The Greenville enterprise. (Greenville, S.C.) 1870-1873, April 06, 1870, Image 3

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is TO OBIT . r-v B V -v *^Hfa||MBHE||BjSkftfHMM|?ni^M-t^, >j ftgMMMMflig^i H , jg I I ": AHariiVHB >- < W' MM ?Nt98BSBBH9 -9 ; 1 ' ? . . * "$? *,; *- A ; . - -v >, ^^mgBgmmmmmm^ammmmm^^r ? ??*-.? HHHn. > '" mwmm* m > SULLIVAN & SOS Are Selling fTimmfi VJUVT JL JLJt JLJLil U HHY STili X3B SRlINmUL :o: i V * * f Don't let this OpVt/\?4l 1 n l4tr r<lirv jpvi iuiiiij nuji y uUj Reader, but * -i. t GO AT ONCE TO THEIR STORE, AND GH3T OQOM. ? While they are GOING AT SMI 111 \ - f 19' }*t'^ * * '' PRICES. (IT If you fail to jpurchase, you will Regret it. i ft J N'j[ 1. - #? /- "r Remember theStore. filllllVlN ft flAM OlVlilVAll tt Wlli GwwtllU, 8. C, Afrtl %, WTft. s %kse&&!s!ds; zs?isf, ^UN^AID ^ChOOlTACCOXJWT^ ? S ft, m well u ftamfielarlaa *?r tha Jaaf Ugjanlno IfofMber lit, 1MB, aa4 ??dk>? l>e. E?2Xir:?2?p? V (k?j k?r?i?i4mm. TWANOMttMit ki aM* out aad not to OilwMi! tboaa of 1007 and IBM Ufbfa tha lat o? May, aad thoaa of IBM aad lBBB.bafbia tha 14th lfay. All Tmbwi who daaita to Toaoh la tha Pabllo School*, will prooont theuaalrei bafora tha Board of Bxanlnan at tha Cowrt Boaaa Ot mw or owirav ma IN MM NO Of 1 JAMJS8 HARRISON, Beheel Commlifiuntr Greenyill* County. Ap ? S ..... . . .1 .i.. m i .. United State* Internal RevenueCounted, April I, mo. NOTICE le hereby glee* that o? the Stth day of April, 187(\ft?ayofBeela Columbia, ?pp?|i *l)| be NMNd end determined relative to any erronectas or estreat re ralaetlone, eereeemeut* or eiromern tione by the A termor or Aolttut Aoiimn ?f the lotitNl Usee for 1870,. trhieh here t)^SB The Amiior1! Office ia open daily, dorlag bfMtaeee heore, for the hearing of oppeak by pArtiet who aba 11 appear roluetarily before hits, relating to oo/.taxno which Nova been aeeeioed, and which hare bet been committed, to the Collector. All eppeole to the Atwwofto afereeetd, meet he made la writing, and epeetfy the particular eaoee, pi alter or tbtog retpectlng which a deouiop in rcqpcited, end meat, moreover, elate the grwoad of principle of rrrer eoamlaleea oL W-u^u.-^jS&aSEffa April 41 I i rho State of South Carolina. (.HEENVILLK COUNTY. Dg S. J. DOUTHIT, K+quiro, Judgo of /Vokot* of Hid CoHtg. WHRRKAS, Robort Lank ford ku ll?d I Pttitl?B la my Offieo, ptaytog that Letter* of Administration, do bomo turn, on all tad tinrnlar Un good* and ebtttlM rifbtl tad crodlt* of LEMUEL PAGE, lata of tho Canty afotaoald, deceased, ahoold bo granted to him. TAooo oro, tkoroforo, to eito and admoaloh til mad tiagnlar tho kind rod aad oroditoro of tho aaid deceased, to bo aad op poor la tho Gnar* of Probata for oald Cooaty, to bo boldoa at flrooaoUlo Coart House, oo tha |M dog if April fast., to tbow oaaao, if any, why tho Mid Administration oboald not bo gratod. 8. J. DOUTBIT; $/ P. O. C.. Ofloo of J ad go of Probata, Am. Mh, lift Ap 6 bb 1 The State of So nth Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Ia tho Coart of Prbhato. WILLIAM FOR EOT e*. JOHN FOREST. Administrator, ?t of.?/Vlifiea for ? FTaof Soulomoml, ]' T appearing to my satisfaction tbat Cham. L pi?a Foroat, J ana Foroot. and John orott, Admin lot ratori, defendants la this case, reside without tho limits of tbia Btato: It if th?rafnrd OrHarari iKal tkaw ?L> aavatoao I in peraon or by attorney, at a Ooart of Pro- j baU, to bo boldan at Greenville Court Uouae for Greenville County, on (JU 114 day of May next, to ahow eauae, if any tboy oaa, why a final aotUotaaai of tbo Katate of ALVEBD FOREST, deeeaaed, ahentd aot ba bad and a Decree girah tbaroon j on failing to attaad, tboir conaoata will bo ontorod of record. 8. J. DOUTHIT, P. J., O. C. April Sd, 1870. Ap ? 48-fi For Sale. SECOND HANDED 8KWINQ MACHINES; in good repair; work all right. O. A^PIOKLH. Greenville, 8. C. Mar 30 4ft " t GOODS BOUGHT WITH ( IF you want NEW GOODS, come to BEATTIE'S. IF you want CHEAP GOODS, come to BEATTIE'S. IF you want GENERAL VARIETY, come to BEATTIE'S XF yon want CALICOES, 10, 12$ and 15 cents, come to. BEATTIE'S. IF you want pretty DRESS GOODS, cheap, come to BEATTIE'S IF yon want COTTON YARN, SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, TICKINGS, CLOTUS, CASSIMERES, TWEED8, JEANS. LINEN8, WHITE GOODS and EMBROIDERIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, HATS, SHOE8 and BOOT8, READY MADE CLOTHING, HOE8. AXES, SPADES, 8HOVELS, NAILS, KNIVhfl, FORKS, SUGAR and COFFEE, TEAS, iNnmn ...?i MAniiEn Ac.,?all at low cash iprioes?call at . SCATHE'S. IF you are looking through the market for GOOD GOODS, at a oris pries house, cdme to beattie's. Mm M U r 3 r?. Dissolution ofCejiartBrrshlf, npHS c<vp?rtMr?)itr or amrnouaa a I TERRY ?U tbU dftydtoolvod kr mmfo 'All WiIimm wf tta MkU fins will U M<tl?4 Iff * H. 8YAM?. ' . V Notice* ' Having **j? to mUtw kwiMM st U* old stood of, HUabowoi try, I will opon U a tow doji t ruil ANO COMPUTE STOCK spring?'goods iHtl - - m * a . - jti n to iUk) Vf ?, piiMW?|tt SELL GOODS A8 CHEAP Afl THEY CAE BE BEEfkt ! Ike Cewlry / WILL DBAl FAIRLY AND SQUARfLY WITH ALL. ' iCONN AJfD > - '.f'. > TR r MR. T. H. STALL, folrrUw 8tor?, Morok MA, ItT*. J Mor JO 41, : t - .. ... oprosiriTlrii T?EQ8 RK8PECTFT3LLT to Infers th.Lodl JL> bu on band ow of tb? ItfgMt sad Uot m Sfi to giro fknorol uMaftitUn, oatMlng of Window Shades fr Faper Hangings ai Piano and Tabta C . Uil fJIotlisand Em Window Hollands Damask and Lace Cornices, Loops at Mattresses of all E Pillows and Cusbn AU or dart tstmUd to W? ?tn, will maat wit) >41 KINO STRBKY, AMD 0PP08XT1 March M ' 4 EDMONDS T. BROWN, nBmn|HQ90f th? firm bW. D. Fannlnf JSuJSrfESB WhoU.aU DwW U^a^MJa^j ( .Mm'i A Bo/.' ^ 111 nffl a*? ,; STRAW S't AIM) Ladies'. ; ( Kiuea' ud Children's TFT J\ vp ^ 43 HATKB STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLTCSTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. Mar SO 4ft tm I r JUST ' RECEIVED AND m mi .. AT CLYDE & HOVEYS' F2FYV SACK? WO. B Norlh Carolina FLOUR, iuo A LARGE LOT OF S IT a A RS Crushed, Granulated, JPowdered, C Extra, (si an"? h k dard,) C Extra and Brown. PURCHASED since the decline, 'and auk offered at GRRATLV REDUCED PRICES, Either by the Barrel or by the Pound. OUR STOCK OF my m READY-MACE CI 01 HI It 6 HATS, SHOES, GROCERIES. SAiiri-WASia, CUTLERY & CROCKERY is WIMt ASSOMB?, And the Public Generally are invited to cau 1 and , SA T1SFT TJJEMSEL VES I A? to Prleci aad %iRll(y. CLYDE & HOYEY. t Meh n 44 |f ' JOHNSTON, CREWS*CO. bapoiMn and Wbil?aali DmUn ki STAPLE A17D PANOT \ DRY GOODS, ' NOTIONB AND WALL WARNS, 4A snmaav, CHARLESTON, S. O. Mart* 44 ta , Notice TB htrtby giraa to all whoa (t may eonoara, 1 *kat I a III apply to 8. J. Doulbit, Probate Ja4tf?of flhaaarina Coaaty, imtka 1*4dog ?/ April for a Fiaal LUehem M Adnlaiatrator of tba Xatata of JAMBA R. CRAIN. Jaaaaaarf. WILLIAM CRA IK, *??* m, i?f?. ifchiumti. Mat 14 45 4 t. . 7.4 ^ teIbig'^oot, m Ma Ptfblle of GrMotilk dim*ty, ?hu U ' ?l*oUd BtMki, U< ? M?h prtMr ? will not om $1 to $& nd Decorations, 'overg, amclled Cloths, for Shades,1 Curtains, 1 id Centers, Linda, mia, &lc. j i prnayt attention and alt good* war ran tad. E THB BIO BOOT IK TUB BBKlt. IS 3m* chasTKIIKISOF, ! i LATE , I [ill nun j m ?asm, i 359 Xing Street, f OHAF.LBBTON, B. O. iv. 4\ MarlO 40 6m ALFREDA IABB0T, avxMJuvair itqjmjk irmze CH1KIBIT0I 11AVOE 1 OF TIB HAVANA SEOAR FACTORY. J - LA VALKNTINA." FINK Havana Tobacco Manufactured Ei- ' cluaively by Cuk-n workoitn, will, with , Mill, produce 8?g*r? equal In Quality, Style ' and Fragrance to the beet brands known. Orders unaccompanied by Kafcrai\oa?, Bill ba seat C. O. D. US Ktlt Bay StTMt, O H'AP.LZBTOIT, B. O. ' Mar 30 4b $Mm ? SOJ2mbbiLS2?!? S ft CURES ! DYSPEPSIA A INDIGESTION PSOLD EVERYWHERE, SJBKJSiflS a WHOLESALE DRUGUst* ' 1 TWfflWl IHTOHEC. N. B. Tha Commissioner of Revenue Its* decided tliat any dealer can sell I Ida article without a spaoial license. For aala l.y Tt A YTTTV jf, CTB A TkT ?V VOTAU U< UAMHVJUS1JI) WhnlrMlt mid Retail Oro?fti and Commission Merchants, Qrcen villa, 8. C. * Mar SO 45 6m CHAS. HICKEY, G E L PER, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAME MAXTUPAOTURaP,, 345 Kinir street, ?IHIA!RJI,?8ff?N, S. ?. LOOKING GLASSES OF ALL SIZES FITTED TO FRAMES, OLD Fit AMES RE-GILT EQUAL TO NEW. Mar :to 45 3m CHAS. D. CARR Si, CO.. <3&iripjew W AHF/ROOHS, laMl-lt., aaar l^if, Charlastaw, I, 0. HAVE always ai kaad a Inrce assortment of Bnglishaad America* Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry, S Ply,' Ingrain, Venetian and Hamp CARPBTINOft. Valval, Braaaal and Tapeetry RUGS and MAT8. A full aaaortment af DOOR MATS, comprising Coir. Bnaab, Cbala, A lac ante, Sisal, Adalaid and Plain and Taney Sheep Skin. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, from the beat ranker?, of all widths and great variety of patterns, Table Oil Cloths, la Warble, Oak, K ode wood and Ma* begany. Mattings, Cocoa, Manilla and WhHa and Check India. I) rag gat and Cnarab Cloths. Patent Step Ladders for hovaa Wse. Parties residing in the eouatry een rely on having their orders promptly filed, and II dlagrams are seat, eaa have earpete made trp, aad OH Cloths cut and tiled to room* and balls. Mar St 45 Sa| HOLMES' Rn V. W. Cot. Kin A WentworthSU. CHARLESTON, S. C. T^II BOLOQIC A L, Seleatlfle and General 1. Book House. Reboot and College Taat Book*. Btnijot'i IutnanU, Drawing Papara. Booka seat poat paid oa receipt vl price. Mar X* 46 3m F. VON SANTEN, wnnn or PARIS FANCY GOODS, Toy*, Dolls, Games, Children's Carriages, Preach Ooafeetonery, Fire Works, INDIA RUBBER GOODS, , 8w?h as Clothing. Nursery Wheeling, Ac., )B King- Rt. 2 doevs above Market, ciIarlbhton, R. C. If#* M 64 . ly J * JTOOTS ? Auctioneer and Coi COURT HOUSE SQUAR WILL AfTKWD TO ALT, 8ALK6 OF FR< up Returns of mo for p?obate Judge AGENT for Wanao Fertiliser, Waodo Gro-Jt Bone, Mape'* Nitrogeniied Phosphate, Peruriat Watt's Colsbratrd Tarn Plough, Murfreo 8u Corn and Cotton Planters, Cturer, Grass and Lu A Full and Complete Consisting of Had Room Bails, Parlor Suiti Mahogany Bureau*, (Marble Top,) Bodateads, V Cooking The Urgest and best Assortment to he found I Patent, Virginia Air-Tight, Gotten Plant, 6c Oriental. Call and 1 Rrtwrlptloni reoelrod for " Kural Care tan Agricultural." MM IARLINGTO OF RICHM over $1,000,000 I Policies Issued, 11,000 | SHOWING a success beyond precedent. la 5 Premium Plana. First Dividend t?n Life conomy of its management and its careful aeloc fM. C. CARRINOTON I. K. KDWARD8 ). J. HARTROOK . J. HOPKINS, .. . H. WOl.F . * oIOUTII CAROLINA BRANCH i . P. THOMAS. . I,. I.F.APIIART - >r. ISAAC BRANCH, BOARD OF I JOHN MrKKX8IK, JOHN 8. PRESTON JOHN T. SLOAN, Sr.. Dr. R. ' THOMPSON 8TATK AT LAUGK.? Ex?Oov. M. L. BO KENNKDV, Col. T. C. PKRRIN, Di " Sac. 4 Th? of lh? eompmiy ftH 5UT1NO TO THE POLICY-HOLDERS Til jrovided, unices hy the consent of the assure' " Smj. 15 This company nr?Ay Dene policL filter*, for lit* benefit of wives and familie i*e*?aa ancestors, descendant*, creditor* or or the deht* or oontracta of the assured, exei "Sac. 16. The company may Issue policiet ire paid in the aire." " 8?c. 10 The permanent investment of fn INCUMBERED REAL ESTATE WORTH Dt We would also call attention to the rights , Rights of party to non forfeiture in all its p Rights of party to re Inrtatement?paid ??p rention of armies" or any otli?r cause outs t ore, omitted in policies of Northern eompan n the late war, and should navko them seek I pontlngency in futre. Some eompanlcs noi 'take up arms against" certain named State icy null and void. This is making certain w mingling of polities, war and lifa insurance. "THK PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON " state right* of par tie* and guarding thn*e righ It gives dividends at the end of the first yt when part loan ia taken. The all cash plat way most satisfactory. We now confidently appeal to every one i their own interests, hy sustaining their own telf confidence without which there evn b* n< already over $10,01X1.000 are annually ten I 'rom onr strength, and thereby giving nddith We offer a solid, reliable Lifv Insurance C< rf men of the liveliest integrity, with ahunds investments, nledoed to retain /) > ?nd, indeed, presenting every advantage that smination Into the anperfor merits of lh? " I1 SURANCE COMPANY " to insure your pnti The Company hns complied with the law in Stale bonds, with the Stett Comptroller, ( LEAPHART, JJE LOCAL AGENT, GREENVILLE. S. C ? CANVASSING AGENT? DR. M. G. Bk March 9 J. R. AD6BK & CO.,1 IB POUT Kits AX D DEALERS IX 11.1111) W, CUTLERY, GUNP, BAR IRON, STEEL, ASI) A G HICU LTUR A L IMPLEM F.NTS, 139 Meettng-St. & 62 East Bay-St.. CHARLESTON, S. C. Mh 23 44 3m* | EDWARDPEKRY, PRINTER, STATIONER, Ailtl DSAI.tR IX LAW, SCHOOL AND BLANK BLANK BOOKS on hand and mada to order of any pattern at short notice, landing and Rulirg executed in fine style. Wade A Co. Printing Inks for salo at the manufacturers price. A'o. 135 Meeting-Si., nppoaite Charlflan Hotel, CHARLESTON, S. O. Mh 23 44 Am* NTEAM RAKKKY ABB CANDY MANUFACTORY J. C. H. CLAIJS8EN, MO. 10 MARKET STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. ALL kinds of Crackers, Biscuits and Cakes manufactured daily of the nest Southern flour, at lowest market price. Has at bis Bstablisliment an extensive CANDY FACTORY. Their Candies are made to order, and at all times fresh; warraoted pure and to stand the climate. Order* will be promptly filled. Mh 23 44 Enwix Hatha. Otto. Sblmak. Thus. R. McUaiiax. Cbas. K. Batk*. EDWIN BATES A 00.. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND ' OLOTHINO, 188 and 124 Meetlag?8t.. CHARLESTON, S. C. Mh 2S 44 / 3in? Notice T8 hereby given to all whom it may sonebm, X that I *' ' apply R. J. Douihit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on iht 2Htk day at April nrxt, for a Vinal Discharge an Guardian of MARY A. AftHMOLK. JOHN 8. A8HM0KK, Guardian. March Mth, 1670. Mar SO * 45 _ 6 Notice 18 hereby given to all whom it may concern, that 1 will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on the 29th J A ,.-JI ?-a #? - Hi?i i? . Kir a riniu vwnarge *1 Admioutrator with the Will annexed of tlu BiUtt of .1AMK8 W00D8IDB, daceaaed. JAMK3 D. WOOU8IDR. Adm'r. with the Wilt annexed. March '28th, 1870. 45 6 I to SSffiUISPJSj) amission Merchant, E, GREENVILLE, S. C. JPBKTY (a tbo City or Country, nod nnku or Etta to*. id Pboapbate for Comporting, Bnngb'a Row t Ouano, Vegotator, Lund Plular and Lino, baoil Plough, Corn Bbollort, Straw Cultorr, corn# Seeds, s fli L. .r> <n t oiovk oi r nnurare, i, Dining and Rooking Chain, Walnut and ntxdow Shades, Ae. Stoves. . In the Up-Country, among which are Rook's utbem Home, Noble Cook, Morning 8tar, Examine. dlnian," "Southern Cultivator/* and AhieriS8-8a . Feb 9 N LIFE INSURANCE CO^ OHD, VA. Net Surplus, $500,000 sues on Mutual, Non-Forfeiting anil Return Policies Forty Per Cent., which provos the ition of Risks. ~ President. Vioe-President ? Secretary. Assistant Secretary. Superintendent ot Agencies. OFFICE, AT COLUMBIA, S. C. President. Secretary. Superintendent of Agencies. >1 RECTORS. . F. W. McMASTKR. W. B. GULICK, W. OIBBES, R. C. SHIVER, EARLE. Nil AM, Gen. M. C. BUTLER. Oen. J. D. r. ISAAC BRANCH, Dr. II. COOK. ALL l?e conducted on the plan of PJ8TRIK PROFITS of the business, an lie-einatter 1 the policy Is non-participating.'' >s on the lives of hu'bsnde and parents, or % or other beneficiaries interested in their dependents, and the same shall ncd be liable rpl as proyid-d in the policies issued." . |'nj nun uv'w; jrovteica, rremittms nd* *11811 he in m- rtgage* or Km* on UN* CHJBI.E THE AMOUNT l.OANEI).". trciired in policy a* part of the contract. olicies. policy, and surrender value where ' interhe Insured off (rora home office. This fe? lee, foil (lie Southern people Very heavily he only company that provide* against such v have in their politico, that parties who s, Si or the United States," render their pol- I hat was before uncertain, and is too great a has a model charter and model policy, plainly iIt against sacrifice. sar, when all cash is paid, and of second year, t is unreservedly recommended as in every nleresteJ in Southern pro?perily to look to institutions, and thereby establishing that ? permanent prosperity. Bear iu mind that Forth for Life Insurance, taking so much jnsl power to our competitors, intpany, thoroughly Southern, in the hands mt assets, recent risks, the most secure of all ?/ <L /->??- ? ' i- - v/ uvoin Lari/imami Minna teeming lArrein, can lie desired ; anil we only ask a full rx IEDMONT AND ARLINGTON LIFE IN on age. of the Stale, requiring a deposit'of $60,000 or the better protection of policy holders. FFERSON & RANSON, General Agent* for South Carolina. ' JULIUS C. SMITH. :hry. 42 8m Notico TS HEREBY given to all whoui it may ennX cern, that I will apply to 8. J. Dnuthit, Prohnte Judge ot Greenville County, o? the 18/A d>iy of April next. Tor a Final Discbarge aa Administrator of the Estate of RKFBEN TAI.LEY. deceased. JOSEPH A. TALLEY, Administrator. Mareh 18th, 1870. Mar 2.1 44 * 4 Notico TS hereby given to all whom it may concern, that we will apply to S. J. Doolliit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on the 19fA day of April next, for a final ( discharge as F.xcentora of the E?tate of PETER O, CHARLES, deceased; partle* having claims againat said E?tafe. will present them on said day or be debarred. JAMES L McOHLLOrOff, Kxecnlor. MARY A. MOSELY, Exeaulri*. 1 March, 1870. i Mar 28 44 4 Notice. TS hereby given to all whom it may concern that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate Judge ol Greenville County, on the 1th Hoy of May next, for a Final Discharge as Guardian ot HOMER JACOBS. RICHARD H. JACOB-S, Guardian. Marrh 23, 1870 Mar ?? 44 4 Notice Tf? is hereby given to all whom it may concern. that I will apply to S. J., Douthit, Probate Judge of Greonville County, on the 7th day of April nrxt, for a Filial IXsoharge as Administrator of the Estate uf HACJIEL SUDDUTH, deceased. MOSES IT. LEISTER, March 7th, 1870. ' Aihnlntstrator. Mar 9 42 4 JOHN B. B?imi fWT&L&IWWIEB: , ANI) girep his close ; Vegetable On- | fnce. be is confidant t> ;j^rSHEK|* of giving aatisfaetion ? IU.IOD tnijnnjing will b? attended Mar .!? 44 '' tf The State of South Carolina. OKEKNVII.LE COUNTY. By S. J. DOUTH1T. Knfnirr, Judy* of Probate of toid County. W1IRRAS, John Jam** Iim filed a Petition in my playing that I.ett?*i* of Adminifiration on all and Ieingular the enod* and chattel*, right* and credit* of JOSE11I JAMBS, lata of the Peiinlv alrtPftaaM ^?L^1J 1 - * * vr?t"| wvvTneru, RIIOUI'I U? grant ed In him. The it ar*, therefor* to cite mid admonish all and angular the kindred and creditors of the raid deceased, to he and anpenr in the Court of Probate "for said County, to he holder* at Oreenellio Conrt House, on the \ 11 th day of April tier', to show eanro. i if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. ft. J. DOTTTH1T. J T. O 0. Office of Judge of Probate, Mar. '2*. If70 I Mar 80 45 ? k ! UKMfi " the pain to la f the shoulder, and U mistaken f& rheumatism. J? The (om?cb to ifieUd with toss of appetite and sickness, bom(s la (tiwril soiiiro, some11mm alternating with lax. TKs bead to troa- i hied witb pais, and dull, heavy sonsatlou, cooildWaMi leSs of memory, accompanied with I--m"" ^painful sensation of bay f TV ID ling toft undoao semethiug ,, LI I ID I which ought to hava beta Often oomplalning of weaaumi, ueuuiur, and low spirits. Sometimes, tome of the above symptoms attend tho disease, and at other times very few of them j toil the Liver is generally the orgaa most involved. Cure the Liver with DR. sinnoxi' Lirer Regulator. A preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to be stHctly vegetable, and caa do no injury to any one. 'It has been used by hundreds, and known for the last 35 years as one of the most reliable, efficacious and harmless preparations ever offered to the suffering. If taken regularly Mid persistently. It in cure to care. Dyspepsia, headache, " I BCPffF I TOD Ijotindice, costiveeess, tick 1 DllUliLA 1 OP.. l^adaoh^ cbrunio ^U^: nrsTrr^ cump dysentery, affections of the kid* ncys, fever, nervousness, chills, diseases of the skin, imparity of tbs blood, melancholy, or depression of spirits, heartburn, colic, or pains In the bowels, pajn in the head, fever and ague, dropsy, boils, pain in haok and limbs, astbtns, erysipelas, female affoetioes, and billions diseases generally. Prepared only by J. H. ZBILIN ft CO., Druggists, Macon, 6a. Pries $11 by mail $1.25. The following highly respectable pewsoe? can fully attest to the virtues of this valuable medicine, and to whom we most respectfully ? refer: Oen. W S Holt, President B W R R S Company ; Rev. J R Feldor, Perry, Qs.; T C Marfcley, South Caroling; "or s?!o by ill Drugglatd. 19 36 6m T. MARK WALTER'S W\ K " \f, , >1 MAP.BLB WORSO, Broad-sf., AngiiNla, ?a, MARBLE MONUMENTS, !? ? as $ s s? ? as s s, & ?? MARRLK MANTLE, AND FURNITURE, MARBLE OP ALL KINDS ON 11 and, or FURNISHED TO ORDER. . zw All work for the Couotry carefully boxed for shipment, Oct ft , 20 , ly A. J. ROSS & CO-," MAN UNA CTURERS or "jtmm DEALERS IN JATAKNKD AND PRESSED WARS, A*to COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. All kind* of Tin and Sheet Iron Work Done On the most REASONABLE TERMS, And with promptness. Store Nearly Opposite the Post Office. Feb 18 39 tf CUSIJINGS & BAILEY, BOOKSELLERS A?D STATIONERSNo. 262 Baltimore St.. Opposite Har.o\er, BALTIMORE. The largest and best assorted sloth In the tit/ of SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL, DENTAL, Classical & Miscellaneous Books. ffrfiESF.UALBANK AND COUNTING HOUSE STATIONERY of all kind*. BLANK BOOKS HADE TO ORDER IN ANY STYLE OF BINDING AND RULING. [r.8T*ni.i5nicr> 1811.J Mar 2 41 Am Notice. DEPUTY COLLECTOR'S OFFICE. ) GrKsSviLLK, S. C., March 11th, 1870. $ HY virtue of nn order front A. 8. Wnl? lace. Collector Ad Dleliicl S. C.. I will sell to the highest bidder, at public outcry, on Monday, the llf/r af April next, at Lima. 20 miles from Greenville Court House, One Tract of LAND, containing SCO acre*, more or lea?, adjoining land* of Jacob Pruit, W. D. Robertson. D W llodg- a and .others. Levied on aa the property of. and known aa the Home Place of JOHN , GOSNELL. at the suit of the United States for the collection of Infernal Revenue Taxes, assessed ntrainst the said John Gotnrll. Terms-?CASH. A. L. COBR. Deputy Collector 2d Dirtricl, 8. C. Mb 16 48 A THOS. C. MARKLEY, " COMMISSION MERCHANT, IT Dry.*l., New York. QUOTATIONS and information prompt** lv fivpn Knatl AIT v D.. ?vvM? j\1ui3 oi merI chundlt*. Jan 12 34 tf For Sale. M&fc THE HOUSE and LOT, on the lluthH|i!l| erford Road?known a* the Goodlett BB"il house?far further information apply . THOMASBTRKN. Feb 2 37 tf For Sale. MTnAT pleasantly situated HOtTSE and LOT, on the Corner of Coffee and Mellon Street*?for term* and particaqttiro of THOMAS STERN. Feb 2 37 tr ' T " I COMFORT and Cure for the Ruptured.? Sent pout paid on receipt of 10 eta. Address I>r. E. B. FOOTS (Author of Medical Common Sense), No. 120 Lexington Avcnue% I New Tork. AWAY with Spectacle*. QM eye* wade new, cosily, without tloeior UMxlir-inee. Sent poat paid on receipt of 1# rent*. Aditre** Dr. E. 11. FOOTK, Itft LtiWtlon Avenue, New York. Mar 16 46 ' ?in* , Notice ; W? harel>T fciren to nil whom ? . m?? eon M. eern, that we wil apply to K. J. Douth > it, ProDate Jud($e of QreenviHc County, on 1 th* SfA An* ?/ ApMl t?erf. for a FINAL DISCI'. AR.OF, a* Eseentnra of the Estate of i WILEY KEMP, deceased. NKALMcDAPK, 1 ? DAVID L VAUGHN. J lw?wlorfc . | March 7th, 1?70. '