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T rt?<n 'i i 1 jjjp / ' ''.T^r'- ^ . . M ... VIU p6b^N^4^ io Vsbraasy Sarobor f MM fcwtOfillMlM; i?> ?" ? ? ???iitMiwi, w% ; Mm w?y with will aai Mmw( ftui > lhilfh>t?hriw>pr?t Wm try iktMnltiijHl Mvki'tthebarif kwiti bo tract ?fc"? bat to pan UpOter? Traa hearts iad hndt all baat to do, VW bear aa WroToiy, bear as through, Aad aava lbs ship. aad an tha ?r?w, la spita at wiad sad wsathor! ! ? brothers, saw! row, brathera,raw I UM WDf, RIMf poll WpiMT I , Aad ahosr with nwigi, as ye raw; VWt thoogh the lMp?4 browing, W orhe hu for aaaay a brwlhac mv, That crime, hewd ea, to roia f lb aat far as to shirk ar shriek, . Thaofh wt la fiarfel weather: / W? kaov aaaaa aomrade's doom'd la aiak. And ww, too, haag on Danger's brink; Bat fear ja not t don't slop to think I rail bravo?/ all together ! Bow, brothers, row ! raw, brothers, row ? One feag, strong pall together! Bead to /oar oars, good brother*, row i Give wo/ with hearty courage! Death's jost aa nigh on land as now, Whoo sans are wolms at forage ; And Ileavca's na near on sen as shore, llow ww wild the woatber; "* ? Wa'va bot to ply the asanly oar, Aad ah at oar ear* to ooean's roar. Nor hood the Fsto. behlad, before, And bravely poll together ' Bow, brothers, row I row brother*, row ! One long, strong pall together I Bend to /war ?r* dear broth en, bend! We amy not 'scape this danger? Bat liases of peril prove the friend, Aid w? t? Heiptd ttfn *i rtngtr, *n? iNMltiisg of God's liv, I think, . j Wh?? ont in *agry ?Mlhrr. Am4 ?a ore dtibed on Danger'* brii.k, I Aid on M*o*d daon'd tod nwiy sink. Thai on* nod nil their hands should link, Asd brorclj poll together. Row, brothers, row! row, brothers, row ! Wo sink or swim together ? A Bridal Episode. Although the first recorded iutrade in theSev Testament was the converting of water into wine at a marriage ceremony, it is, nevertheless, not always safe to imbibe, even at a wedding, unless jou know something of tbe vintage.? ki intakes will happen, as was the caae not long since with tbe Bev. Dr. , of Newburyport, who was called down from bis chamber to marry a couple. Tbe hour was late, ana the minister's wife, who had retired for the night, did not rise to witness the ceremony, but gave her husband particular di rections for the entertaiument ol the wedding guests. 14 Don't forget to pass tbe cake and wine, Doctor," said she.? 44 The c&kfe is up ia tbe corner cup board, and youD find tbe wine or tbe third right band shelf in the sideboard.* Tbe Doctor promised obedience and putting on bis garments, weui to perform the ceremony. When he returned to tbe chain bor, half an hoar later, be founc his wife sitting np in ^ed, with ar anxious expression on her face. 44 Doctor," she cried, M did yoi; give them any wine !" 44 Certainly, my dear; just at you told me." 44 Not from tbe decanter on tb< third shelf of the sideboard 1? 44 That is exactly where you di reeled me to find it, wife." "Deer! dfcarl did ttey drinl much of itT* 44 Wby,*fcs, they emptied tbeii t''"*What shall we dot Doctor, ] made a mistake?it was the ipecac winp yen gave them. Ob, how sick they most be! Do, dear, pnl on your cloak and go right aftei then:; they can't bare gone far.' The minister found kh hrida party at the corner of tbe Mx street. 44 What made yon drink th< wine 9" he asked. 44 Couldn't yoi tell by the taste that these va Wtthing vfoot about ItT rihe bndfgroom nwiril, be in mu his qualms: 44 She whimpered to me thai i tasted dreadful queer, bet I toh her 'twas because ere mas gettin married." 7 Tu sod flower is y ery useful lb maav purposes. There is do sew that * ehiehea will fetlea oa ? lilt speed ilj sere colds, eoJ sod n >pis It is the bestAbtau ever fed to horses to giee l*?ei heir * bright and glossy appear sees, and prw to a founder* bores win give immediate relief.? Give a hone a small handful a each feeding sad he will mt? founder. The stalk also malls I err good sebstitale fer bean polei while growing. * A ja^ottln^yery errwaT times, lately, asked him why he didst apply for work at nkra dwun factory which has exploded twice Jatefj? He wants t AfMfc . X'"? IftTOtfMttemftwMU. ?d no quck wdtaiM. ??rj farnMJrSb^upa^Too the These ordinarily cost teore than most fanners would be willing to .admit, end io many cases three times as much as they need to, for the reason that the team Is stopped, and a band sent to the mechanic, several away, to get some little job done thst any farmer of ordinary ingenuity could do in half the time the messenger is gone to the mechanic's, if he had a few tools and a little of the proper ltind of material. The thriftv farmer will almra lay aside pieces oi timber of different kinds, to be used for repairs. These be often finds in bis wood-pile, and be lays them up where be can get them or send a boy for them at any time. He will also have a box of screws of di* ereut sizes, with a good screwdriver and several gimlets. That first and last of ml carpenters' tools for the farmer, the drawingknife, will be at hand; also a little box of different sizes ot bolts, with nuts and washers to match; a brace, and a go?d set of auger brts, from three-eighths to seVeu-eigbtlts, and tlTVoe augers, ono inch and a half and two iuclu These, with a baud saw, make a very respectable kit Mr a farmer; and if he has any skill at all in using litem, lie will sometimes save much utore t than the cost of thcui, in a lew months. Let any farmer who has been accustomed to ruu to the shop for every little repair, supply himself with snch things as we hare named, and do his own repairing. j and be u ill be agreeably surprised at the difference in bis mechanic's bill. Then there are the harness. It the farmer uses several of them, be can snvo several dollars in the course of a year by having on hand two or three awls, a shoe knife, a ball of shoe thread, and a hall of wax, all of which will cost less than a dollar, and will last i several years. I Oi.iva oil Is manufactured eg I St. Simon's Island, off the GeorI gia coast, near I'runswick. A Japanese Meumaid?A real mermaid is on free exibition in tbe window of Mr. Marks, 688 Broadway. It is dead, and has been exceedingly well preserved. It is about two feet long, and trooi the first side fins to the tail it is fish, scales and all, but above the side ' fins it has a small, well developed ' | human head, neck and breast.? j. The black hair on its head is about five inches long; the eyes, cart and nose are well defined; tbe ' arms are about four inches long, with two joints, elbow and wrist, and terminate in webbed, claw [ like hands. It was sent to Mr ' Marks by tiis brother from Yoko | haina. The English Consul offer | cd ?100 sterling for it, intending ' I it for the British Mnscum, bat tht ! offer ir?? r<?I ,wt l" [xVVtc York Sim. Fkeckles ?To remove them i wash (he face three or fonr times I daj, and every evening befon i going to bed, with a fluid prepar ed thus : Take one ounce of )em ; on juice, a quarter of a dr?chm o powered borax, and half a drachu . of pulverized sugar. Mix logethei and let stand in a glass bottle f>i c a few days ; then apply, and al low to dry ou the skin. 2. Anoth . | er way to remove freckles is tc j mix two tabiespoonfuis of gratec [ | horseradish in a teacapfnl of soui i milk, and apply frequently with I f linen rag. \ Oxe of Dean Trench's sermon* > on the subject, u W hat we can anc I cannot carry away when we die,1 t commences thus appositely : *( Al exander the Great being upon Lit b death bed, commanded that whev a be was carried forth to his grave B his bands should not be wrapped ss waa usual, in the cere Cloths v bnt should be left outside the bier that all men might see them, and t might see that they were empty.r | * A knowi.vo traveler oot West who had chartered half a bed in i crowded hotel, and was determine* to have the best half, buckled i I spar on his heel before turning in ' j Hie unfortunate sleeping parts* I j bore the infliction as long as 1m * j coukl, and at last roared oot: 8aj ~ say, stranger, if you're ft gentle ? man, you ought to cut jour tcx | PmnrAtrrrr never did anj mar I the least good. No man is th? r richer, or happier, or wiser fur it t It oom mends no oae to any uocie. tf. It is disgusting to tiie refined ; abominable to the good ; insulting to those with whom we associate ; degrading to the mind ; unprofitable, needieaa and injurious to sok detj. ?wwew^#a?? SA m?r old led/ of seventy twoi jin Deeetur Count/, IndfMHfr walked thirty miles pay her taxes and ejntk peach Uses is noticed, to produce two or even more peaches from a single blossom. ":'w that be shonid ike his pay in diTorcet, ayinfc howeter, tkat be doe* eobeceeeb be it * bttobelor, end the proposition is "teendeInnatv nff>m*tnr<v1' Rosadalis ^^{rriajr^TEXFTMiTirr^ii / w) JL IIKALTH EX8T0EER, port*? B/th? blood Mj tm?a gwofilt, Syphilis. vXMV/Skia DiMUM, Kfcwm?, DImmh >or Women, ml all Ch ronio AfNtkwi M the Blood, 'Lirar mad Kidneys. i'B.wwM hy the Modioml FmoaU ?ty mad May tbouudi of aw M WV I Rmad the teitiieoy of PkyiMui i mad patten ta whohayenand EoomdmlU; (sand for oor Koimdmlli Oolde to Health dW 1 Book, or All? fM Uli ymor. ?bM flB <,wo pobliah for gratelteos diatrihottea j MiSit will giro yoo inch rateable toferw w] I Dr. E. W. Carr, of Bmltiiovo, ny* x I I toko pluare to recommending ^^!jwr Rosavalis m m revy pnwerfal [ AMlmllTi. I knee seen U mm to two < |l/t? with happy re?km?one to KJfl/eoaa of aeooadery eyphilU, to which (PRi'llo wthit prawntid himsalfcored /after baring taken Irikottto of yoar /medicine. The other is a rasa of aerofiflR cola of long etaadlo/t, which ia rapidly /SB umpror iog under its a?e, mod the toMH(dieatioM are that the patient will liMTtr. I hate carefully M (amined the fonawto l>y which yoar (Rosadalis ia made, and tnd it an tiL (cedent compound of altrratire iagrovlieuts. > Dr. 8parks, of NichotaaenW, Ky., ways ha baa oaad Rosadalis to eoaoa of /scrofula mad Secondary Syphilis with ^satisfactory re?lt*-ar a cleaner of the A /Blood I know no hotter wit Jy. ; t? X 1> L..1 _# T I AVU If WIIJ1UI1U UVTHIU1, Ul iiliua, V u IU, /write*: I have suffered for twenty yjcar* with ao inveterate eruption over \i?j whole body: a abort tine aieee I Sfwrchaaed a bottle of RosadAlia sad it S (effected a perfect cure. ( Koasdaiif la sold by all dniptltti. ( laboratory, SI Exchange Place, S Baltimore. S Hi*. CUMktl ftC?. J'rmfritfort. May 18 51 ly Equality Lift Imnraaee Company of Yirrinia. I Prime if 11 Ojfice, A*. lUt5, afwia JUrmH, Rick toad, Va. REASONS why tmr no* ahnald ianr* ia the Equality Lift Iaaaraace Cod pane. o( Virginia : lit. It is mors Liberal to tbe Isnirn than tnr other company. sod will srntull; U* n'Bf Purely M utul ud belong to Ihs isnrrn. 2.1. It MrtsUlti Its ouBtj anosgtt its pat1 rons, wbo ore the iasurer*. Oooseqoeatly they | ore continually getting tlko benefit of tbo rapid accumulation of the Company, tW moor J bsiag insetted by the Board of Directors iBMpt > the insurers. I 2<1. The loans of this Company are as liberal as other rompauies who declare dirMoaUf at the end of toe second, third a?d fourth year*, tut this Company at the end of the first ' and erery year, i DAVID B. CI.ARK. President. THOS. H. WYNNE. Vice-President. J011X Q. WINN, Secretary. Geo. JAMES II. LANE, Aetnare. Dr. F. B. WATK1X8, I . ? Dr. C. M. W. DAVIS. | Auetsera. Ja lgo JOHN A. MEREDITH, CounsoIWr. | Mitcmsi. J. B. Winston, Tituorn and Secretary R. F. A P. R- R ; Was. J. Johnson, of Johoeou A Uuat, Wholesale Ororers ; Wm. H. Powers,of Wioaten A Powers, Wholesale Grocers; Albert Ordway, Treasurer Buck iu(taa State Company; J. P. Gibson, Superintendent Adams' Li press Company ; Charles Y. MorJ ris. Morns A Co.'a So?sr Refinery ; 0. A. IV' pie. Superintendent Manchester Cotton Mills; 9 John H. Tyler. John H. A John Tylor, Jewelers ; Monu MHihiorr, Wholesale Dry Goods ; Thomas 8. Baldwin, Clothier ; John M. God din. Cashier Planter's Bat* ; J. R. Dowoll, f Superintendent Western Union Telegraph Company; A Inc. G. ReWtisoa, Caula Broker ; 1 Gcorgol. Herring, Wholesale Grocer; R. L. p Brown, of Drown, Jonoa A C#, Whelcaols . Groncr*; A Bodahor, Druggist; 8. M. Easenhaun, of 8. A M. Roarwhnsm, Dry Gonads. Equality Llfo hnrtSM ftnyiiy. Framimt ilt ftasl/dl Ic/arsssa is ) emrr, ii M lo |if imUrtM l? M. Afcnl* r<iaW cxr^irUn. BEJIJ. O. HEBIOT, G<*. l^rmrellttg A{wt, CUIwtM, 8. CThe State of South Carolina. . OKBKKVILU COOSTT. ! THOMAS C. GO WE It, AdniaWCratar, ?. P. V. 8CDDUTH, ?t mL?Bill >Ur M / /tral K'tmtt, tm Pnjf Orbt*. dr. , 1TSKKR tbe Da-ratal Order nil kt tW * U a Wore um. Ike Creditor* of tko lltlM 1 of Mr*. MAHTDA LOVFLA ND, an roqairod , to rrtaMUk the n*k aad ia?nt of Ikeir Iiin ifiisit raid Emow. kofor* thtCkrk, i oiikia ?i'?? Mrtie fron tki* data. W. A. Mr DAN (EL. C. C. P. Clerk'* OfSoe, SrpdaW Mb, IMS. j ? 1? ?_ CUSHINGS <fc BAILEY, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. . I*. 1? Baltinar* St.. OypiilU Itaww, BALTIMORB. * Tfcolnfatand boat iinrtiiaiShStdiy* " SCHOOL, LAW, Mf UCAl, DENTAL, Ctahtol 4k IIimUumm Books. AL BAKK A!TOOOUNTIHO > HOUSR 3TATIOK KEY ft *H kte*& lLAniooDiAnnotmivin ittls of snronio am? mm [OTAium 1811.) Mar 41 9m ' TO WHES * 1ASK, ; 4>TrrsM53ff? AT &AW An solicitors nr launr. FMACr/CM IJf OA KM It V/L LK A KM SUM AO VftDIMO COUJtTJMf. Office Ovtr Jall as C. Smith's. - V. WM. HI* ?. lift. AO ?T j 40 ; tf 1B. P. JONES, AWSUBBT AV hAV, BoucrroA or equity. * vunmenaam COURTS or THIS STATS MS nr THE OSffKft ITATB OOOB1B. lin On xi Ola f. L, I. ft I j?i7 i ?r / . DEALER IB* Hiftnnvffltn CLOCKS, JEWELRY, CKCTACIES, IS ft m teat MM Saftkl Eia**, 8ILYER A SILVER-PLATED WORK W all diMriptiM* la Ma llaa dooo preepUy. JD Oat ?T M Ijr A. J. ROSS & OA, MANUFACTURERS M DKA LK K8 IX JAPASNKD AND PRESSED WARM, An COOK IX Q A WD B BATIKQ ST0TX8. All ktoli of w. -?.A av.^ w?k A1U MU UUVVf UU ffVIA A/VUO Oa DM mo* REASONABLE TERMS, A ad villi proaptjMss. Store Mearly Opposite the Poet Office. Mil M If w. H. CAMMER, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH AND MACHINI8T /^ORN SHELLER8, Cotton Ota*, Look*, 1 i UuMul t'mkr.ll.. mm.A V._ wb REPAIRED with proaptmm. CWmt rMxiuVb. Cero gheliern, for Ml* from 91t to $12. I am alto prrptnd to farnlak StmeO Plate*, for marking clothing. lackiMitliiBC* III AYR in addition to my imtl biiltm, opened a BLACKSMITH SI10P. Laving a competent workman hired, Lark in W eat 6 eld. Work in tbit lioe will be done mUofbctoriiy. Raady made PLOUGHS nlnaya on band for aale. StaoJ?In rear of Old Can* Bona*, at the Randolph place, baring removed from my tlaod on Main Street. M-tf Re HOE & CO* MANUFACTURERS OF Warranted Extra Cast Steal Patent Ground Circular Hill Malay ' aad Ga nf r* CIRCULAR SAWS. With Movable or Inverted Tleth. WE CLAIM for mi Patented Ciraalar Btv tba following UttatafM om all Mhtri: . Tba ihwki of tbe taatb in eUatle, lid exert a nnifona dutraeicn ia tba aocketa. Tba atabilftj af iba flat* U in ao ?/ ifiited by iaarntag M* acts ?f taatb. Barb taatb. independently, may ba adjaated to tba catting lioa. Bo rirati, kayo, or etbrr objectionable *pplianm. are eaiplorrtl ia roooertioa witb tba tec lb. which are aa linpk ia eooatractia^ aad aa eaaily need. aa a a at for a bait. la abort, all tba difllcaltlaa bootofara as ptritawd ia tba aaa of aaorabla troth for aawa, are fall/ act and obviated by tbia invention. | % ff TI7TTLE PATENT - CU AMT'ION " CROSS CUT RAWS. CHOSS CUT SA WS, or iu itm lav Mandrel*, Otaaia| TitHtn. Aa Bead far CatalapM aad Prlea Lieta. B. HOB A CO., Printing Praaa Marbiaa ead 6a* Manafootwrara, Mr* York, Boataa, Maaa , aad Laadta, Bag. Feb t IS foa fmruTigiu ANTIDOTE 1Vi?dWMto>ialiliiitfciHW Uo tikooo rmm,oodi?otillol?o4af oil IwiMi^ika fa> oSaaoonL, to |atooUy otoaeeo, oad Is ttoo m&j Kedkfoo thatwill OURI IMMIDIATCLY ?l {MnuMsliy mmry fcra of fmr "^JlTby^il Hi iiMtm Hk t tf Ij South Caro>ima KaUml Cmpay< CoLvatu, 8. C., M?v IS, im ON oof offer Soodojr, IS Mar, um Pimm(*r TniM if** ite Soot* OuoDm BoilLoom Olhollo P 48 o * Arrfra at Cbartiotoo I SO p a ArNoil ColooiMol"-~~Zim". 4 m)o ? j noiMsnu. ? Loom (W?aMo..? f 4i?o ArvfoO at Aogoato ? ? ?~ ?4 JS p m Loom Afolo , ..A 00 a a Arrlro at OotoaMa,.?..? 4 14 p a inur urtao mm (onuro urirm.) Loom Palpatio.. T SO p a I Arrif*?| CliirliHa I Mas Airha at Aagaaf - -> Haa LwrtOirtnw m,t N?a Ltart AtfuU .. ...4 N^a Antra at ColaatMa A M a a cunu tuta. wtB raa aa Maaiayt. Weieaeiays aa4 lata Ommin am* ^ia?a CWaAaa ttaa Antra at OataaUaMm*?' H a 9 TxTfiuui:iL <Hrt +JT |9aA*crib* for tk* prim; |Bptrmmm. Advertisements. MIWNB T.IROWK, f U>? Uk Brn V. w. Wmmmtng ffap'|Bri * Wbo)#fltlt D#a1#t tuyiHUHuyi iu M??'a * Bftf V flH BATS. lJUBLM OATS ^WF^gMH |M?] I STRAW jffffii GOODS' fBbR^Hh^hR ***. Hhw ? m^wo ' ui ,i Chfldre?*? yr A !? s , f a Hitn StBBBT. ' OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHABI^STOW, 8- OED WARD PEHRV, , PRINTER, STATION EK, , A? HiUI ? LAW, SCHOOL AND BLANK < I sl mm 9 Blank books m b.od ? * ?* to or- ] Asr of m; pattern at abort aolieo. Bind in* and Rails* sxosaled ia l>? style. ?iis Jt Cc. Prldis- i"kf for nh at tbo auifaetoren price. 1 " JTo. 146 Mttiwf Su, opf>?fit CbWntn JSToTrf, CHARLESTON, S. O. ( Mb n 44 ? ? M-OXilMCPtfit' i 53S>??S, i , *. W. Cor. XiBf AVMtVMlkBU. CHARLESTON, S. C. THEOLOGICAL, Setoatifto and Qooerel i X Book Hmm. School cad Colk** Tart Books, Sorr?j#T'i ItMnwals, Dnmii| Papom. Books ssat post poM oa receipt at arise. Mar SO A lik ]{ Columbia. Advertisements. HARBLB mm SM BOY\E l^ROH L, i I ? J COLUMBIA, 8. a, 9 CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE MONUMENTAL WORK In nil it* bitDehn, of ITALIAN ASD AMERICAN , '^ARqLd * COLUMBIA HOTEL. COLUMBIA, so ITU CAROLINA. C'1 ' *4 I ft I THK Pnyihton t*V? yliMMi h ummmtof this elesaotlj-tnrAisbed EiUbliikBNl o* (fM far ik* oneBiMtellM uf |wtU TV* t*VJ* vftl ilvtji V* i?ffM with trrry liti?ey ofik* mm?Wk froM (V* R?? York to4 k*r1??|M avkiu, ud m forts will V* (pared to fir* perfect satisfaction, in ? ?v ?? |??M ******* MVJVO in Us refnctory trmrj duj timmi 11 nalil 1)1. WM. GORMAN. > P.or.irTO? H. H. BADRN1I0P, 1 r*or*'lrr?**, 8?pt n it tr_ NATIONAL HOTEL <9X>IHP8&8&&, 0. <9L PROPRIETOR, f P. HAMILTON JOT* MS. CLERK. RATES Of Bn**l par Day i..^?4l 00 Anppar, Bmkfwt and Lodging? .. 1 OO ttiagk Monk 1 00 _ftppj ? if FickersonffouseHotel, COLUMBIA, S. C. T,B ? fc"1? ^3L.mMWU> bla Imm apoa Ik ikrt Pninlar How*, will nlwm in u TT Mk U oao of Ik nwl ipittkli Hotok in Ik Boatb. A eoll U aolieltod. mm Iw OmAm to and Ma tk Hotel. VM. A. WRIGHT, Sopt It rr?|rt,l'tf OrooarilU A Colon bio SailrooA tintib Ivrmnrnaitk Orrm, \ Ootasbio, Jonaory 1Mb, ItYO. I ON AMD AFTER WEDNESDAY. Juc ory 1Mb, Ik Mtowiag BobodaW wtd bo ran doily, Soodoy nsooptad, ooooootiog wkb Night Ttote oa Boatb CoroMao Rood, op oad do wo, oad wttk Rkk Troia mm Charlotte, 1 Coins bin oad Aagaato Rood go tag Soatb < Loovo Coins bio- .. T M an - Mowbnrrjr?.. 10 It o s Affteo AbWrak....^ S M p a - Ao< ?? ?. 4 M pa Loovo G*ooo?iBo................... t 4* a a - ~r*. iM Nivbntrj wn?lt U ^ AWtoa t 1* p aa Arrln Col??Hi?_.? I U ^ Tte Tnti ?iU ittart ftmm Bate? to Aa4otw mm ??i FiMay Mntaft, JAM ?8 O. MIRIOITR, O?aral 8ay wtomint lUPiinrTWDiirMmci, OilaaMi, L C.. Jn?rr IJ, 1ST*. OVmmi a/tor TO-DAT. aa ? Traia will mm m Mwi? Laaaa OatamMa. U ? m Arrl?a at Aagoato j Mia Uaw Aagaato - ^..4 t? p m Arriri rtftlwAh.., * rtblaM M Cilaaiffwl war. . . C BOWMBIOHT, B^X M9 N - %um. - .j^ssSggA CharWton Tfit ' Advertisement*. Old larrtUm Billcrt. A IDlSILMmaVTO ??SKi<B * Wa taka plaaaara la i*?fltg lb? 0ZZ> CAROLINA BITTJSRS . rwio TUB pablla. Thaj art *?ap?M< JL ad with trmt ear*,*ad aoatalo mwm at the hart Tmm la the Hwn?aapla Ai tvldaaea af Ilia aaparlorltjr a# aar Bt?Wa ?Trr all o'bara, wa kava aerUAaaiea lr?a many of the leading pbjdataaa ia oarStaia, f aha baa a praaar ibal them la thair praatlaa. IBB OLD CAROUVA BITTSRS VflU be fowd iifa'ubl* for Vtit ef App?lile, ? * * Oeerral Del ililjr. Chill* kod Fever end DyepepeU. rede Dot offer oor Bitter* m * core for dl| li?ea**a, bet e* as Aruoatie Toale, they | tar* be equal. For aale bj all Dragglat* aad Oroeers SSjwlJP^w GOODRICH. WIKBVAN 4 CO . importer* ?f Chelae Dree* *aA Ohia**t*K . Char)**Ua, &. C. Mb ? At ' >y GEO. W. CARPENTER'S X>M POUND FLUID EXTRACT OF 8Aft 8APARILI A. GEO. W. CA&PXraR*S DOVPOUND' FLUID JCLTRACT OF BU THK^K CRlFltRATF.D PRFPARA TIONS. originally latmdneed by Geo. if. Carpenter. **der the patronage mt the taadlaal faculty, hare been am Jeag axtea A rely Md b* pl.yafeian* Aad <*b*r% that they are generally known for their mtria it value, and eaa be relied ea a* being moot Ttiutuie retneoioo in nil mmi t??r? Earoaparilla or Boehn arw applicable. and IIIWI bn tOT b%bly wwnnitxH. TWy or* prepared la a highly oeaemtrated form, awl* rrtdrr the doM Mnall and conreoi( L Order* by oinil *r clbrrwiM will rcIforl* KiSS*. AHD ARCHITECT, IfflAESILS MUSES Carmar KaeUaff-St- aad Hjrlbnck'a Allay, I ??4*?S>S?TO?, ?,?. J PUAM3 VMmiWSK) f&rtbMR, AND PRKE OP CIIARMC, WHEH WORK DOHE BY KB. Dee 8 29 If A B. MULLIGAN, ?*mAuiA AND CEKERAL CII1ISS1II IIltl&IT , BecoNtflodfliop CTHAklJEfcTON, S. C. HAVISO* m*?m U-r ooadoetinc my buiaw. 1 >m ?i ill time* prt p*red to make liberal idfum oe IVKiaa. July J8 10 ly I SAMUEL C. BLACK, STOCK AND BOND BROKER, | NO ? BROAD BT., CHARLK8TON. PARTICULAR alien lie* rtvro to porekeae and aaU I SECURITIES ? OvaucMta. lalipiRwi^w abut lolly. Rnr. t T. RtTttT. J. CL B AlUET. Tlioa BTEKf. September 21, 1869. ! ?I# ? ? : i Fa TON SANTEN, ivmi'ti am PARIS FANCT GOODS, Toy., Dolla, Gaaa, CkUdrao's Carriage, ftwek CufciHiuy, fin Works, INDIA RUBBER GOODS, Book OS CI ilk too. Imanr Itmlaa. i* tit ShMT-^C 1 Inn aLova Markat, CfUKUKTON, ft. 0. Mm M U Ijr* JOHNSTON, CREW8&CO. M|>Wl ?4 WMmU DmImi tat BTAPZJ A2TD TABOY ! DRY GOODS, VOTXOWS AND 0KALL VUB, 41a mA\7/sya ?vausanr, CHARLESTON, S. O. Mar M tt ? PAVILION HOTEL, (saiAaL&aavov. A. m. BOARD, Far Day.... Jft Ml ft. IAMO.TOK, ft piiH a alia I n. , ? KirrnriRLi, hF ? It T* THE MILLS H0U8E, ftftAftft?8MB. B. & rumaco. Fnprfama. rnm^uM motsl. 0OAIOI PUl DAY ?4 M. DM ? IT CHAELE8T0H HOTEL CHARLESTON, a & H. JACKSOB. hiji'M i ?run, tin i iwinivftf tmuo. ' Charleston ?i Advertisements. . alfred a. sahbot, i , ambussvnam nam CHARLESTON llilCI % ? na JAY AN A SRQAR FACTORY, -u TAiiraii." !f| POT lima Mmn MmtetaM ?*ttasirat? Vy (Mw wrtaw, will, wfcb .dtss* sr*"? * ???? 111 Hart In llml, osARXdWToar. 0. a. lto ? M " ? CHAS. HIGKEY, 1 6IIBIK, 'ORTRAIT AM flCTUSE FRAME HAirOTAOTTTP.SP., 4 849 Klttg Street* t <BSlA9lU(8V01f, 8. ? LOOKING GLASSES urjirA ^QF ALL ffiSEB FITTED TO FRAMES, OLD FRAMES R&G1LT EQUAL TO NEW. Mar M tt to P. P. TOALE, CHARLESTON, S. C. ( L*T|MlH4?Ml?Mfltto) I tf" ' VuiUttorj of Door* Seefcoe, > ( Blioda, Mooldiofc*. it., ia the ) South*ra Statoa. ^-frmU^irf Ut dcAe* eo*pctit:oa.-?^ par S?at freaan Iff liialiia H April JT ^ d? 1 y chas.d.carr&co.7 ?A laipaw WARE ROOMS, Huil Jt. pm K14g ClaiHHw, s. c. nAfl always oa k*l a laty* aaantmiat of English and Aattlisi Vatret, Brarsrls, TkftKrjr, S Ply, Ingrain, VmsUu tai llcmp CAKPKTIK'IR. Vele*t, Brasael **d Tapestry RU09 and MATS. A Ml aaasrtM?t of DOOR MATS, ctayrialsg Coir. Itrosfa, Cliain, Alusste, Sisal, Ado laid and Plain and Fnney 8keep Skim. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, from Um kost makers, of aU widths aad treat rariety of pattavN. Takta Oil CMH la Marble, Oak, It ..wild aad Mahagnoy. Matt iogs, Conaa, Manilla aad Wkfta aad Cboek India. Dtoggok aad Craak Cloths. Patent Step Ladder* Mr lioaia as*. Parties residing in the country can rely on baring tbeir order* promptly Blind, and if diagram* are rent, can hare carpets made np? sad OO Cloths eat and It ted to resms and halls. Mar 3d <5 San TKAdi BkifCDV OANDY MANUFACTORY J. C. H. ('L A I' S S E S f i ; 10. 10 kIkKET mm, CHARLESTON. S. C. ALL kiadi of Cracket*. Jbacwita aad Cakes inketmd daily tf ih* mm Boethtra km, al losraat market ptrftaa. Mam at kts CANDY FACTORY. Tkair Candle* are made le arder, aad at all time* freak ; warranted pare and I* Maad tka ettmam. Order* will k* prom pi I; ft Ued. Mb a 44 2m* Knwi* Bates. ?no. ftsut*. T aoa. R. llcOmi. Cwaa. K. Haras. EDWIN BATES A C&, HOLE8ALX DKALSU IB DRY GOODS ASD 138 and 124 Heetiac-St.. CHARLESTON. S. O. Mb M 44 2m* CUAS. KERRISON, LATE t i IL HUM 202 King Street, OHAPXaOTOlT, B. lfw 20 A dm I B. AD61B A C&. IMtOKTtMM A MM MMAtMMS MM HARDWARE, ctmnr, arm, ia i&ov, mu, AM agricultural lypimiom, 1M Alt iMt 9*r*? CHARLESTON, 8. O. K> M 14 ? ? DANIELH. SILCOrS FX!UN ITU RE WAMMMO0MS, m, m * in, Kiac am* CHARLESTON. S. O. flU '"rgjuirriJBJ. . mreahomable ~ rmicm 9. B. -400M CiUn*U.T rACKKIi FOR WMW PnN ? ?jr*