University of South Carolina Libraries
, II j.H ! I TURN1P_SEJSPS. W. H. WATSOB ~|"S now r?o?iving KsflUb EaU D?fM * JL Hklrvlng ud Lalng*e Improved, also Put J?le Top, Yellow Aberdeen, English Nor nlk and Dutch Large White Globe, Greet Globe, Yellow Stone end French, (Uenover, Flet Dutch end Golden BalL The vegetative power of theee will bt teeted before they ere offered for tale. Ample directions from the moot eueeeee ful growers will accompany each parcel. rar A full supply of Gardeners' and Art leans TOOLE always on hand. June 29th, 187a -* Notice. MTHE PARIS MOUNTAIN H0U8I (tiro miles north of Greenville, former ly owned by the lets General Waddj . on,) will be'opened the 1st of Julj FOR THE RECEPTION OF VISITORS A tow families see be accommodated witk PERMANENT BOARD. The undersigned will see that the guests ol the plaoe are well treated. J. M. SIMPSON. June N t If WMSHEPHERD & No. 24, JJayne Strut, Charlttton, S. O. VMbBM in COOKING STOVES, RANGES AND Healing 8tov?s. Pictures of Stove* with prices sad description wi'.l be sent upon application. June 2* 6-ly ' NOTICE. TO the Citizens of Fair view, Greenville, Laurens, Spartanburg, and all tbe country round, Your bumble servant sends you greeting most profound ; Not to announce myself a candidate for legislative balls, Nor to ask for greenbacks to support these monster railroad calls, But only to proclaim in aim pic terms, That wo are going to lead all olli cr firmp, By selling off our remaining sum . mer stock Of Dry Goods, Sbocs, Ilats, and all such trash, At cost and carriage for lh6 cash Tliis is no hoax ; come Bee for your self, Price every articlo now on the ahclf; And if you don't bny and help my condition, I'll quit keeping store and tnrn politician. T. 11. STALL, Agent. Fairview Store, June 22d 1870. Jun 29 C 3 VALUABLE LANDS FOR SiLL B. I ?? THE andcr-^n?|a^ signed i. u-19R|i thorixod to *ell<HE^9|flS r*i"iUflf* t h o following lisuEE** TRACTS OF LAND: One Tract of 460 acres, moro or less, on Tygor Klvcr and Murb Creek, in OrcenvllU County, S. C? fifteen miles ahnvo the City of Oreenrille, belonging to 6AMUEL F. TODD, of Texas, formerly landii owned by Oliver Varrctt, and well-known as hi* place of residence for many years. There are 60 or 90 acres of firstrato Low Orounds in the Tract, Bottom Lands Of.Tygor River and Musb Creek, In a higb state of cultivation. Tho Up-Lands are of a superior cbaraeter, and a portion of them rlcshul ami In AiiltlvatlAn TKn? >? ?? Tract a largo and substantial DWELLING HOUSE, With all the necessary Outbuildings, situated on tho Stat* Road leading from tho Saluda Gap to Columbia, S. C. The other Tract bolongs to W. P. GREEN, of Texas, and lies on Mush Creek, in the uppor part of Greenville County, S. C., containing over 200 acres, 40 or 50 acres of which arc the finest BOTTOM LANDS In the County. The lip-Lands are of a good quality, and a portion of them cleared and in cultivation. These LANDS will be sold very low foi t Cash. If not sold at private sale, they will be ofTered at auction to the highest biddci on Buleday in August. It is seldom that there is offered for sals i?uch a body of rich Lands in this County. Persons wishing to make permanent, profita* tdo investments, are invited to look at these two Tracts of Lands before the day of sale. WM H PERRY, Attorney and Agent, Ac. Greenville C. II., 8. C., June 27th, 1870. June 29 A 5 Abbev illo I'reit and /tanner give two insertions. KEIIJVILI.E Male High School, 13 Mi let from Spartanburg C. H., S. C W. C. KIRKLAND. D. A., Principal. W. D. KIRKLAND. B. 8., AaaUlant. THE NEXT 8ES3ION OP ^Jf^^^tble wall-known NPV INSTITUTION Will begin on MONDAY. JULY 11TH, 1870 TERMS l'er Seeelon of Fir* Month*, in Adeane*. Primary $10 0C Higher , 16 0(1 Conllngeat Pte ?? ? 1 00 Board per mouth, including Waehing and Fuel 10 00. will cover the expenaea of Board and Toition lor the wltol* Beaeton, or $1$4 for tha entire Beholaatl* Year. For farther particular*, addreea the Prlaelpal. Koidvllle,8. a Jo BO M 6 6 ? *:? mn C&BILIBA 1KT1TITI. November let, 1876, CHARLESTON, 8. O. Most liberal premiums offer. ed in n?rj doporUnont of Agrieultare and Meohanio Arts. Pramlum LUt publlihtf la Panophlat Form. Juno 19 Sm Tan R^ToiMnl (HUM u Hill U joJ, at Darlington, Vt., waiting for mm om to go Ma ban. r i i i ? CAROLINA LIF [ OOMP OF ; MEMPHIS, T ) o. A3B?Trs, - - OTSTOSOT my] W. J. WICK8, Flrit Vlc?-President. I ^ W. F. ROYLB, Secretary. | o' A definite oath surrender Value U guarantee premium, which amount will, at tba option of tl surrender of his Policy, or loaned to him at six i thereby continuing his Policy in force for the fu With sufficient capital for entire security, f advantages to the Carolina. All Its profits ate divided among Its Policy plan. No restrictions on travel or residence in the All Polielee non-forfeitable after second yes All losses paid promptly in cash. M. O. BUTLER, GENERAL STA' JnnoIS o's aniANai 'xxraxs NIY] l jsSoo JsS-B: i imvkw T # V J 'aaMsuio a\iv a ; MWliMi Wm i DMIHiuij 30 V Ml , a< 1111 119 v c pmP ML X ntf T wllJUli 'I'lVO o ' EE XBL TURNIP SEED, , 1WISII to Inform the Planter* end Farmera in the up^oountry, that I hare on the way, and expect to arrive iu a few daya, 1 ' ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS \ ' or TIIK FOLLOWING Choice, Selected Varieties TURNIP SF/F/n. WHICH I WILL SELL AT ' |l Wholewnlc and Retail : I > Nth Top, the bctt for grecnt raised. Yellow Aberdeen, good for Ute winter and spring ute. I Scotch Amber and Globe, Improved variety, < for table use. ' ' Prussian Hanover Sweet Tarnip, excellent , for table use till late in spring. J White lata Bags, splendid for stock. , Purple Top Yellow Hate laga, good for tai ble and stook. I Early Flat Dutch, especially adapted to autumn and fall use. , Pomeranian Olebe, improved variety, for tas fcle use in winter, or for stock. ( ( THOMAS STEEN. Jun 25 5 tf i Medical Scholarship. FOB SALE, a MEDICAL SCHOLAR- 1 SHIP in the Philadelphia University 1 of Mcdloioe ar.d Surgery, whieh entitles the bearer to full instruction until graduation. Till* la an institution nf hljli 1 Terms favorable. Apply at this offiee. Jane 15 4 if AVID DICKSON* 0r?4 Book ?e Farming bow oat. No fanner* library , complete without it. Bound in cloth, extra, $4 ; Hiieep, M.50 Half Moroeeo, $6. Ordvra roaeived at this office. Oood eanvaaa th? ST** wmoUd" 'or t,rro4' "PP'J *1 Tire Chattanooga 71mm aaye shot salea of > wheat, bow crop, have been made at one dollar, to he delivers 1 in July?buyers furnishing each*. I CL 1' J E INSURANCE J ENNESSEE. , p - S8Q0119.O8. . I IS, mUNI?. ] *, i. raniiiij, neeond vico-President. J J. II. EDMONDSON, General Agent. id oa all Policies lapsed by not>ptTa?t of ^ io Policy-holder, ho paid bin la eaah oa (be rrr cent, intereat to pay bla fataro premium*, amount. j ao Lifo Inrurance Company offer* raporior " holders, la dividend*, on tbo contribution * * J i United State*, Canada or Europe. ir. TE AGENT, COLUMBIA, S. C. ' t 3m ana n Z ECAOHV ims mwk LV aAiaosni xsar wmm mm MOT liVll v 9 mmm KL a jtsl 30 X 93a ?MTiaS notice to the Public. TIIK RnKifrikfr being now engaged in hU original bminrn m Cnrjfriitrr and BniMcr, i*on 1U inform (be publin of Oreeneilleand idloining Counties, that be li now prepared, with proficient Workmen, to tako CONTRACTS AND JOB WORK of all kinds, in that line, and execute Work in good style and the moat expeditious manner. Fml HAVING cmnlo/cd a coaw- Wl * WLtent FOREMAN in the v 1^ BOOT All SHOE BUSHES. which will go on at formerly, at the well known stand, at the Big Boot Sign, where all Drdera for Custom-Work will be promptly Iliad with neatness and despatch. I STUDDED WORK done aa a speciality.? Call and examine Work, and give the now Uootmaker a trial. J. C. HICKS. Jane MS* Treasurer's Office, Bbkknvillb ?mp Colombia Railboad Co., 1 Columbia, 8. C., Jun? 20, 1870. I COUPONS of the 8UU, Guaranteed BONOS, OrtH<tl? of snd Second Mortgage BONDS of tliii Com pa ?y, due let July, 1870, will he paid at the Banking Donee of 11. H. Kimptoa, No. 9 Naeean street, New York, or at the Oar oil* ! na National Bank, In Colombia, S. G., on ! end after the 1st day of JULY, 1870. Tbe Interest on the outstanding First \ Mortgage Bonds and Fractional Certificates of Indebtedness, will be paid at the offioe of the Company. KRUBRN TOMLINSON, Treasurer. June 29 I tf UAtTRaooao MADE AND RET AIRED, BY JAMES M. PRICE. Otre Mas a eaU at hie reelSswss, near he ; OAnxASD somoos. aousa. June 29 ? t ? ?:?i ?- i |5T* Subscribe for the Enterprise ; $2 per annum. . -A rtlT AHKIVBD, , A CHOICE fc* oi Fresh GREEN iad 1 BLACK TEAR. ?t 1 FOSTER A HUNTER-8. PICKLES, PICKLES, PICKLES. ^ rU8T rtMlnd fresh Mjpply Plain and Mixed Pieties, Pioenllilli. Chow-chow, eniiar Hiuih rklaan la rr" ' FOSTER 4 HUNTER'S. B JKOIIV8AX, LXXOV fUOAft. PRESTON'S Lemon 8ngar. the best that ' is made, desirable for a eoolina drink, -| t FOSTER 4 HUNTER'S. J FRESH ChoeoUta and Dessloated Co- _ coanut, for ?'# by FOSTER A HUNTER. RAISINS, Currents, Citron and Maecaro- n nl, lor sale by FOSTER A HUNTER, aINGER Prmerrea a ad Jell ire. at FOSTER A HUNTER'S R/T08QUIT0 Netting and Frames for I lyjL child's erib, Ae., for sale by FOSTER A HUNTER. CHILDREN^ and Misses ' IIoop 8klrts, at very low figures at ? FOSTER A HUNTER'S. ANEW and frr?h lot of Laeee, Ladirs' Lace and Tliread Collars and P;que e trimming", for sale by FOSTER A HUNTER. | - GAUZE Flannel (?li wool) for Inhoti, _ Infants' Wateta, Ac.. Ac., at L FOBTER A HUNTER'S. I GAUZE and Lisle Thread Undershirts, at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. PRODIGIOUS EXCITEMENT! aaaasaajsa Sacrifice of Property. ' TO SEE IS TO BELIEVE! AT CARB'S OLD STAND. ' n A VINO OPENED THE LARGEST an<l M<>?t Ez'ensire Stock of | 1 DRY GO, , CLOTMIiVt. '< F cl BOOTS AND SHOES, " HAT8, SHIRTS, TO-ATOHSO, JSTFSLP.Y, 1 \nd a gieat many article* too numerous to mention, ail Purc)ta*t-d at the ' TUMBLING DOWN PRICES * n FOR ' r AM XM 9 < li R'e intend to lei litem Slide at tueli aetonIT shingly LOW FIGURES " ? As to astound (he j li iv w rmr m -w ms mm * reTime* are Hard, Money Scarce, and (lie c< PEOPLE POOR, $ And we intend to RELIEVE their f HEAVY BURDENS By Offering ti GOODS TO Size Their Piles. Our Stock is very Extensive, our And our iMeiinitiation is ^ And 8ell we Will, sod SELL wc SHALL. T Call one, call all, at | | Carr's Old Stand, h As now la the time to Sceure the QREATE8T BARGAINS j Ever Offered in this country. H. C. MARK, i i tw~ Particular *U?iUm Paid, and Liberal Dieeouut allowed to Wholesale Buyers. Greenville, 8. C., 11th May, 1870. May 18 82 8m j NEW STORE. 1 JOSH S. OOODLBTT ' Respectfully inform* the pubiiothat he has commenced Business again at the Old Stand of LONG & GOODLETT, Where ho has just opened a portion of his , Stock, consisting of iDis'sr ?? ? iDS, i Orocerlei, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, 0 Hardware, Ac., " All of which were bought at low figures, and will be sold for CASH OR BARTER At a slight advance on Cost, llo solicits a hare of the public patronage. Ap 6 48 tf Hotice. \ TN conformity with lha requirements of the 1 X Internal Revenue Laws, I hereby give ( notice to all persooa who may claim a ?w?i> ?tvr ?, ?wo aw of wnioky, md i lot of Imply Jug** which w?r? Mii?d (a th? City of OrMifillf, on th? 18th Juno 1870? tho portj with tho Wofon git* hli 1 nomo no Horrto?tor fioUlhn of tho Intor- j nnl Revenue Loo ?to moko oooh ola inn \ hoforo mo within thirty dayi from tho flrot y pnbliontlon of thin notion. , A. L. OOBB, l Doputy Gollootor, Id Dirt., 8. 0. June 18. 1870. 8-8 a4?nc J. Wlakerg RESPECTFULLY Inform* tho Lndioa of Greenville, thot (ho boo opened a trench bwlMH from Charlooten, orwhtlng of LADIBS' DRES8 TKIMMINQB, MILLTltBEY ud FANCY GOODS, LACE GOODS, nloo % ooaaploU MQortmont of XRPHYR I WORSTEDS, Ae., Ac., nad amy othor art! too In tUi Mm too ?nonoi to Motion. Call, na oaaalnotioci of tho atook la aolietted. S8* Store in Ooodlett IToom Itw tidier ""%* Jon U & 4 I GREENVILLE PAPER MILLS. T. Bannister & Son, or ALL KI1VDS OF look, Hews, Wrapping and Colored TrioiiRST CAsn prick paid for 1 Clean Cotton or Llnea RAQ8. May 25 1 1y Spring Millinery. sat?. as? aasOTsaiss WOULD INFORM THE AMa LAdlea ot Greenville and violathat .bo hu opened ber ^BBP^priho millinery, WW/H *blcb 'be call, the atten ~JMIWW tion of those making purchases Vlrl In this line, ller prices are REASONABLE, iD<1 she will take pleasure in exhibing her GOODS. A esli is desired before buying, as she feels onfldent of pleasing. April 13 47 Am JOHN B. BKIERS, WT 6 UI1SUN E&mni. tAND gires his close Vegetable GariVith a large expert* nee, be is confident >f giving satisfaction to those employing Orders left at this otEco will be attended Mar 30 44 tf_ rhe State of Sonth Carolina. GREENVILLK COUNTY. In tha Common Pluaa?Equity Side. 'HOMA8 C. GOWKR, Administrator, rs. P. K. 8UDDUT11, el nL?Uill for Sole of Urn I Emlale, to /Vty Utile, dre. I'TNDER the Decretal Order made in tbc U above case, the Creditors of the Estate I Mrs. MARTIIA LOVELAND, are required > establish the rank and amount o( tbeir laims against said Estate, before the Clerk, unin mine month* from thi* date. W. A. McDANlEL, C. C. P. Clerk'* Office, September 28th, 1889. Sept 29 19 9m 'HE CHRONICLE * SENTINEL, rv?ii*nrt? at AUOIJSTA, OA. >AILY, TIM WEEKLY AND WEEKLY. CONTAINS all the lat?*t news hr Mail and Telegraph, embracing full Comirrelal and Financial Report* from all the ading center*, together with the latc?t olitical and Orneral information upon all ihj<ct? which inlcreet the reading pub. c. Tl?e term* of the DAILY are *6 for six ionth< and *10 tor one year. The TRI-WEKKLY >s *3.50 for six innth* and *fi tor one year. Tlie WEEKLY CHRONICLE ? SENTI 'EL ie a Mammoth paper of thirty-aix olumna, fille<l with Editorial*, Telegraphic hapatrhea. Communication* on homo mat. tri, tog- ll?t-r with Agriculture. Commercial nd Financial at tich a?making it one of the loet desirable nnd valuable ! ounlry In the Planter, Fanner m>d Mer liant. Tim trrnie are $S per annum, or 1.60 for six titofilha. All eubecriptione are required in ad ?nee. Liberal ccnimieeions [aid responsible ggnla. or Address nil letteis and eon.mutiieaone to ilm CHRONICLE A SENTINEL. Augusta, Oa. ty Specimen copies emt free. June 8 3 T.MARXW ALTERS MAP.EL3 V7C-.Z3, Broad-st., Aiifimla, ?n, MARBLE MONUMENTS, yarns sssmss, MARBLE MANTLLS, AND PURNIU RE, U A R BLR OP ALL KINDS ON HAND. OR BURNISHED TO ORDER. jjr aii worn lor (lit Country carefully >oxe?l for shipment. Oct 6 20 1 y FOR SALE OR TO RENT, m n?v A Comfnrtablu DWELLING, containing aeven Kootns, and ll" noec*sary Out-Buildings, mSSflS within a few minute* walk ol Kurtnan University. For particular* apply t< T. <J. DONALDSON. November 24 27 If Marble Yard, -AURENS C. H., 8. C. t/TARBLK CUTT!NO IN. ALL ITS LTl Branches, done in - the neatest of Ityle, and of the best Italian and Amerian MAllULR. Address JOSI1UA F.I.LF.IK>K, Laurens Court House, 8. C. June I 2 ly Notice I"* hereby given to all whom it may eon leearn, that I will applv to S. J. Douthit, Is<pt Probate Judge of 6reenvlUe County, ? tho 11/A day of Jolt/ w?rf, for a final dt* barge as Administrator of the Estate of ATM. II. MOON, deceased. JOHN P. MOON, Administrator. June 10, 1870. 4-4 Notice [8 hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Prolate Judge ol Qrecnville County, on the 14iA f?y of July nfjtl, for a final discharge as Adninistrator of the Estate of MAKY B. JAJ0B8, deceased. WM T RHITMiTB Jane 14, lST#? " " "i-S Notice [8 hereby glvea to all whom it m*y concern, that I will *pp)T ?? 8- J- Douthit, *robate Judge of Green* file Countv, on the I%d day of Julg next, for a final discharge ia Onardian af the lata MAKY C. Alt* (OLD, daeeaaed. JAMES MoCULLOUOH, Oaatdlan. June *?, 1870. 8-4 E. Pa JONES, Aieipcoiaafarflr AW MW, AND SOLICITOR IN BQUITT. WILL nUCTtCB I* ALL COURTS OF THIS BTA1K A LAO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office Greenville 0. H., 8. C.: July 7 ly* . . . V.. .^ k . f Equality Iffe Inmranee Company of Virginia, mm Principil Office, No. 1015, it a in Street, Richmond, Va. 11 E A SON'S why every one ohouM Inanre In XV Equality Life Insurance Company, ut Virginia : 1st. It is more Liberal to the Insurers than any other company, and will eventually be* come Purely Mutual and belong to the Insurer*. 3d. It circulates its money amongst its patrons, who are tbe insurers. Consequently they are continually getting tbe benefit of tbe rapid accumulation of tbe Company, the money being invested by the Board of Directors amongst the insurers. 3d. The losns of this Company are as liberal as other companies wbo declare dividends at tbe end of the second, third and fourth years, but this Company at tbe end of tbe first and every year. DAVID B. CLARK, President. T1I08. II. WYNNE, Vice-President. JOHN Q. WINN, Secretary. lien. JAMES II. LANE, Actuary, Dr. P. B. WATKINS, I M .. . AdrIge? Dr. C. II. W. DAVIS, J Medic*1 Advisers. Judge JOHN A.MEREDITH, Counsellor. DIRECTORS. J. B. Winston, Treasurer and Secretary R. P. A P. R. R ; Win. J. Johnson, of Johnson A Hunt, Wholesale Uroecrs: Wm. U. Powers,of Winston A Powers, Wholesale Grocers; Aln-l..* Trao.n^r W?fc i?_V C.-._ J I - ? < *? UU.TO Company; J. F. Gibson, Superintendent Adams' Express Company ; Charles Y. Morris, Morris k Co.'s Sugar Reltnery ; fl. A. PsSlc, Superintendent Manchester Cotton Mills; ohn 11. Tyler, John II. k John Tyler, Jewelers ; Moses MMlhieer, Wholesale Dry Goods ; Thomas 8. Baldwin, Clothier ; John M. God' din, Cashier Planter's Bank ; J. II. Dowell, Superintendent Western Union Telegraph Company : Alex. G. Robertson, Cattle Broker ; George I. Herring, Whoicsalo Grocer; It. L. Brown, of Brown, Jonoa k Co., Wholesale Grocers ; A Bodeker, Druggist; S. M. Rosen* baum, ol" 8. k M. Koscnbautn, Dry Gooods. Equality Life Insurant# Company. " Kxomioe ilt J'nmjpblrtt bejort yon insure, it it to your iotcrctl to do to. A'jtntt fronted treryicbere. BENI. O. IIEBIOT, Gen. Travelling Agent, Charleston, S. C. fept 22 18 tf dys p e ps ,auari ^ PSOLO EVERYWHERE. KSSSftKNiS * WHOLESALE druggists 1 CMARLaSTOH,S.C. N. B. The Commissioner of Revenue has <leci<lcd that any dealer can sell this article without n special licence. For rale l?y ua V11J <X STKAUL?Y , Wholesale anil Retail Grocers and Coot mission Merchants, Greenville, S. C. also r.r Drs. Harr'son 8c Marshall, Wholesale and Retail Drr.pgi ts, GHEENVILLR, S. C. Mar SO 45 6 n Farm for Sale. IOFFFU for sale, my FARM, situated on 8ouih Saluda River, nineteen miles above the City of Grernrille, and containing Fonr HumIrni mill Sixty A err*. There are two hundred and twenty-five acres in cultivation, one hundred and fifty of which is river bottom. The improvements are good, eight or ten neros of Clover. For further particulars, apply to the undersigned. Mrs. A. (1. FEASTKR. Greenville, S. C., May 17th, 187J&. 52?4 SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER. WOULD r.speclfully inform the public that he has Removed to a room in the OLD COURT IIOUSK, where he will I he prepared to receive customers as heretoII fore. Itrinv a ProOMi'/m/i/ L. > hup**, by attention to bu?ine**a, together ' with politeness to all, to meilt a portion ol 1 public patronage, in CUTTING, S11AV1NG AND SHAMPOOING. , ?n ?0 S5 tf HI ISS McK A Y, FASHIONABLE MILLINER, lfola Street, Greenville, S. C., HAS on hand a large and well-asrort<d Stork of Spiing and Summer Aft ILLINERY. H its and Bonnets of all the latest styles ; Fiowere, Ribbons, Hair and Jet Ootids at very low prices. Sundowns at 60e. each. May 4 60 3tn WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Periscopic Spectaolee.Ae Q WILL order an eitra article If / Vk for any person. Special attenJUl Aft tion will be given to REPAIRy^P l fl'ia Watebes of tvcrj de-< cription. Best references given. JAMBS U. BLACK. June .10 6 tf TOWNES & EAST, AND SOLICITORS IW EQTTTTY Pit ACT ICE IN OltKENVILLE AND 8URROUNDIXO COUNTIES. Office O^er Julius C. Smith's. O. r. TOWSK8. OL1S D. EAST. Ap 27 49 tf CUSLIINQS & BAILEY, BOOKSELLERS ANI? STATIONERS. Wo. 262 Baltimore St., Opposite Manover, BALTIMORE, Ths Uifeii and be?t auorttd stock la lbs city SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL, DENTAL, Classical k. Miscellaneous Books. tyOKNRRALBANK AND COUNTING llOUSB 8TAT10NERY of all km.1i. BLANK BOOKS MAD* TO OKDXB IN AMI STTLK OT 1IND1WG AND RULING. [r8TAM.1?lt*I> 1811 ] !? K-r 2 41 Sot -uaiiLL-j i jf L !fi '.^saif&F^S U>? shonMer, and liaiiukw tar AwIIim. The stomach la aflbeted with Im of tpptlN* Mid sichaees, how?U la giasral eoetire, lime* alternating with lax. The h?ad is troubled with aala, aad doll, baary seaaatioe, eoaaldereble loss of raemorr, ai uiaip?led with sansatiea d herf TV II ! ? laA aadoae aewethlag ?Ofl^n 'cowpUinTrg of wc&knessTaeoiliTy, aad low apirlta. Sometimes, some of the abore iraptoai attend the disease, and at other times rery few of theat ; bat the Lirer la generally the organ Meet involved. Care the Ltrer with dm, Liver Regulator. A preparation of roots aad herbs, warranted to be strictly vegetable, aad can do no Ipjerjr to any ono. It baa been need by hundreds, and haowa for the last 3b years as one of the most reliable, efflcacious and harmless nreparations ever offered to the suffering. If taken regularly and persistently, it is tare to care. I Dyspepsia, headache, I BBtm ft TAB fcnnndieo. cost lrene??, sick I nihil LATHI bladder, camp dysentery, affections of the kidneys, fcrer, nervousness, ehills, diseases of the skin, impurity of the blood, melaaeholy, or depression of spirits, heartburn, colic, or pains in the bowels, pain in the head, fever and ague, dropsy, boils, pain in back end limbs, asthma, erysipelas, female affections, and bil? lious diseases generally. Prepared only by J. H. ZEILIW * CO., Druggists, Macon, tin. Price $1 : by mail $1.25. Tbo following highly respectable persona ran fully attest to the virtues of this valuable medicine, and to whom we most reepeetfnNy refer: Gen. W 8 llolt, President 8 W R R rnmn.n. . P.. I D V-lJ II <1. . T C , J , ..... - .? . "'"v,l * " '/> -V"?? ? ? Markley, South Curoliua. J&&- For sale by all Druggists. ^ Jnn 19 85 Cm HoSADALIS ?<rrtiiiT<fr iTat^ am^Iucan SA HEALTH RESTORER, purifies nhe blood and cures Scrofula, Syphilis. )Skln Diseases, Rheumatism, Diseases /of Women, and all Chronic Affections )of. the Blood, Liver and Kidneys. S /Recommended by the Medical Faeul* /ty and many thousands of our best /citisens. ? Read the testimony of Physicians (and patients who have used Rosadalis ; (send for our Rosadalis Guide to Health (Book, or Almanac for this year, which |H (we publish for gratuitous distribution ( /KH (it will give you much valuable inform H (motion. *9^9 \ Dr. R. W. Csit, of Baltimore, says j ) I take pleasure in recomaseadlnw . taour as a very powerful l^^^k (alterative. I have seen it used in two |H|H/eases with happy results?one in a of secondary syphilis, in which I ^ f j iiuv puvram pivnuanccu DimiQii rurca rafter having taken fire bottles of /our (medicine. Tbc other is a caee of scrofAA ?ula of long standing, which Is rapidly /fl[H (improving under its use, and the in* /M? (dications are that the patient will \<oon recover. I have carefully ejeyimined the fortnnla by which yonr (llosadalis is made, and fiud it au ex/A (ccllent compouud of altcratire iogrcSdicnts. S Dr. Sparks, of Nieboiasvilie, Ky., lB^ >mys he Las used RoeadalU in cases of WrofhU and Secondary Syphilis with /satisfactory rosuits-as a cleaner of th? I) Blood I know no better remedy. ) Benjamin Bcchtol, of Lima, Ohio, /writes: I have suffered for twenty ^years with an inveterate eruption over iny whole body ; a short time tinee I (purchased a bottle of llosadalis and it S (effected a perfect cure. ( Itosadalis is sold by all druggists. ( Laboratory, CI Exchange l'lace, (Baltimore. > Sri. Clements 4 Co. 1'rvprielort. May 19 52 . ly PLANTATION BITTERS This wonderful vegetable restorative is the sheet-anchor of the foehle and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has I no equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the. bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever it is introduced it becomes a standard article?a me- * dicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most popular medicine in the civilized world?be sure and get the genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. June 22.1870. & 1, COMFORT end Cnre for the Raptured.? Sent port paid on receipt of 16 etr. Address Dr. K. R. FOOTK (Author of Medical Common Sense), No. 120 Lexington Avenue. New York. AWAY with Spectacles. Old eyes mad* new, easily, without doctor or medicine*. Sent post paid on receipt of 10 casta. Address I)r. E. B. FOOTK, ISO Lexington Avenue, New Yufk. Mar 10 41 Om* TUTT'8 VXGIT ABLE hinra m.% Cores disease* of the Liver and Stomach. TUTT^ EXPECTORANT % A pleasant core for Ooofhs. C?l&% fcn. TUTT'8 8ARSAPARILLA ANI> QUKKfttt D^LKIHT the great Alterative and Waatl , Purifier. TUTT8 IMPROVED HAIR 1 DYE, Warranted the beat dye u Ota. Thee* standard preparations aro fur sale by Dnjjghl* everywhere. Oct ft-lv. i Notice If 8 hereby gives to a* whom M may eossetm L that I will apply tu 8. J, Death it, Proa ate Judge ef Wreenvllle County, on the 27th I of July next, fu| a Ids' discharge as Admtne 1 iitraior of the Estate of KKBECCA Nct'RA< I RY, deceased. WM. P. LESTER, , i June IS, 1h??, 4 4 Adui'r.