University of South Carolina Libraries
TUB first or the series of PUBLIC LECTURES befora the Greenville Literary Club will be delivered in tha Female Collage, on tha evening of Wedantday, tha 9,1th it%at., by the Rev. Dr. E. T. WINKLER, of Charleston. Ticket* to be obtained at all tha DrugStores and at the oflleo of Mr. Julius CSmith, and H. Beattle k Co. Publio Lectures. I UIHAlEi, Cb. Lett. Com. July 18 8 8 tW The friend* of the Hod. SAMUEL TINSLEY. moat respectfully announce him as a Candidate for re election as a member of the Logi*!ature at the ensuing eleotioo in Ootober nixt. many friends. July 8 7 Id f&f We are authorised to anneunoe EDWARD F. 8T0KES, of OreenriUe, a Candidate to represent the people of the Fourth Congressional District, In Mto Con grow of tho United 8tates, at the onstilng okction in Oetobor next. PRINCIPLES DEMOCRATIC. May 25th, 18T0. 1 tf -L The Ladies' Store. w. iTmowTi"<c?.? Have just received a full Lino of WHITE GOODS, Nainsook, Jaconets, Organdies, Cambrics; Chocked and Striped Swiss; Ptquo Irish Linen, Table Damask, Damask Napkins, iuovmos, Towels ana Toweling; Cotton and lincm PUlow Casings ; Bleached and Brown Shooting and Shirtings ; Swiss Jaconets and Lawns; Edgings and Insortings ; Thread, Lisle, Clony and Linen Edgings; Dairy, Broadway and Cash's Frilling,. and a largo assortment of Piqno Trimmings; Crape, Keal and Imitation Lace and Linen Collars; Sash and Trimming Ribbons. Well-Solcctcd Stock of Pans. also, . >. y , WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER, SCREENS, BORDERING, &C., &C. In fact, a FULL AND WELL-SELECTED ?^??IK ?EP SSAIPa A*t> . iFABmr bwz ??DUDS AND NOTIONS, AI1 oT which will bo offered as Low as thej can bo-bought in this market. w. n. novtr. s. a. towkks, jr. Julj 17 10 If ...? IIAVING nTremondouR Heavy Stock of GOODS on hand, com prising of over . i 1,000 '? v "^ 4 . . 3 Different Articles, such as Ready Made Clothing, Shoos, Dry Goods, JIats, Jewelry, Watches, Domestics, Trunks, Valises, &c., t&c., *fcc., A c., VOLUNTEERS ARE WANTED Of Men, Women ami Children, with Monoy in their poekots, to call and examine the great and astonnding Bargains that are daily offered ' I IN THE " ! Cheap Cash Store of II. C. MARK. The Stock is so variod and extensive that I can suit and size the pilo of Hosier, Cracker, or an officer in the FRENCH ARMY. No pains will bo spared, and tho greatest attention paid to my enstoiners. whether thev hnv one dob lar or thoy lmy $500 ,, Worth of Goods. My intention is to sell, and sell I will,, and as iny Establishment offers a liberal BOUNTY To cvory purchaser, the public will lind it more to their interest to avail themselves of tho great inducements offered thein to havd their investments IN GOLD J A " ' Greenbacks or any other commodity. Don't lorgct the place, and for Great Bargains, . ? ? * /V I i. * TiiTAvrmn /\*i mvinjiKH ur U C. MARK. ,0 ' w : r "ilxw Julj 27 1# U ? . ? * ?i .it Hotioe 18 hereby given t* nil whom it m?/?onr?m, that I will apply to S. J. Doutbit, FrohnU Jatig* of Green*ill* Coaaty, far tlnl discharge U Adrtltniatrator of tha Katate of MARY 0, ARNOLD, deceased, on rt? 2M o/ jixfrnk metti. R. U.ORNOLD, J?lj 22, 1870., t 10-8 , ^d'tor. School Notice. 1 ALL Trugifag and Tanchert of Public In-re nehoola in this Conn* ' rnjjflKty wttl take notice that |h? Sc'ioola are to ha eloaed, from I hi* time to tha Aral Monday in October next JAMES HARRISON, School Cort. OreanrtllO Cnnnty. July t?th, ma 10-tf . . g. David Dickson's or*at Book <* Farming now out. No farm en library complete without it. Itound ill cloth, extra, SO ; Sheen, $4 00; Half Moroaao, $5. Or. d-ra racetvrd at thia office. Good canvass log ayhnta wanted. Pot fefrtt*. apply Oi lit if Mm. " i n rnwan?MI f Notice, ' T >11 WOOL CARDS, i"u IT'S mils. rAtHl WOOL CAHI)3 are !? i?od Va1 eondlflotf, and nnder lh* control* of an E Y PElUENCED MANAGER, who will use erery effort to giroperfect eaUafaetion. All Wool left at W. P. Thaoketaao'a or Thoo. 8Ue?'e Store*, will ,b* raturoedjio Rolla free 4 of chare* for tranaportatloif. . T*nn? ef OmrMng.?U th* grease ia famed. 10 oanta a pound; if w* (urniah the sr?M?. J* ? *%% Pound. Qlv? ua a trial g j. ITFAER A BROTHERS. July tO 9 ; 4-? TAKEJ[OTICE. ! FOSTER & HUNTER, j STILL CQNTlMtt! ! DRY @0001 AND OTHER GENERAL MERCHANDISE, AT THE OIuDSTJIJYD, THE BRICK STORE, EARLE'S CORNER. , 'July 10 9 * tf . ? Notice to School-Teachers. TEACHERS of Free Schools will please call at the office of the School Commissioner and get jKPZSBP BLANKS on Whiob to make oat their REPORTS for the MONTH OF JUNE. Also those who hare CIAIMS against the Free Sebool Fond fer services rendered in teaching, between the 1st November, 1869, and the 3tst Mareb, 1870, or between the 1st of April, 1870, and the 24th June, 1870, will call and get Blanks on which to makewut their accounts. JAMES HARRISON, School Com. Greenville County. Greenville, 0. II., July 19th, 1870. 9-3 Office of Board of County . Commissioners, 0HF.ENV1LLE, S. C., 4th July, 1870. To the Sub. (ommiuiontr* of Road* of Ihi* woumy. rl"MIK Aet of tlie Legislator* reaulrea that JL *11 work on ROADS, ball t>e done between the 1 *( Monday of December and lei Monday of Auguit. You are Utereforo ordered to eall oot all hands liable to Road Doty, and rennlre them to Work Ten Days, (if so much be necessary,) or pay Too Dollars, or one dollar fur each day's work not performed bo fore the suid 1st Monday of August next. Each Stab^CommissioDer will rej>ort to this Office, by the 10<h of Aogast, the names of all defaulter*. By order of tne Board. A. ISAACS, Clerk. July *0 9 2 ""vmM Wkuff~ JVEW FLOUR FOR SALE. AT Clyde & Hovoy'i. TO fMXSn GEM FRUIT JAR, (ALL GLASS) FOR SALE AT CLYDE & HOVEY'S. TIII8 JAR COMBINES ALL THE GOOD QUALITIES OF FRUIT JARS. J2if~ Challenges and defies all competition. a?t cniLtt can uaa it. THE JAR IS A GEM, As purchasers will find upon a Iri a I of its merits. Call and hco lh?m at Clyde A Hovey'e. A NEW ^ND FIIESR SUPPLY OF COFFEES SUGARS, TEAS, AND BPIOEIS, ,.vfor sale at CLYDE A HOVXYfr Hnlif Shoes, Hardware, Crockery & Glassware. | FOR SALE AT CLYDE <*f HOVEVB. * " at. ? A largo lot (JKMT JJ IlKADV-MADK LIN' EN CLOTHING, foraale at CLYDE A llOVSY'S. IN FACT, We have nearly everything that is kept in a Well Herniated Establishment. And, wltkost dnnkt, at aa LOW FIOIIHK8 ' aa enn bo afforded in tbia market. I CLYDE &HOVEY. CAROLINA LIFI OOMP. OF MEMPHIS, T] assxrrsi - - - o? i9KF7Kft80H MVS W. J. WICKS, flnt Vlea-FnaMett. I J N. V. ROYLF, Secretary. | J A definite cash mmbdor talue la guaranteed >retniutn, trliich aaumet will, at the opUun of th? lurrender of bu Polky, or loaned to him at six w hereby continuing hie Policy lb force for the fan With efficient capital for entire security, at id vantages to the Carolina. All Us proAts ate divided among its Policy-t )len. No restrictiona on travel or residence la the 1 AU Policies non-forfeitable after second year. All losses paid promptly In cash. M. C. BUTLER, GENERAL STAT Jane 15 4 a s aniANaa 'xaaHis NIVT iBOO J.B13:] issMiw n VI ( - ft >\ v aawaao ?mv a WWMM Mil iwn a m 1UVW I 1111 m V 0 *011! "3EHX ma o. City Election. ON tlic ucoud Monday of September next, there will be en EUmion held for MAYOR end BIX ALDERMEN or the City of Greenville, to serve for the earning Term. Any person constitutionally qualified to vote for Members to the General Assembly of this State, and who may hare resided within the corporate limits of the Citv ftivfv fiftva nfAtlotia Ira tko rla* nf Election, end who shall hare registered hi* name with the City Clerk as rotor, will be entitled to rote at eald Election. The Books for Registration will ha op*n? ad at the office of the Citj Clerk Immediately after the publication of thie notice, and will be kept open until Friday, 18fA f AngnM next. W. R. JONES. Major. A. R. McDavio. Cltj Clerk. I Greenville, Si C., July 80th, 1870. July 80 0 id 1 Carpenters Wanted. d ol. v!?a ni * gin iui o "? ou c irvrvian i?o?n?i?j?nBiJ vniv X PKNTERS Will reoelre eoulut cm. < plo/ment, and liberal wage*, on application to tha aabacribar. J. C. JIICKS, Jul/ 13 8-3 Uraanvillc, A. C. 11ATTF.20OBO MADE AMD REPAIRED, RY , JAMES M. PRICE. 1 Ghrs him a Mil m his rotldooco, star ths , OAJULABO SCHOOL MO US*. 1 Jane 33 6 t , MiM 0. Matilda Croft* ym. WILL OPEN K PRIVATE SCHOOL ^a^^Vlor Oirla and Bo/a an Monday. lt< ?f Amgnat. in tka Btnnni of ih? PRESB YTERI AH CHURCH. Ctoaa altentloa will ba (Ivan la tba ad? ' vancement and bahaelor of eaoh pupil. Por primary acholara, %i par quarter of ten week*. Rstra etudiaa, $1 each. No da dilation for abeenee, except in eaaoa of protracted nine#*. MuMe Leeaon* ou Piano will ftleo be atlendad to. I July HO 9 3 r . - , r. . ^ ; 4 ^ *. , f , ? INSURANCE TH a. par-sr . . 3NNESSEE. ? ; JOB . AHQA.1To.on ? ' BAf ? : lk 3, MKSHMMY. __ te . T. PKTTILU BooosmI Vlon-Pierideni. " . II. KDM0RPS09, OdMril Agent. WW n ""* ; * D on nil Policies lapsed by *?rp?rDent of Policy-holder, be paid him la tub on the m sr cent. Interest to pay his future premium*. J amount. ,j,el ? Life Insurance Company offer* superior Boj voider*, (a dividend*, oa tb* contribution Jnlted State*, Canada or Europe. ^ nar or < E AGENT, COLUMBIA, 8. C. IS . , 8m ?*1 - - - - - - - OIOJ I UD s , ? ; - " as ' r. .. ,ii. * . , ; r 1 r.T I J [ [ i ma C?a: HAOHV N CCJ m& ASIA I .V : ai %?V ' 3aihk>3*i j,surei wl sshas ms 1 do inniunaiavaii Sc of vil | pu f Tie mmm': I Ji I'. Si JTSkcX ? Pi * 1.1 .&? llii 1 L 93H ,' I? v\ F m iMTlflS; MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Am MIm jmt Annum. B4 PAGES READING MATTER. 30 PAGES ADVERTISEMENTS. b WALKXR, WAITS A COCSWXLL, D. WTATT AIKX1T. CHABLnrroK, a. c. July 20 If F LAND FOlTSALE/ / SI WILL ?ll, ?t private *alo, A TRACT OF LAND, aituale in Oeonee County, about threeqiwttri of n onilofroni the Blue and containing Tkrre Hundred ' lad 7leentu-tfrn Acre*. On the Tract in a food SAW MILL, nil ready for a circular law. A good FRAME HOUSE on the place, ?itn mi the neeeiihrr nutoiuwinR* complete. Ilsoa large FRUIT ORCHARD. There le t good THRK8I1KR on the pUeo. Any one wishing to purchase will do well to t ipplw to JOHS II. KI.EIXBICK, Welbella. S. C. July 13 9 3 ] Deputy Collector's OIm, I Osimnui, 8. C., July II. 187ft. f BY Ylrtne of authority from R. M. Wal Ism, Collector ol the M IMetriel 8. C., I r etll Mil, at Qteenr Ule C. H., en Friday, Wth . lane, the follewing propertyto witi Oho florae, one One Horse Wagon and Harness, and Two Kegs ftf Whisky, One Kmpty Barrel, a Lot rf Kmpty Jogs, he.?boing the " property which was seltcd in the City of I Cicinvlllc, on the 18th of Jane. Terms cash.' A. L. COBB, I < T-j Deputy Colle-tor 3d District, S. C. Till SOUTHERN BAPTIST * 1E0L0GICAL SEMINARY ? QAEENVOLLIE, 9. C. ? IBS P. BOY OB, D. D., Professor of Systematic Theology. IN A. BROAPUS, P. P., Professor of Interpretation of tbs Now Testament. !IL MANLY, Js., P. P., Professor of Bib- JE :al Introduction, Polemic Theology, and ? reparation and Deli Tory of Sermons. ' IT. CRAWFORD H. TOY, Professor of In- Oi rpr* tattoo of tbs Old Testament, and Oil- Tj| ital Language*. t. WILLIAMS, D. D., Fro feasor of Church of 1 [istory, Church Qorernmont, and Pastoral ?*rl *tlc*. den< aero Ho next session (of eight raontbe) opens 1*0^ on Tkurtday. September 1*1, 1870, when re will be an Introductory LecUiro by Dr. Qf rce. It is on manj accounts Important for I 0t?t ients to he present on the very first day. t K rtfa studies Tra ire exclusively Theological. The Semiy does not undertake to snppiant a college JrasDssar school, in giving literary instrue- w. i. Those who need that meet seek It, " iro it is appropriate. Bet in pursuing the ?n cnslte eenrse inoloded strictly under The* *1 jy, instruction is given adapted to different , dea of preparation ; so that the best college ot duates and those who hare only a good P*r glish education, may both And such oourees ,D* they respectirely need. There are eight arc tinct Departments or Schools, several of ich haro two or three classes sseh. ?_ -? in SBLBCTIOR OB STUDIES. <1UI col \ student selects, with such advice as be ^ y desire from the professors, the subjects to ( ?, ich he devotes himself for the year. If sac- bo isful, be can graduate in the departments nn has chosen, and the next year. If he is able j return, pursues the other parts of the roc urse, to complete which requires usually pc ree to four years, according to preparation ^ie d diligence. tw| PASTORS ATTBSPISO TOR ORB TEAR, On leave of absence from their churches, ight find their minds directed as to the ethod of study, the hooks which are most 'ailahle, the topics which noed Investigation ; I id by their presence among the students 1 Ight both receive and impart stimuiue end in tactical expcricnoe in their great life-work. _ BXPERSES. There are no charges for tuition, nor foes of ?y kind. Some of the rarer and more extnsiva text books, as in the Languages, are j "I aned to the students. The cost of those J Sich it is necessary to buy varies from ton | w twenty five dollars a year. They may b? oeurt'l in Greenville at New York cost.? 1 ?ard is famished in the " Seminary Hall " at tual cost, say ahout ten dollars n month, in-1 ading food, fuel and light*. One hundred liars will cover necessary expenses of a sosin, if clothing, traveling expenses and peroal incidentals are otherwise provided for. H location. Greenville is in a healthy mountain region, d is rcacbod by railroad, via Colombia, S. C. V am to btvuexts Be Who need such assistance is supplied, so far the means contributed admit, out of a Student's Fund," tbo collection and manage- gc< rnt of which has been entrusted to Rev. B. only, Jr. It is desired that no one, who is eparcd to enter with proper qualifications, ?r iritual and intellectual, on the studies of the ininary, shall be debarred from it by lack -yf means. Brethren wishing to attend are in- _ led to write at once. Contributions for tbo rposc of supplying them with the ncccssais of life while studying to prepare for the n is try are also respectfully solicited. For catalogues, or further information, adess B. Ulnitly. Jr., Secretary of the Faculty. July w , a A81ISHI i HAISIAIH" DRUG STORE IS ] ITTT T HPT71NT J M. JL. JU JLJ \/ X XJ XI WE HAVE LATELY REPLEN * 5HBfei?|ie<l our Stork of "t W XJ DRUGS & BOOKS, 7 And Are prepared l<> supply llie lblic with RELIABLE GOODS at reason p( e priew, We hare joat op-ned a handiome IODA POITNTAIIT, " A Inch will ha WRLL-lCEDat a.I time*. T Our Stock in 1 DRUGS AND MEDICINES J( i .FULL and COMPLETE, and aa GOOD a* th any in lliia market. 'e offer Plantation, Hoatetter'a, Phoenix l?i and Carolina *r BITTERS, B reeh and Genuine Confrere Water, Simon*' Liver Iuvignraior, Speers' Fiuil af Pi everting Solution; a Fine Sloct of *r Iran dies, Wines, Ale and " Porter a< For Medicinal Purpose*. lc Wc liavo juat opened a Splendid lot of '* o a a at s, Domestic and Imported. Aleo a Genuine a lot of Durham SMOKING TOBACCO. J Aleo, jnat rec?Jved a fine assortment of CANDIES, PERFUMERY, * SOAPS, TOILET POWDERS, BKU811KS, COMBS, <L0. . ilao, juat received "Sea Moo* Farina * and Desaicatcd COCOA Nl'T, the beat in use, ^ Always on hand, VLS, PAINTS, ( GLUE, DYE-STUFFS, GLASS AND PUTTY ? Oar Stock of Drags and Medicine* will e kept of tho B?*et Quality, and Particular iteniion will he given to COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS, u Will lie sold, at n Reduced price, a lot of !' SUIT JARS?Mason's Patent, J net received, a fina BLACKBERRY ,, tBANDY?excellent In summer eotnplainla t) July 6 7 tf KEIDVUXE Hale High School, ~ 2 Milf /Vow ftpoitanLnry C. //., S. C W. C. KIRELAND. B. A., Principal. W. D. KIRELAND, B. 8.. AwialaoL yjiw THE NEXT SKtelON OP this well-known INSTITUTION MW Will begin on HOVPAY, XULY 11TH, lAo. TKRMS >er Seeaion of Plva Months, in Advance. 'riatary $10 00 * llgher *16 00 loolirgsnt Pee 1 00 Inard p?r month, including Wash- " log and Puel 10 00. $67 will eover the expenses of Board and Tuition tor the whole Seeeion, or $181 for 1 ha entire Scholaatle Year. Por forlhcr particulars, address the Prlu* dpal, Roidvllle, S. C. j I June 20 6 5 I VALUABLEJ ./AIM ISsl ' FOR J SAX, 33. fa THE under- jffM iip?d t? rte, tboriied to HllSflHK M 3M^: th? followinS^BnflNM^ TRACTS OF LAND: ^ so Tract of 400 ihm, mn or leee, on 1^3 or Riror ud Math Crash, in Greenville ~ aty, 8. C., fiftocn mile* above the City of QV tnville, belonging to 8 AM DEL F. TODD, Fum, formerly land* owned by Oliver n, rett, and well-known o* bis place of reel ;e for many year*. There are 80 or 90 s of Oretrate ^ v Grounds in the Tract, Bottom vs Lands 11 ryger River and Muih Creek, in a bigh | i * of cultivation. Tbe Up-Land* aro of pJ iperior character, and a portion of tbera red and in cultivation. There 1* on tbe ct a large and aubitantial DWELLING HOUSE, ? b all tho nece**ary Outbuilding*, rituated N tbe Stats Road leading frou* tbe Saluda deei > to Columbia, S. C. will 'he otber Tract belong* to if. P. GREEN, Xexa*. and lie* on Mu?h Creek, in tbe oppert of Greenville County, S. C., contain- V over 200 acre*, 40 or 50 acre* of wbich ntisi the fineet BOTTOM LANDS D the County. Tbe Up-Landa are of a good iiity, and a portion or tbom cleared and in tivation. . rbeae LANDS will be sold rcry low for 0 ib. If not sold at private aa1e, they will m offered at auction to the highest bidder |Eg 8alcday in August. B ll ia seldom that there is offered for sale il ih a body of rich Lnnds in this County, v? rsons wishing to make permanent, profitainrcstaients, are invited to look at these _ ? Tracts of Lauds before the day of sale. WM H PEEEY, II Attorney and Agent, Ac. ^ Greenville C. II., S. C., June 27th, 1879. June 2'J 6 i ^ Ahhovillo /Vft and Banner give two (V sartlona. ^ TURNIP SEED. ' WISH to Inform the Planters and Farm- It I era in the up?country, that I have ou the (M ay, and expect to arrive In a few days, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY TOUNDS ^ . or THE roiLowixo Choice, Selected Varieties l| rUltNIP SEED, a WIIICII I WILL SELL AT A l7hole*alc and Kclail : i efi Top, the beet fur greens raised, illow Aberdeen, good fur lete winter and /I spring use. otoh Amber end Globe, improved variety, | for table use. ussian Hanover Sweet Tirnip, excellent for tabic nse till lato in spring, bite Ante Baga, splendid tbr stock, trple Top Tellow Rata Baga, good for table and stock, irly let Dutch, especially adapted to au- ^ tumn and fall nse. A imeranian Globe, improved variety, for ta?> ^ ble use in winter, or fur stock. THOMAS STEEN. Jun 22 6 tf GREAT FAIR. 1 m e&ieLiii liSTniTi, t November 1st, 1ST0, gj CHARLESTON, S. rO. a 103T LIBERAL PREMIUMS OFFER- f *d in every department of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. 11 remittor List published in Pamphlet Form ? June W 0 .1m j{ Sheriff's Sales. ^ )Y VIRTUE of sundry Write of Fieri \ ) Fada*, to me directed, I will aell. be . re the Court House d"Or, on &alc?day in An 1 i*l next, between the hours of 10 o'clock in ~ e fi.renoon and 8 o'clock in the afternoon, ? One Tract, containing 18 acres, more o- u sa, adjoining lands of Win. MrKinn?-y, Jr., id others. Levied on as the property of imrs N. Taylor, at the suit of William uwrn and others. 1] Also, one Tract of Land, containing 4 acres, Ij dning lands of ifm. E Earle, A. Blyfhe ? id others. Levied on as tli- property ol ? im-s McM ikin, at the suit of John HenD, vs. A C. Peace and Jas. McM skin. |] Also, one Tract of Land, containing 146 rres.more or less, (homestead to be set off fi i defendant bi fote day of sale.) adjoining j mds ol Jno. II. Goodwin, BurroII U?X and I there. Also, ohe Tract of Land, containing 50 cies, more or tees, adjoining lands ol Wm * 'tilery, Jno. II. Goodwin and others.? ^evied on as the property ol Mary Alien, a" ( he unit of Amnnrfa Allan *1 *1 Tri-m* eaeli. Purchased to pay for i lamp* and papers. j A. B. YICKERS, S. G. C. ? July 13 8 8 | VM. SHEPHERD & CO., 1 'o. 24, llayne Street, Chnrletlou, S. C. 1 nEAI.KRS IX 4 BOOKING STOVES, RANGES AN1> 2 Healing StoVee. Picture* of Stove* J 1th prices description will be sent up j n application. June 29 6~ly t Farm for Sale. rOFFEIt for sale, my FARM, situated on South Saluda River, nineteen miles above a City of Oreenrille, and containing >Wr lunitrrd uuft Sixty Acre*. There are two undrod and twenty-firfe acre* in cultivation, g ne httndred and fifty of Which is river bot- ^ >m. The improvement* are good, bight or di :n acres of Clover. , C For farther particulars, apply lo the nnder- K gned. Mrs. A. O. FKASTKR. Ureenvillo, 8. C-, May 17th, 1870. 63-4 ^ T. MARKWALTER'S ? MARBLB WORSO, Droad-dt., Auguiila, -a. J ?/?/. A* MONUMENTS, i S ? 3fi & SSSMSQ, i^O? MARRLE MANTLES, AND TVRNI 'URE, MARBLE OF ALL KINDS 1 ON HAND Oil FITRN1S1IEP TO QRDKR. s ar All wimW fur kli? Couniry carefully ) 1 Toxcd f.>r rV'l'UVcut. Oa ti ]y 1 SPEPSIA *INDIGESTION vajjj^iMis&z^* ^T SOLD tyrnvWHCRt. 0Wi?Sf OAVO & wholesale druggists marlest?w?s.c. . . B. Tli? Commissioner of Revenue lie* Jed that any dealer can aell I hi* article lout a special licet)**. For rate by DAVID & STRADLEY, 'liolesale and Retail Grocers and Comlion Msrchauts, Greenville, 8. C. ALSO BT rs. Harr'son & Marshall, Wholesale and Retail Drugghta, GREENVILLE, S. C. lar 30 46 6m ioSADALIS (,rpirE (TIMTXTT amerICAN A HEALTH KESTOKHK, purines HH;tbe blood and cures Scrofula, Syphilis, ||w)Skln Diseases, Rheumatism, Diseases /of Women, and all Chronic Affections /of. the Blood, Liver and Kidneys. U |1,? Mull..! C......I )ty and many thousands of our boat PA (citircns. yV ( Head tbo testimony of Physician* (and patients who have used Rosadalis ; . (send for oar Rosadalis Guide to Ilenlth (Book, or Almanac fot this year, which HA (we publish for gratuitous distribution ; HI Sit will giro you much valuable inforLB (uintion. F^AS Dr. R. W. Cnrr, of Bnltlnioro,?nys : S I take pleasure in recommending 0)your as a very powerful ^alterative. 1 bare seen it used in two leases with happy results?one in a lease of secondary syphilis, in which /the patient pronounced himself cured /after baring taken five bottles of your a/medicine. The other is n ease of serof(u!a of long standing, which is rapidly (improving under its use, and the indications are that the patient will (soon recover. I have carefully ex (amined the formula ly which your (Rosadalis is made, and fiud It an exB (collect compound of alterative iagro(d tents. i nr. oparxs, 01 iticnoiasvuie, ivy., )says he has used Rosadalis in cases of Wrofulj and Secondary Syphilis with /satisfactory rcsults-as a cleaner of the I /Blood I know no hotter remedy. ) Benjamin Bcchtol, of Lima, Ohio, /writes: I have suffered for twenty ^ycars with an inveterate eruption over vtny whole body; a abort time since I (purchased a bottle ol Rosadalis and it (effected a perfect cure. R| ( Rosodalis is sold by *11 druggists. Laboratory, CI Exchange 1'lace, \ Baltimore. My s Drs. Clements ft Co. J'ropriuton. May IS 52 Jy . LANTAT10N BITTERS This wonderful vegoiible, restorative is the heet-anchor of the feeble nd debilitated. As: a onic and cordial for the ged and languid it has 10 equal among stomachcs. As a remedy for ho nervous weakness to rhich women are especally subject, it is uperseding every other timulant. In all limates, tropical, * temperate or frigid, it acts s a specific in every pecies of disorder which mdermines the bodily trcngth and breaks down he animal spirits. Wherever it is Intro-* iuccd it becomes a standard article?a mclicinal staple. It is to-day he best and pnrest tonic, md the most popular nedicine in the civilized vorld?-be sure and get he genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. Jane 22, 1K70. 5 ly "COMFORT and Cure for the Ruptured? 8ont po?t p?id on receipt ol 10 e|g. AdrcM l>r. K. 11. FOOTK (Author of Medical omtnon Sense), No. 120 LcxingtoTk Avenue, ew Yorh. ^ WAY with Spectaeleg, Old ejea uiade n?w. m.'iiy, wuuoiii doctor or meJielnee. ml poet puiil on rcooin* of 10 oents. Addrcrs r. K. 11. F00TF-, 120 Lexington Avenue, c* York. Msr 10 42 fim* TUTTS VEGETABLE OTI811WA Cores dis'snee of the Uv'l *n4 Stomssh% TUTTs T;XFKCTO^ANT A nVneent eyre f>v Oonghs, OoM?, Ae. UTT 3 PARSAFAR1W.A AND (JUKSNft >"Ll?j|TlKf JC'Sl AlWstfye sad Ulood Vier. Tl'TTU IMPROVED ?1 A IIV iYR. WM Vunlrii the Wst ?]ye in nee. These tauiWd |?-eperslk?ne ere for rnle hy Drugiiat? everywhere, Oct 0-1 jr. Marble Yard, LAURENS C. H., S. C. MARBLE CliTTlNa IN Alt 1T8 rtmnrht?, done In the ner.lert of snil of Ihe heel (inllitn niol Anictis..o MAUIlI.R. Adders a?K<ll|Ta KI.LF1KJK, Lsurmi Court House, 3 C J .11.e 1 * 1/