 1 " tf zrp""/^ri?&* 4rr4*t?*' UUOb ACUOIVCU, Another lot of ,tu/osb elegant German Stmiy The eafoit nod plessr?riteet of the kind erer used. At the Up-T?wn Drujr DR. EARLH'S OLD STAND. Sept II 17 tf The State of South Carolina. ORK.EK VILLI2 COUNTY. In the Clreait Court-In Chancery. SriPiiBX* 8. Wap*. vs. O. W. Fa,*". ?l *' Bill to Fo ecl.xe Mortgage, Ae. BY virtue of the DeetreA d Order of Jitd^e Orr. nvide i?i 'li? nDwve ose, I will get! to tog h'g'ileet. Idd-ter at G--en* rille Codit House, m Stli** ' ?V in Oeto'ier uvxt, lite Mortgaged P.esiifM Cereri'xd in iiie B?ll, vis: All'. of T. ?n I slum'el partly in . Vie COU'HI -? oi imm? * nnq irrcenviiK, j lyin?on both < 1?* ofS.?lnd? Rlrer, con j lairing T*o till idr?j<l imeSixi y-ili ee h?t?j , ] or lei, upon wliielt u located ll.t- ; \Tv?tin and Cott -n'orv. Ori*t and ! H?w Mill. known na tlie * Fair Mill " Tli i <a ralunMc proper v, and worthy th- *tten- | tio'i of caiimlit.g desiring in iitveSMIl lit ; it. it a!? mi *e?en miles Ir in lliej Cilf of Greenville, nnii the Wv'ei-power j thereof i? ii-Miim iiirpineil, Terms Cull. Purchaser* to pay for slumps ih<l paper*. w a mct> \ npt,. 0. c. g. p. i Clerk** Olti e, June 7 1870. Sept. M . . 17 3 Notice. Application* win he made at tb? nut aoaiioa of the )i??iilnturo to rei c? tli? Charter of Incorporation of tho FAIR- I VIKW PRR^BY THRIAH CIIUHCII of Ureenville County. Sopt U 17 ' 3in Notice TS li'T?1jy <ive? that I will Apply .1" R. , J Dj it lilt. J'r diate .tit Ige <>( 12ret I) vtlte J C iontv, f-W a Pinal )) achorgc as^Adiriini'J ml or ?.f til ^ K*t?i? ?l I'KtKR O. KOH !'* ii i*s?, ilftMleil, oa the 1 Kli J ?y of October next. THOMAS GOLDSMITH, Administrator. Rojitrnilier J4, 18*70. 17-4 | OQrjiTON i_? KCETVBD nn<l f?r??rilcd to Charleston ' lli without Any Charge to l'rojuccr. Liberal A leancca allowed on *11 Consignments I passing through my bands. Tho producer having all the advantage of the l>nt Cotton Market. Personal attention given to Weghing j n I Shipping. ' JULIUS C. SMITH. Sept 7 10 tf - - - - Gunny and Dundee IT A VINO accepted an Agency for tho : X JL nnie ui tun iihivn ii.iiiui.mi, i ?uj now prepared to furnish either. to planters at rouaonablu rate. Cull ami exaiaino at mr Office. JULIUS 0. SMITH. Sept 7 1? tf ESTABLISHED I&35. G It K K N VI L L K COACH FACTOKY. now En, cox & mark ley. WE would announce to our customers, j thut wo uro prepared now to fill nil Orders for VEHICLES. Wo linve added to our Stock of Wood-Work in if Machinery, nml . creased our stall of workmen to about 70, ' and therefore trust that none of our patrons J will l?o disappointed in having orders promptly filled. The Stork of tine. Two, Three. Four and Six Horse Iron Axle PLANTATION j WAGONS, will ho kept lull; nod now os for nino-lhird of a century past, tin-so Wagons j sell a i 1 be the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. XVr have ? large Stork of Light flUGGlKS AXD UOCKA IVA VS : Of our own make, and a Stock of XnrtbeTO- ' kiuill IlUtttflRS?b"*h k?w?prior<l anil high|>riced?for lining rlrg to |)*ith?so Nortbnrn work, priced as low at an v Southern deiil'nr. We call spweial attention to the improve* W.cnts muling <11 our SPUING W A G 0;\ S. Without raiding the prire, we are finishing them with GHRAT G A It E. Ami ls*inting lliein Klcgantly. To en-dewier* at a distance, Prircd Lists will Iwi promptly mailed on application to GOWER, COX & MARKLEY. Aug 10 _ 12 But PURS LXBSPTY " WHITE LEAD. Ifrhy the Bwt?It is the Cheapest. :<* " To Conanhreri of White Lead Everywhere* ^ *"rMIK increased drmaud frotn all wctious of h_ the v.iuntry for wee awll-known I.rand -cl TUIlK LI IIKKTV WIIITB LKAD, in -Auecs ua to ?k yimr special atteni-'n to it, <aad wc cordially invito you t?- give it U trial. UNKaVALED. 1st. For ^.Tearing and Covering Properties. ?d. Kor Whiteness nod llenuiy of Kinlsh. 3d. Kor Uniform Fiuencss ol Oriuding. 4th. Sauio Weight will do tnore and letter work, at a given cost, than ativ other. A Mh. Moat Koonotnlcal White Lead ever introduced. 6th, If you wish to procure as much value as pos.iiMe for your money and secure handsome and durable work, uso PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD 'I'rjr it anil \>c convinced. Hatisfactiui) gaiu> unt.m.l l.? thaw V ennfflith.r.ra 17.IKUI.K I SMITH. Wholesale Drug. l'aint and Olais Ilraltra, St>. 137 Nortla Third Street, Philadelphia. WHOLESALE AilESTS, GOWER, COX & MARKLEY, I DKAI.KKri IN Coach Material!. Paints, Oils, Qlass, Patty, Ac , U u itK.?N VIM.K, 8. C. Aug 10 13 Cm Through Tickets North OsMKnAt. SirF.tiNTr.MUSSi'u OtTKa (Jreenville A C'dmnltia R. H Orr, ' (/o'nmUt, H C , September 4, 1870. and after tUU date, TIIKOUUI1 | ** >k " llOKHTS to New Yotk. Philtd.( jS Baltimore, Warlii'.glon and Richmond enn he purchaaed at the f.?ilnwit>ir ffi?t)?ro on thia Road, vii; (Irecuvjllf, Atid?r?on, Ait *5 be vide, Cokeehttrv. Newhenjp and AMon. JOHN II MORE, Oen. *opt. M. T. nArrirrr, 0?n. Ticket AjAttr, ?ep? 7 10 :: i1 If ? I KINS At A N A no Xreti; ft J'actor* and Com mi** ion Mar- \ | chant*. I Liberal Adoancc* ma<lc on Cotton j 1 and Naval Store*. 1 CHARLESTON, S. C. w' H'P' id 3m fP17T?VV!f 1 T? C ATITI>n \ V QKPT 94TTT I VJTULiJUn T IIJIJLv, OA 1 U 11 I/il 1 j Ulil J Ltlll.! THJ3 lie SHOV IS C0H1C i COL. C. T. AMES' i ?aaras) ossw sws i MENAGEft1 I w 'w si1? Till! FIRST AMI BEST "IN AMERICA ! The Superior Exhibition of the Day!! Three Hundred Horses and Persons Required to Produce Imposing Exercises EVERYTHING RICH AMD ELEGANT* THE GREATEST KIDEKS, jflthleteb, CLOYVAS AND BALLET ARTISTS, In the Profession. nfav m v.'motii MEXAGEiilE am) egvr ian . THE WO.XDERFUI, <MIO." 171 T I.1 ;5II 4 -\ riiC5 jl'j 1j s'ji 1 s >1 i il. The oh:a van ol Camels, from Arabia and Svria!?M'lU- Eugenie's Family of Educated I/ons and Panthers! llie Grand Spccacular Tournnmon b ! Glittering Processions ! Sports and G.lines 1 "... 1l?o Mo;t Beautiful Women o." France, Italy and America! I THE GRAND REVIEW surpasses all former d'rp'avs Dins ot Gold Finibli, containing the Wil 1 Animals, Vans of D zzling Bronze and Silver mountings; magnificent II >rses, with Gold and S? nrlo Harness; the Oiicntal Carriage of the Rajah ot Egypt, sunnou ited by tlio RIIVAI TICK,lis AVI) IMS LOOSEIV Tim, STREET ?Ulil!J I IUIJ1IU il.M/ IJllTilU I4VVUIJ 111 I 111J Ul ll'lilill Attended bv M'LI,K El'CiKM 11'.. The length of the Matmn ?tli Review will ox i on I O V K11 ON E MILE. Capt. Joseph Kinslow's Select Band of Music, Will (kcoout]>Aiiy tbe cxerciaoR Tim Review will move at 10, A. M. 2 I)uuia opon at 1 ami 7, 1*. M. l'crlonnuuovs at 2 ami 7}, I'. M. Will Exhibit at Pickens C. H., Sept. 26. At Goodwin's, Sept. 23. 3 s 'aTiiAMiia *iaaais niv? * f .A .*9*>" J.SOO J. B XI 3 ? * ' " 'j * 35K\yf\.Q^ 11 ' ' k* J A t, ^ " V .1. muwim i 1111 Stt V c f 3 I 1 aiUi jahoifmi n-i <Q> i? 9. n-T t vw M vMtt ^ ww I IVD (> fffP ?8 }&& *? >' W I .. rrD DITTr^ 1 evprxn UIKI ^C THE. great ! | SOOTHE.RE> TC-N|p. 1 CURES M DYSPEPSIA* INDIGESTION events chil l s s a*1 77 rf SOLO EVERYWHFRc7-/7in 1 B0WlE?^TfOAVlS!; WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS ! CM&RL??1'?&S??. ; I ?????? ? ? N II. 'llif (*? in ii|j?inn?-r i-f l??vIn* , i Ivcvl <1 i lull m 11 \ ?li* i In* i-im 11 i li* hi tide ( * iitiui.t ii *p?*fiiil 'ic- ii*". Fi?r ml" '-v DAVID &STRADLEY, ji W Inli-iile uii I lii-M't (liiufrii tin.I Cum ini-rioii Mi-iclmiii*, ("! pull Ic. S. C. ~ I aaeo HIT w 4% i ! Drs. Harr son &. Marshall, IVlmlcit'ii ami Retail IliiiL'iii UltEbKYlLLK, S. C. :{0 <5 ft n For Sale. "!, ! I WKOFFKK AT ritlVATK ! , i Pale, the very INNHk Hi*- ; , i I'4V!m. Idencr on Ttultii'rfniil atrwl, i ( I u^sSSE I" H.i? City, known an the j j (lOOIHiFiTT PLAVK. Tho lino-a b?? Fire I'uomi ami Tan tMaxxi? J on a floor down ftalra, and Two Room, ?b<nc, i * and ia in OOMPLET R 1 i EPA IR ; Tlio Ontliuildinya aro nin|ilo ami jr>?d. Tin- j Lot miiitaiiia u ltdl*i iu''|t than Tliri c n< rrr ; I . Ii'ia on Fx-?-lI"nt (Jarden. mvl onn of the ' . Vury l!a,t Well* la ih? City, 'lhiaia #!?? j : X' Ihcr own of tbo ileaira .U- rcaidint-es in ! oi Nii'liil lirernvillo. If Tnl will hi lorr, Ihia properly will )a of- I f?rrd at Auction on Pnlea-iltiy in November. Fur Tariur. Ac., iinnlv in 1 . LAUI.K A ULVTIIK, ,, l.ulid Aug 17 IS 1? o n r: f.n vi r.T.K PAPER MILLS. 1 J. Bannister & Son, i < ?'.A tTiiTOSliliilS j 1 of am. Ki*r?.? or I i Book, News, Wrapping and -1 Colored i i ? .m ? a<z Mm. m* \a HIOHKST CASII PIII OK I'AID FOR j a ('l?nu Cvliun or l.iiivii IIA US. : ' Xity ?i I Ijr I * WM. SHEPHERD 8L CO., ; So. JM, Hatfut Strrrt, < hitrlfuton, S. C. ; ' ItKAl.tna ix (BOOKING STOVIS. IIANCHS AND* 7 llfNlinU Sin\>?. PlotM.r, of Slost>? with *.i?i ?lf??*ii|?lton *i I li?> *~ni up i mi HpplitM ion. Jtuif J'J 0 ly w Ml i ; i\ )y. \X ciriMviao a w (i ' mm ' * ' i " ' ' '?* ' * ' V ^ ass a? i i n 1 ..n mmn m III1) ^ M <-lt ?rv* ' V -r M %? * ? - - n". Efisi ??*.? ?n ;... ..* ^5 "if *K ^ Jj:* '-J*. " - -JirtKir . .4 .4. .**?? ' * r) ?-?T ^ t?'j5!' . i + ~ ai ? ' ^ ' ..j C t?E HAOSV .^ES Lr&Lk ( v V.:;;?p; " i ?v/<# m * *?* ? ' J 1 ; 3A?3QLti>! J.snr, . * *<y* 15 . ' rr^" ' % ^ . * I * &M??? i MOT * -Hp I - j?,. % fl' /!* < T?? ?r? * ** i*% mil Si, I .* it I - > .... V / , i f i- * ^ ' i* " y * ? H,;' r, / % ?> *./ ?L . -'... . JO . . V 1 .&% 'ia& * u 1 ? .?1? ??Cy t i %*.f :tt *r I i>?? < >**.? T .? i. ?3a r i: Fquality Life Insurance Compnnj J of Virginia. vflits ' 'riMfiji *1 lf(firr, An IOI>'?. -jtliiiu >tr- e', Hick 1 fl. FASOX? wliy I'V-rjr <>or rhonld innirr in ! ^ the Ei|ualii}' Life Insurance Cooipany, >1 Virginia : l.-t. ll is more LiSrral to llie 11.surer* than inv other company. nn.l (till c*v< muitlly If tin Purely Mu i mi I iiml belong In ?In.- in*ur< r*. 2<l. Il nr? nlate* it* money among#! it* pat*, wlin ??v the iiifurer*. C'ou#ef|tteiitly tbey in- continually getting the oinfil ?f the rapii in umi.laiioii ?l the Company. tin- money inverted1 j ibc llihii>i uf Diructoir anmii^rl .he iiiriiriT*. H.I. Tim loan* nf I It to C nipnny are a* t il?eril n# oilier cnupaiiier wlm il> clare iliridtmii it tbo vinl nf ln? nninil, and fnurtli j-rnr*. but this Company at llic cuil ol the fir?t and every vcnr. I? \ V11? II. rl.AHK. PrccMmt. TI1UH. II. w VXXK, Vice- I'rceidcnt. JO II X Q W I X X. Sft rtUrjr. f Jen. J A MBS II. LINK, Urinary, I?r. K. II. XVAUCWS. I .... .... I?r. C. II. W. DAVIS. I A?hl#cr?. Judge JulIX A. M Kl! EDITII, Councilor ninrt'ToHM. .1. If IViiifliHi, Treasurer end Sfwlurr 11. | A I'. II IS : IVin. J.Johnson. < ' Johnson A I lilitf. Wholcrale tlrnrer* ; Win. II. I' iVinatnii A Pnw>-rr, Wholesale tJmrer#; Alert OrilwAV. Treasurer Hm'kinykinn Ptalr 'I'liipiiny ; J. K. (Jit-eon, Superintendent \.liiiiin' Kxpre** Company :!>* Y. M"fir. Mnrri* A Uh.'i Sugar Ileflnerv : II. A. l'e* ilc, Superintendent Manchester Cotton Mill*; l?.b*i II. Tyler, .f.ihn II. A John Tyler, J>?. lor* ; M"*e* XlilMiiecr. Wholcrale Dry flood? ; riinuin* 8. Baldwin. Clothier ; John M. (JimI I in, Cashier Plantar'# Rank : J. II. Dowell, lil|ierlnlrlnlint IVirlirn loom Telrjjrapb jiiinpnny: Alex. <1. Hnt.crfaon, Cattle Broker j Jeorge 1. Ilerring, Wholesale llmmr; R. L, frown, of lSrowu, Jniiua A Co., M bnlvralr I n?ccr* ; A Ilodekcr. Druggist ; S. XI. li.m ii nuin, nfS.A XI. Rnvnliian, Dry Onnml*. r a unlit* Llf* Imnr*nr* r.mntn. _ , / --?r?j xnmiur ill I'nm/tklrh hr/nre tfun im irr, il ?' In .yoxr iutttfl tu dv aw. Aj/inh | ranftll errryrlitrt. III*!*J. ?. III!RIOT, (!en. Traiclling Agent. f'harl?*lon, S, 0. Sept 22 18 t! ! 3hailotto. Columbia and Augusta R R. C"M?m*ia, S. C., September I, 187#, j f \ V wit I after THIS l>AY, tho I'araenger L / iraiiii over thi? Koa.l will run aa foli>w a : cotea WIVTN. i?ava Charlotte, N. 0 , ut 8.20 a. m. " CVIuinMa. 8. 0., at... ."Mi p. m. Lrrlrc Augnrta, at.... 8.i0 p. m. ooina Mourn. .nave Angaria, at ...#.00 a. m. " t oluni ia, 8. C , at...,, II,45 a. m Irrivr Charlotte, N. 0 , at # SO p. ai. iCmMttnitATioN traitn, attNpAva Rxrr.PTan #ar? Columbia 10.Ill p. in. j Irrivc at Atiiruata 7.00 a. m. I ,eav? Angaria ...#.;tO p. m. | Irrive at Colombia. 4.I& a m. j Clime connection* tnutle win Oroeiirhnro anil tielimnml and Ari|Uia Creek, ami rin Raleigh, 1 Veliliii) and Hay Line. Through Tiokata auhl i ml l>njfg?ife eheckeil to all point* North, hiiith. an?l W? .1, fstr- F"T luilier information appt* ?t tlii* I ?m?c. C. ItOI' KNIiillT, Siip't. Si-pi 7 Hi If ' - mmj l\~EW FL FOR SAI^E. AT Clyde & Hovey'i. "'^LLilil >^iTTLLl'l'-ILw' ' 4 **t fimi r r:m fimit jar,: j (ALL OI.A88) FOR SA LE AT I ...? ' - j 31 YI>K & HOVKY'S.I I Til IS JAB COMBINES ALL T1IK < ' *-# : v COOP QUALITIES OF k FRT*IT JAB)*. ki; . (. -. < ( fcft* C1inlUn|< < intl drflr* all ftap<ltl|?ii. | oniip raw r?? it. rue tTAll IS A GEM, A* j>nrrh<i*rr* trill Jititl npnu a tri ?/ <*f /? uterift. 1 Call and >m th.m at | Clyde & H tlf'i. I ? i A NK1T AND FltKSIl 5UITI.T OV COFFEES MRS, TEAS, AND; 8PXOBS. FOR 0ALB AT 1 CLYDE * HCVETY mm mm -MM " ?? mr 'Ji rW "? IlnfN, ^hoesf Hardware, r*?*kery Si, Glamware. ror. pale at CLYDE & IIOVEY'S. A Urr* l?t OF. NT A READY MADE USES OLOTII ISO. at CLYDE A nOVET'A. in FACT, ITt l'dct nearly everyfhtlm. . in he} ft In a Well Rrfula?*d Eatublithmmt. And, with-ut 4?aht. at row FItiUKK* 4l ran W a{T?r4rJ in thi? taarkrt. CLYDE & HOVEY. a-f* II If Tho Stato of South Carolina. ppautaniu iuj county. In the Coart of Com mo a PlenaJulm IIa..lV 1 T.? W Cia.k f? > !>- c Jaiii in tlii, Rul rrt W. C'*rV J actl-m. 'XT'?'IT ar- y i"mn m a-1 ?n l r-i^iilr"! 1 ?o antarr 1 h?- r.<tni-lain? in 'hi* a?-ii-it> ?lrrli hit# I'crn ftl-d ill Ihu tiffin* of tli*. 1 t> ri ? ( Common I'l lop lh? C -uniy >n<1 1, and in ml copy "f vnni Hinwpr ?>n th**i? at Spartaiiioiro "curt lli'iif*. within twrnfy day* after tlir I -?I vie* nl llli* * ! IIHMI* Oil you, *SeWlMT. | of lli- .lay of <rrrip( If y..u fail to an?w. r 'h'? *? inplaint within the iim> (mroiil, ihf I' nint If will uk' judgment atpain*' y<iu foi lli*- '> 11 of aix and ?ixty fl*- tlollat* noil tliirty-aix rcn'a. wi ll in'er ' t> the nam* from th* iwfn'y-fi'M .lay June, oi.e tliuaand ?iiiht hondie-l and ? trrniy, at th- rate of onci. |>er ernt. pel annum |i?i#-il S|>ar*?nl<U'{ C II., Pon'li Cnmll oa, Augti-t I, 1H70. KVINS A BoM \R. I'laimlfT Attorney An* 15 6 XEWSTORE. JC31T H. OSCSLSTT 1> KSPECTFt'Ll.Y inform* the Puhli* that k ha ha* rouitu unJ lluriiitii a^aiu a. the Hlil Stand ?f LONG A GOODLETT, Whcra ha haa ja?t appntf f*rti?i af kit 5l?rk, consisting of 10IZ7T &JD(DIDB9 Groceriei. Crockartt. Vn/.ra et... r I ?WHVf?| [ Hardware, fto, All ?f which w?ra >-vughl at law Ijitrti, ?cvd J Will kf {'if - CASH OR n A ft T K It At S tlijlit mlvnprr r>n I'ufl, Ho ? <har? nf Itio puMk> patr-maga, A|> 6 U If T. MARK WALTER'S u.i.?.3i3, Rr?ad>il., A?|(N?la, fan* M A RULE if OX CM EN TS, ssaas sffssjss, j MAHBLK MANTLI-fl, AND FUHNI TURK, M A It BLE OP ALU KINDS ON HAND, OR FURNISHED TO ORDER. ir All work for thr Count ry wrrlblly j l?o*ed fur fliipm.nL OH 6 lr "GREAT J1 AIR. m C&81UI& 1KTITITI. November 1#/, 1870, CHARLESTON. S. C. i MOST I IBKRAL I'llKMIUMS OFFF.Il .<1 i? rvrry pw'<mrnl of Agriculture &ad Mechanic Art*. I'r^nihiin l.i-t In Fiw. June TJ f> Hm # ami. i.tLL. . Oyer's Sarsaparilla, uaam / I 6 @??@3 be bforMd ofIts virtues or mm. Berofhloas Mbon U one of tk* meet dead no Ire mmmIn of ear nee. Often, tble nneoen end mfUt tenant of the organism nn?U mines tke eonOKatioo, and tav iene tbenttnrfc of enfeebling or tenl diseases, without ejrnMm n suspicion of He neeenoe. Again. It aretne to breed infection hrougtoout the body, end then, on tome favorable Kwasfon. rapidly develop into one or other of Its ildeoas forme, either on the earfbce oran>->tm the rltals. In the latter, tuberelee may be < a Jdenly leposited in fte hinge or heart, or tumore vji ined a the Urer, or It ebowa lu presence by eruptions ? the akin, or Ami ulcerations on some nut of he bodr. Hence the ooensloaal use of a bottle if this Sar*sparil(s Is advisable, oven when no retire symptoms of disease appear. Persona afUeted with the following complaint*. generally Ind in?ff*dlato relief; and, at length, cure, by the 5?Sffeto StKMArAMlLfA, St. dMMj it's JUv, Asm .* Sirmsipeims, Ibftsr, elnW Uotm, SemUL Mem*, iP.mpmaept .Ss>rs Styes, Isre Mmre, and other erupUo,.' or visible forms if WWlaw disease. Also fat ?e more consealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Ifrojujf, Jtemrt Disease, fits, MpOepsy, ttrmrm/yim, and ha various Vteermus affection* of the muscular md nervous systems. Syphilis or r?w?rtsi ami Meremriml IHstmsss are cured by It, though a long time le required Air subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. But long-continued use of thu medicine will cure the complaint. DsMi rtrS be Whites, VUrrime a ad jftwisla M iiiBivi, are commonly iwn ???? " ? ?* taately cured by Ita pnrtfYIng and tnrlfwjllnj effect. Minute directions for eacli ease ere found bi our Almanac, luppM gratis. ItAcuin?Maw* and Om(, when cauaed by neennroletlone of extraneoua matter* la the Wood, yield quickly to It, m al*o IAo*r OwwpMnb, TWyUUy, Cm^iMo*? or of Uio ?wr, and *, when arising, ma they often do, from the NaUkf poisons In the blood. TWa BAM8ATAAiYLjl la a great restorer for the strength had rigor of the aysteaa. Those who are lea* paM and lidbai. Damp?Sent, Mwyhw, and troubled with Wereotto Apperhrnmienm or JFanra, or any or the affections symptomatic of Wamhnama, wtU And immediate relief and convincing evidence of Ita restorative power npon trial, ^ F R E P A RED R Y Mr. 9. C. ATB1I dfc CO.,Iowell, Mam, JPrweftcwI mnS daalytleal Chemtmtm. ?0M> ?T AU. PWJWI9T9 EVERYWHERE. Ror sale in Orocnvillr hy 1IAUHISON ?V MAKSUALL, *.*D M, A. llUM'tll d CO. Aug 31 16 ly The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WALKER'3 CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, Indreds of Thonamlf jiS ? 5 Bear testimony to their wonderful? tl Curative EXTccta 5 WHAT ARE THEY 7 ||I 11 TIIEY ABE NOT A VILE o|% *3?FANCY DRINK,1|| WnL of Poor Ram. Whiskey, Proof Bjrfrita. and llafuao Liquors, uoc-orwi, epiocd,1 aadsweeteuu 1 to plea* >t hot nit", cu'led'-Tonies'* AppstiSers," llnior.ri," 4k tli it lett the tippWron todrunkcunoss nad ruin, but arc a true M lirine, mido from tlio Native Knots and It rb<i c f C-.' \, freo from all Alcoholio Stimulant*. They am t no QK1DAT BLOOD POBlFIERta 1 JjIFB GIVING PRINOIPLiB. ? perfect Renovator tnd lnvlgor*tor ot Uw M ystcm,carrrinji/iit-ip'i'imuui matter,1 end restoring the fctool li ft li dthy condition. N ) vnoftcitl tskitUi > 1%;: cccoriiiug to 'j#?"Vnw, at. I remain long untrJL < SlOU in.I be given for un l iourtiMo raw, prwj ...ling the fxm s an not d.-.-'ro- ed by lutueral puis .n? or o'hor mrana, and t 3 vilul orjaus yr oml tteyolid tlto point of r'pnir. Porlnaa-utn-ttry nnd Chrotlio Ithou-' mutism. and Gout. Dyspepsia, or lndl-' (to tion. Bilious, Itemittont.. and Inter- j mittent Fevers, Disomies of tha Blood.) Livor, Kidneys, ud Blodcar, these Bitters have been fnmwafal. Such Diseases are caned by Vitiated Blood, which, i? j.-nrilly pro ".need by (ljrangcmcut of tha ] DiftesUv-e Organs. 'la- f Invigorate the stomach, stimulato , the torpid liver and bowels, which read'-r them of unequalled ctlitvty in cleansing tha b.oolof | a'l ImpttrlMes, and Imparting now life and vigor j tp t he whole ?yetc in. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, IIcadaeh?,i Pain in the M boulders, Coughs, Tightness of the j Cii-wl, DiuincM, Botir titumarli, IVul TmS in. the Mouth, Hi.lions Attacks, Palpitation of the II -art, Copious Discharges of Uriuo, Tain In I th? regions of the Kidney s, and a hundred other nvinful symptoms which wo thj offspring* of] IKspepsIa, arc cured l>y theso Bitters. Cleanse the Vitiated Dioo I whenever yon And ' It* imparities bursting through the skin in Tim-' pies, Eruptions, or Bores j cleanse it whon it is foul, snd your feelings will te'.l you when. Keen the blood purs and the health of (it# system will *Upitf, TAriC, anil othrr WOftMS, liftoff In] th? lyalcm of m> many ttumnmU, ire effectually J destroyed and removed. For full direction#, read earefully the etrenlar. armnd each bottle, printed In lour l?ngu*(??-] Ktcrliah, Oertn-n, French, and Spanish. 1 J. WALK Lit. at Sl 8? Commerce Street, N. T. J r.oprivtor. K. n. MoDOWAW> A CO.. Drumrteto and Oeneral A*en?a. tian FrancJten. Caltfonda, and 31 aod3t Com.. ^ W.LdVy ALL DBrOaiBTS ASD DRAIXIU). .., _ ^ ' w * jy Fur Sf'e if. O eervill. '.V M A. IIUNTBU A CO, Amenta, A* l> IIALRI ON A M M'.SIIALL, Au* .11 IS 6m ^ ' notice:"?- """ rpilE rXT?FHSI?NEI> WILL LE PIIK1 pared with T1VO NEW CI VS (OULI.ETT'S ?fc GUIS WOLD'S.) Customers can hare tbeir choice. Loth fud hy Patent Feeder*, which, it is said, hy arldin* to the regularity of lecdin*, turns eat more Lint than when led by hand. Halts of J.'fO to SCO ll>s. Wright will he compressed Into a spare of i feet 2 feet wide ami 2 feel thick, which will be neatly covered wil!i new Lading and Iron Ties: fer which (llagrin* and Ties) we will chnrge One l>oilar and Kiftv P. nt. f?l '.(II ? Cnnlnmtri who desire to do to, ran (tor# their Cotton in our WnrilifUtc, eliicb will be nndtr the cure of our Writrhinnn end in reach of our Puree Pump. until rtwdj to sell; st which time wr expect to moke arrangement* to (hip direct to some Factory North, or boy on the most reasons! le terms. Ji&- Plant. rs will plcaso girejns n trial. COTTON PICK BD AT 1 20. LESTER & BROS. Aug 17 13 tf SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER.. %%/OlJI.l) respectfully inform the puhlia. I 1 that li>- has Ki-movrtl to a room nua? the MANSION II018K. where be he prepared to ricivr e'lstnni-rs a* heeetun fin e. It. inir a Pro,<,* ?.?*1 hmtl*t, he hof?, hy atlenth n 'o Hidnaeaa. together with |?olnen?-ae to all. to niei|t a portion of public patronage. in CUTTINO, SHAVING A NT* sltAMI uOlN"}. Kept 1 16 tf STRAWBKSUi"IKS! " "? M'Ol'l.I) inform my customer* that tin. I 1?? September is the time ?? prut urn aiitt plant out this fine fruit. ,\H *|fse wishing to, purchase Plants, will please Motif* rue ,,t once i??MX It.' lilKKKM. Alio 10 12 If