University of South Carolina Libraries
I Si 3 The Liargest Assor ! READ! C L OTI That has been in the ft *v r y h An elegant supply ( ^ n ? m v v b A d & II And more to arrive t tiful Line of kjuixks sm; The especial attent called to a nice Line . BMUJAHTS, INDIA TWILLS, VICTOR m&xnsK India Mulls, Jacoi BIRDS-EYE LINEN LAWNS, EDG1N Lace Collars and B and Imitation Line] Irish Linens, D Cloths, Doilies Huckaback mask Towels, Q,u ings and ! Eesides many, other, arrive this week. {?F Ladies', Misses', and and SHOES. (OrAll SXJL] . Match 5 MflW & ARLie! OF RICHM A??cts, orcr |1,300,000 I Policies Issued, 8 1,000 1 SHOWING ? ?ic?h beyond pwedctt. Im Premium Plana First Dividend on Life 1 coonotny of lU anagtneot aud ita careful eeieel WM. C. CARRTNGTON, J. K. EDWARDS .... D. J. IIARTSOOK...... J. J. HOPKINS JT.'H. WOLF o? SOUTH CAROLINA BRANCH ( J. P. THOMAS .. 8. I.. LEA I'll AllT Dr. ISAAC URANC1I, nnAiin fiv r JOHN McKENSlK, JOHN 8. PllKHTON, JOHN X. SLOAN, Sr., Or. It. \ THOMPSON STATE AT LARGE.? Fx-Gor. M. L. RO] KENNED V, Col. T. C. PER KIN, Or, " Src. 4. Th? liuilnru of the company SII/ UUT1NO TO TUB POLICY-HOLDERS 1UH provided, uiiIcm hy the content of the a**ure I "8?. 16 This company may Urn* policica other#, for the benefit of wiv<-e and Inmilit-a lltM?na ancestor#, do*cend??ta, creditor* or < for the dehta or contracla of tho ataured, exec M Sno. 16. Tho company may Dane polieua are pnid in the aatr.e." U " Sio, 10 The pennanant inveatment of fui ENCUMBERED KKAL?STATK WORTH IK We would also call ntTehiion to the rightaa Righta ot party to non forfe'ture in aU Ha p Righta of parly to re ioatatemenl? paid up renlion of prneiee" or any other causa cut* tl ture, omitted in policlea of Northern compani in the late war, and ahould make them aeefc tl contingency In futre. Some eompanlea now " take up tnni againat" certain named Staler icy narii and void. Title ia making certain a I mingling of potilie*. war and life Inaurance. "THE PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON " h at*to right* of parti*! and guarding thou right It glvea divhienda at the end of the fir?l yea when part hum ia taken. The all ca*h plan way moat a?n?faetorv? We now confidently appeal to eeery one In their own internal*, Cy attaining tlieir own aalf confidence without which there can he no already over flG.fOO.OpO ara annually u*t . from onralreitgth, and thereby giving nddltiu W# offer a eotld, reliable Life laauram o Co ftf men tA hie kreti aal iet ^ia.. .Ih.. -I- , v, ? , rinwprt'J, WHO nu"uwi iuvestinenle, pledged to relmim witkin ikr Stat* < and, Indeed, presetting every advantage that aminatton into the toper lor merile of ilia " 1*1 bUKANCB COMFAN Y " to Ineure your petr? . The Company hag complied with the lew t iu Bute Ik ode, with the State Comptroller, fa LBAPK1ART, JK1 local AOtfNT, ORKBNVILLR, 8. c.?CAJtVAASalNO AUF.NT? DR. M. 9. BE Mamh 9 18 if hereby gleen to ell whom it may ran-* tern, that I Will apply to g. J, Doetbit, Probata Judge of OWewUI* ChruotT. ? t*? TfA day of April ieef, tor ? PtWal Dteobarge at Administrator of the Estate of KAC11KL BUDDUTlt, Je?W*dl * it OSES II. LEISTER, Meroh 7ih, 1979. AdniniatiWtor. Mar 9 41 4 ? ' * ? h For Sale. -, Mf~t THAT pleasantly eiUeted HOUSE Will awd LOT, An the Comer at C?9*4 and _WUi?-M?,B*f 8lroeU?for term* gap particn are, inquire ef THOMAS STVKN, Feb IV ; 97 If V m < v , ^ tinpnf of -MADE I1M?, larket since the war. ftfRl&v his week. A beau- 1 '. " ESS G-OOB8 ion of the Ladies is of B B MS ^ III S BISHOP HU\S O0KS, lets, Swiss Jffulls, DIAPERS, GS AND JNSERT1NGS, f and kerchiefs, Real , 11 Collars A. CuflTs amask Table and Napkins ] and Dailts, Cotton Frill- 1 Insertings, DRY GOODS, to A full line of Gents, Children's HATS at low cash prices, at I LI VAN & SON. ; : OND, VA. i Ncl $iir|ilu?, $300,000 I u?i on -Mutual, Non-Forfeiting and Return Policies Forty l'er Cent., which prorea the i Lion of Risks. Preaident. 1 ,. Vice-President. 1 Secretary. 1 Assistant Secretary. Superintendent of Agencies. , i )FFICE, AT COLUMBIA, S. C. ! - President. Secretary. - Superintendent of Agencies. ?I RECTORS. F. W. Mc.MASTKH, W. B. QULICK, iV. O I RISKS, K. C. SHIVER, E All I.E. S1IAM, Gen. M. C. BUTLER. Gen. J. D. , ISAAC BRANCH, Dr. 11. COOK. I LI. Be conducted on the plan ol D18TRI\ PROFITS of the business, as he'cinalter the policy is n'mpartieipRtinK.'' i ou tlie lives of husbands and parents, or , or other bonetieinries interested in their 1?-| end-nts, and the sains shall not l>e liable pt at provided in the polities issued." i payable IN tit'LD: J'rwiJcJ, Premiums nda shall be in m rlgagee or lientne UN)UBLE I UK AMOUNT LOANRIk" secured in policy at part of the contract. nliciea. policy, and surrender value where " in terra Insured oil' trom home office. This feslet, e<>st th? Suthern people very heavily ie only rom|.iiy that providea egalnet aneii , 1 nave m M?ir poUcter, lliai partiea who | , " ?r ilia Untied Sltlw," render their pol? i tal ?a? before uucertain, and la too great a a a model charter mod model policy, plainly t agalnat sacrifice. r, when all oaah ia paid, and of aeaoad year, is uureserredly rao?m roe tided at ia every iterested la Soulhern prosperity to look to ioatituliona, and ilierrby establishing iliat permanent prosperity. Bear iu mind that A or/A for Life Jaeura***, taking an much , iia) power to our competitors, mpany, thoroughly Southern, in the hand* nt aaaela, recent risks, the moat secure of all of South Carolina all luuda accruing therein, ean b? desired ; and we only ask a full exIEDMONT AND ARLINQTON LIFE IN>aag?, if the State, requiring a deposit of |?0,000 r the better prwteetioa of pulley holders. FFERSON & R ANSON, General Agents far South Carolina. JULIUS a SMITH. RR Y. 42 , 8m Nickerson HouseHotel, UULtAlHIA, H.U. THK i*dmi|a?d having 5wfculL- RKNEWEP hi* I?IM mpom the above l'opuUr Hon**, will cleaver U make It owe of th? moot agreeable Betel* la tbe South. A cell la tolicited. '? Oeanlbu* tnaad front the Hotel, , . WM. K: WRIGHT, Proprietor. apt 8 ?? tf Will Auctioneer and Coi COURT HOUSE SQUAR WILL ATTEND TO ALL SALES OF PE P Relarnr of mm for Probata Jadge AGENT for Wud? Fertiliser, Wan do Groi Bom, Maps'* Nltrogenissd PkowksU, Pemris Watt's Celebrated Tare Ploagb, Warlfee l< ?? vonen jlortr, Qiw h4 Li A Fall and Complete ComUtlng of Bed Been Bait*, Parlor Bell (aboganjr Bereaus, (Marble Top,) Bed*leads,' Cooking Tbe largest and best Assortaient to be foaad Attest, Virginia Air-Tight, Cotton Plant, fl IrieoUL Call and; fB~ Subscriptions resstred fer " Rural Car an Agriculturist." GREATLY INCH BY TUB mwa mmw SmmS^SSI^S^SmSi^ CKSk/kCG fis MANUFACTU! ffiTando Mining ft It AT THEIR WORKS It vym. Co dukes * NO. 1 SOUTH AT JULIUS C. SMITH, AG Fobbruary 1 roiDDBwi w annul, ii COTTOJY TCAHBHO COMMISSION 155 and 157 B January 20 91 REIDVILLE H HIGH SCHOOLS.! rpilE MaU and Female SCHOOLS have 1 again fipenal, and ara ready for the reeepiton of PopUa Mr. R. P. ADAMS W i Pi inripal of (he Male, and Mr ADAMS] ?nd the R-?. R. II. RFID of ilia Femsla, Misted by a aorpa of competent teachers. Tniiion per ftetsion of Fire Month : i* ma vali. Primary $W Oft Higher... 16 00 Conliagent 1 00 iv tub raiALi. Primary 8 <0 I titermediate ........... .. ....... 1200 Collegiate 18 00 Mode. 20 00 Use of Piano 2 60 Contingent 1 On to I 00 No extra charge for French and Drawinc. One-halt the Tuition and Board ia ad.vane*. Board, in tlie Village, including Washing nd Purl, from $10 to $12 per month. The young lediee from abroad, board in the houee prepared (or Ikeir recaption, and.r the supervision of en cxperirneoil and highly esteemed matron, and the watchful eya of [Xie of tha Principal*, an inmate of the houee. Pupils of both Schools hare the uee of an rxtrneive Pliiloaopliieal, Chrmiral nd Astronomical apparatus. Three 8-ho Is ara nnanrparred for faeili ties to preserve morals and maanrra, for ehrapnese, health, the character and quali Icatlone of tlii-ir teachers. We commend Mr. ADA V8. a stranger. to uur patron* and friend*, In the language of Chancellor Lipeoomh: ' Snrible perron* hare bat to (re and know him to be eati*> fled of hie fitne** for anrh a port."* By oider of the Board of Trueteee W. A. HARRISON, Secretary and Treaaurer. RrlJville, 8. 0., Feb. 901, 1870. Fab 16 S? I Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may eon eern, that we will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Greeuville County, on the llth Jay / March nest, for a final discharge aa Kxeentora of the Eetal* of UANUKI.L CROFT, deeeaeed; therefore.! all naitie* having claim* againet eaid Kt?le, will preernt them to ne or the Prolmte Judge on or before raid day or be debarred. Til KO DORR G. CROFT, 1 OEOKOKW CROFT, J February 17th, 1870 Feb U ' 40 4 j Notice. EXFCUTOUS, Administrator*, Guardlana and Truatera, ara hereby notified that they must make thair ANNUAL RETURN 8 up lo Hie lat of January, 1870. or I will he compelled to iaauo Kulea againat tliam, if not dona previous to ike lat of May neat. 8. J. DOUTIUT. Ju.lge of Probate Court. Greenville, S. C. Feb. 28, 1870. Fab 28 ' 40 4 Notice IS HEREBY given to all whom it way eonearn, taat f will apply to 8. J. Doathit, Probata Juilga ot Greenville County, en fie I Or* Jag of Xlnrtk m/I, for a Final Dieoharge a Administrator of tka Estate of ,CHARLES U08NELL, Sr., deceased. JOSHUA PitUITT, Administrator. February 19th, 1870. Fab U j 44 4 Notico IS hereby given to all whom It may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Doutbit, Probata Judge of Groeovilly County, oa Lie 4<i due of April uarf, for a Final iliecbargo aa Administrator with the WHI anaaaad af the Katata ot JOHN K. WEST, deceased. WN. W. WEST. Adm'r. wltlrtbe Will aaaaaad. March 4th, 1879. 48 4 Notice IS hereby, given to all whom It may job rem, that 1 will apply ta S. J. Doeebit, Pro. bate Judge of Greenville County, eo lie ilk itnm of April mrjtly for a Final Discharge aa Kxecator af the Katata of DAVID HUMPHREYS, daneaaad. JOHN H. HUMPHREYS, March 4th, 1879. Kieoulor. Mar 9 48 4 VMM IS Horebjr |itm U> lit wh?m k nr?y mh t?rn, ihit w? will apply ?<? H. J. Ih.utliit, Prnbala hd? of OrMtvllli County, on lh? ft/A <foy of April mtxt. (or a FINAL I?ISCH A ROE ii Kioontort of lb? Ratal? of WILEY KEMP, doaaaawi. NEAL MoDADK, I I>AVIt>L. VAUGHN, J " J'?" arch 7tb, 1ST*. 4Z-4 I 1 ususm. mmisuon Morohant, E, GREENVILLE, S. C. dPBRTT It lb* City or Country, and mako , ?r K?UU*. nd PhMpbato. for CMapotttni, Bough'* Raw i a On* no, Vege tutor, Laad Plotter and Lba*. i Woo 11 Plough, Cora 8bailor*, Straw Cotter*, 10#I m Audi. Stock of Furniture, I*, Din log aad Rocking Chairs, Walnat and Window Shade*, i*. Stores. la tk* Up Coontry. among which arc Baek'S loatkorn Room, Noble Cook, Morning Star,. Exasiine. eltnUo," " Sontkera Calibrator,** and Amur * SS-Sm *** TehV .EASED CROPS, usb or in mum mm rAlS8. ttBD BT TDK nufacturing Company, r CHARLESTON, S. 0. CO., Gen* Agents, LANTIC WHARF. T, GREENVILLE, S. 0. if & co., FACTORS, xm AND MERCHANTS, eynolds Street, g-eiohoia. S Sm AT THE LADIES' STORE HA8 juat hc?? op?Mit inolUr Wp and Beautiful Stock of DISSS GOOiBB, To which tba attention < ( tha LudirV ara inrited. Price# aa Low a* ran ?>fferrd anywhere. W. U. JIOVKV. nA8 ju#t in, a Larjjr addition o1 Fina and as "?* _ _ . un*nir?cingm nilu l/ngnjo, Ladiea' Araha, Cloak*, As., in (nat Tirisly? II oT whirh am oflsrtd at vary low prlw?. Will reeeira in a day or two, a lot m PURS, TOYS, Ac. W. II. UOVKY. READY-MADE CLOTHING I HAVE now open and for aala, a nica aa ortmaat of ^ CLOTHINO, GENTS SUA WLS, HATS t*C? Which I will aall CHEAP. W. n. HOVKT. Long Cloths* WE HAVE now ready (or aaU & plaeaa LONG CLOTHS?*11 gradca?warranted aa (rood, for tha money, a* can b? bought in Um city. \\. H. HOVEY. Daa 8 29 tf XTlStTc^ HAN UFA CTURERS ar DEALERS IN JAPASNKD AND TRESSED WARE, a tin COOKING AND IIBATING STOVES. All kind* of Tin and Sheet Iron Work Bono Oa the nutt REASONABLE TERMS, And with promptness. Store Nearly Opposite the - Poet Office. r?w is 3? tr GOWKNSVILLE SCHOOLS. 1 > EV, T. J. EARI.K wlH opon at GowanaIV villa, 8. C., 1st February next, a SELECT MALE SCHOOL, Of a. limited number of StndeoU, and teach the Higher Kngliah and Mathematical branchea and the Languages, fur two aeaaiuna, of fl7e month* eaeh. Tuition, from Ten to Eighteen dollars per aeaaion. Contingent expeoaea, one dollar?no axtra ehargea. Student* will he charged from time of entrance to the eloae of the aeaaion. A careful parental interest will he taken in the moral and religion* instructions of tha Students, and none need apply who are not willinx to anhmlt to tha ?' School, | At the same time and place, there will alao be opened FEMALE AND PRIMARY SCHOOL, Under the eaperintendeoce. of Mtea HATTIE F. MOONKY, whore qualifications justify m liberal patronage. Attention ia specially called to ber School. Tuition will be the tame aa laat year in the Seminary. UoweaavlUe la loos tad near the mountain*, and la eerpaaeed by no place ia the State foi pare water, a pleaaant climate and cheap living; and every advantage ii here afR>rded those wishing to edneate their children in good country acboola. Oowenavllle, 8. C., Jan. lat, 1870.. Jen 19 54 Sm CUSHINGS <fe BAILEY, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERSV*. MS BalUmere St., Oppeeite Haaerer BALTOfOUU The largest sad best assorted sloek la the etty et SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL, DENTAL, CltMtatl A MitoelUneous Bookt. jrORNRRALRANK AND COUNTING HOUSE STATIONERY nf all kinds. BLAHS 100X1XABB TO ORDER IB All STY LB OF BIVOIXO ABO BVL1BO. IttTAW-HHKb 1811 J I ? 8m lllEi / ?*-?!? CfcYiS k M0V8T 1. HAVK JUST RSCIIVKD AMD OFBM 4 BDutb?r LARGS AND BEAUTIFUL , LOT OF flATAFTn A vn WAiravnrn I With and without tho Side Stripe. also, A Pretty Assortment of BLACK, Will TK, BLUE, BROWN, ASKES ROSES MERINO, Of the very finest quality, and at UNUSUALLY PLAID FLANNELS, ALL-WOOL D? LA IN ES. POPLINS AND DbBEIGEK They are Offering Great Bargains in Gent's and Ladies' SHAWLS, CLOAKS, SHOES, AND HATS. Their Slock of Cloths and CiuiMrti for Orathdtn'i Woar, cannot b? aurpaeecd In tbia Market in quality, and ia offered rtrjr cheap for CASH. Tbay keep all Style# and Qnallttea ot Oent'a, Tvuth'a and Chlldren'a HATS. Always on hand a Full Stock of COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS, SPICK, MA CCA ROM/, SODA, PKPPKII, OI.VGKR, STARCD, CHACKKRS, PICKLKS, OYSTERS, S A R DISKS, CHEESE, AC-, AC. U?r? jait Opened another Auorlmint of thoM CHEAP W?(DIL IHATE, MIN'S 1J00T8, AND WOMEN'S SHOES. Thair Stock of NOTIONS and Fancy Articles ia Large and Well-Aaaortod. HARDWARE. Sbovela, Spades, Fork*, Ale*. Hammers, IlaudSaws, Drawing Kinres, Fila*, Kaapt, Awls, Nails, Smoothiug-Irons, Pockat Knives, Ac., Ac. Call and be convinced that Bargains san ha bad at CLYDE & HOVEY'Si PuDtiUton Street, N'e?r Depot. i>m t n if to' %wk ?nni?? or GREENVILLE. UAVIKG returned horn* i'Ur on absence of irvrml week*, during which lime I hare riaiud N?w York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Charleston, I hava PUIiCUASED SOOSE After the Great Gold Excitement, ON VERY FAVORABLE TERMS, il l H* II I/Ml Wif ? nfonAan 1 nuu VI X UIVU I nilili I'lOl WA or at VERY REASONABLE PRICES FOR It wrmj.i Uk? inor? apaee Uim I have at ray command lo enumerate EVERY ARTICLE I HAVE ON IIAN^ THOMAS STEEN. Wholesale and Retail Merchant. 0?l 10 11 If R. HOE & CO., MAN AFACTUUERSOF Warranted Extra Cast Steel Extent Ground Circular Mill Malay and Gang SAWS. ' CIRCULAR SAWS. With Mo cable or Inserted Teeth. WE CLAIM for oar Patented Circular 8aw the following <lrul?g?l over , all other*: The fhnnlca of the teeth are *l*?tie, and exert a uniform di*t?nai<rn in the aocketa. I The atabilit.y of the plato ia in no way affected by inaerting new mti of teeth. I E.tch tooth, independently, may be adjnated I to the cutting line. No yivetj^keya, or other objectionable appliance*. are employed in connection with the teeth, which are aa aimpleln cnnatruMiou, and aa aaklly uaed, aa a nnt for a bolt. In abort, all the dilBcultiea heretofore ex eerlenerd in the uae of morable teetli for aawa, f..n. ?i -? -i - - - .. . . iu?i/ uiv? suu uunmro o/ tan iDViDllon, I Ai.?o, TIITTLK PATtUT CHAMPION " CKOS8 CUT ?AWS. CHOSS-CUT SA WS, ' or ai>i> kisds. r few Mandrels, Gamming Machines, *?. fend for Catalogues and Price Llste. K. HO* A CO.. Printing Prrra Machine ntnl Saw Manufactur. 1 nrn, N?w York, Ronton, Mam., and London, Eng. Feb 9 18 . fen | UT A party of sixteen young men Mi ; Charleston recently, to seek h<?n < In Ver. I exoela. ????1^ m K . -VuTT^'x" Doty's Washing Machine, LU'ly Murk Iw^rot*d?and tkt neae UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER IMPROVED with Rowell's Patent Double' G?H *krel?, and the Patent Stop, are sss ssi????tina?hly tar superior to any ap. paratut for washing elwtbea ever invented, aad wilt ease their ??'. twice a year, by Mtlnt labor and clothee. Southern |xople who have used them testify ae follows: Thry ?l?ree fourths of the labor and coot, and pay for themselves both in money ana contentment. every jronnu lady learn to um tliem, and every married one keep them la her liota.fiVm Orient Picaynne. An excellent Waehing Machine. We hare tried It. The GWtho Wringer ia very opermr, A good haml will waeh a large number of pWeea in a few koura."?Raleigh {N.C.) Evitcopal Methodic. "The UhvIi'dv la no humhng, but a ne-" eeaaity in every family "?Georgetoren (X. C.) Kaleidotcope. "We would not part with it lor any* thing, and be compelled to do without It," Iforfanton ( IF IV) Pott. We have one, and apeak from ebrarvalion. It worka admiiakly. In one year It will pay for he*lf."? Cleveland(71nn.) Ran.' net. " We have one of Poty'e Clotliaa Waali era, and oar houeehold era In aeataciea over it. Tbcy are great ecoimm'mer* of time and labor."?Kdg'field (8. C) Adtertiter. " Far auperior to any apparatus for waah ing etolbea ever Invented. and an indWpem aabla inatitution In awry family."?Marlboro ( Md ) Qatellt " No one, after falr'y testing their onpaaItlea. will be willing to do without them." FayettevilU (7Vnn ) Obterver. I ~ Wa have on* of theee excellent Machine# in uee, and wa cheerfully commend it for all that ia claimed for it."-Rnl/ierjordton (X. C) Vindicator. "A child ten year* old can do the waaliing juel na well aa a grown peraoa. Every good huahand ahould a?cure oua for hi* family."? Morganton ( IF Fa.) Go-*tltutlrm, " After over two yeare* experience with J a Doty, we arc aeauted that 11 ia the 0keat j eat help and economizer of time. latwr nnil i money, * e have yet had introduced in our hotiacliold."? Wtllimnton Smith, A'fa Or leant " I have had a Doty Waaher In my faml ly for aoma time. It giv-e entire eatiefaetton, end 1 take pleaaure in commending it to the h end of every houaeho'.d."*? R. Tow era, Jeffrrton, Tcrat. " 1 have had one ol Doty'a Clolhea W aah . era in uee for a year, and am perfectly aat? iafied with it. Mv fnniily have tri?d it faithfully, and have never known it to >aiI to aceompiieh all that it prof?e?ea l<?."? Prof J. F Si rem*, Concord Female College, OiaUtville, /V. (7. PRICES?A Fnl^ Offer. If the M*rcltanU in your place will not ftirnidi, or *end for the Machine*, vend u* the retail pi Ice, Weaker #14, Extra Wringer #10. and we will forward either or both machine*, free of freight, to plae** where no one i* veiling; and ?o eure are we they will be liked, that w* agreejn refund the money if any one withe* to return the ntaehinee free of fret/lit, after a month'* trial, aecording to direction*. No hnahaud, father or brother, ehonld permit the drudgery ol wathing with the hand*, fifty t?o day* in the year, when it can In* done better, more e*|?ediliou*iy, with lees lalior, atid no Injury to the g?rmentt, by a lh?ty Clothe* Waeher, and a Unirenwl Wringer. itold by dealer* generally, to whom liberal discounts are ma le. R. C BROWNING. Gen. Agent. 82 Cortlandt St., New Yoik. Feb 1R 89 tf OET THE BEST. WEBSTER'S UNABRIC8LD DIC1I0MRY. lO.OOO Word* and Mraniny not in otkrt J/ielionurit*?'tttOO t'ngratiny* ; 1840 J'ag?t Quarto. /Vice $12. " One of my daily companion*. My testimonial to it* erudition, the accuracy of iti I definition*, and to the va?t etymological reMatch by which it has been enriched through the lahor* recently '-estowrd upon it, can hard ly he of much value, sustained a* tins hook it in world-wide reputation, by so general at approbation ; but I have no hesitation in thu> expressing my sense of Its merits.'*?Hon. J"ht /,. Hot try, the Hittorian, and now A siefitoi Minister at lit Court of St. Jnmer, lHfiS, " In its general accuracy, completeness an< practical utility, the work is one which -on trio ran read or writ* can henrefnrtretrd affort to dirpen** with."?Atlantic Monthly. " Young roan, if yew already hare n tlibh buy Wabater'* Unabridged Dictionary next. f Chr. San. These three hooks are the *um total of yrca lihrori** : the llihlt. Shaktpcart, and M'rbtfr' Hoy at Quarto.? Chicago Evening Journal. *i"lii# work, well used in a fttmily, will ho o more advantage to tho racoshers there of thai hundred* 0/ dollar* laid up in money. (Alliance Monitor. The most useful and remarkable enmpendi am of Iswiia knowledge in our language.? II' V. Clark, I'rtridenl Mm*. Agricultural Collryt Webster'? National Pictorial Die tionary?1040 Pages Octavo600 Engravings. Price $6. The work is really a gem of a IHctianarg just the thing for the million.?American Ed neatioaol Monthly. I'nMnbrJ \ty U. A C. MKRRIAM, Spring fi-ld, Mux. Feb 2 27 tf TTJTT S VEGETABLE ninro tphma Cure* <>f ihe Liver and Stomach. TU ITS KXPKCTORANT A |>l'?nnl ??' for Oongha, Colda, 4i>. TUTrs BAll.HAPAIMI.LA ANDQORKH1 iVLKiirr the great Alterative and IMr.flrr. TUTT'S I'M PROVED II A I I UYH Warranted the l?rat dye in nae. Then rlandard p-rparalioua are for r.ile by T>rug giata everywhere. IM ?->y. THOS. & MARKLEY, COMMISSION MERCHANT 17 New York, Quotations and iniormatine pvompi ly given aU>Mt ALL KINDS of m*l ehardiav. Jan It t4 tf For Sale. M?V TUB HOLSK and LOT, o? the Ret t | H"! rrfor* Road-r-known aa the Oo.>dW I H^i|.hMl*e~fbr further htforeaatlnn anr ' , te THOMAS 8TKBN. 1 fob 2 87 tl *** ' f?, ,, ^ 9 II r" ^ P?l? u I" >iinwr, a* k wl?irt??^it rbewmatisan A? itoaMh b iffttM ?Kk tees of ?p|Nt>(( Mi iMhi<, b??li la mmmL (Mttn, Ubm alternating with lag. TW Mi b trouIW witb pa la, and duU/aearyieeaetlou, coni i ?pan 1*1 with i ufii OM complaining MHakMw^m!^. and low spirits. - SemeMates, some of Ute'aaore irapUmi attand ?? disease, and at otk> * times very tew of them ; bat the Liv.r i? g. nerslly tha organ ?no?t lavolved. Cure the I#lver witb DR. IKMHOMI* Liver Regulator. . A preparation of roots and herbs, Warranted to bo strictly vegetable, and can do no injury, to any one. It has been usel by hundreds, nod known for the last 3ft years as one of the Most reHaMe, efficaciont and harmless preparetioas ever offered to the Buffering. If taken regularly srd it la cure to cure. Dyspepsia, headache, iBEgErFr? affections of the bladder, campu^cntery, affections of tbo kidneys, fever, nervousness, chills, disease* of the ! skin, imparity oi too Viood, melancholy, or depression of spirits, hsarthuro, colic, or pains in the bowels, pain in the heed, fever ft|d ague,' dropsy, boils, pain la bask and limbs, asthma, erysipelas, female affections, and bilJious diseases generally. Prepared only by J. H ZEILIV k CO., Druggists, Maoon, On. Price ffi : bv mail 11.11. The following highly reip?<ltbU person# can fully attest to the virtues of this valuable medicine, and to whom we most respectfully refer: Gen. W 8 Holt, President 8 W R R Company ; ReV. J H Fetder, Perry, J T ? Mark ley. South Carolina. X9- For sale l>y all Drsgfiill. Jan 19 35 , , . ?* T. MARKWALTERS KAREL23 WOREO, Itroari-*!., AHgaiU, Ga. MARBLE MONUMENTS, ?S<2>333?? J&?. MAttBLB MANTLES, AND FTJflNITIJRE, MARBLKOF ALL KINDS ON HAND, OR FURNISHED TO ORDER. Mr All work for the Countrj* carefully box oil for ahipniont. Ocl 6 20 . ly DR. 8H ALLEN BERCER'S ' Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stops the ('bills. This haa boon before tho Public fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. It does not purge, does not sicken t**.e stomach, is perfectly safe in any doso and under all circumstances, and is the only Medicipo that will v y r k h wt iw t u i m i ft w i and permanently cTcry form of Kevcr and AgTio, twcauiw it is a perfect Astldoto to IHslarta. Sold by all Dru?gl*ts. Fob 2 37 Jy Notice. Colombia, S. O., January, 1R70. The Charlotte Columbia and Augusta Kailroad Company having been formed by the consolidation of tl.e Charlotte and Fonth Carolinn and the Columbia an<l Augusta Knilroad, and baring executed a first and only mortgage on it* entire pro|?erty of 195 mile*, including equipment, is now redeeming all tho bonds formerly issued by anid two companies ' v an exchange of its first mortgage bonds. These bonds brnr seven per cent, interest, payable in January nod July and are amply secured by a mortgage on property which cost per mile more than three times the umonnt of bonds so issued. The present price of the rtock and the tnsi' of the r"nd give ample gtmrantio of tbe > security of tha o> ligations for a permanent investment. Indeed tho opinion is freoly expreyed, that there is no safer bonds issued by any party or corporation in" the Htate, nnd , they are ehcerlully commended to capitalists as a safe investment. For the purpose of funding the floating debt i of the Company, $50,tt00 of theae bonds are i offered for sale to tbe public, at the Trcusur er'a Office in Columbia. , WM. JOIIXRTOV, President. ? Feb 16 39 V. t 3m ? W. If. CAMMER, j ^ PRACTICAL GUNSMITH AND MACHINIST, , a ^ 't /^OIIX SI1ELI.ERB, Cotton Gin*, Lock*, \j Sewing Maehinea, I'inbrolinr and Paraf not* REPAIR ED with proniptnea*. Chnrsea ,, rcmoiiaMe. Corn Shellura, for aale from $10 In $12. I nni alro prepared to furnish Stoitoil Plates, for marking clothing. lUnrkftmilhinft. . X HAVE in addition to my usual businessX opened a lil.ACK3M.ITH SHOP, hnving a competent workmen hired, Larkin Weatfleld. Work in tbi? line will b?<(nuc satinJaetorily. ! Ready made PL0C0H8 always on hand . for aalo. Bttnd?In rear of Old Court limine, at tha Randolph place, hnving removed from my tand on Main Street. " 28-tf sTs islTTsXTsTii TO THft WORKING Cl.AHS.~Wa *ro new pr?p?wl t? furnUh allCaaaea wilfc enwataat ampUyeat at b-> Uwtr10aSffiu a a Ww?TwS?ISUy U&? jff&y waMtnimto. Tbalall wKoaea ihla nntke raaraandtKfft addrraa and teat the baatana. wn (aaha ttda amttOiM Cari Teafhaaara ant aiflilriitli wa elU afnd at to pay ) b??t tonally nawipnnera pu hll. had?all aval thSVy poTtC ; ^WH&rrasvG . ' Feb V 39 3m - FOR SALE OR TO RENT, . ? v.ou?IHTI?Mt DWKIIiINQ, ?ontalttlng ?won lioomi, mid ?tl an*rN#ney 0*t ? * within a f?<w minute* walk ot Furntn llnlvereitr. For )>nrilcnl?ri' (ti ii'j t? T. Q. WfciALDHwN. I? Knretnher 24 27 If I n nut-in m~ I /^iR\CKF.I> BONK, Bonn M??l, Bor? Flour, I \j nnd FlnMwl Bonn, ffn*r*ntne<l ?n jt?? ' dn?? i??n? effect at HALF COST of Feruviait h- tluMIO. t*t . Bend for elrontax. Addree* Ijf LK&TRR BnOTI?-F,BB, Newark, N. * f Fab tt SB H