University of South Carolina Libraries
I CAROLIM&l] i ftfl ^ r i? II ' ii uli JKk WiPiSlSOM MJ h * vv * ' VT ?*** A* ' * ' :r ', ?jf W. J. WICKS, Pirat Vice-President, ^ W, P. ROYLR, Secretary. J ' ' A definite cuh aurrendcr rthl M guaran ssb thereby continuing tair Policy In Ikiw Ibr the With anS?lent capital tor e&tire aecurlt; dvantigei to tfee CdHll|a. '} ' t AIH?* *r*K divided ataoag H? F#I plan. No reatrictl^p ta *r residence in I AU Polio tea bob-forfeitable after second j All Ipeeee paid promptly in owk. M. C. MJTLEE, GENERAL 6T J???" _ ;q "s 'aTiiANM laams ra 'J.BOO J.SVi 19RVAQV -\ . '*_ v v yr s *4 J * V ^ jT# *?**Ca^Ddfik i \ :; vi -, - ^ : aaNaao awv ? * v.v^-V *' '* > 7^ iwn] 1KM "mm w Vfi V <- ' vi'i ? *- < * V ' 'an * KHJ M@I ?MS; , *8f ? V* ( V f i; Z' 4 7.T.. TIV3 < 1 The State of South Carolina. ORKENVILLE COUNTY. lie S. J. DO VI HIT. Etq., Jmdgt of Probate of laid X?TiIKUEA8. William C. Humphreys has W filed ? Petition in ay Office, praying that Letters of Administration on all aud singular tho goods and chattels, rights and credits of JOHN 0. HUMPHREYS, late of the County aforesaid, deceased, sboulJ be granted to him. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and .ftsngftlar the kindred and sredltor.1 of the said deceased, to be and appear in the Court of Probftte for said County, to be holden at (htt^rlBt Ceurt Ifdese, on fits 1Ctk Jane >? <., to shew cause, If any, why the satd Administration should not be granted. 8 J, HOUTHIT, J. P. U.C. Office of Judge ef Vrebato, Julie 3d, 1870. June 8 ? J KIN8*S IWUNTfiiN MtUTARY SCHOOL, -- ? ? jl unn v A IjIjK) M> C? TUB Second 8ee?l?n of lb? Snhool rear of 187*. *ftft begin oo '^9K^ 1ST OF JUL* and end on the Jftth of Korenber. * ?fc^ Tbhx*?For School Eapeniee, ?., ToiHon, BaAl Stationery, A ^ Board in*, Ftpl, LiabU VM Wtubing?flV la o?rredcy, per NhWd yf ire aontba. . . For circular* containing ftafl particular*, apply to . Ool. a. coward, ' S-4 Principal and Proprietor,. ~ Nolle*. Meeting of Stockholders AirLi no Railroad. A GBNBRAL MEETING of iho STOCKJ\ UQtOjCKSirf tb.yKoaouM AlH LfWt SAail(>Al> COMl'ASY'aod of Iho Axa wIWPa Aii.*o?h com pa fy ov SOUIU CAROLINA, will bo held at th* Often of aaM Company, In the City of Atlanta. On- on TV Kit* M ^ ???A rfe? JUNE, 1870, fbr ibn t ran taction of ineh bu tinea* M ,k* " ' 1 _L,? 11 ' >?;??' lfotice TB wK*n II may iL, !^n'i41 10 B. J. SLSg, !??2l^I?jtos ?1*2:^ ?w- ~ a Guardian o? KIJ8HA H SJIITtfl ^ PE INSCKANCll tr m, \rwpppiPT?. , - 5 I J. T. PBTTTtL, Bwi Vlm-PmM.ot. * I , J. II. F.D4IONDS0N, U*neral Agent. 1 t hxTvncTJ lrfi> g * I toed on nil Policial lapeed by nonpayment of J F tbo Policy-holder, be paid blm in on?h on. the t lis per oetrt. internet to pay bl* future premium*, J full Mont. -if- . . . 5 r, no Lift) InturaAoe Company offbre euperior t icr-belderi, la dlTldenda, oa the oootyibutlan * .- 'jv 't>. -fc * t ;/ tbe United State*, Canada or Europe. TW A . ) ATE AGENT, COLUMBIA, 8. O. ? . , ? 4 3m iano ? * .<*' y rJff I I*** 11 I c i toe esc 1 p.r?; mm kmk , t -Mil ? ? ; v J XV f- \ x\ K;<* yt %Xk\ -In A trnran 1 * i nr?? jisiiiatjii <i jiMii i / ' i mum iiWli V ' * > 4 O i$s$tm > . : :t " 7: - hT'l"& OJi J Si -OL ?3E . do fc&w Sg?' i )Ji 93H , , j.;' 1 tf&miis f- ?? ' V" ~~ Br. M. A. Hunter A Co., DRUGGISTS, 3 Mam ion House Building* GREENVILLE. & C., Tf AVE rureliMeJ the Siotk In trtde, B B l'u?ii>?-?s mul goo I-will of Uwt*. Wwiwrteknd A D?rli in lh? MM II (J 14 Mil K f And hop#, by prompt attention and np ipt>t dealing, to abate the public pattonage. Our Stock wilt be kept in S3SS ??3B0355?ZSI, And made a* j COMPLETE AND PULL Aa any llo?? ?t lha kind in tli? up aoualry. < Dr. J. P. Hillhouso, 1 An old a?<l ?ocaeas<nl praeliitonar, wilt gi* > Ma personal attention to the eg ? j?c jp (D i?sr jw m a jw c? And putting np PRESCRIPTION*. pJT Liberal discounts made to rbyeiei^na. DK. M. A. HUNTKR. A A. *0?T?K. I Jane 12| Marble Yard, j, LAURENS C. H., S. CMAftBLK CUTTlia IN ALL IT8 Branches, done in the neatest of Stele, and of lha beat Italian and American MAKBI.E. Addreae JOSHUA KLLF.I>OK, - v "-i *,*- Lauren a Cob ft Hoiwe, H. 0. J tins 1 2 ly * Notice lo Contractors. CJKALKD HR0P08AL8 will b? i?rei\o<l at y Q thla Ottco until 12 o'clock, ?? T?t?tivy, tk. 6,1 July n?rt. *>t RBPAIRTNO TitTB MAW ('OritT HOUSE of this Oouatjr, .< i cardiac *? the apoci&catioba oa Sto at tbia J . Ba?d pad. SdcuttU for the faithful perfona- !j aeco of tbe Work will be rautrod. ALEX. MlBKB, h Chaina&a of Hoard Coontj CoaBfaiaaioaara. ; c<2flR tJSlSl ., Jr Juno d J amaivSi l CO to B?P*t 8*J?rf ot dltyioat grade () Hh'di Bf(?n Sides |d Bags Prime Rio Coffee [O Boxes Adamabthte Candles |{| Barrels Syrup ?S'.^ OO Barrolxyiou, K) Boxes Canty v OQ B?xes and Pkgs Tobacco ' ? ; tO Kegs Parker Mi* Nails o Tic roes Kentucky Kettle Refined Lard | Barrels Pure CWei> Villager IOOO f*Oond Pleofatlon-T rofl f tOO Pounds 8ole wtllW ' IO Barrels and P'kj(^ liackerpl, And a geooral BtocU uf GOODS is good nnd Chfcap as csfc be found in any Itoro in tke eeuntry. Parties wishing to purhase'by fhlr QuautltT Tot CASH, wobla ao rell to give net cell. DAVID ft STKADUiV. 31*, u 1~ *? - i. .1^ T. I'.;- .L: ; Money Wanted. A DESIRABLE ft** ?tOw?*l Msr/ V ehandine to to dwpto*d of, m Chenp is the Cheapest. AH goods warranted a* epreeents.l. Goods Freeh and of the Lafest kud Most approved SlvVa. Terms Cash. FOSTER & HUNTER. RECENT areessktne to n?tr Stock *1 Ladies' and Children's SHOES at THE CHEAP CASH STORE. &ENT8 Silk Hate, Latest Broadway Styles, Planteis Vtids Brim Soft lata, Gent's Panama and Straw (1ATS. AT FOSTER A HUNTER'S. A TUMBLE in prides in ilata and Dress l\. Goods at *&" THE QBRAP CASH'STORE. LINENS, Irish, BUy. UtiArrssed, Duck and Drills, Wt?itr and CMorwd. T(V.V*tl A 11UNTER. - ? > . ^ ' ? A . ^ , % A ; ? I J CASSIMERES, Tweeds, Jeane, Rock la lund (i?.od* and Salinetts, for sale at THE CHE A P. CASll STORE. CAMLETS, Coitonade* and Plad Domes iins. Fu&TRR A nnvrn? JHIRTINGB at 9c. r'r-g?id. j 3 FOSTER A HtTNTER. ' rONG Cliiihi, Hl?-ucli*<l I, 4-4 and 6 4. J Slireling an i IMIow-Cn?e Cot I on* at) Odilt*. FOSTER A HUNTER. 1 I^LAKNKIf. Whit a, Colored an* Oparn Gittire ami and Atlwnnl. FOSTER A IIU NT BR. /1w|R?A UIBHOK8. Frfncaa, Frills and I^ce*, at tlt? client) ca?n at ore ?.f FOSTER A HUNTER. June 1 > "4*" -if VDAnT/lTAna A JWMHWJIV UO EXCITEMENT! ajasaaMsa Sacrifice of Property. TO SEE IS TO BELIEVE! IT CAKE'S OLD STAND. Having opened the largest ml Most Extensive Stock v( DRY GO, * CLOTH1KG, BOOTS AND SIIOES, HATS, SHIRT8, srA/rosae, jawaLP-Y.j Vnd n great ntanj- article* too numerous to mention, nil Purcliun d at tlie TUMBLING DOWN BRICES KOll Ss id A'e intend to let litem Slide at itieli astontliinglj LOW FIGURES As to Htovml lite mr rjm r m w vc mm Time* ere Ilatd, Money Snares, and I ha I'KOI'LE POOR, And we In'er.d to RELIEVE their HEAVY BURDENS lly Offering | GOODS | TO Size Their Piles. Onr Steele la rery Extensive, our DaJBIAMTLDS Wl&?aSSfU?9 And our Deteimlnation ie ' ' n * K' tnd 8ell wa Will, and SF.LL we SHALL. Call one, call all, at arr'> Old Stand, Aa now Is tha time to Seeure tha GREATEST RARft AlKift _ ? . ? . ?^ m?% w Ertr Offered In this ?on n try. H. C. MASK. MT i'ertieular attautlon Paid, and Libral Oiaeonnt allow*d to Wholesale Buyer*. Oreenrille, 8. O, 17th May, 1870. May 18 08 8m itftnaway, FROM the uhaerlber. toy hound apprentice boy. BBNRT LOVKLaND. who aft my pr?mi*e* on Thurcday. 17th ull. laid boy i? about 17 years ?ld, 6| fwi high * iaa a toaih out in front, aod is blaok. A oltabia reward will be paid for any infornation ea to hie whereabouts. .. < R. HARKIHOH EARLR June 1# J t | thj' that the Beard it County Coram|* k 2BR5LS dun to tha County : the proOwda ot Mid boot maul of a Obunty <tlkletf pilot-1? 'he 'Air L na Omtnlnotonefre h? uualrnn A thy a rata of lha i be held on Saturday tU?f Sjldi uf June inat. An cdaatrueted through Ibo cdrporA'e tin. Its of the 'ha (jpnnly Ilood*. when iaaued, hall not bt aol Rvtolvd. That this Board wire nntiea- ihw Election wilt'bc held In the different towhebif* Jane, nubmUtiof- U? rat Wee t Urn m rejection o Knilrond, to the voters ?>( the County, Rfolved, Tliet the following pel eons be reqt to wit: [m?*aoiciis1 [TOvntwire] T.H.STOKES. VMS- BUNKl,t'W H. EVANS, I THOMAS HOPKINS, OAK LAWN, WM. WARR. -w J K. SAVAGE. T. H STALL, " *" FaITCVTEW. J. K 8TONE. S WM LF.N HERMAN, 1 WM.J.WBsT. > GROVE. Oept. J 9. ASII MORE. ) J. B. 11YDE. ) Dr. W H. AUSTIN, , I AUSTIN. HENRY HAYNE8, > BUTLER. A. KINGS. Jr. S u y.r *v * W. T. SHU MATE, GREENVILL1 0 T. HOPKINS. A.TAYLOR. G. W. KINO. ' CIIK.K8PR1KC W O. BAILKY.. I J. II A9HMORE, ,| J H LENDERMANi > GANTT. T.J.TURNER. 1 THOS. W. ROE. y K. N. COLF.MAN, ( PARIS MOUNTS R. F. HAW^.rfM. f J K. DlflWON. g, i ^ J. M. CARMAN, \ O'NEAL. A. J REESE. ) WM. WEST, 1 ft F. MILLER, > BATES. R J. W. HITT. ) B J.STEWART, ) J. SIDNEY GREEN, J HIGHLAND. M. ft. FOWLER. I . JOS BAKtON, Jr., ) THOS RF.ED. V GLASSY MOUIT J AS UOSNF.I.L. ) D W. HODGEs. h W. C. GOODWIN. > SALUDA. JOSHUA PRtRWITT. ) SOLOMON JONES, ) THOS. ItROWN, } CLF.VELANI W. TALLEY. > And thnl snid ninnng.-m report to this Hoi fore i lie ft lit Monday of July. JtCtotwrd, Thai then* proceedings of this Bo: t Uu-t two week# before the election. Jun 8 A ~W. **T, t! opposite tiij 1 ) Kits RBSPKCTFULLY to inform Ihn T.aAlmt J ) lii? on haml one of the I orgeat and boat ?olc< I'uil to give general Mitiafaetion, conalating of Window Shades fro Paper Hangings am Piano and liable Cc Oil Cloths and Enai Window Hollands 1 Damask and Lace i Cornices, Loops am Mattresses of all Ki Pillows and Cushioi AH order? ?-n tru?tc?l to liiii care, will meet with p 24: KING STREET, AND OPPOSITE 1 M nrcli .">0 4 5 State of South Carolina* j /. /J#rvvr/rri' enrerv In the Circuit Couit?In Chancery. ?T?:riiR!f 8. Wadk rs. (1. W. Yar?, et al.? Hill to Foreclose Mortgage, Ac. T)Y virtue of the Decretal Order of Judirc > If Orr. mode In the above ruse, I will sell J to the highest bidder, at Greenvillu Court House, on Saiesdey in July next, the Mori- Y gaged Premises dcacrihcd in the XIill, vis: All thai Tract of Land, situated partly in tbo Counties of Pickens and Greenville, lying on both aides of Saludn River, eontaining Two Hundred and Sixty-three acres, more or leas, upon which ia located the Woolen ntid Cotton Factory, 13ciat and Saw Mill, known as the " Farr Mill." This ia valuable property, and worthy the attention of capitalists dcirn'g an investment; It ia located about seven miles from the city ef Greenville, and tlie water-power thereof i* seldom rorpasacd Taints Cub. Purchasers to pay tor stamps ? and papers. vr. A. MrDAXIBL, C. C. C. P. Clerk's Otlce, June 7, 1*70. Juno SV . 3 A The Columbia Pkunix end Charieatoe iu Com for wdl copny twice a week till day of sale, bird send bill forthwith to W. A. McItaniel. ???'* *> Ml?i>iii|)t,l,i|tt,ii| ,fh3 Mf? mmmm:4 SOUTH CABOtlWA OmBAL AOENCY PIEDMONT * AJU.INQTOW UPB IWSO- 1 HANOE COMPANY OP TINCHNIA, Asm. Md, 18T0. An 0*PT. PAM'L. D. SHANNON, of Carodee. j ban been appointed SUPBRINTKNDKNT OF rot AUKKCIJKU for South Carolina and South J Georgia, vice Capt. t>B6. B. LAKE, resigned. Parties desiring Apmelei, wiH address him at Georgia. Leapljeart, Jnfferson ft Ransom, I General Agents South CarolinaJEFFERSOI ft RA.ISOfl, Gen'l Agents So. Ca. and Georgia. J Majr 25 t 4 * ' r Wheat Thrashing* B rPBK undkIisioned are now prepared ' J. to THRASH WHEAT, RYE ANI>OAT8, AT THEIR -w PAPER MILL, l, HAVING AN EXCELLENT ~ FOK THE PURPOSE, I With dr spat oh and In a manner surpassed by ao oire, the only TOLLCHARGEl> will vn be tbe STRAW. 0/ Bring along yon* grain. rial j banmiStee & son Si; Graen villa i'aper Mil), May 241 h, W70. May 26 i In j FOR SALE OR TO RENT, ~ I , A Comfortable DWELLING, a containing aaree Room*, and MSlBTSI' all nocessary Out-Bail dings, OkHcBflk within a few minutes walk ?i VI Fuimao University. For particulars apply to V T. Q. DOXALDSOH. Tm November *4 * 27 V ' ^ ft* "if rM- ? ' * oils I' '.> loners Jwoe iwp hundred theWNtnd doi reel at (herate of uwn par eenV, P*f lo be receivable for la*?S mod oilier le (when etfldVto be applied to Ih* parKail road. /VovuM, The Mtloo of the people' of the Ooanty at an eleettoo to J iff intflft AHWr YMt ttnf^nilrjifd ^o City of Greeuville. And prmidtd, That d for lew than aeventy-five (76) cent* od rtigh [ thp? patera of thle City, that an > ci (lie County, on Saturday, the tB'-b f their aetlon in regard to the Air Line leated to aet oa managers of the election, J* A. CHANDLER'S, i t p tiriDV* - ? " r ! ALEX. THOMPSON'3.... : . , I * CASWELL JOHNSONS. ! BETHEL 11' - ' , HENRY*. STROUD** . * ( > v,-, -E ; . V ? i *4 ' ' E. COURT HOUSE. 4 * ?. J ALFRED TAYLOR'S. t !W. 0. YEAR0INT5. KEEBT RIVER CHURCH. GROCEH | WM. WESTS. T J. MITCHELL^ TAIN, j OW). CENTER'S. J.. LIMA CHURCH. ). J SOLOMON JONES'. ?rJ tlie refult of die election on or bend be publirbed In Hie 'City paper* for If wg. E BlG BOOT, an?l PuWio of OroenrtHo Cnnty, tbat be ctcd Stock*, aud at aucb price* is will not m $1 to $5? il Decorations, >ycrs, mclled Cloths, for Shades, Curtains, 1 Centers, inds, is, &LC. >r?mpt attention and all good." warranted. NIK UKJ HOOT IN TI1E BKND. 3m* ill EAT REDUCTION IN HIDES. Co the Tanners. VK AKK OFFERING OUR STOCK OF DRY, SALTED AND FLINT H I D ?3 S At Greatly Reduced Rate*: IKaey Salted, Dry, 14 cents Light Salted, Dry, 144 cents Flint, Salted, Dry, IS cents Kip, Salted, Dry. $2.10 cents Caires, Salted, Dry. $1 25. M. GOLDSMITH A SONS. Charleston, S. C., May 25, 1870. 2-1 m Spring Millinery. SaS. ?,?0 .33!3SS&333S ? WOULD INFORM ^TIIF. Ladle* nt Greenville and vioin?y, that sho be* opened her IMMO MILLINERY, To whleh abe calls Ibe attention of tboee making: purohacv* in tbia liae. Her prioes are tiEASONABI* Ee d aha will take pleasure in esbibing ber GOODS. \ call is drrircd before buying, as she fkela | 18dent of pleasing. April 13 47 8m GREENVILLE >APER MILLS. . Bannister & Son, or ALL KINDS or ( Dok, News* Wrapping and j Colored i IIOIIK8T CASH PRICK PAID FOR Clean Cotton or Linon UAU8. Is; tt I 1; - Notice 3 hereby given to all whom it may coneern, that 1 will apply to A. J. Doathlt, Pro Judge of Greonrille County, for a Final charge as Administrator of the Kstate of WARD DILL, deceased, oa (As 1?rt rfoy J?ne nlet i therefore all parties baring i ims against said Estate, must present them j ne er the Probate Judge, on or before said , or be debarred. TIIOMAS A. CAMPDKLL, lay l?th, 1870. Administrator, lay 18 52 5 WM. P. PRICE, TTORNEY AT LAW _ 3AHLQNE6A. QA? 17"ILL practice in the Oowaties of Lrumpf kin. Dawaoo, Ottassr, Fannia, Union, < m?. White and Ball. ?10 33 tf EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ^ Columbia, May IS, 1870. . WHEREAS, official information hw been eommnnleated to til la Depart ment, that Mr. THOMAS A. HOI.TZOLAW, i peaceable and worthy eillaea of tha Coan Lt of Greenville, waa brutally murdered oa tha night of Sunday, tha lat of May inatant, hy aome peraoo or paraooa uuknown. Now. know ye. that t, ROBERT K. SCOTT, Governor of the Slate of South Carolina, Jn order that juatioe may be done, and the majeaty ot tha law viad'eat-d, d? h*raby off?r a reward of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehension and delivery, In any jail of thie Stale, of the murder ar or murderera of oaid Thomaa A. Holts elaw, with prpof to conviot, or for aueh io . formation aa may lead to their arraet and j conviction. ( i Iltndmolif whereof, I have hereunto Mt nj band, nod MU??d the great real of 8^8 the Btftte to be affixed, at Columbia, 8 j 8 tbi* Kth day of Way, A. f>. 1870, and Saocfi 'n *bc ninety fourth year of the Independence o! the United Statea of America. ROBERT K. SCOTT. Governor. F. L. Ca*i>oea, Seeretarv of 8tate. Jun 1 t 8 GENERAL MARKING i ? w m'u Tiiave bken through my stock and Marked Down all Goodinnon which there hu been any In the New York market. Have already received a TO MT STO OS., And will receive a LARGE SHIPMENT THIS WEEK, Axn ANOTHER NEXT WEEK. . My Stuck will be u LARGE AND VARIED Aa usuul, and will be COLD AS LOW As any of Ibc same quality of Goods can, or will to sold in THIS MARKET. Purchasers arc invited to call and examine my Slock. No charge for And polito attention guaranteed every customer. W II. UOVEY. Ap 6 AC tf YOIIR ATTENTION is conniALUv isvitbd to the " Henderson County Kentucky Land Sale \ G lr o 0 0 ^rize Scheme Regularly CHARTERED ?'T the Legislature of Kentucky, endorsed and recommended hy every leading official in the State, and over 500 of her most prominent citizens. This splendid scheme embraces. 611 PRIZES. $314,320 Comprising vne lAoutaaU acre* of the richest river bottom tobacco farms in the wealthy county ot Henderson, Kentucky, with all their appurtenances. CAPITAL PRIZE, $160.000! SMALLEST PRIZE. $80 Also about $20,000 in GRKENIIACKS, the rent money of the property for the years 1809 and 1370, to be distributed to the winners of the firti term prises respectively. Rent for 1869, wae ill2 per acre. TICKETS FIVE DOLLARS, The Drawing will potiiiretq take place JULY 4th, 1870. at MASONIC TEMPLE, LOUISVILLE, KY. Hundreds of the best citizens, have given unqualified certificates and endorsements of this mnguificmt mterprite. Ev J uvuvr Iinnioa oy nrKM noiaers, is uoia in trust by the commissioners tbe Legists ture, until the drawing takes place and prises are delivered. Income of the property for last 15 yours has averaged 830,000 A YEAH. In order t<? have your tickets properly registered, bay at once of yonr nearest club agent, or remit to cither of the following flitancitil peats, who will furnish full descriptive circulars : I,. If. l.VNE, Cash'r Farmers Rank, Henderson, Ky ; 11. Ii. ALEXANDER. Commercial Rank, Louisville, Ky ; JOHN C. LATHAM, Pres. Rank Hopklnsville, Ky ; JAMES L. DALLAM, Commercial Bank, Paduoah, Ky ; B. <>. THOMAS, Cask. Oba. and Rept'r Lexington, Ky ; W. B. TYLER. Cashier Deposit Dk., Owenshoro, Ky ; SEMONIN DIXON A CO., Kvansville, Ind. noon club an cars wasted etervwiier*. May 4 60 0 NEW STORE. ? C2I1T H. OOODLBTT RBAPECTFl'Li-Y informs tbe Publia that bo baa eommeaoed Business again at Ibe Old Stand of LONG A GOODLETT, IVhere be baa just openad a portion of bia Stock, conalating of lDIR'Sr d> ? ? IB) S9 Groceries, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Ac., Ail of which were bought at low figures, and will be sold for C A 19 ft OR BARTER nt iiikhi anrance on t'Mt. lie ioltrlU n share of the public patronage. Ap 6 40 tf SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER. WOULD respectfully Inform the public that h? has Removed to a room in tha OLD COURT llOUSK, where he will be prepared to rcc-lve cuatomera es hereto* Fore.' Deing e Prott**ir*\*l Barber, he hopes, by attention to business*, together with politenrM to ail. to merit a portion of public patronage, in CUTTING, SHAVING i?ND SHaMT OOINO. ?n 2() U tf JMlSSMcKAY^ FASHIONABLE MILLINER, Main-Street, Greenville, t. C., HAS on hand n Urge and well-earorWd Stock of Spi log and Summer MILLINERY. . Hate and Bonnet* of ail tha latest style* ; Flowers, Ribbon*, llair and Jet Good* at rery low priee*. Rundown* at Me. each. May A 60 3m WATCHES, CLgflfcj^~ Jewelry, Ferioeopic Sp|flBH| i MsmmMuki ? ? w .dJgppt, 1 iripuea. Best refer* a ear fir an. JAMRW G. RLACK. 1 June 30 ? $ |f ' ? - i ?h?.. L'Jisii ? a >-t _'j ? crfeS "^ri^y. f?y . 1 Wl* lirS^Sr. or weakness, dauuny, and low spirits. SosseUmea, some of the aters ?ri?9?e*ae *?** ? the disease, and M Mkw tftasse. twj Km ef -then* r bat th? Lirar U generally the organ Bsost UfolTod. CuVo the tlrtr wHh DR, 8IMNRM* LiVorRe^ulat^?. A preparation of roeta and barbs, warranted to bo strictly vegetable, and oan do bo InJttrx to any one. -r. It hu been aaad by hnadrede, and >? for the last 36 years as oua of the most reliable, effloaoioui and barm less'preparations aver offered-to the soffering. If taken regnfarly '* nd persistently, it is auroto own. ' - ' r . Dyspepsia, headache, oladder, camp dysentery, affections ef the hidneys, fever, nervoosaeas, cbills, diseases of tba skin, imparity of the blood, melancholy, or depression of spirits, hsartbnm, eelie, ar pa His in the bowels, pain in the head, diver and agar, QropiJ, Don*, pa HI ID DDCK DOa I1BDD, utbmt, eryaipelaa, female affection*, and btl? liona diaeaaoe gumllf. Prepared only by J. H. ZXlLIJf * CODragglate, Mooec, Qa. Prico $1: by mail $1.26. The following highly reapectable parsona can fully attcat to tbe virtuee of tfeia valuable medicine, and to whntn we moat reapectfblly refer: Gen. W 8 Holt, Proaident 8 Tf Elt Company ; Rev. J R Folder, Perry, <itu; T 0 Markley, 8outh Carolina. For aale by all Druggiata. Jan 19 3& 6m T MAPTVlTirBP'fl MAF.BLB WOEES, Ilrond-sl., Augustn, Ca, MA RBLE MON UMKNTS, ss?oaBlA?. MARBLE MANTLtS, AND FURNITURE, MARBLE OF ALL KINDS ON HAND, OR FURNISHED TO ORDER. zw All work for tb? Coun'ry carefully boxed for clitpmeoL Oct 6 20 ly PftVMS CHttLS &C^T\ S^g" ferFMm^niffiC 1) " 'vbopbtET^'u ? wholesale druggist. cmarlegtqkis.c. N. B. Tli?r CcmniWrioner of Revenue lias clfcidfd thai any dcalrr can mII Ihii artiela without a fecial lions*. For rale l-y .DAVID & STRADLRY, Wholesale nnd Retail Grocers end Coramission Merchants, Grvenvillo, S. C. Mor 30 * ? 46 6m ' JOHN B. BE1ERS, (LflRIST & LAIDSCAPE EAHHU. tAND gives his close Vegetable OarWith a large experience, be is confident of giving satisfaction ^ to thoae employing Orders left at this offioc will be attended A Mar 30 , 44 ; Jf ^ Farm for Sale. T for sale, my FARM, situated on _|_ Booth Saluda River, nineteen miles above the City of Greenville, and containing Fmir i Hundred and Sixty A cm. There are two hundred and twenty-five acres in cultivation, one hundred and fifty of which is river hotI torn. The improvements ere good, eight or ten acres of Clover. For fhrther particulars, annlv to ?a? tffned. Mrs. A. G. FBASTER* GiwarUfe, S. C., May Itch, 1870. 52-4 TOTV* VEGETABLE^ arrant vsmi Cures dUeesea of I he Liver end Stomach. TUTT*S EXPECTORANT A pleasant eu'? for Gonghe, Oold?. Jte. Tims KA USA PARI LI.A AND QUEEN'S DELIGHT the treat Alterative end Blood . Porifier. TUTT'S IMPROVED HAIR UYK. Warranted the heat dye in osa. Theae standard preparations are for sole by Druggists everywhere. Oct ? ly. COMFORT and Ctare for the Rnptared.~Seot poet paid en raoeint of II eta. Address Dr. E. B. FOOTK (Aetbor of Medical Common Sense), No. 120 Lexington Avenue, NC* ?OTh. AWAY with Spectacles. Old ejes made new. easily. without <lr>< /.- ? .. .. Bool p*t paid on rtotlpl of 10 cnti. Address Dr. K. B. FOOTS, ltd Lexington Avenue. Hew York. Mar 10 48 Ota* Notice IS borehy gWen to nil wbeus H may teleMa, ? that I will apply tft 8. A. South it, Froto Judge of Greeny lUe County, on t*? 17tA cfny of ?*rr, for n Ftnal Discharge m Guardian of BLLEN II, A U8YIN. D M, PSDEH, Ooardian. May 10tb, l?T0, ?g-S W. X. ttlllT. * ?. Q. VKLV.0 EA8LEY * WELLS, Attorneys sad Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY. GRKRHV1LLB, 8. 0., T>* kCTIO* hi the Coerm of the Bute end I of the United Stetee, and give oriental attention to eases in Bankruptey. trim IS ^ *