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/ ' "* h * " " 1 Jbwmm. 1 A. Yankee ** Commercial's " Dlfioul ties in Dull Times. The following amusing sketch of a rehearsal scene between a Yankee " drummer," or commercial traveller, and one of liis ex ploy era, is extracted from the Boston Commercial Bulletin: One of these gentlemen, who has recently returned fVom a trip for Thistle and Co., of this city, did not show a very large exhibit of orders to balance the liberal " expense" account allowed him by tne firm, and Mr. Thistle, alter looking over his return,Baid: " Mr. Rataplan, I am afraid yon did not approach the dealers in the right way. I used to be very successful in this line. Now, just suppose me to be Mr. Bigher^of Sellout, Illinois, and show me the way you introduced the bouse." Accordingly Rataplan stepped out of the counting room, and roontarrwl hnt In hnnd. innnirino-. 44 Is Mr. Biglier in ?" "That is my name," answoted Thistle, urbanely. u My name is Rataplan, sir. 1 represent the house of Thistle Brothers and Co., of Boston." Thistle, in his character of Western merchant, here rose, offered the salesman a chair, and expressed his pleasure at seeing him. 44I am stopping with Overcharge at Stickemhouse, and have a fine - unbroken lot of samples which ] should like to show you. I thinl we can offer you some special ad vantages," &c. Rataplan deliver ing hiraselt of a neat speech ir professional stylo. 14 Very well, very well," saic Tlmtlo, 441 don't see but that yoi understand the way to get cus " 44 Excuse me, Mr. Thistle," saic Rataplan, "I am afraid yon d< not understand the style of Wea tern merchants. Jnst now sup pose yon exchange places with me, and we repeat tho rehearsal.'1 "Certainly," said Thistle; and, picking tip his hat, he stopped out Returning, he found Rataplan witli his chair tilted back, hat cocked fiercely over his right eye, hit heels planted on Thistle's polished desk, and a lighted cigar between his teeth. Thistle looked a little staggered, but nevertheless he commenced? 44 Is Mr. Bigher in ?" 44 Yes, he is," responded Rataplan, blowing a cloud of pure Connecticut into Thistle's eyes; 44 who the deuce are you V' 441 represent the house of Thistle Brothers and Co.," said the astonished employer, congliing about a quart of smoko from his throat. 44 Are you of that concern, then 1" 44 No, sir, I am not," said Thistles. 44 Well, it's Incky for you that you are not, for I've had two drummers to one customer in my store tor the last two months; and if I could get hold of one of the A 1 _ il a 1 ) i. L ~ t ioois mat Bcnu eiu uut nere ?i this time, I'm darned if I wouldn't boot him clean out of the town ol Sellout" "That'll do, that'll do, Mr. Rat apian," said Thistle, "I have no doubt you did the best yon could for the interest of the house.? Trade is a little dull." ?? A western paper relates a ludicrous result of an attempt to capture a bear which has been depre dating alarmingly on the live stock of a certain county. Three men stationed themselves in a window overlooking a hog pen where a visit from the bear was expected, and two boys, in order to make donbly sure, threw clean straw into the pen and lay down among the hogs to wateh for the wile beast. The whole of them lei asleep, and the bear came and car ried off a pig withont disturbing any of them. Paddy's description of a fiddh cannot be beat: 44 It was the shape of a turkey and the sizo of a goose; he turne< it over on its back and rabbed it belly with a slick ; and och ! St Patrick ! how it did sqnale 1" A ovntlkman bnt a lew roonthi married, as he was bearing hom< a cradle one day, was met by s friend, who exclaimed with a smih ?44 Ah I these are the fruits o: matrimony 1" 44 No,w returnee tlio otbor, 4<this is only the fruil basket." A ranoK to whom the cnrioei tie*, buildings, Ac., in Oxford were shown one very Lot day. was asked by bis companion if he would see the remainder of the University. 14 My dear sir," replied the connoisseur, 441 am stono-biind already." a i Titers are trees so tall in Missouri that it takes two men and a boy to look to the top of them.? Oue looks till he gets tired, and another oommences where he left off. ' ^ " IYl teach you to play pitch and toes: 111 flog you for an hour." u jpather," instantly replied the incorrigible, as he balanced a pen ny 00 his thumb and finger, "1*1 toss with you to make it two houn or nothing." * A Talkattt* GigL.?Gh ! if there ie anything in this world that 1 can be enumerated among the blessings of life, it is a pretty, , smiling, vivacious and loquacious * f girl. Not one that will talk at 1 , you, in gossip, in scandal and in affection ; bat one who beams up on yon like a new fledged meteor every time yon speak, whose eyes J sparkle like ten thousand dia, monde in so many gas jets. , Whose rnby lips open ana shot, as tLe geranium when its petals sway | before the unchecked wind. Sncn <a one is to a grief-besieged father kn an^el. To a mother an indispensable blessing. To her brothers and sisters a God-given boon 1 And to a lover?Oh I our pen fails to coin an adjective deep enough, strong enough, brilliant enough to dc hor justice. She transcends the power of pen! J ... Lite.?Lite is short 1 The poor pittance of seventy years is not worth being a villain for. What matters it i? your neighbor lies in 1 a splendid tomb 1 Sleep you with innocence. Look behind yon 1 through tho track of time, a vast , desert lies upon tho retrospect; i ? through this desert have your fathers journeyed on, until wearied . with years and sorrows, they sunk i from the walks of man. You . must leave tbcm where they fell, : and you are to go a little further, 1 > where you will have eternal rest. 5 Whatever you may have to en[ counter between tho cradle and z tbo grave, evory moment is big . with innumerable events, which . come not in slow succession, but i bursting forcibly from a revolting and unknown cause, fly over this I orb with diversified influence. i / When a young man goes astray, j . friends gather round him in order ; to restore him to the path of vir- * > a a t-V a me.. uenneness ana ainaness are < lavished upon him to win him J back to innocence and peace. No < , one would ever suspect that he had j sinnod. But when a poor, confid- i > ing girl is betrayed, she receives ' the brand of society and is hence! forth driven from the ways of vir- J tue. Tno betrayer is honored, re| spectcd and esteemed; but the ruined, heart-broken victim knows 1 there is no peace for her this side ' of tho grave. Society has no helping hand for her, no smile of ' comfort, no voice of forgiveness. These are earthly moralities un- , known to heaven. There is a doep | wrong in them and fearful are the ? consequences. i I Tub "Simplest Post-Office in j fir /? -/^ tim ?? uuuj. ?/v uerniHii paper says that tho simplest Post-Office in the world is to be found on the southern extremity of America.? For some years past a small barrel has been fastened by an iron chain to the outermost rock of the mountains overhanging the Straits 1 of Magellan, opposite Terra del ; Fnego. It is opened by every i 6hip passing through tho Straits, , either to place letters in it or to ; take letters 'from it. The Post- , ; Office, therefore, takes caro of itself, it is confided to tho protection of seafarers, and there is no i example of auy breach of this trust having occurred. Each ship undertakes the voluntary transmission of the contents of the barrol if their destination is within the limits of its voyage. IIako work is the grand secret of success. Nothing Dut rags and povorty can come of idleness.? , Elbow grcaso is tho only stuff to make gold with. No sweat no sweet. He who would have the | crow's eggs must climb the tree. . Every man mnst build up bis own , fortune now-a-days. Shil t sleeves [ rolled up load on to best broadI cloth; and be who is not ashamed . of the apron will soon be able to , do without it. "Diligence is the ' mother of good luck," as poor -n? _1 J 1 ? t II - xucnai'u Hiiyts; out " joiencss is cue j devil's bolster," as John ploughman says. 1 We Pasb fou What We Ark.? 3 A man passes for what he is worth. . Very idle is all curiosity concerning other people's estimate of ns ana all fear of remaining unknown 3 is not less so. If a man knows 3 that he can do any thing?knows 3 that he can do it better than any 3 one else?he has a pledge of acf knowledgement of that fact by all 1 persons. The world is full ofjudgt ment days, and into every engagement that a man enters, in every action thAt he attempts, he is gag ged and stamped.?JErneraon. Nobleness of spirit, like beaoty of person, discovers itself upon sight. The word aflection implies an effort to make others believe that we are. possessed of those qaalities, of the lack of which we are secretly and painfully conscions. Trrrb can be no permanent con- * tcntmcnt in a nation which is go- ] ing back in the fundamental art or cooking. Reason can never show itself ! I more reasonable than in ceasing to reason about things which are i > above reason. t ' Whebs a girl has too many boys i about her, the indication is like 1 ? that of boojs off a harbor?shad-11 low water hero. fS hereby given to ?fl whom H UT ?obbr MwM^ ? gxl?tor of tfco'jbhBtiof B4 [,AM R JORDAN AmmmA HENRY J. GAINES, January td, 1870. Kxacutor. Jan I H f Equality life Inrarance Company, of Virgmia. j inV P'lMCt>?{ 0^c?, JVo. 10J5^Jrfa4M ^rMi, Richmond, Va. T) BASONS why every one ahoald inaare in l\j the EnnalilT Life In?nranr> Pnmn.n. of Virginia : lit. It is moro Liberal to the Insurers than any other company, and will evcntunlly become Purely Mutual and belong to the insurers. 2d. It circulates its money amongst its patrons, who are the insurers. Consequently tbey are oontinually getting tho benefit of the rapid accumulation of the Company, tho money being Invested by the Board of Directors amongst tho insurers. Sd. The loans of this Company are as'libcral as other companies who declare dividends at the end of the seoond, third and fourth years, but this Company at tha end of the first and every year. DAVID B. CLARK, President. TII08. n. WYNNE, Vice-Prosidont. JOHN Q. WINN, Secretary. Gon. JAMES If. LANE, Actuary, Dr. Y. B. WATKIN8, 1 M .. .... Dr. C. H. W. DAVIS, j M"1*0*1 Advisers. Judge JOHN A. MEREDITH, Counsellor. mnucroRs. J.B.Winston, Treasurer and Secretary R. P.tP. R.R; Win. J. Johnson, of Johnson A ITunt, Wholesale Grocers: Win. H. Powers, of Winston A Powers, Wholesale Groeeis; Albert OH way, Treasurer Buckingham State Company; J. 7. Gibson, 8upsrinteadent Adams' Express Companyj Charles Y. Morris, Morris A Co.'s Smear Refinery; G. A. Peple, Superintendent Manchester Cotton Mills; lohn H. Tyler, John H. A John Tyler, Jewsleri ; Moses Millhiser, Wholesale Dry Goods ; Thomas 8. Baldwin, Clothier ; John M. Godlin, Cashier Planter's Bank: J. R. Dowell, Superintendent Western union Telegraph Company; Alex. G. Robertson, Cattle Broker ; rieorgc I. Herring, Wholesale Grocer ; R. L. Brown, of Brown, Jones A Co., Wholesale Jroceri; A Bodeker, Druggist; 8. M. Rosens kanm, of 8. A M. Rosenbaum, Dry Goooda. Equality Life Iuuum Company. Examine ite Pamphlet* be/ere yon inrwre, it is te row in ferret to de eo. AyenU wanted everywhere. BElfJ. O. HERIOT, Geo. Travelling Agent, Charleston, S. C. Sept 22 18 tf NATIONAL HOTEL, ft, (9o PROPRIETOR. P. HAMILTON JOYNKR, CLERK. RATES Of Board per Day $8 00 Sapper, Breakfast and Lodging...... 9 00 Single Meals 1 00 Sep 1 1? tf THE MILLS HOUSE, ?3L&3UL3SS033. ?. ?. PARKER & CO* Proprietors. FIRST-CLA88 HOTEL. BOARD, rER DAY $4 OO. Dec 8 20 tf Oreenville & Columbia Railroad. Gxhbuai. 8crKRiTrnuDB!?r's Orrron,) Columbia, January 16th, 1870. ) ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, January 19th, the following Schedule will bo run daily, 8nnda.v exoepted, connecting with Night Train on South Carolina Road, up and down, and with Night Train on Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Road going South : Leave Columbia. 7 00 an " Alston 8 40 a in " Newberry .....10 10 a m Arrive Abbeville 8 00 p m " Anderson 4 20 p m " Croonvillo 6 *0 p m Loavc Groenvillo 6 46 am " Anderson fi 25 a m " Abbeville 8 00 a m " Newberry 12 85 p m " Alston i?.? 2 10pm Arrive Colombia .' 8 45 p m xuo J ram will return from Helton to An. ilcr?on on Monday and Friday mornings. JAMKS 0. MEREDITH, General Superintendent. Bonih Carolina Railroad Co. General Superintendent's Offleo, 1 September 1ft, 18??. } THE following Schedule for l'aaeengor Trains will be obeerred from this date : Day J'aetenffer Train. Leaving Columbia at..,.. 7 4ft a as Arririag at Colombia at.. ?4 49 p m Nigkt Xxpree* Train. Leaving Columbia aft. ...5 ftOpu Arriving at Colombia at u..i 4ft a m Tke Camden Train Will oontiaoe to run the following schedule: Tri- Weekly. (Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.) Arrive at Columbia 11 90 am. Leave 1 46 pm Daily (.SVwdeys Excepted.) Leave Camden 6 85 a m. Ar Kingsviils 9 39 am " KingwUtsft lftpm. Ar Camden 00ft p m II. T. PEAKS. General Superintendent. THE undersigned having SyfleSt. RENEWED his lease open the above Popolar Hones, will endeavor to make It one ef the nsesft agreeable H stole to the Soifth. A sail is so lie! ted. A> Free Omnibus to and Oram the Hsftsl. WM. A. WRIGHT, Proprietor. Sept ft lft tf Two XagadoM for $1001 LEI8URK HOURS, AIONIFIED, Original Msgatine, and the Amerteen Stock Journal, the i>sst Parmer's eompanloe and nide publish. k1. Both fllastrated month Firs. Address. J. TRAIWORKfNO, Ed. and Pob'r Leisure Hours, PilUborg, P?. Jan 19 tft 4 SAWJVL BLACK, SASMDL IK/OULD respectfully inform the pnblie TT that he S?c lUmovsd to a room in ha OLD COURT HOUBR. where he will m pnf*w< to rwlw <Kww> m boroto?r?, Boln* * Pro/fttuntml B*rb*r, ho topoo, by attention to bnolnoaaa, together OitU u^iImm to alt, to merit * portion ot a n rl ?h ampSJin 0UTTIir0, B^AVO:o J?n *0 ?5 |l Cb"S??jsemt?k' fvcrtaie Tow Crop* and Improve Your Loud*, bp tiling "FH?ENIX G1JANO, Imported by w direct /Voet (K? /'Iwitu letande, S*Hb Pme&e Oomm. Witcn, ?ftH? ft Co.'i MANIPULATED GUANO Preferred at Awvetunah, nnd Charfeeton, A 6., eokiek hae proved in the coil the beet MANURB IN USB. Guano, Salt and Plasfai? f AiviTiAn?4 W& VV1UUV UUUUI ALSO ... , ? PiLEFARED AT 5A VA^NAU AND CtiARLSSrON. " ? For Sale for Cash or on Tfaaa, by - I WILCOX, GIBBS CO., IMPORT#MS AND DKAU&RS W &yA?os. tw For further Information, addraaa M bore for circular, or aubaorihe lo Southern. Agriculturist, published by W. C. Maemorphy A Co., at Augusta and Savannah, Ga., at ific. par annum. DAVID A STRADLKY, Agent*. Graanvilla, 8. C. Dee 15 BO 4m i , . . imm. Yfliie & is, IMTOKTEK3 AND PEA f,EES IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS\ 8TRING 8, Ae., Ao. Agents of WM. KNACK A CO.'S PIANOS, MASON A HAMLIN8 MELODKON8, Stein way A Son's ni J. 5. Dstshia'i PIANOKS TILTON'8 PATENT GUITAR. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 101 XING STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C. FERDINAND ZOCBAUH, New York. . HENRY TOD NO, O. L. M'CLKNAHAN, Charleston, 8. C. Not 24 II la* wm. glazeT 1. ' 9 Dealer in Watches, Clocks. Jewelry and Silter Ware, MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, 8. C. JUST retnmod from the Northern market, with * New Gteek of elegant and ehoioe Goods, comprising Ladies' and Gent's fine Geld end Silver *Vs|rhm. hnnrlaipis solid Coin Silver Ware, Triple Plated W*ra.^*od fine Jewelry of every pattern, together with a handFomo .noilaiut of Cloeks. I take pleasure in invltlag the atleatloa of noy frieads and the puhMo to the sanaa. tjl j?y StOOK OI BUMlUlM are WOlKSeleeUd, and ehable for all >{M. llnlr Jewelry manufactared U) order at low pricos, and Watohes, Cloak* and Jtiralrjf aklliiillyi repaired aad warranted. Besides th? above, I ban a fine aoeitant of Eiuftbh Cant of the beat Makers. Examine my (took and price*. ft WM. QLKli, Colombia, 8. C. Nov K 27 4m* CUSHINGS & BAUEY. BOOK SELLERS AND 8TATI0BXB8, SIC2 Baltimore-at., Baltimore, Ud. THE Largest and Beet Assorted Stock in the City, of SCHOOL. LAW, DRNTAL. MEDICAL, CLASSICAL and MISCELLANEOUS General Bank and Counting-House Stationery of all kind*. Blank Books made to order, in any style, of binding and ruling. Aug 26 14 Am* MARBLE mm. sa BOYNE & ?PROWL, COLUMBIA, 8. a, CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE MONUMENTAL WORK In nil iU branches, of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE. Sept 8 16 1/ THE NEW YORK un mm hmfw. Dividend dmlmtud fa 1868, 66 JMr CkfUum. ASSETS, Si3,000,000. NO COMPANY is the United States Mb claim superior sdsantagea U thi? *14 and wcll-eeUblisbad inaiUoUoo, wbiek baa been doing bnaineaa with the greatest aaa eeaa for about twenty-fire sear*. b ia ttrictlf mutual, and never baa stockholders to ipprsprteta a portion of Ita earnings.? It la nader legal M^asWat a protection ta polios boidars, which ia afforded nowhere but fa New York and Maaaaehaeetta. Ita seanaf ere aaaaat speeolate with the foada of the Oeaaaaay, bwt are obliged to lasaat as the laws of New Yark raqoha trustaaa ta iaraat tract estates. The official reports, far aeraral years past, show that this Cace paay baa been better aaagad thaa any other doing bosieeaa la New York. Aa tasastmant ia this Company ia aa aafa as aMvthiag aaathly aaa hau It aian see nitty and ahaapaaaa, and baa edaaaleg? aver any other Oempaay la the United Mates. Refer aw aa may be made ta the following ceattaasaa: Oar. *. P. Perry, Cat O. 7. I? fPL^o Ifl /U- fb 6M . ta Baattia A Col, WaT^". 8fcarn*t?t Ju P. Moor* and L. willtama. For further iafoiroatioa, apply to the aa* derstfaed, agent for OreaovMle, or to JAA. B. SCOTT, Attorney at Law, Oraaarllla Court Hou*?. W. H. CAMPBELL opt It tf Ee P. JONES, ? Awwa&aararff AW MW, yiivz> solicitor iff MQurrr. wnx nuoim nr iu COURTS OF THIS STATE Atoo, IN THE UNITED OTATEB COUBI& OflUa GretaellU C. H., B. 0. July 7 ly* THE - CAROLINA FERTILIZER " la made fro pronounced kj various ohemiats. one of the baa Guano In its fcrtiliseng properties. These Phoaphat unala, and possess qualities of the greatest value to Professor Shepard: ' Lasoiutobv or tnr Ansljals of CAROLINA FERTILIZER, persona Moisturo expelled at S12? F., Organic Matter, with some water of combination oxj Fixed Ingredients, Ammonia, a > . .t?^ \V '4 Phosphoric Acid?Soluble, ? A 9ft Bq Insoluble, n - . ft IT Eq , l? IS , _rrr Sulphuric Acid, , 11 t > E< Sulphate of Potash, ? , Sulphate of Soda, Sand, . On tha strength of theao results, I ass glad to a FERTILIZER, examined. We will fhrnisb this excellent FERTILIZER to p Geo. W. Williams ,j JMiTia :1H .aDAVTD & 8TRADLET, WILLIAMS & WHITMIIII Jan It 31 SSTIWAN ? SOLUBLE MANURES, AN MANUFACTURED A TTNDBR tha direction of Dr. N. A. PRATT, C "sOLtfDLfc"rilOSpfloRic ACID'. In the form or DISSOLVED EONK PHOSPHATE, U the bi Valuable In the ratio ol Soluble Phoaphorie Acid \ The immense deposits of Phocphatie Oeaooe wl line, by Dr. PR ATT, consists mainly of laaolubl ?t>lo as a Pertlliaer by being ground to pow4ar, an dition m to aeke lie IneelubU phosphate soluble taken up bj growing plants. The Insoluble Pboel of no mors value to the plant thee the oriftna) Pi of this Soluble Phosphate which any Fertiliser Coi acre, and conseqnently the cheapest Fertiliser is U Soluble Phosphate. ' Impressed with theee truths, the SVLPnURIC f PANY have erected at Charleston the first ox ten si are able to offer to planters the High ft per centmg* any market. , Their Fertilisers are offered andcr two forms t 1. ET1WAN NO. I.- Pure Soluble eent. of Diteolred Ilqn* Phosphate of I.lmo, $00 | 2. ETIWAN NO. 2. ?Peruvian 8 per cent, of Dissolved Bono Phosphate, and 1J Co addition of Peruvian Uuano to adapt it to all Cr Oasb. TTE AUO i DIS80LVED BORE, of high grade, for plantc into any other eomp .?t, and we suggest that this fncturers to transport the Sulphario Acid contain fate for each per cent ago. WMKe ?=: MRilRi UFO. 14 ADOEII DAVID & STRADLEY, A December 20 1 TRY runirs urn bitters, THEY CUBE DYSPEPSIA. ART> 1U PISSAJM OF TBS STOMACH AHD LIVER. rnrr ui umonna rr m ' MBDIOAL FAOUITY. ' f* ' * ' IIEGEMAN Sc CO, (/ . Aajsjm, irmw tosk. f Mamrfactuted by C. P. PAHKHIH, ?w ass AfimoAss; II OHARLSAXOM, 8.O. 40r-JW> Ml Ay Aititoii *?? ?? M. i-V #?b 14 a ij KPLOY A RICE, ' S70 Kins. * ?Y HsMl-Bt, 1 0a?&&&a?s?M, ?. 0., wholesale ?: . r >* *t% ifMl ? in USTAIL 2D SAL Alt 0 uf^ t<n FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ?pv m . CARPETS, hMHlTGS, III ATTIMG, Ac., Ac. CARPETS FROM 25 XXS TAMP TO THE FIR EST FABRIC. aaA7I ALL-1700L A Speciality at $1.00 Hr Yard- I OCR STOCK IS WRY COUPLETS IV erery department, fo wbteh addition* v* being mad* by ?wy SUaamr arriving. A call la raapaatfbrfy *oW?ltad. McLoy & Ktce. No? U ' 17 !? a MyttjljMMflnn > mtmSSBl' BsmBH * RHrrIPBBI m i 1 tl ^ m the Phosphates of South Carolina, *nd It / t Manures know*, only In far lor to Perwrian m are the remain* of extinct land and tea antha Agriculturist. Wa annex tho analyst* of i Mntctt Cor.i.r.oa or Bo trim Cutuia. . ily selected t 18 ? ] gelled at a low red heat, - a 18 60 - - 88 80 Ja JB' 'X4, . J 60 uiralent to 11 37 Solnhle Phoephata of Lima, ulvalent to IS 48 Lsaolable (bono.) * 14 76 Phosphate of Lime. inWalont to 33 86 Sulphate of Lime. * 80 - ' 8 60 . . > ... . , 11 06 1 ?rtlfy to the superiority of the CAROLINA C. U. S11EPARD, Jn. Ian tors and others at $60 per ton of 3,900 lbs. ("oM Factors, Charleston, ? C. 1 | Agents for Groenrillo. V* * 4m . I KlSSOn T CHARLESTON, 'hem 1st for the Bnlphorlo Acid and Snperof SOLUBLE PU08PUATE OP LIMB, asis of all good Fortiliters, and theae are srbioh la in them. ilch were discovered In 1867 In South Carle Phosphatw ef Lime, which la made availd reduced by Sulphurlo Aold to such a aenIn water, and thus made eepable of being fhatc found In any comaiereial Vertiliaar C losphate roek. The greater the proportion t itaius, the less the quantity required per lat containing the highest per oentage of ACID AMD SUPER-P1I0SPH ATE COMre Acid Churn bo n lonth of Baltimore, and . s of Soluble I'Kcpkaie of Lime known in * ' ' a-v ,1 i )? ? Phosphate, guaranteed to contain 24 per ^ >?r ton, 10 per cent, discount for easb. upcr-Vhospbate, guaranteed to contain 20 3 per cent, of Ammonia, with a sufficient ops, $10 per ton, 10 par cent, diacount for 1 IPFElt ^ J rs or mannfaoiarcrs, who majr decirn to mix I is the' boat and ohenpest method for ininu* ( ed in tho mixture. Will be sold at ? fixed I, ???. ? ?- ? AUERT9, I'SWUARF. gents, Greenville, 8. G. * J2 .I**." t 8m ] DANIEL H SILCOX S FURNITURE WAREROOMS, 175,177 ft 179, Xing Street CHARLESTON, S.*C. tEiTXBLisnnn in l838./^S"W Keeps oonstantljr on hand^^W a well selected Stock of KpOfti FUIttTITUnS, WktaV 1? a - A. ?? U1VM UO UUUIB Bl REASONABLE Vv PRICES. N. B.?GOODS CAREFULLY PACKED FOR SHIPPING. ... Not u vi ly? BAUG^TB. RAW B6NEI SUPERPHOSPHATE or I AM aow receiving my avprriUa of IbU Monro, ood planter* eon rely upon goUtag ob article folly op to itandard, u per anelyii*. All boagbt from myeclf or aVboriied agent*,I will gaarmatec j a* every cargo ao fold U anal* }Md<M arrival hero, and tlm high ehiwtwf ttw Mas ox* folly kept op. J. N. ROBSON, ? ? Sola Agent for Mh Carol to a. No*. 1 and 3, Atlantic fbtrf, Charleston, S. C. I Da?M & Slralley, Agent* for Orwavfle Ooeaty. Prof. Sbcpard ?ay? of aaaly*i* made October ldtb, IMS: ' A rateable Maanre, and de* eldedly aoparlor to tbe article of loot year." Experiment made by M. 0. M. Hammond, of Beaeb friend, 8 . C. i No maaare?Ml Iba mad cotton par acre. 17b Iba Pararlaa Saaao -U?|8 lba mini lba mk aottoa per . ? ?< 1 Dm S3 11 9m < ' 1 o. ctAcnii. a. vntn. 1 CLACIUB ft WRTft 1 NORTH EAST CORNER OF FRASER'8 WHARF 1 o* custom noura squabs, CHARLESTON, S. O. COMMISSION mcount, . Vad WboUaal* P?l?n te GROCERIES, LIQUOmfl. *0., AC. R?pt M 1* M* iSffi C. BLACf?" STOCK AND BOND BROKBE, NO. m BROAD BT? OMARUtSTON. ( OommlMfon. lafonaatloa fW*a #h#?rfolly. iw.1*?' BUST, J.O. BA1LBT, > thor errmcN. SkpUmbor 11, 1869. 10-4J 1 I Charleston 4<iv ertiaements. JAMES ALLAN, t07 KINO STREET, OHA&LSBTON, 8. 0., DEALER IN rA TCHES, CLOCKS, JE WKLR T, PEcJicLtS A&"*' J'LATJ?V WAMK> Watcbac *nt Mm; part of ?ka ountry: ILVKR HUNtZSO WATCHES FROM TIFT ESN DOLLARS AND UPWARD. GBNT8 old Hunting Watohtt from $00 and Upward. > J LADIES 1 lold Hinting Watches from $60 and Upward. ] AMERICAN WATCHES OFALL IIKPfr ^ " HBerECXFULLV SOLICITED. ' 29 19 26 " KINJOpAiVS ' 3 33 ? U <& ? TT ? S\ Up 979 KINO STREET, 02ARL2SST02T, 8. Q. OUR A8SORTBD CANDY is put up io 3ft and ftO l'ouud Boxes, suitable for louatry Trade. WARRANTED ' 'orfeolly Pure and TE/lSSTAIDWlii'SPaiiL^WaiBlg toflur free Area Terra Albe of Marble Dill, tod Manufactured solely from CRUSHED SUGAR. i Discount is made for all Orders of 600 pounds. JW Send for Circular. Sept 3V j.f j 19 20 I0SBS OOLDSMITB. ABRAHAM A. GOLDSMITH. MOSES GOLDSMITH & SON, W<*. 4, 9 and 8 VENDUE RANGE, OSAHLBOTON, 0. O. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN IRON METALS, RAGS, AND ALL KINDS OF PAPER STOCK. BIDES, WOOL, SIKSBSSy XTWIRS,, &(&. ? A Suitable Stock of Heavy and Light HIDED A2TD 0SXXT0 i r*r Taanera uvea A!war* oat Hand, and will : s ^b^SoIdJUr^or^ I opt Mj ?* i. mancorr. c. wdlburx. i. . rimnm, 3ENRY BISOHOFF A CO., C3rJtrLO y^j0t^S, AND DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, SEGA 1?S, TOBACCO, dkC. 107 EAST "BAY, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Sept 39 19 s 30* GEO. W. CARPENTER'S 'OMPOUND FLmD_EXTRAOT OF SAIt aurASitM. GEO. W. GABTKHTIR'S X)VrOUND FLUID extract of BUchu. These celebrated preparations, originally introduced by Geo. W. Carpenter, under tbe patronage of the nedieal faculty, have been ee long extentively Vied by physicians and others, that Lliey are generally known for their intrinilc value, and ean be relied on as being most valuable remedies in all eaees where careaparilia or Buchu ere applicable, and cannot be too highly recommended. They ire prepared io a highly concentrated form, 10 as to render the does small and conveni at. Orders by mail or otherwiae will rase ive prompt attention. GEO. W. CARPENTER. HENSZEY A (XX, Wholesale Chemical Ware hones, Ho. 737 Market-street, Philadelphia. DOWJE A MOISE, Wholesale Agents, Charleaton, S. C. Nov 17 26 ly A. B. MULLIGAN, ?MfMk and GENERAL 4 COMHISSIBI II1CHAIT r Bccofotoo^ion Jtlfairf, CHARLESTON, S. O. HAVING ample meaas for oondueting my bualneas, I .am at all limes prepared *? make llbesvl advenes* on Oetion. -.,10,- Tjlj P. P. TOiLI, C0m^IRlb2SOV(l>8f. BL Manufaatarar of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS. HAVING U>? urwwt MI M*I ??pi?>> faatory in lh? BwitiW SI* ton, a *4 kaaplng always m kaad a larga ?4 mm? mmpltlt Mwk ?f DOOM, SAN II IB, BLINDS. Barfi Doom. 1o?a P??rs. Shatters. . BwnMtf, ocxMM to tall tow ( njiS aT f.^cbevreux, 9tmr iMttaHi taU IwlWik'i Altey, ???dS3UW5CT??35, fit ?, PLANS MADE TO ORDER, J ' ? AJfD rKR OP OH ABO R, ' ' WMEM VOU DOM IT XX. Phi H lj