University of South Carolina Libraries
gsg- ' ' " 1 nog y trtafang 10 If V u v'jf MOA ?a osxao . w . i < ? - iionou**? ' .joo*- ,? 'mAii ? - i-i.-' T* < \ J o fe.<r*i * j rtgrTflfTTiG oalldAlw iMMM .9 * * N . -t I j v? -H T?ioiVJ ;u r:* /:<n t ft jSuluj** -i5"*. tyio HOJ * j*;*v | moon iivm . > , y. <> t * r-f\j *1 * M i . , | *. s ?? i OX . ; :vsk-U r'?riAK.l .W .<*?* i nacrao ki . * * Tv*'** ' j L ^ ^ ^ ' * * : -v ; ]u, J sf*,*fr;M*e >^C pJi'tff 'X* ' amm *? . 4 *Vi +1* W ,- r^'r . "j ?s- -rr **r x fi t wwfi iMLJUfc V ' \ & t it /:-M ;? T;' J XT > .-. ,yr- AM > -f jf# Ji-M**. Xv^f/A J I . J A si 0 03 ' t ib > ?.i < ? v4 a # 4 *>*/ * .iw > *7 I I ****> V?? m*! ? 1 ?* * or? >4* HlAl V> wiftMMTflf Mr. .?., * <'"' ^*-1 I v u I 1 f ./ liUIYMH ) ,1 ./. ;?| *5*"#' XHrslEt X^JlA ? An* -Oft MOMSMMOa 3M '0181 'AUVQJlVf HI6I .aw nr&q xagr* *^1 y at? sum aaMO xv* dli km ox Him w v ^ - ** C. V1 HI : ' -: : >%':- ,:'<> x ho aoa ? # * V ' ? - ? ' fSl.H Hi H h, nWh WE ARE OjFFERI mmmmm OUR STOCK OF DRESS GO< I CLOAKS, BALMORAL SKI I AI Cloths, Cassimeres I Cloti : OUR STOCK ia well a wo r ted in nil line# < tt ONE PRICE, wd u low u any ia ttte m . .. .j ' ; - '> ' * V * . v NOT OUR CLAIMS ARB ALL DUE. Wheat that prompt pmymoni would bo matU on prior to 1st January, 1809, mutt bo oottlod. February 9 J1UOS ? Aitw^ea. wot* i ?J auuuuuoor tiliu VOJ COURT HOUSE SQUAB XJTTILL ATTEND TO AH, BALES OF PB " "l? R*tonn of um? ftrr Probsto Jud*? AGENT for Wando Fertiliser, Wando Gro*j "?? ? p?? niirogtninu fiiuiybitc, i'eruriu Watt's Celebrated Turn Plough, Murfree 8 Corn ?bd Cotton Plutan, Olowry Grass and L A Full and Complete Consisting of Bed Room Suits, Parlor 8n1 Mahogany Bureaus, (Marble Top,) Beds toads, Cooking The largest and boat Assortment to bo found Patont, Virginia Ala-Tight, Cotton Plant, I Oriental. , Call and p&~ Subscriptions received for " Rural Ca ean Agriculturist." GREATLY INCI BY TAB mi ibt in hit im vn w MANUPACTU Watado Mining Ma r AT TtTEia WORKS II W1W. C. DUKES A NO. 1 SOUTH An JULIUS C. SMITH, AG Till ? a ouuruirj A fMnn COTTON WARBHO COMMISSION 155 and 157 B Jtauarj 26 3 WM.M.BI MWfXl Oil, FO PUT " FIVE AND TEN ( FOR FA1 I msm <5 SAFETY Q Burns longer than ordinary SAFE. Read what Profeeeor SI1BPA1 " LABOR. Mettr*. ITa. St. Bird S Co i OaNtLBMan tent by you, and determined the ' lire point/ inflammable, to fa* above 134 degree# Fabren degree# Fahrenheit. Aa the 'Are point' of I quired standard, the Oil is to be regarded aa I inuuity. Very respectfully, WM. M. BIRD 8c CO~ AND DB STRICTLY PURR NO* 203 KAST BAY, AND F01 J Harrison 8c Marshall, January 13 Notice. ~ I WILL SELL, on Bales-day b March next, THE LAX08 Store House 8c Lol ON MAIN STREET, Lately occupied by. JjigUower J Allen. |St!7 Terras made knowi on day of sale. J. O. SMITH, Auctioneer. Feb 9 , 83 4 v. Notice If N CONFORMITY with the requirement# o Barrol if Wkiokf, Hee JWo, F?wa ffar ?#**, d a., which were aelsed by W. H. Mouao* Deputy t. 8. Marshal, In the City of Green atetSHMEH rMm# be*freweiw#ir*Mwa At&N publication of thU notice. ^ ' A, L. CORT1, V1 X pepuiy Oolleeter, Id Dirt., t. O. A ... i:*! M, Tox Sale. MCA Tlf AT pWnntly ?lto?U4 HOtiSl Hl'ij and LOT, on til* Corner of CoAw M> Opt**** > THOS. e. MARKLEY, COMMISSION MERCHANT IT icy>M.r New Verb. Quotations ui bionmfiion prompt ly given About all &INI* of m?r ? ? m AT GREATLY a DD6, LADIES' SHAWIfl AND RTB, ZEPHYR SHAWLS, Ac. ] O, ? and "Rendu- Mnda 1 5 j ?T lunff. J >f Goods a*dally lt<pi by as, ud will bo add arksV ' 1 H. BEATTIB & CO. J IO 3EE1 . 1 6 irod it wm given, it was distinctly vaderstood V let January. All elsies* wmsoor uosrnoir, H- BEATTIE * CO. W ^ . V ^ ^ ' 1 ' 1 omission Merchant, b :K. ftRP.R?Vllltt R n * JL MXJUJ KJ* V? , .OPKRTY in lb* Oily or Country, and mki * or lbtiUt. 1 ind Phoapbata for Compo?ting> Blngh's Raw Ji Guano, VtgaUior, Srttnd piBlivr and LHm. ub?oll Plough, Core Shatter*, Straw Cottar*, noerne Saada, > Stock ofJFnrniture, * <*, Dining and Robbing Chairs, Walnol and Window Shade*, Ac. * Stoves. } I in the Up-Country, among which ara Back'* t Southern IloWia, Nobla Cook, Morning Star, 1 Examine. 1 rolinlan," " Sontharn Cultirator," and A marl- 1 33?3n Boh 9 - 1 1 1 IEASED CROPS, J : USB OF < niu boie-vaie nnuai : a /stk cr-mr,?i >*r=m 1 'iiMiia. RED BY TUB nufacturing1 Company, Si CHARLESTON, S. O. : CO., Gen. Agents, ?LANTIO WHARF. T, GREENVILLE, S. C. iASETCC FACTORS, ren ivn U0? AclW MERCHANTS, Reynolds Street, A *' }? 1 ED&cb7s ! it illuminating. op IN ; ! 7ALLON I>ACKAQ?S, IILY tTSB. I UtftefiMflMl UARNTEBD!! ' OIL, AND ABOVE ALL, IS PBRFCTLT RD 1*71: 4TORY OF THE MEDICAL COLLEOE, 1 Queen-Street, Charleston, B.C.) | 1?I hkV* examined the tamp.e of Vestal 051 i. a, the temperature at which the oil become* belt The United States standard requires lib this Oil is SO degrees Fahrenheit shore the rerafe, and thus supplies a great waat of the ComCHARLES U. SBKPARD, Jr., . D." "sole proprietors. ALBftS IN ' ' OILS AND PAINTS, , - j CHARLESTON, S. CM it SALE BY Agents, Greenville, SL C. u 1. ! ^ . *| t, n I < I ll 1 ii - SELLIJYG . GREAT BARGAINS 1 ?j? a * f^xjnr tito t CopaHtwbp.ship 1 BUSINESS, t Wn will now ? ff*. 3 J O H W STOCK ON HAND . HemarVable Low Pric?? ' f F O R C i 8 B. > CAM AND SBK j jeairn'r^i i ??JL'?r? HIS NJU-HUI FUlil. /"^RACKKD BOHS, feooo Meet, Bom YUmr, \ ; 5 Sen* tot ttranlM, Addreoa ' < LSSTBH BROTHERS, Nowark, W. /. W. "| : r aty T**M. ??*..; ,i NOTICE U bor?b7 u??D tut u>? OAM of the Clerk of Council will be ope* for the Receipt of TAXES from the itrH io Uki fift-mUk */*?>?*ntmC After tbet tl?>? ? the penalty for noD-paycneot will be rigid, It MfortM,: tr t ^ * ,A jf TT> fCUcWftW, <*Mr. 1 Feb t M * * N< 1 _LII i i, i nam ? Lii r, A Ti01? Ti1 ?- ajl ya W* q HAS jut Ww ppi?i aaothtr Lvp and Beautiful Stoek of <3 DRX88 6001!)S. 'o whleh th? attonttoa of Uw LifW mo lnitod. PrloM m Low aa oan bo offered utrbero. W.H.H0Y8Y. ^ TTQV III <r a MM Jadt lo, a Lomo addlttoa ot Ftaeaad Boaatlful SbawU?Single and Doable, f *' A rata, Cloeko, Ao? h> greet mrWty? V II of wblah aro offered a* very lew prioea. Will reeeive in a day or two. a lot oi FURS, 0Y8, Ae. W. H. HOVKY. IEADT-MADE CLOTHIKQ 1 [HAVS now opoa and for aalo. a nloo aa ortojdnt of CLOTHING, . * lEftTS SHAWLS, HATS, *a /hleh I win roll CHBAP. W. H. HOYBY. Long: Cloths. Crr* H AV* toow ready /or calo 59 pleoer W.' LOHG 0L0T1I8?nil grader?-warwud aa rood, for Uo money, aa oaa bo C ought fa (bo Oft jr. W. H. HOTEY. Dec 8 29 tf 10WENSVILLE SCHOOLS. p Ray. T. J. BARLE will opoo it Qowtai- "T Till*, 8. C., 1st February next, a SELBCT MALB SCHOOL, Of ltklMi number of Studssls, and tegsh ^ ho nifhlr Btgllsh and Mstbomatieal branch and the Languages, for two sessions, of 17S lonths each. T Tuition, from Ton to BifbUen dollars per. ? msion, Contingent expenses, one dollar?no * Xtre charges. Students will be charged from Ime of entranoe to the close of Urn session. ? A eefefttt psrentel Interest will be taken In 1 be moral and rellgloaa tnotraetlens ot tbe 1 Students, and none need apply wbo are not rilling to submit to tbo xcgulatlona of tbs I lohool. At tbs same time and plaes, tbsrs will also J >e opened a FEMALE AND PRIMARY SCHOOL, Uadsftbe superintendence of Miss HATTIB F. MOONKY, wbets qualifications JustlV m. liflAPkl nnl rnnsWA llUntUw t- e?-aUll- i tailed to her School. Tuition will W tk? imm * last year in the Seminary. j UswMiriii* is located near ths nosiUlil, md is twpmed by do plaoe in the BUU for >wt water, s pleasant climate and cheap Using; and erory tdrantage is here afforded .hose wishing to educate tbeir children in good 1 'ountry sab eels. QowensyiUe, 8. Jap. 1st, 1879. R. HOE & CO., MANAFAOTURBRS09 Warranted Extra Cast Steel Patent Groan d Circalar If 111 Unlay i and Gang SAWS. " ,V" nrnrtTTT a-t> aatno wxjmh orv ?T o* With Movable or Inserted Teeth. WE CLAIM for oar Patented Circular Saw Um following advantages oror til others; The shanks of the teeth ere el a* tie, end exit* e uniform distension In the sockets. The liability of the plete is in no way affoctid by inserting new sets of teeth. Bach tooth, independently, may be equated to the cutting line. No rivets, keys, or other objectionable ap- ] pllances, are employed in eonnectioa with the ( teeth, wbieh are as simple in construction, and is easily used, as a nut for a holt. 1 In abort, mil the difleulties heretofore ex aerieneed ll the use ofMrath teeth Ibr saws, ire fully met and obviated by this invention. ALSO, TUTTLE PATENT ?CHAMPION " CROSS-CUT SAWS. CROSS-CUT SA TPS, or ALL K1SDS, law Mandrels, Gumming Machines, ho. Bend for Catalogues and Price Lists. R. HOE k CO., Printing Press Machine and Saw Manufacturers, New York, Boston, Mass., and London, Eng. Feb 9 38 ftm - Notice 18 HEREBY given to Calhoun C. Johnson, William Johnson, aad all others whom it may concern, that I will apply to 8- J- DoethIt, Probate Jadgnof Greenville County, for a Pinal ftieebarge as Administrator of the Estate of MARY P. JOHNSON, deceased, on tkm *ik dag of March mart. BEN JAMIN R. JOHNSON, February 8th, 1870. Administrator. Feb S8 ? Notice IS HEREBY given to Calhoun C. Johnson, William Jehmon, and all ethers Whom It may concern, that we will apply to S. J. Doutbit, Probate Judge at Greenville County, I on the 9tk dag of March ocur*. tar a Final Pit- a eharge as Executors of the Estate of HENRY O. JOHNSON, doeeased. BENJAMIN K.JOHNSON,) - . TAUM 0 MfiMM * tCMlCft. PibrUrj 8 th, 1170 "* ' Frtl W I. Notice IS hereby *! ** to *11 whom H moy mmmm, that I will Apply to 8. JT. PoeiMt, Pro- belt Judge of OnonrUI# County, M Ik M Joy of Mmrek am*, for tVitel IHeehnrge m Beoentor of the RaUto of SACK ART 1UT80N, deooAeod. P, B. B1N80N, Bjweefor. ? - : ? ?. Notice "I S beeohy fltpffo ? oil whom It amy imm, <4 X tbnt I will opwig ^ #. J. Dowthit, Pro- < hole Judg* of OroeayiUe County, foe a Phtol r./oTeT~iT?2. Joyy ^"^'VlsHaraTO* TAYLOR, . Pet. let, lfTt. Bxecutor. 2 i L Noticfl r hereby given to all whom St taav Ann cere, I hot I will apply to 8. J. Oouthit, I'ratteU Judge of OrooBrill# County, oa the ti dmm of March next, for a FINAL RF.BKOCA BRAMLETT, tto# fob % EeeehtHx. Notice I ebmore, on bit oeeoont, wiam determined bJ k#r' AflUBKSON ASH MO Hit, Colored. Vebt 87 S* J TU?T Tl 1110,; ,?1 & CfcYBB * must t tjftl ETAV* JU8T RECEIVED AND OPEN- ( Ho i m toolbar Ma LARQB AND BEAUTIFUL ? LOT Of pr< COLORED AND MOURNING Mm (PGWFSj, ? Vith and without the Side Stripe. ^ ALSO> b7 A Pretty Assortment of ^ l.fc? ?%?? J. on ILACJT, WHITE, BLUE, BROWN, ROSES of 18? MERINO, )f the rery finest qnality, and at t UNUSUALLY. *i otb LAID FLANNELS. ALL-WOOL D? jj?1 LA INKS, POPLINS AND DaBEIGBB. *hey are Offering Great Bargains be in Gent's and Ladies' Clt; AQt \HA WLS, CLOAKS, SHOKS, iu.i AND HATS. *,j hair Stock of Cloths and Caaaltnaraa for dil onUetnen's Wear, cannot ba anrpasssd in thia rap larket'tn quality, and la offered vary obaaf for er CASH. i* 'hay kaap all Style# and Qualities ot Gant'i, routb'a and Oblldran'a I HATS. o? \lways on hand a Full Stock of p*r COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS, SPICE, ?? JtJPCCA R ONI, SODA, PEPPER, ** OIKQER, STARCH, CRACK- ot EES, PICKLES, OYSTERS, SARDINES, CHEESE, AC., AC. 8 lave Jnat Opaoad anothar Aaaortmant of those CHEAP I , w??2. HATS, tn HUN'S BOOTS, AND WOMEN'S SHOES. Thair Stock of NOTIONS and Fancy Ax- gy tlotaa is Large and Well-Assorted. on HARDWARE. 2 Shovels, Spades, Forks, Axee, Hammers, bk Hand-Saws, Drawing Kinves, Files, Rasps, lit Awls, Natt% Blnoothing-Irect, Pooket Knives, ah It., Ae. ra Call and ba eonrlncad that Bargains aan ba sh i ad at Ca CLYDE & HOVEY'S, et Paadltton StiMt, Near Dapot. Dm 8 29 If 1 ? ?Y? ^or OF tio GREENVILLE. $ HAVING returned homo attar an aba* nee of several week*, during which ime I heve visited New York, Philadel- J" thia, Baltimore abd Charleston, I have PURCHASED J rs ^ dk vk Ml:;: ? UV ? 3 5 After the Great Gold Excitement^ \ta ON bo CO VERY FAVORABLE TERMS, an ALL OP WHICH I WILL DISPOSE oe, ? or xt Ul VERY REASONABLE PRICES FOR aw ? ? ,b [( wonld take more space than I bare at tb< ' 1111 ny command lo enumerate Fo EVERY ARTICLE I HAVE ON HAND. Fil THOMAS STEEN. fD] Wholesale and Retail Merchant. del Oct 20 22 , tf ? hit |s IJT Cireulara, with detailed statement*, u, rurniahed on application to tbe Qeneral bj Agents, tb B. S. HHETT St SON, Charleston, 8. C., ^ Or, to DAVID 4c STRADLEY, w| Agval* *1 Greenville, 8. O. fkn SO M : tm p] . .ii ? . ??. A WILLIAM A. HUD SOW, ? Surveyor, Cnvtjuetr ud Magistrate. ** WILL give prompt attention to bustoeaa JJJ . in fcU oar*, lay off *ad divide w load* in hi* lot* of prop?r *h*pe fronting o( iTtnnri, A*., to the ?dvtnti|d of si both th* party baying and Milling, prove pi ?nd stomp paporo, arraoga Dovm, qualify t? Canintasioaere and Appraisers of Estate*, at reaaonabl* rater, make coatrael*. deliver '? Slate, As, on aetee day of eoeti month at D reevvfTle 0. II. . On Saturday of eaeh * week Oiav be found at bom* to alUnd th* .? duties of Magistrate, arrange with the neigh- ? borhood hadatii oonaaoUd with th* !*iH, |( Cotton gin, Ae. 0I County Maps. W ith oonaiderabla troable and expanaa, baa u bod a number lithographed la New York, J ? - aI - ...S tL.t - it ? a Iiu t'UVin IIICIU M * I'lltu UMkRU W ?U Willi mm* obtain there. For m)? Id the eitj of if QmoooHU. 01 J?o 26 86 6 ol ~ i f iflrt It"im "*i *f Ii State of South Carolina.' n OITY or QUEEN VIL L JS. j i Ordinance to HaUc BoppU?? f?r s 1870. IE IT ENACTED by the Mayor m4 Al- 11 I dorm*a of tho City of OmirlO*, in * iiBcil UNnkM, and by authority of tho " so, that a TAX to cover tho period from mary let, 1870, to January lot, 1871, for tl ram* and in tho manner hereinafter men- a wd, eh all bo niiM ?ud paid into tho pub- E Troatnry of oaid City, by tho Jlrtt day vf rah next, for the no* ond service thereof. IbotioM 1. On eoeh One Hundred Dollar* ?ooo?ood raluo of Real Estate and Personal >perty, tho aom of Thii ty Cants (30c.) tl Estate, (tonka, Oooda and Chatties, (old at Auction. Ibo. t. There sbati be paid, quarterly, One * Cent, npoa all Sale* at AuctioB, on nil I 3d*, and CbaUlep, mad Real Estate, and I oka of every description, except on sales 2 do by order of Coart, or proeeaa of law, or *' executors and administrators. T >ds, Warer and Merchandise (old on ti Consignment. b! Ixo. 3. There aball bo paid by all Mcr- *i m(r, or othera. One-Half Par Cant, upon aa on all floods. Wares and Merchandize J 1 on Consignment, and One Par Cant, on | Premiums of each and every Insurance m npany or Agent thereof, and on# per cent, ol the flroaa Receipt* of each and ovory Ex- tl ss Company tranaaoting budne** within dl limit* of tho City, made from tho let day bi January, 1878, to the 1st day of January, v< '1; the above Tax to be paid quarterly. Road and (treat Tax. Sac. 4. That each and ovary mala person A ween the ages of eighteen end fifty years, p er than members ef tho Fire Department, (, lained Ministers, and Students, snail pay, or before the first day of March next, 0ns f, liar for Road asd Street exemption; and b ny person lisble to this Tax shall fail to ol lie payment at the time specified, bo shall *< held liable to work nn the streets of the a jr for *ix days, under the direction of the I ing overaoer of the streets ; any person re? I tng or neglecting to obey the summons, aball * fined at the discretion of the Council, to be lected by exeoution. And it shall be the i y of the City Clerk and City Marshal to s ort to the Couneil all Defaulter* under elth- <j ef the elauses of Ulls Section. 1 wysrs, Pbysieiani, Dentists, Photo- 1 grnphists, *e. 9no. 6. There aball be paid Twenty C??U the Hundred Dollars of the Uross Income Broken and JSamkors, and on all Incomes rived from the Commission Busintss, or the actice of the Professions of Law, Modicine d Dentistry, and from the Business of Da- e erreotyping, Ambrotyping and Photograph- n C, within the limits of the City?the amount ? income to be estimated from the 1st day of nuary, 13<0, to tho 1st day of January, rl; the above Tax to be paid quarterly. Carriages Omnibuses, W agens, Ac. 5x0. 0. There shall be paid Ten Dollars on & four-horse Omnibus or lleck| fix Dollars each Carriage or Hack drawn by two or ire horses, run for conveyance of pateengort hire; Three Dollars on each one-horso Bag, Gig or Sulky kept for hire ; Bight Dollars each four-horse Wagon, Six Dollars on each oborse Wagon or Dray, Four Dollars on oh one-horse Wagon, Dray or Cart, ran for re. The Taxes on Omnibuses, Carriages, ecks, Buggies, Wagons, Ac., kept for hire, all be paid before they shall be allowed to n : Provided, That nothing herein contained all be construed so as to extend to Wagons, rts or other vehicles, going to or from markand owned by non-residents of tho City. Itinerant Traders and Auctioneers. } 3xo. 7. Five Dollars a day shall ho paid by >ry Itinerant Trader or Auotionoer offering sale within tho oorpornte limits of the City, 1 Anction or otherwise, any Goods, Wares i Merchandise, to bo paid each day in adacc; and every Itinerant Trader or Aucneer liablo to tbo Tax aforesaid and who J ill fail to make payment, shall be fined Ten illara for each day bo may so offend : Profed, Tho provisions of this Section shall not | to construed as to apply to tbo ordinary neri in gciin, irun, pouiool, tobacco, pouliron wars, earthen ware, or other pioduoe manufactures of liko eharaetcr. Billiard Tables aad Ten Pin Alleys. iwo. 8. That an Annual Tax of Fifty Dol shall be paid upon each and every liil rd Table, Nine or Ten Pin Alley, kept thin the limits of said Oily for profit; d Tax to be paid before License shall be inted. Any person opening the establish :nls mentioned in this Section without ving first obtained a License and given nd in the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, nditiooed to observe the laws of the Slate d City, shall be subject to a fins not ?xeding Ten Dollars tor each day such esbliahment shall be kept open or used. Sac. 9. That no Equestrian or Theatrical irformance, or other Exhibition for gain, all bo had in the city of Greenville without License therefor being first obtained from Mayor, and payment for said Licsnso ido in advance to the city clerk, as follows : r each and every Equestrian Exhibition, Tty Dollars ; for each and every Side Show, um not less tban Five Dollars, nor cxcoedr Twonty-five Dollars, as ths Mayor shall termine. For Theatrical and other Exhibins for gain such sum as tbe Mayor shall termiuo. And each, and every person ex>iting for gain, without having first obtaina License and made tho payment of said x in advance, shall be fined in a sum not a than doublo tbe amount ot said Tax, in inner hereinafter provided for tbe imposition fines and forfeitures. Bx?. 10. That no person, firm, company or rporation shall bo engaged in, prosecute or rry on any trade, business or profession, uo. he, she or they shall bave paid a special cense therefor, in the manner hereinafter ovided, to wit: Each and every Business, ther Mercantile, Mechanical or Mnnufacturg, ths gross sales or receipts of which shall n esceeu oouu per Annum, snail pay a L.U I mae of Two Dollars ; in excess of $600 and I >1 exceeding $6,000, Fire Dollars ; In excess ' $4,000 and not exceeding $10,004, Nine ollara; in exoess of $10,040, Twelre Dollars, sch first-class Hotel, Twelre Dollars; eaeb eoad-elass Hotel, Six Dollars; each saw or >ra Hill, Fire Dollars; each Flouring or erchant Mill, Ten Dollars; each Cotton In, six Dollars; each Cotton Press, Three tilers; each Gas Manufactory or Works, in Dollars; each Printing Establishment, x Dollars ; each Barber Shop, Five Dollars ; ch Lirery Stable, Six Dollar*; each Auc>neer, Twelre Dollars. The Licenses issued r rirtue of this Section shell be eollected on e first day of Maroh next, and diall cover e year 1870; and ail Business License issued i and after the first day of Mareb next shall i issued on a ratable proportion of the year, ding from the first day of the month In kieh it may bo issued. Bu?. 11. Each Physician, Lawyer, Dentist, kotographlst, Insurance Agent, Express gent, and eaoh Speculator in Grain, Flour or >untry Produce, not otherwise licensed, shall ij a License of Five Dollars for conducting id business or occupation ; said sum to be dd en or before the first day of March next, ' on any subsequent day before commencing ich business er occupation. And a penalty ' Five Dollars per day shall be levied apainst ?y person prose noting such business or occult ion without first having takes oat a License mrefor. _ Bsc. 12. Dealers in Ltqnor shall pay the folwtag Licensee, to pit: Each Retail Liquor aler, Tbree Hundred Dollars; eaoh Daaler ho sells by the quart or Inrgri' quantity, evenly-five Dollars ; eaeb Druggist hr other ealek selling by the bottle, Fifty Dollars., ad the Licenses for all Dealers in Liquor, tall cover the yeer expiring en the first day f October, 1474, at the above rates per an* ain, and must be paid before the parties an* ? upon said business. Penalties. Bgo. Hi And4s it ftnrUt*r tnartrd, That sny person or persons shall fail, negleet r refuse to make a return to the fli? fiT?*tr r? Mth, of all hi#, her or thair ^im{>I? roptrly, Inoom#, Sole#, Receipts, or Othor ling# taxed, bj thi# Ordinance, and pay to Tax thereon Imposed within the time iccified by thia Ordinance, tba Clerk t the Council, aeeUted bv the Aeseseorg f the City, ia hereby aethorlzed and ro uired to aeaeaa euoh person or person# for II hie, her or their property, or othar ning# taxed by thi# Ordinance, fteeerdin* > the best information which h# ean ob? tin of tba value of auch taxable praperty, nd add One Hundred Per Caotr. to the rgonnt of the Tax of th# perso* or persons boa a?g(acting or refaaiog to make a return a aaforeeaid or pay (1* Tax thereon ; and I tba Doabla Tax that hopoead ia not paid rithia thirty dayct mtmdark is hereby iillioriaed a ad re<f?{ ??d tn t""* axoaa on therefor immediately;; Which aaid exa- \ ution aball ba lodged with tba Sheriff of \ ia Ceaaly of Graeovillc, to ba aaiiaated oaordiog to tba proyiaiaaa of tba Act of \ ia General Aweiabiy in nob aaaaa aaada od provided. lone and ratified In Camwif eaaemhlad, on* d?r tba corporate Seal of the CSty of Greenville, Lfaia tba 8th day of February, A. D. 1870. W. R JONBB, Mayor# A. R McDatio, Clark. Fab ?8 f .< ^ttthrrm *h* S1MMBIS : aMHMMaa^^omctliiMa the pain U ia ia (boulder, add la mitt?i<D for rbeotootlam. ha atoniaeh ia affected with loaa of appatito ad sick near, bowele la gaaaral eoatlve, eomemaa alternation with lax. Tba bead la' trualed with pain, and doll, haary aaaaattan, aoaderable loaa of memory, arcoiapaaiad with aanaatian of bar! I 7 i 5 l"S -om^hia* I LI V Jj ft labicb afcxbt to have bean MaManadun*'" OOen eowpUinlog r weakuosa, deouity, aad law apirtta. Bomemea, aome of tba abova ayaaptona attend tba iaeaae, and at other times vary few of then J at tba Liver ia generally the organ no$t Inaired. Care the Liver with AH. SIMMOlfi* Liver Regulator* . preparation of root! and herbs, warranted i ba strictly segetabla, and can M BO Injury 9 any ona. It baa been used by bandreds, and know* >r the last 35 years aa ona of tba moat relial?, efficacious and harmloaa preparation? arar Herod to the sufforing. If taken regularly ad persistently. it ia aura to care. BHHMMHMHBMHB Dyapepaia, headache, ladder, eaiap dysentery, affections of the kkleye, ferer, nervousness, oh ilia, diseases of tba kin, impurity of the blood, melancholy, or iapression of spirits, heartburn, colic, or patne n tho bowels, pain in the bead, fbrar lad igue, dropsy, boils, pain in back and limbs, LSthma, erysipelas, female affections, and bll* iona diseases generally. Prepared only by J. H. ZSH.UT ft CO.. DraggbU, Maeon, On Price $1: by mall $1.35, The following highly respectable persona an fhlly attest to tba virtues of this valuable aedicino, and to whom wa moat raepeotfnlly ofer: Gen. W S Holt, President 8 W R ft lompany ; Rev. J R Folder, Parry, Qa. (TO lark ley, Sonth Carolina. T. MARKW ALTERS MARBLE WORSO, Broadest., August*, (ia. MARBLE MONUMENTS, yoaas ss?a3:a?,.&?. MARBLE MANTLES, AND FURNITURE, MARBLE OF ALL KINDS ' ON HAND, OR FURNISUED TO ORDER. gy All work for tha Conntry carefully joxed for shipment. Oot 8 20 ly DR. SHALLENBERGER'S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Mops Oka Chilli. This Mcdicino has been before the Public fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. It does not purge, dooa not sicken &o stomach, is perfectly safo in any doso and under all eirenmst&iioca, and is tho only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fere* and Aguo, because it is a perfect isflAotc to malaria. Bold by all Ihranlsts. Fob! 37 : ly The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Is Court of Frahat. GEORGE W. JORDAN. Admiiletntor, m. MARTHA PURLE tt aL IT Appearing to mv aalitfactioa that tha hen s of Adeline Purle, deceased, vrhoss names are unknown, Msilha Port* and her husband, Bvrry Pnrle, L'jcinda Baruett and her hutbaud. Thomas Jbarnett, Anna Deris and her hnaband, Spencer Davie, and tha heirs of Elisabeth Puckett, whose names are unknown Defendants in this case, reside without the limits of this Stat*: Ilia Ordered, that they do appear In person, or by sttorney, at a Court of Probate, to he holden on the 8Ik day oj March mat, te show esuse.if any they can, why a final settlement of the Estates of MlCAJAH JORDAN, deeesaed, and MART JORDAN, deceased, should not ba had aad a decrse given thereon, and to show cause, it any they can, why the proceeds of the Sale of the Real Estate of Mary Jordan, deeeesed, should not be paid over to tha Adminiaimtor to pay her debts; on falling to attend, your contents will be entered of reeord. R. J. DOUTHIT. P. J. ?. a Jan. *7th, 1810. . 27 & TUTT'S VEGETABLE UVSft IPHJ.IL nn?> * * - .. v7i ?..? uiTtr ?no TUTT'S EXPECTORANT A pleaaaul ear* for Cough#, Q*l?l#, A*. TUTT'S SAUSAPAUlLLA AfiD QUEKNU . DELIGHT th# crnat AlUreff** to d Blood Purifier. TUTTS IMPRQYED HA IR * DYK, Warranted the bent dyu Ibim. Dmm -i standard preparation# ?r* for B*W by Druggist# everywhere. Oct l~\j. FOR SAL? OR TO RBMT, ? ? A Comfortable DWKLt.INO, AfJL* A containing- nm Bmbi, ud fluSIRA '> noMMin 0#t-BaildiuM RsSHT within k fbtr mlnutoe walk ol Fur man Un'mriHy. Per particulars apply to V. 0, DO*ALDKON. . November 14 17 tf - . ? > Charlotte, Mnahit * August* R. 1, [ BUPBMNTKNDRNT'8 OFFICE, Columbia, 8. C., Jactuary 11, 1870. ! /\N and after T0?DAT, an Aeeomodatloa | VJ Train will ran a? feltew#.! Wra Columbia ......... 8 If pa Arri* at Augusta.,... .....9 (0 a a L#*v# August# 16 p n Arrlr* at Columbia,,..,.... ...I * a at Thla Train oonnecl# with Urn Uenrgia day PasMitger Train# at Aughsla, and th# flrOM. : rill* Head at Column!#, safch way. C. BOl'KNIOHT, Hap* * f#h 9 38 -