University of South Carolina Libraries
4 .'.t { pose<ithat tUft Are. wbs% product b of tbe {Hants; It was supposed fo n return in the morning toitssourcfe, i end |t has bedn eonfdtarfly affirm* 9 ed thht lF ?t were put in an egg ft :pRSB?0SEi|: tbe top of tl)e ladder, and leave it ? there at it ascended. 1 * Even at U* prMdnt day tie * s2^^o,^pte^r% s tbe prevalent aotioM. The deer ? neve^ fall*, at,lewt^e,perceptible distance; it is deposited from tbe ? layer or tffPTrt detail contact wittT? tbe Jbedeuted otieeU > That Wow fil > ?- wj*1 St 1.J ? - _?.?_ " ' **'"'H-7-m?! "A. . ' A W?0? WM%M ^^Sle f turn*' ^^TJZZL. i r.-^vl-A . " ? jranraraim. % " fm sa*? of Uh? jfcMtti is Mid tt TttftkBH, New T6Ht7 A jpovng l?<iy who was eiwbged to be married &>bti, odi phtottig a *' barber ?hop saw her to tended in a Chair And a barber fanning httb.4? She atrppoecd he meat be so abe rasiied in atid tbr?4? herself in Bib arras, and found Be wnaoily Baring bis moustache ayed? She got some of the stuff on htft face, which Colored fter War cheek, atid to dWgrfcWd hCr ?atBbC brotfe off the engagement. A wealthy farmer, while ?n his way to Kansas city with a load of wheat, the other clay, had one of the wheels of his wagon broken, lie stopped at the honse of a buxom widow to have the repairs at tended to, and while tlr&e, took Advantage of thfc opportunity to propose a consolidation of their larms and their beftrts. The proposition was accepted, add within one week he carried hotne his bride. Ttts editor of an AWgusta (Ark.) paper saw Jeff. Davis the other day at a hotel in Mei&pliie. He skys: uTbe last tftne wq siiW him Was down in Georgia, riding thinIv by oar thin lines, rev: iewThg.?* And there he sUs eating?a greyheaded confederate posthge-atamp. lib wasn't insuring lives when We belonged to him." ? v v * 1. a . Pointed Pcszt.e.?Hero is something Worth studying. If ahy of onr readers cSn sol\e ft ana see the point, they are at perfect liberty to do so: FY OUO WEFO RYOUR PAPE RPA YU P uLt<rr ni? alone, you good-fornothing followl" exclaimed a bright girl seated by the side of a dull lover. "Why, I ain't a* touch in' of you," protested the astonished youth." M Well, yon might hare dono it, if you'd liked," was the suggestive reply. "My dkab," said a rnral wife to her husband, on his retnrn from town, "what was the sweetest thing yon saw in bonnets in Baltimore S" " The ladies' faces, my love." - ? r ? Turns* is an intelligent dog at Mid k'ine, Indiana, that whenever company comes to the hoose, proceeds at once to catch a chicken, a thing that he will not do at any other time. ? ? - -i - r l_ . "ao gather a crowu oi peopitt ; liaise a plank in the sidewalk and start a terrier after a rat. To disperse them : Circulate a snbscrip tion for the benefit of a pour family u Mother," said a little five year old ebild. "sister Mary sweared." "Why what did she say?" "I heard her say she wouldn't wear those darned 6tockings to chnrch." A Ciiicaoo lady would go to a fire the other night, ana got a stray bnllet in her hip. She don't get up now when site hears the fire bells. A WrecoNsur paper mentions a case where hurglarB broke into a store, but go< ds were marked so high that they conld not take any away., A TiBKisn Pacha recently caught a rebel, nailed horse shoes JO ills unrn ieui, unu men go?o > half a minute's start before the soldiers tired upon him. The abstract propriety of potting rattlesnakes in strawberry beds, to protect tliein from thieves, is being discussed in Georgia. Scppose a feller what has noth in', marries a gal what has nothin', is her things his'n, or his'n her'n, or is his'n and her'n his'n ? The next amendment ia oalled " tbe sweet sixteenth." None of us like the crying oi another person's baby. not tall is evident from the under * side ofVfflaWdrice'cfearn being ?' Wsnved, Jlje oqofciess itcfctsaary ? night isinot-predvcsd by the <Je- lj position of the dej, .&?$, to d?w ir is produced by clearness. Aneavy ? stow pr<Are**be clearness of tlae <* air and warns tbe astronomer to b lose no time in getting out bis tel- H escape. j? iTB.fl 0/Wra' s . ti ffasasnafi' matter of principle. an4- never a a yS& atfcgianco? for mflft of his C life he has^stpod in decided and rt uncompromising opposition to the si part^^wnKm Talnitselt Deino- ni cratic." \'v N?'y | A /MMPlM fll ()lii(> rail- A road, being aroused from a deep or eluigjbirtfefr itbo- doting of the sa whistle, exclaimed petulantly^ fo "The taaitv^-hb^ eAugbt np with nt those cattle agaiq 1" ^ Unite! ft tat** District Court Wert- c( era District of South Carolina?A# gust Term. 1870?Hon. George & al Bryan Dlstriet ***** ?*reiidla|40< *? TniMDATi 8optemWr tat. 1 w The 6a?t mi opened at 11 o'clock, A. M. 1?' Hon. 6?o. 8. Bryan, presiding. The JuroiOi ij answered to tholr nimci as on yesterday. In llanknrplcy.?In the fw? of M. ,1 Diofiey and W. A. Mooney, vs.L.D. Mcttakin- g Petition for Involuntary Bankruptcy, if, E. Earrle solicitor far petitioner, end T. 8. Arthur for defendant. Jury No. 1 who WfM.; charged I with the case, returned a verdict " not guilty. 0 J. C. Ilioks, Foreman/'. ? - i? ? ?J Criminal Docket.?United States ys. Job^ fj Qoeneli. Wholesale liquor dealer witbowfl pa,leg fax. Jury No. 1 charge,! with thie ctise; and testimony heard np to the hoar of ' Jadjournment of Court. United States ts. 1 wagon and 2 horses' *, property of Jeho GoSmIL " fdfBhdatloii for * forfeiture for violation Internal Revenue 1 Laws. D. T. Corbio, Distriet Attorney. Or- b derod that a warrant ot arrest nod wositbs O issue returnable on &tb September, 187*. n United States vs. 12 boxes of ssaanfactnred \ tobacco. Information for riolation Internal ^ Revenue Laws. D. T. Corbin, t'nited States Distriet Attorney. Ordeced that a warrant of arrest and monlUen bane returnable on first . Monday ef-Oetober next. " ' * ? "** 'n i> ' *j , 0 % a ? y Fridat, September 2J. Court opened at 11 o'clook, A. M. lion. c Geo. 8. Bryan, presiding. The Jurors au- v swered to their names as on yesterday. United States vs. John Cornell. Wholesale n liquor dealer without paying tax. Jury tfo. {2 charged with this earn, returned a verdict of O ,M guilty. W. C. Cleveland, Foremanand ti the defendant was' sentenced to an imprison, ment of six months and ? fine ef one thou* . sand dollars. , " . untten biiiu vs. three barrels distilled & spirit*, three Males, one wagon; seized in O possession of John Davenport. W. H. Earle a for United States, and Messrs. East*/ 4 ? Wells, Attorney* (br claimant. The Coast }( was coco pied ap to the hour of adjournment ^ In bearing the testimony in this ease, and then adjourned until Monday, at II o'eloch> *! A. h Tui.Coi.nasn Cadet at West poist. ?'Th? T colored cadet at Weal point must lake aara ? not lojop the public sympathy wbtab haa " btea lavished upon him. ^A edmmlAaioTi v appointed to investigate hia ease reported F officially, not long sine*, that lids wrong* 0 and sufferings bad been greatly sny^rat* A ed. and now there as* reports front West 'I Point of come exceedingly turfy and unbe- ll coming conduct on fila part tow arils his feU t! low cadets. At all events be liaa been pat fl under ?rr?*t, and the commandant, General h Upton, wbp showed h ion self the colored tl boy's friend during bis early I roubles refbs- a ed to allow a newspaper correspondent to g see him, as he thought publicity would injur? Ms interests. Cadet Smith should recollect that bis race is, to some extent, in f his person,-a/T?W Yvrk Timet. * , ' ' B Dkatw or ????r W??V * I>.?At a late boar bnt eveniftg w kestd of the death 11 of ]>r. Lebby, fbe efty registrar, Who bed for c adm time pert been ill with typhoid fever.? "T Dr. Lebby wee eo old ** well-known pbysi 1 t oien of onr elty. Be Wee for inme year* e c member of the City Council, end took especial 8 in tercet hi 0M prt?*l?n well end the construe- | tion of tittwhl drain*, being, we believe, on- l both of the MMlttMl appointed by Conneil to take ohergeef the** two enterpricee.. -Pravion* to itwWnr he bed been a surgeon in the k United State* army, and, nt the time of hi* fj death, we* port physician fur Charleston bar- | bor.? CkorUtto* Sett. . V Two little girl* were heard on oar street* f* discussing the war in Enrope. They Were j( divided in opinlau as to th? result, ons eon ^ tending that Prussia would whip, and the v other saeerting, with equal confidence, th it . France would be the rietor. At last the . champion of Prueeia set*.lad the question 1 by an unansweratde argument; " f know," liesaid,"thattheDutehtnen will whip. My I . pa (a a Prenohmen and my ma a Dutch- 1 ' I man. They light every night, and ma si I 1 w ?y g licks" r oitber bowod hk bead nor. knoqlur one behind him, occasionally st&fi*,*?&? aTij r some other troublesome insect. 'SfJtpm!? Wp * , jrmwoo without * mommrj bbt t last patience ceased to be a vtrie, ana from the flash of bis eye f saving u shoo, flvt don\ bfe habd raoVed nrard the supposed offending in-1 * U^<?NgW f&wUc cu^ch | nd a Spring behind him. Itnsg-1 ?e the horror 01 the youth to find t his hapd'.tbe mobby h*t ot.tjbm lir one, which be had torn riolent! 0 ? i ' ? r iroui ner mm, MK1IJ disftrrang g the contour of braidaMtfi ahigon. The lady was iwHgun/ M> >urse, and the youth oould haro een purchased at an immense sacifice about that timo. ons and apologies followed/ ana ic disorganized was put in order ? Wm ?fn>q*$l*a*d ^k9 fevjk onal exercises were resumed. [Lima (Ohio) Gazette. A *?i^?Viath is reported ht' correspondent of the ixrtiigtilft) onrier Journal, as having occnr:d in Tishomingo Comity, Missisppi, a few days ago. I*enngton, a stout, healtliy farmer, ving about four miles from luka, ad a slight ajdll Susdav, before ist. The day befort W \tA in l 1?1. ir a? ivoiiGiit uvniiiu niuilCBY Ilium* ig ho felt the approach of another #*(?/! ?>*. WWfrer lying awhile no remarked to to of his family that lie hoard it htebft-tpiderAverhe ^veem rood p tho chills, and that-he believed r^PWW try tho remedy."? rhereupon be arose from the bed id gathering from the walls or lltittg offlhejttotb a IroS'bi #hich: ero three " Spider balls," as they rte oatled, swallowed tbepi, .vithlt Ifcpfcidiaielv thero as heard within his cheat a faint >und as the balls had burst, and ttef minttas he was dbicl.? ofJS" U U jN^ly wollen by the action of the poison. A Woman Wins a Medical >kize.?It is recorded as a siffirifiant fact, that wliile some of the octors arc dispnting whether wo ?pft fcttt intehpeT enoftgh tb naster the principles of medical iractice, one of the latter ret has nrried off the ]>rizes offered by lie New York Medical Gazette or the best chemical reports*? 'hesc Articles were sent inligned >y the initials M. M. \V.T and turn nt to hare been written by Mrs. n. P(. Welwter, a graduate of the Vdtnan^i Medical College of Pliildelphia. It is said that the Medcal Gazette maj be regarded as n impartial arbiter in thii matter, ecanse its editor was opposed to roinen physicians. IIow many orapetitor* they were, and what ras their quality, is not stated; mt the fact that women can study ,nd become nsetnl physicians, especially in attendance upon their wn sex in many instances, is Baft t> be doubted.?Baltimore Sun. Indianapolis is infested with lighway robbers,- but a brave ,:?i --? ?l .... ,111 IIIUI O JIXCIIUJ' UUI^lllt'U UIJU f them. She was returning home bout dusk, nlonc in a buggy.? he drove along leisurely, her orie dropping lue head in a consiiled Way. All at once a tirain' limped oat from a com tield near >y and took her horse by the ead. She looked at him in stirfiso. 141 would like to fide with *a, miss," he said to hdr. * Jtoet nybddy would," ilie replied, sureying him steadily. Taking the rrwence of mind for consent, he iropped the bridle rein and took step towards the carriage. At Imt instant the brave girl touched er horse with the whip, giving 10 man a sharp cut across the ice, and before be eonld recover imseif, he was thrown down by lie wheels of the buggy, which, rith its intended victim, Soon dis ppeared. In Europe, hard water is considred more healthful than aoft.? ' fbe French savana, when i turpi ir ng after Water for ?f Paris, found tlrat mere CrmfcSn pts ire rejected in aoft orator districts, m account ot imperfect develop nent and stunted gtofrth, than in he hard ; and they concluded that alcareons matter in water is esc.niiul to the formation ?kf liunM 'acts baring a similar bearing iave been noted in Great Britain. In Detroit, a few days ago, tho Xr of a stall in tbe market, g ti e melting snow dripped hrough on liis produce, climbed ip on the top ot the stall vritli a tew to regulate matters. He i*ind six pocket books lying there n the snow, each containing more <r less money, it is sn pposed t hey rere thrown there seme time ago iy a pickpocket at the moment of us arrest in the market. m ad.?The gjfcof Prussia may e mad, ui?4|p|Pb * wonderful uek " is enoupMo crane anybody, mt what a * method n his madicss hasl mow opn for tb? atrowModatvon of (imU. Tim tabU will alwara be amplhxl with erafj deltwMjr ^C^bw ?ma?? >h?h fcv? tha NeW York *n<i Chorlralnr ? iknlr Mid nn ffnrti . will be iptnd to giro perfect reinfect Ion, In* very rwpert, to our petronj. FRIB LUSOB'' la lk? refcetory every day from 11 antil 1}}. 4*M. obaMMt," ?> riA,.,.,,,. ?--T fl. H. DADRNHOP, \ " Beplftt * - V t' ? NfCkertd&HauliaHotel, cotcwuft,. SmM, +tfi MeMir te wake It oae of the moat agreehblt Hotel* la. Free Omniboa to and from the IIotel.. W*. A. WRIGHT, -V r^.gXKE^t'r^u./ tt^TIONAi HflftL, (gcDitWHsmmA, ?P. HAMILTON JOYNKR, CLERK.! Ljr RATES J 4 ' Of Board per T>ay fX M :j Snnn#?r. Rrpfekfift arid I.odiriniF . . . 9 OO Slm^B Meal* 1 ^00 ] "pMltfNHOTELT r?r Day - ........93 00. ' s?pt to "^^r^i^lea sm Vegetable Gar tnao, H i* IWiknt ^BOiSy '?oSO cmf^"jin|( will be attended Mar 30 """ 44 ft \ QRESMfcr^ PAPER MILLS. J. Bannister & Son, jM^swwjy^c^'iFtE/saagias or ALL KIHDS OF Book, News, Wrapping and 1 v. Colored tji?hest cash prick paid for 1 1 Clean Cotton or Linen RAOS. May 2i I 1y WM. 8HEPHERD Ml CO., N?. 24, IJmyne Street, CAarhtton, S. C. i^lOOKlNG STOVES, RANGES AKD 1 i ri _-. t oi r?? -? - ' c nrnuii|( oiuvrv. i ici iirr? oI oioven with prices ?.id description will be sent apod application. June '29 6-ly t TUTT'S VEGETABLE ? 2*WIE? MM, - Caret disease* of the Lifer tad Stomach. TUTT* EXPFCTORANT Apl'litnt ( '? for fought. Colds. Ac. TUTTS 8ARSAI'ARILLA AND QUEEN* D"LIOHT the ereat Alterative and Blood Purifier. TUTTS IMPROVED HAIR DYE. Warranted the tied dye in ate. These Standard preparations are for tale by Drug giiti everywhere. Oct Marble Yard, LAURENS O. M C. Marblr cuttiko m atl its Branches, done in the neatest of Style, and of the heat JiaJUn ami American MARBLE Address JOSHUA ELLEDOF. 1 Laurens Court Iloutc, S. C. June 1 I I# Tico Jltlll'l llWIiW. 64 PAGES READING MATTER, 30 PAGES ADVERTISEMENTS. WALKIB, KVARR A COGSWELL, X>. WTATT AIKEN, ? * ! TIM, a. c. Jnljr 20 t . U MATTF.ECOSO MADE AND REPAIRED, BY JAMES M. PRICE. Qiee him call hi his reeidence, near <h? OAILLARD SCHOOL H098B. June 22 * " ? For Sale or Lease. TIIK nihiorlLer wfll dell or I.raie ? FARM, ORI8T MILL and TAN YARD,iltuat. ad 14 mi lei below Greenville Court Il?uee, 1 ear the Fork Bboal Road. The Farm la ; wall, hu? tlia Mill and Tan Yard are both in ! good running condition. Peraoni wlihing to either l>uy or laaae. will addreai or call on me, i at Oak I.awn, Greenville County, 8. C. J. L. W00D8IDK, M. D. | July 13 9 9eow Sl^ & " ^]U jjtr WORK bf ?tl 4iMriptfott? Hi hb IUm don? promptly.* o?t n 28 ly* A. J. ROSS A WiT *4 > >,..- " t-.- i ?i-a < r so.l'l ; ?"'? tb .< > - J f DEALERS IN JAPAXNSD AWfi PRS8BSD WARS, 4j and COOKING AND HBATING srfQVB*. REASONABt<S TERNS, --- . , Ad4 With promptneca. $tor6 Hearly Opposite the Post Office, i ?TcW .li j j . .. *$ if ^ WJ^/^Wer.T~ PRACTICAL 6UNSMITH ANB MAelflN 1ST /"TORN 8HELLEKN, Cetton Gino, Lock*, SjwiDg UAcbinca, Umbrellns and Paraibla REPAIRED ulfh prnmptnem. Charge! reaaohnblb. Tjorh Shelter*, for date from $19 lotll. I ml also prepared to ftirnUb Stoaeii Plate*, Tor marking elotMog. * " *" * * Itfof k*mtthin*r. " I NAVE in addition to my knal baaineu, opened a ULACKSMnTI Mi OP, having a competent workman hired, Lark In Wntlrld. Wbrh W tbU Una will ba iion* ant ir fact or il jr. Ready made PLOUGHS nlwaya on hand for at*. > * nnfcbt > Stand?In r?ar of^Old Court House, at thf Randolph plate, barfog removed from 0y Hand on Main Street. 28-tf TOWHES & EASrr, i&S15&3b8&liflt& A3 5iA"S17 In SOLICITORS IH EftUlTT. rjiACr/df. |H| fJfEJfNViMfLJf tfXD SUtlROOHBlMQ OOVJtTIES. Office O^er J alius C. Smith's. o. r. TtVUI. HII IUT. Ap -47 O . . * f ** ! ><vr>f>^^N^v?vc>CT 1 WM. P. PRIGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW DAHL0NE8A, GA? Wilt pnirilee in the CointiH of Lumpkin. Dowimn, (Jiltacr, Fatrain, Viiun,, Town*, White and Hull. < J*n It ft* it AWW'JDKlSJflS'S' AW J$iAWf AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WILL rBACTlCK in ALL COURTS OF THIS STATE AlAO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Ofle* OrMBTlIl? C. X., S. C.; July 1 I y* sr. K. milit. 0. 0. belli I EA8LET ft WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, nKKRWVILLK, 8. ., PRACTICE In (Im Conrti of the State and of the Uaited State*, and give eepeelal atlent'n.n tu cuti in Bankruptcy. dane 13 , fj c | iff f j t?:| j WATCHES, CCOCKS, Jewelry, Pefi?iopi^ fiyectaelcs.fte iflLI. oiifTcr aa extra article fl*/Tllfrt?ny pen on. fperal alienXB lion will he given to REl'/IU- j 15(I fl'ie Watches of erarj dca i cription. Beet rtlhrrticerf ciren. . ! JAMES ti. BLACK. June SO A ' If 'Vi Spring Millinery. as&s. Ms WOULD IKFOR* TUB 1 >Dm^ I.?Hiw ol CrernTllle nnd r|t>|nAuflHtX, lliat ?be b?i oftiNd lt?r B Stock of ^ IVSPBINO MILLINERY, To ?hc llio ntUDWJT|1 lion <?f Ibote making purchaaes VP' in llsia line. Her price* are REASONABLE, Anil (tie will tako pl?u?ure in exlubiog bcr - ' <> -> -ao OD S3* 4f c * A call i* Jerked Laforo buying, a* ah* feel* confident of April 13 .. 47 , f. . Am DR. SKALLCIIURCCR't Fever and Ague A.3STTlt>OT?: Alwar* Map* ? " CMR*. Tbis Modi'1 ine lua boon btrforc (bo PuV Ho ftft^pn jetirn, and ia atill ahead of all other known temedie*. ltdooatiot purge, Ion not alcken t":? atoenacli, ia perfectly safe in any dote and nndor all circumatanoca, an Iia tho only Mcdie.iuo that will OURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently erery form of i'crer and Agno, booauao it ia a perfect Aaik Koto to Iffalarla. Sold by all Drugglata. Fob 7 37 ly DAVID DICKONS Vrent It.'.k on Farming nt w out. No farmer* library complete wnlioot it. ft?un<l in elnlli, #4 ; Sltwp. ft AO; Half hfiwoero, tH. Or. Am rf?i?Ki at Ihta Good eanvara log areola wanted. For teima, apply at tins office. FOR SAM': OR TO RKNT, A Comfortable DWELLING. A{3m' > containing aarea Kooma, aad ISBni all noeeaaery Oiit-Hnlldinga. ^*3E@Saflfc within a few mlnntea walk of Pur man University. For pariionlara apply to T. Q. DONALDSON. November 24 17 . tf Old Cdfdlina iittm. We inke pUiuure in offering ihe OLD CAROLINA.B1TTSRS mo Till: *?bii^ Ti,.y ?? i ed wiili preal ear**, end ooeleio Mine dN ynm ww seaws II IM rMnHCOMl. A? ?lW4ce Of tftt MtpsrltrfRy of par Bit tort S&SS&S V?^^^oAitoLUrA dirfrtt? Feevr s?d Dyspepsia. ?M cM#V9 *tlf Bitter* rt t eure far fft yMwn b?t M t? Ai?fMto tiMii IImj Fot t*fe by ?H I>i*fcgW* and (lr?w GOODRICH. WINEWAN A 00. Importers of Choice Drags sod Chemical*. 1 Cnirlntci, 8. 0L ^ n'titi l*1' * <5jEO. W.CARPjENTER'S COMffUND FBlHD EXXRACTOF 8Ail bAfariLIA. * *-t OBOi w. bAimmi gOVrVUNI/ fLUID ^EXTRACT ?t BU 'T'HE^K CELEBRATED rREPARA' L jnOKSiorklitsUy 41*reduced by fleo. Cdri>*nten uldet the patrsnfcge of *h? medical faculty, have been *o long extra lve)y ttMd by physicians and others, that I Its* afejgkir|aih- bnfrwn for tbeir intrln- | it rated; sn<rcn I#4 relied on as being | mwi Tiiimific rrmpiitea la all ckhi where Eareaparilla or Rnetui are Applicable. aaO eannoi h? tow highly rrrooinjrndrd. They are prep*) eJ b? ? highly conreot rated form, o le to rbnAer the dose entail an<f ntnmi rut. Or tiers by mail or atherwiea vili receive prompt attention.' GEO. W. CAltPF.NTKR, IIF.N3ZEY A CO., WholesaleChemical Warehouse, No. 787 Market-street, Philadelphia. I)OW 1K A MOISE, Wholesale Agents, . e> 1^ ? ^ Charleu?#?li <T ??ll? | *f IT f. P. TOALB, ^cihtfttcavoN. s.c. 'W^IWSMA C L??**U tid tfcort rowpleH ) Jh J M?W?Urt.*|r?r Uo?r*a??*w, V ~4tt \ tMivtt, tfowlrfiftjra, **,< ?Im J eiwtbern Rmu. JVT*4ft?* t*T*% l#?t Mm rMaprtWoc.-^ 00T flaw J for JM?" ti?*tTrM ?ii April 27 4V ij A. B.! MULLIGAN, AND GENERAL ummi MiimiT 2)ecotDt*c&)1io* jJUhltf, ^rtAULESTON, S. C. t TAVIKO ni|>)? Mrftns tfr snnAMtin^ ft ?#y buolni w, I am At *1) titnra pre rwl in m?k( libeivl tilvinm on Cation. 10 ly iC R CBEVRlfOX, AND ARCHITECT, MAMIS WflMBKS f*AraA* IT - A ?.J T7 AM oai^aa>as3?as, m, ?. HAD# TO OROJCR, and rncc or oharne, VHEI WOJUt DOXX XT ME. &?c g ? ljr SA1WJIKL C. BLACK, STOCK AN08OND BROKIiR, rrnrtADRT, Charleston. PARTICULAR attention *tvon to ptirehiH ?nd mI? of SECURITIES no OromlMlon. Information glrm chrrrfultjr. . \ I . , *?:?? T>? I, > R*v. K T. HUWT. J.C. BAll.KY, TH08 HTEKM. fe-f*?mb?r21, I9<?. joitzriraSrSi ^wsicd. S?&fc5jLND FANCY Dm GOODS, VOTTOVO 1?H aw ?** mvi IVM u nny o JB aiiL W A&IiS, 4l;l Uli\7?Sra B^IrtlSISTP, CHARLESTON, S. O. Mar M 43 0a i:?HVA?l) PKWKY, ? PRINTER, flBPATIONfin, A"N1> MAMNI in ZvUT, SCHOOL AND ULAN A ' %)TiAT(K BOOKS on hand and made to of; JL> d?r of anvpnflern at ahnrt notice. nindfrtK i?n?t Rollcf iirrutt4 hi 0n? ?tylc, Wade A C?. Print tug Ink* for aale *t tha a*nnfaetnrcra price. So. !.'?> Mrtl i up St., ofjHfitt Ckarlflou Ilut at I chari.eston. r. o, Mh U 44 -4mA Charleston ?! f ? V -i , Advertisements. irt im& SoinST *S^ti4M?3IStr?83e & <5). FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. BOARD, PSR DAT $4 UK ?.-J M tf CHARLESTON BOTEL CffAR??STOtf, S. O. % H. JACKSOIT,*rof*M?r. ifsE^SRsiSi a MILLER. CHAS. KEKRISON, & ' Ft fc <5 it LATE. tiumuai ?ft? (????!> 292 King Street, oXAR&aoTozT, a. a. mm m *$ tm Iamil H. mm FVitirrruRB warxrooms, 175,177 A 170, King Street CHARLESTON, 6. C. tL EitabuiBKV in 1838.?9BP MnM Keep* constantly on hand i |l T f {I * Weil Bote*ted Sleek of c-Mm&n III ill.. rUHITITUM, jWyy Whi?k b? sftri mi myigQ keahonajj^E TTi PRICES. 1 (Y. B.~GOODS CAREFULLY PACKED FORI 81IIrFllfO. Wot 24 27 ly* iF.VON SAItTBnT, nr?ii? or 1 PARIS FANCY GOODS, Toys, Dolls, Games, Children's Carriages, French Confcetonery, Fire Works, INDIA kUBBDR GOODS, Sack a* Clothing, Nnrsery Sheeting, Ac., 229 King-St. 2 doors shore Market, CHARLESTON, fi. 0. Mar 30 46 Jy? 1 ... UMl_"gB Rosadalis ^Bk 'nnHK o rkat^AMVRVC A 3 A HEALTH RESTORER, parities lnl)ib? 6 toad sad rases Bcrnfala, Syphilis, )Shin tWaawr, Itbeamatiem, Diseases 5uf W oca on, and ail Chronic Affection a i of tbe Blond, Lirsr sad Kidney*. /Retommendnd by tbe Madfcat FacuU ?fy aid aas| thoasands of ear best Read tba testimony ef Fhysfeieas (and patients who bars tased Rceadaiie ; ' send for ear Rosed el is Guide to Health (Book, or Almanac for tkia year, which flA (we pabiieh for (ratalteas dietribatioD Ml Sit will gira yea mach ratwable iafea* Vw i Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, says r i I take pteaswre la inespMaswding jyoar Xoumlm aa a rery powerful j^rnttorwliee. 1 here anew it used In two ffiUewsss with happy * .we in a WMWe ef tin strwhKia. fca esbiah iPPp )tbe patient pieaeaatsi him waff sawiJ rafter baring taken Amba'.ltaaef yoar /medicine. The other la a ease of scrofiflH (ula of long standing, which is rapidly MM c improving swlcr Ha was, and the in/MM (dicatiuns am that the patient will soon recorer. I hare aasefally an (a mined the formala by which your (Rosadalis is made, and lind it an exA (cclleut compound of nltcratire ingreM. )d lasts. 5 Dr. Sparks, of Nieholatstlle, Ky., Ha Vajs ka baa asad Rosadalis in eases ef Wrofnl.i and Secondary Hyphifis with ^satisfactory reswits-o* a vitamer of tbe lBlood I know no hotter remedy. 1^1 / Ren (sun in Reditu). of Lisas. Ohio. ?)write*: I ktre aaflered for twenty ?year? wM an inveterate eruption over ?my whole body ; abort time aince X cpurrba.-cd a bottle ol Roaadelia and U SCefcetrd a perfect ewre. y Boeadalie ia 10M by all drattiato. ( Ilaboratory, ftl Ka?ha*|? Fkca, \BaMaawre. S Bra. eWMOAXa. PLANTATION BITTERS This wonderful vego4aK1a wool owni ill n In tbn uiuiu lunwxuuTU ID uic sheet-anchor of the MIe ar \ debilitated. As a koic and cordialtar the aged id languid It has no equal among stomachics. As a nemody tar the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all t climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever fit is introduced it besomeB a standard nrtHfo-? me4icinal staple.Uinta Any the iiMjnfl ppnittoiiic, world?'he wre and get the genuine. Sold by all Drnggftsta, Grocers and Country Stores. Jul- 22, Hid. ft 1y_ l-iT 11,e Enterprise W * good circ^tkmi in both Town and coiiutry. Adv*rt?M? tctuift low. ^ z