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p$>:" A VlaiA ^ ft. Ah* jji V J v^5Lff53& JKJ3!*" W? M Mm pl?iM* M moftiog a Mai fa*t far Orr?n#<xtxf ?t>d Atlfchbortaad fa Abb**ill?, oft fftdtadi; loot. 1W plan (or* h*r? had pfonly cfroin rrc'ootl/. wb*o( woo injur*J h Ufa Oorly ?priog drouth, b*t oV tboogli tbo orop it aoijMarjr iiioooaad aad good. Foil ooto were oiuoh ii.jurod, and t'10 irirlnr croo ihortoood : th* roitio how. erer btrt improved the oaU very mg?h, and a tolerable crop will bo tnide. Cotton and coca crop# arc ttaoeoally bock ward, bat both arc bow paiUnf tkiir growth tigoroooly, and a fair crop may ho made with favorable aeaaon ia the taromcr. There ic too liulo corn pkotcd, ac every body Bow admit*many ot tbe planter* arc buy. lag com just tow, at two dollar* per booh* i el. The planter* will find it aceraeary to pay mora and more attention to provieioo <K. a>.w..:ii. u-,.t. ..11 ..i . -?r- --- * i-ieJ to lb* production of grain m well woot> . ton. At B?Hon we met Judge Oau, J. P. Rxc?, Esq , end Mr. DaSikl Biown, of Anderson, With Jons T. Sioas, President of the Savan. nah Valley Railroad, all oo their way to attend the meeting at Abbeville, C. II., of ' the friende of the enterprise. They are sanguine that if the Blue Ridge Road ie 1 built, that the Savannah Vnlley will be a I. 1 to, as a matter of conrse. The scheme is 1 new to run from Anderson, C. H? to Ab- ' heville C U? thence by Dorn's to Aogueta. 1 Judge Ona said that if Augusta gives prop* ( er nid and assistance to the project, as he ^ thinks that city certainly will, the Georgia connexion with the Blue Ridge Road at Clayton will be abandoned. Georgia, it rettas, will be content to receive the freights from Anderson. It is said that these will go by Angnsta ultimately on the Port Roy a I Railroad, to the new city that is to rise i on the harbor near Beanfott, in this Stste. 1 We cannot abandon the mature opinion 1 that it would be worse than useless to con* 9 struct the Savannah Valley Road from An- '' dersor. to Augusta when the State I as it in n its power to have tVie freights of the Tlhte *' Ridge bestowed on our own roads and cit- * ies. The extension of a road from Ninety " Six to Aiken, and corncctirg there with the n South Carolina Railroad, and <xtendinga connexion also si'li the Port Royal Road- p would do eveiy tiling for ihe interests of the Blue Ridge Bond, and of the whole Slate that could be trade out of it for the e Stale and roede of Soiitb Caroline. If the Clayton tap is abandoned by Georgia, we are willing to concede that it will not make ]j the Blue Ridge so txc'uiively a contributor e to Georgia interest at Ike expense of this t State, for Port Royal might be built op and e would get some of the freights by way of e Augusta. . S This is an age of railroads, and it seems y tbfit wise people, like the Anderson folks and the Georgians, are deteimined to avail themselves of tvery opportunity for secure ^ ~ ing them. The more people enjoy the ben- t efils of isilroads, the more enlightened they become on the subject, and the more active 1 to secure them. The tiiumphaut success of the vote lor subscription to the Air-Line Railioad in M cklenburg County, North A Carolina, is a proof of what we s?y. We p inu?t believe that the people of Spartan- I burg and Greenville Counties will show 1 themselves a* sensible and just to them- ? selves as Georgian^ Andersoiiians and 1 Norih Carolinians; we cannot believe that ^ tbey will fall behind every body else?the 1 vote on the 25th June will show. i tw Remember the Railroad { Election on Saturday, 25th inst. : Greenville will then make or ruin t itself. Let all vote for it. i The Rural Carolinian. 1 This valuable agricultural journal is nevrcr behind the times. Prompt in its publication ' and timely in its topics, it shows itself fully ' alive to the actual present needs of the farming community. Its conductors seem to know exactly what its readers want, (or ought to want,) and to have always at hand tfau right 1 kind of matter for their instruction. The ] June number furnishes a good illustration of this remark. The liat of contents speaks for itself: Canse and Prevention of Rust ta Cut ion; Minding the Ground?showing tbe ben- t efiU of mulching ; The Cultivation of Celery ? j Propagation by Budding (illustrated;) Iron j and its noes?the Atlanta Rolling Mills ; In- , dnatrial Schools ; Irrigation in Eastern Spain ; Education for ibe Agriculturist; Immigration ^ and Direct Trade ; The Sisal Hemp Question ; My Pear Experience; Domestication of the Ostrich ; Chinese Immigration?an Adverse View; Labor and Wages, and Immigrants fur the South; Notes and Queries; Correspond- * enee; Literary Miscellany, with original po- ft ems by Mr. Siinms and Dr. F. 0. Tichnor; v Rural Architecture ; Hygiene and Honsehold tl Economy; Scientific Notes and Industrial e< Items, with " Brief Mention " of msny otber l' things. Published at Charleston ; price, two dollars a yaar. ... ^ V tw Let all laborers vote for ' the Air Line Railroad ; Laborers c will get from one dollar to one dol- c Inr and fifty cents per day for their work. _ V'v-1 . <[.. A Btllroid Circular, ^ The Executive Committee of the Air- t Line Railroad enterprise In Greettvifte j County, have put forth an able eireutar, a addressed to the voter* of title County, t which, we trust, will be thoroughly dlesetn t snated. Wm hone all tha friend* at the itmiire will lake take pain* to rrad and eircwlate it among all elaftea. We would poblith tha eireolar, but the reader# ef the , EnUrprin bare been furniabed with argn* < in ante for the suheeriptioa from time to < time, and we truat all of than bare wade ( up their aiod already to rota for the Air , Line. Next Saturday week ia the lime for roliog, let tba friend* of progreea rally to tha pollr. It ia the beat ehaoee they will anon bar* of ahowing a regard for their ( wo and the people'* welfare. m + t f The Greaorllle Literary Club will j meet at the reaidenee of Mr. Jaliaa C- , Smith, on next Friday the 17th iaat., at , eight o'eioek. Fe?eyiaf, Eew. William | j Wrtnaw, IX D.? abjee*, a Yindleetfoo ef | f the Legal Frofeeaioo. ' * \mn more twit, fa/columtk ud Aearuata will be brought a#, to GrweuylUe ; be who SC S& nd eo em io proportion. T1i?h tr? moderate Mtf?ll(t001 Lend owners, vote for the 1 Air Line Bttilroad ; jour property will double in vnlue. Taking the Oaaatt*. Fust Wuiumvl, who haa baaa appointed to Uh the Cenaua of the tower half of Greenville County, hea enter, d upon the discharge of hie official dutUu. At the lawful officer epDointrd for the norooa*. our people should endeavor lo give all the | information asked lo their power, cheerfully snd aatisfiictorlly. Ho one has yet Veen appointed for the upper half ef the County, those aorafoeted haviag ?1 of I he in drelitied. ' - - * ,, < . ' - ' . i Wiprosa Kitten. We understand that the < ffiee ot the 8cnth? era Express Company at this plaee, is to t>e removed to a more central and eonreneat part of the City. A wagon is also >oon to be plaeed at the eerrioe of the Agent* fob the room speedy and prompt lellrery of goo-Im. Title latter is a con* retiience long seeded by our buaine-s men tnd community in general. Ma. Jobs McKay oontinuaa to attend to he offier, giving the Company entire satisact ion. It is gratifying to make thb above statencuts. Ballou's Monthly Mngns'no. The July number of Ballon t monthly Yfnnn?eaa* ia t lt? ??' ?,u - mi ? ? *..? vvMiiiiruvriiiciii ui tnv lnir y second Volume, lu popularity ia now o great that no Magazine in 4lie country land* higher in estimation of Ihe people i or genuine interest and excellence. Kach 1 umber contains 100 pages of reading matrf?stories, poems, histoiicnl crents, wit n?f linmor. a housekeeping department, r.d from sixteen to twes'y ilturirations of oted scenes and plne?*s. All ll>?a ean be btained for $1.50 per ve*r> r fifteen eente ingle copy; and club terms are even henper. Tmomks A Talbot, B >?ton, Mass., ?e the publishers. lermon in the Court Bouse by a Colored Woman. On Monday night last, a colored woman deivcrcil a sermon in the Court House. She ia ndearoring to raise funds in tho interest of be African Methodist Episcopnl Church, and ^ otnes from Virginia. The houaa was crowd d, and she realized quite a handsome sum.? ^ he wai black, rnd her delivery is said to he cry distinct. fjgr* Business men, vote for the ( Ur Line Railroad; Business will ( ?e increased four fold. desirable Feature in the Transportation I cf Freight. i Wo bare received a cull from Mr. II. P. 1 dams, who is connected with Adnms Kx- < rcss Company, who informs us that the or- ' ;anixotion bo represents, recognising the < rants of the public, in conjunction with the < louthern Express Company, has arranged an 1 Express Freight Line from New York, l'liila- I elpbia and Baltimore, through which faciliics are offered for tho Quick Transportation 1 f Heavy Freight by Express Freight Train, I naking the time an avernge batween Express 1 ind regular freight or Steamer Lines, and at {real reduction from Express rates. This arrangement will be very acceptable o all who receive freight, as two inveniences sill be remedied. lVa will not have to pay he high rates of the regular Express, nor inffer the long delay of the old freight travel. The Agents of the Southern Express Company throughout the South, will furnish rates and particulars opon application. Producers, vote fur the Air-Line Railroad-; everything you make will have a better mar ket. Wheat Cutting. The harvesting of the Wheat crop has kimmeneed. From ell quartera we hear it very good, although with aome the grain aa little light; not withstand ing thia, flour rill be aboodant and cheap. We hope to ee the price of corn come down at once rem ita high priee. ?? ? ? The Weather. i We have still an abundance of rain, not 1 a much as heretofore, however. Our farm ' ra report their crop* a? progressing aalia- ? tetorily. the core ia email, but healthy and J igoroue; th<-y are extremely buey, and f teir usual industry, with a continual ion of , laeona. will have a charming effect Upon ?e country in the fall. t . ? h Let everj property.bolder j rote for the Air Line Railroad ; it ? vill enhance the value of all tpe* J ics of property one hundred per t entuin. ' ^ ^ t __ I Death of W. OUaeoro Blrams, Esq. The Charleston papers record the death, on j leiurday last, of thia gifted aon of South Ce- t olioe, wboae poetry and proee are faaslllUr to ' lie renders of the State and of the South,? | la was horn in Charleston in 1806, and was other of e long list of works?bis flrat balag 1 nought oat In 1837. Ills demise will throw i shadow of gloom over the State. Death of Charles Dlokena. A despatch from London contain! the itaiemeni ei me oeam of ( nam I'luiui, vhieb ooeorred rather aoddmly, on Tbin* lay Wet. Hit literary fame wee world wide. He wee l>ora id IS)2. We expect to give In our next a eketeb of the life of the diatioguiehed deceased. er If Greenville secures the Air Line llailroad, she will pay Columbia prices for cottou. AiwaofT W. Doaiaa, Keq.. (father of Prof. P. C. Doaiaa, of the Pern ale College of Mi City,) of Rio Viata. Califorfla, a aatlva tad long ? reaidont of Ooorgotowa and fjjlacaabarg, in thla State, died In Ma adopted ' State, on the 2d inat. He atoed high In the atfaaatlon of thoee who lraew him. *Pmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmm Dot b? bollt ?n?f u ?*? *? beoa nlW?d , hy y promi??t railroad mon." wjofcsro nirwdil ||? mHi%? ft pi? of Ut^ , Ws suggo* t* ths Jl*atfft*ft>htiktka3Lfc , U biker to th? tbo?fht with thooo.wso fbo? ?ho in iu ialorinalioo Is d?rlrt4. ' - 1 Carolina Life Iwftnraneft CoApost. Tho ottrallon of oar reader* to cohod to the odTocttoowlwt of tho ikor? no mod Insurance i Conn pony. Aa will bo ssaa, It has for IU . Prootdoat our honored K*.Prc#idont, itrrup . on Dans, tl Is doftbtlsss a food Company f lasas> a lib. Mt O. hmsi, tteaosftt Wtat* 1 Agent, Culttmble, 8. C. . ' ? ?? " .. s ,( Pnbllfl Doeuntsnts. Wft rstora thanks to Hon T. J. RoiurS , row for oopios of Haydsu's Geological 8or ey of Mow Mexico sod Colorado, and for Ikt Kenort of th* D?nanm?ni ?? ?> ' ( VI l*JU|? tot* for 1868. " ? . School Tiuateea. The fallowing UDtd.ptrtoDi were elected In Dwwltlln School District, Mo. 1, on the SOth | May r Bow. A. ?. firm, Aliiji McDAvid and Jakob O. Gaikks. m < > '!> not fail to vote for I be Hail road on Saturday, 25th; it it will put us nearer New York and New Orleans. Fn the Greenville Enterprise Mfr?. Editori?The internal felt by this community in the tucceaa of the Air Line Railroad project doc* not appenr to mo to he at alt commensurate with the importance of the aubject. True, we have bed at ratal meetings of our eitiaena, and hare had aoaae good apeochea made in ita favor by Messrs. Boycs, Hyde, Donaldson and Allan. I--* ? " - I ? ??>? ? aid in the papers about it. and it ?moi? to me that the community do not talk as much 1 bout it as they should, if they properly appreciated its importance. If we can succeed in getting the road, it will be the making of the County and City ; while if we fall, Green- ' Tills must go down, down to nothing. Wo all know quite welt that our only chnnce for It { is to carry the election on tbe 2iih inst. We are to hare a campaign document gotten up ( by a committee, bnt it ought already to be in | leery rotor's bands; and srerybody ougbt to i alk to srerybody else about the road, and cs- ' >ecially ought erery one who understands the ubjeet to enlighten (be colored people in ro- C tsrd to tbe importance, and particularly in ? eference to its imtncdlato effects upon them. 1 dost of tbe-Important considerations connect- n d with the building of tbe read hs?? been liseaased by the t pes frees to whom I bare eluded, yet in my JaAgascoi they aU feUred to 1 xpress themselves as Strrngty lo favor of the ' obq m uieir opiuiuua ol Us value or(*4 thom io do. Mr. Bojrs teemed a .'raid to soy IHst lb* stock would U as gtsd as (Ua bast Oaor[ls Railroad stock, although be must bore believed it was. Any one who will look at the bast maps of the country, will at once per:iera the importance of this connecting link between New York and the whole south westtrn part of North America. It shortens the lino of travel so much between New York and New Orlcuns and the whole sou'livwcst, even through Texas to the city of Mexico, and thence on to the Pacific Ocean, that a very large portion of the whole travel mast pass over it. No line can be had on the north be tween it and the mountains, and any line touth of it would lengthen the route. It is passenger travel, which pays best, even when tarried at very low rates. The parties who lave contracted to construct tbo road have ?cn these things, hence they take stock lib. irally in payment. They think it will be imong the best paying stock in tho world and therefore get as much of it as tlicy can. Their appreciation of its value should of itrelf induce the County to take all it can pay for. We have our bonds to give for stock, and on these we shall bo obliged to pay one or two years interest, until the road gets into working order, and then the dividend, which must inevitably be declared by so good a road, will not only pay all the interest but leave a surplus to help pay our eouniy taxes, and then the stock would sell for more than enough to pay the bonds. Every pnrt of the County has an interest in so good an investment, not of its cash but of its credit, for it it its credit alone that will he used, except for the first few years. Tho plain fact of the matter is. that other people, seeing the advantage o. the road, offer to come and build it for us, expending millions of dollars among us to d? it, while they only auk 11a to aid a little. If tbe effect of building the road I upon the labor of the country ia understood by , tbe colored laborer*, not one of them will fail to vote for it. It will give them $1.50 for a day'* work all the time the work I* going on, | and thnt about their borne* ; while all of them , tnuil know that it cannot increase tbeir taxes, ( (except those who have property, and not ( then, only as all others pay,) for the Rtate Con- , atitution provide* that no tax shall be levied, ' except tbe poll tax now paid fur *cboot pur- ' poses, unless it he upon property. I.ei the 1 colored laborers vote for the road ; get the ' wages up to $1.60 per day for a year or two, 1 and tbey never will come down again. This 1 tbe farmer will say, operate* against him, hot such will not be the ease. In the first place, the planters or farmers will take eontraota on " tbe road ; employ the laborer*, pay them $1.60 0 >er day, and make $2.60 or $3.00 out of every f, lay'* work done. Then when tbe road i* An* 0 ?hed, tbe farmer'* produce will be clo*c to ? Vashington City, Baltimore and New York, p rhero beef is worth 26 to 30 cent* per pound, ^ .nd where the produce from an acre of strawterries is worth several hundred dollars ; and be peaches and other fruit, now almost lost to e dm, will be sold at high ratas, so tbe farmer n an afford to pay higher for lobor, Just as is # lono In tbo North. Wo shot! got lime to onich our land at a nominal cost, and tbo road [ives us a good market for all wa ean make. 2 The country wilt double In population utmost fa >eforo we kaow it; and anyhow tbe road leave y is not only what money we put into it but a jraat sum brought to us and expended on our * labor, by others. This couatry has never yot seen, aor has it ii I reamed of the prosperity which the construolion of this road will give it. Do, for God's take, push for tbe road, and get every body " ilse to help. Our all depends upon ft; but fi let us take ear# and plaee tbe stock In such a bands that we shall not be cheated out nf It. . In my judgment, Mr. Bnyee'e suggestion on Ibis point is very Important. OBO. W. MORSE. ^ Raicso \r?a ?Are railroads beneficial to a \ r.a--.r.I? I L>;~ki ? * r?li'.i mg-.vco jwmrw (??, wnfn lot . Germans purehaeed lande In thla county, at an average of $1.36 par aero, onr people t thought t'hem cheated The landa a boot a Walhalla ware then considered dear at fitly i cent* per acre. We now Me them void in ( lota on Main atreet Irons $100 to $700 per aere, nnimproved : and f?r a barren b ackleek ridge we hare a thrfvlag market town. ' The beet farm la the county rated at from < $1,600 to $3,000 and now readily bring from t $0,000 to $10,000. Railioada create a roar- | ket, which enhance* the velae of farm products, and beaee, of real aetata [Jgireiaaa Courier 4 ? imi ?? . 1 Too might aa well try to thampoo an tU ' ephaot with a spoonful of aoopeuda ae to try ' to do a good buaineaa without advertising. I ~? 4 A- O. Wall Ac* baa been oowfirmaj by 4 the Sedate ae Collector of die 11 SI C. Die- i trict. I A Aifcjji wm | Tbb l?ar?M fUife-oad Co. tin a S4|?l | bankrutaoo lit* lOife u)t.fiD<U^thf Million ',j ?f iBToWklafjr ^n^r^ *' ^ lJ?iort?? * ** Do what y?B will, fj what you * Kot W yoflw.tit th? bWt and mo*t paiatabl* J ?^rwpperw?*r, UM-BUHIR pir- ? ? ? . ? A rstmnrroL Iragsdy otrturred on the 7th, In twenty six Ward, Philidalphia. A man a*mad Wli)Um 8trattoo murdered kin b*> * Irothsd, Amelia MtLaOghlln,. and lh?n com- < milled auioi?l?. I Tiia ocnaua-takers will be pleaaed to hear ' of an increase of their p?y fifty per cent,, ? the tfteasttrs hating pawed both llouses of i Congress tIT* oily-two death* are reported in ( Charleston for the week ending June 4; 16 < white* and 27 oolored. 11 wer* lea* than 1 1 year old ; 1 between 90 and 100, tW Sevan thousand fite hundred dollar* I hate been contributed by two persons, dur i ing the past year, (o the endowment fund i of the Presbyterian Theological "Sominafy at Columbia, 8. C. , ? Ma. Ponocx hne obtained the great fa'h- 1 er of turtle*? a lggerhrad, weighing 239 i pounds. This, we hvlivva, is the largest of I Ihe species aoiphih? which has eter teen i seen in Columbia ?Phonii*. j I Bsroaa the close of [ihe present year j Milwaukee will bo ihe eastern terminus of . over two thousand miles of railway. A 'I few years ago Milwaukee stood on the wea 1 tern verge of civilization. . A violsKt roriliquako has vislled Ihe Slate of Oaxnens, in Mexico, killing 108 people and wounding ntany o'hera. The earthquake* extended to the mines, wltce people were also killed'. Dkatii bt LtonTXtxo.?On Thursday afternoon, a colored man, named Jacoh Hookhnr', and a mule, were struck by lightning and both killed, at Mr. David Frrsoer's pluce, oh Pour Hole Swamp. [Orangeburg Xewt. Mn. PoTiittOfx. o( Cluster, has recently dis coveted gold on his farm, and lia? been in negutimion with some Northern capitalists, ? lui propose to open out the vein ou htrce. Mar.K Twain sax a llotace Greoly once Iried to make his living as a w riting mnaer, and tailed. Ilia copy wna; - Virtue is Uiivn and I lie scholars got it, ' Washing with soap ia whody absurd." Jupok Joux T Ghkrn lias decided iu Site ase oi iiie o ni?* ri rriarinne Hudson VS ^ iiiIkni. that the appointment ot Ttiol Jne- ( ces in in iinnoiieiliutioiifil, and hna prohib* , led (lie Sheriff fioui executing their judg . aenta. " Tii* election held Inst week to determine I irhelher Kershaw County should subset ibe 1160,000 to the Imililing nf the South Caroli 0 is Central Railroad,i.-nulled in lavoroi the J ubscription by a handsome iimjoiity. - o Til* Cheater Reporter has rrc-lved a let * er from Senator Sawver, stating that the I National Senate has p4fe-d a l<ilt rape*ling 1 llu teel oath act, but llie llnUH ?( Itepre- I tentative* lias not yet passed it. The '.eel ; lath, therefore, ?lun-U. i ArRKi-TED Ott A ClfARflB Or UlG.tMT.?Ye*- j erday one John DeFrieM, a tailor, who an.e to this city from New Yoik som? ' iine ago. mad married a very nice rr*p??ta- ' ile girl here, was arretted and taken be ? ore l'rial Justice Solomon upon a charge of iganiy. The affidavit was made by a wonnn calling herself Mrs. John DeFri-lJ, and ( alio bad just arrived from New York. a [Columbia Guardian. , Conrrnr.iiat* Prisosrr*.?The TVilmtng- ' ton (N. C.) Journal rays : " A young man by ' [he name of William Ilenry Lung, formerly a ncrnber of Company 0, 31st X. C. Regiment* | ind who has just been released from a Fedc. 'at priaon, passed through Norfolk on Weduoe- I lay Inat, on tho way to hi? borao in Franklin- 1 ton. He ray* there aro four other Southern:rs in the aarac priavn, acrving our their , tcrme." Tiik trustees of Ogle'linrpe College have iete?mined t<? elect a college building in Aidants, On , by tile liivt of Jantiury next, itev. David Wilb, 1) D., l.irinerly of Lau rens nnd on eminent and eh qient divine, a ill become tile President when the College le moved to Atlanta. He it one of I lie ablest men in lite I'reahy tei iau deuoiuiualion. The gin houae and aerew on the pluntnlio'i of Mr. McKay, of Dar ingion, was eon. mined by Are on 24lh nIt. Tlie gin houae mntained a lot <>f cot'on eeed, guano and many other things. It was evidently the work of nn incendiary, from the fael that j diey were attacked by the yard dogs upon , which they fired, killing one of thou. f IImtt Mortgage?In lite Judge of Pro. Mite's office, yvtl-rlay, we were shown a nnttgsge emanating from the Wilmington, V Joluinbie and A ugusta Railroad Company a o (ieorge 8 lii own and Enoch Pratt for . Tliie mortgage bear* upon it ixlecu $?00 revenues stamps amounting ' in the aggregate lo $3,200. A pretty j teavy morigag-, that, Ttie revenue stamp* j pon it wnuhl he a smell fortune to a poor Liocal.? Wilmington Hi jr. Tub Klngstre# ?tar, rf Thurtd-ty ?ays: ti Pluilip Heller, County Treaeuier, levied tip- r( n and detained a train of ear* af t his place, oni Monday afternoon until yesterday at 1 * 'eloek, for the nun payment of faxes as- h need upon that portion o' the Northeastern n .ailroad situated in thrs district. We onersland lha amount of tax is $17,000.-? 1 he train was released yesterday on the re- 0 ript of information from Mr. 8. 8. Solo q< tone, the General Superintendent of the oad." A Fcxrbai. Without a Corps*.?We saw esterday, ssyi the Rome (Oa.) Courier, a ^ rain of foar eonntry wagons, loaded with Western hay and Was Urn corn, palled by P crimpy little males, and driven by dejected ( irmcrs, pass th.ough the eity to tbeir farms o t the suburbs. We have never seen sadder # joking men in onr lives than were these poor ^ Maters, nor do wo ever espeot to, unti 1 nasi { all, when th* tame men will be selling eotbon # t Un cents a pound and baying corn at two ( oiler* a bushel. t Augusta a?d Poet IIotal Raimioad/? ft ?e learn from a gentleman who arrived from a he line of the road yesterday, (soya the 8a- e annah Advertiser,) that the working fordo ? ias greatly iaoreaaed, there bow being from i welve to fourteen hundred hands tmployed at c iseh end, and that fnlly half a mile of traok n s laid aacb day, in addition to the other nee- ii Misery work of grading, etc.. performed by t be force. There U also a large corps of me- a ibanics engaged in constructing about a mile j >f trestle Work en the road, about forty miles ii bis side of Augusta. Tbe contract for the p tuilding ot a drawbridge from tbe Port Royal ii aain land to Beaufort Island, baa been award- y si to V. Kreason, ef this elty, who will com- p aenee tbe work ?f eonstructlon in a few days, e M though tbe entire road was to hard been a >o tuple ted and in runulnf order by tbe first of fi December, U is safe to say that, with tbe rant b imount of labor yet to be expended Is this Ik traction of bridges, tree ties, etc., the rend will d faib. com pitted and open to travel before tbe j s Irst day of January next. ha l?i of Jafy, comin?ope th? ?r<-olion of ?1 M toUl ?> lkmoulh?it| herder of qtet* oad Ti foiuoe atreHa, wbUgb%ilLproh*b|y h# thej ? ftrgest io m? youMtrfC ItU lit gate 0r?n S in i%h en4 will ooot?lo l&O room*. U *IM ? fti tha stylo Of the Loners pataoe h?Ht >y Louis Fhijl'ppa. and w lit cost, iiwl tiding m he ground* be'erkwo nudr# half millions of loUars;*TT* * V ? ' V" bi OkIHAK EmiOKATIOX to A waste a.?According to th? klagdeburger Zeitung tho migrants thi* year are distinguished from ^ Jmn of termor yeere byttt* foot the* tiro- ixlhs of tboec wlio hot* resolved to Mek lew home lp Am Or loo. ore persons in tbo M >o*?es*ton of capital. Hi(idea Ihir they are q neatly people of eon?o knowledge. For- g nerly ine p?aaHnls dn?T day laborer* of ^ I'utneranla, Wert Prorata and Poeen formed j ho priueipel pari at tho emigration. They m aero therefore, people elmcst utterly uoao luainied with too *iato of mailer* in the . Union, who .went there'and were exposed .. o pomwooa dangers before they could sot- . k This yatr it le seore particularly tho y uoro iotpIUgoot Uboreraud merchant who j i?em* dedh-On* of tfylrig fufclhne. Tua McFA?b>*0 TtAtfknr D?amatu*D>? c rho MeParland Rlehardton tragedy has f leen dramatised in San Francisco at the C isw Pucifle Theatre. The death bed. mar d lage is made tho chief incident, and is a t.sde intensely huinoron* t>y Horace !>reeley git log way th^HMde and Reeela colored) aigaing his name a* wlt**?*, The j, eadlng comic rol i* tl at of an actor, who f? lay* and dresses Horace Greeley * lbs life The dennuemtnl is a perfect reconciliation bewcen MaKarlantl an J ?lb and ilia ? ? laina falls upon their a. end tii| tinla, tl>? ^ peremnny heirg pciforiued by Belcher and Froth inghatp. The Ex-Pkesidxmv?A gentbmon of this jUjr, r*cenllv from Memphis,' Inform* u* lliat upon a rroant Visit lo that city he met f x-Preeideat Jefferson Da via. Il? found ilm in his office in dhehage of hia duty aa ['resident of the Carolina Life Insurance ^ Company. Ha states that Mr. Davis is iheetful and looks well?quite as well ss arhett he saw him at Richmond at tlie head ? ?f fits Confederacy. The ex-President, who ins illustrated so well the elements of genuna manhood, la the same calm, quiet. self- B xiised nmn now, as whan Its stood before B he eyes of the world. B B " Faux qnem faclunt aliens pericnlaesn- B urn," wliicli In p'ain English meansHap- ? >y whom others dangers render prndetit," ^ a the appropiiats motto of tlmae, who anf- ^ ei ing lto??? the hydra-afflictions of a disor- ^ rsniaed ayatem, have foi|)i?lied proof posi j ire of the remarkable curative qualities of e lie "OLD CAROLINA BITTKR8." By J heir exam pis one can Lara the evila at- J mdnnton irregu'arity in eating which ten is u such a disorganization of the economy of J lie human system ; and profit by th?4r exam- I ile in u*lng the asm* remedy. 1 Win* man's Crystaiized Worm Cocdya the *iflat in usv t I Is order to show tbo cnorjiour magnitude f tbo public .debt of this country, the Hon- j f. Proctor Knott produces the following eurlius statistics : ' Each greenback dollar bill is t .bout soren inches in length. Place 2,600,?. j ( >00,000 of them In a line and it will be orer ^ 160,000 miles loag ! It la 26,000 miles around he earth. The pnblie debt would therefore nako a band of greenback dollars that could j ? incircle the globe more than ten times I It is j -] 140,000 miles to the moon. If this is so, our \ lebt woftld make a rope of greenback dollars ^ ong enough to rabla the moon to the eartn, ind hare orcr 10,000 in ilea to sag!'' OirritAOED ?A well known lady applied c to the Ari-ni of iheGltEAT 11HN HEREON CO.. KY I'K.ZK SCHEME, a day or two linoe, lor fire tickets In the Scheme, and he ran compelled to inform her that the colls upon liim had hn>n to urgent during the a?l few day*, that lit coul I not gralily her wblie* until lie could tend to headquarter* lo obtain a freeh lob Tlita teemed to?ce;te Iter ire, and ?he went off in a high dudgeon, 9 exc'aiming liiat the would not aul mil lo _ huve her feeling* so nuttaged. Slia inime lintely tat diw* and anc!o*ed lit* otdrr ( with the money, lo Mr. Alexat d?r, the C Agent, at Louoville, and expect* to draw the C c-npitmI price. Agents will be supplied with tickets as long as they Inst. X Tiik W*T?r*a Rail**ai> ?'The County c n?unmi*aloner* of Lafncatt-r tohae.rlbed, on n 1**1 Monday. $'200,000 to the Waters* and f Ninth Caolina Railroad. Rome pii?ste * uihteriptlona have afro been taken. Addirg 8 he above troounl to that suhseihed by ? Kerehaw. ($l&0,000,) footing up $350,000, c fnim* a liaais upon whith organic*!ion may * immediately follow. m Wc understand it in the Intention of the ^ "7ommi*sioner* to organic* at once and purli a lie woik forward a? epeedily at poratld*.? H The bill consolidating the two lints (the C VVateree and North Catolina lb,ad and the South Carolina Central Road, leading from ol [>0111 din's lo Cliailotte. Not III Carolina) will I' le tak-n up in tha early pirt of the next ieet;on of the Legielature. and, no doubt, * >ntted with but little oppotiiion. [ Lancatltr Tstlgtr. ? Contracts ox tiik Aih um Roa??We B earn tl at the contracts which Mr. Diekln- j on lint awardid for grading on the Air p dne Road la at the rate of 22 cents per etl- B lie yard. Contractors are to lie paid 80 ter cent, of the amounts due them, on the 5th of each month, and the remaining 20 * . , . . . ... - ! >er cert'. * 10 na f atu in eloek in III* Cons*, any. Mr. JJit-kinaon prcfera letting Ilia con uj ota to eitixena along ilia line of tlia Road ^ liter than to pat ilea from a distance, and p re are glad ilmt our people are going to are the bent fit of the work if there is any ? loney in it. Aa to wht titer or aot sou- ^ acta will pay at the abote rat?a we can P ot aay hut peraona with whom we hare ? ?orer*ed on lha aubject cay there la money ? > be made by I htm. r f Charlotte (N 0) Obmrvtr ^ Tea Locai. Parra.?What teila na ao read- f y the atandard of a town or a city aa tba epoar a nee of ita paper t Aad He /oith ar ita go can aa well be determined by the obeurT- P t| aa by a peraonal aotiee. The entarpriae Jj f ita eiiiseng ia depieted by tU adrerliaa- | isnta, their liberality by tba looka at the pa- e< or. Some papera abow a good, eolld, healthy oondation, pletboria puree*, and a well-to do p pea ranee generally ; otberi abow a etrielng H o contend with the (reaping thoaaaada around a baaa, trying bard to wreoah aa exietanee * rum their eloee-ftited communities. Aa ee- jj a ion a I meteoric diaplay ia He column# of Ul- * graph or loeal, or editorial#, ehowa what It u an do if It bad tha maana km It >! ?? d linoe la lk? expeaslr* work until rapport ? oatf, wkioh *wght to k* readily granted. A ! lewspaper U Ilk* a oharoh?U wants fettering ' n tb* commencement, sad for a f*w jwr*, | ban, aa a general thing, It can walk stow*, g nd redact credit upoa it* location. Taka b our boas* paper?it giro* pott store new* of J] tanned lata intereet than any other paper ean ? osaibly do ; it talks for foi when other loeal- m tie* belle yon j it steads ap for your right* j on always bar* a ekasapiaa in yoar bom* * a par i and tho** who stand ap far yaw sboald a ertainiy b* wall suaUiiKd. Taor iaUrsat* < re kindred and eqnal, aad yon mast rise or P all together. Therefor*, U is to yoar interest {J o rapport yoar borne.paper, not grudgingly, ,, at in a liberal spirit; as a pleasure, net as a ?' IkagnMll* dnty, bat ad an inreatment that J rill amply pay tb* *np?dltdra. ? fdlfiaye sabftawM. J! eo n tr*ot^>n*tor | j? r\|Ue-'^wrrfti l'" f|?'' r* to &?"*>-1** - Couivin.JuV uC ihi Cotton dtiTl and earUr ; jftlddlhtge 801; jo lei 60 bp let's frceiptpfcK) ; ???*5,V *9^ . Cotton mnrkel quiet and weak ; r*leait8 n* tie*; middling* 19J@20; raeeipta 18. . hii N?w York June 13. Hi Gold CutthtTdoH ; *a?? 1,000 tnl tlae; irplnud* 81-J. tfti ' -?AT.TTito?*, Jwne 18 of! Flour aetirc; *l#Ur liljher. Howard Tu real eup?r fi.OOQS.SO. Wheat firm.? bu WW--1White 1.17@?.t?; yeltow'1.08. Pork ?Hi rtn, at 81 00. Baoon firroj ebouldera 14. CI ard 16i@l7i. Wblakey belter, at* 1,04? 6g- . . ' . , T Married, Juno 8tb, 1870, at Quitman, da., * j Her. June* MeBrido, Miao MAM 18 J , *' tbrd daughter of Col. John M. W. Kill, of ~r eueraoh County, Florida, and Capt. 0. G. fELLS, Aeeociate Editor of the Greeny ilia to fouNteinrer. Mabrirh, at Clirlat Church, Orneaellle, 9.. ? l.j on Wedooedav erening, June 6'h. hy i tar.' Rlliaon Capara. Mr OHAIUJM K. ' ARRON and Miaa KLISK W. BtTYLRR, n ainrliter of Dr. W'm. *nd Jaue T. Butler. J II of Greenville. f?i V Jn itMirlng the printer's fee, we eon^ ^ ratulato those who here been united In the ? oljr heeds of wedlock, end berpesk for them dleitlcs witboet end. ^ 1>ikd, on the 10th inst., MINNA MAUDE, Ss nfant daughter of tVrn. T. end llelon J. Shurate, aged cloven months end twentj>nine se y?. Ei ENTERPRISE RICES* CURRENT. > < . jr s ; ' ' a ~ CORRKCTKD WEBKLT, IT ICOCDO natun a. ornini rv uraauiuTn itaan<>, vn v m Hoinni)ici| (WWdiflU I o, rj ORBEKVILLB. S. JUNE 14, 1870. , ACON?Side*, ft lt?,.w ? 20@25 e. ^ Ham*, ? " ! ...,.,,.26 c. Ol Shoulder*, ft e AUK ROPE. ftlb .. -...lQc ^ AGOING, Ounny,?, yd 2?<a35 e. ^ AflGING, Dundee, V f d .....20<y)25o. J UR LAPS .T. 15 *' UTTER, ft tb 20(m25 fc ?' EESWAX, ? lb 25(d) ME ?< HICKENS, )i bead 25 (m 30 c. ?' OFFEE, # lb, Rio 22 <2> 28 c. ? ORN. V bu?be1.. I. ft ?0@?J 00 O OTTON. Middling, -10a. '? IOOS, y dotcn 15*. ri 1.011R, V nek i.#4 0<i(A$5 00 p> iOI.D, .. 41 lOfotfl 15 NDIUO, BpaaUb Float, $2 0U<&2 .25 " ' Souih Carolina, ft 75@2 0O RON, ft lb, American ;......74e. RON TIBS ?....I0?. pARD, ? tb 25?. ._ BAD,** ....20 e. I KATIIKK, f) ?. Sole, Uamlec 1^.36^74 o. J * P? ** 0?br?r...45@59 c. ? " 44 44 Upper,.... .....76@75 e. H " " 44 Hum .......60(a) 56r. H 10LASSKS, ft gal., Mu*eoTado,_...flOrA 70 T 44 u 44 New Orl. Syrup, fl 25 TAILS, ft keg $7 00<a8 00 _ IVB, ft bu*hel ......... 1 23(u, 1 60 ALT. V *aek. Liverpool, f2 00 IU9AR, f| lb, Urown J? ? *0 e. 1 .. .. uUri8ed,.?.>M ?20 e J ? cruahed .....20 c. bl IIIIKTINO, ictcn-cighU, V bale,........ 12c. " " " retail. 15 e. " 'ALLOW, *>.. .. 10@I5e. c VllKAT, # buabcl ?l 50 fARN, Factory, by bale,.. SI 75 " - banah .....SI 90 LATEST QUOTATIONS OF 1 SOUTHERN SECURITIES, ? IN CHARLESTON, 8. C. el -Zf I, lorreeted Weekly f..r lb* ENTERPRISE, R by A. C. KAUFMAN. BROKER, Nw. V6 Broad Street. JUNE 10, 1870. | Slate Seenritie ??Fouth Carolina, old 0(??f do new, 816$ ?; do, rcgiat'd stock, p. -S?o ; City Seenridtj-?A ujyusta, pa. Bomb, 7$ nj?; t;nnrie?t?n. B. V. Static, (ft 4#; V 'harlcstoo, 8. C., Fire Loan Bonds, 71 @78; Jolumbis, fi. C. Bonds, 70 ($72. Ituilrond Pomt*?Blue Ridge, (first raortage)60@? ; Charleston aad Savannah, ? @ " 0 ; Chorions Columbia and Augusta,?@?7t * Iheraw an<l Burlington,?@83 ; Greenville * nd Columbia, (1st nwrt) 90@? do, (State uarantaa) 6S@? ; Northeastern, past dae, rlth int.,? @VU ; Nortlieoatcrn, new, ?@88 ; avannnh and Charleston, (1st raort) ?@80 ; H o, (State guarantee)?@75 ? Routli Carolina, g x-coupon, ?@78; do,?@73 ; Spartanburg f nd Union, 60 @?. RnilroaH Stmvlc?Charlotte, Columbia n nd Augusta,?@50 ; Greenville and Colum- ' in, 2@?; Northeastern, 10@? ; Savannah '' nd Charleston, ?@35; South Carolina ?' ailroad Company Shares, 41)@42 ; South lit arulina Kailroad Bank Sharer, 43 @?. Errknnyt, tke?New York Right, one-eighth ni IT; one-fourth premium. Gold, $I.13)@$I.. <1; Silver, *1.04 @81.08. m South Carolina Bank Pill*. Hank of Charleston ?@? v Bank of Newberry... ? @? ' ank of Camden 50@? ' ank of Qeorgetowa.a.'..'. .......8(8)10 auk of Booth Carolina Ih@? e lank of Chaster 8@? 8' lank of Hamburg ..I^m? m lank of State of 8. C, prior to 1361 ...?61@64 or lank of State of 8 C. issue 18AI-62 45@4fi cl Planters' aod Mechanics' Bunk.of $ Charleston.. .....a ?@?People's Bank ef Charles ton ?@? r, Union Bank of Charleston...? ?@? Southwestern R. R. Bank of Char- .. leetoB. (old).....a oar*. ?@? Southwestern R. R. Bank of Cbarlest>>n. (new)....... ?@? tats Bank of Charleston. lt|@lh armera' aad Exchange Bank of Charleston ? @6 xebaoge Bank ef Columbia. ?@5 ommeroinl Bank of Colombia ..18@ ? ? lerobant'e Bank of Chora,w 6@ ? looters' Buk of Felrlald ?... 4<?? _ ( to of Soatb Cerettna Bill* R?. I eeirabl* p*r. J Uy of Oharle?ton Change Bill per. Bill* Marked that ?*] are being redeemed 01 L lb* Baak Ccanlera of each. , Th? Living Mtefain? " *! Injur* the main spring of a wateh and erery I# ortioa of Ike work become* diaordered. The in uman atomaeb ia to the homao njrrtom what *1 Ml e la* tic piece of aotal la to a ebroaoMeter. J" t influence* the action <jf the ether organ*, and w Dotrola, to a certain extent, the whole Bring ol laehlne. Th* eomparteon may ho carried II ictber : for aa the weakoeaa or other imp*?letioni of the main apriog la indicated oa < be face of the time-pi***, an alao la th* weak- dt ?a* or other disorder of th* atornaoh batray. ol d by th* face of th* invalid. Th* complex- A >b fa aallow or faded, th* eye* are deficient *? ? loati* and intelligence, end thtor* to wem, P nxlnu* expression in th* whol* ?oontooano* ai rblch tell aa plainly aa written Word* ennlH ?l o, that the frrat ?nrUking orfmm wbeae lAee U is to minister to tba wan to of lb* < ody, and to aoeUIn and renew all Ita parti, ai i not f*r(oral?f ita doty. It re^nfria ratio- at ating aad regulating, and to accomplish lj bia end Hoatattor'a Stomaeb Bittera may be ru rely (aid to be rte one iking need/*/. The bro- tri an main aprtog of a watab may b? replaced ta y a n?w one. but tba stomach oan only pa ol .paired and strengthened, and thta l> una of >a objects of famous vegetable restoratives tl bieh for eighteen ynri baa ?eea waging a fr cceiaful contest with dyapapiia la ail ell* ? latoe. At? apaoWa far IndlgaaUow H alauda M lono. When the reaonrcaa of tba pbarmaeo* ba at la bare been athaustad, without, at Wit, M otag mora than mitigating tH eompielnt, a ai >urae of thla wholoaomo aed ptliutlt, yet J. ayrt?t glial, aa wbil aa upon the stomas* as nd bowel*, the BitUra aet with singular. 0< lattMtaeM, ragnlatlug and relwvlgevntfni ft r ry aeeretlve end aeeteaUaUeg ?rtn a* by?b bodily aed Mental health Mil. | *? hand* of the Try It a wilt doubt no longer. How to Build CiiBap.?Ettry one who onj experience in building, knows to ' oorrow that the thousand and ona little ima Included in the one word /nithintf, no mno she MM far^bovo etumato ? vSBSSBKB I isrlestcn, S. 0. Seo advertisement. June 1 ? t J*#-Wo are antborlsed to abneunoe BDARDF. 8TOKR8, of areeaeWe, Condi*. it? to represent the people of tbe Fourth mrresslona! District, in the Congress of the oited Statss, at the ensuing* alactlcn to* t. FBlKClPLBS DEMOCRATIC. May t6tb; 187?". 1 tf Greenville Female College. rHE following young tidies baring com. pleted tbo oourse of Stiidy prescribed r Graduation, aid" baftbg undergone satisctory Kxamiuatiop* on the same. hare thIs ly been declared GRADUATES of the rcear illc Female OtHsit* r Miss FANNIK L. CRAWFORD?Subject of isay?Lore of Country. Miss LULA HARRISON?Sutjeot of Ksy?Memory. ..... Miss LUl.A WI1ILDKN?Subject of Es? y?Life's Mission. Miss L. LUCIA WIDBMAN?Subject of say?Unspoken Language. P. 0. DOZIKR, Principal of College. Greenville, June 15th, 1870. June >6 ' 4' 1 NOTICE io sunaers ami toniractors. rt-ic* or tlx " St'Li.rrAR Manupactoiuno Company," Fork 8hoah, Oreenville Ccoaty, 8. C? ISib Jam. WO. r'c.^^^rffe'oTi'i 0 CONTRAST, tbo BUIT.DINO OF A AKOB BRICK IIOU8B, for plan and rpeei:ati?ni, refer lo Villitui P?rry, E?q., Pen* If top. The Company alio prnpoce to X.BT OLT TilEK BUILDTNOS TO BS OF WOOD, r plan and rpecification* of tb? latter, appliitlon can be mode at the oSee of the Com?ny. - ? . - ; . D. D. MOORS, Olerli 8. M. Co., Fi)tk Sboalr. June 15 4 '2 > w.j: I a_< a ? t. xaeaicai ocnoiarsnip. [7?0E SALE, a MEDICAL 8CHOLARl an IP in tl??. Philadelphia lTniveraity r M-djcine and Burjjery. \yhi,ch entitLa i? bearer lo full inilruolion imlil gratlna. on. Thia ^a an inatifcuiion nf bhrh grade, V?m? favorable. Apply atlfcia office. June IS 4 tr ?*4 NotlCO [8 hereby Aireu to'all whom It may'eon^ero, [ that I will apply to 8. J. Lioutbit, Proitf Jwlm of llro-uvillc County, on the 14*A ny of July *'*t, for a flnol <iircharge a* A Jinietrutor of the Estate of MAltT B. JA0B8, dcrenrod. IVM. T. 811UMATE, Administrator. June 14,1770. 4-5 Notice rs hereby given to all whom It may concern, L tbkt I wlB apply to 8. J. ?outbit,*Pro114 Judge of. Qreenrille County, on tbd 27th r Jaly next/far a final diect>ar?e aa Admtnirathr of tho Estate of KKhRCCA McCRAY, deceased. WM. P. LESTER, June 1.1, 1870. 4-A Adm'r. Notice "? hereby given to all whom il may eon. cearn, that I trill apply to S. J. Doutliit, sq., Probate J mitre of Greenville County, i tho 11*4 t/'iy of J lily tutl, fur a final die targe aa A>iminia*rater of the Eetato of ^M. II. MOON. decdntsd. JOHN P. "iJOON, Admiuie'ratnr. Juna 10. 1870 . 4-4 HE CHRONICLE ft SENTINEL, i?f! RV KIIVA Af AUGUSTA, OA. ULY. TRIWEEKLY AND WEEKLY. "CONTAINS alUbe newa Mail J and Telegraph, embracing full Comterrial and Financial Reports from all ilie Siiinc canters, together with the latest oiitical and General infoiinatioo upon all ihjeots whioh interest the reading pubis. The terms of the DAILY are #6 f?r six ontlis and 910 for one year. The TBI-WEEKLY <a #3.60 for six ontha. and #6 tor ope year. The WEEKLY CHRONICLE k SENT?- * EL ia a Mammoth paper of thirty-six' .lumne, filled with Editorials, Telegrapliio Iapstch' S. Communications on home mati-i. tog- ther alth Agriculture, Commercial ltd Pibanelal arliebs?making it one of lha o?t desirable and valuable papers ia the ton tr y to the Planter, Farmer and Mertent. The terms are |3 per annum, or 1.60 for six atomhs. AH subscriptions or# required Is edmee. Liberal commissions paid responsible fenta. ... tar Addrra all letters sad oommunifauua te the CHRONICLE ft SENTINEL. Augusta, On. ft# Specimen copies seat free. . June A I ? Sheriff's 8ales. 3Y virtue of sundry Writs ef Fitrl Far\a$ 3 t? ue directed, I will Sell, before the uurt House door, on Baiesday io July next, >tween the hours of 10 o'clock in the foreKin end S o'eTock in the afternoon, Ail Dsfeadaoi's rlgtx, tide and interest in tr and equity in one Hoase end Lot, la the ty of Greenville, on Washington and Church roots, Veiag the plaee whereon Mrs. David ong now resides j also, Defendant'* Interest one vacant lot of Land it) the city of Greenllta, containing two seres, more or lees, alining U>n of B.F. Stair ley, Mrs, Frits, UMath and others. Levied on as the property ' Dr. R. D. Long, at the suit of Dr. J. r. ' illhouso.* > ? Also, ono Treat of Land, containing slaty ros, more or less, (homestead to he sat off to ?fend*nt before day of sale,) adjoining lands r N. F. Burgias, Jordan H lefts and ollSSss. Uo, one Tract of Land, eoautniag sevantjr is acre*, mere or i?rs, atJjotning HIWWH. . Barf i>a, Clsreland ud otter*. Lovlod on i tte p ropsrtr of B?au<l Pt^M, at tbt wita ' T. Q. Donaldson. Also, oao Tract of Land, ooatalolag id otters. This Tftet Is mostly Woodland, ing on tha right-band sldo of tlio Aagosta ad, stent t| mils* from tho eKjof Oram|II?., Lsviod on. a* the yroytny ?? *& * to of Vsrdry Mtfftsa, dsSsaasd, at tte sntu R. H.JrtWi for Usnar Jasohs. , Also, oso Lot of Land In tte elly of Orson Do, oa Uuthsrlted 8 trust, about )|* alios a tte Court floats, eontalaioy ail aeras, oro ar tea, adjoining lota.of /. A. David sad tea. Thia Is a dMltiritk jpUco, goad f*all? sad out-buildings. LtvWd oa as tte wrofty of Tboa. B. Tbrnatoa and Was. K. Tbo?. t, at tbo salt of W. T. Hbusaata, Assfgaoo af r W. Grady, John Forgasoa sad J. P. Millar, u SsmoI laHtiilBli. Jam Party, W. M. AHVTWO ORWT STALMOWS. lif t^.wifta'r^ur^r.rra ' i