University of South Carolina Libraries
ESSS g=g= No#ee, i ; k ASSISTANT ASSESSOR'S OFFICE,") United States Internal Revenue, > 7th Division, 3d DisH., 8, C., July 11,1810. J T) 2VISSD Regulations in relation to tbe XV Distillation of BRANDT tllOM FRUIT, have been reoeived, and all parties desiring to engage in the business, can get alt necessary information at tbla Office. N. B.?Parties baring Stllle hi their pos? session, are required to register tbe same at this Office at ones, either for use or not for use. On omission to so register, inoars a penalty of Ave hundred dollars. H. 0. HACK, Ass't Assessor, 7th Division, 3d District, 8ohU> Carolina. July 13 B 1 - . I ~ * Sheriffs Sales. BY VIRTUE of sundry WrlU of tieri Facias, to me diraoted. I will sell, before the Court House door, on Scdetday in August next, between the hours of 10 o'clock lo the forenoon end 8 o'eloek In the afternoon, One Traot, containing 18 acres more or lew, adjoining lands of Wm. MeKlnney, Jr., and others. Levied on as the propertv of James N. Taylor, at the suit of William Bowen and others. Also, one Traot of Land, containing 4 acres, adjoining lands of Wm. ? Earle, A. Blythe and others. Levied on as thn property of James MeMakin, at the suit of John Henson, vs. A 0. Pesos and Jas. MoMakin. Also, one Traot of Land, containing 14ft acres, mora or less, (homestead to be set off to defendant before day of sale.) adjoining lands of Juo. H. Goodwin, Burreli Cox ana others Also, one Tract of Land, containing 30 acre*, more or less, adjoining lands of Wm. Tillery, Jno. H. Goodwin and others? Levied on aa the properly of Mary Allen, at the suit of Amanda Allen el al. Terms cash. Purchased to pay for etamps and papers A. B. VICKERS, S. G. C. July 18 8 8 Notice. 17UIOM and after this dale, SAMUEL A. TOWNES, Jr., will be associated with me as Partner, and the Dry Goods Business will be conducted under the Firm, Nsnje and Style of W. H. HOVEY A CO. Signed, WILLIAM H. HOVEY. Oroenvllle, S. C., July 1st, 1870. THE MTSSW K^3EMm7?v: OF w> h. mmv & WJ OULD RESPECTFULLY ask a conVV tinuance of the generoua support so uniformly extended to the Senior of ths Firm. We will make, at an early day, announcements of additions to our Large and Varied Stock. W. II. HOVEY k CO. July 6 1 tf. MRHISM.& MiRSSALLS DRUG- STORE IS STILL OPEN. WE HAVE LATELY RErLEN^^BH^ished our Stock of Ri DRUGS & BOOKS, And arc prepared to supply the Public with RELIABLE Q00D3 at reason Lie prices. We hav? just opened a handiome OOSA P O U IT T -11 IT , Which will be WELL-ICKDat ad times. Our Slock in JIKUUS AHU HIEDICINE8 Is FULL and COMPLETE, and at GOOD as any in this market. We offer Plantation, Iloetetter's, rhoonlx and Carolina BITTERS, Fresh and Genuine Congress Water, Simmons' Liver Invigorator, Speera' Fiuit Preserving Soluttoo; a Fiuo Slock of Brandies, Wines, Ale and Porter For Medleina! Purposes. We havo just opened a Splendid lot of Domestic and Imported. Also a Genuine let of Durham SMOKING TOBACCO. Also, just received a fine assortment of CANDIES, PERFUMERY, SOArS, TOILET POWDERS, BRUSHES, COMBS, dkO. Also, juat received "Sea Mobs Farina" and Desaicaled Ok) CO A MPT, the beat in use. Always on hand, OILS, PAINTS, GLUE, DYE-STUFFS, GLASS AND PUTTY. Our Stock of Drnga and Medicines will be kept of the Beet Quality, and Particular attention will be given to pnMDniiKiniain DDrconinrioam uuim uunuiiiu r ncounir I lUPid* Will tie mid, at a Reduced price, a lot o( FRUIT JARS? Ution't Patent, Just received, a fine BLACKBERRY BRANDY?excellent in summer complaints. July 8 7 tf ?? y ? ? State of South Carolina* QRKKN VILLK COUNTY. In the Cirenlt Court?In Chancery. Stki hah 8. Wads vs. Q. W. Fair, et il.? Bill to Forocloso Mortgage, Ao. BY virtas of tbs Decretal Ordsr of Judge Orr, made in tbe above ease, I trill sell to the highest bidder, at Oreenville Court llonso, on Balssday in August next, tbe Mortgaged Premises described in tbe Bill, vixt All that Tract of Land, situated partly in tbe Countief of Pickens and Greenville, lying on both sldAS of Sslnda River, containing Two Hundred and Bixty-tbree acres, sore or less, upon which is located the Woolen and Cotton Yaetory, Grist and Saw Mill, known M the " Farr Mill." This is valuable properly, and worthy the attention of capitalists desiring an Investment; it is located about seven miles from the city of Qreenville, end the water-power tbersdf la seldom surpassed Tcims Cash. Purchasers 'to pay tor atampi and papers. Re sold st the risk of fsrmei purchaser. W. A. McDANIBL, C/C. C. P. Clerk's OSce, July 6, 1870. July 6 7 4 GREATFAIU. son mnum usTrnm. November 1 1870, ohari^EBTON, S. O. Moot liberal premiums ofpkr ?d in ??rjr department of . Affiieafrofce u| BIImB Art*. Premium Liat published i? Pamphlet Form June 20 6 3m r "*' ? V- ? i+ Marble Yard, .???? ?<- " v? *' *i LAURENS C. H.t 8. C VaVvV"*352 IUIUn "nd Am"< ?n MARBLR Ad<trna v , Ju?. 'UM1 ... & w .1 - ' l->. X* ' # * v } V M -??? w. if Watson" f8[now NHlting BdflHh Rata r JL Eklrylng nod Lalagle Imprewad. a'.*o J'ar Top, Yellow Aberdeen, Eagllab -Farfolk and Dutch Largo Whlta Globe, Graaw Glebe, Tallow Stone aod FreMMBi??v*r,) Flat t)uloh aod Golden Ball. , The vegetative power of theee will be ^ teat ad before thajr are offered for eale. Ample direotlotxa from the moat auaeeaaful grower* will eedotnrany eaah parcel. lip a fali aopply of Gardener* and Art* lean*' TOOlM sl*ky? ?o band. Jaaa anth. 1870. (M | Notice. J AjNb THE PARIS MOUNTAIN HOUSE aHlljl ffira mile* north of UraanViUay foruierJOi-iLly owned by the lata General Woddy Thompaon,) will be upentd tba let of July, FOR THE RECEPTION OF VISITORS. Jj A few famillea ean be aooommodatad with' tt PEHMAlfKNT BOARD. The underaigned will aea that the gaeatl of the place ate Weil treated. J. M. SIMPSON. p| June N 9 tf " wmshehemaco.7 No. 24, Hayne Street, Charleeton, 8. O. J DBALiaa IK COOKING STOVES, RANGES AND Seating Stovee. Pieturea of Btovea with pricea aod description will be aent upon application. June 29 6-ly NOTICE. TO tbo Citizens of Fairview, Greenville, Laurens, Spartanburg, and all tlie country found, Your liutnble servant sends yon greeting roost profound; Not to announce myself a candidate for legislative halls, Nor to ask for greenbacks to support these monster railroad calls, But only to proclaim in simple terms, That we are going to lead all other firms, By selling off our remaining summer stock Of Dry Goods, Shoes, Date, and < all such trash, At cost and carriage for tho oath. This is no hoax ; come see for your < self, Price every article now on the shelf; And if you don't buy and help my condition, I'll auit keeping store and turn politician. T. IB. STALL, Agent. Fairview Store, June 22d 1870. Jun 29 6 3 1 J_L. valuable: , LANDS FOR S AI^B. i ? THK underESgaMg th a following^SMSSSh^ TRACTS OF LAND: One Tract of 460 acraa, more or leas, on Tygor River and Mush Creak, in Greenville County, 8. C? fifteen tuilos above the City of Orccuville, belonging to SAMUEL F. TODD, of Texas, formerly lands owned by Oliver Barrett, and woli-known as his place of residence for many years. There Ut 80 or 00 acres of firstrato Low Grounds in the Tract, Bottom Lands Of Tyger River and Mush Creek, in a high state of cultivation. The Up-Lands are of a superior character, and a portion of them cleared and in cultivation. Then la on the Tract a large and substantial DWELLING HOUSE, \ir:tv. _ii ?b.*iit ?* * t* u an inn noccanarj wuiuuiiuingl^ HllUBtca on the State Read leading from the Saluda Gap to Columbia, S. C. The other Tract belong* to W. P. GREEN, of Tcxae, and liea on Much Creek, in the upper part of Greenville Count/, 8. C., containing over 200 acres, 40 or 00 acre* Of which aro the finest BOTTOM LANDS In the County. The Up-Lands are of a good quality, and a portion of them cleared and in cultivation. Theee LANDS will be sold very low for Cash. If not sold at private sale, they will be offered at auction to the bigbeat bidder on Saleday in August. It i* seldom that there l* offered for sale ' suoh a body of rieb Land* in thle County, Persons wishing to make permanent, profile, ble investments, are invited to look at (bus two TraoU of Lands before the day of *a!4 WM H. PF.RHY, Attorney and Agent, do. Greenville C. II., S. C., Juno 27tb, 1870. June 2V 6 6 Abbeville /Yess and Ifanner give two insertions. REIDVILLE Male High School, 12 . MiHo from Sj>ai fttnburg V. //., S. O > :ot W. C. KIKKLAND. B. A., Principal. W. D, KIRK LAND, B. 8., Assistant. THE NEXT SESSION OP | this wall-known | I9|i INSTITUTION <3bjw Will begin on ! MONDAY. JULY 11TH, 1870 [' TERMS Per Session of Five Months, in Advance. Primary $10 00 Higher 1A. 00 Coetingsnt Fee. 1 00 Board per month, including Washing and Fuel. 10 00. fvi win cover in? *ip?nwi or VMN Ind Tuition lor the whole Soeeion, or 91S4 lor tho entire Sehulastle Year. For further particulars, addraaa the IMdeipal. Hold villa, 8. 0. Judo W 0 f ITIndauie J. Wlnberf RR8PKCTPDLLY inform* the Ladles of QreeovlUe, that aha haa opened a branch bueineee from Charleston, consisting of LA< DIBS' DHK8H TRIMMINGS, MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, LACK GOODS, 1 also a complete aaaortment of ZEPHYR, WOR8TED8, he., he., aad many other arti olea in this line too numerous to mention. Call, an examination of the atook is aolieited. afr Store in Goodlett Tlouae Building. Jan 31 ? 4 Medical Soholanhip. ) B Tj*QB HALE. a MEDICAL BCHOLAfU f F snip ia tha Philadelphia University '* of Medietas and Surgery, which entitles the bearer to full Instruction Uulil g?edua ' Uon. Tblc U an institution of high grade. Terms favorahie. Apply ai thia oMee. June 15 4 If J * |l " ^ I" * ' * r I k ~ OOMP. MEMPHIS, T1 . ... JUVIMOI Mti! -5* ## .*</ . 49" t. ?. WICK8, Vint Viee-PreeMaat. I J. r. f. JlOYLE, Secretary. * . I J. ft . k*T * **' ] Kl*?? " A definite oath idrnWtf nl?f la gawanteed remloia, wbieb amount ?1U,at the optkxh of the trrender of hit Policy, or Muied to hMt at tlx m terebr eoationlog kla Policy ta foroa for tbo foA With tOflle lent capital for en tit* eecorlty, m ivantagea to tbo Carolina. AU iu profile ato divided among Ita Poliey-h km:* AP. xpAT Mr ? No roitrlctiona on travel or retldenee In the I All Polieiet non-forfeitable after teeond year. All loaaea paid promptly la oath. M. C. BUTLER, GENERAL STAT Jane 15 to?t.??ji?A 4 ' ~ \ iTrmrrr D S 3 Til AN 33 'I33HXS Ml J.BOO ABH1 'r i .nA JrtA iA'J.iT3A;?1 i9HVAQV 11 V X "WVfct 1 I ;1 !- riTTM?3 ,y |j?< aawaao a\iv a |4? J* tw j iWCI ^ "" " , "V. I , id V HI J i ,JC lid 1H Av.i\ V,Vvv....\ v.v.'H j : Y'O 'Oil . ',111,1, M@i?iiSi 1 I ' >' y' i !>'AUO' , iivd o TUHNIPSEED. IWISfl to Inform tW Planter* and Fanner* in the up-eonntry, that I hara on tha " way, and expect to arrive (n a few day*, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS , or TBI roLLOWIHQ Choice, Selected Varieties TURNIP SEED, WHICH I WILL 88LL AT Wholesale and Retail t Boron Top, the boat for groan* raised. Tallow Aberdeen, good for lata winter and iprlag aaa. Scotch Amber and Glebe, improved variety, 1 for table aaa. Prussian Hanover Sweet Turnip, exoellent for table in till late in ariif., - I Whit* IiU Bag a, ipUadM for itoek. Purple Tap Yellow lata Bag*, good (09 table and etook. . \ ) Barly Flat Batch, eapeeially adapted to autumn and fall in. Pamaraalaa Olaba, inproved rarlety, for IN bla in la win tar, or for itock. THOMAS UTEEIV. Jan 13 ft tf i . ? MATTnasexe MADE AND REPAIRED, BY k JAMES M. PRICE. , I Olao bin a call at bis resMeaee, aaat tba OAIIXABX) OOWOOX. KOUftB. Jaaa S3 ft t ?DAVID DICKSOU* Or-t Book <m Farming now obi Wo fanners library eanplete wHboat it. BaatMl in olath, dstra, H1 Bhoop, M.?0: Half Moroeeo, fff. Orders reeetord at tola ofRoa. Good eanrasr >ng aijenta w so tad. Por tarns, gpply at Yates, In tha Senate, Impeaohed lira. Lincoln's loyalty. A Professor of Cblnaaa and Japanese In to established In Qorooll University. r IKSCRAKKb Lessee ' meaeiieoB s, nmmufci - s ??-> . T. PKTTILL, Sosood Vb?*n?A*t. H. BDMONOSOV, Odharnl Aft*. -1 on nil Pollcios hfi?< Vy ion?MTMBt of Poliey-boldar, bo paid bin In easb on lb* ? aont. Into lot In pay klo fbtara premiums, amount. * Ltfa In?ranea Company oCcn ? parlor Urn, In dividends, on tbo oontHbntion - - ' Inttad SUtas, Canada or Euro pa. E AGENT, COLUMBIA, S. 0. too MO -+ .. ' [ * I / * . ? I# * ? . | % ?' J m% huh V M %?v ' -: _ - .-. - ; . . 3A13D3H J,S'!ir inas?M i GNIHiOia lovia *1 T?'? I At XI 'tl W'lfH WW .v. .7 ' :>? :' ! 0? . > MMNMVtt tc r. I n r ,.M .?* v .y^V> 5.2? ^ JL * fh %UJ!> and !'f TI' /.h a h )7. ?I?*r."TO Jio ??? Sl? X ?3TH .1 RIXBS OSXStflff tt i U2TH 1 'Hi ?] Notice to the Public. TBI kliMrlk?rt?iagM? engaged la bt original buiiaeea m Cftrpralcr u4 Builder, woald Inform lb* pnblio of (JrewttTill* and Ml joining Cauntlofo Hfot b* k #?* prepaid with profl?i?nt Workman, to tab* CONTRACTS AND JOB WQ&K of all kind*, In (hat Una, and ex front* Worl in good ?yle and tba mo*t *ape<JUIouf mimi ii . fii FBI . IIAVXNO amplarod a ootnne- FH1 > VhS.|*at PORRMAN in tfea y v IhL ? MMT ill ?H IMS. wbiob will m M ii formerly,1 at tbn wel known atand, at tba Big Boot Blgw, wbav* *1 Order* Iter Ouatoaa-Work wiH k? proiftl; Had with nutaMiM4 deapatek. v STUDDED WOEK dona aa a rpoclalHy.Call and aaamlno Work, and g Ira tha n?i Bootmakar a trial ', ) ' . ; jr. C. HICKS. Java 31 5 ' , 4 ^ Treasurers Office, Oanxviixe and Columbia Kailboad Co., | Columbia, 8. 0., Juna 2D. 1870. j /"COUPONS of lha SUU, Guarantee. V BONDS, Certificate* of Io4.Uo.Iboa. oad Second Mortgage IIONDS of OtUComp* nj, duo lit July, 1870, will bo-poM at th Bonking Honaa of II. U. Kimpton, No. i Nbm*u atraat, Vow York, or at lho Caroli aa National Book, In Colombia, ft. 0.1' o B*d after tho lot day of JULY, WIO. Hm latere* on tho oatataadfag Fin Mortgage Booda and Fractional Oartifiaata 6f ftiddotedaeaa, will ho paid at lha offioa o tho OwapaBOV ' . , lORJBlkN TOMLINSON, Tronaoror. Jtna >0 > tl Xotiea TS hereby given to aQ whoaa It may ooa I earn, that I wiU apply to & J. DouthU Probata Judge of Grornvtlta County, ? da let day o/ 4?mnI woof} for a till dU ekargo aa Adiwlotetrwtrts of tho Xatato c JOHN V. LYNCH, Ikorafor oU partioabaaing alalia* agaiaat aald KataU will praeant thaw la ma or Iko Probat Jndge on or klhrt anld day. or botiabatybd SARAH A. GOODWIN, Adm'x. Jnly tat, 1870. ! July 8 .. . . h tldR |M? AKIKM.IJ A CHOICE lot of fraoh OREElff aod CV. BLACK TEAS. ot FOSTER * HUNTER'S. PICKLES, PlCKLRS, PICKLB8. d TU8T readred freak aupply Plain tat J Mixad Pteklee, PioeelUllt, Cbowokew, .. Peppor Sauce, OoUoikAo. g v FOSTER A HUNTER'S. LEMON BUGARTLEMO* SUGAR. 0 PRESTON'S Lemon Sugar, the boat that la made, deairable (or a oooltng drink, 1 a it FOSTER A HUNTER'S. ? PJESH CIiomUU nd Daaaioatad Co* MMDt, for ee'e by A FOSTER It HUNTER. ?' ' T ' 1 *" ? . T> A WINS, CnrruU, Citroa lid MhmtoXV oi, for nil by FOSTER * HUNTER. ^ GINGER Prwrtn and JelHea, it I FOSTER A HUNTERS "\yf06QUIT0 Netting and Frames (or 1VA ebiM'i artb, Ac., for tale b? FOSTER A HUNTER. t CHILDREN'S aadfcfeaee * Hoop SklrU, ' at very low figoree at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. i ANEW and fmh lot of Laeca, Ladies' Laee and Thread Collar* and Piqee Trimming*, for aala by FOSTER A HUNTER. AUZE Flannel (all wool) for lofaata, VX Infants' Walata, As., Ac., at - FOSTER A HUNTER'S. n AUZE and LUIe Thread Underehirta, U at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. PRODIGIOUS EXCITEMENT! aaaaasaisa Sacrifice of Property. - TO SEE IS TO BRUEVE1 . . AX CARR'S OLD SXAHD. HAVING OPENED THE LARGEST 0D?1 Moat Rxtenairo Stock of DRY GOODSf CLOTHING, HOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, SHIRTS, WAT03BB, JSW3LK7, * And a great many artiviea too numerous to mention, all Purchased at th? TUMBLING DOWN PRICES FOR -st . i .4' -7 '.*14: f.> . * - We intend to let Ibem Slide at such astonishingly l,IiOW FIGURES As to aatoond the * at jwl. rmr m. v imfc mm Times are Hard, Money Searee, and the PSOPLG POOR, And we intend to RELIEVE their HEAVY BURDENS By Offering GOODS TO 1 Size Their Piles* I Our Stock is very Extensive, our And our Deteimipation is rmrmjm mm mzx wl^ 9 And Sell w* Will, anJ SELL we SHALL. Call one, eall all, at Corr'a Old Stand, ' I . 1 , 4 ' . . * . . . As dow it the time to Secure the | ni^s T - " . GREATEST BARGAINS LI ' Ever Offered in this country. H. C. HARK. J Iff* Particular attention Paid, and Lib* | era! Discount allowed to Wholesale Buyer*. Jl Greenville, 8. 0., 17th May, 1870. * . M?S 18 SR. 9m ( The State of South Carolina* ? qhkkNvillk county. Ia the Com men Plana?Equity Side. THOMAS C. GOWKR, Administrator, pi. P. F. StJDDUTH, el for SnU ?/ Koal Kttate, lit I'ay Debit, <tr. TTNDKR the Decretal Order made in-the ahovc ease, the Creditor* of the Relate ef Mr*. MARTHA LOVELAND, nre required to establish the rank and amount of their I claims against sajd Relate, before the Clerk, I wlthia nine month from this date, r W. A. McDANIKL, a C. P. Clerk's Office, September 28th, 1869. Sept 29 19 9m r FOR SALE OR TO RENT, ? A Comfortable DWELLING, AfljmVS containing seven Rooms, and * s^Kjb all noeessary Out-Buildings, mfiHHMHPwi*bin a few minutes Walk of i Furtnaa University. For partfenlars apply to ; T. Q. DONALDSON. I November 24 21 tf I TrMAEKWAlTnm'S 9 1CARSLS WORKO,. ?, BrsadeiL, Augusta, 13*. MARBLE MONUMENTS, ;; 3888? 03831??, * MARBLE MANTLLS, AND FURNt!| TURK, MARBLE Of ALL KINDS OM IIAJN D? OR ? PURNIHHEf) TO ORDER. ' MT AH work ter tko Country eftrcfall] bo??d for ihtprornt. 0?t ? W \J , <1 ??'ii "ji.Tr,! SEW STORE.?j toss S. OOCOtSTT ST 8B8PKCTPULliY In for*, the p.Mfc twt Th? * > connnonctd BuImm again at Jf? ti Old Bt&nd of - r LONG A GOODtETT, ? rbara ha baa jaat opened a portion of bis 7" tack. eoniMllnr at I ID&'S'dXGXiDXDS, I Groceries, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, 4te., ; ? " 11 of wbiob w^ro bought It low figure*, ud .,#e ill be ?oU for J* CASH OR BARTER t ft *11gbt advance on Colt. He solicit! ft iftift of Um publlo patronage. Ap 6 46 tf A p I0TIR JZxT ' ^ r M tgv . >^3Pg65?g3S^^Ri ?iti lioi y CURES S" "LJ DYSPEPSIA A INDIGESTION P ^^^JCfl?*T?S^^T/7t J teogsffls 3 mWHOLESALEDRUGGISTS 1 fl N. B. The Commissioner of Revenue has ^ Seeided that any dealer ean sell thlt article m without a special license. For sale by DAVID & STRADLEY, ^ Wholesale and Retail Orocara and Commission Marohanta, Greenville, S. C. a ALSO uv (fl Drs. Harr'son A Marshall, m Whole aale and Retail DroggUU, GREENVILLE, S. C. Mar 80 45 8m a GjREENVlLLE I PAPER MILLS. a J. Bannister & Son, Silas 11 ar all kinds or Book, News, Wrapping and I\ r.elnmd Im ? l11 HIGI1KST CASn PRICK PAID POR Clean Cotton or Linen RAQS. May ^ __! l y Spring Millinery. ^sa3334ja-S3 WOULD INFORM TIIK Ladies ot Circenville and vloinM ^ i v, that ahe b.a opened bor ^BPP spring millinery, (J | Bjff To which aho calls the alien- ril HUtff *'on ?' l^?*e "Poking, purchases v W191 in this line, ller prices aro (REASONABLE, And abe will take pleasure in exhibing her I GOODS. A eal\ h desired before buying, as she feels eonfdollt of ntcaaiuc. April 13 47 Cm JOHN B. UK I Kits, FLORIST k LAimt GAMER 6t tASD glvci his close ^ Vegetable Gar- 1 >nce, bo ia confident I it giving satisfaction -] :o those employing ^ Orders loft at this j >ffioe will be attonded Afar 30 41 If j Farm for Sale. < I OFFER for sale, my FARM, aituated on South Saluda River, nineteen milec above J the City of (lreen?ille, and containing >V>nr liuntfrrri and Sixhf Acre*. There are two * hendred and twenty-five aerea in cultivation, . one hundred and fifty of Which 1s river bot- ' torn. The improvements ana good, eight or i ten acres of Clover. ' For further particulars, apply to the under- t signed. Mrs. A. O. FEASTElt. ' UreenvUte, 8. C., May 17th, 1870. 02-4 \ ~ MISS MoKAY, FA Sit I ON A RLE MILLINER, ' Main-itreot, Oreenville, 8. C., I HAS on hand a large and well assorted Stock of Spl ing and Summer I ' M ILLINERY. 1 ITats and B >nnets of all the latest styles ; Flowers, Ribbons, Hair and Jet Goods at 4 verv low prices. Sundowns at 60c. each, > May 4 60 iiui 1 WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Periscopic Spectacles, &c J #^Ap WILL order an extra article ? IF /Ttm for any person. Special atten- j _1L JMHtioti will be given to KKl'AIKfne Watches of every des cription. Best references given. JAMES G. BLACK. June 30 6 tf T0WNE8 & EAST, &B!??&a3aTre i ARI> B0LICIT0E8 IN EQUITY. < PRACTICE IS GREENVILLE AND 1 SURROUNDING COUNTIES. Office O^er Salius C. Smith's, i a. r. townks. olir d. east. 1 Ap tr 49 if ] Settee 18 hereby given to all whom it tnayooneern, (tint f will apply to 8. J. froutbit, Pro. bate Judge of Greenville County, on tbe 14r* day of JtJf next, Cor a final discharge at Administrator of tbe Bstate of MAKY fl. JA* ' COBS, deceased. 1 WM. T. 81IUMATX, Administrator. I Jane 14, 18T0. 4-3 Notice ! T9 hereby given to all whom it may eonJL eern. that 1 will apply to 8. .1. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on the Vld day of Jaty titxt, for a final discharge f as Gnardian of the late MAUY 0. AltNOLI), deeeated. JAMKHlfcCCLLOUOH, Gnatdlan. jum ?s, wo. v* I TIIR ayaBjrto*. of 1W II II || lf#r COMUiBt II* MMli K"vM-' u -I'tnt-m for rlwuMtUii. utoiuicb it a Sec fed with loaf of npatfte ilcknew, bowele in geneiM iie<Wa< ^aoine s alternating wim inx. me mm a innwith pain, and dull, bea?| iieution, eonruble loe# of memory, accompanied with LI? II Often complaining reakness, debility, and low spirit*. 8eneis, some of the above symptoms attend tho aso, and at other times very few of them j the Liver Is generally the organ moat lead. Cars the Liver with . , , 1>K> siiuraofts* Liver Regulator, reparation of roots and herbs, warranted e strictly vegetable, and can do tfb hfury ny one. t has been nsed by hundreds, and known tho last 36 yeors as one of the most reliaeSoaoious and harmless preparations evar red to the suffering. If taken regularly persistently, it Is sure to cur*. Dyspepsia, headache, IVPni ATUD Ijaundice, costiveness, sick UuUULA 1 Ufl. Ikeadaobe, chronic diar MBMaajrbwi, affeetions of the ddcr, camp dysentery, affection* of the kids, fever, nervousness, chills, diseases of the a, impurity of the blood, melenbholy, or ression of spirits^ heartburn, eolic, or pains the bowels, pain in the head, fever and 10, dropsy, boils, pain in back and Timhs, bins, erysipelas, femalo affections, and bit is oihun genorauy. repared only by J. H. ZEILI* * CO., Druggists, Macon, Qa. 'rice $1 : by mail $1.25. Che following highly respectable persons i fully attest to the virtues of this valuable dicino, and to whom wo most respectfully er: Gen. W 8 Holt, President 8 W R K mpnny ; Rev. J R Felder, Perry, Oa.) T O irkley. South Carolina. SHB- For sale by all Druggists. Ian 19 35 #m UoSADALIS G It EATA M EMCAN fjMSl HEALTH RESTORER, purifies I IHlthe blood and cures 8crofula, Krphilis, mV)Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Diseases )of Women, and all Chronic Affections )of the Blood, Liver and Kidneys. )Recommended by the Medical FacuL )ty and many thousands of our best 9^ rciticens. ||V ( Head tbo testimony of Physicians ~ A,n.t i ? i ,, >-ii- . Defend for oar Iiosadalis Guide to Health (Book, or Almanac for thla year, which IB (wo publish for gratuitous distribution ; IB Sit will give you much valuable infor* LB (mnlion. ' B ( Dr. U. W. Oarr, of Baltimore, says : ) I take pleasure in rcoora mending (your Kosadalis as a very powerful (alterative. I have seen It used In Moo (cases with happy results?one in a (case of secondary syphilis, hi wbieh (the patient pronounced himself cured (after having taken five bottles of your (medicine. The other is a case of scrofJB (ula of long standing, which is rapidly IB (improving under its use, and the in^Abdications aro that the petient will ^^Pvsoon recover. I have carefully ex (nmincd the formula by which your (Uosadalis is made, and find it an ex, A (cellcnt compound of alterative ingruSdionts. ( Dr. Sparks, of Klcholusville, Ky., (smys be has used Uosadalis in cases of (scrofula and Secondary Syphilis with (satisfactory rcsuits-as a cleaner of the I (Blood I know no better remedy. ( Ucnjamio Bechtol, of Limn, Ohio, (writes: I hove suffered for twenty ^years wUh an inveterate eruptiou over \tny wholo body; ? short time since I (nurchascd a bottle of Roundel!* end it (effected a perfect cure. ) Rosodalla ia Bold by all druggists. ( Laboratory, 61 Exchange I'lace, (Baltimore. Ww > Sri Cleuenla ft Co. J*mprir4nrt. Moy IS 52 lj 'LANTATION BITTERS This wonderful vegeable restorative is the iheet-anchor of the feeble md debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the iged and languid it has no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts is a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down blie animal spirits. Wherever it is introduced it becomes a standard article?a medicinal staple. It is to-day tlie best and purest tonic, tnd the most popular medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. Juno 22, 1870. 5_ ? COMFORT end Cure for the Rnptured.? Bent post paid oft receipt ot 10 otti. AdIres* Dr. K. B. FOOTK (Author of Medioal Common Sense), No. 120 Lexington Avenue, lew York. .. . . ' A WAY with Spectacles. Old ejpi rondo new, easily, without doctor or medicine*, ient post paid on receipt of 1A coots. Address t)r. E. B. FOOTK, 120 Lexington Avenue, Sew York. M*r 10 4} Am* TTJTT'S VEGETABLE . nirom rait 77Cures diaenaes of the Liver and Stomach. TU ITS F-XTKCTORANT A p)ea?nnt c?'? fur Doughs, OoUU, Ac.' riJTTK SAHSAI'AKILI.A AK1? QUKKNH DELIOIIT the ereat Alterative aud Bloiyt Purifier. TUTT'S IMPROVED 11 A \ 11 DYE. Warranted thA Best dye in use. These itandnrd f> eparaliona are fur aalo hy Druggists every where. Oct fitly, Votico T 8 hereby given to *11 whom R Whty concern, j| that 1 will apply to fl. J. buuthW, Pro. bale Judge of Greenville County, on the *2VtJ? of July next, far a final dl. charge as Arfmia. istrator of the Estate of RKRECOA M* L'KA RY. deceased. WM. T. tEgTBJl, Jiiue lit, 18711. < 6 1