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$aetq. , What I Lira For. 1 life for thcao that loro mo, Whoee burU u* kind and true j For the heaven thai em Ilea above me, And awaits my spirit, too j For all human tlee that hind aae j For the task by Qod assigned tns, *1 For the bright hopes left behind me, And the good that I can do. I Hvo to learn their atory Who've suffered for my sake) To emulate their glory, < And follow in their wake; > Bards, patriots, martyrs, sages; The noble of all ages; Whose deeds crowd history's pages, And time's groat volume make. I lire to hold communion With nil that is divine; To feel therein la union Twist nature's heart and mine ; To profit by affliction, Reap truths from fields of fiction, 0row wiser from conviction. And fulfil eaob great design. I live to hail that season lly gifted minds foretold, ' a Wlion tain shall lire by reason, And not alone by gold I When man to man united. And every wrong thing righted, The whole world shall be lighted As Eden was of old. I H70 for those who love me And for those who know me true. For the Heaven that smiles above me, . And awaits my spirit, too.For the cease that lacks assistance ; . For the wrong that needs resistance; For the future in the dialanoe, And tho good that I can do. Ikmurotw. Thk finest idea of a thunder stoim extant is when O'Forgarty came homo "light." He came into tho room where were his wifel and daughters, and just then ho) tumbled over tho cradle and fell heavily to the floor. After awhile he arose and asked ; " Wife, are you hurt?" " No." " Giris, arc vou hurt ?" " No." " Terrible clap, wasn't it 1" At a trial in an Alabama town not long since, one of the witnesses, an old lady of some eighty years, was closely questioned by the op posing counsel relative to the clearness of her eyesight. " Can you 6ee me ?" 6aid ho. " Yes," she answered. " IIow well can you see me!" persisted the lawyer. " Well enough,"'responded tho lady, " to sco that you're neither a negro, an Indian nor a gentleman. Tho answer orongnc aown tlio bouse and silenced the counsel. A down east paper says that persuasive and humbugging agents are al>ont in that reyion selling lightning rods, one old lady told an agent she had no fear of lightning, but she had always been afraid of thunder. "Just so," ho replied, " wo can meet your case exactly. The square rods are lightning rods, and the round oucs thunder-rods.''1 Of course, 6ho is now "protected." i A Yankee laid a wager with a Dutchman that he could swallow him. Bidding him stretch himself upon the table, he fastened with his teeth upon the poor fellow's big toe and gave a hard nip. " Ant 1 yon is biting ine 1" roared the Dutchman. " Why, yon old fool, do you think I am going to swallow you whole f' ? A little girl at Elmira got her ??VPTlillfir oravai- ' ??J VI ouilicn Ullh III I ACU tbo other evening. She kneeled down nnd gave vent to her feelings as follows: Now I lay me down lo sleep, Yer, my darling daughter. 1 pray the Lord my son I to keep, But don't go noar the water. A married man in New Hampshire has adopted an original method of economy. One morning recently, when he knew his wile would see him, he kissed the fiervant girl. The house expenses were instantly reduced $300 per year. A woman being enjoined to try the effects of kindness on her bnshand, being told that it would heap coals of fire upon his head, replied, 441 have tried boiling water, but it don't do a bit of good." "You look like Death on a pale horse," said a gentleman to a toper who wus pale and emaciated. "I don't know nnything about that," said the toper,44 but I'm death on pale brandy !" A little fonr-ycar old boy in Richmond, Virgina, on being asked by bis mother if be would not like to be an angel and bave wings, replied tbat be bad ratbcr be a hawk and live on cbicken. A little boy having broken bia rocking-horse the uune day it waa j bought, bia mamma began to ecold, when be silenced bar by inquiring, 44 what's the good of a horse till it ia broke?" 44Pa," said a lad to bia father, " I bave olten read of people poor but honeat; why don't they soine-' times say rich but honeat I" 44 Tot, tut, son, nobody would believe them, answi red the father. j. ub jli tsw x orx l/^tpvrt/hum print* A good ioke which waslateIy perpetratoa upon Judge Baker while presiding in . the Supreme Court in that city. On reassembling after dinner, one of the twelve jurymen was rather slow in snaking Lie appearance, so tardy, in fact, that impatience at the seeming unnecessary delay was plainly manifest in the oountenan- j ces of the learned gentlemen of the bench and bar. The tiresome, and vexations monotony was relieved, however, by the following laughable incident:' A dog bad accompanied his master to court, and while hunting around the room for a comfortable plaoe in which to ensconce himself, verv luckily, as he no doubt supposed, found the unoccupied chair of tue absent jnryinan, and, without wait* mg to be summoned, immediately took possession thereof. The .Tud.cro. addrpjwinor tli? loiirnnii oi,?1 eloquont Hon. A. P. Laniug, of Buffalo, said : 44 You see, Mr. Lauing, that the jurymen's seats arc all occnpiod. Are you ready to proceed ?" The distinguished pleader raised his glasses to his eyes, and, after a brief survey of the jury-box made the following witty reply : 44 Your Honor, tbo fellow might do for a judge, but I should hate to trust him for a juryman." The goodnatured Jndfo ioin?d heartily in the merry laugfi that followed, and proved that he could take as well as give a joke* An exciting fox chase occurred one day last week, on on the Yorkville railroad, in which neither the fleetness nor sagacity of Reynard could save him frotn " untimely end." It appears the fox was discovered by the engineer on the track, and thinking a fox hunt by railroad would bo novel fun, he put on 6team and gave chase. The scene was exciting. Reynard kept tf c track about two miles?probably so frightened at the huge hound that was after him he forgot his cunning, and did not think of tnrn? ingont. At length ho was compelled to cave in under tho wheel of the iron dog.? Union, Time*. t mm > ? Bkat of tub Female Pdlsk.? A young man of Patereon, N. J., who read that a young lady's pulse alwajs beat stronger in tho palm of tho hand than any where clso, triod to find out for himself his intended, and she burst an iron skillet over hie head. He has concluded that their pulso beat as strong over tho head as anywhere. Put ho is not of an inquiring turn of mind any more. - i. A Questionable Compliment.? Husband ? "Carriage, my dear girl. Consider the expenses! 1 don't see how I can afford it." Wife dear? " But, George dear, Mr. Smith keeps a brougham for his wife 1" Husband (with his logic)?41 But she's his second wife, recollect, my dear." [For tho life of her, at tho mo ment, she could not see the hearings of his argument, so she dropped the subject.] Bell introduced a bill in Congress exempting census marshals from the iron-clad oath. B. WHERLE, QREIENVOIJLIE, Z. O. DEALER IN BOLD HID SILVER WATCIES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, 18 & 22 Carat Solid Hnptial Rings, SILVER & SILVER-PLATED |y WORK of all dieeripliona in hi* line done promptly..^] Oct 37 ?S 1J WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Feriscopic Spectacles,&e WILL order an extra article /5f*7 jll for any pereon. Special atten. it. -38 lion will be given to RRPAIRfcliBf-! N fl l'ie Walebea of every dee crlption.Beat refereneoe given. JAMKS O. BLACK. Jane SO 0 tf WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW DAHL0NE6A. 6A., WILL praotice in tha Counties of Lamp, kin, Daweoa, Gilmer, Fannin, Union, Towns, White and Ilall. Jan 10 tS If w7h. cammeh, PRACTICAL 6UNSMITH AND MACHINI8T. r .... i d~10RN 8IIELLRR3, Cotton Oina, Lncka, Vy Sewing Machine*, Umbrella* end I'ara ola RKPAIRBO with prouiptoe**. Charge* reaaonable. Corn Shelter*, for (ale from ||0 to 919. I am alao prepared to fornlah Stencil Plater, for narking clothing. Blaekimllhlnr* I IIAW la addition to nr anal butinea*, opened a BLACKSMITH SHOP, baring a competent workmen hired, Larkta Wrttfteld. Work ia tbia line will he done aatiafaetorily. Read/ nad* PLOUGHS alwa/a on hand far aale. Stand?In rear of Old Coart lime, at the lUadelpk place, baring rant arid from my Hand en Main Street. IS-tf FOR SALE OR TO RENT, | ^ A Comfortable HWBLItlMO, eontaining area Room*, and fl 3r all nooeeaar/ Oat Iluiiding*. WHHR: Wiihtn a taw mloutee walk of furma.. L airerait/. Per particular* apply to If caber 94 97 ' tf * %%% vi.V ' er. ,. GREENVILLE. HAVING retarnfj bomt after en eb mm of MTtrtl weeke, daring which time I h?T<- v tailed New York. Philadelphia, Beltiu.~.e tad Cherleaton. I have PURCHASED &eans After the Great Gold Excitement 0N J VERY FAVORABLE TERRS, ALL OF WHICH I WILL DISPOSE or AT j VERY REASONABLE PRICES FOR , It -would Uke more epace then I here el , my oommakd to eaureerate i EVERY ARTICLE I HAVE ON HANIX J THOMAS 8TEEN. t Wholesale and Retell Merchant. Oct 20 - It It ! ^4, ) , 3 GREENVILLE . PAPER MILLS. THE undersigned liave this day formed a copartnership under the Dfttno of JAMES BANNISTER A SOW, , For the of carrying on the < aaJ^.33? Tc- '< oP" ; p A r> E n. | JniRrs T. J. Rnniiiatrt*. v * 1 THE Mills are now in excellent ' order, and we are prepared to < turn out a FIRST CLASS PAPER, , Which wo will warrant "to give satisfaction. A FULL SUPPLY OF PRINTING. COLORED, YARN & WRAPPING Can be fonnd at all times at onr Agents, Messrs. David & Stbaiv lby'S. September 1,1869. 16-tf K. IIOE & COm T MANAFACTUKKIIS OP Warranted Extra Cast Steel Patent Ground Circular Mill Malay and Gang SAWS. I i CIRCULAR SAWS. With Movable or Irucrted Teeth. j WE CLAIM fur our Patented Circular Saw tho following advantage* over all other*: The shank* of the teeth are elastic, and exert a uniform dintension in the socket*. The stability of the plate i* in no way affected by inserting new set* of teeth. | Each tooth, independently, may be adjusted to tho cutting line. No rivet*, keys, or other objectionable aa- ' pilancea, are employed in connection with the teeth, which are a* simple la construction, and as easily used, as a nut for a bolt. In short, all tho difficulties heretofore ex pericnced in the use of movable teeth for saws, are fully met and obviated be this innnitn AISO, TUTTLE PATENT - CIIAMPION " CROSS-CUT 8AWS. CROSS-CUT SA WS, or ALL IIIDI. A. aw Mandrels, Oammiof Machine*, 4? Bend for Calalognea and i'rieo Llsta. R. 1IOB 4 CO., | Printing Preea Machine and flaw Manafactnrera, New York, Bnaton, Maaa., and London, I Eng. Feb ? 39 Sin EP.JOISE8, AWWd&assrnra" AW ikaw, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WILL rBACTlCK IX ALL COURTS OF THIS STATES AtAO, j IN THE UNITED STATR8 COURTS. Offiaa Greenville 0. X., 1. 0. ! Julj t . lj? w. x. lAanr. a, ?. vaiu SA8LBT * WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, ORKKNVILLR, 8. C., PRACTICE in tha Courta of the 8tat# and of tho United Statea, and giro eepeelal attention to caaaa in Bankrupt*?. June IS S 1 The State ef South Carolina. ' GRRKNVILLS COUNTY. \ III tka Common Ploaa?X^titf Nit. THOMAS C. GuWKR, Adininletrator, oa. P. < P. 8UDDUTH, al aI.?Bill /or SaU of I Real K'tutt, to Pay Debt*, Ac. UNDER the Decretal Order made in the above caao, tbo Crodlfora of the Relate ot Mre. MARTHA LOVELAND, are required to eetabliak tho rank and amount of their < elalnta aerainai uid Ratala. tctftn iW? CU.L within *?'* month* from tbia data. W. A. XcDANIKL. C. C. P. Clark'* Oft**, September 28 th, 1809. Bapt X* J? In SAMUEL BLACK. BAKBEK WOULD raapaotfully inform th* publl* that h* bo* RrtnoTcd to o room |* 1 tha OLD COURT flOUHR, wb*r* ho will , ho preporod to r*?M?* *nol*?n*rw a* b#r*to- 1 tor*. Bainf ProfetUninl Bmrhr, h* hop**, by atUnllon I* ha*J * * *, tofothor With politooao* to all, to Morft * portion of pobUo polroaoc*. So CUTTING, SriAVINO AMD ?H aMPOOINO. 'J H tf ; Equality Life Compauy, I ^ aAa ' ^ ; ^ ?.>? 4^^BM^3flK&x?HH " ! * s?^^^5S??Sste^p d Principal OJRc*, No. 1011, tiatn Street, ltick' mond, l'cr. REASONS why every one should Insure in the -Equnlity Life Insurance Company, 8 >f Virginia: let. It ia more Liberal to the Insurers than iny other company, nod will eventually be- t jome Purely Mutual and belong to the insurer*. Id. It circulate* it* money amongst Ita patron*, who nro the insurers. Consequently they I ire continually getting the benefit of the rapid , t iccumulation of the Company, the money bang invested by the Board of Ulroetora amongst I be Insurer*. i 3d. The loan* of this Company arc a* liberal a* other oompantes who declare dividends 1 it the end of too seoond. third and fourth rear*, but this Company at the epd of the first ind evory year. I PAVID B. CLARK, President. THOS. II. WYNNE, Vice-President. I JOHN Q. WINN, Secretary. Gen. JAMBS II. LANE, Actuary, Dr. F. B. WATKINS, I w .. . . . . Pr. C. H. W. DAVIS, J Mwh?*1 Advleere. , Judge JOHN A. MKREDITII, Counsellor. niRKCToiie. J. B. Winston, Treasurer and Secretary R. K. A P. R. R j Win. J. Johnson, of Johnson A Runt, Wbelesale Grocers; Wm. H. Powers,of ( Winston A Powers, Wholesale Groeera; A!- j ?ert Ordway, Treasurer Buckingham 8tate j Company; J. F. Gibson, Superintendent j tdami' Express Company ; Charles Y. Mor- , ris, Morris A Co.'* Sugar Refinery ; G. A. Pe?lo, Superintendent Manchester Cotton Mills; i John II. Tyler, John H. A John Tyler, Jew. , slers; More; M'Hhlser. Wholesale Drv Goods ; Fhotnas 8. Baldwin, Clothier ; John M. Godlin, Cashier Planter's Dank ; J. R. Dowell, . Superintendent Western Union Telegraph* Company ; Alex. G. Robertson, Cattle Broker ; George I. Herring, Wholesale Grocer; R. L. Brown, of Brown, Jone? A Co., Wholesale Grocers; A Bodcker, Druggist; S. M. Rosen* biiuai, of 8. A M. Rosenbautn, Dry Gooods. Equality Life Insurance Company. f&T~ Examine itt Pnmpkltli brjora yon i?iare, if ?' to your inferett to do to. Ajtntt wanted ecert/tehere. BEN jr. G. IIERIOT, Gen. Travelling Agent, Charleston, S. C. Srpt 32 18 tf uw. oni\kkCRDtKutn 9 Fever and Ague \ ANTIDOTE Alwiif* Stop* tlio Chills. This IIodicine has boon before the Publio fifteen years, and is still ahead of all othor known remedies. It does not purge, docs not sicken c'.o stomach, is perfectly safe in any do*e and under all circumstances, and is tho only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fever and Ague, because it is a perfect Antidote to nslaria. Sold by all Druggists. Fsb t SI ly rsVsTH qTTfTtfsl .TO TBS WORK IN O CLAIS/*W? fif? now prttNutd to fWmUh all <i?m with opmslant employment it homo lh? People'! Uurary Owfin o?? of Um lirml and ^"^SSvk-HSS'SS^ 1 Feb 9 SO 3 in , EOSIFLDBS?BOSE FLDB1 : CHACKED DONE, Done Meal, Bone Flour, nil Floated Bone, guaranteed to proluee eatne effect at HALF COST of Peruvian i 3nano. Bend for cirentar. Addrew LESTER BROTHERS, Newark, N. J. Feb 9 38 13 "marble CUTTING, j BOYIVE A SPROIVL, COLUMBIA, 8. 0o CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE MONUMENTAL WORK In nil it# bra noli ea, of ' ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE, Bept 8 i? if COLUMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA. | rpiTK Proprietor* take ptearare In announe- ] I tog thlaele?anUy*faraiebed KaUbltebment tow open for Um accommodation of gueata. The table will tlvtjt be aunplied with every lalicte; of the aeeaon?both from the New fork and bar lea toe market*, and no effort* milt be apaiwd to give perfect aatiafaetlon, in very reapeet, to oar patrone. FRKK LUNCH in the refectory every day from 11 until 12|. R^IAMliiOP,} r*or",,TCRJSept *9 19 U NickersonHouseHotel, COLUMBIA, S. C. TUB naderaigned baring MrtlWlM KKNKWED hia lean upon ibe above Popular flouae, will endeavor to J make It eoe of the meat agreeable Hotel# im j the South. A call la aoiieited. pH Tree Omplbue to and from the Hotel. 1 WM. A. WHISHT, Proprietor. Sept ti tf < % i. OPJ. .1 MB OraonviLU * Columbia Byroad. ( } AN!/ AFTSe WBDN&8DAT, JanuJ wj l?th, Um following Sohadal# will a run wily," Snnday axoeptad, eonitaotlng rith Vigfct Traia od Booth Carolina Road, up ad dawn, and with NlghtTrain on Chatiotta, lolumbia and AugustaRoad going Sooth : > oar a Columbia- 7 00 a oa " Alston - 8 40 am; ? Nawberry 10 10 a oa Liriva Abbavilta 3 06 p m " Aadaraon 1 *0 pa " Oraonvllla..,. 1 00 pa itaro UreonrilU 5 45 a n? | " Anderson ?... 0 16 a in s " Abbeville 8 00 a m " Nawborxy 13 36 p an ' " Alaton 3 10 p m LttIto Columbia. ..... 3 15pm The Train wilt return from Be I ton to Xuieraon on Monday end Friday morning*. JAM RS O. MKUKOi r II, Qeneral Superintendent. loatlt Carolina Railroad Co. Qeneral ?u peri n ten den t'a 0?ee,) September 15, 1809. J rHE following Sebedule for Passenger Train* will be obeorved f.-om thie date : Dag /'cfievyrr Train. . <ea*lng Colombia at ..Y 4ft a a trriring at Colambla at 4 40 p m Night Expr# ? Train. tearing Columbia at 5 SO p m Lrrirlng at Columbia at 4 45 a m The Camden Train fill continue to run the following aohednla: Tri- H'eehIg. (Monday*, Wedneedaye and Saturday*.) irrire at Columbia tl 00 am. Leave 145pm Daily (Handoy* Excepted.) jmvd CamdeD 6 .">5 a m. Ar Kings* iilo 9 20 a m ! M Kingsvtllc 3 15 p m. Ar Camden 405 p m H. T. PR A KB. General SuperintendentCharlotte, Colombia ft Augusta B. B. ' SUPER INTBNDKNT'8 OFFICB. Columbia, 8. C.. J an nary 13, 1870. ' ON and after TO-DAY, an Accomodation Train will run aa follow* : >oar? Columbia 6 15 pm ' irriie at Augusta 8 30 a m -.eave Augusta ......4 16 p m irrirt at Columbia -1 30 a m Tbis Train connects with the Georgia day Passenger Trains at Augusta, and th* Green. J ille Road at Columnia, each way. > C.BOUKNIUilT, Sup't. ; Feb 9 38 Notice. Columbia, S. C., January, 1870. . The Charlotte. Columbia and Augnsta Rail- J oad Company having been formed by tb* , tonsolidhtion of the Charlotte and South Carillna and the Columbia and Augusta Railroad, ' tnd baviug executed a first and only mort- , ^age on its entiro property of 193 miles, induding equipment, is now redeeming all the icmds formerly issued by said two companies ly an exchange of its first mortgage bonds. Tbosa bonds bmr w?n n?r ?nl _ r ? ? ? t?/ ibU in January and July, and are amply somred by a mortgage on property which cott >er mile more than three time* the amount of ' Kindt so issued. The present price of the stock and t'ue l.ueitea* of tho road give ample guarantee of the leeurity of the obligations for a permanent inreatment. Indeed the opinion is freely exiressed, that there ia no aafer bonda issued by injr party or corporation in tho State, and bey are cheerlully commended to capitalists ia a safe investment. For the purpose of funding the floating debt if the Company, $30,at)0 of theae bonda are iffercd for aala to tho public, at tha Treasure's Office in Columbia. MM. JOHNSTON, President. Feb U 39 3m Charleston Advertisements. Old Carolina Hitlers. fiL flSMaanasicwwa. waDSffito We laka pleasure in offering the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS TO THE publio. They are compound ed with great enre, and contain some >f the beat Tonics in the Phatmacopia. Aa ividenee of tho superiority of cur Hitters irrr all others, we have certlhealea from many of the leading physicians in our State, who have prescribed them In their practice, 1UF. OLD CAROLINA BITTKRS Will be found invaluable for Want of Appetite, Genetal Del Hity, Chills and Fevrr and Dyspepsia. We do not off?*r onr Hitters as a cure for all liseneea, but as an Arutualic Tonic, they save no equal. For sale hr all T> rtlTr til. On/1 n?A*aaa I -j ob--? ?>w? iv?ry where. Piincipnl D?pot, GOODRICH, WIN EM AN A CO. Importers of Cbotco Drugs sod Chemicals, Chnrlestco, 8. C. Mh 9 42 Ij X DANIEL H. SILC X'S FURNITURE WAREROOMS, 170,177 & 179, King Street CHARLESTON, 8. C. ?Ai EsTAOL'saRD in ISSB.^^SS^ Mm Ksspo constantly ?n l.nn.i I* s well selected Stock of PtTKlTITUM, pWv Which be offer* st luREASONABLE i TTl PRICES. N. B.?GOODS CAREFtTtLY TACKEI) FOR SHIPPING. not 21 27 ly* i P. Ps TOALE, * ! a m ss. is i&? is ss w ? ssr, c. o-, j Manufsetorer of ( DOORS, 8ASnES, BLINDS. ' i ^ lBv Having ih? i*rg*?t and mo*t compute fMtor; io th? Southern 8?au-?. and keeping alwaye oo hand a Urge and mat ' foronleu ?u?eV of DOORS, SASIIES. BLINDS, Snih Door*. Store Doom, Shut tern. Moulding*, Ae., Ae., I am enabled to tall low ind at mantifaeterer*' prteea. N. B ?8triot altaoUon paid to ak ppiog ia good order. July 11 0 a 44 Old W hackaway " was Thack- ] ?rajv* aohoolnams. v CHARLESTON J 9 * - j?t - f * r iTHE " CAROLINA FERTILIZER" is mada fi pronounced by various chemists. on* of the b luano in its fertiliscng properties. These Phospb male, and possess qualities of the greatest value Professor Sbcpard : Laboratory or ti Analysis of CAROLINA FERTILIZER, persoi Moisture expelled at 212? F., Organic Matter, with some water of combination ? Fixed Ingredients, ... Ammonia, * - . . ? Fiiurpiiurie Acid?Soluble, 6 9? 1 insoluble, - - 0 17 1 13 13 Sulphuric Acid, 11 01 Sulphate of Potnsti, < } Sulpbatf of Soda, ..." 3and, - . On the strength of these results, I am glad to FERTILIZER, examined. We will furnish this excellent FERTILIZER to Geo. W. William DAVID & STRADLEY, >VJL,1,1AMS & YV 111iMill Jan 12 31 tmmj COTTOJY (i ; ' WARBH01 COM MISSION 155 and 157 Ei AUGUSTA, January 20 30 A. B. MULLIGAN, 1 AND G E IV E It A L EUMH1SS1UI MEUCU&BT Sccoh)h)oOqiion AUb^irf, CHARLESTON, S. C. HAVING ample mean* lor conducting my bunlnrM, 1 am at all timea pre pared- t? make liberal advance* on Cot'on. July 23 . : 10 ly num. YDim & in IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN MUSICAL JWST&UMENTS, STRING 8, Ac., Ac. Agent* of WM. KNABE A CO.'S PIANOS, MASON A HAMLIN'S MBLODBONS, Stulnway k Son'a and J. 11. Dunham'* PIAKOES TILTON'8 PATENT GPITAR. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 191 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. FERDINAND ZOOBAUM, New York. URNRT TOENO, O. L. M'OLEN AII AN, Cbarleaton, 8. C. Nov 2-1 27 * 6oa* .? . ? M r ^ ? a . . GEO. W. CARPENTER'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT 0? BAR 8APAR1LI-A. GEO. W. CARPENTER S CO\'POUNI> FLUID EXTRACT OF HU CHU T^IIE^E CELERRATED PREPARA. I X TION8, originally introduced by Geo. W. Carpenter, under tfle patronage of. the medical faculty, have been n long extenilvely need by pliyaieians and other*, that lhay are generally kooyn for their intrio te value, and nan ba relied en aa bring moat valuable remrdie# in ell eaaea whir* iaraaparilla or Iiuohu ere applieahla, and ?annot ba too highly recommended. They ire prepared in a highly eoneentrated form, 10 a* to rendar the doe* ?nr>all and convent* tnt. Order* by mail or otherwise will re?eive prompt attention. QEO. W. CARPENTER, IIEN3ZKY A CO., Wholesale Chemical Warehonee, No. 787 Market atreet, Philadelphia. r>OWlE A MOISK, Wholesale Agents, Charletton, 8. C. Now 17 ac If CHARLESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON,8. 0. E. H. JACKSON, Proprietor. A88ISTANT8, A. BUTTERFI ELD, (formerly of lbs Pavilion Hotel,) and W. S. MILLEIC THE MILLS HOUSE, 6. PARK EE A CO* Proprietor*. FIRST-CLAM HOTKL. BOARD. PMI DAT M oo. Pea 8 If tf "? 1 I iTERTISEMENTS, > V ' - i'" <* ' 'w^ n J.? ' ,1 I IHH rom the Phosphates ol South Carolina. and i? at Manures known, only Inferior to Peruvian ate* are the remain* of extinct land and tea anto the Agriculturist. We annex the analysis Of sit MnntcAi. Con-r.oa or Sonrn Carolina. nally (elected: II 71 ixpellcd at a low red beat, - ? 111* II SI ? - 2 10 Equivalent to 11 27 Soluble Phosphate of Lime. Equivalent to IS 48 Insoluble (bone.) 24 75 Phosphate of Lime. Equivalent to 23 05 Sulphate of Lipie. 80 S 50 11 06 certify to the superiority of the CAROLINA C. U. 8HEPARD, Jr. planters and others at $60 per ton of 2,000 lbs, s & Cos, Factors* Charleston* 8. C. i . - ^ Agents for Ureenville. iElct FACTORS, . m AND MERCHANTS, synolds Street, 3m F^TILIZERS. ty Circulars, with detailed ttal'menls, fnrnisliad uu application to the General Agents, B. S. RHETT & SON, Charleston, 8. C., Or, to DAVID A 3TRADLEY, Ageuta at Greenville, 3. C. Jan 20 St 8m aTt. chevreux, AND ARCHITECT, MABUBIUS WORKS Corner Meeting-St. and Horlbeek's Alley, s? ?, PLANS MADE TO ORDER, and free of ciiarok, WHEN WORK HONE BT ME, Dee ft 29 ljr NATIONAL HOTEL, (StolWMnBHA, 8. <OL MMM miU) PROPRIETOR. p. hamilton JOYNKR, clerk. RATES Or Hoard par Day ,...M 00 Bnppir, BroakfaM and Lodging 9 OO Hingl* Meal* ? 1 00 ??p I 16 tf SAMUEL. C. BLACK, STOCK AND BOND BROKER, NO. M BROAD BT., CHA PARTICULAR attention fi*n to parehnao and aala of SECURITIES on Cum minion. Information given obearfnll jr. mnu To Ret K T. BUIST, J.C. BA!! ET, THOa STERN. September 91, 1869. 1?-U PAVILION HOTEL, ?niAmifc??w<iDsar, s. <v. BOARD, Ran X, H AWL TO IT, Superintendent. Him* M. In RUTTERPIELD, PmprfntNM, Sept 9* 19 tf