Frog-res*. Thia life M. full of worthiness, Obscured by circumstance. But blossoming into glorious thing? When once it gets a ehanee. Tho pumpkin seems a lowly fruit; 'Tis neither fair nor sweet. But when it is transformad, to pie. In faith, it can't be bent! -Washington Star. " S li o Knew Her Kan. He--"Darling, which would you rati ?er have for a birthday present, a soal akin cloak or an automobile?" Wife-"I'd rather have $10, dear;" Mew York Times. More Thun Time to Go. "My gracious!" exclaimed Mr. Stay late, "lt's nonrly 12 o'clock. Ifs time to go." "O!" suld Miss Pcpprey, meaningly, "It's surely later than that"-Phila delphia. Tress. An ICxnuipic. Teacher-ftYc3, 'revive* menus ~to 'como to.' Now make a sentence con taining that word." Bright Boy-"If one npple costs three .ennis what'd four apples revive?" Philadelphia Press. Ko Moontdiine Madness. Tess-"Ho has proposod to Miss Pussay." Joss-"For goodness sake! But per haps there Is some'exciise for him." Tess-"Not a blt of lt. He did it In broad daylight."-Philadelphia Press. Refflnniiif* nt Home. Jasper-"I understood that you haft turned over a new leaf, nud were even jgoiug to leve your enemies, but It ?ems to mc that you love no one but ^ourself." Mrs. Jasper-"Well, I am my own worst enemy."-Life. A ?Xuvenllo Philanthropist. "I like that boy of Snlggins's." "Isn't he a little obstinate? The day 1 called his mother had to threaten to ?pauk him before he would recite pieces for thc Indies and gentlemen." "That Isn't obstinacy. That's moral courage."-Washington Star. it is meant py me .AV '? iW';?. di medium of ifc'j?o yoi???Utile 7011 not to take it, th en don't tai; - '? Ho knows. Leavo lt with him. Wo aro filling J. C. AY Kit t'O.lLowoll, Mast. C APUD3 M E ?I -cvati'i ? Nervous llcartucli. , ..'eurnlitln, t* nnd BICK HEADACitL. It la ab?o- jg liitely harmless. No itfeet on the g g iienrt. For eale nt all ?/uR Store?. ?J WE PAY P. R. FAKE AND -JNDKU $5,000 DrpoeJt. Guaruntoo ?Ot) 1- KKK ft (1 tl OL. A lt S M ! ' BOAK1) AT COST. Wrlto Quick ' ? A.-ALA. UL* S IN KS S coM.tta MACON, GA. Cold Merin.1 at i.utlnli. ' Minsltion. irlcILHENNY'S k ABASCO So. 50. Syrup of Figs well-informed am portent parts are cause it acts with tions, as it is whe quality Louisville-, KyT >r hy edi. dru^c^i-sts. Pri ESTER ALL CALIBERS r Black or Smokeless Powder 'hey are made and loaded in a ery operated by skilled experts. ) ? ALWAYS ASK FOR THEM .-. ?r. ctcirttc lr- kr- ? FACTS. c being gnawed to distraction by :i reliable. .They depend upon the ety of worms present in the intes ind sure course by using VOFZM KILLER. TROYER OF THESE MONSTERS. EPT NONE BUT DR. BOYKIN'S. ? WN SOLD EVERYWHERE. L44 * 44 44444444444444? Itt *? m ib ss 9 ri 8 1? ? "S Iicather-CovereA Mantel?. Thc very newest idea in leather decoration is nu entire mantel in a rich shade bl green, which was ar ranged for a Long Island woman who waa dissatisfied with the ugly mantel in the dining room of her country home and was advised to try the ef fect of hiding the disfiguring projec tion with leather. Tho result was a completo succeBs and several of her friends have followed her. example to the extent of having leather mantel drapery, if not entirely incasing the chimney corner. For an Indian , room or a den a hanging of leather in a rich vermilion tone, with au Indian's head skillfully etched on it, lends a decid edly bright bit of color.-Detroit Freq Press. The stranded Thespian who walk? the railroad track realizes that the race for fame often results in a tie. Most o? ns attribute the success ni others to luck. We refund 10c. Tor every pnekasro of PUT VJLM FADELESS DYE that fails to give fcatisfac tion. Monroa Drug Co., ITnionville, 3?O. The average girl ie capricious. She will tell a fellow lie is (he light cf her life and then turn hin? down. There is moro Catarrh in this section o? tho country than all other dificaecs pat together, nnd until the last few years wus supposed to ho 'ncutable. For a groat many years doctora oroiiounced it a local diencsn and prescribid local remedies, and hy constantly fuiling to enro with local treatment, pronounced it in curable. Kcioupo has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disenso and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh "Cure, manufactured hy F. J. Cheney As Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tho only constitutional cure on tho market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. lt acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of thc system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circular? and testi moni?is. Address F.J.CHRXKY & Co.,Toledo, O. Sohl hy Druggists, 7Sc. Hall's Family Fills are the best. Thc British boot and ?hoe trade is largely dependent upon American ma chinery. i pie^SAt-vtly-s s Beneficially; ly as a.Laxaiivc. appeals to the cultured and the i to the healthy, because its com ; simple and wholesome and be out disturbing the natural func illy free from every objectionable or substance. In the process of :turing figs are used, as they a?-e t to the taste, but the medicinal of Syrup of Figs are obtained excellent combination of plants to be medicinally laxative and to t beneficially. t its beneficial effects-buy the -manufactured by the o, Cfe.1. Atew York.N.Y. icc_fifty cents per bottle-. For More Thnu tx Qnnrt#r of ?CrnluvT ll Douglas $3.00 und S3.D0 sliocs tor *tyl?. ram?i>r? mid HVAI nuken Sold III tlK'St: lunts. 'Ihr Kl-Hli?lU re IUI tot iou li: alone. W. t.. DOUKIU? slioe? IIUVO lu nu- tu'llt r mitlMt'U'tu S3 GO nlioeH bt-uau?o Ina reputation tor thu litii 3S.u> ur. maintained. Hold bu 63 fioup'at Storr* in Amcriran ril in ?filing ? anarer at ont profit; and brit ?hoe dtaJtr* every irlieie, *3?&?-SHOES The. standard lui? I\(TVITS twen ptftd-il so lil?'i ttl In tho W. I.. l) )iiuln?S8.oi ?ni Hain shorn th:iu lu' more S3.00 and S-'i.M niicci lunn any other two innnufa W. IM Dmiglns 9X00 ami 8:t.??0 slifK'H n leathers used Tn OA.OOund 80.00 ?loo ?? no: insist upon liavlng W. TJ. Dmuria.? stn fit on bottom. Hhr** mit anywhere on tvr'T' of earrlaire. Take, iiienmreiiientd ot font a* annum : ?t< vrliltli imitai Iv worn: plain or mp toe ; heavy, mttdUlli CATALOG FICKS. e ._W. L. DOUGLAS, I PRICE? 25 G* rara tus Corn removes from thc soil large quantities of Potash. Thc fertilizer ap plied, must furnish enough Potash, or the land will lose its pro ducing power. . Rf nd carefully our books on crops-sent /rte. GERMAN KALI WORKS. 93 Nassau St., New York. OME M Study T-?r ?*'"XI\ ? iT In ?Iiortliaud, ? i-JIX/ltL".ike? i>n?s fl 1 W aUmmm fCIIUIUIlMlllp. " Ai lill mt' Ur^Omm* mar, ?nd K ?J other branenoa. ThuusmnrtH nr?? ?m . ?m.- u w dering thin uuoceB?(ul!y. Ai iitt.1 for p irtlettlars nt anett, Drake-Bridge School, Room ?9) , ?pQ Fifth Avt-ttuc. New Vork City. part tut -hui UUt n .top, Ol ii plrnfDco work 1 ??in't missthlr full liif-'rnii'; .. coi,t;,tiBi,t ???si,\J1S?! u. st (ii ii ?un knr., ATIENTA. OA_ THESWiFT GREEK DAIRY AND STOCK FARIVI , linn r>r saint'll KA Pa lnrt? number ?f Ibw-iort-il ,\Ji*C Y ima .ii:n - t v ur?.i.t$ A Mt III-.. I'.-" lt H. u I from crt-iit Milk /mt! lintti-r -i.vk Itt- I up to ?la'o; nomi bruer in Tin- sv.uih. Th . hioo'i... tin; f minus St .ki- l'oit1.. S'.l.ambri-t nnil I'mmm-il" li nuleri. I'nlnnil I'lilii* I'lK-i alwayami ifantl. T.tMlrnN\ve:j. Ito lt U-In ir?. N.t.-. Buy Jones Scales Send a postal far Bargain Catalogue. JONES HE r-AYS THE FRKIOttT. DoX N. Y., BUN (j I ULMTCft, ii. Y. WOMEN ! SUFFERERS I Write to t"ay. For ON OEXT AND A HALF VF,? DAY you i ure y nival', :it hoiur, of l?u>'-> i-hfw.ii, Ulrer.-ttioii, T>iBpt:it-?>iiient, Tmnorr, anti H11 iii ni.!? run. Adore** miur.i .Kiippty Utile?' bu lli**, b.irtniilam lr?? for stninp?Ml envelop*'. Utov* Supply Offlee, ?tiiultuKMVii, N. C. MRS. LA mt A M. JiiariCK. M*.-. More 1. rt ?I i es neeiled in un-en v?i ..Ktillpa?.*' R?MI u-'-t ?.ditto l?v-l t'?ad??. I'rio *-t..",0 with rmi. W. it.s for ile-ci-ijitit i! ci'i'iiliir. li Siir\h KoraytU St., Atlanta, lift. DROPSY NiiW Z/ltv.t/V?itY; *.??>? .nilok ralirf and auras worst r?Min. boo? ot UtlimoouU anti 1 ?J ?lu va' rrautiuant Fr?-o. Dr. I. H. OaiBN SDOHB. Cos B. ACI.ura. >. . CUHtS WHtH? ALL ELSE FAILS I boat Conen Syrup. Taste? Good. In time. Sold hr druggists. ia rsiHttat'ion of vf. 1?, llUlt ?-veiltU lill ol!:, r ii imvn w.i.i ey UM!t<( III tin?ii o.I.i r .vt.aikixl ll &UiU Itlou liiiul LO linet /rom fectory to W. L. DOUGLAS ti i.on (lilt Bilge 4 Lin? Cannot Kt. Ziquuletl af. Any I'Hee. r.t Ihn w.irrr rcnlvs mor? r.iluo foy lil.? money . un irrt i lM'tviirn-. Vf. I.. Douala* maire*ai? selb aurora In t!i