University of South Carolina Libraries
| SPRING ' ' V. v 4-ia " .H. - . L <- $%?"! r- * ' -' ^ec :0: The Largest Assor REAliHf CLOTI Thftt has been in the 9! An elogant supply < C&SSI1 And more to arrive t tiful Line of &&DXX8 m The especial attent called to a nice Line BRILUJMYS, iNUli Twins vimiii HWiii 1 f V ILIJIJ) I 11/1 VII sx? India JHulls% Jaco\ BIRD'S-EYE LINEN LAWNS, EDGIN Eace Collars and U and Imitation Linei Irish Linens, D Cloths, Doilies Huckaback mask Towels, Qui ings and I Hesides many other arrive this week. (Or Ladies', Misses', and and SHOES. (KrAll STJU Mnr 19 jtftT receTveoJ A X ELEOA XT ASSORTi/EX T or I French and English BL.vcft: and Colored Cloths. Cassttmr-s, I>oe and Buckskin Caasimeres, Tricot and Tweeds, Furnishing Goods and Trimmings for Gentlemen'* wear. All kinds of Gent'i and Youths' Clo'liing MsJt iu the Bost and Latest Stjli-a. FINE DRESS HATS, j Wltieh were made to order, ot the Best Ma- , terial and Latest Styles. Other Goods weie , elected with care, at low prices for the j SPllING TRADE ' la New York. SEE AMERICA# FASHIONS For Spring and Summer, Just Reeeived. Superior Family Paenrlte and Manufacturers I ; SEWING MA0H1NES for sale, and war- J ranted to giro aatisfactlon. Many thanks to our friends and customer* for their liberal ' patronage, and hope they will eontintia the I one. FICKLE A POORE. Mh t 41 4 New Spring ttoods. WE ARK receiving a lot of SPRING 0001*9 In advance of the season. 4 4 Fins Long Cloths Fine Bleached Shirtings Hummer Prints to arrive A Fine Assortment of Olass and fancy Dreae Buttons, all colors Lad)**' Flo* BUteked Um??1 *xtr?ai?ly low prlM*. For mIo. . * FOSTER A HUNTER. Mb 4i tf ' ~~a?" ~ \V / Mr Old Carollm BlUcri. J_ L _ ') -' ? A iDaDUKBSQtamorxEi fro&sra? W* tabs pleasure in offering ths J OLD CAROLINA BITTERS FWIOTHE publle. Tb*J IN eomnound Wr od Mm great c*r?, sad faatain of (ks best Tunis* is 111* I'bormocopl* As ItUisss of ihs superiority of our IUtiers user oil uthers, srs hare eerltAeates from many of tho lisdisf physieiana in earfStals, who ho** proscribed (hern Is their practice. 1UE OLD CAROLINA MTTER8 VII! bo fo?%! inrslusble for Wont of Appolito, Oensrsl Dsl llUy, Chili# ?*d Feeer ood Dyepapala. Wo do ool offer ssr BiUrre ws euro for oil dlooossfl, hot os m Aromotio Toot*, Uoy bar* ao equal. For sal* by oil DruggUU ond Orooet* everywhere. Principal Depot, GOODRICH, WI REM AN A 00, Importers of Choice Drops sod Chemise Is, Charleston, 8. C. lib ? 41 ly I I * " ' *" GOODS, c, trpent of -MADE ia m AA 1 I N la ) larket since the war. !! iiiiE j? W\ <! his week. A Beau\ ESS BOOHS ion of the Ladies is j of I \ & BISHOP LAWNS, 1 oosss, nets, Swiss Mulls, DIAPERS, ( GS AND INSERT1NGS, landkerchiefs, Real j i Collars & Cuffs, amask Table B and Napkins and Da- . ilts, Cotton Frill- h [nsertings, * DRY GOODS, to ? A full line of Gents, * Children's HATS ? at low cash prices, at '* rrvAV Rr snv & mmmm w MM W MVA1 I j 42 if 8*. Notice [8 FIEREBY (tlvcn to all whom It may concern, that i wilt apply to 8. J. DouLhit, 'rotiate Judgo oi Greenville County, m tJk* 8th dag of April utrt, for * Final Discharge ia Administrator of the Estate of REUBEN rALLEY, deceased. JOSEPH A. TALLEY, Administrator. March 18th, 1870. MarJW 44 _4_ Bl ~ Notice ~ pr rS hereby given to all whom It may eon- ot cern, that we will apply to 8. J. Itonthit, lit Vobale Judge of Greenville County, oh foi Ac 19<A Jay of April nett, for a finel iiitcliarge ae Executors of the Estate of ar 'KIV.K O. CHARLES, deceased; parties taving claims against aaid &tate. will pre- El cot them on sent day or be debarred. JAMES L. McCUCLOl'Gf!, Kieentor. MARY A. MOSELY, Executrix. March 18lh, 1870. ? lfar <8 . 44 4 to Notice. cc IS hereby given to all whom it may eoneern that 1 will apply to S. J. Doulhit, *c Prohate Judge ol Greenville County, on the m 1th day of May next, for a Final Discharge as Guardian ot HOMER JACOBS. ? KICHARD H. JACOBS, Guardian. March ?, 1870 * Mar 9> U 4" w Notice 11 IS hereby given to all whom it may Aon e< 6ern, tbut we veil'apply teS. J. Douth- a it. Probate Judge of Greenville County, on ft the 8Ik dag of April next, for a FINAL DISCHARGE as Exeeutora of the Estate of ? WILEY KEMP, deceased. It NEAL McDADR, 1 Exw.uloril DAVID L VAUGHN, t K*w,ulorc . March 7th, 1870. 42-4 S Notice ii 18 ia hereby given to all whom It may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on the TtA Jay of April Heart, for a Final Discharge as Administrator of the Estate of RACHEL SUDDUTH, deceased. MOSES H. LEISTER, Matroh 7th, 1870. Administrator. Mar 8 -> 4S 4_ JOHN B. BBIBRS, , nMIST 4 LAIBSCAH U11KISK w J AND gives hiselesa VegJUble r snee. he U of fWing Mtlff'*cUoa (tot* w>yUyh| will bo HImM Mar M 44 if n?dam Poy?? Skirt SuyportiBf Cornell. Thompson ^ oi???-pu?ug oomu . Kr-qch a>?4* Ourfoto ^ , I?liM' i?l Mitooa' Fiuwr JWHt? Oloroo , Udi??' and OeoU Fitto " HhIoi* KUh, i For a*U low for Oo?k. FU8TXR * HUNTKR. , Uk 9 4% tt ? < Lot* ~ j TO riENT OR BELIj. ' 1 . THRKK HOUM ltd Lota < rffiyi u??? ! All of them t*t#- 1 SiSf^ stit4 * * ? ? i MA t 41?* * ItVtHR4 4 ' " Auctioneer and Cm JOURT HOUSE SQUAR [ttill attend to all sales of pr T T up Retnrna of eeme for Probata Judge AQBNT for Wub?o Pertlllaar, Wudo Orou ono, Mape'a Nitrogenlaed PhoaphMe, Per** la Watt'a Celebrated Turn Plottfi, Mnrfkee 8< <ru and Cot too Plan tare, Clorer, flnaa and Li A Full "and Complete Coaaisting of Bed Room Sella, Parlor Sell abeg any Bureauo, (Marble Top,) Badataada,' Cooking Tbe larraat and baat Aaaortmaet to be found tent, Virginia Air-Tight, Cotton Plant, S Metal. ^ " Call and pB* Subscriptions raoctrod for " Rural Cat n Agriculturist." GREATLY INCR BY THB IB BT ill HSI UUi tmm MANUFACTUI KTando Mining Ml Ma AT TI1EIR WORKS II Will. ( . DUKES Ml # NO. 1 SOUTH AT rULIUS C. SMITH, AG Febbruary 2 IIAMU, L COTTOJV WAR1H0 COMMISSION 150 and 157 B sLrro-tJSTA, January ?? > Idmont & arling! OF B.IGH1 sett, over ?1,300,000 'olicics Issued, 11,000 1II0WINV1 ft nceeu beyond precedent. 1 ; Premium Plane. First Dividend on Life onemy Of its management and it* careful sell M. C. CARRINOTON, .... K. EDWARDS , J. H ARTSOOK, .. ...... J. HOPKINS H. WOLF, .. .. OUTIJ CAROLINA BRANCH P. TIIOMA8, L. I.KAPHAKT .. r. I8AAC BRANCH,,. ? BOARD OF JOHN lCcKENSIB, JOHN 8. PRESTO JOHN T. SLOAN, Sr., Dr. K. TUOMPSO STATE AT LARQK.?- Ex-Go*. M. L. B KKNNEDk, Cok T. C. PBRRIN, I " Sec. 4. Th? bnelnesa of the company S? LTT1NO TO THE POLICY-HOLDERS TH ovlded, unlet by the consent of the tMurt " Sue. 16 Thin company may issue policl Iter*, for the benefit of wives and famill e??aa ancestors, demandants, creditors or r the debte or contraeta of tli? assured, ax< " Sao. 16. The company may laaue poliei e paid In the eanr.e." " Sao. 10 The permanent investment of I ^CUMBERED REAL ESTATE WORTH I We would also call attention to the righti Righta ot party to non forfeiture in mH ita Rights of party to re Inatalemaot?paid U| ntion oU armies " or any other canaa aula re, omitted in policies of Northern conij>a the late war, and should malm them seek ntingency in fntra. Some companies nt take up arms against" certain named Stat y null and void. Thie la making certain t ngling of politica. war and life insurance. "THE PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON " ate rijpAfe of parties and gmiriing ikoue rig It gives dividends at tha end of the first y hen part loan la taken. Tha all cash pW ay moat satisfactory. We now confidantly appeal to every on# heir own internets, by sustaining tbrlr ?w elf confidence without which there can be Ireedy ovtr $10,000,000 ere annually ere om oor strength, and thereby giving alrti We offer a solid, reliable Life loeursmo 1 f roeo of tne highest integrity, with shorn i Vestments, pledged to retain mUkin the Hta nd, indeed, presenting every advantage th initiation Into the soperlor merits of the ** URANCE COMPANY " to Insure your pn The Company haa eomplied with the lav i State bonds, with the State Comptroller, LEAPHART, J] LOCAL AGENT, GREENVILLE, a C.CANVASSING AGENT?DR. M. O. B March 9 CUSUINGS & BAILEY, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERSVs. IM Baltimore It., Oppaeite luirir BALT1MORB. The largest and Seat assorted stock la the city SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL, DENTAL, Claaaioal A MiaoeHanaoua Book*. OTGBNKRAL BANK ANDOOUNTINC IIOUSK STATIONERY si all kinds. BLAME BOOK! K ABB TO O&BXB IB AVI STYLE Of BINDING AMD RULING. [KSTASLUItUI 1811.] ' Mar t 41 ' Am Notice. DEPUTY COIXROTOR'S OFTICE, 1 Gtuanua, H. C., Marsh 11 th. 1870. j BY virtue of an arder from A. a Wei Use, Collector 8d District B. C? will eel] to tho highest bidder, it pahli JU'flrj, M jr?Mqi, IM11M ?/ April nmti it Li**, SO mIIm irtaidnnvill* Cour Houoo, Om Tm?t of LAND, ??ntointn| 100 Mrco, nor* or looo, adjoining land* looob Pruit, W. D. Robertoon, D. w Hodg. otbfrk L?fl(d M M (k? property of *nd known it th< Hottt PI*et of JOHB JOVMHiL, *t tbo rait of iho UnfUd Stotr r?*r Um ooUootion of Infernal Rotrun r?*?, WMi'd tnlaii Iho (aid Jobs Goa m?. in om OAH, A. L COBB, . Htpatl Oullootor 3d DWtriet, 3. C. ? W ? f 4 *7 1 I I... . fliivvn Timi?inn Xtfch&nt, E, GREENVILLE, S. C. r OPRRTY in iho City or Goutfy, *od mako or Afisiof* ad Pboepfaate for Composting, Baafb's Raw Pbj a Guano, Vagatator, Land Piaatar and LIim. ibaotl Ploogb, Cora 8bailor*, Straw Cuttarr, loarna Saada. Stock of Furniture, I la, D la lag and Rooking Chain, Walnut and ~ Window Shadas, Ac. Stoves. In-tba Up-Country, among wkich arc Buok'a ? Homo, Noble Cook, Morning, Star, * Examine. otiniaa," " Cultlrator," and Aaa.ri- V S8-Sin F.b 9 EASED CROPS, u us* o* inn nam vmv ctdwtttcb I idiie nuitranut runiibutn. 'Alii. RED BY TUB nufacturing Company* * I CHARLESTON, 8. C. CO., Gen. Agents, 'LANTIO WHARF. T, GREENVILLE, S. C. ill1! FACTORS, vm AND MERCHANTS, * eynolds Street, JED IX 31 jQba 8 3m ilIliitliFi, e IOND, VA. j | Net Surplus, $300,0#0 ? i hum on Mutual, Non-Forfeiting and Return i Policies Forty Per Cent., which proves the ration of RUka. President. '* Vice-President. ......Secretary. Assistant Secretary. ' r ......Superintendent of Agencies. ?- ? _ OFFICE, AT COLUMBIA, S. C. ...... President. ? Secretary. I Superintendent of Ageucies. 1. DIRECTORS. x N, r. W. McMASTKR. W. It. GULICK, X , W. GIUBKS, K. C. SHIVKR, N EARI.R. ON HAM, Gen. 31. C. BUTLKK, Oen. J. D. To >r. ISAAC 11KAKC1I, Dr. II. COOK. vlt (ALL be conducted on the |>len of DISTRIIK PROFITS of the buiiom, as hceinalter id Ike policy ie non-participating.'' ca oa the lives of husband* and pareota, or ra, or other bsneficiarirs interested In their T ' dependents, and the aame shall not be liable X sept as provid-d in the policies issued." La ea payable IN OOLt>; Provided, Premiums 'unda shall be in m- ri gages or liens on UN- T<~ X)UBI.K THE AMOUNT LOANED." i wwral iePmUm as ssrt ef the contract. _ pi^rfea. K p policy, and surrender value where ' inter- y the Insured off from home office. This fas J[ nice, cost the Southern people very heavily (be only company that provides against such > w have in their policiea, that parlies who q en, " or the United States," render their polvhat was before uncertain, and is too great a W has a model charter and model policy, plainly A (a against sacrifiee. ear, when all cash ia paid, and of second year, in is Unreservedly recommended as in every tnterewed in Southern prosperity to look to ^ n Institutions, and therrby establishing thai ra no permanent prosperity. Bear in mind that I he t Aorth Jot Life /msrawv, taking so much I lional power to our competitors. Company, thoroughly Southern, in the hand* dant a ace it, recant risks, the moat eecure of all U of 8o*Jh Carolina all funds accruing therein, at aan bo desired ; and we only ask a full exPIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON LIFE INIron age. r of the State, requiring a deposit of fSO.OOO for the better protection of policy holder*. SFFERSON A RANSON, General Agents for South Carolina. _ -JULIUS C. SMITH. / ERRY. 4S rim THOMAS P. SMITH, Late naylor, smith a co., factor a- d Commitsion Merchant, No, 10 Boyee's Wharf. The undersigned begs to inform his friend* throughout the State, C that he hae returned to Charleston, and ( commenced the Factorage and Commission Business. He will be prepared to make adeaneee to Piantera for Fertilisers and _ other neeeeeary plantation supplies. By pursuing strictly a legitimate com (j mission business, and devoting bin beat attention to the interest of bis friends, h? I hopes not only to girs satisfaction, but to A secure the confidence of nl! who may favor him with their pstronags. ' Consignments of Cotton, Rice, and other Produce, respectfully solicited. M THOMAS P. SMITH. No. 10 Boyce'e Wharf, Charleston, 8. C. ^ GEORGE W. MolVER is eonneetcd with ?, I ike busissaa, and hopes hv faithful etten- ti I lien te the interest* of his frUnda in u?>n I * portion of thoir favor*. tl Mh 9 4k 4* B . . . . , w i MniVHinnHL 8 fSflMRmfHWRvfSN * ? iBBKW 111 ll 1 gj lil P1BiMl i |M|? y> Myiiifflu l* J] | KulflHKSH T 1 f^OHWOlT ut Cnr* for tho R??p?ur?d.? * , ly Boat po*t paid on rocoipt of 10 ota. Ad- j ; droo* Dr. K. B. F00TK (Author of Modfeal . ' C?nn*t Bona*), Mo. IM Loxlngtoo Aranuo, Mow York. , 1 WAY with Spoetooloa. Old oyti made ^V. Mf,eoallj, without doctor or taodlolnaa. t Soot noatpaM on rooolpt of It oonta. Addroo* p Dr. I. B. FOOTS, ftO Lwatogton Avoooo, Mow York. Mar If 4k to* of GREENVILLE. [A VINO returned home ifUr 11 ebeence of mtw(1 weeks, daring which to I have vieitrd New York, Philndel* la IUIiIioam r<l 1-., T 1 ,wf ?uv viimi ic?wu, a h?tw i PURCHASED | 100BS flfcr Cr?if Excitement, ON fftfF FAVORABLE TERMS, jj ILL OF WHICH I WILL DISPOSE , or at ] rERY REASONABLE PRICES FOR J would take more space than I bare at * f command to enumerate t /ERY ARTICLE I HAVE ON HANI) THOMAS STEEN. * Wholesale and Retail Merchant. * Oet tO t2 tf k R. HOE <& COo, | MANUFACTURERSOF r.m.4?S Iff?*? n??. e??1 ?-? ? A r ?>i*unu cukvm vuv oicri rSMDt / Ground Circular Hill Malay v and (Hnf SAWS. CIRCULAR SAWS. J PtM Movable or Inserted Teeth. ?TR CLAIM for our Patented Circular j rY Sew the following advantages orer f others: The shanks of the teeth are elastic, and ex: a uniform distension in the sockets. The stability of the plate is in no way affect- e by inserting new sets of teeth. Rich tooth, independently, may be adjusted ' the cutting line. ' No rlrets, keys, or other objectionable^ ap bio ampiuyou in Ct'uuvniuu wun io? I ith, which are ej simple in con*'ruct loo, and 1 easily used, as a nut for a bolt. 1 In short, all the difllcultiea heretofore 4.x , rienoed in the use of movable teeth for saws, e fully met aad obviated by tbis Invention. ( Lin, TUTTLE PATENT , CHAMPION " CROSS CUT SAWS. ? CliOSS-CUT SA WS, j or ALL KINDS. w Mamdrels, Gamming Machines, Ac. Send for Catalogues and Prioe Lists. K. HOK A CO., . inting Press Machine and Saw ManufaeturI, New York, Boston, ftass., and London, ' g. Feb 9 38 flm < i AT THE iADIES' STORE i LAS just been opened another Large and Beautiful Stock of y GOO?g. ; which the attention of the Ladies' are in- r ed. Prices as Low as can bo offered any- ( tare. W. II. IIOVEY. r T~ AS just In, a Large addition ot Fine and 1 Beautiful Shawls?Single and Double, dies' Arabs, Cloaks, Ac., in great variety? of which are offered at very low prices. Will receive in a day or two, a lot ot FURS, kVO a- " MAMMW ? a %->, ?v. 11. 11. iiui ni. E AD Y-MADE CLOTHING HAVE now op?n and for aale, a nice aa ortmant of CLOTHINCL ENTS SHAWLS, HATS AC., bi?h I will Nil CHEAP. ] W. n. IIOVKY. Long Cloths. TTB HAVE now ready for Mite SO piece* i fY LOKO CLOTHS?*11 gradea?war- | nted a* good, for the money, an can be I ugbt in the city. 1 w. n. hoveYi Dee A 20 tf A. J. BOSS & Cth, MAN UFA CTURERS or VMnr mw^Lm.Ki:9 DEALERS in APASNED AND PRESSED WARS, axr COOKING AND HEATING ST0VE8. All kind* or Tin and Sheet Iron Work Done On the moat REASONABLE TERMS, And with promptneaa. tore Nearly Opposite the Post Office. Feb 10 39 tf J OWENSVILLE SCHOOLS. y EV. T. J. EARLR will opon at Gowena* .V rill*, S. C., lit February next, a SELECT MALE SCHOOL, I Of A limited Dumber of Student*, end teach ' e Higher English and Mathematical branchend the Language*, for two *e*?ion*, of &7S ontba each. Tuition, from Ten to Eighteen dollar* per ?*ion. Contingent expense*, on* dollar?no itra charge*. Student* will be charged from me of entrance to the eloa* of the session. A careful parental interest will be taken in ic moral and religions instructions ol the indents, and none need apple who arc not tiling to submit to tha regulations of the thool. At the ram* time and place, there will also I opened a PKMALK AND PRIMARY SCHOOL, Under the superintendence of Mias HATIK P. MOONEY, whose qualiftcsttons jnstlf a liberal patronage. Attention is speoialiy tiled to her School. Tuition will be the tin* as last year la the Seminary, lioweneettt* Is located near the mountains, nd is surpassed by no place in the Stat* for are water, a pleasant climate and cheap lieng; and erery ad rentage is her* afforded hose wishing to educate their children in good ountry schools. Ooweusrtlle, 8, 0., Jan 1st, IgPO. Jaw IS v - *4 8m --.4f -f^ ? ??? >., A KM n jsvi^Ihl---^ ^ y-^jnM j^in A di ? w ti Doty's Washing Machine, Loulj Mick Improved?and tie new ^ INIVER8AL CLOTHES WRINGER r MPROVED Willi Howell'* Paten?Doi.ble fo L Cog wliarU, and l!i? PtUut Slop are Hi ow unquestionably -lar superior to any ?| ?f arulue lor washing clothe* ?v?r inrenlcd. * nd will ?ave their e>#t twice a year, b* ? avln* li.bor and elothe*. j Southern people who bar* used then 1 ratify aa follow*: * They eave three fourth* of the labor and oat, and pay for themeelva* boili In ntoo?y |]( nd contentment. Let every young lady d( earn to us* them, and evrry matried one (n ;eep them (ti her huuae.?Arse Chr leant ,g "icnyKiir, M " An excellent Washing Machine. We IU intt tried It. The Clothe* Wringer I* eery uperi'T. A g?od band will wa*h a large lumlier of plrcea in a few hour*."?lialeigk K.C.) Epitcopal Mtlkoditt. "The Macli'n* ir no huml>ug, but a ne- Cl realty in every family."?Georgetown (Af. m 7.) Kaleidoscope. r4 " We would not part wi'h it for any. C< hing, and l>c compelled to do without it." M Iforganton ( IP! Ira.) /'out, We have one, and apeak from ebaervaion. It work* admit a My. In one year It ? will pay for Itaell."?Cleveland (7\hu.) Ban- ' ter. ' "We hare one of Dulj't Clothe* Waah tra, and our household nre in eeatacVc* over t. They are great economlrer* of tim* and abor."?Edg ficld (8. C) Advertiter. "Far superior to any apparatus for warh ing clothe* ever Invented, and an indhpentable institution ia every family."?Atari* boTo (UJ ) Gazette " No one, after falr'y tceting their capaaitiea, will be willing to do without Ilitrtn." FagetterilU (Tenn ) Observer. We have one of tlieae excellent Machine* in use, and w* cheerfully aimueod It for all that is claimed for it."?itmhrr- a* 'ordton (N. G) Vindicator. ' "A child ten year* old can do the wa*hng iual as well aa a grown parson. Every m rood husband should See it re on* for hi* amily."?Morgan ton ( II' Va.) Contlitntion. " Alter over two years' expel icnce with i Doty, we are assumed that it ia the great- F >at htlp and economisT of time, labor and nonsy, ?e have yet had introduced in oar touiehold."? Wtlliamtoti Smith, Next Or- be Mill. " I hare had a Doty Waalier in my farol T for aom? time. It gives entire satisfacAoo, and I take pleasure in commending it Lo the head of every household."? K. Tow ire, Jeffrrnon, Tex tut. "I have had one of Doty's Clothes Wash era iit use for a year, aod am perfectly satisfied with it. My family have tried it faithfully, and have never known it to fail o accomplish " that if profreaes to."? Prof. J. F, Concord Female College, SlaUeeitle, A'. C. PRICES?A Fair Offer. If the Merchants in your place will not 'urnWh, or send for the Machines, send us .he retail price, Washer 114, Kxtra Wringer "I DO, and we will forward either or both J machines, free of height, to placea where ao one is selling; aud to sure are we they will be liked, that we agree to refund the noney if any one wishes to return the mashines free of freight, after a month's trial, lecording lo directions. No husband, father or brother, should ? xernxit the drudgery ol washing with tha ? lands, fifty two days in the year, when It * :un he done better, more expeditiously, a ?itii less labor, and no Injury to the garnenta, by a Do'y Clothes Washer, and a a Jniversal Wringer. # Sold by dealers generally, to whom libe- ^ al discounts are made. E. C BROWNING. Gen. Agent, 32 Cortlandt St., New Yoik. Feb 1ft S9 tf 1 MyfCVOHAxM ^00 B GET THE BEST. WEBSTER'S UNABRIBBED DICTIONARY. 10.(TOO Word* axxd Meaning* sol in other Dictionaries?3000 Engraving* ; 1840 Page* Qua rt#. /Vice 912. " One of my doily companion*. My testinonial to its erudition, the accuracy of its iefinitions, und to the vast etymological res O learch by which it has been enrfehcd through Si the labors recently bestowed upon it, can bard- si ly be of much vuluo, sustained as tbe book is in irorld-wide reputation, by so general an _ approbation ( but I bare- no hesitation in thus expressing my sense of its merits."?Huh. John X L. Jfutfey. the flitiorian, and suir A met icon JVisitfcr at (Jk Oasrtn/ St. Jemee, 1868. " In its general accuracy, completeness and practical utility, tbe work is ono which noas eJU coa read nr wrVtecoa ieaec/orunrd afford J to deepen*e with."?Atlantic Monthly. | " \oung man, if you already bar# a Bible, buy Webster's Unabridged Dictionary next." f Ckr. Sun. Thcso three books are the ?m?m total of great n librarie* : the Hible, Skakeurnre, and it ebeter'e Royal Quarto.? (Chicago Keening Journal. '' This work, well used in a family, will bs of more advantage to the members tbvrs of than hundred* of.dollar* laid up in money. [Alliance Monitor. The most useful and remarkable coatptndi m of human kuotaltdgt in our language.? H', S. Clark, Preeidtnt Ma**. Agricultural College^ Webster'* National Piotorlal Die- . tionary?1040 Pages Octavo600 Engravings. Price $6. * The work is really a gem of a Dictionary, 5j just the thing for the million.?American ?tl- u ueatiunul Monthly. m Published by U. A C. MRRRIAM, Spring- ? field, Mess. Feb 2 37 tf g THOS. C. MARKLEY, * COMMISSION MERCHANT, IT Dcy-?f., !\>w York. QUOTATIONS and Information promptly given about AI.L KlM)Sol toerettaodise. Jan It S4 tf lit m-Mii ml | CRACKED BONE, Bone Meal, B<>ne Flour, ' and Floated Bone, guaranteed to pre>- g due# same effect at HAl.F COST of Peruvian I Guano. Send for olrcular. Address 1 UCTtii ut?A?e?io??a I oa 1 n r.nn, | * Newark, N. J. | Feb 0 38 13 ! FOR SALE OR TO RENT*' . * Cotafortable tlWELLINO.' A^aA* ?\ eontalnlojj eoVon Ronma, and 1 9KSI *11 tiocertery Out lluilritnf, 1 mJS&WB within a few mlnutee walk of Furtnen Untvereity. F?' perHwIin apply to T. Q. DO* ALDBOH. , 1 Kortmbor 34 37 tf * aMkBMMMHMWUMMBi THB aywytow < l?rSlltK teffi-grss.. . I, ,7t 7 \iU tf - tb? ptia to in K ?By<|ll'liHlbiiMalWl? k? itoMMt if *AtM alii l?M of appaUta id tietMPf/ Is (cffffll rortive, oomore?( altetaatinr ?lttr tie, fba horn* fa tr?a M with pain, and del), heavy deraUJe Iom of MWury, irtMMnbd with sensation of bavI I U T D l"! Wft ?a4?M HMlhlB| 111 V A I ophite havobeon too*. Ofletfbompleining witkMw, imuuiit, and !<rw rpirtts. 8<>ineu?0?, lone of tbe a bora ifajjOwii attend (bo laoasa, and at other times eery few of them ? it tba Liver U genera!)j tbo organ moat in>lrod. Cure (bo Lircr with DR.* Liver Regulator. preparation of roots and herbe, warranted bo strictly vegetable, and can do 00 injury any one. It baa been oMi by bandreds, and Known r tbe last Si years as one of tbo most relia0, ufflcacioue and haraelesf preparation? ever Tared to tbe attlfering. If taken regularly id persistenilv. It Is euro to Ctire. " e Dyspepsia, headache, DtrnflVilB Ijaundloa, oeetifeweas, eiek flfiuULATliH. ' ^ eke. eb^mc 'lUraaaammnM l>,eai aleoflottf of the adder, camp dysentery, affections of tbo kldiys, fever, nervonsnees, chills, diecsare of tbe in, Imparity of tbe bleed, melancholy, nr ipression of spirits, bearti<orn,eolie, ?r pain* tbe bowels, pain In tbe bead, fever and ;ue, dropey, boils, pain ia llri and Mmhs, tbma, ery sipelas, female afcetioae, ond bli ?ut at?e?0Oft genor^iij. Prepared only by J. X. niLlK 4 CO.# Druggists, Macon, G?. Price $1 : by mall $1.25. The following highly respectable persons in fully attest to the virtues of this valuable cdiclne, and to whom - we most respectfully % fcr: (Jen. XV 8 Holt, President 8 W 11 It mpany ; Rev. J -R Polder, Perry, Oa.; T C ark Icy. Sou Hi Carolina. MP sale by all Druggists. Jan 19 $5 6ib TMARKW ALTERS 11.1P.EL5 WOP.ES, Brond-sl., Au^iintn, fin. MARBLE MONUMENTS, <K lb* m tea tea jtk ?* ? n jr\ ev I -ZJ c>u LU Cfc> f *?* MAItRLK MANTLES, AND FURNIU RE, MA RULE OF ALL KINDS ON HAND, OR "URNISHED TO ORDER. tr All wurk for the Country carefully >seJ fur fliiptnrnL Oct ft 20 4y 1 ijy DR. 8HALLCNBCRCER 9 Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Alwayi ft to pa Ike CkllU. This Medicine has been before tbo Pablo fifteen year*, and ia still ahead of all ther known remedies. Itdoea not purge, oea not eioken tie stomach, ia perfectly afe in any dose and under all circumtanoea, and ia the only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATKLY nd permanently every form of Fever ad Ague, because it is a perfect AaULetc te Malaria. Bold by all Dr&gftista. Fob 2 37 ly rHE MILLS HOUSE, ?24i,>a5.3S3aa, e. o. BARKER A CO* Proprietors. F1RST-CLA8S HOTEL. OARD, PER DAY $1 OO . Dec 8 2? tf NATIONAL HOTEL, S- <9. PROPRIETOR. P. HAMILTON JOYNEK. CLERK. RATES f Board per Day $3 OO upper, Breakfast and Lodging-.... 2 on ingle Meals .. 1 00 9?p 1 16 tf Vickerson HouseHotel, COLUMBIA, S.C. THE undersigned having >1 *?jfr, hKNEWED his lease upon he shore Popular House, will endeavor to lake it one of the most agree a We lloiels in ie South. A call is solicited. Free Omnibus to and ftoin the Hotel. WM. A. WRIGHT, Proprietor. Sept 8 1J lf TO TUB WOKKINQ C1.A88.?Wn ana now prepare*! to irmUh all tlrem ?llk ?m .baa t employ meat al home. lb. kola oft he Mm* or tbrthe a pare momenta. Baataau nr?) rht end praBtakia. fWracau ef either mi aaailv aarn from fc. to U par areolae, and a pnaoraoaal aam be devoting irir whole Uuae tolbe bmiMae. BoyaaadfirUearu nearly i murhaaraen. That all wboaee thle nndre aaay eewdtkHr * the trouble ef wrMac. rail pa?Wap|an?a eatnable mma wbtah tnll do to aanMaaa ??A an, area a cap* of 7 Ac aopJa'e IAt?I lap ftn?ai(l? ail of Ike lateral and w? fcrailr new.payen pabbahed all rent free >y mad. ? ?5ra S5r5?!raE Fab tf 8b Stn TTJTT'S VEGETABLE Hiinnsm m,iL Curea diaeaana of the Liver ami Stomach. Tu its KXPrtcrfoitANT A plca??nt euv# for Cnnjrhp, Cnlila. A?. UTTS 8ARSAPARILI.A AM) QUKKNS FLIGHT the ?rr?t Altcrntlva au<l Wood oriflcr. TlJTT"8 ifiPROVBT) HAIR ?YE, Warranted ihta belt dy? in tu*. Tbtwa tandnrri rpftrationa art for anU l>? )>rug;i?U ?vpry*in#re. Oct ft-1 v. ror sale. K& Tllfe ttotifiKend LOT,en the Ttuih. ISil VMril kN4*-liBo?n * tin fleodlett lilL ht?u?e?fwr furthor informntfon ?vj'W D THOMAS HTRRH. Feh 1 AT ?f For Sale. ?A THATplevMtly iltitUil IIOUSK lljl end LOT, on the Center ol C? Fee and JJlMfBee Street*?fe* ?*rnt? *t>H parthn r*, enquire of THOMAS STKBN. . ket '2 87 tf