University of South Carolina Libraries
. St ' ' " ? \ Xatyiid. I >T MBS. iur MM BNBAJUMOW. Wheu Che evening eMur mm Mt, { fw e*a knr the little KtijrdMl ( Crying out eMong the lenree, iUty did, Knty did. . She dldu't, the dhln'tj 1 kiiy did. ehe did. 1 Voihe dldo'l, .he didn't. 1 Row I wonder whet they mesa, In the lenree so tbiek sad green, I Whet the BleeUef Is tbnt'e hid, j Which little Katy dM f , Wm Ksty once n little girl, 1 Who didn't mind her mother T / Wm it only known to Katydid#, < And not In nay other t I Knty did, Katy did. She dld't, (he didn't; Katy did, she did, Vo she didn't, she didn't. Wm she much n naughty girl, That through time's unceasing whirl, These insects are forbid To toil what Katy did t My darling on the porch, Kaeh ere when they begin. Tries, with eager little tare, To underatand tboir din. Katy did, Katy did, Sbe didn't, fche didn't, Katy did, the did, No the didn't, Katy didn't. But with ell their conttent cry, My liitle one or I Cen't make out the socret hid, The dreadful thing that Katy did. Jflmtrarotts. Lazink&s?An incorrigiblo loafer being taken to task for nis laziness, replied : " I tell yon, gentlemen, you are mistaken. I bare not a lazy bono in my body; but tbe fact is I was born tired." It was the samo fellow, that threw himself ruefully down un- < der a tree, one hot day, closed his | eyes, and languidly murmured? ( CI *VT 1 .1 a a _ Till - jxow, oreaiue, 11 yon warn 10?rn l>o hanged it* I will." It was a second cousin of his, whom friends decided to bury alivo to keep him from starving, it beitig a time of famine, and he being too lazy to work. On thoir way to the grave, they met a benevolent man, who offered to give him a bushel ot corn, rather than to see him buried alive. lie raised tho coffin-lid, and drawled out, 14 Is?it?shelled 1" " No, but you can shell it." %t Drive?on?boys." And a third cousin of his who was a leading member of the 44 Lazy Men's Club." At a meeting of this institution charges were preferred against him for running down hill; but ho was excused on his plea tliat it was easier to run thau to hold back. " An Irishman, who, had been absent some time on a fishing excursion, met one of his friends, who enquired of him what luck he had. 44 Ocb," he said, 44 we had a most illegaut time intirely." 44 Who were of your party ?" asked his friend. 44 There were five of us," was his answer. 41 There was mceclf, one; the two Scrogginses, two ; Terry Toole, three ; Jim Kasin, four. Tbero were five of us. There was Terry Toole, /MIA nn Acnl/ 11? A tit A t ttfA Camam vuv j iiiLQvii) ^ uiu vnu UWi vgginses, tbrcc; and Jim Kasin, four. There was Jim Kosin, one ; Terry Toule, two ; meself, three ; and the two Scrogginses, four.? It's very srange that I can't remember who the fifth man was ! There was mesclf, one; Jim Kasin, two; the two Srogginse9, three; and Terry Toole, four; and may the divil fly away wid ine if I can remember who the fifth man w as J ? A dakkey having been sent to California, thus speaks of his introduction to San 1< rancisco: u As soon as dey landed in de ribber dar raouis began to water to be on land, and soon as dey waded to de shore, dey didn't see any gold, but dey fonnd such a large supply of nuffin to oat, dat der gums crackod like baked clay in a brick yard." Amut tho dance. Charles? u Tell me. Laura, why that sadness f Tell mo why that look of care? Why has fled that look of gladness that thy face was wont to wear ?" Laura?" Charles, 'tis nantftafli fa rliaftAvnkYa nrall mw /uaa I iiovivoo iv uaanvui ui? ^ n vn u?j may wear a frown, for lVe lost mjr largest bair-pin and my chignon's coming down !n A BHionT-EYED fonr-yearold got his little prayer mixed np the other nig'it. Imagine the astonishment of his mother to hear her darling commence thne: Now I l?y roe down to ?leep, Shoo fly I don't bod dor me. A GRNTI.EMAN OnCO ASkCd, 44 What is woman ?" when a married wan replied : 44 She is an ee8fty on grace, in one volume, elegantly bound. Although it be dear, every tnan should have a copy of it." An industrious old man in East- , crn Connecticut, whose early edu- i cation was neglected, has put out I a sign announcing: 44 Ooin out 1 whitcwaehin done in here." . 1 A FKwrry girl who talks iaeeu* ( Mwrtj. properly be called , a dingdodg belle. j, The proper tine lor o?Uh\| wheat is when the straw belov the ear begins to tarif*fel&w and when the kernel, pressed betweec the fingers, has the consistency o dough?wheat left to mature* un til it is dead ripe shatters oonsid erably and there is also tnnch lost by the breaking off of the heads the straw beneath them being verj brittle. The experiment made bj Mr Hannan, an English farmer, tome twelve or fourteen years ago Is conclusive as to the economy ol sotting wheat before it gets toe ripe. He divided a part of a grain field into five slips, all adja sent to each other, and cat eacl dip as follows: No. 1. Cut a month before ripe No. 2. Cut 3 weeks " M No. 8. Cut 2 weeks " u No. 4. Cut 2 days 4t " v? k ?u? VI v. v. VUk vs IICII iipu. Tbo result in the yield of floui was as follows: No. Flonr. Seconds. Bran. 1. 75 lbs. 7 lbs 17 lbs. 2. 70 lbs. 7 lbs 16 lbs. 3. 80 lbs. 5 lbs 13 lbs. 4. 77 lbs. 7 lbs 18 lbs. 5 72 lbs. 11 lbs 15 lbs. We see bv this experiment tba the grain which was cut two week before it was fully ripe, (No. 3, gave an increase of flour over tb< ripe wheat (No 5) of six and a bal pounds, and a gain of 15 pei cent, on the flour of an equa measure of grain. What mor< complete exposition of the advan tagca of cutting early can be re quired ? ?Maryland Farmer. ? Never Flow Wet Soil. We have often urged the atten tion of the larmera to this subiec as one of great impbrtance. Anj traveller among our farming dis tricts can see large tracts of lane that have been plowed when wol and unfit to bo worked, by observ ing largo, heavy clods of earth, which, in the hot seasson, be comes, like a heated brick, burn ing all the roots of grain or cthci product near to it. 13esidcs tbii evil no seeds can vegctato ant grow well upon soil thug culti vated, nor can that soil ?i\" baci as much nutrition as if plowc* when in l ight condition and upoi a warm and sunny day, when ligh and warmth can penetrnte into th soil, and thus greatly benefit it. We ore confident that fanner lose from ten to forty per cent, o their crop by inattention to thi matter. 13y a little care at th proper time to plow, by ex amir ing the soil and selecting goo sunny days, the soil will send u its voice in a balo of dewdro clouds that will wreathe the plov man with its approval of his goo sense. As with farms, so with orchardi vineyards and gardens. No so should be worked when wet an soggy. If the soil continues w< long drain it well, and soon it wi be in working order, but never a tempt to plow, spade, or work unless in good condition. {California Farmer. ?? - ? A Memphis gentleman is d< scribed by a paper there by the r< mark t]^at " his forehead extend to the gable end of his neck, which is interpreted to M mea that he is barefooted on the top o hi-j head." Killing.?On 8atorday evening, about o'clock, Levi Garrett, white, was killed b, Qeo. Gordon, colored, on Col. Renwlck'a placi some ten miles from the Court House, in thi District. The circumstances as given ns b; Sheriff Peysinger, are as follows: On Satar day, the wife of (lordon severely cnt a doj belonging to Garrett, with a hoe, end wblel be valued highly; and upon Mrs. Garrett's in terfering, the woman attempted to eut.her wit) the same implement, bat the two daughters e the former interfering, it was prevented, an quiet restored. Garrett was not at home i that time, but upon returning and beeeeain acquainted with the circumstances, and fln< ing his dog nearly dead, be started, with a li tie son abont IS years eld, for the cabin Gordon, and getting there he called the w< man ont. She refused, he reiterated tbo d in and and threatened with violence. Findli he would not come oat, ho threw one of thr rooks be had picked up, into the house, wber upon Gordon relied bis gun standing noahb; presented and tired. Garrett cried out to h on, " He has killed me, let us kill him," si prang in and madu an attempt to grappl but fell dead. The sen was caught by tl negro and a joint of on* of his fingers bitti off. By this time the parties in Garretl bouse near by and who bad beeu at suppt came to the seeoe, and the matter ended.Tbe examination made by Dr. Carlisle shoi ed that tixiv-seven shot had entered Garretl right hreaat and that the fourth rib *u eat two. Oordon gave bimaelf up on Snndi morning, and i? now in jail. [Ntioberrf Ftr raid, 1 Hi ft in*/. Cnn.nuoop,?Children are bat little peopt yeI they form a very important part of eoeif ty, expend much of our capital, employ graat portion of oar population in tbeir mi rioe, and occupy half the literati of our da in labor* for their Inatruetlon and emaeemon They oaaae more trouble and anxiety than th national debt) the lorelieet of woman in h* maturity of ebarma break* not >o many alum bera, nor oceaaiona ao many aigba, aa abe dl in her cradle; and the bandaomeat of m? with full grown muataehioe, muat not liatte bimaelf that be ie half ao mueh admired aa b waa when in pettieoata. Without any refer ?aa to their being our future atateemen, phil oaopbera and magiutratee in mloature die guiaea, children form hi their preaent a tote o pigmy exiatenoe, a moat iufturnitalelaM of being* ; and the arflral of a bawling Infant wb< eau aeoeely open Ita eyea, and only opena It* ita mouth, like an unwaged VUu, food will eibet the moet extraordinary altera!toi la a whole h jcaebotd; aubetttute aftattm foi aoldncM, duty for dlaalpattou, cheerfhlneaa fa parity, huatle for formality, and unite heart whieh time had divided.?J3<> ft imor* Hit to Vga* 4 U a sad \ zzmz'jrzzf: scac Md temUiM. So m*aj mov MO thrown oat or raoplo/beat >im lira Um? mo m d?k ; ' tboir Nirkcw mo aot >wdi4 la stores aad ^ workshops. Bat ran mm aad toys mo al* way* rotalaod. Do joa tm who aro the i fortauto om ? Tbojr aro thooo who aro aai I inhl to tboir lagloyoio thaoo who do tbolr , work tho moat thoroagtljr, aad aro tho Most ? obliging aad oooaoaloal. Ao? yoaag bob who watoh tho tiara to wo tbo Tory sseawd tboir working-hoar to ap ' ?who Wbto, no arattar what ?Uto tho work I. May bo i*> at precisely tbo iaataat?who caloa lata tho ozaot auoint thoy eaa slight thai1 ' work aad not got reproved?who aro lavish ?' I tbolr mslonn' moil _?m .1 w- a. ft rat to reeelre notice that Usees are doll, and I thtir services m do longer wasted. Whatever your situation, lay It down u i foundation rate, that yon will ho * faithful it that whieh la least." Pick ap loose anile, hiti of twiae, clean wrapping paper, and pat then la their places. Bo ready to throw in aa od< half hoar or hoar's tkao, whoa U will he at accommodation, sad doa't seen to make i r merit of It. Make yourself indispensable it him, sad he will less sna^y of the oppoelti kind before be will part with yon. [/Vredyfrriad. Tan Lot a or tbb BaatrrtroL.?Place i yonag lady andar the care of a kind-hearted, graceful woman, and ebe noeoneelously to her self, grows to a graceful lady. Plaoe a he; t la the establishment of a thorough going straight-forward bnslnees man, and the boj ) becomes a self-reliant, practical butlnesa man 9 Children are auteeptible oreatures, and clr f curustanccs, scenes and actions always la< p !' w* tiiviii* nu jvu iDinncv mem not oy tr | bitary rules, not by item example alone, bul In i thousand other ways that speak throng! 3 bright scenes, soft ntteranoe and pretty pic tares, so will they grow. Teach your children * to lore the beautiful. Giro them a corner in the garden for flowers; encourage them tc put in shape the handing baskets; allow then to hare their favorite trees; lead them to |. wander in the prettiest woodlots, show them t where they ean beet view the sunset, roast . them in the morning, not with the stern " Hint to work," bat with the enthusiastic - see tb? beautiful sun rise," buy for them to decorate their rooms, each la falser bar own SbOdish way. Tbe instinct is In them. Giro thorn an Inch and they will ge a mile. Allow tbetn the i privilege and they will make your borne* > beautiful. Tnnuc at a Biktii.?A lady of this Conn) ty, a week or two ago, presented her [ ?' liege lord" with a trio of r*eponslbili. lias. We are told they ate fine specimens t of domestic productions, of which the pa J renta naturally feel proud. All of them [j were doing well at 0 continued to thrive un< ^ til last Saturday, when one of the little ad e ditlons to the family j?ys was taken sioi and called " op higher." Prolific crops are very disirahle to al f people, but such a crop of mouths so sud dsnly to be filled from our table would 61 us with consternation and alatm. It is at ? old saying that " when God seads months 1 hs always sends something to fill then ** with." We sincerely trust he will prov P the saying true and send abundant hat P vesta to the patents of the " new leaue." I Union Timet, J ?,?w ? Two Yor.vo Ladikh Killed sr Liciitmsg j ?From a private letter to a gentleman li j tliis city, we learn that yesterday week, wbih . Miss Murray, daughter of Joseph W. Murray and Miss llill, daughter of Daniel llill, botl of St. John's Berkeley, were returning frot 11 cburch with Mr. Murray, they took sbel t- ter under a trco to avoid a wotting from it shower. While there the lightning struek the tree and instantly killed the two youn| ladies. Mr. Marray, who was standing ya by, was uninjured.? Charlatan Nttn, 12fh, 3 A Sam Fkakcuco merchant, who Lad at |g unsalable article consigned to liim from th ,, East, got his persona) friends together, as signed each a street, and inrtructod thorn ti I) - call at evsry atore and inquire for tliia par ' tlcular srtiele. Tben he advertised tlx goods, and the retail dealers, surprised at * the unusual call whieh had been made foi 8 them, took th. in all off bis bands at a bigf V price. * Shelby Ran boad Avsvaross.? Wo learn I that the corps of surveyors of the Shelby * and Sonlh Carolina Railroad were in the * vicinity of King's Mountain a day or twe II ago, making experimental surveys a'onj ^ the various gspo, with a view to delertulo . ing the best practicable route for eromih( the mounUU Va.s?iw> sfl? 'M A r 111 r. which ceased the destruction o j 1 $250,900 worth of property, occurred in l(*n ^ 1 cheater, N. II., on the 8th. Nearly 200 faml 0j lica rendered houseless. 4 ? ? 9* # A public rpenker in Boston said the ques |g tion beforo ua La, not what we will do witl ,o John Chinaman, hat what wiU be do with ui T> The State of South Carolina w OREKNVILLK COUNTY. 1(1 la the Common Fleae?Iqaity Bide. THOMAS C. OOWKR, Adinlni.tretor, es. I ? P. 8UDDUTII, ?l al.?Bill for Sale r sn Real Relate, to ray Debt*, Ac. i>, YTNDF.R the Decretal Order made In th \_J where ewoe, the Orwdttera of the Rata! ,r' of Mra. MARTHA LOVBLAND, are require ? to establish the rank and amount of the! *. claims attain at said Batata, before the Olert .1, within n{m momtke from this date. * W. A. McDANIBL, 0. C. P. 1,1 Clerk's Offioe, September 28th, 18##. ij Sept 29 IB Bm TOWNE8 & EAST, . SOLICITORS I* EQUITY. r. PRACTICE IN OREENVILLE AND 7 SUUHO UNIHNO VOVNTtEI. Offioe Over Julius C. Smith's o. r. Toasss. ens n. east >r Ap 27 48 if, J WATCHES, CLOCKS, " r Jewelry, Pexiicopic 8pect*cle?,&o ? jS&hT) WILL order an antra artloli I TflrhLtoT *n7 person. Special attan UV ^^ Uoa will be siren to RBPAIR , JKiyiPwCI * Wjtbw of ererj dee oriptlou. Dm! reference* siren. r JAMBS a. BLACKJane N | tf / FOR 8ALE OR TO RENT* A Comfortable UWKLLIfftt, containtn(t mtdi Room*, Mid MS^ESft_ " ** 7 OtUMMinn, fcw m in ate* walk of I Firm#* TTnleereily. Wt ftartfewtare emtly to T. Q. DONALDSON, j November 24 27 tf IBf.A > Principal OJU*, No. 1016, Stain Str?t, RM I mond, Vm. REASONS why tmy ?m ikoiM Insure I the Equality Lilh Insurance Conpaa] 1 of Vlntili: > lit. It is mora Liberal to the Insurers thi i any other company, and will eventually be . come Paraly Mutual and belong to the Imuran Sd. It circulate! lie money am on get tie pat ' rom, who are the imurare. Consequently the; > are continually getting the benefit of the rapi i accumulation of the Company, the money be ingInverted by the Board of Director* amongi the lot a ran. * 84. The leani of thle Company are as liber al aa other eompaniee who declare dividend at the end of the sooond, third and fourt! yeara, but thle Company at the end of the fin and every year, 1 DAVID B. CLARK, President. , Tnos. H. WYNNE, Vice-President. JOHN Q. WINN. Secretary. Oen. JAMES II. LANE, Actuary, ' Dr. F. B. WATKINS, I v , . . , . . Dr. C. H. W. DAVIS, J Advls* r Judge JOHN A. MEREDITH, CounsoUoi pirkctors. J. B. Winston. Treasurer and Secretary D F. A P. R. It f W4l. J. Jobnaob, of Jahneon . Hunt, Wholesale Grocers ; Wm. II. Powers, c Winston A Powers, Wholesale Grocers; Al . bert Ordjfay, Treasurer Buckingham BUt Company; J. V. Gibson, 8apcrinUmd*n Adams' Bsprsss Company ; Charles V. Mor ris, Mortis A Co.'s Bagsr Refinery ; O. A. Pe Sle, Superintendent Manchester Cotton Mills ohn II. Tyler, John II. A John Tyler, Jaw elers; Moses Mllthiser, Wholesale Pry Goods Thomas 8. Baldwin, Clothier ; John M. God din, Cashier Planter's Batik ; J. B. Powell Superintendent Western Union Telegrapl Company ; Alex. Q. Robertson, Cattle Broker George *. Herring, Wholesale Grocer; R. L Brown, of Bropt* Jnee* A Co., Wltolesa! Grocers ; A Bodblrer,"Druggist r R. M. Rosen banm, of 8. A M. Rosenbaum, Dry Gooods. Equality Ufs Inanranoe Company. ermine ip /Vw?V'<< w? nrt, U ft /# jrosr tMfSres# (? <fs So. J|rs? teanled ersrytcntre. BEIVJ. ?. HERIOT, Gen. Travelling Agent, Charleston, 8. C. Bspt 22 r 18 tf THE CHRONICLE ft SENTINEL, rrnuMir.n at . AUQUSTA, GA., H DaILV, TV vfUF.KLY A AD WEIkCy CONTAINS all th? latest news by Mall and TbU graph* embracing fell Cammardal and Financial Reports From allien leading centers; together With trie latest Political and General Information upon al t subjects which Intcrert the reading pub >Mb v The terms of the DAILY are $fi for, pi: I months nod ft n tor one viir. The Tift-WEEKLY is ft*) for sti months, and $6 lor one year. 1 The WEEKLY CHRONICLE A SENT1 ' NEL is a Mammoth paper of thirty-el if columns, filled with Editorials, Telegraph! ? Dispatches, Commutiicaiions on homo mat e tors, together with Agriculture, Commereia and Financial artich s?making it one of th most desirable nud valooble fespor* la th country to the Hunter, Farmer and tlei sliinL Tlim l,ms ?? ae ? ? ?. " ? fW pw ?U?f1IO| ? #1.60 fur six morI lis. All subrcriptions are required to ac ranee. a Liberal commissions | aid rerpontibl > agenla. , . ?r Address all letters and eommuaiei i tiona to tba ? CHRONICLE A SENTINEL, Augusts, Os. OT Uf ecimcn copies Seat free. *"? ?* " June I 8 , { 4? s ""* CUSITings T iTa ileyT r BOOKSELLDlf^ AND STATIONERSe No. 268 Baltimore St., Opposite Haaovai baltimore, 9 TRa largest SLRd best assorted sleek in the sltf SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL, DENTAL, e Classical ft Miscellaneous Books. OJ-OKNF.RAL RANK AND COffNTIBf r HOUSE STATIONERY of all kinds. BLANK BOOKS MADE TO OBDEB IN All STTLX OE BINDING AND BULIMG. , [established 1811.] K.r2 41 Am Es I\ JOMS, f AVW)?B?r *HF HAW, ANV aouonvn Of KQVJTT. f coijrtoopthmSTAU: atae, f in itftb xnrrrF.n states comm. Office Greenville 0. X., 8 C.I July 7 ly* w. K. r.asmit. m. ?. rrsn EA8LEY ft WELLS, * Attorneys and Counsellors at Las 4 AND IN EQUITY, ' GRKKNVILLE, 8. C., T)R \CTICE In lbs Courts of Ike State an x of the United 8tales, and gin eipech attention to cmii in #ankfu|>t?y. i?* ~ TTTH* i WM. P. PRICE, >' ATTORNEY AT nAt* 9AHL0NE6A, 8A? "ITT"I'LL praetlea in the Conntlee of Lnnrj d ff kin. Demon, Ollmar, Fannin, Unki r Town*, White and Hall. '? Jan 10 83 (f Greenville ft Coltim'bla Railroad. OuintL SopiKiaianDKaT'a Orrjca, 1 Colombia, January 18th, 1879. I A* AND AFTER WIDNUOAT. Jam \J try 191k, the follow lag Belmdale wl! f bo run daily, Hondo* excepted. eenneetinj with Night Train on Booth Carolina Road, o] and down, and with Night Train on CbarlotU Columbia and AigoiU Road going goeth t Loaro Columbia.... .... 7 00 a r " Aloton 9 49 a n " Newberry............ ......10 10 a n Arrive Abbeville S II pi , " Andenon 4 20 p n " Greenville* ....... 5 09 p n Leave Greenville ft 44 a n " Andereen 4 2ft a a " Abbeville I 00 ai " Newberry II lift p " Aluton 2 19 p a Arrive Columbia.,.., I 4ft p a The Train will re tare from Reltan to An 1 deriop on Monday Friday morn^n^r, General BwpoHnteedcnt. SAMUEL BLACK.BAEBEEWOULD reepeetfolly Inform the pobtU that he bee Removed to e room In , the OLD COURT HOUBK, where he will he prcptrti to rss^fi ssstomere * kerste^ [ fere. Being n Prof*?iio*ial Barter, hi hopee, by attention to bnemeaaa, tegothei F with pobunem to nil, to merit n portion oi i nubile patron age. In OUTTHfO, SHAVING AND SHAMPOOING. en 20 99 tf B. WHEIILE, x a. o, DEALER 1* r m ui m wTtm CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, 18 ft 22 Carat Solid Haptial Kings, SILVER & SILVER-PLATED OT WORK of all disoripliooa io hU lint done promptly. Met Oct 87 2S ly A. J. ROSS ft C0~ D MAN UFA CTURERS t| ^ -mZrjm. e 2 DEALERS IN I JAP AS NED AND PRESSED WARE. 1 ABO ? COOKING AND H BATING STOVBS. a All klnda of # ht Tin and Sheet Iron Work Done On tbc moat REASONABLE TERMS, And with promptniea. Store Nearly Opposite the *- Post Office. ' Feb 18 89 . tf J W. U. CAMMER, i PRACTICAL GUNSMITH AND MACHINIST CORN SnELLERS, Cotton Gina, Locke, Sewing Machine*, Umbrella* and Parai aola REPAIRED with promptneaa. Charge* * reaaknable. Corn Sheller*, for aale from flO ' to $12. I am alao prepared to farniab Stencil ^ Plato*, for marking elotbing. Blaclt??i?ilhiNff. I QAVB In addition to mr u*nal bnaineaa, opened a RLACKSMITII SHOP, baring a competent workman hired, Larkin Weatfleld. Work in tbla line will be done aatUfactorily. y PLpUGRS alwa/a on band uiiuu?in mr 01 via court IIMM, at tn? Randolph place, havinf removed from mjr ttand on Main Rire*' S8~tf R? HOE M COh MAN AFACTURER8OF Warranted Extra Cast 8te*l Patent . Qxoond G^rcula^lliU Malay 1 CIRCULAR SAWS. , With Movable or Inserted Teeth. WE CLAIM for our Patented Clrcalnr Saw tbe following advantages over all other*: Tbe ahanka of tbe teeth are elaitie, and exert a uniform distension in the socket*. Tb* stability iff the plat* is ta no way affected by Inserting iffw set* ?f teeth. Each tootb. Independently, may be adjusted to the cutting lino. No rivets, keys, or other objectionable ap2 plianees, are employed in connection with tbe ' teeth, which are as simple in construction, and as aniily used, as a nut for a bolt. In abort, all the difficulties heretofore ex pericnecd in the use of movable teeth for raw*, are fully mot and obviated bj tkia inveatioo. a uo, , TUTTLE PATENT " CHAMPION " CROSS CUT SAWS CROSS-CUT SA ir#, A % g * + OW ALL KINDS. J lav Mandrel*, Gumming Machines, Ac. Hcnd for Catalogue* and I'riee Lift*. r It. HOK A CO., Printing Preaa Machine and Saw Munufactarera, New York, Boiton, Maaa., and London, Kng. Feb 9 SI Am , Fever and Ague .a. "nt tit) ote (J Alwafl Mepa Ilia Chill*. Thia Modioino Honbeen before tho ruhlia fifteen years end ia atill ahead of aL other know u rcmodioa. It does not purge duel not aioken i*:e atomach, ia jorfoctly aata in anv drvo and under all oircuir. y Btanoee,nndii?thoouly Modicinotlm'wil CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently ovcry fmn of I-'erer and Ague, l>ooauM it i* ft perfect AntlActe le UlelerU. Bold by all Drugglate. Feb 2 87 ly South Carolina Railroad Company* i Colombia, B. 0., Me* IS, 1870. ON aid after Sunday, 10 May, the Paaeenger Train* upon the South Carolina Rail11 read will ran the following aebedulet FOB CRABLBftTOB. i, Leave Columbia -7 40 a m Arrlre at Charleeton ..8 SO pa a Leave Charleeton 8 80 a at ii Arrlre at Columbia 4 10 p m roa a ce can A. , Leave Columbia. ..7 41 a a . Arrive at Augwata^ ...4 20 p m Lea re Aegaeta. 8 Mam , Arrlre at Celambla 4 llpa i man ttrnil tbaib (bdbbavb nrimr.) 1 Leave Columbia. ?7 08 p ca 1 Arrive at Charleeton..,,,, J 40 a m 1 Arrive at Auguita,, 7 80 am " Leave Ob arlaetea 7 81 p m Leave Aetata. 08 p m Arrive at Columbia 188 a m cambbm raAtw. Camden and Colamhla Paeaanger Train* will ran on Moadaye, Wedaeeday* and Satarl day*; and between Camden aad Klngvllledal! Leave Cemdon...... I Mam 1 Arrlre agCeto^bta ?11 88 a m Leave t.uinmbia i wpa Arrive at Cam lee ,.~k 40 p m ' H. T. PBAKB. Oeal Swp't. X&T Suheeribefor the Enterprise ; $2 per annum, Charleston 1 1 Advertisements PT r toale, CHARLESTON, S. C. Mlwl|||nkQ f Largest and most complete "} ; jar < Manufactory of Doors Sashes, > ( Blinds, Mouldings, Ac., In the ) Southern States. pgf Printed price Hat defies competition.*^^ JfStf Send for ono.-ffci^ XXT- Sent free on application. April 27 4V ly CIIAS. KEM{IS0N, LATE C. & E. L KERH1S0I. 1MV ???[Dga 252 King Street, OHARLEDTOXT, 6. O. Mar 80 40 <m DANIEL H. SILCOX'S FURNITURE WARKROOMS, 175,177 & 179, King Street CHARLESTON, 8. C. j*, Kktadmsiucd in 1838.^^229 Kocpa oonataotljr on hand^^^L 11 111 * wo" #e'cc,cd Slock of PUR1TITURE, Which ho offfen at REASONABLE U h PRICES. N. B.?GOODS CAREFULLY PACKED run nntrrirsu. Nor 21 27 ly* EDWARD PERRY, PRINTER, STATIONER, AND DF.AI.KX IX LAW, SCHOOL AND BLANK BLANK HOOKR on hand and made to order uf any pattern at abort notice. Binding and Ruling executed in One atyle. Wade k Co. Printing Inka for aale at the manufacturer* price. So. 156 Meeting-St., oppneite Ckarletlou Hotel, CHARLESTON,S. C. Mh 2.1 U Cut* Columbia Advertisements. MARBLE ClITTlir BOYNE &, SPROIYL, COLUMBIA, 8. C? CONTJSUK TO MANUFACTURK MONUMENTAL WORK lit all its branches, of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE, Sept 8 111 If COLUMBIA HOTEL, COLUMMA, SOUTH CAROLINA. rpilK Proprietors Ink* pleasure In announe1 ing thi? elegantly-lurnishrd Establishment now open for the accommodation of guests. Tha labia will always ba supplied with ararj delicacy of the aaaaon?both from tba New York and Charleston markets, and no efforts will ba spared to give perfect satisfaction, in erery respect, to oar patrons. FltEK LU.VC1I in the refectory tvaiyjla; from 11 until 12 Charleston I .. Advertisements. I Old Carolina Bltleri. & $E)5SILU?Ili55xfiJIL. HKBHIil? We Uke plsesnre in offering the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS TO THE public. They ere compound* ed with greek cere, end eontele ions of the beet Tonlos in the Phnrmeeopln. Ae I evidenoe of the superiority of our Bitters over ell others, we heve oerllfieetee from many of the feeding pbyeieisns in our Stele, who heve prescribed them la their practice, 1BE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS Will be found invaluable for Went of Appetite, General Debility, Chills end Fever end Dyepepsfe. Wo do not offer onr Bittern no a cure for elf diseases, but as en Arometio Tonic, they heve no equal. For sale by ell Druggists end Grocers everywhere. Priocipel Depot, GOODRICH. WINElf AN A CO, Importers of Choioe Drugs end Chemioele, Charleston, 8. C. Ml. 9 49 ly r1 vn war rinnovirnn.a vxiv* *T Viinrmi imn a COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OP SAIL BAPARILIA. GEO. W. CARPENTER S COVTOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU. THE*E CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS, originally introduced by Geo. W. Carpenter, under the patronage of the medical faculty, hare been ao long extensively ueed by physicians and others, thai they are generally known for their intrinsic value, and can he relied on as being most valuable remedies in all eases where Earsaparilla or Buohu arc applicable, and eaonot be too highly recommended. They are prepared in a highly concentrated form, so as to render the dose smell and convenient. Orders by mail or otherwise w'U receive prompt attention. GEO. W. CARPENTER, IIRN3ZEY * CO., 'Wholesale Chemical Warehouse, No. 787 Market-street, Philadelphia. DOW IE A M01SE, Wholesale Agents, Cbarleston,8. C. Nov 17 if 1* A. F. CHEVREUX, AND ARCHITECT, euakbiui wmm Corner Mcating-St- and Rollback's Allay, ?ffidtfULaCB??, ?, ?, rLANS MADE TO ORDER, AND FREE OF CHARGE. WHEN WORK RONE BY ME. Dec 8 29 )y A. B. MULLIGAN, I AND GENERAL CDVMISSIOI MERCHAKT. BccotnfooOafion CHARLESTON, S. C. HAVING ample meaas for condneting my business, I am at all limes pre A a.. Ml - - - I>>rau 10 maic nuerai (ariOCM M ITafte*. July '28 10 1 j SAMUEL. C. BLACK, STOCK AND BOND BROKER, NO. 28 BROAD BT, CHARLESTON. PARTICULAR attention given to purchase and sale of SECURITIES on Comml?ion. Information given cheerfully, nevens to Rev. R. T. BUIST. J. C. BAILEY. Til OS. STERN. September 21, 1889. 10?if Fa VON NANTEN9 nroiTM or PARIS FANCY QOODK, Taye, Dolle, Qauw, Children'# Carriage#, Preneh Confeetonery, Tire Week*, INDIA RUBBER GOODS, Sueb a# Clothing, Horary Shooting, Ac., 228 Kinf St. 2 doom above Market, CHARLESTON, 8. 0. Mar 88 4ft ly? JOHNSTON, CREWS A; CO. Xmyertere and Wholeeale Dealer, la BTATZiB AXTD 7jL1 TOT DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND SMALL WARES, 4v\ mfoTriign s'jmaiiif, CHARLESTON, S. O. Mer *t> 48 8a PAVILION HOTEL, <9 iu a m% a e voiar, 0- or. tfUAHIIi P*f D?y AS OS. H. HAMILTON, goporiaUndent. MM. H. L. BVTTBPFIELD, ProrrielreN, Rept M If tf TBS KILLS HOUSE, ?3LL&?)S63QZI3, 6. <9. fARKEB St CO* Proprietors. PIRAT-CLAM HOTBL. BOARD, PBB DAT $4 #? Dm H tf OHAJULB8TOS HOnK CB?ULE&TO?t $ O. m h. fAtnuom, Tnrntm. AHHIBTABTi. A. BntTKanSLD, (for. V D?rly of In# Put I Hon HAUi,)ud W, S. MILIAR ' -n m. uuimnH, 1 rI? ! H. n. BADKNIfOP, j 1 Kept 29 19 tf NATIONAL HOTEL, ^ 0e (0o PROPRIETOR. P. HAMILTON JOYNKR. CLERK. RATES Of Board per Day ..,,M 00 Supper, Breakfaal and Lodging-.... 9 00 Single Meal* .................. 1 00 Sep 1 16 it N ickerson HouseHotel, COLUMBIA, 8.C. lap^-^Y THI undersigned hiring jRjBE3LKBNBWED hie lease upon the shore Popular Ho see, will endeavor to make It one of the moat agreeable Hotele in the South. A call ia solicited. pM Free Omnlbua to and from the llotel, WM A wnmnr Proprietor. 8?pt It If CkarUtU, CalaabU 4 AagaiU B. B. SUPBRJNTBlf DINT'S OFFICII, CrfmbiA, ?. C.. Jaaaary IB, ISTt. OB m<I ifUr TO-DAY, AaaiiiiliHw Trata will ma m follow* i Ijmti Columbia., ........... C It p i* Ai4itM I M a a* ? *Arrlr# alColarobU. M ? ThU Trata imm?i arttb iht (Itfijy fcr hM|*r Trata* at Aagataa, a?4 it* OvNSrUU K??4 at ^*7**i)UN*lSiT, tt%? ? v + + : t i