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U I' .I'HSiaMMhM JTinatjiiaa fa* t*> Sh*U. T A HMOmllk tM. >4 Ok for Ml >??Wr| or Mr* at eoateol I Oh for a rate whioh at Midday it* daw aaa hor?! nkt... nU?n>M.lrl* aa to It* Palo t Ok for ?little one-story >b?wnaikr, With nothing bat IftfiM all rugwi ia row! Oh for big, double hatielled hygrometer, To measure this moisture that rolls iron I brow I Oh that this ooM world woro twenty time coldwl (That's irony red hot K seemeth to a*,) Oh for a tarn of ita dreaded oould shoalder! Oh whet ft ooaafort an ague would h* ! Oh for a grotto to tiplfy hearen, < Scooped ia the rock oadar cataract rait! Oh fbr a winter of discontent area t Oh for wet blaaketa jadieionaly cat t Oh for a soda fount spouting ap boldy From every hot lamp-poet against the hot akyl Oh for prond maiden to look on dm coldly, Freeling my aoal with a glance of her eye t Then oh for a draught from a oap of " cold plsen t" And oh fbr a resting place In the cold giare I With a bathe In the Styx, where the thick shadow lies on And deepens the chill of ita dark-running wave! iMOrOtlH. A Holy Land Horse. In his travels out of Jerusalem, Mark Twain had an extraordinary horse, which he thus paints. We should wish to u tarry at Jericho," had wo such an animal: " I have a horse now by the name of Jericho. Ho is a mare. I have 6een remarkable horses before, but none so remakable as this. I wanted a hor6e that wonld shy, and this one fills the bill.? I had an idea that shy in? indicated spirit. If it is correct I havo got the most spirited horse on earth. He shies at everthing he comes across with the utmost partiality, lie appears to have a mortal dread of telegraph poles especially ; and it is fortunate that these are on both sides of the road, because, as is now, I never fall off twice in succession on the same side. If I fell on the samo side always it would get monotonous after a while.? The creature has shied at everthing to day except a haystack. He walked up to that with an intrepidity and recklessness that was astonishing. And it would fill auy one with admiration to sec how ho preserved his sell-posses sion in the presence of a barlej stack. This dare-devil bravery wil be the death of this horse som< day. He is not particular fast, bu I tiiink he will get me through th< Iloly Land, lie has only odi fault. Ilis tail has been choppec off, or el6c he has 6et down on i too hard some time or other, am Itna ^i/vlif lliA H ? ao tirifK bii jno iv/ ii^iiu iiiiu iin^o n iiu un heels. This is all very well, bn when lie tries to kick a fly off th< top of his head with his hind fo< it is too mnch of a variety. IIi is going to get himself into troubh that way some day. lie reaches around and bites my legs, too. ] don't care particularly about that only 1 don't like to see a horse Ux sociable." ' ? Didn't Want a Ckackeb.?Not a thousand miles from where w( write things ain't as they used t< was?the hotel bars are all closec tightly, it is supposed?aa fron the following dialogue it will b( seen that they sell no liquor. At old chap entered tho bar and at usual called for " something tc take." Tho answer of the land lord was: 44 Wo don't sell liquor. Wc will give you a glass, and then il you want to buy a cracker, wc will sell it to you fo# ten cents.' 44"Very well, said tbeold chap 44 hand down your decanter." The 44 good creature " was han ded down and our hero took i 6tiff horn, when on turning ronnc to depart, the unsuspecting land lord passed bim the crackera wit! the remark, 44 Don't you want i cracker f' 44 Well, no; I guess not; yoi sell 'em too dear. I can get lots oi 'em five or six lor a cent anywlier else." - ' ? m A Ceremonious Judos.?Judg K , of Indiana, is a grea stickler for forms. One day i soldier, who bad been batterer considerably in the war, wa brought in as a witness. Th Jndge told him to bold np hi right hand. 44 Can't do it, sir," said the mar 44 Why not!" 44 Got a shot in that arm, sir," 44 Iben hold np yonr left." The man said that be got a she in that arm, too. "Then," said the Jndge, store lv, " yon mnst hold tip your les No man can be sworn, sir, in thi court by the law unless he hold up something 1" A dbuxksn man, after trying ii vain to keep on tbe sidewalk, wai ' heard to exclaim, "^Tbere now! g< into tbo street if you want to." " I uvi by my pen," said an ed itor, wishing to impress a younc lady. "Ton look as if yon lived iff one," was her reply. V A s'u A?ti; d*r]L*' "* r^w.u^ fo"^. ?it*'n? on the stoop of a fasbionabU house cryinrpltifblly.* MWbat% de matter wld Jopt** asked s colored woman. ku De niftlters nuff-?- double trouble all ober de bouse. Fader am drunk?madder am gone wid close ?siee broke de looking glass wid . de broomstick?de baby tab got her eyes full ob kyan pepper, and k Fete Wood put de mustard on be hair for gooee grease, T put salt , in my tea tor white sugar wat mudder has when Professor Hannibal comes to soe her. and it made me seasick. De dog licked Pete's face, and got bis tnout full ob mustard, and lies under de bed a howlin'. De kitten got her head in de milk pot, and I cut her bead off to save de pitchur, and den I had to brake de pitchur to get de bed out, and de way I'll get Ticked when mudder cams borne, for setting de bed a fire, will be a sin." A Mother te her Daughter en Marriage. Yon are now, my beloved child, about to leave these arms which have hitherto cherished you, and directed your every step", and at length condnoted you to a safe, happy and honorable position.? You most now be no longer the flighty, inconsiderate, haughty, passionate girl, but ever, with Reference and delight, have the merit oi your husband in view. Reflect how vast the sum of your obligation to the man who confers upon you independence, distinction,and, ! above all, felicity. Moderate, 1 then, my beloved child, your pri- 1 vate expenses, and proportion your general expenditures to the stand~ ard oi his fortune, or rather his wishes. I fear not that, with yonr , education and principles, yon can ever forget the more sacred duties, so soon to be your sphere of action. Remember the solemnity ( of your vows, the dignity of your , character, the sanctity of ^your wiiuiuuu. jluu nru nuieuauie 10 society for your example, to yonr husband for his honor and happiness, and to heaven itself for these rich talents entrusted to your care and improvement *, and though, in the maze of pleasure or the whirl of passion, the duties of the heart may be forgotten, remember, my darling child, there is a jxcord which will one day appear^ ter; rible evidence against us for our i least omission. [Moore's Rural New Yorker. i l From a gentleman just from > Conwayboro, we have gathered - the particulars of a terrible accif dent by which two ladies and a 1 servant wore, on Saturday after3 noon last, drowned in the lake.? t The ladies are Mrs. Bolton and 3 Miss Fredrika Beaty, both 3 daughters of T. W. Beaty Esq., 1 of the Ilorry News. Mr. Beaty's t house stands on the bank up the 1 lake, and the ladies of his fams ily have keen in the habit of batht ing inside their lather's yard. On b Saturday afternoon they went t into the lake as usual, accompab nied by a servant girl. The other 3 members of the family wero not s on the premises at the time, but a t servant, in passing though the , yard, saw on the surface of the > water the sudden struggle of a hand which in a moment disappeared. Sho ran at once to Mr. t Beaty's office, some two or three i hundred yards distant, and gave ) the alarm. Mr. Beaty and Mr. I Rhodes arrived at the lake in a i few moments, but all was still I? ) They with others plunged into the i water, and in the course of a few i minutes all the bodies were recov> ered. The time they were sub merged was about fifteen or twenty minutes. The funeral took place : on Sunday afternoon and was an f occasion of melancholy interest.? > In this great calamity, Mr. Beaty ' will hart tho sympathy of tho , whole country. [.Marion Orescent. i* ? - ? * An exchange says, a bachelor I it a miserable, disagreeable, dis ! satisfied, hated, despised, forgotten, * unreasonable, unlawful, unchrisa fionliL-o nnoliflritflMa nnnrinonloH ought-to-be ashamed, gooa-for a nothing, uncombed, unwashed, nn n cleaned, unpatched, uncared-for 0 off-cast of creation, who ought to go and marry some artistic, muqi cal, smiling, blushing, delightful charming, social, tasteful, sweet 1 exquisite, religious, prayerful, con B scientious aud virtuous old maid ^ and raise up a family of sweet * good-looking, loving, laughing ? cnrley-headed, dimpled-cheokea bright-eyed, cute, frolicking, bliss fal, cheerful, joyful little children > and thus follow the worthy exam pie of his father before him. Bkactibs often die old maids. They set such a value on themselves that they don't find a pur'* ebaser before the market is ' closed. g 8 If a young lady has a thousand acrea of valuable land, the young men are apt to conclude that there ] are sufficient grounds for attach3 merit. > A vrrsRAN was relating his exploits to a crowd of boys, and men tioned having been in five engager ments. * That's nothing," broao I in a little fellow, '* my sister Sarah haa been engaged eleven times." York at an inopportune moment, wm knocked down by tb? htctee oi A city railroad car, and hie body thrown in sncli an attitude as to bring hia bead at the wheel.? On went tbe car and before it could be 8topped tbe terrible crushing noise which startled the pd*? sengers, and the frightful screech which almost turned blood to frigidity told a terrible tale. The lads head was oompletely severed, and his brains scattered over the track and the wheels. Horror seta fid ATfirvhndv in tha mir and If waa ft long tiino t>ofora they I>MIAVA rsde The accident was purely the fruit of the lad. Expensive plates?fashion plate*. They are rather more apt to break those who wear them than to be broken. Ir yon would bo pungent, be brief; for it is with words as with sunbeams?the more they are condensed the deeper they burn. It is said that bodies injected with a mixture of three parts of glycerine and one of carbolic acid will be preserved several months without emitting an offensive odor. The General Synod of North America, which closed its session at Winchester, Ya., a few days ago, has decided to locate a Theological Seminary in Columbia. A PSIMCBLT GAMBLTKQ II Et.U tOTTM pondaot of Cho Boa Ion Journal, in a ItUar from Saratoga, aay* that John MorritMr'* new honae there is tar the roost gorgeous house on lit# continent. The main floor is divided into three rooms, two of which nr? devoted to play and one for dining. The fitting np of the rooms la simply magnificent. The floors are oovered with scarlet and white relvet tapestry. The furniture, side beards, cornices, mantles and mirror frames are French cheval, inlaid with gold. The curtains are silh and damask. The monogram " J. M " flames out an all aidea. Over mastire mirrors are oarved tigers' hend*, witlt months wide op*n to devour, an etablcm of the tiger persons will fight within. Tha chanderliers are gold gilt, and the braelctU are burnished in the same stylo. On the saloon floor thsre are one hundred and twenty-five lights, and two hundred and seventy ia all the house. Private stairea sas lead to tha rooms aloft, and these rooms, on tha stories above the parlors, are gorgeously fitted up for guests, the lower floor is for kitchen* wine cellar, laundry and and tur domestic uses. The elub house coot $90 000. A lot near is crwced by a church. Tl 1.1, 1J I -.11 L_, 1L. J tuo }i?riD<j wuuiu uub tTJii, uu? mi? jjruuuu is rented to Morrissey for ten years, at fil,000 a year, to give room and light for the Club-house. Tukre was an old negro woman called '* Jane," " for short," who announeed to the negroes near Springfield, Limestone County* Texas, that the millennium would take place and the " mighty afaip of Zion * would come down to take up to glory those who complied with her directions, on the 26th of May. In accordance with her in. strnctions, preached to a large congregation, the believers bornt one half of all their worldly poeessions in a big bonfire* hoed up by the roots and destroyed half their growing crops, (corn and ootton)gave way half their children, ?e. They then disrobed entire\y, and danced a " holy dance." Afterward they did one sensible thing?they killed all their dogs. Jane then proposed, it is said, that they should eat the dog meal; but they hesitated, and she did not succeed very well in the at tempt herself. Finally she proceeded to maasurae with a view to sacrificing her own ehild, an infant. At this point the proceedings were interrupted by those who lacked faith in her ministry, and Jaae was arrested and restrained from further preaching. Their neighbors ars helping the nnfortunats converts to replsnt their ruined fields, and make up, so for na possible, their losess. Tub Stats Guasd at Absbvillk.?We learn that Assistant Adjutant Osneral, R. B. Elliott, on his recent visit to oar lown( disbanded tha fores of State Guard hare employed ia guarding the deposit of arms, with tha exception of two persons; and La. timet ed that the arms would soon be remo ved. For sometime psst wc hsve deplored the wsste of raw material in employing nearly a dozen athletie laborers, to play the idle roU of tha soldier, when the farmers of the eountry were sending up a dss pairing ery for help against tha host of ''General Green." Soldiers in times of pease are a nulsanec?idle contain ere and drones in the batj hive, when the en earner tun and the whitening hareeete aall every one to labor .?AbbrwUl* Prtta. So era Cauoliwa Moanvairr Associatio*? A Card.?A rnmor having been circulated through the State, to the effeot that la oowsequence of the retigaailoa of. the President, the operation! of thla Aaaoclatlon win he discontinued ) the offloert and Board of BireeVort desire to say that they have ae Idea of abandoning the loved oaaee they have wader taken. Indeed, they feel that the lots of so valuable a co-worker ae Mrs. lfoCord should only stimulate them to renewed dtllgeaee, end tbeywuuM appeal la South GasuUnlaas everywhere to rally to their aestetanoe la this grant week. Their sussess hitherto has been most onooaraging^ and tkoy hope, ere loag, te raise a monument to the defenders of oar freedom and ear bowses, worthy of the glorious pest of South CnreHan. Columbia, Jul/ 1,1ST*. ? The Naehrille ?mmtur toll* this; "A large Tidbmmi rirer eatfiah, weighing en* hundred pounds, was opened at a fleh stall located at the corner of Cherry and Den. bran* streets, la Its stoma eh was found as much ae two haadafol of metoltt* substances, among them a gold watch chain, eighty fire cents in eilrer currency aad rartone pieces of Jewelry* Thee* feats are rouehed for by gentlemen of reliability, who witnessed the affair." That eatfiah was the only Indlridaal carrying aped* on the Tenneeee rirer. mm Prim*im^l OMec, No. 1(16, Maim Strati, Rick momd, Va. r? BASONS whr iwt ... d6?.M u XV the BqaaUty Life Imumm Coapuqr of Vtrrtaia: lai. It la nor* Liberal to tkt Iaeurera thoi any other eoapujr, and will ntaalljr bowi Paroly Mataal and boloay to the la?roca 3d. It eirculates ita mon?j amongst Us patrons, who am the ta?ran. CoMtfMMi; thej m oontinually getting the benefit of the rapid accumulation of the Company, the money belag invested by the Board of Dijreetors amongst the insurers. 3d. The loans of this Company are as liber* al as ether companies who declare dividend* at the end of the second, third and foertb years, hot this Company at the end of the ftisl and every year. DAVID B. CLARK, Preeident. THOS. H. WYNNE, Vice.President. JOHN Q. WINN, Secretary. Gen. JAMBS H. LANE, Actnarv, rri Dr. F. B. WATKINS, 1 w Dr. C. H. W. DAVIS, J Adrisera. Judge JOHN A. MEREDITH, Counsellor. DIRECTORS. J. B. Winston, Treat Ore r and Secretary R. F. A P. R. R ; Win. J. Johnson, of Johnson A Hnnt, Wholesale Grocers ( Vs. H. Powers, ol Winston A Powers, Wholesale Grocers; Al* bert Ordway, Treasurer Buckingham State Company; J. F. Gibson, Superintendent Adams' Bxprste Company ; Char las Y. Morris, Morris A Co.'s Sugar Refinery ; G. A. Feple, Superintendent Maneheeter Cotton Mills; John II. Tyler, John H. A John Tyler, Jewelers; Moses Millblstr, Wholesale Dry Go#dt; Thomas 8. Baldw.u, Clothier; John M. Goddin, Cashier Planter's Bank; J. R. Do well, Superintendent Western Union Telegraph . ila. fl D *- -a O-aal. T?__a.._ . vvuipMir I nHA. u? nvHtlUOllf l/MU? DTOROr f George I. Herring, Wholesale Grocer; R. In Brown, of Brows, Jones A Co., Wools?la Grocers ; A Bodeker, Druggist; 8. M. Rosens banm, of 8. A M. Rosenbautn, Dry Gooods. Equality Lift Insurance Company. JGKrKxaming if r<rmpklrt* b*Jor? Jrow ??* rare, /( ?# to your interest to do w. AgonU wanted tvorywhtro. BEIII. G. HERIOTi Geo. Travelling Agent, Charleston, 8. C. Sept U 19 If THE CHRONICLE & SENTINEL, ruBt.mii*!> at ATJOUST*, OA. daily, tut weekly and weekly CONTAINS all the latest Mil by Mail and Telegraph, embracing full Commercial and Financial Reports from all the leading centers, together with the latest Political and Oenernl Information upon all aahjaate which interest the reading pub lie. ' :g. ^ The terms of the DAILY are for sb months and llO for one year. The TRI WEEKLY it |8.60 for ais months, and f 0 lor one year. The WEEKLY CHRONICLE A 8ENTI NEL is a Mammoth poner of thirtv-ais column*, filled with Editorials, TelegraphU Dispatches, Communications on home matters, together with Agriculture, Coromereia and Financial articles?making it one of th< moot desirable and valuable papers In Um country to the Planter, Farmer end lfer cheat. The tonne are 9S per annum, ei 91.50 for six months. All eubacriptlona are required in ad ranee. Liberal commissions paid responsibl ngents. * ir Address all letters and eommnniea tions to the CHRONICLE A SENTINEL. Augusta, Oa. VfT~ Specimen copies sent free. June "r" -"* - Vv? W nTT.qtjtxrna a. r> a ?t i?v VX/ Jft-?II A JLii^ X J BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERSNo. 208 Baltimora St., Opposite Hanovei BAX.TIMORB, . Tha UifMt ind tut luorltd slock In tha city SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL, DENTAL, Classiest A Miicellaneens Books tffOKNEUAL BANK AND OOUNTTIU HOUSE STATIONERY of all kinds BLANK BOOKS MADE TO ORDER IB AN STYLB 07 BINDING AND RULING. [KSTADLISIIID 1811.] K^r 3 41 6m ? IV. JfOIVESt AVSP(01BJBril?? AW lykW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. ? wux rsAcricK n? su. COURTS OF THIS STATE ? att J AIM, <%r- r y IN THE UNITED STATES COURTO OSm Graaarilla 0. H., S. C.J Jnljr 7 ljr* v. K. lAiur. a. a. viu SASLBT * WELL8, Attorneys and Counsellors at Las AND IN EQUITY. GREENVILLE, 8. C., PR ACTICE la tba Court# of tk? State aa of tha United State#, and giro atpaeli attention to eaaei In Baakraptej. JaaaU S vSff WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT EA\* 3AHL0NE6A, BA? WILL praetioa ia tha Oonntte# or Lwai kia. Dawaaa, Gilaaar, Faaaln, Uatei Town., White aad HaU. dan 10 SS If Oreenv ille A Columbia Railroad. SiiaatL SopaairraanaaT'# Orrica, .Columbia, January 16th, 1870. ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, Jaai ary lOtb, tha follow teg Schedule wi ba raa dally, Sauday axeepted. eonnaotla with Night Train on Soatk Carolina Road, a aad down, and with Night Train oa Charlott Columbia and Aagaate Road goiag South : Laara Colombia... 7 M ai " Alatoa aaeaaaaa oaaaa eenaaaaa S 4S a I - Now Wffya a*a*?i?aa 4a*aaa?aa waaaoa 1# 10 a i Arrira AbbarilU... S 00 p i " Aadavaaa i M pi M GraaBTilla? * 0* pi Laara (AaarlUa...MM.M..?H... S 46 at " Aa4afaasM.~.M...M.....M.M. S IS ai M Abto*?Z.. s m p Arriva Cokakh.UM...m..?..?.n I 45 p i TIM Train will ratara from Ballon to Ai daraoa on Moaday and Friday moraines. JAMBS 0> MBBBDITH, Omar at BaporlnUndant. SAMUEL BLACK, BARBE3B WOULD raapoatfellj Inform Uio publ that k* baa Ratnored to ft room I tba OLD COURT HOOBR, whara k? wi bo praparad to mdm mifwi aa bam* faro. Being a PrfmUurnt Barftar, 1 bftpaa, by attention to hmfftama, tofath* witk poiltanam to all, to marlt a portion < pnbHo patroaaga, In CUTTHf#, RilAYIRi MMD SH A ki POOTNO. *a?0 9ft U ^ aMftftaaaaMMaaMaimMMMM1 dealer is' cm in mnFvrcm CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTAClW, j 18 ft 89 Carat Solid Huptial Ring*, SILVER ft SILVER-PLATED Of WORK of *H diaoriptions in hi. 11d? don* protnptly._J?| 0?t 87 88 ly ; ft I DA** ft *A ; ft* Jm nvoo w wv-j MAN UFA CTURERS or rrxiar 'WiW.RESf j dealers IN JAPANNED AND PRESSED WARE, 1 . f A HO COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, i All kind* of Tin and Sheet Iron Work Done k | * V > ' Oe the nost , ' , REASONABLE TERMS, And with promptne**. Store Nearly Opposite the Post Office. Fab 16 30 tf ' > W. If. CAMMER, PRACTICAL 8UN8MITH AND MACHINIST /""lORN SIIELLER8, Cotton Gln?, Lock., \y Sewinjt Machine*, Umbrella* and ParasoTs REPAIRED with promptne**. Charges reason able. Corn She!! era, for sale from f10 to $13. I an alio prepared to furnish Stencil Plates, for marking elothing. vm a _a sas. e^ ?. DMCKRiniininff. I HAVE tt addition to mf uraal baaincaa, opened a BLACKSMITH SHOT, having a competent workman hired, Lor kin Westfleld. Work in tbla line will be done aatUfactorily. Ready made PLOUGHS nJvfkya on hand for aale. Staad?Xa rear of Old Court Houae, at the Randolph place, baring removed from my Maud an Main Street. IMf R. HOE St CO., MANATACTURRRS OF Wanranted Extra Oast 8te?l Patent Ground Circular Mill Malay SbT and Gang y saws. CIRCULAR SAWS. ( TFtfA Movable or Inserted leeih. WE CLAIM for oar Patented Circular Saw the following adrantagea over all other*: The thank* of tha teeth are elaatie. and axert a uniform dialenaion in the aocketa. ABO muiiHj OI IO? puis U ID DO WiJ inoci d by inserting new nIi of tooth. Koch tooth, independently, may be adjnitod to the cutting lino. No rivets, keys, or other objectionable ap3 pi lances, ore employed in connection with the ' teeth, which ore no simple in construction, and as easily used, as a nut for a bolt. In short, all the difficulties heretofore ex perieneed in the nse of movable teeth for saws, r, are tally met and obviated by this invention. also, ? # TOTTLB PATENT M CHAMPION M CROSS-CUT SAWS. CROSS-CUT SA TO, / or all xiana. 9 l?* Mandrels, Gamming Machines, kc, Send for Catalogues and Price Lists. - R. HOE A CO., z Printing Press Machine and Saw Manufacturers, New York, Boston, Masa* and London, Eng. Feb ? 88 ?m , Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stays (Im Chills* This Medicine has boen before the Publie fifteen years, and is etiU ahead of all other known remedies. It doea not purge, ~ does net sicken fie stomach, ia perfectly ah ia aay dose and under all eireumj stances, and is the only Medicine that trill CURB IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fever - and Agne, because it is a perfect Aatt>, am* aa Malaria* Bold by all Druggists. Fsb 1 17 ly South Carolina Railroad Company| Columbia, 8. C., May II, 1870, > r\N aad sfter Sunday, 13 May, the Peases'* Vypr Trains upon the South Carolina Rail " road will rsn the following sehednisi ron cnanLnsTos. i, Leave Colenbta 43 a Arrive st Charleston 88 p m a Leave Charleston A 11 a a Arrive at Columbia.. ^....4 10 p m n ron acousvia. * Leave Coluahie -7 43 a m Arrive st Augseta^..*. .** - _.4 S3 p a Leave iinita. A M s a Arrive at Columbia 418pm a niflwr naranaa vaain (sumbave bxcbptbd.) m Laave Columbia. - _7 38 p Arrive at Charleatos >8 43 a a Arrive at Augusta _T 03 a a *" Leave Char lee ton 7 88 p a Leave Annate ...3 Hps Arrive at Columbia A 88 a aa cAsnna tbaxm. ~ Ciaia aad Oalamhla Passenger Trains L wfll ran en Mondays, Wednesdays ami Setar^ days| aad between Camden aad KlngvUledaiJj Leave Caadea. .-ilium ? Arrive at Cehimhia .11 Mam Leave ColeaMa. 1 Hps ia Arrive at Camden .8 48 pm ir H. T. PEAK*. OenT Bap't. ?f 0 far 8ntur*t/orM* JhOe prim ; $9 per annum. ^ ffjrnnirrr-" ,, . nrrtu ( Charleston A i ^ Advertisements P. P. TOALE, CHASliBSTON, 8. C. ( Largeat and mint complete) mgf < Manufactory of Poor* Sasbea, V I Blind*, Moulding*, 4o., In tha J Southern State*. mm-Printed price listdefiee competition.-ms^ rnm~ Send for ona.^* mm~ Sent froo on pplicjUioo.-^* April tr *9 * |y CHASrKERRISON, J LATE ikii nun. BMW ?????a 252 King Street, OHAF.LEDTOIT, S. O. M?r 80 45 6b lANIELiTslLCOX'S FURNITURE WAREROOMS, 175,177 A 179, King 8treet CHARLESTON, 8. C. tj[t Established in 1838.?JMp WW Keep, constantly on h?nd^J~ n well selected Stock of wJOlfttB FTONITOM, Which he offer* at Him REASONABLE VV PRICES. ' N. B.?GOODS CAREFULLY PACKED FOR SHIPPING. Not 24 27 ly* EDWARD PERRY, PRINTER, STATIONER, and dsalkr ik LAW; SCHOOL AND BLANK BLANK BOOKS on band and made to order of any pattern at abort notice. Binding and Ruling executed in fine atyle. Wade A Co. Printing Inka for aale at the manufacturers price. Fa 165 Meeting-St., oppttile Charleston Hotel, CHARLESTON, S. O. Mb 23 44 ?m* T^olumffia Advertisements. MARBLE CUTTING. BOY1VE ^ROWL, COLUMBIA, S. C., CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE MONUMENTAL WORK In all its branches, of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE. Sept 8 10 tf COLTTMBTA TTIVPP.T? COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA. TUB Proprietor* take plcunre in annoanc log thii ele?antly-larni?hed KatabiUbmen now open for the accommodation of gueiti Tlx labia will alwaya bo supplied with erer; delicacy of the aeaeon?both from the Nei York and Charleaton market*, and bo effort will be vpared to giro perfect satisfaction, ii every respect, to oar patron*. FHKK LUNCI in tb* refectory every day from 11 ontil 124. WM. GORMAN, I Pmbrn?rnm. H. H. BADKNHOP, \ * ????> . Sept 19 19 If NATIONAL HOTEL, mil, PROPRIETOR. P. HAMILTON JOYNKR, CLERK. RATES i Of Board par Day |1 0 Sapper, Breakfa*t and Lodging...... 8 0 Single Meal* 1 0 Sep 1 15 tf NickersonHoufleHotel COLUMBIA, S. C. THE Udwil|a*d bavin, fafel RENEWED hi. klN opoi the iWrt Popular Honae, will indtartr t | atkt U on* of lb* moat i|r*wble Hotel* ii the South. A call la folic!tod. fm Prae Omnibu* to and Arum the Hotel, WM. A. WRIGHT, Proprietor. Sept , 1ft If Charlotte, Columbia * AugvaU E. B. SUPKRINTKNDHNT'S OP PICK, Columbia, S. 0., January J ft, 1870. OH aad alter TO-DAY, am Aeeemodatlo Train win na a* foDowa i Leave Colombia 1ft p;* Arrive at A eg* eta. ft Mil Leave Atpula .4 li II Arrive at Columbia .1 ft* a I Thia Train iinnaate with (tea Georgia 4a Peeeouger Trelu. aft Augusta, and the Oreea vflfte at Oel_im? BOtrAroTiT, Sep't. Ml W Charleston I Advertisements. 1 jog 014 BUIeri. J ?> ipcsjiss'it? We lake pleasure in offering Ihe OLD CAROLINA BITTERS TO THE publie. They are compounded with great care, end oonlain eome of the beet Tonioe in the Pharmacopia. As I evldenoe of the superiority of our Bitters over all others, ere hare certificates from many of the leading physioians in onrStstea who bare prescribed them In their practice^ THE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS* Will be found invaluable for Want of Appetite, General Debility, Chills and Fever and Dyspepsia. Wo do not offer onr Bitters as a cure for all diseases, but as an Aromalio Tonio, they have no equal. For sale by all Druggists and Grocers everywhere. Prln?ii?l TA---4 GOODRICH. WINEMAN A CO, Importers of Choice Drug* end Chemicals, Charleston, S. C. Mh 0 42 |y i_ GEO. W. CARPENTER'S COMrOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF SAU- " 8APARILIA. GEO. W. CARPENTER'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BUOHU. These celebrated preparations, originally introduced by Geo. W. Carpenter, under the patronage of the medical faculty, have been so long extensively used by physicians and others, that tbey are generally known for their intrin-> ale value, and can be relied on as being most valuable remedies in all cases where Sarsaparilla or Buehu are applicable, and cannot be too highly recommended, They are prepared in a highly concentrated form, so at to render the doae small and convenient. Orders by mail or otherwise will receive prompt attention. GEO. W. CARPENTER, IIKN3ZEY A CO., Wholesale Chemical Warehouse, No. 787 Market-street, Philadelphia. DOW1E A M013E, Wholesale Agents, Charleston, 8. O. Nov 17 s 2f ly 0 4ui in/i\Y^^xia BwiRiaiaif, . CHARLESTON. S. O. Mar 30 45 ?m ' /AVILION HOTEL, 1 ?aiAIRtt.aOW?I?f O- C9L BOARD* 0 ?*r Day...... - - W R. HAMILTON, SapariatenJenL " flirt. LBDTTKttl lKI.D, rropri<!(reM, , Sopt If It ?T THE MILLS HOUSE/ . PARKER A 00; Proprietors. FIRST-CLAM HOTBL. BOARD, PER DAT. |4 00. Dm t ? . . ff ' - f CHARLESTON HOTEL CJIA RIJESTONy A O. r E. H. JACKSON, Proprietor. A MnrewPR A. butfsrfield, ^ Jm. Mrtjr of tto Pavilion UoUJ,) *od W. a MILLER. ' A. F. CHEVREUX, AND ARCHITECT, MA&BE.B W?ffiES Corner Meeting-Bt and Horlbeck'i Alley, ?ffidk&kaBt??S3, S, 0, PLANS MADE TO ORDER, AND PRKE OP CHARGE, WHEN WORK DONE BY ME. Deo 8 29 ly A. B. MULLIGAN, AND ? ENERAL CBVHISSIDI 1I1CI&IT. I ?ccoti)ft)oflqtion iUhglrf, CHARLESTON, S. C. HAVING ample means for conducting my business, I am at all times prepared to make liberal advances on Cotton. July 28 10 ly SAMUEL. C. BLACK, STOCK AND BOND BROKER, NO. 28 BROAD ST., CHARLESTON. PARTICULAR attention given to purchase and aale of SECURITIES on Commission. Information given cheerfully. _ dim to Rev. K. T. BUIST, m J. C. BAILEY. TH08. STERN. ? September 21, 1880. 10?tf l F. VON SANTEN, * impoetbr or ' PARIS FANCY GOODS* I Toys, Dolls, Games, ClUm'i Carriages, French Cenfeetoaery, Else Weeks, INDIA RUBBER GOODS* Sneb as Clothing. Narsery Sheeting, Ac., 229 King-flt. 2 doors Move Market, CHARLESTON, S. C. Mar M 45 ly* JOHNSTON* CREWS & CO. Importer* and Wholesale Dealers In STAPLE A2TD 7A2TOT DRY GOODS, 0 NOTIONS AND SMALL WANK*, ?