University of South Carolina Libraries
. . IU1?--iL-1 lai-JiM Th? GieanYUlo ?ntorpri?o It thi lwnit tfonaper, ui ' Enjoys the Most Bxtsasire Ciromiction of any Payor ' Pnblitbod in tko fltty 1 and Ooanty of < OrooraUo. ? ! ' HI! I $ortrt}. ! unpia. Have 70a mr mm the little " god of lore." ( The Utile fellow trimmed *11 up with wing*, 1 (The/ nMttaN cell htm Cupid, 1 Dot I think him i*M stepM.l I With quiver on his book, j And of arrows quite a peek? y And bis heir ell ourled In little hits of Hags T j 80 when people write of lore, as the/ do, Of his pleyfal pranks the/ rery often tell, (ButbetwMa /on end I Buch stud is rethev dry.) How hhr dart has pi'eraed this heart. And it's given them a smart. 1 And they fear that ne'er again they will be 1 well. Ob 1 tho wicked, wicked elf, with his wings And his darts, and bis arrows, and his lore, (Oh ! this lore is trashy staff, t And of it I've bad enough,) Is a queer little midget?and he's given a fidget, 1 And be drives me crssy near, 'twixt my Joy f and my fear. Oh ! to Catch this little imp I oft have tried, And as often as I tried have I failed, t fBiit 111 novcr eive it dd. c * ; - Am' r Nor miod slips 'twist Up and cup,) For ho always did delude me, and I fear ha will elude me, And to me he ne'er will oome, (or he's erer flying from. Though at him I hare often stormed and rail* ad. Ah ! this tiny witching boy, treat* my heart jnst like a toy, And my heart, my heart is torn in shreds and strings, (That sounds eery well in rhyme, Bat it harts me all the time,) * And in sorrow and lament, all my days and nights are spent, And my dreams are full of grief?so sleep bring* me no relief, ? For or?r me this impish elfin whirls and slogs. *< Oh! this awful, scheming Pack, has caused me such wretched look, That I feel like breaking all bis little bones, (Ones* you'll say this ain't refined, ( But it's just what's in my mind,); And I'd liko to snub his nose, for he's caused me many woes, Aud I'd like to blaek his ayes, to eanoel all my sighs, Aod to pay for all n>j heartfelt, mournful groans, Josa. IJtimorous. Onck upon a time, before the negro had acquired another than a pecuniary value, an old colored divine who was holding forth to an audience of his own race on the watchful care and goodness of the Almighty, and endeavoring to impress upon his hearers the value of a Christian darkey in the eyes of heaven, illustrated the point thus: " my bredren, though you can buy seven sparrows for a farthing, do Almighty hab a book to put down where ebery one of dem falls. Now if the Almighty takes so much care ol do sparrows dat cost ouly one-seventh of a farthing, what you 'spoee he do for you a thousand dollar nigger A bomantio youth, promenading in one of our fashionable streets, picked up a thimble. lie stood a while meditating upon the probabio beautv of the owner, when he pressed it to his lips saying : - . : . ; " Oh 1 that it wore the fair cheek of the wearer 1" . Just as he had finished, a stout elderly negress looked out ol an ( upper window, and BAid : u Massa, jist plcaeo to bring dat 1 fimble of uune in de entry?I jist J drap it." 5 A iieautifcl girl stepped into a t shop to boy a pair of mits. 44 IIow < mnch are tbeyt" 4* Why," said the gallant but impndeot clerk lost in'gazing upon her sparkling J eyes and rnby lips, "you shall have them for a kiss." " Agreod," c said the young lady pocketing the h nuts and ber eyes 6peaking dag- (! gore, 44 and as I see you give erea- t it here, charge it on your books and t| collect it in the best manner you ? can." So saying she tripped out at ii the door. - > ii An old toper said that he could t when blindfolded tell each of sever* al kinds of lienors. When bran* ft dy, whisky, gin and other drinks i< were presented to bim, lis pro- n nonnced correctly what they 1 were. At length a glass of pure b water was given to him ; he tasted, b and pansed, lasted again, and 0 again considered, and shook his ? head. At last he said, 4* Gentle- u men, I give it up; I am not used n to that sort of liquor." 44 Bridget, what have yon done ^ with the cream ? Those children , cannot eat skim milk for break. last." "Sure, marm, and it isn't raeeelf that would be after givin' * the ecum to yers. I tuck that off and gave it to the cats." A toohg lacy who was rebuked d by her mother for kiaeiog her intended, justified t je act by quoting * the passage, " whatsoever ye a would that men should do to you do ye even to to them." * Flatteut iz like cotone water? J to be smelt ov, not swallered. ? . .... f -w - .M. . ? ... . *.- - - ? T]MAlr*iM MmBtoU. n. ***** of iho StoobhoUJar* of if., Baorfta AhrLin* Railroad *ad th? A if Lln? Xotfroad U Mlb OntoK?j mm tk< Mtkr of Joint i* Atlaftta, O*., afala eallo U lad tka (rot lio? wH.k ia oofr b?ia| mitrixtad betw?an CharloUr, If, C., anc I Little BpttA* Slid the other day by uSjfrml iter by a mowing machine which < i,man was taking to a barn near < t?y. Wed id not! earn further par' - icdlara. It is to bo hoped ko tai 1 lured, S " Gmc mo a psnmd of oyfcttrs;" i*id a man to an oyster vender vbo was going by. "I sell by oeasure, not by weight," replied be oyster man. u Then give mo a rard of them," said the man. The render shook his bead dubiously, is he passed on. " Husband, I don't know where :hat boy got his bad temper. 1 itn sure not from met" "No, ny dear, for I don't find that you jave lost any." . i " , U-i-.J. -Ji ! LL.U LB BTATJE ITEMS, Gen. H. C. Buil?r*?political diiabitltieehare >een rtmorod bj Congrean. The Cofumble police im donned their iniforaia ?dark bine tack eoaU and pnnU. 71a?Ul Bu?l? hU tuiM aAnftlnf./! nteadent of all Vol ted State* public property 1 a this State. The County Auditor of Talrfield adeerttoee ' he sale of mora than lorty-flre t&ousaad notes >f land for unpaid taxes. A passenger and freight depot, to bo need y all the raRreads la ColtaLls, *111 soon be reeted. ^ Dr. R. C. Griffin has been appointed one of he assistant Census Takers for Edgefield 'ounty. 4 ' ' >/ Capt. E. II. Youngblood, of Edgefield Counv j, *111 make a bag ef cotton to the aero on lis plantation. The contract for building the TCilliatorbnrg bounty Jail was awarded to Mr. J. S. Beck, it $13,900. The people of Tlekeet Coanty will Tot* on ? Air*uiDD i\?nrv?u qnnnion or (it awtn Bit. - ' - . ? ' A colored wobm la Aidinoa Kut her life, f reek before IMt, In attempting to start a Are ' ritli keroaene oil. y T. Stobo Farrow, formerly of Spartanburg J Jounty, but now of Atlanta, On., fa on a riait o hia old home. ? | Priratie Joseph Murray, Company C, 8th ( tegiment, United States Infantry, died at . :partaabnrg on Friday, 16th instant. De Largo proposes starting a paper in Charleston at an early day, for, as report hath . t, aiding the colored people in seearlag their hare of the State and Federal offices. A new Masonio lodge has been dedicated at Jew Prospect, Spartanburg County. The ) ledieatory address was delirered by Maj. D. II. Duncan. The Kcowee Courier adrises the eltlscaa ?f Oconee to bold out as many inducements as K>ssible to tba Augusta and llartwell Rail* 1 oad Company to como to Walballe. 1 The Columbia correspondent of the Charles* ou Republican chronicles an increase of fifty < per cent, in the freights carried over the < IreenvUle Railroad, and a larger pascnger In* :reasc in traffic. ^ I The Columbia Phoenix says that arms and < ammunition are still being distributed over I the State. 10,000 rounds of fixed ammunition , lave recently been sent to Rock Hill by or* ler of Gorernor Seett. I Cotton, we learn, says the Marion Star* of ho 20th inst., is doing well, but corn is " firDg " from want of rain. The windy, dry and tot weather for the last few days is not at all Tarorable to grain crops. The Marion Star unnounces the death of fr. W.J. Altaian, which occurred on the 0th natant. He was lieutenant in oompany ''I," 1 list Regiment, 8. C. V., and did gallant and 1 lonorabtc service for bis country in the late 1 car. * ' '' -i' i The raising of fish baa proven to be very profitable. It ia well worthy of tbe atentlon of tbe people of Booth Carolina.? There are nnmereoa localities to liferent sections of the State where fish ponds eon be economically constructed. The close ef court, at abberille, was made the occasion of a very handsome tribute from he Abberille Bar, to Judge Orr, as a testimolial of their appreclatioa of tbe ability, sourtesy, and impartiality with which he had liseharged the duties of the Term. Bars tbe Chester Reporter: " Mora than me colored man was beard to say on tbe dtb nstant, that in ten years from this time there Sould not be a white person in this State, that he State belonged te the colored people, and hat they Intended to drive tbe whites oat.? ffo exception was made in favor of carpcttaggers, scalawags or whang doodles. BreTy tody has fair notice now, and plenty of time o paek np in." Errscra id rn* U it tod Statu or a VTa* n Ecaort?War in Europe will have Its Irst effects here i>y immensely increasing he flow of immigrant#. Already every areful father who can gather tli# each and eents the eoneeriptlon afar off ia prying he passage of his boys to America. From imertea tliey may retnrn borne again richer ban they went, or the father, perehanee, nay follow on the voyage; from the army hey would probably never return. And his resnlt is seenred to at merely by the rsr fever, even without the war. Next to he increase in immigration will be a danand for oor breadstuff*, and high prioea i/i vMi ?pi?>MU|u gr?m ci ujw. 11 HIQ WIT ^ lit*, we Kail even fill mm big gun eon- , rant*, and Mr *i?rUioft will barn gat ? j to rope will go on the dtbtor tide of the j ookt In a very unqualified way. Oar , oode at firat will go down ia Iba aaarkeia | f Europe; for thara will ha a rueh lor >onay to be bandied la the great financial ranaeallone, and all vale** held a# eaveet f lent will be on the market; but thlt will be t nly a flnl effeot. Later H tvilf b?tnalixed | bat tha bond* of tkla great, proeperout, <] eaeeabl* people are Iho only teeuriUe* j rortb holding, and I hoy will be In demand t any priee.?[/few York Hrrmld, 1 %tk. ' Mbak Thinoi.-?TeH* and wait IttUnlng to ' onveraatlon not la tea dad f"' tba lUteoer't tr. Te eay aril thing* of aaotbor ia bit a bee nee i blab would net W aald Were bo pwlet ' To oiroalaU iajertoea report* witheat aon* [ Iwtn proof of tbeir truth. To throatoa to latarfbia with tba boaaet j nd lad uatrial parte it* of another baaaaae of d dlfferenee political optaioa. f To oadeoor la ehtata poltHeal tmaltaty 1 y tba ttaadareat abate of aa opponent. To tweak ahoat the cewwtrjr aad patvowt. , iagly traar at taoera ban, for palUlaal par- 1 oee, mea wba woald met ha raaognkad at 1 tbar Una* aad plaeat. a Atlanta. lis.. a (HiUopf of S8? mfles. Al Lhia Ike Km eompaniee were Oon foiMUi*) under th? ntfflft of the Aflaati Hid Richmond Railway Company. Tb< nnnagement will cootiat of a. president *oc iwtlf* director*. In tba election wbicl look place for officer* of tba oonaolideie<] line. Colonel A. 8. ftflfofd, (ha 1'reaident o Ilia Richmond and Danville end Rlcbmonc tad Turk Rivtr Railroads, and who foi three year* paat ha* been in efiarga of tbb line, (having organised the enterprise,) wai ilttud President by acclamation; Centra A. An*iell, of Atlanta, 8rnt Viee-Praaiden* and R. T. MeAden, E<q., of Charlotte, N 0., eaaond Vies PreaWenV It has bee a d? tarmined to prosecute tba work vlgoronalj from both Urmlni, via: Atlanta and Char lot|e. Bat*ten fix and eight kuadre* hands art dow, and bars been for mewthi past, engaged on the Georgia portion o Ihe work, and a tnneh larger fares la beiof organised for the work in Iforik and flout I Carolina. The etonds which hovered ovei Ibis Important work, have been diaaipatad, i Dontract having bean made With an expc riencd and anergetln contractor of Ken Fork, Mr. P. P. Dickson, to complete tlx whole line from Cherlotte lo Atlanta it two j oar*. The President, in bis addreti to the Stoekholders of the eoneolideted Company, said that he expecte], during he year >81 J, to roe a tra:n without diange from the waters of Chesapeake Baj o Atlanta, Montgomery. Mobile and Ne? 3rlenns. The greatest enthusiasm Is fnani enied hi all (he counties of ffeorgfa and tooth Carolina through which the Alr< Line is expected to pass, and are snbscribng liberally lo tbo work. The line is U -an from Charlotte, north of Yorlreille, rim Spartanburg and Greenville, 8. C, Gainesrilie, Qs., Ae., to Atlanta?two hundred ind twenty-five miles. The road ir new h >peralfan from AfTants eastward In Geor [la twenty miles, and thirty-three ntllei nore In that State ere under construction which it U expected m ill be complittd bj Fsnuary 1811. B. T. Bigf, K<q, the ehtrf engineer ? he AirLiot, it now io Charlotte, N. C. making kit arrangements for a vlgorom >roaeeution of the work ; and at all tin capital required It now ready, it it a fore gone conclusion that the Kond will b< juilt in the time specified. [Richmond Ditpahh. Thuxdkr 9tom?Rct. Da llicma Arvtcrai T Liotmtmo ? A fierce thunder storm, ac comptnied by a heavy rain, burtl upon tin ilty last night about nine o'clock. Th< fiarhea of lightning followed eaeh other ic raplJ succession, and the " elemental war 1 raged with great fury for nearly an hoar Many of tha street gutters were flooded snd the atreata and sidewalks were in sev sral pieces submerged. The Rev. Dr Hicks, while sitting in thi l>iazaa at kit resldenae was affected by oo< ?f III* strongest flashes of lightning, am became insensible. II* wm Immediately carried to LU bed, and a physician rent for Afier an boar'* nneotueioosneas b? reoived, but *till suffered severely from the shock ? VV* learn that at twelve o'clock lo-day h wa* in a eery* precarious condition at th residence of Mr. L. Chapln, 13 Wentworll itreet, Th* physician in atteqdance, al though liaving paid four visits to the Doo tor daring tlie morning, expressed hinisel unable to give any opinion in bis com uoli later in the day. We understand, ho?r?v^ that ha has state 1 there Is every indication of congestion of the brain.?[CA'ifki/oi Daily Jiapubiiean, Jitly 14. ... ? Wasuinotox, July 16, The Oebfgr* bill, as approved by lb< President, provides that the State of G-ur gia, having complied with the raconstrue lioa acta, and the fourteenth and fifleentl amendments to ths constitution of th? United States having been ratified in gooi faith by a legal Legislature of said Slate it is hetby declared that the Slst* o Georgia is entitled to represent at i<sn in th< Congress of the United States ; but nothing in this |ct contained shall bt constructed f< deprive th* people Of Geortria of tha rlsl to en election for ittnUrt of <h? Osoars Assembly of Mid Stale, ** providsd for it the constitution thereof, and nothing ii this or any oth?r act of Congress sball b* aonstruted to affect tho term to which an] officer ha* been appointed or any nirmbci of the Orneral Assembly elected, as pre icribed by lb* constitution of tli* 8tat* o Georgia. Rev. Dr. Jans A. Beoauua, of 8ooth Ca rolina, preached laat Sunday morning ii l?e Baptist Church here, of which he was m former years, the paaler. A large oon [rogation heard the sermon, ? hid) was, o marts, li-tened to with earnest attention *ew preachers are as effective aa he, anc he Virginia ehureh was nnfortonate lit oaing him. We have heard m vera I younj ninietere of his church who endeavored U idopt the simple, and wa may say, pethelh ityle whlsh distlngoiehea his preaching, bet eithout suecesa We learn that tho Dr sill shortly Wave (or a European tour? Ho will oarry heneo tho boorfy " Go/ Ipeed " of a farge number of filenda of all lanonUaatton* of (Christian*. Ck+rtoiUmAU* (Klo.) JuitiUftmerr, IS/A (net What Russia Save?Retail, as we are Inarmed by o special telegram from St. I'oershafg, onUrUina a Oteoag (saling agalatl rranee on the Spanish-German question.? Die Case's Cabinet, it is anid, (ear* that Na(oleon meditates the making of nn sggreaive war in Earone, and then by foree ol irme restoring the Bonrbone to Spain.? This news la veallv inuuiH?i> ????? ?/ r? ?* ""pvf hiui o Q?riM?y lid lo the world *4 lirrt, '' I jr. T. Ht raid. Tin Aooaioiaaa Ursd It ?1TI?o mrdieisal 'irtnra of Rpole, Herba a%d Borfc; whleh rirJWd bp tbo - Medicine me* ' of the pdlivibti, nd which long nporiMM mi proves lo poiMM iho Mil aUclent itirilirt proporlln for the euro of ftorofn a, Kiitb B?H. Ulcere. Cumwom and Is. luUot Tomora. Mirtnriil and RypbMiiio lflooi^os% Bn large meet of Iho Bovn, TeU or, KlkgvorM, Mia Pkapld and dlaaaaoa ?wMb| . from a depraved Mile of the >1ood, and all female dleiaaaa, are goaUto d to o Highly MoeaniraUd foraa Is Dr. run*8 aakhapailla and ourkin IKLIOHT. It la s vary P*T?Ur sedWae >sd deaarvodly ao. M ? V Eqmlity U&<lunn$m G?n**ajt : aJI^' 'TjfiffStffc*' iBia^Bofll P^ Print{p tl Office, No, 1016, Jjaiu Street, BitJemond, V?, T) IA60N8 why every one riwili In rare in XV the I^mUIj Uft iDMOtlm Cowfiaj, of Vtryiaia: 1*1. It L* nero Liberal to the Ioeurers than aby other company, and will eeenUtaily become Purely Mutual and belong to the insurers. M. It ei real alee ite money aaaeofet iu pat* rem, who are the insurers. Consequently they are continually |eUiac the benefit of the rapid accumulation or the Company, the aaoney belay In reeled by the Doard of Director? amongst the insurera. Si The loana tf tbla Company are at libera a! an other eompaniea who declare dividends ki iuv vuu vi ui> ncuuii, iDiru ma loortn | years, bat thia Company at the end of th? Brat and eepry year. , DAVID R. CLARK, President. < * I { I THOS. H. WYNNE, Vieo-Prcsidcnt. JOHN Q. WINN, Secretary. Gen. JAMES H. LANE, Actaary, Dr. P. B. WATKIN8, i ? . .. , -v Dr. C. H. W. DAVIS, J MwMcal AdTlseri. Judge JOHN A. MEREDITH, Counsellor. ? DiRKcrnaa. I J. B. Winston, Treasurer and Secretary R. 1 F. A JP. R. R; Wm.y. Jibnsoa, of Johnson 4 f Bunt, Wholesale Grocers: Va. II. Powers,01 I Winston A Powers, Wholesale Gfocers; Albert Ordway, Treasurer Buckingham State ' Company; "J. B.T"B?8|on, Superintendent ' Adams' Kaprcsa Company ; Charles Y. Morris, Morris A Co .'a Sugar Keflnery ; 9. A. Po' pie, Superintendent Manchester Cotton Mills; John H. Tyler, John H. A John Tyler, Jew elers ; Moses Millhlser, Wholesale Dry Goods; , Thomas S. Baldwin, Clothier ; John M. God- I din, Cashier Planter's-Bank ; J. R. DowAl, Snperintendent Western Union Telegraph . Company ; Alas. G. Robertson, Cattle Broker; George I. Herring, Wholesale Grocer ;R. L. Brown, of Broern/rJnno|AA Co., .Wholesale * 1 Grocers ; A Bedoker, DriCfcgisl; 8-'M. Rosen a 1 batrm, of S. A M. Rosenbaum, Dry Gooods. Equality Life Insnranos Company. I jpF*Eranue its Pamphlet* he/are you in. it inWr tftrri* e? di ?o. " jyrnf. itwtird (MrftllN. BE It J. O. HE RIOT, Gen. Travelling Agent, Charleston, S. C. f Sept 73 18- tf ; NEW STORE. JOJKI H. O-.OODIiETT , , ' U FUL^Y Informs the Public that XV I** b? aonynenccd Bfsinaas again at the Old Start of L-ONG & GOODLKTT* 0 Where he has jnst opened a portion of hia . Stock, consisting of i % jp <3hf?)Jp HijLSlg m Gipsies, Crockary, ^Boffc, Skoe* All of which were bou^^ at lo^Hfgnres, A df will be aold for CASH OR BARTER 1 ^ At a alight advance on Coat. He solicits a share of tb? public patronage. Ap 6 46 tf ! * a?OT|f WULJ*? A. , > PARE l i fHULS. , * ? fO; * r J. Bannister & Son, ^ or ALL KINDS or i Book) News* Wrapping and ^ Y ^lore(tl I TT ion EST CASH PHICR PAID FOR A XjL Clean Cotton or Linen RAGS. > May 25 1 , Ijr { it', Spring Miliinery. -Sob. t ' tfbni.D INfOKM THK ADun Ladiea ot Greenville and rlein* fijM&rflty, tbal aho h.s opened her ^ GftW 8PKIH0 * I LIMNER Y, To whieh sbo calls the atten1 J S* tion of those making purchases >, VlRT in this lino. Her priecs are ' Irkasonable, 6 And she wilt take pleasure in exbibing her ? G O O D 8. > A call is desired before buying, as abe feels 1 confident of plowing, * n & , TtiHais*'* Oftae,* Gbkkmvills abd Columbia Railroad Co., ) Columbia, S. C., June 20, 1870. J ? of Medietas and &t??gery, wliwh -entitles > thebearer to foil (?*?nif lion until gf?,him I UqH. This t? laettteUon oi T?r?H grade. Terms favorable. Apply si this office. Juoelfi 4 it ' rr ij? ; 1 * vt r Notice I TS hereby given to oil whom it may eonX eere, thot I will apply to 8. J. Doulbil, Prqlistt Judge of Qreenville Coaaty,. on ' !h* 1 *t of Auglut ue*(, for i flanl dieetmrgo ?B Administrate!* of IhS Estate of JOHN M. LYNCH, deeeesed, therefore . ?)1 parties having elsims age)net said Estate, , will present them to a?? or thp Probata 1 I.. .1 Lm ?I.I Amm ? I - 1-1 ? .. -Yj^HXoOODWjil/Iam*. Joly 1*t, 1870. Jaly 6 8 .4 Notice 18 beratir firm "to all whom H may conearn, that I will apply to 8. J. DoutMtL Pro* bate Jndp of Graanrnia Coanty, oa (ha J7th of Jaly neyt, for a final dUeharya u ArtmlnI iairator of tba PaUta of RSBRCCA M. CRARY, daaaaaad. WM. V. LK8TEB, Jona 18, 1878. 4-8 jAdm'r. MISS NeKAY^ FASHIONABLE MILLINK11, Mala emli Ormrilk, . C? Hitaa band a largo and vail aarorfed >l 8Mtk af Spiny a ad Sawmar ' MILLIJfKRY'. ' Hata and BoaaaU af all iho lataoi rtylaa j Ptowara, Rlbbaaa. Hair and Jal Ooada ai vary lav prfaaa. Saadowas ai 80a. aaafe. May 4 80 ta j ' ? ? / * m9st t?griu?* j: SAwkt (( CIRCULAR SAWS. With Movable or Inserted Teeth, j WE CLAIM for oar Piltatoi Circular 8%i# tbo folio#log advantages over all other*: I . Tbo abanka of thf teotb are elastic, and exart a uniform distention la ffte sockets. The stability of the plate is in no way affect- jl ed hy Inserting new seta of teotb. [' Kaeh tooth, independently, may be adjusted II *wfctstaa | pllances, are employed in connection with the k teeth, wbieh are as simple in eunstnsetion, and (j aaaagily 9sed, m ^nut for a bolt. fn short, all the dilBcuUies heretofore e* petiefleed in the nee of movable teeth for raws, are fully met and obviated by this invention. ALSO, . O'Sl'S'iS'l or n a werwfn f , ~ * ?>*? FAI9BI M CIJAMI10N w CROSS CUTSAWS. CROSS-CUT SA TPS, or k\h KINDS. Xaadrela, Gumming Meohinea, Ao. T Bend Mr Catalogues and Price List*. K. IIOB A CO., Printing Press Machine and Saw Mnnnfactur- I era, New York, Beaton, Mass., end London, ?ng. f Feb 0 38 6m Fever and Ague a isTrrTYY^ rn rr? s 5 V S. J J ^tr&p !]|opfttt}oCft|]l!i, f ] |rhi?lIo4p^no va iron bcforo thaXub-, li4|fifteen nn'Msftill ahead <<f all' other Lnnrn rcmodlco. It docs nut phfge, docs not ?i::kcn a otomrvch, is perfectly ittfo iaony do o riojl un>lor ull circiunsfciuco^fnii 1 L.?Ilioofih-M' >li< in : that vviL" CUBE I'M OA'S D I ATfLYfc 1 | an I pfBpnntuty c%ry i ?vpH>t i'c **. J au-1 Atuc, Wam<o (T?j a pcr.oct Anil* dote to riul.ttlu. Sold by nl' "^-ugsitts. i ^ Feb 2 3? ly 11 CUSIIINGS & BAILEY," BOOKSELLERS( ,t -* AI?|* -#| STATIONERS- ' : Ho. 368 Baltimore St., Opposite Hanover, 11 BALTIMORE. ? Tke lagged and bast assorted stock in the city a SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL, DENTAL, Classical 4k Miscellaneous Books. ti| HTGENF.RALBANK AND COUJJJINO 110I1BE STATICftERY$l silking BLANK BOOKS MADE TO ORDER IN ANY STYLE OF BINDING AND RULING. [KSTABLISIIKD 181 l.J 41 em E. P. JONES, ' ;AirnK?>>5u?Nis?r aa&w/i , SQLtL'ITOll IN EQUITY. \ /' Witt rBACTICB IX AIL*"" COURTS OF THIS STA1E ALSO, ^ IN tn^UKTT^D STATES COURTS. Office Greenville 0. H., 8. C.J July 1 ly* W. K. t:A81.KT. EASXJSY 4k WSLLB, - > Attorneys f&d Counselors lat Law AND IN EQUITY, OKEENVILI.K, 8. C., TJH ACTICB in the Courts of the 8lata and r of the United States, and give especial PI tttestlon to cases in Bankruptcy. June IS S THE CHRONICLE A SENTINEL, reaLtana* at s AUGUSTA, OA. ' f , I DAILY, TRI WEEKLY AND WEEKLY CONTAINS nil Ilia latest news by Mail to and Telegraph, embracing full Com> I' mereial and Financial Reports from all the leading centare, together with the latest Political and General information upon all *1 subjects which interact tha reading pub J lie. , a The terina of Uia DAILY are $5 fur aix w months and $10 for one year. The TRI-WEEKLY is $8.60 for ais ,a months, jSnd 9A lor one year. n The WEEKLY CHRONICLE A SENT)- "t NEL to Mammoth paper of thirty-?Jx _ column#. filled with Editorials, Telegraphic Di#paU>hee, Commit titration# on home mailer#, together with Agriculture. Commercial a and Pinaneiat arttoiea?anahing it one of the moet desirable and valuable paj-orc in the oonntry to the Planter, Farmer and Mer chant. The terme are )t per aaaum, or j 11.80 for tox qppntl^ All subscript lone are required la ad vanee. A Liberal aetataiaeioai paid reeponeible ageote. ?" or Addreaa all lettere and eommnnieationa to the CHRONICLE A SENTINEL, August a, Oa. Y gygy _ '< JOHN B. BBIRRS, W* a* AND gtree hie eloee . Vegetable Oar- F wB&f Wl,h * 1<kr(* **Per^" m anee, ha to eonfcleat f 11 fl???g aatldltoi^p F? lk|^. Order# thl# Mar M 44 tf ^ K3T Sftbecrthe for the Enter. . _ To ortee ; $2 per Charleston Advertisements. :has. ierrison, LATE l i I L IltllSU 252 King Street) SSAiaBOTOJT, 0. 9. Her si 1 4? Cm AiUICI U All AAwm IIARICL n. OILUUA O FURNITURE WAREROOMS, 175, 177 ft 179, King Street CHARLESTON, C. Established in 1838.^?2e5i? Ail ooostoatly on bmd I III ttweij selected Btock of 11B ? JURlTltfURB, Pjftv Wtlclfbc offer* at REASONABLE 1/ 'I PRICES. N. B.?GOODS CAREFULLY PACKED FOR SIIIPPIKO. hey 37 ly* h\ 1uportrr or PARIS FANCY GOODS, oya, DolU, Qamti, Children'* Carriage*, French Confeotouery, Fire Work*, NDIA RUBBER GOODS, 6noh a* Clothing. Nursery Sheeting, Ac., 320 King-Rt. 2 doora above Market, v- CIIARI.ESTON, 8. C. Mar 30 sa ? MJ~ MARBLE CUTTING. BOYNE &. SPROWL, COLUMBIA, 8. C., CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE MONUMENTAL. WORK In all ita brandies, of . ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE. Sept 8 16 If B. WHERLE, Q9tEENV3L.I.E, S. O. DEALER IN ISOLD m SILVER WATCHES. SLOCKS, JEWELRY, speutacl.ES, } & 22 Carat Solid Nuptial Rings, ILVEtt & SILVER-PLATED ty WORK of nil difcription* in hi* ne done promptly. _ ABB Oct '27 '28 ly A. J. ROWS & CO., MANUFACTURERS j or j /III D,"^R3 i APAnned and Pressed ware, AID COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. All kinds of Tin and 8heet Iron Work Done On the most REASONABLE TERMS, And witb promptness. tore Nearly Opposite the Post Offico. Fab 16 . SO tf ~ wT h7cani mer, IACTICAL GUNSMITH AND MACHINIST "~10KN S1IKLLF.RS, Cotton Gins, Locks, J Sewing Machines, Umbrellas and ParaIs REPAIRED with promptness. Charms asonabls. Corn Bbellers, for sain from 910 $12. I am also prepared to furnish Stencil lates, for marking clothing. Blacksmi thing. r HAVE in addition to mr usual business, . opened a BLACKSMITH SHOP, having competent workman hired, Lark in WestAeld. ork in this line will badone satisfactorily. Ready made PLOUGHS always on band Male. Stand?In rear of Old Court Hoaeo, at tho andolph playe, baring removed from my and on Main Street. 28-tf TOWNES & EAST, ARB SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. "JUCTICE /AT ORKENVILLE AND SURROUND! NO CO UN TIES. ffice Over Julias C. Smith's. F. TOW.,Kg. OLIK D. BAST. Ap 27 ..... 40 . ?t WATCHES, CLOCKS, jwelry, Feriseopie Sp?etaclef,Ac WTLXt order M uUt article fffmM for any pereon. Special attenlt~* S*><? will be given to REPAIRfl ie Watebea of every dee iptiee. Beet teftrweei given. JAM KR 0. BLACK. June SO 6 tf OR SALE OR TO RENT, i A Comfortable DWKLLINOf enntaliiif eeven Rooaee, and IriWS *" noeeeeary Out Iluildingr, BHHr within a few minntee walk of irmaa Univereity, For pertieulara apply to T. Q. DONALDSON. Novrmber SO tT If WM. P. PRICE, JTORNEY AT LAW DAHL0NE8A, OA., KTILL practice ta the Conntiee of Lamplr kin. Daweon. Ullmer, Fannin, Baton, wne, White and JIall. lea U M it s Charleston Advertisements. Old Carolina Killers. A XBISM?in5l?WIIi WCDSSii? We take pleasure in offering the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS TO TllK public. They are compounded with great care, and conlaln some of the beet Tonics in the Pharmaeopia. As evidence of the euperiorily of our Bitters over all others, we have oerlifloatee from many of the leading physicians in ourState, who have prescribed them In their practice, TOE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS Will be found invaluable for Want of Appetite, General Debility, Chills and Fever and Dyspepsia. We do not offer our Bitters as a cure for all diseases, but as an Aromatio Tonic, they have no eqnal. For sale by all Druggists and Grocers everywhere. Principal Depot, GOODRICH. WINEMAN A CO, Importer* of Choice Drugs and Chemicals, Charleston, S. C. Mh 0 42 ly GEO. W. CARPENTER'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OP 8AR8APARILIA. GEO, W. CARPENTER'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU. These celebrated preparations. originally introduced by Geo, W. Carpenter, under the patronage of thai medical faculty, have been so long ezteneively need by physicians and others, that they are generally known for their intrinsic value, and can be relied on as being most valuable remediea in all cases where ?ar*oparllla or Buchu are applicable, and cannot be too highly recommended. They are prepared in a highly eonoentrated form, so as to render the doae small and convenient. Orders by mail or otherwise will receive prompt attention. GEO. W. CARPENTER, HENAZEY A CO., iYholeeale Chemical Warehouse, No. 7?7 Market-street, Philadelphia. BOWIE A MOISE, Wholesale Agent* Charleston, 8. C. Nov 17 21 iy P. P TOALE, CHARLESTON, S. C. DRY GOODS, N0TI0V8 AHD SMALL WABSI. 4iii mAvyssai c^KRaiaVp CHARLESTON, S. O, Mar SO 45 6m ED WARD PEKKY, PRINTER, 8TATI0NER, AMD DliUI IM LA W, SCHOOL AND PLAN If BLANK B00K8 on hand and mada to order or Mr pattom at akort aoHoa. Bind lac and Holing axooatod la 6aa atyU, Wad* A Co. Prlotiaf Inko for aala at Ika mannfaatarora prtaa. No. 1*6 opp?O* OSarfaatoa Hotel, CHARLESTON, 8. O. MB 44 (? | largest ond most complete"1 fgf < Mann factory of Doors Saehes, V -tfet ( Blmde, Mouldings, Ac., in the j Southern States. Printed price list defies competition.-*^ jar Send for one."^fe^ p3T Bent free on application. AprtM? ly__ A. F. CHEVREUX, AND ARCHITECT, MAMILIS WOEES Corner Meeting-fit and Horlheck't Alley, _ r ?* <S. PLANS MADE TO ORDER, AND FREE OF CHAROK, WHEN WOBK DONE BY ME. Dec 8 19 Ir A. B. MULLIGAN, AND HOHHISSIOI MHEIAIT. Bccotntnodtfion dDfarf, CHARLESTON, S. O. HAVING ample mum for eoodaetiag my bnaineae, I am at alt lime* pro pared to make liberal advance* on Cotton. Jul" ^ 10 ly bAMUBLC.BLACK4 STOCK AND BOND BROKER, NO. 28 BROAD BT., CHA RL SB TON. PARTICULAR attention given to par* chaee and aala of SECURITIES on Commiaaioa. Information given cheerfully, nutans To Rrv. E. T. BIJ1ST, J. C. BAILEY, | THOS. HTEEN. September tl, 1869. 19-tf j oil p^tonTcrews&co. Importer* and Wholesale Dealeri in OTAPLB AtTS PAITOT