University of South Carolina Libraries
\. ???W^5SH5SESSS8?53I i', * sg ?m uog 09 hbaiips r gi " ' .? > aojsto xv A IK t MA WW W V w ox : ? > >?' ^ sun m N I . ; iHonoa SQOOD 8& OKU.O SM?OTS<? 1W - . f oalldullo moraus HflO HOJ % NOOU mm ? . ; ox naano NI 'SIMM * r .4 %'ry . * roam TflPT TWIT,ft AJL&r acra .1 * >?31 V<v ? IF ) t ,r . * \ i S1113 v ."* !*? ' - ; I / j ? .1 w r?^> * ^ J; . , ' III , .' ..i 1Q T < lV 1 ' I 4 I ' * ' ' < ' " : J ' .'I ' ITT # i * ? + ' 1 * ' ' * ' 113S I OA XONXMMOO XM *02,81 'AHVflNVf H16I ? ^ y i M <(; VT -JT / 11 m?-v N'iJJ* J-V t REIDVILLE HI6H m rphe Male and Female 80H00L8 hart -L again op an ad, awl am randy far tha recaption of Tuplla Mr. R, f. ADAMS la Principal of tlie Mala, and Mr. ADAMS and the Bar. R. H. RRID of the Feroala, aaeiatad by a eorpa of aompatao t teacher*. Tuition per Session of Fire Months: '* TIB MALI. Prlairy,......,., ...,^...,110 00 Higher. IS 00 0BS*l??eei......,.v,..*.......... 1.49ih ran raxaua. Primary 8 00 InUrmedlate IS 00 Collegiate 18 00 Mu.H... SO 00 Uaa of Piano 2 50 Contingent. ,.t 00 to S 00 Mo extra charge for Freneh and Draw log. Ona-half the Tuition and Board lb ad ranee. Board, in the Village, laotodtng Washing and Foal, from t)0 to $1S par moatb. The young ladlee front abroad, .board in the house prepared for tbeir raaaption, under the supervision of an eiperienced and hlgty enter no ed matron, and tna watohful aye oi ona of tha Prinelpala, an iamata ot the bonae. Pupila of ooth Schools hare tba nan of an extenalre Philosophical, Chemical and Astronomical apparatus. Thaae Behoola are unsurpassed for factlW tiea to proaarro moryW and manners, tW eheapnear, health, tha eharaoter and quailflcaiiona of tbelr teacher*. We coniaeod Mr. ADAM8, a atranger, to onr pa I root and friend*,--in tha language of Chancellor Lipacombi f8enalbU peraona hare but to fee and know him to be an tiefled of bit filnora for aoab po*t." By order of the Board of Trustees. W. A. HARRISON, Secretary and Treasurer. Reidville. R n V.h. OlK lftTO Feb 18 ' ~ ' 89 5 A. J. ROSS & CO., MAN UFA CTURERS or DEAI.KR8 IN JAPANNED AND PRESSED WARE, AHT> ' COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. All kind* of Tin and Sheet Iron Work Done On the most REASONABLE TERMS, And with promptness. Store Nearly Opposite the Post Office. Feb 16 30 tf JOHN B. BEIERS, FLOliST 6 L&IBSCAP! 6ASBEIIIL tAND gives his eloee Vegetable GarWUh a largo experience, be is confident of giving satisfaction to those emplo/iag Orders left nt tbls office will be attended I have now on band a fine selection of ROSE*, TKOLA CEDARS. CAPE JA8 M rNF.S, MAQNOL.IAS, OOT.DEN ARBOR VITA?S, JAPAN PRIVIT. SCUPrKKNONO ROOTS, Ac. Parties wanting anything from thn Nurseries, can get them by applying to ma. Order* promptly attended to. Feb 1A 30 If Notice. Colombia, 8. C., January, 1870. The Charlotte Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company having been formed by the consolidation of the Charlotte and South Carolina and the Columbia and Augusta Railroad, and having executed a first and only mortgage on its entire property of Hi miles, in* eluding equipment, is now redeeming all the bonds formorly issued by said two companies by an exehange of ite first mortgage bond*. These bonds bear seven per cent, interest, payable in January and July, and are amply secured by a mortgage on property wbieh cost per mile more then three times the amount of bonds so issued. The present prieeof the stock and the business of the road give ample guarantee of the security of the obligations for a permanent investment. Indeed the opinion is freely exI pressed, that there is no safer bonds issued by I any party or eorporation in the State, and they are cheerfully commended to capitalists as a safe investment. For the purpose of funding the floating debt of the Company $60,000 of these bends are ofTered for sale to the publle, at the Treasurer's Office in Colombia. WH. JOHNSTON, President. Feb 1? 89 3m WATCHES, CLOCKS Ann REPAIRED, IN THE BEST STYLE OF THE ART, AND A T SHORT NOTICE, Oa as Reasonable Terju l| Mta be Done la tke City of OreeawlUe, >. C. NEXT DOOR TO POSTER 4 HUNTER, MAIN STRRrrr T. W. Dat in, WaUhroaker. p.b 9 n 4* TH08. & MABKLT.Y, COMMISSION MERCHANT, IT ley-St., New York. QUOTATIONS tad la<ormall?a promptly |lTta about ALL KINDS of mertaaadkM. dta It 84 If Notioe 18 hereby |i?a to all whom it may wn-1 aarw, that *i Will apply to 8. J. Doothlf, Probata dadga of Graaaattta Coo at y, m th? 17/A day of Jforth ?yat, for a flnrl dUoharye aa Executora of tfea Satata of RANDKLL CROFT, daaaaaad; therefore, all partfaa haaiag alfatmaagaiaateaid btata, will praaaot thaaa to wo or tha Probata Judxa oa or bofara aaid day or ha dabaaatd. I THRO DORK O CROFT, I QGOROR W CROFT, J ***R??ra. February 17th, 1170. Feb 88 40 T 4 Notice . -L . "?7**WOUTOKS, AdrtAoietralora, Otfardlaaa I J aad Trwatoaa, ara h'rohy notiSari that lhay moat make their ANNUAL RRTURN8 op to the fat of fiaatry, 1870, or I wfll ho eoropatUd to laaua tnlaa ayaiaec' thaaa. If aat Mat araaioaa to the M of Nov MA. K /. DOUTHfT. Jadft of Probata Caart. Oroanellla, S. 0., Feb. 88, 1870. sSiiiysiis? ? Auctioneer and Con COURT HOUSE SQUARI WILL ATTEND TO ALL 8ALE8 OP PRO up Returns of same for PwM? Jud^e ? AGENT for Wondo Fertiliser, Wudo Ofen Bone, Maps'* NitrogenMed Phetaiate, Ptmlu Watt's Celebrate* Tans PtoagW,Marflree BUI Corn and CotUo Plantar*, Clover, Grass and Lm A Full and Completei ' Cooking iSd bz?t As=5rt~?-?* ftwioAl Pat?nt, Virginia Alr-Tlgkt, Cattoa Plant, 8c Orion taL Jail and 3 Subscription* raealved for " Rmral Car# can Agriculturist." ' ' " * GREATLY IN0B1 v. *? ** ?f IB Bt tip MT IUU HAKUPAOTUB Wando Mining & Mai AT THEIR WORKS IN Win. C. D1IKE8 & NO. 1 SOUTH AT: JULIUS C. SMITH, AG' Febbruary 2 IMeXI cottojv. WARBH01 COMMISSION 155 and 157 ?< J3LTJ 8 T A * January 2ft 88 AT TBG LADIES' STORE HAS juet been opened en other Large end Beautiful Stock of ?1&IS8 <E??M? To which the attention of the Ladiee' are invited. Pricee as Low aa can be offered anywhere. W. H. HOVEY. TT AS Jnat in, a Large addition et Fine and I 1 Beautiful Shawle?Single and Double, Ladies' Arabs, Cloaks, Ac., in great variety? all of which are offered at very low prices. Will receive in a day or two, a lot ot FURS, TOYS, Ac. W. n. HOVEY. READY-MADE CLOTHING 1HAVR now open and for sale, a nice assortment of CLOTHING, GENTS SHA WLS, HATS, <tC\ Which I will sell CHEAP. W. H. HOVEY. Long Cloths# WE HAVE now ready for sale 60 pieces LONG CLOTHS?all grades?warranted as good, for the money, as can be bought in the oily. W H. ROYEY. Dee 8 29 tf Notice IS HEREBY given to Calhoun C. Johneon, William Johnson, and all others whom it ma^r concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Douth IV, riuinw jungo 01 urMOVIIM uouniy, lor a | Final Discharge aa Administrator of the Estate | of MARY P. JOHNSON, deceased, oa the 9th day of March next. BENJAMIN R. JOHNSON, February 8th, 1870. Administrator. Fab 9 88 6 Notioe IS HEREBY siren to Calbonn C. Johnson, William Johnson, and all others whom it may concern, that we will apply to Si J. Doathit, Probate Jadge of Oreenrtlle Coanty, on Ike 9th day of March next, tot a Final Diacharge as Kxecntors of the Estate of HBNKY O. JOHNSON, deceased. BENJAMIN R.JOHNSON, I . .. JAMES 11. WARE, ] February 8th, 1370 Feb 0 38 5 Notice 16 hereby given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Doathit, Probate Judge of Qreenville Coanty, on the id day of March nart, for a Final Discharge as Executor of the Estate of ZAOKARY BENSON, deceased. P. B. BENSON, Executor. Feb. 1st, 1870. 17 & Notice IB hereby given to all whom it may so nee m, that I will apply to S. J. Douibit, Probate Judge of Greenville Coaaty, for a Final Discharge as Executor of the Estate of THOMAS LANULEY, deceased, on the 2nd day of March next. WA8HINOTON TAYLOR, Feb, 1st, 1870. Exeentor. Feb 2 ST >*' . " ^ -? 1 - "? rr1 r ma M&tlOS IS hereby given to all whom it may eon earn, that I will apply to 8. J. Douth it, Probata Judge of Oreeavillc County, on Uio Id dag of March next, tor a FINAL DISCHARGE aa Kxeeutrlx of tha KaUto of W. H. BRAMRLKTT. deeeaaed. REBECCA BR AM LETT, 37 5 Fob 1 Snt'otrix. NOTICE. DEPUTY COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, > Greenville, 8. C., Fob. 16, 1676. J SAVING received all of the monthly LUu up M tha flvat af January, 1699, I wBI I I Aederaoa, a?k Mooday, 7th Marah t at Walhalla, oo Toeaday, 6th Marah; at Aadsrton, 9th Marah ; at Greenville, on Friday and Saturday, Jlth and 13th March i at Platen* Oaart Hmm, aa Vaeedaj, IM Mdd, far tha aarpaah of aollaatlng tin DlttRNAIc tha dap# aha#> apenlded, m i am totapelled ha eloaa aa tha Liata at oaaa. , Partla* who owe any Spatial Tu?t, (eammonly known aa Llea?M Taxea,) nnlaaa ,iaf' eotna forward at ahaa Mid pay for tha anna, w?i ha Minted for doing haataaaa wlthnat having paid tha Bpaalal Tax#*, aa required by Taw. i * A. L. COBB, Dapnty Collector. 3d Dlatrlrt, B. C.* M W M a imission Merchant, i, GREENVILLE, S. C. PBRTT ht lb? City or Country, 'ui mnkt rKitato*. I Phoophato for Coa?p?Mag, Btugh'i Raw Quano, VogaUtor, Land Floater mad Lima. Moil Plough, Cora Sholloro, Straw Cutl?r?, Stock of Furniture, , Dialog and Reeling Chain, Walnut and . 'iodd# Shade*, *?. > Stoves. n the Uo-Conutrr, among which an Rack's Cthtm Horns, Nobis Cook, sterning Bur, j Examine. Hsiao," "Southern Cultivator," and A inert- I SS-8in - j , F?b9 | EASED CROPS, " ' I usb or i fit Mt-m mom.: 'All?.1 MD Br TH* ?s V 1 lufacturinir Cnmrnnv. ! CHARLESTON, ~8~' ' { CO., Gen* Affent% ! LANTIO WHARfr. \ T, GREENVILLE, S. C. 4SE&C0 FACTORS, 08B AND MERCHANTS,' w *? i synolds Street, ! ? a l n . ?\ OBOD.OIA. : u B. HOE&COh MANAFAGTU&BR6 OF Warranted Extra Oast Steel Patent Ground Circular Kill Kolay and Ganf SAWS. S3fe|i CIRCULAR SAWS. With Movable or Inserted Teeth. J WK CLAIM for oar Patented Circular Saw the followinj; advantages oyer *1 all other* t The thanks of the teeth are clastie, and exert a uniform distention in the sockela. The stability of the plate is in no way affected by inserting new aeta of teeth. Baeh tooth, independently, may be adjusted to the cutting line. No rivets, keys, or other objectionable appliances, are employed in connection with the teeth, which are as simple in construction, and as easily used, as a oat foe a bolt. In short, all the difficulties heretofore ex. perionecd in the aae of movable teeth for sawa, are fully met and obviated by this invention. SUA. TUTTLC PATEMf'*; M CHAMPION " CROSS CUT SAWS. CROSS-CUT SA WS, or AJ.L XIH Dfl. j Saw Kandrala, Ctommlmg Xaohlnea, ke. Band fur Catalogaca and Price Liata. R. HOB A CO., Printing Pre** MitSIm anJ Saw Manufacturera, Near York, Boa law, Mara., aad London, Bug. Feb 9 3 A fun GOWENSVILLj: - SCHOOLS. REV. T. J. KARLB wil^owon a?0owenar rllle, 8.-0., lat february writ;d ' 1 ' SELECT MA LB SCHOOL, , . Of a limited number of Stndenta, and teaeh the Higher KngHab and Mathematical bran ok- \ ea and the Langwagne, for twn'Waalona, of Are montha each. ? Mr*1 Tuition, from Ton to Eighteen dollars per | aeaaion. Contingent espynaer, one, dpBar?no extra ehafgoa. Htdrtbnta will be cbargedfrom time of entranon to tbe cloae of the aeaaion. t A oareful parental interest will hg Igken in tbe moral and rallglogy IfkstnMtyqpa.oi tbe StudenU, aad none mad apple who ace not , willing to anbmit to the reguUtioua of tbe 8ehooT. kAt tbe rame tlmo and place, ttipre wlO alao be opened a ' 1-" FEMALE AMD PRIMA**. SCHOOL, Under Ibe an peri n tend on cd of Mfra HATTIE y. MOON BY, wboae^wateontlonajnetify a liberal patronage. Attention ia apeoially celled te her Sobool. Taltlon will be tbe aame aa hut yeasr in the Seminary. Oowenaviil* ie looated naar'the mountains, J and la surpassed by no plae* ht the Stat* for i pur* water, a pleasant eliutaM and Sheep living; and every advantage is here afforded 1 those wishing to educate their children la good country school a. Oowsnsvlll*, 8. C., Jan. 1st, 137#. Jan It M *? < I Urair IMi t"*T' < bky Taxdfl. N0T1C8 Is hereby given that th* Office of tlis Clerk of Oouae|l pfll be open for the Reeeipt of tiira from the /Crsf to the fftotnlkof Jfet rA next. After thai time | the peaalt^For non-payment will be r;ffH- , 1y enforted. A It/MrDAVII>, Clerk. J W > i iMMTtWtt CAROLINA. itsls A COUBTls By ft. J. Domthit, Hofm'rt, Jmdfo if frolsO of s*i'A fWnlW. , t Letters of Adnstnlatmflon on all and lingular 1 lb* goods and chattels, rights and credits of DAVID BARRBT, late of the County afore- I said, diss seed, should be granted to hha. SpMOtoSaE'1 Court of 1'rotate for aatd County, to he bolden at CreenvilD Court l|o*M, on ik* 34 dfy of Mnrrk nrft, to show rvise. If aay, why the. Said Administration should noWbe granted. 8. J, DOimtlT.J.P. 0. C, 'i OflUe of Judge of Probate, fob. Itth, U7#i. 1 V? 33 10 | \ ^QrJ^^^cBEfl|ti<> > Doty's Washing Machine, Lately Much Improved?and (At new iriiVERSAL CLOTHES VVRiMSEK IMPROVED wllh P.tant Doubl. Co| wb??)?, and the Patent Stop, art iow unquestionably far superior to any ap? >aratus lor washing clothes ever invented, ind will save their ooet twice a year, by wring labor and eloilres. Southero people who hare need them kifi(| as follows: They save three fourths of the labor and :ost, and pay for themselves both in money ind contentment. Let every young l?dy leant to use them, and every married one teep them In her house.?JV*w Or lean? Picayuna. ' An exeellent Washing Machine. We aave tried It. The Clothes Wringer le very mperiur, A good bend will wssh a Isiwe lumber of pieces in few hours."?*i2W?yA .Af.C.) Eoiecopal Methodist, " The Machine U ho humbug, but a ne? jeaaUy in every family."?Georgetown (JF. V.) Kaleidoscope. " We would not part with it for any'* thing, and ba compelled to do without it," MorgatUon ( W. Pa.) Poet. "We bare one, and speak from ebiervation. It work* admirably. In one year It will pay fur llaelf."?Cleveland (7*mm.) Banner. . ' / " We hare one of Doly'e Clothes Wash era, and our household are io ecstasies over i^ They are great eohrimtaer* of time and labor."?Edgefield (8. O ) A deer titer. " Far superior to any apparatus for wash ing slothes ever Invented, and an Indispensable institution in every family."?Marlboro (Md) Qasetto " No one, after fair'y (eating their capacities. will be willius* to do Itknnt iK.m ? Fayette* ill* ( Trnm ) Ofnxrver. 'We have oo? of these excellent Uashines in use, aud wa cheerfully commend ^ for all that i? claimed for it."?Rut/ier? frdton (N. C ) Vindicator. " A child tan yea re old can do the washing just as well aa a grown person. Every rood Imahand should secure one for his family.''? Aforpauton (W Va.) Conetitution. u After over two yeara' experience with a Duty, we are assured that it Is the greatest help and eeoeomixer of time, labor and money, we have yet had Introduced in our household."? Willi at n*on Bmitk, Net* Or* lean*. " ( have had a Doty Washer In my family for some time. It gives entire satisffcet4..n tn.l I -1-? s Jt. J! - , ? ? -? "W |ri?HBU|? UUIUUlfUUlUK It to tli* head at every household."? A 7bi? ere, Jefjtrton, Tex at, "I have had one of Doty'e Clothes Washers to use for a year, and am perfect!) satisfied with it. My family have tried it faithfully, and have never known it to fail lo accomplish all that it profeaaee to."? Prof. J. F. St event. Concord Female College, SlaltevilU, A. O. PRICES?A Pair Offer. If the Merchants In your place will not furnish, or send for the Machines, aend ns the retail price, Washer $15, Extra Wringer $10, and we will forward either or both machines, free of freight, to pieces where no one levelling; and ?o sure are we they will be lihed, that we agree to refund the money if any one wishes to return the machines free of freight, afler a month'a trial, according lo directions. No huaband, father or brother, should permit the drudgery of washing with the naads, fifty two daye in the year, when it can be done better, more expeditiously, with less labor, and no injury to the gar* meats, by a Doiy Clothes Washer, and a Universal Wringer. Sold by dealers generally, to whom libe? ral discounts are made. B. C BROWNING. Gen. Agent. 82 Cortlaodt St., New York. Feb 16 S? tf MuMBRlDctW^r)lTtON' OET THE BEST. WEBSTER'S UNABRIBQED , DICTIONARY, lO.OOO Word 1 and Meaning t not in other I l/ietionariee?S000 Rngratinyt ; 1840 Paget Qttarto. 1'rict $12. M One of my daily companions. My taetlmonisl to its erudition, the accuracy of its definitions, and to the east etymological res oatoh by which it baa been enriabed throngb the labors recently bestowed upon it, can hardly be of much value, sustained as the book is in world-wide reputation, by so general an approbation ; bnt I hare no hesitation in thus expressing aay sense of iU merits."? Hon. John L. Mot teg, the Historian, and note American Minister at the Court of St. James, 1888. " In its general accuracy, completeness and practical utility, the war* is one which noes mho earn rand or tcrite con kence/anoard ajfotd to dispense trith."? Atlantic Monthly. " Young man, if yoa already hare a Bible, bay Webster's Unabridged Dictionary next." rChr. Stms^,. These three books arc the saw total0/ areni ti'iraWM . Ike Dibit, Skakepeart, and Wcbeter'd Hoyn! Quarto.?CKieayo CNDinf Journal. This work, well need in a family, will be of more advantage to the members there of Ihu hundred* mr' did lore laid mp in money. [Alliance Monitor. The reoet useful and nrtaarkable compendia em of knman knowledge in oar lanpeMrrlf, 8. Clark, Preeideut Mate. Ayriculturatvkdiaff*. Webtter's National Pictorial Bio* tionarj?1040 Paget OcUto600 Kngraving#. Price $6. The work is really a aem of a Dictionary, jnet the thing for tb<| mABi?0.<?yte?rie?ia Educational Monthly. Published by U. 4 C. MERRIAM, SpringHeld, Mass. Rah 2 37 tf HeCA^MER, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH AND MACHINIST. /~10R!f RJIELLKRS, Cotton Gins, Locks, Hewing Machine*, Umbrella* tad >*ar*lels NNfflUMM prowiptweee. Charge* reasonable. Cora abetters, for sale Ihta $10 to $1X. I am also prepared to famish Stenri) Plate*, for marking clothing. : ' JataS'.v.Trni: 1 [?AV? la adURh? W my bmoI Wetaao. opened ft BLACKSMITH SllOrLhaalngo i o?ap?t?nt workman Mm*. LftttloTrodtaeU. Work ia this lla* will bo dona MUiaftsetortty. Roadj aaado PLQUQJli always an band [or Ml*. Stand?-la ra?r of 6m Coari Homo, ot tbo Randolph pltM, baring NBOttd from my Mftnd <M Main Strwat, tMf Tor Sale. Ilk THE HOCSK aad"LOT, oo tbo R.tki'l'a orford Rood?known at tbo Qoodlott Ok. bonne?f*T further information apply to THOMAS STERN. . .......5aagag ~ ? ?.. ? lUJBWr CiTOI 4 KOYKT Hats just kkckiybp and oten?4 another LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL LOT or COLORED AMD MOORnXO {P11M??$ With and withont tiio Side Siripe. Aiao, A Pretty Assortment of BLACK; WHITE, BLUE, BROWN, ASKES ROSES MERINO, Of the very finest quality, and.At UJtUSCALlT PLAID FLANNEL9, ALL-WOOL D? LAINE8, POPLINS AND DsBEIGES. They are Offering Great Bargain? in Gent's and Ladies' SHAWLS, CLOAKS, SHOES, AND HATS. Their Stock of Cloth* and Caaiimere* for Gentlemen'* Wear, cannot bo wrpaoed in tbia Market in qatlKy, and U offered rery cheep for CISIf. They keep all Style* and Qualitie* of Gent'*, Yonth'e and Children'* HATS. Always on hand a Fnjl Stock of COFFEES. TEAS. SIJCAHSt sninr MACCAROSt, SODA, PSPPSR, U1NUKR, STARCB, CRACKAM, PICK LAS, Q YSTARS, SARD IX AS, CBAASA, AC., AC. . Hut jut Opened taolhw Aaaertmont of iu.t :? thoaa CHEAP - . W?(DIL 3ET A TP S, MEN'S BOOTS, AND WOMEN'S SHOES. Tbair Stock of NOTIONS and Fanej Ar> tic lot it Largo and Wall-Aatortod. HARDWARE. 8 borate, Sptdot, Forka, Axon, Hamaaora^ Hand-Saart. Drawing Kinvaa, F'dot, Ratpa, A wit, Naila, Smoothiug-Iront, Pookat Kniroa, Ac., Ac. Call and bo conalnoad that Bargain! tan bo bad at . j .. i CLYDE & HCV^Y'S, | Pendleton 81ml, Neaf Depot. Dm 8 tf ' ; TO " OF GREENVILLE. HAVING returned Lome ift?r in absence of several weeks, during which time I have visited Nvw York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Charleston, I have PURCHASED BUMS After the Great Geld Excitement, ON VERY FAVORABLE TERMS, ALL OF WBICII I WILL DISPOSE VERY REASONABLE PRICES FOR O JBl, MB WE JM m Is would take more spaee tbaa I have at my command to enumerate EVERY ARTICLE I HAVE ON HAND. TIIOMAS STEEN. Wholesale and Retail Merchant. Pet 10 21 tf_ WILLIAM A. HUDSON, Surveyor, Conveyancer and Maylatrata. WILL five prompt attention to business in hie ear*. Lav off and divide Itadi In his lot* of proper siuu fronting roads, areno-a, Ae , U the advantage of both the party buying end selling, pro** and at amp papers, arrange Do war*. Qualify Commissioner* and A ppraiaer* of EM itfes, at r?aaonal>l? ratea, make eon tract a, deliver Plpta, Ac , on ealee day of .emtio month at feroenville C. II. On 8ai0,fd*j* of each week may )>e found at home, to attenj} the, rlu tire of Magistrate, arrange till h the neigh borhood business aonneeted tpiih theljill, Cotton gin, Ac. County Map*. With considerable trouble and fxpanes, has bad a member lithographed "fn new York, and offers them at price that all who want ean obtain thaw. For sale in the eitj of Oreonvills. Jan 26 ''' ?6 , # SHERIFF'S SALES. BY VIRTUE of eandry WrHa of Wrri Farias to me directed. I will cell, before the Court House door, &?/eeJag in March serf, between the hbor* of 10 o'clock "in tbo forenoon and 8 o'clock In the after nooa, Ona Tract of Land, (borne plft*S.)ae?tala Ing 98 acres, mora or Use, adjoining land, of W. A. Pepper, J, R, Rica, and others. Aleo, ona Traet, containing t4 j nerrs, more or loao, adjoining sasaa. Alan, one Treat of Land, (Grove piano) containing Sftg aerea, mora or ]on, adjoining lands of B. Charles, O. W. Garrison, and others. Aleo. one Tract of Dad, (Haluda plana) aontatelbg Ml acres, more or loss, adjoining landso! J. D. Sullivan. K. Erirew and A. tt. Hamilton. , Also, tbo defendant's Mfatima J " Garrtaoa PIm#," containing MS mm, more nr 1?m, land* of the Mitt ?l Unuel Wi<toill, hmiiit, O. W.RiehI erdaon. end othera. Levied on e* the propIt'l y of John Oharlr*. it the nil ?l A. M. I Hamilton, end other*. ] Alee, ell defendant'* right, title end intereat In lev end equity in one Treet of Lend, on Grove Creek, eentihiog tot MM, mori or lee*, adjoining load* o< Mre. M. A. Cherlee. W. A. Pepper end John Cherlee. levied on ee the property of Barked ale Cher lea et the veil of A.' Hamilton, end other? ee. John Charley Barkedele Oherlea end R It. Alexander. Teime en eh. Purohevera to pij fur itamp end paper*. A, a V1CKSH8, & O. 0. 1 Feb U M X <(,UMn? | THK .r.ptom. of fly The ftomacb U affected with loee ef appetite and aMinece, bowel* la rami coetWe, iiae thaea ?Me*a*tl*f with int. the heed la ?**Jtitit ^.7^^*22232*5!; OEFsis f weakness, tleuMHy, a?ff 1*1? aptfltf. timee, km of the aboaa ffwytiw attaad lb* dlaeaee, and at otbor tew rmrj te af tbaaa ? but tba Li far ii generally the ?|U ??at it? to 1 red. Car* tie Ifim with . / JDK. SXAWOlir Lirer Regnlaior< A pnftratka of root* and barb*, vtrfaaMi to U atrletly r?pUbl% ?N *M da a? bjarf to any oba. * * Ii ?* U?b used by LwaAaada. and tnaoir* for tha laat #6 year* a* a** a# aba ?** rail*bio, efficacious and harmleae .preparations ***r offered to tba suffering. Ir tale* rngtrlarl/ and aoreiidaoUy. M la ear* to ear*. DvirtAfiiih. hMtdaolt^f I linn i wb i'*?1,1' "*** ,? I BtbBLATllL jcSS.. bladder, oesap dyseateyy, affections of tba fcldaeya, feear, nervouanaaa, chilli, diaaaaea of tba abia. imparity of tb* blood. caaUaoboly, or dopraaaion of spirit#, baartbara. aetto, or paina in tba nowala, pain la tb* head, ravar and agaa, dropey, boila, pata ' la ba*h and Itaaba, astbiaa, aryaipaUa, female affaotioaa, aad biU Hons diaaaaea generally. Prepared only by J. TL EKILI* 4 CO., Druggists, Macon, GaPrice tl : by mail fl.ffft. Tba following highly- raapaataMa poraon# can folly atteat to tba virtoaa of this >aluabla. medicine, and to whom wa moat reapectfolly refer: Gen. W 8 Holt, iSneident 8 W R R Company ; Rer. J E Felder, Parry, Ga.; T C Markley, South Carolina. For aala by all Druggists. Jin 19 lb ?m T. MARKW ALTERS Whk 2?AF.SZ*a WORSB, Broad*!!., AiifMtU, (>a. MARBLE MONUMENTS, !s?sss s c ? 33 ? s, & ?.. MARBLE MANTLES, AND FURNITURE, M A R B LE O V ALL KINDS ON HAND, OR FURNISHED TO ORDER. tr All work for th? Country carefully . boxed for elnpment Ocl ? 20 - ly ^ -Aa. DR. 8HALLKNBKRQCR,8 Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stops tits Chills. This Medicine has boon before the Publio fifteen years, and it etIU ahead of all other known remedies. Itdoea not purge, does not eioken tj? stomach, ia perfectly aafo in any doae and under all circumstances, and is the only Medicine thai will CURB IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fere* and Ague, because it ia a perfect AaU? Bats to Malaria. Sold by all Dnmlrts Feb 2 37 ly The State of South Carolina. GRKEXVILLE COUNTY. In Cenrt of Probate. GKOROE W. JORDAN. Administrator ?| MARTHA PUltLE Hoi. TT appearing to my aatWfoetioa tliat tha bvira of Adeline Furle, deceased, whoae nitlifl tPA linknnwn Ma.iU. T?.. ?l 1 i ? mmmw ?ii?a i vne ni>u n?r husband, Berry Pur In, 1/icirda Barnett end her husband, Thomas Barnett, Anna Davis and her husband, Spencer Davis, and tha heirs of Kligaheth Puckett, whoso name* are nnknown Defendants in this c < ae, reside without the limits of thia State: It is Ordered, that they do appear in person, or hy attorney, at a C?'?rt of Probate, to be hidden on the 8fA day of March ntat. to how cause, if any they can, why a final settlement of the bstatei of MIC/J AH JORPAK, deceased, and MARY JORDAN, deceased, ahnold not be had and a decree 1 given thereon, and to show cause, if any I they can. why the proceeds of the Rale of tha Real Estate of Mary Jordan, deceased, should not be paid over to tha Administra tor to pay her debts; on falling to attend, your consents s ill be entered of record. H. J. DOUTH1T. P. J. G. C. Jan. 27th, 1670. 37 & TUTT'S VEGETABLE jutmol iphilhj Cures diaeases of the I.lver and Stomach. TUTTS EXPECTORANT .. A pleaaanl aura fcr Coogba, Colds, Ac. TUTT'S RARSAPARILLA AND QUERN'S DELIGHT tha great Alterative and Blood Purifier. TUTT'S IMPROVED HAIR DYE Warranted the beat dy? in nae. Theaa sundard preparations are for sale by Druggists sveryuhera. Oct ?-ly. ||p||p|p Feb 9 ^ 38 JTUK 8ALE OR TO RENT* . _ A Comfortable DW F.LL1NG, A^aLrVS containing mtp Room*, m4 all noceeaary Out Building*. RHH8?ithhl a hw nioilM wilk o< Furuaan University. For partlcwlara apply ? ; ' T. if. DONALDSON. Nov.mb.r 54 57 tf Hi HI C RACKED BONK, Bone Meal, Bon* flow, and Flooted Bene, puoranteed to predee* effect ?t HALF COST of hratlin ti*ann. Send for alrentar, Addrera LESTER BROTHERS, Newark, N. J. Feb 9 M IS Tor Bole. fh THAT plw.ntly I Wo* ted H0C8* III and LOT, on the Corner of Coffee and *|L MeBee StreeU?lerpt and portico, an, inquire of THOMAS 8TEBN.