University of South Carolina Libraries
- . I m I -IIII '"MMMMfWP? ?lje Cffitrprise. QREEM VIILUS .8 '^wiafrwBAT, ViabTiS 1070. ? DmU ol MaJ. Hwt? B. Williams and | Mrs. Williams His W it?. On WdaMdkt, the 13d Inst., thU oonuau? nitj was painfully shockad to h?u of tbo doath of M^. Bbsst K. Williams, on? of its highly ostoomod sad naoai asofWl clUaans; his ftlnossk paoaaaoaia, earrM hiss off in a wash after tho alpit. Oa tte day Of his f?ooaso, his wifo was aitaak.4 ?*?w ??.. disease, and being already feeble from long infirmity, and ?T?rton? by sorrow for the lota ol her husband, she rapidly rank nnder it, and died on Friday era Ding, 26th. Thin two warthy pereona, although eh Ud less, have nevertheless left relatires and frienda who will eberiah their memorise. 1(^|. WiiutM wen . diatinguiahed for hla honesty and purity ef character, his publio spirit and Christian vlr^ tnes; be Boomed to inherit the noble nature and manly qualities that distinguished his ancestral relative, Culonel Williams, of King's Mountain memory, lie was a tree Mend, n pure patriot and tried Christian, not slothftil in bntianss, fervent in epirit, serving God and bis fellow-men in his day ? Mrs. Williams was ameekaad humble Christian, and devoted to her domestie duties?the greatest ornament of woman. Both had long been members of the Baptist Church. Financial Policy of Congress. Proposed benefit to bankers and Capitalists and Increased Burdens on Use People. ' There is nothing so cunning as eapital, i| inspires its ownsrsgtnerally with a shrewdness to make money out of publio calamities, national debts, high taxation, Ac. It usually controls the great eity journals, they umidllv pnn*rnl *An?aa tl%^ ** ? ~A journals in minar cities and country local! ties. Nothing exhibits mora the aunning of capital than tha high sounding and so called patriotic and debt and tax reducing funding bill which has passed tha Senate of the United States, which will ba loudly defended, of course. The bill propoaas to fund a large portion of the public debt, on long time, at a lower rate of interest ; and, so fsr, looks as if tha welfare of the country had something to do with it. But this part of the bill is only the outside, seemingly tha mere scabbard that conceals the dagger that is to stab the tax payer, and common people of the United States, deeper than ever. The New York Herald, ooe o! tha strongest independent journals in the world, has demonstrated that the bill utterly disregards the interest of the tax payers, and of tha people generally. We make room for the following extract from tha Herald : u Aa ia aeual in bill* of lha kind, tha most nefarious portion is smuggled into the very last section, which provides for an increase of four hundred million dollars to the bondad interest-bearing debt of our country and about forty-one million dollars per annum additional eubeidy to tha national banks. Under its proviaions national banking asso ciatioas may absorb the 400 million dol lara of greenbacks now outstanding, and^ by depositing them in the national Treasury to be cancelled, receive in return therefor even hundred and twenty million dollars in gold-bearing bords and currency?four hundred millions of the former and three hundred and twenty millioos of the latter, the one bringing four per cent gold from the people's Treasury, and the olber whatever interest the rapacity of national bankers may pleaae to extort?not lass than eight per cent, on an average. In short, section cine of the Funding bill is worth, if it becomes a law, about $41,000,000 per annum to the national baoke that will certainly organize under its ampls provisions.? It is difficult to find language to properly characterize such a proposition. We are confident it will never pass the House. Instead of adding to the national banks, those already in existence should be legislated out. Let the section be reversed or struek out entirely." If the Bank men are to gain forty millions anuually by the bill, there Is fearful danger of its pasdng the House, bat we concur in ths hope that the objectionable clause will be stricken out. The Feabody Schools.?Third Quarter Closing. These schools, which are such a benefit and blessing to the community, is about closing their third quarter. We do not see , how we could do without thesa institutions, for in Greenville all children go to school through the ageney of the Peabody. We j are informed that a number of subscribers havo not yet paid thtir third instalment, this is importaot for them to do, as th6 Board of Commissioners are obliged to have 1 money?iffdeed, must have?or it eannot | open the iourth quarter. Let delinquents { bear this in mind and pay at once to Mr 4 Risilt. The Iourth instalment is also now 1 due, and Mr. H. C. Mabklst is ready to re- f ceive the same. It is out of tbs question 1 for the schools to be carrried on unless the 0 amounts subscribed are paid. Mr. Rbilly r will call next week, so let all be prepared r with the money. The Board of Commissioners will maet I on Thursday, 7th of April, at Mr. Hover's tore at 4, P. M., at which meeting the ^ members are requested to attend. s fl A Ttlntb'.e Preient from a Friend raitd- , tag in the Country* Onr esteemed friend, Rev. C. B. St*wa?t, ll Pastor of Fsirvlew Chorch, in this County, f )> very kindly Mnt use Hem of Bacon, * which is a* pretly and round aa any we ev* er sa w ; it is from one of hie Chester Whltee, g slaughtered by him in the winter, and no doubt will prove acceptable to the palate. io He will please accept oorHhanks. Mt. Rtkwast still has a number of flee Chester White Pigs lor sate, which he will M dispose of et prices to suit ths limes; they dl are full breed, and thoee desiring this thrii* ty stock should seeure one at onee, before e? he eommenees to felten them. This gentle* men woe one of the first who introduced the breed into Greenville County. CI ^ ^ r A Beautiful Store. J| Mr. Thomas Stskn bas moved into - his store, the Lovelsnd building, which he hee recently hed fitted np. All the partitions have been removed and set back, and the be Whole fixed up in ft style thet Is inviting and agreeable. Now it it one of the pret_ licet etoreein tow*. Hie shelves nre also wall supplied with ell kinds of Groceries. d, Mr. ftrftm is prepared to entertftie nil ef t< his friuodu who rosy cslltsloA ftt his store Or who wish to purchase. "* 'T e .The Junior upoA- his rclfrii^tikdlog that! ||k? S??ior Md fiAlah*Aoco?[t of *11 |hel lnc dent* worth rdiordlng, and Also flodiagj pleaty.of mstUrs elelmin^iahsUct^lon la [ office^ make* brief by toying* thaktle visit to-Ohe*?esto*an<Htngu.ia war ?wj pleasant nd agreeable. H? foaod the Charleston Hotel a* well kept u crer, that i% la most superior banner, end those onnneeted with it m polite end hospitable m could be deeirod. Messrs. A. Butter1 mu> and W. 8. Miller, are safe hands to entrust one's t*U to, and will keep their | hotel amongst the leading one's of theSout h. The OreenriUe and Colombia and South Carolina Railroad officials are also rsry kind and polite; and the comfortable chairs to recline op, on the latter, by those taking the alght train are popular, as you travel *11 night and wake up ia th? morning refrothed and invigorated. The merchants of Charleston are ever ready U deal with the up eoantry, and they ask that Greenville end adjoining Coon Ilea continue llteir favora to than. Buainaaa wee not vary brisk, but every body waa hopeful. Country daalera were a little tardy, en peeling a alill greater reduction in the price of gooda. Wliitet In Cbarleaton we took a aevere ooiu. accompanied by extreme hoarseness, which prevented us from attending any of the City amusement or Sunday aervioee, wbieh we regretted. Business was dull in Augusta. We stopped at W. C. Hewitt's Globa Hotel, which ia well kept. The Depot is Full ofOoods. On a visit to the Depot of the Greenrille end Columbia Railroad at thie plaee yesterday, we found it almoet crammed and jammed with Gooda and freight, in the shape of boxes, barrels, hogsheads, bundles, and in aimoet erery conceivable form. Most of it was for our merchants here, but a good deal is marked to parties in Western North Carolina, Pickena County, and c'ber Messrs. McKay and McBkk are kept quite stirring, getting this roedlied accumulation out of the way, in order to hare room to turn around, and therefore keep the Draymen on the run. We hope this state of things will continue for some time. The Anderson Intelligencer?A New Ureas. It gires us pleasure to record the prosper ity of our nearest neighbor, the Anderson imciiigmcer, wnicn came oui last wen printed with new type, end presenting en appearance that cannot fail to please all of its friends. The Intelligencer Is one ol our very best weekly exchanges, being edited with ability and printed with unexceptionable correctness. We not only wish the paper success, but invoke the choicest prosperity upon Mr. Jab. A. Horr personally. Subscription $2.50 a year. Charleston Advertisers. A number of cards from business men of the above City appear in our columns this week. Tbey are all responsible and reliable men, and attention is asked to each and all of thom, IVo annex a list. Chas. D. Carr?Carpeting. Edmonds T. Brown?Hats, Caps and Straw Goods. vans, iiickoj?uuacr ana I'onrau Ma i'if tura Frame Manufacturer. Alford A. Barbot?Segars. Johnston, Crewe A Co.?Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. 1 llelmee' Book Houte?Bookt. W. J. Trim?Window Curtaina, Shade*, Ac, Having made purcbaees from him, can commend him ae keeping beet article iu hit line. F. Von Santen?Toya and Faney Gooda. Dowie, Moiae A Davie?Sumter Bittera. Edward Perry?Law, School, and Blank Booka. J. E. Adgcr k Co.?Hardware, Ac. J. C. H. Clausten?Steam Bakery and Can_ dy Manufactory. Edward Batoa A C->.?Dry Gooda and Cloih!?* > ^ _ The Sumter ITews. Thie entcrpridog go-ahead paper, publiehed at Sumter, 8. C? by Mesera. Dean A Orrixx?two practieal printers?anaouacea a new Origioa! Storv. from tha n?n nf il.? talented author Juiin WrrausrooN Kbvin entitled The My*terio*i* Marriage, to be commenced on the 14tli of April, which will be followed during the year by other Original Stories by the same distinguished writer. . Now is a good time to subscribe for the Wewt. Terms $8.00 in advance?two copies >5.00. Address as above. Death of an Aged Lady. Mrs. Harriet Bakkr, wife of Mr. Jonx W. j Baker, residing in the lower part of this 1 [Yunly, departed this life on Friday last, ' sad was near seventy years of age. The ( ivent occurred very suddenly, although < ihe had not been sick much, having com < ilained but little. In (he discharge of the * rarious duties of life, she gained the esteem , if those who knew her, and her numerous c elativee and friends are consoled with the t eflection of her useful and well-spent He. * Hsaolution of Copartnerships?Mr. Btali J Goes Alone. ( The Arm of Btbhhocsb A Trrrt having i een dissolved, our friend, Mr. Thomas II. * tall, will continue merchandising at the old ' [and, on bis own account, llis numerous 1 iends and neighbors will be rejoiced to know j, ist they arc not to lose him, and that hir t snlal countenance will still enliven them, and fl re congratulate them. t Mr. Stall left yesterday morning on a visit * i unarieston ror tbe purpose or purchasing bm pring Slock. end when he return* will come repared to sell good* at proper price*. Hi* t tegrif j of obaraeter i? well known. li Caruas.?Our eAoient and worthy jeweler, i tr. B. Wriili, ba* been aick for several . v* past. We bop* he will aeon be up again. Monday presented tb* appearance of sales- 01 17, from the crowd of taa-payera calling to 1,1 * Mr. Kcismmr, the County Treasurer, bose oAee continue* to be crowded from cur- P' morning till night. p| Trade seems to b? reviving a little in the ui '*? * Everybody is rushing to Biimt's, to look to tbe goods bought at pricas with gold at ?fl -,a* . bi Callat8oM.iVANs',ifyotiwantGood*iowdown. " Tuesday was a beautiful spring-like day j . day it ie cloudy and rainy. For wrwtl nigkU tha Mm( Umf4 bar* VB m without (M. I , A* aahiMrntlng nod haalthfat brririfi ia * r. rail's Qoldao Kagia Bitten. 41-1 . ? If ydu want good app-iita and Kaattbj tgsailoa jm Dr. Trtl't Goldaa Kagla BitIZr 4H If yo? are waak and herrooa (aka Dr. utta Qoldan Hagla Bittara. iA-6 *0'"^ 8ul**' Unions of Mrkiog vsoeii P>rou?out the United Ststeo, who recently met i|?convention in Wew York %Rty, for the jmrpoee of ^stiblmwig OsMsl Bnioi, birMsdopttd constitution, and resolved to obtain e charter from the National Labor Union. The constitution acta forth that the objeota of the aaaooialloa are to eonoble labor and the la"boring women; to promote their iotertalsand protect their rights ; to D&aiotalq a fair rate of wages, to encourage good working women, and to employ every means which may tend to tke elevation of working women in the social scale of We, irrespective of color, creed or nationality; to further and eA mlA ?k. * . iui piiuuipm ui co op?r?uon, ud to use all possible means to bring all trade* into sucoersful operation ppoa this plan; to use all means, consistent with honor and in* Ugrltj, to eArreot the abus >e under which women labor, and,U?at will insure to them their just rights ahd principles as working women. At the mate meeting held on the evening of Maroh 10th, a large number of working woman were present. One c' the speakers, Mr*. K. A Lane, of Mswaehu* setta, asserted that in the New England Stales there were to be found children un> der twelve years of age, working in factories for eleven and twelve boors a day. The speaker oompared this state of affaire with the condition of tho working people in England, where by law, manufacturers were prohibited from employing women for more than eight, and children for more than five boars a day. ? A CoLonih Mimcii o- ? ' ?? ?unaPUATBt?AUIong tbo graduates at tl< Hunuftt commencement of he Now York Medical College for Woman, on Wednesday, wh Susan M. Smith, a colored woman. She delircred the valedictory addross. ? ? Prince Napoleon has been acquitted for the hdmiclde of Noir, but la heldjn custody on a civil suit of 100,000 francs damages. | Liberia la prosecuting an active wartare j against (be neighboring natives. I I ! SreciAi, None*.?To parties in wsnt of Door*, -aelies and Blind*, ws refer to the advertisement of P. P. Toaie. tha large man ufactnrfer of those goods iu Charleston*? Price list furnished on application. t-tf Yield of cot ion fully inert cued 100 per cent by the was of Phtenix Guano. Newnan, Ga., December SO, 1869, Mew. Wilcox, Gibbs. <fc Co.: Your favor of the 1st instant, asking the result of the use of tha Phoenix GuCho 1 bought of you last spring, was duly reeair-J d. I stale now, aa on a former occasion, that the yield of cotton (I have not applied it to anything eise) was fully one hundred per cent. b*Utr on the land where it was used than where it was not used on land of the same quality, and I think this to be a safe calculation generally, where the Qusdo is properly applied. Respectfully, B. H. WRIGHT. Dr. Tirtt's Golden Kagle Bitters is the best tonio ever invented. 43-6 *'AWboh<j Impbusii'K Corrkctrd.?Many persons believe that there is no valne in anything that does not come from " the North." How humiliating 1 TTowever this impression is being gradually corrected. It is now admitted that no remsdial Agent has ever been discovered, North or South, thet do amineni degree, Ih power or eradicating from the system all foul distemper. aa DR. TUTTS 8ARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN'S DELIGHT. The secret is, it a**UU natur* to do this through it* otm channel*. It i? composed of vegetable aub atancea alone, every one of whirh grow* on Southern aoil. It ia the BLOOD PURIFIER OF THE AGE. Mar 30 46 2 Anvr.RTiaiso will not M?U worthleaa medi.1 cinea long, aa many peraona bave doubtless (Uncovered ; but a medicine that recommend a iiaelf. aa Simmon*' Liver Regulator doe* 09 trial, ooly require* to be kept before tbe public to inaure tueeeat. W A. REtD k CO , Proprietor* Maoon (Ga ) Dally Telegraph. Tbk farther we advance in knowledge, the more simplicity ehall we diacover in those primary rules which regulate all the appa rently endless, and multiform operations of nature. To abuse them bring* disease and its tribulations. To aid in conquering disease la to benefit mankind, and therefore the greater the merit. The most efficient auxiliary of this class, is lha " old carolina Bitters." ? Edgefield County, 8 C., Angus! 3, 1869. Tw.aM?i 1-?^ ~ *" |ji.ics uiouiu use ur. lutr# (iulden Eagle Bittere. v 43-6 Died, at hla residence, near the City of Greenville, on the Rth o' Fehruary. 1870, Dr. THEODORE GAILLAKD CROFT, In the 68th year of hla age. When, a Hula more than a year ainee, Ihe writer of thia notiee, received a letter From the deeoaeed, requesting him to write I aketeh of the life, for publication, of hla then recently deeeaaed brother. Dr. Runlet! Croft, little did bethink that he ao conn ihould be ealled upon to perform the aad >fQee for liirn. The deoaaaedewaa a native >f Charleaton, S. C, and aon of Edward 3rofl, Eeq.. hie mother waa Florida Ltrdia 3nl I lard, who waa aalater ot the distinguish II brothi re John Oaillerd, many yea>e Uni ed States Senator, and Prraident pro (em. >f that body, and Theodore Gaillard, one f i ha distinguished law Judge* of thia State, | Iter whom our friend waa named, and shorn he very muoh reaembled tu hie ele;ant mannera, aolid sense, and eharming onvaraational talent. Tha father of Dr. Jroft moved to Greenville when he \Dr. C.) vaa quite a arnall hoy ; here he received Ida eademieal education 1l-- ?J ?V ?.?^?uru IIC llieu* eal lectures at Lexington, Ky.. cod enbee jnently graduated at the Charleston MedU ' al College, but b? never practised medicine, e lie mean* being ample, and the active daies of hie large planting interest were efficient to give him eonetant oeeupaiion. Dr. !rnft waa very fond of reading, had a eultl 'atad, literary taete, and a good memory, rhieh, with his courtly manners, flue eollonial powers, and elegant hospitality, made is home alwaya a house of great attraction ^ ? hie numerous friends. Dr. Croft married . ? early life Misa Klisa D'Oyley, whose pa- j enta were also emigrants from Charleston, j nd became residents of Green?il1? oft, with four children, three for* and a * ugh tar, eurvtve him, and monrn ih? lorn r tne foodeat and beat of hurhaede, the ioat affectionate and dtvoted of fetliera. And that our friand. after having wall -i rforaaed the duties of lifa. met death with I Uiloaophiral ealmoeaa and Ghriatian reaig- j *tlon. " After life'a fitfol fever. ha alaapa j alland however mournful and grfeveoe ti i hla immediate family, In view of the ca- d mi tone events brought home to all of ua f tha late war, hla old friand* and coteaap arlaa who eurvive Mm, may wall envy 41 >atr departed friend tha dreamless deep of j >a quiot grata. "- ? Aad ha at iaat. Altar tha waary atrlfa, Iter tha raatlaea fever at eat! We? Iter the deearinega, tha aebtawpaia? he wayward struggles wMekheve proved In vale? 1 Alter onr telle am peat, * Will gite es net at leek" 8 kit. Pebble Hill, Kdgefteld Diet, 8 C. KUWI. J1..JLU1?J?1 i>-5. In JTew when Stewart amSSloflin!^* ' advanjtagft of it and bought gftda beHkv first eontjted ate lotted to^vonr friaals greKt rodaeti?n. *mm now opening ths cheapest lot of goods brought to this plaoo since Uto war. Jo *?Uafywvour?eIvos, oall ot our Store, No. 8, corner of Main and Brood Streote, 8 dyors north Coach Fa<jto*j, Green ! ' WHITMIRF k FERGUSON. . Mm 80 46 * * CrtAKLKBTow, March. 48. (VrtlM quiet md steady?middlings SI; sales 15(1 bale* ; receipts 482 ; an?-|i 19 484. Nkw Yobs, March 48. Cotton 22f. Gold Uf. Baltimobb, March 88. Cotton very firm ; holdcra aaking higher rates; middlings 22|; aalea 885; receipts 172 balea; a took 6,406. Li via pool, March 28. Cotton closed irregular;' uplands 11 ($111 Orleans ll|@lli; sales 10,000 balea; spec* ulation and export 1,000. ' Delicate females take the Oolden Bugle Bitter*. 43-5 Masbicd, at HawhinsvjIW, on the 24<h ol February, b? the Res. J. Hawkins, assisted by Res A: ft. Rude, of Columbia, Prof. L. A. HAWKINS, of Greenville, and Mrs. LIZZIE MoMOKRIES, of Newberry. LATEST QUOTATIONS OF SOUTHERN SECURITIES. IN CHARLESTON, 8. a Corrected Weekly for the ENTERPRISE, hy A. O. KAUFMAN. BROKER, Ne. 26 Bread Street. MARCH 35. 18T0. Slat* ,9?ear ( *? ?South Carolina, old SIM?; do new, 8Q@ ?; do, regUt'd stock, I Cily Srcuritie*? Augusta, Oa. Bonds, ? a84; Charleston, 8. C. Stock, ex-dir.?(A 58 | arlcston, 8. C., Firs Lean Bonds, ? a r* "**?. i- ?kn VVIHUIVW, O. V/. JJVK1UB, ? W(V. Railroad Bond*?Bine Ridge, (first mortgage)50@? ; Charleston and Sarannah, 05(g) ? ; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta,?@00 ; Chcrnw and Darlington,?@80 ; Oreenrille and Columbia, (1st tnort) 80@? I do, (Stata guarantee) 6$@?; Northeastern, past due, 86 @ ?; Northeastern, new, ? @ 88 ; Savannah and Charleston, (1st aaort) ? @ 80 ; do, (State guarantee) 70(g)? ; South Carolina, ?@83; do, 76; Spartanburg and Union, 64 Railroad Stoik i?Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta,?@66; Greenville and Columbia, 2@?; Northeastern, 10@?; Savannah and Charleston, ?@30; South Carolina, (whole shares) 46@?; do, (hair do) S2@?. Exchange, Are?New York Sight, par, J pr. Gold, $I.U@$1.IS ; Silver, $1.08@tI.10. South Carolina Bank Bill*. Ilank of Charleston ?@ ? Bank of Newberry ? @? Bank of Camden 50@ ? Dank of Georgetown. 6@ ? Bank of South Carolina........,..?; ?5(g) ? Bank of Chester 6@? Bank of Hamburg ...3@? Bank of State of S. C, prior to ]&6f .~-46@? Bunk of State of 8 C. issue 186l-<lJ.....t2@? Planters' and Mechanics' Bank of Charleston- - ?@? People's Bank of Charleston -?@? Union Bank of Charleston ? ?@ ? Southwestern R. B. Bank of Charleston, (old) ?@ ? Southwestern R. R. Bank ol Charleston, (new)- ? ,-tnte Bank of Charleston 3@ ? Farmers' and Exchange Bank of Charleston ? Exchange Bank of Columbia. 10@? Commercial Bank of Columbia ?@? Merchant's Bank of CbCTaw 3(d) ? I Planters' Bank of Fairfield -... 3(g) ? I State of Sonth Carolina Bills Re' roiv^hlo wvaa? Cify of Charleston Changs 'Jills par. Bill* marked thus ( ] are being redeemed al the Bank Counters of each, a????? ?p?a?am?a??? The Seeion and its Bangers. The human body ia chiefly composed of tie sues and flhrea as sensitive to every change ia the condition ot the atmosphere as tba moat delicate electrometer, or the quicksilver in a barometer tube. The stomach, the skin, the nervaa, ike tangs, and the excretory organs are especially liable to be affected by these variations, and tha best defence against their disastroas tendency is to keep the digestive machinery, which feeds and nourishes the whole system, in good working order. If the stomach is weak or disordered neither the blood nor the bile can be in a bealtby state, and upon the fitness of these two important fluids for the offices assigned to them bv nature, and tbo regularity of their flow, health in a great measure depends. When the air is heavily laden with chilling vapors, as it often is at this season of the year, the digestion should be an object of peculiar caro. If it is weak and languid, tha whole physical structure will be enervated. If it is vigorons, the entire organisation will be strong to resist the untoward and depressing influence of a damp and vitiated atmosphere. A pure and powerful tonie is therefore especially needed ss a safeguard against the dis vn.tlx >?"ov vvtuuit/u iu iiiw spring, mii iiyo* TETTER'S STOMACH HITTERS being the most wholesome aod potent inedieine of the class st present known e coarse of it is particularly advisable at tbia period of tbe year. The stomach will thereby be toned and strengthened, the lirer and bowels regulated, the nervous system braced up, and nature pat in a state of aetire defenee against the miasma which superindnces intermittent and remittent ferere, rheumatisms, nerrous debility, headache, hypochondria and other complaints which are apt to assail the uotoned and unfortified organisations. The body is strengthened without exciting tbe braie, end consequently no unpleasent reection follows its reriring and renovating operation. . Mar 2 414 For Sale* Ct ECOND HANDED SEWING MA-! CHINKS; in good repair; work all right. 0. A. PICKLE. OreepvUle, 8. C. . Mar .10 44 t Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may eonoera, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Prolate Judge of Greenville Couaty, ea rlic till log of April nart, for a Pinal Dleobarge aa Inardian of MART A. ASHMOEK. JOHN H. ASHMOJtR, Onardian. March 24th, 1970. MttrSfi 44 Notice V ft horeKv elvan to rI) wIira* (1 mr? onm | that f will apply to 8. J. Dootbit, Prolate Jedge of Oreenrltle Coenty, on tin Jttk fey of April nozt, tor * Kiaal Diae barge a* InnioUtrator with the Will anaeied of the CaUto of J A MBS W0OT)StT)K, dereaaed. JAMK8 I>. W0OD8IDR, Adm'r. with tha Will aanesed. Mareh 28th, 1870. 4* ? Notice [8 hereby jtiren to ell wboei It May enatera, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate iidye of Oteenrllle Conaty, m Iks Md day a/ Ijwif mMi tor a Pinal i?iaebaree ae Adaei'niaratorofthe EaUte of JAMBS R. GRAIN, reared. WILLIAM OKA IN, Mareh 30, ??70. AdatoMcater. Mar 30 4* 4 "Mi to f ie a a e A ia ? ?U* n FOHIf STOIf, CREWS & CO. InparwA aid Whoteaale Dealer* to DTAJLI AXTD ***** DRY GOODS, I0TI0BS AX* SNAIL WAB.BS, 4va fimaaoiFp r CHARLESTON, S. CJ. Mar 3d 43 taa opto tmret 5fl T1KQS RE8PKCTPULLT to Inform tfc*I.odfk Stilt IF yoq want NEW GOODS, come tor BEATllfcTfi. IF you want CHEAP GOODSt come to BEATTIE*S. BEATTIE'S TF you want CALICOES, 10, * c\i * 4- iJl. . 4 / 7 azj unu ao eems, come 10 BEATTIE'S. IF von want pretty DRESS GOODS, cheap, come to BEATT1ES IF von want COITON YARN, SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, TICKINGS, CLOTHS, GASSIMERES, TWEEDS, JEANS. LINENS, WHITE GOODS and . EMBROIDERIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, HATS, SIIOE8 and BOOTS, READY MADE CLOTHING, HOES, AXES, SPADES, 6HOV , ELS, NAILS, KNIVES, FORKS, SHGAR and COFFEE, TEA8, INDIGO and MADDER, Ac.. &c.,?ail at low cash prioes?call at BEATTIE'S. IF yon are looking throngh the market for GOOD GOODS, at a one price bouse, come to BEATTIE'S. Mar SO t? 4* - S Dissolution ofYopnrlnerskip. TIIE Copartnership of 8TKXIIOUSE A TERRY was this day dissolved by mutual oonsent. All business of the said Firm will ha settled by T. H. STALL. Notice. HAVING made arrangements to continue buiineaa at the old aLand of Stenbouae A Terry, I will open fb a few days a FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS AND would uk my old friend* and customers to stand by me, promising to SELL GOODS AS CHEAP AS THEY CAN BE JBpnght in the Country. I WILL DEAL FAIRLY AND SQUARELY WITH ALL. OOME AND TR Y MM. T. H. S'TALL, A^it Fairvien Store, March 13d, 1670. Mar 30 4* 8 The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. By 8. J. DOUT/f/T, Rtqnire, Judy* ef Probate of said County. WHKBAS, John Jam/, haa filed a Petition in my Office, p* aying (hat Letter* of Administration on all ana singular the good* and chattels, right* and , credit* of JOSEPH JAMES, lata of the County aforesaid, deoea.ed, should be grant ad to htm. , That* arr, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and aopcar in the Court of Probate for said County, to be holdea at Greenville Court House, ew Ike lltA day of April nert, to show caure. if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. a J. DOUTII IT, J. P. O C. Office of Judge of Probate, Mar. 28, 1870. Mar 80 4# * V. W. Cor. Kioff * Weitworth St8. CllA ULES TON, S. C. rpnROLOOICAL, Scientific pad General JL Book House. School aed Collage Text Book., Surveyor'* Instrument*, Drawing Pe? per*. Hook, tent post paid oa receipt ot price. Mar 30 43 3m CHAS. HICKEY, fit! IT, fra -a wv PORTRAIT ANO PICTURE FRAME l?AXTU?JL0T?R37lf 845 Kin if Street COIEIAIBILIfc'STDrJj S? (C* LOOKING GLASSES OF ALL SIZES FITTED TO FRAMES, OLD FRAMES UK-GILT EQUAL TO NEW. Mar 30 46 tm Syrup. i K BARRELS SlidAU HOUSE 8YRUP At) at 7Ao." Far aale by FOSTER k HUNTER. \ Uk t . 41. . ?f T'TC '. ' -OS**' h^: SOLS nunnuit^l WHOLESALE DRUGGIST? CIUUJE8T0MLS.& wlUwwl s eywkrt Hmm*. -Wmr ml* by <"U DAVID tsnuDisr, WMwefe mtt? IWU<t OroMf ?o4 Cowtnlwion IferchanU, Qrmn vfltoS. O. M*r BO 45 (a J) baa 09 band orx> of tb? largoat MlWrt ad CU If fit* fanoral ntl?fa??ion, wwbll?| If Window Shades fn Paper Hangings ai Piano and Table G Oil Cloths and Em Window Hollands Damask and Lace Cornices, Loops ai Mattresses of all fi Pillows and Ctishi* AU ordon istrsiUd to bla emn, will ?m( wUI * *41 KINO BTREKT, AND OPPOfiir Mweb SO cnununcT DonWu I kiimwnww vhvvvi^ Of th? tat* Irm V? '?'* WhoUcala fitiltr InWea'i Jt Bo/a* aw? STRAW AUO| Children's HATS, 43 HAYHE 8TBJBET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON 1I0TKL, CHARLESTON, S. C. Mar 30 43 3m F. VON 8ANTEN, IWrORTSK or PARIS FANCY GOODS, Toya, Doll*, Harriet, Children'* Carriage*, French Confactonary, Fire Work*, INDIA RUBBER GOODS, Such a* Clothing. Nursery Sheeting, Ac., 229 King-St. 2 door* a hove Market, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Mar 30 43 Jy* Vil CIIASKERRISON, LATE r f. i i rmieii o. m a. Il JLlilllllMI. GDW ???[M, 252 King Street, OHAP.LBSTOIT, 8. O. Mar SO / 46 6m ALFRED A. BARBOT, A?jS55rJ ^eiiUS OHA1LI8TOI BRANCH r tri HAVANA SEQAR FACTORY, | ' LA VALENTIWA." I^ISE Havana Tobacco Manufactured Ka. clunirely by Cuban workmen, will, with Ikill, produce Segara eqaal la Quality, Styla and FraiTMN to |ka baa* brand* known. Order* nnarcotapaniad by lUCrraaaaa, Win ??? n n T? 118 Bast Bay Street, OSARL2BT02T, 8. O. Mar 30 ' 45 S?u* NTEAJI BAKERY All CANDY MANUFACTORY I J. C. H. CLAITSSEN, o. 10 Miirn trim, CHARLESTON, S. C. ALL kiada af Cracker*, Blacalta aad Cakaa inacnfactured daily of ika b?at Sou lb arn Soar, at Ivwaat market priee. 11 aa at kla Katablisbment aa extensive CANDY FACTORY. Their Caadlaa are mada to ordar, aad at all timea freak ; warranted para and to a land Ike climate. Ordera will be promptly Sited. Mb 35 44 3m* Xnwix Bates. Oa?. Sxlnax. I Taos. B. JMcUaba*. Cbab. K. Sana. EDWIN BATES A CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS 114 DRY GOODS AND . OXiOTHINa, 183 end 184 MeeUeff^L. O H A RLE8TON. 8. C. Mk II 44 3m* CHAS. D. CARR & C(L o^viaipaiw WARE ROOMS, lud-lL, lnr King, OkulktUi, I, C, SAVK alwaj* an band a larga aaaorlmrat of l*|ll*k and American Valret, firao Tapeatrr, I Ply, Ingrain, Venetian and llamp. CABPKTIN'lfl. V.lrat, Brumal and ^ Taportry RIWJ8 aad MATS. A fall aaaort- ? wank of DOOR MATS, comprising Coir.. , Hruab, Cbatn, AlaaaaU, Htaal, A da laid and Plain and Faoey Sheep Skia. FLOOR OIL CLOTH8, from tbe boot makers, of all nldtba and groat rkrblf of pattern*, Tab la Oil Cloiki, in Marble, Oak, Roooaraod aad Msbegan v. Mattings, Cocoa, Manilla and WMta m Obeok India. Draggot Mid Crnmb Clotka. Patent Stop Indite* <b* baa no nao. Partite maiding in tba reentry aaa raj* on ha* lag tbolr ardor* promptly 41 lad, and If diagram* ara mm, aaa kao* afcrpeU mada ap, Nd Oil XJImha oat and gtlad t* room* and ball*. Mar 89 <1 in | k'<f nT '-f. v< lAantfi t Csdftte, . J n i < " i HHP nBC^ JKBL 3BS3 r3B[r* <* E BIG BOOT, ?a4 Poblto of GreonrilH Coanty, that ho ImM Btoskf, ud it mh prtooa will not am $1 to $5, id Decorations, f "overs, lmtDed Cloths, lor Shades, Curtains, ^ *' '- * IHl I ia u enters, kinds, Dns, ?fcc. i pravpt ?tUatl?i and til good* wtnuUil. t THE BIO BOOT IN THE BEND. O Sm? RECEIVED AND FOB S AM i AT CLYDE & HOVEYS' (FHIFYY NO. 0 North Carolina FLOUB. .FT" ? AUU \X LARGE LOT OF SITO ARS Crushed, Granulated, 1 Powdered, C Extra, (standard,) r< i??i J n v> jLiAiru (tnci Drown. ' PURCHASED SINCE THE DECLINE, AND ARK OFFERED AT GREATLY REDUCED . PRICES,,,v Either by the Barrel or by the Pound. OUR STOCK or IMIY READY-MADE CLOTHING HATS, SHOES, GROCERIES. if* aO ? CUTLERY MOCKERY wsMt Ammvm, And the Public Generally ARE INVITED TO CALL AND SATISFY THEMSELVES A% ! Price* and Qnallljr. CLYDE & HOVEY. Mcb <8 44 tf Fresh Arrivals. Confectionery, caaa*d FWh, cm* ?d Fruit Fr?ib BtWb Caady ia fr? Mate (vale* Frrah l/mp* aod F?o*y QuSm Kre?h Oyster* ia 1 h4 t pound Can* Fr??h Tama tor* la ft fowd Caa* Prrah Su.ok*d Salmon la 1 pound Caa* Prrata P?aab*a la 1 paaad Caa* Qingtr Prtarin. For sal* by FOSTER * HUNTER. J J. 1D6BR & CO., INPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARD WARE, CUTLERY, OU*i, BAR IRON, STEEL, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, IS# V4ettB?-ft * ? hit lsj St., CHARLESTON, S. C. Mb a? 44 ?a? EDWARD PEKHY, PRINTER, STATIONER, ill iiitu in LAW; SCHOOL AND BLANK BLANK BOOKS aa bnd aad nm4* to or4ar *1 eay pattera at *ba*t a at!?. Binding and Balln| axacatad la da* ttyla. Sad* A 0? Pitatlng Into Ummirn at tb* aaaai faaiatar* prloa. IT*. 1M M?thtf-Bt., OkaflMM // /*/, CHARLESTON. 8- OMl M 44 ? ? (Sufan. W BARREL* RKHNED i B ud 0 BtfOAKa ffttf* -- . ~IhUm SRJbWIPAT f? Af?H, 1 <HW?B ftt.000 rMOTM I?4 AoUwm im4.W. M JOHN W. RtABt * O0? and 1 WflOT AND HARNBSN. a t. WATKUH, AQRiMNr. GrawiiK Mink IIA iro. Mar SI 44 t