[C0KCM?D*D tXOM riKCT TAOK.J miss loner, before said teacher can c draw pay for hit or her s or vices, u Sbo. 45. ThaMbe State Superin- o tendont of Education, or any d County School Commissioner. or t< School District Board ot Trustee?, h may receive, in behalf of the State u Board of Education, any gilt, c grant, donation or dovfco of any o school house, or site for a school t house, or library for the nso ot any s school or "schools, or other school c purposes within the State, and are s liereby invested with the care and't custody of all school houses, sites, a or other property belonging to the t State Board of Education within j the limits of their jurisdiction, < with full uowfifR to control the 1 . N "> * I W ? > IK'illU IIIIIIJ U"UiVl O. AH lb D 11V H I time A. B. appoared, with a counter bill of deduction for meals and 1 lodging missed. Meals eaten, ' three, $1 50; lodging, seven, $3 50; meals missed, sixty, $30; 1 lodging missed, fourteen, $7 ; bal 1 anco in tavor of A. B., $2. The landlord, of course, was a little as- ' tonished at the result of the reck- 1 oiling, and therefore said not a * word, for the best reason that he ! could not think of anything that * would do justice to the subjest.? 1 "Whereupon A. B., to relieve the ! landlord's perplexity, remarked ' with cool urbanity: 44 Well, nover 1 mind the $2: I'll take it out in 1 board." The landlord couldn't see 1 how to keep even with such a ' boarder, and so the connection be ' tween him and A. B. ns landlord * and boardor came to an end! Skating for Life.? A story is ' told of a man who came on a pack c of hungry wolves while skating in c an overflowed forest in the North- ? West. He threw aside his gun 1 and overcoat, and whizzed away for dear life. " It soon became apparent that 1 he could not hope to get such ft t clenr run ft6 to put on ft top - peed, f and so teave them behind ; but he t was a practised skater, a 'dab' at I the fancy work acquired on the t rinks, where people skate for pastime, and learn to be elegant and swan-like. IJis outer edge and figure-skating saved him. On . came the wolves full pelt, their 1 hot breath reaching him just as he put on a desperate spurt, when 1 whish ! he Hew round in a beau f fiful circle,and thc6haggy wrteeh- ? ?s, carried on by their own tremendous impetus, were a long way in front, while ho went glia ing off in a contrary direction. Over and over again did he practice this manoeuvre in smaller circles, till the wolves themselves, baffled, and in their rage snapping and ti biting at each other, began to flag pi and to think that after all they were in chase of the shadow of a man?a hungry dream of human ? flesh. Round and round went the 1 skater, still with a cool head and clenched first, working nearer and nearer home, until at last, in the A clearing of the forest, the pursuers gave up. and, with a howl of dis- V appointment, lied into the thickets." ? ? ? ??- ^ Lockjaw ano Ckoup.?Turpentine is said to be a certain cure it for lockjaw. In an attack ot the mj disease, a 6mall qnanity of the tnr- Et pentine should be taken and warmed and then poured on the wound, when relict will follow in < less than a minute. Nothing bet ? ter can be applied to a Bevere cnt G or bruise than cold turpentine; it will give certain relief almost in- x stantTy. Tcpkntink is also a sovereign 1 remedy for croup. Saturate a piece of flannel with it and place uk the flannel op the throat and ^ chest; and in a very severe case e* three to five drops on a lump of ,,n sugar may bo taken inwardly. Every family should have a bottle Pn on band. The remedy is t-implo g('] and can be easily tested. In all j serious cases, An application bo ft Mould be made under medical ad- ( vice. TI A Delaware man, who was ^ charged with murder, was acquit- < ted, and now refuses to pay hie *") counsers fee. Ilie wife waa in* divorced after the crime was com- 1,10 Pou mitlcd, but she advanced moncv (. , I J to pay the expenses of his trial, unci he repudiates her claim also. Tub proposition to employ wo- cu men as bill collectors will bo likely ^ to fail, for the reason that bache lor debtors would be apt to insist pur that the dear ilunners should ^ *' present their bills " repeatedly, g" ??-? ??? . sumo in such manner as they may < think will best subserve the inter- < csts of common schoole and the H cause of education, subject to the control of the State Board of Education. _ A Good Joka on a Hotel Keeper. Ono of our hotel keepers was not long since victimized in the following manner : A. B. went to him and cnga ed board by tho week at ten dollars per week.? " Now," said A. B., " I may bo absent occasionally, what deduction will yon mako for that ?" ' Fifty cents a meal and fifty cents a lodging," replied the landlord. lime woro on, and A. 15. was some times tlicro and sometimes not. After a while the landlord ' presented a bill for three weeks' ...1 ?i.,i..n?..o t.. ? ?i..?. j-miu!in..' iiWJ| Tpc TuK^f.?T^b common way if protecting tho throat id to bun lie and wn?j> It up closely, thai ' verheating and rendering it tenler and sensitive, and more linble a colds find inflammation than K?fi>re.' Tins prnotice is all wrong, nl results in ninch evil, fiepeAuny is this the case with children, Kid when, in addition to muffling he throat, the extremities are ir> ~i-.i ? -- ? 1.1 - t uuiKibiuij Vfinuf mb is viiun me :ii6C, the best possible conditions no presented for tho production >f soro throats, coughs, croup, and ill kinds ot throat affections. It ho neck it kept overheated a jortion of the time, when it is exposed, some form ot disarrange meat of the throat will be apt to tticur. The rule in regard to clothing the neck should be to keep it i&s cool as comfort will allow. In doing so"you will suffer much lefis from throat ail incut than it you are always fearful of haying a little cold air come in contact with your neck. Any one who has been accustomed to have his throat inuftlod should be careful to leave off gradually and not all at once. The Managino Woman is a pearl among women, she is one ot tho prizes in tho great lottery of uic, ana u?o man who draws Jicr may rejoice for the rc3t of his jays. Better than riches, she is a fortune in herself?a gold mine lover failing in its yield?a spring ef pleasant water, \vho6c banks nrc w'itn moss flowers when all around are bleached white with sterile sand. The managing woman can do anything ; she does everything well. Perceptive and executive, of quick sight and steady handed, sho always knows exactly what is wanting and supplies the deficiency with a tact and cleverness peculiar to herself. She knows the capabilities of persons as well as dungs, for she has an intuitive knowledge' of character. The managing woman, if not always patient, is always energetic, and can never be disappointed into inaction. Though she has to teach the same thing over and over again, still she is never weary of lior vocation of arranging and ordering, and never less than hopeful of a favorable result. An orator, holding forth in avor of 41 woman, diviuo woman," loncluds thus : 44 Oh, my hearers, lepona upon ir, nothing heats a jood wife" u I beg your pardon," eplied ono ot his auditors, 44 a >ad husband does." A man in New Orleans accuses ( lis wife of perjury in swearing hat they wero never married.? 5I10 excuses her self by saying hat she 44 never thought her litis >anu would be tool enough to go o work and j?rovo it." Twenty million school books ' ire used annually in this country. t 13 ij content with your lot. espcc j ally at a public auction. J Two things that should bo kept ' mder complete control?fire and ? em per. ' TO OF GREENVILLE. HTAVINO returned lmme ai'ter an ahLJL s<-nce of several w?eks, during which | me I have visited New York, I'hiladel- " bin, Baltimore and Charleston, I have PURCHASED J;; fi 9 ? B S i ftcr the Great Gold Excitements j w ON ,01 ERY FAVORABLE TERMS, Rl SLL OF WlltCli I WILL D1SP03K ?t. OK AT fERY REASONABLE PRICES FOR would take more spaee than I have at \ r command to enumerate bu fERY ARTICLE I HAVE ON HAND ^ THOMAS STEEN. c< Wholesale and Retail Merchant. Dot 20 22 tf 0WENSY1M(? SCHOOLS. h EV. T. J. EARftiiftM opon at Oowens- L< V Tille, 8. C., 1st IWKnlnry next, a SELECT MALE SCHOOL, Of a limited number of Student?, and teach ) Higher Kngliah and Mathematical branch- Ai and the Languages, fur two sessions, of five >nth* each. dc Tuition, from Ten to Eighteen dollar* per ision. Contingent expenses, one dollar?no tra charges, Student* will ho charged from ? ne of entranco to the closo of the session. ft, A careful parental interest will he taken in > moral and religious instructions ot the dents, and none need apply who are not r. ling to submit to the regulations of the I tiool. -* At the samo time and place, there will also j ( opened a ^ FEMALE AND PRIMARY SCHOOL, Under the superintendence of Miss HAT- Le E F. MOONKY, whose ?|ualiflcations justi- Ar a liberal patronage. Attention is specially led to her School. Tuition will be the Wi no as Inst year in tho Seminary, iowensriile ia located near the mountains, . J I is surpassed by no place in the State for Ar e water, a pleasant climate nnrt is? ; And every Advent Age is here a II".. riled T.ei no wishing to educate their children in good " ntry schools. lownnsville, 51. C., Jnn. 1st, 1.170. en 12 . 34 3m TUTT'S VEGETABLE OWSIE mm r res dieeeeoe of the Liver end Stomach. i J TUTTS EXPECTORANT J?| , pleasant enre for Coughs, Colds, kn. r ITS HA RSA PA HI LI.A AND QUEEN'S Arl LIGHT the greet Alterative and Hlood i .Her. TUTT'S IMPROVED HAIR p?, K, Warranted the beet dye in use. These vill idard preparations are-for sale by Drug s every where. Oct 0-ly. 1 ^HIANAFACTUBEHSJ)? JtranWed Extra Cm*. 6t??l latent Ground Circular HiH JftuLay ... CIROtJUU SAWS. With Mo'vtxbU or rfiscrtiit jt'eeih. \1TE CLAIM for our Patented Circular 1 \f Baw 'taw following advantage* over til ?. Saw Mandrels, Gumming Mnchinrs, &c Send for CalnlogutS and Prirc Li*t?. K. UOK 4 CO., Printing Prcw Machine nn?l Saw Manufacturers, New York, ISotton, Mass., nod London, Rug. Feb 9 33 Bin I DR. SHALLENBERCER'S J A xcvw aiiu j&gue ANTIDOTE Alwayi Stop* tUc Chill*. This Medicine has boon before the Public fifteen years, and is till ahead of all other known remedies. It does not pnrgo, does not sicken t"ie stomach, is perfectly safo in any doso and under all circumstances, and is the only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY and pormanontly every form of Fever and Aguo, bceauso it is a perfect Anildote to Ulalnrlii. Bold by all Druggists. Feb 2 87 ly PAVILION HOTEL, 13 HI & a Xb 33 S SP ? 339 S. (Q? BOARD,* Per Dny fa 00. 11. HAMILTON, Superintendent. TIi-s. II. I.. Rl TTFI{l li:i,I), Propriclmt, S?pt 29 19 tf a's ? a ifsTsTaTi si TO Til B WORKING CLASS.?Wo ore now prepared Co 'uroUh all fWr? with eon Want employ ment at Mmc.thr eholc ofthe time or |br the ?i*re mfr*a Litrrnry C'ooi/xmi'oi* - one of the Imrut and >e?t family newapa|M ra puhli.htd?all aent free by mail, icadvr. if you want rennaneitt, profitable work, addii 4 P. C\ ALLLN It CO.. AwutftTA. Maim. Fob il 3 m W. II. CAMMEIt, 'RACTICAL GUNSMITH ANO MACHINIST. ~10R\ SirET.LERS, f*utlon C,in?. T.?ek*, _j Smint Mnebino., Uulirellni and Parada RKI'AIKh'D with proinptnca. Charge* simtnahlo. Corn Bhellcr*. for ?nle from $10 $12. I nin hIso prepared to furnish Btcncil lutes, for marking clothing. Rlnrli?iiiitliiiig. rj IIAVK in addition to my uj-unl Imsine*., *> ' opened n UI.ACKH.M ITII PtIOP, bavin* " impotent workman hired, l.arkin W oat fit Id. do ork in this line will heilono sntiafaetorily. Y? Ready wudo 1'l.Ol'tillS always on hand wi r snlo. * ?v Bland? In rear of Oi.l Court llon.e, at the *n kitdoiph plnoe, having removed Iroin my ind on Main Btreet. IS-tf Greenville & Columbia Railroad Ui:.\r.n.w. SiTKniiTKNDKM'i OprtrK, 1 J Colombia, Janusirv I5lh, IH70. ( "\V AN D A K 1 FU WEDNESDAY. Jam; J iiry lOlli, (lie following Sclicdiilu will run daily, tiuntlt y egrrptcil, connecting J lit Xiglit Train on South Carolina Itoad, up J id down, and with Night Train a in. Ar Kingsville 9 20 a m .j.' Kingsville 3 16 p m. Ar Camdfn 4 06 p iu II. 1. I'KAKK. Ocneral Superintendent. ' p, bo lharlotte, Columbia A Augusta H. B. StirilltlNTKNDRNT'S OFFICII, nei Columbia, S. C.. January 1.1, 1070. see wN and after TO.DAY, an Accomodation vm f Train will run as follows a prt arc Columbia 0 16 p m an; rivo at Augusta 8 30 * m tb? tvo Augusta 4 lb p as as ive at Celninbla.. 1 30 a ni I This Train oonueets with the Oeorgia day of I sengcr Trains at Augusta, and the Oreen* offc e Road at Columbia, ench way, I er'a C. BOUKNIOIIT, Sup't. eb 9 #8 - 1 I ' *-\|uc?iivj ajuv iciuraiico company. CraMIH* ft# J'nmphtrf !*Jurt port fit. turn, it t'? t? .your inter**! to do to. Ayentt tftiillrtl trcryirimi ' * BKNJ. O. IICRIOT, Gen. Travelling Agent, Clinrloiton, 8. 0. Sept 22 18 tf BOIE FIOMM Wl ' %?> \ CH'.ACKKIt HONK, Bona Mol, Boa* Flour, ) and FlAltnl Hone, guaranteed to produce snino effect at HALF COST of Peruvian Guano. Send for circular.Addrera iOT#m. Feb 9 ' Sft ;i3 FOR SAlJ OR TO RENT, * A Comfortable DWELLING, lt>itVib~ I ?"n(*u>iug aavou Hnotna, ntid ffall nocu?aarjr Oat-Building*, within a few minute* walk oi Furmau Univoraitj. Fur purliculnra apply to T. Q. DONALDSON. November 21 27 tf MARBLE CmilT f ' COLUMBIA, S. c., CONTINUE TO MA NUFA CfllHE MONUMENTAL WORK Id all its blanches, of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE; Sept 8 lfi If CO LIT M BI A HOTEL COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA. HIIK Proprietors take pleasure in artnonneI in# this elegantly furnished Establishment w open for the accommodation of guests. 10 table will always be supplied with every licoey of the season?both from the Mew >rk and harleston markets, and ao efforts ill be spared to give perfect satisfaction, in cry respect, to our patrons. FRKG LUNCII the refwetery every day ftoia 11 until 124. ^ *M. OOTtMAN, \ n 11. H. BADBNJ10P, } B<"*nis:TORS. Kept 29 19 tf f ickerson HouseHotel, COLUMBIA, S.C. TUB undersigned having I RENEWED bis lcsse upon carSMSo above Popular House, will endeavor to ake it oaa of tha most agreeable Hotels in e South. A call is solicited. pb Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel. WM. A. WRIGHT, Proprietor. Sept t It tf rHE MILLS HOUSE, ?3. I'Ell UAY $4 OO. Ore 8 W tf Notice. fQ-s Columbia, S. C.. January, 18Y0. The Charlotte. Columbia and August* Kailad Company having been formed by the nsolldation of the Charlotte end South Oarma end the Columbia and Augusta Railroad, d having executed a first and only mortge on its entire property ot ttft miles, in. iding equipment. Is now rodesaing all the nds formerly iesued by said two companies an exrhsnge of its first mortgags bonds. iosO bonds bear seven per cent, interest, payle in January and July, and are amply sored by a mortgage on property which eost r inilo more than three times the gfeount of ' nds so issued. Ibo present prim of the Steele and the bnsi.. i ?? ... I .. V. ,??. -".p.. K??r?ni#o OI I A? ntrity of the obligations for a permanent lnitment. 1 ndeed the opinion i* freely ?. :t*ed, that there .Is no ?far bond* issued by y parly or corporation in the State, and i liwM tn capitalists " n safe investment. for tbn purpose of fnndlng tba floating debt the Company, $>O,?O0 of tbaaa bonds are ] irod for sale to the public, at tba Traaaari Office in Columbia. WM. JOHNSTON, President. Feb 10 S9 3m ? r * pi-ittrip il Office, No. 1013, Alain Sleeet, /tick mon l, Va. > |l|Jf|Jrji REASONS wliy every one should Insure h tbo Equdity Lite Insurance Cora patty ot Virginia : la*. It is more Liberal lo tbo Insurer* thai any other company, and will eventually be ri'Ntc l'urely Muthal and belong to the insurers f'td. It circulates its money amongst its pqt roue, who are tbo insurers. Consequently the; are coutisually getting the bonvtil uf tbe ranit neeumuln lloti of tbo Company, the money l>? ing Invested by tbe Hoard of I)irectors ntnongs the insurers. 3d. The loans of this Company nro as liher nl as othor coiupvties wl|o declare dividend at tlio olid oft us second,'third and fourO years, hut this Company at the ?bd at the fin upd every year. DAVID II. ('LA 1! K, President. TH08. II. WYNNE, Vie?. President. JOHN Q. WINN. Secretory. (Ion. J A.Mlio 11. LANK, Actuary, _ Dr. F. II. WATKIBS, > ? , . . . Dr. C. II. W: DAVIB.j Adriscrs Judge JOHN A. MEItRDJTlI, Counsellor niRKCTonn. J. R. Wjnstob, Traasurtr and Secrotary H F. A lb H. II; Wui. J. Joliusoo, of Johnson J Hunt; Wholesale Orocera;"Wm. 11. Powers,? Winston A Powers, Wholesale tlroeers; A1 bcrt Ordtvtjy, Treasurer BuckiMkum ?t*t< Company J. F. Qihsoa, Stiperintondsn Adams' Express Company; Charles Y. Mor ris, Morris A Co/s Sugar lluliuery ; U.^i. Papie. SupUrlntuadsnt Manchester Cotton Mills Joint II. Tyler, John H. A John Tyler, Jewclers ; Moses Millhiscr, Wholesale Dry (losdii Thomas S. lialdwin. Clothier ; John >1. God din, Caabiac PUqtar'a l)at.k t. J. 11. DowslJ Superintendent Western l/iion ' Telcgrapl Company }" Alex. tl. Rwbertsdn,'Cattle Brohttn George I. Herring, Wholesale UrocerjK. L Brown, of Tlrown, Jones A Co., Wboleeah Grocers; A ll -dekcr, Druggist; S. M. Uo.-?nbuum, of 5. A M. KoscnbanA, Dry Gooods. r..?to- ru. ??< :* yjcvssxmSbSZ+fmj > . ]cw?r~~~" r Advertisements. 'M l/ I Ss. QjUu'j'Mti W?SJU? . -; w_ We take i>ltr#*Ote in offering lf?at k . n^ dAXotUTA niTTSRS i * 2g j. ?\ 7 ^ . vj? * * * f "?) TOK pnhlic. THi^y are tunlnMbd ' _JL '< d wttfegrftutcarr. and contain Mine of 11?*? I.eA 't'ottic* in Hi?- I'harntaeopia. Aa j ividrncf uf the mp*i iuritjr of our Dlltara or?-r alt Vheri, we have certlfleatea from ^ ntaityvtflrti* leadinn pbyrleian, In mtrfllate, who here prescribed litem In their practice] 1 * TJE OLD CAROL I If A BITTER8 ' Will li found inTnlonlil." for p j J ffTWIW a WH" Wnnt of Appetito, General Del llilr,'{' '* Chil'# end Fever and I'yapepala. We do not offer our Itinera *e cure fof nil . di?ensnt n? nn Aromatic Teato, lh?y lure no equal. ' For rale by all DruggfaU and Grocera I narery where, t Principal Depot, f ooonuicn. wineman * co. , Impot Ufa of .Choice Drug* and Chviuieale, ? Oharleatuo, S. CL * DANIEL HSfLCOX'S r FURfoTUtlE WA&KndOMS, $ 175,1T7 & 179, King Street r CHARLESTON, 8. C. ] | j)fcj ' . Emrfiattrt In mm ga ivccps consuntljr on tiMT M I III * well jclcciod Stock of EBBn - ulljl r ftPTJIUTITUP.a, ' Kr ^ Wbloh bo offers ?t PaREASONAOLE fix "t PRICES. K. B.-GOODS CAREFULLY TACKED * for suirrisa: Kot 24 IT ly? i^ktoalbt7 (& w k a it. a s sp oore. Shutters, Moulding?, Ac., Ac , I ant enabled to aell low and nl niannfact ursr*' prices. tiS B ?Strict nttention paid to eh pping n good order. * July 21 * '< > 'S tf GEO. W.CARPENTER'S COMPOUND FLUID KXTRACT OF SAR SAFARI LI A. . GEO. W.*CARPENTEB/8 CO'V POUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BU CHU. r|HIE-E CELEBRATED rRF.FARA JL l loNS, originally introduced by Ota. \V. Carpenter, nnder tbe patronage pf the medical faculty, hare been an long ex ton aiveljr used bv phyaieiana and other?, that they am generally known for tJieir intiinlir value, ngd can be relied on at being most valuable remedies in all c*s?e where Sarfapnrilla or Buehu are applieahle, and cgntiol be loo highly recommended. They ! are prepared in a highly concentrated form, so at to render the dose small and convenient. Ordera by mail or otherwise will receive prompt attention. GEO. W. OA REENTER, IIF.NSZEY A CO., Wholesale Chemical Warehouse, * No. 787 Market street, Philadelphia. DOVV1K A MOISE, Wholesale Agents, Charleston, S. C. Nov 17 28 ly # A. F. CBEVREUxj J AND < ARCHITECT, \ MAIEiaiE WOmKS I Corner Meating-St. and Horlbeck's Allay, ( ?a^siiassoja, s, ?. a PLAITS MADS TO ODDER, A AND FREE OF CHARGE, WHEN WOBK BONE BT ME. < Dec 8 29 ly O A. B. MULLIGAN, \ AND I GENERAL a ; mission MEHCH&IT ftfcotntoiotoHion CHARLESTON, S. O. J HAVJNG ample meant for conducting | my buaineas, I am at alb times pre 7 pared to make J i bar a I ad v antes on Cotton. Ju'y 28 _Jjjj J-L_ SAMUEL C. jBLACK, M STOCK A Nil BOND BROKER, NO. 2d nftOA D ST., OVA hi. B8T0N. A? f_>ARTICULAR attention elveu in one. X tli?M And nit of SWJURITIfif on g| Comnii*?toB. Information glveo ?h*?rfuiijr. remm To Rrt K. T. BtlfflT, : J. C. BAll.KY, kK1 TII08. HTKK*. ScpUnUVSl, 18ft0. 1?-tf , CHARLESTON HOTEL* < CHARLESTON, 8. O. E. XL JACKSON, Proprietor. A 8aiS*TANT9, k. BUTTIRFTE, (frn- HK /m. metW of th? Pitlll^D Hoi?l, nod W. >. MILLER. R * nnHB " CAROLINA FERTILIZER " is mi I pronounced by rarious chemists, one of l'rufcssor SLojtani i Laboratory i Analylia of CAROLINA FERTILIZER, \ Moisture el polled at 212? - ? Organic Matter, with some water of oomblnat Fixed Ingredient, Ammonia, s Phosphoric Acid?Soluble, 6 00 Inaoluble, ? *- - 6 U 13 13 Sulphuric Acid, 11 01 Stilpbeta of Potaah, - Sulphate Of Soda, Sand, ... On the atrength of theee rcaulta, I am gla FERTILIZER, examined. We will farniah tbia excellent FERTILIZE Geo. W. Will in DAVID Ar STRADLF/i WILLIAMS & WI1IT1 Jaa i: fliij COTTOJy WARBH C0MMISSI01 155 and 157 ] AUOUSTA J Miuarjr 28 ' WE M, B: VESTAL OIL, F( a put FIVE AND TEN * :t f OR *i SAFETY ~|>URNS LONGER THAN ORDINAT J) SAFE. Read what Frefeesur S1IKP, " LABOi Jffri. M'a?. H Bird & Co: Qknti-mm sent by you, and determined the ' Bro point inflatmnaMe, (u be above ISO degrees Fahre degree* Fahrenheit. As the 'fire point' ot quired standard, tlie Oil is to be regurded a* muni y. Very respectfully, WM. M. BIRD & CO." AND D1 STRICTLY PURE NO. 208 EAST BAY, AND FO Harrison & Marshall, January 13 FERTILIZERS. PIT ClrauUra, with detailed atatementa, t.inlied on (pplitt(t?a to tho Oenera^ fauta, . ) f B. S. RHETT & SOIf, \ Ckarlaatoa, Or, to DAVID A STRADLEY, AgeuU ft Or??n*ille, S. 0. Ian 26 mf* 8?? linliTiiH 4tr mruKTKKS AND DEALKK8 TV V&ICAL INSTflUMKXTfr 1 i ' rftbin o 8, a?., a?. U of WM. KNABB A CO.'fl PIANOS, MASON A HAMLIN0 MELODKONft, ainway A Son's aid J. B. Dunham's rI AS OKS TILTON'S PATKNT OUITAft. paikino 'phoney i+mmitn m lti xura sts^xt, 2h arle8ton, 8. c. PKKDINAKD ZOOBAUM, , i Pw Tarh. { -jSKY YOtTHO, O. L. minnas a if, Charleston, S. 0. f s4 tr ide from tha Pkoaphatea of Sontk Cnrotlnn, and ia the boat Munnrea known, only Inferior (o P?rn?ian oaphntaa are the rvmaina of oxtinot land and ai'a analae to the Agrleulturiat. Wo aaatx the annlyaia of 7*r tux Mkdical Cotusa ?# Boots Caaomna. >craonalljr aaWetadi . . IB 70 ion expelled At low red beat* - - IA 50 , - OA 80 ? - J AO Kquivnlcnt to 11 27 Soluble Phoephate of Lima. Equivalent to IS JA Ioeolable (bono.) 24 74 Phoephate of Ltma. . Equivalent (o 23 83 Sulphate of Line. AO - 4-c' IM i 11 08 d to certify to the eupcriority of the CAROLINA C. V.BHKPARD, Jr. R to planter* and other* at $80 per ton of 2,000 lbi. ms & Coo, Factors, Charleston, $ C. 11 RE } ^gcnt8 f?r Qi ccnvillp. 34 4m urn & rn UillVU UL IIU., FJ1CTORS, Ol'SB AND i MERCHANTS, j;.,-. (T. - >A , Reynolds Street, , GEORGIA. 36 3m [RD &no.'s m ILLUMIN1TIN6. UP IN GALLON PACKAGES, VMILY USE. QUAR&TBED1! tY OIL, AND ABOVE ALL, IS TEUFCTLY Alt I) any* : ftATOKY OF TUK MEDICAL COLLEGE, ) Qucen-Strcet, Charleston, 8. C. > IK?I have examined tho snmp.c of Vestal Oil ,' i. the temperature at which the oil become* nheit. The United States standard requires lib this Oil Is tO degrees Fahrenheit aboee the resale, and thus supplies a great want of the Com CHARLES U. SHKPARD, Jr., M. D." fsOLE PROPRIETORS, Balers in OILS AND PAINTS. i CIIARLESTOJT, S. C., R RALE BY Agents, Greenville, S. C. 34 3m * i FARMERS! t Inertai* 1W Cropi and Improve Tvur Laudi, bjf tiling FHQSN1X GUANO, Tmported by n direrI from lbs Pbernix 1$tandi, . ,0V?* rac\jio %jcran. ? ' * Wilcox, Cllbbi Sl Co.'i MANIPULATED GUANO > Prepared at AnmnnaN, Oa., and Char It tan, ,1 C, which ha* protrrri in the t,>i( tk* beti MANURE IX LUX. Guano, Salt and Plaster Compound, V ? ? f PR BP A HMD *7* MA VA Nit All AND CUARIK8TON. . & Per Sate fee On* or on Tim*, %T WILCOX, GIBBS & CO., IMPORTS** AMD DEALERS IN mmmm. tor For forth* U'#tnc&lM: ?<14r?4 M ?hov? f>r timlar, ^ KauttWlolfc j^irw .,DhU NATIONAL HOTCL, (9 DHaWHtofttt A, m? (Bm usswssi?? P. HAMILTON JOYFKR. CLERK. j>\T ju/fiSiii Of Boat J p#r D?/. . i ..?.? ?'..? ?' .$X 00 Bappor. BraakfeM aod Lotyftf...... t 00 BSngf* bImA*. . .. 100 1 ftp i u i/ j