University of South Carolina Libraries
zsammmmmsBtGssa.**1 i r -fr > TIE THE hh hm .jt^^nHi 7 B 1 t) c > :'J V . . I ^ * ? ~ f :o: SULLIVAN & SON ' Arfe ? Selling p CLOTHING DRY GOODS blii blii '-* QMM&m T&MM 5153 a &9t!5?35S m ?RSliWILLIa , c X Don't let this Opportunity slip you, Reader, but GO jAcT ONCE TO THEIR STORE, oxrr While they are - GOING whits IllVhVl ySt+SSir.zj. {? . 7;*' ? f". 83* Jtf yau fail to purcha$e, you will Regret iL <?.? * . . VitememDor iiivOtorvi wmvi & in. A" C<$I?U> vV.I-i A JITn/ -'f- y OmarilU, B. C., April ?, 1*70. > AND *6 1 00 8ACKS 8,rANDAKl> LIVKRp00I' 40 B>mb Sugars of different (rod* lO HbM- Bu* AW*" 25 Prim* Rio Coffee 40 Bux?* Adamantine Goodies 25 Barrels Syrup lOO ^orrels Fl'xr 50 Boko* Goody lOO Bokes ond Pkgs Tobacco 50 K?gs Porker Mill Noils lO Tierces Kentucky Kettle Refined Lord 5 Borrels Pure Cider Vioegor 8000 Pound Plantation Iron " rUtfi Pounds ITnner T^iLhcr 800 Pounds Sole Leather 30 Barrel* end P'kgs Mackerel, And a general Stock of o o o r> 8 As good and Cheap a* oan be found la any Store in the country. Parties wishing to par* chase by the Quantity for CA81I, would do well to gire us a call. DAVID & STRADLEY. May 25 I lm Wheat Thrashing. THE UNDERSIGNED are now prepared to THRASH WHEAT, RYE AND OATS, ATTflEIR PAPER MILL, TT * IflXTn m VT TVnT'T 1 r?\Tnn hat inu an JVAvtiiiiiLn 1 FOR ^nK^PiRpJsi:, With despatch and in a manner anmaeoed by no one, the only TOLL. CHARGED will be the STRAW. Bring along yone grain. J. BANNISTER A SON. Greenville Paper Mill, May 24th, 1870. May *6 1 lm LIFE INmUNCB. SOUTH CAROLINA GENERAL AGENCY PIEDMONT * ARLINGTON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or VIRGINIA, Aruii. 23d, 1870. OaPT. SAM'L. D. SHANNON, of Camden, baa been appointed SUPERINTENDENT OF AGENCIES for South Carolina and South Georgia, vice Capt. GEO. II. LAKE, reaigned. Pardee deairlng Agcncica, will add reel him at Aucuata. Georeia. Leapheart, Jefferson ft Ransom, General Agent* South Carolina. JEFFERSON A RANSOM, Ocu'l Agent* So. Ca. ana Georgia. May 25 1 4 GREENVILLE PAPER MILLS. 11 ;o: J. Bannister & Son, or all Kinos or Book, News, Wrapping and Colored MP? -ML. ML"* R52 JKR SMS HIGHEST CASH PRICK PAID FOR Clean Cotton or Linen RAGS. May 25 ' 1 ij PRODIGIOUS T7Yr'lTl?MI?\TTI U^Wi. A A aaaaassiea Sacrifice of Property. TO SKE IS TO DELIEVEI AT CAKR'S OLD STAND. HAVING OPENED THE LARGEST and Moat Extensive Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, SHIRTS, T7A.TOHBO, JEWELRY, And a great many article* ton numerous to meotioo, all PurcliSird at the TUMBLING DOWN PRICES FOR We intend to let them Slide at eueh saloniahingly LOW FIGURES As to astound the mr rmc m. w is mm Times are Hard, lfuney Scarce, and the PEOPLE POOR, And we intend to RELIKVE their HEAVY BURDEN8 By Offering GOODS TO Size Their Piles* Tm * J T ? , Our Rtoek is eery Eaten*ire, one aa is ram jw 100 to m oo is tfb And our Detstwination Is TTO mm SBC fct-a 9 And Sell we Will, and SELL we SHALL. . y Call one, eall all, at dorr's Old Stand, I As now la Cha time to Secure the GREATEST BARGAIN8 Brer Offered to this eouatry. H. C. XABK. fW Particular attention Paid, sad life* aral IMseennt allowed to Wholesale Bayers. OreeSeille, S. a, 17th May. 1870. Hay 1? 6* 8m Dsatb rseu Msssssttis.?We regret U bar* to announce that Mr. Franklin J. Kpann, an of oar mtoemsd fallow-cHUnn W iUl< Spoon, of tkta count?, dted on Wadnaodoj mor*tOg, tin 4 th loaUot, Waring a wife oik four child ran. Ho woo otWakod on Tuooday night wHt Jfearttji'fii, and oapirad after aa illnoM oi t'wolra howri.?SumUr .Vow*. V * Administrator's Sale. ; ON Toaiday, Jute 7U>, I will rail at tho fl raaMoaoo of the lata HKNRY E. 1 W lUil AH8. dttettal, on PeodUtaa Stiwt, at 10 o'clock, the following property, eon> listing la part of Bureaus, Sofas, Bedsteads 1 Chairs, Tables, Mattresses 1 Feather Beds. Cooking Stove, new 1 Crockery And other Household Goods 11 2 young Mules, well broke 1 fine Saddle and Harness Horse 1 extra fino Cow, pure stock 2 Sows and Jftgs, Buggy 1 two-horse Wagon and Harness Lot Wheat, Oats, Ac. . ' 1 JULIUS 0. SMITH, Auctioneer. May 18 3 Rosadalis ?>nnHK ORBAT AMERICAN > JL HKALTH RB8TORER, purities (the blood and cures Sorofula, Syphilis, A (Skis DImuu, Rheumatism, Diseases (of Women, and ell Chronic Affections (of? the niooil, Liver and Kidneys, p S /Recommended by the hledienl KaouL <ty and many thousands of our best (oititeas. ( Read the testimony of Pbysleians A (and patients who have used Rosadalis ; to (send for our Rosadalis Guide to Health (Book, or Almanac fot this year, which /jflA (we publish for gratuitous distribution ; (it will give you much valuable iofor/MMSmatleo. 1 ISr^P ) Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, says : J ) I take pleasure in recommending /your Rosa da rjts as a very powerful /alterative. I have seen it used in two " Mfcases with happy results?one in ? ^csse of secondary syphilis, in wbieb (the patient pronounced himself cored (after baring taken fire bottles of your L (medicine. The otber is a ease of tor of vula ofiong standing, wbieb ia rapidly ai /SB (improving under ita use, and the in. T /B\B (dlcationt are tbat the patient will (KH (soon recover. I bare carefully ex \amined the formula by wbieb your . SRosadalia ia Bade, and find it an axA (cedent compound <^f alterative iogre- c< Sdients. , al > I>r. Sparks, of Nicholaarille, Ky., ( Wl ho has used Rowdilia in oases of /scrofula and Secondary Syphilis with /satisfactory resulta-as a cleaner of the A I (Blood I know no better remedy. r ( Benjamin Beobtoi, of Lima, Ohio, a (writes: I bare suffered for twenty tl (years with an inveterate eruption over I: (my whole body; a short time siuee I jj (purchased a bottle of Roaadalis and it S (effected a perfect cure. ( Rosadalis ia sold by all druggists, f ( Laboratory, 61 Exchange Tlace, , (Baltimore. t *' ( Bra. Clements * Co. . dl . l*ropri*ton. ' ' May 18 St lr . ' li pi Notice. f? Dxrvnr (5ollkto*'? Orrtoi, 1 Greenville, 8.C, May 18, 1870 ( I HAVE received the annual lift for the i? year 1870. for Greenville, Anderson, at Pickens and Oconee. I will be at Gretn- " ville Court House, Thursday, June 2.1; at 1> Anderson Court House, Monday, June 6th ; at Walhalla, Tuesday, 7th; at Pendleton, "( Wednesday, 8th; at Anderson Court House, ?! Thursday, 9th ; at WilHamston, Saturday, . 26th ; and at Greenville Court Honse, Wed- K nesday and Thursday, 29lh and 30ih, for j, the purpose of collecting the Internal Rev- p, anue Taxes. 0 Parties are requested to come forward on the days above specified and make pay ments, thereby avoiding the penalty, which n* it I 1.. ..I.I.J S -> | ?* ! ut nuuru 1 n|UM V'I UJ IM W Persona owing Taxes assess*J on old Lists, would do well to settle At ouce. I will be J compelled to foice payments just m soou as possible. A. L. COBB. Deputy Collector. , May 16 61 3 Notice / 18 hereby given to all whom it may Concern, t thut I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Pro bate Judge of Greenville County, for a Final Discharge as Administrator of the Estate of EDWARD DILL, deceased, on like 10?A day XI of Jane oexl: therefore all parties having claims against saiJ Estate, nust present them O to me or the Probate Judge, on or before said day, or be debarred. THOMAS A. CAMPBELL, May Ifitb, 1870. Administrator. May 18 52 5 11 Notice 18 hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on the 17rA day of Jane next, for a Final Discharge as Guardian of ELLEN E. AUSTIN. D. M. PEDKN, Guardian. , May l?th, 1870. 52-5 Notice j IS hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to H. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on the I.IrA Id ay of June Mart, (or a final discharge as Administratrix with toe Will annexed of the Miun oi niiiiun run^KK, decriHd. NANCY PONDER, Adm'x. with Will annexed. Msy nth, 1870. May 18 52 4 Farm for fialo. I OFFER for !?, my FARM, situated on South Saluda Rirer, nineteen inilei above . the City of Oreenritle, and ocntalning Four Hundred and Sixty Acrei. There are two _ hundred end twenty-Are aeres in cultivation, I one hundred and fifty of which is rirer hot- I lorn. The improvements aro good, eight or ten acres of Clorer. For farther particulars, apply to the undersigned. Mrs. A. Q. FKASTER. Greenville, 8. C., May 17tb, 1870. 42-4 PHOTOGRAPHY. CALL at my PIIOTOORAPHIC GALLERY, orar the store of Mr. J. J. Reaeb, Buncombe Street, and procure an Ambrotype or Ferotype, as my prices are moderate. As my stay will continue for only two or three weeks, persona are advised to eall at onoe. < Dentistry also attended to promptly at the ' same place, or to any address in tbeeountry. J. M. CACHARY. May 18 . 52 3* The State of South ^Carolina. f GREENVILLE COUNTY. In tlia Co mm on Flaas? Equity Side. THOMAS C. OOWER, Administrator, vs. P. F. 8UDDUTH, el a I?BiU far Sale ?/ Real Setmte, to Pay Debt*, Ac. i UNDER the Decretal Order made in the ' above case, the Creditors of the Estate ' ot Mrs. MARTHA LOVELAND, are required ' to establish the rank and amount of their < claims against said Estate, before the Clerk, ' within iu'm monthe from this date. W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. P. Clerk'e 01m, September 28tb, iMt. Sept ? 19 fa WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Periaeopic Spectacle, Ao , WILL order on extra article . [EYWtltot any perron. Special atteo. It. ^Htk/a will be (Itmi to REPAIR* ?*ie Watcher of every Am cription. Boat referrneee airen. JAMB 8 BLACK. June M 9 tf , ?:? r?* Gold Watch at Auction. r WT ILL be told, on Monday, Jane Alb, I W Salee-day, a line GOLD WATCH, recommended aa an excellent one by ibe City Jeweler*. , , > JULIUS C. SMITH, r Auctioneer. May It 99 3 ' v . IENERAI MARKIN6 ' ? ? w os? r HAVE BEEN TITROUOU MY STOCK { ud Marked Down all Goods upon vbleb iero baa bean any ( i the New York market. Hare already oeirad a , a&asa Aaaacsaass j T0 *T j And will recelre 4 .ARGE SHIPMENT THIS k WEBIi, j inu , ANOTHER NEXT WEEK. My Stock will b? m LARGE AND VARIED A* naual, and will bo COLD AC LOW any of tha me quality of Qoodf can, or . will be aold in I .a THIS MARKET. 1 urohaseri are invited to eall and examine ( my stork. No obarge for I nd polite attention guaranteed every cuatnrr. I W. H. HOTEY. Ap 6 40 tf 1 fOUR ATTENTION ia CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE ( Henderson County Kentuoky Land tale'? i nt . \. TV rm i. - < arqno r m z e C cDe M V Iiemiiariy CH A RTERRD br th? 1 egislature of Kentuoky, endorsed and moo- < ended by every leading official in the State, id over 600 of her moat prominent cititcns. i hifl fplendid scheme embraces. 511 PRIZES, #314,320 omprising one. thoatand aert? of the richest 1 ver bottom tobacco farms in the wealthy >unty of Henderson, Kentacky, with alPlheir I ppurtenances. i JAPITAL PRIZE, #160.000! SMALLEST PRIZE. $80 lIso about *30,000 in GREENBACKS, the ent money of the property for the years 1809 nd 1870,.to be distributed to the winners of be firit ttxm prises respectively. Kent for SOU, was $12 per acre. . | TICKETS FIVE DOLLAKK, he Drawing will pacih'rety take place JULY ' th, 1870, at MASONIC TEMPLE, LOl'ISILLE, KY. Hundreds of the best citizens, sve given unqualified certificates and enirsements of this magnificent enterprise. Ev y dollar invested by ticket holders, is held in ust by the commissioners appointed by the egislature, until the drawing lakes place and rixes are delivered. Income of the properly >r last 16 years has averaged S30.000 A YEAR. In order to have your tickets properly restored, buy at once of your nearest club agent, r remit to either of the following. financial tjtnit, who Will furnish full descriptive cireu irs; ** L. II. LYNE, Casb'r Farmers Bask, Henerson, Kjr; R. B. ALEXANDER. Coinmerial Bank, Louisville, Kjr; JOIfN C. LATIAM, Pres. Rank Hopkinsvillo, Ky ; JAM KS . DALLAM, Commercial Bank, Paducab, i j; B. O. THOMAS, Cash. Obs. and Rept'r exington, Kj ; W. B. TYLER, Cashier De>sit Bk., Owensboro, Ky ; 8EM0NIN DIXN A CO., Eranaville, Ind. GOOD CLUB Ane.STS WASTES EVBRYwnr.nn. May 4 50 9 ' BWHERLE, QRiEswayLS, s. o., DEALER IN SOU AID SILVER WATCHES 'LOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES,, 3 Sf 22 Carat 8olid Vnptial Rings, ILVEIt & SILVER-PLATED iwjlue:* UP WORK of all discretion* in lii* ne done promptly. fltS Oct 27 '28 ly A. J. ROSS & C0^ MAN UFACTURERS or DEALERS IN ATA NEED AND PRESSED WARE. ann COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Work Rone On tb? most REASONABLE TERMS, And with promptness. >toro Nearly Oppo&ite the Post Office. K.t, 16 39 tf JOHNBTbeiers, L91IST & IAI0SMPE 6AB0III1. tAND girM his olose With a ltrg? experience, he is confident of giving satisfaction to those employing .office will be attended Mar 39 44 . W. H. CAMMKR, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH AND MACHINIST SORN HIIRLLRR8, Cotton Qlns, Locke, Sewing Machines, Umbrellas and ParaRKPAIRBD with promptness. Charges vasonahle. Corn Shelters, for sale from ?10 0 $13. I am also prepared to (tarnish 8 tone 11 Plates, for marking clothing. Vllacktmlthliiff. IHAVK in addition to at asaal business, opened a BLACKSMITH SHOP, having 1 oompetent workman hired, Larkln Westficld. Work in this line will hSdone eati?(hetorily. Reads made PLOUM1IH always on hand ler sale. Stand?In rear of Old Court Tlouse, at the Randolph place, having removed from my lUDil on Main 81root. JS-lf TOWNES * EAST, 5^33375"? &>& AMD * solicitors nr iauiTY. PRACTICE IN ORKKNVILLE AND 8UBROUNDINQ COUNTIES. Office Over JuHae C. Smith's. a; ?..*?*??*. on* ? ?*e. kftT ? 11 i ilii I I i .1 I V ?aye PIEDMONT 4 ARLWCTO ' of mem over I Policies Issued, 11,000 SHOWING t sucoeas beyond precedent. In Premium Plans. First Dividend on Life monemy of Ha management and H< oarefal selee *M. C. CARRINGTON, .....~. r. E. EDWARDS >. J. DART800K,.... r. J. HOPKINS, ... r. H. WOLF, ...? ^ . . o SOUTH CAROLINA BRANCH < F. P. THOMAS 7. 1. L. LKAPIIART, Or. I8AAC BRANCH, BOARD OF I JOHN McKKNSIE, JOHN 8. PRESTON JOHN T. SLOAN, 8r., Dr. R. THOMPSON STATIC AT LABOR.? E*-Gor. M. L. BO KENNEDY, Col. T. C. PEKRIN, Dr " Sac. 4. Tb? kurintM of the company 9H. BUTINO TO THE POLICY-HOLDERS THI jrofldcd, unless by the consent of the assured "Sac. IS This company may issue policie Athcrs. for the benefit of wives and familie lives?as ancestors, descendants, creditors or or the debts or contracts of the assured, exc< "Sao. 10. The company may issue policie ire paid In the sanr.e. " Ssc. 10 The permanent in vestment of f? ENCUMBERED REAL 1ST ATE WORTH D< We would also call attention to the rights Rights of party to non-forfe'lure in all its [ Rights of party to re installment?paid up renlion of armies " or any other cause outs t ture, omitted in policies of Northern conn pan in the late war, and should make Ihetn seek tl iontingency in futre. Some companies not * lake up arrni against" certain named Stalei cy null and void. This is making certain wl ningling of politics, war and life insurance. "THE PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON " I date right? of partiei and guarding tho** righ It gives dividends at the end of lite first yet arhen part loan is taken. The all cash plan way most satisfactory W? pAe confidently appeal to every one li their own fitteresle, l?y sustaining thetr own >.!( An'.R.L... ? V-;-I .1 1 rw.. w?H?v?iv? T IV.M'UV nmcil l?cre V ' U I'D IK already over $10,OtiO.OOO are annually unt from our strength, and thereby giving additl We offer a solid, reliable Life Insurance Ci of men of tue highest integrity, with abund? investments, pledged to retain within the State and, indeed, pree-rTing every advantage that amiuation info the superior merits of the " P SURAh'CE COMPANY " to insure your pain The Company has complied with the law < in State bonds, with the State Comptroller, fc LEAPHART, JE1 LOCAL AOKNT, GREENVILLE, 8. C.?. CANVASSING AGENT?VS. M. O. BR March 9 W. *3. * a<ma jMLVUrG orro situ tl BROS RESPECTFULLY to in form the Led! has on band one of the largest and best *< rail to give general satisfaction, consisting of Window Shades fr Paper Hangings ai Piano and Table C Oil Cloths and En; Window Hollands Damask and Lace Cornices, Loops ar Mattresses of all h Pillows and Cushi< All orders entrusted to his care, will meet witl 241 KINO STREET, AND 0PP0SIT1 March 30 A Spring Millinery. f WOULD INFORM THE Ladies ot Greenville and viointy, that sho h?s opened ber 1 SPRING MILLINERY, ! To which she calls the attention of thoso making purchases in this line. Her prices are REASONABLE, And sho will take pleasure in exbibing ber ' GOODS. A call ia desired before buying, as sbe feels confident of ploasing. April 13 47 ftin JUISS IcKAY, FA SJII ON A BLR MILLINER, Main Btroet, Greenville, S. C? ' I nAS on hand a Urge and well ascorUd Stock of Spi ing and Summer M ILLINERY. Hat* and Bonnet* of all the latest style*: Flower*. Ribbon*. Ilair and Jet Good* at very low price*. Sundown* at 60e. each. M?y 4 60 8o> NEW"STORE". JOHN E. OOODLETT RESPECTFULLY inform* the Public that h* ha* commenced Business again at the Old Stand of LONG & GOODL.ETT, Where he ha* just opened a portion of hi* Stock, consisting of IfiSW ?(??IDS, Groceries, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, ftc., ' All of which were bought at low figures, and will be sold for CASH OR BARTER At a slight advance on Cost. He solieita a bar* of the public patronage. Ap ? 44 tf w. k. naaLBT. a. a. wbll* EASLEY ft WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, GREENVILLE, 8. C., PR \CTICE in the Courts of the fitate and of the United States, and give oapucial attetft'mn to cases in Bankruptcy. Jnne 13 1 ~~ AT PRIVATE SALE. I OFFER AT PRIVATE LAIL^X S?le, my HOtfSK and I.OT. located abont one mile from mHHel the Conrt House, on Aogusla Street. The House Is a two story one, and osteins See rooms; it has a front and baek plasaa ; it is new, end has recently heen put in thorough order. There is a Kitchen, Stables, together with a Well of excellent water, also Fruit and Shade Trees, on the piece. There are three acres in the lot, all nnder good, substantial fence. For ternse, Ac , apply to me. W. H. CAMMKR. ' May 11 ?J 4 J?.! ' I. , '.. I N LIFE Wf RAM CO., OMD, TA. IWci Sarplns, *300,000 ' rue? on Mntaal, Non-ForfeitWig and Return Poliolea Fort/ Per Cent., which proved the lion of Riaka. <i .. Preal dent. Viee-Preaident. - ....Secretary. Aaatatant decretory. Superintendent of Agenciea. 3FF10E," AT COLUMBIA, S. C. President. Secretary. - Superintendent of Agenciea. )I RECTORS. , F. W. McMASTER, W. B. GULICK, W. OIBBES, R. C. SHIVER, EARLE. XHAM, Geo. M. C. BUTLER. Gen. J. D. . ISAAC BltANCn, Dr. U. COOK. \LL be conducted on the plan of DISTRI! PKOFITS of the businees, aa hereinafter I the policy is non-participating.'' a nn th. liv.. .1 I- --.1 1- ? - ? ? ...? vt Iiuvvsuuc mi VI |>?I COM?, V/I V or other beneficiaries interested is their dependents, sod the same shall not be liable ept ae provided in the polieiea issued." s payable IN GOLD: Provided, Premiums inds shall be in m< rt gages or liens on UNOUBLETHE AMOUNT LOANED." secured in policy at part of the contract. loliei es. policy, and surrender value where " interhe insured off from home office. This Tea ies, cost the Southern people very heavily be only company that provides against such v have in their policies, that parties who ), " or the United States," render their polhat was before uncertain, and is too great a las a model charter and model policy, plainly It against sacrifice. ir, when all oash is paid, and of second year, i is uureeervedly recommended as in every ntcrested in 8outhern prosperity to look to institutions, and thereby establishing ihat ? permanent prosperity. Bear in mind that North for Life Inturance, taking so much onal power to our competitor*, siupany, thoroughly Southern, in the hand* int asset*, recent risks, the most secure of all of 8o*tA Carolina all funds accruing therein, can tie desired ; and we only ask a full ex* IEDMONT AND ARLINGTON LIFE INonage. jf the State, requiring a deposit of #50,000 ir the better protection of policy holders. FFERSON & SANSON, General Agents for South Carolina. JULIUS C. SMITH. RRY. 42 !tm mil, fiinrA?K3scnr,9 IE BIG BOOT, es and Public of Greenville County, that be ilected Stocks, and at such prices as will not om $1 to $5, iid Decorations, Covers, amelled Cloths, for Shades, Curtains, id Centers, [inds, >ns, i prompt attention and all good* warranted. K THE BIO BOOT IX THE BEND. 15 3 in* Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of sundry Wiits of Fieri Faciae, to me directed, I will sell, before the Court House door, on Salesdny in June nest, between the hours ot 10 o'clock ip the fore, noon and 3 o'clock in the afternoon, One Tract of Land, containing 93 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of John L. Westmoreland and others. Levied on as the prop~ prty of Uecrge Tilman Hughes, at the suits of J. D. Green, W. P. Vaughn and others. Also, all defendant's right, title and interest In law and equity in the following Tracts of Land, to wit: No. 1?the Old Homestead Place?on waters of Mush Creek, containing 480J acres, more or less, adjoining lands of James Chastain, James McMillen, Larkin Cannon and others. No. 2?the Taylor Place?adjoinining lands of A. A. Neves, Minerva Taylor, H. P. For* rest and others, containing 2181 acres, gqore or less. No. 3?the Saluda or Wills. Cox Place? containing 237 acres, moro or less, situated on Saluda River, adjoining lands of J. II. Clerc* land, William Wost and others. No. 4?the Fleming II. Fuller Homestead Place?containing 440 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Sarah Barton, William Fuller and others. No. 5?the Fuller Place?containing 200 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of W. W. 1 Robertson, A. A. Neares, William Fuller and others. Levied on as the property of Oliver Barrett, at the suit of Sarah Loft is, assigned to Blford A Donaldson. Also, all Defendant's right, title and interest in law and equity in one House and Lot, in the city of Oreenville, on Washington and Church streets, being the place wbereon Mrs. David Long now resides ; also, Defendant!# interest in one vacant lot of Laud in the city of Oreenville, containing acres, (number of acres to be aseertained before day of sale,) ad* joining lots of B. F. Stairley, Oilreath, Mrs. FrlU and others. Levied on as the property of Dr. K. 1). Long, at the suit of J. P. Hill* house. Aim nn* T?.?? T A 1 m , v. vv, .......I..* ??? acre*, more or lesa, adjoining lands of W. J. Pennington, Wji. Dickson and others. Levied on as the property of Asa Cunningham, at the suits of Juo. D. Cleveland, Administrator, and others. Also, one Tract of Land rontaining 284 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Jno. Oarmany aad others. I .cried on as the property of Mary Allen, at Jfcff.JrflM of Amanda Allen, et al. .Also, one Tract of IddjAflMainlag 80 acres, more or less, adjoining UHhjf N. F. Burgiss, Jordan Hicks and otnen^^Iornostead to be sat off to defendant before day of sale. Lev ied on as the properly of Samuel Payne, at the suit of T. Q. Donaldson. Alao, one Traet of Land, containing 71 acrea, more or leaa, adjoining lenda of N. P. Bnrgiaa, Cleveland and others. Levied 19 u the property of Samuel Payne, at the auit of T. Q. Donaldson. Terms oash. Purchasers to pay for stamps and papers. A. B. VICKEItS, 8. 0. 0. May 18 52 3 E.P. JONES, A<5P"5P(fiOa3i5fSaV MS MW, AND BOrjCTTDR IN EQUITY. WILL ntACTICK TJf ALL COURTS OF THIS 8TA1E A tap, in thr united status courts. Office Oreenville c. I., 8. 6. July 7 ly* ; 9*&*+?* dRwgptMMPfPt**1*1 **** BBiiilSggg. Smmmm?Mfc|8oin?ttW* the pain is-In the shoulder, and, is mistahga ftu ^uuMttun. Tbe stornaeh i? Affected' Mb Km of appetite" and sickness, komb in general edktiee, *om?tiinea alternating with lax. TkeHM is troubled with pain, *ud dujl, heavy actuation, oonslderable loss of memory, a^compapiod with ("^ ^" ^Cpalnfbl aensatlon of havVIVID liag left undone something JL 1 V u 0. Iwhjoh ought to hare been OfUn complaining of weaknee?7uvo^y> end low spirits. Som?times, some of the above symptoms attend tha disease, and at other times very few of them ; but the Liver is generally the organ most ia? Tolvod. Cure the Lirer with dr. nnnoiw*. Liver Regulator* A preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to be strictly vegetable, and can do no hyflry to any one. a* ubs own usoa uy uunuroap, ana kiiuvu for tbo last 35 years as one of the must reliable, efficacious and harmless preparations erer offered to the suffering. If taken regularly and persistentlv. It is sure to cure. ^ Dytfmplia, headache, I ITilD 1 jaundice, costiveness, sick I DfiuULillUU [headache, ohronio diar naaana^Jrhoes, affections of the bladder, oauip dysentery, affections of the kidneys, fever, nervousness, chills, diseasoa of the skin, impurity of the blood, melancholy, or depression of spirits, haertburn, colic, or pains in the bowels, pain in the hpad, fever and . ague, dropsy, boils, pain in baek and limbs, asthma, erysipelas, female affections, and billions diseases generally. Prepared only by J. H. ZEILIN ft CO., Druggists, Macon, Ga. Price $1 : by mail $1.25. The following highly respectable persons can fully attest to tho virtues oC Ibis valuable medicine, and to whom wo most respectfully refer: Gen. W 8 Holt, President S W H R Company ; Rev. J R Feldcr, Perry, Ga.^ T C Mark ley, South Carolina. JR&- For salo by all Druggists. Jan 19 35 ... - 6m T. MARK w ALTER S IT If1 m UJlT.BLS 'TTOP.SO, Broad-*!., Augusta, f?a. MARBLE MONUMENTS, !??aa? ?S?33ffiS? 4^0. MARBLE MANTLE8, AND FURNITURE, M A R B LE O F ALL KINDS ON HAND, OR FURNISHED TO ORDER. S3r Alt work for the Country carefully boxed for eliipment Oct 6 20 " ly CUSH1NGS~&~ BAILED, . BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERSNo. 262 Baltimore St., Opposite Hanover, BALTIMORE. The largest and beat assorted stock in the citf o SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL, DENTAL, Classical ? Miscellaneous Book*. (^-GENERAL BANK AND COUNTING HOUSE STATIONERY of all kinds. BLANK BOOKS MADE TO OBDER IN ANY STYLE OF BINDING AND RULING. [established 1811.] Mar *2 41 Am WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW 3AHL0NEGA, GA? WILL practice in the Counties of Lumpkiu. Dawson, Uilmor, Fannin, Union, Towns, White and Hall. Jan 10 33 If ctfftlft BITflftc W* % m?ReAapT* DYSPEPSIA&R|NDtGESTION prlvms chills s Wx*" SOLO EVERYWHERE. "TVrt D ow?^'?.ETf daviS > WHOLESALE druggists 1 caAaiEgrg&w.s-e. N. B. The Commissioner of Revenue baa , decided that any dealer can cell this article without a special license. For sale by DAVID & STRADLEY, Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Coramission Merchants, Orvenvilla, 8. O. | Mar 80 15 Bra SAMUEL BLACK, BARBER. WOULD r?speetfwlly inform the public that, lie hns B?mn?J . -- > - ? w w *> r\iviu in i the OLD COURT HOUSK, where he will he prepared to receive customer* as heretofore. Bring a Pro/euioital Barber, he hope*, hy attention to business*, together with politeness to alt. to merit a portion of pnhlie patronage, in CUTTING, SHAVING AND SHAMPOOING. ?n 2o _ tf TUTFS VEGETABLE HOTB? XPHILILr Cures diaesses of the Liver and Stomach. Tirrrs expectorant A pleasant our# for Cottgha, Cold*. A?. tuttr 8arsapar1lla AND queeifa delight the great Alterative and Blood Purifier. tutt'8 IMPROVED HAIR dye, Warranted tha beat dye in nae, Theaa standard preparations are for anle hy Druggist* everywhere. Ort S?1y. d^OMFOftT and Cure for Ike Ruptured.? V7 Sent postpaid on receipt of 10 els. Address Dr. K? B. FOOTK (Author of Medical Common Berne), No. 120 Lecingtou Avenue, New York. v ^ AWAY with Spectacle*. Old eyes made new. easily, without doctor or medicines. I Sent pout paid on receipt of 10 oents. Address > I?r. R. II. FOOTK, 120 Lexington Avenue, New York. Mar 10 4* ?m? 1 I ' ' *? : FOR 8ALE OR TO RENT, 1 ? A Com fort able DWICLl.INit, containing seven Roosns, and MlaH necessary Out Rdltdlngs. rnWrTwithin a (hw minutes walk ef . Purrnan University. For particular" apply to T. Q. DONALDSON. November 24 27 tf